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Well first of all, Grr ... I am already thinking of a name for a dude in my upcoming Cornellverse game ... maybe Bunkhouse Outlaw or Iron Mike Waylon? Your pick :p ... Anyways, you have Colt as a heel? Dang ... well, he is face in my game and doing rather well when he's on, so I'm thinking his time will come ... it is just not now. Anyways, next show will be up on Saturday (got some stuff to do tomorrow and on Friday).
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Monday Week 3, July 2011



Beer Money, Inc. defeated Shark Boy and Amazing Red in 4:50 when Beer Money, Inc. defeated Shark Boy with the DWI. [C]

Matt Hardy defeated Kiyoshi in 5:20 by pinfall with the Twist of Fate. [C+]

Charlie Haas defeated Brian Kendrick in 3:44 by pinfall with an Inside Cradle. [C+]




The pyros to start Impact turn after the lightshow have the fans collectively on their feet, enthusiastically screaming and yelling, holding up all sorts of signs. Their joy is pumped to even higher levels when The Rock and Samoa Joe appear on the entrance ramp and make their way down to ringside. They get into the squared circle and receive microphones...




The Rock: The Rock is becoming seriously annoyed with a certain bunch of people in this company who think they can get away with everything they do. The Rock has news for those people – you won’t! The Rock is not going to allow you people to get away with murder.


Joe: I’m fed up with all your plotting and scheming and cheating, just like the fans are! It is about damn time someone put an end to it all, and that someone will be me, Samoa Joe come Victory Road, when I take that title away from Chris Jericho.


The Rock: You mean when The Rock takes that title away from Chris Jericho! The Rock says – know your role and ...


Right in that moment, Layfield Inc. collectively appear on the ramp and the fans instantly turn hostile ...





JBL: Boys, boys, boys ... would you care to explain to me WHAT it is that makes you THINK you’d even get anywhere near a title shot?

The fans seem confused as it seemed clear to everyone that Jericho would be defending against Joe and Rock at Victory Road...


JBL: I never once said a word about sanctioning your challenge last week. You are obviously making this up. You guys don’t call the shots in TNA ... I do! And you are not anywhere near Jericho’s level ...


Joe: How about you come down here so we can show you what level we are on exactly, hm?


The Rock: The Rock would just like to know one thing ... who else but The Rock (shoots a glance over at Samoa Joe) ... and Samoa Joe ... (Rock rolls his eyes) is on the level of Chris Jericho, then?


Before anyone can say anything, the music of no one else but Mick Foley hits and the crowd erupts! Foley marches past Layfield, Inc., who are too surprised to do anything and marches towards the ring. JBL looks furious, but for the time being says nothing. Foley gets in the ring and gets a microphone.




Foley: Bradshaw, I have to say suspending me was the best thing you could possibly do for me ... and for TNA!


JBL: And I sure as hell did not lift that suspension. Get the hell out of my ring now!


Foley: ... No! Stop your tirade Bradshaw, stop it now and don’t waste your breath. Starting tonight, I am no longer suspended.


JBL: That is true, Foley. Starting tonight, you are FIRED!


Mick Foley turns to Samoa Joe and The Rock and whispers something to them before raising the microphone again.


Foley: No ... no JBL, I don’t think I am fired, either. You see, the reason WHY my suspension was a blessing in disguise was that it gave me time to do some ... research. You see, JBL here ... he likes to play people. He likes to fool people into taking everything he says at face value. I am guilty as charged, trust me on that. I’m no more intelligent than you guys there in the rafters or you guys here at ringside, and I’m also not more intelligent than people backstage. But I had time. Four weeks since I was suspended ... and trust me, wading through all the info Mrs. Carter gave me was tough as I am not a businessman.


JBL: Would you please get to the point? You’re otherwise wasting everybody’s time.


Foley: Oh yeah ... the point. The point I am trying to make is ... that JBL here so far was the owner of TNA ... but not the sole owner of our company. All he has is and were 50% ... why you ask? Because Panda Energy never directly got involved and were content with collecting money from their 49% share ... and Dixie Carter couldn’t do anything with her 1% on her own. But ... 49 plus 1 is 50 last I checked, right? Now, I pulled some strings ... and the way JBL showed Dixie the door when he came in didn’t sit too well with her as you can probably imagine. So she sold her one percent to me ... and I approached Panda Energy about their share. They weren’t thrilled about selling at first but you know ... no bragging intended here but I DID make me some dough in my career ... it hurt me a little to part from the green, but when Panda finally agreed, I realized I was at that very point ... 50% owner of TNA. Just like you, JBL. Had you not pissed Dixie off like you did, she would most likely have sold her one percent to you JBL but no ... you had to get on her bad side. And now ... partner ... I guess we have a title match to discuss at Victory Road, hm?


With that, accompanied by the cheering from over 11000 fans in the arena, Mick Foley leaves the ring and marches up the aisle, past Layfield, Inc and through the curtain. JBL looks on in pure horror, Jericho not looking any better, with Gallows, Tomko, Abyss and James Mitchell standing there in awkward silence.


JBL: GET BACK HERE! Foley, get back here ... Foley, I’m going to sue you to hell and back! You’re full of crap. Get back here NOW! FOLEY!


Joe: JBL, you should come to terms with the fact that he is no longer your employee but your partner. That’s glorious, no?


Joe and Rock look like they are fighting hard not to burst out in laughter.


Jericho: SHUT UP YOU PIECE OF TRASH! You think you’re as good as champion now, eh? Both of you! Don’t think it’ll be any easier for you now. Your life will be made more miserable starting tonight than you would ever have imagined before. Trust me on that, Rock ... trust me on that, Joe!


Jericho turns in fury and leaves the ramp. JBL looks after him before raising the microphone again.


JBL: This isn’t over. This isn’t over at all.


He drops the microphone with authority and orders the rest of Layfield, Inc. to follow him backstage. The fans are cheering at the top of their voices.


The Rock: The Rock can only say ... YOU WERE SERVED!


Joe and Rock make their way out of the ring and up the aisle as we go to the announce booth... [A*]





Bischoff: Theft. This is theft. If this is true, Foley stole half of TNA tonight! What the hell ... Mr. Layfield should ... no, he WILL sue Foley. This is ridiculous ...


Taz: Do you think Mick Foley would have come out here tonight saying what he said if it was not true? No way, Bisch! Mick Foley is now ... 50% owner of TNA. And JBL, just like The Rock said, was served ... he was beaten at his own game. This is indeed glorious.


Tenay: (smiles) I will not comment at this point and as usual, preserve my neutral stance but ... tonight, things became very, very interesting indeed. Let’s see where this is all headed in the upcoming weeks and now let’s get our first match underway...



Douglas Williams (TNA X-Division Champion), Hero and Colt Cabana vs. Claudio Castagnoli, Desmond Wolfe and Kazarian

Williams and Castagnoli started things off with fine, old school mat wrestling. Both men pursued to dominate their opponent early on, yet the other would always find means to escape hairy predicaments. Eventually, Williams did gain the upper hand and tagged in Hero, and both men worked over Double C in the corner of the ring. Hero tagged Cabana in and he took to the air, nailing Claudio with a double axe handle. Colt pulled him up yet got an elbow to the midsection for his troubles, and Castagnoli followed up with a Facebuster. Double C made the tag and Kazarian came in, throwing punches at Cabana. Whip in and Kaz went for a clothesline but Colt ducked it, ended up behind Kazarian and executed a German Suplex. Cover for two followed as Kaz kicked out. Cabana made the tag to Hero who lifted Kazarian and executed a running Powerbomb. Nice maneuver that only resulted in a two count when Double C broke up the pinfall. Hero complained to Brian Hebner about the interference when Kaz rolled Hero up from out of nowhere! Cover – one, two, th... kickout. Hero got right back up, furious, and shot Kaz into the corner of the ring. His follow-up clothesline however cost him as Kazarian got a leg up and Hero ran straight into it. Kaz made the tag and Desmond Wolfe was now in, working over Hero. Wolfe forced him into his team’s corner where Double C and Kaz contained the former X-Division Champion for Wolfe to charge and nail Hero with a running elbow. Hero staggered and was planted with a DDT. Cover – Doug Williams broke it up at two. Wolfe and Williams were now arguing and indeed began to trade punches, the referee getting in between. Now everyone was in the ring! A huge brawl erupted and Brian Hebner had a hard time getting things back under control. Once he had managed to send everybody out, Hero took advantage of the chaos and tagged Colt Cabana in who came at Wolfe with closed fists. Whip In and Cabana leveled the Englishman with a lariat. Cabana sent him into the corner of the ring and followed with a splash – Desmond Wolfe moved out of the way. Shaking off the cobwebs, Wolfe measured staggering Colt Cabana – and rolled him up from behind! One, two ... all four men on the outside came running in now ... three! Too late, the match was over and the bell rang.


Claudio Castagnoli, Desmond Wolfe and Kazarian defeated Douglas Williams, Hero and Colt Cabana in 8:32 by pinfall when Desmond Wolfe defeated Colt Cabana with a quick roll up. [B-]


Williams, Hero and Cabana stay in the ring facing their opponents, but referee Mark Johnson stands between the teams, holding them back while looking from one side to the other, trying to avoid a brawl from starting. Finally, Wolfe, Castagnoli and Kazarian leave the ring, content with their victory tonight as we go to the first commercial break of the night...


Upon returning to the broadcast, we follow Kurt Angle backstage who is marching down a corridor and stops in front of a door. Not wasting a moment, Angle kicks the door open ...




Angle: Where are you, you piece of trash?


No answer as the locker room Kurt Angle broke into is empty. Angle immediately begins to turn the room upside down, looking for his gold medals. He opens drawers, lockers, and tosses the contents all over the room in his frantic search. He gets more and more angry because he cannot find what he is looking for. Angle pauses and takes a deep breath before turning to leave. Walking back out of the room, someone smashes a chair right in his face as Angle is JUST out of the door, and Angle drops back into the room. Matt Morgan is finally here!




Morgan follows Angle who is scrambling back to his feet and smashes the chair into Angle again! Morgan pulls Angle up and throws him against a locker, which bends upon impact. Angle is clearly out of it and Morgan big boots him down. Matt Morgan sets up a table, then goes to lift Angle – F-5 through the table! Finally, security guards arrive on scene and pull Morgan off of Angle who is spread eagled on the floor. Morgan has one last, wicked smile for Angle as he walks off. With staff members tending to Kurt Angle, we return to the broadcast booth... [A]


Tenay: What an unbelievable display of brutality here. I just hope Mick Foley can do something about this and quickly before things between Morgan and Angle can escalate any further.


Bischoff: Foley is quite busy with Layfield, Inc. at the moment it would appear ... I don’t think, although you could perhaps consider Morgan an affiliate of Mr. Layfield, that Mick Foley can spare one second for anything else right now. Kurt Angle will have to fight for his cause on his own and mind you ... Matt Morgan is on his own as well. So why SHOULD anybody else get involved, right?


Taz: I think Kurt will do just fine. I mean okay, what we witnessed moments ago would perhaps imply otherwise, but this was an assault ... and not a one on one encounter in a ring. Huge difference there.


Bischoff: If you say so, Taz ... Morgan is a beast, let’s not forget about that.


Taz: Oh he is a beast, allright. But Kurt Angle has fought and bested all sorts of men in his career, don’t you forget that.


Tenay: Time will tell how this will play out. I just think that you have got to have a huge pair if you are going to push Angle this far. It can backfire massively. JBL learned earlier tonight what happens if you push people too far ... that aside though, let’s continue on with the next match of the night.



