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USPW: Times Are Changing

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James Justice vs. Peter Valentine


Alicia Strong vs. Zoe Ammis


Savage Fury vs. The Enforcers


Handicap Match

Bruce The Giant vs. The People’s Team


Non Title Match

Enygma vs. Andre Jones


I've pm'd my choice of who I'd like you to try and sign :cool:

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Ok so I mentioned in my last post that an SWF guy's contract was expiring and they weren't going to resign him. Well in my current game time his contract has offically expired and I have messed with the editor and discoverd I only need to drop his popularity a couple of points to get him to sign with us. This is mostly thanks to SWF jobbing him on his way out. Anyway I was just wanting to get some opinions from the readers on what you would do.


I assume at least some of you have an idea of who it is, and I was wondering if you would find it ok if I edited his popularity so I can sign him or would you rather wait for it to drop on its own and then see if I can sign him, assuming TCW or anyone else doesn't get him first?

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Ok so I mentioned in my last post that an SWF guy's contract was expiring and they weren't going to resign him. Well in my current game time his contract has offically expired and I have messed with the editor and discoverd I only need to drop his popularity a couple of points to get him to sign with us. This is mostly thanks to SWF jobbing him on his way out. Anyway I was just wanting to get some opinions from the readers on what you would do.


I assume at least some of you have an idea of who it is, and I was wondering if you would find it ok if I edited his popularity so I can sign him or would you rather wait for it to drop on its own and then see if I can sign him, assuming TCW or anyone else doesn't get him first?


I'd say that's entirely your call. I know there are those out there that would say absolutely not but I've done it on occasion. It's your game to shape as you will. :p

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I'd say that's entirely your call. I know there are those out there that would say absolutely not but I've done it on occasion. It's your game to shape as you will. :p


I've seen it happen on occasion, and sometimes people don't like it and others don't really care. It seems to depend on how well known the writer is and how good the diary is, and since this is only my 3rd attempt at a diary and my first in over a year, when something like this popped up so soon I figured I would ask. When I say a couple of points I mean literally 2:rolleyes:. He won his first two matches in SWF, and then when his contract came up he lost to everyone. As it stands his current popularity is actually lower than all my main event guys, which probably means I will be in trouble about the time their contracts come up.:eek:


Either way I suppose once the other reader's have given their opinions, I will make the call. until then I have the next show ready I just have to do all the pictures and such. Should have it up sometime tomorrow barring any random happenings.


Thanks again.:)

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I'm diggin this, great read so far...


James Justice vs. Peter Valentine


Alicia Strong vs. Zoe Ammis


Savage Fury vs. The Enforcers


Handicap Match

Bruce The Giant vs. The People’s Team


Non Title Match

Enygma vs. Andre Jones


And I say drop the 2 popularity points and sign the SWF guy.

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Wednesday, Week 1, February 2010

Huntsville Fairgrounds


A video plays showing what happened at Stars, Stripes, And Slams!




Davis: “Ladies and Gentlemen welcome to USPW American Wrestling! I am Davis Ditterich alongside the legendary Micky Starr, and we have a lot of action for everyone tonight!


Micky: Speaking of action Davis, we have a match about to start right now.




James Justice vs. Peter Valentine

James and Pete put on a good match and the fans seemed to genuinely enjoy it. Which is surprising considering Peter Valentine was involved. James wins in a solid opener.

Winner: James Justice




We come back from break and Captain USA and Regular Joe are in the ring ready for a match when suddenly they are attacked from behind by Tyson Baine and T-Rex. The two behemoths absolutely destroy the two faces and then make their way to the back.



Davis: A despicable act by The Titans! Captain USA and Regular Joe have been completely destroyed!

Micky: Now that they have no one to give them orders it looks like they’re just doing what they know best, and that is destroying the opposition.



We go backstage where Shane Sneer is talking to Jumbo Jackson.


“Everything is going to be fine. Sam did me a favor Saturday. He helped me get rid of all the dead weight that was slowing me down. Now I can rebuild The Sneer Corporation, and if you stay with me Jumbo, I will make certain that you become the next USPW World Champion! We will take over this company, and The Sneer Corporation will be the most powerful group in all of Pro Wrestling!”


