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WWF 1989: Kayfabe Returns

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Greg Valentine vs. Tito Santana



Brainbusters vs. Jimmy Snuka and Koko B. Ware


The Hart Foundation vs. The Rockers



Rick Martel vs. The Ultimate Warrior


*WWF President Jack Tunney has also promised details on a huge breakthrough in the investigation on who attacked on the World Wrestling Federation champion, Hulk Hogan!


Let's get the predictions started! Show should be up tomorrow night or Thursday.

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Greg Valentine vs. Tito Santana

I figure Valentine hasn't been around, so Tito gets the win.



Brainbusters vs. Jimmy Snuka and Koko B. Ware

Is there any reason needed here?


The Hart Foundation vs. The Rockers

No decision so that the two remain looking strong against one another.



Rick Martel vs. The Ultimate Warrior

I love Martel and think he could be gold for you, but no way does he go over Warrior right here.

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Time to join the party! Just read this whole diary thus far . . and its damn near flawless! And I gotta say, for someone who claims to not know all that much about the era . . you have the banter between Heenan/Monsoon & Ventura/Mcmahon down to a sciene. Anyways, on with the picks.


Greg Valentine vs. Tito Santana

Push Chico to the moon!!!!



Brainbusters vs. Jimmy Snuka and Koko B. Ware

Like the team of Snuka and Koko though. May steal this one for my 87 game. lol


The Hart Foundation vs. The Rockers

I wanna take The Rockers in the worst way, but it seems as if you're prepping the Harts for the winners of the Busters/Demo match.



Rick Martel vs. The Ultimate Warrior

Crash Landing.

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Time to join the party! Just read this whole diary thus far . . and its damn near flawless! And I gotta say, for someone who claims to not know all that much about the era . . you have the banter between Heenan/Monsoon & Ventura/Mcmahon down to a sciene. Anyways, on with the picks.


I appreciate the nice words, man! I've loved doing the banter between Gorilla and Heenan, as well as the back and forth between Jesse and McMahon. Heenan provided more comedy while Jesse provided more straightforward analysis on the wrestling match itself, so it's been fun to have different approaches. Can't wait to do the Gorilla/Jesse pairing at the big PPV's!

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WWF SUPERSTARS - Week 1, Oct. 1989



- We cut in where we see Vince McMahon and Jesse ‘The Body’ Ventura standing on the stage with the ring in the backdrop.


VM - Welcome everyone to WWF Superstars! And before we discuss anything else ladies and gentlemen, we’ve just received word that President Jack Tunney is indeed in attendance tonight and will update us on the investigation surrounding the vicious attack on the World Wrestling Federation champion Hulk Hogan last week.


JV - Well McMahon, I just want to reiterate what The Brain said on Primetime a few nights ago. Let’s not go jumping to conclusions until all the facts are presented. Everyone seems to be pointing fingers at the Million Dollar Man and I don’t think that’s right.


VM - Maybe it’s not right, Jesse. But earlier in the night, DiBiase himself had said that he was going to exact revenge on the Hulkster. And then Hulk is brutally attacked later in the night? That would be a huge coincidence.


JV - True. But that doesn’t mean that it’s not possible. Let’s just see what Jack Tunney has to say a little later.


VM - Fair enough, Jesse. Let’s get down to the ring for our first matchup of the evening!

Greg Valentine vs. Tito Santana


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Match Notes: Very short match here, as it seemed as though Santana wasn’t right after taking a hard clothesline that sent his head bouncing off the mat. Things didn’t go much farther past that, as Santana countered a hard punch and used the small package for the quick victory.


WINNER: Tito Santana at 4:48 (68)


- After the match, we see the Honky Tonk Man on the video screen.



Honky Tonk Man - “Good win out there, Tito! You needed a pick-me-up after that loss last week to me and Dino. But even though that win probably helped a little, I figured I’d let you know that the Honky Tonk Man will be back in action next week. I’m out here working on some new songs in the studio, and unfortunately, the Honky Tonk Man is so good at everything that sometimes he’s just gotta pick and choose what he does. It’s singing this week and wrestling next week. So don’t get too confident out there Tito! You and the Honky Tonk Man will tangle again soon and Honky Tonk Mania will be runnin‘ wild!” (86)


JV - You’ve gotta love this guy, McMahon. A true renaissance man!


VM - The Honky Tonk Man is sure full of himself, Jesse. But there’s something in there that concerns me. What about that last sentence?


JV - What are you talking about?


VM - Well he clearly copied Hulk Hogan’s trademark saying there. Could the Honky Tonk Man be involved in Hogan’s attack?


JV - Oh c’mon, McMahon. That’s non-sense. Honky’s been using that line in his entrance music for forever now! Hogan’s the one that stole it from the Honky Tonk Man! That’s what I think.


VM - That’s a flat out lie, Jesse. But believe what you will.