Brock Lesnar vs. Hernandez

They went for an collar-and-elbow tie up, and both struggled to get the other one to budge as these two powerhouses nullify each other’s beastly strength. Lesnar then quickly got out of the lock up and reached for Hernandez’ neck, putting him in a side headlock. Hernandez tried to shove him off but Lesnar crashed his knee right into Hernandez’ face. This rattled Hernandez! With his opponent dazed, Lesnar went for a lariat but Hernandez kept his vertical base, now staggering about the ring. Brock Lesnar took aim and charged, hitting home with a boot straight to the face. This did it and Hernandez was prone. Pinfall attempt – one, two but kickout! Lesnar drags Hernandez up and goes for a whip in but is reversed – Hernandez catches him for a Spinebuster! The cover but only for two as Lesnar gets a shoulder up. Hernandez picks Lesnar up and drags him into the corner of the ring. Whip in attempted towards the opposite turnbuckles and its successful as Lesnar crashes chest first into the corner. Hernandez is throwing punches at Lesnar when Lesnar catches the arm and wrestles him down Greco-roman style! That came out of nowhere and Hernandez was struggling, yet close enough to the ropes to get out of the predicament. Lesnar, grateful for the opening, waited for Hernandez to get back up. Another side headlock followed by a Kneelift and ... The Verdict! Lesnar executed his finisher! One, two and three.


Brock Lesnar defeated Hernandez in 7:01 by pinfall with the Verdict. [B]


Brock Lesnar raises his arms in victory as Hernandez is rolling out of the ring, trying to regain his wits after being beaten by Lesnar’s devastating finishing move. Lesnar looks around the ring, obviously scouting for AJ Styles, as indeed, Styles and his manager Ric Flair show up on the entrance ramp. They have microphones in their hands...




Styles: Congratz, Brock. Well done and all. I’m impressed. But you know, I didn’t come out here to celebrate your win. In fact, I am here for a challenge. You see, I am not quite done with you yet, Brock. Not at all. Ric here is certainly not done with you. So there is one way you can get rid of us, and only one way ... accept my challenge for another match. You and I, one on one in the ring at Victory Road .. in a no DQ match.


Lesnar receives a microphone ...


Lesnar: I will break you in half at Victory Road, AJ. I accept your challenge.


Both men stare hard at one another as we return to the booth... [A*]


Bischoff: AJ Styles is crazy! A no DQ match against Brock Lesnar at Victory Road? Come on ...


Taz: Sounds like fun, no?


Bischoff: Fun? Hell, Brock Lesnar is a personal friend of mine but I can’t but feel sorry for AJ already. It’ll be carnage, it’ll be brutal, and Brock Lesnar is ... double the size of AJ Styles. What is Styles trying to prove here? I cannot but feel sorry for what AJ got himself into here tonight already!


Taz: Besides the fact that I can’t begin to fathom you being buddy-buddy with Lesnar, you’re right ... it’ll be brutal carnage. Absolutely no doubt about that. But there is no need to feel sorry for AJ Styles, Bisch. He can take care of himself just fine. Remember the last time these two men faced off? AJ Styles ended up nearly bashing Lesnar’s head in with that chairshot. It cost AJ the match, yes, but I be damned if that didn’t send a message.


A commercial break is followed by the next match of the night ...



MVP vs. Tommy Dreamer

Collar-and-elbow tie up started it out but Dreamer played MVP and twisted his arm. MVP threw his free elbow to the back to hit Dreamer, but Tommy managed to avoid it and kept the arm locked. MVP fought to get to the ropes and eventually made it, Dreamer releasing him upon Rudy Charles insisting. MVP looked hurt and Tommy Dreamer clotheslined him over the top rope! The fans were cheering him massively. Dreamer went after MVP and slammed him face first onto the apron, then tossed him into the guardrail. The fans at ringside absolutely loved the punishment MVP was taking. Tommy now was chopping away while the referee counted, and at the count of eight rolled MVP back into the ring. MVP looked dazed as Dreamer dragged him up for a short clothesline. He held on to the arm, pulled him back up and another short clothesline. MVP then hung in the ropes as Tommy Dreamer approached him, readying a German Suplex. MVP hit home with a back heel kick straight into Dreamer’s crotch. Rudy Charles simply warned MVP, who didn’t look too much the worse for fear now, and executed the Playmaker! From out of nowhere, MVP had reversed his fortunes. He fell onto Dreamer for the cover ... one, two, three!


MVP defeated Tommy Dreamer in 7:21 by pinfall with the Playmaker. [B]


MVP stays in the ring after his win and demands a microphone.


MVP: I hope you watched closely, Hogan. I hope you have learned your lesson just by watching me perform. You’ve failed me, and now you have to watch in awe how week after week, I outperform everybody on the roster. I know that you would love nothing else but still be affiliated with me, but those times are over. You screwed up and because of that, you’re no longer needed. I don’t need you, Hogan ... but you needed me. And you’d still need me even today, you just don’t want to admit it. You’re nothing anymore, Hogan. A rundown has been who is living on past glory. And with every week you tarnish your own legacy further and further until nothing remains of it. You’re close to that point, Hogan. I am challenging you to a match at Victory Road to once and for all settle this and I will seal the fate of your career.


This brings out Hulk Hogan and the fans cheer him loudly...




Hogan: Those are big words, brother. Need you? I believe it was you who needed me to get involved in your matches when YOU were my affiliate. I believe it was YOU who would have lost to The Rock no matter if I hit you with that chair or not. But sure dude, you have your match. At Victory Road, it’ll be Hulk Hogan versus MVP, and I promise I will bring my Triple-A game, even if it’s the last match I’ll ever have. I will shut your big mouth up. I will teach you respect and humble you. Trust me brother, I might be old enough to be your father, but you lit up the fire of Hulkamania inside of me. So watcha gonna do when Hulkamania ... (crowd yells along) RUNS WILD ON YOU!


Hulk Hogan poses for a moment then drops the microphone and heads backstage, leaving MVP standing in the ring as we cut backstage... [A*]


A short clip airs of Hogan's and MVP's past leading up to their split as we return to the ring for the next match of the night ...



Steve Corino and Sting vs. Christopher Daniels and Abyss

Corino and Abyss started out and Corino attacked with quick jabs. Abyss tried catching him but Corino was too fast, dodging Abyss yet kept up his attack. Mitchell yelled at Abyss, but the big man seemed unable to contain the TV Champion. Abyss tried grabbing Corino again and once again missed him, Corino landing a kick to the back of the head. Abyss felt this and Corino dropkicked Abyss in the back, sending the monster into the corner of the ring. Corino charged him and leapt up the ropes to deliver a kick to the head, but Abyss shoved him away in time! Corino went crashing and burning to the outside of the ring! Daniels instantly went for him on the outside but Sting stood in front of his teammate, blocking any assault. Abyss then approached Sting from behind however and crashed him into the ringsteps. Abyss rolled Corino into the ring and tagged Christopher Daniels into the match. Daniels was measuring Steve Corino who slowly got back to his feet. Shinbreaker and Corino was visibly in pain – Daniels followed up with a face slam. The cover – one, two, thr... Sting was there to break it up. Daniels threw a punch at him but missed, and Sting leveled Daniels with a DDT. The official sent Sting back to his team’s corner, and with both Corino and Daniels down now started the count on them. Both men began to crawl towards their corners, the count still going – and both men made the tag at the same time! Abyss came charging like a raging bull, but being too seasoned a campaigner, Sting let Abyss run into a big boot! Neckbreaker followed and now, Abyss was down. Sting went right for the cover but got thrown off at two. Abyss got back up and was hit by a running knee that gave him some food for thought. Sting dragged Abyss up by the hair and went for a whip in, but found his attempt reversed. Unfortunately, Abyss sent Sting right into referee Mark Johnson who collapsed. Sting turned around and Abyss went to assault him further, but Sting dodged him yet again and took him down with a drop toe hold ... SCORPION DEATHLOCK! Sting instantly went for his submission finisher and Abyss was screaming and growling in pain. Daniels came into the ring to get Sting off of Abyss, but Corino intercepted him and both men started trading punches. Then, more chaos was added into the shuffle as The Alpha Legion came down to the ring. With Johnson still out, they got into the ring behind Sting, who still had his submission finisher applied. Gallows clobbered Sting off of Abyss, and together with Tomko started laying the boots into Sting. Abyss was in considerable pain as it seemed and had difficulties getting back up while Gallows executed a backbreaker, holding Sting in place as a second later, Tomko came crashing down on Sting with an elbow drop from the top rope! The Alpha Strike was executed on Sting! Abyss was now back up, Daniels and Corino still going punch for punch down the aisle, as James Mitchell came into the ring and dragged referee Mark Johnson back up. The Alpha Legion left the ring and Abyss dropped on Sting for the pinfall ... a slow one ... two ... and three!


Christopher Daniels and Abyss defeated Steve Corino and Sting in 10:15 by pinfall when Abyss defeated Sting after The Alpha Legion ran in and attacked Sting. [B]


It wouldn’t be Layfield, Inc. if they didn’t have a backup plan, and Sting is learning all about it! Abyss and The Alpha Legion lay absolute waste to Sting while Steve Corino and Christopher Daniels brawl their way through the crowd. Abyss lays Sting out with his Blackhole slam, and Gallows sets Sting up with a backbreaker for Tomko to land a flying elbow on Sting for the Alpha Strike! Sting is spread eagled but the three massive men won’t stop ... until The Motor City Machine Guns make their way to the ring!




They slide in and don’t seem to care for the numerical disadvantage as they lay into Gallows and Tomko. Abyss gets involved however and slowly, Shelley and Sabin find themselves outgunned ... until ... ITS DAVE BATISTA!




What the hell is Dave Batista doing in TNA? He rushes into the ring and lays out Abyss with a clothesline ... Tomko gets thrown through the ropes to the outside ... there is Gallows attacking Batista – no, he is blocked and now Gallows is being punched into oblivion until he retreats! Batista has absolutely cleaned house here and the fans are at fever pitch as Dave helps Sting back to a vertical base, aiding him to stay up as we go back to the announcers.


Tenay: Dave Batista in TNA! This is huge but – why are we again not informed?


Taz: I guess we’re not supposed to spoil anything or so and truth be told, had I been told he’d show up tonight, I am not sure if I could have kept it a secret.


Bischoff: I know Taz! You’re showing week in and week out that your mouth works quicker than your mind.


Taz: That hurt, Bisch. Especially coming from the man who gave away results of his rival company on his own television show ...


Tenay: Batista is gone again, as quickly as he showed up just minutes earlier. What is this all about? I guess we’re going to find out very soon folks, but this is huge. By the looks of it, he isn’t going to side with Layfield, Inc., would you agree?


Taz: I would highly doubt that after what he did here tonight, but with what is going on in TNA these days you can never be sure who has what kind of hidden agenda.


Tenay: You are correct, Taz. Folks, stay tuned as we’ll be right back after a brief message from our sponsors.


With that, we’re going to the next batch of sponsor messages... [B]



Shelton Benjamin w/Charlie Haas vs. Jeff Hardy w/Matt Hardy

Benjamin was taunting Jeff Hardy to begin the match. Hardy wasn’t impressed and showed him with a textbook forearm hammer blow. Shelton should have concentrated on the match instead of cussing out Jeff Hardy and was drilled with a standing bulldog. Matt Hardy fired his brother up from the outside and Benjamin’s partner Charlie Haas looked on in horror as Shelton took a beating. Jeff took to the air and landed a top rope Legdrop. Cover ... one, two, th... shoulder up! That was a close call and referee Brian Hebner made it clear to everyone that this was not the end of the match by holding up two fingers. Jeff Hardy didn’t complain and pulled Shelton up, then hit him with a standing dropkick. Jeff Hardy got up to the top rope, signaled for the Swanton Bomb and the crowd went bananas. Charlie Haas hopped on the apron to get into the ring, the referee stopping him. Matt Hardy was ready to help his brother just in case but Haas got back down again – Jeff Hardy finally took to the air ... and it took too long as Shelton Benjamin rolled out of harm’s way, Jeff crashing and burning on the mat. Shelton was up to one knee as Jeff Hardy got his wits back together ... and Shelton rolls him up from behind! Cover – one, two, three!


Shelton Benjamin defeated Jeff Hardy in 8:36 by pinfall with a surprise roll up. [B]


Matt Hardy gets into the ring to stand next to his brother as The World’s Greatest Tag Team celebrate their victory outside of the ring. The Hardys look frustrated, yet determined to get back at Benjamin and Haas as we cut backstage...


We’re in the office of John “Bradshaw” Layfield who is seated at his desk, TNA World Heavyweight Champion Chris Jericho on a chair next to him. Together, they are wading through a host of paperwork as no other than Mick Foley comes in, accompanied by The Rock and Samoa Joe. JBL looks up in anger.




