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A Mexican Nightmare...

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The Truth... The Lie... The End?


Following a hard week training under the watch of Mascara, and more visits to the gym than I wanted I took a "mental health" day. This wrestling training lark isn't easy! Gruelling would be the word I'd use. But for the next few months I needed to get myself ready. I knew it would only be a matter of time before I got screwed over and had to fight someone, and I wanted to be ready.


I sat down with a glass of Ice cold orange juice (no alcohol today!) and opened the book to the page I'd been interupted whilst reading last week.

[La Briosa was a fair Champion, but it didn't stop the men from wanting power back. She was challenged to a Mask vs. Title shot more than any of her predecessors, however overcame them all. It was her idea for the shows to revolve around the other workers rather than the Champion and when she wasn't being challenged, she would sit and watch the entertainment as it unfolded. She was Champion for 4 years before the most controversial event in the history of Nombre Pesadilla unfolded. In October 1985, during a match between 'El Galeno del Mal' Dr. Wagner and the newcomer Blue Demon Jr, both men left the ring mid match and attacked La Briosa and seriously injuring her. They both took the belt, however La Briosa wasn't going to let either of them take her Title and decreed that from this point on, if the Champion is unable to defend the belt due to serious injury or choosing to retire, they would choose their successor. Needless to say neither Wagner or Blue Demon Jr were happy their plan to have one of them Champion was destroyed. The new Champion of Nombre Pesadilla was Halcón 78, who it turns out was the husband of La Briosa. She had managed to keep the belt in her family. Halcón 78 was a popular choice among the town and was responsible for Dr. Wagner losing his mask and being kicked out of town, a measure of revenge for his wife.]




What the hell? Damn it I will get this finished one day! I open the door and there stood Sagrado.



"Marty, sorry for the interuption but I thought you'd like to know, Slash has been seen with La Parka, it looks as though he's getting all the rudo's in town together for something big. You may want to be careful."



"That's just like him. He never was one to fight his own battles. Even when we were kids he'd get his older brother to beat up anyone who picked on him. Let everyone know they need to be vigilant, I'll go speak with Santo and clue him in... although if what Goddess told me last week then I'm sure he already knows!"


The last person I wanted to talk to was Santo after he tried screwing me over last week and undermining my authority but what choice did I have?

I took a walk to his house and surprisingly Goddess wasn't there, which seemed odd as she was always close by when it came to Santo.



"Santo. I really didn't want to speak with you after the stunt you pulled last week but I thought you should know, the Rudos are planning something. Slash seems to be recruiting them all for something."



"Firstly Marty Ritchie, you knock before you enter my study. Secondly I pulled no stunt last week. You requested the match and changed your mind afterwards. I was very annoyed..."



"Whoa. I changed my mind? No I don't think so, you undermined me and now it's going to bite this town square on the ass because the rudos have seen my authority means nothing."



"I did nothing of the sort. If you continue showing me this disrespect I will be forced to remove you from my property, by force. Now what do you suggest we do about these Rudos?"



"Well, they need to know that they can't get away with underhanded tactics or criminal activities within the limits of this town. I suggest this, the card for tomorrow as I understand hasn't been finalised by you yet so La Parka and Sexy Lady can take on Mascara & Ludark because they are the 2 people I trust most. Change the main event from Sagrado and La Parka to Sagrado against Felino and Angel Blanco against Pirata Morgan to open the show. Slash is not to be involved at all, to kill his momentum and La Parka being dropped from the main event will hurt his popularity too."



"Ok. Consider it done. I will announce it this afternoon at El Padrinos. This will be set in stone so no more changing your mind. That concludes our business."


I have to admit, that was the most confusing conversation I have ever had with that man... and I've had some weird conversations with him! Changed my mind? Clearly he has been dropped on his head once too often if he thinks I'm falling for his lies and denials.

Arriving home I find Ludark and Mascara playing cards and join in... finally getting some personal time with just my friends and no gym or problems!


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Rudo Uprising? Not This Week!


Following the morning chores I got an opportunity to continue learning about the history of this town. It was a great book, giving me an insight into how and why things were the way they are here.

[Halcón 78 continued his reign as Champion, however in 1987, a mysterious man known only as "Black Man" to the people of Nombre Pesadilla arrived in town and issued a challenge to Halcón 78 for his title. This was another first for the town, as never before had somebody just strolled into town and issued a challenge. Mainly because the town was in the middle of nowhere and you would have to have a knowledge of how the town worked, which led many to believe this to be Dr. Wagner under a different mask. Halcón 78 demanded to know who Black Man really was, and was surprised when he heard he was actually a student of "Diablo" Velazco who had informed him of the towns whereabouts and laws. Halcón 78 defeated Black Man and he promptly left, and just like his Mentor, nothing was heard from him again in the town. Halcón 78 was on borrowed time however as there was another man preparing himself for the chance of claiming the top prize and all the power it came with... Dr Wagner Jr! Because of Halcón 78 he had not seen his father in years and vowed revenge, a revenge he took on 5th March 1988, a revenge that cost both himself and Halcón 78 everything they had. After being denied a match with Halcón 78, Dr Wagner Jr attacked him in the bar, completely destroying him. He picked up Halcón 78's title and promptly left the town with it. Halcón 78 decided he'd had enough of the town and he too left with his wife La Briosa. The town now had no Champion! The towns people decided a tournament should be held and in June 1988, Silver King was "crowned" the new champion, defeating Loco Zandokan in the finals. His reign was a long one, however it was not a happy one for the town because Silver King it turns out was the son of Dr Wagner and brother to Dr Wagner Jr! He bought both men back to the town and along with Blue Demon Jr, created havoc with the town, ruling over it like a dictator.]



"Marty! Get your ass down to that gym. You had a day off yesterday, now it's back to the training my friend."


Mascara took a real hard line when it came to training and didn't let up. He was 100% comitted and expected the same from those he mentored. I got up and took a walk to the gym. When I arrived I noticed Goddess there and we began talking as we trained.



"Santo has been acting weird lately. I'm not allowed in the study anymore which is strange because he never really banned me from any part of the house before. I have a feeling whatever is going on with the Rudos has something to do with his behaviour."



"Yeah i must admit, the guy wasn't all there when I spoke to him yesterday. Apparently his excuse for keeping the original match was that I had changed my mind! I think maybe he is starting to get a little past it you know."


We carry on chatting about things like our families, history etc before I head off back home to pick up my referee shirt for tonights event. Once there I notice the door slightly ajar, and when I enter the place looks ransacked! Ludark is on the floor, I run over and lift her head, she comes around but is groggy.



"Did you see who done this?"



"uuuugh... No I was about to leave the house when I must have been hit because I don't remember anything."


It was pretty obvious who was behind this! If they think they're getting away with it they are sorely mistaken. I put Ludark to bed and tell her to rest up. I head into the town looking for Aeroboy.



"Aero! I need you to stand in for Ludark in an hour. Shes been assaulted and is in no shape to team with Mascara tonight. Will you do it?"



"Sure! I was only going to watch the match from the crowd anyway. I'm going to look forward to rolling around with Sexy lady. haha"



"Focus kid. This aint a game, you kick that bitches ass! Come on, lets head down to the Square and get ready. Mascara should be there and he can prep you on a strategy."


