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WWF 1989: Kayfabe Returns

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*Note to self - you're one point ahead so don't tank this* :D ... Anyhow, enjoying your shows massively, it's good stuff and a nice flashback on top of that.


Marty Jannetty vs. Big Bossman


Arn Anderson vs. Ax (cheat 2 win ^^)


The Ultimate Warrior vs. The Warlord


Honky Tonk Man vs. Tito Santana



The Hart Foundation vs. Million Dollar Man and Mr. Perfect (also not a clean win I think but a win for the heels cause DiBiase is in a program with Hogan and could do with the rub)

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Card subject to change


Marty Jannetty vs. Big Bossman


Arn Anderson vs. Ax


The Ultimate Warrior vs. The Warlord


Honky Tonk Man vs. Tito Santana



The Hart Foundation vs. Million Dollar Man and Mr. Perfect



In Response to the picture down there... pat yourself on the back, Barry Harowitz

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Marty Jannetty vs. Big Bossman

I go with bigger guy espesially since Twin Towers just lost to Rockers.


Arn Anderson vs. Ax

Normally I would go with Arn but I think that this time Ax should win in order to make Demolition look more dangerous.

The Ultimate Warrior vs. The Warlord

Warrior has storyline going/I]


Honky Tonk Man vs. Tito Santana

Pure guess



The Hart Foundation vs. Million Dollar Man and Mr. Perfect

Pretty sure heels are bigger names at this point.

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Marty Jannetty vs. Big Bossman


Arn Anderson vs. Ax


The Ultimate Warrior vs. The Warlord


Honky Tonk Man vs. Tito Santana



The Hart Foundation vs. Million Dollar Man and Mr. Perfect

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Marty Jannetty vs. Big Bossman

A good big man always beats a good little man


Arn Anderson vs. Ax

Because he is AA ......


The Ultimate Warrior vs. The Warlord

glorified squash


Honky Tonk Man vs. Tito Santana

Tito s JTTS at this point...and Honkey needs a bounce back after loss to warrior



The Hart Foundation vs. Million Dollar Man and Mr. Perfect

I like what harmor says...but HF seem like next in line for tag title shot and thats a program that seems like $$$$ to me

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I didn't want to give away any hints as to my future booking plans, but it looks like TotalExtremeWrestling.com has ruined that...


Had you not provided the picture, I would have said "PICS OR IT DIDN'T HAPPEN!" ... but ok ... Even when considering Stephen Hawking's multiverse theory, there can't be ANY "verse" in which Barry Horrowitz won the WWF Title. >_< ... lol.

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Marty Jannetty vs. Big Bossman

Tough one to call, but it seems the Towers have this thing going with Duggan as opposed to the floating Rockers, so Bossman to get the victory here.


Arn Anderson vs. Ax

Double A cheats to win in order to keep the Demos hot.


The Ultimate Warrior vs. The Warlord

Murder death kill.


Honky Tonk Man vs. Tito Santana

Seems like just a quick match to give one of the two some momentum in order to job them to someone else. Give it to Honky, he's lost more often.



The Hart Foundation vs. Million Dollar Man and Mr. Perfect

Because nobody beats Mr. Perfect! Nobody.

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Marty Jannetty vs. Big Bossman


Bossman will not make the same mistake twice


Arn Anderson vs. Ax


Demolition needs a win


The Ultimate Warrior vs. The Warlord


Warrior needs to stay strong, losing to The Warlord, won't do that


Honky Tonk Man vs. Tito Santana


Tito is looking like a jobber out there he needs a win



The Hart Foundation vs. Million Dollar Man and Mr. Perfect


Draw, that's right neither team can afford a loss, maybe some interference from the Hulkster

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- We cut in to see Gorilla Monsoon and Bobby ‘The Brain Heenan sitting behind the desk at the Primetime Wrestling studios.


Gorilla Monsoon - Welcome ladies and gentlemen to Primetime Wrestling right here on the USA Network, and alongside of me is the man who is absolutely scared to death of the Ultimate Warrior, Bobby ‘The Brain’ Heenan.


Bobby Heenan - I’m not scared of the Warrior anymore, Monsoon. You wanna know why? Because after he clocked me in the head last week, I’m already looking into having him arrested for assault and battery. The legal system can take it from here.


GM - Are you kidding me, Brain? They aren’t gonna arrest the Warrior!


BH - Well we’ll just have to see about that. I’ve already put in a call to the Big Bossman. He’ll make sure justice is served.


