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ACPW Presents: The Mid-Summer Classic

Thursday, Week 3, June 2012

Windsor Arena Hall, Ontario


Round One


Billy Robinson, Jon Michael Sharp, & Martin Heath vs. Joe Simpson, Michael X, & Ricky Storm

There was a debate about whether to open the show with a match featuring five relatively unknowns or not, but we went with it and it wasn't a complete abomination. The NSW kids came to the ring with their teacher, Adam Matravers, who happened to also be in the tournament. His coaching appeared to be the upper hand and when Ricky Storm hit the Storm Bringer on Martin Heath that spelled the end for team RoF.

Winner: Joe Simpson, Michael X, & Ricky Storm

Rating: 28



Matthew Macks, Wild Child, & Jasper January vs. Sergei Kalashnov, Gianfranco Morelli, & Roberto Milano

Right off the bat the team from VWA played up the friction and animosity between Matthew and Wild, as you saw them blind tagging each other in and jumping into the action without tags at some points. The colorful characters from EWA really played their roles while the gritty fighters from VWA seemed to be fighting for their lives. Macks hit his trademark Red Lightning on Gianfranco Morelli, and his team was able to move on.

Winner: Matthew Macks, Wild Child, & Jasper January

Rating: 30



Halloween Knight, Necromancer, & Cyanide vs. Isaac Taylor, Heath Murdock & Horton Ravenwood

Both of our Australian teams happened to combine outlandish characters with solid aerial ability. FEAR operated like a well-oiled machine that has lead them to take over ZEN during their time in the company, taking advantage of Taylor's lack of experience working with the establish team. A Pumpkin Patch from The Godfather of Ghouls and the black and white trio picked up the win.

Winner: Halloween Knight, Necromancer, & Cyanide

Rating: 37



Adam Matravers, Joey Beauchamp, & UK Dragon vs. Frank De Pain, Ruud Van Anger, & Ronny de Veuster

Matravers had the NSW students come to the ring with him to get an up close look at him in action, and that wound up being a good idea considering the way he took over the match. The talent level between the two teams was apparent, as the three UK superstars took control early and never looked back. A Mile High Moonsault by Matravers onto de Veuster ended a somewhat short match.

Winner: Adam Matravers, Joey Beauchamp, & UK Dragon

Rating: 41



Antonio Del Veccio, Nathaniel Ca$ino, & Rajah vs. Josh Jones, Kamikaze Christian Vars, & Tempest Appleby

The Canadian indy trio fared much better than the other team that had to compete on our last show. The seedy underworld group from 4C didn't know what hit them when Jones and Vars took off. Appleby continued to be the ring general, giving strategy and tips to his younger partners which seemed to work as Jones took out Rajah with a Canadian Backdrop for the upset win.

Winner: Josh Jones, Kamikaze Christian Vars, & Tempest Appleby

Rating: 33



El Heroe Mexicano, Gino Montero, & Amazing Fire Fly vs. Mr. Lucha III, Dragon Del Arco Iris Jr, & Extraordinario Jr

A tape trader's dream, this match featured six of the best young luchadores in the world. The closest, most back and forth contest so far, this featured as many fantastic flips and arm drags as you would expect from a pure lucha match. All six went all out and in the end it was a victory for Heroe, Montero, and Fire Fly.

Winner: El Heroe Mexicano, Gino Montero, & Amazing Fire Fly

Rating: 46



Alicia Strong, Joanne Rodriguez, & Cherry Bomb vs. Etsuko Arihyoshi, Fuyuko Higa, & Gemmei Oonishi

There was a lot of intrigue of how the crowd would react to the first ever females contest in ACPW, and it seemed to not matter at all as the crowd just accepted what was an entertaining contest. The Joshi competitors tried to show their expert training, applying technical holds and using fantastical looking moves while the American girls came out fightining. Eventually the powerhouse that is Cherry Bomb turned the tide of the contest, and Alicia Strong picked up the pinfall for her team.

Winner: Alicia Strong, Joanne Rodriguez, & Cherry Bomb

Rating: 38



Remmy Skye, California Love Machine, & Frankie-Boy Fernandes vs. Insane Machine, Masked Cougar, & Snap Dragon

The CZCW match had the fluidity of a match that had been run a hundred times before, all the men deeply aware of each other and their styles. The crowd knew what to expect from these teams and they definitely delivered, putting on what would end up being one of the best matches of the first round. The Lords of Xtreme just can't seem to catch a break in ACPW, as Frankie took out Masked Cougar with a Dirt Nap to end things.

Winner: Remmy Skye, California Love Machine, & Frankie-Boy Fernandes

Rating: 46



MYSTIC Dragon, Reijiro Hiraki, & Kenko Takemitsu vs. Torch Nakazawa, Kazuma Narato, & Burning EXILE

One of the more anticipated matches of the first round was as good as everyone was hopping as we saw the six Japanese competitors fascinate everyone with a fantastic display of new age super junior combat. Dragon and his squad looked a little worse for the wear following their mugging by Diablo and Sky King at the end of our last show. Takemitsu was incredibly well received in his first return to Canada in years, but his team just didn't have enough left in their tank as they fell in a bit of an upset when EXILE hit the EXILE Driver on Hiraki.

Winner: Torch Nakazawa, Kazuma Narato, & Burning EXILE

Rating: 46


As the contestants of the last match made their way to the back the crowd started to build in excitement for the last three matches of the first round. The Golden Trio versus Former Champs match was next, and the former champs made their way out first, getting a good reaction despite Mario's history of heel-dom. Next out were The Canadian Blondes who were booed ferociously by all three hundred members of the sold out crowd, though that all changed as Junior Heavyweight Champion Jayson Van Pelt came out. The crowd entered into a state of semi-hysteria cheering for the face of the company. He made his typical entrance, high-fiving fans along the barricade and stopping to pose with his belt for pictures. Out of nowhere someone in a plain gold mask jumped the barricade and took out the champ from behind. The Vipers and Mario were both stunned and the Blondes made no effort of saving their partner from a horrific beat down. The referee got the masked attacker to back up as staff members ran out from the back to tend to the champion.


Without a third partner, the Blondes conferred with each other about how to proceed till they asked the referee if they could choose an alternate partner. Unsure himself, the ref asked ACPW Owner Daedalus Buchinsky who was ringside tending to JVP who agreed to it, frazzled and in shock of the current situation. Oscar grabbed a microphone as security apprehended the masked attacker and were about to remove his mask.


“Woah, woah, woah, wait a second there, eh?”


The security guards stopped what they were doing and turned their attention towards the ring.


“Now Daed over there just granted us carte blanche on choosing our new partner, and we don't really have a lot of options considering the circumstances we're in, so let's think outside the box a little! You there, with the silly mask and the massive balls, I like your... moxie, your gumption, your fight. What say you? Care to join our team?”


Everyone in the arena was confused, The Canadian Blondes just extended an invitation to a mystery man to become their partner in the Mid-Summer Classic. Even the unknown masked fellow seemed taken aback by the offer, pointing to himself making sure Oscar was actually talking to him.


“Yes, yes, I'm talking about you. Who else would I mention? The tubby staff writer? The scrawny dweeb with a clipboard who's pretending to be a med staffer? Come over here man, we've got a match to win!”


The masked man arrogantly shrugs off the security members and mocks a still unconscious JVP as he casually saunters towards the ring. Daed quickly grabs a microphone and gets in the ring himself, very upset with what's happening.


“Stop right there Oscar. I don't care if you're the champion or not, I will not have you make a mockery out of my company by having a match with a psychotic member of the audience that just attacked our champion. I doubt he's even a wrestler, I will not stand for this!”


Oscar starts to chuckle before he replies with a mocking, condescending tone.


“Aww, is Daedy upset his 'ittle wittle champion got a boo boo? Well lets clear this up once and for all so we can get on with it. You sir, in the mask, are you in fact a professional wrestler?”


The masked figure nods rather emphatically, and Oscar flashes the most arrogant grin we've seen from him, easily stretching from ear to ear.


“Well, there you have it Daed, he is a wrestler! Now if you'll get out of your ring, we have a match to take care of! Oh but before I forget, what is your name?”


He holds the microphone out to his new masked partner who responds, but the lack of a mouth hole on the mask transforms his speech into an indistinguishable mumble.


“I'm sorry, I can't hear you, would you mind removing your mask and repeating that?”


Very deliberately, the masked figure unties and unthreads the laces on the back of his mask, before quickly throwing it to the ground and snatching the microphone from Oscar's hand.






