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DOA: Victor's Rebellion

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With Episode #4 up, you can expect to see the DOA "Fatal Five" power-rankings posted sometime later today. When kicking around ideas in which to add further depth to the characters and storylines I found that such a ranking system would be great. It really shows no impact on the show itself; however, acts as a independent sort of ranking much like you would see on NFL.com or WWE.com. With that, it's coming later on tonight...


Also, probably the WAR breakdown between DOA & USPW. In the end, I'm hoping to have the "Survival of the Fearless" brackets up by the end of the weekend so that we can start getting the ball rolling next week.


Now, onto some responses...


Thank God someone finally shut Davis up.




Great show as always, E-V. Especially love the comic book-style images. I hope you don't mind me drawing a little bit from this dynasty as I write Wave of Fury for CZCW. Your work always inspires me.


Thank you, Levitical! With DOA, unlike any of my other projects, there is a heavy comic book feel to the action/characters/storylines. Knowing this, the presentation felt as though it should follow suit. Plus, I don't know if it's just me, but I feel like it makes the show jump off the page a little bit more. A huge wall of text can be quite daunting if you're not in the mood to dive in totally. This way, those who are reading word-for-word get a number of impactful graphics to tell the story. Meanwhile, those who are skimmers, who also read more into depth when they find something within their skim that seems interested, are given a powerful point for which they know major action is taking place.


As always, though, you can certainly take away whatever you would like, Levitical.
It's great to know that you find energy in my work in which to spin it around into your own!


Can't wait for Survival of the Fearless!


Either can I!
That's why I believe this show was written so quick (versus my normal speed).


Absolutely amazing, E-V!


Thank you, Angel! It's much appreciated to hear from you!


I Loved the entire show but the ending..just..wow! An absolutely amazing end to the show. Really puts over Acid as the cold-blooded killer. Who would want to step in the ring with him now? I wanna know his secret, just so I might be safe from his assaults. :)




It's good to know that my depiction of Acid as a sleeping giant now awoken came across as well as I hoped it would. He's always been a central figure of the program, a LEGEND of DOA if you will, I mean he's the first-and-only DOA Champion, but lately he's been, sadly, pushed in the background as I've tried to develop some of his arch-enemies (Vicious, Black, etc). Now, being 'let loose', there's an air that carnage is SOON to follow; as seen at the close of "Rapid Assault".


As you said, WHO would even want to get into the ring with him NOW; after how the show closed? He's overpowering, sadistic, cold-blooded as you said, and his most recent mean streak shows a man who is willing to destroy anything and everything; especially now with his own freedom. Can anyone overcome him? I guess we'll have to see if it's EVEN possible...


As for the secret, it's certainly a good thing to know in which to keep him in check...
So, maybe you should inquire and find out? That way, You know Mr. Hawkes won't be on his own personal hit-list...






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As for the secret, it's certainly a good thing to know in which to keep him in check... ;) So, maybe you should inquire and find out? That way, You know Mr. Hawkes won't be on his own personal hit-list... [/font][/indent]







I can definitely see Mr. Hawkes calling up Eric Tyler following the show or maybe even following that segment and asking him about the secret just to keep himself safe. lol.

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This week’s #1 spot in Deadly Overloaded Action’s “Fatal Four” is none other than the madman who brought the entire empire to it’s knees;
. Armed with a steel chair and an overwhelming dose of evil intent, the savage DOA Champion left a sickening body-count in his infamous wake. Johnny Vicious, Greg Black, Eugene Williams, the DOA Commentary table, and a DOA Camera man w/ camera, were all ‘laid to rest’ by Acid’s wicked hand as DOA “Rapid Assault” came to an abrupt, and entirely unsettling, halt. Nevermind the streak, now standing at 11-0, this week Acid proved himself to be something FAR MORE deadly than a perfect competitor; he proved himself to be a cold-blooded monster. Will anyone unseat the
DOA Champion
from atop the “Fatal Five”? Truthfully, we don’t see it ever happening. In one night, this vile psychopath did exactly what many have attempted and failed: he single-handedly destroyed Deadly Overloaded Action.



The #2 spot is left in an awkward position; one that’s historic as it’s brand new to the DOA “Fatal Five”.
Johnny Vicious and Greg Black
have consistently been named as the two potential front-runners for this upcoming Saturday’s “Survival of the Fearless” Pay-per-view tournament. With this in mind, looking to add a sense of spice to this last episode of “Rapid Assault”, Arcadia stepped forward with the notion of placing them BOTH in the ring with one another, one-on-one, in which to grant some early ‘bragging rights’ for the celebrated DOA Warriors. In the end, no such scenario unfolded. With a bent and bloodied steel chair in his hand, the DOA Champion, the man they all seek to challenge, physically dominated the playing-field; sadistically destroying both Vicious & Black in the process. In reality, their 16-minute affair was bubbling toward a status of legendary focus; however, sadly, both were robbed of such greatness. Now, still seen as tentative front-runners, many have to wonder if their health will be well enough to come away with a victory this Saturday? With that said, both Johnny Vicious and Greg Black share our #2 spot as critics widely feel that, while they are fighting an uphill battle, they both have significantly the same amount of chance coming away with the tournament win.



The #3 spot in the DOA “Fatal Five” is certainly a shocking entrant; as only 2-weeks ago he was desperately fighting to get BACK INTO Deadly Overloaded Action.
Matthew Keith
, the competitive pit-bull that he is, rounds out the top three this week with a triumphant victory over “All the Kings Men” member, Torment; a fact that makes him the NEW
DOA Chokeout Champion
in the process. With championship gold around his waist, this 2nd generation wrestler has already proven himself to be a creature of dedication. Once on the outside looking in, fired by the manipulative hand of Eric Tyler in a blackmail-like scenario, Keith struggled on the independent circuit with hopes of returning to Deadly Overloaded Action in which to gain revenge for the unfair scenario he once found himself in. While such vindication did not come at the hands of Eric Tyler, suspended at this time by Arcadia, it was the next best thing; defeating one of Tyler’s hitmen. Now, the DOA Chokeout Champion, many have to wonder if this underdog warrior will be able to survive the bright lights of Championship glory? Luckily, for us, that’s a question for a later date. Today, he’s officially ‘back’ with the #3 spot on the DOA “Fatal Five”.



Remaining at the #4 spot this week is the
“Aerial Anarchist”
“Reckless Aggression” Antonio Marquez
. With an impactful victory this week, triumphing over 3 other competitors in a wild tables match, Marquez continues to impress with his high impact, risk/reward, daredevil, mentality. In a way, he’s everything Deadly Overloaded Action is all about; really a posterchild if you will. That said, sadly, such a truth bodes rather badly for DOA; as many have to wonder how long he can really continue to impress seeing how his risky approach could, eventually, shorten his career (if not life). Either way, standing at a staggering 4-0 record since the start of Season II, Antonio Marquez is certainly a force to be reckoned with. The only question is… for HOW LONG can he continue to be such a threat before his wild antics finally do him in?



The #5 spot comes as somewhat of a shock as the new entrant actually replaces his OWN Death-Defying Duo partner in the process. While polarizing at best,
Father Griffith
proved his in-ring abilities to be quite in-line with his fiery mouth. A consummate ‘dirty player’ if there was one, Griffith displayed a real sense of hypocrisy with his dubious actions within the ring ropes; however, even if controversial, they proved to be successful. Can he keep such a back-handed approach without risking potential damage? Also, will his blatant contradictions eventually force the fire-and-brimstone preacher to acknowledge his own wicked ways? Either way, as said before, this is a question for tomorrow. Today, Father Griffith preaches his way onto the #5 spot with a huge debut victory over one-half of the Death Defying Duo Champions, OTA.


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Competing with Episode #4 of "Rapid Assault"


Captain USA defeated Anger

Raven Robinson defeated Alicia Strong

Jumbo Jackson defeated Tribal Warrior

Tyson Baine defeated Nicky Champion

Bruce the Giant defeated The Force



DOA "Rapid Assault" (Episode #2):

USPW "American Wrestling":



DOA "Rapid Assault" (Episode #2):
0.67 (- 0.03)

USPW "American Wrestling":
1.50 (- 0.15)



There are rumors that Strong's camp is in uproar and not for good reason; that's what a 0.15 point drop in the ratings will do to you I guess. Is this a sign that the USPW Empire is crumbling down? Absolutely not; only an idiot would think so. With that said though, it does show a scenario for which our programs COULD compete at a later date. Maybe it was the main event, or the fact that their beloved Alicia lost so early on, but such a dip can truly point toward a number of fans finding the program rather stale; at least in that given night. In reality, for us EVER to compete, we would need to garner up a better rating than our measly 0.67. While I've tripled our viewership since season one, we still have A LONG way to go before we can EVER see ourselves as TRUE competitors.


Does that mean that a WAR is stupid? Not in the slightest. As stated before, WAR's can take place in more places than just on the ratings score-card. Whether it's warring products, a cultural shift, or a critical review, there are ways to attack another without needing ratings to really back the reasoning. In the end, though, without a better showing on our part, there's a chance that even the most calculated WAR could crumble; forced to ruins by the mere fact that our broadcast could find it's plug pulled. Am I worried about such? No. Arcadia created us and, just so as long as we resonate with our fanbase, the 18-40 year old males, then we'll have a place in this industry; a weapon for WAR...
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Who are they? That is the glaring question circulating around the DOA Empire today. Five women, forming a violent motley crew of sorts, shockingly debuted this week on DOA “Rapid Assault” as they brutally assaulted the voice of the Misfit Society, Violet. While initial reports are still somewhat shaky, the attack seemingly came as Teddy Powell and The Dreamweaver were attempting to overcome the surging Death Defying Duo, “The Motha-Funkers”; a fact that they were unsuccessful with. The attack, gang-like in nature, left the gothic beauty bruised, bloodied, and without movement.


Adding mystery to the attack itself, the unknown bunch was seen displaying a gang-like celebration with the form of a symbol; that being the letter
held above their heads with their arms. Again, with little information present at this time, little is known as to WHY such a symbol would be made. That said, it appears at these brutal women are working as one; standing united under said


Was their attack on Violet premeditated? Is she the ONLY target on their hit-list? If not, who could be next?


So many questions today; however, one thing is for certain… These five women are NOT under contract with Deadly Overloaded Action at this time; a fact that was backed up by Arcadia headquarters earlier.


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Great show E-V along with the most memorable ending for Rapid Assault thus far. Lots of chaos this week. Interesting way to foreshadow your new womens division (I'm guessing) by banding them together as a mob and having them seek out Violet in a particularly brutal assault (I loved her getting hauled over the rail and into the crowd). Nice progression with KAZUMA too, clearly racked with guilt and inner turmoil.


As for Acid. Again, the concept of Tyler letting him loose was great, even to the minor detail of the Voice of Reason quietly slipping away in his limo as security drew nearer before Acid went on the rampage. Throw me into the camp of those who approved of Double D and Batch getting laid out. ;)

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The 'card' (or really the brackets) will be up later today; however, first I wanted to respond to some feedback given. Episode #4 was really a labor of love for me and I'm really excited to move forward with all that's been developed (and that will be developed in the near future!). Truthfully, we're in for QUITE the ride coming up here in DOA; both in the ring and behind the scenes...


Onto some responses...


Great show E-V along with the most memorable ending for Rapid Assault thus far.


Thank you, Sebs! I was kicking around ways I wanted to end the show and had a few ideas in mind. That said, once I thought of bringing strength back to Acid, having him turned lose by Tyler, and have him single-handedly destroy "Rapid Assault", it all fell into place rather well. Now, Acid has his edge back; which, sadly, I had to focus less on him as I was trying to develop his challengers. Not anymore!


Lots of chaos this week. Interesting way to foreshadow your new womens division (I'm guessing) by banding them together as a mob and having them seek out Violet in a particularly brutal assault (I loved her getting hauled over the rail and into the crowd). Nice progression with KAZUMA too, clearly racked with guilt and inner turmoil.


@Womens Division:
I'm really excited for this development to move forward; truly. I have a, somewhat, lengthy program before they would even be solidified as a division within DOA; so, there is much more where this came from. As always though, their actions have an underlying truth that we'll come to understand as the episodes go on. In the end, I really feel like this could be a major scenario for DOA going forward.


Personally, This is one of my favorite storylines as well (then again they all are. ha). To tell of a man falling from his own internal grace is something of a riveting story. In this case, KAZUMA has lost all connection with reality it seems; becoming obsessed with wanting forgiveness for an action that he didn't even intend to do. Sadly, for him, the people he's seeking forgiveness from are the type who never will show such...


As for Acid. Again, the concept of Tyler letting him loose was great, even to the minor detail of the Voice of Reason quietly slipping away in his limo as security drew nearer before Acid went on the rampage. Throw me into the camp of those who approved of Double D and Batch getting laid out. ;)
I must say--not TOO suprised by the ending as Eric Tyler has molded Acid into his personal assassin/monster. The real suprise was going after the announcers as they usually say what they will and escape scot-free...not this time LOL.


It's good to know that people want my announcers taken out. haha. jk. At first, they weren't planned in this but I wanted to tell more of a widespread sense of violence. So, after that came to mind, it seemed like an iron-clad scenario to have them ALSO attacked by the chair-wielding madman. Also, as you said, the image of Tyler slowly exiting into the night as the Arcadia Security Team comes upon him seems like an image that would really sell "The Voice of Reason" quite well. At this point, suspended and unable to enter the Dungeon, or really be around talent whatsoever, it paints the former DOA Dictator as shadowy in nature; hiding in the 'wings' in which to attempt to keep an iron-fist on the action.


I can definitely see Mr. Hawkes calling up Eric Tyler following the show or maybe even following that segment and asking him about the secret just to keep himself safe. lol.


Sadly, for Mr. Hawkes, there 'aint no way that you would get that kind of information out of Acid. The man barely speaks for one thing BUT this underlying secret that men run from; hiding away in which to avaid the truth. If you had the knowledge like Tyler then it's easier to blackmail said person into allegiance, giving you safety from his wrath; however, if you're on the outside looking in there really isn't much chance of finding out. That said, with time, as all things go, I'm sure we'll find out the truth behind Acid...

