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Ultimate Wrestling League 3.0: It Won't Die!

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Team Name: Team Stiff As Fudge

Led By: Huntman


Captain: Kenta Kobashi

Wrestler 2: Toshiaki Kawada

Wrestler 3: Masahiro Chono

Wrestler 4: Takeshi Morishima

Wrestler 5: Keiji Mutoh

Reserves: Go Shiozaki, Giant Bernard, and Koji Kanemoto


Team Name: The Straight Edge Brotherhood

Led By: MichiganHero


Captain: CM Punk

Wrestler 2: Tim Donst

Wrestler 3: Chris Sabin

Wrestler 4: Delirious

Wrestler 5: Frightmare

Reserves: Steve Corino, Alex Shelley, and Paul Burchill


Team Name: Northern Touch

Led By: Phreak


Captain: Chris Jericho

Wrestler 2: Edge

Wrestler 3:Rob Van Dam

Wrestler 4:Lance Storm

Wrestler 5: Christian

Reserves: Bobby Roode, Petey Williams, and El Vampiro


Team Name: Men of Honor

Led By: 1234


Captain: Nigel McGuinness

Wrestler 2: Davey Richards

Wrestler 3: Bryan Danielson

Wrestler 4: Low-Ki

Wrestler 5: Roderick Strong

Reserves: Chris Hero, Christopher Daniels, and Eddie Edwards


Team Name: Who Wants a Mustache Ride?

Led By: smurphy1014


Captain: "The Hollywood Submission Machine" Joey Ryan

Wrestler 2: "The Shaman of Sexy" John Morrison

Wrestler 3: Shelton Benjamin

Wrestler 4: Charlie Haas

Wrestler 5: Kevin Steen

Reserves: Mark Briscoe, Jay Briscoe, and Kota Ibushi




Team Name: WWE Studios

Led By: The Final Countdown


Captain: The Rock

Wrestler 2: Triple H

Wrestler 3: John Cena

Wrestler 4: Big Show

Wrestler 5: Randy Orton

Reserves: Steve Austin, Kane, and Ted Dibiase Jr.


Team Name: Team Destiny

Led By: Destiny


Captain: Kofi Kingston

Wrestler 2: Wade Barrett

Wrestler 3: David Otunga

Wrestler 4: Michael McGuillicutty

Wrestler 5: The Miz

Reserves: Santino Marella, Vladimir Kozlov, and Dolph Ziggler


Team Name: MPTSBSIHPT (Team More Powerful Than Superman, Batman, Spider-Man, and the Incredible Hulk Put Together)

Led By: guyver3


Captain: Naomichi Marufuji

Wrestler 2: Prince Devitt

Wrestler 3: AJ Styles

Wrestler 4: Drew McIntyre

Wrestler 5: Kenny Omega

Reserves: Tyler Black, KENTA, and Austin Aries


Team Name: 12 Large Brother

Led By: SWF Fan


Captain: Claudio Castagnoli

Wrestler 2: Eddie Kingston

Wrestler 3: Mike Quackenbush

Wrestler 4: Sugar Dunkenton

Wrestler 5: Brodie Lee

Reserves: Dasher Hatfield, Vin Gerard, and Colin Delaney


Team Name: La Hermandad de Latino

Led By: LordJaguar


Captain: Juventud Guerrera

Wrestler 2: Psicosis

Wrestler 3: Halloween

Wrestler 4: Hernandez

Wrestler 5: Damien 666

Reserves: Crazy Boy, Super Crazy, and Silver King



A - Team Stiff As Fudge

B - The Straight Edge Brotherhood

C - Northern Touch

D - Men of Honor

E - Who Wants a Mustache Ride?


A - WWE Studios

B - Team Destiny


D - 12 Large Brother

E - La Hermandad de Latino


A vs. B, C vs. D, E off

A vs. C, B vs. E, D off

A vs. D, C vs. E, B off

B vs. C, D vs. E, A off

A vs. E, B vs. D, C off


Finally. If there are any questions or you spot any mistakes, just let me know and I'll answer/fix them.

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A little late to the dance, but I would have suggested you picking as well. After all, it is YOUR dynasty. And this will allow you to story build of your own accord and keep your interest. Alternative to that I would say randomizer, as allowing the game to pick it will just pick the more over wrestler and thats no fun.


Looking forward to the first show!

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Last week 1234, are you ready to feel the power of straightedge? :D


And Team Stiff as Fudge, are you ready? :p


Team Stiff as Fudge is always ready.




Card for Night 1 will be up after this. I just need to tweak some final things.

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Last week 1234, are you ready to feel the power of straightedge? :D


And Team Stiff as Fudge, are you ready? :p


My men are always ready for a fight, and your men will feel the wrath of the Division A champions. :D


I don't care how Stiff, Un-Straightedge, Canadian or Mustache'y the team we face is, we will always win. :cool:

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Saturday, Week Two, January 2011