“Shane that sounds all well and good, but contrary to your belief, I’m not just some bumbling idiot you can just order around and do all the heavy lifting while you stand in the back and reap the benefits! I think you can take your mighty Sneer Corporation and stick it where the Sun doesn’t shine because I quit!”


“You’ve got to be kidding me Jumbo! You are nothing without me! You could’ve had everything, and you decide to throw it away!”


“I think you have that backwards Shane. You’re nothing without ME!”


“Mark my words. I will bring back the Sneer Corporation, and it will be better than it ever was with you or any of those other losers!”




Alicia Strong vs. Zoe Ammis

Not as strong a showing from the girls tonight. I have to start getting them over so the fans will get into the matches more. There was solid action however, with Alicia taking the win with an Angel Driver.

Winner: Alicia Strong



Unknown music starts playing and out comes Nicky Champions attacker. He makes his way into the ring, gets a microphone, and begins talking.


“My name is Chris Cage. I assume you all want to know why I attacked Nicky Champion at Stars, Stripes, And Slams! The simple answer is that I just don’t like him. I dislike the fact that Sam Strong thinks he is this generation’s version of him, and I dislike the fact that he has used that to get himself to the top. He comes out here and acts like some kind of hero to you people, just like Sam did, and all of you buy into it hook, line, and sinker. Fortunately I’m going to let all of you in on what Nicky doesn't want you to know. See, what you don’t know is Nicky is nothing but a backstabbing, two-faced, Sam Strong wannabe, and yet he some how got it in his head that he really is the next Sam Strong. And the truth of it is, he doesn’t care about you people. All he cares about is his paycheck, and the more he gets you to cheer him the more money you put in his pockets. I have had to scratch and claw my way into this company, and because Nicky isn’t willing to give up his TV time, I get stuck working dark matches and house shows, and I’m sick of it! I am not going to sit back any longer and let guys like Nicky Champion take away my time, and my opportunity! Instead, I’ve decided to take yours, and there isn not a thing you or anyone else can do about it!"



Davis: So now we know the identity of Nicky Champions attacker.


Micky: Nicky had better watch his back around this guy. He seem willing to just about anything to bring him down.




Savage Fury vs. The Enforcers

It has been less than a month since signing Waldorf and Statler, but they don’t seem to be progressing as well as I had hoped. I think they will stay at the lower end of the card for now and hopefully when I can change their act up I will give them a push. The veterans take the win here.

Winners: Savage Fury



Handicap Match


Bruce the Giant vs. The People’s Team

When you have the number one contender in a match like this, chances are he is going to win, and I abide by that law. Bruce is made to look like a number one contender should, dominant.

Winner: Bruce The Giant



We go backstage to the World Champion, Enygma.


“At Stars, Stripes and Slams I did exactly what I said I would do when I left with the USPW World Title. Now there is a new challenger for my title in Bruce The Giant. I saw what you just did Bruce, and it was impressive, but I promise, what I do to you will be all the more impressive.”




Enygma vs. Andre Jones

I must say that I find it hard to believe that James Justice vs. Peter Valentine did better than this match. Not that this match was bad, but man if the fans didn’t love the opener tonight. Lots of back and forth action in this match, and then Enygma catch Andre in the Enygma Variation and forces the submission.

Winner: Enygma




As soon as the match is over Bruce The Giant comes out and starts to beat down the World Champion. Right as he goes to hit him with the Giant Chokeslam, however, Chris Caulfield comes out and makes the save, knocking Bruce clear out of the ring.



Davis: Caulfield saves the Champ from the challenger here tonight.


Micky: Yes, but Enygma won’t have Caulfield to save him come pay per view time.


Davis: Well That’s all for tonight. Thank you all and we hope you tune in next week!