JV - I will.


VM - But ladies and gentlemen, let’s take a look at the recent events surrounding this intense feud between Hacksaw Jim Duggan and the Big Bossman!



- A video plays showing the interferences by both men in each other’s matches, including Duggan distracting Akeem in his match with The Barber on Primetime. (67)


VM - It certainly looks like Duggan and Bossman are about to really get after each other, Jesse!


JV - They’ve been doing that for weeks now, McMahon. Someone’s gotta gain the upper hand in this spat sooner rather than later.


VM - We’ll have to wait and see if that’s gonna happen. Rumors have been floating around that there could be a match between the two at Saturday Night’s Main Event.


JV - I’d love to see the Bossman finally put Hacksaw in line. Maybe even throw him in the slammer afterwards. That would be even better.


VM - I don’t quite see that happening. Let’s get to the ring though where the WWF Tag Team champions are set for a pre-Saturday Night’s Main Event warm up match!


Brainbusters vs. Jimmy Snuka and Koko B. Ware


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Match Notes: A very, very good match with the Brainbusters gaining an early advantage before Koko and Superfly caught fire and almost beat the tag team champs. Arn and Tully managed to isolate Koko for much of the match, with Koko trying to tag in at several turns, but never being able to fully reach Superfly. However, the crowd seemed to energize Koko and finally allowed him to make the tag. Superfly came in red hot and cleaned house, sending both to the outside. At this point, Anderson started walking down the aisle and threw his hands towards the ring as if he was walking out on the match. Koko pursued him, while Superfly was throwing Blanchard back into the ring. With the referee focused on the two men in the ring, Anderson took a pair of brass knuckles out of his trunks and nailed Koko with it. He then rushed back into the ring and attacked Snuka from behind. Anderson then hit the Spinebuster on him, and Blanchard recovered and made the pin to pick up the victory.


WINNERS: Brainbusters via countout at 8:39 (82)


VM - What an effort put forth by the Superfly and Koko!


JV - That’s great and all, McMahon, but the goal is to win the match. The Brainbusters were the winners so effort means nothing. They didn’t get the job done.


VM - Couldn’t you compliment someone just once, Jesse?


JV - I just did. I complimented the Brainbusters on another victory. That’s why they’re the champs.


VM - Nonetheless. Folks, we’re going to head backstage where Mean Gene Okerlund is indeed standing by with Jake ‘The Snake’ Roberts, and perhaps we’ll finally get some answers regarding his behavior towards Rowdy Roddy Piper and just his behavior in general, for that matter.


JV - This should be good!


- We cut to the back where we see Roberts sitting down in the locker room, and is yet again in front of another mirror just like we had seen in recent weeks. Oklerund is standing beside him somewhat nervously, not knowing what to anticipate from The Snake.



Mean Gene Okerlund - “Jake Roberts, I think the time has come for you to finally explain yourself sir, because millions watching around the world want to know the reasons behind your actions towards Rowdy Roddy Piper. And maybe what exactly has been going on in that mind of yours for the past month!”


- Roberts is looking down, and then slowly looks up and into the mirror. He just stares for several moments as Oklerund looks on.


MGO - “C’mon, Jake! What in the world is going on with you?!”


Jake Roberts - “I’m just not ready to talk yet……”


MGO - “Well I’m not gonna leave here until…..”


- Roberts focused stare turns to an angry one as Okerlund hightails it on out of the locker room. Roberts then turns back and looks in the mirror again, but this time, manages to crack a smile. (85)


VM - I’m telling you right now, Jesse. Something has to be done about this man. He needs to be in a mental institution!


JV - He’s a little out there, McMahon, but I like the intensity.


VM - That’s not intensity, Jesse. That’s pure craziness. Jack Tunney needs to check him in somewhere for a few months.


JV - You might be right there.


VM - But speaking of Jack Tunney, ladies and gentlemen, he’s making his way down to the ring as hopefully we’re going to get some more information on the attack on the Hulkster last week!


- We cut to the ring where we see WWF President Jack Tunney standing with a microphone.



Jack Tunney - “Ladies and gentlemen, I am out here tonight for a few reasons. First off, I want to give you an update on condition of the World Wrestling Federation champion, Hulk Hogan. Hulk is still recovering in the hospital from injuries to his head and back, is expected to make a full recovery and will be released within a week. Now, to the other reason. We at the World Wrestling Federation have continued to investigate the attack on Hulk, and are starting to make some significant progress towards finding who is responsible. So before we go any further with that, I’d like to ask the Million Dollar Man to come out here as there’s something I’d like to say to him.”


VM - It is the Million Dollar Man, Jesse! We all knew it!


JV - Now you don’t know that’s what Tunney is gonna say, McMahon. Hold your horses a little.


- The music of the Million Dollar Man hits and out comes DiBiase. He makes his way into the ring and stands in front of Tunney.



