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Board Effort Mod BETA!

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So here it is. Several years and versions of TEW in the making, the Board Effort Mod is finally going beta! Its been a long road, with various people at the helm and loads of folks helping out; creating characters, imagining promotions, sorting out renders and logos.


The Board Effort Mod is an entirely ficticious universe much like the default C-Verse is, but came from the minds of select members of the forum. Now, however, is when it gets really exciting! Now is when it gets thrown over to everyone on the forum to help out with.


As a beta this is not the complete and final article. There are a couple of promotions yet to be finallised, it could do with a few more free agents, some bios need filling out, a few pictures need doing, some contract pics don't match up, yada, yada, yada, but the mod is pretty much data complete and entirely playable. What it needs now is polishing, and many hands make light work.



Here is an overview of the world to wet your appetite:


US - In this world the US isn't at all where its at due to the relatively recent near demise of dominant global promotion US-A. Most of the feds are regional with a couple higher and a couple lower. Full of aggressive Warlords trying to reach the top and peaceful owners wanting to co-exist.


Canada - Dominated by one company with a handful of others trying gain ground, including a promotion based entirely around tag wrestling.


Mexico - Is a battle ground between GLLM and MPWA with NELL trying to cut in and TBZ on the edge of breaking out or going under. The big two utilize a more American style product and TBZ is the ECW to their WWF & WCW whereas NELL is heavily influenced by the vibrant, fast paced Japanese scene.


UK - Is dominated by SAW but has a few other growing feds in the mix and is growing a thriving lucha scene.


Japan - Traditional Japanese strong-style wrestling has been merged with Lucha Libre style to produce an incredibley popular modern product in Japan. Kokka No Wrestling innovated the style and it has been copies by several other promotions to some extent or another. World #1 Kokka No must quickly develop new stars as the vast majority of it's roster nears retirement while other feds who utilize its style and some with different products are positioned to take over the land with their already developed younger rosters. Japan also boasts the world's first 'Worked MMA' promotion.


Europe - Is divided with Central Europe as a no man's land kind of like the Berlin Wall of wrestling. You have two Russian companies vying for control in Eastern Europe, RCW in Southern Europe fueled by Riviera Ryder's Casino Empire & SFB, the brainchild of a former heavy metal drummer in Scandinavia.


Australia - Has 4 companies trying to revitalize the industry after the complete failure of a once dominate fed (similar to US-A's fall but the government forced it to dissolve). These 4 so far peacefully co-exist which seems to be helping, albeit slowly.


As you can see, things in this universe have gone slightly differently :D



Here are the Top 2 promotions in every region:




Top Wrestling Alliance


Top Wrestling Alliance was founded by former referee Douglas Bailey. He felt that there was a void in the New England area for a major wrestling promotion. He decided to make a sports entertainment promotion which would feature wrestlers that he had worked with in the past. The promotion did not start to pick up steam until a newer generation (Led by Reggie Blade) of wrestlers started to show up in the company in 2004.


TWA has also recently received the benefit of signing some talent that the US-A has let go due to budget problems. The US-A dropped a lot of their female wrestlers which led to TWA signing them and starting up a women’s division of their own. And most importantly the TWA has picked up the US-A's old television spot which has caused them to gain popularity at a rapid pace.

Game State - Cult


United States All-Stars


Founded in 1954, United States All-Stars is one of the oldest wrestling promotions in the United States. Starting out as the main regional company in the Mid Atlantic region of the United States, US-A was originally called Richmond Wrestling League. In 1964, William Lee Jr. took over the promotion from his father.


The first thing that Junior did was change the name of the promotion to United States All-Stars. Junior had dreams of expanding his promotion outside of the Mid Atlantic region and making US-A the first national promotion in the United States. He started aggressively signing the top talent away from other companies all around the country. He achieved his goal of becoming the first national wrestling promotion in the United States.


US-A faced no real threat to their stranglehold on the North American wrestling scene for almost thirty years. Due to recent mismanagement by Junior's sons, US-A has now fallen back to a regional promotion.

Game State - Regional





Elite Wrestling Organization


The Borden family founded the Elite Wrestling Organization in 1990. At the time, the EWO was known as Ontario Championship Wresting, and it was a small local promotion based out of Toronto.


In 1995, however, former LSSWL manager Jack Clapton returned to his home country of Canada, bought the OCW from the Borden family and changed its name to the Elite Wrestling Organization because he felt that OCW made the promotion sound too "small time".


