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WWF 1989: Kayfabe Returns

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Predictions - Prime Time Wrestling (Week 1, Dec. 1989)


Zergon - 5/5

Tweek It - 5/5

Harmor - 5/5

angeldelayette - 5/5

olympia - 5/5

Dead Jester - 5/5

smwilliams - 5/5

Beejus - 5/5

JudgeJuryExecutioner - 4/5

DarthXaos - 4/5

Jingo - 4/5

infinitekillz - 4/5

Destiny - 4/5

Kijar - 4/5


Overall (25 shows)


Harmor - 93

Zergon - 87

Jingo - 85

Dead Jester - 83

Beejus - 68

JudgeJuryExecutioner - 65

oldschool - 49

smwilliams - 45

infinitekillz - 39

Destiny - 31

DarthXaos - 29

Tweek It - 28

PoisonedSuperman - 27

Ritchardo - 22

Kijar - 21

olympia - 13

dudeamis - 12

angeldelayette - 5

Hulkamaniac85 - 4

soxfan93 - 4

lazorbeak - 2

totti - 2

BoomKing - 1


Another record number for predictions! Seriously guys, I greatly appreciate your feedback for each show, and I'm glad you're still enjoying this diary. I hope you're excited about the IC Top Challenger tournament and the Royal Rumble! I'd love to hear who your favorite is after seeing the bracket.


Wrestling Challenge results (with JudgeJuryExecutioner's hand-picked semi main event and main event!) and card for Superstars should be up tomorrow.

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Dino Bravo defeated Barry Horowitz at 5:04 (50)


A video was shown to hype The Barbarian (80)


The Mighty Hercules hyped his feud with Hacksaw Jim Duggan (56)


Hacksaw Jim Duggan defeated The Brooklyn Brawler at 4:52 (70)


Duggan did a post-match interview hyping Hercules feud (85)


The Fabulous Rougeaus defeated The Young Stallions at 7:05 (66)


Jimmy Hart hyped Earthquake’s match with Bob Backlund (84)


Earthquake defeated Bob Backlund at 7:35, with Rick Martel cheering on Earthquake throughout the match (82)




*A huge thanks to JudgeJuryExecutioner for helping me land my highest-rated WC main event and highest-rated WC up to this point!

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From the offices of the World Wrestling Federation:



Card subject to change


Nikolai Volkoff vs. Hacksaw Jim Duggan


The Twin Towers vs. The Young Stallions


Greg Valentine vs. Tracy Smothers



The Brainbusters vs. The Hart Foundation


- Plus, Mean Gene Oklerund will speak with Bobby 'The Brain' Heenan about the IC Top Challenger Tournament. Also, it has been confirmed by WWF officials that the World Wrestling Federation champion, Hulk Hogan, will be on hand!


Predictions.....go! Show should be up Thursday or Friday.

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Nikolai Volkoff vs. Hacksaw Jim Duggan


The Twin Towers vs. The Young Stallions

As much as I wanna vote for the Stallions, I can't...I feel depressed.


Greg Valentine vs. Tracy Smothers

Smothers debut will be a lost. The Hammer has more going for him.



The Brainbusters vs. The Hart Foundation

The hardest match in a long time. But I'm going with Arn & Tully for the win.

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Nikolai Volkoff vs. Hacksaw Jim Duggan

Duggan have had more TV time.


The Twin Towers vs. The Young Stallions

Towera´s had some commonication issues last time but I don´t see them losing here.


Greg Valentine vs. Tracy Smothers

No idea who Smothers even is.



The Brainbusters vs. The Hart Foundation

Could go either way but with Rockers in the finals Busters just make more sense.

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My early favorites for the IC tournament are either Windham or Beefcake, and I like the move from a TEW standpoint; a tournament like this is a very quick way to build some popularity/momentum for a challenger to Rude, who I'm sure is astronomical on the popularity level after his feud with Warrior. (Also wouldn't be surprised if his "vacation" is a way to not only write him off of shows for a month but also build morale for his eventual loss of the belt to someone far lower than him?) However these are thoughts from booking and not from the kayfabe standpoint that the diary presents; in which case Beefcake can possibly always be a threat, and Windham just seems like a good fit to face the Ravishing One. Haku would be another interesting choice, as the dissention in the Heenan Family could be fun, but nothing needed, and I considered Chico for the nod, but he's less of a threat than Brutus. Now as I said about the tournament structure, he could possibly be built up here easily, but I don't see it happening. He'll likely drop out by Haku, though it is an interesting concept that Strike Force could potentially be the finals of the thing.