Million Dollar Man - “So Mr. President, are you out here to accuse me in front of all of these people? Because if so, you’re wasting your time. While I wanted nothing more than to get at Hogan for attacking me, someone got their hands on him before I did. I’d take the credit if I wasn’t a man of such great stature!”


JT - “Actually Ted, that’s not why I’m out here at all. The fact of the matter is, yes, you did seem like the most reasonable suspect when this went down a week ago. Everyone was convinced that it was you. Well, even though I am not officially ruling you out as a suspect just yet, I will say that we have turned to our attention to another man right now. (turning to the curtain) So with that in mind, I’d like to ask that man to come on down here and answer a few questions. And that man is you, Mr. Perfect.”


VM - Perfect’s the culprit!


JV - But just a minute ago you were convinced that it was DiBiase! You have no clue, McMahon!


- DiBiase looks on in relief as Perfect makes his way out from behind the curtain, shaking his head the whole way down to the ring. He looks at DiBiase as he backs away and goes into the corner while Perfect stands in front of Tunney.


Mr. Perfect - “Now you hang on one second there, Tunney…..”


JT - “No, you hang on a second, Mr. Perfect. You’ll get a chance to defend yourself momentarily. We can focus on words in a minute, but first, let’s focus on action. Gentlemen, let’s play it…..”


- We cut to a video where we see Hulk Hogan exiting the arena, through the door to the parking lot. Around 15 seconds later, we see Mr. Perfect exiting through the same door. At that point, the video fast forwards for 53 seconds before we see a World Wrestling Federation official exit through the door and then scream out for help at the sight of Hogan down. Fans begin booing massively at this point, as they catch on that Perfect was the last one out the door before Hogan was attacked.


JT - “Now as you can see, Mr. Perfect, you were the last person out of the building before Hulk was attacked. Could it have been someone laying in wait for him in the parking lot? Sure. There were plenty of people who went in and out throughout the night. However, oddly enough, it just so happens that there we no cameras in the parking lot in this particular arena. The culprit obviously knew that and took full advantage of the situation. So can I pin this on you, Mr. Perfect? At this point, I cannot. But the deal is, with the evidence that we have available to us, you are the one that stands out.”


Perfect - “Listen here Sherlock Holmes, you can come up with all the theories that you want, but the deal is, I didn’t attack Hogan. I didn’t even see Hogan when I left the arena. There was no one in that parking lot but me when I went out through there. You don’t have to believe me, but I don’t really care. Because I didn’t do it.”


JT - “Fair enough. You are entitled to your opinion. You say you didn’t do it, and that’s fine. But until we have evidence to discount you as a suspect, or evidence to suspect someone else, you will remain the center of our investigation. That is all for now, gentlemen. Have a good night.”


- Tunney walks out of the ring, as Perfect continues to try and convince him that he didn’t do it. Perfect then turns to DiBiase who is clapping at Perfect and seemingly congratulating him on taking out Hogan. But Perfect continues to insist that he didn’t do it and knocks DiBiase’s hands down and then rolls out of the ring. (92)


VM - Are you gonna sit there and tell me that Perfect isn’t the main suspect now after seeing that, Jesse?!


JV - It’s still too soon to tell, McMahon. There could have been anyone in that parking lot. Someone from the inside or someone from the outside. Who knows. I wouldn’t put the blame on Perfect just yet.


VM - You and your conspiracies! Is it not possible that things are as clear as that video shows? That Perfect simply walked out of the arena and attacked Hogan?


JV - Normally I’d say yes, McMahon. But let’s remember who we’re talking about here. We’re talking about Mr. Perfect. The man is perfect. He couldn’t make a mistake like this.


VM - Well, it’s certainly not out of the realm of possibility. But we have to put this aside for now, as we’ve got a huge tag team contest about ready to take place!

The Hart Foundation vs. The Rockers


<a href="

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Match Notes: An awesome tag team match, as the fans were behind both teams and couldn’t seem to decide who to root for. We actually got alternating “Hart Foundation” and “Let’s Go Rockers” chants, which made it even more of a spectacle. In the ring though, just like the last match, this one was back and forth with both teams getting on the offensive throughout. However, things were definitely raised to another level here, as once Bret and Shawn started dueling with each other late in the match, things really started to get intense. Anvil and Jannetty both came in and fought to the outside, with Bret and Shawn continuing to put on a show inside the ring. Bret got Shawn down and went for the Sharpshooter, but Shawn crawled away and got up and kicked Bret right in the stomach. Then as Jannetty threw Anvil into the crowd, he hopped up on the top turnbuckle, and Shawn hit the vertical superplex as Jannetty came off the top with the splash to pin Bret for the 1-2-3.


WINNERS: The Rockers at 10:21 (91)


VM - My goodness! Another unbelievable showing by these two teams, with the Rockers getting the better of the Hart Foundation this time around!