Nombre Pesadilla Lucha Weekly

Monday Wk 2, May 2011

In front of 30 people

Nombre Pesadilla Town Centre




Pirata Morgan defeats Angel Blanco Jr

Blanco seemed to have his mind on other things as Morgan dominated him pretty much from the outset hitting several suplexes and a moonsault. Blanco looked to be fighting back, however it was short lived as Morgan pulled off an incredible Saka-Otoshi into the Nagata Lock III for the submission win. santo gives this an E-




Mascara & Aeroboy defeat La Parka & Sexy Lady

La Parka gets in my face telling me to watch my back and other cliches. All his jaw jacking gets him nowhere as he turns around from me and is met with a dropkick from Aeroboy that leaves him reeling. La Parka gets the upperhand when Aeroboy is distracted by Sexy Lady. Frequent tags between the Rudos keeping Aeroboy cut off from Mascara for most of the match. He everntually gets the hot tag and Mascara cleans house. Slash heads to the ring and as he stands up from sliding into the ring I hit him with a clothesline instinctively! The crowd are cheering at this point and Mascara locks Sexy Lady in the Campana for the win. Artillero and Sagrado run down to the ring to ensure the Rudos leave. Santo looks pretty impressed and gives the match a D-!




Sagrado defeats Felino

Felino starts strongly, scoring several near falls on Sagrado. Felino begins playing to the crowd a little too much which allows Sagrado some recovery time. Felino goes for a Vuelo Felino but misses and Sagrado hits a Huricanranna followed by the Double Jump Plancha to pick up the pinfall win. Despite the loss, Felino looked impressive and Santo gives the match another D-!


Folowing the show I am flanked by the Tecnicos, however Santo calls me over.



"I thought the tag team match was meant to be Ludark and Mascara, why did you change your mind again after I specifically told you the card was set in stone?"



"You need to go ask your Rudo buddies the answer to that question. I'm wise to you Santo, you can't pull the wool over my eyes, and I will ensure you get whats owed to you."


I walk away with my little entourage, leaving Santo to think about what I said. I decide to skip the after party and both me and Mascara head home to see how Ludark is. She is up out of bed when we arrive and the 3 of us have a drink and talk into the night.


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No Rest For The Wicked!


I was awoken early to the sound of knocking at the front door. I headed downstairs and there was Goddess.



"Marty. You're pulling double duty this week. Santo has bought forward the towns challenge show to today, it's usually at the end of every other month but he says we need to give the towns people a boost early what with all the bad thigs that have been happening lately."



"Why? I mean can he actually do that?"



"Santo is the Champion... which means Santo makes the rules. If I'm honest, I think his time is coming to an end. Of course I would never say that to him. As much as he is losing the plot, I still respect him."


Damn it! I was looking forward to chilling out today and now I had to referee 2 shows in 2 days. Santo is really starting to test my patience. I head down to the Town Square where the 8 townfolk are lined up ready to see which matches they will feature in. 2 Rudos and 2 Tecnicos are chosen by Santo to fight, the winners will be added to the Population. He waves the other 4 away, clearly their look didn't impress him... I'm intrigued to see what happens if 2 Rudos win? That could make the population interesting! Pirata Morgan is stood talking with one of the guys, psyching him up it seems.


Nombre Pesadilla Bi-Monthly Challenge

Sunday Wk 2, May 2011

In front of 39 people

Nombre Pesadilla Town Centre




Mascara Dorada defeats Sydistiko

High spots galore in this match with an pretty even playing field. Sydistiko hit an impressive 450° splash and a couple of flying armbars, but was eventually overwhelmed by the never say die attitude of Dorada who hits Sydistiko with the Brillo Dorada, rolling him back into the ring to pick up the pinfall. It was clear from this match... Dorada is going to be an amazing addition! He must have impressed Santo because he gave the match an E... which is pretty impressive considering!




Hijo de Pirata Morgan defeats Atomic Boy

This is all we need! another Pirata Morgan! The guy is talented though. The match is very fast paced with both men flying around, however it seems Hijo de Pirata Morgan has some technical prowess too. The match finished with Hijo de Pirata Morgan tying up Atomic Boy in the Nagata Lock III, clearly learned from his father. Santo gives the match an F+ and welcomes Hijo de Pirata Morgan to the Population.


MAIN EVENT - Special Challenge


Mascara & Ludark defeat Slash & Sexy Lady

Santo clearly thought this would wind me up. During the match La Parka and Ronin also make their way down to ringside. The match starts with Ludark and her cousin Sexy Lady. Sexy Lady takes the advantage however too much showboating costs her and Ludark gets a roll up for a 2 count. Both women tag in the men after some more back and forth and Mascara looks to have the better of Slash, but La Parka and Ronin jump into the ring and all 4 Rudos attack Mascara and Ludark before turning their attentions to me. Aeroboy comes down and stands between them but they make quick work of him. All of a sudden a guy runs down with a Kendo Stick and starts swinging violently at the Rudos who bail out of the ring... Just to make sure Slash and his group knew who was in charge, I awarded the match to Mascara and Ludark by DQ! Santo looks less than impressed and gives the match an E+. I tell my insurance policy to introduce himself to the town and in particular Santo.



"For those who don't know, which is all of you, I am El Extrano and I'm this mans new enforcer. Anyone who decides to try anything funny, I'll take their head off with my slim friend here, Kendo Whackasacki hahaha..."


As much as I trusted Ludark and Mascara, I didn't want them keep getting hurt on my behalf, hence the mercenary! I pay him to keep me safe, and the Rudos can't jump me from behind or theaten me anymore. And as for Santo... well his days are numbered. I will be persuading Sagrado to take the title match and become the new Champion of Nombre Pesadilla.


We head back home where Ludark, Mascara, Aeroboy, El Extrano and myself knock back a few drinks and play poker until the early hours.


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The Plot Thickens!


I wake up face down on the table, empty beer bottles lie scattered around the kitchen. My mouth tastes like a troll just took a dump in it so I run into the toilet and throw up! I head back into the lounge where Aeroboy is asleep on the floor and somehow El Extrano has fallen asleep UNDER the cushions on the sofa!



"This is your wake up call! FIRE!!!"



"Uuuuggghhh man I feel like a truck hit me! I am never drinking again."


Aeroboy slowly gets up off the floor and clicks his neck. El Extrano is still asleep so we leave him and head to the kitchen.



"Hair of the dog?"


With that Aeroboy throws up all over the kitchen table.



"Dude thats where we eat! Clean it up!"


Ludark and Mascara are awake and typical, they look fine. In all fairness to him though, Mascara doesn't get silly with the drink like we did. He takes one look at the kitchen table and slams Aeroboys face into it, in a playful manner not aggressively.



"Guess you got some cleaning up to do kid. We'll eat breakfast in the other room... er... why is there a mercenary under the cushions?"


With that El Extrano begins stirring. He gets up, scattering the cushions over the floor. Mascara looks like he's had enough and heads out the front door to get away from the madness and mess. Ludark puts the cushions back on the sofa and clips Extrano around the head.



"Hey! What the hell was that for???"



"I felt like it. Jesus look at the mess. We'll have to get it cleaned before Mascara gets back. He'll not be pleased if it still looks like this."


We all tidy the house up. I take the trash out to the bins and see Goddess walking down the road. I wave her over and we just chat in general before she heads back off on her way to wherever she was going. I return to the house and get ready to go see Sagrado.

I arrive at the church and Angel Blanco jr and Sagrado are in there talking. I wave and walk over.



"Sagrado, Blanco how are you both. Keeping well I hope?"



"Can't complain Marty. Who is this?"