Nikolai Volkoff vs. Hacksaw Jim Duggan

Building some quick momentum in the Herc feud.


The Twin Towers vs. The Young Stallions

The Towers lose to the Rockers but eat the Stallions because Paul Roma is not Marty Jannetty.


Greg Valentine vs. Tracy Smothers

For Zergon: Smothers was a fairly small-time Southern 'rassler who was first popular in a team with Steve Armstrong in WCW in the early 90s, and then in the mid-to-late 90s a faux Italian in the FBI (also done during at least last year's Hardcore Justice). Definitely not a bad wrestler or poor person to have around by any means, but likely to be a jobber here. Unless of course Blake has signed an Armstrong to make the Southern Boys in the WWF.



The Brainbusters vs. The Hart Foundation

It'll take a decent amount of cheating to get them there, but Arn and Tully will get there to face the Rockers.

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Greg Valentine vs. Tracy Smothers

No idea who Smothers even is.


You really don't know who Smothers is? He has held tag titles with Cactus Jack and been wrestling for over 25 years. He wrestles still today.


Now my predictions.


Nikolai Volkoff vs. Hacksaw Jim Duggan



The Twin Towers vs. The Young Stallions

The Twin Towers are decent heels. Young Stallions weren't that great.


Greg Valentine vs. Tracy Smothers

Valentine is better.



The Brainbusters vs. The Hart Foundation

I think the Hart Foundation will split and Bret will go on a singles run soon.

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You really don't know who Smothers is? He has held tag titles with Cactus Jack and been wrestling for over 25 years. He wrestles still today.


Nope, I don´t:o. I really don´t have any idea about anyone outside of what they have done in WWE or maybe TNA. I didn´t even know anything about WCW until I read some diaries here as I never saw a single show from them.

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Nikolai Volkoff vs. Hacksaw Jim Duggan

-Duggan has way more going for him.


The Twin Towers vs. The Young Stallions

-Doubt the Stallions will amount to much.


Greg Valentine vs. Tracy Smothers

-With Valentine heading into the Tournament i doubt Smothers will pick up the debut victory.



The Brainbusters vs. The Hart Foundation

-Very tough call but think we will be seeing a Rockers/Harts rematch for the top contendership.

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Card subject to change


Nikolai Volkoff vs. Hacksaw Jim Duggan


The Twin Towers vs. The Young Stallions


Greg Valentine vs. Tracy Smothers



The Brainbusters vs. The Hart Foundation


*One minor note. Actually two. First, I know you said you pretty much disregarded the history of most things, including the Rude/Warrior feud that had already happened, and the Hogan/Andre partnership I thought could haven been done w more emphasis on their backstory considering they competed in what was/is widely considered the biggest match in wrestling history, certainly the 80's. With that said, it kinda irritated me to hear those dastardly Brainbusters claim that the Hart Foundation had never been tag champs when they were holding the straps just two years prior. Second, wrestlers never "tapped out" until the mid 90's in North America as far as I know, and it was popularized by Ken Shamrock in WWF and Taz in ECW. It's not only you though, I see it in plenty real world diaries from the 80's and early 90's.


Once again, minor gripes and I didn't mean for this rant to come off as agitory or negative. I've been meaning to point those things out, just been lazy. I can't wait for the Rumble. I'm curious to see if you use the RR match itself as it is used modern day in rewarding the winner with a title shot, or just as a special attraction as it was used in the early days. Hogan/Jake is bubbling well, as is Perfect/Savage. Here's some things I'm anxious to see play out:


Windham feuding with Rude over IC title.

