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First of all, I am placing this here within this section because this is the section that it pertains to the most.


I have been around here and part of this community since the .400 software studios days. I remember things both good and bad about this community. I remember people both good and bad, though mostly the good about this community. Bringing up the list simply here in the greydogsoftware.com days, I have begun and ended 52! diaries. With the oldest one having started in 2006, that's over ten diaries per year, which would be nearly one a month. Even I can see the ridiculousness in that.


Because I have some quality to my diaries, I have been forgiven much of what some others have not been. Though I dare say personally that I don't think my ideas can hold a candle to some like Bigpapa42, Eisen-verse, tristram, Keefmoon and others. I have a tendency to rush and jump into something without thinking about it or getting a good base or long-term goals or plans. I simply have an opening idea and I decide to run with it until I get to the point of either boredom/lack of ideas/lack of time/lack of energy/manic depression/or other things.


All of this to say that for right now I have decided to give up on writing my diaries. I am not stepping away from the boards and the predictions and feedback that I can give to others. I am not saying that I am going to completely walk away from writing a diary in the future. I've said that before and look at where it has gotten me.


I am saying that I am issuing a formal apology to all those who have taken the time to read and predict and comment on what I have written. I am issuing a formal apology to all those who have worked hard on things like the pictures and logos, etc. I am issuing a formal apology to those whose diaries have been pushed down on the list because I suddenly got a brand new idea that I wanted to run with. I am issuing a formal apology to Adam Ryland and to the GDS Admin. To everyone, I am truly sorry.

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:( I've enjoyed everything you've done. Nothing to apologise for IMO.


With this apology there has to be a thank you to balance it out. angeldelayette Thank you for entertaining me with at least the last 6 (at a guess) CV diaries of the 52. One of my favourite writers and in particular USPW This Again? The diary that inspired me to book USPW and now be at global writing 3 shows a week! TEW dynasty legend retiring. :(


PS In that time you've had a 67 page thread, how many can say that regardless of how many you've started

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You know, I don't understand you sometimes. Unlike a lot of diary-jumpers, your diaries actually have quality writing. and I don't mean to shout, but, again, QUALITY WRITING. What I don't understand why this is this reason you decide to step away now. It iddn't stop you before, why should it stop you now?


Darn it, I didn't mean to sound like I was criticizing you only. But you don't have to be sorry. Eisen-Verse jumps from time to time, and even though it's nowhere the frequency you do it, it's Quality Writing.


You quality writing. The real issue isn't you do too much diaries. There are many (and you aren't one of them) that do... well, not-so-good work. You have Quality Writing. That's what matters. And most impiortantly, you genuinely care about doing good work, even if your, well, "patience" can't keep up with your writing.


And this is coming from a guy that's usually annoyed by diary jumpers. You aren't one of those that annoy me. :p


So, don't give up. Why don't try... well, dediecating for once? It's something to give thought to. :)

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That DOES seem like a pretty high number (though I'm someone who has kept my first, and thus far only, diary running for over 2 years, so maybe I'm not the best judge.) However, it's clear that many people enjoyed your work regardless of how many diaries you've started, so you really don't have anything to apologize for.


If you feel dissatisfied with the number of diaries you've started, my advice would be to take a step back and do some real long-term planning before you start another. There are ideas yet to be run in my ROH game that I've had in the back of my mind since before I even started. Having some major events that you're looking forward to can serve as major motivation to keep your diary running.

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As a looong time reader of your diaries... I am sorry for not being here for the last half a year maybe to predict in your awesome shows :(


And thank you Angel for the countless of hours of entertainment you have given me and soo many more on these boards.


From the bottom of my heart: Thank You.

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You don't have to write diaries, we should be thankful for anything you take the time to write and share with the community. Absolutely no obligation to us and nothing to apologize for. THANK YOU EDGE.




I second this statement!!

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You don't need to apologize; however, I understand the want in doing so. You've done, and continue to do, great work; so, as AMP put best, the quality you put into your projects makes such 'jumping' okay. In reality, while certain projects appear to be more our 'niche', for all of us, I believe that people tend to follow the writer more so than the project sometimes (unless it's their defining company I suppose; ala USPW for you).


Best of luck with your hiatus; it's greatly deserved.


Cheers, my friend.



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I certainly don't think you need to apologise. I think the vast majority here can pick out those who start new diaries willie-nilly for the hell of it without any thought to it, and then differentiate with those who are just solid wrestling fans using TEW to live up a few dreams that don't quite work out. Personally, its been one of my biggest grumbles I guess to see a lot of new diaries repetitively start out and drag quality long standing diaries down to pages 2 and 3 quickly as the 'crowd' I guess morph to something new, but I never classed your work in that category.


I'm guessing you're probably burnt out if you're making this comment. That's perfectly understandable. I don't do diaries anymore and I very rarely post here anymore simply for that reason (plus, with a change in job I really don't have time). I personally feel its a huge challenge to put together a diary, and a lot of time and effort goes into it, sometimes for minimal recognition. I also feel that by nature people who are using these types of simulators are creative people, and creative people tend to go off onto new projects regularly. I know there was a number of times when I just wanted to do something new.


