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°O° The Magic Kingdom of Total Championship Wrestling °O°

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Overview: Since I seem to have the urge to start every episode of SLAPDown! with a behind the scenes kinda segment (always booked in the pre-show) I'll convert them into a show preview of sorts. It's handy way of shortening the results write-up. Thus, we have the first posting of "In The Dark".




:: The Magic Kingdom of Total Championship Wrestling ::






Less Time, More Problems


Frank Roberts glanced at his watch. This was his second show as General Manager and whilst he didn't expect to feel any more comfortable in the job, he hoped that with all the chaotic happenings last week, tonight's edition of SLAPDown!™ would be less stressful to set up. The viewing figures from the previous week seemed decent though, or at least Roberts thought they did. 'The Fabulous One' knew Disney expected the new format to hit the ground running and pick up steam quickly. He really needed somebody more familiar with the entertainment industry to confirm what the numbers equated to in real terms and convince him that the whole thing hadn't been the unmitigated disaster he believed it to be. Worse still, even at this early stage in the evening, tonight's episode already looked set to follow in the same disorganised vein. 'The Outlaw' James Justice was nowhere to be found. Released from hospital five days ago and cleared to wrestle, following last week's accident, the Sunshine State native should have been here by now, even if he'd travelled by horseback. This was a disaster. They'd sank a lot of Disney dollars into pre-advertisement this week, every minute of which had been used to hype a main event bout that included 'The Outlaw'. If they couldn't deliver him, it wouldn't sit well with their parent company when word leaked through.


After all, TCW's stock within the Walt Disney Corporation wasn't exactly high following last week's debacle. Not that anyone had spoken to him directly about it yet, but the Mouse can't have been pleased. How could he be? Tommy Cornell had kicked his best friend in the face and violated his wife on national television. Who wouldn't be p*ssed off after that? No, Roberts was convinced that Disney had already marked his card. He could almost feel several pairs of hands already setting to work behind his back. The knife would surely follow. That was why the powers that be in the corporation had decided that further changes to the product already needed to be imposed. That's why they went over his head and hired a third announcer for the broadcast. They were seizing control, one piece at a time.


Five rapidly fleeting minutes until the broadcast began and like James Justice, the new (and forced) addition to the announce table, had yet to materialise. Roberts grimaced. The idea of shoe-horning a third voice into the established broadcast team made him uneasy. He could only hope Disney hadn't hired some radio personality who'd never watched a wrestling match before in their life or worse, someone kicking around on the Disney Channel payroll. Somebody in a polo-necked sweater told him the final season of Hannah Montana was in the pipeline (ironically renamed Hannah Montana Forever), which meant Billy Ray Cyrus would soon be at a loose end and who wouldn't want to hear the 1990s country singer attempt to call a 60 Minute Iron Man Match?


"Dammit, where is this guy?"


Roberts halted Donnie J mid-walk, well aware that he was clutching at proverbial straws by pressing the former Fly Boy for useful information, but Sara was on the other side of the arena complex investigating a reported disturbance and given the lack of any other prominent backstage figures, he didn't have much choice. Even if were probably a waste of his valuable and diminishing time.


"Yeah, yeah, I've totally seen him, I sent him in, but like I just got here and kinda lost him... he's a small guy, kinda like an angry smurf..."


Donnie screwed his face as he tried to retrieve the memory from the back of his mind, only to be interrupted by a small, yet strong and overtly aggressive voice.


"What ya starin' at, boy? I ain't no smurf you purple-pants-wearing, spikey-haired butt-plugger!"


Roberts craned his neck, trying to locate the source of the outburst, but confusingly found nobody else in the vicinity. It wasn't until he noticed that Donnie's eyes were pitched downward that the GM finally found the new recruit and immediately felt a migraine set in as he gazed upon three foot and six inches of pro-wrestling satire, puffing on a brown cigar.


"Uh listen..."
Roberts stammered, his face a mixture of shock and dismay.


"Just go over there, get mic'ed up pronto and get out there... otherwise we're going on air without you."



[standard Rules, Tag Team Match]: FORD GUMBLE & SILVER SHARK versus. FUMIHIRO OTA & TJ BAILEY


Result: Ford Gumble & Silver Shark d. Fumihiro Ota & TJ Bailey when Silver made Bailey submit in the "Jaws Of Life".

Grade: C-






(Quick Picks) On Tonight's Episode Of SLAPDown!...


Match #1 : Singles Match

John Anderson vs. Fox Mask


Match #2 : Non-Title Match

Joshua Taylor © vs. Sammy Bach


Match #3 : Singles Match

Art Reed vs. ???


Bonus Point:
Which member of the TCW roster will Art Reed face on his debut?


*THE MAIN EVENT* : Tag Team Match

Tommy Cornell & Wolf Hawkins vs. Rocky Golden & ???


Bonus Point:
Who will fill the void for the absent James Justice?



I'm not normally a huge instigator of prediction 'contests' as such, but I've decided to keep track of given predications and will issue 'prizes' of some form at various intervals in this dynasty - i.e. when I can come up with something. This will most likely be things along the lines of picking match types, renaming characters, picking from a batch of potential signings... stuff like that.


OOC Notes: I'll hold off on posting the next episode of SLAPDown! until later in the week to allow for predictions from anyone who feels inclined to make them. It'll give me a little more time to tweak and tool the write-up.
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Match #1 : Singles Match

John Anderson vs. Fox Mask


Match #2 : Non-Title Match

Joshua Taylor © vs. Sammy Bach


Match #3 : Singles Match

Art Reed vs. ???


Bonus Point: Which member of the TCW roster will Art Reed face on his debut?

American Buffalo


*THE MAIN EVENT* : Tag Team Match

Tommy Cornell & Wolf Hawkins vs. Rocky Golden & ???


Bonus Point: Who will fill the void for the absent James Justice?

Angry Gilmore

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Match #1 : Singles Match

John Anderson vs. Fox Mask


Match #2 : Non-Title Match

Joshua Taylor © vs. Sammy Bach


Match #3 : Singles Match

Art Reed vs. ???


Bonus Point: Which member of the TCW roster will Art Reed face on his debut?

Eddie Peak


*THE MAIN EVENT* : Tag Team Match

Tommy Cornell & Wolf Hawkins vs. Rocky Golden & ???


Bonus Point: Who will fill the void for the absent James Justice?

Bryan Vessey

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Match #1 : Singles Match

John Anderson vs. Fox Mask


Match #2 : Non-Title Match

Joshua Taylor © vs. Sammy Bach


Match #3 : Singles Match

Art Reed vs. ???


Bonus Point: Which member of the TCW roster will Art Reed face on his debut?

Freddy "Huggy" Huggins


*THE MAIN EVENT* : Tag Team Match

Tommy Cornell & Wolf Hawkins vs. Rocky Golden & ???


Bonus Point: Who will fill the void for the absent James Justice?

Troy Tornado

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Match #1 : Singles Match

John Anderson vs. Fox Mask


Match #2 : Non-Title Match

Joshua Taylor © vs. Sammy Bach


Match #3 : Singles Match

Art Reed vs. ???