Brainbusters/Rockers feud over tag belts

Jake trying to end Hulkamania

Bret Hart enjoying a mid-card singles push to build to the main event later

Davey Boy Smith returns

Strikeforce blowing off their feud once and for all

A Big Bossman face run and possible main event push

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*One minor note. Actually two. First, I know you said you pretty much disregarded the history of most things, including the Rude/Warrior feud that had already happened, and the Hogan/Andre partnership I thought could haven been done w more emphasis on their backstory considering they competed in what was/is widely considered the biggest match in wrestling history, certainly the 80's. With that said, it kinda irritated me to hear those dastardly Brainbusters claim that the Hart Foundation had never been tag champs when they were holding the straps just two years prior. Second, wrestlers never "tapped out" until the mid 90's in North America as far as I know, and it was popularized by Ken Shamrock in WWF and Taz in ECW. It's not only you though, I see it in plenty real world diaries from the 80's and early 90's.


Once again, minor gripes and I didn't mean for this rant to come off as agitory or negative. I've been meaning to point those things out, just been lazy. I can't wait for the Rumble. I'm curious to see if you use the RR match itself as it is used modern day in rewarding the winner with a title shot, or just as a special attraction as it was used in the early days. Hogan/Jake is bubbling well, as is Perfect/Savage. Here's some things I'm anxious to see play out:


Windham feuding with Rude over IC title.

Brainbusters/Rockers feud over tag belts

Jake trying to end Hulkamania

Bret Hart enjoying a mid-card singles push to build to the main event later

Davey Boy Smith returns

Strikeforce blowing off their feud once and for all

A Big Bossman face run and possible main event push


These are two good things to bring up, so no offense taken man.


On the first part, I've pretty much not used many historical references up to this point because my main focus has been getting the current stories over. I guess I'm just going with the direction that Wrestler A doesn't necessarily have to bring up his history with Wrestler B if the current storyline that they are in doesn't relate a part of their past. However, there will be some situations where I do use historical references for a particular storyline. Again, only just now getting into my fourth month, the "new history" if you will is still being built up. I feel that using too much historical context in some of my feuds would lead me to play things out similar to what actually happened in reality.....or on the other hand, cause me to go in the complete opposite direction just for the reason of providing a completely different scenario, even if in my particular diary it didn't make a whole lot of sense. I know that probably sounds confusing, but just know that I'm not trying to ignore history. I'm just choosing not to play up past events unless it specifically relates to the story that I'm trying to tell.


As for the Hart Foundation and their tag title reign. The only thing I can say about that is that it was worded that way by Arn for a reason. I'm probably a little overly detailed sometimes in my storylines, but again, there's a reason why he said what he said. I know, this all kayfabe thing can make things confusing, but I'm hoping it makes sense down the road haha. And on the tap out part, I do understand your point there. In all honesty, the only reason I write it that way sometimes is because it can kind of get repetitive to write "the ref called for the bell" in all matches that end in a submission. A way to say it differently is really all I'm going for there.


I greatly appreciate the feedback though, and I know this diary is a little different in that I didn't start by using the history that had led up to this point in the mod, so it's probably better to explain the history part at times.


Thanks again man and hope you enjoy the push to the Rumble!

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Hahaha hey I should get BONUS POINTS for helping you out with your best Challenge show yet dude!! lol.


Nikolai Volkoff vs. Hacksaw Jim Duggan


The Twin Towers vs. The Young Stallions


Greg Valentine vs. Tracy Smothers



The Brainbusters vs. The Hart Foundation

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Gentlemen, it's looking like it will probably be tomorrow before the show goes up. There's a chance it might be tonight, but most likely tomorrow. I've had an extremely busy work week, so I apologize for not having the show up sooner. Hopefully you guys will let me slide this one time. :D
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Gentlemen, it's looking like it will probably be tomorrow before the show goes up. There's a chance it might be tonight, but most likely tomorrow. I've had an extremely busy work week, so I apologize for not having the show up sooner. Hopefully you guys will let me slide this one time. :D


Kewl beanz. I know how it is. I just finished up a 12 hour day, and get to go back and work a full shift Saturday morning. Yay!:eek:

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WWF SUPERSTARS - Week 1, Dec. 1989



- We cut in to see Vince McMahon and Jesse ‘The Body’ Ventura standing on the stage with the ring in the backdrop.


