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North of the Border Pro Wrestling: Dan Stone and the Stone Family

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Momentum typically comes from winning matches (having good ratings helps) and being in highly rated segments. For youngsters, you don't want to push them too far too fast as they will change personalities and refuse to lose. With NOTBPW, you have a VERY good Main Event scene with Jeremy/DSJ/McFly/DeColt/JB/Angel. Those 6 workers should be able to have good matches up top and provide good ratings. There really isn't a reason to rush any young wrestlers along, as tempting as it might be. Let them improve their skills in the undercard and slowly get over versus getting shoved down the fans' throats. Keep an eye on their popularity and move them up as they get more popular.


Think about the Rock. He came in and his first few pushes fizzled. It wasn't until he established himself and found his persona that he took off. If he came in and was given wins over HBK, Bret, etc right off the bat, there's nothing for him to accomplish later on.


I imagine you've had some wrestlers disagree with your results. This will make them unhappy and make them not want to come back and work or reduce their grades in matches/segments because they aren't happy. They typically don't like losing to people way below them down the card.

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Momentum typically comes from winning matches (having good ratings helps) and being in highly rated segments. For youngsters, you don't want to push them too far too fast as they will change personalities and refuse to lose. With NOTBPW, you have a VERY good Main Event scene with Jeremy/DSJ/McFly/DeColt/JB/Angel. Those 6 workers should be able to have good matches up top and provide good ratings. There really isn't a reason to rush any young wrestlers along, as tempting as it might be. Let them improve their skills in the undercard and slowly get over versus getting shoved down the fans' throats. Keep an eye on their popularity and move them up as they get more popular.


Think about the Rock. He came in and his first few pushes fizzled. It wasn't until he established himself and found his persona that he took off. If he came in and was given wins over HBK, Bret, etc right off the bat, there's nothing for him to accomplish later on.


I imagine you've had some wrestlers disagree with your results. This will make them unhappy and make them not want to come back and work or reduce their grades in matches/segments because they aren't happy. They typically don't like losing to people way below them down the card.


Thanks! Yeah, I definitely am not looking for the youngsters to get ones over those Main Event guys yet. The ratings for wrestlers will update each month? They do not update after a show do they? Thanks again for your help.

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  • 2 weeks later...



Later tonight, we will see the backlash from The Big City Brawl PPV. Will Mcfly get redemption? Plus, Steve DeColt discusses his new alliance with Johnny Bloodstone.

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Episode 5

Week 1 Feb 2010


The Pengrowth Place in The Prairies Region

2,000 Attendance


London: You are watching NOTBPW Championship Wrestling! We are fresh off of the "Big City Brawl" PPV 3 nights ago that saw Steve DeColt retain his World Title with a little help from Johnny Bloodstone who himself became the first North American Champion.


Townsend: As I predicted London, both men walked out of The Brawl as champions. Jimmy the Greek has nothing on me!

London: Speaking of the devils.....both men are in the ring now and apparently have something to say.

Segment 1

(World Champ Steve DeColt and North American Champ Johnny Bloodstone in the ring in suits and sunglasses)


DeColt says that he is tired of trying to fight through the entire Stone Family and their meddling ways and since his own blood relatives refuse to work for Dan Stone, he has decided to start his own family in NOTBPW. His new family is "The DeColt Elite" and Johnny Bloodstone is the first member to join but he won't be the last.


Bloodstone says he really did not want to become the focus of the Mcfly/DeColt match on the PPV but since Victoria Stone insisted on flirting with him at ringside and begging him to leave with her, that he was thrown into the spotlight. (DeColt and Bloodstone laugh)

Score: 86


Segment 2


Davis Wayne Newton vs. Mighty Cavanaugh

Winner: Newton at 6:44 via the STF

Score 50

Segment 3


Video of Sean Mcfly pulling up to the arena in his car


London: Mcfly is here!


Townsend: He does not look happy.....I bet he is still upset over Victoria lusting over Bloodstone at the PPV. That would be embarrassing.

London: Are you crazy?! Stop it Townsend!