UWL 1, Night 1: Team Stiff As Fudge vs. The Straight Edge Brotherhood


Main Event

http://i56.tinypic.com/213f0gx.jpg VS. http://i53.tinypic.com/161l2mt.jpg

Kenta Kobashi Versus CM Punk


Also Featuring


Toshiaki Kawada Vs. Frightmare

Takeshi Morishima Vs. Delirious

Keiji Mutoh Vs. Chris Sabin

Masahiro Chono Vs. Tim Donst


Sunday, Week Two, January 2011

UWL 1, Night 2: Northern Touch Vs. Men of Honor


Main Event

http://i55.tinypic.com/2qcmkjt.jpg VS. http://i51.tinypic.com/1s0dp1.jpg

Chris Jericho Versus Nigel McGuinness


Also Featuring


Christian Vs. Bryan Danielson

Lance Storm Vs. Low-Ki

Rob Van Dam Vs. Davey Richards

Edge Vs. Roderick Strong


Prediction Key

Night 1

Kenta Kobashi Vs. CM Punk

Toshiaki Kawada Vs. Frightmare

Takeshi Morishima Vs. Delirious

Keiji Mutoh Vs. Chris Sabin

Masahiro Chono Vs. Tim Donst


Night 2

Chris Jericho Versus Nigel McGuinness

Christian Vs. Bryan Danielson

Lance Storm Vs. Low-Ki

Rob Van Dam Vs. Davey Richards

Edge Vs. Roderick Strong



With Team Stiff As Fudge winning each match, there'd be no point in predicting in Night 1 ;) But seriously. Predict away. There may be a prize for the person who gets the most correct at the end of the season.

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Night 1

Kenta Kobashi Vs. CM Punk

Toshiaki Kawada Vs. Frightmare

Takeshi Morishima Vs. Delirious

Keiji Mutoh Vs. Chris Sabin

Masahiro Chono Vs. Tim Donst


Night 2

Chris Jericho Versus Nigel McGuinness

Christian Vs. Bryan Danielson

Lance Storm Vs. Low-Ki

Rob Van Dam Vs. Davey Richards

Edge Vs. Roderick Strong

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Night 1

Kenta Kobashi Vs. CM Punk

Toshiaki Kawada Vs. Frightmare

Takeshi Morishima Vs. Delirious

Keiji Mutoh Vs. Chris Sabin

Masahiro Chono Vs. Tim Donst


The Japanese have the edge in all but the main event to me. Nearly picked Sabin but felt just Punk winning worked better. Have to have Punk rally his troops who dissapointed so much on there first outing.


Night 2

Chris Jericho Versus Nigel McGuinness

Christian Vs. Bryan Danielson

Lance Storm Vs. Low-Ki

Rob Van Dam Vs. Davey Richards

Edge Vs. Roderick Strong


In all honesty I see this one going 3-2 one way. Nearly picked Danielson to complete the victory, but I like series tied going into the last match. Was really hard for me not to predict 5-0 in my favor :p.

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Night 1

Kenta Kobashi Vs. CM Punk

Toshiaki Kawada Vs. Frightmare

Takeshi Morishima Vs. Delirious

Keiji Mutoh Vs. Chris Sabin

Masahiro Chono Vs. Tim Donst


Night 2

Chris Jericho Versus Nigel McGuinness

Christian Vs. Bryan Danielson

Lance Storm Vs. Low-Ki

Rob Van Dam Vs. Davey Richards

Edge Vs. Roderick Strong

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Night 1

Kenta Kobashi Vs. CM Punk

Toshiaki Kawada Vs. Frightmare

Takeshi Morishima Vs. Delirious

Keiji Mutoh Vs. Chris Sabin

Masahiro Chono Vs. Tim Donst


Night 2

Chris Jericho Versus Nigel McGuinness

Christian Vs. Bryan Danielson

Lance Storm Vs. Low-Ki

Rob Van Dam Vs. Davey Richards

Edge Vs. Roderick Strong

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Night 1

Kenta Kobashi Vs. CM Punk

Toshiaki Kawada Vs. Frightmare

Takeshi Morishima Vs. Delirious

Keiji Mutoh Vs. Chris Sabin

Masahiro Chono Vs.Tim Donst


Tough one to call. Mostly random guesses.


Night 2

Chris Jericho Versus Nigel McGuinness

Christian Vs. Bryan Danielson

Lance Storm Vs. Low-Ki

Rob Van Dam Vs. Davey Richards

Edge Vs. Roderick Strong


What?! :|

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Just giving everyone a heads up that the show should be finished by tomorrow and for once, I'm feeling good about it. I've got a lot more energy to write this and I'm having a lot more fun with it. So if you haven't predicted and you want to, remember, there is a prize at the end of the season (maybe, most likely)
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Night 1

Kenta Kobashi Vs. CM Punk

Toshiaki Kawada Vs. Frightmare

Takeshi Morishima Vs. Delirious

Keiji Mutoh Vs. Chris Sabin

Masahiro Chono Vs.Tim Donst



Night 2

Chris Jericho Versus Nigel McGuinness

Christian Vs. Bryan Danielson

Lance Storm Vs. Low-Ki

Rob Van Dam Vs. Davey Richards

Edge Vs. Roderick Strong

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  • 2 weeks later...
It would appear so my friends, it's a damn shame too. UWL was one of my most favorite projects, but I guess the dynasty world isn't for me. I'm truly sorry for making these so short lived, but I did get to test out one thing. This dynasty was my favorite because I got to interact with my readers and that is one thing I've always wanted to do with my other numerous short lived projects, but this was the first time I really got to and I was happy with the results because people responded. I suppose one other good thing to come out of these failures was that it showed just how the writing dynasties isn't for me and it isn't an easy thing to do. Sorry to everyone who has signed up for these, I really tried my best to keep them going, but it was just too hard of a task. This will probably be my last dynasty for a long while. I'd love to see someone pick up a project similar to this. Once again, sorry to everyone who signed up.
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