Upon purchasing OCW, Clapton also decided to radically alter the product. Clapton preferred a more fan friendly sports entertainment product as opposed to the traditional product that the OCW was doing at the time he bought the promotion. With a change in product, the EWO skyrocketed in popularity and it became one of the most popular companies in Canada. The company has recently seen a huge up turn in business due to the American Elite Invasion angle.

Game State - National


OUTLAW Wrestling


OUTLAW Wrestling, owned by Buddy Howard, is his third promotion. Located in Canada because Buddy can no longer get a license to run a promotion in America. Buddy's first promotion High Octane Wrestling was shut down when it was discovered it's primary funding source was a mafia family that used H.O.W as a money laundering front. Next his popular cult hit CWA was rocked in 2006 when half it's roster brawled with fans on live TV in what is referred to as "The Richmond Riot" shortly after that the NY Times ran "The Steroid Chronicles" a series of articles on the rampant use of steroids in CWA naming 10 wrestlers who careers never recovered. CWA folded 2 months later unable to survive the bad press and losing all TV, PPV & sponsorship deals.

OUTLAW Wrestling opened it doors to those black listed wrestlers, given them a shot at redemption of their careers. A risky product that's home for grizzled veterans and stars of the 90's as well as young talent looking to make a name for themselves.

Game State - Regional





La Gran Liga de Lucha de Mundo


"La Gran Liga de Lucha de Mundo" or "The Great Wrestling League" was founded by El Gran Heroe (The Great Hero) in the heart of Mexico City during a three day outdoor festival in 1932. As the nations most celebrated luchadore, El Gran Heroe created the promotion out necessity after helping to send his former boss - the owner of Mexican juggernaut "Mexico City Lucha Libre" - to jail, leaving the country with a huge wrestling void.


Prior to the now legendary wrestling festival in which La Gran Liga de Lucha de Mundo debuted, El Gran Heroe promoted to fans unprecedented access to Mexico's biggest stars, causing attendance records to be shattered at the event. In the aftermath of the festival, wrestler payouts climbed to previously unheard of numbers. As a result, GLLM quickly supplanted MCLL, eventually becoming the largest pro wrestling company in Mexican history.

Game State - National


Mexico Pro Wrestling Alliance


Michael Rodriguez debuted MPWA on television in 1981. Its said that it cost him more to put that first show on the air than it did to run the promotion for the next year. After greasing several palms and convincing a major television company to put MPWA on the air as a special wrestling program. Fans tuned in shocked to see some of the biggest names in all of GMLL competing on this new promotion. Presenting a more modern, edgier version of pro wrestling MPWA has taken the younger demographic away from GMLL and are seemingly locked in a tie for top wrestling promotion in Mexico


MPWA is heavily influenced by American wrestling with more dramatic, edgier stories. And just like in American wrestling his workers do a lot of talking on the weekly TV shows and the ppv's are almost all pure wrestling with little talking.


The company owner Michael Rodriguez chose to use the English translation of the name to try to blur the lines between American wrestling and Mexican Wrestling.

Game State - National





Sexy Athletes Wrestling


Sexy Athletes Wrestling (SAW) is a British professional wrestling promotion founded by American millionaire Donald Hefner (and silent partner Hugh Trump) in 2010.


Hefner made his fortune by seeing things other couldn't, and when he founded SAW he did so on the premise that a flashy product with riveting story lines and lovely people was the way to lead. When he was asked why he didn't base his promotion in North America, Hefner simply replied "The industry is a mess over there - the UK is the way - just trust me."


However when trying to craft his perfect roster Hefner soon found that while there were plenty of exceptional wrestlers in the industry, few of them possessed the head turning beauty, charisma or acting ability required to create his dream promotion. As such, the SAW roster is an eclectic mix of failed broadway performers, c-list celebrities, would be male models, bodybuilders, ex-beauty queens, porn stars and sexy girls and guys next door from all around the world.

Game State - National


UK Lucha


UK Lucha was formed in 2002 by aging British Luchador Captain Kingdom after his return to his home country, finding no place to ply his trade. Recently, seeing many workers he brought with him growing old and retiring, Captain Kingdom has opened a small wrestling school and taken many of the graduates into his company. Finding mild success, he has begun to spread out and take the show on the road.

Game State - Regional





Kokka No Wrestling


Kokka No Wrestling is short for Zenkoku Puroresu Kigyou Rengou, which translated to english as the "National Pro Wrestling Syndicate". The NPWS is the official name of the Kokka No Wrestling governing body, and all titles bear KPKR and NPWS logos on the side plates as well as KNW on the center plate.