GM - Speaking of arrests, Brain, it’s very possible that the Million Dollar Man could have been serving some hard time had he connected on Hulk Hogan in that car last week on Superstars. There’s no doubt that the Hulkster was shaken up. But we’ve gotta get to our first match of the evening, which oddly enough, features the Big Bossman taking on Marty Jannetty!


Marty Jannetty vs. The Big Bossman


<a href="

http://s1004.photobucket.com/albums/af162/TheBlake/?action=view&current=martyjannetty6.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1004.photobucket.com/albums/af162/TheBlake/martyjannetty6.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s1004.photobucket.com/albums/af162/TheBlake/?action=view&current=bigbossman3.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1004.photobucket.com/albums/af162/TheBlake/bigbossman3.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Match Notes: Both Akeem and Shawn Michaels were present at ringside to support their partners, but from the start, Slick was reminding the Bossman to get revenge for their loss last week. Though Jannetty got some nice offense in at points during the match, the Bossman was furious and was channeling his hatred for Hacksaw into aggressive offense against Jannetty. Slick tried to make his presence felt late in the match, but Michaels went over and took care of him and then went after Akeem. However, Jannetty got distracted by all of this, and turned right into a powerful slam for the win.


WINNER: Big Bossman at 6:15 (60)


BH - See, Monsoon! That’s the man that’s gonna make sure the Warrior is put behind bars for what he did to me last week!


GM - Certainly an impressive victory for the Big Bossman, although I still don’t believe for a minute that the Warrior will be serving any time.


BH - Oh he will. You just wait and see!



- We cut to a video where we see Jake ‘The Snake’ Roberts once again standing in front of a mirror in a similar way to last week’s video. He stares for several moments and then from out of nowhere smashes the mirror with his bare hand and walks out of the picture. (79)


GM - Roberts is starting to get downright scary, Brain!


BH - I’ve been saying it for years, Monsoon. Something’s not right about a guy that brings a snake with him everywhere he goes. Think about that for a minute. You take a snake into the restroom with you. Do you know what kind of consequences that could have?


GM - Let’s not take it any further than that, Brain. I know all the fans of The Snake out there are trying to figure out what is going on, but right now, we have no idea what the problem is. But folks, now it’s time for a matchup that is close to The Brain’s heart, as one half of the WWF Tag Team champions, Arn Anderson, goes up against Ax from Demolition!


Arn Anderson vs. Ax


<a href="

http://s1004.photobucket.com/albums/af162/TheBlake/?action=view&current=arnanderson3.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1004.photobucket.com/albums/af162/TheBlake/arnanderson3.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s1004.photobucket.com/albums/af162/TheBlake/?action=view&current=ax.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1004.photobucket.com/albums/af162/TheBlake/ax.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Match Notes: An absolute brawl back and forth the entire match, as both teams cannot stand each other at this point. Arn used a series of rest holds to try and wear down Ax, but the energy from the fans kept gaining the Demolition member an advantage. Ax controlled things late in the match when Blanchard made his way onto the apron to provide a distraction but Smash quickly ran him off and started fighting with him down the aisle. Meanwhile, while the referee was focused on the action, Heenan stepped up on the apron and untied the top turnbuckle pad and stepped down in a hurry. Arn saw this and when Ax went in for offense, he quickly grabbed him and then sent Ax directly into the exposed post, hitting the Spinebuster after that to score the pinfall.


WINNER: Arn Anderson at 9:34 (78)


- After the match, Arn and Heenan got out of their quickly, while Ax recovered inside the ring. Smash got back in the ring as Ax got up, and both men were clearly heated. They made their outside the ring and picked up the steel steps and threw them back down hard. They also went over and knocked over the timekeeper’s table, unable to contain their pure hatred for their opponents’ cheating ways.


BH - Demolition still can’t find a way to beat us, Monsoon! Score another one for the Brainbusters and the Heenan Family!


GM - Well once again, Brain, it wasn’t a clean ending to the match, as you had to get your dirty hands in on the act. But I will tell you this, that was one angry side of Demolition that we saw after the match.

BH - I simply did my job. Nothing more than that. And those two clowns breaking stuff shouldn’t come as a shock. They are called Demolition.


GM - Well. they might have to start having two referees at ringside anytime one of your clients is involved!


BH - Ahhh whatever, Monsoon.


GM - Speaking of the Brain, here’s a look at what he and the Intercontinental champion had to say after the Ultimate Warrior cleaned house with them on Superstars.



‘Ravishing’ Rick Rude - “Let me tell you something, Ultimate Warrior! You think these little mind games that you keep playing are gonna work. But even though you might have caught us off guard this time around, it’s not gonna happen again. Because no matter what you do, you’re never gonna get this Intercontinental title from around my waist. You had your little run as the champ. Now it’s my turn to make sure that it will never happen again. As long as I’m in the World Wrestling Federation, you’ll never have this belt. Because the fact of the matter is, I’ll never lose it.”