Show Rating:




Prediction Results

BigPapa42 5/5 Overall- 5 Points

Emark 5/5 Overall- 5 Points

Xqwzyt 5/5 Overall- 5 Points

Jingo 4/5 Overall- 4 Points

Michgcs 4/5 Overall- 4 Points


This seemed to be an easy card to predict. I actually didn’t notice this before and actually after looking back it seem I have a tendency to put all the winners down the left side of the prediction card. I suppose to avoid making things easy I will have to change that up.:p

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This seemed to be an easy card to predict. I actually didn’t notice this before and actually after looking back it seem I have a tendency to put all the winners down the left side of the prediction card. I suppose to avoid making things easy I will have to change that up.


Changing up how you list them is never a bad idea. But I personally don't think having cards that are "easy" to predict is necessarily a bad thing. In a way, it shows you are booking in a pretty logical manner and that is a good thing.


Good show, BTW. Keep up the great work.

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Changing up how you list them is never a bad idea. But I personally don't think having cards that are "easy" to predict is necessarily a bad thing. In a way, it shows you are booking in a pretty logical manner and that is a good thing.


Good show, BTW. Keep up the great work.


Yea, I'm not the type to go, crap they are getting all the predictions right time for a swerve kinda guy anyway, mostly just mentioning it as a lead in to the prediction list statement.;)


Thanks for the comment.:)

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After Show




“Ladies and Gentlemen I am Davis Ditterich, and welcome to the USPW American Wrestling Post Show. Joining me is a newcomer to USPW, Carl Batch. Carl we have a quite a bit of new to cover so let’s get right to it.”


“First Things first, The Sneer Corporation is no more, at least for the time being. Jumbo Jackson left Shane high and dry last night, but Shane said he would bring it back better than ever.”


“Well Davis, Shane is a man with a wealth of resources and very deep pockets, so I suspect it won’t be long before he convinces people to join his cause.”


“Next we have to talk about what The Titans did to Captain USA and Regular Joe. There was a tag team match scheduled between the two teams, but The Titans decided to take out their opponents before the match could even take place.”


“Davis, those two could cause a lot of damage if somebody doesn’t stop them.”


“Let’s hope someone does. Next Chris Cage, revealed himself to be the man that attacked Nicky Champion at Stars, Stripes, and Slam! Chris had a lot of disparaging things to say about Nicky, and it will be interesting to see how Nicky responds.”


“I know if I where Nicky I wouldn’t let him get away with all the trash talk. Plus I have yet to see Cage do anything to back it up other than a sneak attack. He might talk a big game, but he has to play big too, and Nicky might not be the guy he wants to do that with.”


“In our last bit of news, the number one contender, Bruce the Giant, tried to gain an advantage over The USPW World Champion, Enygma when he decided to attack him after his match with Andre Jones. Lucky for Enygma he had Chris Caulfield to watch his back, as the Hardcore American came out from the back and cleaned house on the largest athlete in the world.”


“Enygma might have had Caulfield’s help last night, but that won’t be the case at Red, White, And Blue!”


“Very True Carl. Well that seems to be all the time we have. We hope you enjoyed the show and hope you will join us next week for another edition of the USPW After Show.”



Wednesday, Week 2, February 2010

Schedulded Matches


USPW Womens Championship

Triple Threat #1 Contenders Match

Alicia Strong vs. Cherry Bomb vs. Joanne Rodriguez


Non Title Match

The Titans vs. The People's Team


Jumbo Jackson and Peter Valentine vs. Savage Fury


Nicky Champion vs. Mick Muscles


Enygma and Chris Caulfield vs. Bruce The Giant and Andre Jones

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USPW Womens Championship

Triple Threat #1 Contenders Match

Alicia Strong vs. Cherry Bomb vs. Joanne Rodriguez


Non Title Match

The Titans vs. The People's Team


Jumbo Jackson and Peter Valentine vs. Savage Fury


Nicky Champion vs. Mick Muscles


Enygma and Chris Caulfield vs. Bruce The Giant and Andre Jones

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USPW Womens Championship

Triple Threat #1 Contenders Match

Alicia Strong vs. Cherry Bomb vs. Joanne Rodriguez


Non Title Match

The Titans vs. The People's Team


Jumbo Jackson and Peter Valentine vs. Savage Fury


Nicky Champion vs. Mick Muscles


Enygma and Chris Caulfield vs. Bruce The Giant and Andre Jones

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USPW Womens Championship

Triple Threat #1 Contenders Match

Alicia Strong vs. Cherry Bomb vs. Joanne Rodriguez


Non Title Match

The Titans vs. The People's Team


Jumbo Jackson and Peter Valentine vs. Savage Fury


Nicky Champion vs. Mick Muscles


Enygma and Chris Caulfield vs. Bruce The Giant and Andre Jones

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Alicia Strong vs. Cherry Bomb vs. Joanne Rodriguez


