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WWE 2011: Bragging Rights!

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Best of Seven Match Series (1-1), Non Title: William Regal vs. Daniel Bryan

Primo vs. Darren Young

Maryse vs. Nikki Bella

Kane vs. Razor Ramon

Tyson Kidd vs. Vladimir Kozlov

The Miz, CM Punk, Drew McIntyre and Alberto Del Rio vs. Randy Orton, John Morrison, Big Show and Diesel

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Best of Seven Match Series (1-1), Non Title: William Regal vs. Daniel Bryan

Primo vs. Darren Young

Maryse vs. Nikki Bella

Kane vs. Razor Ramon

Tyson Kidd vs. Vladimir Kozlov

The Miz, CM Punk, Drew McIntyre and Alberto Del Rio vs. Randy Orton, John Morrison, Big Show and Diesel

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Best of Seven Match Series (1-1), Non Title: William Regal vs. Daniel Bryan

Primo vs. Darren Young

Maryse vs. Nikki Bella

Kane vs. Razor Ramon

Tyson Kidd vs. Vladimir Kozlov

The Miz, CM Punk, Drew McIntyre and Alberto Del Rio vs. Randy Orton, John Morrison, Big Show and Diesel

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Best of Seven Match Series (1-1), Non Title: William Regal vs. Daniel Bryan

Primo vs. Darren Young

Maryse vs. Nikki Bella

Kane vs. Razor Ramon

Tyson Kidd vs. Vladimir Kozlov

The Miz, CM Punk, Drew McIntyre and Alberto Del Rio vs. Randy Orton, John Morrison, Big Show and Diesel

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Best of Seven Match Series (1-1), Non Title: William Regal vs. Daniel Bryan

Primo vs. Darren Young

Maryse vs. Nikki Bella

Kane vs. Razor Ramon

Tyson Kidd vs. Vladimir Kozlov

The Miz, CM Punk, Drew McIntyre and Alberto Del Rio vs. Randy Orton, John Morrison, Big Show and Diesel

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Best of Seven Match Series (1-1), Non Title: William Regal vs. Daniel Bryan

I´m guessing that Regal will take the lead again.


Primo vs. Darren Young

Primo has more going on thanks to him being part of a stable.


Maryse vs. Nikki Bella

I just don´t see Bella´s winning much.

Kane vs. Razor Ramon

sorry Hall but Kane deserves the win more than you do.


Tyson Kidd vs. Vladimir Kozlov

No idea so I go with the bigger guy.


The Miz, CM Punk, Drew McIntyre and Alberto Del Rio vs. Randy Orton, John Morrison, Big Show and Diesel

Could be either way but heel side just looks slighly stronger to me in terms of star power.

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Best of Seven Match Series (1-1), Non Title: William Regal vs. Daniel Bryan

Looks like this series will be a trade before the big payoff, presumably at Wrestlemania.

Primo vs. Darren Young

Darren Young is terrible plus Primo has a storyline going.

Maryse vs. Nikki Bella

Hopefully you do what the actual WWE booking team should've done, job the Bellas.


Kane vs. Razor Ramon

Seems like an easy pick but then I thought Kane would beat Nash lol.


Tyson Kidd vs. Vladimir Kozlov

None of these guys seem to be doing much, so it's just a guess really.



The Miz, CM Punk, Drew McIntyre and Alberto Del Rio vs. Randy Orton, John Morrison, Big Show and Diesel

This match screams schmozz finish.

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Monday Week 4 February 2011

Location: Liacouras Center (Tri State)

Attendance: 8,749

Overall Rating: B

TV Rating: 8.02




[We are less than seven days away from WWE Elimination Chamber! Joey Styles and Jerry Lawler welcome everyone to WWE Raw! The crowd here in the Liacouras Center are on their feet and ready for some WWE Raw action!






Boos fill the crowd as The Miz walks out from the back. He smirks confidently as he walks right down to the ring and steps inside. He looks around with a microphone in his hand. He tells everyone to sit back and take a look at a sight that you're not going to see after this Sunday at Elimination Chamber. You get to see his bare naked waist. After Elimination Chamber, he says that he is going to have the WWE Championship around this waist. Now that he's gotten rid of the dead weight in his group there is nothing and no one to stop him from taking the WWE title from around Randy Orton's waist and putting it around his own.






