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WEXXV: Where Insanity Makes Money

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This is a really good diary.


Thank you 20LEgend. It means a lot to get such a wonderful appraise. I hope to impress you some more sir.


Just want to jump in and say i've been reading along and am really enjoying this. A very good read.


I hope you are enjoying the ride Jingo. I've been a fan of your work as well, reading through AMW & RAW. They are good reads indeed and I hope to see more from those diaries. Thank you for the comment.


Up Next: A Firing of a Heavily Heated Wrestlers Because For The Fact He Can't Wrestle

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Chopping Off Deadless Weight: The Bull Wrecker Story


After the Friday Show, an issue was to be handled. Some weight needed to be cut off. And after the roster panicked, some guys knew they weren't gonna be taken to the dump since some of them were a vital part of the show. Eguchi and Zeshin knew they weren't gonna be cut because they were the comedy tandem of the federation. And it wasn't any of the SOB either. Well it was one of them actually. It was that the SOB needed guys that can carry on with Kajahara during the match and even Henry Lee who had crappy performance skills kept on with Kajahara in the main events. Wayne could keep up with Kajahara and he still has the age to stay long in the fed and be a huge star. McWade was an experienced wrestler and Peak can team with anyone because of his reputation as a tag team specialist. It was down to two. Century and Wrecker. Century, even though old, can still keep up with main event matches but not as much. He was more of a ring general, carrying dead weight around the ring. So it came to Bull Wrecker.


"So what I'm the one getting fired?"


"This isn't fair!!! I came here to revive my career!! I came here to this garbage place so I can show that bastard Sam Strong that I'll be a bigger hit than him!!!!"

"Good news pal!! You can't be bigger than him. So leave those dreams of becoming Wreckermania and just get out of here before Kajahara beats the living devil out of me."

"No I won't leave!!! This place has the constitution. This place is democracy!! This place is believes in liberal order. LIBERAL GOVERNMENT!!! Liberal Government where they see the need of the workers!! Where they see the need of the people!! And I'm part of the people!! I'm part of the people that can't be fired!!!!"

"Good gracious you sound like one of those democrat nutjobs back in the USA!!! I'll tell you one thing and if you have management or government think for yourself, then that is democracy. But if you even have a brain inside that air head of yours, then that is the ways of life and the ways of the conservatists!! The traditionalists!! And obviously, you're just one of those stupid democrats that the government has to be concerned about since you are just a liability to this place. Now get out before I call security."

"But this place!! Japan is a place of great government!!"

"Sadly, Japan's government is better than the US. So go back to the US and go back to where you came from."


And Bull Wrecker left, escorted by security. It was either easier or harder to fire someone like Bull Wrecker. He's young and can still improve. But I don't want to invest on Bull Wrecker. It's to a point where even Kajahara had to instruct me to fire. Heck, he was drunk during hiring Wrecker, while it was suggested by Gareth Wayne. That's minus one from the Society of Bastards. No one was devastated by the firing of Wrecker. Since he really kept talking about politics the whole time he was there, and so now everyone was glad. Some of our Japanese wrestlers were even annoyed by Wrecker babbling about democracy and liberal government. Such a failure government. No wonder our world is falling due to the economy of the greatest power in the world. At least Communism never took the greatest power in the world.

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Show 7




WEXXV: Road To Death Tour (Wednesday)

Matsumoto Hall

300 People in Attendance


http://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x380/Undertakane/WEXXV/TaheijiKonoe-1.jpg vs. http://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x380/Undertakane/WEXXV/LarryWood-1.jpg


"The Animal" Taheiji Konoe vs. "Behemoth of Wrestling" Larry Wood


A lost kid against today's definition of the 'unstoppable force'. Clearly, Konoe is supposed to be one of the bad guys. But the fan's definition for Konoe is the good guy poster boy for WEXXV much like Senmatsu and the Brothers of Vengeance. Problem with this kid is that he needs to improve on his skills a little bit more if he wants to play with the big boys. Wood gets the standard heat from the crowd but he's use to it, if you want to say that. Lots of hardcore action on this match as it was a pound for pound battle. But in the end, Larry Wood keeps his dominance intact along with his path to destruction.