Score 77


Segment 4

Tag Team Title Match


The Brotha Hood (Haynes and Brown) vs. Lord James King and Erik Strong

http://i274.photobucket.com/albums/jj259/joshgilbert76/NOTB/HarlemHaynes.jpghttp://i274.photobucket.com/albums/jj259/joshgilbert76/NOTB/OmarBrown.jpg vs http://i274.photobucket.com/albums/jj259/joshgilbert76/NOTB/GentlemanJimKing.jpg

Winner: Brotha Hood at 7:14 via submission with the Anaconda Vice by Brown on King

Score 55


Segment 5


Dark Angel vs. Acid

Winner: Acid at 6:25

Score 74


London: Wow, the fans are really giving it to Angel again. We saw this at the PPV. Acid requested the rematch tonight from the PPV because he saw something in Dark Angel that he knew he could exploit.


Townsend: There is something not right with Angel and as dumb as these fans are, they still can sense it!



Segment 6

http://i274.photobucket.com/albums/jj259/joshgilbert76/NOTB/MainstreamHernandez.jpg [

Mainstream Hernandez vs. John Maverick

Winner : Maverick

Score 68


Segment 7

Sean Mcfly turns a corner backstage and spots Steve DeColt at the far end of the backstage garage area. DeColt spots Mcfly and takes off running and jumps into his limo and drives off. Mcfly jumps into his car and chases after him.


Score 86

London: Mcfly is upset! He wants another piece of DeColt!

Townsend: Mcfly is gonna kill someone chasing DeColt like that in an automobile! He ought to be in jail right now!

Segment 8


North American Title Match


Johnny Bloodstone vs. Jeremy Stone


(back and forth match, good action in ring……Stone has several near pins on Bloodstone and is setting him up for the Stone Ankle Hold)


London: Mcfly is back! He just entered the arena and he is heading this way ! (Crowd cheers as Mcfly comes running down the ramp)


(Mcfly enters the ring and attacks Bloodstone, ref calls for the bell. Mcfly beats the hell out of Bloodstone, who finally escapes. Mcfly turns around to see his brother in law, Jeremy Stone very upset because he was about to win the match via submission. Jeremy gets nose to nose with Mcfly. Victoria Stone comes to the ring to separate her brother and her boyfriend)


Winner: Bloodstone via DQ

Score: 97


Score of Mcfly fighting Bloodstone 85

(Fade to black, show ends)

Show Score 85

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Week 1 Feb 2010

- Critics are calling NOTBPW Big City Brawl a big success despite the .35 buyrate. NOTBPW Championship Wrestling dipped in the ratings with a 1.01 for Episode 5.

- Tommy Cornell was the star of TCW Malice In Wonderland


- NOTBPW has signed Manager Carl Batch, and wrestlers Roger Cage Joey Beauchamp and Ash Campbell to PPA contracts. Jay Chord rejected negotiations with Dan Stone.

-SWF will bring back their “Uprising” series next season

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Screwy finishes in NOTBPW are not good. The fans specifically want clean finishes, having DQs, count outs etc. is going to annoy them ALOT. We've seen Steve DeColt vs. Jeremy Stone get a 44, it was a dark match but I didn't know that was possible. Even worse Johnny Bloodstone vs. Jeremy 46 rating, they should be in the 90s, or atleast high 80s.


The writing is good but the grades are bad even on clean finishes it seems, Dark Angel vs. Hell Monkey, for example what sort of agent notes are you using?

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I do not recall specifically as I am 4 or 5 episodes ahead of what I actually have posted. I was trying not to overbook, simply keeping talent strong and deciding the winners is what I have done lately. My scores seemed to have lowered with less input from me.


I have put few instructions in for the road agent hoping that the agent would do a better job but it appears that I need to give more instructions. That may be the reason for some of the lower scores. I have all the way up through Episode 10 written.


I am thinking that if I want to write a screwy finish, I may have to leave it off of the actual match so it does not bring down the score but just post it in the show.


I am still tinkering with it. I am growing frustrated with NOTBPW as I want to be able to add more creativity and this is not the promotion for doing that. I may be able do more if Dan Stone retires. I can mold it into more of my vision for the promotion. I am leaning toward starting with a promotion more conducive to my style. I like TCW but I don't think they are real angle friendly either from what I have heard. I am looking at CGC or USPW.

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One thing that I have run into that is hindering my scores is that for my promotion settings, I should have a danger set between 55-60 and Dan Stone will not allow me to raise it above 40.


