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The Lottery (4 Player Game Log) DerekB,Apu,Rathen,DMF

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Pretty stacked card you've got there... should be a fun one to see when you get that far. :)


World Heavyweight Championship Match, 2 out of 3 Falls

Tommy Cornell vs. Christian Faith


United States Championship Match

Leper Messiah vs. Guide ©


Robbie Retro vs. Scott Sinclair


Lobster Warrior vs. Joel Bryant


Whistler and Captain USA vs. EKUMA


HWF Alliance Championship Match

Jefferson Stardust and Jerry Martin vs. Raphael and Nathaniel Ca$ino


#1 Contenders Match for World Heavyweight Championship

Ben Crane vs. Rocky Golden vs. Marc DuBois vs. John McClean


Jay Darkness vs. Mikey James


Local Matches-

Poisoned Youth (Jorge and Michael Wilkes) vs. Aristocrat and Freddy Huggins

JD Morgan vs. Milton Hittlesplitz

Rocky Golden vs. Sgt. Bubba Lee West

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This is Border-Line Wrestling!

Your Announcers: Duane Fry, Honey Golightly and Julio Lane




+ DARK MATCH: Death Row (Shady K and Knuckles) defeat Filth Sylvain and Nomad

+ DARK MATCH: Buddy Garner/Val Robertson/Joseph Lewis Knight defeat Jack Marlowe/John Anderson/Randall Hopkirk



SHOW OPENING: As with the previous two weeks Dharma Gregg introduces everyone to the show and quickly runs down the planned card for tonight’s show, highlighting the King Of The Cage tournament match, the hure Marat Khoklov vs Remo match and the continuation of the Elimination Chase… but “The Bastard” Eric Eisen cuts her off before she’s finished and gets into the ring with a microphone of his own. He intimidates her out of the ring and starts ranting. Eric reminds everyone of who he is, the son of the man who built professional wrestling’s greatest organisation… The Supreme Wrestling Federation. Eric says he stood to inherit all of that, sooner rather than later and he’d done everything to make sure he would. He screwed Jack Bruce out of the title. He screwed Rich Money by manipulating him. He screwed Sam Keith with a stupid election storyline. And he screwed his own brother’s chances of ever inheriting the company by showing that he is a true businessman, a true Eisen, a true bastard!


And then it was all taken from him so Eric started making calls. He’s not an idiot and he knew he had to get people to work for him or he’d have no company and every single person knocked him back, which is why he’s here in this crappy little company fighting for a title that means nothing instead of carrying the historic SWF title he’d fought so hard to get. So tonight, he’s going to take another step towards being the BLW World Champion and he’ll screw whoever he needs to in order to do so. Why? Cos he’s Eric Eisen, and all Eisens are bastards.





The opening match of the night follows up from the events of last week as The Biggz Brothers take on the Beautiful Strangers (Frederique Antonio Garcia and Handsome Stranger). A quick recap video of the Strangers attack on both the Biggz Brothers and the LA Connection after their tag match is replayed, showing Garcia punching Aaron Andrews out with his hand in a heavy metal glove.


The action in this match is high octane, with the Biggz Brothers looking to put their opponents away quickly only to eventually be slowed down by the Beautiful Strangers. The action goes back and forth as both teams do their best to get the win with the Biggz Brothers eventually looking like they are about to put things beyond their opponents only for Garcia to sneakily retrieve his heavy glove from under the ring and manage to knock Bart silly with a shot from it that allows the Beautiful Strangers to get the pinfall.




The crowd are all over Garcia and Handsome Stranger for cheating to win as Brett tries to get revenge against them by continuing the fight, but he is no match for the 2 on 1 assault. Handsome Stranger manages to restrain Brett as Garcia loads up for another shot with the glove before the LA Connection sprint to the ring to maek the save! Aaron Andrews and Chance Fortune grab a mircophone and issue a tag team challenge as the Beautiful Strangers escape to the rampway, with Garcia brushing them off with a “sweetis, you don’t have a chance at getting with anything this good”.





“The Olympic Gold Medallist” Oleg Dorosklov makes his way to the ring, still wearing his judo gi and withi a very businesslike look on his face. His opponent tonight is Mimic, an exciting young Canadian wrestler who is hoping to make a name for himself off a man who has a high degree of credibility in combat sports though very little in-ring experience. Mimic tries to keep Oleg off guard with some hit-and-run offense, using the ropes to hide in as he throw some leg kicks at Oleg, who isn’t used to that from his judo background. But as in previous weeks, Oleg eventually manages to get close and from there the match is almost a formality as the judoka throws Mimic and the goes for submission wins, managing to lock in an Elbow Lock Twist to make Mimic tap out. Oleg may not be experienced but he’s showing that he’s got the skills to go far.





We cut to a conversation being held between Buddy Garner and Joseph Lewis Knight in the backstage area. The two men seem familiar with each other and reminisce about some fun times in Las Vegas, with JLK having been famous for attending Garner’s fights and partying hard with the winnings from whenever Garner inevitably would make someone submit. Garner himself admits to hearing about the famous wrestling stars that would sometimes attend his fights but not knowing a lot about them at the time… the two seem to be bonding and things take an interesting turn when JLK asks why Garner chose the King of the Cage tournament instead of the Elimination Chase. Garner says he’s confident he can win either title, and will do so in time, but that he wants to see if there are any people in the US capable of taking him on in the cage. He’s looking for a challenge and to help get a new concept off the ground… and what better way to do that than by putting “Caged Rage” Buddy Garner back in the cage. JLK chuckles about that and then jokes that maybe one day he’ll give the cage a try, which Garner responds to by saying he’d look forward to that if it ever happened.





Six man tag action is up next and Carl Batch has decided not to join the announce team as he joins the rest of the Batch Operation (Bryan Holmes, Robert Oxford and Barry Kingman) at ringside as they take on some of the most exciting young talents in the world today… Sam Keith’s son Matthew Keith and the tag team of Showtime! (Bradford Peverell and Nuclear Templeton). The match goes back and forth as the veterans try to control the inexperienced Matthew Keith and keep him away from the livewire duo of Peverell/Templeton… but the hot tag is made and allows the youngsters to shine.




In the midst of the melee Peverell hits a Dream Left Hook on Kingman that looks like it would easily end the match but Oxford makes the save and drags his partner to the corner to make the tag to Bryan Holmes before Matthew pulls Oxford out of the ring. It looks like the match is about go all Holmes’ way before Nuclear hits a Radiation Blast (roaring elbow) out of nowhere! He then heads up for a Mushroom Cloud (top rope senton backsplash) but Carl Batch takes advantage of the referee being distracted at ringside to crotch Nuclear up top. From there Holmes pulls Nuclear down and hits a brutal piledriver as Batch gets the referee’s attention to count the pinfall. This one is history.





Surprisingly the music of “Valiant” Val Robertson plays as he and Hannah Potter make their way from the back to speak with Dharma Gregg at ringside. Dharma motions for them to take it into the ring so that everyone can see and hear what’s going on and they do… from there Val very politely asks Dharma, after much apologising for interupting things, if he can have another match with John Anderson. He says that he was a perfectly good sportsman for their match and that he felt Anderson had perhaps not played as nicely as he could have. But most importantly, Val feels that he can beat Anderson and would like another opportunity to do so if Dharma could see to it that it could happen, what with her having links to the guy who runs the company and all.