The crowd were stunned to the point where it seemed like someone had sucked the air out of the building. The Canadian Blondes were in on everything, and had JVP jumped to choose their own partner. Daed didn't even know how to react ringside, and the referee didn't seem to know what else to do so he started the match.



Oscar Golden, Flash Savage, & Huey Cannonball vs. Mario da Silva, Mimic, & Dagger

The crowd and the Blondes' opponents were all completely stunned due to the actions that just transpired, and what should have been a back and forth competitive match was a one-sided affair eerily void of crowd interaction. A Golden Touch on Mimic and the Blondes picked up the win, at which point the crowd began to throw any bit of trash they could find towards the ring as Oscar and his gang taunted the audience.

Winner: Oscar Golden, Flash Savage, & Huey Cannonball

Rating: 38



Jamie Atherton, El Diablo, & Sky King vs. Thrill Seeker, Stevie Grayson, & Warren Technique

A well-placed intermission gave the crowd a chance to absorb what had just happened and get their heads back into the last two matches of the first round. Diablo and Sky continued to play up their ACPW pride gimmick, and pulled out every trick in the book to overcome their CGC opponents. There appeared to be a little bit of unease between Diablo and Jamie, but they were able to get on the same page in enough time for Diablo to take Thrill Seeker outside, leaving Jamie alone with Warren inside the ring. One White Lightning later, and Vanguard was in the second round.

Winner: Jamie Atherton, El Diablo, & Sky King

Rating: 50



KC Glenn, Mikey James, & Jonathan Pathlow vs. Afasa Fierce, Kid Toma, & Mainstream Hernandez

Three quick notes about this match: 1. KC Glenn is a workhorse. 2. Jonathon Pathlow is an animal, and 3. Hernandez is a superstar. KC seems to have this innate ability to get better with each and every match, and it's only a matter of time till he has a legitimate argument in the “best in the world” debate. The wrestler usually known as Hell Monkey made a rare un-gimmicked appearance, but fought with the same animalistic savagery that has made him a prized commodity throughout the wrestling world, and Mainstream Hernandez has the poise, polish, charisma, and skill that superstars that headline SWF shows demonstrate. How he hasn't gotten a shot at the big time yet is baffling, but we're glad he was here for this one. Unfortunately his star quality wasn't quite enough to sneak out the win in what was easily the match of the first round, as KC Tuned Up the Sunshine Band and Kid Toma went out like a light after a fantastic match to close out the first round.

Winner: KC Glenn, Mikey James, & Jonathan Pathlow

Rating: 56



Astil 5/12

Tiberious4 5/12

Jaded 7/12

Boltinho 5/12

Rare Kuma 9/12

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ACPW Presents: The Mid-Summer Classic

Windsor Arena Hall, Ontario


Round Two

Halloween Knight, Necromancer, & Cyanide vs. Adam Matravers, Joey Beauchamp, & UK Dragon


Torch Nakazawa, Kazuma Narato, & Burning EXILE vs. Matthew Macks, Wild Child, & Jasper January


KC Glenn, Mikey James, & Jonathan Pathlow vs. Joe Simpson, Michael X, & Ricky Storm


Remmy Skye, California Love Machine, & Frankie-Boy Fernandes vs. El Heroe Mexicano, Gino Montero, & Amazing Fire Fly


Oscar Golden, Flash Savage, & Huey Cannonball vs. Alicia Strong, Joanne Rodriguez, & Cherry Bomb


El Diablo, Jamie Atherton, & Sky King vs. Josh Jones, Kamikaze Christian Vars, & Tempest Appleby

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Apparently I'm bad at predicting.



Round Two

Halloween Knight, Necromancer, & Cyanide vs. Adam Matravers, Joey Beauchamp, & UK Dragon


My heart says ZEN, but my head says to go with the trio of three of the best workers in the UK and Europe.

Torch Nakazawa, Kazuma Narato, & Burning EXILE vs. Matthew Macks, Wild Child, & Jasper January


I was surprised the VWA crew made it past the first round, but I would be even more shocked if they beat this team.

KC Glenn, Mikey James, & Jonathan Pathlow vs. Joe Simpson, Michael X, & Ricky Storm


Way too much talent on the face (?) side to be beaten by some rookies.


Remmy Skye, California Love Machine, & Frankie-Boy Fernandes vs. El Heroe Mexicano, Gino Montero, & Amazing Fire Fly


Should be a fun match, but I go with the team that's been featured in this diary.


Oscar Golden, Flash Savage, & Huey Cannonball vs. Alicia Strong, Joanne Rodriguez, & Cherry Bomb


With Flash Savage's shocking attack on JVP I think the Golden Trio will keep up momentum with a win here.


El Diablo, Jamie Atherton, & Sky King vs. Josh Jones, Kamikaze Christian Vars, & Tempest Appleby


Vanguard aren't going to lose here.

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  • 2 weeks later...

ACPW Presents: The Mid-Summer Classic

Thursday, Week 3, June 2012

Windsor Arena Hall, Ontario


Round Two


Halloween Knight, Necromancer, & Cyanide vs. Adam Matravers, Joey Beauchamp, & UK Dragon

Unfortunately for the ZEN trio, their whacky personalities weren't enough to match up with the sheer talent of the UK team who dazzled the crowd with fantastic action. Matravers ended the match with his patented Mile High Moonsault on Cyanide to advance to the next round.

Winner: Adam Matravers, Joey Beauchamp, & UK Dragon

Rating: 38



Torch Nakazawa, Kazuma Narato, & Burning EXILE vs. Matthew Macks, Wild Child, & Jasper January

The VWA crew were one of the surprises of the first round, and looked to keep that up as they took on Torch and his boys. The scrappy euros brought the fight, and looked to score their second upset in as many matches. Unfortunately Wild Child took except to a blind tag from Macks, and the two known enemies quickly melted down into a shoving contest till Torch snuck up behind Macks and rolled him up with a school boy for the three count.

Winner: Torch Nakazawa, Kazuma Narato, & Burning EXILE

Rating: 44



KC Glenn, Mikey James, & Jonathan Pathlow vs. Joe Simpson, Michael X, & Ricky Storm

Another one of the first round upsets saw the NSW students make their way over the RoF squad. Their next opponents were determined not to suffer the same fate. Glenn an his American squad controlled the entire match, bullying and abusing the young brits from bell to bell till Adam Matravers ran out and began arguing with KC, trying to get him to end the abuse on his students. Glenn then took to the skies, adding insult to injury by hitting a Mile High Moonsault of his own onto Joe Simpson for the win as Matravers looked on in sheer rage.

Winner: KC Glenn, Mikey James, & Jonathan Pathlow

Rating: 49



Remmy Skye, California Love Machine, & Frankie-Boy Fernandes vs. El Heroe Mexicano, Gino Montero, & Amazing Fire Fly

One thing that's always been known about CZCW is their propensity for lucha libre, so when the California Kings and Remmy faced up against the young squad from Mexico, you know it was going to be beautiful. The art of lucha was in full effect in this one, with more fluid acrobatics than most people in attendance knew what to do with. Remmy and company tried to keep up, but they simply didn't have enough to keep up with the young future stars as the former Junior Heavyweight Champ fell in the second round.

Winner: El Heroe Mexicano, Gino Montero, & Amazing Fire Fly

Rating: 51



Oscar Golden, Flash Savage, & Huey Cannonball vs. Alicia Strong, Joanne Rodriguez, & Cherry Bomb

The brash arrogance demonstrated by the Canadian Blondes was revolting, the crowd booing them on with full malice from the second they walked out for this match. The ladies did their part to feed of the crowd and use that to their advantage, but they were simply outmatched by the well-oiled machine that they were up against as J-Ro fell victim to a Cannonball Run.

Winner: Oscar Golden, Flash Savage, & Huey Cannonball

Rating: 42



Jamie Atherton, El Diablo, & Sky King vs. Josh Jones, Kamikaze Christian Vars, & Tempest Appleby

And the final second round match featured the last of the first round upsets, as the Canadian indy group took on Vanguard. Diablo quickly made his hatred known for his opponents, slapping Tempest in the face when he went for a pre-match handshake, and continually taking cheap shots throughout the match. Jones and Vars looked truly impressive as a team, but they didn't stand much of a chance against one of the juggernaut squads of the tournament.

Winner: El Diablo, Jamie Atherton, & Sky King

Rating: 48



Tiberious4: 5/6


Don't worry Tib, I've always used tournaments to help build new stars, so they tend to have quite a few upsets in the first few rounds.