"This is El Extrano. He'll be watching my back against the Rudo threat. Those guys are up to something, and unfortunately it would appear our beloved Champion is in on it, which is why I have come to speak to you."



"Thats a ridiculous notion. Santo has been this towns champion for 12 years and in that time, he may have gained a bit of an arrogant personality, but he's always been honest and straight forward. He doesn't mix his words. I wouldn't go telling anyone else of this, if he found out you'd be gone from here."



"Sagrado, you have to take the title shot offered to you. You would be a good Champion for this town. Trustworthy."



"I have no interest in reigning over this town. I am more than happy with my role and don't intend changing it anytime soon. I am sorry my friend, but I will never accept Santos opportunity. It is against my nature."


Although disappointed, I do understand and respect Sagrados choice. I also know he is a good judge of character, but I knew he was wrong when it came to Santo. The guy was corrupt and I was going to prove it.



"Where to next? I'm hungry so could do with some food.. El Padrinos any good?"



"The best. You go and I'll meet you afterwards. I have to hit the gym. Mascara is giving me another lesson in Lucha Libre today. Then I need to prepare for tonights show. I've heard Santo has decided that 3 matches isn't enough and the card now contains 4. A way of giving the town something extra he says."


We go our seperate ways and meet up an hour later in the gym where Mascara is putting me through the ringer! Sweat is dripping from me by the end. I get cleaned up and shower etc before the 3 of us head down to the Square for the opening bout... which was a match we never bargained for.

Nombre Pesadilla Lucha Weekly

Monday Wk 3, May 2011

In front of 30 people

Nombre Pesadilla Town Centre




El Extrano defeats Ronin

Clearly Santo wanted to see exactly what El Extrano was made of. Putting him against Ronin only showed one thing. Sheer domination! No matter how much offence Ronin tried to get in, Extrano brushed it off and after hitting a huge lariat and even bigger dropkick, finished Ronin with a move he called Los Traumastico. An impressive debut from El Extrano. Santo gives the match an E... a typical mark it seems from Santo.




Pirata Morgan & Hijo de Pirata Morgan defeat Angel Blanco Jr & Drago

A very back and forth match with both teams getting in offence early on. Drago almost scored the upset on Pirata Morgan, however Hijo Morgan broke up the pin just as the 3 was coming down. More back and forth before Hijo de Pirata Morgan hits Drago with a Saka-Otoshi and locks in the Nagata Lock III for the submission. Pirata makes a cut throat gesture to me, but I just flip the middle finger and turn away. Santo gives the match E.




Goddess defeats Ludark

I look over at Santo in disbelief! Goddess doesn't normally wrestle... or at least she hasn't since I've been here. Anyway this match was very good with both ladies getting in some big moves, including Ludark being on the receiving end of La Silla on the outside. After some more high flying hard hitting moves, Ludark is finally beaten, but not before ripping part of Goddess mask, when Goddess locks in the Tirabuzón for the submission. Santo gives the match an E+!




Sagrado & Mascara defeat La Parka & Slash

The match starts with Sagrado and Slash. Sagrado has the upperhand until a thumb to the eye from Slash. Plenty of tags and a few cheap moves from the Rudo team. Mascara looked set to win the match when Sexy Lady jumps out of the crowd and attacks! I have little choice but to call a DQ on the match. Sexy Lady gets in my face before Extrano (who has been at ringside since his match) steps in and pushes her away. She slaps him which was a mistake... Los Traumastico! Sexy Lady is out cold. The Rudo team have since left the ring, staring up at the 4 of us. La Parka reaches in and drags Sexy Lady out. Santo rates the match an E+ but doesn't look best pleased with the outcome. The crowd are really booing loudly at the antics of the rudos.


Folowing the show, I head over to Goddess who has since put her spare mask on.



"Why the hell were you in the match against Ludark? That was supposed to be Sexy Lady."



"Santo requested I do it. I'm sorry but all the while the guy is in charge, I do what he tells me. I can ill afford to piss him off and end up maskless and out in the desert."


We decide to head off to the bar for the traditional after show party where we talk a bit more. I'm taking a bit of a shine to Goddess, not romantically but she seems a really nice, genuine girl. The party continues into the early hours and as we leave I notice Ludark talking with Sexy Lady... well I guess even though they are on seperate sides, they are still family and shrug it off.

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*I won't be writing up the Sunday before event days anymore. The reason I did for the first few shows was to build the characters further as there was quite a bit of background and development needed. I feel that I will be able to put more creativity into the one day now. Another reason is I'm back to work in a couple of days and so I won't have the time to do 2 days. This should not impact the diary too much. With that said and done...


A Night To Forget


A long week of training has left moving such a chore at the moment. Sitting on the Sofa feeling pretty sorry for myself, Ludark runs in and jumps straight onto me.



"Holy Shi... What the hell Ludark! Thats right, assault a helpless man when he can't fight back."



"Haha. Even if you weren't in pain you couldn't fight back... I'm awesome Marty... and you're below average haha!!!"


She gives me a cheeky wink before leaving the house. I can hear her shouting to someone outside and struggle to my feet to see who shes talking with. Nosey I know but curiosity got the better of me. I look through our dusty window I see her talking with Goddess, who really doesn't look happy. As I'm looking outside I see El Extrano walking up to the door and walks straight in.



"Yo Ritchie! I was hanging down at El Padrinos and overheard that Sexy chick and Hijo Pirata Morgan. Apparently tonight they have been given a match against me and Ludark. Thing is... they've also managed to weasle getting a special referee."



"Well I know you two can get the job done but I'll be in your corner cheering you both on. Lets see Santo try to stop me."


We chill out with a couple of beers before heading off out to meet Mascara for yet another training session. I honestly don't know why I wanted to do this! Probably the second stupidest mistake in my entire life! After another hour 45 session I give up and tell Mascara I gotta go.



"Well, ok I have things I need to be getting on with anyway. I'll catch up with you later."


I head off to El Padrinos to get a juice. El Extrano comes with me... which turned out to be a good move because we ran into Slash and La Parka on the way.



"Well look what we got here, a couple of bitches on a date. Don't they look cute together."



"Keep talking Slash... I just need a reason to knock you out. Come on big man... say something else, one more 'funny' remark."



"Yeah whatever big man. We'll see how bad ass you are tonight when you're getting your ass kicked by my #1 girl and Hijo de Pirata Morgan."



"Oh you got a new #1 girl? How does La Parka feel about being replaced."


La Parka goes to hit El Extrano but he raises his Kendo stick and both La Parka and Slash back off.



"Yeah that's what I thought. Now run along boys."


We head off to El Padrinos and meet up with Ludark who is there with Aeroboy. We eat and drink before heading into town to start preparing for tonights show. When we arrive Mascara Dorada and Felino seem to be having a disagreement and end up having to be pulled apart by Sagrado and Mr Niebla. Felino makes a threat towards Dorada who just shrugs it off.


Nombre Pesadilla Lucha Weekly

Monday Wk 4, May 2011

In front of 30 people

Nombre Pesadilla Town Centre




Pirata Morgan defeats Aeroboy

Aeroboy didn't get in much offense during the match and Pirata Morgan dominated him throughout. The end came when Morgan locked in the Nagata Lock III for the submission. Santo gave the match an F+... not very good at all. I'll need to tell Aeroboy to up his game later.




