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A Mexican Nightmare...

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First off, this again is just for fun. It is a work of fiction. The workers aren't "exactly" like they act in real life, for the obvious reason. "Traditional" diaries are brilliant to read, but I never have fun writing them because of how much you gotta stick to each characters... er... characteristics. Also, I know El Santo is dead but for the purpose of the diary I needed the biggest legend I could think of in Mexico. I hope you enjoy reading this diary as much as I am hoping I'll enjoy writing it.



PART 1.1 - Entering A Nightmare

PART 1.2 - My First Run Out

PART 2.1 - One Week Nightmare

PART 2.2 - Battered, Bruised & Shunned

PART 3.1 - A Plate, A Brick... A Visit

PART 3.2 - My friend, My Enemy

PART 4.1 - Face to Face, Fade to Black

PART 4.2 - Mystery Unravelling

PART 5.1 - Culpae poenae par esto

PART 5.2 - A Blind Eye Turned

PART 6.1 - The Truth, The Lie, The End?

PART 6.2 - Rudo Uprising? Not This Week!

PART 7.1 - No Rest for the Wicked

PART 7.2 - The Plot Thickens

PART 8 - A Night to Forget

PART 9 - Another Twist in the Saga

PART 10 - The Veil of Deceit

PART 11 - Missing in Action... Farewell

PART 12 - The Revelation

PART 13 - Reign of Darkness

PART 14 - A Missing Pirate & An Avenging Saint

PART 15 - Perros del Mal

PART 16 - Tecnico by Technicality

PART 17 - By Any Means...

PART 18 - A Vengeful Spirit

PART 19 - Masked Menace

PART 20 - Trapped

PART 21 - A New Era?

PART 22 - Ex Marks the Spot

PART 23 - The Final Showdown

PART 24 - Drinking on the Job

PART 25 - A Chance to Leave

PART 26 - Setting in Motion

PART 27 - The Birth of Kabuki Blanco & Gran Takeda

PART 28 - The "Death" of Autoridad


Tried to make it so it would go to the post for each but doesn't appear to work so clicking won't do anything...



Entering A Nightmare....


We were driving down to Tijuana, Mexico to meet up with some of the guys when we blew out a tire along a desert strip. We didn't know where the hell we were, and could get no signal to call for help.



"Pretty sure we just past a town a few miles back. Maybe we should head back and see whether theres a phone we can use."



"One of us will need to stay here with the car. We can't just leave it abandoned out here."



"Good point. I'll head back, you wait here and I'll see if I can get us some help."


Had I known then what I know now... I never would have headed back. For tonight, it all changed... some may say for the better, but I say it was for the worse!


I arrived at a small dusty town, it looked deserted however I could hear music playing from one of the buildings and a light was shining through a dirty window. I headed over and opened the front door, well... I shoulda just turned my ass right around. The bar was filled with the most oddball people you could ever Imagine. Masks, facepaint... it was like something out of a bad horror movie.



"Hey! Who are you?"


The guy had a distinct accent, which should have been clearly obvious to me seeing as I was in Mexico, but I was taken aback.



"What you no talk? I asked you a question."



"Uh, uh... sorry. My names Marty. Me and my buddy blew out a tire a few miles down the road. Is there a phone anywhere I could use?"



"No phone here. Looks like your stuck. Hehehe."


Well, now I'm screwed. I thought to myself.



"Is there another town close by?"


The bar errupted in laughter. A female in a strange, yet alluring mask approached me.



"The nearest town from here is a good 70 or so miles. I don't think you'll be leaving anytime soon. We'll send someone to pick up your friend and bring him here..."


All of a sudden another weirdo entered the bar, although he looked pretty sinister and made my blood run cold.



"Nearly that time of the week my hombres. Nearly time for Lucha yet we.... who is this? What are you doing in our town?"



"I...I... Me and my friend were on our way to see..."



"On second thoughts, I really don't care. You became our property the moment you opened the door. Those who visit, don't ever leave."


Remember the comment about a bad horror movie? Well after that comment I just felt like I'd entered one! The place errupted in laughter again and everyone went back to doing what they were doing before I entered. The woman in the mask came up to me once more.



"Don't look so scared. Sit with me, I'll explain all you need to know. It's really not as bad as you think. My name is Ludark Shaitan. This is the town of Nombre Pesadilla..."


Ludark explained all about the town and it's history, but what intrigued me most was when she explained why everyone wore masks or strange attire. She told me each week, they held a wrestling event, and the reason for the "weird" characters was that everyone lived their gimmick. 24/7. Didn't really put mymind at ease though... now I was in a town full of violent weirdos!



"So what you're telling me is that the masks stay on, even when you sleep? Eat? Wash?"



"That's what I'm telling you... unless the Champion of the Town demands you put your mask on the line for a shot at his belt you wear it, you live it, you breath it. A 70 mile walk to the next town once you hand over your mask. Most of us are happy not to cause waves, We leave the Champion of the Town up there in his big house - and put on shows each week for his enjoyment. If we impress him, he may just give us a shot at his Title without the need for us risking our masks or living here."


This was getting more and more screwed up every second. Yet I stayed, became the towns "referee"... and the story of my time in Nombre Pesadilla and it's almost obsessive take on wrestling, or Lucha Libre, began.




Getting to know the town.







El Sagrado (Rudo)
















Former Campeon de Nombre Pesadilla

01 - http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v260/Frontiergfx/01.jpg - Raúl Romero (1958-1962)

02 - http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v260/Frontiergfx/02.jpg - "Diablo" Velazco (1962-1967)

03 - http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v260/Frontiergfx/03.jpg - Septembre Negro (1967-1978)

04 - http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v260/Frontiergfx/04.jpg - Águila Solitaria (1978-1981)

05 - http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v260/Frontiergfx/05.jpg - La Briosa (1981-1985)

06 - http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v260/Frontiergfx/06.jpg - Halcón 78 (1985-1988)

07 - http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v260/Frontiergfx/07.jpg - Silver King (1988-1999)

08 - http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v260/Frontiergfx/08.jpg - El Santo (1999-2011)

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My First Run Out!


