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USPW: Times Are Changing

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I will have the show up some time within the next few hours. Probably around 7 or 8 EST. so if anyone who has yet to make predictions or comments would like to, know would be the time


Thanks all:)

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Week 3, February 2010

Huntsville Fairgrounds


We open the show with Shane Sneer and Chris Caulfield in the ring.


“Allow me to introduce the first member of the new and improved Sneer Corporation, Chris Caulfield! I know all of you are dying to known how I manage to bring Mr. Caulfield over to my cause, and well, he want to tell all of you himself.”


Shane then hands the microphone to Chris.


“Let me make one thing perfectly clear. I don’t care whether you cheer me or you boo me. All I care about is being the best in this business. When I joined this company it was with the intent of becoming the best, and that meant becoming the USPW World Champion. Now the problem I’ve been having since coming here is that I’ve been holding back. You see, I am not an entertainer, and I’m not a technician, I am a fighter. I am a hardcore bare knuckle fighter, and this company isn’t exactly a fan of workers like that, and they told me I had to tone it down if I wanted to work here, but you see a few weeks ago Shane came to me with an offer. He told me if I joined his Corporation, I could let stop holding back, and work how I was meant to work. People this is strictly business, nothing more nothing less. I’m just doing what anyone would do if they were in my shoes. It makes no difference if you like it or not, this is what it is and there isn’t a thing anyone can do to change it."


Chris finishes and hands the microphone back to Shane.


“Now Mr. Caulfield, if you would so kindly show all of these people exactly what you’re capable of when you don’t have to hold back."




Chris Caulfield vs. Regular Joe

Caulfield shows everyone what he can do when not holding back. He completely destroys Joe, who didn’t even get the chance to remove his shirt. After a Danger Drop this one’s done.

Winner: Chris Caulfield




Raven Robinson and Sara Marie York vs. Belle Bryden and Joanne Rodriguez

The usual ladies match to get them some time on TV. I really want to feature them more, but I’m somewhat limited with TV time. Belle and J-Ro win after Cherry Bomb distracts Raven and Sara.

Winners: Belle Bryden and Joanne Rodriguez




After the match Belle and J-Ro leave and Raven chases after Cherry Bomb leaving Sara in the ring alone. Suddenly The Titans music hits and they make their way to the ring. Sara begins to stir and the gets caught in the ring with the two behemoths. She stands in the middle of the ring completely frozen. It seems the worst is about to happen until.





James Justice’s music hits and he runs down and puts himself between Sara and The Titans. Sara quickly escapes and James proceeds to clean house, sending both Baine and Rex to the outside.



Davis: Thank goodness for James Justice coming out and saving Sara from those monsters.

Micky: Your certainly right there Davis. Hopefully he and Enygma can put a stop to those two later tonight.


After a break we come back to see Nicky Champion standing in the ring.


“Cage I am sick and tired of you coming out here and running your mouth. Now I am giving you 10 seconds to get out here and face me like a man or I will come back there and get you myself!”


Cage’s music play and he walks out on the ramp with a microphone in hand.


“Oh, I’m sorry Nicky, I didn't mean to make you mad. You see all I wanted to do was get your attention, and it seems that I have accomplished that goal.”


“Cage, quit standing there and running your mouth, and get in this ring so I can kick your ass!”


“Now Nicky, you know Sam doesn’t like that kind of language being used on TV, you should know better than that.”


“Cage, if you say one more word I’m coming up there and dragging you to this ring!”


“Come on Nicky, I dare you!”


Nicky drops his microphone and starts sprinting up the ramp toward Cage. Right when Nicky get to him Cage smashes him in the head with his microphone dropping at the top of the ramp. Cage lifts Nicky up and hits him with a brutal Powerbomb at the top of the ramp. He stands over Nicky for a moment and mouth's the words 'I told you so.' and then walks to the back leaving Nicky to be tended to by the officials.



Davis: Cage kept pushing Nicky and took advantage of his recklessness.

Micky: I told you Davis, Nicky was careless, and Cage used that to his advantage.



We then cut backstage to Shane Sneer.


“Ladies and Gentlemen allow me to introduce the next USPW Tag Team Champions, Dave Diamond and Henry Bennett,



otherwise known as ‘The Southern Alliance’! Now, you two are up next so show these people exactly why you were chosen to be in the Sneer Corporation.”




Savage Fury vs. The Southern Alliance

Henry has been with us for a few weeks now and I have been and I have been building his overness to match Dave’s so I could pair them up as Shane’s new tag team. The gain some overness as a team with a decisive win against the veteran team here.