Felino defeats Mascara Dorada

This broke out into a full scale brawl half way through with both men throwing wild punches. I got in the middle breaking up the melee and warned both of them that closed fists were not allowed. The match continued with Felino taking full advantage of Dorada until Dorada hit a superb Brillo Dorada, but didn't have enough left in the tank to roll Felino back in the ring. Felino recovered quickly and took the match back inside the ring, using the La Casita for the pinfall victory. Santo gave the match an E


MATCH 3 - Special Referee


Hijo de Pirata Morgan & Sexy Lady defeat El Extrano & Ludark (Special Referee: Goddess)

Ludark and Sexy Lady started the match with the Rudos using quick tags to cut Ludark off from El Extrano for most of the match. She eventually hit the tag to El Extrano who cleared the ring. The Rudos regrouped, Sexy Lady grabbed hold of Goddess shirt with an injured knee. When she turned back around El Extrano was down and Hijo was on top pinning him... damn it! Sexy Lady & HDPM are declared the winners. Santo gives the match an E-. After the match Ludark and me tell Goddess that Slash had come down and nailed Extrano with a chair! I wasn't best pleased but she could do nothing about it as she hadn't seen it.




Sagrado defeats La Parka

A very even match between two of the top guys in Nombre Pesadilla. Either one of them could have won this match, mixing some good high spots with amazing technical spots too. The finish finally comes at about the 20 minute mark when La Parka misses a corkscrew body drop and Sagrado pulls off a Huricanranna followed by the Double Jump Plancha to pick up the pinfall. Santo gives this match a D-.


Following the show El Extrano makes a beeline for Goddess.



"Did you not see me get mugged out there? What the hell were you playing at? I'm..."



"Extrano. Calm down man. Its a cheap move from the rudos but we'll get our revenge next week in the ring. Trust me, they won't get away with it buddy."


Despite none of us feeling in the mood for the after party, we went anyway. Mid-way through the night, El Extrano punched Ronin clean out and a mass brawl nearly broke out but it calmed down and Ronin was chucked out, still unconcious!


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Another Twist in the Saga


Having just finished another session at the gym I head to El Padrinos to meet up with Ludark and El Extrano. When I get there, I get an added surprise when I see Goddess is with them. They wave me over and I sit down.



"Marty, Goddess has something she needs to tell you. I don't think you're gonna be too pleased."



"Indeed I fear you won't. I have just had an interesting meeting with Santo who has informed me this is going to be your last week as a referee. After you stayed in the corner of Ludark and Extrano last week, some of the rudos have been making noises about bias and bringing your integrity as a referee into question. Unfortunately Santo really didn't have a choice."



"I bet he didn't. So what now? Am I out? I still have a way to go in my training before I'm even close to making my in ring debut. I've only been training a month!"



"You have a month in which to get yourself in shape and ring ready. After that you have 2 choices, become one of the population or you can leave Nombre Pesadilla and never return."



"Well if those are my choices, looks like I'm going to have to just enter with the most basic knowledge of Lucha Libre. My matches are going to suck!"


I get up from the table and leave El Padrinos with El Extrano.



"Where are we going?"



"It's about time I had a word with our beloved Champion. That A-hole is really pissing me off, and it's crunch time!"


I arrived at Santos house, and burst into his study but there was no one there. I began shouting for him to see if he was elsewhere in the house but no answer so we leave. He rarely ventured anywhere without Goddess so where the hell was he?



"Something just isn't sitting right with me about this whole situation Ex. I'm getting a real bad feeling."



"Could have been the curry you just had..."



"No I don't... wait... what??? No not that sort of bad feeling! I meant... oh never mind!"


We head back into town where Mascara is finally finishing up his training. I explain to him what I have been told. He shakes his head.


"It would seem we are being taken for fools. The rudos clearly have something on Santo that they are using against him. He is normally a straight shooter. No B.S. or game playing. We need to find out what it is this Rudo group have."


The 3 of us take a trip down to La Parkas hangout where, unsurprisingly we find him with Sexy Lady, Slash and Ronin. No sign of the Pirate father and son, but they weren't important.



"Ok La Parka, what is it you have on Santo that is making him do all these underhanded deeds in your favour? You are the most sly coniving sneaky person in town so what is it?"



"Well I thank you for the compliment but there is someone in town even more coniving and 2 faced than me because they are playing you for the fools you are. We have suspisions on who, but all the while it works in our favour, I'll gladly let them keep doing whatever it is they're doing towards you people."



"Someone else? Don't lie. We know what you're like and this is just another one of your games to divide and conquer. I promise you this La Parka, I will get to the bottom of this and when I do..."



"La Parka has told you what you need to know so if you don't believe him that's your problem. Now get the hell out before we remove you with EXTREME force."


We leave but not before Slash & Extrano have a staredown. We end up back at home just as Ludark is leaving.



"Damn it! I'm late! I've got to see a man about a match! Back soon. Bye."


She seemed in a rush so we didn't bother asking her to elaborate. Besides Ludark was always running off somewhere at high speeds, leaving everything to the last minute. I grab a couple of beers out the fridge and we chill out before heading into town for the show.


Nombre Pesadilla Lucha Weekly

Monday Wk 1, June 2011

In front of 30 people

Nombre Pesadilla Town Centre




Slash defeats Drago

Drago hit some pretty impressive offence in the match, however Slash used his usual underhanded tactics to gain the advantage with a thumb to the eye and several other attempts to cheat. He finally got the win with the Hack n' Slash Moonsault. Made me sick declaring him the winner. Santo gave the match an E+




El Extrano defeats Hijo de Pirata Morgan

HDPM started the match well, mixing it up with some high flying moves before taking it to the ground. HDPM began showboating a bit too much and after playing to the crowd once too often, he turned around into an Extrano clothesline that nearly took his head off! Extrano picks up the win with a devastating Los Traumastico. Santo gives this an impressive D+.




Sagrado defeats Felino

Sagrado and Felino just stole the show with this match! A classic encounter that will go down as the best match I've refereed by 2 of the most gifted people in town. Counters met with counters, lock ups met with reversals and some of the best high flying around. Sagrado eventually gets the win with his usual combo of the Huricanranna followed by the Double Jump Plancha. Santo is actually nodding in approval and gives the match a C-! This is why the town wants to see Santo vs Sagrado!




La Parka & Ronin defeat La Mascara & Mascara Dorada

This match ahd a lot to live up to if it was going to compete with the previous match. It started out at a blistering pace between Ronin and Dorada, each hitting the other with several high impact combos before Ronin tagged in La Parka. Doarada more than held his own against the sneaky rudo and eventually made the tag to Mascara. The Rudo team did well cutting Mascara off with quick tags and picked up the win when Mascara ran into Dorada who had moved from the corner and was rolled up by La Parka! Santo gives this match a D.


Following the show, Slash came up to me in the ring.



"You aint the law anymore buddy! Get yourself ready because I am going to beat the hell out of you in 4 weeks time. Ritchie you are..."


Extrano had heard enough and nailed Slash from behind. He put the boots to him but was overpowered by La Parka, Ronin and Sexy Lady. I duck out of the ring and grab a chair which I nail Ronin with and swing at the others. They bail! Slash backs up the aisle cluthcing the back of his head, flanked by La Parka (carrying Ronin over his shoulder) and Sexy Lady.


As we leave, I see Sagrado and have to tell him how good his match with Felino was. He thanked me, but told me it takes 2 to make a good match and Felino deserved just as much praise. Thats typical of Sagrado, modest to a fault!