The company is a joint effort by two wrestling legends, mixing the styles of Rejiendo (puroresu) and Misuta Mekishiko (Mr. Mexico of lucha libre fame) to put forth a very unique product.


One recent interesting byline of the company is that even most foreign wrestlers have adopted Japanese variations of their name.

Game State - National


Takamora Lucha Pro


A long standing odd-couple tandem in Mexico, Yoshi Takamora and El Hijo del Mexicana (Rudy Santana) decided to open their own promotion after Santana retired using the money they had saved between them over the years.


However the lucha market was obviously saturated in Mexico they decided to open their new promotion in Japan. With the complicated business laws in Japan it was decided to put the entire promotion in Yoshi's name and that he would continue to wrestle as the figurehead of the company, with Santana handling the booking of the promotion.


The company has seen a massive rise in popularity over the last three years, mainly due to roster member Kinji Akio winning the hugely popularJapanese assault course based gameshow 'SHINPI! SENSHI! SAIBAN!' three years running. Takamora continues to wrestle to headline shows to this day and Santana still holds the book as well as acting as the companies primary road agent.


TLP are the only promotion in Japan not to run a touring schedule, as Yoshi felt that the Japanese public deserved a wrestling show on TV that wasn't just a clips show.

Game State - Cult





Riviera Championship Wrestling


Riviera Championship Wrestling was started up by Riviera Rider, a European business tycoon with a string of Hotel and Casinos throughout the World. He was briefly involved with Gideon Wright's JIPW in the U.S. but bought his way out of the deal when he grew discontented with Gideon's Xenophobic nature and refusal to incorporate non-Jewish talent for more then 4 shows.

This led to JIPW's sporadic schedule and Rider focused on his casinos until 1977 when he had gained enough contacts and influence to open RCW in his prize casino in Europe. Since then the company has thrived and recently formed a working agreement with the NACPW since Gideon retired and Leon Luv Money & Aaron Wright have worked hard to shed the image cast by the previous owner.

Game State - Cult


Svenska Förbundet för Brottning


Svenska Förbundet för Brottning (Swedish Federation of Wrestling) was the brainchild of Lars Magnusson of Metalluca fame.


The aging drummer, after failing miserably in the music industry thanks to former frontman Johnny "Rockstar" Hedricks, put his his financial fortune won at Riviera Ryder's Casino into a floundering wrestling school. Out of the ashes of the school rose SFB as Scandinavia's homegrown wrestling promotion thats seeks to take the European scene by storm.


Since its inception SFB has seen Lars Locke pass away due to years of substance abuse but the ownership of the promotion was quickly snapped up by Lars previously unknown daughter Gabriella Magnusson.

Game State - Regional





National Wrestling Outback


Following the collapse of the OZ1 fed in 1998 when the Australian government forced the company to liquidate its assets due to various illegal operations, the nation had a two year vacuum that saw the occasional foreign company try to gain a foothold but to no avail.


The people, starved for homegrown talent, insisted the Hawk Family return from their American & Japanese adventures and the government itself became involved in the movement by donating the seized property of OZ1 in an effort to lure Ryan and his wife home.


Within 9 months National Wrestling Outback opened its doors and proceeded to sell out the first year's worth of shows.

Game State - Regional


Aotearoa: Wrestling Exemplified


Originally founded by ex-professional Rubgy player Jonas Whanu and former Rugby Union footballer Baz Shelford, Aotearoa: Wrestling Exemplified has always been an athlete friendly promotion. While the combination of ex-sporting "stars" with professional wrestlers has thus far proved fairly successful in the proud sport-loving nation of New Zealand, it has also generally resulted in its main event matches being relatively devoid of anything resembling quality work rate.


AWE is perhaps most famous for their unique use of championship belts, where each title affords the holder certain privileges. For most titles these assigned benefits have changed as storylines have required, with the only exception being the Waitangi GP Cup. Since its original inception, whoever wins the aforementioned tournament not only gains bragging rites but also the ability to create a maximum of three match-ups-to be used before the next tournament-of his or her choosing for any event's card.

Game State - Regional



Well, I think that is enough from me for now, I'm sure other folks who have been heavily involved in the project to date will pop in and post as well. Many thanks to everyone who has been involved so far, esspecially Kobe1724 who started this whole thing off.