Bobby Heenan - “Warrior! You made a big mistake laying your hands on me! If you ever touch me again then it’ll be the last move of your career because I will personally make sure that you never have another match in the WWF ever again!” (89)


GM - Sounds like you and the ravishing one are pretty confident that the Warrior won’t outsmart you again.


BH - Give me a break, Monsoon! The Warrior couldn’t outsmart a trash can. The man is a menace to society. He might as well give up right now because Rude has no obligation to give him a rematch for the title.


GM - Whatever you say, Brain. Well, the Warrior had more business to attend to this past weekend. Let’s take a look at his match with The Warlord!


The Ultimate Warrior vs. The Warlord


<a href="

http://s1004.photobucket.com/albums/af162/TheBlake/?action=view&current=ultimatewarrior.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1004.photobucket.com/albums/af162/TheBlake/ultimatewarrior.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s1004.photobucket.com/albums/af162/TheBlake/?action=view&current=warlord3.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1004.photobucket.com/albums/af162/TheBlake/warlord3.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Match Notes: A very physical affair here, as neither man is really known for their technical wrestling skills. Mr. Fuji played his role quite well on the outside, as he distracted the Warrior several times which allowed the big man to gain the upper hand. But all the help in the world couldn’t help the Warlord in the end, as after Warrior got out of the potential scoop slam from Warlord, and then hit the running clothesline and the big splash for the victory.


WINNER: The Ultimate Warrior at 6:40 (53)


GM - Chalk up another win for the Warrior in his quest to regain that Intercontinental Title from ‘Ravishing’ Rick Rude!


BH - We aren’t going over this again. It’ll never happen because the Warrior will be in jail by this time next week.


GM - You’re just blowing a lot of smoke today, Brain. But ladies and gentlemen, we received word earlier today that Macho Man Randy Savage will be making an appearance at Saturday Night’s Main Event next month to give an update on his injury and talk with Mean Gene Okerlund about his return.



- A graphic is shown of the Macho Man with the Saturday Night’s Main Event logo stating that there will be an appearance from him at the show. (83)


BH - Now that’s great news, Monsoon! The Macho Man is another guy that doesn’t like the Warrior.


GM - Would you stop with the Warrior stuff! It’s time for our next match!


The Honky Tonk Man vs. Tito Santana


<a href="

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Match Notes: An entertaining match with Honky doing some singing beforehand to stir up the crowd. Pretty open match throughout, but in the end, Honky’s ego got the best of him as he strutted around in the ring in anticipation of ending the match. But this allowed Santana to recover on the mat and then start his counter attack, which eventually ended with the Flying Crossbody and the 1-2-3 on Honky.


WINNER: Tito Santana at 7:53 (63)


GM - A nice victory for Tito Santana over the Honky Tonk Man, who just got a little overconfident there, Brain.


BH - That’s because Honky’s better than Santana and he knows it. He doesn’t have to beat him in a match to know that.

GM - Well then what’s the point of the match, Brain?


BH - To win.


GM - But you said Honky didn’t have to in order to prove that he was the better man.


BH - He doesn’t.


GM - Big mistake on my part as I know better than to try and get any reasonable sense out of you. The Warrior has got your mind all scrambled. But as promised, let’s take a listen to what The Hot Rod had to say to Mean Gene Okerlund recently concerning Jake ‘The Snake‘ Roberts.


BH - A snake in the restroom, Monsoon! Think about it!



Mean Gene Okerlund - “Hot Rod, you’ve been up close and personal with Jake ‘The Snake’ Roberts in recent weeks, so maybe you could give the world some insight as to just what exactly is going on with that man!”


Rowdy Roddy Piper - “Ya know, Gene….I’ve tried and tried to figure out the enigma that is now Jake Roberts, but….. I can’t seem to crack the code! The man’s lost a few matches here and there, including a match that he cost me by walking out as my tag team partner, but we won’t go there! Oh no, we won’t go there! I don’t have an explanation as to what’s going on inside that mind of his, however, the ol’ Hot Rod thinks that he’s got a way to figure it all out. The only solution that I know of is for Jake to meet me in the middle of that ring on Superstars and noooooo, it’s not gonna be Piper’s Pit because the man has forgot how to talk. It’s gonna be me slapping some sense into him in a match and beating all of this out of him. So Jake, if in the midst of this mid-life crisis or whatever you’re still a MAN, then I’ll see you in the ring.” (86)


BH - Well I’ve never liked Piper and I’ve never liked Roberts, so this match is a win-win for me, Monsoon!