Following a less than comfortable nights sleep, I awoke to the sound of laughter from downstairs. As I pulled myself from the most uncomfortable matress I'd ever had the miisfortune of lying on, I heard a womans voice call up.



"Hey you awake? Come down and I'll take you out and show you around town."



"Yeah ok. Did anyone go pick my friend up last night?"



"There was no one there. We couldn't even see any car."


That motherf... he took off and left me! So now I'm stranded in this god forsaken land with these freaks. Guess I'll have to bide my time.

I went downstairs and there was Ludark with one of the guys from the bar.



"Hey Marty, I'm La Mascara. I guess your the law around here now. Haha."


This is becoming stupid, there is a guy and woman in masks drinking coffee and eating breakfast. Surely this has got to be a prank? I mean an entire town of masked Luchadors. If I was famous I'd expect Ashton Kutcher to pop out shouting I'd been Punk'd... but the closest I've been to appearing on TV is when I walked past a News crew.



"Hope your ready for tonight Marty. You have 3 matches to referee and the Towns Champion will be there."



"What??? I can't... I mean I've never refereed a wrestling match in my life. I..."


Ludark and Mascara begin laughing. Mascara gets up and leaves the room, still laughing.



"C'mon, I'll show you around the town."


The town seemed quiet and peaceful... yet the masked inhabitants made it seem a tad eerie. All that was going through my head was the small event I was to be a part of tonight. I just knew I was going to mess it all up.


We returned back to Ludarks house and she began preparing me for tonights matches.



"All newcomers start out as referees. It's kind of an initiation period. Our last referee however suffered an injury... he lost both his arms so counting the pin fall became impossible! Haha"


As I looked at her, it was hard to tell if she was joking or being sincere.

We chatted for a little while longer before heading down to the town square. It was bustling with people I'd never seen before! They said in the bar everyone "Lived" their gimmick yet here were a bunch of people wearing the same masks sitting at ringside.


Nombre Pesadilla Lucha Weekly

In front of 30 people

Nombre Pesadilla Town Centre




Ronin defeats Artillero in a E+ match

Ronin began showboating to the crowd, who booed mercilessly.


I could see out of the corner of my eye a huge chair at the front of the crowd, flanked by 2 beauties sat The Champion of the Town. An heir of grace about him, draped in a silver and gold cape. He looked on intently. The crowd began cheering as the competitors for the second match entered the ring.




Angel blanco Jr defeats Felino in an E match


My nerves are at this point non-existent. I'm actually enjoying this. I take a glance over at The Champion... it doesn't look like he's even moved. It's time for the main event. I hope I don't messthis up with any bad calls! The crowd boos as La Parka makes his way out. He plays tothe crowd, who are anxiously awaiting his opponent... here comes Sagrado!




Sagrado defeats La Parka in a D- match


The crowd cheer, and despite only 30 people they make enough noise to let Sagrado know how much they like him. The atmosphere in this little town centre is actually pretty good. The show seems to have gone off without a hitch... well until I try getting out of the ring and trip on the bottom rope! The laughs ring out loud in my head.


I head to the bar where I meet Ludark and Mascara. We talk, have a few drinks as the night progresses.....



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One Week Nightmare... Nearly Lucha time again


I've been in Nombre Pesadilla for a week now and I've been getting to know some of the townsfolk. They see referees as some sort of law enforcer so, with the exception of a gang led by La Parka, they treat me with respect. I met a young kid names Aeroboy, he has been telling me of his dream to one day leave the "crowd" and become a star. He seems pleasant enough, if he's as talented as he is determined, I don't think it will be long before he is plucked from the crowd.


This town is a learning curve. The sign says "Population 14" but Aeroboy informed me that until you step foot inside the ring, you're tecnically not considered one of the "Population". He also told me that every person in Nombre Pesadilla has a "Generic" mask when they are in the crowd... this is so no crowd member can take the show from those who have been chosen. This town gets weirder the more I hear about it... but it's starting to grow on me!



"Hey Marty! We missed you at breakfast this morning. Mascara wanted to talk to you about his match tomorrow with Pirata Morgan. The guy is sneaky, so Mascara wanted to make sure you paid extra attention when refereeing the match."



"Hi Ludark, tell Mascara not to worry. I'll be extra vigilant tomorrow."


I'd heard all about Pirata Morgan. It confused me how the hell a Pirate managed to get into the desert, but then that wasn't the strangest thing in this town. I headed off to the temple to meet with Sagrado. He was like the "Priest" of the town I'd guess. All the towns people loved him. He was definately their number one hero, and the one guy they believed could beat Santo.



"Ah Marty my friend. Nice of you to see me. I hear Mascara will be taking on Pirata Morgan tomorrow. He's a slippery one. Anyway, I asked for you to meet me because I have a slight problem. It seems La Parka, Ronin and Sexy Lady have been causing some trouble. I'd like it if you could have a word and make sure they don't try any funny business in tomorrow nights matches. La Parka was talking of offering a member of the crowd a slot in his group if they took me out. Unfortunately for him, only Santo can decide when a crowd member can step up."



"I'll have a word, though what it'll achieve I don't know. La Parka doesn't exactly see me as an "allie"... in fact he probably sees me as an enemy."


I headed off into the less reputable area of the town to speak with La Parka. I arrived at the derelict house near the small dried up river where I heard he and his gang hangout. I won't lie, I was scared. There was something about La Parka and his gang that made me extremely uncomfortable.



"Well what do we owe this pleasure Mr Ritchie? I can call you Mr right?"



"Er... yeah... I have heard a rumour that you've been offering the townsfolk deals to do your dirty work. I'm just here to tell you, no deals will be upheld without Santo's blessing. All you're offering is empty promises and..."



