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Alianza de Lucha Libre: The Rise of Star Man Jr.

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December 1st 2009

Mexico City. Mexico


A man in a black suit and tinted glasses paces around his office. He looks around at the various Lucha Libre memorabilia but nothing holds his attention long because he is waiting for a very important call, a call that will change the world of Lucha Libre forever. When the phone finally rings the man practically dives on his desk to answer it.


Man: Hello…yes, this is Carlos Reyes Jr. I understand the current situation as it pertains to Lucha Libre, however I truly believe there is room for another promotion to thrive. I also understand that neither MPWF, nor SOTBPW, nor OLLIE have plans to expand beyond our country. I intend to go beyond Mexico, beyond the U.S., beyond Canada. I plan to bring Lucha Libre to a world wide audience. Yes, it is an ambitious goal but I believe the business model I have outlined for you shows that it can be achieved. Thank you sir…you will not regret your decision.


Carlos hangs up the phone and falls back into his leather chair. His mind wanders back to the last day he saw his brother, the same day he realized that he could no longer just dream about starting his own company..


August 12th 2006

Mexico City, Mexico


Carlos Reyes had passed away several years prior, leaving behind a wife and two sons, Carlos Reyes Jr. and Miguel Reyes. Despite being the son of a luchadore, life was hard for the boys and often Carlos was forced to do field work to help support his family, especially when his father went across the border looking for work in America. Carlos was given the oppurtunity to become El Guardiano Jr., however on his way to the gym he was involved in a car crash that left him unable to walk withou the use of a cane. After the accident, Miguel was given the chance to train as Carlos watched his younger brother live out his dream. For several years Miguel wrestled as El Guardiano Jr., although he was by no means a “big” name in the sport. One day Phoenix I came to Miguel with a “brilliant” idea. Miguel thought about the idea then went to see Carlos to ask him for advice. This dear reader is where our story truly begins…


Miguel: Carlos you don’t understand! Phoenix is offering me a chance to make an impact on the sport. Besides…it’s only for a few months, then I will be revealed along with the other two Swarm members.


Carlos: So he says... How can you trust that guy? He’s the head booker and the top star! You think that’s a coincidence? You think he’s really going to let you become anything more than a guy he builds up to be the one to take out?


Miguel: It isn’t like that Carlos…


Carlos: It isn’t? Look who he has told you he was putting in your group. Raul Sanz Jr. is practically a cripple. Ever since Mexican Beast botched that suplex on him, the guy has never had another halfway decent match. And Mr. Lucha II…he couldn’t get over even after donning the mask of one of the sports most beloved icons.


Miguel: So…that just means when we reveal ourselves I’ll get the biggest push...


Carlos: Miguel you know I can’t wrestle, but if I could I would be under father’s mask. A mask you swore to bring prestige to. Or have you forgotten your promise?


Miguel: I haven’t forgotten, but I believe this will bring honor to our family. Just wait Carlos, you’ll see…time will prove me right and you wrong…


Carlos: Miguel! Don’t do this, I beg you. Just hold out a few more years, I almost got the money together to start up our own company just like father wanted to do before…he died.


Miguel: You’ve been saying that for years Carlos. Give it a rest already. Owning your own company is a pipe dream, just like me thinking I could ever become famous by following in father’s footsteps!


Carlos: How dare you say that! Get out Miguel. Go throw your legacy away for a quick buck like some pienche baboso!


Miguel: I will Carlos…and when you run out of money and are living like a bum don't call me up looking for a loan…

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Lucha Libre Spotlight


In shocking news a new Lucha Libre company has just announced it is opening it's doors in January of 2010. According to some insiders, the new company has already gained the ire of MPWF, OLLIE, and SOTBW by attempting to recruit major stars from each company. Although we have gained no solid evidence, we have reports that several "big name" Luchadores have made "handshake" deals with this new company and will be leaving their respective companies for this new venture. As the news continues to filter in we will be sure to keep you updated.
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Lucha Libre Spotlight


After several weeks of speculation we have finally gotton word as to the official roster for Alianza de Lucha Libre or A.L.L. As expected several of the names on the list are former members of the OLLIE, MPWF, and SOTBW rosters...with a few being champions with their respective companies before walking out. It also seems that A.L.L. pulled a huge coup on OLLIE by signing away thier road agent and lucha legend Manuel Prieto. With the release of their roster the war in Mexico has just become a 4 Way contest. Fans of Lucha Libre are said to be on the edge of their seat as they await the first A.L.L. show...


Alianza de Lucha Libre



Main Event

Axxis Jr.

Angel de Mexico

El Critico


Upper Mid Card

Gino Montero

Cique Jr.