All this time Hannah is taking pictures of the scene and offering encouraging words to Val as he tries to get what he wants. Dharma… well, she thanks Val for being gentlemanly enough to ask her politely for a match but points out that “The Human Arsenal” John Anderson is already booked in a match next week against “Jungle” Jack Marlowe so they won’t be able to face off next week. BUT… not making any promises, she would have a word with the owner of the company and see what she can do to help him. Val and Hannah both thank her for her time and seem very happy that Val, Hannah takes a couple of pictures to celebrate including a group photo as they wrap Dharma in between them for the shot as the cage starts to get constructed for the following match.







The announce team, along with the debuting Julio Lane, hype up the third of the King Of The Cage quarterfinal matches, with this one seeing two submission specialists facing off to see who can secure a berth in the semi-finals. “The Submission Machine” Marc Speed has been plying his trade around the US for a while and least week gave his opponent three choices… “tap, nap or snap”. Meanwhile his opponent “The Tap Out Artist” Mario da Silva is a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu specialist who has been wrestling in Canada for the last few years. Both men come into this match with submissions in mind and that’s what we get!


Speed aggressively goes straight for a takedown and the two men wrestle intensely on the mat for a long period of time, each trying to secure a limb in order to lock in a submission attempt though neither man can quite do so. Speed comes closest on this early exchange but it isn’t until the separate for a second pass that the real action happens. Da Silva goes in for a takedown but instead gets behind Speed who manages to counter into a Furusawa Armbar that da Silva struggles to get out of but does manage to do so. Speed can sense that the end if near though and goes for another takedown, slamming da Silva hard to the mat using his size advantage and from there locking in a cross armbreaker that forces a submission. Marc Speed advances to the semi-finals in a hotly contested match that saw neither man back down at all.





As the cage is being dismantled again we jump to a video hosted by Dharma Gregg as she talks to the combatants for next’s last quarterfinal match up in the King Of The Cage tournament, Knuckles vs Doug Peak. Knuckles is with his tag partner Shady K and the two men are seem extremely confident that Knuckles will fare better than Shady K did against Bradford Peverell in his match. Knuckles is going all the way! Doug Peak on the other hand is more reserved… quiet… menacing. Having grown out an epic beard Doug looks a lot crazier than normal, and he’s always been completely insane. The Peak Of Insanity? Being locked in a cage with anyone called Peak.


It’s going to be a real rumble next week in the cage, tune in to check it out!





Speaking of rumbles, from the moment that “The One Man War” Marat Khoklov and “The Wrecker” Remo Richardson step into the ring together this match was nothing short of brutal violence. Remo stands at 6 foot 6 and about 300 pounds of muscle and athleticism, a physical specimen who backs down from no man… and he’s dwarfed by the giant Khoklov who stands at about 7 feet tall and more than 450 pounds of muscle, perhaps the most intimidating sight in the world.


The two men hit the ring and the fight is on immediately. No fancy technical wrestling and no flashy high flying action. Remo is rarely outpowered but he is in this match, with Marat shoving him down only for Remo to nip-up and continue with a barrage of powerful blows that any smart man would try to avoid but that Marat tries to absorb. The brawl is unrelenting as both men dish out insanely devastating shots to each other that everyone in the audience noticably wince at when they connect, even more so when the match spills to the outside. The referee, as per BLW instructions, doesn’t count them out but does try to steer them back towards the ring…but he’s clearly out of control of the match already and somewhere amidst the chaos he signals for the bell to end the match…




The fight continues though as Marat sends Remo into a safety barrier so hard that it sends the fans behind it flying… but Remo comes back up with an uppercut that sends the giant stumbling. The keep brawling backwards, with Remo pulling a fan out of his chair so that he can use the chair as a weapon, catching Marat with a shot on the arm that gets a grunt from the giant. The giant ends up punching the chair so hard that it sends it flying out of Remo’s hands and as Remo tracks the chair’s flight he is caught with a standing lariat that knocks him out of his boots. Khoklov raises his arms in victory as he heads to the back but Remo is already getting to his feet by time Khoklov is out of sight… this fight is clearly not over!







The Elimination Chase towards the BLW World Championship


“The Great White Shark” Eddie Peak vs “The Bastard” Eric Eisen vs “The Legend” Sam Keith vs “The Dark Destroyer” Steve Frehley


Four former World champions remain in the chase to become the first ever BLW World Champion. Each man has the credentials to potentially go all the way but only one man can become champion. Who will be eliminated this week? Well… if the fans on the BLW website are any judge then our poll results indicate that Eric Eisen is going to be eliminated this week.


All four men make their way to the ring without any interuptions from backstage this week, though Eric Eisen is looking over his shoulder for any signs of the giant Marat Khoklov though it seems Remo has taken care of that threat for now. Eisen again manages to stay out of the ring to start with as Keith and Peak square off against each other with the veteran going straight to the knee as Peak tries to take Keith’s head off with wild punches. Eisen briefly tags himself in to get some cheap shots on Keith only to then tag out to Frehley in short order, getting a lot of heat in the process. Shortly after that Keith gets the tag to Peak and then it’s really on! Peak and Frehley brawl all around the ring and look to hit their big high powered offense. Peak is pressed above Frehley’s head and sets up for the Dark Destroyer Spear only for Eisen to again tag himself in. Eisen sets up to hit the Silver Spoon Shock but Peak counters, leaving Eisen in the middle of the ring with an irate Eddie Peak.


Eisen tries to run and is chased to the floor by Peak… then cut-off from running by Frehley who drops to the floor to stop him from escaping. Keith is on the apron watching the scene unfold below him as Eisen is trapped between a rock and a psychotic place. Eisen turns towards Frehley who charges at him, but Eric shows remarkable quickness to roll under the ring causing Frehley to hit hard with the steel ringsteps. Keith watches as Peak tries to see where Eric has gone, only for Eric to quickly pop-up behind Peak, roll into the ring and tag Keith with a slap to the face, yelling at the referee “That’s a tag, b****!”. Eric then rolls out of the ring and starts heading through the crowd as Peak chases after him… Keith seizes the opportunity and hits a brutal Neutron Plex on the floor before hauling up the mostly deadweight of Peak into the ring and locking in the Proton Lock! Eddie Peak is clearly in pain, his expression contorting between a smile of pleasure and the agony of the hold as Keith’s legendary move takes it’s painful toll on his body. Peak tries to scramble to the ropes but the hold makes it nearly impossible to move once you’re locked in… Peak is fading! Fast!


With Frehley still recovering at ringside and Eric Eisen hiding somewhere in the crowd with BLW security putting a barrier between him and the fans, Sam Keith yells at the referee to check Peak’s hand cos he’ll never submit. The referee complies and the hand falls once…




… three times! A lady!


This match is over!


“The Great White Shark” Eddie has been eliminated!





As Sam Keith releases the hold Duane Fry puts over that no matter how old Sam Keith gets he just seems to keep getting better and that the Proton Lock continues to be one of the most feared moves in the world. Fry runs down the card for next week’s show as we know it so far and reminds everyone to stay tuned to the BLW website and to follow them on facebook, twitter and whatever other social networking sites are being invented on a near daily basis these days (ok, he doesn’t say that last big…). What will happen next week on BLW?! Find out by tuning in!!











…next week on…

This is Border-Line Wrestling!




“The Bastard” Eric Eisen vs “The Legend” Sam Keith vs “The Dark Destroyer” Steve Frehley

All are former World champions, but one man must be eliminated!