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ACPW Presents: The Mid-Summer Classic

Thursday, Week 3, June 2012

Windsor Arena Hall, Ontario



Alistair Shuffflebottom vs. Kirk Drury

A very brief, simple match between two of the kids of the promotion to get the crowd back into the show after the second intermission and to give the workers a couple more minutes of relaxation before heading out for the final round matches. Drury goes over with an arm bar.

Winner: Kirk Drury

Rating: 27


Round Three


Torch Nakazawa, Kazuma Narato, & Burning EXILE vs. Adam Matravers, Joey Beauchamp, & UK Dragon

The first of three main events featured an all time matchup of brains versus skill as the likely tournament favorites out of England had to fight with all of their ability to try to outdo the unscrupulous wit of the dastardly Japanese squad. Torch's brilliant mind won out in the end as Matravers, the legal man, did a Mile High Moonsault onto everyone on the outside except for Torch that rolled out of the way at the last second. He quickly rolled a battered Matravers into the ring and pinned him, sneaking his squad into the finals.

Winner: Torch Nakazawa, Kazuma Narato, & Burning EXILE

Rating: 46



Jamie Atherton, El Diablo, & Sky King vs. Oscar Golden, Flash Savage, & Huey Cannonball

Despite their questionable tactics and their less than friendly demeanor, Vanguard were the clear faces in this contest given what had transpired under the Canadian Blondes' watch earlier in the show. Oscar and his boys continued their roll that allowed them to walk through the second round and despite Atherton's most valiant efforts it appeared as though the home town boys would have to bow out until the unthinkable happened. Frustrated that they hadn't been able to close out the match, Oscar left the ring and returned with his Tag Team Championship belt in hand, ready to clock one of his opponents with it to render them unconscious. The referee stepped in to prevent this and after a scuffle Golden wound out decking the ref, knocking him out cold. Oscar then proceeded to hit Jamie in the head with the belt and pin him, quickly forgetting the referee was unconscious. As he went to shake the cobwebs out of the referee the crowd exploded as Malik Cash came out from the back! He grabbed the belt that Oscar had slid out of the ring and clobbered the tag champ with it, laying Jamie over his body. He then shook the ref into consciousness and rolled out of the ring as the ref slowly counted to three, and Vanguard got the win!

Winner: Jamie Atherton, El Diablo, & Sky King

Rating: 44



KC Glenn, Mikey James, & Jonathan Pathlow vs. El Heroe Mexicano, Gino Montero, & Amazing Fire Fly

Our main event had none of the chicanery that the other two matches had, rather it was a pure wrestling clinic put on by six of the premier talents in the industry. KC and company didn't play up their heel nature much at all during the match, instead they simply went out and wrestled their hearts out and the crowd were on their feet by the halfway point seeing the incredible maneuvers put on display by all the competitors involved. Breath-taking dives, punishing drops, back and forth action, and more near falls than you could shake a stick at had this match pegged as the reason why the whole tournament was worth it. In the end Fire Fly had KC out on his feet as he ascended the turnbuckle and came off with a picture perfect hurricanrana but KC caught him! He tossed him to the ground and as Fly got to his feet KC nearly took his head off with as he Tuned Up the Sunshine Band! The count was a given at that point and the luchadores, despite their hardest efforts, would not see the finals of the Mid-Summer Classic.

Winner: KC Glenn, Mikey James, & Jonathan Pathlow

Rating: 56


Show Rating: 52

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  • 2 weeks later...

It's over.” I thought. And then I thought about the sentence. Should there be some sort of adverb there? “Finally over”, “thankfully over”, “begrudgingly over”, or maybe “unfortunately over”? I wasn't sure. I wasn't even sure how I was having this inner-monologue as my thoughts were almost drowned out by the “This-Is-Awe-Some.” chant carried out by our second ever sold out crowd at the ol' Hall.


KC, Mikey, and Jonny made their way to the back while Heroe, Gino, and Fire took a few moments to show their appreciation by bowing in respect and shaking hands with some of the fans in the front row. This elicited a “Please-Come-Back” chant, and everyone could see the humbled look on their faces, masked or not. As they came through the curtain into the back I made sure I was the first one there to greet them with a handshake and a pat on the back before letting them get on with the rest of their night. I took a deep breath and exhaled as I let myself get completely absorbed in the moment, sitting in silence and letting the night's energy flow around me. This was without a doubt the biggest show in company history and the largest thing I've ever been involved in during my brief career in wrestling. I saw Daed make his way towards me with a cheshire cat-like grin on his face.


“There's the man of the hour! Hell of a show kid!” he said with a chuckle as he wrapped me up in a bear hug that would have made some of our workers tap out. But I'd take a broken rib right now if it meant my boss was that pleased in my work.


“You know I didn't know if this was going to be a good idea at first kid, but damn if you didn't prove me wrong out there!”


“Why thank you sir. It was definitely hard work wrangling up all the talent and getting stuff set up, but I think it all came together pretty well.” I tried to sound as modest as possible, though I could have easily boasted about how I learned rudimentary Spanish, Japanese, and German to converse and make deals with the likes of Albert Thorp, Pablo Rodriguez, and Koji Kojima to get all of these stars together on one show. I could have talked about Heath Murdock's visa issues that almost kept him from leaving Australia, or Mainstream Hernandez's double booking that moved our biggest show ever to a Thursday night. I could've told him how “the guys” weren't too keen about having ladies on the card or in their locker room, or how the Stones almost pulled Flash Savage less than a week before the show finally happened. But no, I figured my hard work paid for itself already with the massive crowd of adoring fans that were on hand for the unveiling of my masterpiece.


“That's an understatement my boy! When I opened this company almost three years ago this was exactly the type of thing I was hoping for. Some of the best, most exciting workers on the globe coming together to give fans everywhere something to talk about. And the fact that you were able to make everything work within our budget? You sure are something else kid.”


“Well the fact that the advertisers upped their funding after we started to grow a few months ago really helped us, not to mention the fact that a lot of the guys came over for not much more than a plane ticket just to get some exposure in North America. But thanks Daed, this show really was a labor of love, and to see it go off without a hitch really felt good.”


He patted on the shoulder and showered me with a few more praises before taking off to make small talk with some of the flown-in talent that he hadn't had the chance to meet before. I took the break in conversation to poke my head through the curtains to see the once electric hall return to it's normal state as most fans left and the few that remained stood huddled around the gimmick table, buying merch and talking shop with the workers that were over there. I looked around when I saw two people walking my way that immediately made me smile, Davis Wayne Newton and Joy DeWitt.


“There he is!” Davis exclaimed, pointing at me with a big cheesy grin on his face. He gave me a big hug(not nearly as painful as Daed's, fortunately) and ruffled my hair before Joy leaned in and kissed me on the cheek. “We were wondering where you were man, had to come and congratulate you before we took off!”


I was in shock, my two best friends were here and I didn't know it?


“When did you guys get here? You should have let me known you were coming, I could have comped your tickets!” I probably came off a little frazzled, because Davis chuckled and put his hand on my shoulder to calm my nerves.


“We came in this morning and just hung around Windsor for the day before making our way over, and good thing we got here when we did, or else we might not have got in! You guys sold this place out, didn't you?”


I sheepishly smiled and nodded. No matter what I don't think I'll ever get better at taking compliments from my friends. “Yeah man... it was pretty cool. But what about you guys? How did you not get absolutely mobbed by the crowd all night? I mean you are kind of a big deal man, how'd you even get away from the Stones for the night?”


“Hahaha it wasn't that bad. Couple of typical creeps, but all in all it was a pretty good time. It was fun to be able to watch a show as a fan again, brought me back to our old days at North of the Border shows when we were kids. And Dan told me I wasn't booked this week so I figured I could scoot out for a couple of days. But hey, enough talking, let's go out and celebrate! It's all on me tonight, you deserve it buddy!”


And with that I tied up any loose ends I had backstage and the three of us went out on the town to enjoy some fun and relaxation after one of the most stressful days of my life to date.

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(OOC: It's just not ACPW without an unannounced hiatus, is it? I wanted to do the post-show piece and just ran out of steam halfway through it so I just forced my self to get it done to finally get on with the shows. It wasn't my best so sorry if you didn't like it, I just felt the need to mix in something different right there and was too stubborn to scrap it when I got stuck haha. Here's July's card!)


ACPW Monthly Mayhem

Windsor Arena Hall, Ontario


Gino Montero vs. El Heroe Mexicano vs. Amazing Fire Fly

One of the surprising groups out of the MSC, the lucha trio made it all the way to the semi-finals before losing to KC Glenn's group. The crowd reception for these three was so overwhelmingly positive we would be foolish not to bring them back for at least one more match. This time the three of them will go head-to-head-to-head for bragging rights.


