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ACPW Power Hour

Monday, Week 3, March 2011

Windsor Arena Hall



Simon Flemmingway vs. Dermott Ayres vs. Kirk Drury

This match had all the technical wrestling you'd expect from the workers involved. There was an interesting dynamic between these three, as you had the uneasy teamwork of former partners Simon and Kirk, as well as the typically tag team oriented Dermott trying to show everyone he could hold his own. In the end he couldn't though, and Simon picked up his first singles victory in ACPW following a Suicide Solution.

Winner: Simon Flemmingway

Rating: 33




ACPW Junior Heavyweight Championship Match

Jayson Van Pelt vs. California Love Machine

For all the bad blood and animosity our title match had last month, this was the complete opposite, as both men showed nothing but respect for their opponent, and went all out in an athletic feat that impressed the crowd. The end came when CLM came off the top rope with a cross body press which JVP countered with a dropkick to the midsection that dropped Cali to the ground, and then JVP finished it with an Axe Kick to retain.

Winner: Jayson Van Pelt

Rating: 38




ACPW Canadian Regional Championship Match

Mario da Silva vs. Remmy Skye

Mario came into this match with a very obvious mean streak. You could tell he still held a grudge against Skye over their match last year in which Skye came out on top. Remmy did his best to try to fight off Mario, but this match was all Mario, who beat down and dismantled his opponent for over ten minutes, and in the end when Mario locked in the Kimura on Remmy and he tapped, he continued to crank the hold despite Remmy screaming in pain and tapping frantically. It took Coach Norman and a handful of ring hands to pull the champion off, and by that point Remmy's arm looked worse for the wear, as he held his shoulder while rolling back and forth in pain.

Winner: Mario da Silva

Rating: 41




ACPW Tag Team Championship Match

The Franchise vs. YoshiNaka

After they helped Remmy to the back we had the participants out and we began the main event. All four men went all out, with the challengers doing everything they could to try to earn back their titles. You could tell they had learned some things in their last show about their opponents, and tried to change their strategy to gain an advantage. Unfortunately, yet again, the champions were just too good, and as a result KC and Jamie rolled onto another victory to end the show.

Winner: The Franchise

Rating: 45


Show Rating: 43

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After a smaller than average crowd showed up in January, we rebounded with our largest crowd to date in March, hosting 38 people. We wound up losing $2,142 during the month of March, but we made $2,708 in April during our off month, sitting us at $40,690 going into May. We also resigned Jamie Atherton and Dermott Ayers to the following to the standard nine-month extension during March and April.


And for our May show, we decided to flip the script a bit. Given the commodities we have in Stone and Torch, we decided to test their value in their homeland. Surely enough, we were able to strike a deal with WLW which will sent the former tag champs back home for one appearance each, and in return we brought over two exciting young talents for our next shows. Our May show will be as follows:


ACPW Power Hour: ACPW vs. Japan

Windsor Arena Hall


Dagger vs. Simon Flemmingway

We had a spot for an ACPW Original to step up to the plate against the PGHW technician, and despite all the talented singles workers on the roster, Dagger wanted this match the most. He wanted to prove to management that he was deserving of the card spot, and wanted to use this to help get The Nest of the Vipers rolling again. We agreed, and this will be our opening match!


Mario da Silva vs. SPEED D

SPEED D is a homegrown talent for WLW. He graduated from their dojo, the Project Arkham in 2009, and made it to their main roster following the talent raid of BHOTWG. Has since formed a team with Hypnos and has become an integral part of the New Circle of Blood. He uses a high flying fast-paced style that he'll look to use to out-maneuver the Canadian Regional Champ.


Jayson Van Pelt vs. Jin Miyamoto

A product of the Tokyo Wrestling Dojo back in 2002, Jin has made a name for himself with aerial work, being dubbed the “Sensei of the Senton” by the Japanese wrestling media. His once spotty style has evolved into a well rounded worker who can bring it through the air or on mat thanks to his work and experience in the Hinote Dojo. A former Hinote Champion, his time there opened the eye of promotions across Japan to him, and after a series of negotiations, he ended up in WLW. He'll be taking on ACPW Champ JVP in what should be an exciting matchup.


ACPW Tag Team Championship Match – All or Nothing

The Franchise vs. YoshiNaka

The third round of this epic saga, YoshiNaka bartered a lot to get themselves into this match. They agreed to it under “All or Nothing” rules, meaning exactly what it sounds like. If the former champions win their belts back they'll have it “all”; If they fail though, not only will they not get another title shot ever again, but they'll be forced to disband and be left with “nothing”. You've got to imagine they'll do everything they can in this the most important match of their careers. Will the champions retain or will this be YoshiNaka's final match?

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ACPW Power Hour: ACPW vs. Japan

Monday, Week 2, May 2011

Windsor Arena Hall



Dagger vs. Simon Flemmingway

The start of the show began with a minor ceremony commemorating both Canada and Japan with flags, anthems and all the formalities. Following that, The Nest of Vipers came to the ring for Dagger's match. Simon made his way out and before the match started Dagger told Mimic to leave. The two bickered a little but Mimic finally backed down and returned to the back. Dagger looked pretty good for his first singles match in years, using his hard hitting style to pummel Simon. After a three kick combo, Simon was on dream street as Dagger geared up for a Dagger Kick. Simon managed to duck under it though, and chop blocked Dagger, taking him to the ground in pain. Simon quickly locked in a single-leg boston crab on the limb he just attacked and the former tag team champion tapped.

Winner: Simon Flemmingway

Rating: 40



Mario da Silva vs. SPEED D

Fresh off his dismantling of Remmy Skye, Mario had a new sense of confidence to him in this match, but he was able to keep his focus, which made him into a destructive machine. SPEED used his namesake to try to stay out of the reach of the Canadian Regional Champion, but he was on the defensive the entire time. Silva made easy work out of his opponent and finished it with his patented Kimura.

Winner: Mario da Silva

Rating: 40



Jayson Van Pelt vs. Jin Miyamoto

Jin came into this match extremely respectful, shaking hands with the champ before the bell rang and making sure not to take any cheap shots throughout the match. The crowd appreciated this and gave the newcomer applause throughout the match. The champ reminded everyone that he was the man and the face of the promotion multiple times with mind-blowing flips and dives that had the crowd on their feet. An Axe Kick later, the champion was victorious, and the two shook hands and celebrated after the match.

Winner: Jayson Van Pelt

Rating: 42




ACPW Tag Team Championship All or Nothing Match

The Franchise vs. YoshiNaka

When the stipulation was set, we expected YoshiNaka to bring it in this match. No one was ready for the extent of how they brought it though, with both men performing to a level no one had seem them perform at yet within ACPW. This match was easily a front-runner for match of the year, with all four men going out of their mind for almost twenty minutes. Torch spent most of the match flying through the air, almost diving onto anyone that moved. Eventually Torch and Jamie were nearly passed out outside the ring, leaving KC and Stone to battle one-on-one. They went into a slugging contest, neither man moving an inch, trading punches back and forth. Shot after shot they went, before finally Stone backed up, let out a yell, and let loose with a lariat that could have easily broken a lesser man's collarbone. KC took the hit and stumbled backwards, and came back with a lariat of his own, which Stone brushed off and took to the ropes with another fierce lariat. Glenn went running too, gathering speed, ducking the lariat on the first pass, and on the second time around he launched himself at Stone, dropping him with a flying cross chop. Both men were almost lifeless in the ring, but KC managed to drag himself the few inches towards his opponent and collapse on top of him for the three count! The crowd gave all four a standing ovation, and a massive “Yo-Shi-Na-Ka” chant filled the hall. As they began to come to, all four men shook hands in a sign of respect that Atherton or Glenn hadn't shown anyone else yet to date. Stone looked to be on the verge of tears as Torch tried to talk to him, and the duo embraced in a hug before lifting each other's hands in the air which the crowd exploded for. As Stone shook his head in disbelief the crowd started a new “Thank You” chant that went on till the challengers made their way to the back for the last time to end the show.

Winner: The Franchise

Rating: 50


Show Rating: 47

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Last month ACPW fans who were in attendance, all 31 of them, witnessed a historic event. ACPW would again like to thank World Level Wrestling for their cooperation, and we'd like to thank SPEED and Jin for their fine performances in their North American debuts. Not only was that historic, but we also saw the final tag team performance of former champions Stone Yoshikawa and Torch Nakazawa. Despite putting on one of the best matches in ACPW history and giving it their all, they fell just short of winning their titles back and as a result they must disband, a result that has shaken up the ACPW landscape, as will be displayed in July.


Our May show cost us $3,013, while our month off netted us $3,485 putting us ahead for the two month period, and putting us at $41,162 going into our July show. Between shows we re-signed the following workers to nine-month extensions: Frankie-Boy Fernandes, Marc Raisin, Dragon Del Arco Iris Jr, Extraordinario Jr, Matt Hocking, John Heizenger, Arthur Dexter Bradley, Justin Sensitive, California Love Machine, Brendan Idol, Remmy Skye, and Mr. Lucha III. Non-wrestlers Tim Weightman, Martin Theocutt, and Coach Norman also got extensions.


July could be our make or break month. All the wrestling sites and blogs have been picking up on the promotion of our shows, and a lot are saying that if July goes well it could be the catalyst of our ascension out of the backyard and into national recognition. Given the success of our shows in the past, I don't think we have anything to worry about. Don't believe me? Here's the card for proof.


ACPW Power Hour

Windsor Arena Hall, Ontario


Farewell Match

Stone Yoshikawa vs. Torch Nakazawa

The previously discussed shock waves emanate from this match. Stone came to us and said he felt personally responsible for his team losing and asked for his release. We granted him that privilege, but asked him for one last match. He agreed only if it would be against his former partner Torch Nakazawa. Torch okay'ed it, we agreed, and here it is.


ACPW Tag Team Championship Match

The Franchise vs. The Nest of Vipers

Following two successful defenses against YoshiNaka, The Franchise look to defend their titles against former champions Mimic & Dagger. Last show we saw a slight argument between the former champions prior to Dagger's match, will this be a continuing problem or was it a one time issue?


ACPW Canadian Regional Championship Match

Mario da Silva vs. El Diablo

El Diablo hasn't had a match since January when he tried to use a chair in his match against JVP. While it wasn't officially a suspension, ACPW management decided it would be in everyone's best interest that he took some time off to hopefully relax. He wasn't happy that he was left off the last few shows and as result he's been demanding a title shot to make up for his “mistreatment”. Mario got word of this and was more than willing to offer a shot to Diablo as he continues to prove he's the best ACPW Champion ever by beating all the other champs.


ACPW Junior Heavyweight Championship Match

Jayson Van Pelt vs. Simon Flemmingway

Simon has been on a little bit of a roll winning his last two and being the only one representing Japan to have a victory at our last show. He petitioned for a title shot, and with Diablo facing Mario, it was up to JVP. Being the fighting champion he is, Jayson quickly agreed and our main event will feature the international technician going one on one with the ACPW original for the Junior Heavyweight Championship!

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(OOC: I wanted to take a second to thank J Silver and everyone else working on the re-render project over the mods forum. J recently redid a bunch of the ACPW roster, so if you think some of the workers look different, that's why. Kudos boys!)