Is there anyway that I will be able to mold NOTBPW into what I want it to be or is it not possible?

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Episode 6

Week 2 Feb 2010


King Edward Multiplex in British Columbia

Attendance 3,916




London: Coming to you this week from the King Edward Multiplex in British Columbia. This is NOTBPW Championship Wrestling. Tommy London along with “Terrific” Tom Townsend. We will see the World Champ, Steve DeColt in non title action here against Tim Westybrook. But our Main Event will see Sean Mcfly take on Johnny Bloodstone in a non title match.

Townsend: Let’s hope Victoria Stone can keep her hands off of Bloodstone this week. She wants him so bad.

London: Oh my god Townsend, you are disgusting!

Segment 1


Steve DeColt is backstage with Bloodstone furious about Mcfly chasing him from the arena last week. He wants Bloodstone to take care of Mcfly once and for all in tonight's Main Event

Score 96


Segment 2

http://i274.photobucket.com/albums/jj259/joshgilbert76/NOTB/DarkAngel.jpg ] http://i274.photobucket.com/albums/jj259/joshgilbert76/NOTB/JohnMaverick-1.jpg

Dark Angel vs. John Maverick

Winner: Maverick at 8:04 via count out

Score 74


Segment 3

London: Dark Angel looks lost and is hearing it from these fans.

Townsend: A huge win for Newton. Angel is really upset though.

London: What, what is that? What are Steve DeColt and Bloodstone doing down here?!

(DeColt steps into the ring with Dark Angel)


DeColt: DeColt calls Angel by his real name, Cliff. He tells Angel that it is time to ditch these fans and join the DeColt Elite, people who truly appreciate how great of a performer he is. He tells Angel that it will be a great move for his career and for his wallet and pulls out an envelope full of money.

(Angel doesn’t say anything and drops the money at DeColts feet and walks out of the ring and back up the ramp)


London: DeColt cannot buy Dark Angel! He isn’t going to turn his back on these fans.

Townsend: I don’t understand why not, they have been giving him hell for weeks.


Segment 4

Non Title Match


Steve DeColt vs. Tim Westybrook

Winner: DeColt at 6:24 with the DeColt Stampede

Score 78



Segment 5


Dan Stone Jr. vs. Acid

Winner: Stone at 9:26 via Stone Ankle Stretch

Score 90


Segment 6

Non Title Match


Johnny Bloodstone vs. Sean Mcfly

Winner: Mcfly at 8:53 with a quick roll up

Score 84

London: Mcfly with the win!


Townsend: He had the tights , London! How do you like your boy now?! He had to cheat to win!


London: Oh and here comes DeColt to the ring! DeColt and Bloodstone are beating down Sean Mcfly! DeColt wants him out of commission for good! The PPV sure didn't settle this feud! Look at Bloodstone pull Victoria out of the way as she tries to protect Mcfly! DeColt continues the carnage!


Townsend: I love it London! Sean Mcfly is paying the price for messing with "The DeColt Elite"!


London: Here comes help! Jeremy Stone is on his way armed with a steel chair! Get em Jeremy, get em! Stone is gonna hit DeColt! Oh no, DeColt moves and the chair levels Mcfly! Oh no! Mcfly is a bloody mess and DeColt and Bloodstone escape! What an unfortunate accident!


Townsend: Accident? I am not so sure that was an accident London. Don't forget that Mcfly cost Stone a win last week for the North American Title! I think that was retribution for Jeremy.


London: I cannot believe what you are implying Tom! They are family! It was an accident!


(Camera shows Jeremy kneeling over Mcfly, show ends)


DeColt fighting Mcfly Score 87

Stone Hitting Mcfly with chair Score 85

(End Show)

Show Score 82, an advertised match (Jett vs Cavanaugh) did not occur

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I look at NOTBPW as a very old school promotion, along the lines of All Japan Pro Wrestling pre-2000. That being said, here are a few of the must do things in order to improve match grades if you stick with them:


1 - CLEAN FINISHES (pinfall or submission) - dqs, countouts, etc will KILL the match grades - if you want to write a shmoze finish for the diary, that's fine, but in the game, anything less than a clean pin or submission is going to hurt your match


2 - LONGER MATCHES - nothing less than 10 minutes for the most part and your Main Events should easily be pushing 30 minutes