Bonus Point: Which member of the TCW roster will Art Reed face on his debut? Dermot?


*THE MAIN EVENT* : Tag Team Match

Tommy Cornell & Wolf Hawkins vs. Rocky Golden & ???


Bonus Point: Who will fill the void for the absent James Justice? Rick Law?

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OOC Notes: I hadn't expected this after one show, but thanks to Eidenhoek for the August DOTM nomination and everyone who's voted thus far.




"We are not trying to entertain the critics. I'll take my chances with the public." ~
Walt Disney



The Inmates Tear Down The Asylum

own! : Episode 002 - Tuesday, July Week 2, 2010 - From The HP Field House

Your Announce Team: Jason Azaria, Kyle Rhodes & Brains McGhee




On Tonight's Episode Of CSI...


The broadcast didn't open up in the theatre of sports entertainment constructed inside the HP Field House, but the grittier environment of the parking area outside. This editorial move conveyed the sense that irrespective of this being only the second edition of SLAPDown!™, this opening scene is something of both an unscripted and dramatic nature. And it was. In fact, this set-piece wouldn't have looked out of place in an episode of CSI Miami, such is the resemblance to a homicide scene. The sun hung low and blood red, casting long shadows across the three bloodied and battered frames sprawled across the tarmac, in close proximity to one another. Two of the victims were nondescript catering workers, men who were otherwise totally unremarkable beyond the dire situation in which they'd found themselves. Their van was stationed only a couple of metres away from where they lay, the rear of the vehicle left wide open, exposing their stock to the humidity, which suggested they'd been unloading it when they were set upon. The third victim was more notable and his presence made this apparent crimescene all the more puzzling.
Ghengis Rahn
rested against the adjacent cinder-block wall in an undignified heap, a strange, black inky residue staining his face. Given the catalogue of barbaric matches he'd shed blood in over the years, the fact he could be left in such a predicament by his attacker(s) illustrated a disturbing propensity for harm.


Who could've done this? Papa Shango? Manchurian Jurchens? The Mongolians? Who?


"Yes Mr Roberts, I was aware of that... a direct result of the Corporation's diversity policy... I believe the appropriate term is 'little person'... what does it eat? Erm, I don't believe he has any special dietary requirements... Listen sir, there's been an incident back here and an amendment will need to made to tonight's schedule... the competitors and agents involved are being briefed as we speak..."


Miss Sara
coordinated the human traffic around her in a firm and calm manner, despite simultaneously trying to keep the General Manager abreast of developments via cellphone. Further individuals and TCW attendants file into a view that is nothing more than the backs of various uniforms, some of which are helpfully labelled in large text that revealed the occupation of it's wearer and all of whom have been drawn to the incident, attracted like moths to an illuminated light-bulb. They surround the fallen extremist with concern, but appear otherwise direction-less amidst the clamour of sirens and flashing lights that heralds the arrival of a long overdue ambulance.


Art Reed
observed, whistling through his teeth. The dreadlocked former DaVE star stood amongst the gathering onlookers, who themselves had only just arrived at the venue to be confronted by this brutal scene.
"This a food heist gone crazy? What up Fumi?"


Fumihiro Ota
stood a few paces ahead of Reed, transfixed by what was occurring around them. Eventually he replied after a prolonged pause and spoke as if reading the details from some unspecified prophecy.


"There is a presence of great evil tonight. It is ancient. A timeless entity of darkness and suffering."



The Syndicate arrive on cue...


Foreshadowing or not, the sound of ongoing commotion drew closer and rose to the point that it captured the attention of everyone in the area, breaking even Ota's high threshold of concentration. With impeccable television timing, an immaculately polished silver limousine parted the crowd as the driver guided towards the sheltered parking hold, aided by a few blasts of the vehicle's horn. Whatever evil aura the former Tokyo Express'er had detected, the occupants of this luxury chariot were viewed as a similarly troublesome presence, and even though nobody could distinguish much through the darkened windows, they immediately knew who the vehicle belonged to before it's Armani-suit clad occupants set foot on the asphalt.


The Syndicate had arrived and if last week were anything to go by, no doubt further disorder would follow.



Ready to serve and 'selectively' protect...


Before SLAPDown!™ returned it's original schedule however, the camera found Rick Law, pressed up against a wall deeper inside the building as if to stay out of general view. The Corrupt Cop had chosen to remain hidden, unmoved by the distant carnage, his demeanour portraying that of a man with dark intentions, laying in wait and the presence of the extended baton in his right hand suggested this was bad news for whomever he had his sights trained on. That was how it appeared on the surface at least, but for Law, this was a necessary defensive posture to adopt. He was primed to protect and serve. After all, he knew what was out there, unwittingly released and now loose on the ESPN Wide World Of Sports complex. The others had no idea of the danger that lurked in the shadows. Understandably distracted as the Syndicate limo rolled past his position, the former USPW Standout barely heard the approaching footsteps behind him.


"Rick Law I presume? I believe we have some work to do..."





This Card May Be Subject To Change


The newest and littlest member of TCW's family waited impatiently for the production assistant to give him his cue. Nobody anticipated that one of Snow White's pint-sized acquaintances had missed the bus back to the Enchanted Kingdom last week and been left behind. Much less that somebody had given the little guy a job. The Total-Tron came to life moments before the fans did, flashing the words "Brains McGhee" in letters that were at least twice the size of the man who emerged. If The Dirty White Boys' discarded mouthpiece were impressed by his new surroundings it didn't show. In a state of obvious irritation, McGhee strode angrily towards the announce table with a heavy swagger and took residence in the specially elevated chair alongside Azaria and Rhodes for a fuller introduction to the show.


"Welcome to SLAPDown! I'm Jason Azaria, alongside Kyle Rhodes and may I welcome a man who is sure to make a big impression on the broadcast tonight, Brains McGh..."


"You tryin' to be funny Azaria?"
McGhee snapped, whilst a ringside tech struggled with the adjustment mechanism of his chair. Some additional elevation was required as currently, only the brim of McGhee's cap was visible over the lip of the desk.
"You’se gotta lot to learn. Don’t ya? See these shoulders? Huh? They're wide enough to carry you and Rhodes to an entertaining broadcast!"


"Guys, the business at hand..."
Rhodes reminded his squabbling colleagues before they finally succumbed to the authoritative voices demanding professionalism through their headsets and simmered down ahead of the opening contest. Fox Mask had holed up inside the squared circle already, but strangely the crowd's pre-show excitement had drained away. A phenomena that coincided with the club-like beat of Donnie J's music pulsating through the arena, which compelled the fans to sit firmly on their hands as the grinning, vacuous, bright-orange and purple heat vacuum bounced down the aisle holding a microphone and a sheet of headed paper.


"YEAH! Who's ready for a totally action-packed night of action?"
The former Fly Boy yelled to no discernible reaction.
"I thought so! It's like off the hook in here! Totally crazy! First though, I have to read this statement on behalf of our awesome parent company..."