We head off to the bar, minus Ludark who no one seems to have seen since she hurtled out the door earlier. When we arrive she is sitting waiting for us with the drinks ready... ah guess we can forgive her for missing my last refereeing job!

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The Veil of Deceit


Another week down, another week closer to my in ring debut. A week closer to me stinking up the place. I upped my training regime and decided the next month I was going to show up at the events as El Extranos manager, to get the mask out there so people became used to it.



"Marty? Have you finished your mask yet? Now you're no longer referee you're gonna have to start wearing it. One of the town laws. You can't go out anymore until you start wearing it."



"Yeah I've just put the finishing touches to it. How does it look? I must admit it's going to take some getting used to sleeping in this thing."



"And eating I can see! You've got crumbs all over the chin. Haha."


Now came the difficult part... an in ring name! Marty Ritchie was hardly the best name for a masked wrestler... kinda defeated the point of a mysterious mask if you're just going to use your name.



"Ludark, what shall I call myself? I mean I'm going to need a new name to go with this new role. I can't just be Marty Ritchie. Do you have any ideas?"



"How about Ludark Jr??? Haha. I'm kidding. How about La Autoridad? That would make a point to Santo and the Rudo gang. Personally in the privacy of home I'm calling you Marty. I've kinda got used to it now."


Hmmmm... I liked the sound of La Autoridad, or as it translated "The Authority"! It really would be a one finger salute to those in power that stripped me of my refereeing status. So from that point on, I became La Autoridad, and I vowed vengeance on the friend who wronged me, and the Towns Champion. Don't get me wrong, there was no way I was fighting Santo myself, but I knew a crazy son of a bitch who would and could!



"Not a chance man! I am not ready to fight Santo, I only just got this mask I'm not about to risk it in a kamikaze vendetta match! We'll just have to think of another solution."


Ok so El Extrano did have a bit of sense about him. Which was shocking considering some of the things he'd been involved in since arriving. Back to square one... and back home to speak to Mascara.



"Hey Marty... or should I start calling you La Autoridad? Haha. Cool name by the way. Makes a statement. I heard Ludark came up with it?"



"Yeah she's got quite a good creative mind that one. Bit cheeky too haha."


We hear Goddess shouting hello as she walks into the kitchen.



"Hey Goddess hows it going? Santo know you're here?"



"Unfortunately he does. He's the one who sent me on his behalf. He realises now that you have your suspicions about his involvement in this whole rudo movement and would liek to see you. Nice mask by the way. You come up with a name yet?"



"Haha. Indeed I have. Or rather Ludark did. Goddess, meet La Autoridad."


A smile creeps onto her face before she starts laughing.



"You really are a provocative son of a bitch aren't you. That's going to annoy Santo no ends. Mind you, there's nothing he can do about it because it's your choice!"


I head off with Goddess to Santos. Upon arrival she asks me to wait in the hall. The next thing I remember is waking up outside! What in the hell is going on here? Now I knew Santo was behind it, I mean this time I was in his house when attacked and discarded to the street like garbage! I storm back up the path and bang violently on the door. Goddess opens it.



"Where the hell did you go? I went looking for Santo for you and when I come back you just left. Thats just rude."



"I can assure you it was not my choice in leaving! Some sneaky fu... person attacked me in the hallway! I woke up out on the street."



"Oh my god! So now we know of Santos involvement you better leave. He used me to lure you into a trap. I am so sorry Mar... I mean La Autoridad. I feel sick to the stomach that he has used me as a pawn."


Goddess looks very upset, which just made me even more angry than I already was. I couldn't believe Santo would just use one of my friends like this. I console her and tell her we'll get revenge in time, but right now I needed to get to town to watch the show and cheer on my friends.

Nombre Pesadilla Lucha Weekly

Monday Wk 2, June 2011

In front of 30 people

Nombre Pesadilla Town Centre




Sexy Lady defeats Ludark Shaitan

In a pretty good match, Ludark was robbed of victory by the interference of Ronin. Whilst the referee was distracted with Sexy Lady and her "knee injury" ploy, Ronin came in and hit Ludark with a chain wrapped around his fist. Sexy Lady covered for the tainted win. The crowd boo mercilessly as Sexy Lady poses and postures to them. Santo gives the match an E, clearly not happy with the interference.




La Mascara, El Extrano & Mascara Dorada defeats Pirata Morgan, Hijo de Pirata Morgan & Slash

At one point all 6 men brawled in the ring. The match higlighted the different styles and really was a joy to watch. La Mascara hit a massive ring post Plancha on all 3 Rudos on the outside which was followed immediately by Dorada hitting them with an over the Springboard Senton spalsh! El Extrano calmed the fast pace down with some good locks and hold, including a figure 4 that had HDPM screaming in agony. The match ended with La Mascara locking in La Campana on HDPM who couldn't stomach the pain and submitted. Santo looked impressed and gives the match a D.




Felino defeats Angel Blanco Jr

Following on from his amazing match with Sagrado, Felino now took on another member of the towns Church, Angel Blanco. A fast paced heavy hitting match that captured the crowds imagination with it's psychology and action. The finish came when Felino pulled off the Vuelo Felino for the pinfall victory. Santo gave this match a D also. Felino has been pretty impressive lately, and I personally think he's underated.




La Parka defeats Sagrado

Possibly one of the shocks of the night! La Parka with a CLEAN victory! The match was even better than the Felino vs. Sagrado match from last week which I thought wouldn't be beaten. These 2 had good matches before, but it seemed both had upped their game tonight. Plenty of high flying, mixed with La Parkas raw power made for a very interesting and diverse match. It was the "Skeleton of Death" however who would gain victory using the Sunset Flip Power Bomb. Santo gives the match a C!


Following the event, we head down to the bar. Goddess doesn't stay long before leaving. I ask her if she'll be ok and she smiles and nods. One day, Santos betrayal will be exposed tot he whole town... for now? We drink and bide our time!

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One of the Luchadors just died in my game so I can't use him and need to write him out of the diary (not dead in real life I hasten to add). Although I won't use the whole "death" scenario as it's a little too sinister for a diary, he will be going missing under suspicious circumstances. It sucks because he's a main eventer and it has thrown my long term plans out the window so this show is "on the fly" so I apologise if it seems rushed. I think I'll turn Kenny Deaths off now!


Missing In Action... Farewell


I awaken to the sound of banging and smashing downstairs. Myself & Mascara run down to see Hijo de Pirata Morgan trashing the place. Mascara runs over and tries to restrain him, he struggles and both end up on the floor.



"GET OFF ME! WHERE IS MY FATHER?!?! What have you done with him you piece of ****? I'm going to destroy you for this!"



"I have no idea what the hell you're going on about. I haven't seen your dad. Knowing him he's probably off somewhere with a bottle of rum and a few buxom towns folk! Calm down now and leave please."


Mascara throws HDPM out before our bin ends up through the window! Glass and rubbish all over the lounge. Mascara gives chase to HDPM as I decide it's time to visit Santo again and sort this out once and for all. Goddess answers the door and tells me Santo doesn't want to see anyone.



"Look Goddess, if needs be I will put you down and come in anyway. I don't want to get physical with you but if you stand in my way, I will floor you!"



"Firstly, I know you don't mean that, secondly, even if you did I know a 1000 different ways to take you down and will do so in a heartbeat. Santo has requested no one enters, so just leave."



"I don't think so. I've just had my house trashed by a pissed off young Pirate, and Santo has got something to do with it. I promise you I am going nowhere until I speak to him."