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Ordering Cost:

PPV Carrier:

Broadcast on:
Saturday, 4th week of October 2010



This Saturday 16 DOA Warriors will compete for the career-altering opportunity to call themselves the #1 contender to Acid’s DOA Championship. However, before anyone can have their hands raised in victory, before anyone can accept such a lofty scenario, one must dig down deep as they battle the greatest foe of all: Fear.


of failure.

of injury.

of retirement.

of humiliation.

of pressure.

of the inevitable.


One man, packed within the field of 16, will have to overcome it all in which to claim their rightful prize atop the DOA Empire. Fighting past everything that tells us to give up, to flee, or to simply slow it down, said DOA Warrior will need to obtain perfect inner strength; overcoming all odds in which to hobble their way to the bright lights.


Who will succeed? Will said victor be healthy enough to even move onto the next challenge; warring with Acid for his DOA Championship? How can ANYONE survive such a body-breaking affair?






"Survival of the Fearless" Prediction Key

Who do you feel will be in the Main Event?

Who do you feel will WIN the "Survival of the Fearless" tournament?

WHY do you think they will win?


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Who do you feel will be in the Main Event?

Johnny Vicious and Greg Black. Who else has the credibility to pull it off?


Who do you feel will WIN the "Survival of the Fearless" tournament?



WHY do you think they will win?


Because he has a cooler avatar pic than Black.

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<p>Who do you feel will be in the Main Event?</p><p> </p><p>

Greg Black and Antonio Marquez</p><p> </p><p>

Who do you feel will WIN the "Survival of the Fearless" tournament?</p><p> </p><p>

Greg Black</p><p> </p><p>

WHY do you think they will win? </p><p> </p><p>

Just being in the final will progress Antonio Marquez. He will start to be seen as a real contender without having to actually grab the "brass ring". Black, however, does have unfinished business.</p><p> </p><p>

Honestly, I was in two minds, this is my official prediction but I couldn't decide between Marquez/Black or Vicious/Keith for exactly the same reasons. Either Marquez or Keith would perform highly all night, be elevated by Main Event losses and still be far enough away from the win to be kept at a distance from the World Title fueds. Add into that the fact that a final for Marquez would mean defeating Vicious (Probably) and for Keith it would be Black; that in itself would elevate not only them, but those who they fued with next. Why do I love tournements? Because it can push someone into the main event fold even when they lose; two wins and a loss does a lot for someone in this type of tournement, especially when they lose in the final to a strong competitor.</p>

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"Survival of the Fearless" Prediction Key

Who do you feel will be in the Main Event? Greg Black and Father Griffith

Who do you feel will WIN the "Survival of the Fearless" tournament? Greg Black

WHY do you think they will win? The peerless one will win to further the story with Acid. I would like to see Father Griffith get to the final as the "shock" value, beating Johnny Vicious and KAZUMA to get there, before falling at the last hurdle.


I love Jack Griffith :p

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Who do you feel will be in the Main Event?

Matt Keith and Johnny Vicious;


Who do you feel will WIN the "Survival of the Fearless" tournament?

Johnny Vicious


WHY do you think they will win?

The top half of the bracket has Matt Keith and Greg Black as the most likely guys (and in my opinion, the only guys) to make it to the end. I think Keith could use the win more to get to the finals, but shouldn't win it.


On the bottom half, Marquez (probably) isn't over enough to make it yet, but he's getting a solid push. The other guy who has a shot is the newly debuted Father Griffith but I can't see him going over Vicious, who was clearly the #1 threat until Black came in.


That leaves Vicious versus Keith, and with Keith holding the Chokeout Championship, he's gonna have other issues while Vicious is free to tangle with Acid.

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Who do you feel will be in the Main Event?

Kieth vs. Marquez

Who do you feel will WIN the "Survival of the Fearless" tournament?


WHY do you think they will win?

It's time.


I think Marquez will roll through X and Griffith and Kieth will face Wiever, Torment AND Powell on his way up.

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Guest codey

Who do you feel will be in the Main Event? Greg Black and Vicious

Who do you feel will WIN the "Survival of the Fearless" tournament? It's a toss up, but I want to say Black

WHY do you think they will win? He's really pushed hard to prove to people that the loss to Acid is behind him; that he really is peerless, and I think this will 'prove' that to the fans before he goes on to lose to Acid.



On an interesting side note, your 1-4 seeds are all faces. Granted, Keith's had 2 matches total, but I think it's awesome that you've built up 4 faces that could all potentially defeat Acid. I love this. I will offer a cautionary bit of advise, because it's something I've fallen prey to before. Make sure you know when you want the title change to finally happen, that way you can plan ahead a bit and start building some heels up as well. There's nothing worse than finally pulling the trigger on a title switch and finding that you have no viable options to challenge for the belt.

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Who do you feel will be in the Main Event?

Keith v Vicious

Who do you feel will WIN the "Survival of the Fearless" tournament?


WHY do you think they will win?

A quality tournament win will solidify his position. Plus he's freaking cool...

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Thank you to everyone who has predicted thus far! The show is coming along really well and I can't wait to have it out there for all of you!

[/b]On an interesting side note, your 1-4 seeds are all faces. Granted, Keith's had 2 matches total, but I think it's awesome that you've built up 4 faces that could all potentially defeat Acid. I love this. I will offer a cautionary bit of advise, because it's something I've fallen prey to before. Make sure you know when you want the title change to finally happen, that way you can plan ahead a bit and start building some heels up as well. There's nothing worse than finally pulling the trigger on a title switch and finding that you have no viable options to challenge for the belt.


Thank you for the kudos, codey!


After seeing what I wasn't happy about with my previous attempt at Season #2, that being forgetting about most of the roster to focus on Nemesis/Tyler, I came away with the focus that I wanted to create a well-developed field of challengers/characters. With time, it'll make more sense as to WHY I've gone as far as I have with adding a lot of depth to my faces, more so than just wanting to create characters, but for now it really gives me the chance to have a number of strong DOA Warriors waiting in the wings. As you said, Black, Vicious, Marquez, and Keith, they all have the strength to really carry the company going forward. That said, it's been great to create the current landscape of Deadly Overloaded Action. In the end, the best way I can put it is that THIS is the kind of program that I would want to watch on a weekly basis.


As for creating enough heels for once the title change does happen, that's something I've continually come back to focus upon. At this point, it's all in the planning stages; however, a big change is bound to come soon that will help the one-sided weight of the DOA teeter-totter. Truthfully, don't take this conversation as a hint that such a change is coming soon; however, as with anyone in Acid's dominate streak (11-0; only DOA Champion ever), there's bound to be the whispers of WHO would eventually unseed him. I guess we'll all see in time...


With "Survival of the Fearless", I've booked the show & am in the process of writing it right now. That said, it's going to be a bit as I really want to make sure it's quality over anything. With so many matches though I plan on having the first 2 rounds written rather short in nature; that way it's not a HUGE show. Either way, it's coming together REALLY well and I can't wait for everything to come out...





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[As you press play on the video that begins to air, you are taken to a viewing of the DOA logo. That fades to the two eyes and the words: 'A View From A Hawk's Eye.']


[Now it's time to head to the all too familiar studio where the man who makes the correct predictions, the Swami himself Scott Hawkes is sitting in his usual recliner. Scott flashes a smirk up toward the camera.]


Scott Hawkes

"Good evening everyone and welcome to A View From A Hawk's Eye. This is another special edition of the show to give my view on the upcoming Survival of the Fearless pay-per-view. With that being said, let's go to our top bracket."


Winner of Top Bracket: Torment


Scott Hawkes

"Yes, ladies and gentlemen, Torment is my selection for one half of the finals. People may be very surprised by my selection but here are my winning picks: Greg Black over Kashmir Singh, Teddy Powell over Cannonball Funk, Torment over Ota and Matthew Keith over The Dreamweaver in the first round. The second round has Greg Black over Teddy Powell and Torment over Matthew Keith in what many may deem as a bit of an upset. Then comes a second upset when Torment defeats the man who has peers coming out of his ass. Torment is the better wrestler, the former Chokeout Champion. He chokes out Greg Black after Black has a tough match with Teddy Powell. Now, let's go to the bottom half of the Bracket."


Winner of Bottom Bracket: Johnny Vicious


Scott Hawkes

"I hate to make this prediction for the bottom half of the bracket. I really hate to make this prediction. But I am always right. So in the end, Johnny Vicious is heading to the finals. How do we get there? Johnny Vicious over Jeff Morgan, Father Griffith over Matty Sparrow, Citizen X over Rayne and Antonio Marquez over Kazuma in the first round. In the second round, Johnny Vicious defeats Father Griffith and Antonio Marquez defeats the tag team specialist Citizen X. Vicious beats Marquez to head into the finals in a BORING match. Now, we move to the finals."


Winner (Overall): Torment


Scott Hawkes

"Torment absolutely shocks many people coming up from the five seed and winning the entire tournament. This is his time, people. He goes from the Chokeout Champion to facing off with his stablemate Acid. Thank you for coming and watching my predictions. Now you are all enlightened and are a little smarter from having listened to me. It's been your pleasure."


[The camera begins pulling back and is covered by the sight of those two eyes before the video comes to an end.]

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Status of "Survival of the Fearless"

I know there is a feeling that these 'update' posts are not needed; however, when you're creating something as MASSIVE as I am now, I feel as though it's understandable. With that said, here we go:


"Survival of the Fearless" is coming along extremely well. I'm at around 35 pages on Microsoft Word & still have three segments left to write. With this in mind, I have decided that I'm going to take a slight break following the posting of this event. There will be some backstage stuff that will follow, depicting how the culture of the DOA is currently; however, after that, I may take some time before I post the next "Rapid Assault" card. I don't expect this to be very long, maybe a matter of a few days, but this show has certainly taken a lot out of me to write (and a lot of my time).


I promise you that the show will have a lot in the way of excitement, shock, and wonder. Truly, I think it sets up how I want to cultivate DOA rather well in this given moment. I am more excited about THIS than I was the first go around actually.


With this in mind, I have one backstage post that I am looking to post in the next day or so, setting up the tone for the event from a Page perspective, and then you should expect to see the actual show sometime around early next week (Monday through Wednesday). The reason It may take a bit longer is because I have some formatting to do/image creation.


All in all, I hope you're excited to see the show/get your hands dirty with it.





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35 pages!? I think the most I've ever done for an event has been around 12!


The typical "Rapid Assault" show can run anywhere between 20-22 pages on Word; however, that's with formatting and stuff added in. This show has been quite the daunting task though as 35 pages of straight writing has been tough. That said, I plan on doing some formatting/graphic design work that makes it stand out more than just a block of writing. Plus, the first few rounds are rather short write-ups for each match. The Main Event has some girth but it's needed.


Stepping away from this event, writing a 20 page "Rapid Assault" will feel like nothing. ha.





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Stepping away from this event, writing a 20 page "Rapid Assault" will feel like nothing. ha.


Lol, I know this feeling, and it will feel really good to do something half the length after writing an epic. I'm definitely looking forward to Survival of the Fearless and the rest of the season in general.

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There is a palpable sense of eager anticipation formulating throughout the walls of the DOA Dungeon today. A number of our talent showed up rather early, attempting to squeeze any sense of insight out of my employed creative team; however, to their sadness, there was no such unveiling. I have kept the ultimate outcome a secret ever since the event was officially added to our 2010 schedule and there was NO WAY I was going back on that scenario now.


In modern wrestling, outcomes are often spoiled by the ugly leaking of information. Turns don’t feel as strong, swerves don’t seem to shock, and controversy feels far less, well, controversial, when such situations are leaked prior to the event itself. With this in mind, I kept my decision theoretically locked deep in my own mind; as if it were deeply buried underneath mounds of psychological dirt which keeps the truth hidden.


Here I stand, in my neatly pressed suit, the tags ripped off long ago in which to secure my own brand, on the verge of something spectacular.


In one night, I was bound and determined to change Deadly Overloaded Action for years to come.


Tonight, I accept my own event’s theme…


To truly survive in this industry, I needed to be fearless; unafraid of the unfavorable tight-rope-line of greatness and explosive failure.


I will be…




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[Deadly Overloaded Action’s FIRST Pay-per-view event in it’s short history, “Survival of the Fearless”, opens with a highly energized explosion of modern production as a gritty-toned hype video depicts the carnage brought forth by the DOA Champion, Acid, just a few days ago on “Rapid Assault”.]



Acid ©

… Capturing the carnage …


[With a crackling screen, one that tells of damaged footage, this black-and-white development portrays the savage champion as an unstoppable madman of sorts; wielding a bent and bloodied steel chair as his instigator of such unsettling violence.]


[speeding up and slowing down at given points, accelerating as if the footage was itself out of control, we witness the sheer aggression exuding from Acid’s every strike. No man, not even those who are deemed as non-competitors, are safe as the weapon slinging madman levels the entire playing field; seemingly destroying “Rapid Assault” in the process.]


[in the end, the final image is that of Acid landing the final, over-the-head, weapon shot square upon the defenseless Arcadia TV Camera man. With that, the footage comes to a crackling halt as the faint sound of heavy booing is heard in the background. With the screen entirely black, sucked of all light in the process, we are given the sound of an unknown man narrating such a chaotic opening. His voice is rather low, baritone in depth, as the hefty tone of his speech feels rather ominous due to the sheer mystery delivered.]


“To be a Champion is to be seen as one of the greats at your profession. Most break their bodies, destroy their lives, even rip apart their families, all for the hope of someday carrying such a prestigious honor. While it seems destructive by nature, to those who compete there is no status greater; no platform as celebrated. Tonight, 16 DOA Warriors will all put their bodies, careers, and, in some cases, lives, on the line in which to potentially via for such greatness. In the end; however, can anyone deem such a victory as exciting when, shortly thereafter, reality sets in… You’re not challenging a commendable fighter; one who has toughed their way to the top by breath-taking skill. In this case, the man who ultimately survives… The one who shows no fear in the face of the absolute horrors of war… Will find themselves standing before a deranged individual; a madman who is willing to destroy ALL… Just for the sheer pleasure of it. Welcome to Deadly Overloaded Action “Survival of the Fearless”… May the man with a death-wish prevail…”


With that, the opening video comes to a shocking close with the thought that, while a victory in tonight’s tournament would be HISTORIC for anyone who is lucky to obtain it, in the end, it does mean facing someone as vile as Acid. In a sense, it all puts everything into perspective as these brave men are not only waging a war with their own FEAR tonight… But, for the winner, such a war will continue far past tonight’s broadcast.]