JV - It’s clear that both of these teams want to be next in line for a shot at the tag belts!


VM - You’ve got that right, Jesse, as these two teams have been on the top of their game the last two weeks.


JV - Yeah but now the score is 1-1. Neither team has been able to set itself apart just yet.


VM - I’m hoping we’ll get to see these two go at it again very soon!


JV - It only makes sense, McMahon. Somebody’s gotta be the clear number one contenders!


VM - Very true. Well folks, it’s time for our main event of the evening, with The Ultimate Warrior squaring off with Rick Martel!

Rick Martel vs. The Ultimate Warrior


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Match Notes: Warrior was once again using his recent momentum to completely carry him through this match, as he started off stronger than ever, sending Martel back and forth into the corners with vicious irish whips. Midway through, just when the Warrior was about to end it, Martel landed a poke to the eye which gave him some much-needed offense for the first time in the match. Martel got the Warrior down to the point to where he locked in the Boston Crab, with Warrior desperately trying to get out. Warrior ended up using his strength to flip Martel over, and then hit a big clothesline before hitting the splash for the win.


WINNER: The Ultimate Warrior at 7:49 (82)


- With Martel rolling out of the ring, Warrior celebrated inside the ring when the lights suddenly went off. The lights came back on, and this man was standing in the ring right behind the Warrior…..



- Warrior turned around and the two men stood face to face, with the fans in an absolute frenzy not knowing who was going to make the first move. But before either man could make a move…..


- ‘Ravishing Rick Rude slid into the ring and attacked the Warrior from behind. Rude and Andre then went to work on the Warrior, and then Andre picked Warrior up and put him in the Bearhug. Rude eventually gave Andre the order to put him down, and then grabbed a microphone, as by this point, Bobby ‘The Brain Heenan made his way down to the ring to join the duo.


Rick Rude - “Warrior, it looks like you got beat at your own game tonight! But you know what, I’m feeling a little confident right now. So here’s what we’re gonna do since you want another shot at me so bad. You against me and the Giant at Saturday Night’s Main Event. You win, you get your rematch. But if we win, you never get another shot at this title as long as this belt is around my waist!”


- Rude drops the mic and stands over the Warrior as Andre holds his hand high in the air. (100)


JV - Now the tables have turned, McMahon! Rude’s got Andre as his enforcer!


VM - Well Jesse, I know all the Warrior fans out there want to see him regain the title, but this certainly changes things quite a bit! How can he defeat both Rude and Andre?!


JV - How could he defeat either one of them by himself? Much less as a team.


VM - I don’t like the looks of this for the Warrior, that’s for sure!


SHOW RATING: 83 (Martel should get a gold medal for pulling an 82 with the Warrior!)

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Predictions - Superstars (Week 1, Oct. 1989)


Zergon - 4/4

dudeamis - 4/4

Jingo - 4/4

Destiny - 4/4

Dead Jester - 3/4

oldschool - 3/4

Harmor - 3/4

Beejus - 3/4

JudgeJuryExecutioner - 3/4

PoisonedSuperman - 2/4


Overall (9 shows)


Harmor - 31

PoisonedSuperman - 27

Jingo - 27

oldschool - 23

Zergon - 22

Dead Jester - 20

Destiny - 14

dudeamis - 12

Beejus - 11

DarthXaos - 9

olympia - 8

soxfan93 - 4

JudgeJuryExecutioner - 3

lazorbeak - 2

totti - 2


Another great round of predictions! Card for Prime Time Wrestling will be up later tonight.

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From the offices of the World Wrestling Federation:



Card subject to change


Demolition vs. Greg Valentine and Dino Bravo


Koko B. Ware vs. Honky Tonk Man


Rick Martel vs. Hacksaw Jim Duggan


Rowdy Roddy Piper vs. Haku



Jimmy Snuka and Brutus 'The Barber' Beefcake vs. Million Dollar Man and Mr. Perfect


*Including highlights of the The Ultimate Warrior/Andre the Giant confrontation on Superstars, as well as a special video tribute to the injured Hulk Hogan!


Predictions, gentlemen! Show should be up on Sunday.

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Demolition vs. Greg Valentine and Dino Bravo

Demolition picks up another vicory as they get ready for the title match.


Koko B. Ware vs. Honky Tonk Man

Honky is getting more TV time right now.


Rick Martel vs. Hacksaw Jim Duggan

I could see Hacksaw losing this one is Bossman interferenses but instead I go with Duggan winning and Bossman attacking him after the match.


Rowdy Roddy Piper vs. Haku

Piper is higher on the ladders



Jimmy Snuka and Brutus 'The Barber' Beefcake vs. Million Dollar Man and Mr. Perfect

I just don´t see DiBiase and Perfect losing here

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Demolition vs. Greg Valentine and Dino Bravo

A quick and easy win for Demolition on their way in. Interesting heel team though, it could almost be the New New Dream Team, as the two talented guys of both versions without weak link Beefcake.