[it looks like someone disagrees with that assesment as the WWE Champion and Apex Predator Randy Orton walks out from the back. He walks right down to the ring and slips inside, getting face to face with his challenger this Sunday. Orton says that he has been listening to The Miz running his mouth. The Miz can talk a good game all he wants. But at the end of the day when the smoke clears on Sunday only one man will have the WWE Championship and that one man is the Apex Predator in the WWE. The two men get nose to nose and look like they might come to blows.






[The WWE Raw General Manager Eric Bischoff comes out from the back and tells them to stop and not to come to blows right now. They need to save it for Elimination Chamber. If they can't save it then maybe the two of them can take out their aggression tonight. As a matter of fact, tonight we are going to have an eight man tag match with Randy Orton heading up one team along with John Morrison, Big Show and Diesel. The other team will be headed up by The Miz and consist of Alberto Del Rio, Drew McIntyre and CM Punk! What a main event this week! As Bischoff finishes, The Miz goes to attack Orton! He sets him up for the Skull Crushing Finale -- Blocked! -- RKO! -- Blocked! The Miz exits the ring quickly before any damage can be done. He stares at the WWE Champion, pointing to his head, saying he used his brain. But these two men will be captaining teams tonight!]




Match #1


Best of 7 Match Series (1-1)

William Regal vs. Daniel Bryan


[Our opening contest this week is actually a subpar match between two wrestlers who are known for their technical skills and have been embroiled in a best of 7 match series. The contest is back and forth between these two, entertaining the nearly 9,000 fans here! The ending comes a little after the 10 minute mark when William Regal breaks out the brass knuckles behind the referee's back. Regal takes Daniel Bryan down with the knuckles and makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3! William Regal takes a 2-1 series lead!]


Winner: William Regal (Via Pinfall @ 10:04; William Regal leads (2-1)

Match Rating: D-






[We head backstage, drawing boos from the crowd as we are following The Miz. The Miz turns a corner and comes face to face with John Morrison. The two men engage in an intense staredown with Morrison saying that he hopes that The Miz does win the WWE title at Elimination Chamber because he is going to win the Elimination Chamber match and he would love to meet The Miz for the WWE title. The Miz says that he WILL win the WWE title but who knows if Morrison will win the Elimination Chamber match. There's a reason why The Miz will win the WWE title and that's because he's The Miz and he's...AWESOME! Morrison just smirks and walks past him.]




Match #2

http://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/WWE%20Joint/Cards/Primo.jpg w/ http://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/WWE%20Joint/Cards/VickieGuerrero.jpghttp://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/WWE%20Joint/Cards/VS.jpghttp://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/WWE%20Joint/Cards/DarrenYoung.jpg

Primo vs. Darren Young


[A match that definitely did NOT hold the attention of most of the fans in attendance. A lot of them seemed to use it as a bathroom/concession stand break. These two competitors put in everything they could in a match that lasted less than four minute. Primo picks up a clean win over Darren Young following a Backstabber and a pinfall.]


Winner: Primo (Via Pinfall @ 3:45)

Match Rating: D+






[Next up, we have a video that begins focused on a statue of the legendary on-screen boxer 'Rocky Balboa!' The crowd cheers for the statue but have a mixed reation when the camera pans out to reveal the Full Blooded Italians. Nunzio and Tony Mamaluke are having an argument about their return to the WWE. Tony says they should take the Rock with them but Nunzio disagrees. He says the Rock is a bum. In fact, he tries to punch the statue of the Rock. Mamaluke steps in front of him to block the punches. It's you and me and the Rock capisce? The two men continue their argument until we fade away with a sign on the screen: The Full Blooded Italians Coming Soon To The WWE!]






[We head backstage following that video to see two of the Raw Elimination Chamber contestants facing off in Alberto Del Rio and Diesel! Del Rio says that he has heard of Big Daddy Cool and his knee problems. But he said not to worry because he will be taken care of at the Elimination Chamber and Del Rio will go on to fulfill his destiny of becoming the WWE Champion! Diesel smirked down at Del Rio and called him an arrogant little spitfire. But he also said that he will see Del Rio later tonight in the eight man tag team match. He mockingly wished him good luck before we headed back to the ring.]