Knuckles vs “Dangerous” Doug Peak


“The Human Arsenal” John Anderson vs “Jungle” Jack Marlowe


The Beautiful Strangers (“Fabulous” Frederique Antonio Garcia & The Handsome Stranger) vs The L.A. Connection (Chance Fortune & Aaron Andrews)


“Olympic Gold Medallist” Oleg Dorosklov vs Nomad


PLUS: More action to be announced at a later date, with the tag team division still heating up, the King of the Cage tournament still in progress and the fallout from the Marat-Remo encounter! And as always, card subject to change!



Predictions scores and my own breakdown coming later, for now I'm outta here. :)

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So... kudos go to Apu for getting the most predictions right, getting 4 out of 5 right including the no decision for the Marat-Remo match. He beat... no-one, or alternatively, EVERYONE so much credit goes to him for that. :)


Though threatening to steal Marc Speed is not cool. He's someone I've always wanted to get behind and this time I think I might be able to consistently do so. If you steal him then just be warned that I'll not go quietly. ;)


That said, I'm having lots of fun so far. Lots of fun match ups and the potential to achieve so much. I've got rough plans for the future but given the odd situations that can come up in this game with the lack of TCW and SWF it's' going to be hard to plan. NOTBPW and CGC are starting to grab some of the top talent from us and it's quite possible they're going to blow the roof off Canada with the likes of Joey Minnesota going to NOTBPW. Hopefully we get to National first, or at the very least we can keep NOTBPW down by somehow crippling them whenever we get the chance. On the other hand, I like CGC and hope they do well. :)


Julio Lane in case anyone noticed him is a young announcer who slipped past us all for a couple of weeks. He has B+ level skills so while he's a small step behind Duane Fry in announcing he's my top colour guy ahead of Honey Golightly. However he does confuse my MS Word document with his name, so his career in BLW may end up being tragically cut short if anyone ever decides to steal him from me. Preferably in some kind of negotiated deal somewhere down the line...


I don't know if anyone else would approve/object but once we've got through the first month I was thinking about adding an extra little column to compare our relative performances. Would switch over to numbers to see who has the top rated shows and matches and give them a little ranking, just for funsies. I might even have a look at our popularities in the editor too as it strikes me that this would be a good way to see how trends affect things. We're all getting shows in the C+/B- range so we should all still be doing roughly the same right down to the decimal places... but I bet we're not even.... probably with me in last given my product actually. :p

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I saw Julio Lane in your decisions and my jaw dropped.


Anyway, I too am excited with how this game is moving along so far. Like I said, my last show rating was poor, with a good chunk being because I'm pushing the characters and stories that I want. I wouldn't ever truthfully expect Captain USA and Whistler's story to draw amazing ratings.


With Unleashed coming up, even though their match is 2/3 falls, I really am trying to plan long term for Cornell and Faith. I understand a 2/3 falls match is usually more decisive than not, so this could require some tricky booking...ooh well, with all the time Rathen is giving us, I should be able to figure it out. :p


P.S. I'm pulling for Steve Frehley to win in BLW. I do like the Elimination Chase also, it's a more unique idea than anything I've ever done.

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• Axxis Jr and The Islanders dominated Dagger and Canada's Most Wanted (Rating: D+)

• Frankie Perez and Cold Hard Cash dominate Velocidad and The Canadian Oddballs again the crowd booed the Oddballs although Persephone good cheered and did a good job. Cold Hard Cash came out of the match looking great (Rating: D+)


• Video recap Outlaw TV Main Event and Aftermath showing Angry Gilmore beating A.T.M. and barely being able to stand to have his hand lifted and then being attacked by Rich Money. (Rating: B-)

• Angry Gilmore Blasts Rich Money for the attack saying that Money will not always be able to by him out of everything. And once he wins the second slot for the title match at Harlem Heat, Money will see what it’s like when he really gets Angry. (Rating: B+)

• Tana took a clean win over Greg Gauge but had to work for it as the smaller wrestler tried his best to do hit and run attacks in the giant. Gauge seemed to miss a few marks but and Tana was visibily breathing hard by the end of the match (Rating: D)

• Antonio Del Rey and A.T.M. took a dominant win over The Woodsmen (Cal Sanders and Dusty Bin). Antonio looked particularly good in the ring especially against Dusty Bin who was booed heavily. (Rating: D-)

• After the match is over as Cal and Dusty make their way to the back Rich Money comes out with the Cash brothers and talks about the greatness that is big business, as was witnessed by the win Del Rey and A.T.M. just had. He wants everyone to know that Money can buy you everything and soon all titles will be held by Big Business. (Rating: C)

• The announcers tell the crowd that next week’s Main Event will be Rick Law versus Troy Tornado as the two men try to get work toward the second challenger slot for the City Light Championship match. (Rating: C+)

• The Wild Things take a clean win The Harlem Hitmen who came out with Osiris. Malili stood out as the star of the match and The Wild Things move forward in their search for tag team gold (Rating: C-)

• Rick Law and Troy Tornado argue over who will end up the winner of next week’s main event. Tornado finally frustrated attacks Law by surprise and is beating on the CLOW’s beat cop until Brent Hill comes across the action and drives Tornado off. (Rating: C+)

• The Traditionalists (Black Hat Bailey and Rick Sanders) steal a win from Team X (Angel Del Mexico and American Elemental) with Sanders distracting the ref while Bailey hits Angel with a foreign object from his tights. (Rating: D+)

• In traditional fashion Savage Frontier is celebrating their two wins of the night. They are soon confronted by Cold Hard Cash and Antonio Del Rey and there is a three on five stare down (Rating: C-)

• The Announcers tell the crowd that next week will see the two semi final tag team matches with Cold Hard Cash facing The Islanders and The Wild Things facing The Traditionalists (Rating: D-)

• Acid went over Jeremy Stone in a fuzzy finish with Acid using the ropes for leverage against the larger opponent. The two men put it all on the mat and lifted the crowd off their feet. (Rating: B-)

• The announce talk about next week’s Street Fight Semi Final match; Antonio Del Rey versus Axxis Jr. (Rating: E+)

• Street Life is out in force before Bling Kings match up as Streetz and the King talk about what a loser Koshiro Ino is and how the Japanese born vigilante doesn’t really know what its like to be from the Streets (Rating: D)

• Bling King steals a win from Koshiro Ino with the unlikely assistance of A.T.M. (Rating : B)

• Bling King and A.T.M. put aside their different backgrounds and make a joint attack on Koshiro Ino as Outlaw TV goes off the air (Rating: C)



Overall Rating: C+

Angles used did not reach in ring standards. This show can be considered a success, it should have increased our overall popularity


Next Week Announced Matches

Axxis Jr. versus Antonio Del Rey - City Lights Street Fight Tournament Semi Final

The Islanders versus Gold Hard Cash - City Lights Tag Team Tournament Semi Final

The Wild Things versus The Traditionalists - City Lights Tag Team Tournament Semi Final

Rick Law versus Troy Tornado - Qualifier to be Money's opponent for the City Light's Championship at Harlem Heat

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Technically this show was before the last two posted BLW and HWF shows. IT was a decent show if the Angles hadn't dragged it down. But they'll get better as the stables gain overness. Add whatever you like Derek it could be fun (but I'm still coming after Speed)


HWF Unleashed Preview-

World Heavyweight Championship Match, 2 out of 3 Falls

Tommy Cornell vs. Christian Faith

Cornell is just the better choice, Faith is good but Cornell is Cornell


United States Championship Match

Leper Messiah vs. Guide©

Messiah is Blech and Guide won't lose on the first itme out


Robbie Retro vs. Scott Sinclair

Personally I'm a Robbie Retro fan but everyone seems to like BBS so I'll say you do too.