Donnie cleared his throat and straightened his glasses, trying (and failing) to look super professional.


"The Walt Disney Corporation regrets to inform the great fans of Total Championship Wrestling that due to unforeseen circumstances, tonight's main event bout will no longer proceed as advertised. Instead, Tommy Cornell and Wolf Hawkins will now compete against the team of Rocky Golden and
Tom Gilmore
. We would like to take this opportunity to apologise for this occurrence and once again thank you for your continued support."


"So how sweet is that?"
Donnie concluded. The fans didn't seem to share his sentiment, although it's difficult to interpret whether their displeasure is due to the absence of James Justice, the inclusion of Gilmore, the fact that Donnie was still present and talking incessantly.


Or perhaps because
John Anderson
Brent Hill
were on their way out.




[standard Rules, Tag Team Match]:


If 'expect the unexpected' weren't such a tired cliché, Azaria would have trotted that line out on multiple occasions since TCW had fallen under Disney's umbrella. That sort of uninspired writing however was for the Peter Michaels of the world. Still, this had been booked as a 1vs1 affair between the masked feline and the former Human Arsenal. Bearing that in mind, the announcers were as confused as both Donnie and Fox Mask when the Machines entered the fray as a tandem, microphone in hand and dressed to wrestle. Both Anderson and Hill had their trademark all-business expressions fixed on, which made it difficult to guess their intentions, but during a promo that contained all the human emotion of a Stephen Hawkings satnav, it became clear that the prolific tandem had come out to vent their displeasure over management's disjointed approach to rebuilding the promotion. Hadn't anybody else noticed the Tag Team ranks had been left in a more disastrous state than a Japanese nuclear reactor? Why were they being booked against a masked flippy-floppy merchant in singles competition? Etc.


"Has anyone even had the Tag Team belts shipped back from Afghanistan, Iraq or wherever the former champions fled to?"
Rhodes chimed in, referring to the New Wave who were amongst the notable absentees in the post-Clover Fields TCW.


Bored of listening to Anderson and Hill whine like a pair of 9 year olds who'd been told the Pirates of the Caribbean ride has been closed for the day, Fox Mask proposed a challenge that would pit two high-flying, former CZCW'ers against the superstars formerly known as Wrestling Machines #1 and #2. The Machines accept these terms and thus, we had a tag team match on our hands. A prospect that instantly sapped Donnie's raw enthusiasm for everything Disney, especially when it became apparent that he'd be starting as the legal man for his makeshift team. Given his new role with the Mouse, the former Fly Boy held no real desire to jump back into active competition. He enjoyed hanging out backstage all show, surfacing only occasionally to work the crowd. He certainly didn't miss the level of physicality that the likes of Anderson dished out and after being obliterated with an exploder suplex, couldn't flop towards his corner fast enough to tag in his partner. Having challenged The Machines on such favourable terms, the former CZCWer's soon discovered this mistake to their cost, because the accomplished multiple champions put them to the proverbial sword. Anderson used his experience and to prevent the referee counting a pinfall that could have condemned his partner to defeat following a "Fox Flip Off DDT". Donnie complained bitterly in response to such interference, but tripped from the apron in the process and somehow took Anderson out of the picture with this inadvertent plancha. That however merely paved the way for the recuperated Hill to ensnare the distracted Fox Mask in the "Complete Package" (Seated Inverted Sleeper), relieving the masked feline of his consciousness after the briefest of struggles.


Result: The Machines d. Fox Mask & Donnie J via submission when Brent Hill put Fox Mask to sleep.

Grade: C




They Couldn't Keep Us Apart Forever


Bryan Vessey
parked his rent-a-car and sat in peaceful silence for a moment, keen to establish his bearings. He was no fan of the mouse, but the former PGHW'er favoured Disney's decision to ground TCW in one location. The HP Field House felt like familiar territory and it simplified his travel plans. He observed his surroundings and was relieved to find that things were as they were last week. The already taped hands that rested on the steering wheel however suggested that Vessey had come prepared for immediate combat, whether it be inside or outside of the squared circle. Of course he had no idea whether Eddie Peak was already at the arena or not, but now that Frank Roberts had revoked the control order on both men, there was a certain inevitability about tonight and Vessey knew from the moment his boot hit the asphalt, he'd effectively taken a dip into shark-infested waters.


The fact that he was met by a determined Jasmine Saunders and a microphone in his face was less expected.


"Bryan Vessey, Bryan Vessey, can we get some thoughts from you?"
Saunders asked, instructing her cameraman to focus his beaming device on their reluctant subject matter.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, I’m Jasmine Saunders and I’m standing here with former six-time TCW Tag Team Champion and the 2000 Wrestler of the Year, Bryan Vessey. My sources tell me that you're scheduled to face the American Buffalo tonight, but how does it feel knowing that for the first time in over a month, both you and Eddie Peak have been allowed in the same building?"



Waiting. Hungry...


The female interviewer hesitated as she tried to repeat the question, her attention drawn off-screen by massive pale frame of the looming predator fearfully referred to as 'The Great White Shark'. The camera swung round sharply to reveal
Eddie Peak
, a stark portrait of clinically diagnosed violent insanity, from his gleaming teeth right down to his tarnished boots, which appeared permanently encrusted with dried blood. At one time or another the former DaVE psychopath had been prescribed nearly every mind-altering substance on the market as trained professionals fruitlessly toiled to mediate and control his behaviour, each time with no discernible success. Instead Peak remained as a unstable destructive force, impervious to medication and inherently resistant to the basic concepts of logic, reason and humanity.


"It's good to see you again, Bryan."
Peak purred, the veins on his neck becoming more prominent as his grin widened.
"But you shouldn't be here, Bryan. You belong in the hospital. Lying in a bed, receiving your meals through a tube while nurses tend to your broken bones and doctors contemplate reattaching your severed limbs, but don't worry, you'll have lots of visitors, Bryan. Well-wishers who will watch over you, trying to remember how your face used to look as they leave you thoughtful gifts to bring joy to your heart should you wake up again, but all the while nobody has posed the unasked question, Bryan... what happened to your heart?"


"Nobody will be there to tell them the answer, Bryan... I ripped your heart from your chest... and I ate it. I am hungry, Bryan and I must feed."


As Peak advanced with malicious intent, Vessey grabbed the camera that had been recording him and drove it into the monster's skull, causing some temporary picture loss until the feed picked up again from the same camera, which now rested sideways on the ground, still filming. For a few moments the footage revealed little clue as to what was actually happening, but the continual commotion confirmed that Peak and Vessey were once again locked in a violent struggle and generally making up for lost time. When the cameraman finally retrieved his equipment, he shakily aimed the cracked lens at the hate-driven combatants as Peak propelled Vessey into the side of a 2009 Ford Pickup, but then slammed into the side of the very same vehicle himself when Vessey sidestepped his animalistic charge.