Match #3


Maryse vs. Nikki Bella


[it's time for Divas action right here on WWE Raw where we have the hottest Divas in all of the WWE! The match goes back and forth and is about what you would expect from the Divas. For about four and a half minutes, the match is back and forth until Maryse puts Nikki away with the DDT.]


Winner: Maryse (Via Pinfall @ 4:29)

Match Rating: D+


[Maryse stands and celebrates her victory over Nikki Bella tonight. Nikki bangs the mat in frustration after the tough loss. But both Divas become frozen in fear with the music that plays next.]




[Kharma comes walking from the back. She has her usual angry looking face on as she walks down to the ring. Once she gets inside, she looks between both Maryse and Nikki Bella. Maryse manages to throw Nikki into Kharma and escape the ring! Kharma holds Nikki much the same way she held her twin last week! Kharma's smile goes from happy to twisted as she knees Nikki in the gut. She picks her up -- Implant Buster! Kharma smiles and rocks back and forth for a moment, looking down at the carnage she created.]






[We head backstage to an interview area where Vickie Guerrero is standing by with the WWE Tag Team Champions: Ted DiBiase and Joe Hennig: The New Legacy! Guerrero uses her 'excuse me' line several times in the beginning as the crowd boos in the background. She talks about how she has formed the greatest WWE Tag Team Champions ever! They are better than the Legion of Doom, better than the Steiner Brothers, better than Money Inc., better than anyone! And they are going to prove it next week right here on Raw! They are issuing an open challenge for any tag team in the world to come and face them in a non title match on Raw next week. If the other team wins, then maybe, just maybe they might get a spot at WrestleMania!]






[Joey Styles and Jerry Lawler talk about the annual Hall of Fame induction ceremony, which takes place every year around WrestleMania. Tonight, we are going to get to see who is the first inductee into the Hall of Fame Class of 2011.]


[A video begins to play, talking about a boyhood dream. A young kid from San Antonio, Texas who grows up to make his dream come true when he becomes the WWE Champion. 'Sexy Boy' begins to play in the background as highlights are shown of this man's career. He is a former 3 time WWE Champion, a former 1 time World Heavyweight Champion. He was the first ever WWE Grand Slam Champion. He helped to 'invent' the ladder match at WrestleMania X in a match against Razor Ramon. He won the first ever Hell In A Cell match against The Undertaker.


Please welcome the first inductee into the WWE Hall of Fame Class 2011:




'The Heartbreak Kid' Shawn Michaels!]




Match #4

http://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/WWE%20Joint/Cards/Kane.jpg w/ http://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/WWE%20Joint/Cards/PaulBearer.jpghttp://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/WWE%20Joint/Cards/VS.jpghttp://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/WWE%20Joint/Cards/RazorRamon.jpg

Kane vs. Razor Ramon


[An angry Big Red Machine faces off with a veteran and legend in 'The Bad Guy' Razor Ramon. Ramon makes an early mistake of flicking his toothpick in the face of Kane. This only serves to anger the Big Red Monster, who dominates the match. Ramon gets in some cursory offense but not very much as Kane repeatedly puts down his offense with things like a flying clothesline or a snake eyes. It is the Choke Slam by Kane that puts Ramon down for the 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Kane (Via Pinfall @ 4:18)

Match Rating: C


[Kane gets the win and Paul Bearer joins him inside the ring. Bearer motions to the downed Razor Ramon. Kane gets a weird look on his face before he picks up Ramon and brings him up and over his shoulder. He stands in the center of the ring -- Tombstone Piledriver! As Ramon is laid out on the canvas, Kane gives an evil laughter, raising his arms in the air and bringing them down as fire shoots out from the turnbuckles! Paul Bearer raises the urn as he stands beside Kane.]




[Our next video is a hype video, showing a man laying on a weight bench and doing a bench press with what looks like a lot of weight. The video talks about this man being a Man Beast. A Monster here in the WWE. He is a former WWE Champion. He is a former World Heavyweight Champion. But is he coming to Raw or is he coming to Smackdown? That is the question. Have no doubt about it, though, this Animal will make an impact. The man looks up to show his face for the end of the video.]








[both Joey Styles and Jerry 'The King' Lawler hype up the return of Batista and can only hope that he is coming to Raw. But they turn their attention to the Elimination Chamber pay-per-view. What great matches we have in store for you, including:


Non Title: William Regal vs. Daniel Bryan in continuing their seven match series.