Lobster Warrior vs. Joel Bryant

Lobby is more over but this should be a good match


Whistler and Captain USA vs. EKUMA

And the build for the strong man continues


HWF Alliance Championship Match

Jefferson Stardust and Jerry Martin vs. Raphael and Nathaniel Ca$ino

I love Ca$ino and I'm glad you didn;t change his last name


#1 Contenders Match for World Heavyweight Championship

Ben Crane vs. Rocky Golden vs. Marc DuBois vs. John McClean

Golden Cornell is good business


Jay Darkness vs. Mikey James

Darkness is done and James is just beginning


Local Matches-

Poisoned Youth (Jorge and Michael Wilkes) vs. Aristocrat and Freddy Huggins

JD Morgan vs. Milton Hittlesplitz

Rocky Golden vs. Sgt. Bubba Lee West





“The Bastard” Eric Eisen vs “The Legend” Sam Keith vs “The Dark Destroyer” Steve Frehley

All are former World champions, but one man must be eliminated!

An Eisen vs Frehlye match would kill your main event even in a Pop based fed so in BLW Keith has to stay in and I'll go with Frehley for the better final match up



Knuckles vs “Dangerous” Doug Peak

No reason


“The Human Arsenal” John Anderson vs “Jungle” Jack Marlowe

I just like Anderson better


The Beautiful Strangers (“Fabulous” Frederique Antonio Garcia & The Handsome Stranger) vs The L.A. Connection (Chance Fortune & Aaron Andrews)

You're really pushing the Stangers


“Olympic Gold Medallist” Oleg Dorosklov vs Nomad

Oleg is too legit to quit

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@DMF: Apu picked all but 1 match the same as I did... doesn't bode well for my picks if he's got a lot to learn. :eek:


@Apu: if you steal Speed there will be a world of hurt upon you that you just don't want to suffer. You like having a roster, right? :p


Axxis Jr. versus Antonio Del Rey - City Lights Street Fight Tournament Semi Final

The Islanders versus Gold Hard Cash - City Lights Tag Team Tournament Semi Final

The Wild Things versus The Traditionalists - City Lights Tag Team Tournament Semi Final

Rick Law versus Troy Tornado - Qualifier to be Money's opponent for the City Light's Championship at Harlem Heat

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@DMF: Apu picked all but 1 match the same as I did... doesn't bode well for my picks if he's got a lot to learn. :eek:


I actually meant to look at yours at the same time, I forgot...it was late.


Axxis Jr. versus Antonio Del Rey - City Lights Street Fight Tournament Semi Final

The Islanders versus Gold Hard Cash - City Lights Tag Team Tournament Semi Final

The Wild Things versus The Traditionalists - City Lights Tag Team Tournament Semi Final

Rick Law versus Troy Tornado - Qualifier to be Money's opponent for the City Light's Championship at Harlem Heat

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<p>Sunday, Week 3, June 2010</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>


<span style="font-size:18px;"><strong>HWF Unleashed</strong></span></p><p>

Unleashed is taking place in front of 10,000 fans at the Minnesota Coliseum.</p><p> </p><p>

Local Matches-</p><p>

Rocky Golden defeated Sgt. Bubba Lee West (B)</p><p>

Aristrocrat and Freddie Huggins defeated Poisoned Youth (D-)</p><p>

JD Morgan defeated Milton Hittlesplitz (E) Bad chemistry didn't help this one.</p><p> </p><p>

3...2...1...LIVE</p><p> </p><p>

The opening bout for the evening is,</p><p> </p><p>

Lobster Warrior vs. Joel Bryant</p><p>

A solid back and forth bout that saw Lobster Warrior make his opponent tap out from the Lobster Trap after 14 minutes. (C+)</p><p> </p><p>


Nathaniel Ca$ino and Raphael vs. Jefferson Stardust and Jerry Martin</p><p>

A fast paced match that saw a lot of spotty moves in a quick time span ended when Raphael was able to cover Jerry Martin after 6 minutes. (E)</p><p> </p><p>

Cameras cut backstage to Tommy Cornell, who gives his last speech, about Christian Faith, and about how tonight, Cornell will walk out of the building as the HWF World Heavyweight Champion. (B+)</p><p> </p><p>


Leper Messiah vs. Guide ©</p><p>

Guide threw everything he had at Leper Messiah who always seemed to get back up. Eventually, however, Guide was able to put Messiah away after a Guided Missle to make his first successful title defense. (D)</p><p> </p><p>

EKUMA vs. Captain USA and Whistler</p><p>

Captain USA and Whistler came out swinging and fighting for their life, but it appeared to be to no avail as EKUMA took control and nearly tossed Whistler into the first row when he threw him out of the ring. As the referee checked on Whistler outside the ring however, Captain USA was able to sneak a chair in to the ring and clobber the monster and pick up the win for duo. (E+)</p><p> </p><p>

Backstage Christian Faith responds to Cornell by brushing off his threats saying the time for talking is over and in just a little bit all the talking Cornell has done won't be able to save him. (A)</p><p> </p><p>

Jay Darkness vs. Mikey James</p><p>

In a true shocker, Jay Darkness was in control from start to finish and Mikey looked like he never had a chance. Darkness picked up the win after 7 minutes of domination. (D)</p><p> </p><p>

Robbie Retro vs. Scott Sinclair</p><p>

Retro was able to out pace Sinclair and take him by surprise a couple times, but eventually Sinclair was able to sneak away a win after a quick roll up and throwing his feet on the ropes for leverage. (C-)</p><p> </p><p>

It is announced to the crowd that the original 4 Way Dance for the #1 contender match has been changed, as Marc DuBois missed his flight to the arena, and thus the board of directors have decided his replacement will be Jack Giedroyc.</p><p> </p><p>

Rocky Golden vs. John McClean vs. Jack Giedroyc vs. Ben Crane</p><p>

An match that lived up to the expectations, and the move to have Jack in the match turned out to be better than expected. The match ended after over 20 minutes of action saw McClean grab a pinfall after a Stain Removal on Ben Crane, making him the #1 contender to the HWF World Heavyweight Champion to be crowned in the next match. (B-)</p><p> </p><p>

A hype video is shown for Cornell vs. Faith (B+)</p><p> </p><p>


2/3 FALLS</p><p>

Tommy Cornell vs. Christian Faith</p><p>

An excellent match that went over the 30 minute mark was hampered by the announcing of Rock Downpour. Still, the in ring action made up for it and Cornell looked to make good on his promise to beat Faith twice, picking up the first fall early in the bout. After more back and forth action, Faith pulled a win out also. With the match tied at 1 fall a piece, the crowd was on the edge of their seats. Towards the end of the match, referee Ray Johnson got pulled in front of an avalanche splash in the corner from Faith by Cornell. With Johnson down, the two continued to brawl until all of a sudden John McClean ran to the ring and sprayed both competitors with an unknown product in a spray bottle. With both competitors blinded, he grabbed a chair and smacked Faith and Cornell before Ray managed to get to his feet and see the carnage. Ray calls for the bell, throwing the match out as there has obviously been a lot of tampering as McClean stays in the ring with the chair. (B)</p><p> </p><p>