3 - AGENT NOTES - I typically use - Victor, Decisive Finish, Call in Ring/Script (depending on the workers in the match - ie Mcfly vs Bloodstone should be a Call in the Ring, if the match is longer than 20 minutes then use Slow Build, if it's 8-10 minutes, use All Out


4 - STOP PUSHING PPA TALENT - In one of your last shows, you put Monkey over Dark Angel - Dark Angel is a)on a written deal, b)a dang fine wrestler and c) one of your upper midcard/main event guys - by putting HM over him, you've a)improved someone's popularity that you don't control, b)hurt Angel's popularity, and c) probably upset Angel with having to put someone over who is well below him in the pecking order (did you get a note that Angel didn't like the way the match was booked?). Now if you're doing some Lyger booking and putting HM over to make him a bigger deal when Angel pins him, that's fine, but if it's a one off with no followup, then it's not really worth it.


5 - PERCEIVED PECKING ORDER - If you layout their talent, here are you top end guys -


DeColt, DSJ, Jermey, McFly, JB, Angel, Hayes, Maverick


Those 8 should be hanging around the top of your cards and anyone below them winning a match against them should be a HUGE deal. This goes back to what I said about AJPW and how they had a clearly defined top of the card. These are the guys that draw money and put on the 90+ match grades. I'm not saying you should only feature them, but they are the foundation of your promotion.


6 - MEGAPUSH - as tempting as it is to shoot young talent (Monkey, Newton, Lover) up the ladder, they won't a) be over enough or b)capable of having high end matches with other Main Eventers. Also, they aren't under written deals so as soon as they catch the attention of SWF, TCW, or PGHW, they'll be signed to a written deal and you'll have built them up for nothing. Use those guys to help your written guys (Strong for one) improve and be better. In one of my NOTBPW games, Strong/Newton are a low end tag team. They lose matches quiet frequently to other teams, but they are also under 25 years old and have plenty of time to grow into main eventers.


If you're not happy with how the owner wants you to run the promotion, then you may be correct in using another promotion. I think USPW will allow you to use more of the ideas you want to incorporate. NOTBPW is more of a "competition" based fed, very similar to Ring of Honor. Guys get over by winning matches. You can have some small angles, but the in-ring stuff will determine your card grades for the most part.


Hope this helps. Sorry for the long post, but NOTBPW is probably my favorite promotion and has been since TEW first came out.


EDIT:Your writing is good and I can kinda see where you are going with some of the matches/angles. Unfortunately, it might be that your way of running the promotion is not compatible with NOTBPW's promotion settings and who they have to work with. Most of the workers are not good at promos/angles unless they focus on overness.

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Booker, thank you so much for that. I never really took the PPA into account vs the written guys. It is a very good and valid point. I need to keep that in mind regardless of what promotion I am in.


As much as I love the NOTBPW roster and their main guys, I think I need to find another one that is more conducive to my style.


You mentioned USPW; Would CGC be a good promotion for my style as well? I hate to end this one with NOTBPW. I have not decided. I may just do the matches on the game and then add some of my angles in the posts if I continue with NOTBPW.


Thanks again!

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Not a big fan of the USPW or CGC roster after looking them over. Going to stick with this I think and keep angles for the most part to the diary itself and keeping the game to mostly matches.


I am going to go back and re-book my shows to correct some mistakes. Plus, I am going to start out as the owner so when Dan Stone retires, maybe that will allow me to make some changes to style.


Thanks guys for your input.

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I will post some edits in previous shows for you to go back and see. I am not going to add all of the pics again. I did change the times of matches and it appears to be paying off. They are not reflected in the edits. So far, Episodes 1-2 have been edited.
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Something else to do is read the dirt sheet notes for each match. It's the button beside the Next button. This will give you an idea of what is/is not working, whether it's match length, booking notes, etc. It will also give you ideas on who has good chemistry as well.
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Those of you following, I have modified Episode 6 so you will want to read that again.


I edited the other shows. I did not change the time of matches in the diary but they are longer on the shows I re-ran. It has made a big different.


I thank you guys for your help.


Updated Ratings from shows being re-ran


1) 1.33

2) 1.30

3) 1.30

4) 1.31

Big City Brawl PPV .37 buyrate

5) 1.24

6) 1.29


Everything is caught up.

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