ACPW Power Hour

Monday, Week 2, July 2011

Windsor Arena Hall



Farewell Match

Stone Yoshikawa vs. Torch Nakazawa

The show started with the former tag team champions going one-on-one in Stone's last match in ACPW. The two partners looked to know each other's moves, and were moving fluidly together to give the crowd a good contest. In shades of their first match, Yoshikawa had a handful of sand he was ready to use against Torch, who managed to duck at the last second. As he got up Torch shocked the crowd by throwing a fireball into the face of Stone, and covered him for the three count! While Stone was rolling around in agony Torch stood over him and shouted something to him while pointing at his head. We asked him afterwards what he said and he told us it was “I'm just doing what you taught me!” The crowd chanted "Thank-You-Stone" as he was being helped to the back.

Winner: Torch Nakazawa

Rating: 37




ACPW Tag Team Championship Match

The Franchise vs. The Nest of Vipers

Last show featured the first singles match of Dagger in years, and a small amount of tension between The Vipers when Mimic was asked to leave the ringside area. They seemed to have put that aside going into this match. The champions were pushed to their limits at the last show, and they looked to get ahead in this match early. KC and Jamie gave it their all and it didn't look like it was enough. Dagger was going to strike with a Dagger Kick on Atherton when Mimic came up and dropped him with The Screwdriver. This lead to a bit of an argument between the two partners, and KC Glenn used this opportunity to drop Dagger with a blindside Tune Up the Sunshine Band, and after throwing Mimic out of the ring, Glenn made the cover for the win.

Winner: The Franchise

Rating: 45




ACPW Canadian Regional Championship Match

Mario da Silva vs. El Diablo

Somehow there was something to this match that really took away from it. There was no chemistry issues, there was no ring rust, there was nothing bad to note, but there was just something about this match that didn't work, which was unfortunate given the build going into this match. Both Diablo and da Silva have established themselves as top singles heels, and this match should have been a great deciding point. Unfortunately they dropped the ball and after a lackluster match up da Silva retained with a Kimura.

Winner: Mario da Silva

Rating: 34




ACPW Junior Heavyweight Championship Match

Jayson Van Pelt vs. Simon Flemmingway

For as disappointing as the last match was, our main event made up for it with both men bringing their a-games. The style-clash told an interesting tale as Simon tried to keep this match on the ground which Van Pelt where Van Pelt was able to hold his own against the proven technician. Unfortunately, JVP is a multidimensional worker, and was able to use his speed and aerial ability to give him the advantage when Simon didn't have a backup plan to fall on. Simon looked to score the upset when he caught JVP's foot during the Axe Kick and countered it into an ankle lock, but Van Pelt broke free and went for his finisher again, this time knocking his opponent cold for a three count.

Winner: Jayson Van Pelt

Rating: 45

Show Rating: 42

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It happened.


After nineteen months and twelve shows, it finally happened. We have established ourselves a legitimate promotion, and have grown large enough in the public consciousness to not be considered a local-sized company anymore. Seeing as it was my job to come in and raise the profile of the company, this is a gleaming review of my performance but more so the ability and undying will of our fantastic workers.


There were a record high 60 people at the show to witness the most historic night in ACPW history to date. And given our rise in size, we heard from our sponsors and found out that we'd get a much larger amount of compensation monthly. We were getting $3,000 a month and after a series of discussions the new amount from our sponsors was determined to be $12,300 a month. Considering we had ran a standard ACPW show our expenditure didn't rise while our income skyrocketed, an end result of us gaining $7,159 for the month.


We ended up with $48,321 at the end of the July, and we needed to have a discussion about the future of the company. There was a fork in the road where we needed to decide if we should stay on the path we were on, keeping our current roster and bankrolling all of our newly increased funds or use the money to bring in new higher priced talent to continue the growth of the company. After days of discussions, we decided to use the new funds on higher priced talent to help ACPW increase at a much more rapid clip. We also agreed to change the show format going from bi-monthly hour long events to monthly two hour long shows. As a result the shows will now be called “ACPW Monthly Mayhem” effective immediately.


Before signing new workers, we had to resign some of our own workers, including Simon Flemmingway, Dagger, Torch Nakazawa, El Diablo, Jayson Van Pelt, Alistair Shufflebottom, and Mario da Silva. Once that was taken care of, we turned our sights to bringing in new top-tier talent. We decided on a list of talent to approach, and got down to negotiations. After getting responses and getting signatures on contracts, we took to allcanadapro.com to broadcast our signings to all our loyal fans. Those new workers include, amongst others:


UK Dragon

Joey Beauchamp


Reijiro Hiraki


Also, in honor of our first major event since our expansion, we have reached out to our friends in the south, CZCW about co-promoting a show. We talked back and forth with Cliff Anderson about what workers should be featured and what the matches would be. The CZCW workers to make the trip up north will be:


Matt Sparrow

Insane Machine

Snap Dragon

Fumihiro Ota

Masked Cougar

Donnie J


With all that said and done, let's get to the card for the first ACPW Monthly Mayhem.


ACPW Monthly Mayhem: ACPW vs. CZCW

Windsor Arena Hall, Ontario


Mr. Lucha III vs. Reijiro Hiraki

Reijiro was supposed to be part of the next generation of juniorweights for BHOTWG, with talks of him becoming the next in line for the Element lineage. Well rounded with an obvious star quality to him, everyone was shocked when his contract was allowed to expire. In this match we'll see Mr. Lucha III take on the man who was once rumored to be Elemental III.


The Nest of Vipers vs. Los Luchas

While some people feel the best way to solve their problems is to take a step away from everything to focus on the issue to try and resolve it. Mimic & Dagger have decided to resolve their issues by working through them. The former champions have had a bit of tension over the last few months, and they've talked about it and want to keep going till they get things under control.


Torch Nakazawa vs. UK Dragon

UK Dragon is a world-level talent(no puns intended) who's renowned for the globe-trotting he's done over the course of his career. Starting in his home of the United Kingdom, UK has branched out at first to Europe before trekking out to Japan and most recently Canada. A former two-time RoF Champion, UK gets his work done with incredible fly and performance skills, two highlights of an overall stellar, rounded skill set. Torch comes into this match after shocking the crowd and causing disbelief following his brutal treatment of his former partner last month. Is this a new Torch we're going to see, and if so can the globe-trotting Dragon stand a chance?



Topher Smith & Alistair Shufflebottom vs. The Coasters

Despite the fact that California Love Machine has established himself as a name with his work in ACPW, he's a product of the CZCW Coastal Resort along with his partner. This match will feature two of the top young talents from both promotions.



Mario da Silva vs. Matt Sparrow

One of the cornerstones of CZCW, Matt Sparrow first broke out in DaVE after a long-running feud with Acid. He left shortly after, feeling out of place and feeling the lack of a possibilities for himself in the company. He traveled to the other side of the country to join the Coastal Zone, and hasn't looked back since. Not the main event player he was originally expected to be, but is an anchor for the midcard. He faces off against the reigning Canadian Regional Champion who looks to bounce back from a poor performance last month.



??? vs. Remmy Skye

Just like CLM, Remmy Skye is known by ACPW fans for his time in the company, being the second Junior Heavyweight Champion and 2010 Wrestler of the Year. However he's one of the faces of CZCW and a former World and Triple Crown Champion. There's speculation of who Remmy's opponent is going to be, but ACPW management is trying to keep this under wraps till match-time.



El Diablo vs. Insane Machine

One of the most famous names in the history of CZCW, Insane is a Triple Crown champion, with multiple reigns of both Xtreme and Tag Team Championships. In recent years he's had less of an impact though due to his increased time with WLW in Japan where he's held multiple championships as well. Diablo's had his issues of late well documented, so you have to wonder if he'll be able to contain his ever-increasing rage or if it will cost him against this world-caliber talent.



Jayson Van Pelt vs. Donnie J

A battle of figureheads, the ACPW Original and Junior Heavyweight Champion goes one on one with the face of CZCW and former two-time World Champion. Donnie has been turning heads since his days with the Fly Boys in TCW, and has been consistently headlining in the Coastal Zone since former partner turned eternal foe James “Jimmy P” Prudence jumped ship to SWF in early 2010. This is a tape trader's dream, and will happen for the first time only in ACPW!



The Franchise vs. The Lords of Xtreme

Unbelievably while The Lords of Xtreme have been the marquee tag team in CZCW for as long as many can remember, they have yet to hold tag team gold, showing selflessness by falling short against Frankie Perez's multiple tandems and others over the years. However they're away from the Coastal Zone and will look to make a name for themselves and start a new legacy here in ACPW. However the seemingly unstoppable force of KC Glenn and Jamie Atherton stand in their way. Championship on the line or not the champs don't care, and will look to show these newcomers why they're called “The Franchise”. Which company will stand supreme at the end of the night? Only way to find out is to be at the Windsor Arena Hall for the first ever ACPW Monthly Mayhem!

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ACPW Monthly Mayhem

Sunday, Week 3, August 2011

Windsor Arena Hall



Mr. Lucha III vs. Reijiro Hiraki

The first match for Lucha following his year removal, he was completely worn down by ring rust having not been working anywhere else during his year off. Our newcomer looked impressive, but the experience of Lucha persevered and earned him the win in a poorly fought contest.

Winner: Mr. Lucha III

Rating: 28



The Nest of Vipers vs. Los Luchas

The former champions have struggled over the last few shows, but have decided to fight through it and not give up till they finally won. Their opponents, the duo from Mexico who haven't had an ACPW match since the tag team tournament and seemed a little rusty. The Vipers were able to take advantage of this and finally pulled out a win. They let out a sigh of relief and were finally able to look forward to the future.

Winner: The Nest of Vipers

Rating: 40



Torch Nakazawa vs. UK Dragon

In our final match before getting to the main portion of our show, we saw a fantastic match up between the now-solo Torch Nakazawa and the debuting UK Dragon. These two had never faced each other before in Japan, but they put on a great match together. Torch continued his new super-heel ways, constantly trying to take off and tear at the mask of his opponent to the crowd's dismay. This action had UK so far off his game Torch was able to take advantage, and after a surprise roll up Torch snuck away with a win.

Winner: Torch Nakazawa

Rating: 45




Topher Smith & Alistair Shufflebottom vs. The Coasters

Despite the fact that all the men in this match are still in that “student” stage, this match showed how much further the Coasters were in their career progress. The ACPW kids gave it their all, but were no match for the talent and slight edge in experience that their opponents had, and after an LAX Departure, CZCW was up 1-0.

Winner: The Coasters

Rating: 30




Mario da Silva vs. Matt Sparrow

The former DaVE stand out Matt Sparrow brought his big league experience into this match, and used his fantastic aerial ability to his advantage in this one. The famous wrestling blogger gave his all, and tried to finish Mario with a technical lucha-based arm drag maneuver, but Mario managed to counter into a hip toss and an arm wrench that cause Sparrow to tap to even the series up at 1-1.

Winner: Mario da Silva

Rating: 38


Remmy came to the ring ready for his match, still unaware of who his opponent was supposed to be. The pro-ACPW crowd was surprisingly receptive of the former Junior Heavyweight Champion, giving him a warm round of applause when he came out. Then the lights went out, and out from the back slowly marched a familiar face who hadn't been seen in ages...






















