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DOA: Victor's Rebellion

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The Moral Majority vs. The Motha-Funkers vs. Totally Supreme

Split between TMF or TMM, but the Moral Majority have enough going on without the belts, but Sparrow and Funk, it'll give them a new focus for a new season, particularly Sparrow who peted out in the first season.


Donte Dunn vs. Jeff Morgan

Thanks for coming, Donte.


OTA vs. Torment

It's non-title, but I'm not convinved OTA has a long term interest here.


Acid © vs. Greg Black

Well Acid's undefeated tenure is a big deal, but it's possible DOA could start with an explosive victory for Black. In my bones though, I think Vicious will be the man for that when the time comes.


As for some belated diary comments...


I'll be honest E-V, part of me is disappointed that you didn't run with your other project, but another part of me is glad you've gone back to your baby. Unlike the other Season 2, it looks like the DOA landscape is far more static than last time out (no Nemesis, less new blood like AE, Gonzalez, etc from the get go), but I'm probably more in favour of that as you've still got some strong stories from the first season to run with and arguably, fewer new faces from the outset won't muddy the water so much. As always, I'll be reading along and chucking in a few thoughts.


And for some reason I read Victor Rage a bunch of times as well. :rolleyes:


Oh, one small request. Could you post a full headshot of Violet sometime? For some reason I've never been able to track down that alt in the alt thread.

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Looking forward to this first card, E-V! It's looking really good!


Thank you, Angel!


I've had very little time the past few days to really put hefty work into Victor's Rebellion; however, am looking to find pockets over the week to work on writing the show. All in all, It's great to know that it's jumping out well thus far!


I never have time to follow many diaries, but I always love to check in and see the start of a new Eisen-verse diary, because you do such a great job in presentation and setting up the scene. Glad to say that you delivered the goods once again


Setting the scene, the brand, the view, is something that I take a lot of pride in as a writer. Outside of not having much time this past week, the reason it took so long to post the first card was because I was kicking around different looks for the post. In the end, I'm pretty happy how it looks (functionality and brand image looking).


I love image development, tone development as well, and it becomes just as much of my focus as anything else. When it's all said and done, if the reader has the tone you, the writer, have in mind then the show's will read much more in-depth!


In a sense, I'm all about plugging in, and working with, the details...


As for some belated diary comments...


I'll be honest E-V, part of me is disappointed that you didn't run with your other project, but another part of me is glad you've gone back to your baby. Unlike the other Season 2, it looks like the DOA landscape is far more static than last time out (no Nemesis, less new blood like AE, Gonzalez, etc from the get go), but I'm probably more in favour of that as you've still got some strong stories from the first season to run with and arguably, fewer new faces from the outset won't muddy the water so much. As always, I'll be reading along and chucking in a few thoughts.


And for some reason I read Victor Rage a bunch of times as well. :rolleyes:


Oh, one small request. Could you post a full headshot of Violet sometime? For some reason I've never been able to track down that alt in the alt thread.


The previous project was something I had in mind for awhile; however, in the end, I found it hard to distinguish it from the DOA projects I had done in the past. Also, as I was crafting characters for that project, I realized that I had put so much effort into my DOA characters that I had lost direction for something entirely new. Characters became eerily similar to others & ultimately felt like a copy-cat scenario.


Also, I purposely, this time around, learned from something I had learned in the past; to leave the initial roster feeling more so in line with the typical DOA landscape. I added some; however, that was done solely because I needed bodies (and planed on bringing them in with time... under those characters). With all of that in mind, the first show of Season II feels like a classic DOA broadcast... With classic DOA Names (versus just overloading it with new names in which to have something new).


Page... Rage... Sometimes personality traits can take over names...
Page isn't the nicest guy in the world so that could work well for him (having his name get interchanged with Rage).


As for the violet alt, here you go:




Really difficult set of picks for a season debut E-V :D


It was a goal of mine to produce a show that could, literally, leave the readers on the edge of their seats; not knowing WHAT could happen. In the end, seeing how DOA: "Rapid Assault" is all about TV Drama, I'm hoping to create each show into an epic affair of sorts. I feel, without having monthly PPV's, I can do exactly that as every show will mean so very much to the landscape of DOA...




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"Rapid Assault" Quick Picks

The Moral Majority vs. The Motha-Funkers vs. Totally Supreme

Donte Dunn vs. Jeff Morgan

OTA vs. Torment

Acid © vs. Greg Black

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So, as you may have noticed, this diary is going to move
much slower
than my previous projects. My new job in Colorado, as we moved here for my wife's graduate program, is something that's going to keep me REALLY busy; at least within the first month or so as I get use to learning everything. With that in mind, the only real time I'll get to crack away will probably be the weekends (possibly during the week once things slow down a little).


I've already written up the matches from the first episode of "Rapid Assault"; however, now, have to write up the entertainment segments. All in all, I'm hoping to get some more work done over the weekend so that I can get closer to the close of the first show.


As for Victor Page's first-hand account, I plan on focusing these more around what the game offers me versus just creating a daily back-and-forth between he & everyone. Again, as things slow down at work, I'll find it more possible to start getting more out there at a speedier pace!


Just thought I'd let you all know! In the time being, If you want to catch up thus far, or predict for this upcoming show, then feel free!





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Guest codey
However long it takes, you know you've got a reader in me. I'm actually predicting in this one, as opposed to just showering with adulation, so I'm pretty excited for it.
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However long it takes, you know you've got a reader in me. I'm actually predicting in this one, as opposed to just showering with adulation, so I'm pretty excited for it.


That's, honestly, great to hear, Codey! I've always been one to get shows done as fast as possible, sometimes to my own personal detriment; so, I've had to remind myself that it's 'ok' to take my time. I'm overloaded with information with my new job, and will be studying quite a bit over the next month, but will certainly find time over the weekends (and some weekdays as I just wrote up a segment now) in which to make sure that they're moving forward toward being released!


Great to know I have a reader who is cool with waiting it out a little longer than what's my usual!





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After months of controversial manipulation, the Arcadia Network has stepped forward in direct opposition of their declared “Voice of Reason”; calling for a public apology from Eric Tyler on the Season II opener of DOA “Rapid Assault”.


A once trusted voice for the Network, [Eric] Tyler furthered his polarizing public perception at the close of Season One; physically becoming involved in a match-up for the first time in DOA history. With one simple strike, hindering Greg Black from executing his signature “Black Out”, a fact that would have, quite possibly, inspired a new DOA Champion, the so-called “Voice of Reason” quickly became the “Aggressor of Arrogance”. With his action, Acid was successful in retaining his championship gold, also keeping his undefeated streak in-tact; however, ultimately created a very public rift between Mr. Tyler and his overriding employer; the Arcadia Network.


This week, on “Rapid Assault”, Arcadia has stepped forward in their first act of ‘putting their foot down’, if you will, after months of giving Tyler much of his own free reign. In doing so, the irritable traditionalist, and man of self-proclaimed ‘dignity’, will be forced before the dead-head masses; professing his actions as wrongful & ultimately saying what we all thought, once, impossible… that
he’s sorry






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"Rapid Assault" Quick Picks

The Moral Majority vs. The Motha-Funkers vs. Totally Supreme

Donte Dunn vs. Jeff Morgan

OTA vs. Torment

Acid © vs. Greg Black

Show Update

My week from 'hell' (not really THAT bad; but you get it) has come and passed & will certainly have some time this weekend to work on "Rapid Assault". I know that things are moving MUCH slower that in the past; however, if there are those out there who like to read my work, this is how things will, most certainly, be like from here on out. My new job takes up a lot of my time, especially now in the beginning as I'm constantly studying; however, with time, I may find some more open time to put some work in as things slow down. In general, though, I have been forced to take a step back slightly when it comes to incessant posting.


Either way, I'm hoping to create a quality project all together; it just won't move as quick as others on the board these days.
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The simple-minded will say that it ‘sell’s’.


I say it inspires.


We all love that train-wreck phenomenon; gazing upon a roadside accident like a gossip-hungry hound. It’s in us all.


When I first stepped into Arcadia’s headquarters, the cloud of controversy hung directly above my head. There were a number of stares, a small wave of whispers; however, in the end, they all knew deep down that something GRAND was taking place. Deadly Overloaded Action had found it’s new wartime general; one who wasn’t going to slip away into the night like the RAT who once stood in my place.




The name continually hovers, day-after-day, all around; however, this is EXACTLY what I was brought in to cultivate. In the ring, within our segments, encompassing all of “Rapid Assault”; we WERE to become THE most talked about wrestling program in industry history.


Don’t get me wrong, I don’t believe in controversy for the sake of blatant jarring. In connection, if you can fuse it well with reason then THAT’S where you transition to a WHOLE other level.


How do I plan on creating controversy from day one; the VERY first episode of “Rapid Assault”?