GM - I know the Hot Rod is searching for answers, but I’m not sure that it’s wise to mess with The Snake right now, Brain.


BH - Like I said, I don’t care if these two rip each other to shreds. This is a win for the sanity of humanity. See what I did there, Monsoon?


GM - Cute, Brain. But that’s assuming that The Snake accepts the challenge, of course. But it’s time for our main event of the evening, with the Million Dollar Man and Mr. Perfect teaming up once again to take on the red hot Hart Foundation. What a beauty this one should be!


The Hart Foundation vs. Million Dollar Man and Mr. Perfect

<a href="http://s1004.photobucket.com/albums/af162/TheBlake/?action=view&current=BretHart18.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1004.photobucket.com/albums/af162/TheBlake/BretHart18.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s1004.photobucket.com/albums/af162/TheBlake/?action=view&current=jimneidhart2.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1004.photobucket.com/albums/af162/TheBlake/jimneidhart2.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s1004.photobucket.com/albums/af162/TheBlake/?action=view&current=teddibease3.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1004.photobucket.com/albums/af162/TheBlake/teddibease3.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s1004.photobucket.com/albums/af162/TheBlake/?action=view&current=CurtHennig3.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1004.photobucket.com/albums/af162/TheBlake/CurtHennig3.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Match Notes: The capacity crowd was on their feet the entire way for this one with “You’re Not Perfect” chants breaking out just as the match got underway. The Anvil played the role of the enforcer in this one, as each time DiBiase and Perfect tried to use some underhanded teamwork moves, he quickly ran over and ended any hopes of that. Anvil eventually got the hot tag towards the end, with Perfect being the man getting all the punches and kicks inside the ring. Anvil then went over and knocked DiBiase off the apron with a roundhouse right, and Hart slowly made his way to his feet in an attempt to finish Perfect off with the double team. But Perfect managed to wiggle out of Hart’s grip and Anvil struck Hart, and DiBiase, back on the apron, had regained his momentum and sent Hart over the top by pulling the ropes down. Anvil then came running at DiBiase but he delivered a rake to the eyes and stumbled back into the Perfect Plex to end the match.


WINNERS: Million Dollar Man and Mr. Perfect at 14:39 (68)


- After the match, Perfect and Million Dollar were celebrating in the ring and then we heard this…..




<a href="http://s1004.photobucket.com/albums/af162/TheBlake/?action=view&current=hulkhogan5.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1004.photobucket.com/albums/af162/TheBlake/hulkhogan5.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


- Down came the WWF champion wagging his finger at the two men. Perfect and DiBiase looked panicked but stood their ground as Hogan slid into the ring. The two men had the numbers advantage for a second, but Hogan countered and threw Perfect out of the ring, leaving just he and DiBiase. He then went to work on DiBiase with fists of fury and gave him the Big Boot. As DiBiase struggled to his feet, Hogan took the WWF belt and nailed him right over the head with it as the crowd was absolutely deafening. Hogan then went to the ground and began to attempt a series of mounted punches before a host officials ran in and dragged him off of the Million Dollar Man. (92)


GM - My goodness, Brain! I don’t think I’ve seen the Hulkster that angry in quite some time!


BH - He’s a loose cannon, Monsoon, after DiBiase almost hit him with that car!


GM - It serves the Million Dollar Man right after trying to pull a stunt like that!


BH - DiBiase will have something up his sleeve after this. Don’t you worry, Monsoon! The Million Dollar Man always gets his way!


SHOW RATING: 59 (matches were terrible and I'm completely baffled by the main event rating!)

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Nice stuff, again great banter between Heenan & Gorilla... Would never have guessed Ax vs Arn would be your top match and Yeah, I dont get your rating for the main event... All four are pretty over I assume at this point, with great skill (wel except for maybe the anvil)
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Had you not provided the picture, I would have said "PICS OR IT DIDN'T HAPPEN!" ... but ok ... Even when considering Stephen Hawking's multiverse theory, there can't be ANY "verse" in which Barry Horrowitz won the WWF Title. >_< ... lol.


Surely someone can create a mod where Horowitz is the top star in the wrestling world, right? Ya know, then again, maybe even that's not possible haha.