Sky King vs. Remmy Skye

In a battle of Sky vs. Skye, the crowd were torn on who to cheer for. The King made their mind up for them, playing up the heel role heavily, pulling the hair of Remmy and slapping him throughout the match. The frustrated former champion persevered and continued to fight through the abuse, and went for a Skye Diver which King moved out of the way and got to his feet, ending Remmy with his new finisher, Hail to the King as ACPW improved to 2-1.

Winner: Sky King

Rating: 38




El Diablo vs. Insane Machine

In a battle of former champions, Diablo looked to make up for his weak showing in his match against Mario while Insane wanted to show everyone why he's held championships across the globe. The crowd was still hot after King's surprise return in the previous match, and that helped these two get started strong and they picked it up as they went on. Diablo dropped Insane Machine with the Diablo Driver II, and then proceeded to remove Insane's mask which resulted in an immediate disqualification. The ref quickly wrestled the mask from Diablo and returned it before Machine's identity was revealed as Diablo rolled outside of the ring and pulled out a sign that read “Death To The Invaders” and proudly marched around the ring sign high in the air. The crowd was mostly stunned as Diablo made his way to the back waving his sign back and forth. Diablo's DQ tied things up at 2-2.

Winner: Insane Machine

Rating: 42




Jayson Van Pelt vs. Donnie J

The night continued to get better, as these two tore the place down the way everyone expected them to going into this match. The two marquee names of the show left it all in the ring, doing what they do best, jump dive and fly to the delight of everyone in attendance. The vocal majority of the crowd were cheering for the champion, but there was a noticeable slight “Don-nie-J” chant as the match went on. Donnie's veteran presence was felt in this match, as he used his cunning wit to outsmart JVP and undermine his higher level of athleticism. JVP looked like he was going to be a victim of Death on Miami Beach, but he fought out of it and in desperation he tried an Axe Kick which managed to connect as the champ fell on his challenger and got the three count! With the win ACPW went up 3-2 meaning CZCW could do no better than a tie.

Winner: Jayson Van Pelt

Rating: 44




The Franchise vs. The Lords of Xtreme

And the Lords of Xtreme came out willing to do all they could for that tie. They jumped The Franchise as soon as the bell rang and didn't stop fighting till the end. KC and Jamie tried to retreat to the outside, only to fall victim to a pair of springboard crossbody dives. This assault continued till KC Glenn caught a hot tag and turned the tide, wiping out Snap and Coug. This blistering pace continued throughout the match and the crowd was losing their mind trying to keep up with it. They were torn on whether they should be cheering for the arrogant champions, but with the unbelievable action the crowd eventually cheering for the death-defying actions of all four men as they continued to out do each other every few moments. After a succession of near-falls the crowd was ready to explode, and when KC started to Tune Up the Sunshine Band, that was the lighting of the fuse. Cougar was dead on his feet but Snap came out of nowhere to try to break up what was sure to be the final move of the match. Glenn ducked Dragon's frantic clothesline attempt and Atherton dove onto the off-balance Snap, with an incredible cross-body that sent both men toppling over the top rope to the outside. KC used this chaos to try another Tune Up the Sunshine Band, but this time Cougar avoided it and tried to end the match with a Cougar Pounce, but that missed too! Glenn capitalized on went for one more finisher attempt, and this time the Sunshine Band started to play! A hook of the leg and ACPW won, and we witnessed the best match in ACPW history!!! A standing ovation for all four men ended an incredible show, also the best in ACPW history.

Winner: The Franchise

Rating: 55


Show Rating: 51

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What a show! We'd like to thank everyone who made their way out to see the Canadian debuts for many of the CZCW workers. The increased interest resulted in our largest crowd to date, as we finally broke into triple digits! A grand total of 109 people were in attendance to see the best match and show we've ever put on. We may have overshot our new financial output though, as we lost $2,009 dollars for August, leaving us with $46,312 going into September. With no re-signings or new contracts let's get onto our September show!


ACPW Monthly Mayhem

Windsor Arena Hall, Ontario


Los Luchas vs. The Lords of Xtreme

Following their incredible contest last month and coming just short of beating the tag champions, you've got to imagine the Lords of Xtreme will be looking for their first win in ACPW, and they'll be going up against a team we haven't seen a while, Dragon Del Arco Iris Jr and Extraordinario Jr, Los Luchas.


The American Boys vs. The Shooters

One of our biggest regrets prior to last month was the lack of time we were able to give to our tag team division. Considering how many quality teams we had, we've decided to feature more tag matches now given our new-found financial freedom. Both teams could use a win in this match to boost them towards a title shot, who will get that spark?


UK Dragon vs. Joey Beauchamp

UK debuted last month in a controversial match that featured a heaping helping of chicanery from the newly uber-heel Torch Nakazawa. His second match will be against his fellow countrymen and UCR alum. “The Breeze” just saw his second reign with the UEW World title end after a two-year reign, so he'll be coming to ACPW with a chip on his shoulder. Given the international variety that'd come to ACPW recently, you've got to imagine that the winner of this could propel themselves to the main event if they keep at it.


Win or Go Home Match

Alistair Shufflebottom vs. Ricochet Ramone vs. Taylor Kidd vs. Topher Smith

Given the level of talent being brought in since the expansion, the “kids” just haven't been able to cut it recently, their inexperience and general green-ness has been a giant hurdle that none of them have been able to overcome. So that being said, to prove that the cream rises to the top, our four youngsters will have one final shot to stake their claim at a roster spot, while the rest will have to go out into the world to try to better themselves in hopes of coming back one day.


The Teen Dreams vs. Torch Nakazawa & Reijiro Hiraki

We mentioned we were trying to expand on our tag division, and this is the third of five tag matches for our September show. The Dreams haven't been around recently, and will look to make up for that with a win in this match. Unfortunately for them they're going against the rejuvenated Nakazawa and impressive young prospect from Japan.


MYSTIC Dragon vs. Yoshii Shiomi

And speaking of Japan, this match is straight out of BHOTWG's junior division. MYSTIC was looked at to be part of the future of the division, being the son of the original Elemental and appearing to be on the same level as his father talent-wise. Elemental shocked everyone when he moved to PGHW as Elemental II became the head road agent for the juniors. MYSTIC was called up from the Hinote Dojo after an eight-month title reign and lasted a year before his contract was up for renewal. Wrestling media everywhere were baffled when it was announced BHOTWG would not resign MYSTIC, allowing him to become a free agent. We contacted him almost immediately, and seeing the success that Stone and Torch had, and knowing that Reijiro was coming over, MYSTIC agreed to come to ACPW. For his first match he'll face another former BHOTWG junior as well as a House of Stone graduate in Yoshii Shiomi, who's making a special guest appearance for us.


The Nest of Vipers vs. The Coasters

Our fourth tag match of the night will feature two of our premier tag teams going head to head for the first time ever! These four men are some of the most exciting workers that call ACPW home, and this matchup should be a must for tape traders. Both teams won last month and will look to continue to build momentum towards a potential title shot.


ACPW Tag Team Championship Match

The Franchise vs. The Montreal Mafia

Our final tag match of the evening is the first of three title defense to cap off the show. Having barely survived their incredible match in last month's main event, the Franchise felt they had represented ACPW to the best of their abilities and as a result offered a title shot to any ACPW tag team, a “reward” for their time served. Marc and Dermott were the first ones to jump at the offer and as a result the Montreal Mafia will get their first shot in a year and a half!


ACPW Canadian Regional Championship Match

Mario da Silva vs. Fumihiro Ota

da Silva is still on a roll, still being undefeated for the year of 2011. That might all change in this match though as reigning CZCW Champion Fumihiro Ota makes his way up north to try to become a dual-champion. Mario's continued open challenges may have finally bit him off more than he can chew with Ota, who is known for his time with TCW in the past, where he was a five time cruiserweight champion and three time cruiserweight tag champion. He's found his stride again though, having held the CZCW Championship since February and not showing and signs of stopping. Will da Silva continue to roll or will the “Super Ninja” finally end the Brazilian’s reign?


ACPW Junior Heavyweight Championship Match

Jayson Van Pelt vs. Insane Machine

And finally in our main event, we have two stars whose resumes speak for themselves. Insane Machine is coming off a humiliating match with El Diablo in which Diablo de-masked him giving Machine the DQ victory in a match it looked like he was going to win regardless. JVP stood victorious against Donnie J, and so we have two men rolling into this with momentum and something to prove. JVP continues to fight for the name and honor of ACPW, while Machine is looking to prove that he deserves this match and that he would have beat Diablo straight up last month. Who will be ACPW Junior Heavyweight Champion when all's said and done?

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ACPW Monthly Mayhem

Saturday, Week 1, September 2011

Windsor Arena Hall



Los Luchas vs. The Lords of Xtreme

The Lords of Xtreme got a standing ovation when they came out for their outstanding performance last month. They brought it again in this match, outworking Dragon and Extra throughout the course of the match. However that all came to a screeching halt when El Diablo, who wasn't booked, came out with his “Death to the Invaders” sign. Snap Dragon took umbrage with this and began to shout at Diablo from inside the ring. Extraordinario Jr used the distraction to his advantage as he rolled up Snap for the three count and the upset! Diablo just laughed and mockingly clapped as the crowd booed.

Winner: Los Luchas

Rating: 39



The American Boys vs. The Shooters

Two teams that hadn't seen any action so far this year, they both looked to use a win to assure themselves more matches moving forward. Simon proved to everyone why he was so sought after when he left PGHW, twisting Matt and John into pretzels with the utmost ease. Kirk looked to be improving from his experience working with the world-traveler, and in the end the technical-minded duo came out on top following a Suicide Solution.

Winner: The Shooters

Rating: 31



UK Dragon vs. Joey Beauchamp

The first of our international showcase matches was so good it could have headlined an ACPW show in the past yet today it was part of the under card, a statement to the increased level of quality we've been providing. Not being hampered by the mask-grabbing and other heel actions that Torch took advantage of last month, we saw the true potential of the UK Dragon in this one. Beauchamp's every motion exuded the charisma he is known for but unfortunately the raw talent of Dragon was too much, and a Dragon Drop later we had our victor.

Winner: UK Dragon

Rating: 45



Win or Go Home Match

Alistair Shufflebottom vs. Ricochet Ramone vs. Taylor Kidd vs. Topher Smith

What a dreadful match. A classic case of the blind leading the blind, with none of the contestants having a solid grasp on what they were actually supposed to be doing. This one ended mercifully with Alistair Shufflebottom pinning Taylor Kidd to win and to keep his job.

Winner: Alistair Shufflebottom

Rating: 11



The Teen Dreams vs. Torch Nakazawa & Reijiro Hiraki

Continuing in the path that he's been traveling down the last few shows, Torch heeled it up the entire match, mocking the boy band-esque duo he was facing. Brendan and Justin tried their best, but they quickly slipped into the pretty boys in peril role as Torch assaulted them relentlessly while Reijiro looked on aghast at what his partner was up to. A springboard plancha onto Brendan and Torch almost single-handedly won the match. Afterwards, Torch grabbed a pair of scissors from the announcer's booth and began to hack away at the hair of his the Teen Dreams while Reijiro made his way to the back, not wanting any part of what was going on.