"Let him in Goddess. Clearly there is something on his mind that he cannot work out himself."


I walk passed both Goddess and Santo and sit in his study. I await for him to follow me in. as he does he shuts the door behind him.



"You realise I could have you thrown out and add your mask to my collection? I am in charge around here. I am "the authority" and just because you have started going by that name, doesn't make it a fact. Now I have been hearing mumbles around town that you have been calling my integrety into question recently. Now I can't have that, You know what my name means correct? As such I act like one."



"Ok so what about your little handshakes with La Parka? Your constant changing of the card to favour the rudos? Stripping me of my referee duties and giving me only another month to train? Or in this case, 2 more weeks!"



"I have done none of those things. I have never shaken hands with ANYBODY in town, let alone La Parka. As for favouring the rudos, again, I refer you to my name to show you how ridiculous that notion is. Now onto the referee situation, you're right I did strip you of your authority because you, not me, you chose to stand in the corner of the Tecnico, showing bias. Who you are friends with outside of the events are your business but I expect professionalism inside that ring. I expect everyone to keep "Kayfabe" and you are supposed to be portrayed as unbias. This isn't a punishment, this is because you are now no longer seen as unbias by the crowd. You built your character into a Tecnico, and we can't have a referee showing favouritism to either side."


As much as I hated to say it, the last bit made a hell of alot of sense, the rest though? I just wasn't buying it.



"Ok, well where is Pirata Morgan? I've just had his son come in screaming at the top of his lungs and trashing my house... quite literally... he threw our garbage bin threw the window!"



"I have no idea where Pirata Morgan is. I haven't seen him since last weeks show. As for his son, I guess that's your problem and not mine. Now if there is nothing else I am a very busy man, and if what you're saying is true about him going missing, I am going to have to change the card for this evening."


I leave Santos house, but not before I apologise to Goddess for my rash behaviour towards her. She accepts my apology, which I must admit is a relief. I head to El Padrinos to meet El Extrano, Ludark and Mascara for some pre-show planning. I tell them of my conversation with Santo, and with the exception of Mascara, they don't buy anything he has said.



Nombre Pesadilla Lucha Weekly

Monday Wk 3, June 2011

In front of 40 people

Nombre Pesadilla Town Centre




Sexy Lady & Ronin defeat Ludark & Mascara Dorada

Sexy Lady looked like her mind was elsewhere during the early going to the match. She mad a tag to Ronin who began flying all over the place hitting all sorts of dives. Unfortunately for him, he went to the well once to often and was subsequently stopped by a Dorada dropkick. He tagged Sexy Lady in who looked more into it now, the win came when Sexy Lady used the Headscissors on Ludark for the pin. Santo gave the match a D-




Felino defeats Drago

Felino is at it again. He hits Drago with a Plancha and then takes it to the mat with some painful looking holds. Drago gets a bit of offense in before he is stopped in his tracks by a Felino Rana followed by the Vuelo Felino to pick up the win. Santo gives the match an impressive D. As far as Rudos go, Felino is becoming my favourite to watch.




La Mascara defeats Hijo de Pirata Morgan

I was in the corner for this match as I was still pretty pissed with HDPM for destroying our lounge. La Mascara started slowly, applying several holds to wear HDPM down, however this just angered him and he began beating on Mascara with some viscious strikes. From out of nowhere, Mascara locks in the Campana for the submission victory. Santo only gives this match an E+




La Parka & Slash defeat Sagrado & El Extrano

El Extrano and Slash start the match and just begin beating the hell out of each other. The new referee gets in between them to break it up but takes a whack from both! This allows Felino to come in and attack Sagrado! What the hell?! Don't tell me he's thrown his lot in with the Rudo group too. The referee comes around just in time to count the 3 on Sagrado, handing the match to La Parka & Slash who have their arms raised by Felino before the 3 embrace. Santo gives the match a D+ rating. I would love to know what he rates these on.


Leaving the show, I catch Goddess out the corner of my eye.



"Hey! You gonna come to the bar? Give me a chance to buy you a drink as an apology and also as a thank you for the help you've given me since my arrival?"



"Sure why not. I'd only be sitting around Santos house otherwise. Thanks."


We all head down to the bar (which I just notice is called La Casita del Perro) Hmmm... interesting name. I buy the first... and second round and as is usual these days we drink ourselves stupid into the early hours!


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The Revelation!


I have been in Nombre Pesadilla for almost 3 months and it was finally time for the major show of the year, "La Noche de Nuestro Campeón". This is the show I was looking forward to refereeing. Instead, I was watching from the sidelines. My official in ring debut begins next week. The week of this main event, there is no smaller show.


I, along with Mascara, Extrano and Ludark head down to the town centre to start the festivities. A carnival like atmosphere fills the air. This is the show where 2 lucky towns people get a one shot deal to wrestle, as of yet Santo hasn't released these names. It is also the night the Champion takes centre stage against an opponent of his choosing. Of course, Santo wanted to take on Sagrado but Sagrado had no interest in the match. There was also talk this year of a former member of the town re-appearing following a sabatical but no one knew who it was and subsequently the hype around it was amazing.



"Man this is awesome! I cannot wait for the show to start. I'm psyched about appearing tonight. There looks like twice as many people this time!"



"Yeah man it looks like tonight is going to be a phenominal night. I can't wait to watch it. I've got your back tonight in case Slash tries anything in your 2/3 falls match."


We head to the part of the centre where the Tecnicos wait before coming out. Santo sat with his title in his chair at the front of the crowd looking on. If Sagrado didn't change his mind about fighting him, Santo would have to pick someone else. The anticipation among the Luchadors was high as any one of them could potentially be taking Sagrados place if he didn't take the match... Goddess welcomes everyone to the event and we're underway...


La Noche de Nuestro Campeón

Monday Wk 4, June 2011

In front of 80 people

Nombre Pesadilla Town Centre




Sexy Lady defeats Drago

A pretty basic match with some high spots and a few good counters. Drago seemed really off his game tonight and couldn't get out of first gear which really brought the crowds mood down who began booing... even though he's a Tecnico! Sexy Lady picks up the win with a Spinning Headscissors. Despite Drago underperforming, the match still gets a D- from Santo


MATCH 2 - 2 out of 3 falls


Slash defeats El Extrano

Extrano took the lead in this match after only 5 minutes with a neat rollup and that seemed to light a fire under Slash. He hit a dropkick and headscissors gaining the advantage before getting a pinfall himself following a brainbuster. Extrano recovered and made a comeback hitting Los Traumastico, but in the process of his spin he kicked the referee! This was enough for Sexy Lady to slide in, hit him with his own Kendo stick and then slide back out, I ran after her but she was too fast and I return to the corner just in time to see Slash pin Extrano for the match winning fall. I get into the ring and open up with Kendo shots on Slash, leaving him down and out. Santo gives the match a D rating.




Ludark defeats Ronin

Ludark was experimenting with some new moves that we hadn't seen her use before. She looked Ronin in a devastating triangle hold and a spinning tornado DDT. She gives a thumbs up to Extrano who is still at ringside watching following his defeat. A moonsault and flying leg drop sees her pick up the pinfall win. Another match with a D- rating from Santo.




La Parka defeats La Mascara

Great match with plenty of action, including La Mascara landing hard on the outside after over shooting a Plancha. After that it was pretty much all La Parka from that point on and he finishes La Mascara with a Corkscrew Body Block. Santo is extremely impressed and rates the match at C+!!


