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WWE 2011: Bragging Rights!

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Husky Harris vs. Shelton Benjamin

Beth Phoenix and Maryse vs. Natalya and Kelly Kelly

CM Punk vs. Big Show

Batista vs. Chris Masters

"Dashing" Cody Rhodes and Alberto Del Rio vs. Christian and Rey Mysterio

Non Title: Sheamus vs. Randy Orton Draw

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Husky Harris vs. Shelton Benjamin

Beth Phoenix and Maryse vs. Natalya and Kelly Kelly

CM Punk vs. Big Show

Batista vs. Chris Masters

"Dashing" Cody Rhodes and Alberto Del Rio vs. Christian and Rey Mysterio

Non Title: Sheamus vs. Randy Orton

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Husky Harris vs. Shelton Benjamin

Beth Phoenix and Maryse vs. Natalya and Kelly Kelly

CM Punk vs. Big Show

Batista vs. Chris Masters

"Dashing" Cody Rhodes and Alberto Del Rio vs. Christian and Rey Mysterio

Non Title: Sheamus vs. Randy Orton

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Husky Harris vs. Shelton Benjamin

[No contest....]


Beth Phoenix and Maryse vs. Natalya and Kelly Kelly

[Guess I'll go with Hogan again...]


CM Punk vs. Big Show

[As I said, Punk fan...]


Batista vs. Chris Masters

[Would like to see Masters pull off an upset as I would love to see him pushed but Batista it is...]


"Dashing" Cody Rhodes and Alberto Del Rio vs. Christian and Rey Mysterio

[i think the heels should win this...]


Non Title: Sheamus vs. Randy Orton

[Normally the challenger wins in a non-title match]

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Monday Week 2 March 2011

Location: MN Target Center (Great Lakes)

Attendance: 8,878

Overall Rating: B+

TV Rating: 6.19




[Our show begins within the Target Center in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Joey Styles and Jerry Lawler welcome everyone to WWE Raw! They begin running down the card for the show tonight. What a great card we have, including a match featuring Randy Orton and Sheamus!






[speaking of the WWE Champion, Randy Orton comes out to a very good crowd ovation. Orton enters the ring and poses to a crowd ovation before he is given a wireless microphone. We are just a few short weeks away from WrestleMania and my defense of the WWE title against CM Punk. I know that some of you out there even like CM Punk. I know that some of you may think that he has a shot of taking this belt. But make no mistake about it, CM Punk is not walking away with my belt. There is no one in the WWE that can walk away with my title. Last week, Stephanie McMahon announced the end of the brand split and that's fine because it means more competition for me. Orton is interrupted, though, by some music that draws boos.]




[Sheamus comes out and heads right for the ring. He talks about how tonight Randy Orton has to get past him to even make it to WrestleMania. The back and forth between the two ends in punches being thrown. Sheamus gets taken down with a clothesline and Orton goes for the RKO but Sheamus shoves him off and quickly exits the ring. The two stare each other down.]




Match #1

http://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/WWE%20Joint/Cards/HuskyHarris.jpg w/ http://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/WWE%20Joint/Cards/VickieGuerrero.jpghttp://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/WWE%20Joint/Cards/VS.jpghttp://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/WWE%20Joint/Cards/SheltonBenjamin.jpg

Husky Harris vs. Shelton Benjamin


[Our opening contest here on WWE Raw is one that may surprise people in how good it is. The fans have gotten behind the return of Shelton Benjamin and it shows here tonight as they cheer him on. Vickie Guerrero tries to interfere throughout the match but she seems to make things worse for Husky Harris. Benjamin catches Harris with the Paydirt near the seven minute mark and makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Shelton Benjamin (Via Pinfall @ 6:56)

Match Rating: B






[We head backstage where we come in the middle of an argument between John Cena, The Miz, John Morrison and Wade Barrett. The argument is interrupted by the presence of Stephanie McMahon. Stephanie lets them know that she gathered them together because she has signed a fatal four way match at WrestleMania between the four of them. The winner of the match will get a future WWE title shot! All of them seem equally pleased at that and exit without any punches being thrown.]