Winner: Torch Nakazawa & Reijiro Hiraki

Rating: 32



MYSTIC Dragon vs. Yoshii Shiomi

The crowd gave it up for former NOTBPW student Yoshii Shiomi, making his return to Canada after years of working in his homeland. MYSTIC had a extravagant intro, with a giant flowing metallic cloak and a light show. The theatrics didn't end there though, as the promising youngster proceeded to put on an aerial showcase that wowed the crowd as Yoshii bumped like a champ to put over the new star. A Dragon Driver III later and the crowd applauded loudly for the victorious Dragon.

Winner: MYSTIC Dragon

Rating: 40



The Nest of Vipers vs. The Coasters

Just like the Diablo/Mario match from July, this one was a let down considering all the talented workers that were involved. The crowd might have been burned out on tag team matches, but regardless the cause, all four tried. CLM and FBF put forth a good effort, but it looks like the Vipers are officially on a roll again, with their tension seemingly far in the past. A Dagger Kick and they picked up another win.

Winner: The Nest of Vipers

Rating: 34




ACPW Tag Team Championship Match

The Franchise vs. The Montreal Mafia

Unbelievable. We expected the results of this match and the match before it switched, but that happens sometimes. The Mafia took full advantage of their opportunity and gave the Franchise a hell of a fight. The ACPW original team were firing on all cylinders and showed everyone the threat of a styles-clashing tag team as Marc attacked through the air while Dermott took to the ground to keep KC and Jamie off-balance. Unfortunately for them their strategy eventually crumbled against the overall talent of their opponents, and after a hard-fought fight KC downed Marc by Tuning Up the Sunshine Band.

Winner: The Franchise

Rating: 48




ACPW Canadian Regional Championship Match

Mario da Silva vs. Fumihiro Ota

Two similarly technical workers were involved in this match, which lead to a pretty good flow throughout with both men trading holds and submissions back and forth over the course of the match. Fumi had the aerial advantage which he used to flip around and out of holds which frustrated Mario as the match went on. In what appeared to be more of a chess match than a wrestling match with how calculated and methodical it was, you could tell it only took one slip, one mistake to determine the winner. And that mistake came when they were grappling in the middle of the ring and Ota left his defense open, allowing a beautiful flying omoplata to draw the submission.

Winner: Mario da Silva

Rating: 41




ACPW Junior Heavyweight Championship Match

Jayson Van Pelt vs. Insane Machine

Machine came into this match trying to prove that he would have won last month, DQ or not and that he deserved the title shot. He did that in spades, going all out trying to dethrone JVP. The globe trotter launched an all-fronts assault on JVP, which caught the champion off guard. Insane used his superior brawling ability to rough up the champ, while Jayson had to rely on his agility to out-maneuver him and avoid the pummeling. This became the turning point in the match when after Machine had been wailing away, he backed up and launched his trademarked Termination Kick, which JVP dodge and countered with an Axe Kick of his own, which connected and downed the challenger for the three count. JVP helped his opponent up and shook his hand afterwards, and the crowd cheered this show of good sportsmanship to end the night.

Winner: Jayson Van Pelt

Rating: 46


Show Rating: 44

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I'm going to put my name out here as well and say that this is a very enjoyable and underloved dynasty as well. I'm really enjoying it, it's a fun and easy read that reminds me alot of infinitywpi's work that in that while there may not be alot of text to the matches, the fact that your enjoying yourself still really comes through. :)
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(OOC: Thanks Unregistered! I sincerely appreciate the time to respond, and I see the views going up and up and up with each post, so even if you can't chime in, I'd like to thank everyone who's checked this out. I'm almost caught up with where I am in the game, and being able to go back over the last two years has given me tons of great new ideas and booking direction, so watch out, things are about to take off!!!)


When we chose to expand our shows following the increase of our sponsorships, we happened to overshoot our financial limitations. Having lost over $2,000 dollars with our August show and more recently losing $4,648 with our September outing (which drew 115 people), we had fallen down to $41,664 and knew we needed to change something. So we've discussed it and we agreed to cut our shows down to an hour and a half. As a result of the smaller shows we've cut a number or workers to keep from overloading our roster. Those workers are: Donnie J, Matt Sparrow, Fumihiro Ota, Yoshii Shiomi, Topher Smith, Taylor Kidd, Ricochet Ramone, Brendan Idol, Justin Sensitive, John Heizenger, and Matt Hocking. No workers were resigned or new workers brought in, so on to our October card!


ACPW Monthly Mayhem

Windsor Arena Hall, Ontario


Canadian Regional Championship Number One Contender Match - Stage One

Torch Nakazawa, MYSTIC Dragon, & Reijiro Hiraki vs. Dragon Del Arco Iris Jr, Extraordinario Jr, & Mr. Lucha III

This match is a new concept for ACPW that we like to think we came up with, and if we didn't, we're going to claim that we did! This is the first of two matches to determine who will get a shot at the Regional champ. The first match will be this Japan vs. Mexico six man tag, and whichever side wins this match will move on to next month's show, where those three will face off to determine who will get a shot at the Canadian Regional Champion at our final show of the year.


Tag Team Championship Number One Contender Match

The Nest of Vipers vs. The Shooters

Both teams won last month, and The Vipers are on a bit of a winning streak again, so it's make or break time for the perennial challenging duo. Will they get a chance to reclaim their belts and exercise the demons of their last reign? Or will Simon and Kirk pull off the upset and get their first chance at the title?


Insane Machine vs. Joey Beauchamp

Both men fell just short in fantastic, highly competitive matches last month, and so we decided to give one of them a chance to bounce back. Machine fell just short of becoming the new Junior Heavyweight Champion, so you've got to imagine he'll be driven by frustration in this one as he looks to get another one in the win column. “The Breeze” lost in his debut to UK Dragon who's very clearly on his way up, so he's looking to show that he's not a push over.


ACPW Canadian Regional Championship Match

Mario da Silva vs. Sky King

Sky King shocked everyone when he came out to face Remmy Skye during our ACPW/CZCW show, having been out of the company due to cost-cutting measures for over a year and a half. One of the wrestlers with the best basic performance skills in the company, he's sure to put on a good match every time he gets into the ring. But will he have the killer instincts to be able to take down the champion and end his reign before it reaches the two year mark?


El Diablo vs. Arthur Dexter Bradley

Diablo has been on the warpath as of late, causing problems to anyone who isn't an ACPW original, and even some that are. The former champion seemingly snapped after losing his belt to Remmy Skye, and hasn't backed down off of his recent “Death to the Invaders” mantra. So that being said, we've brought in his former adversary, and one of the ones largely responsible for his current mental state, ADB! These two had a string of fantastic matches last year which resulted in ADB winning a best of three series to get a title shot over the former champ. Will Diablo be able to defeat his former rival and exercise the demons of his past, or will the clever and crafty ADB be able to one-up the former champ one more time?


Remmy Skye vs. KC Glenn

Rather than have a tag title defense, champs KC Glenn and Jamie Atherton wanted to prove something to not just themselves, but to everyone in ACPW. With their team having yet to record a loss since forming this time last year, they feel confident in their abilities as main event stars, so as a result they've decided to each take on a singles match against an ACPW Junior Heavyweight Champion. Having three total, and two to choose from (Diablo already being booked), they decided amongst themselves who would face who and when it came down to it, they chose Skye vs. Glenn and Atherton vs. JVP. Skye and Glenn have never faced off one on one before, but given the talent of both men you have to think this will be a great match.


Jayson Van Pelt vs. Jamie Atherton

And while KC and Remmy have never faced each other, JVP and Atherton have a bit of history. Two ACPW Originals, and two of the faces of the company, these two have met numerous times in the past. Since the beginning of 2010, they've faced off twice, once in a singles match which Van Pelt came out of on top, and they met during the Tag Team Tournament, where Jamie and KC won when Mario da Silva turned his back on Van Pelt. Will the champ stand victorious or will The Franchise be able to stand by their claims of being the new stars of ACPW?

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">ACPW Monthly Mayhem</span></strong></p><p>

<em>Saturday, Week 1, October 2011</em></p><p><em>

Windsor Arena Hall</em></p><p> </p><p>


<em>Canadian Regional Championship Number One Contender Match - Stage One</em></p><p>

<strong>Torch Nakazawa, MYSTIC Dragon, & Reijiro Hiraki vs. Dragon Del Arco Iris Jr, Extraordinario Jr, & Mr. Lucha III</strong></p><p>

The opener was one fun match, with all six men flying through the air, off the turnbuckle as well as over the top ropes. With the pace too frantic to keep up with and report accurately, what we can tell you is the ending came when Torch took out Mr Lucha with a springboard plancha while the other four fought outside, advancing Team Japan to the next stage in the two-part battle.</p><p>

<strong>Winner: Torch Nakazawa, MYSTIC Dragon, & Reijiro Hiraki</strong></p><p><strong>

Rating: </strong><strong><span style="color:#A0522D;">42</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>


<em>Tag Team Championship Number One Contender Match</em></p><p>

<strong>The Nest of Vipers vs. The Shooters</strong></p><p>

Having won two in a row and being so close to a title shot they could taste it, The Vipers were in peak condition for this one and looked slicker than ever, working like a well-oiled machine. Kirk continues to stand out as the weak point of his duo, and was exploited as such as the match continued In the end, A Dagger Kick to Drury and the Vipers were on to the title.</p><p>

<strong>Winner: The Nest of Vipers</strong></p><p><strong>

Rating: </strong><strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">32</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>


<strong>Insane Machine vs. Joey Beauchamp</strong></p><p>

Sometimes you have the strangest luck. Having one of your undercard matches come off as one of the best matches your company has put on? Classic example. Now admittedly the match included two world-champion workers, so it's not a big surprise, but it was great to see a match of this quality this early into the the show. It didn't seem like last month's loss to JVP had any effect on the psyche of Machine, as held the advantage throughout the match and eventually won following a Termination Kick. After the match Beauchamp, now winless in two straight, looked increasingly frustrated, shoving Machine and storming out of the ring when Insane tried to talk to him.</p><p>

<strong>Winner: Insane Machine</strong></p><p><strong>

Rating: </strong><strong><span style="color:#A0522D;">49</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>



<em>ACPW Canadian Regional Championship Match</em></p><p>

<strong>Mario da Silva vs. Sky King</strong></p><p>

In an interesting heel versus heel contest, you saw the veteran, bitter Sky King going up against the brash young champion. Both men shocked everyone when they showed respect to each other throughout the match, and as it progressed you saw the youth of Mario work in his advantage, being more athletic than King, who's 8 years his senior. After slipping out of a Hail to the King, da Silva locked in a kimura to end and puts da Silva within one win of having a historic two-year title reign. The two begrudgingly shook hands after wards, both with a snarl on their face. </p><p>

<strong>Winner: Mario da Silva</strong></p><p><strong>

Rating: </strong><strong><span style="color:#A0522D;">38</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>


<strong>El Diablo vs. Arthur Dexter Bradley</strong></p><p>

Following in the line of disappointments that included da Silva/Diablo and Coasters/Vipers, this match was a stinker. Admittedly ADB was a little rusty and this was a series that had been played out in its entirety in the past, but we figured there had been enough time since the original matches, and that the incredibly chemistry between these two would be enough to get the crowd to buy in. Unfortunately that wasn't the case, and we were left with a dud of a match. Diablo had control of this one till Snap Dragon and Masked Cougar ran out from the back. Dragon distracted Ref Norman, while a Cougar Pounce knocked Diablo out cold. ADB pinned him as the Lords of Xtreme mad their way to the back, and that was all she wrote, ADB stood victorious once again!</p><p>