"This dangerous situation is spiralling out of control!"
Azaria stated in a typically astute observation, before Rhodes added that he feared for the safety of their broadcast colleagues, a view that appeared well founded when the intrepid backstage cameraman was drawn too close to the action and found himself caught in the crossfire, flattened by a misdirected clothesline. Jasmine Saunders meanwhile had sought cover and relative safety behind an SUV. She screamed for the pair to relent, but her passionate pleas fail to resonate with either man as Vessey speared the 'Great White Shark' through a set of yellow exterior doors, bursting through to the backstage area.









Raising The Profile Of The Black Sheep


The Canadian Animals are shown in some designated open-plan locker room area doing nothing particularly constructive, although unlike last week on SLAPDown!™, they're not accompanied by a harem of cheap, semi-naked women. In a conversation already underway,
Freddy Huggins
stood in front of a mirror, admiring his new wrestling tights and only half paying attention to
Edd Stone
as he continued to lament his failure to win the Television Championship and remain relevant in the grand scheme of TCW.


"What if you banged a Disney chick?"
Huggins suggested, his innovation knowing no bounds as he thought of ways to remedy Stone's diminishing profile.
"Like Lindsay Lohan or something?"


"Not her. Disney dropped her years ago. She's all used and washed up anyway... I feel like I might catch Chlamydia just looking at her."
Stone replied lazily, although his tag team partner's idea had seemingly piqued his interest.
"But man, if we found the right girl... it would go over huge, like Hilary Duff when that tool from Good Charlotte started porkin' her."


"I'll make sure Laura's all over that."
Huggins replied, referring to his twin sister. Depressingly, such a task was far from the stupidest errand requested by her brother and her role as the team's executive consultant had yet to be of any benefit to Laura Huggins' wider career prospects. Dealing with Edd Stone however was often annoying, at best. Only the other week, the exiled Stone sibling had asked her to provide him with several rolls of aluminium foil, twenty three green paperclips, thin cardboard and glue that wouldn't make you sick if you happened to swallow it. Laura completed the task, as she always did, but she still hadn't worked out what the hell he did with it.





Losing control of the situtation...


Before the pair could further contemplate their quest to deflower a Disney lovely, the door to the room collapsed inward noisily and came to rest in a dusty heap with an unconscious member of the security staff lying on top of it. The Canadian Animals glanced at one another, then down at their not particularly talkative guest who Stone confirmed was indeed unconscious, prodding the man's head uncaringly with his boot. A wide-eyed
Eddie Peak
momentarily stood there in gaping hole where the aforementioned door used to reside, snarling.
Bryan Vessey
was visible behind him, battling other security personnel who had clearly been instructed to restore order. Perversely and perhaps subconsciously, Vessey and Peak had teamed together to pick off the guards and did so with brutal efficiency, although this temporary alliance would undoubtedly dissolve once these obstacles to their duel were removed.


Peak retrieved the downed security guard, wrapping his massive hands around the man's neck and threw his hapless victim into the concrete wall, which he hit with a resounding thud to the collective indifference of the Canadian Animals. Huggins shrugged, then returned his focus to the mirror and his new attire as the former DaVE inmate roared triumphantly in the distance.


"You think this needs more glitter?"




[standard Rules, Non-Title Singles Match]:


By the time SLAPDown!™ returned from a hastily cued instalment of commercials, Sammy Bach and Joshua Taylor were already engaged in combat, trading early nearfalls. Reminding the viewers that the Television Title was not up for grabs in this TV contest, Azaria entertained the prospect that Bach could in fact earn himself a legitimate opportunity to seize the gold if he defeated Taylor here, which seemed a distinct possibility as the former Adrenaline Rush'er sent the champion sprawling with a spinning head scissor. The 'Man of 1000 Facts' did however fail to provide any factual evidence that such an eventuality had the official backing needed to make it a reality, although Bach's aggressive approach to the contest suggested that the same scenario may have been implied backstage, possibly before the Vessey/Peak situation blew up and threatened to consume the programme. In the face of such potential disaster, Frank Roberts undoubtedly now had bigger issues on his plate than allocating Taylor his first challenger at this point and in comparison, Taylor had his own problems of the girlfriend variety.


"Like Edd Stone last week, Joshua Taylor is having to get to grips with this veritable aerial bombardment from Samm..."
Azaria lost his thread, distracted by a female player entering the game.
"Wait. Is that who I think it is?"


"Looks like a women."
McGhee answered unhelpfully.
"Do ya even know what one of 'em is, Azaria? You manicured, sauna-going sissy!"



Surprise Honey...


Tracy Brendon skipped down to the ring, beaming widely and waving to her bemused boyfriend, although he didn't appear especially pleased to see her. Sammy Bach was though and saw an opportunity to capitalise, which he took by nailing the Adrenaline Shot (Flying Flip Neckbreaker) on the Television Champion. Regardless of the uncertain stakes involved, Bach made the academic cover and Brendon could only look on in horror, realising the damage her surprise appearance had caused.


Result: Sammy Bach d. Joshua Taylor when Tracy Brendon distracted her boyfriend.

Grade: C+


Kneeling beside his defeated opponent, Bach arched backwards and outstretched his arms, embodying his Rockstar persona as he soaked up what he perceived as the crowd's adulation. The squared circle was his stage and if Azaria's assumption proved correct, then a repeat of this feat in the near future would see Bach crowned the new champion, guaranteeing him a larger share of the spotlight he craved.


To the contrary, Brendon wanted the ground to open and swallow her up. She knew she'd have a lot of making up to do later, once Taylor came back around of course.




A Bigger Jabroni Than Charlie Thatcher


SLAPDown!™ returned to the loading bay backstage, where the limousine belonging to
Tommy Cornell
sat idle, with it's headlights off.
Charlie Thatcher
and a small posse of yellow jersey-clad security personnel surround the vehicle, which suggested that without even setting foot on the tarmac yet, the British troublemaker had already committed some infraction of Disney regulations. Thatcher wrapped his meaty knuckles on the window, expecting somebody inside to lower it, but they declined. The former Head of Security emitted a low growl. Cornell was intentionally making his life difficult. As if implicating Thatcher with the Clover Fields Incident and destroying his reputation in the process wasn't enough for the Syndicate Leader. Mud stuck and forever being regarded as an accessory to Tommy Cornell's ascension to power hardly did one's career prospects the power of good.


Finally the limousine door opened and the British troublemaker emerged.


"What have we got 'ere then?"
Cornell smirked, his American-c0ckney accent straying into 'Dick Van Dyke in Mary Poppins' territory.


Thatcher didn't answer. He knew full well that Cornell could read the nearby signage that differentiated the loading area from the parking lot and the subsequent restrictions on stationary vehicles. 'The Insurance Policy' remained statuesque, trying to remain impassive as his radio crackled with the distressed cries of his colleagues, those who'd been charged with trying to contain the increasingly violent war Eddie Peak and Bryan Vessey were waging backstage. Intrigued by this most unfortunate of developments, the British superstar edged forward gleefully with
Wolf Hawkins
in tow, but found that Thatcher had decided to plant himself obstructively in their path, determined to prevent them exacerbating the ongoing situation. For a moment, the Syndicate members considered removing the human obstacle, but that would have entailed some form of physical confrontation and their designer suits were hardly appropriate combat attire. Instead, Cornell contented himself with a parting smirk and turned to walk away only to find himself confronted by a far less imposing figure than Thatcher doing his scowling bodyguard routine.