McClean begins to argue with the ref, claiming he should be named the champion, as he is the top contender and the other two are laid out. After Johnson grabs the championship to take back to the back, McClean lays him out with a chair shot also. McClean looks down and grabs the championship, and begins to pose with it. Meanwhile, Faith and Cornell both battle to get back to their feet. When they rise, they make eye contact, before both seeing McClean posing with the belt. The two of them, without a word, attack McClean. Cornell hits Rough Justice, and Faith uses the chair to drop McClean. With the championship on the ground, both Faith and Cornell start to pick it up. The show ends with both men holding onto the championship, refusing to let go. (A)</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-size:14px;">Overall Show Rating-B</span></p><p>

</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

I'm pretty happy with how the show turned out. Predictions are as follows-</p><p>

Apu- 4/8 (3/3 Preshow)</p><p>

Derek- 5/8 (3/3 Preshow)</p><p> </p><p>

A little changing in some plans helped you guys out. The main event was what I had been thinking over for a while now. I don't want to give either guy a clear edge in this feud for a while, and Cornell vs. Faith is an dream match of sorts so I plan to draw it out instead of wrapping it up in 3 weeks.</p>

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I'm glad to see the Cornell/Faith feud isn't being burned through too quickly, it is a battle of SWF legend vs TCW legend and both men deserve to have a HUGE rivalry born out of this. Adding a third ingredient in McClean is good too, even if he a down and dirty cheater. :p


Did DuBois actually miss his flight? I don't think I've actually had anyone fail to make it to a show for me in TEW2010, I was starting to wonder if it was even possible any more. :)


And a strong B rating for the show should also put you on top for the month so far. But there are still some big shows to come yet and I'm hoping to beat that with my PPV and perhaps even get there with my TV show... should be fun to challenge. :D

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I'm glad to see the Cornell/Faith feud isn't being burned through too quickly, it is a battle of SWF legend vs TCW legend and both men deserve to have a HUGE rivalry born out of this. Adding a third ingredient in McClean is good too, even if he a down and dirty cheater. :p


Did DuBois actually miss his flight? I don't think I've actually had anyone fail to make it to a show for me in TEW2010, I was starting to wonder if it was even possible any more. :)


And a strong B rating for the show should also put you on top for the month so far. But there are still some big shows to come yet and I'm hoping to beat that with my PPV and perhaps even get there with my TV show... should be fun to challenge. :D


No, him missing his flight is a cop out reason to why he wasn't there. He is actually un able to work every Sunday for me because he is also signed on to CGC I think it is. Ooh well, it means he'll probably be just kinda a momentum builder for faces on the roster. Planning that main event was tricky, I don't want either one to look superior to each other right now, but when you call 2/3 falls that's typically a decisive match so I am happy how it worked out...too bad the announce crew was garbage.


Also, sorry about the slowness, I want to get my next show cranked out tonight or tomorrow night, just busy working and what not.

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No, him missing his flight is a cop out reason to why he wasn't there. He is actually un able to work every Sunday for me because he is also signed on to CGC I think it is. Ooh well, it means he'll probably be just kinda a momentum builder for faces on the roster. Planning that main event was tricky, I don't want either one to look superior to each other right now, but when you call 2/3 falls that's typically a decisive match so I am happy how it worked out...too bad the announce crew was garbage.


Also, sorry about the slowness, I want to get my next show cranked out tonight or tomorrow night, just busy working and what not.


Which reminds me that I don't think I've checked out my own PPV date to see if my roster is available. I've got one guy who is never available for TV just now (Omar Brown AKA Fyte when he's with me) but no idea if anyone is unavailable for PPV. Must remember to check that after your shows are done. :)

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Monday, Week 4, June 2010



HWF Whiplash


Local Matches-

Marshall Dillon defeated Zonk Jr. by pinfall (E-)

Guide defeated Primal Rage by pinfall (C-)




Whiplash kicks off with a video recap of Unleashed's main event from the night before.



John McClean comes to the ring, spritzing things with his bottle of cleaner and wiping them off all along the way. McClean explains that last night, after he became the number one contender a thought struck him, he didn't want to just be the HWF Champion, but rather he wanted to be the FIRST HWF World Heavyweight Champion. Emma Chase, after hearing this, leaves the announce table and enters the ring. She informs McClean that the board of directors are not happy about their title match ending the way it did, and while they will still honor him as the number one contender, he will regret his decision. She then informs him that he has a match with Ben Crane, right now.



Ben Crane vs. John McClean

Crane, the scrappy fighter he is, gave McClean all he could handle. In the end McClean once again used a cleaning product to gain the advantage, this time grabbing his rag and applying a front facelock, so the referee could not see him holding the rag over Cranes face. Crane, after released, attempted to stand, but passed out instead and McClean covered him for the 3 count.



Up next, we are told we have an tag team match to determine a number one contender to Gambling Money's (Nathaniel Ca$ino and Raphael) Alliance Championship belts.


Old Glory (Whistler and Captain USA) vs. West Coast Connection (Roger Cage and Freddie Huggins)

A short match that saw the veterans try to use their ring savvy to avoid the fast pace of WCC, and it managed to work for them. They gained the upper hand and were steadily building momentum until EKUMA came to the ring and interrupted the match by attacking Old Glory. Old Glory are the number one contenders for the Alliance Championship, but man did they pay for it.



Robbie Retro vs. Marc DuBois

In a faster paced match than the tag team bout before it, Robbie Retro was able to cleanly pin DuBois.



JD Morgan vs. Arthur Dexter Bradley

JD Morgan, much like Old Glory used his savvy and technical skills to wear down ADB and stretch him until he submitted.



Aristocrat vs. Joey Poison vs. Nelson Callum

An solid all around bout by all three competitors. Joey Poison had Poisoned Youth (Jorge and Michael Wilkes) accompany him to ringside. They observed the match and were enthusiastic when their mentor won the match after pinning Aristocrat.



After the match, Poison explains to Poisoned Youth a few things about how he won the match, or at least that is what we can assume because Poisoned Youth are asking him questions and he is making gestures back to the ring and making motions with his hands.



Tommy Cornell vs. Mikey James

Mikey James' bad luck continues as he once again looks far out matched against Cornell. Cornell winds up beating Mikey James who is losing momentum fast in the HWF.



Jay Darkness vs. Christian Faith

Jay Darkness, who is quickly building momentum looked to capitalize on his strong performance from Unleashed, and managed to pull a few near falls in the bout, but in the end, Faith held on and won the match following a Leap Of Faith.



After the match, Emma Chase enters the ring, and Faith grabs the microphone from her, still upset about the previous night. He reminds us (as if needed) that he and Cornell can't stand each other, but that they are both equally frustrated at McClean and demands strong punishment. Emma Chase takes the microphone back and informs Faith that the board of directors have brought down swift punishment indeed, and a punishment that should be appreciated by all parties. She informs him that while McClean did win a match to become the number one contender, the board has decided that he, along with Faith and Cornell are all three mutual number one contenders. Faith looks a bit confused by this. Emma explains the title scene is a bit murky, but it can be cleared up next week as the board of directors have decided Cornell and Faith will team together in a 2vs1 Handicap match against McClean. If McClean loses, he voids his number one contender spot. Faith nods his head in agreement and seems a bit excited by the announcement.