ACPW Canadian Regional Championship Match

MYSTIC Dragon vs. Malik Cash

One of the more shocking moments of the Mid-Summer Classic was the return of former Tag Team Champion Malik Cash. Dragon's squad bowed out in the first round, so the champ will look to rebound in a title defense against an ACPW original.


Non-Title Match

Jayson Van Pelt & ??? vs. Oscar Golden & Huey Cannonball

And if Malik's return was one of the most shocking moments of the MSC, then Flash Savage's debut was without a doubt the most talked about event of the historic show. The Canadian Blondes set up champion JVP in an effort to bring in their old running mate, NOTBPW's Flash Savage. The trio made it to the semis before losing to Vanguard, but now is the time for them to pay for their actions. JVP was granted this contest against the two men that sold him out last month, and the ACPW board has allowed him to keep the identity of his partner a secret till match time. Who will he select, and will he get his revenge for the assault in cold blood that took place at the Mid-Summer Classic? You'll have to be at the Windsor Arena Hall to find out!


Mid-Summer Classic Finals

Jamie Atherton, El Diablo, & Sky King vs. Torch Nakazawa, Kazuma Narato, & Burning EXILE


Jamie Atherton, El Diablo, & Sky King vs. KC Glenn, Jonathan Pathlow, & Mikey James


KC Glenn, Jonathan Pathlow, & Mikey James vs. Torch Nakazawa, Kazuma Narato, & Burning EXILE

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Gino Montero vs. El Heroe Mexicano vs. Amazing Fire Fly


This is practically a coin flip, lots of talent here.


MYSTIC Dragon vs. Malik Cash


It took me a minute to remember who Cash was, that's generally not a good sign.


Jayson Van Pelt & ??? vs. Oscar Golden & Huey Cannonball


??? Never fails me.



Jamie Atherton, El Diablo, & Sky King vs. Torch Nakazawa, Kazuma Narato, & Burning EXILE


Jamie Atherton, El Diablo, & Sky King vs. KC Glenn, Jonathan Pathlow, & Mikey James


KC Glenn, Jonathan Pathlow, & Mikey James vs. Torch Nakazawa, Kazuma Narato, & Burning EXILE

The round robin nature of this confuses me to no end. Lets have it end in a tie, why not.

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ACPW Monthly Mayhem

Friday, Week 1, July 2012

Windsor Arena Hall, Ontario



Jamie Atherton, El Diablo, & Sky King vs. Torch Nakazawa, Kazuma Narato, & Burning EXILE

Our opening contest was the first of three round robin matches, this one featuring Vanguard against Team Japan. Diablo and King came out waving large ACPW flags while Atherton seemed completely focused and in the zone. In a quality match that could have headlined any of our earlier shows, Vanguard made good on their per-tournament vow to win it all to keep the Junior Heavyweight title in ACPW as Atherton destroyed Narato with a White Lightning

Winner: Jamie Atherton, El Diablo, & Sky King

Rating: 48



Gino Montero vs. El Heroe Mexicano vs. Amazing Fire Fly

There was a huge cheer from the crowd when these three came out, and before the bell rang a “Wel-Come-Back” chant broke out, which the three young stars took the time to acknowledge before getting down to one of the most awe-inspiring displays of lucha artistry seen to date in ACPW. Gino really shined, showing off his pure pedigree for everyone in attendance. Unfortunately for him talent wasn't enough to counteract sheer luck, as Heroe happened to pin Fire Fly for the win.

Winner: El Heroe Mexicano

Rating: 55




ACPW Canadian Regional Championship Match

MYSTIC Dragon vs. Malik Cash

Cash showed the ring rust expected from a competitor who's only had three matches since his last appearance in ACPW, which was over a year and a half ago. He showed the spark and excitement that lead him to being a former champion, but the current champ had answers to everything he tried and more. MYSTIC eventually ended it and picked up his fifth title defense.

Winner: MYSTIC Dragon

Rating: 38



KC Glenn, Jonathan Pathlow, & Mikey James vs. Torch Nakazawa, Kazuma Narato, & Burning EXILE

The second of the round robin matches featured Team Japan again, this time going up against KC Glenn and Team America. Nakazawa and his crew looked a little worse for wear after losing the opening match, which Glenn and his partners took full advantage of. Dominating with sheer talent, James and Glenn ended this with simultaneous super kicks to EXILE, and the pin was a given after that destruction. With the loss, Team Japan was eliminated from title contention and set up a main event where the winner would be crowned the Mid-Summer Classic champions.

Winner: KC Glenn, Jonathan Pathlow, & Mikey James

Rating: 56


Oscar and Huey came down to the ring, jovial and arrogant as they usually look, their championship belts on display for everyone to see. They stood around impatiently when JVP came out to the ring with a guy wearing a nondescript all gold mask. He grabbed a microphone before getting in the ring and addressed the crowd.


“Ladies and gentlemen, I'd like to introduce you all to my partner for the following contest. He is The Canadian Blonde!”


The Blondes' look goes from bemused to infuriated, feeling made fun of by the Junior Heavyweight champ. JVP quickly threw down the mic and charged the ring with his partner, starting the match immediately.



Non-Title Match

Jayson Van Pelt & The Canadian Blonde vs. Oscar Golden & Huey Cannonball

Using the quick start to their advantage, JVP and TCB quickly got the upper hand on their competitors and rode that wave of momentum throughout the match. The Blondes used their usual heel tactics to try to get back into the match by attempting to remove TCB's mask throughout the contest. After a fantastic match with tons of back and forth action Huey got taken out and thrown from the ring, leaving Oscar alone against JVP and TCB who were both licking their chops. Realizing he was about to get double teamed, Oscar tried to flee the ring but JVP grabbed him by his hair and dropped him in the middle of the ring with a huge knee to the gut. This opened up a chance for TCB to finish the match, but he first took the time to remove his mask, revealing himself as Mainstream Hernandez!




The crowd went ballistic as Mainstream played up his big reveal for a little before knocking the winded Golden out cold with an Apparition #14 for the win!

Winner: Jayson Van Pelt & Mainstream Hernandez

Rating: 59



Jamie Atherton, El Diablo, & Sky King vs. KC Glenn, Jonathan Pathlow, & Mikey James

While the last match had set a new standard for great matches here in ACPW, it didn't stand for long as the best match in company history. Our main event just had that big time aura to it as the Atherton/Glenn feud came to a head once more. It could be argued that Team America had the talent advantage in this one, but in a fight like this it came down to heart and determination. The action was jaw-dropping once they got past the feeling out stage and they kept up that pace all the way to the final bell, giving all three hundred members of the sold out crowd something to remember forever. The ending came down to who else but Jamie and KC as the other four contestants fought outside the ring. Trading forearms and chops, neither man budged an inch despite the incredible level of damage being inflicted until Jamie ducked an attempted spinning lariat from Glenn and was able to hoist him up for a White Lightning, but KC managed to slide out off the potentially finishing move. This gave KC just enough of an opening to blast Jamie with a Tune Up the Sunshine Band, a move that nine times out of ten would have knocked the ACPW original out cold. However whether KC didn't fully connect or Atherton just showed the drive of a champion, the brutal boot to the jaw merely knocked Jamie back as he grabbed on to the ropes for support as his legs almost went out beneath him. Determined to end it, KC threw Atherton to the mat and pinned him, but Jamie kicked out at two as both men laid exhausted on the mat while the ref started the double countout. By count of eight both were on up, but on wobbly footing as they tried once more to trade knockout blows. KC tried to Tune Up the Sunshine Band one more time but Jamie managed to grab his foot and hooked his leg, lifting him up and this time dropping him with a modified White Lightning! He covered his rival and as the ref started the count Pathlow tried to break up the count, but he was cut off by Diablo as the ref's hand hit the mat for the third time! The bell sounded and the crowd exploded as the ref raised Jamie's hand in victory! Physically and emotionally spent, all three members of Vanguard almost collapsed into each other while Daedalus Buchinsky entered the ring with a majestic trophy that he handed to the winners of the first ever Mid-Summer Classic! All three members of Vanguard took turns posing for photos with the trophy while Team America made their way to the back, KC Glenn violently yelling at his partners as he tried to massage some feeling back into his neck. An “A-C-P-W” chant broke out as the champs took their time to go along the barricade and high five as many fans they could to end the show.

