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WWE 2011: Bragging Rights!

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William Regal vs. Finlay

-Not a fan of Finlay

Ted DiBiase vs. Chris Masters

-I really wanna see Masters get a push because he's awesome and the fans are way behind him on Superstars, but you're pushing Ted so he gets the win.

WWE Tag Team Titles Match: Santino Marella and Vladimir Kozlov defend vs. Husky Harris and Primo

-Harris and Primo seem too thrown together.

WWE United States Title Match: Daniel Bryan defends vs. Tyson Kidd

-Kidd wouldn't win the belt.

CM Punk vs. Alberto Del Rio vs. Randy Orton

-His name...his name is *RKO*

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Edit: Also, what happens that I don't get win even though I think I only missed one match. Not a complaint just wanting to know the rules.


The way that it is done is that the people who have the highest predicted scores get a win. For example, in the last Smackdown, three people made 5/5 predictions correct for a perfect score. Therefore, only those three people get the win. To me, this is a better way than my old system of each correct prediction got a point as this will allow people to miss a show or two if they need to and not be penalized that much. Though we do appreciate each and every prediction.

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Edit: Also, what happens that I don't get win even though I think I only missed one match. Not a complaint just wanting to know the rules.


Whoever gets the most correct scores for a show gets 1 'win'. So this week's Smackdown had three perfect scores (5/5) - ChrisKid, Zergon and Nathers7. They are the only people to get a point based on that show. The idea is that using this scoring method everyone has a chance at winning the contest, regardless of when they came on board, because the overall score is fairly low (four after four shows). In the more traditional scoring method (a point for each correct prediction) after a couple of weeks the gap becomes too wide for many people to win - my SWF diary for example has a difference of 19 points between 1st and 10th. With only five points on offer per show there is very little chance of 10th catching up, let alone someone who joined late. Same applies for someone who misses a show for whatever reason.


EDIT: Haha, just beaten to it!

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<p><strong>William Regal</strong> vs. Finlay</p><p>

<em>HAAAAAA</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Ted DiBiase</strong> vs. Chris Masters</p><p>

<em>I like Ted, but not Chris..</em></p><p> </p><p>

WWE Tag Team Titles Match: Santino Marella and Vladimir Kozlov defend vs. <strong>Husky Harris and Primo</strong></p><p>

<em>Please...please let them lose.</em></p><p> </p><p>

WWE United States Title Match: <strong>Daniel Bryan</strong> defends vs. Tyson Kidd</p><p>

<em>Tyson Who?</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>CM Punk</strong> vs. Alberto Del Rio vs. Randy Orton</p><p>

<em>Nope to Del Rio and Orton.</em></p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="angeldelayette" data-cite="angeldelayette" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="31636" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><p> </p><p> <span style="font-family:'CENTURY GOTHIC';">The way that it is done is that the people who have the highest predicted scores get a win. For example, in the last Smackdown, three people made 5/5 predictions correct for a perfect score. Therefore, only those three people get the win. To me, this is a better way than my old system of each correct prediction got a point as this will allow people to miss a show or two if they need to and not be penalized that much. Though we do appreciate each and every prediction.</span></p></div><p></p><p></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Oh alright, I can dig it! Yeah, that seems like a way better alternative to the other system.</p>
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<p>William Regal vs. <strong>Finlay</strong></p><p><strong>

</strong> <strong>Ted DiBiase</strong> vs. Chris Masters</p><p>

WWE Tag Team Titles Match: Santino Marella and Vladimir Kozlov defend vs. <strong>Husky Harris and Primo</strong></p><p>

WWE United States Title Match: <strong>Daniel Bryan </strong>defends vs. Tyson Kidd</p><p>

CM Punk vs. <strong>Alberto Del Rio</strong> vs. Randy Orton</p>

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<p><strong>William Regal</strong> vs. Finlay</p><p>