Koko B. Ware vs. Honky Tonk Man

Honky Mania baby!


Rick Martel vs. Hacksaw Jim Duggan

Make no doubt about it, I want Martel to win this one. But I just don't see you pushing him at all, so Duggan picks this one up.


Rowdy Roddy Piper vs. Haku

Hot Rod is gonna be taking out his Snake frustrations here.



Jimmy Snuka and Brutus 'The Barber' Beefcake vs. Million Dollar Man and Mr. Perfect

Curt and Ted are really growing on me as a pair in this diary, you really need to keep this up. The only way it could get better is if they strike up a business affiliation with the Heenan Family.

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Demolition vs. Greg Valentine and Dino Bravo


Koko B. Ware vs. Honky Tonk Man


Rick Martel vs. Hacksaw Jim Duggan


Rowdy Roddy Piper vs. Haku



Jimmy Snuka and Brutus 'The Barber' Beefcake vs. Million Dollar Man and Mr. Perfect

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Demolition vs. Greg Valentine and Dino Bravo


Koko B. Ware vs. Honky Tonk Man


Rick Martel vs. Hacksaw Jim Duggan


Rowdy Roddy Piper vs. Haku



Jimmy Snuka and Brutus 'The Barber' Beefcake vs. Million Dollar Man and Mr. Perfect (The heels need to be over for the eventual return of the Huckster ^^)

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Demolition vs. Greg Valentine and Dino Bravo

A quick and easy win for Demolition on their way in. Interesting heel team though, it could almost be the New New Dream Team, as the two talented guys of both versions without weak link Beefcake.



Actually, The New Dream Team WAS Valentine and Bravo.

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Demolition vs. Greg Valentine and Dino Bravo


Koko B. Ware vs. Honky Tonk Man

Rick Martel vs. Hacksaw Jim Duggan


Rowdy Roddy Piper vs. Haku



Jimmy Snuka and Brutus 'The Barber' Beefcake vs. Million Dollar Man and Mr. Perfect

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Nice show... glad The Rockers won as well, really shakes things up a bit and should make for a great rubber match! 2 outta 3 falls perhaps.


Demolition vs. Greg Valentine and Dino Bravo

The number one contenders stay strong here.


Koko B. Ware vs. Honky Tonk Man

Honky Mania!! Runnin Wild! (Which was blatantly stolen from him by Hogan lol)


Rick Martel vs. Hacksaw Jim Duggan

Bossman gets involved, Martel gets rewarded for pulling Warrior to such a high rated match.


Rowdy Roddy Piper vs. Haku

Piper bounces back strong.



Jimmy Snuka and Brutus 'The Barber' Beefcake vs. Million Dollar Man and Mr. Perfect

Easy choice.

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Demolition vs. Greg Valentine and Dino Bravo


Koko B. Ware vs. Honky Tonk Man


Rick Martel vs. Hacksaw Jim Duggan


Rowdy Roddy Piper vs. Haku



Jimmy Snuka and Brutus 'The Barber' Beefcake vs. Million Dollar Man and Mr. Perfect


All seem smewhat pretty obvious to me... Duggan/Martel could go either way, but i like judgejuryexecutioner's reasoning as well

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- We cut in to see Gorilla Monsoon and Bobby ‘The Brain’ Heenan sitting behind the desk in the Primetime Wrestling studios.


Gorilla Monsoon - Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Primetime Wrestling here on the USA network. As always, I’m joined by Bobby ‘The Brain’ Heenan, and Brain, we’ve got a great lineup of matches tonight, including our main event as the Million Dollar Man and Mr. Perfect take on Superfly and Brutus ‘The Barber’ Beefcake.


Bobby Heenan - I hear the circus act is on the show as well, Monsoon. I can’t wait for Hammer Valentine and Dino Bravo to do a number on those two maniacs.


GM - Demolition will be challenging them, Brain, and that happens to be our first match of the evening.


BH - Who made that the first match of the night?


GM - I don’t know. Why?


BH - I thought they wanted people to actually watch this show. Half the audience will be scared away at the sight of those two animals!


GM - Oh would you stop! Let’s get to the match!


Demolition vs. Greg Valentine and Dino Bravo


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Match Notes: Another warmup match for Demolition, as they prepare for the showdown with the Brainbusters at Saturday Night’s Main Event. The bad guys went with the power game, as Bravo went on a slamming spree to try and continue to prove that he’s the strongest man in the WWF. But Ax and Smash started to wear down the inexperienced team with double teams, and once Ax got the hot tag, Demolition completely controlled the match. After taking out Bravo with the Demolition Decapitation, they then hit it on Valentine and Ax covered him for the victory.


