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[release] FictionPlus - My Presentation App for Dynasties

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Just wanted to say thanks a bunch for all the kind words, everyone. It's great to see it already being put to use by BoomKing and falling star (yepp, I've checked them both out). Also lol to Eidenhoek - I'll take any similarities between me and a Let's Play video guy as a big compliment since I'm not a fan of my voice :) (and hey, regardless of what it makes your older diaries look like, you're still the one who's brought all the important stuff (i.e., the creativity) to the table)


I only wish I had time to do a diary myself so I could really put it through the paces!

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I forgot to mention this here, but I integrated this into the promos for the most recent show in my diary. I really liked the way it looked, and so did most of my readers, so it's going to become a permanent thing. Thanks for providing this excellent tool, crayon!


Just checked out your promos using it, good stuff


I noticed in the comments that there was mention of color coding the person who was speaking. I'll just point out to everyone that, if needed, you can also right-click on the speech bubbles and change the color of the speech bubbles themselves if you want an additional way to separate who's talking (e.g., Person A with a grey speech bubble, Person B with a blue speech bubble).


And as you already found out, the color formatting for the text carries over from your word processor as well, so whatever works best for ya :)

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Awesome work Crayon, i've had abit of a play around (cant seem to change the colour of the speach bubbles though - not that important) i look forward to using this at some point with one of my projects (probably suits SAW the best).
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I used it too on my latest Memoirs post. I could change the colors of some but not all. I think you have to change them soon? I pasted everything then tried to go back and change. It did not like that very much. :D


I will play again sometime. I do like the look, especially for speaking.

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I used it too on my latest Memoirs post. I could change the colors of some but not all. I think you have to change them soon? I pasted everything then tried to go back and change. It did not like that very much. :D


I will play again sometime. I do like the look, especially for speaking.


Interesting. From what I'm gathering, after having looked at your post, you changed the colors on the last two speech bubbles and exported it to your diary. And then you tried to change the other speech bubble colors from before, which worked on the website but it didn't show up in your diary when you tried to export it again?


I hope I'm understanding correctly, because I'd love to sort that out.


Awesome work Crayon, i've had abit of a play around (cant seem to change the colour of the speach bubbles though - not that important) i look forward to using this at some point with one of my projects (probably suits SAW the best).


Does it not apply the colors, or do you not even get the right-click menu to try?


I used it for the first time in my last post -- worked out nicely.


Enhancement request: is it possible to save settings so I don't have to remember the specific colors I picked?


Do you mean settings so that every time you come back to the website it will remember? If so, that's a bit of a tough one, but I can certainly note it down. It is doable but I'd have to do a bit of research on saving cookies (om nom nom) first :)

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Not quite, I pasted everything to the end straight (No colors or anything). Then I started with the last thing I posted and starting working my way back to the beginning to make it pretty. I could alter the last three sections, but anything else I could not change the color, or the text, or anything.


I'm using firefox.


I think I am okay if I change while I go and not work backwards. But of course, Yuu Onuki works backwards. :)

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Not quite, I pasted everything to the end straight (No colors or anything). Then I started with the last thing I posted and starting working my way back to the beginning to make it pretty. I could alter the last three sections, but anything else I could not change the color, or the text, or anything.


I'm using firefox.


I think I am okay if I change while I go and not work backwards. But of course, Yuu Onuki works backwards. :)


Very very curious! I'll have to have a play with it and see if I can get the same thing to happen to me. If Yuu Onuki wants to work backwards she should be allowed to work backwards.


Hopefully I'll be able to discover the cause and make things right

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Do you mean settings so that every time you come back to the website it will remember? If so, that's a bit of a tough one, but I can certainly note it down. It is doable but I'd have to do a bit of research on saving cookies (om nom nom) first :)


I figured it would be something along those lines. And I don't necessarily mind cookies as long as you're not gathering and selling my personal data to Nigerian headhunters selling erectile dysfunction potions. :p


But yeah, since this is a hobby project if you don't have the time or inclination it's no worries on my part. What you've done already is useful, thank you!

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After playing around with it I noticed the following: Is it because of the browser I'm using (Google Chrome) that sometimes, the "Vs" image will just disappear regardless of what style etc I choose. I think what I tried was to get the image between the two worker cuts and then it just vanished. On another attempt, the alignment of "Vs" was quite off with no way to change it back to normal center alignment.


It's a great tool, I'll play around with it some more and post more findings. Massive thumbs up to you crayon.

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Just posted the full card for the next iPPV show in my ROH dynasty-- couldn't have made it look so damn good without FictionPlus! Thanks again, crayon, for this awesome tool; formatting shows has killed a diary or two of mine in the past, and with FictionPlus I don't see that being an issue anymore.


Check out the card, and the awesome formatting job, here.

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After playing around with it I noticed the following: Is it because of the browser I'm using (Google Chrome) that sometimes, the "Vs" image will just disappear regardless of what style etc I choose. I think what I tried was to get the image between the two worker cuts and then it just vanished. On another attempt, the alignment of "Vs" was quite off with no way to change it back to normal center alignment.


It's a great tool, I'll play around with it some more and post more findings. Massive thumbs up to you crayon.