<strong>Ted DiBiase</strong> vs. Chris Masters</p><p>

WWE Tag Team Titles Match: <strong>Santino Marella and Vladimir Kozlov</strong> defend vs. Husky Harris and Primo</p><p>

WWE United States Title Match: <strong>Daniel Bryan</strong> defends vs. Tyson Kidd</p><p>

CM Punk vs. Alberto Del Rio vs. <strong>Randy Orton</strong></p>

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<p><strong>William Regal </strong>vs. Finlay</p><p>

<strong>Ted DiBiase </strong>vs. Chris Masters</p><p>

WWE Tag Team Titles Match: <strong>Santino Marella and Vladimir Kozlov</strong> defend vs. Husky Harris and Primo</p><p>

WWE United States Title Match: <strong>Daniel Bryan</strong> defends vs. Tyson Kidd</p><p>

<strong>CM Punk</strong> vs. Alberto Del Rio vs. Randy Orton</p>

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<p><strong>William Regal</strong> vs. Finlay</p><p>

<em>Both guys are here to put younger guys over but to me Regal has looked stronger so far.</em></p><p>


Ted DiBiase</strong> vs. Chris Masters</p><p>

<em>DiBiase has more going on right now.</em></p><p> </p><p>

WWE Tag Team Titles Match: <strong>Santino Marella and Vladimir Kozlov</strong> defend vs. Husky Harris and Primo</p><p>

<em>Sadly this match underlines how horrible WWE´s tag division is with a comedy team and random pairing fighting for the titles. I don´t see Harris and Primo winning here so champs retain.</em></p><p> </p><p>

WWE United States Title Match: <strong>Daniel Bryan</strong> defends vs. Tyson Kidd</p><p>

<em>Kidd might well get United States title at some point, possibly even soon but right now I still go with Bryan retaining.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>CM Punk</strong> vs. Alberto Del Rio vs. Randy Orton</p><p>

<em>Punk was on a losing end last week so I give this one to him because of that.</em></p>

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<p><strong>William Regal </strong>vs. Finlay</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Ted DiBiase </strong>vs. Chris Masters</p><p> </p><p>

WWE Tag Team Titles Match: <strong>Santino Marella and Vladimir Kozlov</strong> defend vs. Husky Harris and Primo</p><p> </p><p>

WWE United States Title Match: <strong>Daniel Bryan</strong> defends vs. Tyson Kidd</p><p> </p><p>

CM Punk vs. <strong>Alberto Del Rio</strong> vs. Randy Orton</p>

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<p><strong>William Regal</strong> vs. Finlay</p><p>

Even though the crowd booed this match in real life I really enjoyed it, Regal takes the win as he is younger and has more going on.</p><p>


Ted DiBiase </strong>vs. Chris Masters</p><p>

Toughest prediction here, going with DiBiase as he seems to be getting a push.</p><p> </p><p>

WWE Tag Team Titles Match: <strong>Santino Marella and Vladimir Kozlov</strong> defend vs. Husky Harris and Primo</p><p>

Lol, as the predictor above me says this is how bad WWE's tag division is these days.</p><p> </p><p>

WWE United States Title Match: <strong>Daniel Bryan</strong> defends vs. Tyson Kidd</p><p>

Kidd is very talented but this is DB he's facing.</p><p> </p><p>

CM Punk vs. Alberto Del Rio vs. <strong>Randy Orton</strong></p><p>

Exactly the same reason I picked Barrett on Smackdown, the number 1 contender needs the win more than Punk or Del Rio, I can only see Punk winning if Miz interferes.</p>

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Monday Week 3 January 2011

Location: VI Stuart C. Siegel Center; Richmond, Virginia (Mid Atlantic)

Attendance: 7,361

Overall Rating: B+

TV Rating: 8.10


[The opening montage of wrestlers brings us to inside the Stuart C. Siegel Center in Richmond, Virginia for WWE Raw! Joey Styles and Jerry 'The King' Lawler welcome everyone for a historic evening where the identity of the Anonymous Raw General Manager will be revealed! As a matter of fact, they are getting word that the Anonymous Raw General Manager is standing backstage right now ready to come out. The crowd sits in idle anticipation of what is about to occur. Now introducing the Anonymous Raw General Manager...
















