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MWF - An American's Tale in Australia

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Melbourne Wrestling Federation


The only place to see traditional wrestling in Australia!


Match Intensity = 15%

Match Danger = 20%



Product Features


Key Features = Traditional

Medium Features = Mainstream + Comedy

Low Features = Cult, Risque, Realism, Hardcore + Pure

Very Low Features = Modern

This means that...

Our product means wrestlers are rated much more on popularity than performance.

Our product will attract fans who will not like highly risky gimmicks or highly risky angles.

Our fans will not "get" subtle gimmicks.

Our product is very favourable towards getting sponsorship.

Our product will allow MWF to not be rocked by wrestling industry changes.

Our product means that the `young lion` system is not taken into account.

Authors note

This dynasty will be using The Celt’s fantastic C’Verse 2001 mod.

I have edited MWF's product quite a bit, mainly so that I can run it as an Australian SWF-esque promotion.

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Did Sharky George make it into the 2001 mod? I havent checked it out yet.


If so then I'll be cheering hard for him


Sharky did make it in, but he didn't make it onto my intital roster. However if the time is right later on ;)


Oh absolutely YES


Good to see one of the two masters of Australia is on board :)

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Blue = Face

Red = Heel

MWF Wrestling Roster

Top Row

Big Jim Teasdale. Boo, Captain Wrestling, Classy Paul Massey, Debonair David Peterson, Dingo Devine and Drake Masters


Second Row

God of War, Hardcore Henderson, Harry Simonson, Harry Wilson, Jack Giedroyc, Jan Solo and Lanny Williams


Third Row

Lone Rider, Master Jed High, Michael Rheur, Owen Oldacre, Pada Juan Kenobi, Paul Parquar and Pepper Vain


Last Row

Saul Rubennick

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MWF Non Wrestling Roster




From left to right


Announcers Bill Oliver and Craig Stuart

Miss Golden Delicious - manager

Our most senior referee Lew Rose

Colour Commentator Scott Hickey

Sean Quartermainne - Agent to the Stars

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Quartermainne's Franchise

Sean Quartermainne

Debonair David Peterson

Harry Wilson

Jack Giedroyc


The Force

Master Jed High

Pada Juan Kenobi

Jan Solo





The Force

Master Jed High and Pada Juan Kenobi

Experience = 0


The Rebel Alliance

Jan Solo and Boo

Experience = 0


The Redcoats

Harry Wilson and Jack Giedroyc

Finisher - Empire's Trust (Spike Piledriver)

Experience = 1

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MWF Monthly #1 Preview


In what should be an action packed first show for MWF we have a tournament to decide who should be our first Australian Heavyweight champion.


The 8 participants in this historic tournament are;

Big Jim Teasdale

Captain Wrestling

Classy Paul Massey

Debonair David Peterson

Harry Simonson

Master Jed High

Michael Rheur

Owen Oldacre


Also, in Tag Team action, the MWF Board of Directors have chosen two teams to fight off for our Australian Tag Team championships. The Board of Directors have chosen the "Rebel Alliance" of Boo and Jan Solo - two wrestlers who have evidently watched too much Star Wars films - and the evil British Redcoats of Harry Wilson and Jack Giedroyc.


So be at Marv's Sports Centre on the last Saturday of the July for what will be an action packed event.



Harry Simonson vs Michael Rheur

Debonair David Peterson vs Owen Oldacre

Captain Wrestling vs Big Jim Teasdale

Master Jed High vs Classy Paul Massey


Winner of Simonson/Rheur vs Winner of DDP/Oldacre vs Winner of Captain Westling/Teasdale vs Winner of Jed High/Massey

The Redcoats (Harry Wilson and Jack Giedroyc) vs The Rebel Alliance (Boo and Jan Solo)

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Harry Simonson vs Michael Rheur

Debonair David Peterson vs Owen Oldacre

Captain Wrestling vs Big Jim Teasdale

Master Jed High vs Classy Paul Massey

Simonson vs DDP vs Captain Westling vs Massey

The Redcoats (Harry Wilson and Jack Giedroyc) vs The Rebel Alliance (Boo and Jan Solo)

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Just going with those I like and am familiar with here


Harry Simonson vs Michael Rheur

Debonair David Peterson vs Owen Oldacre

Captain Wrestling vs Big Jim Teasdale

Master Jed High vs Classy Paul Massey


Simonson vs DDP vs Captain Westling vs Jed High


The Redcoats (Harry Wilson and Jack Giedroyc) vs The Rebel Alliance (Boo and Jan Solo)

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I'm a little confused by the European names appearing here - are you playing with boundaries off or is this an intricacy of the 2001 mod (which I haven't played).




Harry Simonson vs Michael Rheur

Debonair David Peterson vs Owen Oldacre

Captain Wrestling vs Big Jim Teasdale

Master Jed High vs Classy Paul Massey


Simonson vs. DDP

Captain Westling vs. Massey


Captain Wrestling vs. DDP


Wait hang on, those four go to a four way match rather than traditional tournament? Still say Capn will win it.


The Redcoats (Harry Wilson and Jack Giedroyc) vs The Rebel Alliance (Boo and Jan Solo)

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I hardly know any of these wrestlers.