<strong>Winner: Arthur Dexter Bradley</strong></p><p><strong>

Rating: </strong><strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">34</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>


<strong>Remmy Skye vs. KC Glenn</strong></p><p>

In his first solo match in ACPW, KC took the opportunity to show why wrestling magazines had called him the “Can't Miss Prospect” through his entire training period. Flashy aerial work that was so backed with psychology and basic technique it never came close to being spotty, Glenn dazzled the crowd. And that was without busting out his mat work or brawling at any point. The former champ fought to the best of his ability, but once KC Tuned Up the Sunshine Band it was over, and The Franchise were one for one.</p><p>

<strong>Winner: KC Glenn</strong></p><p><strong>

Rating: </strong><strong><span style="color:#A0522D;">45</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>


<strong>Jayson Van Pelt vs. Jamie Atherton</strong></p><p>

Glenn's partner had a much tougher fight ahead of him as the champ came into this match with the entire crowd on his side. A marquee match up of ACPW originals, this contest had “big time” written all over it and these two didn't let anyone down. They went all out fly around and trading submissions with fluidity and ease that awed the crowd. They continued at that pace for a sustained period till Atherton went for the killshot, trying to down JVP with a Lightning Bolt. Van Pelt slipped out as Atherton hoisted him up, and once he gained his footing, he launched at Jamie with an Axe Kick that connected and downed “White Lightning” for the three count. The crowd gave both men an ovation and JVP helped his opponent up which Jamie didn't seem too fond of, and the challenger limped his way to the back, KC nowhere to be seen as the show ended.</p><p>

<strong>Winner: Jayson Van Pelt</strong></p><p><strong>

Rating: </strong><strong><span style="color:#A0522D;">48</span></strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

Show Rating: </strong><strong><span style="color:#A0522D;">46</span></strong></p></div><p></p><p></p>

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Another month down and one more month closer to the end of the year, when I'll be up for review to see how well I did with Daedalus' performance goals. I was supposed to keep the company the 36th ranked or higher come January 1st, 2012, and I wasn't allowed to let us drop below $20,000. We're sitting comfortably at the 36th spot since CWWF opened in February and MoSC closed down the next month. There's been rumors that millionaire Herb Mackintosh might be opening a promotion down in Mexico shortly, so I'm holding my breath they don't open till the new year or that they're smaller than us, because otherwise it'll be my head on a platter.


And on the subject of our financial situation, our re-formatting seemed to have worked, as we were profitable once again, making $1,483 for October, putting us back up to $43,147. The show drew 104 people, our third straight show with triple-digit attendance, a fantastic trend considering when I first came in we were getting crowds of 9 and 11. Kirk Drury got a contract extension, and there were no new signings. Let's see what will be on our next to last show of the year!


ACPW Monthly Mayhem

Windsor Arena Hall, Ontario


Sky King vs. Arthur Dexter Bradley

Sky King fell last month to draw even since his return to ACPW, and ADB upset Diablo in his return to the company after a nine month absence. King is looking to re-establish himself as one of the faces of the promotion he's been with since the beginning, and ADB is trying to build off his win last month hopefully towards another title shot sooner or later.


Canadian Regional Championship Number One Contender Match – Stage Two

Torch Nakazawa vs. MYSTIC Dragon vs. Reijiro Hiraki

In a wildly exciting opener last month, Team Japan beat Team Mexico in a thrilling aerial display. Now the three unique members of Team Japan will face off against each other to see who will get the title shot next month. The dastardly Torch has yet to lose since the breakup of his team with Stone, but the awe-inspiring Dragon will look to end that streak all while the youngster Hiraki will look for his first singles victory in ACPW.


ACPW Junior Heavyweight Championship Match

Jayson Van Pelt vs. Frankie-Boy Fernandes

Having beat Jamie Atherton in a fantastic main event last month, JVP was looking for his next challenger. UK Dragon had challenged him, but wasn't able to make it to the show due to commitments with WLW. California Love Machine then took it upon himself to speak with JVP, not about himself, but about his younger partner, Frankie-Boy Fernandes. CLM feels the multiple title shots he's earned over his stay in ACPW helped his confidence and helped him grow as a wrestler, and he wants Frankie to have that same experience. Jayson agreed to the request of someone he's grown to respect during their time together here in the company, and Fernandes will have the biggest match of his young career.


ACPW Canadian Regional Championship Match

Mario da Silva vs. Insane Machine

Insane has proven himself worthy of his international acclaim since coming to ACPW, beating El Diablo and Joey Beauchamp, and taking JVP to his limits in a Junior Heavyweight title match. Given not just the win but the quality of the match Machine had with 'The Breeze' last month, management saw no problem in giving him a shot at Mario da Silva here in this match. This will be a huge match for da Silva's career, because if he wins this match, he will have held the Canadian Regional Championship from November 2009 to November 2011, a legendary two-year title reign. Will he persevere or will it be the Insane Machine who will be waiting for one of our Japanese youngsters next month?


El Diablo vs. Simon Flemmingway

Diablo has cause quite a bit of problem lately, consistently getting involved with the affair of such imports as The Lords of Xtreme and Insane Machine over the last couple of months, all in the name of flushing the “invaders” out of his precious ACPW. Knowing that fact, management has decided to set him up with a challenge of an “invader”, the technical star Simon Flemmingway. Simon's duo with Kirk Drury hasn't done as well as expected, but Simon's solo work speaks for itself, beating Dagger and pushing da Silva and Van Pelt to their limits. Will Diablo continue his reign of terror, or will Simon humble the maniacal ACPW Original?


ACPW Tag Team Championship Match

The Franchise vs. The Nest of Vipers

The two marquee names of the tag team divison, this will be the third match between these four stars, the second with the titles on the line. The Vipers were going through a rough patch in their partnership during their first title shot, but all that is behind them, winning three straight en route to this title shot. Last month we saw Glenn and Atherton embark into singles competition, with KC beating Remmy but Jamie falling to JVP. Will that cause a rift between these two or will the champions roll through their challengers with another title defense?

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ACPW Monthly Mayhem

Saturday, Week 1, November 2011

Windsor Arena Hall



Sky King vs. Arthur Dexter Bradley

Our opener featured two under-utilized talents looking to take advantage of their recent success and translate it into more matches. Sky looked frustrated from falling short in his title shot last month, and quickly took to the aggressive in this one. Not a surprise to anyone, El Diablo made his way down to ringside, but surprisingly he didn't get physically involved in the match. Instead, the distraction of his presence took ADB out of his game and Sky dropped Bradley with a Hail to the King. King went to pin him when Diablo began to shout at him. Sky released the pin, and after conversing with Diablo, he hoisted ADB up and dropped him with another Hail to the King, and pinning the lifeless body as Diablo smiled in approval outside the ring.

Winner: Sky King

Rating: 33



Canadian Regional Championship Number One Contender Match – Stage Two

Torch Nakazawa vs. MYSTIC Dragon vs. Reijiro Hiraki

There was an interesting dynamic to this match as these three had just worked together last month to get to this match, but now it was every man for himself with a shot at Mario da Silva on the line. As bright as the future is for the talented young Reijiro, this match quickly escalated beyond his ability as Torch and MYSTIC were consistently trying to one-up each other from the time the bell sounded. The end came when Torch attempted to crossbody Reijiro over the top rope when Rei moved out of the way causing Torch to spill to the outside. MYSTIC then crushed Rei with a Dragon Driver III and pinned him to earn the title shot!

Winner: MYSTIC Dragon

Rating: 41


As Torch managed to get back into the ring, he saw the referee raising MYSTIC's hand into the air. Confused, Torch attacked Dragon thinking the match was still going on. Ref Norman restrained Torch and tried to explain that the match was over and Dragon won. Torch argued back that he wasn't pinned as Coach continued to tell him the match was done. Torch felt cheated and began to lash out, knocking out the ref before attacking Reijiro and continuing to beat down Dragon. All the staff in the back came out to restrain him and pull him to the back to let our next match start.




ACPW Junior Heavyweight Championship Match

Jayson Van Pelt vs. Frankie-Boy Fernandes

Frankie came out for his match with his partner California Love Machine, who shook hands with JVP prior to the bell. Once it rang both men were all business, trading flips and dives back and forth, impressing the eager crowd. When he felt overwhelmed, Frankie would escape to the outside to take a breather and to get advice from CLM. Unfortunately that wasn't enough to help the young Fernandes, as he eventually fell victim to an Axe Kick and was pinned. Cali helped his partner up and walked him to the back, reiterating that he did a good job.

Winner: Jayson Van Pelt

Rating: 46




ACPW Canadian Regional Championship Match

Mario da Silva vs. Insane Machine

After not just an impressive win, but a fantastic match against the talented Joey Beauchamp last month, Insane Machine continued that level of work rate here, and these two put on a fantastic match. Machine did his best to use his speed and aerial ability to keep up with the technical ability of da Silva, which worked for the majority of the match, and Machine had the match wrapped up. Mario was out on his feet, with Insane lining him up for a Termination Kick when Diablo's music kicked in out of nowhere. Insane stopped and turned around, which allowed da Silva to sneak up behind him and lock in a Kimura which quickly caused him to tap out, shocking the crowd and infuriating the challenger.

Winner: Mario da Silva

Rating: 48


Machine stuck around the ring after the match, despite the referees trying to get him to return to the back. When Diablo's music played again and he made his way out for his next match Machine immediately confronted him. The two began arguing and shoving each other before the backstage staff came and separated them. As they tried to drag Insane to the back he lifted up the bottom of his mask and spit in the face of Diablo before giving in and returning to the backstage area.



El Diablo vs. Simon Flemmingway

Poor Simon. Under any other circumstance he would have put up a darn good fight and would have had a chance to take out the former champion, but not in this match. Diablo looked to have a bloodlust, being so completely insulted by the spitting and disrespect he was just shown by Insane Machine, and took all his fury out on Flemmingway. Diablo put him away with three or four Diablo Driver IIs before locking in a sleeper hold and not relinquishing the hold even after Simon was unconscious. Ref Norman was eventually able to pry Diablo off of his victim, and Simon needed to be helped to the back.

Winner: El Diablo

Rating: 40




ACPW Tag Team Championship Match

The Franchise vs. The Nest of Vipers

This was the marquee main event we were hoping it was, an absolutely fantastic match between four of our top workers. The roll The Vipers were on gave them the confidence and motivation that they could beat the champs, and they definitely had the talent to back it up. Unfortunately, KC and Jamie had talent as well, and a brash sense of confidence that oozed out of every action both men took in the ring. The tag experience of Mimic and Dagger helped them out, allowing them to move fluidly from man to man not wasting any time continuing their assault. They pulled out double-team moves, cut the ring in half, and did everything a smart veteran tag team would do in a match. Unfortunately, their strategy crumbled when they let Atherton slip out of their clutches, allowing him to get the hot tag to KC Glenn. Glenn was on fire, almost to the point of dropping anything that came towards him. This was the swing in momentum that The Franchise had been looking for, and it helped them get back into the match rather quickly. After more impressive back and forth action, Dagger failed to connect with a Dagger kick that surely would have ended the match, and KC Glenn used that opening to Tune Up the Sunshine Band, and despite a historic effort from The Vipers, The Franchise narrowly escaped with their titles in tact to end the show.