WINNERS: Demolition at 7:49 (68)


GM - Chalk up another win for Demolition, as they’re now only six days away from getting their hands on Anderson and Blanchard.


BH - (looking uninterested) Yeah, yeah, yeah. Whatever, Monsoon. These guys can beat whoever they want. But on Saturday, they’ve got no shot at getting those belts.


GM - You do know that it’s no holds barred, right Brain?


BH - It can be any type of match in the world. But you’re forgetting the obvious, Monsoon. Arn and Tully have Demolition’s number. Those guys have no chance.


GM - Well Brain, it seems to me that this match totally favors the unpredictable Demolition, so I have no idea what you’re talking about.


BH - What you’re forgetting is that these two guys are lacking one key ingredient.


GM - I’ll probably regret asking this, but what’s that?


BH - A brain.


GM - I knew it. Well, let’s get to another tag team showdown that will take place on Saturday, as the Hart Foundation and the Rockers will meet for the right to take on Demolition after…..


BH - Wait just a second, Monsoon!


GM - Oh I’m sorry, Brain. I meant to say “the winners of the tag team title match.”


BH - You meant to say Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard.


GM - Anyways, the Hart Foundation and the Rockers will battle to become the top contenders for the WWF Tag Team Titles that will be around the waist of Ax and…..


BH - Oh c’mon, Monsoon!


GM - Another slip of the tongue there, Brain. Let’s take a look at the battles these two have had in recent weeks.


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- We cut to a highlight package that shows highlights of the two matches between these teams, with the Hart Foundation winning the first and Rockers scoring the victory on Superstars, and also includes the dueling chants that showed the split crowd for these two teams. (80)


GM - We should be in for a treat when these four go at it at Saturday Night’s Main Event, but we’ve also had a big match just announced for Superstars between two of these men, as Bret Hart will go one on one with Shawn Michaels!


BH - Wonderful. We’ll get to hear everyone gush over the fact that Michaels gave Rude a small challenge a week ago.


GM - A small challenge? Michaels almost beat the ravishing one for the Intercontinental Title!


BH - Ah whatever. I blame it on the Warrior.


GM - The Warrior wasn’t even involved in the match.


BH - Agree to disagree, Monsoon. Agree to disagree.


GM - Boy, you’re in rare form tonight, Brain. Let’s get to our next match!


Koko B. Ware vs. Honky Tonk Man


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Match Notes: A good back and forth match, with the recurring theme of Honky’s arrogance showing up throughout. Honky likely could have won the match a few minutes in, but chose to allow Koko to stay in the match by taunting and playing to the crowd a little too much.


WINNER: Honky Tonk Man at 6:43 (64)


BH - I’m tellin’ ya, Monsoon, I might have to give the Honky Tonk Man a serious look. He’s Heenan Family material!


GM - He’s certainly got the ego for it, Brain. That’s for sure. But he’s only won a few matches here recently, and his arrogance almost cost him against the Birdman.


BH - But he won the match. It doesn’t matter how you do it, just as long as you do it.


GM - So you think the Honky Tonk Man be another tool in your fight against the Warrior?


BH - Of course he could, Monsoon! He could jump in the ring and sing the Warrior a song while Andre has him in the bearhug!


GM - Need I remind you that the Warrior beat Honky in about three minutes several weeks ago.


BH - Stop living in the past. Honky’s a changed man. He took a week off and recorded a new album, and he’s back better than ever! I might be recording a duet with him in a few weeks.


GM - Boy would that be a best-seller throughout the world.


BH - I’m glad you’re starting to gain some common sense there, Monsoon. I like it.


GM - Let’s turn our attention to the returning Macho Man once again, Brain, as we want to remind everyone that he will be at Saturday Night’s Main Event and will talk with Mean Gene Oklerund about his return.



- A graphic comes up showing the Macho Man with the Saturday Night’s Main Event logo in the background. (86)


BH - I’ve gotta say it again, Monsoon. I can’t wait for the Macho Man to be back in the World Wrestling Federation!


GM - Oh Brain, you could care less about what the Macho Man actually does once he returns. You just know that he’s another wrestler that doesn’t care much for the Warrior! This infatuation with the Warrior is getting out of hand.


BH - What are you talking about, Monsoon!? I’ve got all the power I need against the Warrior. I’ve got the Intercontinental champion…..and I’ve got the largest athlete in the world. I don’t NEED any more help against the Warrior. But once Rude and Andre beat him on Saturday, it’ll be time for the Warrior to focus his attention elsewhere. Because any chance he has of being the Intercontinental champion will be finished. So I need to make sure someone is ready to continue making a fool out of the Warrior. Maybe I’ll give Haku a shot at him.


GM - Wow, are you done yet, Brain? I thought you were writing a novel for a minute! But it’s time for our next match, which features Rick Martel going up against the 2x4 wielding Hacksaw Jim Duggan!


