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The Lottery (4 Player Game Log) DerekB,Apu,Rathen,DMF

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I just had a look at the game to try booking the show... and it isn't easy. The AWE has hardly any faces on the roster at all and I'm not at all sure who to push and who not to. The roster's overall popularity is also pretty low so trying to find some good matches ain't easy either, with a lot of guys who started with good overness having lost a chunk of it...


So I've put together a show that is fairly intensive on matches and light on angles thanks to a 90% match ratio for TV, which I'd change to 80% if I had the option. The angles bomb thanks to the 90% ratio but the show I have booked in got a 71 rating when I ran it thanks to a couple of strong matches in the final two slots, both of which I picked since they're not likely yo be run very often and I don't want to accidentally cause any repetitive match booking penalties in the future cos of what I've chosen to do. A couple of squash matches (5 minutes, dominating wins) are booked in for monster heels Brandon James and Raymond Diaz, since they're awesome and deserve to be booked more awesomely than they have so far. :p


I've uploaded it to the DropBox for everyone else to look at before I go ahead... it's not the kind of show I'd normally book but I don't want to book for the future whenI don't really know what is planned in. And without notes to work off, I'm kinda guessing. And testing for chemistry in the pre-show too, just in case. So anyone else.. check it out and run it if you like it or don't care enough to do anything about it. :p


EDIT: I've also just picked up my new computer so I'm likely going to be a few days without TEW as I get accustomed to it and begin transferring files over, so if I go silent for a whlie that will be why. :)

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