[Moving past the uncomfortable truth brought forth by the opening video, we now witness the DOA Dungeon roaring with absolute intensity. The sold-out Arcadia-developed arena is jam-packed, 2,000 raging Deadheads in all, explode with an unadulterated sense of excitement as their blood-alcohol levels continue to sky-rocket with every passing second. After panning across the DOA masses, capturing the excited onslaught from within the crowd, the camera lens now rests upon the commentary team for tonight’s Pay-per-view broadcast.]


[bandaged, bruised, and sporting a cut with dry blood over his right eye, Davis Ditterich still resides behind his typical space; professional in nature but obviously showing some intense wear-and-tear from his earlier assault by Acid. Meanwhile, another situation appears to be entirely different as well. Carl Batch, also a recent victim of Acid’s rampage, is obviously not present for tonight’s broadcast; most certainly STILL reeling from the attack levied upon him just a matter of a few days ago. In his place, is none other than the eager sleuth herself, DOA’s top investigative journalist, Sara Silver!]


[in Contrast, Sara looks to be MUCH more prepared for tonight’s event; not sporting any sense of bruise, cut, bandage, or anything whatsoever. None the less, struggling through his pain, Davis Ditterich opens the show with as much power as he can muster in his voice; which is much more tempered in reality.]


Davis Ditterich:
Hello ladies and gentlemen and WELCOME to a TRULY Historic night! After only 6-months in existence, Deadly Overloaded Action has taken the next step in becoming a premiere competitor in the professional wrestling industry by bringing to you, for the first time EVER, a DOA pay-per-view extravaganza! Boy, do we have one HELL of a show planned for you…

Sara Silver:
That’s right, Davis. It’s been a long time coming but, tonight, we’ve FINALLY found our stride. We’ve got 16 of THE greatest fliers in the industry today, all viaing for the opportunity to PROVE that they are, undoubtedly, ‘Fearless’.

Davis Ditterich:
Fearless; they’ll have to be. For the winner, the man who can defy all mankind’s limitations, will have an absolutely vile, cold-hearted,…
[growing with intensity as it’s obvious that he has a personal tie with such wording toward Acid]
… , blatantly sadistic, monster of a madman standing before them; ready and willing to do battle… I just don’t see how anyone could survive tonight, and all of the horrors that come with an event like this, and then be asked to fend off a brutal psychopath like… him…

Sara Silver:
These men know what they got themselves into, Davis. That’s what makes Deadly Overloaded Action, and it’s warriors, different than most. They KNOW that there will be excessive danger, that they may lose it all here tonight, but, for some reason, that doesn’t faze them in the slightest. These competitors TRULY are the gladiators of our time; those insane enough to defy gravity at every turn…

Davis Ditterich:
With all of that, let’s not keep anyone away from the action; we’ve got a BIG night ahead of us! So, let’s turn to the ring where Greg Black, the celebrated #1 seed for tonight’s tournament, is about to square off against the DOA newcomer, Kashmir “Kash Money” Singh!!!





Greg Black vs. Kashmir
“Kash Money”


Kashmir Singh reeks of arrogance; all the way down to his flamboyant, Indian-inspired, robe. With the all-knowing Guru at his side, Singh looks like a bona fide star in the making. In contrast, Greg Black is ALREADY that kind of star; all the way down to his self-promoting swagger. Sadly, while still projecting such ultra confidence, Black looks like a man reeling with injury; most certainly administered by Acid on this past episode of “Rapid Assault”. None the less, despite all of this, the “Peerless One” is shown making quick work of his challenger. Following a disrespectful slap from Singh, one that comes after a crowd-inspiring back-and-forth between the warring two, a great symbol of chain-wrestling, Greg is shown stomping aggressively square into Kash’s stomach; executing his signature “Black Out” (Standing Suplex/Stunner combination) within a matter of seconds. In the end, as the Guru slams his hands down on the canvas before him, obviously enraged by his newcomer’s loss, Black is shown adding a quick victory to his belt; a fact that proves to be smart for a one-night tournament event.


Greg Black in 1:17 via pinfall

Ending Maneuver:
“Black Out” (Standing Suplex/Stunner Combination)



Davis Ditterich:
Well… that was quick…

Sara Silver:
I guess the ‘all-knowing’ Guru may have had a momentary lapse of insight…

Davis Ditterich:
If you’re going to take ANYTHING away from this, I suppose that it’s Greg Black came ready to ‘play’ tonight… I mean, what was that? 1:15? 1:30? I don’t think we’ve ever had a shorter match in DOA history…

Sara Silver:
If this is ANY idea of how the night may go then I’m putting my money on Greg Black. It may be early but this guy is a machine; even if it’s known that he’s reeling from Thursday night…

Davis Ditterich:
He certainly is a strong front-runner tonight. With that said, let’s see what the “Peerless One” has to say about “Survival of the Fearless”…




Greg Black

… “Survival of the Fearless” video #1 …


[The first produced “Survival of the Fearless” video opens with the sight of “Peerless” Greg Black confidently shuffling toward the ringside area; presented in a close, extremely tight, shot. As the footage continues, it becomes rather obvious that this scene is actually taken from Black’s shocking DOA debut during Season One. With a round of “Black Out’s” administered to both Acid and Matty Sparrow, the old footage, wrapped in a gritty, worn, sense of presentation depicts the big league star as one who is entirely gripped in the ‘tweener’ feel. You love him, you hate him, it doesn’t really matter. In the end, as the footage shows in the beginning, Greg will do whatever he wants, whenever he wants, regardless of who it offends.


As the scene zooms in on Greg in fragmented stages, as if he were being zeroed in on by a satellite of sorts, we are presented with the sound of the “Peerless One” speaking in the background. While his face is unseen at this point, his overtly confident tone already paints a picture of his current state; flashing an arrogant smirk most likely.]


“To succeed in this business, you can’t be afraid to walk on a couple toes; or in my case… all of them.”


[seconds later, we are presented a highlight reel of sorts that depicts the young flier as nothing short of a glitzy celebrity; paparazzi and all. Edited footage of his opening press conference, stripped of it’s audio; however, in no need of such as Black’s presence alone tells enough, is shown as camera flashes are seen left and right. Later, from there, an on-site photo shoot is also shown as Greg Black is projected as ‘Mr. DOA’ in a way; standing before camera lenses much like an in-demand A-list celebrity would. Meanwhile, as this is shown, we, again, hear Greg Black’s voice appear over the top of the footage.]


“History is NOT made by those who search for friends. Truthfully, it’s ‘friends’ who will get you burned in the end. Plus, why would someone like myself, someone who is astoundingly peerless, EVER ‘pal-around’ with those beneath my greatness? It would be a waste of time; a distraction from my own Legend…”


The video now presents the viewer with a few more ‘big league-like’ scenarios, that being Greg Black exiting a limo, standing atop the rampway as the bright lights above paint his body like a silhouette, and the “Peerless One” posing shortly after slamming another with his impactful “Black Out” in the center of the ring, all with the hopes of driving the point home: Greg Black is not here to play nice; not in the slightest. In the end, the final image is that of Greg Black looking straight into the camera lens before a black background. With this in mind, such being a black background, Greg’s outline is that much more prominent; framing the upper-half of his lean frame in a way that depicts him to be a modern-day Greek God of sorts; equip with designer shades, tribal tattoo, and a swagger to his very presence.]


“’Survival of the Fearless’ means not being afraid of trampling a few sorry punks on your way to the top. I’m not, not in the slightest, and that’s why NO ONE has what it takes to take this victory from me…”


[With that, the produced video comes to a close with the sound of Greg Black’s original DOA theme growing with intensity in the background. Meanwhile, the highly arrogant, overtly self-indulged, “Peerless One” stands before the lens in a “I’m the sh*t” kind of pose; extending his arms out to the side as his head is c*cked slightly back. The oils upon his lean frame, in connection with his darkened designer shades, gleams in a glitz-like manner as it’s quite obvious that Greg Black is certainly in his OWN league.]




Davis Ditterich:
He’s a front-runner for a reason, folks. The #1 seed in tonight’s “Survival of the Fearless” tournament, Greg Black is one of those unique competitors that defines what it means to be ‘out for oneself’. Not shocking though, it’s proved to be, as it has for others in the past, to be a successful viewpoint.

Sara Silver:
Successful to a point. The next time he’s a victim of a 3-on-1, without any backup as he doesn’t have any allies to speak of, is the moment where we can reconsider that thought. He’s one hell of a talent, I won’t take that away from him, but his ‘me-me-me’ mentality may be his best and worst asset.

Davis Ditterich:
Well said, Sara. There’s no doubt that Greg Black is an energizing talent. He may even be the GREATEST pure talent we have in Deadly Overloaded Action today. That said, his self-indulgent focus could ultimately get him in trouble. Either way, as one would expect, and as this video clearly shows, the “Peerless One” is EXPECTING a victory here tonight…

Sara Silver:
As he should. He’s the #1 seed; the man who everyone is watching. I guess we’ll see if his health is strong enough after Acid’s heinous attack on “Rapid Assault”. If not, then there’s a chance that he may no longer be ‘peerless’… that his injuries have brought him back ‘down to earth’…





Cannonball Funk
w/ Matty Sparrow
vs. Teddy
“Redeem Thee”
w/ The Misfit Society


The stark contrast between these two is almost comical. With that said, there was nothing funny about the action that unfolded within the squared circle. Shooting straight out of the gate with a sense of motivated fury, the “Man of Redemption” quickly made his presence known with a fast-paced mentality; one that found him attempting a pinfall almost at every turn. While Funk looked strong, at least at first, in the end, Powell’s incessant onslaught became too much. Following a celebratory dance, moments after executing a high-hanging dropkick, the Funkster was laid unconscious shortly thereafter by Powell’s signature “Path to Redemption” (Sit-down tombstone Piledriver). The initial kick to the stomach, setting up said maneuver, caught Funk so off-guard, thinking he had floored his opponent only seconds earlier; however, the impact following was what ended it all rather quickly. Motionless, the Funkster was unable to break free from the pinfall attempt; granting the redemption obsessed flier with the resounding victory.


Teddy Powell in 3:39 via pinfall

Ending Maneuver:
“Path to Redemption” (Sit-down Tombstone Piledriver)



Davis Ditterich:
We all love the Funkster but, as we’ve come to see, his love for a ‘good time’ often forces him onto his back.

Sara Silver:
He really put it to Acid 2 weeks ago; however, tonight, it’s obvious that he wasn’t on his ‘A-game’. You’ve got to bring EVERYTHING you have, all the focus you can muster, when facing off against someone as hell-bent as Teddy Powell. That man doesn’t take ANYTHING lightly…

Davis Ditterich:
I guess tonight is another example as to WHY the Funkster should stick to Death Defying Duo action these days. He and Sparrow work well together; even if they are both a little ‘out there’. I just don’t know if he’ll ever be much from a singles perspective…

Sara Silver:
I guess we’ll see, Davis. For now, hopefully, his Duo partner will have better luck later on tonight as Matty Sparrow squares off against the polarizing, Father Griffith.

Davis Ditterich:
A feud, somewhat, re-ignited. The Moral Majority vs. Matty Sparrow. New face; however, the same old struggle. We’ll have to see, as you said, if Sparrow can fair better than the Funkster.





vs. Torment


Two men with storied pasts here in Deadly Overloaded Action square off as these decorated DOA warriors clash in what could truly be considered the ‘dark horse’ matchup of the night. OTA, the tranquil veteran with nerves of steel, quickly gained control of the proceedings as he masterfully used Torment’s own aggressive nature to blindside the former Chokeout Champion. His onslaught is heavily rooted in a reversal-based mentality, which proves to be high successful, as the snarling Torment is often too brash in his altercations; making room for errors when said aggression exhausts after a sad mistake. With that said, OTA continues to hold a strong control of the match for most of the way; even when backed in a corner he’s able to find a way out with a well-placed side-step of sorts. In the end, though, even despite the masterful approach, OTA eventually makes a mistake of his own; attempting a routine running Powerslam that drastically goes wrong. While running, speeding with Torment on his shoulder, the former Chokeout Champion is able to utilize the skill-set that has made him famous thus far in DOA. Slipping; however, not letting go, Torment is able to catch OTA in his neck-wrenching “The Reaper Cometh…” (Dragon Sleeper). Fighting, OTA tries to break free; however, with time, the maneuver proves to be too much. OTA submits with most of his energy already expelled from his body. Meanwhile, KAZUMA continues to watch on with a glazed over look on his face; almost as if he wasn’t really ‘present’ the entire time.


Torment in 7:54 via submission

Ending Maneuver:
“The Reaper Cometh…” (Dragon Sleeper)



Davis Ditterich:
What a match!
[Nods his head; claps powerfully]
OTA seemed to have Torment right where he wanted him; allowing his much more aggressive opponent to push himself thin. However, in the end, Torment proved to have a knack for the reversal game himself.

Sara Silver:
THIS is why I came to Deadly Overloaded Action; for great ACTION like this! I honestly thought OTA had this one and then… BAM… It all came tumbling down…

Davis Ditterich:
Seeing this, I can imagine that Torment is going to be a FORCE here tonight. You put down someone as masterful as OTA and you’re bound to have some credibility go your way.