Show Overall-B


Post Show-

Joel Bryant, Scott Sinclair, and John Greed vs. Lobster Warrior, Rocky Golden, and Jack Giedroyc

The good guys win to send the crowd home happy as Sinclair and Greed eventually decided that enough was enough and left Bryant alone. Bryant managed to walk in to finishers from Golden, followed by Giedroyc, and finally Lobby who wound up pinning him.


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Sorry it took so long to get those shows both up guys.

I'm almost more sorry that I booked Jay Darkness vs. Christian Faith...it managed to be the top match in the short 5 show history of HWF. Yes, it rated higher than Faith vs. Cornell...go figure.


On the plus side, two B rated shows in a row, not bad.


HWF Whiplash, July, Week 1 preview-

Handicap Match

Cornell and Faith vs. John McClean

Alliance Championship Match

Old Glory(Whistler and Captain USA) vs. Gambling Money©(Nathaniel Ca$ino and Raphael)

Ben Crane vs. Marc DuBois

Mikey James vs. John Greed



-Expect an less than stellar response from John McClean.

-Scott Sinclair will be given a live microphone!

-Jay Darkness, after a tough loss, will look for a way to build momentum again.

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This is Border-Line Wrestling!

Your Announcers: Duane Fry, Honey Golightly and Julio Lane




+ DARK MATCH: Remo and the Biggz Brothers defeat Matthew Keith, Shady K and Marc Speed

+ DARK MATCH: Marat Khoklov and Eddie Peak defeat Showtime! (Bradford Peverell & Nuclear Templeton)



SHOW OPENING: Dharma Gregg opens the show by welcoming everyone and hyping up the main event of the night, only to be interupted by “The Bastard” Eric Eisen. He rudely cuts her off, saying she’s just a stripper and has no business on a wrestling show let alone taking up airtime that Eric should have since he should rule the wrestling world already. Then Joseph Lewis Knight (Joe Sexy for those not keeping up) makes his way out to save Dharma from Eric berating her… Eric immediately starts mocking JLK, saying that for all his “better man” talk he’s still just looking to score with some random skank like Dharma, why else would he be out to stand in front of the most influential man in wrestling today? JLK fires back by saying Eric is just a spolit trust fund kid, who thinks he’s a big man cos he’s got his daddy’s money. So yeah… Eric mighta qualified for a title match by being champion but he bought his way to that and didn’t earn it. Eric is angry, saying he’s about to become champion again without anyone’s help before storming off to the back as JLK quietly comforts Dharma leading into the opening match…




… which sees JLK teaming up with “Caged Rage” Buddy Garner and “Valiant” Val Robertson, who is as always with Hannah Potter who takes pictures to document Val’s time in BLW, which can be found on the BLW website too for those who care. Carl Batch then leads out his clients for the other side of the 6 man tag, with “Unlimited” Bryan Holmes teaming with Robert Oxford and Barry Kingman. Both sides get in their fair share of offense as the pendulum swings back and forth, with Val being singled out as the sacrificial lamb when the Batch Operation get control of things. A finisher parade ensues with both sides looking to put each other away, but Hannah spooks Batch at ringside to block his interference, allowing JLK to put Barry Kingman away with a One Knight Stand to pick up the fall at about 15 minutes…




… but JLK doesn’t get to celebrate for long as Eric Eisen sneaks up behind him with a chair and slams it into his back from behind. JLK drops to his knees in pain as Eric yells at him about not sticking his nose where it’s not wanted before crashing it down onto his skull, leaving JLK down in the middle of the ring as Eric rolls away before anyone else can recover from the finisher parade to do anything about it. Eric jawjacks to the camera, saying that nobody wants any part of JLK anywhere near their business… not Eric, not Dharma, not anyone.





Once again “The Olympic Gold Medallist” Oleg Dorosklov is on TV following his string of dominant performances so far since making his pro wrestling debut just a few weeks ago. His opponent this week is Nomad, a talented Canadian wrestler who little know anything about so it would have been hard for Oleg to scout him. Nomad tries a little bit of everything against the judoka, still wearing his gi that really makes him stand out compared to everyone else, but Oleg is by far the better grappler. When Oleg gets his hands on Nomad he snaps off a couple of sensational judo throws before managing to lock in a Elbow Lock Twist to get the submission victory.







As the ring-crew set up thecage for the last of the quarter-final matchups the announce team remind everyone of who has qualified for the semi-finals so far, with Buddy Garner advancing via submission over Randall Hopkirk, “Hands Of Stone” Bradford Peverell advancing past Shady K via knock out and “The Submission Machine” Marc Speed advancing over Mario da Silva via submission.


Tonight we get “Dangerous” Doug Peak taking on Knuckles inside the cage. Both men are known for their wild and often weapon filled brawls but inside the cage the weapons won’t be a factor. The wild brawling on the other hand is exactly what we get. Both men hit hard and hit often, looking to slug their way to victory over the other inside the cage. They back each other up into corners, punch when they can and this is nothing short of a fight inside the cage. They finally start to show some wrestling moves as they go for their signature spots, with Doug using his head to take some advantages while Shady K fights dirty and goes to the eyes. But in the end it comes down to who can put the other away first, and when Doug Peak manages to hit the House Of Horrors he gets a pinfall to bring a close to this wild brawl at about the ten minute mark





On their way out to the ring Garcia of the Beautiful Strangers takes a moment to stoke the cage while it’s being carted off, leading Handsome Stranger to the ring before their bout with the LA Connection. A quick video recap is played of the last two weeks with the Strangers interfering ain a Biggz/Connection match, then cheating to beat the Biggz themselves last week.


This week things don’t start well for the Strangers, with the LA Connection exploding out the blocks and taking control of the match early causing the flambuoyant duo to hit the floor to escape the onslaught. They eventually gain the advantage after some dubious tactics and proceed to isolate Aaron for most of the match, figuring the youngster to be relatively easy prey. Chance get a hot tag late on, clearing house on his way to a big plancha dive to the floor that wipes out both men. The LA Connection look set to make progress but Handsome Stranger hits a low blow while the referee has his attention on Aaron in the ring, taking the advantage away. Things degenerate from there, with Aaron rushing Stranger and allowing Garcia to gain access to his glove, nailing Chance right between the eyes with it and leading straight to a pinfall.





Much like last week we are once again interupted by “Valiant” Val Robertson’s music as he and Hannah come down to ringside to ask Dharma for a match with “The Human Arsenal” John Anderson, this time at the PPV. Dharma thanks them for asking but that all depends on the outcome of the Anderson vs Marlowe match that is coming up next. Knowing that Val and Hannah are “good kids” she invites them to sit at ringside with her for the match and see what unfolds.




What follows is perhaps the best match in the new age of American wrestling, with “Jungle” Jack Marlowe and “The Human Arsenal” John Anderson (formerly of the SWF and TCW respectively) putting on a showcase of awesome heavyweight wrestling. Jack moves around the ring like a man 80 pounds lighter than he is, showcasing awesome athleticism with his springboard moves and surprisignly technical know-how to counter the brilliant suplex-and-pound based assault of Anderson. As in previous matches Anderson was very liberal with the rules and the sportsmanship, causing Val and Hannah on multiple occasions to leap to their feet to complain about the poor sportsmanship on display. As the match closes in on the 15 minute mark Anderson uses a blatant rake of the eyes to stop Jack’s assault, which is enough for Val to leap to the apron to complain to the referee as Anderson follows up with an Ammo Dump. Anderson gets in Val’s face about the distraction when he realises the referee isn’t counting which then allows Jack enough time ro recover and get a roll up, which the referee is quickly down to count.