[The crowd is in absolute shock as the man who once ran WCW, the man who just recently was a part of TNA Wrestling comes out from the back. Eric Bischoff smiles widely to everyone and waves to the fans. He mouths 'I Love you, guys!' as he walks down to the ring and slides inside. He is given a microphone and explains that it is GREAT to be back where it all matters. It is great to be back inside of a Raw ring instead of behind a computer. That was Vince McMahon's idea, by the way. But the real reason why he had to be behind a computer is because he was under contract to an inferior organization. Because he was under contract to that other company, it couldn't be known that he was working both sides. But now he is back on Raw only and the ratings are about to go sky-high. That is what he's all about by the way: ratings. He wants to make this the most successful program in the history of professional wrestling.]






[The #1 contender Randy Orton walks out from the back and heads to the ring to confront his new boss. Orton poses in the ring before getting down to business. His focus is on Eric Bischoff and he says it didn't matter who came out here as the Anonymous Raw General Manager. By the end of the Royal Rumble he is going to walk out as the brand new WWE Champion! Bischoff says that's fine with him if he can get by The Miz. But at the end of the day this is his program and he is going to run it as he sees fit. Orton threatens to RKO Bischoff and punt him in the head if he stands in his way. Before Eric Bischoff can respond, more music interrupts.]




[it's CM Punk! CM Punk slides in the ring and looks at Randy Orton and then at Eric Bischoff. He offers the General Manager a handshake and then takes his hand away at the last minute. He explains that he is CM Punk, the savior of WWE's Raw brand. Tonight he wants to be able to prove that by defeating the number one contender: Randy Orton and earning a spot to fight The Miz at WWE's Royal Rumble. Before Eric Bischoff can respond, though, they are interrupted by more music.]




[Alberto Del Rio comes out in a vintage car, climbing out quickly and walking to the ring, stepping inside. He smiles that fake smile to Eric Bischoff. His name is Alberto Del Rio! But you already know that. And it is his destiny to become the WWE Champion. If anyone should be fighting for the right to face The Miz then it should be him. Eric Bischoff says that everyone has a great point. So tonight it is going to be Randy Orton versus CM Punk versus Alberto Del Rio! And if someone manages to pin Randy Orton tonight then he will take that under consideration.]




Match #1


William Regal vs. Finlay


[Our opening bout here on Raw is a slightly above average match with two veterans going at it in the middle of the ring. Finlay uses his brawling to his advantage here and even hits Regal with a rolling fireman's carry slam for a two count. Regal fights back and hits Finlay with the Regal-Plex getting a two count. Eventually, Regal hooks Finlay into the Regal Stretch and Finlay is forced to tap out.]


Winner: William Regal (Via Submission @ 7:51)

Match Rating: C+






[We are taken backstage into Eric Bischoff's office. The boss is not alone, though. He has The WWE Champion The Miz with him. The conversation begins with some flattery about The Miz being the most must-see Champion in the history of the WWE. Eric Bischoff agrees and that is why he is going to put The Miz into a match next week. The Miz=ratings, right? Well, he better because next week he is going into a non title match with the WWE United States Champion whether that be Daniel Bryan or Tyson Kidd. The Miz goes into his 'really? Really? REALLY?' And he is confident enough to say that he can beat either one of them next week. Bischoff tells him good but he also tells him to vacate his office.]






[in the interview area, Kane and Paul Bearer are standing by. As the lights come on, Kane explains that he has given Big Show far too long to make up his mind. The Big Red Machine wants an answer from The Big Show next week, yes or no. Remember, if you're not with Kane then you're against him.]