"Hi. My name is TJ Bailey."


Cornell stared at the outstretched hand with disgust, then shot the visor-wearing cretin who'd offered it the same look, not that Bailey picked up on it. The former 4C combatant had been hanging around for nearly an hour now, introducing himself to whomever happened to pass through, but of all the people he'd met so far, these men impressed him the most. They arrived in a prestige car and wore expensive suits, what wasn't to like? They must be stand up company guys, Bailey thought to himself, unphased by their rejection.


"You see what happened out there?"
Cornell enquired in reference to the bizarre hit on the catering truck outside, to which Bailey shook his head in response, ending any interest Cornell had in continuing their conversation.
"Then make yourself useful... take these."


Bailey felt the air leave his body as Cornell thrust the luggage into his arms, virtually knocking him over.


"No, I'm a wrestler..."
Bailey protested, but the Syndicate members were already inside the arena and too far away to care. He grabbed the bags entrusted in his care and heaved them inside, thinking optimistic thoughts along the way with the words of his agent ringing in his ear.


Public Relations, TJ. It's all about making a good impression. Good PR is crucial. In fact, it's three quarters of winning a World Championship.





Let's Try This Again...


Troy Tornado
headed around to the side entrance of the Field House and removed the chewing gum from his mouth, smearing it across the grinning picture of Mickey Mouse on a 'Thanks for not smoking' sign. It appeared to be locked, but Tornado decided that pounding on the heavy metal door and trying to pry it open with brute force was a worthwhile pursuit. Considering that he'd been turned away from the designated entrances by the staff guarding them for the second week in a row, it seemed as good as any strategy to get into the arena and figure out just what the hell was going on.


"C'mon b*tch... freakin' open!"


Despite such subtle persuasion, the door still refused to budge. Ironically however, the moment Tornado finally gave up, the door seemingly creaked open by itself.


"Umm, hi... what are you doing here?"
Miss Sara
asked, having opened the door from the other side, surprised to find the former Painful Procedure singer loitering behind it. Tornado blinked at the question, but had to take a moment to catch his breath after struggling to bust into the former Milkhouse, prompting Sara to continue.
"Have you brought back your signed Termination Agreement?"


"Termination Agreement?"
Tornado echoed, raising his hands defensively.
"Woah... hold on sister. If I knocked you up, that's your problem... do what you want with it... launch it into space for all I care."


Sara shuddered slightly at the thought.
"You were Fedex'ed a Termination Agreement from the Walt Disney Corporation with the view to cancelling the remainder of your contract. As the corporation have no intention to resign or further promote you, they would rather severe ties now with a generous settlement and allow you to seek other employment opportunities, as opposed to just paying you to sit at home for the next month and a half."


For the first time in a long time, Tornado had nothing to say as reality began to dawn on him. He couldn't remember receiving such a document. In truth, he couldn't remember a lot of what he did most days.


"Listen, since you're here..."
Sara added, sensing his surprise upon receiving such news and trying to rectify the situation. At the same time, several members of arena security inside the building ran behind her, reminding her of more immediate problems and the need for further available bodies to pad out tonight's card.


"Can you get changed and be ready to compete in the next few minutes? Maybe you can convince the corporation to reconsider their decision not to resign you after all."









The Buffalo Is Loose


Elsewhere backstage, a locker room door exploded off of its hinges as the enraged
American Buffalo
forced his considerable frame through the opening and stomped down the corridor, huffing loudly with each forceful step as intimidated stagehands and production staff scurried out of his path. The patriotic man-beast had just received word that his scheduled match with Bryan Vessey had been cancelled and facing the prospect of spending a second consecutive week twiddling his hoofs backstage, had clearly not received the news gladly.


"Hold up, Buff... we need to think about this for a minute!"
Floyd Goldworthy
spluttered, trailing his agitated client down the hallway in the dwindling hope that he could prevent something regrettable occurring during this fit of temper.


"Talk is for the weak."
Buffalo growled, throwing over a water-cooler which his agent had to hurdle, whilst he simultaneously tried to come up with a useful rebuttal.


Painfully aware that his cellphone continued to buzz like an epileptic fly in his shirt pocket, the former Painful Procedure manager retrieved the device at this most inopportune of times and flipped it open, doing his utmost to conceal the conversation behind his hand as he answered.


"Look, I can't talk now... no... no, listen... I know what you're asking me to do, it's just not that simple... BUFF, WAIT!"
Goldworthy pleaded, just about managing to keep pace with his hot-headed meal ticket as Buffalo approached the staging area. The former NYCW powerhouse hadn't given his next course of action much consideration. He just knew that he was angry and felt the overwhelming urge to smash something or hurt someone... and if that someone happened to be Frank Roberts, well that was just too bad. Maybe Roberts and his cronies would think twice about dumping him from the running schedule if the General Manager wound up in traction.


When American Buffalo rounded the next corner however, everything just seemed to fall in place.



The war rages on...


The scene behind the curtain was one of chaos, playing host to the latest leg of the Vessey-Peak Tour of Destruction 2010 that threatened to bring the HP Field House down around the heads of all those within it. Backstage personnel scattered from the two bruised combatants as they tumbled onto the floor, before climbing back to their feet and butting heads once more. The yellow shirts of security had slowed the progress of their brawl, but were unable to halt it.


"Get away from there! You'll hit the stack!"


Having to contend with a multitude of voices all talking at once in his head, Peak felt that he didn't need anyone else shouting at him and decked the vocal technician, then bowled Vessey towards the very area the hapless employee had advised him to steer clear of. During Peak's spell with DaVE, he'd lost count of the times he endured being electrocuted, burnt or otherwise maimed. Eric Tyler had even tried to turn a harpoon on the 'Great White Shark' during their 2007 feud, so he remained unconcerned that his slugfest with the younger Vessey Brother had brought them precariously close to the wall of circuits and connections powering the Total-Tron.


Vessey reared up and caught him with an uppercut coming in, then ripped a company laptop from it's wiring and shattered the computer over Peak's head as he rocked backward, before finally being dropkicked through a leaned wooden table by the former PGHW'er.


Whilst Peak lay prone in a pile of splinters, spitting plastic keys from his mouth, Vessey used the stoppage to collect his thoughts and found a whole new beast bearing down on him. The American Buffalo was already in mid-charge when Vessey spotted him, having kicked up a cloud of dust as he roared across the scene, but Vessey had enough about him to arch backward and pitch the three-hundred pound man-beast into the stack with an overhead release bell-to-belly.





The explosion echoed throughout the backstage area as Buffalo's sizeable frame slammed into the equipment, causing sparks to spray from the stack and the lights to flicker incessantly for effect. BLZ Bubb's former tag team partner could be heard bellowing as the electrical current surged through him until somebody shut off the power, killing the video wall and leaving Buffalo in a scorched heap, concealed by the mushroom cloud of smoke that rose from the wreckage.