Matthew Keith

… “Survival of the Fearless” Video #2 …


[The second “Survival of the Fearless” produced package opens with a gritty replay of Matthew Keith’s firing during Season One. As the frame clicks, tearing at the seams, this black-and-white vignette shows Keith being forced into such a scenario by Eric Tyler; a fact that proves to be very important as it pertains to Matthew’s current state in Deadly Overloaded Action. After a steel chair shot to the DOA Champion, the action that ultimately forces him into retirement from the program, Keith is then shown in a final frame of this rehashing as he stands in an overtly frustrated manner. Meanwhile, as the video slows down to capture such a sight, placing a lot of emphasis on his current demeanor, we hear the sound of Matthew’s voice peering over the stilled image.]


"I’ve learned more about this sport in the last 2-months than I ever discovered in my family home. No matter what happens, who shoves you down, or how many times you’ve lost your footing, there’s only one thing that you can do in return; that’s stand back up again. Truthfully, that’s what “Survival of the Fearless” is all about: being unafraid to get back up… always."


[Transitioning from the stilled, black-and-white, frame of a dejected Matthew Keith, we now are presented with a first-person-like presentation of what Keith had to endure in the 2-3 months away from DOA. With a shaky camera glued at his side, capturing the youngster from every angle, this documentary-styled production shows Keith arriving at an unnamed high school gymnasium only seconds before he’s scheduled to go on. Passing a number of nameless local wrestlers, Keith drops his bag on the floor in a crowded hallway, and walks straight past the frustrated head-booker; through the low-budget curtain set before him. With his wrestling trunks already on, most likely driving to the gymnasium in such, the 2nd generation wrestler presents an image that he is simply here to ‘get the job done and move on’. He’s not worried about making friends, about sinking into the backstage area, or even about basking in the romanticism of indy wrestling, at the end, it looks as though he’s just doing what he needs to do; stuck in a place where he doesn’t want to be.]


"‘Never say die’. I’ve heard of the phrase before; however, always thought of it as some pitch-line; an advertisers attempt to sell more shoes. While it still tells a cliché story, for myself, the motto became nothing short of a battle-cry. If I EVER wanted to succeed in returning to Deadly Overloaded Action, I knew that I must follow suit… that I… must ‘never die’…"


[Continuing with the shaky, first-person, presentation, we now witness Matthew Keith physically dominating a nameless local wrestler before a measly crowd of 200. Bending his opponent’s body every which way, the hell-bent youngster eventually forces him into a destructive scenario; practically ripping his arm off with his signature “Proton Lock” (Crossface Submission). It didn’t take long for the nameless nobody to tap; however, that wasn’t the real shocking scenario here. Shortly after his win, Keith quickly pulls himself up and exits the ring before the referee can even hold his hand on high. Storming backstage, the camera man follows Keith as he seamlessly picks his bag back up from the dusty hallway, maneuvers past a number of those very nameless wrestlers we saw before, and exits all in a swoop. No conversation. No ‘how was my match’? Not even a thought of sticking around for the fans in attendance. Nope. Matthew came in, did his job, and was out of the high school gymnasium all in a matter of 10 minutes.]


"They say I’m a man on revenge; that I won’t finally find comfort until my rivals are silenced for good. I’d love to say that’s false, that there’s more to my thoughts right now, but I can’t run from the truth; no one can. I worked my ass off on the indy circuit so that, one day, I would come back and find vindication. At the end of the day, I’ve already SHOWN that I’m fearless; there’s nothing left to prove. Just a few days ago, I started my journey of revenge… Tonight… I take one step closer toward burying my foes…
“Survival of the Fearless” means getting back up; even when it’s expected that you can’t. I’ve already done that and will continue to do so for as long as I’m still breathing… That’s a promise…"


[With that, the produced vignette for Matthew Keith comes to a close with a stilled vision of Matthew Keith forcing Rayne into submission; claiming the DOA Chokeout Championship in the process. Wrenching back, practically destroying his opponent’s upper body, you can see the absolute fury in Keith’s face. Yelling. Spitting. Roaring. The new DOA Chokeout Champion is obviously here on a mission.]




Davis Ditterich:
I don’t know if I’ve EVER seen someone as focused as Matthew Keith. It’s true, what was done to him during Season One was absolutely deplorable; however, in hopes of ‘righting Tyler’s wrongs, all was made well by Arcadia when he was brought back into the fold. So far, it’s proved to be a golden return as Keith has already claimed the DOA Chokeout Championship. Now, we must see whether or not he’s ‘Fearless’ enough to come away with the win tonight…

Sara Silver:
He’s a fighter; that’s just what it come down to. I don’t know if he ALWAYS was or if this scenario has brought it out of him BUT he’s proving to be a force right now. Can he win tonight? Absolutely. First, though, he needs to get through the likes of The Dreamweaver…

Davis Ditterich:
This should be a GREAT match-up…





“Never Say Die”
Keith vs. The Dreamweaver
w/ The Misfit Society


The looming creatures that are the Misfit Society continually nip at Keith’s feet as the surging technition does his very best to keep the action before him; not behind him. In reality, such a notion is easier said than done; however, the intensely focused Keith does quite a good job leaving the distractions at bay. Sadly, despite his attempts though, there is little he can do to keep them out of his way. With a string of strikes across his back as he hits the ropes, pulling on his legs as he gets nearby the ropes as well, and even pulling his neck down across the top-rope, the Misfit Society, sans Violet, do their very best to slow down the inspired rise of the DOA Chokeout Champion. In the end, as the Dreamweaver ascends, the scraggly, tattoo-laced, mysterious flier is shown leaping from the top rope with a high-hanging closeline. Upon his descent; however, Keith is able to manipulate his fall in a way of forcing him into a ill-advised position. Seconds later, all that is seen is Matthew wrenching on the Dreamweaver’s upper-body with a “Proton Lock” (Crossface Submission). The application is so quick, so out of nowhere, that the Misfit Society has little chance to react; hoping to save their comrade from an instant ending. Within seconds everything has all come to a screeching halt as the Dreamweaver is shown frantically tapping as Matthew Keith continues to wrench back in an overtly aggressive fashion; practically spitting on himself in the process.


Matthew Keith in 5:17 via submission

Ending Maneuver:
“The Proton Lock” (Crossface Submission)



Davis Ditterich:
Even with a scraggly gang surrounding the ring, Keith is able to put one in the win column!

Sara Silver:
Did you SEE how fast he locked the “Proton Lock” in? The Dreamweaver was seconds from a top-rope closeline and then all of a sudden he was face down on the canvas; having his arm ripped off in the process! This guy has A LOT of potential…

Davis Ditterich:
He should! He’s the current DOA Chokeout Champion and a man of pedigree. I would be SHOCKED if I didn’t see him in the main event sometime soon here in Deadly Overloaded Action. He’s got the skill, the genes, the intense focus, and the absolute determination to be a HUGE star in the making!

Sara Silver:
From the looks of HIS definition of “Survival of the Fearless” though, I don’t know if he really cares about being a ‘star’. He’s got revenge on his mind; that’s the only thing he seems focused on!

Davis Ditterich:
Very true. Then again, who isn’t looking for revenge when it comes to Eric Tyler and his fading faction, “All the Kings Men”?





“The Blazing Red Demon”
Johnny Vicious vs.
“The Contract Killer”
Jeff Morgan


There’s no denying the hatred exuding between these two DOA Warriors. Debuting at Vicious’ expense, Morgan has quickly become one of THE most hated members of Tyler’s fading “All the Kings Men” faction; at least as it pertains to “The Blazing Red Demon”. With this in mind, it comes as no shock that the fiery redhead spares no time administering his trademark brutality upon his hated rival. Swinging like a blood-thirsty sailor, Vicious practically mows over his slower-paced opponent with a brawling barrage of sorts. Jeff Morgan, at many points, attempts to temper the pace, utilizing a number of submission holds as rest-points, a very counter-DOA feel, but, in the end, no such luck. With that said, it was ONE submission hold that would change everything. While locking in a cloverleafed boston crab, Morgan is shown sitting back with all of his might; attempting to break the back, it seems, of his fiery rival. With time, Vicious is able to grab a nearby rope, struggling to pull himself there with all of his might, but nothing comes of such an action. Eugene Williams, looking to administer a sense of rule to their altercation, attempts to talk Morgan ‘off the ledge’; however, to no avail. Sitting back farther and farther, ignoring the call for a rope break, Morgan continues his back-breaking scenario with hopes of, it seems, putting Vicious out for good. In the end, sensing there was nothing he could do, Mr. Williams is shown calling for the bell. Even this, though, does not break Morgan from the grip of his submission hold. It would take another 20 seconds, and Mr. Williams practically prying him off of Vicious, for the submission hold to finally break. Either way, despite losing, it’s obvious that the damage has been done; most certainly orchestrated by the man who brought Morgan to the dance here in DOA… the suspended “Voice of Reason”, Eric Tyler.


Johnny Vicious in 6:43 via Disqualification

Ending Maneuver:
Cloverleafed Boston Crab by Jeff Morgan; ignores rope break



Davis Ditterich:
Now come on! That was uncalled for! It’s obvious that Jeff Morgan didn’t come out here to win; he came out here to injure Johnny Vicious! You KNOW whose behind all of this…

Sara Silver:
I guess we can’t entirely prove it since Mr. Tyler is officially suspended right now. Either way, though, I agree with you here. Jeff Morgan wasn’t looking for the win; he was looking to break Vicious’ back. Especially after the attack Vicious took on “Rapid Assault” at the hands of Acid, there’s no doubt that he’s barely held-up at this point.

Davis Ditterich:
It’s no lie that Tyler hates Vicious; we’ve known that since day one here. Now, it seems like, even from afar, Eric Tyler is looking to keep “The Blazing Red Demon” down. I guess I shouldn’t expect anything different from such a snake…

Sara Silver:
Who better, I guess, to do his dirty work than a guy with the nickname of “Contract Killer”? He was sent out here on purpose.

Davis Ditterich:
It’s just sickening. Now, Vicious may be unable to continue ALL because of some cold-blooded punk who can’t seem to distinguish what’s ‘right and wrong’ within the ring.




The Moral Majority

… “Survival of the Fearless” Video #3 …


[The third “Survival of the Fearless” vignette opens with the overwhelming tone of an aging pipe organ. Roaring intensely, giving no room for much of anything BUT it’s glaring projection, said pipe organ quickly symbolizes the scenario of standing within a church; knowing exactly WHO would be covered almost immediately. As the black background slowly fades, we now open our scene within a gigantic cathedral; gothic-period symbols included. Slowly, as if the camera man were gliding, the camera lens pans down the middle of the center walk way, walking over a red carpet, and slowly passing each and every pew. At the end of our journey, just before the open space around the alter, we find four individuals seated in the first-row of pews.]


[As the camera man seamlessly spins around in front of said figures, we come to see the Moral Majority seated on said pew. Their eyes are shut, their hands folded together in a stereotypical fashion, as it’s quite obvious that they are in the middle of a prayer. In reality, how ANYONE could focus while surrounding with such ear destruction as the roaring pipe organ who knows. None the less, as we witness the sight of these four gently seated next to one another in prayer, we now hear Father Griffith’s voice peer over the top of the scene at hand; obviously dubbed over the top as his mouth is not moving in his current state of religious contemplation.]


Father Griffith:
Heathens will fill your head with lies. They’ll rely on their demonic relation in which to skew reality for the wicked. They’ll stake claim in what it takes to be fearless; however, their own wording will be wrapped in the vomit of great evil. The real definition of “Survival of the Fearless” lies in HIS plan. For, to really survive… One must never lose their faith in HIM. HE… will strip the fear from your heart. In the end, how could you FEAR anything when you, ultimately, know that HE decides your fate for you…


[The video continues to focus on the praying Moral Majority, silent in their internal contemplation, as small snippets of video flash before the screen depicting the heinous nature of their actions. With each jarring flash, the obvious contrast begins to form between their actions and their words. The projection of dubious cheating, ‘dirty tactics’, violent outbursts, and personal oppression, continues to rage across your TV set; present for only a matter of a few seconds before we eventually turn back to the sight of the Moral Majority silently praying as one.]


Citizen X:
To be fearless is to believe in HIM. Survival, in this case, is quite easy. To those who don’t believe, or pretend as they do only to take part in wicked ventures, your souls will ultimately be burned in the very fire you’ve created. By turning a blind eye, by accepting the darkness, you ultimately set your own demise in motion. Fear is acceptable for these demonic fools. For, in that case, life… is… fear…


[A slight pause is heard as the pipe organ continues to roar onward. In turn, their praying also continues to take place; with no help it seems from the loud distraction at their back.]


Father Griffith:
We are not looking for Survival here on earth; that is where you heathens feed upon the darkness you’ve created for yourselves. We are cementing our survival for eternity. Are you?


[With that, in an eerie fashion, each member of the Moral Majority slowly open their eyes; fixating their pupils square upon the camera lens before them. So calm in their actions; however, sending chills down the spines of all as it seems rather creepy when combined with the final statement levied by Father Griffith. In the end, as the segment comes to a close, we slowly fade to black after being presented said stare for a good 20 seconds; far after the pipe organ has already come to it’s close. More or less, the elongated stare is to further the unsettling tone set forth by their words; as if they were peering straight into your soul after asking the simple line… “Are you”?]




Davis Ditterich:
There’s NOTHING about these guys that I find comforting.

Sara Silver:
What? Can’t find something comforting in a raging zealot?
[Laughs to herself]
I’ve interviewed these guys on many occasions now; however, the addition of Father Griffith seems to have changed the entire dichotomy of Moral Majority. Their more aggressive now; more piercing with their every action.

Davis Ditterich:
I refuse to call him ‘Father’; there’s nothing fatherly about that man. However, I guess we’ll have to see how they fare tonight; whether or not they can work as singles competitors when they’ve always been known as a Death-Defying Duo combination.

Sara Silver:
Aren’t they STILL #1 Contenders to the Death Defying Duo Titles?

Davis Ditterich:
I believe so? However, that was when Mainstream Hernandez was still present. Now that they’ve added Jack Griffith, I’m not entirely sure if that still stands? I hope not. I’d love to see Arcadia slam them back on their asses!

Sara Silver:
For another day I guess. Tonight, these two have to dig down deep and come up BIG against a pair of DOA Warriors!