JBL: Can’t you see I’m very busy right now!


Foley: Oh I’m sorry ... I was just looking for some office space.


JBL: Foley, NOT now! I could throttle you on the spot here you ...


Foley: Hey now! Throttling your partner? That’s bad, Bradshaw.


JBL: What you’re trying isn’t going to work, Foley. I have your number, trust me on that. You want to steal TNA from me and I won’t allow that, you hear me? I won’t allow that at all.


Foley: Steal? That’s such a strong word, no JBL? Hey, I consider it a pretty good investment ... just like you did. Besides, it’s fun, no?


Jericho: Foley, what do you want?




Everyone in the room gives The Rock a weird look..


The Rock: The Rock always wanted to say that. The Rock thinks he does it better than Bradshaw, no?


JBL: WHATEVER! I’ll repeat Chris’ question ... what do you want. REALLY want I mean?


Foley: Okay then, Bradshaw. What I want? It’s not like I have to ask you anymore, right? Or well ... we’re gonna have to ask each other, and we can of course turn the other down to the point where we stall TNA and grind it to a halt. I don’t want that to happen and I am sure you aren’t too thrilled about the prospect either. So ... I took the liberty, and I’ll say this in front of everyone watching and those in the arena who can now see us on that huge screen there ... I took the liberty to make Chris Jericho defend his TNA World Heavyweight Title against Samoa Joe AND The Rock at Victory Road.


The crowd reaction is audible ...


Jericho: You lousy ...


JBL sits on his chair and says nothing, indifferent as it would seem, while Jericho tenses with red hot anger on his face.


Foley: Oh you better make sure to ... wait a second...


Foley reaches for JBL’s collection of paperwork and after a few moments of searching, produces a book with the label “TNA Terms”. He browses through the pages for a second ...


Foley: I knew you would have this here somewhere. I’ll spare you some of this ... okay, here we go: “If the champion is unable to defend his title within 30 days because of ...” blah, blah, paragraph ten ... man, this is complicated ... oh yeah: “he automatically forfeits his title belt which in turn is vacated until a new champion can be crowned.” Who the hell is writing all of this? Anyways, that’s the bottom line.


Foley blinks ... He has everybody's attention. JBL regains his composure...


JBL: Jericho versus Joe versus Rock, hm? Okay then, no argument out of me. They’re on at Victory Road.


Jericho: WHAT?


JBL: It would seem that it’s a legit challenge considering they are co-top contenders to your belt. Trust me Foley, you will regret this day. I ... Layfield, Inc. will make you regret this day. Joe, Rock ... that includes you as well. Don’t get your hopes up – this title will stay where it is, even if I personally have to see to it.


Joe: Do whatever you want, whenever you want and try your hardest. I’ll be ready, Bradshaw, ready as can be.


The Rock: The Rock says ... JUST BRING IT!


Foley turns and walks out of the office, Rock and Joe following him. JBL and Jericho look after them, worry on their features now as we go back to ringside. [A*]

Bischoff: Mick Foley is running amok on his first day back in TNA after his suspension. Something has to be done about him and his cronies. I mean, he is ruining everything that Mr. Layfield has worked to accomplish. Mick Foley is a danger to TNA. Foley has got to be removed as soon as possible.


Taz: Actually, I think ruining what JBL has ... worked ... to accomplish is what TNA needed badly. Mick Foley understands that and it’s why he is going out of his way to achieve it. Mick Foley is perhaps the only saving grace for TNA.


Tenay: Be it as it may, we are at crossroads in TNA. Foley or JBL ... which side are you on? That is the main question right now. Nothing has ever threatened TNA as much as this internal struggle yet, but on the other hand, nothing has ever had the potential to elevate TNA to new levels than this. Crossroads, like I just said. Let’s go to our main event, folks.



Rob Van Dam vs. Mr. Anderson

Mr. Anderson was taunting RVD to start the match and this had the crowd boo him even more than during his entrance. RVD wasn’t having any of it though and slapped him across the fac. Anderson snapped but was too eager to get back at RVD and found himself dropped with a Snapmare. He got right back up but RVD dropped him again when he executed a headscissor. Elbow drop to follow and Van Dam pulled Anderson to his feet, readying a DDT – Anderson back body dropped RVD. RVD was dragged to his feet and a whip in followed, RVD being felled on the return with a clothesline. Anderson attempted a pinfall but RVD kicked out even before the count of two. Anderson whipped RVD into the corner of the ring and followed in, leaping up and crashing knee first into RVD’s chest. Van Dam staggered out of the corner – Anderson slapped him first, then executed a Neckbreaker. Cover – one, two, th... shoulder up. Anderson now yelled at Earl Hebner to complain about a slow count but the official was having none of this. RVD tried to use the ropes to get back to a vertical base and Anderson used this for a boot choke against the ropes. Hebner warned Mr. Anderson who let go before the count of five could get him disqualified. He pulled RVD up for a Gutwrench Suplex. Another nearfall followed. Anderson looked increasingly frustrated and forced RVD into the corner of the ring. Whip into the opposite corner and Anderson charged – RVD got a boot up and Anderson took it full force. Anderson dropped as if shot and Van Dam fell on him for the pinfall – one, two .. foot on the rope. RVD shook off the cobwebs and measured Anderson – springboard Moonsault and Anderson was down again right after being back to a vertical base ... another pinfall – one, two ... shoulder up! The fans were on their feet now, sensing something decisive was about to happen. They were not to be disappointed! RVD went to the top rope and got ready for the Five Star Frog Splash when Anderson got up quickly and tossed RVD down into the ring! Anderson tapped his temple and smiled, then got to the top rope himself. Anderson Bomb connected! One, two and three!


Mr. Anderson defeated Rob Van Dam in 18:30 by pinfall with the Anderson Bomb. [B+]



Taz: Mr. Anderson played possum and it worked out for him. Credit where credit is due, he outsmarted RVD tonight and won the match fair and square.


Bischoff: I think this might very well foreshadow the entire rivalry between MVP and Anderson against Hogan and RVD. MVP and Anderson know exactly how to play this game.


Taz: Calm down Bisch. You are once again judging prematurely. Tonight, Mr. Anderson scored a big win over Rob Van Dam, yes, but it could be the exact opposite outcome next week. Let’s just wait and see how this plays out in the end, shall we?


Tenay: A lot of things have happened tonight. The biggest story is surely that Mick Foley revealed that he is no co-owner of TNA along with his “partner” JBL, and no other than Dave Batista debuted to save Sting from a severe beatdown by Layfield, Inc. TNA right now is at crossroads so make sure to tune in to Impact next week, your once a week must-see television. Good night everybody.


After a highlight video package, Impact cuts to credits.


Final Show Rating: A

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Thanks for following and predicting, guys. The result of this round:


BHK 1978: 4/6

Kijar: 3/6

michgcs: 3/6


We're less than a week from Victory Road with the next show on Monday Week 4, July 2011:




Rob Van Dam vs. Claudio Castagnoli


Colt Cabana vs. Desmond Wolfe


TNA X-Division Championship:

Douglas Williams © vs. Shelton Benjamin


TNA TV Championship:

Steve Corino © vs. Mr. Anderson


Chris Jericho, Abyss, Matt Morgan and The Alpha Legion vs. The Rock, Samoa Joe, Kurt Angle and The Motorcity Machine Guns

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Rob Van Dam vs. Claudio Castagnoli



Colt Cabana vs. Desmond Wolfe



TNA X-Division Championship:

Douglas Williams © vs. Shelton Benjamin

Can't Pick... very high on Williams as of late but always loved Benjamin.


TNA TV Championship:

Steve Corino © vs. Mr. Anderson



Chris Jericho, Abyss, Matt Morgan and The Alpha Legion vs. The Rock, Samoa Joe, Kurt Angle and The Motorcity Machine Guns

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Rob Van Dam vs. Claudio Castagnoli




Colt Cabana vs. Desmond Wolfe



TNA X-Division Championship:

Douglas Williams © vs. Shelton Benjamin




TNA TV Championship:

Steve Corino © vs. Mr. Anderson


Tough call, Anderson is the bigger name but I really do not think he should be holding the TV Title as it is to low for him.


Chris Jericho, Abyss, Matt Morgan and The Alpha Legion vs. The Rock, Samoa Joe, Kurt Angle and The Motorcity Machine Guns

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Rob Van Dam vs. Claudio Castagnoli


Colt Cabana vs. Desmond Wolfe


TNA X-Division Championship:

Douglas Williams © vs. Shelton Benjamin


TNA TV Championship:

Steve Corino © vs. Mr. Anderson


Chris Jericho, Abyss, Matt Morgan and The Alpha Legion vs. The Rock, Samoa Joe, Kurt Angle and The Motorcity Machine Guns

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Monday Week 4, July 2011




Jay Lethal defeated Magnus in 4:44 by pinfall. [C-]

Austin Aries defeated Super Dragon in 5:51 by pinfall with a 450 Splash. [C+]

Hernandez defeated Max Buck in 2:46 by pinfall with the Megabomb. [C-]




The broadcast starts with pyros and a camera ride across the arena as JBL’s music hits and Layfield, Inc. comes striding down the aisle accompanied by a chorus of boos. JBL stops in front of a fan at the guardrail who is holding a sign reading “Foley is TNA” and begins to berate him, Jericho and the other members of Layfield, Inc. threatening him as well. Thankfully nothing more serious happens and they arrive in the ring.





JBL: Last week, treason was committed in TNA on a level that was unheard of before. Mick Foley secretly and behind everybody’s back snuck his way into half ownership of MY company. Now we all know he is nothing but a fluke, so what he is trying to do is doomed to failure, but for now it is as it is. I can deal with it however. My superior intellect combined with the vast stock of experience in the wrestling industry and last but not least, the fact that I’m a millionaire, will help Layfield, Inc. to survive and not only that ... when the smoke has cleared, Layfield, Inc. and thus, TNA, will be stronger than ever before.


Jericho: Samoa Joe and The Rock have the gall to both challenge me for my title. Fine, it’s all within the rules of the game. Tonight however, I am challenging YOU. WE are challenging you! Samoa Joe, Rock ... find yourself three men and fight Layfield, Inc., so that you may get an idea of what is in store for you at Victory Road.


The other members of Layfield, Inc., namely Abyss with his manager James Mitchell, The Alpha Legion and newest member Matt Morgan all seem to enjoy the prospect of fighting their bitter rivals tonight. Then however, the music of 50% TNA owner Mick Foley hits and he comes walking down to the ring, accompanied by The Rock and Samoa Joe.




Foley: I really like your idea, guys. Layfield, Inc. versus the world, hm? Hey that’s great. Have you thought about the possibilities? Layfield versus the world ... the ring of that alone would make for a great book. I’d even volunteer to write it for you and ...


JBL: One day Foley, and maybe that day isn’t too far in the future, you’re going to choke on your little jokes and witty remarks. Trust me Foley, I’ll be the one laughing then. For now, all I can do is enjoy watching whatever you try to get this title away from Chris Jericho fail! Victory Road will be no different.


The Rock: The Rock is amused about how sure you are about that, Johnny-boy. The Rock also likes Chris Jericho’s idea for the match tonight. You five jabronys versus The Rock, Joe and ... three other men?


Joe: I don’t think it’s very hard to find three more men who dislike you. It’ll be a lot harder to tell twenty other men they can’t be in the match because we have a solid idea of who those three guys for the team are going to be.


The Rock: And don’t think for a minute that tonight’s match will somehow give you an advantage come Victory Road. The Rock says that he’ll be champion after the smoke has cleared ...


Joe: Dream on ...


Jericho: You can’t even overcome your differences going into tonight’s match where you are supposed to team up. I’ll enjoy your collapse tonight and your failure to win the title at Victory Road, where I, Chris Jericho, will be the one standing tall once it’s all said and done. This title remains where it is!


Both factions stare each other down for a moment longer until we go to the announce booth...[A]




Taz: What a match is in store for us tonight. Layfield, Inc. versus The Rock, Samoa Joe and three other men! This is huge!


Bischoff: The only thing that is huge about it is the ass kicking Rock and Joe’s team will take. They can’t even meet eye to eye for tonight it seems, with still a few days to go until their match against Chris Jericho at Victory Road, while Layfield, Inc. functions like a well oiled machine. I think it’s pretty damn obvious in which direction that one is headed.