"Is he moving? I don't think he's moving!"
Azaria exclaimed dramatically, leaving McGhee to counter that Buffalo was twitching involuntarily, which counted in his book. Rhodes meanwhile displayed all the compassion of a broomstick and questioned how much the Total-Tron would cost to repair.


Floyd Goldworthy meanwhile examined his smouldering client, wondering how on earth he could put a positive spin on this when it next came to discussing title opportunities with management. Eddie Peak was less pre-occupied by the condition of his fellow Hellfire Club member and had already disappeared along with Vessey as they continued on their way, like a violent whirlwhird leaving behind a trail of debris and destruction.


One that gave no indication of slowing up.




[standard Rules, Singles Match]:

Notes: Art Reed makes his TCW debut!


"I'm being told via my headset that the Total-Tron will cost in excess of $408'000 to fix."
Rhodes added, answering his previous question and sounding mighty pleased with himself having done so.


Troy Tornado casually ambled out of the entrance gateway, overseen by the darkened Total-Tron and ignored the anxious voices from behind the curtain urging him forward. The show had been running late all night and the production staff were screaming over headsets to get the match moving along, but Tornado was still in daze after being hit with the news concerning his impending departure from TCW. With the debuting Art Reed already out, Azaria chimed in with one of his more frivolous pieces of trivia; revealing that Tornado despised Sesame Street with a passion due to Randall Hopkirk's extensive viewing of the children's show during Painful Procedures long and arduous touring schedule in the days when the band were still together. Sadly the announcer was unable elaborate on Tornado's opinion of specific characters, but given the potential humiliation of losing to a man parading around with the Cookie Monster emblazoned on his headband, one would assume that the fuzzy, blue, connoisseur of cookies would be held in particularly low regard. With a point to prove and a new contract to justify, Tornado forced the pace of the contest, but the former All-American Boy displayed the inherent belief that Reed was numerous rungs below him on the ladder of talent in TCW and took some time out to posture after delivering his triple kick combo in the corner. A "lets go Reed" chant sparked a comeback for the would-be High Concept member, who nearly stole the win with a running face-smash that had his arrogant foe down for only a two count. A series of rebounding clotheslines and dropkicks follow from Reed as he tried to build momentum, but Tornado quickly jumped back into the driver’s seat by hot-shotting the fun-loving Canadian on the rope cable.


Having gestured that he was done playin', Tornado hoisted Reed's limp frame into the electric chair position, but once again he revelled in the position of control, delaying the execution of the move and fatally came undone by allowing Reed to spin around and pull the former lead singer into a sunset flip-esque roll-up, a predicament from which he would fail to escape.


Result: Art Reed d. Troy Tornado via flash pinfall.

Grade: C+


Reed wisely rolled to the outside as soon as the bell sounded, keen to avoid any recrimination from the man he now held an upset victory over. Infuriated, Tornado could only clutch his head in dismay, as if on the verge of a potential mental-meltdown. From the announce table the Azaria tried to calm himself, his voice having reached a new octave when proclaiming Reed the winner, anxious to inform the viewers that everybody in the back would now sit up and take notice of the House of Stone graduate. Tornado to the contrary, had probably just blown his last chance to remain gainfully employed with the promotion and the 'Man of 1000 Facts' claimed he could smell the unmistakable stench alcohol, even from this considerable distance, implying that he may have pre-emptively drowned his sorrows.


"Back in the day boy, all the greats wrestled drunk."
McGhee scoffed as Reed slapped hands with fans, although Azaria remained incredulous.
"Come to think of it, that's how I wrassled ya momma last night!"


"I think you'll find you need to be this tall to ride my mother."
Azaria countered, holding his hand a good ten inches above his diminutive colleague's head.




More Of A Karma-Canadian


Tom Gilmore
slid through the crack between the external security doors, doing his utmost to keep his belated arrival as low key as possible. Hold-all slung over his shoulder, the 'Supreme Superstar', as Disney's marketing machine had ordained him, was glad to hear the dull, mechanical hum of the air-conditioning unit above him. Orlando took some getting used to, particularly the heat, but the Canadian always expected to make compromises to join this new incarnation of Total Championship Wrestling. Of course few people understood this decision. World-renowned wrestlers weren't exactly beating down the door to Frank Robert's office and begging for contracts these days, so it came as no surprise that Gilmore's decision to defect to the ailing promotion raised several eyebrows.


Like most people, Gilmore only knew about Clover Fields through the media. Nobody really seemed to talk about it backstage, but that wasn't a big deal to the Canadian. Nothing like that could happen under Disney's jurisdiction and it wouldn't be long before the sins of the old regime had been forgotten. Besides, his desire to escape from the Land of Supreme was such that he wasn't concerned when that particular day might arrive. Understandably, he didn't disclose this sense of urgency during negotiations with Disney over his multi-million dollar contract. He still made them work for his signature and drove a hard bargain to ensure that the corporation really did intend to build their relaunched brand of wrestling around him. Proof that he wouldn't be subjected to the smothering politics that embodied Richard Eisen's method of business. It was telling that the SWF didn't fight hard to keep him. They hadn't bothered to schedule negotiations when his contract came up, assuming Gilmore would come to them and the subsequent renewal would be par for the course. Perhaps throw him the carrot of an extra 0.3% of merchandise sales and consign the event to the backs of their minds. It wasn't a big decision for them. After all, he was hardly Eric Eisen...


Lost in this moment of introspection, the firm slap of Rocky Golden's hand on his shoulder brought Gilmore back to reality. A reality where some pen-pusher's failure to sort out his travel arrangements had delayed his arrival by over an hour and thus meant Gilmore turned up at the arena to discover the wholesale destruction second-hand. The Canadian required a moment to take in the full picture of carnage painted before him. The physical duel between Peak and Vessey and the wreckage it left behind were impossible to ignore, leaving furniture along with unsuspecting bodies left scattered in all directions. Gilmore noted a vending machine several feet away, it's operational capacity was hindered by the fact Dermot O'Logical's body jutted out of the cracked fascia.


"Thanks for showing up."
Golden remarked sarcastically, fully aware of the Canadian's lateness.
"Listen. You're new here. I get that you're still learning how things tick and who you can trust, so we'll keep it simple. When we go out there to face the Syndicate later, let me do the heavy lifting. I'll take care of Cornell, just make sure you keep his lil' puppydog out of my way. Think you can handle that?"


"I'm sorry, are we friends?"
Gilmore almost growled, unappreciative of the condescending tone used.


"Check the board, eh?"
Golden replied, smiling.


Sure enough, although the schedule board remained only partially attached to the nearby wall, it confirmed the amended scenario that Golden alluded to. The World Heavyweight Champion offered an outstretched hand, but Gilmore refused the extended olive branch, simply sidestepping his unwanted partner and trudged wearily through the debris towards his original destination, leaving a gruff response echoing behind him.