Let’s just say…


I’ve got a
card up my sleeve…





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"Rapid Assault" Quick Picks

The Moral Majority vs. The Motha-Funkers vs. Totally Supreme

Donte Dunn vs. Jeff Morgan

OTA vs. Torment

Acid © vs. Greg Black

Show Update

After a long day in the mountains, a fact that blew me away now that we're in Colorado, I found some time to put together a few more segments. At this point, I only have two left to write (even though they are the two more meatier one's of the show). With this in mind, I think the show COULD be done sometime as early as tomorrow night (Sunday)? Not totally sure but I guess we'll see! I've been taking my time; however, I'm happy with how it's come together!
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You called Bischoff simple :p


Each post adds to the anticipation, I'm close to exploding :p




In a way, I think of Victor Page much like Eric Bischoff (in a aggressive, egotistical, kind of guy). That said, that's entirely Page's speaking pattern when it comes to stepping into, and relishing, the controversial angle.


Honestly, it's great to hear that someone (especially you) is interested in reading the first episode! It's been A LOT of fun to craft, and write, thus far; however, it's taken a little longer than normal (given work and what not). That said, I believe that the show will hold up to the hype...


At least I hope.





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DOA "Rapid Assault" - Episode #1:

To all of you Deadheads out there (
DOA fans
), Episode #1 of "Rapid Assault" should be up later tonight! It's been a lot of work; however, I'm really happy with how it's come together thus far. As many of you know, I've had to slow down my writing style recently but I feel as though this is certainly a good read for those willing to follow Victor's rebellion.


Anywhoo, you can expect to see it up later tonight! The next time I post within this thread will be the results!





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Acid, Greg Black, Eric Tyler, Torment, Johnny Vicious, and Jeff Morgan

… Opening Video …


[“Rapid Assault” opens with a heart-pumping, adrenaline raising, speed-metal theme overtaking the visual presentation of a show-opening video sequence. Within said production, laced with a truly chaotic tone, the everlasting images of Season One’s close comes into effect;
Eric Tyler ‘screwing-over’ Greg Black with an unseen interference in the main event, Acid retaining the DOA Championship and remaining undefeated, Torment forcing Steve Flash into retirement, and Jeff Morgan make his shocking DOA debut at the expense of “The Blazing Red Demon” Johnny Vicious


[With each jarring impact, the vibrant colors of these images run black; coming to a dramatic stand-still in which to further add grandeur to each moment. In the end, Season II opens with an overtly chaotic, explosively grandiose, atmosphere hell-bent on creating the notion that, with a new coming season, there are many shocking scenarios still left standing… seeping much like an open wound.]


[if Season One went out like a Lion… Season II comes in like a rabid wolverine…]




Davis Ditterich:
Hello everyone and welcome to DOA R-R-R-R-R-R-R-RAAAAPID ASSAULT!!! I’m Davis Ditterich, alongside my new partner in crime, Carl Batch, and BOY do we have one hell of a dawney-brook scheduled for you HERE… TONIGHT!

Carl Batch:
Dawney-brook? It’s a travesty, Dee. THE most respected man in ALL of Pro Wrestling, Eric Tyler, will be forced, against his will, to ‘apologize’ for simply ‘saving’ DOA from absolute hell…

Davis Ditterich:
Hell? What kind of HELL did Eric Tyler ‘save us from’? If anything, he’s placed us in such!

Carl Batch:
Deep down, even you know that Greg Black isn’t cut out to be the DOA Champion; at least not THIS version of Black. He’s soft; nowhere NEAR Acid’s league…

Davis Ditterich:
You’re insane, Carl! Black had the match won; that’s not something ANYONE can argue against! Eric Tyler SHOULD apologize tonight; to us, to the dead-heads, to the Arcadia Network, and most importantly, to Greg Black!

Carl Batch:
Dee… You got some problems man… This cat [Eric Tyler] is a wrestling hero; he doesn’t need to apologize for anything he does…

Davis Ditterich:
The thing is, it doesn’t matter WHAT either of us think… At the end of the day, the Arcadia Network is WHO has the ultimate clout; not Tyler. If Arcadia wants him to apologize then their hired “Voice of Reason” better do so… or risk losing everything…
[Pauses; turns his attention]
But that’s for later on tonight, RIGHT NOW we’re going to kick off “Rapid Assault” in the only way DOA can… Explosively In… YOUR… FACE with THE most exciting division in ALL of Pro Wrestling… The Death Defying Duo Division!! Three-way… RIGHT… NOW!




The Moral Majority
w/ Grace & Prudence
vs. The Motha-Funkers vs. Totally Supreme
w/ Sammy Strung

[Death Defying Duo Division Rules]

[#1 Contendership Match: Death Defying Duo Championship]


“Rapid Assault” opens it’s highly anticipated second season with the intense explosion that is the Death Defying Duo Division. With a program centered around the notion of fast-paced, non-stop, in-your-face, high octane, wrestling, nothing would be better to display the DOA brand than the incessant warfare that typically comes with the seamless combat of these well-oiled tandems. In connection, that’s exactly what we receive from these suicidal six…


Without the need for tagging, much like the Lucha Libre approach to tandem-based wrestling, the sky is ultimately the limit for each duo; often adding several double-team maneuvers rooted in a more high-paced impact. In the end, no team does this BETTER than the polarizing pairing of Mainstream Hernandez and Citizen X (The Moral Majority)…


While the ‘big two’ knock-off, Totally Supreme, does quite well in competition, they ultimately show signs of faltering in the way that most comical duos do; crashing into one another, missing spots, and overly stomping in a fit when such miss. Meanwhile, the Motha-Funkers, while explosive in their own right, both in action and personality, their natural ‘greeness’ appears to be their unmovable object; often rearing it’s ugly head in the worst places (ie: pinfall attempts, double team maneuvers). More or less, the Funkers really show themselves to be a threat; however, may be in need of some more versing before they are deemed as a complete, unstoppable, threat…


In the end, with their scantily-clad, overtly hussy-like, pairing of Grace and Prudence watching sheepishly from the ringside area, continually proving to be a contradiction to the Moral Cause, Hernandez and X are able to overcome their competition; double-teaming their way toward a victory with a ring-rattling dual side-back Suplex/neckbreaker combo. Upon impact, forced upon Matty Sparrow following an unseen low-blow from Citizen X, Eugene Williams unaware of such a fact, the match comes to an ultimate close with a standard three count in favor of the controversial combination.


The Moral Majority in 7:36

Ending Maneuver:
Side-back Suplex/Neckbreaker Combo.


The Moral Majority is the NEW #1 Contender to the DOA Death Defying Duo Championship!


Davis Ditterich:
Whether you love ‘em, or you hate ‘em, which I have to admit, for me, it’s the latter, the Moral Majority are a force to be reckoned with. They came, they cheated, they conquered; these guys know the game & play it well…

Carl Batch:
These cats ‘aint going to lay down for nobody; that’s for sure. Tonight, we saw the rise of a new super-power! NO more, bible-lovin’, good guys anymore…
[smirks; even HE knowing the absurdity of thinking these guys as ‘good guys’]
… These cats are comin’ for the whole thing!

Davis Ditterich:
It looks like The Tokyo Express has a date with the devil…

Carl Batch:
Watch your tongue, Dee; you may need that demon to be exercised…




The Moral Majority

… Post-match Sermon …


[As the unsettling truth begins to take shape, inspiring the DOA Dead-heads in attendance to boo wildly in opposition, the newfound #1 contenders to the Death Defying Duo Championship now stand arrogantly victorious before the masses. With a smug swagger to his step, Mainstream Hernandez is shown staggering toward nearby ring ropes; smirking as he breathes rather heavily after such a hectic affair. In the end, with a microphone in hand, the Moral Majority stands united in defiance of the angered crowd; their lovely, scantily-clad, and overtly submissive, ladies standing at their side in a sheepish manner.]


Mainstream Hernandez:
… And GOD said to them; Go out and succeed in the name of your creator.
[smirks devilishly]
Tonight, we did exactly that; all in HIS name.
[Pauses; crowd boos]
It is your destiny, our undying fate, to stand-on-high; to prove that the Moral Way is the right way. You may have bet against us; however, it comes as no surprise to us… You greasy, unwashed, slimy, little wicked monsters would bet against ANYTHING if given the chance; it’s your undying SIN. In HIS light, tonight, you learned that the man-downstairs can’t keep you in bliss… You wanted something else; a different outcome? Too bad!
HE has spoken… the Moral Majority is one-step closer to achieving their fate… becoming the next, and last, Death Defying Duo Champions…


[The crowd boos like crazy as Mainstream Hernandez begins to laugh outwardly in a truly arrogant manner; stretching his arms out in a “I’m so great” kind of manner. Meanwhile, in doing so, Citizen X is shown aggressively grabbing the microphone from his hand; not in a defiant manner to his partner but in his typical, more aggressive, tone that has become custom with X.]


Citizen X:
May you ALL BURN for your SINS…


[With that, sending a short, yet powerful, message, Citizen X is shown dropping the microphone to the canvas. While the dead-heads shower the controversial tandem with a wondrous wall of hatred, the newfound #1 contenders look to relish in the fact; standing tall, and proud, through their twisted divine justification. In the end, as their submissive beauties stand at their side, projected as a blatant contradiction to their whole moral mantra, the controversial tandem look to be as high as ever; staring to the ceiling as they extend their arms out in an unsettling praying fashion.]