Match #2


Ted DiBiase vs. Chris Masters


[A very surprisingly good match between these two fairly young wrestlers. This was not complete domination by any stretch of the imagination as Chris Masters got in some solid shots. He got a two count after a Samoan Drop but Ted DiBiase fought his way back into the match. He nails Masters with a fist drop and then pulls him up -- Million Dollar Dream -- Dream Street! DiBiase makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Ted DiBiase (Via Pinfall @ 5:48)

Match Rating: B-


[Following the sounding of the bell, DiBiase pulls out a one hundred dollar bill and stuffs it down the throat of Chris Masters in a humiliating moment. He looks into the camera and says that everybody has a price.]






[The set and the sound of the bagpipes means only one thing! It's time for Piper's Pit right here on WWE Raw! Roddy Piper welcomes out his special guest on Piper's Pit, none other than John Morrison! Morrison comes out with his special slo-mo entrance. He shakes hands with Piper and the two begin a short question and answer segment focusing on the Royal Rumble. John Morrison talks about how he's always wanted to compete in the Royal Rumble since he was a child. He talks about how exciting it is and Piper agrees since he has participated in several Rumbles. The conversation pauses when it is interrupted by music.]




[The entrance of Alberto Del Rio draws boos from the crowd. The Mexican Aristocrat walks down to the ring and steps inside. He thumbs his nose at Piper and focuses his attention on John Morrison. He says that if for some reason Eric Bischoff does NOT decide to give him the title match that is his destiny he will earn it at the Royal Rumble. He says that Morrison does not have a chance. Piper interjects, stating that he himself is going to be entering this year's Royal Rumble! So just when you think you have all the answers he changes the questions! The Piper's Pit ends in a fight between all three men before security comes down to seperate them.]




Match #3


WWE Tag Team Titles Match

Santino Marella and Vladimir Kozlov defend vs. Husky Harris and Primo


[The first defense of the WWE Tag Team Titles right here on Raw since the draft. Husky Harris and Primo look decent as a team though they are not polished. But Joey Styles makes sure to mention that both men have famous wrestling fathers. Vladimir Kozlov is dominant when he is in the ring with Primo. Kozlov drops Primo with a big boot to the head. He lifts Primo up and drops him with the Iron Curtain! He goes for a cover but the count is interrupted by the presence of the new Mr. Perfect Joe Hennig! The referee sees the interference and calls for the bell.]


Winners: Santino Marella and Vladimir Kozlov (Via Disqualification @ 6:59; Santino Marella and Vladimir Kozlov retain the WWE Tag Team titles)

Match Rating: C-




[santino comes in to help his partner but he gets taken out by Husky Harris! Joe Hennig picks up the large Vladimir Kozlov and drops him with a Perfect-Plex! That was perfectly executed! As Joe Hennig, Husky Harris and Primo stand within the ring, another voice rings out from the back.]






[The crowd boos heavily as Vickie Guerrero walks out clinging to the arm of Ted DiBiase! When they reach the ring, Vickie explains that this is what she meant last week by her legacy coming to form tonight. All of these men have a family reputation and so does she. She is a Guerrero after all. She has a father (in law) who was in this business! Now with the financial help of the Million Dollar Son and with the strength of Husky Harris and the perfection of Mr. Perfect Joe Hennig and the speed of Primo the legacy is going to do even better than all their fathers combined. The boos come flying in to this group as we head off to the back.]






[We come backstage where the WWE Divas Champion Natalya is trying to get some answers from Beth Phoenix about what happened last week. The two are already in the middle of the argument when we head back there and it immediately goes to shoving and punches thrown! Security has to step in quickly before this becomes an all-out brawl. Security grabbing Natalya allows Beth to get in another cheap shot to boos from the crowd.]