Winner: Larry Wood

Rating: D




Wood wanted to speak. And no one ever stopped him from what he was doing. He came down to abuse one of the commentators by throwing him out of the way and grabbed a mic under the chair. Poor commentator, had no business with Wood. He got back up but Wood pushed him back. Anyway, Wood went back in the ring as the refs were cleaning the bloody ring. He spoke.












Wood grabbed the mic and went on his way. But he throws the mic at the commentators table, just so the fans would even boo him more.


Rating: B






Backstage, Kajahara and Senmatsu were just watching what Wood was saying. Basically, they had basic understanding of what the "Behemoth of Wrestling" was saying but since Kajahara was getting older, Senmatsu had to remind him of what Wood was talking about.


"So that big giant Wood talks about me battered?"

"Yes old man!! Didn't you hear him??"

"I forgot."

"Goodness you need a doctor."


"So Wood wants me battered? And Wood wants you bleeding? What the hell is in this guys head? But no worries. Whenever he wants me, I'll just beat him and be over with it. Once he loses a match, he's done for it. Once he gets equalized by you, he can't do no more harm anymore. So that's why, Senmatsu, you are gonna finish that piece of garbage when it comes this Sunday are the WEXXV Event Fight To Death!!! You understand boy???"

"I'm not a boy!!! And yeah I get it. I'll destroy Wood before he destroys me. It's time that he gets a taste of his own medicine. And just to make things more interesting, let it be an Extreme Cage match!!! No escapes. And the weapons inside are gonna be the key to success. And those weapons are gonna be the equalizer to Wood strength and stupidity!!!"

"That's right boy!!! So tonight, I got one more score to settle to Gareth Wayne. That bastard!!! Tonight, he'll learn to stay off the Warrior's Heart Title!!! He'll learn that no one can mess with Japanese Psychopathic Enigma!!!!!!!! NO ONNNEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!"


All set and done. An epic fight set to happen this Sunday between "The Hammer" and the "Behemoth of Wrestling". But for now, we get another Kajahara match!!!!!


Rating: B+




http://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x380/Undertakane/WEXXV/HiroshiMorisue-1.jpg vs. http://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x380/Undertakane/WEXXV/RichardBlood-1.jpg


"Face of Insanity" Hiroshi Morisue vs. "Indepedent Talent" Takayuki-San


SQUASH!!!!!!!!!! The WEXXV's love for squash matches is just fantastic. However, it just kills the loser. But no worries. Takayuki-San is getting just so much bonuses for losing. Great. More liabilities. Morisue just completely dominates this match with his crazy use for weapons. Insane huh? It's crazy how Morisue is a complete genius at using weapons and just having that hardcore brawling style of wrestling, yet he has below average wrestling skills. If only he was gifted, he wouldn't be here in this place those traditionalist call garbage. Morisue wins after a Running Powerslam through thumbtacks.


Winner: Hiroshi Morisue

Rating: E+






The SOB hits the ring. But this time, it was only Wayne and Lee. Two of the key members of the SOB are in the ring. The talker and the fighter. Gareth Wayne grabbed the mics and gave one the Henry Lee. Of course, Gareth would just wanna speak English for the heat but Henry Lee would talk Japanese for the practice and so he doesn't have to waste that $500 he spent to learn Japanese on Rosetta Stone. Gareth would speak first.


"I got a lot to waste here tonight you sick a--holes!!!!!! First night of January in this tour, I lost a damn title match!!!!! And it wasn't fair. You a--holes have no idea how f-ckin pissed I am right now!!!!!!"


The crowd booed so much because Wayne was speaking in English.