Let's see... for the VS issues:


1) Disappearances are definitely a new issue. I wonder if it's a display issue (and would show up if exported to a diary) or if it really disappears? I have tested it in Chrome so that shouldn't be what it is... but hrmmm.


2) If it's the same thing which was happening earlier, the alignment is going off because it's attempting to center the image before the image is loaded (and the width of it isn't known). Something was put in place to fix that, although it's possible that in some circumstances it doesn't. Best advice I can give you is that if it happens, remove the match, and then add it again.


It's not an ideal solution, but it should ensure that it won't happen again for that image during that session.


Thanks for giving me a heads up and noting down any funny business you discover. If you can see any patterns emerging as to when this happens, it'd be great if you could let me know.


Just posted the full card for the next iPPV show in my ROH dynasty-- couldn't have made it look so damn good without FictionPlus! Thanks again, crayon, for this awesome tool; formatting shows has killed a diary or two of mine in the past, and with FictionPlus I don't see that being an issue anymore.


Check out the card, and the awesome formatting job, here.


Another show posted using FictionPlus here.


Long angles get a little tedious, but it still looks very nice at the end!


I checked them out and both look really good! It's cool to see that even though it's both done with the same app, you've both been able to work your own personal style into your posts. I hope I'll be able to streamline the process in the future and add more customization (especially for matches) for you guys further down the track, but thanks for bearing with me at the start :D

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Is it somehow possible to put several pictures next to each other, say for example if a stable of 4-5 workers appears, instead of having them underneath each other?


*Edit* I've tried multiple times to add matches and remove them but the issue remains, I can't seem to be able to put "vs" in the middle of the two images (it's also out of alignment in other match types). What is weird is that it DOES properly align in the first match I put in and only does this on every match I put in afterwards.

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Is it somehow possible to put several pictures next to each other, say for example if a stable of 4-5 workers appears, instead of having them underneath each other?


*Edit* I've tried multiple times to add matches and remove them but the issue remains, I can't seem to be able to put "vs" in the middle of the two images (it's also out of alignment in other match types). What is weird is that it DOES properly align in the first match I put in and only does this on every match I put in afterwards.


Have you tried it in other browsers? It shouldn't be the case, but it would be interesting if it was only in Chrome.


Has anyone else experienced this?


As for your first question, yepp you can do this. Instead of adding an Image element, try adding a Text element, and then add an image in the text box. From there you should be able to add images in line, just like you would here.




<div id="divContentWrapper" style="font-size: 62.5%; line-height: normal;"><div style="width: 950px; margin: 0px auto; position: relative;"></div><div style="width: 700px; margin: 0px auto; background-color: rgb(85, 85, 85); padding: 0pt 20px 20px; position: relative; overflow-y: auto;"> <div style="padding: 0pt 5px; overflow: hidden;"><div id=""><div style="height: 18px; cursor: n-resize;"></div><div style="clear: both; position: relative; padding: 5px; margin: 5px 0pt; height: auto; border: 1px solid transparent;"> <div style="font-size: 16px; font-family: 'Times New Roman'; display: block;"><div id=""><img src="http://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/Alts/Renders/KashmirSingh_jhd.jpg" alt="" height="150" width="150"> <img src="http://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/Alts/Renders/KashmirSingh_jhd2.jpg" alt="" height="150" width="150"> <img src="http://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/Alts/Renders/KashmirSingh_jhd3.jpg" alt="" height="150" width="150"> and  <img src="http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d105/jsilver536/PhilippeLaGrenier.jpg" alt="" height="150" width="150"></div></div> </div></div></div></div></div>


And of course, doing pictures like this is also a good way to do any unsupported match types (battle royals, 1v1v1v1v1, etc). You can even set the images to a smaller size within another tab of the add image popup, which would work well if you have a lot of workers you want to fit into the shot


There's actually a fair bit of trickery you can get up to if you play about with the text editor on it. I'm pretty sure most of the stuff you can do here can be done on there somehow (except for youtube videos which I haven't been able to get working - that I may have to add that separately)

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WOW! This is pretty much awesome/amazing all at the same time. I think you have just given me an excuse for me to take all the stuff I store up in my head with my play throughs with TEW and given me an excuse to make a diary.


Now I just need to decide which one....

NWA - The Fall 2001

WWF - TGA 1987

TCW - TGA 1987 (0/0/0/0 fed)

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Well, haven't gotten the several pictures next to each other done properly for some reason, and the "Vs" is still not properly aligned but anyhow, this is my first show I've posted in my diary using fiction plus and I think it comes out nicely anyways. Here we go: http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?p=1687132#post1687132 ... For some reason, the GDS forums don't seem to like the outer/inner BG images because I tried to include them to no avail, they are simply not being shown. Meh I'll live ^^
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Well, haven't gotten the several pictures next to each other done properly for some reason, and the "Vs" is still not properly aligned but anyhow, this is my first show I've posted in my diary using fiction plus and I think it comes out nicely anyways. Here we go: http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?p=1687132#post1687132 ... For some reason, the GDS forums don't seem to like the outer/inner BG images because I tried to include them to no avail, they are simply not being shown. Meh I'll live ^^


Let me know the address of the images you wanted to use, and I'll have a look at it tonight in Chrome (still using Chrome right?) and see if I can sort out the problem. Sorry for everything not going smoothly :/

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