Let's do this.


Harry Simonson vs Michael Rheur

Michael looks too old to win.


Debonair David Peterson vs Owen Oldacre

David has a rapist look going on, must mean serious business.


Captain Wrestling vs Big Jim Teasdale

While Big Jim looks scary, I know Captain Wrestling is big in the land down under.


Master Jed High vs Classy Paul Massey

LOOK AT THAT SMIRK! LOOK AT IT! And that robe. Guy has it goin' on.


Simonson vs DDP vs Captain Westling vs Massey

See previous statement about Captain Wrestling.


The Redcoats (Harry Wilson and Jack Giedroyc) vs The Rebel Alliance (Boo and Jan Solo)

1 point is better than zero.

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MWF Monthly #1

Location: Marv's Sports Centre

Attendance: 97


Opening Match


http://i1102.photobucket.com/albums/g452/El_Scotcho/HarryWilson.jpghttp://i1102.photobucket.com/albums/g452/El_Scotcho/JackGiedroyc_alt2.jpgw/http://i1102.photobucket.com/albums/g452/El_Scotcho/SeanQuartermainne.jpg vs http://i1102.photobucket.com/albums/g452/El_Scotcho/JansenBelvedere.jpghttp://i1102.photobucket.com/albums/g452/El_Scotcho/BooSmithson.jpg

The Redcoats with Sean Quartermainne vs. The Rebel Alliance

• Both teams came out all guns blazing in the first MWF match in history.

• The Redcoats used Sean Quartermainne’s presence at ringside to their advantage, distracting the referee and doubling teaming the opposition.

• The Rebel Alliance are an odd mix of Jan Solo, a fighter who is very sure of himself and Boo, who wails like a wookie.

• The Redcoats get the win after an Empires Trust (Spike Piledriver) at the eight minute mark.


Winners and NEW MWF Australian Tag Team Champions : The Redcoats


MWF Australian Heavyweight Championship Tournament

First Round Match


http://i1102.photobucket.com/albums/g452/El_Scotcho/HarrySimonson.jpg vs. http://i1102.photobucket.com/albums/g452/El_Scotcho/MichaelRheur.jpg

Harry Simonson vs. Michael Rheur

  • Harry Simonson and Michael Rheur both have a slow paced technical style to their matches, and so it made for an enjoyable match.
  • Harry Simonson nearly grabbed the win at the six minute mark with a cloverleaf but Rheur managed to get the ropes.
  • Rheur attempted to lock in The Munich Stretch (Inverted Chikara Special) but Simonson powered out and nailed Rheur with a picture perfect DDT for the win.

WINNER and advancing to the MWF Australian Heavyweight finals : Harry Simonson


Sean Quartermainne is now in the ring with his client Debonair David Peterson and he is on hype duty for Peterson’s match against Owen Oldacre.

“This whole tournament is a farce. My client here is the ONLY choice to lead MWF into the new age. He is the perfect combination of skill, looks and he has me” Sean flashes a ****y smirk at this. “Australia’s premier sports agent. Two of my clients have already claimed gold in this little rinky dink promotion and tonight, me and Mr. Peterson here claim the Australian Heavyweight championship.”


At this Sean exits the ring and Owen Oldacre comes out to little fanfare.


MWF Australian Heavyweight Championship Tournament

First Round Match


http://i1102.photobucket.com/albums/g452/El_Scotcho/DebonairDavidPeterson.jpg w/http://i1102.photobucket.com/albums/g452/El_Scotcho/SeanQuartermainne.jpg vs http://i1102.photobucket.com/albums/g452/El_Scotcho/OwenOldacre.jpg


Debonair David Peterson with Sean Quartermainne vs. Owen Oldacre

  • David Peterson is in control of the match from the moment the bell rings.
  • Owen Oldacre wrestles by the book, and in the brief moments where he has the advantage he doesn’t show any flash.
  • Debonair David ends the match at the eight minute mark with the Hangman’s Neckbreaker.

WINNER and advancing to the MWF Australian Heavyweight finals : Debonair David Peterson


A video shows on the projector that highlights what Big Jim Teasdale and Captain Wrestling have accomplished in Australia during the 1990’s.


MWF Australian Heavyweight Tournament

First Round Match


http://i1102.photobucket.com/albums/g452/El_Scotcho/BigJimTeasdale.jpg vs. http://i1102.photobucket.com/albums/g452/El_Scotcho/CaptainWrestling.jpg

Big Jim Teasdale vs Captain Wrestling

  • Both Jim and Captain Wrestling are heavy hitters and know how to pack a punch. This results in the match being an all-out slugfest.
  • Both men seem to be furious at each other for some unknown reason and it really shows.
  • Big Jim nearly grabs the win after a massive Powerbomb but Captain Wrestling found the courage to get up.
  • Captain Wrestling eventually got the win after a last ditch attempt to get the big man down with a Lariat.