"That's right!! I'm speaking ENGLISH you motherf-ck-rs!!!!!!! And you can't stop me. I'm just pissed. I'm the Toughest Bastard Ever and I should be the champion. Kajahara just cheats and wins because he thinks he can and there is no one stopping him. He puts his hand on people's mouth and doesn't even wash those hands. That's why people tap on his Kajahara Claw!!! That's just bullcrap. You see, even if I lose tonight, the main event for Fight to Death is already set you a--holes!!!!! Kajahara vs. Wayne!!! Full Metal Mayhem. So expect your old man Kajahara get his a-- kicked for two nights!!! Tonight and this Sunday Night!!!! Because, you bastards are gonna see that old man get his a-- kicked so much that the Japanese retirement homes would be forced to take him and let him stay there until he rots to daeth!!!!!!!"


It was Henry Lee's turn to speak this time. Let's hear some Rosetta Stone, Japanese Style!!!!


"My friend Gareth Wayne is pissed. And tonight, he will let out his anger and capitalize on that emotion in order to win the Warrior's Heart Title right here tonight. He will capitalize on anger and vengeance against that mentally stupid Kajahara. And so tonight, Mr. Kajahara, prepare for the first part of the greatest beating of your lifetime!!!!"


Rating: D+


http://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x380/Undertakane/WEXXV/RyuKajahara-1.jpg vs. http://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x380/Undertakane/WEXXV/GarethWayne-1.jpg


"Psychopathic Enigma of Japan" Ryu Kajahara © vs. "Toughest Bastard Ever" Gareth Wayne

WEXXV Warrior's Heart Title Match


And so it was, the greatest beating that Ryu Kajahara is gonna take. This match was all about havoc and chaos. Gareth Wayne already attacked Kajahara while he was still in the ring, just using every dirty tactic to beat the hell out of Kajahara. Using brass knuckles, thumbtacks, wood, canes, chairs, and anything just to give Kajahara a beating. And so Gareth Wayne dominates this match. And just so he would make his promise come true, he sent back up!!




The American Psychos came to the ring!! And Doug Peak was being released out of his mental jacket. Doug starts hitting Kajahara with a barrage of punches and once he got his hands on a chair, he just smacked the devil out of Kajahara.




Not to worry!! Brothers in Vengeance are here to save the day. Taking out the American Psychos, this becomes a battle between two of the most popular teams in the federation. A personal feud between the two teams are revived once more as they brawl their way to the audience, making the match between Kajahara and Wayne fair once again.




Wood comes to destroy Kajahara, as he stated earlier. Bringing a chain to the chaotic match, he uses it to pummel Kajahara while Wayne assists Wood with just battering him to death.




"The Hammer" Munemitsu Senmatsu comes!!!!! Bringing his friend, the sledgehammer, he takes out "Behemoth of Wrestling' Larry Wood. And so these two just brawl it out, seeing a preview of what hell will rise when these two monsters collide!!!!!


The match continues on. And the battered Kajahara has no options but to be dirty. As Gareth Wayne prepares for the Shoulder Breaker through a table filled with thumbtacks, Kajahara turns this whole thing around. Another comeback routine, he gives Wayne a dirty blow after countering the Shoulder Breaker and then lifts him up and gives him an imperfect suplex through that table filled with thumbtacks. Kajahara signals for the claw and so he locks it in. Wayne completely taps in a couple minutes, ending this chaotic battle as the American Psychos and Brothers in Vengeance continue to brawl and as well as Larry Wood and Munemitsu Senmatsu!!!


Winner: Ryu Kajahara

Rating: C-


Show Rating: C-

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Show 8




WEXXV: Road To Death Tour (Friday)

Matsumoto Hall

300 People In Attendance




Backstage, we see the American Psychos. Doug Peak in his mental jacket and Henry Lee in his doctor suit. This time, they do another promo, this time regards at what happened at the Wednesday event. Henry Lee spoke as Doug Peak just stood there, trying to get out of his mental jacket.