Taz: I forgot we have a man capable of clairvoyance at the booth. You realize that if people were to place bets on your predictions, they’d have meanwhile lost an arm and a leg?


Tenay: (Clears throat) ... We welcome you to tonight's edition of TNA Impact and we're less than a week from Victory Road, where the epic main event will be the match for the TNA World Heavyweight Championship between Chris Jericho, The Rock and Samoa Joe. Tonight as we just witnessed, you'll get a glimpse when they meet in a five on five tag team match. But let's go to our first match of the evening...



Rob Van Dam vs. Claudio Castagnoli

Before the match had actually started, the audience and fans watching at home were made aware of the fact that it was decided that Claudio Castagnoli was to challenge for Douglas Williams’ X-Division Title at Victory Road after all by no one else but Double C himself. As he was taunting Van Dam, saying how easily he’d defeat him tonight, RVD came running down the aisle and into the ring and lay waste to Claudio, whose only saving grace was to flee to the outside. RVD kept chasing him around the ring until Double C got back in and RVD followed, giving Castagnoli the opening to lay the boots into RVD. This started a back and forth affair for a while without anything decisive until MVP and Mr. Anderson came running to the ring to attack RVD. Referee Brian Hebner instantly called for the bell...


Rob Van Dam defeated Claudio Castagnoli in 9:11 by disqualification when MVP and Mr. Anderson ran in and attacked Rob Van Dam. [B]




The assault continues even as the bell keeps ringing as Double C joins in and they are making it a three on one in the ring. RVD is completely outgunned as the three men put the boots into him and lay absolute waste. Hulk Hogan and Hero come running down the aisle, get into the ring and begin throwing punches at Castagnoli and Anderson! MVP gets involved but he is met with a double clothesline. MVP rolls to the outside. Hero clotheslines Double C over the ropes while Hogan throws Anderson out of the ring! The house has been cleaned. Hogan and Hero help RVD up while the attackers walk up the aisle and taunt the three men in the ring. We return to the booth... [B+]


Taz: Things are heating up more and more as we are less than a week away from Victory Road. It is hard to think that MVP and Hogan were allies a mere month ago.


Bischoff: And they would still be had Hogan not cost MVP the match against The Rock! This whole mess is only his fault and I just hope MVP is going to make him pay for it.


Taz: It allowed Hogan to see what a selfish person MVP really is and for that, ultimately, Hulk Hogan should be grateful. Grateful that he is now rid of MVP’s cheating and scheming ways and for being respected by our fans once again.


Bischoff: Why would anyone be grateful for being respected by the fans? The end will always justify the means Taz, and I’d have thought as a former wrestler yourself you’d understand that.


Taz: Oh Bisch, we’ve all seen the end of your company because of your “means” to run it, so don’t tell me about understanding, Easy E.


A brief commercial break later, we go to the next match of the night.



Colt Cabana vs. Desmond Wolfe

Before the match, Desmond Wolfe had demanded a microphone, saying he would be going after whoever wins the X-Title at Victory Road. Wolfe said he is sick and tired of being overlooked when he is the best damn wrestler in the X-Division and beyond that TNA has ever seen. This brought out his opponent for the night, Colt Cabana, who had the fans in laughter with his mockery of Wolfe and the match began. A fine display of technical wrestling followed, with Cabana utilizing power moves using his slightly superior bulk, but it was one tiny mistake that cost him dearly when Wolfe leveled Cabana with his patented finisher, the Jawbreaker Lariat. One, two and three!


Desmond Wolfe defeated Colt Cabana in 9:22 by pinfall with the Jawbreaker Lariat. [B]


The camera switches backstage after Wolfe’s victory celebration and we’re treated to a view of Dave Batista standing in front of a camera.




Batista: Last week, I made my debut under circumstances I would have rather not have debuted under. But there was no other way. I won’t stand by and watch the same kind of politics and bull I watched elsewhere before. So I come here and what do I see? It’s even worse. JBL is terrorizing the entire roster with the help of his group of misfits and attacks people just because they dare oppose him. Don’t you guys think I care one bit for Joe or The Rock or Sting or Foley, because I don’t. But I can just simply not tolerate certain things to happen, period. I have had enough of all of this. You can consider me neutral when it comes to Foley versus JBL. I would just like to make you all aware of one thing ... if you mess with me, you’re asking to get into trouble. The sole reason I have come here is to climb to the very top and one day become TNA World Heavyweight Champion, it’s that damn simple. If you like it or not I do not care for as long as you don’t get in my way. If you do, I will make you aware of the consequences. NO one ... can stop the animal. [A]


He drops the microphone and walks off camera...


Taz: I think Batista has made his intentions clear enough and answered all questions we’ve had since last week, and that has got to be the no nonsense approach to end all no nonsense approaches. The question is .. will JBL understand that he isn’t going to get another top man to join his cause? I am sure he would like to have Batista on his side...


Bischoff: Why would he? Layfield, Inc. are full of great wrestlers, and I don’t think Batista would fit in there with his selfishness.


Taz: Selfishness? Oh yeah I forgot, you got to drop all your ambitions in order to work for JBL.


Bischoff: I would think Chris Jericho is quite the ambitious man...


Taz: Because he is JBL’s chosen one and as such, allowed to be ambitious. You don’t quite “get” Layfield, Inc., do you?


Tenay: Enough guys, enough. Yes, Dave Batista has made his intentions clear enough with what he said just minutes ago, and I personally think that the animal is quite the addition to the TNA roster. But how will he fit in? He apparently has the “loner” approach to his run here, and with the current state of affairs, it’s probably not bad to have a few friends. But we’ll see ... let’s just get ready for the next match of the night.


TNA X-Division Championship




Douglas Williams © vs. Shelton Benjamin


Technical prowess against flashiness was the punchline in this match. With the title on the line, Shelton tried everything in his power to take it, and Charlie Haas in Benjamin’s corner was a factor so that Williams was in dire straits at times. He kept denying Shelton the satisfaction of a win however, several nearfalls being all that Benjamin netted. Eventually, referee Mark Johnson was knocked flat by a clothesline that was supposed to nail Williams, and this started a full two on one assault by the World’s Greatest Tag Team. Williams was now in big trouble, Christy Hemme unable to help him, until The Hardy Boyz showed up at ringside to even the odds! They absolutely cleaned house but when the official regained his wits, one look at the chaos around him was enough for him to call for the bell and end this match in a no contest.


Douglas Williams drew with Shelton Benjamin in 12:02 when the match descended into chaos after Charlie Haas, Jeff Hardy and Matt Hardy all became involved. [B]


After the chaos is handled by security guards, we go to commercials and upon returning to the broadcast, a table is set up in center ring. Head referee Earl Hebner is in the ring and he calls out AJ Styles and Brock Lesnar. AJ Styles comes out with his manager Ric Flair and they arrive in the ring accompanied by massive cheering from the crowd. The cheers turn to booing from 11000 fans in the arena as Brock Lesnar arrives. Hebner has them sit down on opposite sides of the table, with Flair standing behind AJ.




Hebner: I have to tell you before you sign this contract that TNA has not sanctioned your upcoming match at Victory Road. By signing this contract, both of you understand that TNA will not be held responsible for what happens to either of you during the match. You asked for this match and you shall get it, but ...


Styles: Quit repeating what is already written down here. All I want is a referee to count the pinfall when I beat this piece of trash at Victory Road. Forget medical bills or what have you, all I want is for Brock Lesnar to be hurt.


Lesnar: You should be proud of your boy, Ric, very proud. The amount of punishment he is willing to get himself into at Victory Road just so he can avenge you isn’t something every man would be willing to put himself through. Be proud, Ric, very proud. But be aware that AJ will be leaving Victory Road on a stretcher.


Flair: If I remember correctly, it was YOU leaving Slammiversary on a stretcher, Brock. And when AJ puts you out of your misery this time, he won’t even get disqualified for it. Woo! Roll along Victory Road, we can’t wait.


Lesnar: There you have it. I’ve signed your damn contract. Enjoy your last few days of being healthy, AJ. I’m going to hurt you at Victory Road, Styles. I’m going to get revenge for what you did at Slammiversary.


Lesnar gets up and leaves the ring, AJ and Flair watching him walk up the aisle and back through the curtain. They spend some quality time with the fans as they go around the ring while the camera returns to the announcers. [A*]


Bischoff: AJ Styles has a death wish. An unsanctioned no disqualification match against Brock Lesnar? I think we won’t see AJ Styles in TNA for a long time after Victory Road. What a shame!


Taz: After their match at Slammiversary, he beat Brock Lesnar senseless and put him out cold with numerous chair shots. Styles’ anger about Lesnar hurting his mentor and manager Ric Flair is red hot, Eric. That makes him a dangerous man, a VERY dangerous man. Maybe Lesnar ... should be more aware of what he just got himself into tonight.


Another commercial break and on the return, the next match starts...


TNA Television Championship




Steve Corino © vs. Mr. Anderson

Corino had an answer to everything Anderson sent his way, and only underhanded tactics helped Anderson to take control. It was short lived however as the TV Champion was on fire, but by then, Christopher Daniels had showed up at ringside to taunt Corino. The king of old school wasn’t having any of it though and darted to the outside to engage Daniels, and they started a wild brawl around the ring. Referee Rudy Charles was forced to count Steve Corino out who had become oblivious of Mr. Anderson, who was subsequently declared the winner. Security arrived on scene to break up the brawl.


Mr. Anderson defeated Steve Corino in 6:45 by countout after Christopher Daniels attacked Steve Corino. [B]


After the dust has cleared, we’re treated to a video of the upcoming main event. We are made aware that Samoa Joe and The Rock have secured themselves some fine help for their match tonight as joining them will be Kurt Angle and The Motor City Machine Guns! As the video fades out, we go to the last commercial of the night and upon returning, the main event is on, with Foley and JBL standing on the outside in their team’s corner of the ring... [B+]



Layfield, Inc. vs. The Rock, Samoa Joe, Kurt Angle and the Motor City Machine Guns

Taunting and flaming began the match between the ten men before the contest became a heated affair. Layfield, Inc. eventually took control using their overall superior strength, but no matter who they had in trouble was either bailed out by his teammates or too tenacious to stay on the mat until the count of three. Hot tags galore now followed until it was Kurt Angle who took the reigns over Matt Morgan, happy to finally get a chance to go one on one with him. Morgan would eventually gain help by JBL latching on to Angle from the outside and Abyss then overpowered Kurt until Angle managed to use one of the many situations where more than two men were in the ring to his advantage and he rolled Abyss up from behind for the one, two and three.


The Rock, Samoa Joe, Kurt Angle and the Motor City Machine Guns defeated Layfield, Inc. in 19:14 by pinfall when Kurt Angle defeated Abyss with a quick roll up. [B+]

JBL slams his fists on the apron in anger while Foley’s team goes out of the ring to celebrate with the fans at ringside. Foley hugs Kurt Angle, who unlike in previous encounters with Matt Morgan, this time does not go after him and the medals. Angle just points at him and does the cut-throat motion while Morgan replies with a menacing stare. Joe and Rock taunt Jericho, who replies in kind, but nothing else happens between the two factions as security arrive in order to stop anything remotely resembling a ringside brawl dead in its tracks.


Taz: Yes! Yes! Yes! This is the first really important and decisive victory over Layfield, Inc. and it was about damn time! How’s that for the momentum of the anti-Layfield alliance going into Victory Road on Sunday?


Bischoff: Shouldn’t you preserve a neutral stance as a commentator, Taz? That was just not very professional.


Taz: Says the man who has been drooling over anything Layfield, Inc. has done over the past couple of months. I preserve the stance of agreeing to disagree with you, Bisch. Works just fine for me.


Bischoff: You ...


Tenay: Folks, we’ve come to the end of tonight’s broadcast as Victory Road is less than a week away from us. Call your local provider for details as the card will be jam packed, featuring not only the three way match for the TNA World Heavyweight Title between champion Chris Jericho, The Rock and Samoa Joe but also, for example, the unsanctioned no disqualification match between AJ Styles and Brock Lesnar. And of course, Kurt Angle will battle Matt Morgan with the Olympic gold medals on the line which are currently in possession of Morgan, and much, much more. We hope you enjoyed tonight’s episode of Impact as much as we did and would be happy to be invited into your homes next Sunday for Victory Road. Good night everybody.