Winners: The Southern Alliance



USPW Television Title

#1 Contender Match


Mick Muscles vs. Captain USA vs. Jumbo Jackson vs. Darryl Devine

This was your standard 4 way match to get everyone some TV time. Jumbo takes the win here and will face Andre Jones for the TV Title at Red, White, And Blue!

Winner: Jumbo Jackson



We cut backstage to Sam Strong’s office just as Shane Sneer walks in.


“I hope this is important Shane, I’ve got some other business to attend to.”


“Sam, I want you to put Chris in the World Title match at Red, White, And Blue!”


“Shane, I’m not just going to put Chris in that title match, Bruce beat him fair and square to become number one contender.”


“Sam, it’s in your best interest to put Chris in that match.”


“Are you really threatening me right now?”


“I’m just the messenger Sam. Just think about it.”




The Titans vs. Enygma And James Justice

The Titans have been rampaging through USPW for the past few weeks, but they hit somewhat of a speed bump against Enygma and James. The faces show the monsters that they can’t bully everyone and at least slow down the huge duo.

Winners: Enygma and James Justice



After the match Enygma and James are celebrating in the ring when Chris Caulfield and The Southern Alliance run down and attack them. They beat down the faces and then Chris grabs a microphone.


“Sam I hope you’ve made a decision because if you want there to be a World Title match at Red, White, And Blue, you’ll do the right thing and put me in the match!”


There is a short pause and then Sam’s music plays and he comes out from the back.



“Chris, I don’t know what kind of nonsense Shane has told you, but I’m still the one that sign’s the paychecks in this company. However, I have more important things to deal with at the moment so just to make this process easier I will put you in the match, but Chris, if you don’t win at Red, White, And Blue, you will never get another title shot in USPW!”


“It doesn’t matter what stipulation you make Sam because I promise you I will leave Red, White, and Blue the new USPW World Champion!”



Davis: So now we will have a triple threat match for the USPW World Title at Red, White, and Blue!

Micky: I know Sam didn’t want to do it, but honestly I think this will only make the match better.

Davis: Either way Micky, we are out of time here tonight. Thanks to all the fans who tuned in and we hope you do the same next week!


Show Rating:




Prediction Results

Jingo 4/5 Overall- 11 Points

Boltinho 4/5 Overall- 8 Points

Emark 0/5 Overall- 8 Points

Xqwzyt 0/5 Overall- 8 Points

Michgcs 0/5 Overall- 7 Points

BigPapa42 0/5 Overall- 5 Points

20LEgend 4/5 Overall- 4 Points

DJ Onni 0/5 Overall- 1 Point

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After Show

Episode 3




“Ladies and Gentlemen welcome to the USPW After Show. I am Davis Ditterich, joined by the one and only Carl Batch.”


“Thanks Davis, and you and I have some interesting stories to cover tonight starting with the big story from last week. That being Chris Caulfield’s decision to align himself with the ruthless business man, Shane Sneer.”


“Yea Carl the show opened with Sneer and Caulfield in the ring, where Caulfield revealed his reason for joining Sneer. That reason, as he said was because he was tired of being restrained by having to work the USPW way.”


“It seems that Caulfield feels if he joins Sneer he can unleash his viscous side that hasn’t been seen since his DaVE days.”


“That certainly seems to be the case Carl as shortly after that segment Caulfield absolutely destroyed Regular Joe in a singles match. Showing a side of himself that indeed hasn’t been seen since his glory days in DaVE.”


“We will have more on this story later in the show, but we will move on to one of the other top stories and that is the path of destruction The Titans have been leaving the past few weeks.”


“Yes they have not left a single stone unturned so to speak, taking out any and everyone in their path. This week however their destructive rampage was slowed somewhat, and very thankfully by James Justice.”


“Yea, The Titans were just about to do who knows what to poor Sara Marie York, but James burst out from the back and wiped the canvas with The Titans.”


“That would set up a match for later in the evening where James would recruit USPW World Champion Enygma to help him in his battle with the Demonic duo.”


“Our next story is the bitter rivalry between Nicky Champion and Chris Cage. Cage has been playing some serious mind games, and this week was no different."


“Yea Carl, Nicky seem to be letting Cage get to him more than usual. I don’t know if they have some sort of relationship that extends back to their days here in USPW or what but they have genuine dislike for one another.”


“You got that right on the money Davis, and Cage showed us this week that he is capable of playing big too, even if it took him riling up Nicky it a blind rage to do so.”


“Nevertheless Nicky will have to keep that temper in check, because Cage has already proven he cannot be taken lightly.”


“Next is more news on the Shane Sneer front. Shane revealed two more Sneer Corporation members in Dave Diamond and Henry Bennett. A duo Sneer dubbed ‘The Southern Alliance’.”