"Last Wednesday, something bad happened. The Brothers in Vengeance destroyed Doug Peak's mindset. His mindset was clearly in shape when he was attackign Kajahara, beating him down to the ground and to a point where he would retire. But no wonder the Brothers in Vengeance come to save their boss. That's right. A-- kissers Brothers in Vengeance would kiss Kajahara's a-- and save him from the first part of the greatest beating of his life. Now Brothers in Vengeance, we settle this score once more. Brothers in Vengeance, you have a score to settle with the American Psychos. And what you did last Wednesday. It has a consequence. So Brother in Vengeance, we fight!!!! At Fight To Death, it will be the craziest, most insane, bastards in the whole word, American Psychos!!!! And against the greatest losers and a-- kissers of WEXXV, Brothers in Vengeance. And this fight will be 500 light tubes match!!!!!!!!


"So Brothers In Vengeance, prepare. The lights will be lighten and the dark inside your heads will be light once I strike your heads with those lightbulbs. And when I strike you with the lightbulbs, you will be in the state of the line between fantasy and insanity."


Rating: C-




http://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x380/Undertakane/WEXXV/ToyokuniHardcore-1.jpg vs. http://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x380/Undertakane/WEXXV/DougPeak-1.jpg


"Hardcore Strong" Toyokuni Hardcore vs. "The Line Between Fantasy & Insanity" Doug Peak

WEXXV King of Deathmatches Title Match


"Hardcore Strong" Toyokuni Strong gets another shot at the King of Deathmatches Title. However, Doug Peak is just crazy enough that he would outperform Toyokuni with his insanity. It's a nice hardcore match showing off the hardcore talents of both men. However, it's pretty reasonable that someone like Toyokuni Strong isn't gonna win the title just yet. Doug Peak performs such another crazy move as he grabbed Toyokuni and smashed his head between the ladder, and then mocks Morisue when he performed the Running Powerslam through the ladder, getting the win.


Winner: Doug Peak

Rating: D-




Maybe it was a bad idea to mock the Running Powerslam. Hiroshi Morisue attacks Doug Peak just because. And he spears Peak in the ring. Morisue and Peak, two of the craziest bastards in the ring right now are just brawling. Peak recovers from the spear and these two men are just beating the hell out of each other, trading punches and trading weapon shots. These two men brawl out as they reach to the point backstage, just trading shots like no tomorrow. Eventually, we see a winner in Morisue as he slams Peak in a limousine in the locker room. Morisue lets out a scary growl, just showing his power and dominance in what will come Sunday Night.


Rating: C-




http://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x380/Undertakane/WEXXV/GarethWayne-1.jpghttp://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x380/Undertakane/WEXXV/DallasMcWade-1.jpg vs. http://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x380/Undertakane/WEXXV/MamoruNagahama-1.jpghttp://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x380/Undertakane/WEXXV/MatsudairaMorioka-1.jpg


"Street Fight"

"Toughest Bastard Ever" Gareth Wayne & "Canada's Toughest Lumberjack" Dallas McWade vs. Naga-Mori


Street fight indeed. Wayne and McWade has a good reputation for this kind of matches and so they just outperformed Naga-Mori. It was a dominated brawl between Wayne & McWade and Naga-Mori. Blood and gore was the key of the match and Naga-Mori tried to stay away from that, trying to shut down the brawling abilities of their opponents by putting them in armbars and submissions that would cause damage on their arms. But that wasn't the case. Gareth Wayne and Dallas McWade are just brawling out their hearts that they would just destroy Naga-Mori completely. They win the match. And just for the taunt, Wayne mockingly does the Kajahara Claw on McWade and McWade just drops dead. They got so many heat out of that, Wayne would have so much heat going to the event.


Winner: Gareth Wayne & Dallas McWade

Rating: D-






The ring was cleaned out and Ryu came out to the ring. He asked for a mic despite being reminded by the fans since he forgot how he would speak out with the crowd cheering so much.