Davis Ditterich:
[shakes his head]
EXACTLY what the DOA needed; more success for the Moral Majority. You know, these guys give us ACTUAL church-goers a bad name…

Carl Batch:
A bad name? These cats ‘aint no bad name to nobody. I mean, someone must be lookin’ out for them…
[Looks up]
How else do you explain their gift to continually come back to the top?

Davis Ditterich:
I can’t believe that these guys are doing ANYONE, but their OWN, work…

Carl Batch:
HE works in mysterious ways…

Davis Ditterich:
While true… there isn’t any way that he dabbles in such a heated tone…




Eric Tyler and Sara Silver

… Attempt at an Interview …


[We transition backstage in which to see an obviously irritable “Voice of Reason” methodically walking through a backstage hallway of the DOA Dungeon. His weathered face, cracking under the weight of his advanced age, tells of a man who looks as though he’s seen it all; done it all even. With that in mind, one so versed in the tradition of our sport, it seems rather jarring to witness someone like Sara Silver, a well-known investigative journalist within Deadly Overloaded Action, speeding relentlessly behind him; badgering him much like a rabid reporter would follow a controversy-laden politician in search for ‘a career-shifting statement’. As one could expect, knowing Tyler’s hardened, overtly irritable, demeanor, such a trailing line of questioning only furthers the rage-filled snarl formed upon his sunken face.]


Sara Silver:
What is your take on Arcadia forcing you to apologize here tonight on “Rapid Assault”? …
[Nothing from Tyler; looks forward as he continues to walk]
Do you feel that your job as the “Voice of Reason” is in jeopardy? … Do you regret becoming physical with Greg Black? … You HAVE to have SOMETHING to say for yourself…


[With that, pushed the point of absolute annoyance, Eric Tyler stops harshly in his tracks; spinning around in a slow fashion in which to add menace to his stare. Almost slamming into the man she’s badgering with questions, Sara Silver stops in shock; quickly transitioning back to her serious, investigative, tone.]


[With a cold-hearted stare, his eyes glaring lazily in a ‘get out of my f*cking face’ kind of manner, “The Voice of Reason” takes a second to huff loudly; speaking very slowly, in an overtly annoyed fashion, while slicing a verbal blade straight through his information-based antagonist.]


"The Voice of Reason" Eric Tyler:
[stern stare; pauses]
I’m sick, and tired,… of your incessant badgering…
[Huffs; staring over his nose]
I don’t make time for measly little bugs like you… I squash them… Here today… Gone… tomorrow…


[Despite threatening her, Sara continues to hold her grown; much like any great journalist would when faced with insane danger. None the less, Tyler slowly spins back around in which to move forward; however, is stopped dead in his tracks. Closing his eyes, and sighing to himself once again, it appears as though “The Voice of Reason” is hovering ever so close toward his breaking point; overtly annoyed by something before him off camera.]


“The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler:
What… the HELL… do YOU want?



"Peerless" Greg Black

... Looking for Answers ...


[The camera man slowly pans out in which to see “Peerless” Greg Black standing before the very man who SCREWED him out of the DOA Championship. With this in mind, it’s easy to see that Mr. Black is not really happy whatsoever. Truthfully, the ‘Supreme Sendoff’ looks to be ready for a fight; a fact that doesn’t seem to faze Eric Tyler in the slightest.]


“Peerless” Greg Black:
Answer the lady’s question… Tyler.
[stares deep into Mr. Tyler’s weathered face. In return, “The Voice of Reason” still appears entirely annoyed by needing to address yet ANOTHER person.]
What’s wrong? Can’t stand the heat… now that you’re in the kitchen?


[Eric rolls his eyes; showing that he’s painfully reacting to such a statement.]


"The Voice of Reason" Eric Tyler:
The heat doesn’t bother me… never does.
[slowly opens his eyes; sighing again in defiance]
Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have somewhere to be…


“Peerless” Greg Black:
I ‘aint excusin’ nothin’. You screwed me over, Tyler; I ‘aint letting you off that easy…
Just let your punk-a$$ b*tch, Acid, know that I’m coming for the gold tonight. When it’s all said and done, I’ll get what’s rightfully mine… Just like you…


[Projecting an arrogant smirk, laced with a level of aggression underneath it all, the man they call “Peerless” knows that he’s landed a verbal jab square upon Tyler’s jaw. In return, after hearing such, Mr. Tyler continues to show his palpable annoyance; brushing past Greg Black as he chuckles defiantly under his breath. In the end, as he steps past, we hear one last thing from “The Voice of Reason” as he staggers away from the scene.]


“The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler:
Oh… I WILL get mine, Gregory; I


[ With that, the scene comes to a close as there’s a level of mystery hovering over Mr. Tyler’s final statement. In connection, Greg Black stands in Tyler’s wake; looking off camera with a face-full of aggression (no longer withholding that arrogant smirk he once carried before). None the less, as Sara Silver nods her head with a devilish smirk of her own, happy over finding such a newsworthy story, it appears as though “Rapid Assault” is heating toward a boiling point; Greg Black and Eric Tyler firmly in the center of it all.]




Davis Ditterich:
What did THAT mean; “I will get mine, Gregory; I always do”? Even on a night where he’s being forced to apologize, the “Voice of Reason” still appears confident in how the night will go. I’m confused…

Carl Batch:
Never question the master of mind games.
Arcadia may want him to apologize, here tonight, on “Rapid Assault”, but I don’t think it’s going to happen. Tyler’s a man of pride, a man of dignity; there ‘aint NO WAY he’s going to say he’s sorry to a bunch of punks! No… Way!

Davis Ditterich:
Well, if he doesn’t, then Greg Black may just get his dream… An Eric Tyler-less DOA…




Donte Dunn vs. Jeff Morgan


Bouncing around the ring like a wide-eyed youngster, Donte Dunn appears to be the complete opposite when contrasted with the ice-cold, intensely focused, demeanor of the former DaVE veteran, Jeff Morgan. Wrenching his wrists, while projecting an emotionless gaze, Morgan feels much more like a contract killer than anything else; dressed in tailored dress clothes as he enters the squared circle. None the less, the differences between the two couldn’t be ANY more depicted…


This fact can easily be found while in action as well; as Morgan looks, and feels, much more versed than his green opponent. In the end, while Donte administers a high-speed, almost reckless, approach, his explosive onslaught, eventually, proves to be his biggest downfall. Speeding around the ring, bouncing athletically off the ropes, the highly accelerated Dunn is able to deliver upon a highlight-reel impact on a few occasions; however, with time, succumbs to the tempered pace of the ice cold veteran.


With time, after Morgan had physically broken the fruitful youngster down, Morgan brings the match to an unsettling close with the usage of his body-breaking “Cross Atlantic Stretch” (Crossface submission); forcing Dunn into such a position after the flier attempted a back-elbow strike that, ultimately, went bad. Within seconds, it was all said and done... it didn’t take Dunn very long to submit!


Slamming his overtly injured opponent’s head to the ground, Morgan steps up from his victim with a sense of quiet confidence to his stance. In the end, while Dunn appeared to be more athletic of the two, utilizing a jaw-dropping aerial impact, the victory proves to lie in the hand of the grizzled, submission-based, veteran.


Jeff Morgan in 4:59

Ending Maneuver:
“Cross Atlantic Stretch” (Crossface Submission).



Davis Ditterich:
While not a newcomer in the slightest, the grizzled veteran, Jeff Morgan, came away with a dominating debut match here in Deadly Overloaded Action!

Carl Batch:
I know Morgan; he’s one bad motha.
[smirks; nods arrogantly]
Dunn never stood a chance… Not even close.

Davis Ditterich:
He REALLY has a long way to go [Donte Dunn] but, once he gets it all together, Dunn’s bound to be a jaw-dropping talent. He’s got that “X-factor”; just needs to find the training to get to the top!

Carl Batch:
A WHOLE LOT of Training.
[smirks; shakes his head]
That kid couldn’t wrestle his way out of a bag… Jeff Morgan, on the other hand, is the EXACT kind of wrestler that Eric Tyler loves; he’s mean, tough, and knows his way around the ring.

Davis Ditterich:
Yea, Yea, yea… another ‘old guard’ member coming around these parts, huh? Sadly, Morgan should take a note from Steve Flash’s experience here in DOA. In the end, while veterans may have the knowledge… they don’t have the physical ability to keep up with these guys anymore!

Carl Batch:
Steve Flash is NO Jeff Morgan…
I’ll put my money on the “Ice Cold Assassin” at anytime; Dee. Older, or not, this guy will have a major impact here in DOA!




Antonio Marquez

… Unmasked and re-focused …


[The DOA Dungeon stands in high anticipation as the sound of El Dragon Dorado’s heroic theme blares from on high; signifying his entrance like a blowing horn of sorts. However, unlike in previous months, tonight’s appearance by the international high flier stands as much different; being the first glimpse of Dorado without his mask. With that said, as the unmasked luchador strolls through the Dungeon gateway, holding said mask in hand, there is a collective sense of shock circulating.]


[A pretty-boy of sorts, the newfound face of a once heroic figure slowly shuffles his way down the rampway; leading directly into the ring in a uniquely charismatic way. While most luchadors would dread such a moment, being seen by the masses for the first time without their greatest article of clothing, no such fear seems to be emanating from the high flying youngster; actually quite the opposite. His mannerisms, somewhat familiar to his previous persona, the newfound demeanor appears to be MUCH more based in a sense of dirty-like-charisma; a sharp contrast to his overtly heroic persona of yesteryears.]