“Yea and they showed exactly what they can do, with a decisive win over the veteran duo Savage Fury.”


“After that we saw Jumbo Jackson become the number one contender to the TV Title, by winning a fatal four way match that also involved Mick Muscles, Captain USA, and Darryl Devine.”


“Jumbo has been on somewhat of a roll as of late after separating himself from Shane Sneer. We will see if he can keep that going and win the TV Title for a second time.”


“On to our last piece of news, which involves two of our previous stories. Enygma aided James Justice in his fight against The Titans.”


“Enygma helped James slow down The Titans, but they could put a complete stop to the rampage thanks to The Sneer Corporation.”


“Indeed, Davis. Shortly after the match Caulfield, Bennett, and Diamond rushed the ring where they essentially held the World Champion hostage.”


“Yes earlier in the evening Caulfield demanded that Sam Strong put him in the world title match at Red, White, And, Blue, but Sam didn’t like the idea.”


“With that, Chris decided that if he couldn’t be in the match then he was going to keep the match from happening at all.”


“Sam was then pretty well forced to put Chris in the match, although Sam told him that if he left Red, White, And Blue without the USPW World Title he would never get another shot at it or any other title for the rest of his current contract.”


“Well, that’s all we have time for on today’s show. Join us next week to find out all the happenings in USPW.”


“Thank you all, and have a great day!”



Week 4, February 2010

Schedulded Matches


Raven Robinson, Alicia Strong, and Sara Marie York vs. Cherry Bomb, Belle Bryden, and Joanne Rodriguez


Darryl Devine vs. Regular Joe


Savage Fury vs. The Titans


Bruce The Giant vs. Captain USA


Enygma and The People’s Team vs. Chris Caulfield and The Southern Alliance


Just gonna go ahead and let everyone know that the show will be up Tuesday around the usual time between 6 and 8 EST. If I'm not able to get it up by then I will let everyone know.


So that gives everyone a timeline to make predictions, or comments.


I hope everyone is enjoying this and thanks to everyone who has commented and predicted so far..:)

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Really liking Chris' turn, it's logical I like it :)


Raven Robinson, Alicia Strong, and Sara Marie York vs. Cherry Bomb, Belle Bryden, and Joanne Rodriguez


Darryl Devine vs. Regular Joe

Regular Joe is a jobber.

Savage Fury vs. The Titans

Savage Fury are jobbers

Bruce The Giant vs. Captain USA

Captain USA is a jobber :p

Enygma and The People’s Team vs. Chris Caulfield and The Southern Alliance

I see a DQ here, just because I don't think TSA are quiet up there yet.

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Week 4, February 2010


We open the show with Sam Strong in the ring.


“Ladies and gentlemen, as you may know USPW started a special contest back in January where the winner would be allowed to make a match at the pay per view this weekend. Well Eric, the winner of the January contest has decided on the match up he wants to see, and he has decided that he wants Darryl Devine to take on a mystery opponent that will be revealed at Red, White, And Blue! Good Luck to all who are participating in this month’s contest and thank you to all of the USPW Fans."




Raven Robinson, Alicia Strong, and Sara Marie York vs. Cherry Bomb, Belle Bryden, and Joanne Rodriguez

The send off match for the ladies. Depending on how much time we have for the pay per view Raven and Cherry might be the only one’s featured so I wanted to get everyone on this show that I could. The Heels take the match when Cherry Bomb pins Sara.

Winners: Cherry Bomb, Belle Bryden, and Joanne Rodriguez




Darryl Devine vs. Regular Joe

I used this match to fill some time and give Darryl some momentum going in to the Fan’s Choice match this Saturday. Joe continues to fill his role for the time being making Darryl look good heading into the pay per view.

Winner: Darryl Devine



We cut backstage to Sam’s office where Nicky Champion is.



“Sam give me a match with Cage! I’m sick of his games and I want to take him out once and for all!”


“Nicky you don’t know what you’re getting into. I brought Chris in because I know what he can do. He has trained all over the world, and you don’t know what he is capable of.”


“What are you saying Sam, that I’m not good enough to beat him? You of all people should be on my side not his!”


“I’m not on anyone’s side Nicky, and I’m not saying he is better than you. Cage knows what he is doing and if you haven’t noticed he is good at it. He’s trying to bait you in and take advantage of your carelessness.”


“I don’t care Sam, I want the match!”


“Fine Nicky, but I caution you, don’t underestimate him or you will regret it.”




Savage Fury vs. The Titans

If you could call this a squash match that is basically what it was. Although, Savage Fury is hardly a team that could be squashed even by The Titans. The bigger guys win.