Anderson can’t believe he lost but the crowd are delighted with the match, giving some real kudos to everyone involved in that one. After the show the forums are even filled with talk of awesome chemistry between Jack and Anderson.





Unannounced and unexpect, “The One Man War” Marat Khoklov makes his way to the ring instead of the announced competitors for the main event. He scares Dharma right out of the ring and stands in the middle of the ring, seemingly daring anyone who is brave enough to come out and move him if they can…


… and the Remo’s music hits. “The Wrecker” Remo Richardson doesn’t look even slightly intimidated by the giant Russian standing in the ring and meets him head on, matching beastly power with monstrous power. Marat tries to obliterate Remo with a Moscow Lariat but Remo ducks under it and bulls Marat through the ropes and to the floor, their combined 800 pounds of muscle hitting with a thud that seems to send tremors through the building. Remo manages to get the mount position and blasts Marat with some brutal rights and lefts that clearly phase the giant, who shoves Remo off with a giant hand. Remo shoves a fan from their chair and pulls it out as Marat gets to his knees only to be met with a crunching chair shot that sends the giant rolling away from the ring. Remo follows on with the chair, driving Marat away from the ring. The entire announce team are putting over how awesome Remo can be once he gets fired up and Marat’s seeming inability to accept that he was eliminated from the Championship Chase has lit a fire under Remo. And as Marat is sent out of shot, the crowd roar their approval for Remo’s badassness.







The Elimination Chase towards the BLW World Championship


“The Great White Shark” Eddie Peak vs “The Bastard” Eric Eisen vs “The Legend” Sam Keith vs “The Dark Destroyer” Steve Frehley


With the crowd at fever pitch the three competitors for tonight’s main event match all make their way to the ring ready to hopefully take a berth in the company’s first PPV event in just 3 days time, BLW Crowning Glory. They all know that all they need to do is avoid being beaten and they have a chance to become the first ever BLW World Champion. The announcers hype up the history so far, with Eisen technically eliminating Marat in week 1 following a Frehley spear, with Frehley eliminating Holmes in week 2 and Keith eliminating Peak in week 3… so far everyone has eliminated one man, but that changes tonight as someone goes home and someone else gets a psychological edge heading into the PPV.


Tag rules are thrown out tonight, with all 3 men being legal and it doesn’t take long to see that no-one wants to lose a fall as Sam Keith is first to take a walk to the floor, leaving Eisen and Frehley in the ring as the crowd jeer Eric and the cowardly approach he’s taken throughout the Elimination Chase. After Frehley manhandles Eric for a while he rolls to the floor, only for Keith to roll him right back in which Frehley seems appreciative of. Eric takes another roll to the floor moments later and is again rolled in, but when Frehley turns his back Sam Keih reaches through the ropes, creating a distraction that sees Eisen try a roll up and almost get the three on Frehley. At that point Frehley seems to realise that Keith is trying to eliminate him and the announcers comment that perhaps Keith knows he’d have a far easier match against Eisen than Frehley. The same thoughts seem to occur to Eisen, who then gets into a fight with Keith on the floor and from that point on the match is truly on.


The offense goes back and forth between everyone, with some innovative spots being thrown in among the trademark offense of everyone involved. For a short moment it seems that Eisen and Keith agree to work together against Frehley but that alliance is short lived as Eisen goes for a roll up on Keith that gets a two.


In the final straights all three men are fatigued, with Frehley having taken perhaps the worst of the offense during some unco-ordinated double teams from his opponents. Frehlet gets backed into a corner but explodes out of it at Eric Eisen, obliterating him with a Dark Destroyer Spear. Frehley is psyched but walks right into a Neutron-Plex from Sam Keith that sends him flying to the floor… Eisen then kicks out of the cover from Keith, who goes straight to the Proton Lock to follow up. Frehley gets to his feet on the floor as Eric locks eyes with him… Keith has it locked in deep as Eric watches Frehley who doesn’t step in to do anything about it. Eisen tries to beg for Frehley to break it up, shouting about pride and honor until Frehley counters by asking Eric where his is. Seconds later, Eric Eisen taps out to the Proton Lock.


“The Bastard” Eric Eisen has been eliminated!




As Eisen lays on the mat in pain, Frehley and Keith lock eyes… they each signal their intentions to become the first ever BLW World Champion as Duane Fry quickly runs through the card for the PPV as Dharma Gregg hands him a list of matches. Fry encourages everyone to tune in to the PPV to see more hard hitting action, more cage matches and more action from the finest tag team division in pro wrestling today. Check the website and social media for updates to the card, and don’t miss out on this historic PPV event!











…live on PPV…

BLW Crowning Glory




“The Legend” Sam Keith vs “The Dark Destroyer” Steve Frehley



“The Human Arsenal” John Anderson vs “Jungle” Jack Marlowe vs “Valiant” Val Robertson


“The Wrecker” Remo Richardson vs “The One Man War” Marat Khoklov


“The Bastard” Eric Eisen vs Joseph Lewis Knight



Fyte vs Randall Hopkirk


The Beautiful Strangers (“Fabulous” Frederique Antonio Garcia & The Handsome Stranger) vs The L.A. Connection (Chance Fortune & Aaron Andrews)


Showtime! (Bradford Peverell & Nuclear Templeton) vs Death Row (Shady K & Knuckles)


The Biggz Brothers (Bart & Brett) vs The Batch Operation (Robert Oxford & Barry Kingman)


PLUS: A rumoured match between Oleg Dorosklov and Matthew Keith… rumours that a new face is on their way to BLW… rumours of a backstage fling within the BLW locker-room… BLW said to be the best wrestling show available in the USA right now… don’t miss out on any of the action, buy our PPV!

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That was an awesome BLW show... I had a quick peek around the top 10s and so far the Jungle Jack/Human Arsenal match is the top match any of us have had. I knew it would be good but I didn't expect it to be as good as it was! Great chemistry, high momentum, open match and perhaps even the distraction at ringside all pulled together for a perfect storm of awesomeness. I don't expect that again any time soon... funny thing is I had considered putting the tag match in the semi-main spot... glad I didn't now, I doubt I'd have hit the B rated show without the B+ match in the semi-main spot.


And now it's PPV time. A champion will be crowned, events may transpire all through the card and fun will be had. I'm expecting a strong event here although the advanced booking has my title match as my third most anticipated match (B heat) behind Eisen/JLK (B+) and Remo/Marat (A*). Should get me a solid buyrate, which is the sort of thing I'll be adding to my end of month report card. :)

Predictions time!


HWF Whiplash, July, Week 1 preview-

Handicap Match

Cornell and Faith vs. John McClean

Alliance Championship Match

Old Glory(Whistler and Captain USA) vs. Gambling Money©(Nathaniel Ca$ino and Raphael)

Ben Crane vs. Marc DuBois

Mikey James vs. John Greed


I can't see Squeeky getting a nod over a team like Faith/Cornell but it's going to be an interesting match... likewise, I can't see the tag titles changing hands yet so I'm gonna call an EKUMA run-in on that one, which probably means I should consider a DQ win for the challengers but I'm not gonna pick that. The rest... I don't have enough of a feel for them yet. Should be interesting to see where you go with them though as I love Mikey James, always imagining him a strange cross between RVD and Bruce Lee. Which is why I've often renamed him Mikey James Lee when I've used him. I don't know why, but he also always seems to get awesome gimmick ratings for me too... don't think I've ever got him below an A rated gimmick before, which is probably luck more than anything else but still cool. :)

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BLW Crowning Glory




“The Legend” Sam Keith vs “The Dark Destroyer” Steve Frehley

I give the nod to Steve in part due to his younger age. Seems like a stronger future to build a new company around.