The Titans vs. The People's Team


Jumbo Jackson and Peter Valentine vs. Savage Fury


Nicky Champion vs. Mick Muscles


Enygma and Chris Caulfield vs. Bruce The Giant and Andre Jones

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Alicia Strong vs. Cherry Bomb vs. Joanne Rodriguez


She's you're number one heel and contender to Raven Nightfall, so I think she'll pick up the W.


The Titans vs. The People's Team


The People's Team are champs, and need to look strong.


Jumbo Jackson and Peter Valentine vs. Savage Fury


The People's Team need some opponents and Savage Fury seem to be picking up wins.


Nicky Champion vs. Mick Muscles


I like both, think Chris Cage may run in and cost Nicky though.


Enygma and Chris Caulfield vs. Bruce The Giant and Andre Jones


Bruce picks up a pinfall win over Chris Caulfied.

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Some rather disappointing news to report. My plan for the Jim Force and Johnny Force(Ant-Man) team are now dead in the water since I discoverd the two have awful chemistry as a team. I could keep going with it since as they gain experience it will negate the chemistry, but after learning this, it has made me lose interest in writing them as a team. So don't expect to see Jim and Johny together from here on out unfortunately.


In game I am at the end of February and they make no appearances for the whole month since they where "in training". I don't know why I didn't team them up sooner to test this. I suppose I got caught up on other things.:confused:


Anyway just figured I would give everyone a heads up on the situation, and while I'm at it I will let everyone know that the show should be up sometime tomorrow.


Thanks all:)

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Alicia Strong vs. Cherry Bomb vs. Joanne Rodriguez

Cherry is about y favourite girl in the cverse. (Any chance of Powergirl, Alpha Female or Nina?)


The Titans vs. The People's Team

unstoppable I tell you


Jumbo Jackson and Peter Valentine vs. Savage Fury

Seems like Jumbo is getting a push. Before his big turn back to Jumbo Squid?


Nicky Champion vs. Mick Muscles



Enygma and Chris Caulfield vs. Bruce The Giant and Andre Jones

This is why I love USPW. We all know what will happen here and its still fun

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Wednesday, Week 2, February 2010

Huntsville Fairgrounds



Davis: Ladies and gentlemen welcome to American Wrestling. I’m Davis Ditterich alongside my partner as always Micky Starr.

Micky: Davis we have a stacked card here tonight and it looks like we are going to start things off with the ladies!

Davis: Indeed Micky let’s get straight to the action.



#1 Contender Match


Alicia Strong vs. Joanne Rodriguez vs. Cherry Bomb

Standard 3 way match with each person getting in their own bit of offense. Cherry Bomb takes out Alicia and then hit J-Ro with a Cherry Bomb for the win.

Winner: Cherry Bomb



Davis: So Cherry Bomb is now the #1 contender to Raven Robinsons Womens Title.

Micky: I don’t think anyone is as good at stating the obvious as you are Davis.

Davis: Thanks Micky, thanks a lot.



The Titans vs. The People’s Team

Not even the Tag Team Champions stand a chance against the power of The Titans. They put up one heck of a fight but the monsters win in the end.

Winners: The Titans




Following the Match The Titans decided to add insult to injury and attack the tag champs. The Tag Champs try to fight back but The Titans leave Them completely destroyed in the ring.



Davis: Micky I don’t think anyone is safe as long as these two men are in USPW.

Micky: That seems to be the case Davis, but I don’t know of anyone who is going to be willing to go toe to toe with them to stop their rampage either.


We then cut backstage to Shane Sneer who is at the interview area ready to speak.