Nice stuff, again great banter between Heenan & Gorilla... Would never have guessed Ax vs Arn would be your top match and Yeah, I dont get your rating for the main event... All four are pretty over I assume at this point, with great skill (wel except for maybe the anvil)


Thanks man! I had no clue that Arn and Ax would have that great of a match, and I'm hoping they can carry that over to Saturday Night's Main Event. And yeah, even Anvil is pretty over at the moment, so I'm not sure how it scored so low. Didn't get any bad chemistry notes or anything like that, so it was pretty surprising. Glad you enjoyed the show!

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Predictions - Primetime Wrestling (Week 4, Sept. 1989)


Harmor - 4/5

Zergon 4/5

Beejus - 4/5

PoisonedSuperman - 3/5

Jingo - 3/5

Dead Jester - 3/5

oldschool - 3/5

dudeamis - 3/5


Overall (6 shows)


Harmor - 21

PoisonedSuperman - 19

Jingo - 18

oldschool - 13

Zergon - 10

Dead Jester - 9

DarthXaos - 9

olympia - 8

Destiny - 7

Beejus - 4

soxfan93 - 4

dudeamis - 3

lazorbeak - 2

totti - 2


Wrestling Challenge results and card for Superstars will be up in a little bit!

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Argh man, did you check out the dirt sheet for the main event? Bad chemistry or so? That's the most atrocious thing that can happen, been there and had that happen to me so yah >_< ...


Other than that, a solidly written and booked show that advanced things nicely. As always, keep up the good work.

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The Powers of Pain defeated the Bushwhackers at 6:57 after Barbarian pinned Luke (53)


Big Bossman had an interview with Sean Mooney hyping his feud with Hacksaw Jim Duggan (68)


Earthquake and Dino Bravo drew with Hacksaw Jim Duggan and Koko B. Ware at 4:55 after Quake and Duggan were both counted out (51)


Shawn Michaels had an interview with Sean Mooney hyping his upcoming match (73)


Shawn Michaels defeated Greg Valentine at 7:32 with a flying cross-body (64)


A video played hyping the events surrounding the WWF Tag Team Title situation (83)


Brutus ‘The Barber’ Beefcake hyped his upcoming bout with Rick Martel (61)


Rick Martel defeated Brutus ‘The Barber’ Beefcake at 10:15 with a handful of tights (72)




Card for Superstars is coming up next!

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From the offices of the World Wrestling Federation:



Card subject to change


Tully Blanchard vs. Smash


Haku vs. Hacksaw Jim Duggan



Rowdy Roddy Piper vs. Jake 'The Snake' Roberts



The Hart Foundation vs. The Rockers


*Including an interview with the Million Dollar Man, as well as the announcement of Mr. Perfect's opponent for Primetime Wrestling next week!


Start the predictions! Teaser: this upcoming edition of Superstars will be the most important show thus far. Show should be up tomorrow night or Sunday.

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That main event rating suck ... How'd that happen!? :confused:


Tully Blanchard vs. Smash

Haku vs. Hacksaw Jim Duggan



Rowdy Roddy Piper vs. Jake 'The Snake' Roberts



The Hart Foundation vs. The Rockers

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Tully Blanchard vs. Smash


Haku vs. Hacksaw Jim Duggan



Rowdy Roddy Piper vs. Jake 'The Snake' Roberts



The Hart Foundation vs. The Rockers


Most important show? Nice, you surely know to hype shows ^^

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Another great show, puzzled by the main event's rating myself, anyways onto the predictions.


Tully Blanchard vs. Smash

-With Arn going over Ax in the last match Smash needs to win this one to keep Demolition hot.


Haku vs. Hacksaw Jim Duggan

-I like Haku by something tells me Duggan is going over.



Rowdy Roddy Piper vs. Jake 'The Snake' Roberts

-Could the long awaited heel turn be here?



The Hart Foundation vs. The Rockers

-After coming off a defeat the Harts need the win to get back on track.

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Tully Blanchard vs. Smash

Smash wins to make the score 1-1.


Haku vs. Hacksaw Jim Duggan

Seems like Duggan is going to have a feud and that makes him more important than HAku who has been on jobber duty so far.



Rowdy Roddy Piper vs. Jake 'The Snake' Roberts

Hard to say since it´s hard to know 'which' Roberts will be in the ring, I´d say that Piper wins via DQ after Roberts snaps.



The Hart Foundation vs. The Rockers

Could go either way but Hart Foundation has looked slighly stronger so far so I give this one to them.

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Tully Blanchard vs. Smash

Like the others say... The score is now even


Haku vs. Hacksaw Jim Duggan

basically going againts the flow... Because I like Haku more.... A win can get him going



Rowdy Roddy Piper vs. Jake 'The Snake' Roberts




The Hart Foundation vs. The Rockers

maybe a draw...but I'll go with Harts becasue they seem on a collision course with Arn & Tully

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Thanks for all the predictions so far guys!