Winners: The Titans



After the match The Titans seem posed to destroy Savage Fury just as they have many others the past few weeks. However, before they are able to James Justice and Jumbo Jackson hit the ring and save Savage Fury from any assault they may have received. The Titans back up the ramp and James grabs a microphone.


“You two guys have been coming out here week after week, and bullying everyone who stands in front of you! Well I’m going to put a stop to it. So dudes, I’m challenging you two to a match at Red, White, And Blue! Now Jumbo here already has a match so he can’t be my partner, but lucky for me I have someone who is ready willing and very much able to help me put a stop to you two once and for all. So we will see you there, dudes!”




Bruce The Giant vs. Captain USA

This was just a match to make Bruce look strong, nothing more nothing less.

Winner: Bruce The Giant




After the match Bruce celebrates in theatrical fashion, standing over the down and out Captain USA.




Enygma and The People’s Team vs. Chris Caulfield and The Southern Alliance

All of these men will be involved in a title match at the pay per view so I figured it would be a good main event to lead into it. It was indeed a good match. The Sneer Corp wins it after Shane gets involved.

Winners: Chris Caulfield and The Southern Alliance




After the match The Sneer Corporation Stands tall over the face team. One can only wonder if this will be the scene come Red, White, And, Blue.”



Show Rating



Prediction Results

Jingo 0/5 Overall- 11 Points

20LEgend 4/5 Overall- 8 Points

Boltinho 0/5 Overall- 8 Points

Emark 0/5 Overall- 8 Points

Xqwzyt 0/5 Overall- 8 Points

Michgcs 0/5 Overall- 7 Points

BigPapa42 0/5 Overall- 5 Points

DJ Onni 0/5 Overall- 1 Point


Well 20LEgend you where the only predictor this show so you jump right up to second place. That puts you in a good place to win the contest if your the only one to predict the ppv,:p.


I will try and get the preview to the ppv up later tonight if I don't I will have it up tomorrow.


Thanks All.:)

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Whoa, stunk up the joint on predictions. Don't think I've ever pulled a donut before. Good show, dude.


Thats two in a row for ya at that, :p. Think about it though, You could still come back and win, lol.