[The boos turn to cheers as Randy Orton is shown pacing backstage. He slams his fist into a locker. His claim as number one contender is up for grabs tonight in our main event. The Viper looks like he is ready to uncoil.]




Match #4


WWE United States Title Match

Daniel Bryan defends vs. Tyson Kidd


[Our WWE United States title is defended for the first time since the draft as Daniel Bryan faces Tyson Kidd. This is a very good match in the semi main event slot. The first few minutes show back and forth action between the two as they seem to be sizing each other up. Tyson Kidd gains the advantage following the first few minutes, sending Daniel Bryan outside and then landing on him in a suicide dive! Kidd gets to his feet and whips Daniel Bryan against the stairs before tossing him back inside the ring. Kidd uses the ropes as a springboard and lands a stiff legdrop to Bryan. He makes a cover: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout! Kidd goes for a Sharpshooter but Daniel Bryan reverses it into a small package: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout! The momentum begins to shift right here.]


[The WWE United States Champion proves why he is the Champion as he begins his comeback against Tyson Kidd. Daniel Bryan picks up Kidd and body slams him before moving to the turnbuckles. He climbs up and then dives -- diving headbutt connects! Daniel Bryan gets to his feet and waits for Kidd to start sitting up and then he peppers him with stiff kicks to the body. One to the head brings Kidd right back down. Daniel Bryan moves in and hooks in the LeBell Lock! Tyson Kidd struggles and fights but eventually he has to tap out. So it will be Daniel Bryan against The Miz next week!]


Winner: Daniel Bryan (Via Submission @ 8:49; Daniel Bryan retains the WWE United States title)

Match Rating: B




Match #5


Randy Orton vs. CM Punk vs. Alberto Del Rio


[Our main event and this is an excellent match with three very talented wrestlers involved. Randy Orton comes out to the ring first and he is followed by the Mexican Arisocrat Alberto Del Rio! The two men in the ring begin brawling, throwing punches at one another with Orton coming out on the positive end of things. Orton brings down Del Rio with a clothesline. The next few minutes is spent with advantage Orton and then the music of CM Punk begins to play. CM Punk walks casually from the back while Orton and Del Rio battle inside the ring. Punk just stands at ringside, watching. He goes over and sits at the announce table, picking up a set of headphones and doing some announcing. Orton scores a two count on Del Rio following a fireman's carry slam.]


[Del Rio begins making a comeback on Orton when Orton gets distracted by CM Punk outside the ring. Del Rio sends Orton into the steel guardrail and then into the ring post! He sends Orton back in the ring and CM Punk remains on commentary. Del Rio drops Orton with a double knee armbreaker and makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- CM Punk yanks Del Rio out of the ring. CM Punk slides in and covers Orton: 1 -- 2 -- Del Rio yanks CM Punk out of the ring. The two bad guys begin fighting outside the ring! After a few minutes, the fight goes back inside the ring where Alberto Del Rio lifts CM Punk into a military press style slam but then drops him down into a german suplex! He holds the bridge: 1 -- 2 -- Randy Orton breaks the bridge!]


[The match comes to a head around the seventeen minute mark as all three men are almost exhausted from the war that has been waged. CM Punk is the one with the most energy left and he is the man standing at this point. Punk picks up Del Rio on his shoulders for the GTS but Del Rio slips out behind him. Del Rio grabs Punk by the arm and twists him around into the cross armbreaker! Punk tries to resist the pain! Punk reaches for the ropes with his free arm but he can't get there! Punk raises his hand. He's going to tap out! NO! Randy Orton breaks the hold with a kneedrop on Del Rio! He picks up Del Rio and drops him with an inverted headlock backbreaker! Orton drops down and begins punching the mat. Is it time for the RKO? Orton rises up, waiting for Del Rio. Del Rio gets to his feet but so does Punk! Orton turns on Punk, clotheslining him over the top rope to the outside. Orton turns back to Del Rio and avoids a clothesline -- RKO! Randy Orton drops Alberto Del Rio with the RKO! Orton makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Randy Orton (Via Pinfall @ 19:41)

Match Rating: A


[What an amazing match right here on Raw! The Viper is still headed to the Royal Rumble! Orton moves to a corner and climbs up, raising his arms in celebration but he comes down the hard way as he catches a low blow.]