Vince McMahon - Welcome everyone to WWF Superstars! I’m Vince McMahon alongside Jesse ‘The Body’ Ventura, and Jesse, what a lineup we have tonight!


Jesse Ventura - Oh it’s fantastic, McMahon. We’ll see the Twin Towers in action, plus, the match everybody’s been wanting to see for a while now with the Brainbusters and the Hart Foundation.


VM - And of course that one will be for the right to face the Rockers at Saturday Night’s Main Event. But let’s get things underway with Hacksaw Jim Duggan in action. Let’s go down to the ring!

Nikolai Volkoff vs. Hacksaw Jim Duggan


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Match Notes: Strength vs. strength, country vs. country here, with the crowd clearly behind Duggan with the chants of “U-S-A” reverberating throughout the arena. Volkoff got in a few early moves, but this was mostly a showcase for Hacksaw, who really seemed to turn it up a notch to send a message to the big Russian. Volkoff tried one last time to take control of the match after moving out of a turnbuckle charge from Duggan, but Volkoff’s clothesline was to no avail, as Hacksaw ducked and then sent the big man reeling. Duggan then went down into the three point stance and hit the huge tackle to gain the pinfall.


WINNER: Hacksaw Jim Duggan at 4:48 (62)


VM - Another impressive victory for the Hacksaw, Jesse.


JV - Yeah but Volkoff is no Hercules, McMahon. Let’s not kid ourselves here. Duggan’s got his hands full with Hercules.


VM - Well I’m sure we’ll those meet up at some point down the road.


JV - I hope so. Duggan kind of gets on my nerves sometimes, ya know.


VM - And why is that?


JV - I don’t know. It just seems like he’s not all right up there if you know what I mean.


VM - C’mon, Jesse. He’s just proud of his country. That’s all.


JV - Yeah but does he know any other words besides “USA” and “HO?” That’s all I’m asking.


VM - Of course he does. But ladies and gentlemen, let’s send it to the back where Mean Gene Okerlund is standing by with Bobby ‘The Brain’ Heenan.


- We cut to the back where we see Gene standing alongside a visibly happy Bobby Heenan.



Mean Gene Okerlund - “Bobby Heenan, this past week on Prime Time Wrestling, WWF President Jack Tunney made an announcement that certainly affects you my friend, and that was that an 8-man tournament would begin to determine your client and current Intercontinental champion, ‘Ravishing’ Rick Rude’s opponent for WrestleMania VI. Now I’ve gotta ask….surely Mr. Rude didn’t go on that vacation, did he?”

Bobby Heenan - “What are you talking about, Oklerund? Of course he did! After he announced that he would be heading to beaches all over the continent, they had to call the coast guard in to keep all of the women from trampling him. As we’ve already said, the man has it in his contract that he can take a vacation anytime that he wants. And…..”

MGO - “But why in the world would he take it…..”


BH - “Hey, I’m the one talking here. I know what you were going to say. He took it right now because he CAN. He’s not worried about who wins this Top Challenger Tournament. Why should he be? He’s proved to everyone that he’s the greatest Intercontinental champion in WWF history, and regardless of who wins this tournament, at the end of the day, ‘Ravishing’ Rick Rude is gonna be the WWF Intercontinental champion. And there’s nobody here in the WWF that can do anything about it. Now if you don’t mind, I’ve gotta get the future WWF Tag Team champions ready for tonight’s match.”


MGO - “Well I certainly don’t understand it folks, but this is Bobby Heenan we’re talking about. Let’s go back to the ring!” (88)


The Twin Towers vs. The Young Stallions


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Match Notes: An absolute annihilation in this one, as it almost seemed as if Bossman and Akeem were trying to outdo each other by inflicting a lot of pain on their opponents. Bossman started the match and Akeem looked less than impressed, so he tagged in Akeem who basically removed Powers from the match with a massive running body slam. But instead of making the pin, Akeem tagged in the Bossman while saying “see if you can top that!” Meanwhile, Slick was trying desperately to keep the men focused on the match when Roma hit a big dropkick to Bossman. This only infuriated Bossman even more, and he went on the attack, and hit the Sidewalk Slam before covering Roma for the three count.