Winner, and 2012 ACPW Mid-Summer Classic Champions: Jamie Atherton, El Diablo, & Sky King

Rating: 60


Show Rating: 59



Tiberious4: 3/6

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ACPW Monthly Mayhem

Windsor Arena Hall, Ontario


Torch Nakazawa & Burning EXILE vs Josh Jones & Christian Vars

After falling short in the Mid-Summer Classic, Torch Nakazawa will team up with one of his partners from the Classic to take on two members of one of the surprises from the tournament in Jones and Vars.


Insane Machine vs Afasa Fierce

Afasa Fierce has been on a tear in ACPW this year, and looks to continue his winning ways against a higher level of talent as he goes up against one of the faces of CZCW.


Alistair Shufflebottom vs Gino Montero

Turning lots of heads both in the tournament and the three-way match last month, Gino Montero will go up against ACPW original Alistair Shufflebottom, who's still trying to work his way out of a rut.


Mario da Silva vs Kirk Drury

The former Canadian Regional champ opted not to cash in his rematch in favor of moving up in the ranks and challenging for the Junior Heavyweight Championship. Unfortunately for him he's been a little lost in the shuffle, so he'll look to turn some heads against another ACPW original.


KC Glenn vs Malik Cash

Despite the hard-fought historic match that we were all treated to last month, KC Glenn is extremely upset that he wasn't on the winning end. The 'Southern Sensation' wanted anyone to take his aggression out on, and none other than Vanguard member Malik Cash stepped up to answer the challenge.


ACPW Junior Heavyweight Championship Match

Jayson Van Pelt vs Sky King

The Champ will be making only his second title defense of the year as the first member of Vanguard cashes in their guaranteed title shots in a battle of ACPW originals.


ACPW Canadian Regional Championship Match

MYSTIC Dragon vs El Heroe Mexicano

A international dream match that's sure to send tape traders into a frenzy, we were so impressed with Heroe last month that we've given him this match, a title shot in what could be one of the best matches of the year!

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ACPW Monthly Mayhem

Friday, Week 1, August 2012

Windsor Arena Hall, Ontario



Torch Nakazawa & Burning EXILE vs Josh Jones & Christian Vars

The crowd was rather lukewarm to Jones and Vars when the match started but the relatively new team did their best to win over the crowd. They were aided by the fact that Torch and EXILE continue to tear through ACPW thanks to a complete disinterest in the rules or competitive integrity. Jones was about to hit Torch with a Canadian Backdrop but EXILE quickly entered the ring to interrupt things. When Christian tried to get in the ring to to even things up the ref stopped him and this distraction allowed a double low blow on Jones and Torch quickly covered him for the easy, yet dirty win.

Winner: Torch Nakazawa & Burning EXILE

Rating: 50



Insane Machine vs Afasa Fierce

Fierce continues to fight with the fire and savagery that he's displayed since renaming himself at the start of the year. The brutish Samoan warrior fought with no respect for his highly-decorated opponent, simply looking to break him and collect the victory. What probably would have been an average undercard match turned into a fantastic competition due to fantastic chemistry between the two involved. Fierce won this one with a Samoan Spike DDT, and after the pin he tried to rip open Insane's mask before the referee separated them.

Winner: Afasa Fierce

Rating: 57



Alistair Shufflebottom vs Gino Montero

It's respectable that Shuffle isn't shying away from top competition as he tries to establish himself on the ACPW roster and come into his own as a professional wrestler, but sooner or later he'll have to start getting some wins if he wants to further his career. Montero showed everyone why he's one of the most coveted young talents in the world today by making quick work of Alistair and getting his first win in ACPW.

Winner: Gino Montero

Rating: 40



Mario da Silva vs Kirk Drury

The two technically-minded ACPW originals are no strangers to each other, as Mario recorded two Canadian Regional title defenses against Kirk to start off 2010. These two still have as good of chemistry now as they did over two years ago, and that really added to this match as the crowd ate up the submission holds they traded back and forth till Mario caught Drury in a Kimura to end things and remain perfect against the youngster.

Winner: Mario da Silva

Rating: 51



KC Glenn vs Malik Cash

Malik impressed a lot of people by stepping up and accepting KC Glenn's challenge, but his heart may have overpowered his common sense in this instance as he was dominated and utterly destroy by and obviously perturbed KC Glenn. After KC Tuned up the Sunshine Band twice and still refused to pin his unconscious opponent, the ref had no choice but to call it and award KC the win via knockout.

Winner: KC Glenn

Rating: 46




ACPW Junior Heavyweight Championship Match

Jayson Van Pelt vs Sky King

The elder statesman of Vanguard was the first one to step up to challenge JVP for his title, and while Sky will always be known and respected for making anyone look good with his fantastic performance abilities, his offensive skills weren't up to snuff in this one. The champ was able to simply outwork the grizzled veteran, and when he connected with the Axe Kick it was all over, the champ retained.

Winner: Jayson Van Pelt

Rating: 47




ACPW Canadian Regional Championship Match

MYSTIC Dragon vs El Heroe Mexicano

It was billed as the “international dream match”, and it absolutely lived up to it's hype. The star pupil of modern legend Champagne Lover against the son of the hall of famer Elemental in a contest that set the pace for what junior wrestling across the world could look like for years to come. Indescribably fantastic back and forth action had the crowd on it's feet and there they stayed until a Dragon Driver III ended a fantastic match and continued MYSTIC's Canadian Regional Championship reign. The two men shook hands and bowed for the crowd to show their appreciation for the enthusiastic sold out group to end the show.

Winner: MYSTIC Dragon

Rating: 59


Show Rating: 56

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A backstage moment with: El Diablo




Diablo is standing in a back hallway of Windsor Arena Hall, shortly after the end of the August show. The former champion who's been defined by his mean streaks and acts of violence in the name of ACPW looks almost unnaturally serene as he begins to speak.


“Congratulations on beating King, Jayson. We figured he'd be a great test for you as you get back into form after taking a brief respite from title defenses, and you handled him rather easily, so to that I say bravo!”


Diablo nods towards the camera in acknowledgment and claps, either a sign of respect for the champ or a sarcastic mockery of JVP.


“But don't get fat and happy resting on your laurels Jayson, remember you still have two more people who've earned their chance to dethrone you and become Junior Heavyweight Champion. And that's why I'm here, to announce that I'll be cashing in my title shot next and am challenging you now to a match at ACPW Monthly Mayhem in September. The original versus the incumbent, past versus present to determine the future.”


Diablo takes a step back and a deep breath for dramatic effect, letting that last line resonate with the viewers before continuing.


“And it's the future that I'm here to talk with you about Jayson. Your future, my future, ACPW's future. See I'm not sure if you've realized this but a lot of our running mates are gone. Ricochet, Jay, Taylor, Topher, even Tony and Face are gone. When you're in the trenches and you look to your left and right who's there still fighting on your side? On ACPW's side? Me. Jamie. Malik, and Sky. These are changing times Jayson, if we don't take action it won't be the ACPW we know and love we're fighting for, and who's to say we'll even be here with the way they keep flying in these parasites from across the globe? These parasite that are coming in and leeching off the integrity and name of ACPW to further themselves, to try to become household names on our blood, sweat, and tears? I won't stand for it!


And that's why I ask man to man, join our ranks, join Vanguard and step up for the company that we helped build all those years ago. You see with that belt you're wearing comes power and respect, comes a voice and leadership role in the back amongst the boys. I know that from experience, so it's with that in mind I'll offer you a choice. Join us and I'll let you keep that belt of yours because you see it's never been about the glory and accolades for me, it's never been about being “the king of the mountain”, this has all been so I can look Daedalus Buchinsky in the eyes and say 'I'm the ACPW Junior Heavyweight Champion and I'm taking this company back'. So if you were to join us, I personally wouldn't need to do that, and you'd get to keep your spot as the top guy.


I know it's a lot to take in, so I'm not looking for an immediate decision. Take your time, make up your mind and I hope you choose the right option. Either way, I'll see you in September, Jayson.”


Diablo takes a step back and displays the Vanguard hand signal, both hands together with the index fingers extended and spaced out into a 'V' as the camera fades to black.

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(OOC: Had a lot of free time this weekend, might be able to get through 2012 by the end of it if I can keep it up at this pace! Here's September's card)


ACPW Monthly Mayhem

Windsor Arena Hall, Ontario


ACPW Tag Team Championship Match

Oscar Golden & Huey Cannonball, The Canadian Blondes vs Sky King & Malik Cash, Vanguard

Both of the Vanguard members fell in singles matches last month, but are hoping they can spark some magic as a tag team and win gold, an action that would surely please Vanguard leader El Diablo.