[it's The Miz and Alex Riley! The Miz grabs Orton -- Skull Crushing Finale! The Miz takes the belt away from A-Ri and holds it up in the air as he stands over Randy Orton. Alex Riley gets a microphone for The Miz. The Miz gives that arrogant smile and gets on the microphone proclaiming he is the greatest because 'I'm the Miz and I'm AWESOME!' And we end the show with The Miz and Alex Riley celebrating. Next week, though, The Miz goes one on one with Daniel Bryan!]

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angeldelayette is away for a few days, so I am posting his show for him. Another excellent write-up (and a few shocks) from Mr. RAW I'm sure you'll all agree!


Prediction card for Smackdown will be up later this evening, as will the scores - normally angeldelayette does them (he gets them right! :D ) so I'll blame him for the delay :p


Thanks from us both for all the comments, predictions, and Bragging Rights votes - we hope you all enjoy the show!

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Welcome to the WWE Prediction contest. This contest will run through the end of March in-game time (basically ends after WrestleMania).


We had a lot of people get 4/5 correct, but we also had three perfect scores on RAW this week! Congratulations to Nathers7, pauls07 and Rayelek!


1. Nathers7=5 Wins

2. Zergon=4 Wins

pauls07=4 Wins

4. smurphy1014=2 Wins

ChrisKid=2 Wins

Rayelek=2 Wins

7. Harmor=1 Win

CharlieCornell=1 Win

Jingo=1 Win

Kijar=1 Win

1234=1 Win

Trell=1 Win

Fear=1 Win

Destiny=1 Win

15. Jaysin=0 Wins

TheLeviticalLawKid3=0 Wins

Huntman=0 Wins

The Final Countdown=0 Wins

KingAj=0 Wins

sebsplex=0 Wins

TDubRaiders=0 Wins

nimo34=0 Wins

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Confirmed Matches 19/1/11

"Dashing" Cody Rhodes & Team LayCool vs Rey Mysterio, Eve & Gail Kim

David Otunga vs JTG

Zack Ryder vs David Hart Smith

The Nexus (Slater & Gabriel) vs Barretta & Tatsu

Edge vs Sheamus

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"Dashing" Cody Rhodes & Team LayCool vs Rey Mysterio, Eve & Gail Kim

-Rhodes and the established team get the win over Rey and the thrown together team.

David Otunga vs JTG

-The J stands for jobber

Zack Ryder vs David Hart Smith

-Hard to pick on this one, so I'll go with the guy I like. WWWYKI!

The Nexus (Slater & Gabriel) vs Barretta & Tatsu

-Random thrown together jobber team loses.

Edge vs Sheamus


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Confirmed Matches 19/1/11

"Dashing" Cody Rhodes & Team LayCool vs Rey Mysterio, Eve & Gail Kim

David Otunga vs JTG

Zack Ryder vs David Hart Smith

The Nexus (Slater & Gabriel) vs Barretta & Tatsu

Edge vs Sheamus<!-- controls --><!-- / controls -->

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"Dashing" Cody Rhodes & Team LayCool vs Rey Mysterio, Eve & Gail Kim

Cody Rhodes + LayCool = Epic Awesomeness.


David Otunga vs JTG

I use to like JTG, but those days are over.


Zack Ryder vs David Hart Smith

Gotta go with my bro Zack Ryder


The Nexus (Slater & Gabriel) vs Barretta & Tatsu

I like the team of Tatsu and Trent, but I like Slariel.


Edge vs Sheamus

While I do think Sheamus could pull a surprise win, Edge is more over.

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