I think Final Countdown hit the nail on the head for anyone, have a long term plan and execute it. I look at 'entertainment' wrestling a little bit like an Agatha Christie novel. Very rarely in the first two chapters are the plots linked to let you know what the end outcome is going to be, however, the great strength of the classic writers like Arthur Conan-Doyle, Christie, Fleming, King, Koontz et al IMO is that even though no clues have been given away to their I guess Wrestlemania money match and the true twist that causes the conflict, there's enough interesting stuff to build momentum that keeps you obligated and waiting. I would dare say the WWE have some kind of plan worked out soon after the culmination of one Wrestlemania and view it as another season towards another Wrestlemania. To me, the two masters I always reference back to in the real world environs were keefmoon and nevermore, their diaries lasted a fair while because they had complex plots and even though at times they weren't driving shock-horror moments they had developed their characters so elaborately that you were keen to read just to see the eternal jockeying for position heading into the first climatic twist, the explanation and revelation, and then into the money match plot climax. Let me tell you, I regularly spoke on PM with one of those learned gentlemen and between both him and myself we would be constantly discussing new diary ideas and being burned out by our current diary... you are NOT alone in that aspect. You aren't a maverick there I can assure you.


Again, no need to apologise whatsoever IMO. You have done some outstanding work here. A lot of creative stuff too. And the plots you delivered were thoroughly enjoyable. The real question isn't how many diaries you started, the question is how much impact did you have on readers. And I think you know the answer to that. Incase you don't, it was massive and a great credit to yourself.

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That is the first thing that has come to mind when reading the responses to this post. I am so very appreciative of the kind words that everyone has given me. I am secure enough in myself to even admit getting a little misty-eyed when reading them. There are some of you who I have spoken with many times in pm over this and that. There are some who, honestly, I had no idea how you felt and that means something to me. That means a great deal to me, honestly.


My first diary here was one based on the D.O.T.T. mod way back when. It was a Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling real-world diary. I have fond memories of the three or four I started with that mod way back when and I hope that people like Lexa90, who I know has been around since the dark ages with me, will understand what I mean when I say...Sickles All Around!


I can say with the most sincere honesty that I hope that this does not end up being my last new thread here. I will be taking a hiatus from writing though as I said before I will always be here to toss about ideas and such. Though I can say that if it is my last new thread, I could not go out with better praise than the respect and words of my peers here.


In the words of such greats as the Chairman of the Board, Ol' Blue Eyes himself,


Thanks for the memories.

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Fairly new around here but read some of your work and its a shame that the creative genius you have will be on a hiatus but youve been doing this for awhile so its deserved , from a short time fan it makes me kinda sad i didnt really get to be there for most of your work....... thank for all you contributed and your return i am sure will be amazing
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I can't say I've ever been too bothered about people starting up new diaries, jumping between projects, etc. If it's a good read, I'll read it. If it ends prematurely, then so be it. Quality diaries with strong elements of storytelling/booking/writing/fun/whatever, will be picked up upon, regardless of any reputation the writer may have garnered. I get that the forum being cluttered up by short-term, aborted diaries can be frustrating - similar reasons to why cheap bump posts, splitting of articles, replying to multiple quotes with separate posts, etc annoy some.


However the cream usually rises to the top around here and I don't believe anyone should be discouraged from bouncing between projects if they really can't find their groove. After all, this forum is utlimately free entertainment and space for creativity.

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You know, I need to reiterate this. This isn't about you, and isn't cetainly EV. But most diary jumpers, heck, I'm willing to say, 99% of them, are different from you. First off, right off the bat, the beginnings of their diary was terrible. Terrible ideas, terrible booking, terrible writing... a cluster of cowdung. Each time they jump it gets progressively worst. By close to the end, they complain and blame others.


You do not fit this stereotype. Each diary you do was progressively better, longer, better writing, better booking, and better ideas.


The one criticism i have of you, is that you give up too easily. I see this "apology" as a contituation of that, not exception to it. If you want to really apologize to us, you focus one idea, one diary, and you never ever, ever, ever give up on it. You ride it to its end. Until then, you have not apologized to anyone. :) I'm offering you a genuine challenge, and I want you to accept it. :)

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You know, I need to reiterate this. This isn't about you, and isn't cetainly EV. But most diary jumpers, heck, I'm willing to say, 99% of them, are different from you. First off, right off the bat, the beginnings of their diary was terrible. Terrible ideas, terrible booking, terrible writing... a cluster of cowdung. Each time they jump it gets progressively worst. By close to the end, they complain and blame others.


You do not fit this stereotype. Each diary you do was progressively better, longer, better writing, better booking, and better ideas.


The one criticism i have of you, is that you give up too easily. I see this "apology" as a contituation of that, not exception to it. If you want to really apologize to us, you focus one idea, one diary, and you never ever, ever, ever give up on it. You ride it to its end. Until then, you have not apologized to anyone. :) I'm offering you a genuine challenge, and I want you to accept it. :)


You are absolutely right in many aspects. I am not going to come on here and argue that. You want a real and true and genuine apology? You want to offer me a genuine challenge for sometime within the future? I'm not saying when anything is going to get started as I am still working on the long-term planning for this and may be working on that for a month or more. But I am letting the public in on my next project right here.



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The only limitation, or rather challenge, is for you to try to finish a diary to its end. I don't want to give you too many limitations that might stifle your creativity or your willingness to do a diary. :)


I forgot to say this in my last post, because it wasn't as relevant, but it bears reminding. You are a good writer. And you do try hard. It's just that, well, it seems your mental "stamina" isn't as strong as mental "creativity". :p But a lot of "artists" have this problem, so I can't just say it's only you. And quite frankly, having short mental stamina isn't just relegated to "artists". Part of my challenge, though, is, can you overecome it? I ask nothing else of you, because you already deliver almsot everything else. It's going to be tough, it's going long, but it might something you might want to try, even at least once, to say, "I can do it". :)

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