MATCH 5 - One Night Exhibition


Ultimo Gladiator defeats Vaquero Fantasma

The winners of "Santos Invitational" were these 2 guys. A pretty solid match with both men making a case for being in the Population on a full time basis. The match was eventually won when Ultimo hit a Huricanrana for the finish. Santo gives them a D!


Santo rises from his chair and enters the ring. He holds the title up and waits... the crowd is in hushed silence... Sagrado makes his way out! Looks like the match the town have waited for is going to go ahead! The two shake hands...


MAIN EVENT - Campeon de Nombre Pesadilla


Sagrado defeats Santo

It is during this match, and subsequently afterwards that this plot unravelled and revealed itself to everyone. The match was an old school affair with both men exchanging holds and plenty of counter wrestling to match the offensive. The crowd were split down the middle... until the finish! Goddess came sliding into the ring and stood face to face with Sagrado, Santo turned her around to ask what she was doing and she spat red liquid into the eyes of Santo! Sagrado smiled and attempted to gain the advantage, but Santo hadn't taken the full mist into his eyes and recovered pretty quickly. La Parka ran down to the ring and nailed Santo! La Parka helped his nemesis! Sagrado hits the Huracarrana followed by the Double Jump Plancha to pick up the win and become the new Champion of Nombre Pesadilla. The crowd are stunned silent as La Parka and Goddess raise Sagrados hands in victory, Goddess laughing as she did so. (Rated at C but obviously for purpose of this, Santo didn't rate it)


I turn to El Extrano and Ludark in disbelief!



"What the hell did we just witness? I am at a loss for words! Did that bitch play us?"



"It would look that way! It would look as if they all did. I think we've been made to look like fools."


I walk over to the Rudo dressing room where I see Sagrado and Goddess celebrating with the rudos!



"What the ****? Seriously. Why did you do that? I thought it was Santo making deals with these guys not you 2. The Tecnicos were your allies but more importantly we were all friends."



"Haha. This idiot has worked none of it out. Hey Ritchie... sorry La Autoridad, haha. We used you and your buddies to get what we wanted. I had to make you believe this was all for the good of the town by painting Santo as an out of control maniac making deals with the rudo group so you wouldn't mess up our plans. This was all about us taking power, and nothing to do with the town. You and every single one of those idiots out there bought what we were selling you! Now Santo, this towns apparent saviour, is gone!"



"Marty. My mentor was also a Champion of this town. An amazing man, but the town turned on him, painting him as an evil dictator. You might have heard of him... 'Diablo' Velazco!"


Just as well I'd read that book. Now it makes sense! With that Slash and Felino threw me out on my ass! Now we had a new goal. I needed to band the Tecnicos together just like the rudos were and fight against this new dark regime.




Changes to pictures for future (so theres no confusion):


Goddess will now use:



Sagrado will now use:



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Oh Goddess as well....


Did the turns make sense? I've been planning the Goddess Rudo turn since she was introduced (in my head she has never been a Tecnico), Decision on Sagrado was once I had found that bad ass pic and that he had been trained by Diablo Velazco (hence the book entries). I hope I pulled off the turns without getting too confusing.

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Reign of Darkness


It had been a week since Goddess and Sagrados treachery but everyone was still reeling from it. The towns mood had turned from one of normality to one of hushed silence and fear. Everyone had heard of the reign of Diablo Velazco and now one of his proteges was in charge they were scared this was going to be just as bad. How wrong they were... this was going to be worse! We (Ludark, Mascara, Extrano & Myself) sat in El Padrinos mulling over our next move. Mascara suggested if everyone just upped and left town then Sagrado, Goddess and the Rudos could rule a deserted ghost town. Then he realised that a 70 mile walk was not worth it!



"I just can't believe a man of the church could be so damn evil! We should head up to the house and beat the hell out of him before his reign begins!"



"That really wouldn't be the best idea. Lets not forget, he now has Goddess and La Parka watching his back. It was difficult enough to get to Santo when Goddess was his guard, it's going to be twice as hard getting to Sagrado."



"I'm with Ex on this one Mascara. They can't get away with what they have done surely. I mean there has to be a way we can take back power."



"There is, but the risk is too great. The law states someone can go up to Sagrado and challenge him to a Mask vs. Title match. Problem is, if you lose you not only lose your mask but also your place in the Population."



"And losing those means you're out of Nombre Pesadilla and pretty much food for the vultures. No one has been heard of again that has left the town."



"I'll do it. I'll challenge him. I know Sagrado. His strengths & weaknesses."


Angel Blanco was sitting on the table over from ours and had heard our conversation. He looked pretty angry at having been played by Sagrado for years.



"I owe him for turning on everything we had worked to build here. Everything we helped Santo with. I don't want to live in a town ruled by Evil and I'm willing to put everything I have on the line to prevent anymore of these peoples suffering."



"Blanco, do you realise what you are saying? You'll be kicked out of the town if you lose. Surely there is another way?"



"I'd rather fry in the desert than live under a dictatorship based on self serving needs and whims."


Angel Blanco Jr left El Padrinos and headed for Sagrado's house (formerly Santo's) to issue him the challenge. I can only guess what Sagrado and his entourage made of it. None of us would say it to him, but Angel Blanco Jr was just no match for these guys.



"He's going to get destroyed. We can't afford to lose any Tecnicos this early on. Someone should have tried to talk him out of it."



"Well it's a bit late now. You should have said something to him instead of waiting for others like you always do."



"Screw you Ex! I'm not gonna be spoken to like that, especially by someone like you!"



"Hey you two! Stop arguing. We need solidarity at the moment not petty in fighting. Get a grip, there's more on the line than your egos you know."


They both look apologetic towards Mascara who looked sternly at them both. We headed to the gym to get one last training session in before tonights show... and inevitably my ass whooping! Whilst there Goddess and La Parka enter.



"Well would you look what we have here. Nice to see you all again. Hahahaha. No I'm kidding, it wouldn't hurt me to never see any of you again! What a bunch of complete morons."


Ludark lunges towards Goddess but is grabbed back by Mascara who then steps forward.



"Whoa! Shes a fiesty little bitch when mad! I kinda like it. Sweetness, save your energy for our tag match tonight because it's going to take everything you've got to survive!"


They head over to the weights where La Parka begins lifting as Goddess spots him.



"Who does that Goddess think she is? I knew that little skank from when I was a little girl and when she was just Aurora, a little tramp from Canada. Now she thinks she's something special. I'm going to kick her ass!"


We decide it would be best to leave. We hear La Parka and Goddess laughing as we walk out, I turn back and stare directly at Goddess who just smiles sarcastically before turning her attentions back to La Parka. We were hoping this would be the shortest reign in Nombre Pesadilla history, but when you consider the shortest reign before this was 3 years, I think we were looking at this as a long term deal... but we could still hope.


Nombre Pesadilla Lucha Weekly

Monday Wk 1, July 2011

In front of 40 people

Nombre Pesadilla Town Centre




El Extrano defeats Felino

El Extrano starts the match on the front foot, hitting Felina with a massive suplex and frog splash. Felino turns the tables when Ex goes to the top once too often and hits a dropkick on his way down. Felino nearly picks up the win with a La Casita, but Extrano escapes the pin attempt. The finish comes when Ex hits his Los Traumastico finisher for the pinfall victory. A solid D rating for this match and as he's leaving, Ex flips his middle finger towards Sagrado, Goddess 7 La Parka in the front row."