Match #2


Beth Phoenix and Maryse vs. Natalya and Kelly Kelly


[Diva action right here on WWE Raw and it is a fairly good, albeit short tag team encounter. There is only a brief face off between Beth Phoenix and Natalya in the ring, otherwise it's a battle between the other Divas. Phoenix shows some dominance in this match and she catches Kelly Kelly with the Glam Slam and makes the pinfall: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winners: Beth Phoenix and Maryse (Via Pinfall @ 5:06)

Match Rating: B-


[A big win for Beth Phoenix here tonight. The WWE Divas Champion Natalya enters the ring and she goes face-to-face with Phoenix. Phoenix motions to her waist, showing that she wants the Divas title! The two get into a shoving match but before any fists can be thrown, they are interrupted by the sound of female laughter.]




[Kharma walks out from the back and looks toward the ring as both Beth Phoenix and Natalya stare at the new large Diva. Kharma makes a motion to her waist, showing that she wants the WWE Divas title! The three women stare at each other to end the segment. Could we see all three of these women in the ring at WrestleMania?]






[The focus goes backstage to the locker room where Alberto Del Rio meets up with "Dashing" Cody Rhodes. The two of them talk about their tag team encounter later tonight against Christian and Rey Mysterio. Rhodes says that neither of their opponents have his "Dashing" good looks and that will be their downfall. Del Rio claims he will show that it is his destiny to become a future WWE Champion.]






[The crowd pops and boos as John Cena is shown backstage through the use of the Titantron. Cena talks about how hard he has worked here in the WWE. He works for every single chance that he gets. And that's not going to change. He's working for a title shot after WrestleMania and he's got to go through three of the toughest wrestlers in the WWE to get there. He knows all three of these men very well but after all is said and done he is going to come out on Raw and say 'The Champ is here!']




Match #3


CM Punk vs. Big Show


[One of the big main event matchesof the evening comes next as CM Punk takes on Big Show. Punk uses a lot of hit and run tactics on Big Show, frustrating the larger adversary. Show manages to catch Punk at times but Punk uses his speed to get free. Show manages to catch Punk around the throat but the fire explodes from the turnbuckles! A definite distraction for Big Show which allows Punk to catch him with a low blow kick outside the look of the official. Punk shows some strength as he lifts Big Show up on his shoulders -- Go To Sleep! What a move by CM Punk! Punk makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: CM Punk (Via Pinfall @ 5:40)

Match Rating: B






[We are taken to an interview with the former WWE Champion The Miz! Miz talks about the fact that he is the most must-see champion in WWE history. But now that he isn't the champion ratings are going to free-fall. They're going to plummet until the WWE begs him to take the title back. That leads right in to WrestleMania and his four way match to determine the top contender to the WWE title. Whether it's Randy Orton or whether it's CM Punk doesn't really matter. Because he can beat either one of them. Why? Because I'm The Miz and I'm...AWESOME!]




Match #4


Batista vs. Chris Masters


[Our next match is definitely what people would call an absolute squash match. This was power on power and Batista is simply better than Chris Masters at this stage. The match barely lasts over five minutes and ends when Batista catches Masters with a Spinebuster and makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Batista (Via Pinfall @ 5:17)

Match Rating: C-


[Batista picks up a big victory here on the Road To WrestleMania! He gets his arm raised in the air and then begins to shiver as a cold chill fills the arena. The sound of the druids begins to fill the air. The sound of the Gregorian chanting has Batista looking around to see what he can see. Suddenly, the Titantron lights up with images from past WrestleManias. Each WrestleMania opponent for the Undertaker is shown getting tombstoned and getting pinned until they reach an image of Batista. A gong sounds and the lights go out.]




[The image of The Undertaker stands tall on the Titantron. His eyes roll back in his head as a spotlight shines on Batista in the center of the ring. The image of The Undertaker raises an arm and lightning strikes along the ramp. The voice of The Undertaker fills the arena: 'Batista: Rest...In...Peace.' The image disappears and the arena lights come back on, leaving a visibly shaken Batista in the ring. Batista shakes his head and exits the ring, moving toward the back.]