Father Griffith
w/ The Moral Majority
vs. Matty
“The Pecker-Wrecker”
w/ Cannonball Funk


To say Father Griffith is ‘dirty’ is quite the understatement. This holier-than-thou, Hellfire and brimstone, religious zealot can certainly talk the talk with fervor; however, has issue, it seems, as it pertains to walking the walk. Talking of virtue, self-respect, and, most commonly, morality, the feverish white-collared figure of spirituality stands in direct opposition to his own stance; utilizing every cheap-trick-in-the-book to subdue his overly sexualized opponent. The “Pecker-Wrecker” ‘aint no saint in his own right though. While his tactics are slightly less dubious, the crotch-obsessed Sparrow does quite well in infuriating Father Griffith; utilizing a number of tasteless celebrations to ignite the flame. In the end, with the Moral Majority watching on in horror, collectively disgusted by Sparrow’s controversial advances, Matty Sparrow looks to ‘seal the deal’ with his signature “Testicular Thrashing” (Running Knee to the groin/DDT combination). As he puts this maneuver into action, Matty is ultimately shocked by the fact that Griffith was playing possum; seemingly staggered on his feet. Allowing Sparrow to kick, and in turn miss, Father Griffith quickly slides in behind his caught off guard opponent; landing his signature “Exercising the Demon” (Snap neckbreaker). Upon impact, Sparrow’s entire body goes completely limp; something that’s quite uncharacteristic with the sex-driven adult film star. None the less, there was no return waiting in the wings. As the Moral Majority prematurely celebrate and the Funkster ends his match-long dance sequence, saddened by the fact it seems, we all witness Eugene Williams administer the final three count in favor of the polarizing Father Griffith.


Father Griffith in 4:44 via Pinfall

Ending Maneuver:
“Exercising the Demon” (Snap Neckbreaker)



Davis Ditterich:
He came. He saw. He cheated. For a man of the cloth, or so he claims, Jack Griffith seems to spend more time DOING the things he would testify against.

Sara Silver:
While I can’t stand the guy, the whole ideal of ‘morality’ is nothing but a smoke-screen for persecution of all those not ‘pure enough’ for his tastes. It’s a religious war, one that’s designed in his own manner, so I believe he feels justified in all that he does to the so called ‘Heathens’.

Davis Ditterich:
Whatever. I’ll call a spade a spade. He’s a damn hypocrite; then again the Moral Majority always has been. There’s no reason, it seems, for Jack Griffith to break the mold…





Citizen X
w/ The Moral Majority
vs. Rayne


Rayne’s never been one to ‘play nice with others’. Whether it was under Eric Tyler’s banner, or in his most recent form of being somewhat of a loner, the loud-mouthed, heavy-fisted, hitman has cultivated an aura of being a strong ‘hot-head’. In his matchup with Citizen X, such a scenario comes into play entirely as Rayne, jaw-jacking with BOTH Citizen X and Father Griffith, who currently stands outside the ring with the oppressed tandem of Prudence and Grace, riles up the situation at hand with some choice words. In the end, his emotionally-igniting smack-talk eventually bodes rather well for him, at least from a wins/loss perspective, as, in the thick of his talking, the brash competitor is shown being assaulted from behind by Father Griffith. As Rayne’s attention is on X, Griffith slides into the ring and quickly slams a knee square into his back. Seconds later, Griffith is shown executing his signature “Exercising the Demon” (Snap Neckbreaker) upon the staggered Rayne; a fact that forces Eugene Williams to quickly call for the bell not so long after initially stimulating it’s start. While X looks somewhat taken back, frustrated with the loss, Father Griffith eventually snaps him back into focus with a stern stare; one that tells of absolute authority.


Rayne in 1:32 via Disqualification

Ending Maneuver:
“Exercising the Demon” (Snap Neckbreaker) from Father Griffith upon Rayne



Davis Ditterich:
Jack Griffith may have gotten his shot in but Rayne obviously ends with the last laugh in this one!

Sara Silver:
Did you see that look Father Griffith gave Citizen X after the match was called?
[shakes her head; laughs slightly]
There was no room for X to be frustrated as Griffith pretty much put him back in his place. These guys are really peculiar; total sheep and sheep-herder.

Davis Ditterich:
Well, either way, Rayne moves onto the second round now that Griffith slid in and assaulted him. I guess, if he comes away with the tournament win tonight, Rayne will have to thank Jack Griffith for his short-tempered ways.




Antonio Marquez

… “Survival of the Fearless” Video #4 …


[The fourth “Survival of the Fearless” vignette opens with a hazed presentation of a man teetering back-and-forth in a subtle manner. His arms, extended outward in which to keep his balance, furthers the notion that this unknown figure is shuffling much like one would upon a tight-rope. As the scene becomes more clear, more precise with the clarity of the picture, we are now presented with the fact that this teetering figure is none other than “The Aerial Anarchist” Antonio Marquez. Also, now traveling into a more HD-like picture, it becomes dangerously evident that he is shuffling on the very edge of a stone building. With every step, slightly rocking back-and-forth as the wind guides his balance, the daredevil flier plays Russian-roulette with his own life. For, one slip-up, one loss of absolute balance, one prevailing wind, could send Marquez over the edge; falling most certainly to his death.]


[With this shocking reality before us, and as the crystal clear production continually dips into a haze every once in awhile, as if the lens was focusing on him at different points, we now hear Marquez’ voice peer out from over the scene; obviously dubbed in at the point of production.]


“Fear is all in your mind. What you can and cannot do is sadly forced upon us long before we even know we have a choice in the matter. As kids we’re told: “don’t climb that, don’t touch that, don’t do that… What are you stupid”? While their intentions are valiant, trying to keep us safe; in the end, it only stunts our understanding of what is possible.”


[Marquez continues to teeter on the edge as we are now shown the very same sight from behind. In turn, now from a new vantage point, it’s easy to see that the height for which we are currently is probably a good 50 feet or so. This notion, seeing the drastic drop below, furthers the notion that Marquez is simply crazy for being there.]


“To be fearless is to defy what you’ve been told; opening up life to it’s fullest. I was once cast into the shadows of my mask, comfortable with the tradition of my heritage, and attempting to be the hero I thought you all wanted me to be. In the end though, I came to realize that my mask was nothing more than a limitation; another protective shield put upon me by my past. The second it was removed, that I finally saw the world for what it really was, I began to feel as though everything was possible… That nothing could hold me back. I was freed from the confines of safety… I had discovered the beauty of life without limitations…”


[Transitioning, We now see Marquez perched on the edge of the building; straight in the corner. Meanwhile, the camera lens, most certainly on the other side of the corner, peers straight into his eyes as it’s obvious to see there is no fear radiating there. Instead, on high, most certainly in a dangerous situation, he seems as calm as someone who were walking on the sidewalk below.]


“To me… “Survival of the Fearless” means that the only way one can truly survive is by opening up what is possible. To live within the box only brings sadness and lost opportunity. I, for one, will never accept that path anymore. If it means I go down in a ‘blaze of glory’ then so be it…
[Lazily Smirks]
I’d rather live on the edge than die on the sidewalk…”


[With that, Marquez cracks his smirk a little larger as a slight chuckle forms underneath it all. Then, seconds later, the video transitions back to the sight of Marquez walking away from the camera as he teeters on the edge. Unafraid of the danger that resides next to him, the “Aerial Anarchist” truly appears to be one removed from the limitation. That said, as well documented with his risk/reward lifestyle, there’s a good chance that he will, eventually, burn out in a drastic manner.]




Davis Ditterich:
I swear this man has a death wish…

Sara Silver:
He does. As he said it himself, he would rather ‘live on the edge than die on the sidewalk’. More or less, he’s comfortable with his destructive ways as he is seemingly more comfortable with the thought of possible ‘burn out’ than simply staying in the lines.

Davis Ditterich:
It DOES make for quite the “X-factor” but, in this case, the additional umf he has may be the ultimate thing that puts him down…

Sara Silver:
I guess we’ll have to see how this all goes. I don’t know about you but I’ll be wincing all the way there… Afraid that his next dive may be his last…





“The Aerial Anarchist”
Antonio Marquez vs. KAZUMA
w/ The Moral Majority


KAZUMA is a broken man. It’s pretty obvious to see as he enters the DOA Dungeon tonight. Everything about him, down to his subtle mannerisms, tells of a man struggling to keep his mind focused as he ultimately drifts back to that faithless night; the one that put Mainstream Hernandez out of action for good following a freak-accident involving KAZUMA. With this is mind, the once proud flier looks much like he’s going through the motions throughout. His spots are less enthusiastic. His chain-attempts much less fluid. His game-plan feeling FAR less focused; as his psyche is certainly influx. In contrast, Marquez looks and feels like a man on top of his game straight away. That said, his ‘game’ is one of reckless intent; a situation that could bode badly for him if given a blown spot (total risk/reward). In this matchup, luckily for him, it’s entirely reward. Speeding past his struggling opponent, landing every impact move he puts forth, the “Aerial Anarchist” eventually overwhelms KAZUMA; executing his signature “Suicidal Guillotine” (Moonsault/Leg drop combo) seconds after a jaw-dropping display of chain expertise. In the end, OTA can only watch on in sadness, his head slowly shaking as he looks away, as the other half of the DOA Death Defying Duo Champions lay motionless on the canvas; a victim of his own crippled psyche.


Antonio Marquez in 6:51 via Pinfall

Ending Maneuver:
“Suicidal Guillotine” (Moonsault/Leg Drop Combo)



Davis Ditterich:
It’s becoming difficult to watch KAZUMA these days. We ALL know what he’s capable of, I mean he and OTA dominated the Death Defying Duo Division all of Season One; however, he looks NOTHING like that in his current state. To say that he’s ‘lost a step’ is a massive understatement.

Sara Silver:
I agree, Davis. At this point, screw tonight’s tournament, the Tokyo Express should be VERY scared that they are teetering toward eventually losing their straps. How can they EVER expect to topple those surging Duos when it appears as though OTA will need to carry them the entire way? He’s great and all but no one can dominate an entire division like the Death Defying Duo Division all by himself… Not even OTA…

Davis Ditterich:
Very true. Changing gears though, Antonio Marquez looked GREAT out there tonight; a true aerial rock-star if there ever was one! That said, how long can he continue to compete like this before it all comes crashing down? He may have a good couple of spots under his belt but reality states that he can only be SO lucky for SO long…

Sara Silver:
He lives on the edge so he most certainly will die on the edge…

Davis Ditterich:
Perfectly put, Sara. At the end of the day, Antonio is his OWN worst enemy if the cards fall out of luck…





Greg Black vs. Teddy “Redeem Thee” Powell


The bounce in Greg Black’s step appears to be coming back full-force as the “Peerless One” confidently sways in the corner before his second-round altercation with Teddy Powell. In combination, Powell reeks of intense desperation; the kind that comes with feeling “forgotten” as he does. Almost immediately, this feel comes into full affect as Powell quickly matches his much more athletic opponent with a hefty dose of surging rage. Each strike from the “Man of Redemption” feels as though he’s going for a major knock-out blow. Truthfully, Powell has NEVER seemed so desperate, or aggressive really, but knowing that his alliance was finally equalized, brought forth by the fact that the Arcadia Security Team is present with Black, it’s almost as if the Misfit Society leader is trusting in his frustration to drag him to victory. In the end, after a back-and-forth affair, Greg Black is able to overcome all obstacles set forth by Powell. As Snap Dragon looks to save his fearless leader from the downward spiral that’s starting to take hold, speeding in for a spear that is eventually side-stepped by Black and forced into his own partner, Greg Black is shown utilizing said momentum to execute his signature “Black Out” (Standing Suplex/Stunner) all within the confusion. Arcadia Security Team or not, Black moves on in the second round despite meeting a highly desperate opponent hell-bent on Redemption.


Greg Black in 3:34 via Pinfall

Ending Maneuver:
“Black Out” (Standing Suplex/Stunner Combo) following a botched run-in from Snap Dragon



Davis Ditterich:
The bounce is back folks. Greg Black looks like he’s healing rather well, or at least putting in the back of his mind, as he really came out of this one looking pretty fluid. In the end, if he can get back to 100% then there isn’t anyone on the DOA roster who can really stand up to him.

Sara Silver:
I don’t know, Davis. I still think, even at 100%, there’s a good chance that Johnny Vicious could put him down!

Davis Ditterich:
While true, Jeff Morgan already took that idea away as, even though Vicious won, he’s obviously reeling from the DQ-victory earlier in the night. With a bum back, as it seems, Greg Black could almost certainly mow him over in a matter of a few minutes. I think the world of “The Blazing Red Demon”, he’s really what DOA is all about, but I just can’t see him beating “The Peerless One” if he isn’t anywhere NEAR 100%! That said, here’s hoping that both make it to the finals… I’d LOVE to see a Vicious vs. Black – Part II. This time with an ACTUAL outcome and not like what we saw on “Rapid Assault” this week with Acid’s hellish carnage.

Sara Silver:
That’d be one for the record books; that’s for sure…





“Never Say Die”
Keith vs. Torment


These two hate each other; it’s pretty obvious. With one hell-bent on revenge for all the wrong doings put before him and the other fuming over a recent championship loss, the air is rather thick with tension as both officially lock up for the first time within the confines of the “Survival of Fearless” tournament. Straight away, right as they engage in the center of the ring, there is a roaring fire between them. Each maneuver, each strike, every chain-linking-scenario, tells the story of two men intertwined for their hatred of one another. In turn, as their opening pinfall attempts prove to be unsuccessful, this so-called ‘fire’ becomes that much more out of control with rage as the seconds pass on. In a sense, to say that every inch of the ring was utilized is certainly an understatement. These heated rivals, a number of their wounds still fresh, really use the entire squared circle to their advantage; using turnbuckles, ring ropes, steel poles and steps, in which to, hopefully, subdue the other. Truthfully, it was only a matter of time before one was to ‘break’. Sadly, that person, at least physically, was none other than Matthew Keith. The newfound DOA Chokeout Champion continues to fight through the pain, barley able to walk after a well-focused onslaught from the former Champion, as his limited mobility eventually hurts his chances of overcoming the odds. Hobbling, and even crashing to the canvas on a number of occasions as his right knee seemingly gives out, Keith continues forth with his ‘never say die’ mentality; however, is inevitably knocked unconscious with a ring-rattling top-rope T-Bone Suplex; a fact that Keith attempted to break free from yet was forced into after his repeated strikes were simply shrugged off. Within seconds, the match has come to an end with Matthew Keith slipping in-and-out of consciousness. Meanwhile, Torment proves himself to be back on the winning trail, forcibly dropping his newfound rival in the process, as he stakes claim for a potential rematch for the DOA Chokeout Championship in the end.