ACPW Junior Heavyweight Championship Match

Jayson Van Pelt vs El Diablo

By now you've surely heard the interesting words that former champion El Diablo had for JVP. ACPW management hasn't heard from the champion yet, so we're not sure if we'll even have a match here, but it's on the books if there is.


Joey Beauchamp vs UK Dragon

Two of the members of Team UK from the Mid-Summer Classic will now face each other one-on-one for only the second time, their first encounter coming exactly year ago here in ACPW. Dragon stood victorious the first time, will Joey be able to even the score?


KC Glenn vs Burning EXILE

Having taken out a large portion of his aggression on Malik Cash last month, KC Glenn has turned his attention to a new target, another one of the finalist from the MSC in Burning EXILE. EXILE is fresh off a tag victory over Jones and Vars, and will look for the upset here to pick up his first singles victory in ACPW.


ACPW Canadian Regional Championship Match

MYSTIC Dragon vs Afasa Fierce

Fierce has truly found himself this year, going undefeated in singles matches and getting wins over the likes of Insane Machine and Simon Flemmingway in the process. This is clearly his toughest opponent yet as Dragon looks to further extend his title reign.


Jamie Atherton vs Mario da Silva

The last member of Vanguard to cash in his title shot, Jamie will challenge the winner of Diablo and JVP next month, making this a fantastic tune-up contest. Mario got back in the win column last month over Kirk Drury and will look to disrupt Jamie's momentum leading into his title challenge and further establish his own title shot credentials.

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  • 5 weeks later...

ACPW Monthly Mayhem

Friday, Week 1, September 2012

Windsor Arena Hall




ACPW Tag Team Championship Match

The Canadian Blondes vs Vanguard

A solid opener got the night started off right as we saw the tag belts on the line. This was Cash and King's first time as a tandem, but it looks like that could be their position within the ranks of Vanguard. The Blondes continued to use their unscrupulous methods to win, this time Oscar pulled at Malik's dreadlocks and when he complained to the ref Oscar quickly rolled him up and grabbed his tights for the three count.

Winner: The Canadian Blondes

Rating: 44


Huey and Oscar, knowing what they once again got away with, quickly scampered to the back leaving Malik and Sky in the ring to thrash around violently, screaming at the ref and tossing trash into the ring. El Diablo came dashing out of the back to calm down his cohorts, and when he felt the crisis was averted he grabbed a microphone.




“Jayson, it's time.”


That's all the former Junior Heavyweight Champion had to say, and that's all it took to bring out the current champ, who did come out in his ring gear, much to Diablo's chagrin.


“So, everyone by now has seen my proposal. Join Vanguard, keep your title, and help us clear ACPW of the scum like those two buffoons that just stole the tag belts from Sky ad Malik. Or decline, lose your title, and join the ranks of the Nakazawas and Glenns in our eyes. What do you say? Will you join us?”


Not even grabbing a microphone, JVP simply shakes his head. You can see a small twinge of guilt on his face, and he mouths “Sorry” to Diablo, but the former champ has already gone blind with rage. He snaps and jumps the current champ and we have our next match.




ACPW Junior Heavyweight Championship Match

Jayson Van Pelt vs El Diablo

Diablo quickly gained the upper hand following his cheap shot, and he never looked back. Unfortunately it mattered naught as Sky King and Malik Cash jumped into the ring without warning and prompting. The two Vanguard members began beating the champ and the ref had no option but to call for the bell and end the match on a disqualification. Diablo joined in and the three beat the champ senselessly until security and other wrestlers came from the back to break things up.

Winner via DQ: Jayson Van Pelt

Rating: 39



Joey Beauchamp vs UK Dragon

After the two competitors came out and right as the bell rang Torch Nakazawa's music hit. The Japanese superstar casually strolled down to the ring, pulled out a folding chair, and sat down in the ringside area. Joey, Dragon, and the ref all seemed confused, but Torch sat back and motioned for them to start the match. They do and put on quite the fantastic British style aerial showcase. At one point in the match Dragon throws Joey out of the ring and he falls down right next to Torch, who quickly evacuates his seat. As he gets up, Beauchamp folds the chair up and tries to get into the ring with it though the ref holds him up on the apron, the two tussling over the foreign object. While this is going on Torch slipped into the ring from the far side, turns around Dragon who was focused on Joey and the referee's scuffle, and throws a fireball into his masked face! UK quickly drops to the ground and rolls back and forth the make sure his mask doesn't ignite and Torch quickly flees the ring as the ref turns to respond to the screams and flopping around of UK. Joey drops the chair, slides into the ring, and covers Dragon, and the ref has no choice but to count the three to end the match and attend to the masked star. Outside of the ring Torch approaches Beauchamp and extends his hand. The two smile, shake, and casually make their way to the back as the med staff comes rushing out to aid UK Dragon.

Winner: Joey Beauchamp

Rating: 51



KC Glenn vs Burning EXILE

Two pure heels going one on one in a match with surprisingly no foul play to speak of. EXILE shined in his first singles match in ACPW, but KC Glenn once again dazzled everyone with his incredible blend of technique, speed, and power in route to another victory in another fantastically entertaining match.

Winner: KC Glenn

Rating: 58




ACPW Canadian Regional Championship Match

MYSTIC Dragon vs Afasa Fierce

Afasa came out like a man possessed, trying to remain undefeated in solo action in 2012. The savage aerialist used a plain, brutal offensive technique to try to dismantle the champ and get him off his game. Unfortunately Dragon is a world-class talent and after weathering the initial flurry, he counter attacked and managed to reverse the Samoan Spike DDT into a northern lights suplex for the surprise pinfall.

Winner: MYSTIC Dragon

Rating: 46



Jamie Atherton vs Mario da Silva

Despite all the insanity that had ensued through the undercard, our main event was a match of pure class between two ACPW Originals. Speed versus technique was on display here as the former Canadian Regional champ looked to regain his dangerous form that lead to two years of submission-based victories. Jamie took to the offensive early in this one and dictated the pace throughout. A great match with very entertaining back and forth action ended with a White Lightning as Atherton picked up the win and gathered momentum heading into his Junior Heavyweight title shot next month!

Winner: Jamie Atherton

Rating: 55


Show Rating: 52

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ACPW Monthly Mayhem

Windsor Arena Hall, Ontario


Christian Vars vs Acid II

A legend and shining example of what ACPW strives towards, Acid will always be praised by anyone within ACPW. So when he announced that his protege is ready and looking to make his professional debut, we jumped at the opportunity to have it be with us. The second generation star will be in a trial match against another youngster, 'Kamikaze' Christian Vars.


Torch Nakazawa, Burning EXILE, & Joey Beauchamp vs Remmy Skye, California Love Machine, & Frankie-Boy Fernandes

Last month's unsettling actions by Nakazawa and Beauchamp appear to have lead to an alliance of sorts, which we hope to get more details of here shortly. The duo will be joined by Torch's countryman and MSC partner Burning EXILE in a six man tag against the three fan favorites from the Coastal Zone.


Mario da Silva vs KC Glenn

After falling to Jamie Atherton last month, Mario looks to rebound in this match, though he surely has his work cut out for him as KC Glenn has his eyes set firmly on the Junior Heavyweight Championship. Could that oversight give the former Canadian Regional champ the opportunity to trip up the young phenom?


ACPW Canadian Regional Championship Match

MYSTIC Dragon vs Josh Jones

While Jones has yet to establish himself within ACPW, he decided to take a chance this month while his usual partner is also booked in singles action. Dragon, looking to be the most active champion in ACPW quickly accepted the challenge and the match was booked!


ACPW Junior Heavyweight Championship Match

Jayson Van Pelt vs Jamie Atherton

Following the brutal mugging at the hands of Vanguard, Jamie Atherton confronted JVP backstage. The challenger assured him he had nothing to do with the assault and offered to postpone this contest until the champ was back to one hundred percent. JVP quickly dismissed the idea, promising to be ready to go and to give Atherton the fight of his life.


Non-Title Special Attraction Match

Oscar Golden & Huey Cannonball vs Jason O'Conner & Jared Johnson

Always looking to present the top talent available to the fantastic fans of ACPW, a deal was brokered with NOTBPW to bring in two of their top juniorweight competitors. Jason usually wrestles with Robbie McNamara as “The Fighting Irish” team, while Jared Johnson is an incredibly bright young talent who was hand trained by NOTBPW star Johnny Bloodstone. The tag champs look to have a real challenge on their hands in this one!