[With a microphone in hand, and his former mask in the other, the man that the announcers come to call “Antonio Marquez” looks out upon the masses with a lazy smirk residing upon his face; one that tells of a comfort-ability only known to those of high arrogance. None the less, as he stands anew for the masses, Marquez looks as though his recent transformation, forced at the hand of Teddy Powell, has proven to be a beneficial one; at least in the confidence department.]


Antonio Marquez:
It’s funny what you lose when you hide behind a mask…
[Pauses; looks down on the mask in his hand]
You become infused with the threads, comfortable with the wall it creates, and, ultimately, fall victim to it’s hidden nature. With every passing week, you start to lose sight of who you ONCE were; what you ONCE knew. Your left with nothing but a rabbit hole of sorts… Twisting, turning, and falling, deeper into the infinite abyss…


[Marquez pauses for a second, sighs, and then looks up from his, former, El Dragon Dorado mask; the article of clothing that once defined him entirely in DOA.]


Antonio Marquez:
My ancestors hid underneath these masks; entertaining nearby villages with an aura of mystery. Sadly, most of them would leave this world without EVER bearing their TRUE self; their real face.
[shakes his head]
This is why I must actually…
Thank… Teddy Powell…


[The Crowd is confused as Marquez pauses; allowing his shocking statement to take hold. With that, following his brief stoppage, the young Marquez now looks upon the masses before him once again; firm in his statement.]


Antonio Marquez:
I know… I know… How could you THANK someone who made your life a living hell? How could you THANK a twisted soul who happened to RIP your mask forcibly from your head; removing the aura that my ancestors once cherished? … How could you accept the insult of losing your… personality?
[shakes his head; feeling as though he has not actually]
To be honest, I don’t see it that way… I don’t feel as though I’ve lost anything… If anything, Teddy Powell set… me… free…


[Again, the DOA deadheads appear somewhat shocked as to what Marquez is touching upon; not knowing if this means he’s turned or not? With that in mind, adding an extra level of confusion to the scenario at hand, the sound of Teddy Powell’s eerie entrance theme over takes the DOA Dungeon.]



Teddy “Redeem Thee” Powell + Violet

… He who set Marquez free? …


[slowly, confused in his own right, Teddy Powell is shown staggering lazily toward the ringside area; inquisitively looking upon Marquez in the process. As his overtly aggressive, and intently vile, manager & love interest, Violet, snarls like an untrusting rabid dog, the physically marked man of Redemption enters the DOA squared circle; staring upon his unmasked rival with a look of tentative doubt upon his face. In connection; however, Marquez looks as confident as ever; not flinching in the slightest as he stands across from the man who un-masked him. Instead, pulling the microphone back up to his mouth, his eyes fixated on his long-time rival, Marquez continues forth with his message of being ‘free’ once again.]


Antonio Marquez:
I’m not stupid, Teddy; I haven’t forgotten the hell you put me through for the last few months. We practically tore this place apart, piece by piece, and yet… I can’t argue with the fact that I have YOU to thank…


[Powell squints his eyes back upon Marquez; questioning what he could be talking about.]


Antonio Marquez:
I had become something I was not; safe, boring, and blasé. The mask that I wore subdued by soul; making me become something I was not. I began to carry the heroic banner on my shoulders, believing the hype that I had become a super-hero like figure; however, I began to lose touch with who I really was… the kind of competitor that I really was…
[Pauses; pacing]
You brought that back to me, Teddy. You brought that back to me the second you ripped this mask from my face…
[Lifts the Dorado mask on high]
You saved me from the safety I had come accept… You re-opened my eyes… For that, I must repay the favor…


[With that, shockingly, out of nowhere, Marquez lunges forward from a complete standstill; slamming his black boot square into the jaw of Teddy Powell with a lightning quick Superkick. In a rapid sense of impact, Marquez is able to force his long-time rival to the canvas; barely able to stay conscious due to such a standing sidekick.]


[The crowd is, again, completely shocked by such a ‘out of left field’ kind of kick. That said, the only man NOT shocked is that of the actual striker; Antonio Marquez. Standing over his fallen victim, and the man who unmasked him, ultimately setting him free, an arrogant smirk forms upon Antonio’s GQ-like face. In connection of the event, Violet is shown frantically jumping in Marquez’s direction; however, is shockingly assaulted herself… Dropped on her face with a modified sit-down-facebuster; again, as if from nowhere.]


[Flooring both Powell, and then his aggressively frantic love interest and manager, Violet, Marquez quickly leaps back to his feet; standing over both of his victims with the very same arrogant smirk running across his face. In such a stark contrast to his existence as Dorado, Marquez looks, feels, and sounds, like a brand new man… Or in this case, a man he once was and now has returned to after having his modifying mask was removed a month ago]


[Motioning to the back from something, with time, Eugene Williams is shown staggering toward the ring in a confused fashion; as we all are. After a round of lazy barking from Marquez, Mr. Williams is shown calling for the bell; shrugging his shoulders as he goes along with the opportunity of an impromptu match-up. In turn, the crowd seems to take on the very same notion; shocked, confused, yet accepting the idea of such a match taking place as if from nowhere. In the end, THIS impromptu nature seems to be Antonio’s new M-O here in DOA.]




Davis Ditterich:
What got into HIM?
El Dragon Dorado may not have done something like that BUT Antonio Marquez looks like he’s a whole different person… Almost like a split personality or something…

Carl Batch:
This cat is CRAZY!
[Raspy chuckle]
He not only put Powell on his back BUT also slammed Violet’s head into the ground as well. Damn!

Davis Ditterich:
Someone needs to touch base with Marquez; something seems off with this young man. I get that he lost his mask, giving way to a new reach on life, turning it into a positive instead of a negative, but something just seems REALLY off with all of this. To turn such a complete 180… I just don’t know what to think…




Antonio Marquez vs. Teddy “Redeem Thee” Powell
w/ Violet

[impromptu Match]


There is a more aggressive tone to Marquez’s every mannerism; a stark contrast to the heroic overtones that once came with his masked persona “El Dragon Dorado”. Speeding around the ring with reckless abandon, adding that extra umpf in every strike, and manipulating his body in which to administer full-body impacts, descending from the ropes he once leapt from, Marquez just seems like a brand new man; one fixated on something underneath it all. In comparison, he feels much more like Powell than anyone else we’ve seen in DOA thus far. Not necessarily in the dark, gothic, perspective, but more so in the limitless nature of his demeanor.


No strangers to one another, their back-and-forth altercation feels rather scouted; almost as if the other knew what was coming before it came. With this in mind, everything feels rather ‘open’ as counters, reversals, and ‘outside of the box’ maneuvers are utilized in which to gain the upper hand. In the end, it’s this newfound ‘moral flexibility’ that comes with Marquez that proves to be the ultimate deciding factor.


After dropkicking Violet off the apron as she argued with Eugene Williams over a pinfall count, a fact that drove the DOA Dungeon to erupt with excitement as the frail-framed Violet slams to the floor outside, the match-up drifts into a sense of anarchy as Violet is shown pulling Eugene with her. His own impact upon the floor leaves him rather slowed down as it, now, opens for anything to happen… And anything DID happen…


With time, as Powell attempts to subdue his fiery rival, the man of Redemption is shown losing a steel chair he once held in his hand; knocked out by a roundhouse kick from Marquez. Now, with the steel chair laying on the ground, Marquez has a moment of confusion; a very slight moment. In the past, said chair would have been thrown out of the ring; however, tonight, a new man, Marquez is shown lifting Powell off the matt and planting him upon the chair with a running Piledriver!


Powell’s head lands rather viciously upon the steel chair as his entire frame goes limp. Meanwhile, smirking like a mad-man of sorts, the new Marquez is shown kicking the steel chair out of the ring in a lazy fashion. In turn, as Eugene is awoken once again, the high flying, mask-less, hell-bent luchador takes his perch on high; executing his newfound finisher “Reckless Impact” (Top Rope Moonsault Legdrop) in the process. Seconds later, the match has come to a finish with Marquez finally overcoming his long-time rival in Teddy Powell. Only, this time around, it seems that Antonio’s newfound ‘recklessness’ is what proved to be the deciding factor in their heated altercation…


Antonio Marquez in 8:15

Ending Maneuver:
“Reckless Impact” (Top Rope Moonsault Legdrop).



Davis Ditterich:
Good GOD!
[shakes his head in disbelief; laughs]
What the HELL got into Antonio Marquez? That’s CERTAINLY not the heroic masked man we once saw as El Dragon Dorado!

Carl Batch:
It’s as he said himself… Powell ‘set him free’. That cat has Powell to thank… Win or no win…

Davis Ditterich:
Something tells me that Marquez is going to be one HELL of a force coming up here in the next few months… His new approach will either give him mass success or a violent, body-breaking, downfall… The ultimate risk/reward scenario in the ring…

Carl Batch:
I’ve seen these reckless guys before; no limits and whatever. In the end, they all fizzle out… Going down in a damn blaze of glory!