"I offer nothing to anyone. We need no help in the demise of Sagrado and his little quest. You have our word."


I knew his word was worth as much as the dirt I was standing on, but I just wanted to get the hell out of there so took his word and went backto tell Sagrado it had been taken care of.



"I thank you for your efforts, but lets not be naive, they are up to something. I just cannot tell yet what it is. I need to be going, I'll speak to you soon my friend."


It was at that point I remembered my so called "friend" who deserted me in this town. If I ever see him again, I will make certain he pays... the back stabbing Judas.


I headed back to Ludarks house, it had kind of been my "base" if you like, but I needed to sort out a more permanent residence and sought out Ludark to help me out.



"You don't need to move. Mascara and me like the extra company. Besides, we could do with the extra money coming in. What do you say?"



"Well it would give me one less thing to worry about. Yeah why not. Now that's sorted, I better go get things ready for tomorrow."


I wasn't sure what the deal was with Ludark and Mascara, and if I'm honest I didn't care. I was just glad I didn't have to find somewhere else to live.

I began making preparations for my 2nd event as the referee... or as I preferred to call it... Lucha Enforcer....

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Battered, Bruised and Shunned!


Waking up on the couch, I look around the room, silence fills the air. Seems strange as usually Ludark and Mascara are awake by now. I head into the kitchen, and grab some juice. I knew I had to meet up with Ludark later but for now, the day was mine.


I headed out to see Sagrado, however on the way I was jumped by an unknown attacker who ran off. The rest is a blur...



"Marty, you ok? Marty?"


I awoke in an unfamiliar room. Peering over me was a woman I'd never seen before.



"Oh good you're awake. You took a pretty nasty blow to the head. You were lucky I was there."


This woman was wearing her own distinct mask, yet she was not one of the people I recognised.



"Where am I? Who are you?"



"I bought you back to Santos house. I'm Goddess, his head of security."


Just when I think I understand this town... along comes another twist. I've only been here a week and I've been stranded, made the towns enforcer, beaten up and now I'm in Santos house. Talk about a rollercoaster.



"Is this him? did you get a look at the attacker?"



"Yes sir. He was not known to me. He wore a strange mask, not one of the generic crowd, but not one of the "Population" either. It looked quite menacing."



"El Santo. My name is Marty Ritchie. It is a pleasure to finally meet you. The townsfolk have told me all about you."



"Really? And what do they say? No doubt that I am an unfair dictator who sits in comfort while they struggle..."



"On the contrary. I have so far only heard..."



"I don't have time for idle chit chat. And neither do you. We have a show in an hour. We will continue our talk at a later date."


Well... now I think he's a douche. Cutting me off mid sentence.



"You may return after the show, and we will discuss how to find the person responsible for your predicament."


Ok... scrap that, he may not be a douche after all.... Arrrgggghhhh. This town is too confusing.


I head down with Santo and Goddess to the event. Arriving just as Ludark makes her way out.


Nombre Pesadilla Lucha Weekly

Monday Wk 2, April 2011

In front of 30 people

Nombre Pesadilla Town Centre




Ludark defeats Sexy Lady in a E match


After the match, Sexy Lady throws a tantrum and begins assaulting Ludark. I intervene pulling Sexy Lady off, however I get a whack in the face and hit the ground. That woman really packs a punch!

As order is restored and I gain my composure, Pirata Morgan is standing awaiting the arrival of Mascara.




Pirata Morgan defeats La Mascara in a D- match


It was weird counting the shoulders of my friend to the mat, but I have to uphold the rules, so can't show favourites when inside the ring. The crowds boos filled the air. Mascara looked disappointed with the outcome, but I hope he doesn't take it too personally. If I'm seen favouring anyone, it would throw my authority into doubt... and my ass into the desert!




Sagrado & Angel Blanco Jr defeat La Parka & Ronin in a D match


La Parka begins making threatening gestures towards me. I must admit, I'm getting pretty intimidated now. He looks even more sinister when he's angry.


I hurry off back home straight after the event. I really don't want to get caught up with La Parka, he's one scary individual. While getting ready, I tell Ludark of the attack and meeting Santo.



"Wow. You get to go up and speak with Santo after only a week? Some of us have been here years and never said 2 words to him. Oh and don't worry about Mascara, he told me to tell you that you did the right thing counting his shoulders down. He is pretty annoyed, but more at himself than you."


As I arrive at Santos, Goddess meets me at the door.



"Santo has asked to reschedule. He's pretty tired and is currently not in the mood for discussions. I will come and let you know when he is next free to speak. I apologise, I know you've walked up here but he is the Champion, so he is the Power."


Huh... well theres a way to really piss me off... back to thinking he's an douche! I decided to drop into the bar on the way home and meet up with Ludark and Mascara for some post show drinks.

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Very unique; I like what you're doing. The whole Nighmare-esque feel is something that we haven't really seen in a GDS Dynasty and it's certainly a breath of fresh air. While some of these guys scare the hell out of me, that's a good thing given the horror-like feel to it all. Interested in seeing what you do from here; however, I agree with the notion that maybe some more meat on the matches would be great? Nothing too crazy. Just a little additional info!


Either way, great stuff!





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A Plate, A Brick... A Visit?




I run down the stairs to the kitchen where Ludark seems to have had a slight mishap with some plates. Mascara comes in too and begins laughing.



"I'm gonna have to get rubber plates with you around Ludark. Thats the 3rd set in the last 2 months. Haha."


The 3 of us clear upthe mess, laughing as we go. Suddenly another smash can be heard as a rock comes through the window.



"What the f...? Who the hell did that."


We run outside to see someone running and turning down an alleyway. Mascara gives chase as Ludark and I go into clear up the broken glass along with the broken plates... It begins playing on my mind that maybe this has something to do with La Parka. I mean, he was quite threatening last week. Mascara comes back in, shaking his head.