“The Human Arsenal” John Anderson vs “Jungle” Jack Marlowe vs “Valiant” Val Robertson

Not a huge Anderson fan, and Jack is usually a favorite, so I'll let him be the favorite here.


“The Wrecker” Remo Richardson vs “The One Man War” Marat Khoklov

Optimistically, I'd pull for Remo, but booking wise it's hard to just put him over. Or maybe, didn't you say youre losing Marat soon? If you are losing Marat, I choose Remo, if he is staying with you, I choose Marat.


“The Bastard” Eric Eisen vs Joseph Lewis Knight



Fyte vs Randall Hopkirk

I know you like Fyte, but Id find it hard to push anyone who can work only 1 show a month for me...unless you plan to start building him for some reason.


The Beautiful Strangers (“Fabulous” Frederique Antonio Garcia & The Handsome Stranger) vs The L.A. Connection (Chance Fortune & Aaron Andrews)

Should be solid, and I do like both teams.


Showtime! (Bradford Peverell & Nuclear Templeton) vs Death Row (Shady K & Knuckles)

I like the more established team here.


The Biggz Brothers (Bart & Brett) vs The Batch Operation (Robert Oxford & Barry Kingman)

Should be a decent match for your show. As a spectator though, I almost couldn't care less.


PLUS: A rumoured match between Oleg Dorosklov and Matthew Keith… rumours that a new face is on their way to BLW… rumours of a backstage fling within the BLW locker-room… BLW said to be the best wrestling show available in the USA right now… don’t miss out on any of the action, buy our PPV!


Best wrestling in the USA? :confused:

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“The Bastard” Eric Eisen vs “The Legend” Sam Keith vs “The Dark Destroyer” Steve Frehley

All are former World champions, but one man must be eliminated!

An Eisen vs Frehlye match would kill your main event even in a Pop based fed so in BLW Keith has to stay in and I'll go with Frehley for the better final match up



Knuckles vs “Dangerous” Doug Peak

No reason


“The Human Arsenal” John Anderson vs “Jungle” Jack Marlowe

I just like Anderson better


The Beautiful Strangers (“Fabulous” Frederique Antonio Garcia & The Handsome Stranger) vs The L.A. Connection (Chance Fortune & Aaron Andrews)

You're really pushing the Stangers


“Olympic Gold Medallist” Oleg Dorosklov vs Nomad

Oleg is too legit to quit


4 out of 5 for our sole predictor on the last BLW TV show... which is pretty good. I'm generally of the opinion that people should be able to get about 2/3 of all TV matches right and be much closer to 50/50 on predicting PPV. So 4 out of 5 is a pretty solid score right there, which pleases me. :)


BLW Crowning Glory




“The Legend” Sam Keith vs “The Dark Destroyer” Steve Frehley

I give the nod to Steve in part due to his younger age. Seems like a stronger future to build a new company around.



“The Human Arsenal” John Anderson vs “Jungle” Jack Marlowe vs “Valiant” Val Robertson

Not a huge Anderson fan, and Jack is usually a favorite, so I'll let him be the favorite here.


“The Wrecker” Remo Richardson vs “The One Man War” Marat Khoklov

Optimistically, I'd pull for Remo, but booking wise it's hard to just put him over. Or maybe, didn't you say youre losing Marat soon? If you are losing Marat, I choose Remo, if he is staying with you, I choose Marat.


“The Bastard” Eric Eisen vs Joseph Lewis Knight



Fyte vs Randall Hopkirk

I know you like Fyte, but Id find it hard to push anyone who can work only 1 show a month for me...unless you plan to start building him for some reason.


The Beautiful Strangers (“Fabulous” Frederique Antonio Garcia & The Handsome Stranger) vs The L.A. Connection (Chance Fortune & Aaron Andrews)

Should be solid, and I do like both teams.


Showtime! (Bradford Peverell & Nuclear Templeton) vs Death Row (Shady K & Knuckles)

I like the more established team here.


The Biggz Brothers (Bart & Brett) vs The Batch Operation (Robert Oxford & Barry Kingman)

Should be a decent match for your show. As a spectator though, I almost couldn't care less.


PLUS: A rumoured match between Oleg Dorosklov and Matthew Keith… rumours that a new face is on their way to BLW… rumours of a backstage fling within the BLW locker-room… BLW said to be the best wrestling show available in the USA right now… don’t miss out on any of the action, buy our PPV!


Best wrestling in the USA? :confused:


Marat is indeed leaving me for BHOTWG, which made me sad but is partly my own fault for forgetting to lower his overness in case the offer came in. Had hoped he'd maybe just go abroad and tour for a while but he's outta here for now... maybe get him back in 18 months or however long he signed for. :p


And yes... BLW has the best wrestling in the USA. I had a peek at some numbers for a potential colum and BLW has the only B+ rated match so far and by pure numbers has the top rated show. Interestingly though, we're not doing the best out of all promotions. I think trends are playing a significant factor in popularity gains here which is interesting to see. Hopefully BLW can catch up, I'd really like to get to National before NOTBPW come and pillage my roster of all I've built up. Though the temptation to just declare war on them and try to pillage everyone on a PPA deal is very tempting. :)

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And yes... BLW has the best wrestling in the USA. I had a peek at some numbers for a potential colum and BLW has the only B+ rated match so far and by pure numbers has the top rated show. Interestingly though, we're not doing the best out of all promotions. I think trends are playing a significant factor in popularity gains here which is interesting to see. Hopefully BLW can catch up, I'd really like to get to National before NOTBPW come and pillage my roster of all I've built up. Though the temptation to just declare war on them and try to pillage everyone on a PPA deal is very tempting. :)



I guess you do have a reason to claim to be the best in the USA, but idk, I'd say HWF ended the month on fire with two B rated shows on back to back nights. If I can keep that up (probably can't) then you might have to watch out!


On another note, I didn't see myself doing a ton of character building in the show writing, but I feel like McClean might change that. Something about making a character who just wants to clean something makes it too easy. I feel like there is an almost infinite amount of possibilities to develop his cleaning habits.

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Hi guys - internet isn't working right so I can't access dropbox, plus I'm off on holiday for a week tomorrow. If you would like to book by commitee (or even just have some fun) with one of my shows so that you're not held up, please do. Sorry!
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Hi guys - internet isn't working right so I can't access dropbox, plus I'm off on holiday for a week tomorrow. If you would like to book by commitee (or even just have some fun) with one of my shows so that you're not held up, please do. Sorry!


Well, assuming you know your own roster you can send a rough outline of what you want done and we could try to put a show together for you and keep things moving along. I don't expect us all to be doing things all the time so it's no problem to wait a little while... but the more you can give us to work on the better the show can be. :)

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I hadn't really kicked anything into gear yet - Wolf should be winning all the time, Bryan Vessey winning but used to train up others, but aside from that I've got very little planned at the moment as I've been rather more focused on my diary in my very little spare time!
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