"So I took the worse beating of my life. And that's only part one. That's great. Well right now that wasn't the worse beating of my life. And I beat Gareth Wayne? Great, I'm still facing him this Sunday at Fight To Death!!! And you know what, if I'm gonna get the part two of the worse beating of my life, then I'm taking him with me. So I got one more issue to raise. I got Travis Century on my place. And he wants the title on the line. Then so be it. I'll put the title on the line. But right now, I'm not worried at anything. So I just got one thing to say to you, Gareth Wayne!!!! You think you can mock me? You think you can give me the worse beatings of my life?? Well that is not gonna happen. Because of Ryu Kajahara and I'm the Psychopathic Enigma of Japan!!! And there is no thing that will stop me from being the craziest bastard that Japan has ever seen!!!!!!!"


Rating: A


http://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x380/Undertakane/WEXXV/RyuKajahara-1.jpg vs. http://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x380/Undertakane/WEXXV/TravisCentury_Prophet-Copy-1.jpg


"Psychopathic Enigma of Japan" Ryu Kajahara © vs. "The Preacher" Travis Century"

WEXXV Warrior's Heart Title


A nice match. I expected better results but it's fine for a main event. It's a great performance match, considering it's hardcore. Just good match, just one of our average main event matches. Century took this match seriously, trying to beat Kajahara with the use of his environment, slamming Kajahara just everywhere so he would be beaten up. However, Ryu came back when he tried to outbrawl Century. It lasted so long that Kajahara put Century and signals the Kajahara Claw.




But here comes the "Behemoth of Wrestling" Larry Wood to the rescue!!! Well, to destroy Kajahara in that case. He runs to the ring with the chains and strikes Kajahara with it. In WEXXV, no disqualifications and so Wood capitalized on it. He uses the chains to choke Kajahara and Century grabs his holy water and sprays it onto Kajahara's choking face.




But the Kajahara's equalizer comes!!!!!! "The Hammer" Munemitsu Senmatsu comes to the ring and comes to the rescue. He strikes at Century first and so then he strikes Wood. Those two brawl out of the ring. And so Kajahara capitalizes on his advantage and pins Century. One two three and the match is just done.


Winner: Ryu Kajahara

Rating: D+




"The Hammer" Munemitsu Senmatsu & The "Behemoth of Wrestling" Larry Wood goes outside the ring and so it begins. Another preview of what is gonna happen at Fight To Death this Sunday. These two men brawl it out, just slamming each other everywhere. It gets to a point where Senmatsu starts to dominate the brawl, getting the fight into the crowd. And so then Wood is dominated and beaten up by Senmatsu and the fans. Tonight isn't just another night. Tonight is the night, where Munemitsu Senmatsu will guarantee he will beat Larry Wood and gain the trust of every WEXXV fans.


Rating: C+


Show Rating: D+

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....It's a battle to the end....



...It's a race to the finish....



...It's a do or die...



...It's a Fight To Death...




WEXXV Presents: Fight To Death



The Card Of The Show



http://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x380/Undertakane/WEXXV/RichardBlood.jpg vs. http://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x380/Undertakane/WEXXV/TaheijiKonoe.jpg


"Independent Talent" Takayuki San vs. "The Animal" Taheiji Konoe



http://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x380/Undertakane/WEXXV/ZeshinMakioka_alt2.jpghttp://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x380/Undertakane/WEXXV/EguchiTheAmazing.jpg vs. http://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x380/Undertakane/WEXXV/TravisCentury_Prophet-Copy.jpghttp://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x380/Undertakane/WEXXV/DallasMcWade.jpg


Zeshin & Eguchi vs. "The Preacher" Travis Century & "Canada's Toughest Lumberjack" Dallas McWade



http://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x380/Undertakane/WEXXV/BattleSakata.jpghttp://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x380/Undertakane/WEXXV/HiroshiMorisue.jpg vs. http://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x380/Undertakane/WEXXV/HenryLee.jpghttp://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x380/Undertakane/WEXXV/DougPeak.jpg


"500 Light Tubes Match"