Without further ado, here are the links:

Data: http://www.sendspace.com/file/fs15g0 - UPDATED 2nd September

Pic-Pack: http://www.mediafire.com/?4cr41k8pbx4dd1s - UPDATED 22nd August


If they go down anyone who has downloaded them is welcome to re-upload them :D



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Haven't actually played the data yet, since the picture download is stuck :p But here are some notes:


- Delete the save game that is included, it's just increasing the size for nothing.


- You have 50% less (3) A* psychology workers than CornellVerse (active males, CV has 1,007 active, you have 977)


- You have 16 over A psychology workers as opposed to CVerse having 22. No biggies..


- You have over 80 active males that have B to B+ psychology, as opposed to CVerse's 58. I'd recommend cutting that number slightly.


- The average psychology is 5% higher than the CVerse correspondant.


- Consistencies are 5% lower in your project.


You know, all these are just worthless statistics, but what the heck :D

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Haven't actually played the data yet, since the picture download is stuck :p But here are some notes:


- Delete the save game that is included, it's just increasing the size for nothing.


- You have 50% less (3) A* psychology workers than CornellVerse (active males, CV has 1,007 active, you have 977)


- You have 16 over A psychology workers as opposed to CVerse having 22. No biggies..


- You have over 80 active males that have B to B+ psychology, as opposed to CVerse's 58. I'd recommend cutting that number slightly.


- The average psychology is 5% higher than the CVerse correspondant.


- Consistencies are 5% lower in your project.


You know, all these are just worthless statistics, but what the heck :D


All good things to know, thanks very much :D

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looks good!


i see my character submissions never made it in, lmao. oh well, maybe another release :p


Do you still have them, if so just send them to either MJ or myself and we will add them in.


Woohoo! Been looking forward to this.


It occurs to me that I have a set of future workers created for this that I never actually sent over. Would those help at all?


Yes you can send them into either myself or MJ and we shall add them in as he do not have that many future workers.

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Do you still have them, if so just send them to either MJ or myself and we will add them in.




Yes you can send them into either myself or MJ and we shall add them in as he do not have that many future workers.


I'd reccomend sending stuff to BHK for the next month, I'm away with work from Tuesday morning for 4 weeks ;)

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I'd reccomend sending stuff to BHK for the next month, I'm away with work from Tuesday morning for 4 weeks ;)


Forgot about that, okay send me anything you would like to add. That goes for anyone as well, if you want to make future workers for the mod just send them my way and eventually they will pop up in the data.


Also, the save game was my fault. I forgot to delete it before I sent the data out.:o

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Oh BTW, I wanna apologize about not finishing up that 7th profile I called dibs on (hopefully my previous 6, joshi workers, made it in after I sent them), I've been catching up on a lot of stuff lately and I hope to get it finished so that when I send it in, it could be imported into a later update.
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Guest deathcroc

I download it and just started playing around a little. I noticed that there are no tag teams in World Class Tag Team Wrestling. There are some wrestlers that have tag experience with each other, but no teams preset for WCTTW.


Looks very promising!

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I download it and just started playing around a little. I noticed that there are no tag teams in World Class Tag Team Wrestling. There are some wrestlers that have tag experience with each other, but no teams preset for WCTTW.


Looks very promising!


Gahhhh!!!! All the workers in WCTTW (bar one pairing) are in pre-existing tag teams elsewhere, I forgot to add them in as teams in WCTTW. That will be fixed for the next release, cheers for the heads-up ;)

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There's a typo in Grand Avatar's profile


It says "The Grand Avatar is one the most mysterious figures in wrestling..."


I think it should be "The Grand Avatar is one of the most mysterious figures in wrestling..."


TBH, I don't think he's even meant to be in there :eek:

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Really? He had his own render and everything. I thought he was there for the option of people wanting to have their avatar not be a 'persona' in the game, so to speak.


There was an 'Alan Smithee' (I think) who is meant to be the same kind of thing?? (or was that a different mod??)


Anyway, have fun with the mod folks, I'll see you in a month :D

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One tiny, annoying, point which means nothing in the grand scheme of things, but as you're trying to polish things up.


There are two identical workers, one called Issak Jordyn, and one Isaak Jordyn. Now I may be being stupid, and they're supposed to be like that, but they look to me like the same guy.


Great work though, I'm really enjoying having a poke around.

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Sessue Kawate is in the workers file, with his complete CVerse backstory and everything. He should probably be deleted.


Aguila Dorado still has his Feb 1999 and Jan 1999 birth/debut dates.


The Hyde Sports stations should probably be linked as a Media Group.

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