El Asiatico


Mid Card


Star Man Jr.

Luis Montero Jr.

Vincente Romero

El Pavo Real


Lower Card

La Bestia Purpura


Luchadore Original



Super Sonic




Padre Carrasco



Carlos Reyes Jr.

Miguel Dominguez


Head Ref

Sebastion Cabrera


Road Agent

Manuel Prieto

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Monday, January 1st 2010

Mexico City, Mexico


Carlos Reyes Jr. stands tall in front of the historic Juarez Bar in Northern Mexico. In front of him stands a podium, complete with a microphone and the A.L.L. logo. Hundreds of journalists are standing around waiting for the press conference to begin and several photographers snap off shots.




In 27 days, on the last Sunday of this month, the world of Lucha Libre will be restored to its former glory! The Alianza de Lucha Libre will hold its first show here, at the historic Bar Juarez, the sight of such ground breaking matches as El Patron vs. The Pharaoh and Mephisto vs. Quasar. Here, on this hallowed ground I and A.L.L. will rid Lucha Libre of the dishonorable influences of Sports Entertainment, Puroresu, and Garbage Wrasslin!


A.L.L. will never stray from the vision of its forbearers as it brings to you the most exciting Lucha Libre action to ever be put on in Mexico. Action packed matches unlike the plodding, slow-paced, boring matches that OLLIE tries to pass off as Lucha Libre. Matches that will be serious, sports competition devoid of comedy unlike the goofy, sloppy, mierda MPWF showcases. Finally, unlike SOTBPW, A.L.L. will never rely on spot filled daredevil stunts because we have true Luchadores who know how to construct a real Lucha Libre match.


In 27 days, you no longer have three choices to get your fill of Lucha Libre…you have ONE! From now on it is A.L.L. or Nothing!!!

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A.L.L. or Nothing #1



Gino Montero vs. Luis Montero Jr.

In a fued that goes back to the birth of Gino, brother faces brother in a match to determine who the better Montero really is.


Star Man Jr. vs. Cyclon

Star Man Jr. makes his Lucha Libre debut against the veteran Cyclon. Will youthful energy prevail against experience and wisdom or will Cyclon use his knowledge to outsmart and outwrestle the rookie?


A.L.L. Rey de Lucha Libre Championship

Angel de Mexico vs. El Critico vs. Axxis Jr.

Each one is a top star who jumped ship to A.L.L. Now we will see just which one is the best in what might be the first of several "dream" matches A.L.L. puts on.

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its great to see a mexico c-verse diary so i will be following and i will ad some predictions


Gino Montero vs. Luis Montero Jr. : luis is good but gino is the real montero


Star Man Jr. vs. Cyclon : the guy born to be a star the name say it all


Angel de Mexico vs. El Critico vs. Axxis Jr. : he is the iron luchador


good luck on this diary

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A.L.L. or Nothing #1


Gino Montero vs. Luis Montero Jr.

Just cause he's a better worker although I have no idea what your product is (Pop or Performance based) if you have a face/heel divide and if you do what the brothers dispositions are.


Star Man Jr. vs. Cyclon

The diary is titled the rise of Star Man


A.L.L. Rey de Lucha Libre Championship

Angel de Mexico vs. El Critico vs. Axxis Jr.

Axxis Jr. is by far the biggest and most talented star you have on your roster and I see no reason for him not to hold the title for a long time.

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Lucha Libre Spotlight


A.L.L. has been making waves all month long as they have signed away several key players from OLLIE, MPWF, and SOTBW. However, the biggest shocker is that the head booker is none other than Star Man Jr. You may remember Star Man as the luchadore whose attitude and lack finesse got him shunned from lucha libre in the late '70's. Despite rumours that he was the infamous Taco Bomber Star Man was a mere footnote in Lucha Libre but word is his son is looking to make a huge impact on the sport both in and out of the ring. There is also rumours that Star Man Jr. is still carrying a grudge for those he believes held his father back. Only time will tell if a company in it's infancy can survive with a viper as te captain of it's ship.
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A.L.L. or Nothing #1-Jan.Week 4

Live from the Juarez Bar

Attendance : 89

Announcers: Carlos Reyes Jr. and Mario Dominguez

***Translated from Spanish***

{Thanks to all the alt makers and render makers whose work I borrowed.}



Vincente Romero vs. Slayyer vs. Luchadore Original

Vincente Romero and Luchadore Original started things off with some light back and forth action. Soon Slayyer was involved and there was almost complete chaos as men came in and out of the ring with no tag and no alliance. The finish came as Slayyer nailed Luchadore with a Slay Ride only to walk into a Mexican Deathlock from Vincente and tapping out.