WEXXV Blood Brothers Title Match

Brothers in Vengeance © vs. American Psychos



http://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x380/Undertakane/WEXXV/MunemitsuSenmatsu2.jpg vs. http://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x380/Undertakane/WEXXV/LarryWood.jpg


"Extreme Cage Match"

"The Hammer" Munemitsu Senmatsu vs. "The Behemoth of Wrestling" Larry Wood



http://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x380/Undertakane/WEXXV/RyuKajahara.jpg vs. http://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x380/Undertakane/WEXXV/GarethWayne.jpg


"Full Metal Mayhem"

"The Psychopathic Enigma of Japan" Ryu Kajahara vs. "The Toughest Bastard" Gareth Wayne

WEXXV Warrior's Heart Title Match


The Card:


"Independent Talent' Takayuki San vs. "The Animal" Taheiji Konoe

Zeshin & Eguchi vs. "The Preacher" Travis Century & "Canada's Toughest Lumberjack" Dallas McWade

WEXXV Blood Brothers Title Match: Brothers In Vengeance © vs. American Psychos

"The Hammer" Munemitsu Senmatsu vs. "The Behemoth of Wrestling" Larry Wood

WEXXV Warrior's Heart Title Match: "The Psychopathic Enigma of Japan" Ryu Kajahara © vs. "The Toughest Bastard Ever" Gareth Wayne


ooc: Feel free to predict. If anyone wants to predict and comes out to have the most points after the event, there will be a special prize pm'ed to you. Feel free to predict once again and I hope this will be a great show. Thank you for those who has been reading so far.

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"Independent Talent' Takayuki San vs. "The Animal" Taheiji Konoe

Zeshin & Eguchi vs. "The Preacher" Travis Century & "Canada's Toughest Lumberjack" Dallas McWade

WEXXV Blood Brothers Title Match: Brothers In Vengeance © vs. American Psychos

"The Hammer" Munemitsu Senmatsu vs. "The Behemoth of Wrestling" Larry Wood

WEXXV Warrior's Heart Title Match: "The Psychopathic Enigma of Japan" Ryu Kajahara © vs. "The Toughest Bastard Ever" Gareth Wayne

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"Independent Talent' Takayuki San vs. "The Animal" Taheiji Konoe

Zeshin & Eguchi vs. "The Preacher" Travis Century & "Canada's Toughest Lumberjack" Dallas McWade

WEXXV Blood Brothers Title Match: Brothers In Vengeance © vs. American Psychos

"The Hammer" Munemitsu Senmatsu vs. "The Behemoth of Wrestling" Larry Wood

WEXXV Warrior's Heart Title Match: "The Psychopathic Enigma of Japan" Ryu Kajahara © vs. "The Toughest Bastard Ever" Gareth Wayne

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A little tip: FINisher (someone who would definetely know about this) recommends doing maybe 4 small shows a month with one medium show acting as a mini-PPV if you will for playing with WEXXV.


It'll probably treat your finances better.


Weirdly I've had the most financial success with WEXXV when I open my own venue and run 4 medium shows a month with one longer medium show at the end of the tour acting as a PPV. Bleeds money at first, but seems to level out after the first few months.


WEXXV is a very challenging promotion to run all up, but so far its the only one in the C-Verse I really enjoy playing as, despite all the frustration.

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Weirdly I've had the most financial success with WEXXV when I open my own venue and run 4 medium shows a month with one longer medium show at the end of the tour acting as a PPV. Bleeds money at first, but seems to level out after the first few months.


WEXXV is a very challenging promotion to run all up, but so far its the only one in the C-Verse I really enjoy playing as, despite all the frustration.


WEXXV is indeed a challenging promotion. Once you get around on how to take care of your finances, going up to regional won't be as hard as it would look like. And opening your own venue, it's not that bad i guess. Overall, WEXXV will bleed money at first two or three months and then once you have enough audience, you'll get the losses back.


Show is coming up soon, whoever wants to predict for a special prize is still welcome. Thank you so much for everyone who has been keeping up with this.

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