Davis Ditterich:
I guess we’ll have to see if the same happens to Antonio…




Johnny Vicious

… The ascension of the Rabid Vicious …


[The sharp interjections of momentary light tear through the midnight air as an unknown camera lens stands fixated on the DOA Dungeon. From across a dimly lit street, sunken slightly beneath the road-line, surrounded by a lightly wooded area, it almost feels as though we’re standing on the brink of civilization; a darkened, overtly mysterious, wooded area at our backs.]


[At first, the DOA commentary team appears to be shocked, as if this view is not ‘scheduled to take place’, as there appears to be nothing pulling such attention to a detached area outside of the Dungeon. However, within a few seconds, that all comes to a shocking halt…]


[Like an ascending, physically ravaged, warrior, an unknown figure appears from the bottom of the tight shot; coming into view as they look upon the Dungeon in a standstill. Hunched slightly, his bare-back riddled with cuts, bruises, and gashes, whoever this man is, it appears as though they’ve been through quite a war recently. With time, though, as the smattering of light becomes more incessant, the image of flaming red hair is shown sitting atop the mysterious, war-torn, warrior.]


[The Dead-heads watching within the arena, fixated on the large video-tron above the entrance ramp, as it becomes rather obvious that the unknown, physically ravaged, warrior is none other than… “The Blazing Red Demon” Johnny Vicious. Without seeing the front of his face, only seeing half of his gashed bare-back, it’s expected that the ascending Vicious, coming from a mysterious wooded-area behind him, has sniffed out the DOA Dungeon much like a rabid dog would search for his prey; fixated on, what’s expected to be, raising a tsunami of rage.]




Davis Ditterich:
He’s back…

Carl Batch:
Who the friggin-hell was that mangy-little-monkey?

Davis Ditterich:
He’s “The Blazing Red Demon”….
[Pauses; a smirk forms]
and he’s coming for Tyler… once again…

Carl Batch:
He ‘aint coming for Eric.
[Laughs; dismissively]
‘Aint no one coming for “The Voice of Reason”…

Davis Ditterich:
You’re new; so, no one expects you to understand… Let’s just say… This Demon is bringing a wave of fire with him…




vs. Torment

[Champion vs. Champion]

[Non-Title Match]


From the very onset, there’s an air of palpable grandeur. Two men, both carrying the coveted title of Champion, stand before one another as the DOA Deadheads fill the Dungeon with an expulsion of high anticipation. Straight away, as they stand across from one another, staring upon eachother in their own given way (OTA with tranquility and Torment with intense aggression), the stage is instantaneously set to be an altercation of heated affairs. Luckily, for those looking to embrace the epic struggle between two successful DOA warriors, neither OTA, nor Torment, would let anyone down…


As the match begins to take shape, the overriding narrative of the knowledgeable veteran versus the overtly brutish youngster begins to take hold. What OTA tries to create out of unrivaled understanding, fused with a mentally calm state of tranquility, Torment looks to employ through intensely-wound aggression. None the less, the grand opposites play almost perfectly as, whenever Torment WOULD take hold, OTA would quickly become the beloved underdog figure; not in the traditional sense but knowing that the fans were firmly in his corner to, again, rebound.


Back-and-forth they employ a seamless depiction of chain-wrestling; both being masters of such. Never-ending is their combinations as both look to manipulate, force, slide, and weasel, there way into a much better position. With this in mind, the action feels almost as if it’s much like a technical wrestling clinic; just not in the slowed, tempered, kind of way. Instead, it’s like two speeding road-runners utilizing both quickness and impactful maneuvers to keep the other at bay.


In the end, despite their great combination of sorts, sadly, the outcome has nothing really to do with OTA or Torment…




Sensing their ‘moment’, the new #1 contenders to the Tokyo Express’ Death Defying Duo Championship, the Moral Majority is shown slowly staggering their way toward the ringside area; smirking devilishly as it’s obvious they are here on dubious terms. Almost immediately, standing at ringside in support of his partner, KAZUMA attempts to step in their path, calmly asking them to leave the ringside area in respect of the competitors in the ring. In a sad show of disrespect though, the Morally obsessed tandem, again, defies their own preaching; assaulting KAZUMA for his troubles.


Pulling his attention away, OTA would eventually lose control of the match-up; giving Torment the overriding power as the struggling Duo Champion is pulled every which way. Even with that, though, OTA would almost return to form; however, had been pushed too far in which to step back into the light.


Catching his staggering opponent off-guard, Torment is able to floor his fellow Champion with a body-bending belly-to-back butterflied Suplex. OTA would struggle as much as he could but, in the end, the confines of such a maneuver is too much to break free from. Three seconds later it was all over with... OTA had lost, somewhat under his own inability to overcome the feverish Chokeout Champion, and somewhat due to the Moral Majority’s incessantly meddling…


Torment in 8:42

Ending Maneuver:
Belly-to-Back Butterflied Suplex.



Davis Ditterich:
Come on!! After such a great match, such a back-and-forth, technical wrestling clinic, THIS is how it all comes to an end? If The Moral Majority didn’t manipulate the situation, assaulting KAZUMA in the process, then OTA could have come away with the win! Now, we’ll never know…

Carl Batch:
Boo… Hoo…
This is DOA not ‘play fair wrestling’… If OTA wants to be the Sensational one they call him then he has to find a way to win regardless of what’s out there!

Davis Ditterich:
While true, it’s still absolute crap!! I’m getting really, really, REALLY, tired of the Moral Majority’s antics!
[shakes his head; pauses for a second and then moves on]
I guess, in the end, congratulations needs to be given to Torment… Big win here tonight!

Carl Batch:
One bad, bad, man that Torment is… A cat with a little extra growl in his step…




The Moral Majority and The Tokyo Express ©

… Post-match beatdown …


[As the Sensational OTA lay derailed upon the faded canvas, placed in such a situation following a body-jarring suplex, The menacing tandem of Mainstream Hernandez and Citizen X is shown lashing out in their continual depiction of an extremist mentality; gang-assaulting the fallen OTA in a purely vicious fashion. After an array of intensely-wound strikes, most commonly being heavy-footed stomps, the controversial Moralists eventually attempt at theoretical decapitation; executing their signature belly-to-back Suplex/Neckbreaker combo upon the struggling Tag Champion. As expected, such an impact leaves OTA entirely motionless; potentially suffering from a terrible neck injury upon impact with the unforgiving canvas.]


[KAZUMA, returning to his feet, attempts to avenge his fallen friend; taking to the air in a high impact interjection. Sadly, though, no such action is all that successful as, shortly after impact, landing a strong missile drop-kick upon an unaware Hernandez, Citizen X is shown flooring the other Tag Champion as he arises to his feet. Seconds later, KAZUMA is forced through the same destructive treatment levied upon OTA; theoretically taking a stab at decapitation with their signature Suplex/neckbreaker combo.]


[All in all, as the DOA Deadheads shower The Moral Majority with a response only fit for those who are most dubious, it appears as though the vile extremists care nothing of their support/or lack thereof. Almost immediately, this is brought to our attention after both Citizen X and Mainstream Hernandez are shown arrogantly celebrating their heinous assault on the Death Defying Duo Champions; all while projecting a sly, overtly self-indulged, grin upon their collective face.]




Davis Ditterich:
In one night, The Moral Majority have gone from becoming the #1 contenders to cementing their place as THE most hated tandem in ALL of Deadly Overloaded Action! They’re brash, they’re hell-bent on their convictions, and, now, seemingly fixated on the absolute DESTRUCTION of The Tokyo Express!

Carl Batch:
These cats [Tokyo Express] have had it good since the DOA dungeon opened it’s doors last may. It’s about damn time that someone put ‘em in their place… You can’t rule the roost forever…

Davis Ditterich:
It’s true. The Tokyo Express have pretty much DOMINATED the Death Defying Duo Division since it’s inception but WHY go at them like this? Don’t they have ANY respect for anyone but them… anything BUT their cause?

Carl Batch:
Why would they? They are the one’s who are right anyways…

Davis Ditterich:
Yea… If by condescending, hypocritical, and blatantly dismissive, then yes… ‘Right’…




Eric Tyler + “All the Kings Men”

… The Apology …


[With a thunderous wave of disdain consuming the DOA Dungeon, anticipating the arrival of Arcadia’s much hated “Voice of Reason”, the atmosphere turns aggressive in nature; a fact that’s made obvious by a number of dead-head-based pans across the Dungeon. Within seconds, such roaring becomes even more evident as the opening phrasing of Eric Tyler’s DOA-created theme music overtakes the surrounding area like a brash, defiant, war criminal.]




[The Dungeon erupts into a full-on blitz; showering Mr. Tyler, and his rag-tag bunch of hitmen, with a level of hatred unseen. Despite that though, it’s rather obvious right away, with the sight of the DOA Championship STILL centered around Acid’s waist, that “All the Kings Men” are ones to hate but ones, also, that have proven themselves to be an absolute FORCE in the industry today.]


[After a slow, almost painfully slow, entrance into the ring, taking their sweet-time in a show of defiance toward the crowd’s negative reaction, the embattled “Voice of Reason” is shown accepting a DOA-laced microphone from a ringside technition.]