TNA Impact fades to credits after a highlight package of the show.


Post Show:

Rhino defeated Brother Devon in 6:34 by pinfall with the Gore. [D-]

Jeff Jarrett, Sting and Tommy Dreamer defeated Beer Money, Inc. and Monty Brown in 7:46 when Sting defeated Monty Brown by submission with the Scorpion Deathlock. [C-]


Final Show Rating: B+

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Thank you guys once again for reading and predicting. The results of this round ...


Kijar: 5/5 (w00t w00t)

michgcs: 3/5

BHK 1978: 2/5


And we've arrived at Victory Road and this is the card ...




The Hardy Boyz vs. The World's Greatest Tag Team


TNA X-Division Championship

Douglas Williams © vs. Claudio Castagnoli


Sting vs. Abyss


TNA World Tag Team Championship

The Motor City Machine Guns © vs. The Alpha Legion


Hulk Hogan and Rob Van Dam vs. MVP and Mr. Anderson


Kurt Angle vs. Matt Morgan


TNA TV Championship

Steve Corino © vs. Christopher Daniels


AJ Styles vs. Brock Lesnar


TNA World Heavyweight Championship

Chris Jericho © vs. The Rock vs. Samoa Joe

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"Layfield Inc."


Consider that stolen, sir. :D


The Hardy Boyz vs. The World's Greatest Tag Team

I jobbed the hardys out in my game to the point that I don't even support someone else putting them over in their game. ^_^


Douglas Williams © vs. Claudio Castagnoli

Strictly in the hopes that Williams will someday be revealed as the bastard son of William Regal. It would work. I swear it would work.


The Motor City Machine Guns © vs. The Alpha Legion

Power will prevail.


Hulk Hogan and Rob Van Dam vs. MVP and Mr. Anderson

Hogan and RVD are just a strange pairing and I see Anderson and MVP taking advantage of that...


Kurt Angle vs. Matt Morgan

Morgan puts up a fight, but Angle prevails.


Steve Corino © vs. Christopher Daniels

To not push Daniels is to anger the gods.


AJ Styles vs. Brock Lesnar

I sense Flair attempts to help Styles finish the job, but it backfires and plays into the hands of Lesnar.


Chris Jericho © vs. The Rock vs. Samoa Joe

When you're hot, you're hot.

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The Hardy Boyz vs. The World's Greatest Tag Team

(THIS should be the tag team championship match)


TNA X-Division Championship

Douglas Williams © vs. Claudio Castagnoli

(by DQ?)


Sting vs. Abyss


TNA World Tag Team Championship

The Motor City Machine Guns © vs. The Alpha Legion


Hulk Hogan and Rob Van Dam vs. MVP and Mr. Anderson

(no way Hogan jobs to them)


Kurt Angle vs. Matt Morgan


TNA TV Championship

Steve Corino © vs. Christopher Daniels


AJ Styles vs. Brock Lesnar


TNA World Heavyweight Championship

Chris Jericho © vs. The Rock vs. Samoa Joe

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The Hardy Boyz vs. The World's Greatest Tag Team


Screw the Hardy Boys!


TNA X-Division Championship

Douglas Williams © vs. Claudio Castagnoli


Sting vs. Abyss


TNA World Tag Team Championship

The Motor City Machine Guns © vs. The Alpha Legion


Hulk Hogan and Rob Van Dam vs. MVP and Mr. Anderson


Kurt Angle vs. Matt Morgan


TNA TV Championship

Steve Corino © vs. Christopher Daniels


AJ Styles vs. Brock Lesnar


TNA World Heavyweight Championship

Chris Jericho © vs. The Rock vs. Samoa Joe

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  • 2 weeks later...


Batista defeated Kiyoshi in 1:28 by pinfall with a Spinebuster. [C+]

Desmond Wolfe defeated Shark Boy in 0:54 by pinfall with the Jawbreaker Lariat. [C-]

Tommy Dreamer, Jeff Jarrett and Hero defeated Rhino and Beer Money, Inc. in 7:28 when Hero defeated Rhino by pinfall with the Hero’s Welcome. [B-]





Victory Road starts with massive pyros and 27000 people in the sold out Chad Harmor arena are fired up and as ready as they’ll ever be for tonight’s show. We go to the announce booth after a camera ride across the arena and are welcomed by our usual hosts Mike Tenay, Taz and Eric Bischoff.




Tenay: Hello and welcome to TNA Victory Road! It has been a crazy ride going into tonight’s show as a few weeks ago on Impact, Mick Foley made his return from suspension and announced he had acquired 50% ownership of TNA.


Taz: It was a revelation that was as shocking, if not more, as JBL announcing that he was the new owner a while back. All of this has rocked TNA to it’s very core, but when I look at the fans here in the arena, TNA is stronger than ever before.


Bischoff: As I keep saying ... controversy creates cash.


Taz: You can actually stop plugging your book, Bisch. It’s not like anybody’s buying it anyways. Is it even being printed still?


Bischoff: Sure if you order it ...


Taz: Poor trees...


Before anything else can be said, the first match of the night is on ...



The Hardy Boyz vs. The World’s Greatest Tag Team


Back and forth to start the match, with referee Rudy Charles having some difficulties to call for order. The Hardy’s sent Benjamin and Haas over the top rope and went after them, starting a brawl on the outside. Just before the count of ten, Jeff and Shelton were back in the ring and Benjamin took the upper hand. It went on for a few minutes until Jeff broke free and made the hot tag to his brother, who began working over Shelton. Haas got ready to jump into the ring eventually, which made Jeff jump in as well, and Rudy Charles didn’t notice the low blow Shelton delivered to Matt. With Jeff and Charlie sent out, Shelton Benjamin executed the Paydirt and Charles did the count – one, two, three!


The World’s Greatest Tag Team defeated The Hardy Boyz in 15:53 by pinfall when Shelton Benjamin defeated Matt Hardy with the Paydirt. B


Benjamin and Haas leave the ring in celebration and the Hardys look on in frustration, having lost a lot of momentum with tonight’s defeat. The fans still cheer them on as a quick video runs with highlights of the events ...


Taz: Holy hell, what a win for Benjamin and Haas as for all the world, it looked like the Hardy Boyz were stronger than ever after their reunion, making this win almost an upset.


Tenay: I'm sure the Hardy Boyz will get back on track, but they'll have to try again next time because The World's Greatest Tag Team were the better men on the night. Let's move forwards to our next match and it is for the X-Division Championship...


TNA X-Division Championship



Douglas Williams © vs. Claudio Castagnoli

Castagnoli seized advantage right off the bat and managed to keep Williams at bay for a while, displaying pure arrogance throughout his spell of dominance. The fans were riled up and ready for murder but Doug would repay Double C, using his fantastic mat wrestling skills to get out of a submission predicament and back into the match. Williams delivered a few fine offensive maneuvers and Claudio found himself on his back more often than not, but was not yet done – he reversed a whip in and leveled Doug with a lariat. The pinfall only went for two and a bit however and Double C started arguing with referee Mark Johnson. This bought Williams enough time to surprise Castagnoli with a small package for two! Both men got up and Castagnoli tried for a superkick which Williams ducked. Their stance was now perfect for Williams, Double C’s back momentarily turned to him – and this enabled the defending champion to execute the Chaos Theory! One, two and three!


Douglas Williams defeated Claudio Castagnoli in 12:57 by pinfall with the Chaos Theory. Douglas Williams makes defense number 3 of his TNA X-Division Title. [B]


After the victory celebration and a replay of the finish, we’re shown a full screen image announcing the next match and it starts right afterwards...



Sting vs. Abyss


Sting went all out right after the bell and caused Abyss some grief to start the match. A flurry of punches forced Abyss into the corner of the ring. Sting mounted the second turnbuckle and hammered away, the fans counting along. At ten, Sting jumped down and laid Abyss out with a DDT. The pinfall only went for two though. James Mitchell yelled for Abyss to get up, the monster slowly complying, but Sting went in again with another barrage. Abyss was in the corner again and Sting took a few steps back, charged – and Abyss dodged him! Crashing into the turnbuckles, Sting was leveled by a massive clothesline but got his shoulder up at two during the subsequent pinfall attempt. Abyss was now biding his time and waited for Sting to get back to his feet. Once this came to pass, Abyss goozled Sting for a Chokeslam – blocked by a kick to the midsection! Another DDT? No, now Abyss blocked Sting and delivered an elbow smash. Whip in ... Blackhole Slam! Abyss laid out Sting with his finisher and the cover ... one, two and three!


Abyss defeated Sting in 12:07 by pinfall with the Blackhole Slam. [B]


After the match, Sting stays in the ring and watches James Mitchell and Abyss leave. The fans cheer him on, but Sting is too deep in thoughts. He takes a deep breath, raises an arm and slowly walks up the aisle. On the ramp he turns around one last time, applauds the crowd and goes through the curtain.


We go backstage where Ric Flair and AJ Styles are in a locker room, talking to one another...




Flair: AJ, you’re absolutely sure about this, aren’t you?


Styles: Are you suddenly getting worries, Ric? We were clear about tonight, no? I have never been more serious in my life when I challenged Lesnar for the match tonight. You know Ric, this is no longer simply based on losing or winning alone. Not since Slammiversary it isn’t. Win or lose, I’m going to hurt Lesnar tonight. I will!


Flair: Ok AJ, well it’s not as if we could change it anymore either way. I’ll have your back as always no matter what happens. And I got to say thank you, man. Thank you.


Styles: What for?


Flair: You wouldn’t do any of this if it wasn’t for me. You wouldn’t go one on one with Brock Lesnar in an unsanctioned match tonight if you weren’t trying to get revenge for what Lesnar did to me. It means a lot to me AJ, really does.


Styles: Ric, I ...


Flair: No. No AJ, it’s okay. You’re a real friend. You’re probably ... you ARE the only friend I have left in this business today.


They shake hands ... and hug.


Flair: Well man, let’s get ready for the match then, okay?


The camera fades out and returns to the arena for the next match...


TNA World Tag Team Championship



The Motor City Machine Guns © vs. The Alpha Legion

Tomko and Gallows had their merry problems with the speed and agility of the Guns. Shelley and Sabin both kept dodging the brutes, delivering their own offense in short bursts. Eventually, Tomko managed to contain Sabin and began to outmuscle him, tagging in and out with Gallows to isolate Chris Sabin. As they went for a double clothesline with Sabin sliding underneath The Alpha Legion, the hot tag the fans had been dying to see happened and Shelley unloaded on the challengers. Tomko took a dropkick that sent him to the arena floor and Gallows was worked over in the corner of the ring, but managed to grab Shelley by the throat, goozle him and hit a Chokeslam. He went for the pinfall but on the count of two, Sabin came from the top rope with a Legdrop onto the neck of Gallows to end the count. Shelley made the tag official and together, they nailed Gallows with a double DDT. Tomko broke up the ensuing pin and threw Shelley out. Sabin tried for a superkick but Tomko evaded him and instead, rolled Sabin into a pin! Tomko put his legs on the ropes for the cover but referee Rudy Charles didn’t see it and made the count – one, two and three!


The Alpha Legion defeated The Motor City Machine Guns in 14:30 by pinfall when Tomko defeated Chris Sabin, using the ropes for leverage. The Alpha Legion win the TNA World Tag Team Titles. [B-]


Sabin leaves the ring to join Shelley and they are yelling furiously at the Alpha Legion and referee Rudy Charles. Charles tells them he saw nothing illegal, but Shelley and Sabin are not to be calmed down. They are close to rioting and the official calls security down to ringside and they eventually manage to escort Sabin and Shelley out of the arena.


Taz: You’ve got to be kidding me. The ref didn’t see that? Sabin was desperately trying to kick out but couldn’t ... if you think for just one minute that the Machine Guns will let this slip, you’re sorely mistaken. Trust me this isn’t over.


Bischoff: Really? What makes you think the outcome would be any different? The Alpha Legion are unbeaten and by far the most dominant tag team I have seen here in TNA, ever.