“Jumbo you think just because you left that I can’t rebuild The Sneer Corporation? The Sneer Corporation will be back, and it will be stronger than it has ever been before. As a matter of Fact I already have my first new recruit. Everyone has a price, this man is no different, and in time he will reveal himself, and it might be sooner than you think.”



Davis: I wonder who Shane has convinced to join his new Corporation?

Micky: I don’t know Davis, but with the way he’s talking we could find out soon.



Jumbo Jackson and Peter Valentine vs. Savage Fury

Exactly what was expected, a solid match nothing more nothing less. Jumbo solidified his turn when Peter tried to get him to use a chair against Savage Fury and he instead used it against Valentine. A move that the referee apparently deemed as a DQ in favor of Jumbo and Pete, and so gave them the win anyway.

Winners by DQ: Jumbo Jackson & Peter Valentine



Davis: Looks like Jumbo isn't going to be taking orders from anyone, anymore.

Micky: Good for him. He needed to break out from the pack and it seems he is doing so.


Nicky Champion's music hits and he makes his way to the ring.


“Last week Chris Cage revealed himself to be the man who attacked me at Stars, Stripes, And Slams! He showed up ran his mouth said he was taking my time, and there wasn’t anything I could do. He failed to mention that he wasn’t going to hang around long enough to even let me try! So Cage, if you really think there is nothing I can do, why don’t you come out here and find out first hand exactly what I can do!”


Cage's music hits and he walks out to the top of the stage.


“Nicky, I would be more than happy to come down there and put you in your place, but If I remember right you already have a match tonight, and I wouldn’t want you making excuses about how I cost you this match just like the last one. I do have a suggestion for you though Nicky. Instead of worrying about me, maybe you should worry about your opponent tonight!”


Just then Mick Muscles jumps into the ring and blindsides Nicky. After the referee gains some control he starts the match.




Nicky Champion vs. Mick Muscles

Mick kept control in the early stages thanks to the blindside, but Nicky eventually turns the tables on him. Thing went back and forth for a moment until Nicky turns things completely to his favor. After a Hawkeye Hammer this one is over.

Winner: Nicky Champion



Davis: Cage nearly costs Nicky another match.

Micky: I think Cage’s mind games might be getting the best of Nicky.


We go backstage where Enygma and Chris Caulfield are preparing for tonight’s main event.


“Did you think you had already gotten rid of me Bruce? I think not. I was not about to let you beat Enygma down last week, and this week the odds are even. Let’s see how tough you are when you’re not attacking people when they’re down!”




Bruce The Giant and Andre Jones vs. Enygma and Chris Caulfield

Bruce pretty well dominates not even tagging in his partner for the first half of the match. Andre gets into the action on his own when he tags himself in, which didn’t really sit well with his partner. Enygma fights off Andre and starts crawling to his corner to tag in Caulfield. He gets just close enough and reaches for Caulfield and. . .




Caulfield pulls his hand away leaving Enygma stunned in the ring. Caulfield then jumps down from the apron and starts walking up the ramp leaving the world champion to fend for himself. Enygma doesn't last long after that, Bruce gets back in the match, hits a Giant Chokeslam, and pins the Champion for this win.

Winners: Bruce The Giant and Andre Jones




Chris Caulfield stands at the top of the ramp and looks back at the sight of Bruce The Giant standing over the fallen Champion, Enygma. A few moments pass and then. . .



Shane Sneer comes out from the back and joins Chris Caulfield on the stage. The two glance at one another and then Shane raises Caulfields hand to end the show.



Davis: I can’t believe what I’m seeing, Chris Caulfield has aligned himself with Shane Sneer!

Micky: I guess Sneer was right, Everyone has a price!

Davis: We are out of time ladies and gentlemen! Tune in next week, when we hope to have more information on this shocking development!


Show Rating:



Prediction Results

Emark 3/5 Overall- 8 Points

Xqwzyt 3/5 Overall- 8 Points

Jingo 3/5 Overall- 7 Points

Michgcs 3/5 Overall- 7 Points

BigPapa42 0/5 Overall- 5 Points

Boltinho 4/5 Overall- 4 Points

DJ Onni 1/5 Overall- 1 Point


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After Show

Episode 2




“Ladies and Gentlemen welcome to the second episode of the USPW After Show. I am Davis Ditterich, joined again this week by Carl Batch, and boy Carl do we have a lot to cover tonight!”