Torment in 7:20 via Pinfall

Ending Maneuver:
Top Rope T-Bone Suplex



Davis Ditterich:
What a match between two outstanding DOA Warriors! Knowing their past, and seeing the action tonight, there’s no doubt in my mind that we haven’t seen the LAST of their heated rivalry. Tonight, Matthew’s knee may have given out on him but you KNOW his spirit did not…

Sara Silver:
Even as he was lying unconscious after his fall, you could see Keith moving around while the pinfall was being counted. He wanted to get up; he was looking for a way to do so. In the end, I expect these two to bring out the best of one another for years to come; a true WAR if there ever has been one.

Davis Ditterich:
With the win, Torment moves on, cements ‘bragging rights’ for a potential Chokeout Championship re-shot, and now awaits Greg Black in the next round; a matchup we’ve seen already here in Season Two. Last time, Black came away with the win. Can he do so again? I guess we’ll have to see…




Johnny Vicious

… “Survival of the Fearless” Video #5 …


[The fifth “Survival of the Fearless” vignette opens with an extremely tight camera angle focused squarely upon Johnny Vicious’ face in great detail. With every hefty huff, Vicious’ flaming red beard is seen fluctuating with such forceful expulsions; each hair follicle acting like an independent part of his body as it extends in the manifested breeze. Meanwhile, while snarling as he always does, spit almost rolling off his lips like a rabid animal, his beady, soul-piercing, eyes fixate square upon the camera lens before him; as if he were only seconds from ripping said lens to shreds. As we are presented this intense image, one that depicts the “Blazing Red Demon” as an uncontrollable animal of sorts, a mysterious baritone voice is heard crackling in the background as he projects Vicious’ “Survival of the Fearless” narrative for him. All in all, it feels rather movie-esque; as if Vicious was some sort of ‘once in a lifetime’ figure that is so animalistic, so primal in a way, that he simply does not speak. Instead, he allows his brutal actions, and all around fiery demeanor, speak for itself.]


“Some call it stupidity. Others deem it nothing short of primal aggression. Either way, regardless of what view you may subscribe to, it’s common knowledge that this man, this snarling, animalistic, hellfire being is unafraid of anyone or anything; blind to the lines we’ve drawn and inflicting pain upon all who simply stand before him.”


[short bursts of black-and-white, gritty-based, video footage is shown of Johnny Vicious mowing over a number of DOA Warriors in a hellish fashion; however, quickly coming to a climactic close as we eventually transition back to the intensely tight sight of Vicious’ snarling face. These short bursts of video depict a animalistic warrior, one who isn’t afraid of blood in the slightest, if anything he appears ‘blood thirsty’, even to himself, as the ultimate narrative appears to be centered around Vicious’ purely-primal sense of warfare.]


“Violence is his unadulterated mantra; whether he’s conscious of the fact or not. Blood, broken bodies, and crippling lives, are the ugly truth that lay in his wake. In the end, this is how the ‘Blazing Red Demon’ projects a fearless nature. No matter who you are, where you come from, what you’ve done, or what you’ll continue to do, Vicious WILL bring brutal carnage to your doorstep; that’s a fact. In the end, “Survival of the Fearless” to Johnny Vicious is physically destroying all before him; leaving no one left standing in his wake.”


[The final frame shows a slowed down sense of footage depicting the intense stare between ‘The Blazing Red Demon’ and ‘The Voice of Reason’ Eric Tyler; albeit from afar. It’s obvious, even in a stilled frame, that there’s MUCH hatred radiating between the two. In the end, slowly fading from this image, we, once again, are given a tight image of Vicious’ snarling before the camera lens like a rabid animal. Spit rolling on his lip, a snarl a mile-wide and purely unsettling in nature, and beady eyes fixated on the lens before him, the huffing-and-puffing DOA Warrior appears to be fired up for tonight’s event; exuding nothing short of brutality in his very fiery stare.]




Davis Ditterich:
There really is no one like Johnny Vicious in Professional Wrestling. This DOA Warrior has single-handedly acted as a one-man army for close to 6 months now as he’s battled with Eric Tyler and his band of HItmen. In reality, many have claimed there NEVER would have been an “All the Kings Men”, or hitmen for that matter, if it WASN’T for Johnny Vicious. He’s a vile, intensely sadistic, overtly fiery, competitor with little-to-no-remorse for anyone at all. To say he’s unique, I suppose, is an understatement. They don’t breed these kind of guys… Only in hell maybe…

Sara Silver:
He’s really personified Deadly Overloaded Action since day one; More so than anyone in our history. Sadly, though, the man that we’ve all come to stand in awe of, if not fear as well, has stepped into tonight’s event already reeling from injuries. Does he have a chance to win? I would NEVER count this man out. That said, he’s got an uphill battle before him…

Davis Ditterich:
Truthfully, I believe that he works best, if not only, in that manner. As you said, in the end, you would be a fool to bet against the “Blazing Red Demon”. I guess we’ll see if he has enough juice left in his tank to come away with the ultimate win tonight…





Father Griffith
w/ The Moral Majority
“The Blazing Red Demon”
Johnny Vicious


It all seems so perfect: the raging, overtly oppressive, Hellfire and Brimstone preacher attempts to ‘exercise’ a fiery man dubbed as a ‘Demon’ himself. In reality, although the DOA Deadheads seem to show tempered excitement for their altercation, their perfectness on paper seems to crossover rather well within the ring. Beaten, sore, and barely able to keep his head upright without snarling like a wounded predator, Johnny Vicious plays the ultimate ‘war-torn battler’, a role he’s played since day one in DOA, as Father Griffith furthers his cheap-nature by senselessly zeroing in on his opponent’s dwindling health; utilizing an array of underhanded tactics to keep him from fully recovering throughout their matchup. With this in mind, employing a more dubious approach, Father Griffith is able to keep his ultra-explosive opponent at bay; physically dominating the match for most of the time. Stomping his hands as he looks to climb back upward, landing low-blows like they were going out of style, and even using an exposed turnbuckle, unseen by Eugene Williams, as a weapon of sorts, Griffith looks like he’s on the fast-track to victory; one that will most certainly be marred in controversy. That said, as Griffith sizes up his fallen opponent, seconds after praying in a celebratory fashion to the heavens, the sheer shock of a “Vicious Circle”, as if from nowhere, sends the Dungeon into a quasi-state of excitement; somewhat lulled to sleep by Griffith’s dominance before. As stated above, as Griffith attempts to slide in for his finishing strike, “Exersizing the Demon” (Snap Neckbreaker), Vicious is able to counter with a hard back elbow. After a back-and-forth, the ‘controversial man of the cloth’ is eventually thrown into the nearby ropes; lifted on high and slammed down with a “Vicious Circle” as if from nowhere. Before Citizen X could react, spun around and demonizing a number of Deadheads at ringside, judging them into eternal damnation as he thinks Griffith is only seconds from victory, so gloating if you will in his own way, the match has come to a climactic close; one with Vicious laying atop an unconscious Griffith.


Johnny Vicious in 6:46 via Pinfall

Ending Maneuver:
“Vicious Circle” (Spinning Death Valley Driver); Flash Strike



Davis Ditterich:
WOW!! It looked like Jack Griffith was well on his way to victory tonight, albeit in cheating fashion, but the animalistic “Blazing Red Demon” found a way to counter into victory! Did you see how fast he landed the “Vicious Circle” there? I don’t know if I’ve EVER seen him execute that maneuver as quick as he did!

Sara Silver:
It just adds further depth to the FEAR that that maneuver generates; that it could be executed THAT fast. Citizen X thought the match was done, celebrating for Father Griffith, only to find out that no such thing was to happen as Vicious’ music hit.

Davis Ditterich:
Johnny Vicious advances; however, is he healthy enough to really keep this up? I mean, he wasn’t 100% coming into tonight’s broadcast, far from it, and now he’s had Jeff Morgan practically break his back and Jack Griffith pick him apart for a good six and a half minutes… Whether it’s Rayne OR Marquez that he faces off against, one has to wonder if “The Blazing Red Demon” can keep this up; picking up win after win.

Sara Silver:
That’s a good question, Davis; one that’s on ALL of our minds I’m sure. Johnny could barely stand throughout most of his match with Father Griffith. As you said, the unsung leader of “The Moral Majority” pretty much dominated him from opening bell till the closing seconds; when Vicious found a way to bounce back into victory. He has to be nearing his breaking point; a fact that can prove well for, as you said, either Rayne or Marquez.

Davis Ditterich:
I guess we’ll have to see what happens when Vicious climbs back into the ring pretty soon…





“The Aerial Anarchist”
Antonio Marquez vs. Rayne


There are many, if not all, who didn’t expect to see Rayne in the second round; however, that fact seems to play into the former hitman’s hot-headed nature rather well. Jaw-jacking, and puffing his chest out like a defiant sailor, alpha-dog-like, the newfound loner quickly overpowers the “Aerial Anarchist” like a speeding freight train. With a brawlers focus, swinging for the fences, this brashly stern fighter keeps Marquez floored for a good two minutes or so; however, eventually falters when the man of “Reckless Aggression” pulls a bevy of risky aerial spots from within his unique arsenal. A twisting plancha here, a springboard Hurricanrana there, and a split-legged Moonsault turned into a reverse DDT variation, all pay off surprisingly well for the risk/reward flier. With this in mind, even with a powerful punch at his disposal, Rayne is simply unable to ‘keep up’. In the end, as Rayne is staggered within the ring, Antonio Marquez is shown slipping out onto the apron in a seamless fashion. From there, springboarding into the air, the “Aerial Anarchist” eventually drops Rayne upon his head with a momentous tornado DDT upon his descent; spinning both of them around violently before impact. Planted rather harshly, Rayne is unable to break the three count that follows. In reality, if the move had gone wrong, botched if you will, then we could have seen another outcome; however, in this case, Marquez continues forth with his lucky spring of ‘rewards’ versus the glaring potential for ‘risk’.


Antonio Marquez in 4:20 via Pinfall

Ending Maneuver:
Springboard Tornado DDT



Davis Ditterich:
Someone should check to make sure that Rayne doesn’t have a neck injury after THAT move… WOW!
[Laughs; excited]

Sara Silver:
The way they spun around, so violent, so rapid, there’s no chance that Rayne would kick out of that one. While he certainly walks the line, as we said before, when these maneuvers pay off, there’s seemingly NO stopping Antonio Marquez!

Davis Ditterich:
Seemingly is the word of the moment though. Next, “The Aerial Anarchist” has “The Blazing Red Demon”.
[smirks; again, excited]
If there’s one thing we know about Johnny Vicious, as we’ve seen tonight, it’s that he ALWAYS finds a way to win! Bloodied, Broken, Bruised, or simply with the deck stacked against him, Vicious is one of those DOA Warriors that can ‘get the job done’. Is Marquez one of those guys? He’s proved to be highly successful since losing his mask; however, we haven’t seen it for long enough to think he could ACTUALLY defeat someone of Vicious’ caliber. I guess, luckily for us, we’ll get to see whether or not it’s possible… Here… Tonight!

Sara Silver:
I can’t wait for that one!





Greg Black vs. Torment


In a war previously seen on “Rapid Assault” this season, Greg Black and Torment, once again, meet to do battle within the DOA Dungeon. However, this time, the winner is granted more than just ‘bragging rights’ but rather a cemented #1 contendership for Acid’s DOA Championship. With this in mind, both DOA Warriors come exploding out of the gate. Torment, in his typical brutish, bone-breaking, self, almost instantly zeros in on Greg Black’s right knee; an approach that most submission artists often utilize. While it’s expected that the focus will eventually lead Black into a submission, the sheer fact that it’s slowing down such an athletic flier is also entirely key. In contrast, with a slightly damaged leg, such a condition created by the ruthless dissection of the former DOA Chokeout Champion, the “Peerless One” keeps his trademark explosiveness on route. While he’s certainly hindered, you wouldn’t expect that to be so given Greg’s inability to slow down. In a sense, he’s flashy all the way around, from head-to-toe and even in mind; so, his high-speed in-ring onslaught always follows suit. In the end, after a strong back-and-forth, one that tells the narrative of the flashy flier versus the ground-based submission King, the match ultimately comes to an end with such a notion in mind. With “The Reaper Cometh…” (Dragon Sleeper) locked in, Torment looks like he’s well on the way to victory. For a good minute, Greg Black attempts to break free; however, shows a sense of dwindling health due to the maneuver. He reaches for the ropes on countless occasions but always comes up short as the former DOA Chokeout Champion brutishly pulls him back. Sensing that his chances may be done, a shock to most all DOA Deadheads, the commentary team included, the “Peerless One” tries one last ditch effort by pulling his bodyweight toward a nearby turnbuckle. Speeding up the turnbuckle with his feet, Black forces his body to flip over the top of Torment in a seamless fashion. Due to the flip, Greg Black NOW has “The Reaper Cometh…” (Dragon Sleeper), Torment’s own move, locked in. The Deadheads in attendance erupt at the idea of Torment being beaten by his own maneuver; however, quickly find a new reality as Greg Black reverses such a submission hold into a traditional standing Suplex. Seconds later, it was all done as Black was able to seamlessly transition into a “Black Out” (Standing Suplex/Stunner Combo)! The impact puts Torment instantly to sleep; a fact that, again, inspires the DOA Deadheads in attendance to roar with excitement. A three count later and Eugene Williams is officially raising Greg Black’s hand as the victor and FIRST member of the Finals.