WINNERS: Twin Towers at 4:08 (52)


- After the match, Akeem made his way into the wrong and the two partners started jawing back and forth at each other in sort of a relaxed manner, as Slick got between them and smiled, trying to indicate to the crowd that everything was fine with the Towers. Slick then raised both men’s hands, and they made their way out of the ring as if nothing ever happened.


VM - Well I’m not sure what that was all about, Jesse.


JV - I know exactly what it was about, McMahon. The Towers just completely squashed the Stallions like an ant.


VM - I’m talking about the little rift between Akeem and Bossman!


JV - Rift? What rift? Those guys were just having fun in there. Their competitive drive took over, McMahon. Nothing more than that.


VM - I’m not too sure about that.


JV - Now don’t you be starting any rumors about trouble within the Towers. I talked to the Slickster a few days ago and he made it clear that the Towers were going to easily bounce back after their loss to the Rockers. And they did just that.


VM - Well whatever you say, Jesse, but I still think there’s something going on there. Nonetheless, ladies and gentlemen, ‘The Model’ Rick Martel is standing by with something to say concerning his first round IC Top Challenger match.


- We cut to the back where we see the beautiful Missy Hyatt standing alongside Martel.



Rick Martel - “President Jack Tunney has decided that ’The Model’ is gonna face that old wrinkled up has-been Bob Backlund in the first round of the Intercontinental Top Challenger Tournament. So basically, President Jack Tunney has decided that I deserve a bye in round number one. Because how can anyone think for one minute that someone like Bob Backlund can hold his own in the ring with me. We all know he can’t hold his own with me outside of the ring because…..well…..just look at him. That moppy red hair and ugh, it just makes me sick to look at him. So Backlund, the only chance you got when we meet on Prime Time next week is if your ugliness is peaking on that night. Because everyone knows that when I step in that ring, I look good, I wrestle good, and well, I’m just good. Boys and girls, get your pencils and your bracket out. And go ahead and write ’The Model’ Rick Martel into the second round. Hahahahaha.” (84)


JV - Now there’s a man that’s got it all, McMahon. The looks, the wrestling ability, the gorgeous woman by his side. Come to think of it, he’s kind of like me I suppose.


VM - Oh that’s comical. But it certainly sounds like Rick Martel might be just a little overconfident heading into his match with a former world champion.


JV - He just knows that he’s good, McMahon. He can’t help it if Backlund can’t match his skills in and out of the ring.


VM - Backlund’s one of the most accomplished wrestlers in the WWF!


JV - Eh that don’t mean squat. He’s gotta prove it in that ring against The Model.


VM - Let’s get to our next match, with another potential Intercontinental top challenger in action.


Greg Valentine vs. Tracy Smothers


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Match Notes: A match with a slower pace than usual due to the participants, as Valentine focused more on holds rather than simple attacks during the match. Smother really struggled to make it out of some of the holds, but did so on several occasions to the relief of the crowd. Smother started to take control late in the match, with rights and lefts sending Valentine staggering back towards the ropes. Smothers then bounced off the ropes to execute some type of move when Valentine came rushing out and hit the knee to the midsection, which sent Smothers flipping over and onto the mat. Valentine then loosened the knee brace and locked on the Figure Four Leglock, and it was over from there.


WINNER: Greg Valentine at 5:29 (66)


VM - The Hammer picks up the victory, and Jesse, what do you think of his chances in the tournament?


JV - Well McMahon, he starts off against Chico Santana, so I’d say his chances are pretty good. Those two are no strangers to each other but I think the Hammer has the upper hand will this much on the line.


VM - Tito Santana has been on a nice little run here lately though in the WWF.


JV - But Chico doesn’t have that extra gear, McMahon. Valentine’s not afraid to get his hands dirty if he needs to. And you better believe that he’ll do whatever it takes to advance.


VM - Well ladies and gentlemen, that first round match will take place right here next week on Superstars, but first we need to talk about the featured match that’s coming up next week on Prime Time. The Macho Man Randy Savage will be in action against Jacques Rougeau, and Jesse, that should be a good one.



- We see a graphic of Macho Man and Jacques on the screen with the Prime Time logo beside them. (92)


JV - A very good match, McMahon, but I’ve gotta question whether or not Savage will be at the top of his game.