[We are taken to an interview with the WWE World Champion Edge. Edge states that he apologized to Christian for that errant punch last week and the two of them are definitely friends again. Nothing can seperate their friendship, not even the WWE World title. But that doesn't mean that they aren't going to give it their all at WrestleMania. This is a match that most people have wanted to see and anticipated. It's a match that he and Christian knew would happen one day. It's also a match where he is just that much better than Christian.]




Match #5


Alberto Del Rio and "Dashing" Cody Rhodes vs. Christian and Rey Mysterio


[A tag team contest here in the semi main event. Another great contest here on WWE Raw that has the fans on their feet and looking for more. Christian definitely seems to have more to lose in this match as he is fighting for the World title at WrestleMania and momentum could be everything there. Mysterio is the face-in-peril in this match with both Del Rio and Rhodes focusing on his arm and getting several near falls. Mysterio fights out of the Cross Arm Breaker attempt by Del Rio and manages to tag in Christian! Del Rio tags out to Rhodes and the two exchange blows. Soon all four men are in the ring. Mysterio sends Del Rio out of the ring and leaps over the top rope, landing on him. Inside the ring, Christian reverses out of the Cross Rhodes and catches Rhodes with the Killswitch! Christian makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winners: Christian and Rey Mysterio (Via Pinfall @ 11:47)

Match Rating: B




Match #6


Non Title

Sheamus vs. Randy Orton


[Our main event and this is the best match of the night as Randy Orton takes on Sheamus. Orton starts off strong against Sheamus, getting several near falls but he can't quite keep Sheamus's shoulders down for the three count. A missed punt attempt by Orton turns the fortunes in Sheamus's favor. Sheamus sends Orton out of the ring and rams him against the ring post! Sheamus brings Orton back in before they get counted out, though. Sheamus takes control until around the ten minute mark. He goes for the Brogue Kick but Orton dodges. Orton sends Sheamus onto the apron and catches him with the rope hanging DDT! Orton looks to be going to that place where he hears voices in his head! The Viper sends Sheamus to the ropes -- scoop powerslam! Orton sets Sheamus up, banging on the ground. Sheamus slowly gets to his feet -- RKO! Orton makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Randy Orton (Via Pinfall @ 12:56)

Match Rating: A


[Randy Orton picks up a major win here tonight by defeating Sheamus! Orton is given the WWE title and he raises it up to cheers from the crowd! The Viper climbs the turnbuckles and celebrates his victory. But the celebration is short-lived as he is interrupted by the presence of his WrestleMania opponent.]




[CM Punk walks out from the back, clapping his hands together but also carrying a steel chair. Punk tells Orton congratulations on this victory. Though it took him longer to beat Sheamus than it took Punk to beat Big Show but, hey, a win is a win, right? Orton challenges Punk to come down to the ring and Punk accepts, running down and sliding inside with the chair. He gives Orton a shot to the ribs and then lifts him up for the Go To Sleep! Orton slips out the back -- RKO on the chair! Punk's chair definitely backfired on him tonight! Randy Orton celebrates as his music plays in the background and we're out of time! See you next week!]

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Welcome to the WWE Prediction contest. This contest will run through the end of March in-game time (basically ends after WrestleMania).


No perfect scores this week. However, some people did get 5/6 correct! Congratulations to ChrisKid, Jingo, Zergon, Kijar and Trell!


1. Nathers7=14 Wins

2. pauls07=11 Wins

Zergon=11 Wins

4. Rayelek=10 Wins

5. nimo34=6 Wins

ChrisKid=6 Wins

Kijar=6 Wins

Jingo=6 Wins

9. Trell=4 Wins

10. smurphy1014=2 Wins

Destiny=2 Wins

12. Harmor=1 Win

CharlieCornell=1 Win

1234=1 Win

Fear=1 Win

Huntman=1 Win

jonnycosmic=1 Win

JudgeJuryExectioner=1 Win

Bigpapa42=1 Win

Olivier le Fou=1 Win

BoomKing=1 Win

Darkestearth=1 Win

23. Jaysin=0 Wins

TheLeviticalLawKid3=0 Wins

The Final Countdown=0 Wins

KingAj=0 Wins

sebsplex=0 Wins

TDubRaiders=0 Wins

Oogity=0 Wins

20LEgend=0 Wins

Tyler Gadzinski=0 Wins

ya_its_me=0 Wins

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