“Yes we do Davis, so how about you get us started.”


“Ok Carl first things first the show started with a number one contenders match for the USPW Womens Championship involving Alicia Strong, Joanne Rodriguez, and Cherry Bomb.”


“Man I am here to tell you Davis, these ladies can put on a heck of a show, I’d say a lot of them are better than some of the guys on the roster.”


“I have to agree with you there Carl, but back on track, the three ladies battled hard, but in the end Cherry Bomb came out on the winning end, earning a shot at Womens Champion Raven Robinson at Red, White, And Blue!”


“After that we saw another act of destruction from the monstrous Tyson Baine and T-Rex, also known as The Titans. They demolished the tag champs in their match, and decided to do even more damage to them afterward.”


“Yea The Tag Team Champions have been ordered to take some time off to rest after the brutal attack.”


“Thats not good new for the Champs but the real story here has got to be the destruction The Titans have cause over the past two weeks. If something isn’t done soon there will be no one left in USPW.”


“Very true, Carl, very true, but on with the show we must go. In our next piece of news. Nicky Champion and Chris Cage finally met face to face of sorts last night. Nicky called out Cage, but Cage decided not to get in the ring with Nicky.”


“Yea, he stayed out there just long enough to distract Nicky and let his opponent Mick Muscles attack him from behind.”


“Nicky had the fans on his side however, and managed to rally back and defeat Mick, but Cage has really managed to put Nicky off his game in pretty much one week.”


“He certainly has Davis, and if Nicky wants to rid himself of Cage he will have to stay focused.”


“Now, it’s time for our biggest story of the night. That is the defection of Chris Caulfield to the dark side of sorts, after he aligned himself with the master agent himself Shane Sneer.”


“Shane said it himself. Everyone’s got a price, and that even means Caulfield.”


“I don’t know what Shane has done to cause the drastic personality change in Caulfield but we expect some answer next week on American Wrestling.”


“Well folks that’s it tonight. Carl and I hope you join us next week for all the USPW news on the USPW After Show!”



Wednesday, Week 3, February 2010

Schedulded Matches


Chris Caulfield vs. Regular Joe


Raven Robinson and Sara Marie York vs. Belle Bryden and Joanne Rodriguez


Savage Fury vs. ??????????



#1 Contenders Match

Mick Muscles vs. Captain USA vs. Darryl Devine vs. Jumbo Jackson


The Titans vs. Enygma and James Justice

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well I was bamboozled by the last ME!



Chris Caulfield vs. Regular Joe

Poor Joe


Raven Robinson and Sara Marie York vs. Belle Bryden and Joanne Rodriguez

Cherry attacks


Savage Fury vs. ??????????

SF are a great team. I wish they got more love



#1 Contenders Match

Mick Muscles vs. Captain USA vs. Darryl Devine vs. Jumbo Jackson

Push beats all else in USPW


The Titans vs. Enygma and James Justice

seems like a SE draw to me with Bruce and Caulfield involved too

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Chris Caulfield vs. Regular Joe

Why Chris why!?

Raven Robinson and Sara Marie York vs. Belle Bryden and Joanne Rodriguez


Savage Fury vs. ??????????

I'll take my chances with the Question Mark brothers


#1 Contenders Match

Mick Muscles vs. Captain USA vs. Darryl Devine vs. Jumbo Jackson


The Titans vs. Enygma and James Justice

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Chris Caulfield vs. Regular Joe

Even more so after last week :eek:

Raven Robinson and Sara Marie York vs. Belle Bryden and Joanne Rodriguez


Savage Fury vs. ??????????

90% of people job Fury, so we'll see.


#1 Contenders Match

Mick Muscles vs. Captain USA vs. Darryl Devine vs. Jumbo Jackson

I like Jumbo :D

The Titans vs. Enygma and James Justice

The evil heels cheat to win

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