"I'm going to head out to Sagrado. I think this is La Parka trying to intimidate me... and I'll tell you one thing, it's working! Even without the brick and assault, he's menacing enough to make the dead cower in fear."


I arrive at the church where Sagrado can usually be found, but instead Angel Blanco Jr greets me.



"Marty! My friend, how are you? Sagrado is out on an errand right now. I can take a message for him?"



"Hey Blanco. Nice to see you too. I could do with speaking to Sagrado personally, could you ask him if he would mind coming to see me when he's free?"



"Sure, sure. I have something to tell you too. I caught Ronin snooping around earlier. Himand La Parka seem to have it in for the Church and I... I... sorry, must go."


Well that was weird? I turn around and walk straight into Goddess!



"Jeez Marty! Watch where you're going. You nearly knocked me off my feet."


I apologise and then see Santo is with her. Right now he's my least favourite person following his last minute cancellation on our meeting last week.



"Marty Ritchie. I would like to speak to you. I went to your home but your maid said you were out. I don't appreciate having to come looking for you."


What??? Is he serious? Looking for me? Now I'm certain he's a jerk... and who the hell is my maid? He can't mean Ludark surely... haha. Wait until she hears about this!



"Well I'm sorry, I didn't realise I had to sit on my ass all week awaiting your arrival."


I can see a smirk appear on Goddess' face.... well what was visible of her face. We head to the Bistro and sit outside. Santo waves over the waiter... who surprise, surprise was masked, and ordered food for himself... thats cool, I wasn't hungry... a-hole.



"I am going to let your outburst pass, but only because you have suffered some misfortune recently so you probably don't realise who you're talking to. I have some information on your attacker from last week."


Santo proceeds to tell me (while eating his meal) that I wasn't the only newcomer recently. He told me that there was a guy wearing a slightly sinister mask spotted a few nights after I turned up. No one knows who he is, or where he came from. He seems to have taken a dislike to me, clearly.



"Well that's just great. 2 weeks in this dusty hell hole and I've managed to attract the attentions of a psychopathic stalker! I should have just stayed with my damn car!"


Santo waves me away, a clear signal our business has been concluded.

I arrive back home where Ludark and Mascara are sitting reading, and writing respectively. I explain my conversation with Santo, making sure I mention the "maid" comment.



"What the hell? Pompous, arrogant bastard! Wait a minute... I didn't answer the door to Santo..."



"No... I did!"


I look at Ludark and we both begin laughing at Mascara. That Santo... oblivious to anyone else in town!

Theres a knock at the door... and Ludark walks in with Sagrado.



"Hello my friend. Angel Blanco told me you wished to speak with me?"



"Ah Sagrado, come in. Sit down, would you like a drink? I can have our maid get you anything at all... haha"


Sagrado looks bemused as Ludark laughs quietly to herself and Mascara mumbles something not meant for ears of children... or indeed a man of God like Sagrado!

we discuss the possibility of La Parka being the one behind my attack and the rock through our window.



"As much as I am going to hate saying this, if it was La Parka, he'd take even more pleasure in telling you it was him! I have serious doubts he is behind this at all. He is a sneaky, evil person, but this just isn't his style."


Trusting Sagrado, and his judgement, I ended up back at square one. Who is this guy and why does he seem to have it in for me? On top of all this, I have to prepare for tomorrows event!

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">My Enemy, My Friend?</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

I didn't sleep much, with thoughts of who and why I was being targeted. Eventually I got fed up and went downstairs to get a book. On the table there was lying a book entitled "Nombre Pesadilla: Una Historia", which I believe was the book Mascara had been reading the night before. I opened it and... Spanish! Although I had a little knowledge of the language, it wasn't enough for me to read an entire book.</p><p>

I opened the front door, the sun was just coming up over the horizon, the town looked so peaceful. Out of the corner of my eye I could see someone in a hood disappearing down an alleyway but thought nothing of it. Probably just another member of the town who like me was having an insomnia moment.</p><p> </p><p>


"Morning earlybird. Couldn't sleep huh?"</p><p> </p><p>


"No. The attack and rock incidents have been playing on my mind. I am going to get to the bottom of it. Unfortunately I may have to speak with La Parka and see if he knows anything. He must know every Rudo in the town."</p><p> </p><p>


"Well, that's true. I mean there are rudos within the crowd waiting for their opportunity to shine. Maybe one of them has had enough of waiting. Do you want Mascara and me to come with you?"</p><p> </p><p>


"Thanks but if Sagrado was right, there's no reason for La Parka to do anything untoward. Especially as the show will be thrown into turmoil if I'm not there. Last thing La Parka needs is to lose his mask and be thrown into the desert."</p><p> </p><p>

I finished up with breakfast and headed out to the Old House where I knew La Parka would be. When I arrived I was "greeted" by Ronin... I say greeted, what I mean is verbally abused. I hate this little idiot!</p><p> </p><p>


"La Parka. I need some information if you have it."</p><p> </p><p>


"Let me guess... you want to know who the perpetrator is behind your recent misfortune. Information costs in this town my friend. What do you have to trade?"</p><p> </p><p>


"I don't have anything... but as it's just us... if you don't tell me what I want to know, I may end up having to ask Santo to issue a Mask vs. Title match. So, start speaking."</p><p> </p><p>

My heart is racing, I know that La Parka could have destroyed me, but I also know that it had no doubt filterred through to him I'd been seen in town with Santo... he doesn't need to know my dislike for the guy!</p><p> </p><p>


"Ah... a bit of a dark side to you Ritchie. I like it. Gives me something to exploit later! As for the information you need, all I know is someone has been stealing from our local stores. Sexy Lady also saw someone in the alley on her run this morning. She said he looked at he with a cold stare, before walking away. Now I suggest you leave."</p><p> </p><p>

I head back home where Mascara is reading the book from earlier. I ask him about it. He tells me he has an English written version somewhere and will dig it out for me.</p><p>