Winner: The Franchise

Rating: 51


Show Rating: 48

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We here at ACPW would like to thank all 95 people that were in attendance for our November show. They were on hand to see one of the best main events and overall shows of the year, and we hope to see them all back for our year-ending event in December. Our new show format continued to help out our finances, as we made $2,788 putting back up to $45,935. We've come to terms with a rather large tag team, but we're not at liberty to say who it is. You'll have to see for yourselves at our last show of 2011!


Speaking of the end of the year, it might not have come at a better time than right now, because tensions have never been higher with the escalating level of violence that's been on display from the likes of El Diablo and Torch Nakazawa. We've talked about it and we've come to the agreement that Diablo is to be left off our December show entirely, and if there's even a hint of foul play that can be traced back to him he will be gone for the entire year of 2012. After talking to Torch it was determined that he thought his match was multiple-elimination, and he fell victim to his infamous hot head. As a result he's been allowed to earn a shot at the belt. But enough chitter chatter, onto the card!


ACPW Monthly Mayhem

Windsor Arena Hall, Ontario


Arthur Dexter Bradley vs. Reijiro Hiraki vs. Joey Beauchamp

Our opener will be an interesting mix of styles and nationalities, as we have three men from three corners of the world looking to get a kick start their ACPW careers heading into the new year. Beauchamp and Hiraki are both looking for their first singles victory, while ADB will try to get back to the success he had last year.


The Nest of Vipers vs. The Montreal Mafia

In one of our best main events to date, The Vipers almost came out of our show last month with with the tag team championship. Unfortunately though they fell just short and are looking to rebound with this match, which will feature the last two tag team challengers going head to head. The Mafia feel a win here could help build their case for more matches, while the Vipers are sure to come into this match with a chip on their shoulders.


Canadian Regional Championship Number One Contender Match

Sky King vs. Torch Nakazawa

Following the mayhem at the end of his match last month, Torch Nakazawa has been adamant in his claims that he should get a shot at the Canadian Regional title since he was never pinned. Given his success recently, questionable actions aside, we agreed to give him a shot as long as he earned it. So that being said he'll be going up against Sky King, who's had some success of his own recently to determine who will get the first Canadian Regional shot of 2012.


Canadian Regional Championship Number One Contender Match – Stage One

Remmy Skye, Masked Cougar, & Snap Dragon vs. Dragon Del Arco Iris Jr, Extraordinario Jr, & Mr. Lucha III

With the first two stage contender series in the book, we've decided we liked the way it panned out, so we've gone back to the well and will begin our second series at our December show. Our trio from Mexico will make their second appearance, while they'll go up against a series of champions in Remmy Skye and the Lords of Xtreme. The Luchadores will look to have a better than their last time in the series, while the Cali-based trio all have their eyes on ACPW gold.


ACPW Tag Team Championship Match

The Franchise vs. ???

There's not a lot to say about this match, considering the challengers are a mystery and will be till match time, but knowing who it is, we have to say you will not want to miss this as The Franchise will be going up against an established team the likes of which they haven't faced so far.


ACPW Canadian Regional Championship Match

Mario da Silva vs. MYSTIC Dragon

The second part of our triple main event, this match comes after Mario made history last month by holding the Canadian Regional title for two years. After the physical artistry we've seen from Dragon thus far in his brief time within ACPW, you have to imagine this might be the largest test for da Silva to date. Will Da Silva extend his reign into a third calendar year or will we finally see the title change hands?


ACPW Junior Heavyweight Championship Match

Jayson Van Pelt vs. UK Dragon

A match that's a few months in the making, UK Dragon proved to us that he was worth of a title shot following a win over Joey Beauchamp and a loss due to dastardly actions by Torch Nakazawa. This match has been planned for the last couple of months, but with Dragon's busy schedule going from Ring of Fire to World Level Wrestling, he's been booked solid. We're fortunate he could make it this month, and he's promised to bring the fight to JVP and end 2011 with one of the best matches ACPW has ever seen!


Quick Predictions Form:


Arthur Dexter Bradley vs. Reijiro Hiraki vs. Joey Beauchamp

The Nest of Vipers vs. The Montreal Mafia

Canadian Regional Championship Number One Contender Match

Sky King vs. Torch Nakazawa

Canadian Regional Championship Number One Contender Match – Stage One

Remmy Skye, Masked Cougar, & Snap Dragon vs. Dragon Del Arco Iris Jr, Extraordinario Jr, & Mr. Lucha III

ACPW Tag Team Championship Match

The Franchise vs. ???

ACPW Canadian Regional Championship Match

Mario da Silva vs. MYSTIC Dragon

ACPW Junior Heavyweight Championship Match

Jayson Van Pelt vs. UK Dragon

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Well thats a nice looking trio of Main Events you have there. It would be a shame if something was to happen to it! :p


Nice looking show to end the year. I love doing end of year/beginning of new year shows, it's traditionally a big thing in real life for most companies, and I think for ACPW going through such growth spurts, this may be a pretty important shindig in itself.


Arthur Dexter Bradley vs. Reijiro Hiraki vs. Joey Beauchamp

I'm thinking Joey needs the win to make himself a credible member of the roster. He's also pretty awesome, so I'm hoping he wins.


The Nest of Vipers vs. The Montreal Mafia

The Vipers are going to win, that much I'm sure of. How badly the Mafia will be made to look in the end is my only question.


Canadian Regional Championship Number One Contender Match

Sky King vs. Torch Nakazawa

You know what? Torch got hosed last time out! It's not his fault he misunderstood the rules. It's like the whole company is working against him. Need we not forget that this company made him disband his awesome tag team! Not fair!


Canadian Regional Championship Number One Contender Match – Stage One

Remmy Skye, Masked Cougar, & Snap Dragon vs. Dragon Del Arco Iris Jr, Extraordinario Jr, & Mr. Lucha III

Remmy and Snap are awesome-sauce. That is all.


ACPW Tag Team Championship Match

The Franchise vs. ???

Well they wouldn't be much of a Franchise if they get beaten by any newbies that walked in now would they?


ACPW Canadian Regional Championship Match

Mario da Silva vs. MYSTIC Dragon

Hardest decision for me. In the end, here's hoping Mario he enjoyed his two years as champ, and that MYSTIC proves himself a worthy predessor.


ACPW Junior Heavyweight Championship Match

Jayson Van Pelt vs. UK Dragon

UK Dragon might be awesome, but me thinks he may be a bit tired from all the travel and junk food. I'd love to see him win, but honestly, if he's a pain to book regularly, I can't see him being champion. Maybe next year :p

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Arthur Dexter Bradley vs. Reijiro Hiraki vs. Joey Beauchamp

Im going for HIW employees wherever possible


The Nest of Vipers vs. The Montreal Mafia

Just spent some time in Montreal. Wandas.


Canadian Regional Championship Number One Contender Match

Sky King vs. Torch Nakazawa



Canadian Regional Championship Number One Contender Match – Stage One

Remmy Skye, Masked Cougar, & Snap Dragon vs. Dragon Del Arco Iris Jr, Extraordinario Jr, & Mr. Lucha III

Home based


ACPW Tag Team Championship Match

The Franchise vs. ???


ACPW Canadian Regional Championship Match

Mario da Silva vs. MYSTIC Dragon


ACPW Junior Heavyweight Championship Match

Jayson Van Pelt vs. UK Dragon

I dont think he'll win. But Dragon is ACE

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ACPW Monthly Mayhem

Saturday, Week 1, December 2011

Windsor Arena Hall



Arthur Dexter Bradley vs. Reijiro Hiraki vs. Joey Beauchamp

Our opener was a high-paced aerial demonstration from three evenly-matched well rounded workers. This had everything you'd expect from a triple threat match, from short-lived alliances to impromptu double-team moves, these three did their best to impress the crowd and start the show off on a high note. In the end, Reijiro planted Beauchamp with his patented Amber Piledriver, and as Joey rolled out of the ring ADB blindsided Reijiro and pinned him with a Frog Splash to pick up the win!

Winner: Arthur Dexter Bradley

Rating: 38



The Nest of Vipers vs. The Montreal Mafia

For as good as they looked against KC and Jamie a few months ago, the Mafia looked sluggish and deflated in this match, and the Vipers came out swinging. In what was only a step up from a squash, Dagger and Mimic asserted their will throughout the match and made short work of their French-Canadian adversaries.

Winner: The Nest of Vipers

Rating: 33



Canadian Regional Championship Number One Contender Match

Sky King vs. Torch Nakazawa

Last month we saw both competitors shell out brutal, unrelenting assaults on already battered men. Sky's seemed to stem from an egging on at the hands of El Diablo and happened during the match so there were no repercussions while Torch's assault of Reijrio came after the bell rang and lead to a disciplinary hearing with ACPW management. Torch's claim that his aggression was due to his misunderstanding of the rules didn't seem to be completely honest in this match as he berated Sky and smacked him around throughout the match. Sky hoisted Torch up for a Hail to the King, but Torch slipped out behind, delivered a low blow and quickly rolled up his stunned opponent for the victory as the crowd booed loudly.

Winner: Torch Nakazawa

Rating: 35



Canadian Regional Championship Number One Contender Match – Stage One

Remmy Skye, Masked Cougar, & Snap Dragon vs. Dragon Del Arco Iris Jr, Extraordinario Jr, & Mr. Lucha III

As with our last six man tag the action was too fast and too heavy to put into accurate words, and also like in the last match we saw the Mexican trio fall despite a fantastic effort. This match edged out the original six man, and capped off our under card perfectly. Dragon Del Arco Iris Jr fell to a Cougar Pounce, allowing the Cali-based group to move one step closer to a title shot.

Winner: Remmy Skye, Masked Cougar, & Snap Dragon

Rating: 47


KC Glenn and Jamie Atherton came down to the ring and stood around while waiting for their opponents to finally reveal themselves. After a short period of time with nothing at all going on the impatient crowd started to boo but were quickly cut off by familiar music, and out walked Huey Cannonball! One half of The Awesomeness came out with a microphone in hand. The crowd booed this as the “big surprise” before Huey began to talk.




“Hey people, long time no see! Miss me?”


The crowd booed as he took a pause and chuckled.


“You know, I always felt like my glamorous sensibilities just didn't work with this 'rugged', 'earthy' country we call home. And honestly, it didn't work with me either!”


And at that moment the crowd who were busy jeering a native son of the true north stopped when Huey pulled off his flowing curly wig to reveal a short, choppy dirty blond hair style Cannonball hasn't been seen with in years. He then tossed his gold chain to the ground and stomped out his designer sunglasses. The crowd started to cheer at these actions, but you could sense the apprehension and confusion amongst them as Huey continued to talk.




“See that was never me. That fem Jefferson devised this glitzy Vegas showgirl routine and I went along with it because it meant one thing: gold. But seeing how well we did up here I knew he wouldn't cut it when I made my big homecoming. I wanted gold, and needed someone who shared that sentiment. I found him. A man with a golden heart, golden locks, a history of wearing gold, and for crying out loud it's in his freaking name! Ladies and gentlemen, my partner, and one half of the NEW ACPW Tag Team Champions, fresh off a two year sentence at the DeColt Provincial Penitentiary, OSCAR GOLDEN!!!