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ACPW Monthly Mayhem

Friday, Week 1, October 2012

Windsor Arena Hall, Ontario



Christian Vars vs Acid II

A fairly standard opener between two young talents, the crowd exploded into an “Ah-Cid-Two” chant as he came out, and backed him throughout the match. After some back and forth action the rookie busted out his mentor's finisher, the Acid Rain Bomb, to win his first career match.

Winner: Acid II

Rating: 40



Torch Nakazawa, Burning EXILE, & Joey Beauchamp vs Remmy Skye, California Love Machine, & Frankie-Boy Fernandes

Torch, EXILE, and Joey all came out in matching shirts that had a stylized logo on them that read “GSH” and looked very much like a competent, flowing unit as they dismantled the three Californians. CLM mounted a small comeback, but he was tossed from the ring and when Frankie tried to interject himself he found himself on the wrong end of a Breeze Block to end things.

Winner: Torch Nakazawa, Burning EXILE, & Joey Beauchamp

Rating: 48



Mario da Silva vs KC Glenn

Wow. If there's only one thing to remember about ACPW in 2012 it'll be the emergence of KC Glenn. The prodigious talent has fallen short in the big matches so far in his brief career, but he's continued to raise his game and put on the “best match in company history” month after month. This one tore the roof of the place with some of the best technical wrestling ever seen in the Windsor Arena Hall, and in the end it was the kid picking up the win and potentially moving one step closer to his first shot at the Junior Heavyweight title.

Winner: KC Glenn

Rating: 62




ACPW Canadian Regional Championship Match

MYSTIC Dragon vs Josh Jones

Everyone thought Dragon would be able to sleepwalk through this one, but Jones showed the talent and spark that earned him a spot on the ACPW roster in the first place as he brought the fight to the champ. Unfortunately he was simply outgunned, and a Dragon Driver III finished off the youngster after a good solid match.

Winner: MYSTIC Dragon

Rating: 50


Before the first of two main events got started, Daedalus Buchinsky made a surprise appearance in the ring, which drew a smattering of applause from the diehard ACPW fans in attendance.




“Good evening ladies and gentlemen. I won't waste much time, I just need to let everyone know that the board has discussed it and in the interest of fair play, anyone who interferes in the following title match will be fired on the spot. KC Glenn, El Diablo, or anyone who feels the need to make a name for themselves at the stake of the Junior Heavyweight title can make their name somewhere else. Thanks for your time and I hope you enjoy the rest of the evening!”




ACPW Junior Heavyweight Championship Match

Jayson Van Pelt vs Jamie Atherton

A big match in every single sense of the phrase, these two showed everyone why they've been two of the top stars in the company since day one. Throughout the match Atherton specifically worked JVP's legs to try to nullify the threat of an Axe Kick. The wrestling was extremely crisp and well-timed, drawing the crowd in more with each passing maneuver until they busted out the big moves which brought everyone to their feet. In the end Atherton's strategy struck gold as JVP had Atherton dead to rights in the middle of the ring, keeled over in perfect position for an Axe Kick. The champ took a few steps back and tried to knock some feeling back into his legs, but as he tried to spring into the air they gave out under him and he crumpled onto the mat grasping in agony at his left leg. This gave Jamie a chance to recover and mount his own offensive strike, which culminated in a White Lightning! The crowd counted out loud with the ref and all exploded when JVP kicked out before two! Atherton looked at him in disbelief, but continued to keep on the offensive to try to dethrone the champ. Jayson began to slowly fight back until he eventually got his second wind and began to lay into his challenger with his trademarkf style of offense. He got Jamie lined up for an Axe Kick again and hit it the second time around! However the leg damage suffered throughout the match prevented him from doing the maximum damage, and Atherton kicked out after a two count! Both competitors laid on the mat physically spent, and the ref started the count while Jamie and Jayson struggled to get to their feet. Up at eight, the match continued with both men weakly exchanging blows, JVP hitting a stiff shot and quickly going for one more Axe Kick to end things once and for all. Unfortunately for him Jamie was able to duck out of the way and retort with a blow of his own, disorienting JVP and allowing Jamie to connect with a White Lightning! Gathering all the energy he had left, Atherton was able to barely crawl onto the champ for the cover and the ref started the count.











Winner, and NEW ACPW Junior Heavyweight Champion: Jamie Atherton

Rating: 59


The ref raised Jamie's hand in celebration and handed him the belt, which he simply hugged while laying on his back, unable to stand thanks to a combination of emotion and exhaustion. The crowd was going absolutely ballistic for both men and the history of the what just happened as Jayson Van Pelt's twenty six month title reign came to an end. The ringside crew helped the two workers get to their feet and the first thing they did was hug, which got another great reaction from the crowd. JVP raised the new champ's hand, and the two walked to the back together to allow the crew to prepare for our main event.



Non-Title Special Attraction Match

The Canadian Blondes vs Jason O'Conner & Jared Johnson

You'd figured it'd be hard to follow up one of the most historic moments in company history, but these four went out there and just did their thing and did they ever deliver. The already electric crowd picked right back up where they left off at the end of the last contest, adding a great vibe to what was already an incredible match. All four put on fantastic performances leading to a match truly worthwhile of the main event slot. The champs capitalized on their experience as a team along with their complete disregard for the rules as Oscar threw a handful of golden powder into the eyes of O'Conner as Huey distracted the ref. This quickly led to a the winning pin as Huey cut off Jared from interfering.

Winner: The Canadian Blondes

Rating: 61


Show Rating: 59



Rayelek 6/6


Welcome back and congrats on the perfect prediction Ray!

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A backstage moment with: Torch Nakazawa, Joey Beauchamp, and Burning EXILE




Fresh off their six man tag victory, the international trio are seen celebrating smugly backstage, breaking quickly to shout at stage hands and ring crew members quickly scampering by. Torch pokes Joey on the shoulder and points to the cameraman who's walking up when Joey quickly steps up to him and roughly pushes two fingers into his chest, backing him up as Joey begins to speak.


“Woah there hot shot, don't you know you just stepped into GSH territory? Yer best bet is to get out of here pronto bruv.”


Torch and EXILE steps up alongside Joey and nod, both glare into the camera menacingly.


“Now I'm sure everyone saw our shirts we wore when we went out to lay a right proper beating on those California clowns and arent smart enough to know what 'GSH' is, so let me spell it out for you. Global. Sky. HAZARD. Torch approached me a lil while back about joining forces to prove to everyone in ACPW that the best wrestling talent comes from outside of North America. I got tired of being held down by these no talent hacks so naturally I was on board, and now it's our time to turn heads and take over. Any problems? Come say it to our faces mate!”


And with that he shoves the camera man to the ground and the trio walk away laughing and carrying on.

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ACPW Monthly Mayhem

Windsor Arena Hall, Ontario


KC Glenn vs Joey Beauchamp

The mouthpiece of Global Sky HAZARD, Beauchamp looks to have got a second wind to his ACPW career since aligning himself with Nakazawa and company. He'll test his luck in this one as he goes up against the young stud KC Glenn.


ACPW Tag Team Championship Match

Oscar Golden & Huey Cannonball vs Josh Jones & Christian Vars

Jones and Vars both fell in singles matches last month, but they impressed management enough to be granted this title match where we'll get to see them in their more natural role as a tag team.


ACPW Canadian Regional Championship Match

MYSTIC Dragon vs Burning EXILE

Two former BHOTWG junior stars will face each other for the first time in North America with the title on the line. It seems like whenever GSH is involved in a match their opponents have to keep a lookout for foul play, will that lead to a title change or will Dragon be able to overcome the odds?


El Diablo vs Torch Nakazawa

Two stable leaders face off as Diablo will look to continue his quest to rid the ACPW of outsiders while Torch tries to establish GSH as a premier group within the promotion.


Jason O'Conner vs Jared Johnson

Partners last month, the two NOTBPW stars will go head to head in what should be a technical showcase!


ACPW Junior Heavyweight Championship Match

Jamie Atherton vs Jayson Van Pelt

JVP wasted no time in cashing in his rematch, and we'll headline our November show with a second round of one of the best matches in ACPW history. Will Jamie be able to win and try to challenge JVP's reign or will he get tripped up right out of the gates?

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ACPW Monthly Mayhem

Friday, Week 1, November 2012

Windsor Arena Hall, Ontario



KC Glenn vs Joey Beauchamp

Beuchamp came to the ring with Nakazawa and EXILE, but he quickly dismissed them to the back. That might have been a bad decision by him because he quickly found himself in over his head against Glenn who came into this match extremely focused. KC Tuned up the Sunshine Band and Beauchamp was down for the count to end a very entertaining opener.