I spend the rest of the day finishing off my mask... something all the town must do, just in case they get a call to become one of the "Population". I thought Black and silver would be good colours to use. Give me an air of authority.</p><p> </p><p>


"Nice mask. We better be getting to the Centre, only 30 minutes until bell time."</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Nombre Pesadilla Lucha Weekly</span></strong></p><p>

<em>Monday Wk 3, April 2011</em></p><p><em>

In front of 28 people</em></p><p><em>

Nombre Pesadilla Town Centre</em></p><p> </p><p>

MATCH 1</p><p>


Mascara defeats Ronin</p><p>

After a back and forth match which saw some underhanded tactics from Ronin, including a low blow that bought a tear to even my eye, I had to warn him, Mascara hits a big DDT followed up with the Campana for the pinfall. The crowd cheer but it gains a D- rating with the Champion.</p><p> </p><p>

MATCH 2</p><p>


Pirata Morgan defeats Drago</p><p>

Pirata Morgan kept referring to himself as the "Dragon Slayer" through the match. He hit some pretty hard hitting moves, and at one point I had to admonish him for grabbing the tights of Drago in a pin attempt. The match ended when Morgan locks Drago in the Saka Otoshi for the submission win. The crowd are pretty annoyed and boo mercilessly. The Champion rates the match another D-. I don't agree, but my opinion doesn't matter!</p><p> </p><p>

MAIN EVENT (Triple Threat)</p><p>


La Parka defeats Sagrado and Felino</p><p>

This match went for almost 30 minutes with some pretty sick moves. It looked like Sagrado had the match victory when he hit Felino with the Hurracanrana, however La Parka broke up the pin attempt. At one point I got a whack to the face from Felino (accidently he says) but managed to compose myself enough to count his shoulders down when La Parka finishes him off with La Parkinator. Unfortunately I hadn't seen that someone was interefering by holding Sagrado as he tried to get back in and break up the pin. The crowd were very displeased, as was Sagrado. The Champion gave the match a D rating.</p><p> </p><p>

Following the show I thought I had better find Sagrado.</p><p> </p><p>


"Sagrado. I am sorry. I didn't see the person holding your leg. They kept themself hidden. Do you know who they were?"</p><p> </p><p>


"No idea. My guess would be that sneaky little Ronin. You really need to pay a bit more attention in future. Think of tonight as a lesson that there are rule breakers who cheat."</p><p> </p><p>

Sagrado walks away. I feel a bit guilty, but how could I have known?</p><p> </p><p>


"Hey, don't let it worry you. Come on, its time for the pre-show party. Get drunk, and forget about it. Sagrado doesn't hold a grudge. Thats why he'sa Tecnico! Haha"</p><p> </p><p>

We head off to the bar where, I do indeed get drunk... and throw up all over Sexy Lady!</p></div><p></p><p></p>

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Face to Face... Fade to Black


Following a week making investigations into who could possibly be behind the recent negativity towards me, I finally got some information. Aeroboy, the young crowd member looking to get his chance, had seen a strange guy hanging around a broken old hut just on the outskirts of town.



"Ok, I'm going to go take a look. Let Ludark and Mascara know where I've gone. If I'm not back soon, tell them to come find me at the hut, ok?"


Aeroboy ran off towards Ludark & Mascaras house. I headed off in the opposite direction towards the outskirts. I knew which hut Aeroboy meant as I'd passed it on my way through the town that fateful night.

I arrived at the hut and could see someone inside. I knocked thedoor but there was no answer. I opened the door, which opened into a single room... a single messy room I should say.



"Hello? I know there's someone here... I saw you through the window. Hello?"


Just my luck. Whoever it was had snuck out one of the back windows. As I turned around I was confronted by...



"Hello Marty. I see you're doing well for yourself. Did you not think I'd have liked this life?"



"Who... Who are you?"


With that... black... you've gotta be kidding me!


I awoke back at home with Ludark sitting on the floor beside me. She was a sweet girl, and I'd recently found out she had just turned 19. Surprised me as she seemed older... Masks.



"Mascara! He's awake. How are you feeling? Hows your head?"



"Sore... don't tell me, I got another beating, right? Not even here a month and I've been attacked more than I ever had before!"


Ludark explained that they had found me near La Parkas hangout, which was slightly concerning as the last thing I remembered I'd been the other end of town! However... I now knew my attackers face... well... mask, now I knew who I was looking for.



"Well now I know who to look for, and I have a way of luring the scumbag out. I will head up to Santos tomorrow, the guy said something to me that has given me an idea. Mascara, I'll need your help too. It's time this ended."


I went over my plan with Mascara and Ludark, and arranged a meet tomorrow with Santo, through Goddess. Mascara agreed to my request, and the wheels were set in motion. This chapter closes tomorrow night...

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="TheEffect" data-cite="TheEffect" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="31916" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>OMG It's the guitarist from Slipknot who attacked Marty:<p> <span>http://profile.ak.fbcdn.net/hprofile-ak-snc4/41793_25322393393_5177_n.jpg</span></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Haha. It does look like his mask now you come to mention it. It is a Lucha Worker though... honest!</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Fleisch" data-cite="Fleisch" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="31916" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Haha. It does look like his mask now you come to mention it. It is a Lucha Worker though... honest!</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Blatantly need to include him playing the guitar at some point....</p>
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Mystery Unravelling?


I began my walk to Santos house just after 9:00 in the morning. If my plan was to be put into effect, it would need the backing of Santo. Nothing big could go down in this place without the blessing from the Champion. Goddess met me at the gate and walked me in.



"I hear you found your guy. Santo is pleased, we have had a structure in this town, and the rules need to be enforced. The last thing we need is a renegade running around attacking the towns authority."


I entered the room in which Santo was sitting. His high backed chair looked almost like a thrown sat behind his desk.