[standing in the center of the ring, surrounded by his motley crew, Mr. Tyler stares out upon the rabid crowd with a steely-calm kind of nature; unshaken by the negative response. After a brief stare down of his own, almost daring the crowd to continue forth, Mr. Tyler begins to speak in his typically slow, methodical, kind of fashion; entering into his Arcadia-forced Apology with a sense of defiant arrogance to his tone still.]


“The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler:
Are you done yet?
[Crowd grows louder; Tyler remains within a steely-calm arrogance]
I get it; you dim-witted, good-for-nothing, ‘rasslin’ fans’ feel as though you can SAY or DO whatever you want. Right? You bought your ticket, spending the bulk of your measly Grocery Store paychecks, to come to the DOA Dungeon; to cheer on the pathetic, the weak, and the untalented, in hopes of finding the NEXT great rassler, right?
[Rolls his eyes; sighs]
YOU, every last one of you greasy, disgusting, Trailer Park rodents, are EXACTLY what’s wrong with the industry these days…


[The crowd boos like crazy as Tyler stands in defiance; his head-held high despite such a difficult situation for him; coming forth for an apology]


“The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler:
You would have LOVED to see Greg Black win the DOA Championship last month, right?
[Crowd pops]
What you fail to realize is, if he DID win, Deadly Overloaded Action would become nothing but a laughing-stock; a crumbling wasteland on the verge of it’s own implosion.
[Crowd boos]
Greg Black is NOT DOA Championship material… If you all had a working brain, or really even the comprehension of a monkey, you would know that too…


[The crowd boos again, like crazy, as Mr. Tyler stands much like a proud general; unafraid of what’s before him. After taking a second to allow his message to sink in, the controversial “Voice of Reason”, once again, addresses the situation at hand; unshaken by the crowds hatred of him.]


“The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler:
Tonight, I’ve received a mandate from the Arcadia Network; stating that I must…
[Closes his eyes; painfully having to say the next words]
Apologize for my actions last month.
[Crowd pops; sending a sense of aggressive annoyance upon his face]
While I disagree with their stance… In the end… I
Arcadia writes the checks; so, I’m left with no room but do…
[Again, Tyler looks like saying such words are painful to him.]
… exactly that… To say that… I’m sorry… So, here… we go…


[For a brief second, Eric Tyler looks down toward the canvas; obviously colleting his thoughts before he moves forward with the apology we’ve all been waiting for. In the end, with the crowd roaring in the background, anticipating such a moment of weakness for “The Voice of Reason”, Mr. Tyler slowly looks back up toward the crowd; delivering the next paragraph with impenetrable sense of aggressive defiance.]


“The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler:
I apologize…
that Greg Black is
DOA Championship Material…


[The crowd erupts, once again, into an explosive display of disdain. Again, Mr. Tyler looks as though his proud, arrogance-based, armor is deflecting all that comes before him. Instead of wallowing in the moment, Arcadia’s employed “Voice of Reason” apologizes the only way he knows how… In a back-handed, holier than thou, kind of manner.]


“The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler:
I apologize
that the Arcadia Network knows
about Professional Wrestling.
I apologize…
[Looks deep into the camera; delivering the next line without any hesitancy]
… that I, ALONE, have to SAVE the Wrestling industry from the hands of the idiotic, the sophomoric, and the morally bankrupt. You can boo all you want but it’s the damn truth… I will NOT stand by and watch any of YOU… Destroy… what I built… The Tradition that I bestowed upon our sport…


[The crowd boos like crazy, yet again, as Tyler looks out upon them with a look of utter-confidence upon his face. In connection, the rest of “All the Kings Men” are all flashing arrogant smirks of their own; Torment & Acid appear more vicious in their snarl than any other at his back.]


“The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler:
There you are, Arcadia… There’s your ‘apology’.
[Defiant smirk forms]
Eat that up while you meet with your ‘beloved little sponsors’. You brought me to Deadly Overloaded Action to administer a sense of respectability; a sense of honor. If you want me to DO my job then get… off… my… back… and let me run DOA like it SHOULD be; not like the cr*p-hole you’re looking to turn it into. You see…


[before Tyler can move on, continually pelted by the incessant wall of absolute hatred of the DOA deadheads, the embattled “Voice of Reason” is quickly interrupted by the explosive sound of Greg Black’s theme music. In connection, the deadheads frantically change their pace; showering the ringside area with a hefty sense of excitement as they await the “Peerless One” himself.]



“Peerless” Greg Black

… Confronting the “Voice of Reason” …


[None the less, AS Greg finally shuffles through the DOA Dungeon Gateway, holding a microphone already in hand, there appears to be a heated stare-down growing between he & “The Voice of Reason”. In return, the rest of “All the Kings Men” look as though they’re ready to pounce; vastly changing their body language toward a more aggressive nature in the process.]


“Peerless” Greg Black:
You might as well add another apology in there… I apologize that I’m a giant douche-bag in need of a reality-check! The great thing, it just so happens, I’ve got A LOT of experience in punkin’ some b*tches just like you…


[The crowd pops as Greg Black has seemingly struck a chord with the members of “All the Kings Men”; inspiring them to start exiting the squared circle with a taste for blood lingering on their lips. However, before they can clash in anyway, shockingly, a number of 20 Arcadia Security guards come pouring out of the back; standing before Greg Black in the process. With a wall before him, and obviously thrown back by the sight of such a wall himself, Black starts to make sense of what’s going on before him. Meanwhile, Eric Tyler is shown, the only man left in the ring, addressing the situation at hand.]


“The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler:
Believe me, Gregory, you don’t have what it takes… I promise you that…


[Just then, the crowd slowly starts to roar, at a gradual pace, as it seems somewhat weird of a reaction given Tyler & Black’s back-and-forth. With that said, though, as a ringside camera lens takes notice, we see that it’s actually being cast toward “The Blazing Red Demon” as he fiercely tears through the deadheads at ringside; speeding like a predator with his prey in sight.]



“The Blazing Red Demon” Johnny Vicious

… Speeding through the crowd; eyes on Tyler …


[Hopping, in one athletic leap, Vicious speeds over the steel guardrail at ringside; sliding aggressively into the squared circle in the process. Shockingly, despite all of this, with his focus entirely on Greg Black, standing before the Dungeon gateway, Vicious is able to quickly move in for the kill!]


[in a forcible fashion, spinning Tyler around, a shocking gesture to “The Voice of Reason”, Vicious lifts Mr. Tyler off the ground in one dominating swoop; holding him on his shoulders in an attempt for his signature maneuver “The Vicious Circle” (Spinning, 360, Death Valley Driver). With the crowd going absolutely crazy, turning the environment rather frenzied within the DOA Dungeon, Vicious forcibly starts to spin his long-time rival in which to administer such an impact. Sadly, before he can do so; however, the maneuver is quickly thwarted by an impending
Jeff Morgan


[stripping himself away from the pack, the rest still standing before the Arcadia security guards in hopes of warring with Black, a fact that “The Peerless One” seems JUST as fixated on, Morgan is the only one to pull his attention away; speeding back toward the ring and, again, thwarting the attempt of a “Vicious Circle” with a heavy-footed stomp square to Johnny’s stomach. At first, it looks as though the “Blazing Red Demon” attempts to keep the move in motion; however, the strike itself opens the door for Morgan to continue his assault; stopping the maneuver all together.]


[in the end, as Greg Black and the REST of “All the Kings Men” (minus Jeff Morgan) attempt to break through the security wall before either of them, shockingly administered, even to Greg Black, the action within the squared circle shows a back-and-forth brawl between Jeff Morgan and the fiery Johnny Vicious. Collecting himself once again, straightening his black suit in the process, “The Voice of Reason” is shown, again, becoming physical with the action before him; clipping his long-time rival, Johnny Vicious, from behind (taking out his right knee). ]


[The segment, ultimately, comes to a close with the sight of incessant trash being thrown into the ring. Meanwhile, Johnny Vicious is shown being wildly stomped to hell by Tyler’s new hitman; Jeff Morgan. Shockingly, though, the Arcadia Security Staff looks uninterested in thwarting Morgan’s assault on Vicious; instead, standing before Greg Black… Almost as if they were protecting him… A fact that seems to be a new theory even to “The Peerless One”.]