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Where the hell have I've been to have missed two shows?? <img alt=":confused:" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/confused.png.d4a8e6b6eab0c67698b911fb041c0ed1.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /> Good shows and will try to get picks in for the next show.
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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i238.photobucket.com/albums/ff206/freebird8818/USPW%20Dynasty/Logos%20And%20Titles/USPW_alt3.jpg</span><p> <strong><span style="color:#0000FF;">Red, White, And Blue!</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="color:#0000FF;"> Preview Show</span></strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="31710" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><span>http://i238.photobucket.com/albums/ff206/freebird8818/USPW%20Dynasty/People/DavisDitterich_alt.jpg</span><p> <strong><span style="color:#000080;">“Ladies and Gentlemen I’m Davis Ditterich here with your USPW Red, White, And Blue preview. I am going to give you a quick rundown of the matches so without further ado let’s get the show started.”</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="color:#000080;"> </span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="color:#000080;"> “In our first match we will see Raven Robinson defend her USPW Womens Title against the inaugural champion, Cherry Bomb. Raven has held the title since September, and this Saturday we will see if she can extend her reign or if Cherry Bomb will be the first woman to hold the title for a second time.”</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="color:#000080;"> </span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="color:#000080;"> “After that we will see the Fans Choice Match. The USPW Fans Choice contest winner Eric (Emark) made this match, and he chose to bring in a well known independent worker, to face USPW wrestler Darryl Divine. Eric chose to keep his pick a secret so for everyone else that means you get to find out at the pay per view, but expect a nice surprise.”</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="color:#000080;"> </span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="color:#000080;"> “Next we will see a USPW Tag Team Title Match, as The People’s Team look to defend the gold against the newest members of the Sneer Corporation, Dave Diamond and Henry Bennett, also known as, The Southern Alliance.”</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="color:#000080;"> </span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="color:#000080;"> “Following that we will have a special 5 woman elimination match featuring Alicia Strong, Belle Bryden, Joanne Rodriguez, Sara Marie York, and Zoe Ammis. All of these ladies are looking to make their mark in the Womens Division, and this match could very well determine who gets the next shot at the Womens Title.”</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="color:#000080;"> </span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="color:#000080;"> “Our next match up will see Andre Jones defend the USPW Television Title against Jumbo Jackson. Jumbo won a fatal four way match to earn the right to face Andre this Saturday, and with the momentum Jumbo has had since leaving the Sneer Corp, there is a good shot he will become the champ. Andre can’t be taken lightly however so expect a good match.”</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="color:#000080;"> </span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="color:#000080;"> “Next we will see a Nicky Champion face off against Chris Cage. Cage has been one step ahead of Nicky for weeks now and Nicky is looking to get a measure of revenge against the egomaniac Cage. Nicky has been warned, however not to take Cage lightly, so we will have to see if that plays a factor in this one.”</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="color:#000080;"> </span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="color:#000080;"> “After that we will see James Justice look to stop the destructive rampage of The Titans. Justice won’t be alone however, as he said he is bringing along a friend to help him put a stop to the Monsters. We will have to wait and see if this partner is going to make a difference this Saturday at Red, White, And Blue!”</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="color:#000080;"> </span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="color:#000080;"> “Finally we come to the Main Event as Enygma looks to defend his USPW World Title against not one but two men. Chris Caulfield shockingly joined Shane Sneer’s Corporation, and forced his way into the World Title Match that was originally supposed to be one on one. Even with that we can’t forget the true x-factor of the match, this goliath Bruce the Giant. Bruce has proven in the past that he can dominate practically anyone he wants and unless he can be neutralized expect him to dominate this match all the same.”</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="color:#000080;"> </span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="color:#000080;"> “So that’s our lineup folk. We hope you join us this weekend when USPW Presents Red, White, And Blue! Live On Pay Per View!”</span></strong></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="31710" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><span>http://i238.photobucket.com/albums/ff206/freebird8818/USPW%20Dynasty/Logos%20And%20Titles/USPW_alt3.jpg</span><p> <strong><span style="color:#0000FF;">Red, White, And Blue!</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="color:#0000FF;"> Saturday, Week 4, February 2010</span></strong></p><p> </p><p> <strong>USPW Womens Championship Match</strong></p><p> Raven Robinson© vs. Cherry Bomb</p><p> </p><p> <strong>USPW Fan's Choice Match</strong></p><p> Darryl Devine vs. ????</p><p> </p><p> <strong>USPW Tag Team Championship Match</strong></p><p> The People's Team© vs. The Southern Alliance</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Special 5 Woman Elimination Match</strong></p><p> Alicia Strong, vs. Belle Bryden vs. Joanne Rodriguez vs. Sara Marie York vs. Zoe Ammis</p><p> </p><p> <strong>USPW Television Championship Match</strong></p><p> Andre Jones© vs. Jumbo Jackson</p><p> </p><p> Nicky Champion vs. Chris Cage</p><p> </p><p> The Titans vs. James Justice and ?????</p><p> </p><p> <strong>USPW World Championship Match</strong></p><p> Enygma© vs. Bruce The Giant vs. Chris Caulfield</p></div></blockquote><p> </p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> For whatever reason when I got my ppv deal and when through all the even to change them to ppv I also set all of them to 2 hours and 30 minutes, so that is why the other womens match is on the card. I have fix it for the rest so that they are only 2 hours, so maybe the card will be easier to book. I had all the scheduled matches on this one and still had about 20 minutes to spare after adjusting so I just threw the extra match on, lol.</p><p> </p><p> Anyway I should have the pay per view up on Friday and to give everyone a comfortable amount of time to predict I suppose, and if everyone who has predicted for this month gets them their predictions in in time, I could probably post it Thursday so, we will see how that works out.</p><p> </p><p> Thanks all.<img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>
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USPW Womens Championship Match

Raven Robinson© vs. Cherry Bomb


USPW Fan's Choice Match

Darryl Devine vs. ????


USPW Tag Team Championship Match

The People's Team© vs. The Southern Alliance


Special 5 Woman Elimination Match

Alicia Strong, vs. Belle Bryden vs. Joanne Rodriguez vs. Sara Marie York vs. Zoe Ammis


USPW Television Championship Match

Andre Jones© vs. Jumbo Jackson


Nicky Champion vs. Chris Cage


The Titans vs. James Justice and ?????


USPW World Championship Match

Enygma© vs. Bruce The Giant vs. Chris Caulfield

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USPW Womens Championship Match

Raven Robinson© vs. Cherry Bomb


USPW Fan's Choice Match

Darryl Devine vs. ????


USPW Tag Team Championship Match

The People's Team© vs. The Southern Alliance


Special 5 Woman Elimination Match

Alicia Strong, vs. Belle Bryden vs. Joanne Rodriguez vs. Sara Marie York vs. Zoe Ammis


USPW Television Championship Match

Andre Jones© vs. Jumbo Jackson


Nicky Champion vs. Chris Cage


The Titans vs. James Justice and ?????