I'm as confused as all of you are on that Hart Foundation vs. DiBiase and Perfect main event, as I was certain that all the factors were there for a great match. None of the four had bad morale, and now that I think of, I think DiBiase's loss to Hogan was the only combined loss thus far of the four men. I guess it's just one of those weird instances where a match simply doesn't work for some reason.

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WWF SUPERSTARS - Week 4, Sept. 1989



- We cut in where we see Vince McMahon and Jesse Ventura standing up on the stage with the ring in the backdrop.


VM - Welcome everyone to WWF Superstars! I’m here with Jesse ‘The Body’ Ventura, and Jesse, we’ve got some great matches on the card here tonight!


JV - No doubt about it, McMahon. We’ve the Hart Foundation squaring off with the Rockers. And we’ve got the showdown between Rowdy Roddy Piper and Jake ‘The Snake’ Roberts. I can’t wait for that one!


VM - And of course, that’s not all as we’re gonna go straight to the back to kick off tonight’s show, as Mean Gene Okerlund is standing by with the Million Dollar Man!


JV - DiBiase can’t be too happy with what happened on Primetime!



Mean Gene Okerlund - “Ted DiBiase, you requested this interview to start tonight‘s show, so the world wants to know what exactly is on your mind?"

Million Dollar Man - “Well Gene, I‘ll tell ya what‘s on my mind! And what‘s on my mind is the stunt that Hulk Hogan pulled on me and Mr. Perfect after our victory over the Hart Foundation. Hogan, you‘re a coward and the whole world knows it!”


MGO - “Now what just a second. You‘re the one that tried to run the man down with a car!”


MDM - “But the fact of the matter is Mean Gene, I didn‘t touch Hogan with that car. My intention wasn‘t to hit him with the car…..my intention was to scare the living daylights out of him! But now, I have to rethink my intentions. Because Hogan, I didn‘t lay a finger on you when I was driving that car. But you decided to put your grubby hands on me after the tag team match. So now the game changes, Hogan. Don‘t think for a minute that I‘m gonna let you get away with what you did. I‘m going to get my revenge on you! And when I do, I‘ll get the World Wrestling Federation championship in the process.” (87)


JV - That’s one angry Million Dollar Man! I like it!


VM - DiBiase certainly sounds determined to get back at Hogan for his post-match attack. That’s for sure.


JV - Just as he should, McMahon. You can’t go around attacking guys for no reason.


VM - For no reason?! The man nearly ran him down with a car.


JV - You heard the man. He was only trying to scare him.


VM - Well he did more than scare him, Jesse. He put some rage into the Hulkster and that’s not something you wanna do. But let’s head down to ringside for our first match of the evening!


Tully Blanchard vs. Smash


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Match Notes: Nothing but a physical attack here from Smash, who was clearly in a foul mood after the events on Primetime. Smash completely dominated Blanchard from beginning to end, but as usual, some outside antics played a role in this one. Smash was continuing to put a beatdown on Blanchard when Heenan yelled at the referee to provide a distraction, with Arn throwing some type of foreign object in the ring. But instead of throwing it past Smash to get it to Blanchard, Smash grabbed it right away and nailed Blanchard with it. Ax pulled Heenan off of the apron as Anderson came running to defend him, and Smash got the pinfall for the win.


WINNER: Smash at 5:36 (71)


- After the match, Ax and Anderson engaged each other on the outside, with Smash continuing his fury on Blanchard inside the ring. Ax and Anderson eventually made it into the ring, and all four men were standing and trading punches as the crowd was going absolutely crazy, wanting to see Demolition take the belts right now. Referees and officials came running down from the back after a minute or so, and pulled the two teams away from each other before any further damage could be done. (76)


VM - Oh my! These two teams might not be able to make it until Saturday Night’s Main Event in a few weeks!


JV - It’s a good thing for Demolition that the referees got out there when they did.


VM - What do you mean it’s a good thing for Demolition?


JV - Anderson and Blanchard would have outsmarted them like they always do had it gone on any longer. Everyone saw that coming.


VM - There comes a point Jesse where you gotta just fight, and that’s what Demolition is here for. An all out fight!


JV - They’ll lose again at the Main Event. You can count on that, McMahon.


- We cut backstage where we see Mr. Perfect standing in the locker room.