Rick Martel vs. Hacksaw Jim Duggan


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Match Notes: The match never really get a chance to get going, as the first few minutes were spent with Martel hightailing it to the outside after a few intense punches from Hacksaw. Eventually Bossman and Slick made their way out from behind the curtain and slowly started walking down the aisle. Martel continued the same routine in the ring, and slid out once again to the loud boos from the crowd. Hacksaw decided to join him and went out and grabbed the 2x4 and connected on a few swings to the back on Martel. The referee immediately called for the bell and the disqualification.


WINNER: Rick Martel at 5:16 via disqualification (65)


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- After the match, Hacksaw began to head towards the aisle to go after Bossman and Slick with the 2x4, but they quickly exited. Hacksaw then turned around and decided to go back and give Martel one more shot to the abdomen for good measure.


GM - Well Hacksaw clearly intent on getting his hands on the Big Bossman, and he’ll get a chance to do it at Saturday Night’s Main Event!


BH - And I thought the Warrior was a buffoon. This is buffoonery at its finest, Monsoon. Duggan just cost himself a match on purpose just to go after the Bossman! What an idiot!

GM - Hacksaw doesn’t play around. That’s for sure. He was going to do whatever it took to go after the Bossman, but unfortunately it resulted in a win for Rick Martel.


BH - I doubt Martel is celebrating too much right now, Monsoon, since his back is probably about as red as Ax and Smash’s face combined.


GM - You actually make a good point there, Brain. Imagine that. But folks, although we’ve heard plenty about the Warrior already, let’s take a look at the recent events that have lead up the making of this 2 on 1 handicap match that will take place on Saturday!



- We cut to a video package that contains the Warrior making his statement that Rude better be looking for him everywhere. And then we see the Warrior’s under the ring antics, as well as the lights going out and him attacking Heenan and Rude. Then the package turns to Andre’s appearance on Superstars where he and the Warrior went face to face before Rude jumped Warrior from behind. (88)


GM - I would ask you if you have anything to add to that, Brain, but I do good and well that you do.


BH - Let me just say this, Monsoon. Warrior, you have absolutely no chance of beating the superteam of Rude and Andre. The fact of the matter is, no one man could take down these two monsters of the sport. Not the Warrior, not Hogan, not Piper, no one! These two men united are simply too excellent for one man to overcome. So Warrior, you better head to the toy store that you get your face paint at and buy yourself a knock off Intercontinental belt. Because that’s the only chance you’ll get to wear that belt as long as Rude is the champion.


GM - Well said, Brain. But I still think the Warrior will find a way to beat your two men on Saturday.


BH - That’s what you get for thinking, Monsoon.


GM - Unfortunately folks, it’s time to see the Brain in action once again, as Haku squares off with the returning Rowdy Roddy Piper!

Rowdy Roddy Piper vs. Haku


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Match Notes: A solid match that featured a hot start by the returning Hot Rod, with Haku having trouble stopping him in the early going. Once Haku started to gain some momentum, he began going to work on the still somewhat vulnerable shoulder of Piper. Heenan was loudly rooting on Haku to try and separate the shoulder, but luckily that never happened. Haku continued to stay on the offensive late in the match, however, after Haku threw up his hand went leaned in for the Death Grip, Piper grabbed his hand and then countered behind him and locked on the Sleeperhold. Haku tried to fight it, but after about 30 seconds, was completely knocked out.


WINNER: Rowdy Roddy Piper at 9:02 (68)


- After the match, Piper quickly went over and requested a microphone.


Rowdy Roddy Piper - “(speaking softly) I’m not gonna sit here and cut jokes or anything like that. I’ve only got one thing to say, and that is this: Jake Roberts, I want you to meet me in the middle of this ring at Saturday Night’s Main Event. And no, I’m not talking about a sanctioned match. I’m talking about a FIGHT. If you think you can just put the Hot Rod on the shelf and there not be any repercussions, then you’ve got another thing comin’. Just be there, Jake. Saturday……you and me are finally gonna finish this. Or should I say, I’m going to finish this.” (83)


GM - Brain, I’m not sure I’ve ever seen the Hot Rod that intense and that focused on completely destroying The Snake.


BH - Well like I said a few weeks ago, I’ve never liked either man, so I hope they tear each other to shreds.


GM - Jake’s already did that to Piper, but it sounds like the Hot Rod has revenge on his mind for Saturday. Without it being a sanctioned match though, anything can happen…..and I’m not sure that’s a good thing.


BH - It’s a great thing, Monsoon! Because I’ve got a feeling that one of these men won’t be walking out of the arena. And once Rude and Andre end the Warrior’s hopes, we’re talking about less competition for Rude.


GM - Of course you would think along those lines rather than not wanting to see someone torn to pieces.


BH - That’s why I’m The Brain.