USPW World Championship Match

Enygma© vs. Bruce The Giant vs. Chris Caulfield

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USPW Womens Championship Match

Raven Robinson© vs. Cherry Bomb


USPW Fan's Choice Match

Darryl Devine vs. ????


USPW Tag Team Championship Match

The People's Team© vs. The Southern Alliance


Special 5 Woman Elimination Match

Alicia Strong, vs. Belle Bryden vs. Joanne Rodriguez vs. Sara Marie York vs. Zoe Ammis


USPW Television Championship Match

Andre Jones© vs. Jumbo Jackson


Nicky Champion vs. Chris Cage


The Titans vs. James Justice and ?????


USPW World Championship Match

Enygma© vs. Bruce The Giant vs. Chris Caulfield

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USPW Womens Championship Match

Raven Robinson© vs. Cherry Bomb


USPW Fan's Choice Match

Darryl Devine vs. ????


USPW Tag Team Championship Match

The People's Team© vs. The Southern Alliance


Special 5 Woman Elimination Match

Alicia Strong, vs. Belle Bryden vs. Joanne Rodriguez vs. Sara Marie York vs. Zoe Ammis


USPW Television Championship Match

Andre Jones© vs. Jumbo Jackson


Nicky Champion vs. Chris Cage


The Titans vs. James Justice and ?????


USPW World Championship Match

Enygma© vs. Bruce The Giant vs. Chris Caulfield

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Raven Robinson© vs. Cherry Bomb


USPW Fan's Choice Match

Darryl Devine vs. ????


USPW Tag Team Championship Match

The People's Team© vs. The Southern Alliance


Special 5 Woman Elimination Match

Alicia Strong, vs. Belle Bryden vs. Joanne Rodriguez vs. Sara Marie York vs. Zoe Ammis


USPW Television Championship Match

Andre Jones© vs. Jumbo Jackson


Nicky Champion vs. Chris Cage


The Titans vs. James Justice and ?????


USPW World Championship Match

Enygma© vs. Bruce The Giant vs. Chris Caulfield

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Red, White, And Blue!

Saturday, Week 4, February 2010



We open the show with a Special Music Video that highlights the big stories leading up to tonight.





Davis: Ladies and Gentlemen welcome to USPW Red, White, And Blue! Joining me as always is my broadcast partner Micky Starr, and Micky we have a heck of a show for everyone here tonight!


Micky: Yes we do Davis, now let’s get the show started!


USPW Womens Championship Match



Raven Robinson© vs. Cherry Bomb

We start the show with the Womens Title match with Raven Robinson looking to defend the title against Cherry Bomb. The match was back and forth with both women getting in an equal amount of offense. Raven was in control when she decided to go to the top rope. Just as Raven jumped for a cross body, Cherry caught her and reverse it into a big Cherry Bomb. After that Cherry covers Raven and becomes the new USPW Womens Champion.

Winner and New Champion: Cherry Bomb



Davis: So we start the show off by crowning a new USPW Womens Champion!

Micky: Raven and Cherry put on one heck of a match, but ultimately only one of them could leave the champion, and tonight that was Cherry Bomb!



After a short break we come back and Darryl Devine’s music plays, and he makes his way to the ring for the Fan’s Choice Match. Once Darryl is in the ring Sam Strong appears on the screen.


“Ladies and Gentlemen, it is now time for the Fan’s Choice Match! Now Darryl it’s time to reveal your opponent!”


A long pause is followed by entrance music that reveals the Fan’s Choice wrestler to be.






















Fan’s Choice Match


Acid vs. Darryl Devine

Emark decided to bring in Acid to wrestle Darryl Devine and what a choice it was. Darryl’s momentum wasn’t that great, but Acid made up for it. Lucky for Emark Acid was available right up until after this show, and then once he left us he almost immediately signed with TCW. Still for this night Acid was the man and wins this match with an Acid Rain Bomb.

Winner: Acid



Davis: Acid comes in for one night only, and scores a huge win over Darryl Devine!


Micky: That was an outstanding match Davis! I don’t know if we can top that!


We cut away from Acid celebrating in the ring to a video hyping the Tag Team Title Match between The People’s Team and The Southern Alliance.



USPW Tag Team Championship Match



The People’s Team© vs. The Southern Alliance

A good match considering the popularity of both teams. The People’s Team work much better as a team here tonight than they have in the past, but thanks to interference from Shane Sneer they are ultimately dispatched by The Southern Alliance.

Winners and New Champions: The Southern Alliance



After the match Sneer, Bennett, and Diamond celebrate with the Tag Team Titles.



Davis: So The Sneer Corporation take the Tag Team Titles here tonight!