"We're still not friends."




[standard Rules, Impromptu Match]:


"You've got to be joking..."
Azaria muttered, looking down at the new running order. The next item had been underlined in red pen.
"They're being sent out here for a match? Who on earth sanctioned that!?"


A production assistant ducked behind the announce position when SLAPDown! returned to the main arena, leaving Jason Azaria to glance down at the latest amended schedule he'd just been handed with little confidence. Tonight's show had been a disjointed affair underscored by a wild backstage brawl that had already turned most of the HP Field House upside down and any hope the announcer had of helping to steer the broadcast in a more assured direction evaporated when a member of the yellow-jersey-clad security staff was pitched through the entrance gateway, clattering against the rigging as he went past. As sure as night follows day and having been shepherded from the backstage area, Eddie Peak and Bryan Vessey spilled on to the stage. Both combatants were severely bloodied and battered by this point, but their no-holds barred fight remained as ferocious as when it began in the parking lot and neither man displayed any urgency to get to the ring and bring their struggle to some sort of official conclusion. Instead the pair fought towards the extremities of the staging area, with Peak spearing Vessey against the side of the elevated announce position, causing the entire table to shudder violently.


McGhee yelped as Rhode's cup of coffee flew from the desk and landed in his lap, forming an unhappy union with the scolding hot beverage.
"You dumb, pale, lump of horsesh*t! You'll pay for that!"


Known for his combustible temper and ignoring Azaria's half-hearted appeal to sit back down, McGhee kicked off his headset and leapt on to the table to square off with the former DaVE psychopath. After some initial bemusement, Peak decided to cave the pint-sized announcer's cranium in with a series of brutal headbutts, keeping the same twisted grin on his face each time his head collided with his victim's skull until McGhee's face is little more than crimson slush. Having recovered nearby, a coiled Vessey waited for Peak to callously discard the Dirty White Boys former manager before he seized the opportunity to deliver a Vessey Line, which Rhodes called as his announcer partner tried to retrieve his blood-smeared notes from underneath McGhee's unconscious frame.


"I can't work like this!"
Azaria moaned, questioning whether Orlando had a police force and if so, why nobody had bothered to call them as Vessey hauled the Great White Shark towards the squared circle to settle their dispute, smashing Peak against the ringside furniture during the short journey.


Once both men were inside, Eugene Williams unenthusiastically called for the bell, wishing he were anywhere else right now and said a quiet prayer to hopefully ensure he'd come to no harm during the 'contest' that was to follow. Sadly, the deity he was trying to communicate with wasn't listening as Peak would slam the referee to the canvas moments later for having the temerity to admonish his twelve-second chokehold on the younger Vessey sibling.


Result: Bryan Vessey drew. with Eddie Peak when the match was ruled a no contest.

Grade: B-


With the proverbial zebra now downed, the decision to bring this farce to a close would be taken from behind the curtain by a man who currently held no official power in the company, but a man who was content to bide his time as StallCorp pulled the strings around him. Tonight, was just another phase in the plan.



Here to restore the peace...


The arena became a kaleidoscope of blue and red as police sirens flashed and blared, signifying the arrival
Rick Law
who sought to make a televised intervention of his own. The Corrupt Cop however was not travelling alone and within moments, a phalanx of stormtroopers had formed a rigid formation behind him. Decked out in flak jackets, utility belts and light bodyarmour, these men were neither police, nor ordinary security yellow shirts. In truth, they didn't resemble anyone likely to be on the Disney payroll and in the absence of his beloved 'facts', Azaria speculated that Law had assembled some sort of private security force as the men fanned out to create a perimeter around the squared circle, waiting for the command to engage their targets.


Peak grinned through the gore in anticipation, but these assailants were far more organised and clinical than the rank-and-file grunts he and Vessey had dispatched with ease throughout SLAPDown!. The Great White Shark roared amidst the crackle of taser fire as Law's troops attempted to subdue him, seemingly with no concept of 'excessive force' as multiple prongs shot into his body, accompanied by the blur of black batons as Peak realised every joint and limb was under attack. Irrespective of the superior numbers or their evident training, the former DaVE psychopath still managed to add to his bodycount, but once cuffed and restrained, Peak's resistance was nothing more than ineffectual thrashing.


"This... this is bringing back some bad memories. We've done so much as a company to try and forget scenes like these..."
Rhodes said, thinking aloud as Vessey broke free from his captors and charged at Law, running spaghetti-legged into a Squad Car Slam.


Handcuffs and restraints predictably followed for the former PGHW'er and with that, it was finally over. Order had been restored, but at a cost.


Gil Thomas
afforded himself a smile and disappeared into the humid night.




I'm In Over My Head


"I don't know how he got it or where he recruited his band of helpers, but Rick Law acted with the authorisation from management."


Dismayed by proceedings,
Frank Roberts
' face found solace in his right hand as
Miss Sara
broke the bad news to him. There was no doubt about it. Somebody had gone over the GM's head, but then what did it matter now? The damage had been done and buck was set to stop with him. Tonight's edition of SLAPDown! had been a bigger disaster than last week's. To make matters worse, Robert's decision not to involve the local police and attempt to contain the Vessey/Peak disturbance in-house had somehow culminated in a Rick Law-led task-force traumatising a good slice of the 6'000-strong crowd, especially the tourists and casual resort-goers who'd stumbled into the arena hoping to see a wholesome wrestling show. Beyond that, the HP Field House looked like a warzone, the Total-Tron's circuit stack was shot to pieces, the skull of their new announcer had been crunched like a Fabergé egg and they only had a hastily re-arranged, falsely advertised main event to look forward to.


This night couldn't get much worse.


"Excuse me, muppets. Not interrupting am I?"



I am untouchable...


And as if by magic,
Tommy Cornell
appeared, clad in his ring apparel ahead of his imminent match. It seemed that the untouchable one wanted to take this opportunity to introduce himself to the very General Manager he'd publicly berated seven nights ago on LIVE television.


"The kid over there told me you were Frank Roberts."
Cornell smirked, aimlessly gesturing over his shoulder.
"I'd apologise for not recognising you, but I reckon you get that a lot, don'tcha? On account of being a complete nobody in this business."


"Is this going to take long?"
Roberts sighed.
"I'm a busy man."


"I'm sure bein' the Ring Leader of this two-bit Disney circus is exhausting, but now that I know who you are 'Frank' I just wanted to make sure that you understand how this game is played. See, I'm a patient man and I sure you'll remember to pencil in a date for my World Heavyweight Title rematch, given how James Justice blew his shot last week, but just as a friendly reminder..."


Cornell's expression changed to one of deadly seriousness, as if a stagehand off camera had flipped his ice-cold, cerebral heel switch.


"If you and I can't form a 'constructive' relationship and you interfere in my affairs, I won't be held responsible for my actions..."
Cornell began, before breaking into a wide grin.
"In fact due to my contract, I can't be held accountable for them."