Taz: What makes me think there could be a different outcome? If Tomko and Gallows were caught cheating for once we would have ourselves a different outcome indeed. But let’s see how this develops because like I said, I doubt this is over yet.


A video plays hyping up the next match between the team of Hogan and RVD going up against MVP and Mr. Anderson and right afterwards we go to ringside...



Hulk Hogan and Rob Van Dam vs. MVP and Mr. Anderson

Hogan and RVD started aggressively, sending MVP and Anderson out and following suit with a series of wild punches. MVP and Anderson were both forced against the guardrail and pummeled. This ringside brawling went on for a while, the combatants going in and out of the ring, until the action eventually returned to the ring. RVD and Anderson got the match going and Anderson gained the upper hand eventually. He and MVP worked like a treat together and had RVD in quite some problems. Then though, the opening Van Dam needed came when he avoided a running big boot into the corner by MVP and RVD managed to hot tag Hogan in. The fans went wild and the Hulkster was unloading a barrage of closed fists. MVP begged off in the corner but found no mercy as Hogan started with a series of “Woo!” knife edge chops. Anderson came in to end it but RVD intercepted him with a missile dropkick from the top turnbuckle!. Hogan whipped MVP into the ropes – big boot! Hogan went for the Guillotine Legdrop but MVP rolled out of harm’s way. Both men got up, and MVP rolled the Hulkster up, grabbing the tights for good measure – one, two and three!


MVP and Mr. Anderson defeated Hulk Hogan and Rob Van Dam in 13:49 by pinfall when MVP defeated Hulk Hogan with a handful of tights. [B-]


MVP and Anderson are cut off in their victory celebration as RVD and Hogan, angry about the way they lost the match, attack them and send both men over the top rope to the outside. Before they can follow, security arrive to contain RVD and Hogan.


We get a video before the next match, highlighting Kurt Angle's hunt for his "stolen" Olympic Gold medals ...



Kurt Angle vs. Matt Morgan

Angle's fury dominated the opening minutes of the match but Morgan bounced back, using his superior strength to keep Angle down. After big booting Angle down to the mat, Morgan looked for all the world as if he would keep the medals, but Angle denied Morgan's victory. Morgan however wouldn’t let go and kept up the assault, with Angle backed in a corner once again. This time however, Angle bounced right back when Morgan attempted to body slam him – Angle wrestled out of it and in one fluid motion, got hold of Morgan’s ankle and took him down. Ankle Lock! Morgan winced and tried his everything to get free, screaming in pain in the process but his resistance weakened – and Matt Morgan tapped out!


Kurt Angle defeated Matt Morgan in 15:41 by submission with the Ankle Lock. [B+]


Angle gets up right after the bell rings and gets on the second turnbuckle in celebration. He leaves the ring and walks over to the timekeeper table where his medals are kept and takes them back to a huge ovation from the crowd. He holds them up for everyone to see, looking happier than ever before.


Taz: Kurt Angle gets his medals back! Finally I must add since this surely was a wild ride ever since Angle put them on the line against Chris Jericho.


Tenay: Matt Morgan gave it all he has but with Angle as fired up as he was tonight, there are only very few men capable of facing him in the ring and coming out victorious. What an intense match though either way folks, and another one of the sort is awaiting us next as Steve Corino is about to defend the TNA TV Title against Christopher Daniels!


TNA TV Championship



Steve Corino © vs. Christopher Daniels

Daniels was red hot starting the match out, his anger dominating over his usual methodical style as this led to an all out slugfest early on. Both men traded blows and hard hitting offense by mid-match and momentum changed hands often. Referee Earl Hebner had his work cut out for him eventually as Daniels was pushing hard to get his title back. Daniels was denied on several nearfalls, the fans rallying in support of Corino, and the Fallen Angel got nose to nose with Hebner finally. Threatening with the DQ, Hebner contained Daniels’ anger but at this point, Corino had regained his footing and managed to land a quick cradle, having had his finisher blocked earlier on. One, two, three and Corino was announced the winner.


Steve Corino defeated Christopher Daniels in 17:33 by pinfall with a quick cradle. Steve Corino makes defense number 3 of his TNA TV Title. [B]


Corino is on top of the world, having one-upped Christopher Daniels another time. Daniels is furious and yells at Earl Hebner while Corino is on the outside with his belt, celebrating with the fans. Daniels shoots menacing glances at Corino and walks back up the aisle in frustration. We switch to the announce booth...


Taz: Ruling out what happened between these two men at Slammiversary last month, Daniels can now no longer deny that he lost his first match since his return to TNA. Corino is a very deserving TV Champion and ...


Just in that moment, Carlito Colon’s music hits and he walks down the aisle with an air of purpose about him with a microphone in hands. Carlito mockingly applauds Corino before speaking...




Carlito: Well done Steve, well done. Good job and all. Think you can do that again? Do you think you can do this week after week, month after month, Pay Per View after Pay Per View? Huh? Well truth be told, I don’t think you can.


The fans boo...


Carlito: You see Steve, it’s not that you’re a young upstart anymore. It took the better part of your career to arrive in a place like TNA – in a place that matters. You must realize that nothing you did before matters. These fans here ... most of them won’t even know the companies you won titles in over the past years. Hell ... most of them didn’t even know you before you came to TNA. But now ... now you’ve achieved something. TNA TV Champion Steve Corino ... that has a ring to it, eh? Herein lies your problem though, Steve.


Corino received a microphone in the meantime...


Corino: Before you bore everybody to tears with your long winded, pointless ramblings, could you please get to the point? I know full well what I have done in the past and I am damn proud of it, like it or not. It got me where I am today! But anyways ... the point, Carli?


Carlito: The point is that you have something that I want. I’m challenging you for your TNA TV Title. Was that short and sweet enough? Unlike you who accepts open challenges because they're the only way for you to win matches, I do like my opponents to see my face BEFORE the match I humiliate them in. It's called courtesy, Steve.


Corino: A challenge then. Well, that’s something I can deal with. You’re on, Carli.


Colon grins wickedly, turns and walks up the aisle back to the dressing rooms.


We switch to a short clip highlighting the feud between AJ Styles and Brock Lesnar now and once it ends, the stipulation for their match tonight is once again mentioned – no DQ, no count outs, anything goes, the only way to win is via pinfall, submission or if one of the combatants is unable to continue. Some emphasis is put on the fact that this match has not been sanctioned by TNA and only happens because both men signed a contract saying TNA was not to be held responsible for what happens. After all this info, it’s time for the co-main event of the evening.



AJ Styles vs. Brock Lesnar

They started slow and methodical, displaying respect for one another’s abilities. Neither man wanted to be the one making the fatal mistake and it made for a tense opening. Lesnar then managed to overpower AJ with his superior strength and laid waste on Styles for a while, but AJ was just not going to give up. Lesnar became more and more frustrated by Styles’ tenacity as the match went to the outside. Styles was thrown into the guardrail and into the apron, but when Lesnar was going to topple AJ over the ringsteps no one was home and Lesnar went crashing and burning. AJ produced a ladder from under the ring and stabbed it into Lesnar’s guts, then held it sideways and crashed it on his back. Back in the ring, AJ set the ladder up in the corner and tried to whip Lesnar into the metal, but Brock was too strong and reversed. When Lesnar followed with the big splash, AJ moved out of the way and both were down. Styles went up first and placed the ladder on Lesnar, then landing a Legdrop that took almost everything out of the big man. The cover had the fans already celebrating AJ’s win but Lesnar got a shoulder up at 2,9! AJ went to the outside and started searching for more weapons under the ring. He brought a chair but just as he got back on the apron, Lesnar big booted him down. Breathing heavily, Brock followed to the outside and picked up another chair close to him. AJ meanwhile scrambled back up, the fans at ringside going crazy. When Lesnar approached, AJ grabbed his chair and swung it just as Lesnar swung his, and they hit each other simultaneously at the sides of their heads with sickening thuds. Both men sank to their knees, bleeding profusely, and fell face first. Referee Mark Johnson went to check on them and Flair, looking to be in shock, wasn’t far behind. Johnson gave both men a bit of time, what with this match being no countout and no DQ, but he eventually crossed his arms up in the air! Unconscious in a pool of their own blood, AJ Styles and Brock Lesnar had effectively knocked each other out. Flair desperately yelled for AJ to get back up but was unable to get through to his client as the bell rang...


AJ Styles drew with Brock Lesnar in 19:38 when they were simultaneously knocked out. [A]


The fans are stunned and in shock after the violent ending of the match. Both Lesnar and Styles are out cold as paramedics rush to the ring and begin tending to both men. Stretchers are prepared and finally, Brock and AJ are brought out of the arena. The fans enjoyed a grueling encounter but the price might be a high one. Flair walks level with AJ’s stretcher, a very serious look on his face...


Tenay: What a damn match, folks! These two men almost killed each other in the ring in an unsanctioned match and yet we have NO decisive finish. They just brutalized each other to the point where they couldn't continue.


Taz: Well, when TNA doesn't officially sanction match, that is to say when JBL refuses to do so, it means a whole damn lot and everybody was witness what the outcome was. This isn't over however I don't think. Lesnar and Styles will be back up to capacity eventually, or so I hope, and will surely look to getting a rubber match. After tonight's match though, I'm not quite sure where else these men would go to tear each other apart.


We get another videoclip, a rundown of the events leading to tonight’s main event three way dance for the TNA World Heavyweight Championship. Highlights from the last couple of weeks of action between the three men are shown as we go back to the arena and the match can begin...


TNA World Heavyweight Championship



Chris Jericho © vs. The Rock vs. Samoa Joe

With a nod to one another, Joe and Rock instantly went after Jericho! Y2J retreated to the outside to a massive chorus of boos, and Joe and Rock came from different angles to get a hold of him. When JBL tried to block them off, Mick Foley shoved him away and Jericho was battered and sent back into the ring. They kept double teaming the champion and JBL had a serious look of concern on his face. The Rock and Samoa Joe finally realized however that this was not a tag team match and started fighting each other, giving Jericho some breathing room. Jericho regained his wits in the meantime and surprised both with a flying cross body that had all three men lying in a heap. Getting up first, Joe picked Rock up but Jericho dropkicked them down, Rock landing on Joe for an accidental pinfall that the champion saw fit to break up. This kept going on, the momentum changing between the three men a lot, while Foley and JBL on the outside looked tense and stressed. JBL tried to interfere but Foley was there to stop him, and this caused Jericho to be in problems as Joe had him seized up for the Muscle Buster – The Rock denied this with a boot to the midsection and the Rock Bottom to Samoa Joe! One, two – Jericho broke the pinfall up just in time. The Rock gained control over Jericho but had his Irish whip in reversed. Rock came out from the ropes ducking Y2J’s clothesline, then delivering the Rock Bottom to Chris Jericho as well! One, two, thr... Samoa Joe now broke it up. JBL was getting desperate as Rock and Joe were exchanging punches. Layfield reached into the ring and got a hold of Rock’s leg. Foley instantly went over, yelling at JBL. Jericho in the meantime got up and with The Rock distracted, he nailed Rock with his Codebreaker! Joe went for a clothesline but Jericho, near the ropes, ducked and sent Samoa Joe over the top rope. The cover on The Rock – one, two and three!


Chris Jericho defeated The Rock and Samoa Joe in 24:13 by pinfall when Chris Jericho defeated The Rock with the Codebreaker after John “Bradshaw” Layfield distracted The Rock. Chris Jericho makes defense number 7 of his TNA World Heavyweight Title. [A]


Jericho and JBL quickly retreat as The Rock goes after them, Samoa Joe not being far behind. Mick Foley follows down the aisle and stops the champion and JBL, Joe and Rock catching up to them. Foley shakes his head and holds a hand up, stopping any brawl from even starting, then whispers something to The Rock and Samoa Joe. Foley then begins striding towards the ring, walks up the steps and receives a microphone. The other four men now edge towards him...




Foley: I think after tonight, everybody in TNA, be it the people backstage or the fans in the arena tonight and watching at home, have had enough of Layfield, Inc.


The crowd cheers this tremendously...