The crowd exploded as former CGC Canadian Champion and MAW standout Oscar Golden came out, and the newly re-formed Canadian Blondes rushed the ring to get the first of three title matches underway!




ACPW Tag Team Championship Match

The Franchise vs. The Canadian Blondes

The crowd who were overwhelmed with disinterest when Huey first came out were as hot as could be seeing the debut of Oscar Golden. And the new duo definitely backed up the hype, bringing it to the champions to the best of their abilities. The Blondes used their all-around abilities to try and keep pace with KC while trying to separate Jamie and isolate him. This strategy worked as they were able to keep Atherton from tagging out and inflicting crippling amounts of punishment while KC looked on helplessly. Momentum looked to swing in the champions' favor when Jamie almost took Huey's head off with an enziguri, ducked a clothesline from Oscar to turn around and plant him with a dropkick. That second wind was short-lived though, as Jamie collapsed to the mat after dropping both opponents as the referee started the ten count for all three men.


KC started to stomp on the apron trying to will his partner to motion as Jamie started to stir and the crowd got behind the ACPW original as he began to crawl towards his corner. Oscar slowly rose to his feet, and grabbed the leg of of Atherton to try and impede his journey to make the tag only to get launched overhead by a monkey flip as Jamie fell to the mat again. The Champion looked completely spent, and the crowd did everything they could to help one of the faces of the franchise get to the corner for that much-needed tag.


The tension in the room was overwhelming as Jamie, now barely a foot from KC's outstretched hand, slowly rose to a wobbly footing and dove towards the corner. His hand was destined for contact, to bring in the fresh legs that would sure rain hell down on their opponents and crush the hopes of their challengers. But it didn't happen. As Jamie flew through the air with the last ounce of energy he had left KC Glenn retracted his hand and jumped off of the apron. Spent, Jamie laid prone on the mat staring at his partner with a look of sorrow and disbelief that was met be a stern glare. Atherton was helplessly lifted up by Oscar and dropped with the Golden Touch and pinned easily. The crowd wanted to boo, but were stunned silent by the treachery they had just witnessed. As Ref Norman handed the new champions their belts, they celebrated while KC Glenn walked to the back, shaking his head in disgust.

Winner, and NEW ACPW Tag Team Champions: The Canadian Blondes

Rating: 49




ACPW Canadian Regional Championship Match

Mario da Silva vs. MYSTIC Dragon

Given the emotional toll of the last contest, the crowd appeared burnt out going into this match. That said, this wasn't a bad contest at all. Given the talent of these two and the star power of MYSTIC, this could easily have headlined any show we've ever put on. Everyone expected Dragon to use his flash and flight to control the match, but these two spent the opening portion of the match entrenched in technical wrestling. The crowd was drawn in as the two traded scientific holds back and forth, fighting and maneuvering for that perfect position to lock in that hold that would spell their opponent's end. The hold didn't come, and the match opened up with a faster pace and a new catalog of moves that had yet to be unleashed. This is when MYSTIC shined, transitioning from strength to strength, flying around the ring showing the speed and technique that earned him so much acclaim throughout his career thus far. Mario grabbed Dragon's arm when countering a beautiful flying arm drag and it looked like he would be able to quickly lock in his famous Kimura, but Dragon was able to spin out and break loose of the hold. Free with his opponent off balance, Dragon struck, and was able to hoist Mario up for the Dragon Driver III, and connected! The crowd went crazy as he went for the pin, and to the shock of everyone, we finally had a new Canadian Regional Champion!!! MYSTIC looked to be on the verge of tears clutching the belt, while Mario looked disinterested. Dragon bowed to his opponent and offered his hand as a sign of respect, but Silva just turned and left the ring.

Winner, and NEW ACPW Canadian Regional Champion: MYSTIC Dragon

Rating: 42




ACPW Junior Heavyweight Championship Match

Jayson Van Pelt vs. UK Dragon

While the crowd was dead at the start of the last match, they warmed up throughout, and the excitement of the new champion fed directly into the heat of our main event. This match had that big-time vibe to it, and everyone in the room could feel it. Having watched both championships change hands in the last two matches, you knew JVP got a harsh taste of mortality in the back. UK was the class act he's been known for his whole career, shaking the champion's hand as we got underway. They started slow, feeling each other out with a combination of submissions and tosses. As the match went on the intensity was ratcheted up as both men took to the skies, hoping that high-risk maneuver would pay off for them in the form of a win. JVP ran into trouble earlier than expected when UK crushed him with a Dragon Drop, but it wasn't enough for a three count yet. That completely changed the champion's strategy, as he shelled up and moved to a more defensive, reactionary move-set. The change worked as UK continued on the aggressive, but the crafty champ had his challenger scouted and avoided a large portion of the offense. UK did manage to hit another Dragon Drop, but he didn't get the full contact he had hoped so he went to the top rope to finish off JVP with a corkscrew moonsault. The champ, urged on by a thunderous “J-V-P” chant, managed to get his knees up at the last second effectively knocking all the wind out of UK. A stunned challenger gave Van Pelt a chance to get to his feet, and one Axe Kick later, Dragon was out and Jayson was on top of him for the three count and the only successful title defense of the night! The two shook hands again and celebrated a fantastic match to end 2011 in front of standing, cheering crowd.

Winner: Jayson Van Pelt

Rating: 51


Show Rating: 48



Unregistered 5/7

Boltinho 1/7

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(OOC: So I felt inspired to write something... different, and four word processor pages later, I came up with a first person narrative from "my character", the booker during the course of a show and then what he went through waiting to hear if he had accomplished his owner goals or not. Any feedback on what you thought or if you'd like to see any more like this in the future would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much for reading this in particular, and this game so far, it's the best time I've had playing TEW to date, and I hope you guys are enjoying my trials and tribulations)


I stood back stage, studying over all the notes I had written down on the clipboard I was never without. Before each match I took all the competitors aside and ran through the important aspects of the match that they had to hit on for the better workers, and for those that need the extra help, I would lay the match plans out almost move for move. While booking for the local promotion in my hometown I quickly realized if you wanted something done right you have to do it yourself, and so I found myself playing road agent more often than not, just to make sure my vision would be played out as closely as I had imagined. Now sure, that seems mighty arrogant, but look where it's gotten me so far, head booker of one of the hottest new promotions in the world? I can live with a few people taking shots at me here and there. Like they say, it doesn't matter what comes after it, once your name leaves somebody's mouth, you've already won.


So the show went on, from the opener that saw ADB win a fun three-way dance to The Vipers' domination everything was going according to plan. Torch continues to draw more heat show after show and his cheap victory of King only helped his efforts. I had a little doubt about doing another two-stage title shot series so soon after the other, but in the end we went with it and it was for the best as both teams put on a great show.


After a short intermission I gathered the troops and gave them a pep-talk. It wasn't anything great given my woeful lack of charisma, but I think I got the point across. These next three matches were the make or break point for ACPW's ascension into the next year and next level of prestige. If the big reveal went the way we had hoped, if Mario finally dropping the belt, and if the grueling war between the face of the promotion and one of the most acclaimed international fighters today all went according to plan, we would be gold. And surely enough, we couldn't have asked for more. The reveal blew the roof off the place and both teams tore the rest of the building to the ground. When KC turned his back on Atherton, it felt like the air had been sucked out of the room, and Jamie played the sympathetic role so perfectly the crowd completely turned on Glenn by the time it was all said and done with. When all four made their way backstage, I was sure to thank each one personally and shake their hands for such a wonderful performance.


A third of the way through the biggest moment of my life and it was smooth sailings so far. I knew that our next match wouldn't be as big or historic as the moments that were involved in the previous, but this was going to be history as we saw an era come to an end. I talked to Mario, and much to my chagrin the soon-to-be-ex champion was being immature and arrogant when I tried to run over his match with him. MYSTIC came over and while da Silva had relented quite a bit, I could still sense his attitude and felt my stomach churn at the thought of a possible sabotage by a moody prima donna. I let them talk out the match by themselves for the last few minutes before they took to the ring. It happened. Not to the extent I had feared, but Mario sandbagged the match, clearly not giving all that he had and I was afraid the crowd could tell. As the match picked up MYSTIC took control and it seemed to right itself, but the damage had already been done and while it wasn't a complete dud it definitely wasn't the match it could have been. When Mario walked to the back we looked eyes and he gave me this nonchalant half grin as he threw his hands in the air and shrugged as if to say “I don't know what happened”. I almost snapped, but instead I let the pencil I was holding take that role, breaking in half under the amount of pressure I had focused in my hands.


After talking myself off the ledge, I took solace in the fact that there was no way we'd have a repeat of what just happened in our main event. No titles changing hands, so we didn't have to worry about Jayson being upset (not that he would be anyway), and Steven (UK) is a consummate professional, well liked no matter where in the world he stops. Not only were these two classy gents, but they were both incredibly talented, so I didn't have to waste too much time talking them through the match. A brief outline and the two went out and put on an absolute clinic, the perfect match to end our last show of the year, and possibly my last show with the company?


I had tried to forget that fact but it continually crept into my mind. Maybe that's why I let Mario's actions get under my skin, because I felt like any glaring imperfection could be enough to decide the difference between my job and the streets. Daed came over and patted me on the shoulder as the show ended before heading off into the dark Ontario night. I went out with some of the guys, a post-show tradition, and went home to sleep off the rest of the weekend.




Monday morning I woke up, and instinctively checked online to see if Herb Mackintosh had signed my death certificate yet. Nothing. In this situation no news is good news, so I went on with my day and tried to keep my mind off the subject. The rest of the week was a blur, nothing noteworthy, just watching scouting tapes and jotting down any ideas that sprung up throughout.




We were securely into the third week of the month when it came to my attention Dermott and Jamie's contracts would be up soon. While I had no clue if I would even be here to see them out through the rest of their deals, I had to assume I would be and act accordingly. Besides, even if I was out of here, these were two talented kids who gave their all for this company and deserved to be here. I'm sure my replacement could find a use for them too, it it came to that... The negotiations were simple at this point, a formality I've become accustom to every nine months. Jamie delicately mentioned a raise, and I had no problem agreeing to it given our current financial standings and his new heightened role on screen.




It was the fourth week of December, and the holiday spirit was everywhere, except in me. Daed invited everyone who was in town to the yearly company holiday event, and we had quite the turnout. ADB, Alistair, The Coasters, The Vipers, The Mafia, the Lucha Trio, Insane, Jamie, Jayson, KC, Kirk, Mario, The Lords, Oscar (Huey was in MAW), Simon, Sky, and our ring staff all showed up with some friends or family members. No matter how long you're in the business, I don't think you'll ever get used to a situation like this. Wrestlers in such a joyous, cheerful setting drinking, being jolly, and decked in some of the most hideous holiday sweaters the world has ever seen. Seriously, imagine Mimic and Dagger decked in something your grandmother would have got you when you were a child. I'd have snapped a picture of the sight, but a) I'm pretty sure it's burnt into my brain and b) one of them may have killed me for such actions.