Mr. Perfect - “So another victim has been announced for Mr. Perfect, and who is it this time around? None other than the Superfly, Jimmy Snuka! Well let me tell you something Superfly, you might have a few days to get ready for our match, but I wouldn’t get your hopes up too much or train too hard. Because you see, once you step in that ring with me, the outcome will just be a formality, as I’m perfect here in the World Wrestling Federation and that’s not gonna change anytime soon! So you can put on those monkey shorts of yours and fly wherever you wanna fly, but that’s not gonna change a thing! If you thought what the big man Andre did to you was bad, you just wait until you get in there with someone like me. Andre might be big, but he’s not perfect. Because there’s only one man in the WWF that is, and you’re looking at him!” (89)


JV - Perfect is ready to make quick work of the Superfly on Primetime!


VM - I agree that Perfect has been great, but he better not overlook Snuka! The man is a legend here in the World Wrestling Federation.


JV - It took Snuka years to become a so-called “legend” McMahon. Mr. Perfect is already a legend and his best days are still ahead of him!


VM - I’m not sure I’d say he’s a legend just yet. But let’s get ready for our next matchup between Haku and Hacksaw Jim Duggan!


Haku vs. Hacksaw Jim Duggan


<a href="

http://s1004.photobucket.com/albums/af162/TheBlake/?action=view&current=haku.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1004.photobucket.com/albums/af162/TheBlake/haku.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s1004.photobucket.com/albums/af162/TheBlake/?action=view&current=jimduggan3.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1004.photobucket.com/albums/af162/TheBlake/jimduggan3.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Match Notes: A lot of brawling in this contest, though Duggan was in control most of the way, building off of the momentum of the crowd who were chanting “U-S-A” at several intervals during the match. In the end, Haku went for the Death Grip, but Duggan slipped out and immediately went into the three-point stance and charged and knocked him down. During this however, the crowd went into a frenzy as Big Bossman came running down the aisle and banged on the steel steps outside with his nightstick. This drew Duggan’s attention away from Haku for a minute, and Haku eventually crawled over and rolled up Duggan for the quick 1-2-3.

WINNER: Haku at 6:27 (71)


JV - A big win for Haku!


VM - Maybe a bigger win for the Big Bossman, as he’s certainly gained an advantage now in this feud with Hacksaw.


JV - It doesn’t take much to outsmart Hacksaw, McMahon. Everybody knows that.


VM - I don’t particularly agree with that statement, but nonetheless. Folks, it’s now time to take a look at some of the recent happenings between ‘Ravishing’ Rick Rude and The Ultimate Warrior, as things have really started to get heated between those two!


- A video plays showing Rude’s cheap victory at Saturday Night’s Main Event and Warrior’s response about not knowing when to expect him. Then it shows Warrior knocking down Heenan after Rude’s win over Santana, and The Brain’s response on Primetime about prosecuting him. (87)


VM - And Jesse, The Brain has informed us that the Intercontinental champion is not here tonight out of fear of his safety.


JV - Very smart, McMahon. But The Brain can be a little less nervous since he doesn’t have to worry about the Warrior touching him now that he's got the authorities investigating.


VM - What a load of garbage that is!


JV - He’s simply protecting himself from that maniac, the Warrior. Rude would have done it as well if he weren’t an active competitor. I mean, all of us should probably get a restraining order against the Warrior or something.....and he’s not even after us!


VM - I think you’re blowing this way out of proportion, Jesse.


JV - The man paints his face and rambles on incoherently. I’m not being rash at all.


VM - Well ladies and gentlemen, it’s time to see if Rowdy Roddy Piper can slap some sense into Jake ‘The Snake’ Roberts!


Rowdy Roddy Piper vs. Jake ‘The Snake’ Roberts


<a href="

http://s1004.photobucket.com/albums/af162/TheBlake/?action=view&current=roddypiper2.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1004.photobucket.com/albums/af162/TheBlake/roddypiper2.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s1004.photobucket.com/albums/af162/TheBlake/?action=view&current=jakeroberts5.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1004.photobucket.com/albums/af162/TheBlake/jakeroberts5.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Match Notes: A very interesting match to say the least. Roberts looked completely unenthused as he made his way to the ring, and once he got in the ring and the match begun, he basically just stood there until Piper finally got physical and started taking the attack at him. Roberts didn’t really counter with an attack of his own, he just blocked and countered into…..well, nothing. Piper was the only one on offense until a seemingly normal right hand from Hot Rod stopped both men in their tracks and Roberts went absolutely crazy on Piper. Roberts continued the onslaught for a few minutes, and then hit the DDT with more force than usual to gain the victory.


