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Four Corners Of Chaos Redux

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In the year 2000 the World Wrestling Federation seemed unstoppable. With WCW hemorrahging money and ECW swamped by debt Vince McMahon seemed on the verge of wiping out his only remaining competition and acheiving what he had always wanted - a monopoly on professional wrestling in the United States


Industry insiders and commentators had been talking for months about the detriment this would cause to the industry. Many commented that without competition the product would suffer, most seemed concerned that with no alternative employers Vince could ride his employees harder than ever before and simply discard them once they had outlived their usefulness. A few insiders were understandly edgey - anybody who crossed the McMahons would be blackballed if this scenario came to fruition. A few players within the industry had began organising and were attempting to petition the government, seeking intervention from the courts to block a possible monopoly.


As rumours abounded of what was about to happen, if anything, the governor of Minnesota, Jesse Ventura - a former professional wrestler himself - brought the matter before the senate. Very soon after, McMahon enemy and anti-steroid campaigner Billy Graham joined the argument, speaking publicly about the need to use steroids to succeed in the WWF, predicting widespread health problems for anybody who sought to be a success in the wrestling world if the McMahons seized total control. Soon the deaths of Brian Pillman, Rick Rude and even Owen Hart were under scrutiny. With many of Vince's enemies coming out of the woodwork a widespread character assassination took place, painting Vince as a megalomaniac and making a world where the WWF was the only major promotion seem like a nightmarish dystopian future


The matter went to the supreme court. After several months of litigation an earth shattering ruling was made. Wrestlers would no longer be recognised as independent contractors and as such any contracts in place in the United States would be void come the year's end. At the end of the year 2000 a nationwide draft would take place. Any interested parties would have until December to raise a minimum fund of $2.5 million dollars with which they could secure the contracts of an initial roster.


News of the draft caused huge interest in several smaller or struggling companies. In the end only WCW and ECW, backed by a spate of new investors, managed to meet the minimum fund and join the WWF as members of the draft. At the 11th hour Jeff Jarrett announced that he had been quietly gathering a group of investors, many with ties to the NWA, to fund a new wrestling company based out of Tenessee. When his WCW contract was voided Jarrett would become the owner of a new NWA affiliate by the name of Total Nonstop Action. With the addition of TNA and the registration of every notable professional wrestler in the US (plus several from overseas - many European, Mexican and Japanese stars declared themselves available free agents) the stage was set for the draft.


Court proceedings are still ongoing. The legalities of the new system remain definite grey areas. Talk of a necessary governing body for the "sport" eventually led to talk of the National Wrestling Alliance becoming all encompassing. There remains talk of a return to the territorial days and of spending caps, salary caps, unionisation for the wrestlers, a banning of exclusive contracts. Professional wrestling has never been in a bigger state of flux nor has it ever been so close to legitimation. The shotgun call of the draft could herald a new dawn for pro wrestling or it could end up sinking the business entirely. . .


This is a 4-player multi-player game involving:

Inky The Squid Boy - WWF

Ben 5 -WCW

Charasmatic Enigma - TNA

20LEgend - ECW

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With Booker T apparantly being injured, aren't you a bit low on main event faces...? To me, it pretty much looks like it's Angle against the world... though of course, he kicks enough ass for that to be doable. ;)


Jeff Hardy is currently auto pushed as the second Main Event Face, with Billy Gunn, Matt Hardy and Sean Morley not far behind him. My roster is slightly Heel heavy though, I'll give you that.

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My show booked, I'll send to Inky as he has some decisions to do. I'll get the show written up ASAP should be sometime tonight :) Got a C+ rating, :( But this be a marathon not a sprint... okay I lost :(


Can't wait to read the show. I'm interested to see what your going to do with certain guys. In particular how you push Jericho... I don't know if anyone's noticed yet, but I'm kind of a fan :p

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Can't wait to read the show. I'm interested to see what your going to do with certain guys. In particular how you push Jericho... I don't know if anyone's noticed yet, but I'm kind of a fan :p


Really, you(')r(e) a Jericho fan :eek:


He is in the main event and he opens the show, he carries the show to being acceptable to be fair. I'm opening my thread after I post this, it is written in I just need to press "Submit New Thread"... then I need to write the show :o

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Really, your a Jericho fan :eek:


He is in the main event and he opens the show, he carries the show to being acceptable to be fair. I'm opening my thread after I post this, it is written in I just need to press "Submit New Thread"... then I need to write the show :o


Yeah, I know I've been kind of subtle about it :p


Cool, can't wait to read the show :)

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Would've done this last night/earlier today but I was tired/had things to do


File is with Ben. In the meantime why not read the Sunday Night Heat write-up and supplementary news clippings?


EDIT: Just a quick thanks to the guys commenting on the WWF diary. Feedback is important and appreciated. Im saying this here cos I'm gonna try and minimize the amount of OOC stuff I do in the diary thread (feel free to leave comments there, though)


Im glad people liked the Austin promo, Im determined to get Stone Cold's stuff authentic and entertaining. I was worried that a side effect of that would be Id end up going too long and being self-indulgent but if people enjoyed it I guess Im on the right track.

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File on its way to Ben. WCW has decisions pending, hopefully not to sign more talent on my shortlist like they just did


Speaking of signings the following snippet is taken, as always, from the website of the ProWrestling Lantern


- The WWF continues its long weekend of negotiations, welcoming promising announcer/interviewer Michael Cole back into the fold as well as former ECW wrestler Kid Kash


A profile for Kash has been added to the WWF's website touting him as "Mr. TNA" which is a nickname bestowed upon him by fellow ECW alumnus Joey Styles.


Despite his promise in the ring, Kash's arrival is being called into question. The youngster is known to have a bad attitude which will no doubt add to the WWF's already sour backstage atmsophere

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