Davis Ditterich:
THAT was Eric Tyler’s apology? What the HELL was THAT? I’ve never met such an arrogant, utterly defiant, self-serving, man like Tyler before… I mean… Your employer tells you to say you’re sorry and THIS is what comes out of his mouth; a back-handed apology that EVERYONE ELSE is the one to blame? In all my years…

Carl Batch:
Classic, Tyler. You know, back in the Tri-State area, this is EXACTLY what we would hear from him on a weekly basis. Why would he change now? Arcadia brought him in to bring a sense of class to Deadly Overloaded Action. If they don’t like his methods than it’s THEIR FAULT for not knowing what TRUE wrestling is all about…

Davis Ditterich:
That’s absolute crap, Carl…

Carl Batch:
The REAL thing we should be focusing on is Arcadia’s inability to do ANTYHING right. I mean, first those fat-cats tell Tyler he has to apologize for something as stupid as sticking up for this sport and NOW… What’s this with the Arcadia security staff protecting Greg Black? To me, it looks like they’re starting to show favorites… now THAT’S something to apologize about…

Davis Ditterich:
I have NO IDEA what that was about… It’s like they were brought to the Dungeon specifically to save Greg Black from what was about to become a gang-like beating; the “All the Kings Men” M-O since their inception. If anything, it’s probably Arcadia looking to ‘even-the-score’… A quick way to stop Tyler’s rag-tag bunch of hitmen from having their way… once again…

Carl Batch:
Then why not save Johnny Vicious? Huh? He was pretty much left for dead there as they kept the so-called “Peerless One” comfy behind their wall…

Davis Ditterich:
I have no idea… honestly… I’m still confused about





Acid © vs. “Peerless” Greg Black

[steel Cage Match]

[DOA Championship Match]


The menacing descent of steel chain-link generates an iconic feel circulating around the DOA Dungeon as the towering confine of a Steel Cage encompasses the squared circle. In all of “Rapid Assault”, no match-up has ever projected SUCH grandeur, such loftiness, as the epic combination of the undefeated Champion and his “peerless” challenger. When coupled with the unforgiving sight of steel, there’s a strong feeling that someone may lose everything here tonight… Championship, health, career… All making way for a possibly destructive, life-altering, scenario in the process…


With the impact-hungry DOA Deadheads roaring aggressively in the background, cultivating an overpowering wave of reaction, the war-torn competitors of tonight’s main event, no strangers to one another, meet in the center of the ring; nose-to-nose as they stare deep into each other’s eyes as a form of gaming one’s mind. With the Champion snarling like an animalistic predator, and his challenger smirking rather arrogantly in a “I’m about to f*ck you up” kind of manner, there’s this feel that all could explode at any second… and it does…


In a climactic bang, feeling much like a thundercrack from the GOD’s themselves, the action explodes into existence as both men exchange in a fiery back-and-forth haymaker challenge. Going from zero-to-100 in a matter of a few seconds, both men don’t appear to be looking to ease into action; instead, throwing punches that would knock out even the most iron-jawed fighter. Each strike, each blow, going on for a good 20 seconds, seems like the final blow until it finally comes to pass with a Pele-like kick from the springing Black; sending the animalistic champion to the canvas in a thunderous heap. To say the least, though, while the impact DID slow down Acid in that moment, in no way was he coming to a screeching halt. In reality, the predatory champion was back on his feet a few seconds later; flooring his arrogant challenger with a full-body closeline of his own (a fact that slams Black into the nearby cage wall as he was unaware such a strike was coming).


As time went on, every inch of that towering cage was used. A standing Suplex from Black upon Acid up against the cage wall, a back-body-drop by Acid upon his challenger into the cage wall, and a number of aerial strikes utilizing said chain-link, was on full-display as there appeared to be an air of desperation hovering. While it may not be in the traditional sense, seeming rather anxious in nature, it felt as though both competitors were hellbent on destroying the other more so than anything. In the end, the fact that neither was ever able to capitalize upon the moment with a successful pinfall, or cage climb, only lengthened the vicious back-and-forth…


With both men barely able to stand, showing the obvious sign of physical depletion from repeated body-crushing impacts with the cage wall, everything came to a shocking moment as Greg Black is able to manipulate the DOA Champion into a difficult situation….


A boot to the stomach here… A lock-up there… and…




“Black Out”!


The DOA Dungeon is shocked; staring upon the squared circle with intense excitement as it appears as though Greg Black is only seconds from victory. Meanwhile, Eric Tyler, who stands in a stoic manner outside of the unforgiving steel, paces silently; watching on as the man they call “Peerless” struggles back to his feet. Shockingly, instead of going for a pinfall attempt, Black staggers his way toward the steel cage wall; seeming somewhat delirious while still looking for his ascent.


Slowly he ascends…


Up a few more feet…


And then it happens…


As he almost makes it to the top of the cage, obviously struggling to stay in motion, the challenger appears to buckle under his own weight. His one arm releases from the wall, and then the next, as it looks as though Black has lost consciousness during his ascent; most certainly put in this position after such a hellish affair as tonight’s main event. ‘


Laying upon the canvas, blinking incessantly like a wayward mind struggling to come back to reality, the war-torn challenger looks like a man whose just suffered through a car accident. His body is semi-motionless, his demeanor rather detached, as his climb appeared to put him in an even more difficult scenario. In the end, in his delirious stupor, maybe he should have gone for the pinfall instead of climbing…


In the end, Acid is able to regain his footing once again; turning the tides firmly in his corner. Black, pulled to his feet, would try to fend off his attacker; however, with such a depleted frame, the “Peerless One” appears, for the first time, to stand in contradiction of his name… he looks human… He looks… beatable…


Despite Black’s wavering fight, throwing punches as if he were a boxer on his last leg, the predatory champion appears to smell blood; flooring his wavering challenger with his signature “Acid Rain Bomb” (Sit-down Powerbomb) following a number of hard-striking combos. All it takes is three seconds and it all comes to an end; a fact that the Deadheads are terribly unhappy about. In connection; however, “The Voice of Reason” appears to be happy with the outcome; projecting such in his grizzled, overtly irritable, fashion.


While he’s barely able to stand on his own accord, Acid raises back to his feet holding the DOA Championship on high; appearing much like a man who, like his challenger, has just suffered through a vicious car wreck. None the less, when it was all said and done, Acid was the only man left standing… Keeping his singles undefeated streak intact!


Acid in 18:04

Ending Maneuver:
“Acid Rain Bomb” (Sit-down Powerbomb).


Acid retains the DOA Championship and his undefeated streak!


Davis Ditterich:
Greg Black is ‘peerless’ no more… Tonight, within the hellacious confines of a DOA steel cage, Mr. Black pushed his body, and mind, to the extreme. In the end, though, it simply wasn’t enough to topple the unstoppable, unshakeable, undefeated DOA Champion… Acid!

Carl Batch:
He spoke a big game but he couldn’t physically back it up… Dee, this cat just fell flat on his face tonight!

Davis Ditterich:
He was only inches from the top of the cage, seconds from gaining the top prize in DOA, but it showed that the intensity of tonight’s main event was just too much for his crumbling frame. After close to 20-minutes of hell, Mr. Black’s body just gave up; giving Acid the room to take advantage. You may love, or hate the man, but there’s one thing for sure… Acid… is… unstoppable!

Carl Batch:
He’s truly the real ‘peerless’ one here in DOA… Not Greg Black…

Davis Ditterich:
I can’t argue with you there, Carl. I mean, he’s done nothing but dominate since day-one.
[shakes his head in disbelief]
Join us next week, folks, as we return to the DOA Dungeon; witnessing torture in the form of explosive, non-stop, aerial chaos! There’s bound to be quite the fallout from tonight… Arcadia, Tyler, Vicious, Black, and Acid,… Armageddon has come to Deadly Overloaded Action!







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Show Details

Overall Show Grade:

DOA Dungeon Attendance:

TV Rating:

Viewer Feedback:
"The show was good, although some found it underwhelming".
"Rapid Assault" Quick Results

The Moral Majority is the new #1 contenders to the Death Defying Duo Championship; defeating Totally Supreme and The Motha-Funkers. (C-)

Jeff Morgan defeated Donte Dunn via Submission. (D)

Antonio Marquez defeated Teddy Powell via pinfall. (D+)

Torment defeated OTA via pinfall. (C-)

Acid defeated Greg Black via pinfall. (B-)
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Woke up saw this, this morning but I had go out, dull day doing (literally) nothing at college, got home and read this :D Made a crappy day better. Thanks E-V!


Moral Majority were amazing. LOVED that promo :) Eric Tyler, Black promo LOVED that as well. AM promo LOVED it. Powell, Marquez looks awesome as I'm a big fan of this version of Powell. New AM is a great character, especially as it suits him. Oh and the Vicious promo thing was v. good as well. Also, boo Moral Majority.


Then, the Apology: Tyler is such an intimidating, evil bastard :p That main bit about Arcadia, Greg Black not being title contender, him saving the industry, has me super hooked on this storyline. I can see a war bubbling over. “*I will NOT stand by and watch any of YOU… Destroy… what I built… The Tradition that I bestowed upon our sport… ” Something about that line was really awesome, I imagined it as if it was not a worked shoot comment as such, but kinda rings true and he actually does feel that way. And then addressing Arcadia, there is your apology was so cool :p, a perfect line for his character, to show how stern and unshaken he is by the demand of an apology. Then there was Johnny V liking up to The Blazing by bursting in. I know I've said this before but the touches like “Hopping, in one athletic leap, Vicious speeds over the steel guardrail at ringside;” It is the things like that, that makes a character “come alive” to me, and shows when you write you seem to ALWAYS be thinking about the character in every action they take. It's one of the main things that sticks out in your stuff, but it is hard to articulate what I mean because it is fairly subtle.


Main event was awesome too, loved the use of the boxer throwing punches on his last legs.


Top to bottom an excellent debut to Season 2.

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Excellent show as always, EV. I'm surprised I'm the first to comment on it, too.


Thank you, codey!