Smackdown Elimination Chamber for the WWE World Heavyweight Title: Edge defends vs. John Cena vs. Rey Mysterio vs. "Dashing" Cody Rhodes vs. Wade Barrett vs. Sheamus!


Christian returns to pay-per-view singles action as he goes one on one with the All American American Jack Swagger!


The Undertaker tries to run The Nexus Gauntlet.


Randy Orton defends the WWE Championship against The Miz!


Raw Elimination Chamber for a WWE title match at WrestleMania: CM Punk vs. John Morrison vs. Drew McIntyre vs. Diesel vs. Alberto Del Rio vs. Big Show!


What an amazing night that should be! Make sure you order WWE Elimination Chamber live and on pay-per-view!]




Match #5

http://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/WWE%20Joint/Cards/TysonKidd.jpg w/ http://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/WWE%20Joint/Cards/JacksonAndrews.jpghttp://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/WWE%20Joint/Cards/VS.jpghttp://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/WWE%20Joint/Cards/VladimirKozlov.jpg

Tyson Kidd vs. Vladimir Kozlov


[Our semi main event is perhaps a better match than some might give them credit for. It is definitely a contrast of styles as the powerful Russian Vladimir Kozlov takes on the young and fast Tyson Kidd. Both men definitely impressed the fans and gives them hope for the future between these two wrestlers. A little over five minutes in, Kidd hits a Springboard Elbow Drop and makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3! A win for Tyson Kidd but a victory for the fans all around in seeing a good match.]


Winner: Tyson Kidd (Via Pinfall @ 5:33)

Match Rating: B-




Match #6




The Miz, CM Punk, Alberto Del Rio and Drew McIntyre vs. Randy Orton, John Morrison, Big Show and Diesel


[Our main event is a good one with eight men who are going to be competing at Elimination Chamber in Raw matches. Of course this match was made earlier tonight by Eric Bischoff himself. All eight men got in some offense early on with several near falls early in the match. Once things settled down, John Morrison was a face in peril throughout the middle of the match with each member of the opposing team getting offense in on him and getting several near falls, a couple of which had to be broken up by his teammates. When Morrison finally did make the tag, all hell broke loose in the match. All eight men began fighting and brawling both inside the ring and outside the ring. It was definitely too much for our official to handle and he called for the bell.]


Winner: Draw (Via Sports Entertainment Finish @ 18:04)

Match Rating: B


[The sound of the bell didn't stop the brawl, though. John Morrison hit The Miz with a corkscrew dive off the top turnbuckle to outside the ring! CM Punk managed to grab Randy Orton and went for the Go-To-Sleep but Orton slid out of it and hit Punk with the RKO. Orton went absolutely crazy inside the ring during the brawling. Eventually, he hit all seven other men with RKOs! At the end of the evening, the WWE Champion Randy Orton stood tall in the center of the ring with the WWE Championship raised up high! We'll see you at the pay-per-view!]

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Welcome to the WWE Prediction contest. This contest will run through the end of March in-game time (basically ends after WrestleMania).


No perfect scores this week on Raw. However, one person did make a 5/6 prediction score! Congratulations to Nathers7!


1. Nathers7=13 Wins

2. pauls07=10 Wins

3. Zergon=9 Wins

Rayelek=9 Wins

5. ChrisKid=5 Wins

nimo34=5 Wins

7. Kijar=4 Wins

8. Trell=3 Wins

Jingo=3 Wins

10. smurphy1014=2 Wins

Destiny=2 Wins

12. Harmor=1 Win

CharlieCornell=1 Win

1234=1 Win

Fear=1 Win

Huntman=1 Win

jonnycosmic=1 Win

JudgeJuryExectioner=1 Win

Bigpapa42=1 Win

Olivier le Fou=1 Win

BoomKing=1 Win

22. Jaysin=0 Wins

TheLeviticalLawKid3=0 Wins

The Final Countdown=0 Wins

KingAj=0 Wins

sebsplex=0 Wins

TDubRaiders=0 Wins

Oogity=0 Wins

20LEgend=0 Wins

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Damn, that show was up quicker than I thought, good job I have no chance of winning.