VM - And why wouldn’t he be, Jesse?


JV - All of this stuff with Mr. Perfect is starting to get to him, McMahon. I can feel it. And if he’s not careful, Jacques may score the upset victory. Jimmy Hart will have him ready. That I do know.


VM - I’ll take the Macho Man regardless. This man has been on a tear since Survivor Series.


JV - We’ll see.


VM - Folks, it’s just about time for our featured matchup this week, which of course pit’s the Brainbusters against the Hart Foundation, with the right to face the Rockers at Saturday Night’s Main Event on the line. Let’s take a look back at the action that has led up to this.


- We cut to a video which begins with the ending to the Hart Foundation/Demolition title match, and the Brainbusters’ involvement in that. We then see the back and forth attacks between these two teams, and Jack Tunney’s announcement of this match. (74)

The Brainbusters vs. The Hart Foundation


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Match Notes: A simply superb bout, which was to be expected between these two experienced teams. The roof was about to blow off of the building once the bell rang, and early on in the match, the Hart Foundation left no stone unturned as they put it all on the line. Heenan’s team was clearly caught off guard by the change in pace from the Foundation, who were much more aggressive than normal, with the crowd clearly loving them for that. But of course, underhanded tactics would change the course of the match, as a hot streak from the Foundation was stopped by a Heenan distraction on the outside. Arn and Tully took control from there for quite a while, using their rapid tags and cerebral type of offense to completely take the crowd out of it. Late in the match, Bret was able to stop the momentum and made a hot tag to Neidhart, who came in with plenty of fire and determination. Anvil sent Tully to the outside with a power clothesline, which left Heenan in a frenzy and Arn in a daze on the inside. Neidhart then had Arn lined up in the corner to do the same to him, but Arn dropped out of the way, and Neidhart rammed directly into the exposed turnbuckle that Tully had exposed earlier in the match. Neidhart then bounced back into a big spine buster from Arn, and Bret sensed that he needed to get in the ring to stop the three count. But Tully had made his way over with Bret knowing, and Tully desperately held onto his leg, not allowing Bret to make it into the ring before referee Dave Hebner’s count started…..1.….2.…Bret shaked off Tully and tried to heave himself towards the…..3.

WINNERS: The Brainbusters at 14:19 (92)


- After the match, Heenan jumped up and down like crazy as Arn rolled to the outside to join Tully in celebration. Meanwhile, Bret sat on the mat with his hands on his hand, clearly upset at not being able to stop the count.


JV - They did it, McMahon! I told you it was gonna happen! New tag team champions!


VM - Now hang on a second, Jesse. They haven’t won the titles just yet!


JV - It’s simply arithmetic at this point! They’ll beat the Rockers and beat Demolition. No doubt about it. You’re looking at the new champions!


VM - You’re just ridiculous, Jesse! If you think for one minute that it’s gonna be easy…..


JV - I never said it would be easy, McMahon. I just said it was gonna happen. I firmly believe that the Hart Foundation was their toughest test. So if they can beat them, I don’t see them having a whole lot of trouble with their next two opponents.


VM - Well I still think you’re way ahead of yourself there. And that’s…..wait just a second…..ladies and gentlemen, I’ve just been informed that we’ve gotta go to the back where World Wrestling Federation champion Hulk Hogan has just stormed into the office of President Jack Tunney!



- We cut to the back and see a visibly angry Hogan standing in front of Tunney’s desk, and yelling loudly as Tunney tries to calm him down.



Jack Tunney - “Hulk, Hulk, slow down. What do you want?”


HH - “You know what I want! I want that coward Jake the Snake in the middle of that ring! Me and all the Hulkamaniacs can’t wait any longer!”


JT - “Hulk, I just can’t do that here tonight.”


HH - “And why not, brother?!”


JT - “Well Hulk, after talking with the championship committee, we have some…..concerns.”


HH - “What are you talking about?”


JT - “Due to the recent streak of Mr. Roberts, we’re not sure that putting you in the ring with him is a good idea……”


HH - “ARE YOU KIDDING ME MAN? You’re gonna stand there and tell me and all the Hulkamaniacs out there that we can’t get our hands on that no good coward, brother?!”