WINNER and advancing to the MWF Australian Heavyweight finals : Captain Wrestling


MWF Australian Heavyweight Championship Tournament

First Round Match


    Master Jed High vs Classy Paul Massey
  • Pada Juan Kenobi attempted to come to ringside with Master Jed High but was told he has not yet completed his training.
  • Paul Massey took advantage of this distraction by rushing Master Jed High from behind.
  • Master Jed High made a comeback – with The Force as well! – and quickly gained the upper hand.
  • Master Jed High won the match after he knocked Paul Massey down and force jumped to the top rope and nailed Paul Massey with a Sky High (Frogsplash)

Winner and advancing to the MWF Australian Heavyweight finals : Master Jed High


The trusty projector is switched on once again to show a short video to get the crowd ready for our main event. All four competitors talk about how they want the MWF Australian Heavyweight Championship - well Master Jed High rambles on about the dark side must not be champions - and what it would mean for them to win it.


MWF Australian Heavyweight Tournament Finals


http://i1102.photobucket.com/albums/g452/El_Scotcho/HarrySimonson.jpg vs. http://i1102.photobucket.com/albums/g452/El_Scotcho/DebonairDavidPeterson.jpg w/http://i1102.photobucket.com/albums/g452/El_Scotcho/SeanQuartermainne.jpg vs. http://i1102.photobucket.com/albums/g452/El_Scotcho/CaptainWrestling.jpg vs. http://i1102.photobucket.com/albums/g452/El_Scotcho/JaseCole_alt1.jpg

Harry Simonson vs Debonair David Peterson with Sean Quartermainne vs Captain Wrestling vs Master Jed High


• Master Jed High goes straight after Debonair David Peterson and tackles him to the ground and starts hammering away at him with punches.

• Captain Wrestling and Harry Simonson also trade blows and wrestling holds but keep things professional.

• Sean Quartermainne gets himself involved in the match by cracking Master Jed High over the head with a blackjack when Lew Rose is busy checking on Harry Simonson after a particularly nasty blow to the head from Debonair David.

• Debonair David picks up the win, and the championship, after Big Jim Teasdale comes to the ring and attacks Captain Wrestling, leaving Captain Wrestling open to the Hangman’s Neckbreaker.


WINNER and NEW MWF Australian Heavyweight Champion : Debonair David Peterson


Final Show Rating : 34

Best Match of The Night : The Australian Heavyweight Fourway with a rating of 37.

Worst Match of the Night : The Redcoats vs The Rebel Alliance with a rating of 25.

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Predictions Results


Jingo - 4/6

Boltinho - 4/6

Rathen4 - 3/6

Huntman - 4/6


I have decided that a reward for predictions will be available after six months in game time. So right now we have a tie for first place with Jingo, Boltinho and Huntman all scoring a very respectable 4 out of 6 points, and Rathen4 is just behind in second with 3 out of 6 points.


Sorry if I made the predictions hard without a proper roster. I will get one up soon. The only reason that one didn't go up was because I forgot to do so :p

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This is pretty weird because I basically didn't do ANYTHING with Australia in the C-Verse 2001 mod. It's basically the exact same as it was in CV97.


I never noticed. I actually find the 2001 mod more interesting than the 1997 mod - no offence meant to the crew who worked on it - so I thought that Australia had a bit of a make up what with some european workers being set to work there.

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MWF Roster


The Main Event Men


Big Jim Teasdale

Captain Wrestling

Debonair David Peterson

Lanny Williams

Lone Rider


The Upper Midcarders


Classy Paul Massey

Drake Masters

Master Jed High

Owen Oldacre

Paul Parquar


The Midcarders



Dingo Devine

God of War

Hardcore Henderson

Harry Simonson

Harry Wilson

Saul Rubbenick

The Lower Midcarders


Jack Giedroyc

Jan Solo

Michael Rheur

Pada Juan Kenobi

Pepper Vain

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MWF Monthly #2 Preview


Melbourne Wrestling Federation are back this month with another action packed card for our fans to enjoy.


After last month’s event Master Jed High has challenged Debonair David Peterson to a match due to the way of which Peterson won. Will Debonair and Quartermainne be even more arrogant now that they possess all the gold in MWF, or will The Force knock them down a peg or two?


Captain Wrestling and Big Jim Teasdale will also be having a re-match of their first round clash. With their last match being a slugfest, it has to be wondered what condition both men are in going into this match.


The Redcoats and The Rebel Alliance are also getting a rematch from last month’s event, with The Redcoats putting up their newly won MWF Australian Tag Team Championships on the line.


An international superstar has issued a challenge to our offices, and Dingo Devine was only happy enough to accept the challenge on behalf of MWF. Can Dingo get a foot on the ladder, or will the invading star take the win.


And four workers get the chance to dazzle our audiences with Lanny Williams, Drake Masters, Lone Rider and Paul Parquar meeting up in a four way match, where the winner will go forward to face Debonair David Peterson next month.


Prediction Key

Debonair David Peterson vs. Master Jed High

Big Jim Teasdale vs. Captain Wrestling

MWF Australian Tag Team Championship Match

The Redcoats © vs. The Rebel Alliance

Dingo Devine vs. ???

Lanny Williams vs Drake Masters vs Lone Rider vs Paul Parquar


Bonus points for guessing who the mystery superstar is.

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