"Marty Ritchie. I hear you have some news on this outlaw running amock in our little town. What is it you wish to discuss with me?"



"I have a plan to lure him out and I need you to ensure it goes off perfectly."


I explain the plan to Santo, who seems intrigued byit all. He is reluctant at first, but with some gentle coaxing I manage to persuade him to go along with it.


As I'm leaving, Goddess tells me that she will be heading to the bar later and would like to discuss something important with me following the weekly show. I'd lie if I said my interest didn't peak at this moment.



"Hey Ritchie! I'll see you tonight big man."


It was La Parka and his little Japanese ghost friend, Ronin. There was something about Ronin that I found annoying. He was going for the whole scary, intimidating look... but the guy was, well small! No more intimidating than a rat to be honest.



"What do you want La Parka? I'm in no mood for your Rudo B.S. today. I got bigger things to deal with. In the grand scheme of things, you barely even register on my radar."


I could see he was angry at my outburst but as intimidating as he was he was also a pain in the ass. Jesus, I'm actually being attacked for real and this idiot thinks I give a crap about him and his little pet.



"I'd watch your mouth if I was you. You maybe the town referee, but that doesn't mean I won't come over there and kick your ass. Don't you dare speak to me in that manner again or I just might have to set Ronin on you."



"Yeah... that really does strike fear into me. Walk on La Parka before I take you out of your match tonight and have you replaced with a crowd member..."


I walked off, I could hear La Parka shouting in the background, but blocked him out. I had other things to worry about.

Arriving back home I told Mascara that the plan was going ahead as discussed and that tonight we finally bring the little rat out from hiding. I also told him that from now on, I'd be wearing my mask, even as a referee because it was time I embraced this towns traditions and what it stood for. Hell, I didn't know how long I'd be here for but it seemed at that point like "never" seemed as good an answer.


Nombre Pesadilla Lucha Weekly

Monday Wk 4, April 2011

In front of 28 people

Nombre Pesadilla Town Centre


Before the first match kicked off, Santo entered the ring. A hushed silence fell over the crowd. He began to speak.



"Tonight will be an unprecedented event. Tonight the La Mascara & Sagrado vs. Pirata Morgan & La Parka match will be changed! I am offering an open spot to one Rudo & one Tecnico from the crowd to take the places of Sagrado and La Parka" [remember me telling La Parka I'd replace him tonight with a crowd member... hehe. karma bitch]. "The tecnico I have already decided upon... Aeroboy. The Rudo? Well I know of a man causing trouble in this town recently and I have taken a shine to his charisma and ballsy attitude. I do not know your name, but I am offering you the opportunity to become one of our population. The match will be our Main Event so think about it, and come into the ring like a man."




Ludark defeats Sexy Lady

The match was... well actually pretty damn good. The 2 womens styles were almost identical, and alot of back and forth counters and counter-counters made the match flow. The finish came when Sexy Lady began shouting at me for what she called a bad call on my part. This gave Ludark the chance to lock in La Desnucadora. To her credit, Sexy Lady didn't submit but she did pass out so I had the time keeper ring the bell. The Champion gave the match a E- rating... I thought it was much better.




Drago defeats Ronin

I was preying I'd get the chance to count this little idiots shoulders down. He had been pissing me off since I arrived. His "Ghost" routine had alot to be desired... Onryo portrays it better. Alot of high spots from Ronin kept the match at a fast pace until out of nowhere Drago hit one of the best Planchas I'd ever seen and gained the upperhand. La Parka tried to interfere but I sent him away from ringside, threatening to disqualify Ronin if he didn't. The match ended when Ronin attempted a moonsault and missed completely allowing Drago to hit the Dragon Twist for the pinfall. Santo has decided to give this match an E... whoa... not good.




La Mascara & Aeroboy defeat Pirata Morgan & ???

The match starts out as a handicap match but after a couple of minutes the guy behind my attacks enters the ring. He stares coldly towards me. He goes straight after La Mascara and methodically tries to take him apart. Mascara however gains the upperhand before Pirata Morgan is tagged in. The finish comes when I see the guy jump down off the apron and flip Santo off! He leaves Morgan alone and Mascara hits him with a DDT and locks in the Campana. Morgan quits! Santo rates the match an E+, clearly he's not too generous when giving out his grades this week!


The guy who was behind my attacks then jumps into the ring. He comes face to face with me and then... then it dawns on me who he is.



"Yeah you know me Ritchie. Or did before you left my ass out in the freezing cold desert night while you played 'referee'. Yeah I can see it in your eyes... guilt, fear. Well from this point on Ritchie, you call me Slash... not your friend!"


He looks over at Santo who nods at him, a sign that he is now one of the population. He nods at Aeroboy also. You see the "Population" needs to be equal in Rudo and Tecnicos. I'm a little shocked at te revelation, I'm also quite surprised it took me a month to work it out! What it meant though was that the car was still nearby! Maybe, just maybe I wasn't stuck in this town for much longer!


Following the event Mascara, Ludark and myself head to the bar for the usual ritual of getting wasted after a show. Whilst there Goddess asked to speak to me.



"Marty, Santo has said that now he has done you this favour in weeding out your attacker, you need to repay his generosity with a favour yourself. Each year we have an event that is full of celebration and wrestling... "The Golden Hour" Santo will put his belt on the line against Sagrado, but Sagrado has declined the match in the last 2 years. We need you to persuade him to go ahead with the match."



"I'll see what I can do, but at the end of the day, Sagrado is his own man and will do what he wants to do. I won't push him into something he doesn't want to do. He's a friend of mine and I intend on keeping it that way. Now enough business... Have a drink with us."


We have a few drinks, Goddess eventually heads out and I continue the party with Ludark, Mascara and Aeroboy. How I got home that night is a mystery...

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Some may think I have rushed the whole "whodunnit" part of this, but I wanted to get it out the way in order to have the complete rosters. In the bigger scheme of things, this is actually only a minor plot to the overall story so didn't really want it dragging on too much.