JT - “We are still discussing that. But yes, we’re not sure if it is safe for him to be in the ring with anyone at this point.”


HH - “Well let me tell you something brother, I want a piece of the Snake. And you and the rest of the WWF better make it happen. Saturday Night’s Main Event…..I’m gonna be in the middle of that ring and call out the Snake brother. And we’re gonna have ourselves a little showdown. If you guys don’t approve it, then I guess it’ll just have to be no referee, no holds barred! And I’ll show you and everyone else out there that Hulkamania will live forever! So all you dudes better make a decision real soon because me and the Snake are gonna tangle brother whether you sanction the match or not…..and it isn’t gonna be pretty for the reptile brother!”


- Hogan goes storming out of the office as Tunney looks on in a visibly shaken and fearful manner at the thought of his champion in a no holds barred match with the psychotic Snake. (97)


VM - Wow, Jesse! The Hulkster just said that he’s gonna meet Jake Roberts in the middle of that ring at Saturday Night’s Main Event regardless of whether an official match is made!


JV - Not smart at all, McMahon. I don’t even know why he would get in the ring with Roberts, much less in a non-sanctioned matchup. Makes no sense whatsoever!


VM - Well it was clear that President Tunney was one worried individual by the time the Hulkster walked out of there, so we’ll have to see if the championship committee comes to any decisions. Thanks for joining us here tonight everyone!



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Predictions - Superstars (Week 1, Dec. 1989)


Zergon - 4/4

Tweek It - 4/4

Harmor - 4/4

Beejus - 4/4

infinitekillz - 4/4

juggaloninjalee - 4/4

JudgeJuryExecutioner - 4/4

oldschool - 3/4

Dead Jester - 3/4

Jingo - 3/4

Kijar - 1/4


Overall (26 shows)


Harmor - 97

Zergon - 91

Jingo - 88

Dead Jester - 86

Beejus - 72

JudgeJuryExecutioner - 69

oldschool - 52

smwilliams - 45

infinitekillz - 43

Tweek It - 32

Destiny - 31

DarthXaos - 29

PoisonedSuperman - 27

Ritchardo - 22

Kijar - 22

olympia - 13

dudeamis - 12

angeldelayette - 5

juggaloninjalee - 4

Hulkamaniac85 - 4

soxfan93 - 4

lazorbeak - 2

totti - 2

BoomKing - 1


Another fine set of predictions, with the Brainbusters/Hart Foundation match being the one that decided the score for a lot of people. But we're now only four shows away from Saturday Night's Main Event, so I hope all of you are pumped up for that! Prime Time card will be up later.

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From the offices of the World Wrestling Federation:



Card subject to change


Al Perez and The Brooklyn Brawler vs. The Bushwhackers


Nikolai Volkoff vs. Barry Windham


The Barbarian vs. Tracy Smothers



'The Model' Rick Martel vs. Bob Backlund



Jacques Rougeau vs. 'Macho Man' Randy Savage


- Plus, co-host Bobby 'The Brain' Heenan has promised an important update on 'Ravishing' Rick Rude's vacation!


Start the predictions, fellas! Show should be up Monday or Tuesday.

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Al Perez and The Brooklyn Brawler vs. The Bushwhackers


Nikolai Volkoff vs. Barry Windham


The Barbarian vs. Tracy Smothers



'The Model' Rick Martel vs. Bob Backlund



Jacques Rougeau vs. 'Macho Man' Randy Savage

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Al Perez and The Brooklyn Brawler vs. The Bushwhackers


Nikolai Volkoff vs. Barry Windham


The Barbarian vs. Tracy Smothers



'The Model' Rick Martel vs. Bob Backlund



Jacques Rougeau vs. 'Macho Man' Randy Savage

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Al Perez and The Brooklyn Brawler vs. The Bushwhackers

Real team over random pairing.


Nikolai Volkoff vs. Barry Windham

Windham is doing more


The Barbarian vs. Tracy Smothers

Smothers is a jobber until he proves otherwise



'The Model' Rick Martel vs. Bob Backlund

Hardest match in this card but I have to go with Martel who has bunch of wins so far.



Jacques Rougeau vs. 'Macho Man' Randy Savage

Savage is way more popular

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