I've come to expect that my readers may take a little longer to get through each episode; as they may be a little more meatier than your average show. With DOA, more so than any other company I've booked, I look to create a Graphic Novel kind of storytelling with the characters, images, and storylines. In a sense, I try to tie in both gritty images, along with the shows themselves, in which to create an overall experience. Will that mean it takes longer for people to dive into them? Possibly. Hopefully, in the end, I find a niche of readers who like to read a developed, inherently subtle, gritty form of Graphic Novel like presentation/writing.


Either way, thanks for reading/responding, Codey!


Woke up saw this, this morning but I had go out, dull day doing (literally) nothing at college, got home and read this :D Made a crappy day better. Thanks E-V!


Glad I could help, 20LEgend!


Moral Majority were amazing. LOVED that promo :) Eric Tyler, Black promo LOVED that as well. AM promo LOVED it. Powell, Marquez looks awesome as I'm a big fan of this version of Powell. New AM is a great character, especially as it suits him. Oh and the Vicious promo thing was v. good as well. Also, boo Moral Majority.




I have to say, writing for Eric Tyler, Vicious, and Moral Majority, again was absolutely awesome. Their characters are really what makes me love DOA; so, it's great to come back to this place. When you throw that in with a new direction, and character, for Marquez (El Dragon Dorado), and a number of new faces coming down the pike that I'm
excited about, then you can imagine how happy I am to be "back home".


Then, the Apology: Tyler is such an intimidating, evil bastard :p That main bit about Arcadia, Greg Black not being title contender, him saving the industry, has me super hooked on this storyline. I can see a war bubbling over. “*I will NOT stand by and watch any of YOU… Destroy… what I built… The Tradition that I bestowed upon our sport… ” Something about that line was really awesome, I imagined it as if it was not a worked shoot comment as such, but kinda rings true and he actually does feel that way. And then addressing Arcadia, there is your apology was so cool :p, a perfect line for his character, to show how stern and unshaken he is by the demand of an apology. Then there was Johnny V liking up to The Blazing by bursting in. I know I've said this before but the touches like “Hopping, in one athletic leap, Vicious speeds over the steel guardrail at ringside;” It is the things like that, that makes a character “come alive” to me, and shows when you write you seem to ALWAYS be thinking about the character in every action they take. It's one of the main things that sticks out in your stuff, but it is hard to articulate what I mean because it is fairly subtle.


The 'Apology' was really the central piece of the entire episode (hence naming the episode after it). In the end, Tyler's reaction to the whole thing is going to set the tone for upcoming episodes in DOA; if not the whole 2nd season. Going into it, I wanted to make sure that I got back to Tyler's character and didn't write a lazy version as he's really one of the major figures in the program (creating Vicious, Black, and the rest of his opposition in the process).


As for the detail of my projects, especially this one, I feel that it suits everyone... Me (as I like a more indepth understanding and storytelling) and the reader (as it's more of an experience than a block of wandering text).


Great show EV. I'm looking forward to the next one.


Thank you, LiquidSwords!


I'm glad you enjoyed reading it; and are looking forward to the next episode!

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Been watching ECW TV from 1996 ALL weekend and when I read that Antonio Marquez used a Moonsault Leg Drop (a la 2 Cold Scorpio) I had to crack a smile. Cannot wait for the next show!


I thought that someone may pick up on that (as he was one of the originators in the US with that move)! Mid-90's ECW was really where they were at their best; I believe; well before the TNN days. Now you're making me want to swing through and watch some more old footage as well. ha. Love me some Shane Douglas.


Great to know you enjoyed the show, though, Critical-23! You were one of those originalists of mine (
with DOA
) so it's great to see some old faces swing through!





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Sorry for being MIA on DOA, just had to say it that way, but things have been quite crazy as of late. With that said, the card for
Episode #2
should be up pretty soon. Plus, some backstage scenarios that have arose since the close of the first episode. Sadly, some things may be on the verge of changing from a roster perspective.





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Episode #:

90 minutes

Taped on:

Shown on:
Thursday Night on Arcadia

Main Event:
Greg Black vs. Torment; Non-title match



After defying the Arcadia Network last week, dismissively slamming them in the process,
“The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler
appears as though he’s treading on rocky waves these days. While no direct decision has been made publically quite yet, rumors out of headquarters is that the grizzled self-made-man may be on the verge of disciplinary action. What does this mean? No one knows just yet. With that said; however, there are further rumors that Mr. Tyler’s DOA fate may be addressed THIS WEEK on “Rapid Assault”...



Judgement in waiting?


Also, a number of heated rivalries will come to a head; violently colliding in a night that’s bound to be described as “Excessively Chaotic”! Whether it’s
Johnny Vicious
FINALLY getting his hands on his newfound rival,
Jeff Morgan
, or it’s the newly cemented #1 contender (one-half) of the DOA Death Defying Duo Championship,
Mainstream Hernandez
, squaring off against his tranquil rival,
, there’s no telling WHAT could take place. Not to mention, a recently unmasked
Antonio Marquez
is in action against an unknown foe. As well, the
“Peerless One”
, the man who has EVERYTHING to prove this week after gassing out at the end of last week’s epic Steel Cage main event, will be in action in our maine vent against “All the Kings Men” member, and DOA Chokeout Champion,


With so much hovering, so much potential craziness circulating overhead, it’s widely expected that the DOA Dungeon will certainly be shaking with excitement. In the end, within it all, once Thursday Night rolls around, there’s no doubt that we’ll, once again, see a night centered on the DOA mantra…
Survival of the Fearless…





The Motha-Funkers vs. Totally Supreme
w/ Sammy Strung

[Death Defying Duo Division Rules]

Coming off of a loss last week, which Death Defying Duo will redirect their DOA course?




"Reckless Aggression" Antonio Marquez vs. ?????

After shedding his mask, forced in doing so at the close of Season One, Antonio Marquez is now stepping out with a new look and a new attitude; however, will his newfound reckless nature prove to be his ultimate downfall?




w/ OTA
vs. Mainstream Hernandez
w/ The Moral Majority

With the Moral Majority as the new #1 contenders to the DOA Death Defying Duo Championship, can one-half of the religious zealot tandem overcome the tranquil intensity that is their Buddhist counterparts?




“The Contract Killer” Jeff Morgan vs. “The Blazing Red Demon” Johnny Vicious

After debuting at the expense of Mr. Tyler’s most hated rival, can the “Contract Killer” capitalize on dominating victory over Donte Dunn last week; forcing Vicious, his newfound enemy, into a state of submission?






Greg Black vs. Torment

[Non-Title Match]

After unexpectedly gassing out at the end of his epic steel cage match with the DOA Champion, Acid, last week, can “The Peerless One” overcome the brutish onslaught of the DOA Chokeout Champion; Torment?



"Rapid Assault" Quick Picks

The Motha-Funkers vs. Totally Supreme

Antonio Marquez vs. ?????

KAZUMA vs. Mainstream Hernandez

Jeff Morgan vs. Johnny Vicious

Greg Black vs. Torment


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Guest codey

The Motha-Funkers vs.Totally Supreme

The Funkers get back on track with a win here


Antonio Marquez vs. ?????

Marquez is pure gold, and could very end up in the main event scene alongside Greg Black, Vicious, and All the Kings Men


KAZUMA vs. Mainstream Hernandez

Cheating FTW!


Jeff Morgan vs. Johnny Vicious Draw

Neither goes over, and we continue to build this one as a battle between two badasses


Greg Black vs. Torment

We may have foud out the Black is in fact NOT peerless, but I still think he's very good and goes over Speed...er, Torment.

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There was a state of shock resonating throughout the locker room area as the word began to circulate at a bouncing pace. The man who practically defined the Moral Majority brand, James Hernandez, had found his ‘pot of gold’ in the form of a one-way ticket to New England. What he doesn’t realize though is THAT pot of gold is actually full of gold-papered chocolate pieces; not the life-changing monetary substance that screams of success. Truthfully, while he thinks he may be moving onto greater things, and in reality Tricky D*ck’s dog-and-pony show is certainly the #1 company in the world, there’s quite a bit that the California-based youngster is missing out on…


I’m not stupid; I see why the SWF is more appealing to our men than the Arcadia-ran DOA. What they may not realize though is that Supreme Success is nothing more than a pipe dream in reality. Most likely, Hernandez will jump to the ‘big leagues’ in which to continually get shoved into the matt; buried deeper than even though possible. I know the game, a former head writer of D*ck’s regime, and, despite my interjection on the matter, it seems as though Hernandez cares very little about WHAT his legacy will be… More about the dollar signs on the floor; thrown at his feet like he’s a glorified stripper of sorts.


For the DOA, this means that the most controversial, most talked about, tandem was now on the verge of implosion. While others may simply crawl into a ball, crying to the Wrestling GOD’s about something not being ‘fair or right’, I plan on using this moment as a launching pad versus a sloping hill.


Hernandez is on his way out; that’s a given.


What we do with his absence will be something I hang my hat upon.


With the exit of one… Gives rise to a
NEW voice of Morality…






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"Rapid Assault" Quick Picks

The Motha-Funkers vs. Totally Supreme

Antonio Marquez vs. ?????

KAZUMA vs. Mainstream Hernandez

Jeff Morgan vs. Johnny Vicious

Greg Black vs. Torment

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