Now we have some history and background, friends and foes, major and minor characters, it's time to build them up and really get this going. New characters may be added over time from the "crowd" but none have been decided. Also, any Luchas you find or have heard of that you think may fit this story let me know.... you can never tell what weird character might turn up next!


I'm glad there are people enjoying it, it gives me the motivation needed to continue it, so thank you. I must admit I'd just about given up with TEW until this idea and it has given me a renewed love for the game.

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Culpae poenae par esto (Let the punishment fit the crime)


It had been a week since my plan to weed out Slash had been set in motion. I knew now he was one of the "Population" he could no longer attack me randomly in the streets. You see there are rules you must abide when living in Nombre Pesadilla, the first being that a referee is the law! The second is that you shall not cause criminal offences against any other townsfolk.

The day started out pretty good, I had come to make new friends in Ludark and Mascara, but I missed my other friends from across the pond. I was only supposed to be in Mexico for 2 weeks, and here I am over a month later still here, still stranded, but I was getting used to how things work here, or at least I am for now!



"Marty. Mascara and me are going to the market in town. Do you want to come along? We can make a day of it."



"Thanks, but I've got to see Sagrado about something soo. I'll meet up with you both later. Maybe dinner at El Padrinos? I'm buying."



"Well if you're buying, we're eating! We'll see you later... oh and BE CAREFUL! Trouble seems to follow you around like a shadow."


They head off out and I decide to start reading the book Mascara found for me about the towns history. It turns out the town was set up by "El Profesor" Raúl Quesada Romero in the 50's. It started off as a carnival town, bustling with all sorts of entertainers, but over the years the carnival atmosphere began to dwindle and Lucha Libre was all that remained. El Profesor was it's first Town Champion. He however was betrayed by his closest friend, Telmo Velazco who took the title away from him in controversial circumstances. He gained the nickname "Diablo" Velazco because of his harsh rule as the Champion, making the towns people do his bidding, and he only ever defended the belt once in the 5 years he held it. In 1967 his arrogance got the better of him and he put the title on the line in a feud with Septiembre Negro, son of Golden Terror and almost 20 years his junior. The reign of Septiembre Negro started off well. He gave the towns people their liberty and introduced the rule of Masks being worn at all time.


As much as I was enjoying the read, I had to get ready to meet with Sagrado. He had something he wished to discuss about tomorrows show. I try to speak to anyone who has concerns with regards to their opponent, and as it was Pirata Morgan he was up against, it wasn't a shock he had concerns!



"Marty, I am glad you could take the time to come and see me my friend. As you know I have Pirata Morgan tomorrow, however nobody has seen him for days. It is not like him to be anywhere except the bar but he hasn't showed. He may be a rudo, but everyone comes under your authority so could you make some enquiries?"



"I'll see what I can dig up. Who does he normally drink with? I know I've seen him with Mr Niebla a couple of times but Niebla keeps himself to himself normally so where can I find him?"



"Niebla is normally spotted at the gym, just past the Bistro. The guy is a fitness freak."


I'd never noticed the gym before! Of course there must have been one, how else did evryone stay in shape? I headed off towards the gym in search of Mr Niebla. Sure enough, there he was lifting weights.



"Mr Niebla, I hear you're friends with Pirata Morgan. Do you know where he's gone? He has a match tomorrow and no one has seen him in days."



"Firstly referee, I am no friend of Pirata Morgan, we are aquaintances. Secondly I am not his secretary, so his whereabouts are none of my concern. Morgan is a law unto himself and will come and go as he pleases. Now if you don't mind, I am busy."


Mr Niebla continues lifting weights and ignores the fact I am still there. Fat lot of help he turned out to be. Well I guess Pirata Morgan will turn up when the rum runs dry where ever he is. Right now though, Slash is my focus. I head to the old hut on the edge of town and knock loudly on his door. Pirata Morgan opens it!



"What do you want Ritchie? You're not welcome here. I suggest you take your leave."



"So this is where you've been hiding. Sagrado will be relieved his match will go ahead... now get Slash like a good little errand boy."



"I AM NO ONES ERRAND BOY!" You had better watch how you address me boy. The winds of change are beginning, and you...."



"Morgan. You've said enough. Go have some more rum and shut up. Marty, my oldest so called friend, what do I owe to this unexpected visit? Come to beg forgiveness? To bow to me?"


One thing about Slash, he was an arrogant S.O.B. but he used to be funny with it... now not so much...



"You live in a run down hut, why would I bow to you? The only thing beneath you are the rats! You may have gotten yourself a scary little mask, but you forget... I know you better than anyone, your strengths, your weaknesses. Luckily for you I can't discuss any of them due to my 'impartial' role or you'd be out in the desert on your ass with no mask, or little pet pirate."


Maybe I'd gone too far there, because he punched me so hard my grandchildren will feel it in years to come! Unfortunately for him, he'd broken rule one... and I decided his fate!



"Well done Slash. That's gonna cost you tomorrow night. Your match against Angel Blanco just became a handicap match. Enjoy your preparation jackass."


I began walking away, I could hear Slash slam the door behind me and start smashing things inside. Morgan came out mumbling something or other. I was starting to enjoy the power a referee had... Granted it was nothing compared to the power Goddess or Santo held, but I was the law!


After I went to let Sagrado know I'd found Pirata Morgan, I headed to El Padrinos to meet with Ludark and Mascara where I informed them of my run in with Slash and Pirata Morgan.



"What do you think they meant by 'winds of change'? It seems pretty cryptic."



"Who knows. Slash was alwas an egomaniac blow hard. Knowing him, it's probably something he got Morgan to say just to be intimidating. I'll let Goddess know out of courtesy and she can pass it on to Santo. Now lets eat!"

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I need a bit of help deciding on "masked" Marty. These are the 2 images I've managed to dwindle it down to after stating in a previous write up the mask was Black and Silver. Which do you think is better?