Micky: Let’s hope that’s the only gold they take home here tonight!


Special Match

5 Women Elimination Match


Alicia Strong vs. Belle Bryden vs. Joanne Rodriguez vs. Sara Marie York vs. Zoe Ammis

Didn’t know if I would have time to get the other ladies on the card but I in fact did. A solid match that Alicia wins after eliminating J-Ro last.

Winner: Alicia Strong



Davis: Alicia Strong outlasts four other ladies to win here tonight!

Micky: That has to put here at the top of the list for a shot at the newly crowned Womens Champion, Cherry Bomb!


USPW Television Title Match



Andre Jones© vs. Jumbo Jackson

This match disappointed me for some reason. I don’t know if I expected it to be better or what but it just seemed like these two didn’t give it 100% like everyone else had up to this point. Either way, Jumbo’s plain to make this the third title change of the night was foiled when, Shane Sneer distracted him, allowing Andre to hit a big Super Kick to retain the title.

Winner and Still Champion: Andre Jones



Following the match Shane Sneer enters the ring with Andre and starts to talk.


“Allow me to introduce yet another new member of the ne Sneer Corporation, Andre Jones!”



Davis: So now Sneer has two of the four USPW titles in his group!

Micky: I guess now we hope that Chris Caulfield doesn’t win and that Cherry Bomb doesn’t decided to defect to the Sneer Corp!



A video then plays hyping the rivalry and upcoming match between Chris Cage and Nicky Champion.




Nicky Champion vs. Chris Cage

This rivalry has been at the boiling point for weeks, and finally Champion and Cage meet in the ring for and official match. Cage takes the advantage early but Nicky quickly turns the tables. Cage starts playing games with Nicky and starts getting in his head, which ultimately starts his downfall. Cage pushes Nicky to the edge and takes advantage just like Sam warned. Once Cage regains control it’s all downhill for Nicky. Cage hits Nicky with a devastating Death Valley Driver for the win.

Winner: Chris Cage



Davis: Well Nicky did exactly what Sam warned him not to do. He took Cage lightly and he paid the price.

Micky: I told you Davis. Cage talks a big game, but unlike most people he can back it up as shown here tonight.



We take a short break, play a few ads, and come back to see The Titans make their entrance. After The Titans get in the ring, James Justice’s music plays and he comes out to the top of the entrance ramp.


“So I guess you dudes are wondering who my partner is and if I even have one. Well I do and he can’t wait to put an end to your bullying once and for all. Now without further ado, allow me to introduce my partner!”.


<object width="30" height="25"><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hii17sjSwfA?version=1&hl=en_US&rel=0" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="30" height="25"</embed></object>




Now would be a good time to wait for a few seconds if you like surprises.:)



















































“Steve Frehley!”





The Titans vs. James Justice and Steve Frehley

Yes Steve Frehley was indeed the former SWF World Champion I spoke about a few weeks ago. He makes a heck of a debut as James Justice’s partner here tonight. The Titans do the usual monster domination, up until James get the hot tag to Frehley, at which point Steve cleans house on Rex and Baine. After neutralizing Rex, Frehley catches Baine with the Frehley’s Comet for the win.

Winners: James Justice and Steve Frehley



A music video is show hyping the upcoming Triple Threat Match for the USPW World Title.



USPW World Title Match



Enygma© vs. Bruce The Giant vs. Chris Caulfield

A great main event that was only really brought down by the poor announcing of Davis Ditterich. Not that Danny’s would’ve been any better, Davis just isn’t quite use to calling matches of this level. Back on track now this quickly turned into a one on one match when Enygma and Caulfield put their differences aside to take out the X factor of the match, Bruce The Giant. Enygma and Caulfield went back and forth for a while and then Bruce made it back in. Bruce took out Caulfield and then focused his attention on Enygma. He hit the Giant Chokeslam and was getting ready to walk out as the Champion until Chris Caulfield jumped back in the ring took out Bruce, and hit Enygma with a Danger Drop to become the new USPW World Champion.

Winner and New USPW World Champion: Chris Caulfield



After the match Shane Sneer, Andre Jones, Dave Diamond, and Henry Bennett join Chris Caulfield in the ring. All four wrestlers raise their titles in the air as Sneer claps in the background. The Sneer Corporation hold all the gold as the Show goes off the air.




Show Rating



Prediction Results

Jingo 3/8 Overall- 14 Points

20LEgend 3/8 Overall- 11 Points

Boltinho 4/8 Overall- 12 Points

Emark 2/8 Overall- 10 Points

Xqwzyt 0/8 Overall- 8 Points

Michgcs 0/8 Overall- 7 Points

BigPapa42 2/8 Overall- 7 Points

DJ Onni 0/8 Overall- 1 Point


So Jingo you win this months prediction contest. That of course means you get to chose sombody to come in a wrestle the Fans Choice match for next months pay per view. If you want to keep it a secrect just pm me your choice ad I will let you know if they are available.