Vincente Romero Wins! (D+)



El Critico Speaks out! ©


Tonight is MY night! Tonight the flukes end and El Critico achieves what he deserves and becomes a World Champion! Axxis Jr., Angel de Mexico…your both about to suffer Critical Mass! Tonight is my night and there isn’t anyone who can stop me!



Super Sonic vs. El Pavo Real

El Pavo and Super Sonic were all over the place in their timing, seemingly out of sync the entire time. The finish came as El Pavo landed a 1000 Eye Thunder


Winner: El Pavo Real (D-)



The Angel lands!


I am a former MPWF Champion. I won every title MPWF had to offerbut none of them are worth as much as the A.L.L. Rey de Lucha Championshipwhic am competing for tonight. Axxis Jr., El Critico bothof youeat competitors, but I will walk out as the Rey de Lucha Libre!



La Bestia Purpura vs. Velocidad

La Bestia and Velocidad turn things up with some nice high flying action that the crowd responded to well. Velocidad looked to win the match with a Super Sault but La Bestia moved and Velocidad crashed hard to the mat. La Bestia then began to beat on Velocidad in the corner until the ref tried to get him back and he pushed the ref causing the DQ.


Winner: Velocidad (D-)



Second Son or Second Chance? ©


Luis…you are nothing but a complete disappointment to our father. After six years of father suffering with a son who would never live up to his great legacy he decided he needed to do something…have another son…have ME! You may be named after father, but I am the true heir to his legacy. I am the future of the Montero dynasty nd you, you’re nothing but a disappointing foot note!



Gino Montero vs. Luis Montero Jr.

Gino and Luis went all out and had a fast paced match that went back and forth. Luis played the underdog babyface role as Gino used every trick to his advantage. The finish cam as Gino landed a huge Montero Flying Forearm and then pinned Gino with a single foot on his chest.


Winner: Gino Montero (C-)



Reach for the Stars! (D+)

Tonight marks the first night of my soon to be legendary career. You may be good, but Star Man Jr. is always high above you!



Star Man Jr. vs. Cyclon

Star Man Jr. dominated Cyclon with his speed and technical prowess. Cyclon was able to get in a couple of shots before falling to the Shooting Star


Winner: Star Man Jr. (D)



The Iron Man is here! (B-)


I’ve been in the back all night long, and I have heard every word that both El Critico and Angel de Mexico have said. I have heard all the lies they have told, all the claims they have made, and all the promises they intend to break. You see, there is only going to be one Rey de Lucha Libre and that is going to be me. I’m not saying it to be funny, to be cute, to get you to cheer me to boo me, to love me to hate me. I say it because it is true! It is destiny. As good as everyone else in A.L.L. is there is no one on the level of Axxis Jr. There is no one who can even see up to my level. I am Lucha Libre Perfection and that isn’t hype, embellishment, nor a lie…it’s simply is what it is…TRUTH! Tonight I don’t go out and prove myself right, I go out and simply do what I was born to do…win!



Cique Jr. vs. El Asiatico

Cique and Asiatico slow things down a bit and focus on some light technical wrestling before turning it up and flying around the ring. Asiatico uses the ropes for leverage several times but he is eventually caught by the ref and Cique is able to use the brief exchange between Asiatico and the ref to his advantage and gain the momentum in the match. Cique eventually lands a Cique Slam for the win.


Winner: Cique Jr. (C-)



Angel de Mexico vs. El Critico vs. Axxis Jr.


The match was fast and furious as all three men pulled out all the stops to win the Rey de Lucha Libre Championship. We saw each man try for his finisher several times without success. The match keeps up it’s fast pace as the crowd really starts to get into it. Axxis begins to control things only for Angel and Critico to double team him. Critico and Angel then begin to fight one another as Axxis is outside the ring trying to recover. The end comes as Critico is hit by an Angel Wings from Angel de Mexico and then Angel is nailed with a All Axxis from Axxis Jr. for the pinfall.


Winner: Axxis Jr. (B-)


Overall Show: C!


A.L.L. or Nothing #2





Luis Montero Jr. vs. La Bestia Purpura



Velocidad vs. Cyclon



Cique Jr. vs. Vincente Romero



El Asiatico vs. Star Man Jr.


~Main Event~

~~Rey de Lucha Libre Title Match~~



Gino Montero vs. Axxis Jr.{C}

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<p><strong>Luis Montero Jr.</strong> vs. La Bestia Purpura</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Velocidad</strong> vs. Cyclon</p><p> </p><p>

Cique Jr. vs. <strong>Vincente Romero</strong></p><p> </p><p>

El Asiatico vs. <strong>Star Man Jr.</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Gino Montero vs. <strong>Axxis Jr.{C}</strong></p>

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