Not 'The Dog', Just A Big, Bad, Texan


Outside the HP Field House,
Texas Pete
flicked his cigarette and exhaled wearily. TCW still carried a relatively bloated roster and like many of it's members, 'The Cowboy From Hell' didn't have a match assignment tonight. Not that it bothered the big Texan greatly. He was still getting paid, but the atmosphere backstage wasn't particularly appealing and fed up with Disney minions getting underneath his feet, Pete withdrew to different area of the complex to enjoy a smoke. Perhaps he was in the minority, but unlike many of his peers he savoured the southern climate and the humidity condensed in the evening air. He observed a busload of people arriving to the complex, probably headed for one of the other various events taking place in the GNN's Wide World of Sports. Typically, the former SWF hoss peered out from beneath the rim of his ten gallon hat as he watched, a deliberate tactic that ensured Pete could always see more of the individuals he watched than they could see of him.


"Word has it you'se a bounty hunter, fren. Maybe we can do some business?"


Shawn Gonzalez
emerged from the mesh of people in the crowd with an apparent proposition. Pete gave the façade of being only half-interested as the former DaVE icon handed him several CCTV stills, his standard negotiation posture when trying to ascertain the potential worth of the target to the individual requesting their capture.


"Dangerous? Not to somebody like you fren."
Gonzalez assured, deliberately understating the risk posed by last week's escapees.
"They's a loose end, k'now? I don't have time for loose ends mang, but I want 'em brought back to me alive and quickly. You do that and I got drugs, women..."


Texas Pete cut in abruptly.


Far from being offended by such a forthright approach, Gonzalez smiled like a shark and extended his hand to seal the deal. Even if the cowboy failed to get his man, he would serve as adequate bait.


"You got two weeks, fren."




[standard Rules, Tag Team Match]:


Having elected not to share his entrance with the partner Frank Roberts had assigned, Rocky Golden spent the lion share of this match stood on the apron, an outsider looking in as he contemplated a world that would never come to be. A world where Ricky Dale Johnson defeated Tommy Cornell a eight months ago. A world were some disobedient kid hadn't jumped into the ring for his five seconds of misguided fame and where Charlie Thatcher's taser never entered the equation, costing RDJ everything he'd fought for over the past two years. Had fate not conspired against him and history unfolded differently, Cornell and Hawkins wouldn't have been able to team up tonight. In fact, they wouldn't have been able to share the same locker room or even have travelled to the event together and the double suplex they delivered to Tom Gilmore at the five minute mark would have been strictly prohibited. Instead, the world was what it was and this match, like Rick Law's against Cornell last week, carried a sense of consolation following the Freedom Fighter's failed campaign. They were left to pick up the pieces.


Golden had started the contest as the legal man, a brief spell where he took his pent up frustration out on Hawkins, literally begging for Cornell to make the tag his partner needed. After all, the former Prince Adam hadn't forgotten being crowned with his own title belt by the Syndicate Leader last week. Cornell though, wanted nothing to do with Golden, at least not yet. If he'd been thinking straight, the former CZCW'er would have nominated Gilmore to start proceedings, that way, he could have kept a close eye on the former Land of Supreme occupant as opposed to turning his back and providing Gilmore with the means to proverbially stab him between the shoulder-blades had that been his intention. After all, their earlier backstage encounter seemed unlikely to be the beginning of a beautiful friendship, but Gilmore played it straight and battered Hawkins in return for his part in last week's Heavyweight Title debacle, finally forcing Cornell to become active in the match following a succession of rolling vertical suplexes on his protégé that had conveniently positioned Hawkins near enough his corner to make the tag. That however, was as good as it got for team Azaria annoyingly dubbed the 'G-Unit', because the pendulum of momentum swung away from them once Cornell became involved as the British superstar launched an oppressive assault on Gilmore. Rhodes described it as 'an exercise in isolation' as he watched Gilmore repeatedly cut down whenever he attempted to tag out, whilst Azaria opted for the more clichéd 'halving of the ring' analysis as Cornell went to chopblock the Canadian for what felt like the twelth occasion, only for the former SWF superstar to telegraph the move and reach the sanctuary of his home corner.


"He made it! Gilmore made the tag! It's Golden and Cornell!"
Azaria yelled joyously, before reiterating the situation even louder.


The crowd erupted in almost volcanic nature, growing louder with the connection of each clothesline as Golden repeatedly ran through Cornell, before stacking his nemesis against the turnbuckles with a powerbomb, which could have ended the match had Hawkins not intervened in the pin that followed. No matter though as Golden shrugged off this setback and press-slammed Hawkins to the outside, like a one man league-of justice, training his sights one Cornell once more in anticipation of giving the 'untouchable one' a much overdue spell on 'The Rack'. Hawkins though sensed the danger and returned to the apron, this time with a steel chair in hand that clattered to the mat when Golden booted him from the ring for a second time, unaware that Cornell had found his feet once more. True to form, the 'Godfather of TCW' exploited the situation with an inside cradle and an almost mandatory handful of tights, but the former Prince Adam powered out and launched the Syndicate Leader into the waiting arms of Gilmore...


"Anger Management!
Azaria almost knocked Rhodes off of his chair in the excitement, close to hyperventilating as Cornell ate the canvas.
"Cover him Rocky, cover him!"


Already choking on fumes from his house en-fuergo~! display, Rocky Golden didn't need telling twice and covered his stunned foe.


Result: Rocky Golden & Tom Gilmore d. The Syndicate when Golden pinned Tommy Cornell.

Grade: B


Hawkins made a last ditch attempt to intervene, but Gilmore planted his boot on the weapon Stevie Grayson's former partner had brought in earlier, preventing it's use. Gilmore looked at the steel chair as it glistened under the hot arena lighting. It was almost calling out to him, sat unloved on the canvas, craving to be held. Naturally, the SWF defector obliged and plucked the metallic seating implement from where it lay, raising it above his head as if he were primed to swing for the proverbial fences.


But now there was a conundrum (and not one of the Countdown variety).


Golden stood a couple of feet away from Gilmore, staring a hole straight through the Canadian. On the opposite side, Cornell too had returned to a vertical base and both men held the suspicion that the chair in Gilmore's hand could be destined for a collision with their respective cranium.


And so SLAPDown!™ came to an end with a Mexican Stand-off accompanied by a burning question...


Where did Tom Gilmore's allegiances lie?




See you next week folks! Uh-huh.



Overall Show Rating: B-

TV Rating: 3.30
(0.02 increase from last week)


OOC Notes: No major notes from the show, although I did receive my first chemistry note of the game. Freddy Huggins has 'very poor' chemistry when being managed by his sister, which throws a minor spanner in the works. Troy Tornado wasn't exactly thrilled to put over Art Reed, which isn't totally surprising given Reed's midcard status.

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Just a quick tally of prediction scores and a table of sorts so far. Midnightnick correctly called Angry Gilmore teaming with Rocky Golden for the main event. Interestingly, everyone went for a Syndicate win in that match.


Codey - 2 pts

Mattlore Devious - 2 pts

Midnightnick - 2 pts

Jindr3k - 1 pts


Thanks for predicting guys.

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