WINNER: Jake ‘The Snake’ Roberts at 7:25 (68)


- After the match, Roberts, still in a rage, threw Piper over the ropes and then made his way to the outside. He then sent Piper flying shoulder first into the steel steps, sending Hot Rod to the ground grabbing his shoulder. Roberts then looked on with an evil smile as the medical staff came out along with a host of officials to check on Piper. (74)


VM - Roberts has completely lost it, Jesse!


JV - He’s upset, McMahon. There’s no doubt about it!


VM - Piper went shoulder-first into those steel stairs, and boy this injury does not look good.


JV - I simply don’t know what to think about this. I’ve never really cared too much for The Snake, but I love the intensity that he’s showing these days.


VM - The man’s a lunatic, Jesse!


JV - Might be, McMahon. But right now he’s a lunatic that doesn’t wanna be messed with. Maybe everyone will get the hint now.


VM - Ladies and gentlemen, we want to remind you that next month at Saturday Night’s Main Event, Macho Man Randy Savage will be making a special appearance to talk with Mean Gene Okerlund about his injury and discuss when he plans on returning to action here in the World Wrestling Federation!



- We see the graphic that was shown on Primetime with Savage’s picture and the Saturday Night’s Main Event logo in the background. (87)


JV - I can’t wait for that, McMahon. In that video we saw a few weeks ago, it’s clear that the Macho Man wants to get another shot at Hulk Hogan for injuring him several months ago. If the Million Dollar Man doesn’t get the title off of Hogan, then Macho will.


VM - That remains to be seen. But Savage will be back in a few weeks to tell us all about his plans.


JV - Oh, he’s not gonna tell us all of his plans, McMahon. That would be dumb. He might tell us one there, but I believe he’s got something up his sleeve.


VM - We’ll find out soon enough. It’s time for our tag team main event!


The Hart Foundation vs. The Rockers


<a href="http://s1004.photobucket.com/albums/af162/TheBlake/?action=view&current=BretHart18.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1004.photobucket.com/albums/af162/TheBlake/BretHart18.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s1004.photobucket.com/albums/af162/TheBlake/?action=view&current=jimneidhart2.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1004.photobucket.com/albums/af162/TheBlake/jimneidhart2.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s1004.photobucket.com/albums/af162/TheBlake/?action=view&current=martyjannetty6.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1004.photobucket.com/albums/af162/TheBlake/martyjannetty6.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s1004.photobucket.com/albums/af162/TheBlake/?action=view&current=shawnmichaels6.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1004.photobucket.com/albums/af162/TheBlake/shawnmichaels6.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Match Notes: Great back and forth action between these two teams. The Rockers used their high energy to take control in the early-going, but Hart and Anvil then started to use their experience to take their energy down a notch by using powerful tag team techniques. Anvil hit a running powerslam late, but the crowd was caught off guard when Michaels kicked out at two and a half. He managed to tag Jannetty in, who came in and tried to mount one last bit of offense, but Bret got in and they hit the Hart Attack on Jannetty with Michaels still dazed from the power slam. Bret covered Jannetty for the victory.


WINNERS: The Hart Foundation at 9:43 (76)


VM - What a great tag team contest to cap off a great night of action here on Superstars!


JV - Even I’ll admit that the Foundation and the Rockers put on a good show tonight, McMahon.


VM - It looks like the Hart Foundation are making their case to be the top challengers for the Tag Titles once the Demolition and Brainbusters have their big match at Saturday Night’s Main Event!


JV - I liked what I saw from the Rockers though too, McMahon. They’ve got potential.


VM - You’re right about that. Well folks, thanks for joining…..wait a minute. What’s that.....WHAT?! IN THE BACK?!


- We cut to back where a cameraman is rushing through the exit to the building and into the parking lot. Then, we see paramedics standing over someone. The camera then cuts in to see this man.....



- Hulk Hogan is laying on the ground, with blood pouring from his forehead and clearly dazed. President Jack Tunney rushes into the picture to try and get a word from Hogan, but Hogan is too out of it to respond.


<a href="

http://s1004.photobucket.com/albums/af162/TheBlake/?action=view&current=jacktunney.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1004.photobucket.com/albums/af162/TheBlake/jacktunney.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Jack Tunney - “(looking at paramedic) Does anyone know who did this? WHO DID THIS?! (82)




JV - It could have been anyone, McMahon!


VM - I think we all know who did this, Jesse! He said as much earlier in the night!


JV - Now how do you know that this was the Million Dollar Man?


VM - Oh come on, Jesse. Don’t be naive! DiBiase vowed to get Hogan and obviously that’s exactly what he just did. Disgusting!


- We fade out with Hogan bleeding and in a complete daze, with Tunney looking very angry that this turn of events.



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