Greg Black in 8:20 via Pinfall

Ending Maneuver:
“Black Out” (Standing Suplex/Stunner Combo)



Davis Ditterich:

Sara Silver:
Oh my, that whole ending sequence,… WOW! At one second it looked like Torment had this one in the bag but the “Peerless One” proved himself to be exatly THAT by reversing the maneuver into a “Black Out”! Great match! Honestly, 5-stars!

Davis Ditterich:
It should come as NO surprise that Greg Black is capable of winning at all times; however, what we just saw there was truly a unique sight. Folks, whether it’s Vicious or Marquez, I don’t know if EITHER can overcome “The Peerless One” when he’s hitting on all cylinders like this!




“The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler and Eugene Williams

… Bribery to derail Arcadia …


[The dimly lit limo for which “The Voice of Reason” sits is quite ominous in nature. Heavy darkness blankets most of the surrounding area with the only light coming from a small overhead projection. Within said darkness, lightly smattered with ray of light from above, we instantly make out the sight of Eric Tyler sitting in a sunken fashion within the leather seat. His suit is somewhat ruffled, showing signs of advanced age; however, tells of a man who is meticulous about delivering an old-time sense of professionalism. In contrast though, his face, from what we can see within the dim light, is slightly more gruff than we’ve witnessed in the past. He looks un-kept in that manner; like someone who has been away from work and is living a life away from society. More or less, his suspension has influenced his presence some; making it seem like he’s far more rough-around-the-edges than we’ve seen in the past.]


[Next to him, the shocking sight of Eugene Williams is shown. With a promotional break supposedly showing right now, this footage breaking in an exclusive kind of manner, it’s feasible for the only DOA referee to be away from the ringside area for now. I guess, even someone of his professionalism needs a break in a given night. Sadly, though, the look upon his face doesn’t tell of one ‘taking a break’ or really enjoying themselves for that matter. His eyes are sunken, staring down at the floor, as his body posture tells of a man equally sunken in spirit.]


“The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler:
I am growing extremely tired of Arcadia. They THINK they know what they’re doing; however, their recent choices have SHOWN how stupid they really are. They may have cast me away, into the darkness, but that doesn’t mean I need to simply stay away; letting them destroy all that I worked to create.


[Eugene doesn’t lift his head as he continues to look down in a defeated manner. He’s playing with his lips, biting away in a show of anxiety, as it’s pretty obvious that he’s mulling over something in his mind. Meanwhile, Eric Tyler is even more aggressive in tone than ever. A rather well-put-together man, the “Voice of Reason” is starting to show signs of detachment.]


“The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler:
They’ve put ALL of their stock in Greg Black; that’s pretty obvious. The security team, the obvious favoritism, it’s all rather sickening. At least when I sought out individuals, placing them on a pedestal, they were OWRED the opportunity and not just some flash-in-the-pan punk with nothing but a little ‘Supreme Dust’ still residing on his shoulders.
Most certainly, they created this event to further Black’s chance at ANOTHER championship opportunity; a fact that even THEY know they need to justify after 2-straight losses to Acid.
He doesn’t deserve the bright lights… and that’s where YOU… come in…


[Eric Tyler looks over at Eugene Williams as the psychologically overrun referee slowly raises his head in a shocked fashion; meeting eye-to-eye with “The Voice of Reason” in the process. He looks rather fearful of what Tyler may say; however, obviously not too high-and-mighty to simply leave.]


“The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler:
I’ve already seen to it that Vicious won’t win…
[Coy smirk; evil in nature]
Now, I must do the same for ‘bottom-feeder Black’.
[Pauses; looks over at Williams]
The so-called “Peerless One”…
must be stopped; one way or another. In the main event, I need you to see to it that Greg Black does not win. I don’t care what you have to do… Just see to it that he doesn’t walk away with the win.
[Pauses; looks up as he thinks]
There’s a chance that Vicious will win then; however, that’s something I can live with. Jeff Morgan has already broken his back-in-half as we speak; so, an Acid win is almost certainly inevitable. With Black… Let’s just say a loss would definitely put a wrench in Arcadia’s plans…


[Eric Tyler forms a vile smirk upon his face as it becomes rather obvious that he’s simply looking to derail all things Arcadia. In connection, the consummate professional that is Eugene Williams seems to have heard enough. Yet, despite shaking it all off, he still seems rather dejected in nature.]


Eugene Williams:
I can’t do that, Eric. It’s not in my nature.
[Pauses; looks at Eric Tyler]
I’ve worked my ass off for 20 years in which to get where I am today. I’ve put food on my family’s table with this profession and there’s no way that I’m turning back on it tonight. I have an bar of ethics… I guess you don’t…


[Eugene reaches for the door and looks as though he’s about to leave the limo.]


“The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler:
Fair enough…
So, I don’t suppose a gift securing your wife’s health would help budge that ethical bar a little lower, right? I mean, ethics are something to be applauded… ‘Good for you’…


[Eugene Williams stops in his tracks as he was only a foot out the door. Slowly, he sinks back into his seat; however, now with a little more fervor to his demeanor.]


Eugene Williams:
Where did you hear about that…


“The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler:
It’s all I heard in the locker room area before Arcadia wrongfully shoved me out the door. Your wife is sick, isn’t she? Normally, that wouldn’t be an issue, I mean there are great doctors everywhere, but Arcadia refuses to grant health-care services to those in DOA. So, that puts you in a rough-spot, huh? Having to pay for your wife’s surgery out of pocket?
[shakes his head]
Tisk-Tisk-Tisk… If only someone could help you with that… Oh wait…
[Evil smirk forms]
I can help you with that…


[Eric Tyler leans forward slightly and pulls a black briefcase out of the darkness. Handing the briefcase over to Eugene Williams, “The Voice of Reason” kicks back more so in his seat while displaying a devilish grin upon his face. Obviously interested, Mr. Williams opens the case; a fact that opens his eyes rather large.]


“The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler:
It will all be yours… IF… You do what I’ve instructed you to do.


[Despite having a hefty amount of cash before him, Eugene Williams seems to be battling with his own psyche currently.]


Eugene Williams:
You know what you’re asking me… To throw away 20 years of service, stripping me of any credibility, and possibly losing my job all together, all in hopes that I ‘screw over’ Greg Black… That’s… That’s a lot even for this…


“The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler:
That’s ONLY if Black actually comes close to victory. There’s a good chance that THAT won’t even happen. In that case, you STILL walk away with the money; no questions asked. I just want insurance that he WON’T win. Arcadia cannot have their little moment in the sun…
I will not accept it…


[Eugene Williams looks back down upon his briefcase; his eyes widen even larger. Shaking his head, he looks overtly torn. None the less, he hasn’t entirely turned his back on the notion yet.]


Eugene Williams:
I don’t know if I can do this…


“The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler:
Just think about it… Take the briefcase with you; I want it to be there as a glaring example of what you COULD have. If you don’t oblige, then you can be rest assured that one of my men will be coming after it. That’s a guarantee. For now though, give Marge a call… See what she thinks… How it could change both of your lives… Give her that surgery she needs…
[Evil Grin]
All for one… small… decision…


[The segment comes to a close with the sight of Eugene Williams looking toward Eric Tyler in an extremely torn fashion. Holding a briefcase full of cash, knowing that his wife is in need of the money, Mr. Williams is obviously forging through whether or not he could turn his back on his record; becoming somewhat tainted in the process from a professionalism perspective. Meanwhile, Eric Tyler has sunken back into his seat; no longer looking toward Eugene. Instead, the “Voice of Reason” knows he has Mr. Williams where he wants him; smirking in a devilishly arrogant manner through the stubble upon his face.]




Davis Ditterich:
Don’t do it Eugene… Don’t do it…

Sara Silver:
I can’t imagine the thoughts going through his mind right now. I mean, on the one hand, if he secures a loss for Black, he receives a briefcase full of cash that will ultimately aide his family. In turn though, by doing so, blatantly screwing another over, he pretty much commits professional suicide in the process…

Davis Ditterich:
He can’t do it… I mean… It’s Eugene Williams; the beacon of professionalism.

Sara Silver:
I don’t know, Davis. Everyone has a breaking point… He may have hit his with a little push from “The Voice of Reason”…





“The Aerial Anarchist”
Antonio Marquez vs.
"The Blazing Red Demon"
Johnny Vicious


The second semi-finals matchup of the night came with a fiery tone straight away as Johnny Vicious practically stomped his entire way to the unforgiving confines of the DOA squared circle. With his arms swaying wildly, and his body shrugging off any and all injuries in a brutish fashion, the “Blazing Red Demon” obviously comes ready for a fight. Unluckily for Antonio Marquez, the person he’s looking to place in a hospital bed is none other than the ‘risk/reward’ flier in “The Aerial Anarchist”. Pushing, brawling, spiting, and biting, Vicious quickly overloads his equally explosive opponent with a barrage normally met for an Eric Tyler ally. More or less, it’s easy to see that Johnny wants this win more than anything else. That said, while he’s certainly fuming with aggression, a fact that typically bodes well for the intense brawler, all it takes is a forced falling double knee strike to Vicious’ back to slow down his momentum. Obviously reeling from his injuries forced by Acid’s hand, and later Jeff Morgan’s during tonight’s broadcast, Vicious starts to show signs that his body is starting to fall apart. That explosive nature, while still present, is now accompanied with a continuous wince upon the “Blazing Red Demon’s” face. Does it slow him down? Not at all. That said, it’s easy to see the glaring pain on his face after each and every maneuver. With time, Vicious’ lack of mobility, in a sense, gives rise to Antonio Marquez to start taking flight. Remember, taking flight for Antonio is MUCH different than your typical flier as he’s more of a daredevil-like human missile. Diving, twisting, flipping, and launching, the “Aerial Anarchist” begins to gain ground over his tempered opponent with an array of high-speed, high-danger, aerial strikes. In no way, though, is it a one-sided affair as Vicious is still entirely dangerous. In a way, it feels like an open-matchup; however, with two totally different in-ring approaches; which, at times, can make the obvious momentum switches rather glaring. In the end, after evading TWO “Vicious Circle” attempts, both times flinging his body outward and regaining his ground, Antonio Marquez is found speeding toward a nearby turnbuckle. Hopping once, stepping twice, Marquez flings himself backward with a speedy Moonsault off of the top rope. With Vicious running after him, obviously fuming with rage, the “Blazing Red Demon” is in the wrong place at the wrong time. After flipping over with his Moonsault, Marquez eventually lands back down upon the canvas; however, taking Vicious with him with a SHOCKING reverse DDT all in motion. While it’s true that Marquez takes some brunt of the fall, visibly shaken by such a wild descent, with time the “Aerial Anarchist” is able to attempt a pinfall only seconds after. Shell-shocked and slowly coming back too, Vicious is unable to regain consciousness in enough time to kick out! None the less, as the third strike of Mr. Williams’ hand hits the canvas, the DOA Dungeon is thrust into a state of shock: Antonio Marquez had defeated Johnny Vicious.


Antonio Marquez in 8:05 via Pinfall

Ending Maneuver:
Speedy Moonsault/Reverse DDT Combo



Davis Ditterich:
Oh…my… GOD!

[shock entraps the entire DOA Dungeon; commentators included]

Sara Silver:
Antonio Marquez has JUST defeated Johnny Vicious! This is, wow, this is a TRULY historic moment in Deadly Overloaded Action. A relative up-and-comer, a man who was nothing all that special in Season One under a mask, has quickly become the “IT” man in DOA. Regardless of what he does against Black, Marquez has REALLY made a name for himself here tonight.

Davis Ditterich:
A part of me HAS to wonder… whether or not we would have the SAME outcome if Vicious was 100% healthy? I mean, he’s taken quite the beatings over the last 3 days or so.

Sara Silver:
While true, I don’t think we can take this away from Marquez. He put forth an insane effort tonight and ultimately came away with a career-defining victory! Now, I can’t wait for the next match-up: Black vs. Marquez. “Survival of the Fearless” Finale!

Davis Ditterich:
Well, despite winning here, the odds are CERTAINLY not in Marquez’s favor as NOW he has his second match-up in a row; this time against The “Peerless One”.

Sara Silver:
Doesn’t seem fair, having to fight TWO of the biggest DOA Warriors this program has EVER seen, back-to-back! I guess that’s just how tournaments work though…

Davis Ditterich:
The “Aerial Anarchist” will truly have to be fearless to come away with ANOTHER win… Is it possible? I guess we’ll see… Right… NOW!





“The Aerial Anarchist”
Antonio Marquez vs.
Greg Black


The DOA Dungeon is interlocked in a state of unadulterated shock as Antonio Marquez stands in the squared circle alone; watching from his knees as “Peerless” Greg Black shuffles his way toward the very same space. It’s widely seen as impossible for Marquez to come away with the win, only seconds before having to war with one of THE most deadliest figures this program has ever seen in Johnny Vicious; however, without even batting an eye, the “Aerial Anarchist” is shown pulling himself off the matt using a nearby ring rope; exploding to his feet in a bouncing fashion as he looks back upon the swaggering Black. With a smirk upon his face, Greg Black enters the squared circle already mouthing the phrase: “Easy Pick’ens”. Knowing what Marquez had just gone through, and regaining his own bounce, Greg Black seems to feel as though this finals match will be nothing short of an absolute route. None the less, with the stage set, shocking in nature, the war of “The Peerless One” and “The Aerial Anarchist” comes to a head.


DOA Deadheads shower the ringside area with an accelerated clap as the phrasing of “This is awesome” begins to take hold. Truthfully, they were right: This IS awesome. Adding credibility to that notion, the matchup quickly ignites with both men meeting square in the center of the ring as they jaw-jack back-and-forth while holding collective smirks. In time, after it seems like the talking is done, Black lands the first blow as it seems like he’s seconds from stepping away to regain himself. The strike, so hefty, sends the “Aerial Anarchist” staggering back almost immediately. After a number of strikes, Black would take initial control of their proceedings; however, not for very long. Antonio Marquez, known for his speedy and wild-chain approach, quickly regains his footing following a reversal that would plant Greg Black smack on the back of his head with a falling reverse DDT. In reality, this is a great microcosm of what their altercation was all about: Greg Black seeming like the ‘big shot’ who often comes with the momentum as Antonio Marquez, deemed as the ‘massive underdog’, find a way to break such momentum with a string of wild reversals of sorts. More or less, their differing status levels comes straight into play from a visual perspective with this approach.