I took advantage of having everyone here and took Dragon, Extra, and Lucha aside to talk to them about the only thing I had been able to think about for the last month. I asked them if they had heard anything within the country about Herb's new company, and when it would be opening. They had all heard about it, and seemed quite excited about it's premise. Apparently he had his eyes on combining traditional lucha with the hardcore brutality that made DaVE, WEXXV, and MoSC famous in their respective countries. That was all well and good, but the more important question was when it was opening. They all heard it was going to open after the new year, but that was merely speculation. A air of relief blew over me as I let out a relaxing sigh, I might have dodged the bullet. It was then that I was finally able to relax, unwind, and enjoy the evening.




And enjoying I did, maybe a little too much. I woke up with a pounding headache on Saturday, knowing that my future laid in the balance over the next two days. An impromptu lunch outing with my good friends Davis Wayne Newton and Joy DeWitt made for a great excuse to get away from everything and catch up, seeing how busy we've all been with our personal lives. Davis signed with NOTBPW in April and has been climbing up the ranks, while Joy is still in 4C managing former Hardcore Champion Antonio Del Veccio. Davis had to take off, so Joy and I caught a film and went back to her place, since I didn't feel like making the trek back to Windsor.


I woke up on the couch and came to the realization: It was Sunday. The last day of the year. I kept thinking back to what Dragon, Extra, and Lucha told me yesterday, trying to stave off the impending wave of terror I was bound to face over the next dozen or so hours. After lounging around Ms. DeWitt's apartment for the better part of the afternoon, I made my way home to freshen up for the night's festivities. Davis had invited Joy and I to the Stone's New Year's Eve party, something as a wrestling fan I had always dreamed of attending.




Just driving up to the hall they had rented out for the evening showed the difference between NOTBPW and us. It seemed like a Hollywood gala rather than a party for a bunch of meat head wrestlers. I mean they had valet parking for crying out loud! After someone who surely made more money than me took my car, Joy and I made our way to the door where a bouncer who looked more intimidating than anyone on our roster found our names on the list and an attendant ushered us inside. My head was on a swivel as I gawked over all the stars located in one position. McFly, DeColt, Stone(s), Angel, you name it and they were here. We eventually ran into the sharply dressed Mr. Newton, and celebrated the night away. Former ACPW road agent Art Lawson was there, which uncomfortable so I tried to avoid him throughout the evening. Hours had passed and it was finally time. Eleven forty five and there was a buzz in the room, but the only buzz I cared about was that of my cell phone as I awaited a text from Daedalus. It got closer and closer and the full band Dan and family hired for the event began playing as the countdown started.




I'm pretty sure my heart could have beat straight through my chest at this point.




I had my phone out, frantically hitting refresh on my inbox, hoping that Daed would just email me and get it over with.




I had full blown flop sweats at this point as my breath started to get shallow.




I could see Joy come towards me, that million dollar smile of her's painted a playful hue, no doubt thanks to a handful of ****tails she had indulged in over the course of the night.




She grabbed me by the back of my jacket, and in slow motion I could her mouth motion the word “One” as she counted down, and then she swooped in for the kill. We kissed, but I had more important things on my mind.




The crowd exploded and I broke off the embrace with Joy. At that very second I felt the vibration I had been waiting for for seemingly hours. I looked at my phone, and there it was: “One New E-Mail” I quickly slid it unlocked and accessed my inbox. It was Daedalus. I took a deep breath as my nervously shaking hands clicked to open it. I read it a thousand times in a matter of seconds.




“Congrats kid. See you Saturday. Happy New Year. -Daed”


I stood stunned, frozen in the moment, and as my eyes came to focus I realized I was looking right in the mirror, the most satisfied smile my face could have ever formed was staring back at me. As a came to, I realized Joy's buzz had lead her to a level of dissatisfaction with our midnight celebration, and I chuckled as she was complaining to no one listening.


“Happy New Year” I told her, and gave her a kiss that more than made up for the New Year dud. I called for Davis who came over and I nearly snapped in half with a bear hug. He knew what had happened from my perma-smile, no words needed to be exchanged. The three of us then burst into a series of laughter for no particular reason (though in hind sight I think the Stone's highfalutin champagne might have had something to do with it) and proceeded to celebrate 2011 for the remainder of the night into the morning.

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(OOC: So I've been averaging 20-30 views after every post and while that hasn't directly resulted in feedback I'd like to thank everyone who's taken the time to check this out day after day. That being said if you are reading this and would like to take part in a fun little segment I've thought of for this, shoot me a PM for details. Thanks again for the support, and I hope you're all ready for 2012, January card should be up within the next day or so!)


With 2011 officially in the rear view, it's time to reflect on December and the year in full. Despite the fact that we had an extremely full card, we still made $703, putting us up to $46,638 to end the year. We were blown away by the attendance though, as we doubled our November crowd. We had 95 people for our next to last show of the year, and a whopping 190 people packed in the Windsor Arena Hall to bring in the new year. And now, without further ado, 2011 in review!


Top Five Matches:

(55) The Franchise vs. The Lords of Xtreme, August

(51) Jayson Van Pelt vs. UK Dragon, December

(51) The Franchise vs. The Nest of Vipers, November

(50) The Franchise vs. YoshiNaka, May

(49) The Franchise vs. The Canadian Blondes, December


Top Three Shows:

(51) August

(48) December

(48) November


Top Five Workers:

Mario da Silva

After coming in second last year, 2011 was clearly Mario's year. Going 8-1 with wins over some of the best names to step into a ACPW ring, including a vengeful dismantling of Remmy Skye, his only loss from 2010. He lost the belt to in our last show of the year, but that was after holding it for two whole years.


The Franchise

Holding four of the top five matches of the year, the tag titles for the whole year, and one of the most shocking moments in ACPW history, there was no doubt that Glenn and Atherton deserved to be two of our top five workers for 2011. We still haven't heard anything from KC about what lead to the ending of their December match, but you've got to believe it's only a matter of time.


Jayson Van Pelt

The Champ wasn't even in the top five last year, but after a fantastic 2011 campaign he definitely has made a name for himself. Having the second best match of the year and holding a perfect 9-0 record, JVP will look to continue his reign for another year in 2012.


Torch Nakazawa

Starting the year losing the tag titles and trapped in the losing half of a tag title feud with The Franchise, Torch immediately took off as a singles worker, going 5-1 and not getting pinned in that loss. He's defined himself with a wicked, heel style that distracts his opponents and breaks their spirits to win matches.


Top Three Moments:


Nothing that happened in the ring could hold a light to the growth of the company. We expanded out of our 'local' state following our July show, and have continued to build on that momentum. With the expansion came an expansion in revenue and we have used that to bring in a slew of new talent and put on bigger shows at a higher rate than ever before. A co-promotion show with CZCW stands as our best show to date, and we'll look to improve on that in 2012.


“The Match”

We all knew that we had to let off some fireworks for our last show of the year, but no one could have predicted what went down in our tag title match. The Franchise went in unaware of who their opponents would be, but with all the confidence in the world. When Huey Cannonball came out, most people expected Jefferson Stardust to join him but that simply wasn't the case. Cannonball ditched his glam get up, trashed his former partner, and shocked everyone when he brought out Oscar Golden who had just been in CGC a week before. They went on to have a fantastic match, and it looked like KC would go on to destroy Oscar and Huey en route to another title defense when he did the unthinkable. He abandoned Atherton as the battered and beaten Jamie made a last ditch effort to tag out, which lead to an easy victory for the Blondes. The crowd went from shocked at the beginning of the match to stunned silence by the end.


End of an Era

While it wasn't as shocking of an ending as the Franchise/Blondes match, and it was overshadowed by having to directly follow said match. But it was still one of the biggest moments we had seen when Mario da Silva finally drop the Canadian Regional title after a legendary two year reign. MYSTIC Dragon had dazzled ACPW crowds with both his lavish entrances as well as his breath-taking performances. The fact that he was able to match Mario in technical work while holding a huge advantage in aerial ability lead to Dragon's advantage and eventual victory to dethrone the champ.



And as with last year, if there was anything you think I missed, overlooked, or overvalued feel free to let me know. Any changes you'd like to see, or any criticism only helps me grow and make this a better experience for you guys!

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Count me in for a "fun little segment", PM sent!


Also very impressed in the rise of Mario. I lost him to CGC immediately where he just jobbed constantly, and I don't like people that just up and leave, so refused to re-sign him!

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Apologies for not posting feedback more regularly. I love the fact that as the diary has progressed we are getting more and more detail about the events. I enjoyed the narrative and think it'd be cool as it breaks up the flow of show after show after show.


In regards to your pushes, I like the fact that there are still some ACPW originals that remain relevant but I'm not so keen on the fact half of the roster has been overhauled with new talent coming in.


Either way, keep doing what you're doing from one fan of ACPW to another!

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A special message from: KC Glenn




The former ACPW Tag Team Champion, who's sporting a new haircut is grappling in the middle of a ring, unaware of the cameraman. The wall behind him has the word "Minnesota" painted on it, leading us to believe he's in the very place where his career began, Joey Minnesota's personal gym. As the cameraman approaches the ring, KC notices it and breaks off the hold he was practicing with an unknown sparring partner. Someone tosses him a towel from off-screen as he wipes the sweat off his forehead and speaks.


“How're ya'll doin out there aye-cee-pee-dubya? Evah since I walked out on Jamie peoples been blowin up my phone like gosh darn fourf of Jooly fireworks. Wannin tah know why I did it. Why? Simple. I was tired of havin' to pick up the slack for that bum. We won eleven matches in just about a yur. If you look back, I won erre single one of 'em.”


He clears his throat, and chuckles a little before continuing.


“Now I know you what yer thinkin' Jamie. 'I set ya up for them there wins, eh!'. Right? Well see that's why I had us fight them one-on-one matches, tuh make sure I was makin' the right choice. See I've been wannin' tuh do this for a while now Jamie. And when we went out on our lonesome in Octobah, you remember what happened? I'm sure ya do. I knocked that rainbow-haired nancy out cold, and you couldn't even beat Vaan Pehlt. Ya made up mah mind for me boy. I'm sure yer gonna be mad as heck when you hear this, so let's have it at. January, yoo an me, proov me wrong.”


KC gets right up in the face of the camera, and you can see the intensity on his face.


“Cuz les face it boy, there was no “Franchise”, jus yoo holdin' me back from the ihmortahlitee I'm bound for. So step aside and let me shine.”


With that Glenn spits on the ground in front of him, sneers into the camera and walks off as the camera fades.



I've been wanting to write this promo, but I've been torn on how I should write it. In KC's bio it clearly states "Perhaps his only weakness is on the microphone, where his heavy southern drawl can become a problem when fighting elsewhere around the country." so I wasn't sure if I should try to write out that drawl. In the end I did, but I'm not too sure if I like it or not. Let me know what you think? January's card will be up soon!

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A special message from: KC GlennI've been wanting to write this promo, but I've been torn on how I should write it. In KC's bio it clearly states "Perhaps his only weakness is on the microphone, where his heavy southern drawl can become a problem when fighting elsewhere around the country." so I wasn't sure if I should try to write out that drawl. In the end I did, but I'm not too sure if I like it or not. Let me know what you think? January's card will be up soon!


Liked the promo, but Im not sure about the setting. Maybe its me but I find it hard to associate a farm-boy with cutting-edge innovation in a modern company. :(

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