Thanks All:)



P.S. BigPapa42 I stole the song you used for Frehely in your Generation Surpreme Diary from all those ages ago. That is my ode to you for all the great diarys you have done and are doing.

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I was at the USPW office the day after the pay per view. Steve was making the rounds introducing himself to everyone. Sam decided to keep him signing with us a secret from as many people as possible so that his debut would truly be a surprise to practically everyone. Of course Steve wasn’t the only debut for USPW last night. Acid also debuted, although, his time with us was only for the one night, he impressed everyone so much that I had planned on offering him a full time contract with us. Unfortunately TCW must have caught wind of his performance at our show and before I could even make him an offer I was told he had signed with TCW. As far as other contracts go, I have signed a new tag team. The Good Ol’ Boys, known separately as Thimbleby Langton and Wooton Fitzpaine, are the newest members of the USPW Roster. They are a very similar team in terms of gimmick to the Hillbillys, but in terms of style they have been known as the second coming of The McWade’s.



In other news, Shane and I have been in what you could call, fierce negotiations with Sam with the subject being USPW opening a developmental territory. It took quite a bit of persuasion, but Shane and I managed to convince Same to invest the money into the territory and I have been negotiating with many workers to bring in and fill the rosters. As far as ownership goes MAW referee Jay Fair will be running the day to day operations of what we are calling the National Wrestling Alliance. Jay’s first order of business was to hire a booker, and he somehow convinced Eric Tyler to fill the role.


As far as the talent that I have been in negotiations with a few names that have already agreed to contracts include, Amber Allen, Ashley Grover, Donte Dunn, Ekuma The Hawaiian Strong Man, Faith McGee, Gregory Henn, Running Wolf, Sammy The Shark, and the man chosen to be the head trainer of the facility, my mentor from NYCW, Steve Flash.




OOC: So I was originally going to wait and open the developmental territory, and I know angeldelayette has already done the same thing in his USPW Diary, but the big reason I went ahead I opened mine is because of TCW hitting International. They signed away Acid and Matt Keith went to RIPW. Needless to say I didn’t want to risk SWF or TCW signing away any of the other people I wanted to bring in so I went ahead and opened the NWA and signed the people I was afraid they would take.


So I should have the preview for the next show up sometime this evening.


And Jingo if you see this and you want to participate in the fans choice for this months ppv let me know either on here or by pm.


Thanks All:)

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Week 1, March 2010

Scheduled Matches


USPW Tag Team Championship Rematch

The Southern Alliance© vs. The People’s Team


USPW Womens Championship Rematch

Cherry Bomb© vs. Raven Robinson


USPW Television Championship Match

Andre Jones© vs. Darryl Devine vs. Jim Force


Chris Cage vs. Johnny Heizenger


Steve Frehley vs. T-Rex


USPW World Championship

#1 Contenders Match

Bruce The Giant vs. James Justice vs. Enygma vs. Tyson Baine

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USPW Tag Team Championship Rematch

The Southern Alliance© vs. The People’s Team


USPW Womens Championship Rematch

Cherry Bomb© vs. Raven Robinson


USPW Television Championship Match

Andre Jones© vs. Darryl Devine vs. Jim Force


Chris Cage vs. Johnny Heizenger


Steve Frehley vs. T-Rex


USPW World Championship

#1 Contenders Match

Bruce The Giant vs. James Justice vs. Enygma vs. Tyson Baine

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USPW Tag Team Championship Rematch

The Southern Alliance© vs. The People’s Team


USPW Womens Championship Rematch

Cherry Bomb© vs. Raven Robinson


USPW Television Championship Match

Andre Jones© vs. Darryl Devine vs. Jim Force


Chris Cage vs. Johnny Heizenger


Steve Frehley vs. T-Rex


USPW World Championship

#1 Contenders Match

Bruce The Giant vs. James Justice vs. Enygma vs. Tyson Baine

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USPW Tag Team Championship Rematch

The Southern Alliance© vs. The People’s Team


USPW Womens Championship Rematch

Cherry Bomb© vs. Raven Robinson


USPW Television Championship Match

Andre Jones© vs. Darryl Devine vs. Jim Force


Chris Cage vs. Johnny Heizenger


Steve Frehley vs. T-Rex


USPW World Championship

#1 Contenders Match

Bruce The Giant vs. James Justice vs. Enygma vs. Tyson Baine

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