With time, the “Peerless One” starts to show bubbling signs of heelish ways; starting to gravitate slightly away from his ‘tweener’ feel as his most inner-bad guy takes hold. It all comes together by accident really as Antonio Marquez is thrown from the ring with a simple back-body-drop. Upon impact, Marquez is quickly assaulted by the menacing Arcadia Security Team in a vicious gang-like beating.



Arcadia Security Team


With Eugene Williams back turned, holding Black back from stepping out of the ring and furthering a potential injury, the DOA referee doesn’t witness the beating. In turn, though, Greg Black does; a fact that begins to form a vile smirk upon his face.


Knowing the carnage that COULD happen, seconds later, after Marquez is thrown back into the ring like a ragdoll, the “Peerless One” is shown throwing him straight back out of the ring in a blatant fashion. This time, Black fakes a minor knee injury as he falls to the canvas pulling down his black knee pad in the process. Again, with Mr. Williams’ back turned, Antonio Marquez is wildly assaulted by the Arcadia Security Team in a gang-like fashion. For the first time in their supposed alliance, menacing in nature, the Security Team actually becomes physical with the proceedings; attempting to gain victory for Black.


Davis Ditterich:
Come ON!! What the HELL is this all about??

Sara Silver:
Well, if this wasn’t a blatant showing of who Arcadia wants to win then I don’t know what would be!

Davis Ditterich:
So THIS is how Arcadia cleans up after Eric Tyler; they impose their own oppressive way? This is ridiculous!


Greg Black quickly feels entirely ‘heel’ as he seemingly is utilizing a back-handed way of wearing down his already deteriorated opponent. Once he’s thrown back into the ring, Marquez looks more like a car-crash victim than a ‘dirty-cool’ flier who practically exudes the rock-and-roll lifestyle.


For a good 5 minutes after the assault, Greg Black is shown picking apart his fallen opponent. Throughout it all though, Marquez never seems to give up as he still throws punches in between Black’s impactful maneuvers. Sadly, though, simple strikes aren’t enough to keep the “Peerless One’s” onslaught from mowing him over.


It all seems rather one-sided by now. Marquez is obviously reeling from his injuries and Greg Black, despite a small hobble, looks to be ever so close to permanently flooring the “Aerial Anarchist” for good.


Sensing the time was near, Greg Black eventually forces his dwindled opponent into a standing Suplex scenario. While Marquez is able to break free on one occasion, the next is not so lucky!


“Black Out!”
(Standing Suplex/Stunner Combo)


The impact so jarring, snapping Marquez’ head back in a violent way, that there is NO DOUBT this is how the match would come to an end. As the Arcadia Security Team high fives one another, celebrating their clients victory, Greg Black is shown arrogantly laying upon his fallen opponent; counting along with Mr. Williams’.






A three could have followed, especially since Marquez is not moving, but no such thing happens. The absence of sound, at least as it pertains to the pinfall count, forces Greg Black to eventually spin around and look toward Eugene Williams in a state of annoyed shock. In return, Eugene stares back upon him with a look of sadness upon his face; obviously frustrated as well. After an emotional statement of “I’m Sorry”, Mr. Williams returns to his feet and eventually forgets the pinfall ever happened. As expected, this riles up Greg Black to no end who, eventually, lands a right hand across Williams’ face.


Davis Ditterich:
I can’t believe he did it… Eugene Williams turned his back on 20 years of impeccable professionalism all in one night.

Sara Silver:
Eric Tyler KNEW he had Eugene where he wanted him; using his own personal life to cement a business deal. To be honest, I feel for Mr. Williams. I know how hard this has to be on him. His wife needs the money; badly. I can’t imagine the hell going through his mind right now…

Davis Ditterich:
I don’t know if I can be so ‘open’ to feeling bad for him. When you come to work, you put your personal problems away; right when you walk through the door. We are NO different here in Deadly Overloaded Action. For Eugene Williams to take the bait, screwing over Greg Black in the process, helping Eric Tyler create a ruse of his own, he has quickly orchestrated one of THE most infamous moments in DOA history! History will NOT be kind to this scenario… and sadly, not to him either…


The DOA Dungeon is shocked, Greg Black is furious, and Mr. Williams is out cold…


With such in mind, Greg Black turns his aggression back upon the fallen Marquez; stomping viciously all over his body. A hellbent beating follows as Antonio is barely conscious at this point. That said, with time, the “Aerial Anarchist” would find a shocking 2nd wind…


Slipping out of a “Black Out”, seamlessly reversing said maneuver into a reverse face-buster, Marquez is shown pulling himself to his feet in an intense fashion. Looking down at Black and then toward the Arcadia Security Team, rage overtakes the fliers well-developed frame as he speeds toward the nearby turnbuckle. Leaping atop said turnbuckle in a purely athletic fashion, Marquez is next shown diving from on high; crashing upon the Arcadia Security Team with a wildly administered corkscrew plancha. Each and every member of the menacing team goes crashing to the cement floor as Marquez quickly bounces back to his feet; even madly stomping a few of them before sliding back into the ring.


Davis Ditterich:

Sara Silver:
Did you SEE that?!?
[Laughs; excited]

Davis Ditterich:
The “Aerial Anarchist” gets even for what the Arcadia Security Team did to him moments before!
[Laughs; also excited about the corkscrew plancha]
It may have been risky BUT when is this man NOT risky?


While Black was waiting for him, Marquez is ultimately able to turn Greg’s momentum against him with a last second drop-toe-hold which slams Blacks’ throat across the bottom rope. With the “Peerless One’s” goons equalized, Antonio Marquez acts in a desperate fashion as he aggressive stomps the living-hell out of his opponent; obviously frustrated over how the match has come to this point.


Returning to consciousness, Eugene Williams is shown slowly pulling himself back up to his feet; wincing in pain in the process. The pain upon his face from an emotional perspective; however, shows to be more telling than the pain he most certainly feels of a physical variety. He, single-handedly, had shifted the outcome of the match with a lacking third count. While it was Eric Tyler who created the scenario, practically black-mailing the proud referee into action, playing off of the emotional instability in his life to get what Tyler wanted, Mr. Williams’ was ultimately the man who carried out the action.


Within the next minute or so, Greg Black would regain his composure; however, it all feels rather tentative. At one point, he’s able to force Marquez into a standing Suplex BUT is truly an act of desperation as a turnbuckle is right at their backs; showing that the “Peerless One” was unaware of where they were standing (Blocking his “Black Out” in the process due to the proximity of the turnbuckle). That said, knowing where they are at, Marquez is able to slip out and land his feet atop the turnbuckle behind them.


Shocked, a little confused, Black spins around to see what happened; however, is quickly met with a leaping, top-rope, Hurricanrana from the “Aerial Anarchist”. The intensely spinning maneuver, much like a hurricane, releases Black’s body rather ruthlessly; forcing it to slam into the canvas below only seconds later.


Sensing his moment, Antonio Marquez starts to grow a nasty smirk upon his face; one that is captured perfectly by a nearby DOA camera man.


After a ring-rattling Spinebuster, one that flips them both over in the process, Antonio Marquez is shown taking to the air once again; speeding toward a nearby turnbuckle and flinging himself upward in one athletic swoop. Seconds later, giving no time for error, the “Aerial Anarchist” flings himself backward…



Defying gravity…


Marquez ultimately lands; executing his signature
“Suicidal Guillotine”
(Moonsault/Leg Drop Combo) in the process.


Shocked, and much like Black was, confused, the DOA Deadheads watch on as Antonio Marquez collapses upon his fallen opponent.








Mr. Williams’ final strike hits the canvas in a thunderous fashion as it gives way to, what can only be described as, absolute shock. The man once shrouded in darkness by a mask of his heritage, one that was simply a ‘flash in the pan’ during most of Season One, has now come away with THE most defining victory of his career. While dubious in nature, knowing that Black HAD the win earlier in the match, there’s no denying who the ultimate winner of the match was. Will there be controversy to follow? Most definitely. That said, the DOA Deadheads watch on in sheer shock as Antonio Marquez’s hand is raised as the victor. Meanwhile, Eugene Williams shows himself to be overtly unhappy with what just happened; even though he was the man who physically orchestrated it.


Antonio Marquez in 13:09 via Pinfall

Ending Maneuver:
“Suicidal Guillotine” (Moonsault/Leg Drop Combo)



Davis Ditterich:
I can’t believe it…

Sara Silver:
Marquez did it… oh my god… he did it…

Davis Ditterich:
Folks, whether or not the outcome is in question, as it certainly is, Antonio Marquez has JUST won the DOA “Survival of the Fearless” tournament! This young flier, most known for his suicidal tendencies, has come away with a MAJOR, MAJOR, victory here tonight.

Sara Silver:
I’m sure Arcadia HAS to be pissed about the outcome tonight… With their obvious support behind Greg Black…

Davis Ditterich:
That’s where this whole ‘screw job’ scenario really creates A LOT of dissonance in DOA. Arcadia is BOUND to be pissed about what happened here tonight; however, at the same time, we are NOW witnessing the theoretical crowning of a NEW DOA standout! I mean, there’s no better way of having a ‘coming out party’ then beating both Vicious and Black back-to-back… Even if one of the outcomes is certainly dubious…

Sara Silver:
The “Aerial Anarchist” has shown that, while suicidal in nature, taking to the skies in a truly rebellious fashion, his brand of wrestling is TRULY fearless…

Davis Ditterich:
Very true.
[Watches toward the ring]
Wait a minute… I don’t think Greg Black is taking this one well…

Sara Silver:
As he shouldn’t… Who would?








Antonio Marquez + Eugene Williams

… Celebration …


[With Eugene Williams raising his hand in victory, a fact that doesn’t seem to entirely thrill the veteran referee, Antonio Marquez flings his head back in a state of personal defiance. A dirty smirk forms upon his face as an ocean of sweat continues to roll off of his slimy frame. In connection, watching all of this unfold, the DOA Deadheads in attendance are still somewhat shocked by what they just witnessed. There is a strong undercurrent of cheering taking place, the marks who most certainly LOVE Antonio Marquez, but there also lies a sense of confusion amongst the masses as well. A relative up-and-comer, a midcarder in most minds, the “Aerial Anarchist” is seemingly a man of the future; not of the present. With this in mind, there’s a growing sense of ‘what just happened’ circulating around the DOA Dungeon as the rebellious flier barely stands with unabashed excitement radiating from his every pore.]


[Meanwhile, Eugene Williams continues to show a hefty dose of remorse upon his face; unhappy with how everything played out despite being the physical orchestrator of such. Looking out upon the crowd, leaning on a nearby ring rope, the DOA referee slowly shakes his head in shame as he begins to make the slow journey out of the ring… or so he thought…]



Greg Black

… Getting his …


[Obviously enraged, Greg Black springs back to his feet and instantly goes for the veteran referee. Slamming himself into the backside of Williams, Black forces the veteran official to fall to the canvas before bouncing off of the middle rope upon his descent. From there, a number of hefty blows follow as the “Peerless One” stomps the holy-hell out of Mr. Williams’ in the process. Finally, landing his final, frustration-laced blow, Black forcibly pushes the DOA referee out of the ring with his own foot; holding the top rope for leverage as he brushes Williams out under the bottom rope.]


[He then turns his attention toward Antonio Marquez…]


[standing on a nearby turnbuckle, raising his right arm in victory, the “Aerial Anarchist” shows of a confident man who has only added to his perceived strength by coming away with a career-defining win tonight. That said, as Greg Black quickly rams into the back of him, this sense of arrogance quickly subsides.]


[Crashing to the canvas, Marquez’ already depleted frame looks to be fading faster than originally thought. The “Aerial Anarchist” attempts to keep himself upright; however, is eventually floored by a fervid Greg Black. Motioning off his protective team, a fact that the Arcadia Security Team is unwilling to do at first, the “Peerless One” focuses his intense beating square upon the fallen Marquez; alone.]


[in the end, after a pair of “Black Out’s” (Standing Suplex/Stunner Combo), Greg Black eventually stands over his fallen victim with a sense of pure rage radiating from his equally slimy frame.]


[The DOA’s first-ever pay-per-view broadcast, “Survival of the Fearless”, comes to a close with the sight of Greg Black standing over a motionless Antonio Marquez. His eyes are intensely focused, his breathing pattern harsh, as the obviously enraged “Peerless One” looks and feels like an anointed one who failed to come away with expectations; even if he were screwed out of such.]




Davis Ditterich:
Tonight’s tournament really is the tale of two outcomes: Antonio Marquez’ ‘coming out party’ and Greg Black being screwed out of victory. The crazy thing is, without one the other would not have happened. This is, very possibly, the most infamous moment in Deadly Overloaded Action history. It’s sad that Marquez had to ultimately come out on top in this manner, given what this means for his career, but part of me feels as though he doesn’t really care about how it all came together.

Sara Silver:
Yea, while heroic under his mask, the man under that mask seems to be one of a rebellious nature. Those like Marquez don’t really mourn over something like this; they move forward with what they’ve been given regardless of how it came to them. I guess, in the end though, it granted him a certain headache once he wakes up…

Davis Ditterich:
Antonio Marquez moves on to face Acid for the DOA Championship; meanwhile, Greg Black is fuming. What will this mean for Deadly Overloaded Action going into “Rapid Assault” this week? I don’t think any of us really know. That said, were BOUND to hear from Arcadia about all of this…
Tune in THIS next Thursday on the Arcadia Network to see all of this and much-much-more! Good night folks!








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Show Details

Overall Show Grade:

DOA Dungeon Attendance:

PPV Rating:

Viewer Feedback:
" The feedback from viewers has been decent, although hardly spectacular." It may have hurt DOA’s popularity.

Company Info/Product:

DOA Dungeon:

"Rapid Assault" [season One]:
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