GM - Well folks, it’s time for our main event of the evening, as two of the prime suspects in the attack on Hulk Hogan team up to take on Superfly and The Barber!


Jimmy Snuka and Brutus 'The Barber' Beefcake vs. Million Dollar Man and Mr. Perfect


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Match Notes: A very good match that featured two different styles. DiBiase and Perfect used a more methodical approach, wearing down the opposition with suplexes and rest holds, while Superfly and Brutus focused on a more up-tempo style of attack. Although DiBiase and Perfect had teamed before, there a few moments during the match where these two struggled with their chemistry, and both men were visibly irked by it. Beefcake made a strong run towards the end of the match and took advantage of a few teamwork mistakes by the bad guys. But in the end, Perfect countered an attack by Beefcake and hit the a huge suplex that left Beefcake in a world of hurt. However, as Perfect got up after that and walked around, DiBiase slapped him on the back which was considered a tag, and he locked in the Cobra Clutch on Beefcake as Perfect looked on upset. Before Superfly could make the save, Beefcake had no choice but to tap.


WINNERS: Million Dollar Man and Mr. Perfect at 12:39 (78)


- Perfect confronted DiBiase after the match, and they began to verbally jaw back and forth at each other. DiBiase seemed to be bringing up the fact that Perfect attacked Hogan, while Perfect continued to dispute that claim, and even pointed a finger at DiBiase. They continued to taunt each other before cooler heads prevailed, and both men exited on opposite sides of the ring, still clearly frustrated with each other.

GM - Mr. Perfect wasn’t too happy that the Million Dollar Man tagged himself in at the end of the match, but these two have bigger problems on their hands, as they seem to be blaming each other for the attack on Hogan. One man’s not telling the truth. That’s for sure!


BH - Since when did the Million Dollar Man become a suspect again, Monsoon?


GM - What are you talking about, Brain? Jack Tunney said Perfect was the center of the investigation right now, but that no one was ruled out at this point. And he’s the one that had the clear motive!


BH - Slow down there, Monsoon. I was just asking a question. You don’t have to go all Sherlock Holmes on me.


GM - Well maybe one of your guys did it!


BH - How dare you, Monsoon?! The Heenan Family doesn’t engage in attacks like that. Unless we have the opportunity to do it on the Warrior…..


GM - Oh would you stop! But thanks for joining us tonight everyone, and here’s a look at a great video featuring the World Wrestling Federation champion!


- A video plays showing some of the highlights of Hulk Hogan’s career, and highlights of his victories in recent months. The video ends with a clip of an interview from several months ago, which Hogan says “Though someone may knock down the Hulkster, Hulkamania will always bounce back and be better than ever!” (97)



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Predictions - Prime Time Wrestling (Week 2, Oct. 1989)


Jingo - 5/5

Dead Jester - 5/5

JudgeJuryExecutioner - 5/5

oldschool - 5/5

Zergon 4/5

Harmor - 4/5

Beejus - 4/5


Overall (10 shows)


Harmor - 35

Jingo - 32

oldschool - 28

PoisonedSuperman - 27

Zergon - 26

Dead Jester - 25

Beejus - 15

Destiny - 14

dudeamis - 12

DarthXaos - 9

JudgeJuryExecutioner - 8

olympia - 8

soxfan93 - 4

lazorbeak - 2

totti - 2


Pretty easy set of picks for Prime Time Wrestling! Card for Superstars will be up shortly.

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Fabulous Rogueaus defeated Young Stallions at 7:52 (71)


Slick hyped Akeem’s upcoming match (66)


Powers of Pain defeated the Bushwhackers at 6:11 (55)


Earthquake defeated Ronnie Garvin at 5:01 (63)


Akeem defeated Tugboat at 3:33 (53)

Rick Martel made an appearance and taunted the fans (77)


Sean Mooney interviewed Koko B. Ware about his upcoming match (67)


Koko B. Ware defeated Virgil at 7:59 (69)


A video hyped up Rowdy Roddy Piper's challenge to Jake Roberts (72)



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From the offices of the World Wrestling Federation:



Card subject to change


Jimmy Snuka vs. Rick Martel



'Ravishing' Rick Rude vs. Koko B. Ware


Bret Hart vs. Shawn Michaels



Tito Santana vs. Mr. Perfect


*Including Hulk Hogan's first live interview since being viciously attacked a few weeks ago! Plus, we'll hear from the WWF Tag Team Champions on the night before their blockbuster no-holds barred match with Demolition!


Get those predictions in, gentlemen! Show should be up Wednesday.

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Jimmy Snuka vs. Rick Martel

I'm going to take a chance that you're going to take a chance on The Model. Don't let me down plz?



'Ravishing' Rick Rude vs. Koko B. Ware


Bret Hart vs. Shawn Michaels

This is the toughest one to call, as it could really go either way here. Touche.



Tito Santana vs. Mr. Perfect

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