Winner: KC Glenn

Rating: 57




ACPW Tag Team Championship Match

The Canadian Blondes vs Josh Jones & Christian Vars

The rookies looked much better in tag action than they did in their singles matches last month, but they were just outworked by the champs and fell to a Golden Touch on Christian.

Winner: The Canadian Blondes

Rating: 45




ACPW Canadian Regional Championship Match

MYSTIC Dragon vs Burning EXILE

The two international stars both brought very different personalities and fighting styles to this one, as the champ demonstrated a pure, beautiful aerial game while EXILE fought ruthlessly with vitriol and without respect. The rough style of the challenger had MYSTIC on the ropes for much of the match, but the sheer fighting spirit of the champ shined through as he mounted a comeback and eventually held off EXILE with a Dragon Driver III to retain the belt.

Winner: MYSTIC Dragon

Rating: 56



El Diablo vs Torch Nakazawa

The leaders of ACPW's first two stables clashed in a battle with territorial bragging rights on the line. Diablo came to the ring with Malik Cash and Sky King while Nakazawa entered alone although it never seemed to phase him. Both men heeled it up with the Vanguard members trying at every corner to sway the match for the leader, while Nakazawa continued his run of disregarding rules and opponents, using questionable holds and ignoring the referee. King had eventually seen enough of this and tried to interfere while the ref had to restrain him. Using this distraction, Malik entered the ring and attacked Nakazawa from behind. This looked to be the turning point in the match till Diablo's old rival Afasa Fierce ran out from the back and layed out Cash and put the boots to his former enemy. He rolled Torch onto Diablo and quickly left the ring as the ref conveniently turned around to see a pinning situation and counted to three! King quickly attacked Fierce while Joey Beauchamp ran out from the back to even the sides as a four man melee broke out and spilled into the back.

Winner: Torch Nakazawa

Rating: 48



Jason O'Conner vs Jared Johnson

Falling short in their tag match last month, the two NOTBPW stars looked a bit annoyed with each other in this one, wasting no time in going on the offensive. The technical wrestling demonstrated in this one was superb, as both men traded moves back and forth to the delight of the crowd. A Carolina Crossface later, and Jared was able to pick up his first ACPW win.

Winner: Jared Johnson

Rating: 49




ACPW Junior Heavyweight Championship Match

Jamie Atherton vs Jayson Van Pelt

Everyone who says the sequel never lives up to the original? Watch this one and be quiet. Being somewhat outshined by the da Silva/Glenn and tag team showcases matches last month, you could tell Jamie and Jayson came out with the intent of putting on a match for the ages. The storylines in this match came from the scouting of Van Pelt, trying to look for weaknesses in Jamie's game he didn't pick up on last time to try to win back his belt. He did everything he could to try to regain his former glory, but our new champ was just too much to handle, and a White Lightning later, the Atherton reign was officially underway!

Winner: Jamie Atherton

Rating: 60


Show Rating: 57

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ACPW Monthly Mayhem

Windsor Arena Hall, Ontario


Mario da Silva vs Torch Nakazawa

After defeating El Diablo last month, Nakazawa looks to take out another ACPW Original in da Silva.


California Love Machine & Frankie-Boy Fernandes vs Masked Cougar & Snap Dragon

Two CZCW tag teams who've crossed paths in ACPW before face each other once again to determine the top duo to have come from the Coastal Zone.


ACPW Tag Team Championship Match

Oscar Golden & Huey Cannonball vs Global Sky HAZARD

Last month we saw Nakazawa's squad enlist a new member in Afasa Fierce, and this month the group will compete for the tag titles against The Canadian Blondes. The hitch? The group won't announce which members will be in the match till it starts.


ACPW Canadian Regional Championship Match

MYSTIC Dragon vs Jayson Van Pelt

Having lost his title, former champion JVP will look to rebound by becoming the first man to win the Junior Heavyweight and Canadian Regional titles while Dragon looks to add another premier name to his defense list.


Remmy Skye vs Frankie Perez

These two once held the CZCW Tag Team titles together, prior to the emergence of Perez's team with Mikey James and his eventual defection to TCW where he's spent the last two years becoming a household name. We figured the former partners would be perfect opponents as Frankie makes his ACPW debut on our last show of the year.


ACPW Junior Heavyweight Championship Match

Jamie Atherton vs KC Glenn

The feud that's driven the company for over two year comes to a head with greater consequences than ever before. KC Glenn finally gets his first Junior Heavyweight title shot while champion Jamie Atherton looks to shut up his former partner once and for all. Will KC end Jamie's reign before it gets off the ground or will the champ be popping more than champagne to reign in the new year?

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ACPW Monthly Mayhem

Friday, Week 1, December 2012

Windsor Arena Hall, Ontario



Mario da Silva vs Torch Nakazawa

The ACPW Original and first ever Canadian Regional champ has had a tough going since dropping the belt and trying to move into the Junior Heavyweight title picture. That slump continued in this one as the unscrupulous Nakazawa bent the rules in route to another victory.

Winner: Torch Nakazawa

Rating: 48



The California Kings vs The Lords of Xtreme

Not as good as their first matchups, the two Coastal Zone duos still put on an entertaining high flying contest. CLM ended things with his patented LAX Departure onto Snap Dragon.

Winner: The California Kings

Rating: 40


EXILE, Beauchamp, and Fierce all made their way to the ring and stared down the champs. The referee tried to get the third member of GSH out of the ring when suddenly Beauchamp and Fierce jumped forward to attack the Blondes while EXILE promptly left the ring and the match began.




ACPW Tag Team Championship Match

The Canadian Blondes vs Global Sky HAZARD

Unfortunately their smoke and mirrors and cheap shots weren't able to overcome the experience and chemistry Oscar and Huey have between each other and Beauchamp fell victim to a Cannonball Run to give the champs the win.

Winner: The Canadian Blondes

Rating: 49




ACPW Canadian Regional Championship Match

MYSTIC Dragon vs Jayson Van Pelt

Two classy, professional, world-level talents put on a clinic in a match that the crowd absolutely ate up. The former champ looked a little discouraged whenever his offense failed, his recent failures obviously weighing on him and giving his opponent the mental advantage. JVP had Dragon set up and tried to drop him with an Axe Kick but Dragon got out of the way in time and dropped him with a Dragon Driver III to get out of his one with his title in hand.

Winner: MYSTIC Dragon

Rating: 51



Remmy Skye vs Frankie Perez

The former partners shook hands prior to the bell and acted with the utmost respect for each other throughout the contest. The action was high speed and chaotic as both men flew around the ring and off the turnbuckles to everyone's enjoyment. The mach took an unexpected turn when Perez tried to take Remmy out with a spinning forearm which was dodged and knocked out the referee. Both men stopped and seemed lost as for what to do until Frankie got down and tried to get the ref to come to while Remmy looked on concerned. The following series events left everyone in shock though, as Insane Machine ran out from the back and laid out Remmy as Frankie turned around in shock. Perez took a couple of running steps towards Insane to chase him off, before stopping dead in his tracks and smirking. Insane left the ring as the referee finally came to and Frankie hooked Remmy's leg for a three count to a sea of boos drowning out the bell.

Winner: Frankie Perez

Rating: 52


After the match ended, the ringside camera zoomed in on Frankie, standing over Remmy and pointing at his chest screaming “I'm the big leaguer Remmy, not you!” before Insane pulled him back and the two left the ring together.




ACPW Junior Heavyweight Championship Match

Jamie Atherton vs KC Glenn

History. When people look back at the history of ACPW, this match will forever be one of the most important points in the timeline of the company. KC Glenn's first title shot, Atherton's first real title defense, and the last match of the year in what will be known as ACPW's most historic year. The vitriol and hatred for each other was present from the beginning and drove the narrative of the action from beginning to end. Both fighters gave every ounce of themselves trying to top the other, leading to one of the hardest fought contests in company history. Glenn had Jamie out on his feet and tried to Tune Up the Sunshine Band, but Jamie mustered up the few drops of energy he had left to dodge and hoist KC up and drop him with a White Lightning! Half-draping his arm over his rival, the ref counted three and the champion was able to outlast his rival in the best ACPW match to date to close out 2012.

Winner: Jamie Atherton

Rating: 64


Show Rating: 60



Rayelek 5/6 Assuming bolding the vs means you were predicting a draw. Another good set of guesses, hopefully it means I'm not getting too predictable haha

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