Cool show, FBI are awesome, but one thing, how did this happen:


The diary pretty much follows the WWE schedule - so we try and post RAW on Mondays, Superstars on Thursdays and Smackdown on Fridays. PPVs are a bit strange but that's the general rule (last week's postings were funny for a number of reasons).


For the last comment, do you mean the match grade? angeldelayette will be able to answer for certain but I believe the two had a match very early on before the Best of Seven Series began, making this the fourth match so far. The dangers of repetitive booking! :D

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Confirmed Matches 26/2/11

Chavo Guerrero vs Christian

Alicia Fox vs Eve

Dolph Ziggler vs Yoshi Tatsu

Jack Swagger vs Santino Marella

Sheamus vs Rey Mysterio

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Damn, that show was up quicker than I thought, good job I have no chance of winning.


Cool show, FBI are awesome, but one thing, how did this happen:


The diary pretty much follows the WWE schedule - so we try and post RAW on Mondays, Superstars on Thursdays and Smackdown on Fridays. PPVs are a bit strange but that's the general rule (last week's postings were funny for a number of reasons).


For the last comment, do you mean the match grade? angeldelayette will be able to answer for certain but I believe the two had a match very early on before the Best of Seven Series began, making this the fourth match so far. The dangers of repetitive booking! :D


Glad that you're enjoying things so far, 20LEgend! The reason for the poor grade was, indeed, because of the repetitive booking penalty (which incidentally I turned off following the match). But I decided to take the one bad grade in the show.


I just know everyone's waiting for me to chime in on the FBI coming back. Haha it's gonna be awesome to see them dominate the tag team division every week! excellent decision to bring them back. I would've done the same thing.


And, yes, it is great to have the Full Blooded Italians back! I am hoping for a bit of a revival in the tag team division as you will see in the coming weeks. Glad you like my decision for that one, Kijar!

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Chavo Guerrero vs Christian



Alicia Fox vs Eve

No idea so I just go with Kharma interfering during the match


Dolph Ziggler vs Yoshi Tatsu

Ziggler is doing more-


Jack Swagger vs Santino Marella

Swagger has a PPV match so he needs to look strong.


Sheamus vs Rey Mysterio

Could go either way but I go with bigger guy.

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Chavo Guerrero vs Christian

Sorry Chavo.


Alicia Fox vs Eve


Dolph Ziggler vs Yoshi Tatsu

Easy Pick.


Jack Swagger vs Santino Marella

Swagger just has alot more about him than Santino, the comedy gimmick doesn't help either though lol.


Sheamus vs Rey Mysterio

Personal preference.

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Liacouras Center, Philadelphia PA

In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Team LayCool defeated The Bella Twins in 6:34 when Michelle McCool defeated Brie Bella by pinfall with a Styles Clash. C


Zack Ryder cut another entertaining promo about the Intercontinental title - and revealed that he has been awarded a shot at Kofi Kingston's belt sometime after the Elimination Chamber. When that match steals the show, and a new champion is crowned a new era of Ryder will begin. WWWYKI! C


In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Santino Marella defeated Tyler Reks in 6:47 by pinfall with a Cobra Strike. D


The out of ring hype for the debut of Sin Cara continued with another interviewee putting over the Mexican superstar. This week it was the turn of World Heavyweight #1 Contender Christian who admitted he didn't get as much opportunity to catch lucha libre as he would like, but the one man who stands out has always been Sin Cara/Mistico. C


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Heath Slater, Justin Gabriel and David Otunga defeated JTG, David Hart Smith and Yoshi Tatsu in 11:27 when David Otunga defeated JTG by pinfall with a Spinebuster. C+


Our final segment was a hype video for the Elimination Chamber, with a host of great matches in store, including:


Non Title: William Regal vs. Daniel Bryan in continuing their seven match series.

Smackdown Elimination Chamber for the WWE World Heavyweight Title: Edge defends vs. John Cena vs. Rey Mysterio vs. "Dashing" Cody Rhodes vs. Wade Barrett vs. Sheamus!

Christian returns to pay-per-view singles action as he goes one on one with the All American American Jack Swagger!

The Undertaker tries to run The Nexus Gauntlet.

Randy Orton defends the WWE Championship against The Miz!

Raw Elimination Chamber for a WWE title match at WrestleMania: CM Punk vs. John Morrison vs. Drew McIntyre vs. Diesel vs. Alberto Del Rio vs. Big Show! A



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