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A Blind Eye Turned...


I was still pleased with getting one over Slash from yesterday, a wry smile crept onto my face as I thought of him trashing his little hut. Even before we arrived in this town the guy always brought out the worst in me. That little dark side everyone has, but very few admit or act upon. Don't deny it, you know it's there ;).



"Message from Santo. He wants to see you later this afternoon. Goddess says he isn't pleased you changed the match today without his authority. Like I said before, trouble has taken a shine to you!"


I thought to myself, what does that pompous blow hard want now? This whole "I'm Town Champion I say jump, you say how high" thing is getting pretty old, pretty quickly.



"Yeah I'll go see him after some down time. I really wanna read some more of this book today and just unwind before tonight. Are you out today?"



"Yeah I was gonna head into the square and then off to the gym. Need to blow off some steam."


Ludark leaves and I get back to the book. [Following his failed defense of his belt, "Diablo" Velazco left Nombre Pesadilla. Where he went nobody knows, he disappeared from record. The era of Septiembre Negro was underway. The first few years under his leadership were good, and everyone was treated with the same respect he commanded. He told those that lived in the town, from now on they wore masks at all times. However into his 6th year as Champion he became darker, more sinister and began randomly picking out crowd members to step up against him and earn their place in his population. He took what he wanted and never gave back. He was the Town Champion for almost 11 years when a young Luchadore by the name Águila Solitaria took the title from him, ending his Iron grip on the city. Águila Solitaria didn't last long (3 years) before something happened in 1981 that in those days became a VERY big deal... He lost the title to La Briosa. Now you may think there's nothing out of the ordinary about that, but you see La Briosa was a woman!]

I hear a knock on the door so put the book down and answer it. Goddess walks in with a worried look on her face.



"I've just witnessed something really disturbing that has gotten me a little shaken and left me quite confused."



"Dear god tell me Santo didn't drop his towel in your presence!"



"Er... no but I did just see him shaking hands with Slash and Pirata Morgan! I made sure he didn't notice I had seen, but something is going on here and to be honest I'm not sure I want any part in it. I felt you had the right to know."



"Well I guess as the Champion of the Town he can't really favour anyone person so I'm sure it's nothing. The guys a jerk, but he seems a pretty straight shooter. I'll walk back with you. I've got a meeting with the guy anyway. Thanks for letting me know though, I know you could get into trouble."


I walk Goddess back to santos and she shows me into his study. There he is, Cigar in one hand sitting behind his desk.






"No I'm British. Thought my accent would have given that away."



"No I meant cigar! My god Marty Ritchie do you have no graces about you?"


Great. The jack ass is talking to me like a 5 year old. I smile and laugh it off.



"I hear you have changed tonights match between Slash and Angel Blanco. What I haven't heard is how you have managed to persuade someone to get involved with this knowing I haven't sanctioned it."



"Well Mr Santo, I was told when I agreed to this whole refereeing shindig that people were to respect my authority, treat me with respect or I could issue them a fitting punishment. I'd say the punishment I have dished out to Slash was in proportion to all his B.S."


Santo doesn't look very pleased, but then that's nothing new. I swear if you took off that mask his forehead would have "perma-wrinkles" from all the frowning. He eventually agrees to the match being sanctioned... under one condition, if Slash did overcome the odds, I would have to step in the ring with him as one of the "Population". I agreed, but made it clear to Santo that unlike my friends amateur background... I didn't know the first thing about how to wrestle.



"Well pray he loses then. Goodbye."


Nombre Pesadilla Lucha Weekly

Monday Wk 1, May 2011

In front of 31 people

Nombre Pesadilla Town Centre




Ludark defeats Ronin

At one point Ludark had Ronin hooked in a move that I can only describe as looking like Ronins head would come off! Luckily it didn't, no doubt I'd have had to clean up the blood. Ronin attempted a low blow, but that clearly had no effect. He rolled up Ludark for several pin attempts however through no fault of mine he tripped on my foot and Ludark locked on La Desnucadora for the submission in a match rated at E-




Angel Blanco Jr defeats Slash

That bastard Santo had changed the match back to a 1 on 1! Due to the stipulation my fate rested in the hands of Blanco. I had to play this smart. Slash got in alot of offence in the early going, hitting a massive Plancha to the outside at one point. Blanco fought back and hit a Blanco buster on Slash. I couldn't count a pinfall though as Slash somehow ended up on his back outside the ring. I look over and Pirata Morgan is there. He jumps up on the apron but Blanco knocks him back off. Slash eventually rolls into the ring at the count of 7. Blanco goes for an Angels Wings however Slash low blows him and I reprimand Slash for it, he hits me and thats his ass! I go to ring the bell and call a DQ. The crowd are going ballistic. I'm not sure whose head they want on a pike more. Mine or Slashs! Santo gives the match rating an E.




Sagrado defeats Pirata Morgan

The match starts off in Sagrados favour, however a distraction from La Parka causes the tide to shift and Pirata Morgan hits 2 big powerbombs and a Tope Suicida. Sagrado looked in serious trouble, however as Pirata attempted to lock in the Nagata Lock III, Sagrado was able to block the attempt and hits a Huricanranna followed by the Double Jump Plancha to pick up the pinfall. Santo gave the match a E+. One day he may again offer a D to someone!


Following the event I head over towards Santo. Goddess cuts me off in my tracks.



"Not here. I will arrange a meet for next week. Somewhere public so nothing untoward can take place. I will come and see you once the details of where and when are established."


I see Santo rise from his chair and leave, not even acknowledging what he had done! The so called Champion played a very dirty hand tonight... and I wasn't about to let it lie.

That night in the bar, I ask Mascara if he could train me in Lucha, even if it was just to show me the basics. He agreed, although looked a little confused as to why I would request it. especially as I was a referee until Santo said otherwise!

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