Foley: Yet my hands are tied. The result stands as is and Chris Jericho is still the TNA World Heavyweight Champion. But ... starting tomorrow on Impact, an eight men tournament will be held over the course of the month to figure out a new top contender for the title to challenge Jericho at Hard Justice. It’s a very fitting name for our next Pay Per View, because at Hard Justice, Chris Jericho will defend his title in a steel cell. Hard Justice at its best, right?


JBL rushes to the announce table and gets a microphone...


JBL: How dare you, Foley? What makes you think I would even sanction such a match?


Foley: You want me to challenge tonight’s decision instead? It’d be difficult to do, yes, but not impossible!


JBL furiously tosses the microphone down, walks over to Jericho who stares at Mick Foley in anger and both men leave ringside, leaving The Rock and Samoa Joe standing in front of the ring while the crowd cheers the three men on. These are the last images of the live feed as TNA Victory Road comes to an end.

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Thanks to you guys for predicting, posting shows is a little slow atm but real life has a tendency for outside interference. Anyways, the results are in:


John Waylon 6/8 (You forgot a pick...)

michgcs 4/9

BHK 1978 4/9


As inevitable as the tide, Impact is up next with all the fallout from Victory Road and this card:




Batista vs Rhino

Tommy Dreamer vs. Desmond Wolfe

Carlito Colon vs. Colt Cabana

Kurt Angle vs. Kazarian

Christopher Daniels vs. Sting

Abyss vs. Rob Van Dam

Samoa Joe vs. MVP

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Damn, I didn't do so well :o And what a bloody ending to AJ Styles vs. Brock Lesnar :eek:


Batista vs Rhino

Tommy Dreamer vs. Desmond Wolfe

Carlito Colon vs. Colt Cabana

Kurt Angle vs. Kazarian

Christopher Daniels vs. Sting

Abyss vs. Rob Van Dam

Samoa Joe vs. MVP

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Got behind on this man, but I've caught back up now. I'm a sucker for tournaments, so can't wait to see who gets a shot at Jericho at Hard Justice. Anyways, on with the predictions:


Batista vs Rhino

One of my early favorites to win the tournament.


Tommy Dreamer vs. Desmond Wolfe

Wolfe has more upside at this point.


Carlito Colon vs. Colt Cabana

I like the potential of a Carlito-Corino TV Title match.


Kurt Angle vs. Kazarian

Angle all the way.


Christopher Daniels vs. Sting

Sting needs momentum back after the loss to Abyss.


Abyss vs. Rob Van Dam

I'm thinking this one could go either way.


Samoa Joe vs. MVP

MVP scored the pinfall on Hogan, but Joe wins this one.

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Batista vs Rhino: Batista


Tommy Dreamer vs. Desmond Wolfe: Desmond Wolfe


Carlito Colon vs. Colt Cabana: Carlito Colon


Kurt Angle vs. Kazarian: Kurt Angle by DQ


Christopher Daniels vs. Sting: Christopher Daniels


Abyss vs. Rob Van Dam: Rob Van Dam


Samoa Joe vs. MVP: No Finish

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Monday Week 1, August 2011



Impact starts with a wild camera ride across the arena as pyros shoot off and we’re taken to the announce booth ...



Tenay: Hello and welcome to another two action packed hours of Impact everybody.


Bischoff: No twenty-four hours after an epic show called Victory Road that furthermore solidified Layfield, Inc’s domination. Not only did Chris Jericho defend his TNA World Heavyweight Title, but The Alpha Legion Tomko and Gallows captured the World Tag Team Championship! It was glorious.


Taz: I wouldn’t call cheating, backstabbing and generally acting like a prick glorious, Eric. Granted though, the people you associate yourself with are generally pricks of epic proportions, so of course, Layfield, Inc .fit the bill here.


Bischoff: Quit being so negative, Taz.


Taz: Can you just...


Before he can finish his sentence, Mick Foley’s music hits and he comes walking down the aisle, followed by The Rock and Samoa Joe. They march towards the ring with a sense of purpose and receive microphones upon entering the squared circle.




Foley: Last night ... was travesty. The Rock and Samoa Joe ... well, at least one of them ... got cheated. Cheated out of being the righteous TNA World Heavyweight Champion! That is a plain and simple fact!


The crowd responds massively to this...


The Rock: The Rock is of course the one who would be champion by now if it wasn’t for that lousy sack of crap JBL! But The Rock has news for you, Layfield, Inc! The Rock is entering that little tournament thing that starts tonight. Then The Rock will go on to win that little tournament thing and be the only top contender for Chris Jericho ... and then, The Rock ...


Joe: Cut it out, damn it. Actually ... KNOW YOUR ROLE .. well you know the drift. Anyways ... do you think I am entering the tournament? Damn well you should think so because tonight, I’m taking on MVP in the first round of the top contender tournament and trust me MVP, I’m as fired and loaded up as humanly possible.


Foley: As you can see, JBL ... everyone is as ready as can be to finally take that belt from Jericho. I can’t wait for the day that happens, trust you me!


This brings out all of Layfield, Inc. as they stop on the ramp, JBL, Jericho, Abyss and Mitchell, The Alpha Legion and Matt Morgan, who looks slightly the worse for wear still from yesterday’s match against Kurt Angle.




JBL: Don’t forget Foley, you stole half of TNA, not all of it! Fine, run your little tournament. By all means if you must. But this title here goes nowhere unless you take it from our cold, dead hands.


Joe: Don’t start giving me ideas, Bradshaw!


Jericho: As if you should run your mouth, Joe. If I remember correctly, you lost last night. Just like The Rock lost ... and I am still YOUR TNA World Heavyweight Champion, the most dominant champion in TNA history! I proved that once again last night at Victory Road.


The Rock: If you Jabronys think The Rock is done with you, you’re wrong. Very, very wrong. The Rock hasn’t even started yet. Jericho, you are nothing without your sugar daddy JBL. If it wasn’t for him, The Rock would now be holding that belt. That’s why The Rock will enjoy facing you in that steel cell at Hard Justice so that The Rock can layeth the smacketh down on you!


Joe: You will have to go through me first, Rocky.


JBL: That’s the spirit, boys! You’re at each other’s throats while Layfield, Inc. is a clearly structured top to bottom hierarchy. Chris is our undisputed champion because we are of singular purpose. That is also why Layfield, Inc., starting tonight, will expand. There are two more titles to be held in TNA and we WILL take them. And you know what, Foley? Once we have all the belts in possession, your 50% ownership of TNA will be absolutely useless.


Foley: We will see about that JBL, we will see about that. In the meantime, rest assured that I will keep both eyes fixed on you. Rest assured that I will do whatever I can to stop your plans from working. You’re a cancer, Bradshaw. I’m the cure!


With that, Layfield, Inc. turn and leave the ramp and head backstage. We cut to a quick commercial and upon returning, the first match of the night starts. [A*]



Batista vs. Rhino

Both men were able to put their incredible strength on display in the early goings of the match, but Batista lived up to his nickname “The Animal” eventually, overpowering Rhino and forcing him into the corner of the ring. Knife edge chops, the crowd responding with chants of “Woo”, and Batista shot Rhino into the ropes. Rhino dodged a clothesline and used the opposite cables to come at Batista with the Gore! But Batista sidestepped it and Rhino went through the ring ropes and fell to the outside. “The Animal” followed, slammed Rhino against the apron and rolled him back into the ring. He picked him up – Batista Bomb! The cover was merely academic at this point – one, two and three!


Batista defeated Rhino in 7:18 by pinfall with the Batista Bomb. [B]


After the win, Batista demands a microphone ...


Batista: Ever since I am in TNA people have asked me which side I pick – Layfield’s or Foley’s. If you must know .. I ain’t picking any sides. I am MY very own faction. I don’t need anybody to get to the very top in TNA. If I have to beat up the entire locker room, so be it. I am sick and tired of all the politics, trust me. I came here to get rid of them, not to get involved once more. What do I find? A rotten cesspool of politics, backstabbing and plotting that’s getting worse week after week. I have had enough already! Jericho, Samoa Joe, Rocky, whoever it is ... if you’re in my way, you have a problem. It’s as simple as that. You can’t stop the animal!


He drops the mic with a thud and leaves the ring. [A]


Tenay: Batista is being all business ever since he came to TNA a while ago. He is known to be a no laughing matter during the best of times, and the current state of affairs he jumped right into when signing his TNA contract is quite obviously annoying him already. Batista is one angry man, actually, an angry animal, and it would be very wise not to mess with him. But can he keep his neutral stance up for long? The problems between Foley and JBL are getting more and more people involved by the week, and I don’t think Batista can stay out of the whole mess for very long.


Taz: The question is ... how will he react once he gets involved involuntarily?


Bischoff: Batista is a smart man ... he will make the right choice, I’m sure of it.


Tenay: Let’s stop the guess-work for now and enjoy the next match instead, shall we?



Tommy Dreamer vs. Desmond Wolfe

Dreamer began strong and had Wolfe in trouble several times. Dreamer was utilizing his superior strength nicely and had Wolfe contained until Tommy went for a running big boot to crush Wolfe in the corner of the ring – Wolfe moved away and Dreamer smashed awkwardly into the turnbuckles. Wolfe leapt to the top rope and dropped Tommy with a flying drop kick. With the crowd cheering on Dreamer, Wolfe was measuring him – then charged and absolutely nailed Dreamer with the Jawbreaker Lariat! Tommy Dreamer lay motionless and Wolfe hooked the leg for the pin – one, two and three!


Desmond Wolfe defeated Tommy Dreamer in 8:29 by pinfall with the Jawbreaker Lariat. [B]


After the win, we follow Desmond Wolfe on his way backstage as he goes back to his locker room. He opens the door and inside, waiting for him sitting on a chair is no other than John “Bradshaw” Layfield.




JBL: Impressive win, Desmond. Good stuff!


Wolfe: You didn’t come here to tell me that, did you?


JBL: Well no, I didn’t. Do you realize how far removed you are still from a shot at a belt?


Wolfe: I ... don’t.


JBL: Unfortunately so, Des. But I know of ways to accelerate things a little ... or a little more.


Wolfe: Well, that sounds nice of course, but you are being a bit vague here. What do you want from me?


JBL: I intend on expansion, Des. You know, a successful business endeavor can’t get stale. As a man of many traits, that’s where you come into the picture. I have been monitoring you, watching you perform week after week and truth be told, you’re exactly who I am looking for. Layfield, Inc. has an open spot for you Des, and I am here to recruit and hire you. Are you interested?


Wolfe: What is my gain?


JBL: Oh I like that attitude, Des. All that ambition ... your gain? I could make you the top contender to the X-Division title, how about that for a start?


Wolfe looks to be thinking hard ...


JBL: So?


Desmond Wolfe says nothing and instead, offers a handshake ... JBL accepts it.


JBL: Welcome to Layfield, Inc. Trust me you won’t regret your choice of allegiance.


JBL gets up and out of the room, leaving Wolfe alone who grins wickedly as we go back to the arena. [B+]


Bischoff: Colleges would love to have JBL as a recruiter! Layfield, Inc. just got a new member ... Desmond Wolfe is nothing short of amazing in the ring, so it’s only natural that Mr. Layfield would sign him. Layfield, Inc’s gain is Foley’s loss.


Taz: Unfortunately you’re right this time, Bisch. Wolfe is one hell of a performer. But if this means he’ll eventually square off with Douglas Williams, everyone will benefit truth be told. I can’t wait for that encounter should it come to pass.


Tenay: The battle of Britain so to speak. Let’s see how it plays out but for now, let’s get going forward with the next match.



Carlito Colon vs. Colt Cabana

Both men met eye to eye starting out the match, with a slight advantage for Cabana even. Carlito appeared upset at the defiance shown to him and began to make complaining to referee Rudy Charles a habit. This caused Cabana to be kept off balance and out of his rhythm. The fans noticed Colon’s gameplan and were booing him at the top of their lungs, and it seemed to bring Cabana back into the match when he slammed Carlito face first into the top turnbuckle repeatedly, the fans counting along. Colt moved to the top rope and came flying with a cross body, the momentum however turning the following pinfall around with Carlito on top – Cabana got a shoulder up with no second to spare. Both got up and Cabana reached to grab Carlito who ducked, then stood behind Colt. Back Cracker! Carlito instantly went for the pin ... one, two, three.


Carlito Colon defeated Colt Cabana in 7:04 by pinfall with the Back Cracker. [B]


Carlito celebrates his win as Steve Corino’s theme song hits and he comes walking down the aisle with a microphone, arrives at ringside and gets in the ring.




Corino: Hey Carli. You want this I’m guessing? (lifts his title belt).


Carlito: You’re smarter than I thought, Steve.


Corino: So let me take another wild guess ... you’re in league with Layfiend, Inc.? How else would you get a title shot so quickly?


Taz: Layfiend! I like that!


Carlito: Scared, much?


Corino: Not of you, not of Bradshaw, not of the whole bunch of his. I couldn’t care less for who my challenger is, Carli, because there’s ALWAYS a challenger. Might as well be you.


With that, Corino drops his microphone, walks past Carlito and leaves. Carlito looks after him with pure arrogance on his face as we go straight back to the ring for the next match... [B]



Kurt Angle vs. Kazarian

Angle started methodically as usual, Kaz answering with a more flashy approach to the match. Both had momentum on their side as it kept changing back and forth, but Angle’s fury eventually overwhelmed Kazarian. Kaz got out of a rear naked choke by getting a hold of the ropes and came back with an uppercut that rocked Angle. A bulldog dropped Angle face first but the cover only went for two. Kaz picked him up, or better yet he tried to, but Angle got a hold of both boots and pulled Kaz down, swiftly turning him and from out of nowhere applied the Ankle Lock! What a faint! Kaz struggled, wincing in pain ... and tapped out!


Kurt Angle defeated Kazarian in 7:51 by submission with the Ankle Lock. [A]




Kurt Angle celebrates his win with the fans as Abyss and Matt Morgan suddenly come rushing to the ring! They enter the ring from different angles and attack instantly. At first, Angle manages to fend them off but the odds don’t work in his favor and he is beaten to the mat quickly. Morgan executes the F-5 and Angle is spread eagled! They do not seem to have enough however ... Abyss lands the Blackhole Slam for good measure! James Mitchell soaks in the boos of the crowd as finally, Morgan and Abyss seem to be done and leave the ring. Paramedics come running to tend to Kurt Angle as we go to the booth... [A]


Taz: What the hell was that all about? Angle beat Morgan fair and square last night! This attack was absolutely uncalled for.


Tenay: I think we’ll find out what it’s all about soon enough. Layfield, Inc. don’t just so attack someone for no reason. I don’t condone this assault either as you will know Taz, but the one thing Layfield, Inc. are not is a bunch of thugs.


Bischoff: Thank you Mike for clarifying that.


We move away from the broadcast booth as the next match of the night begins...



Christopher Daniels vs. Sting

Sting went balls to the wall and Daniels found no means to fight back, and it stayed like this for some time in the match. Sting was in total control, dominating the Fallen Angel neat as you please, but Christopher Daniels kept denying the pinfall. The Stinger Splash into the corner was good for a nearfall only, and Sting slammed the mat in frustration as he got back up. Daniels slowly regained his wits but Sting came at him again, this time however being caught by surprise with a boot to the midsection and from out of nowhere, The Angel’s Wings. Daniels had picked the perfect moment to hit home with his finisher and went for the three count!


Christopher Daniels defeated Sting in 8:08 by pinfall with the Angel’s Wings. [B-]


After his win and Sting departing in frustration and anger, Daniels gets on the microphone ...


Daniels: Tonight is the first night of the Fallen Angel’s way back to the top. Victory Road ... means nothing anymore. It’s over and gone. Christopher Daniels will come back stronger than ever! And once I am back to where I should be, I am coming for you again, Corino ... or Carlito ... or even Chris Jericho (the crowd cheers him for this). You can’t keep the Fallen Angel down!

He drops the microphone and leaves.


The broadcast goes backstage where Hulk Hogan is standing by with Rob Van Dam.




Hogan: Rob, brother, tonight you can start something great. You can go all the way to a title shot and I’d be more than happy for you.


RVD: Hulk I ... you know it means a lot to me coming from you. Know that you can count on me as far as MVP and Anderson are concerned ...


Just as he mentions them, Anderson and MVP walk in front of the camera...




MVP: Bit of a pep talk here, hm? I didn’t realize you still needed that sort of stuff, RVD. Guess I was wrong but hey ... great to have you in that tournament. I hope we’ll meet eventually so that I can personally knock you out.


Anderson: Hey man, I want to do that. It’s my turn...


RVD: You two better do your own homework first. You’re fighting Samoa Joe tonight, eh MVP? The guy with the Muscle Buster. The guy who has held all titles in TNA before.


MVP: So? I’ll walk right over him, trust me. And should you advance, the same fate awaits you, Van Dam. Nothing can stop me!


They get into an intense staredown before Hogan and RVD walk off, Van Dam having to get ready for his top contender tournament match. But first – commercials. As we return to the broadcast, RVD is on... [A]



Abyss vs. Rob Van Dam

Abyss had some difficulties to get his power to work in his favor because Rob Van Dam was just so fast. RVD kept dodging the monster while getting stinging shots in, and slowly but constantly, he took solid control of the match with only bursts of Abyss’ offense working for the big man. James Mitchell was close to rioting on the outside as he had expected this to be vastly different than it was. RVD however then went to the top rope and came flying with a cross body and Abyss, staggering previously after a mighty superkick straight to the jaw, caught RVD in mid air and crashed him with a Powerbomb. This changed the fortunes dramatically and now Abyss was working over RVD, his strength telling. RVD had to endure quite some punishment now which lead to a few nearfalls, yet Van Dam either got a foot on the rope or a shoulder up before the count of three. Then, Mr. Anderson came down to the ring just when Abyss boot choked RVD on the ropes. Referee Brian Hebner warned Abyss, and Mr. Anderson used this gap in the ref’s attention for a shot with a set of brass knuckles. When Hebner turned to RVD again, Anderson just shrugged. Abyss picked RVD up and executed the Blackhole Slam for good measure – one, two and three!


Abyss defeated Rob Van Dam in 12:24 by pinfall with the Blackhole Slam after Mr. Anderson ran in and attacked Rob Van Dam. [B]


RVD slowly gets back up as Abyss and James Mitchell walk back up the aisle, the crowd booing them out of the building. Mr. Anderson has a smug grin on his face and disappears as well, leaving Van Dam to his misery of being knocked out of the tournament.


We cut to a video with scenes from the mayhem that was Brock Lesnar versus AJ Styles at Victory Road before we go to the announcers. [B+]


Tenay: We have been informed that neither AJ Styles or Brock Lesnar are medically cleared to be wrestling tonight after their encounter at Victory Road. However, they’ll be back next week on Impact where both men will compete in the top contender tournament. AJ Styles will take on Mr. Anderson and Brock Lesnar goes one on one with no other than the great one, The Rock! That’s two incredible first round matches next week on Impact!


Taz: Yeah, that will be incredible indeed, but we’re not even finished tonight! The main event is waiting for us folks and it's the next tournament match!


With that, we go to the ring ...



Samoa Joe vs. MVP

Joe instantly dominated MVP to start the match and MVP eventually fled out of the ring. Joe followed and tossed and threw him around ringside until he had to get back into the ring to prevent a countout. Joe continued the assault until MVP managed to reverse a whip in and crashed Joe into and over the ringsteps. MVP got back into the ring and raised his arms to a massive chorus of boos from the crowd. He apparently tried to get Joe counted out but it didn’t work as Joe got back into the ring at the count of eight. MVP took control from here on, working over Joe but not managing anything decisive as Joe kept kicking out of several pinfall attempts. The momentum changed back to Samoa Joe eventually, but MVP regained the upper hand with a low blow and the match went to the outside once more after referee Earl Hebner was knocked out when Joe leveled him with an errant clothesline. MVP went to pick up a chair from the timekeeper table and measured Joe as Hulk Hogan came marching down the aisle. MVP turned his attention to the Hulkster, threatening him with his weapon. Hogan had some choice words for MVP who in turn kept approaching the Hulkster with his chair. Joe got up in MVP’s back, looking furious. He grabbed the chair out of MVP’s hands and leveled him! Joe rolled MVP back into the ring ... and followed with the Muscle Buster! The fans loved this. Joe dragged Hebner back up and a slow three count saw Joe win the match!


Samoa Joe defeated MVP in 14:15 by pinfall with the Muscle Buster. During the match, we also had Hulk Hogan run in to distract MVP. [B+]


Joe celebrates shortly, but is well aware that this was only a first round match in the tournament and leaves, the fans cheering him on massively. We go backstage into JBL’s office where Bradshaw and Jericho were watching the match on monitor ...




JBL: Guy won’t let go, hm?


Jericho: Never, ever.


They are about to get up and leave as Mick Foley comes into the room and speaks in a cheerful tone ...




Foley: That was great, no? Actually, the entire tournament was a great idea if I may say so. We want to find the best man possible to fight you for your belt, right Chris?


Jericho: ... Right.


JBL: You came here to tell us that?


Foley: Actually, no. I came here to tell you of another idea I had. See, with all those guys in the tournament being busy and all, I as a responsible partner have to see to it that every TNA employee has something to do, right? I took the liberty of booking a match for Chris for next week.


JBL and Jericho look at Foley astonished...


Foley: I got a little annoyed by your associates taking out Kurt Angle earlier tonight. I guess it’s only fitting that I would give Kurt a chance to, you know, get back at them. Interestingly enough, when I talked to him a few minutes ago, he wanted to take on both Abyss and Matt Morgan. But nah, I thought, no handicap match. I then added two more guys to that match and you, Chris. So it’ll be Chris Jericho, Abyss and Matt Morgan versus Kurt Angle, me ... yeah, I have felt a bit of an itch again, don’t ask ... and Dave Batista!


Jericho, JBL: WHAT?


Foley: That’s great, no? But if you are otherwise busy, you can of course turn the match down and .. explain to everyone viewing at home and in the audience tonight why. I’ll leave that up to you.


Mick Foley smiles from ear to ear as he leaves.


Jericho: This is getting ridiculous.


JBL: I know, I know! I’ll think of something ... we have a whole week after all!


With this, the segment fades out and TNA Impact comes to a close as we cut to credits. [B+]


Post Show:

D’Angelo Dinero defeated Super Dragon in 5:46 by pinfall with the Dinero Express. [D]

The Alpha Legion defeated Team 3D in 7:21 by pinfall with the Alpha Strike. [D+]

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Thank you guys for reading and predicting, much appreciated as always. The results from this round:


michgcs: 6/7

TheBlake: 6/7

BHK1978: 6/7

bcwildcatjohn: 5/7

olympia: 5/7

Kijar: 4/7


In breaking news, Matt Hardy requested his immediate release from TNA as he claimed to "not be happy there" and he had his release granted. (OOC: shrug)


The card for Monday Week 2, August 2011:




Top Contender Tournament Round One:

AJ Styles vs. Mr. Anderson


Shelton Benjamin vs. Brian Kendrick


Carlito Colon vs. Tommy Dreamer


Chris Jericho, Abyss and Matt Morgan vs. Kurt Angle, Batista and Mick Foley

Top Contender Tournament Round One:

Brock Lesnar vs. The Rock

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Great stuff as always, and loved the end of the show with the huge 6-man tag being set up for next week. You've got a wrestler, a hardcore legend, and a beast on the good guy team. That's pretty much the perfect combination!


EDIT: Ooohhh, and I missed the commentary bit about Brock vs. Rock somehow. Big show next week!

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Top Contender Tournament Round One:

AJ Styles vs. Mr. Anderson


Shelton Benjamin vs. Brian Kendrick


Carlito Colon vs. Tommy Dreamer


Chris Jericho, Abyss and Matt Morgan vs. Kurt Angle, Batista and Mick Foley


Top Contender Tournament Round One:

Brock Lesnar vs. The Rock

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(you didn't count my predictions for this last show, btw :o)


Top Contender Tournament Round One:

AJ Styles vs. Mr. Anderson


Shelton Benjamin vs. Brian Kendrick


Carlito Colon vs. Tommy Dreamer


Chris Jericho, Abyss and Matt Morgan vs. Kurt Angle, Batista and Mick Foley


Top Contender Tournament Round One:

Brock Lesnar vs. The Rock

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