Slash defeats La Autoridad

God damn did I mess up! I just could not seem to get any rythm going and Slash just basically beat the hell out of me. I am going to need alot more training. Slash hits the Slashed Piledriver on me to pick up the win. After the match, Ex comes back down and smashes Slash repeatedly with the Kendo stick before helping me out of the ring. A piss poor E+ for this match left me feeling I needed alot of work still.




La Parka & Goddess defeat La Mascara & Ludark

I was still a bit groggy, but came out to the corner of Ludark and Goddess to make sure Ronin and Sexy Lady kept their distance. Not that I'd be in any state to stop them if they did. At one point Goddess, who had been thrown from the ring got in my face and slapped me! La Parka at this point had the momentum against Ludark and hit her with a huge Powerbomb. La Mascara eventually got tagged in but was over powered by La Parka and Goddess who kept quick tags. La Parka hit a Corkscrew Bodyblock for the pinfall win. Ludark was then assaulted by Ronin and Sexy Lady. Ex and Me slid in the ring Kendo stick and chair in hand to even the odds but the Rudo threat bailed. The match was given a D+.


MAIN EVENT - Mask Vs. Championship


Sagrado defeats Angel Blanco Jr.

The match we hoped wouldn't happen was about to take place. Angel Blanco showed some intensity towards the start, beating Sagrado mercilessly! No one had seen this side to Blanco before. Just when it looked as if maybe the shortest reign would be a week, Sexy Lady, Goddess and HDPM came out. With the referee distracted by Sexy lady on the apron, Goddess and HDPM attacked Angel Blanco with chairs! The referee turned around to count Blancos shoulders down. Sagrado retains the belt and Blanco must unmask and leave Nombre Pesadilla! Just as he is about to, Aeroboy and Dorada head down to the ring with a female companion, all armed with weapons. They get in the ring and clear it of the Rudos before helping Blanco up. Blanco unmasks, keeping his word and traditions of the match as the townsfolk chant his name. A D- rating for the match.


After the show, Dorada & Aeroboy come up and inform us that they will stand with us against Sagrados regime. Our cause was gaining some momentum. We head back to our house where we have a "Tecnico" party to celebrate and unwind, even if it is just for one night.

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The Missing Pirate & An Avenging Saint


It had been several weeks since anyone had seen Pirata Morgan. HDPM was really putting a hurt on the town trying to find him, from trashing our house he'd since turned over tables and thrown plates and glasses in El Padrinos. I understood his frustrations, but it was starting to get out of hand as he was blaming every Tecnico in town for having something to do with his fathers disappearance. The rest of us were still upset over the Angel Blanco match and he was missed by alot fo the town. Without him and with Sagrados backstabbing, the church bells didn't ring like they once used to.



"Marty! Have you heard? They found Morgans mask on the edges of town!. It looks like he had enough and just left."



"Somehow I don't think so. If that were the case he would have at least told his son. I think there's more going on here than meets the eye. Morgan was alot of things, but a deserter isn't one of them."



"So you think there's something more sinister going on? Haha. Thats just like you. Why can't you just take the simple reasoning?"



"Because my lovely Ludark, life is rarely ever simple as we have all found out recently."


the 3 of us left the house and took a walk to the gym. En route we bumped into Ronin & Sexy Lady.



"Well if it isn't the 3 amigos. Sagrado has big plans for you and anyone else who tries to stand gainst him. I hope you enjoy your short stay La Autoridad because..."



"Bitch shut up before I lay one on you! Yapping like a rabid Chihuahua. You and the Ghost of Christmas future just walk on."


Ronin stepped forward but before he could open his mouth, Extrano popped him in it. Thats what I liked about Ex... his think later mentality!

We arrived at the gym for our work out and my training. Whilst there I noticed Aeroboy nursing an injured shoulder.



"What happened man? You over do it or something?"



"No. That psycho Hijo de Pirata Morgan seems to think I'm in on his fathers disappearance. He attacked me with a bat, think he may have broken my collar bone."


That angered both myself and Ex so we went off to find HDPM. Sure enough, he was in town verbally abusing Mascara Dorada.



"HEY! Morgan. How about you come try pulling a bat on me you little bastard? I'll jam it straight up your arse!"



"Oh you'll get your turn Extrano. Believe that. You aren't as bad ass as you seem to think. I will beat it out of you what you've done with my father."



"You won't be beating anyone Morgan. Your dad probably left because he was disappointed with your pathetic ass. His mask was on the edge of town, indicating he left himself, so lets face facts... daddy just didn't love you boy."


HDPM walks straight for me but Ex jumps between us and hits him knocking him back.



"You'll pay for that. You'll be on your own one day, and when you are... I'm going to end you!"



"Well, well Ritchie... my mistake, La Autoridad now isn't it? Haha. So have you missed me? Of course you have, just look at me... I truly am a Goddess."



"You truly are a two faced slut would be closer to the truth."



"Tut tut. Is that anyway to speak to the lady you clearly have the hots for? Haha. Sagrado sent me to let you know that tonight he has a very special match planned for you against a young impressive towns person who will be a member of our regime when he beats you tonight. See La Parka here wanted to take you out himself, but Sagrado thinks it would be more entertaining to see you lose to someone not in the Population."



"Well seeing as your Sagrado's little messenger dog, here's something for you to take back to him. We're going to triumph and he will be a footnote on this towns history... the first town Champion who didn't even manage a year in charge!"


Goddess & La Parka walk off laughing. Clearly I said something amusing... just not sure what. It was time for us to head on down and get ready for the show.


Nombre Pesadilla Lucha Weekly

Monday Wk 2, July 2011

In front of 40 people

Nombre Pesadilla Town Centre




Slash defeats Mascara Dorada

A pretty decent match with Dorada getting in plenty of offense at Slash, including several high spots such as a moonsault that rocked slash. The match ends when Slash rolls up Dorada with a school boy using the ropes for leverage to pick up the tainted win. Tha match gets a D.




La Autoridad defeats Ultimo Gladiator

The match started with Ultimo getting the upper hand, however after he misses a flying lariat, I manage to hit the Regulator and tie him up in a move La Mascara taught me called 'Cruceta Invertido' (which is basically an inverted Figure Four) for the submission win. Sagrado calls the match garbage and rates it an F. I flip him the finger and spit in his direction.




Ludark & Extrano defeat Sexy Lady & Ronin

This match was pretty back and forth with both teams making quick tags. The match ends when Ludark rolls up Ronin for the pinfall victory following a Kendo shot from Extrano who used the Rudos own tactics against them! Goddess and Sagrado are furious at ringside however the match still gains a D- rating.


MAIN EVENT - Triple Threat Match


La Parka defeats La Mascara & Felino

A very good match saw Felino almost pick up the surprise win over Mascara, however he pulled La Mascaras shoulder up at the last second. This couldn't really be considered a Triple Threat as the Rudos just mugged Mascara and La Parka picked up the pin with an illegal Martinete (Piledriver) as Felino distracted the referee. Felino didn't even attempt to break up the pin, which just showed this was a damn set up! Sagrado gives the match a C-.


Suddenly from out of nowhere an unknown masked man jumps from the crowd and attacks La Parka! Sagrado looks on in shock, clearly recognising the guy! He looks in the direction of Sagrado and Goddess



"You two are going to pay with your blood!"


In the dressing room area following the show, a fight breaks out between Ludark and Goddess! La Parka attempts to get involved but promptly takes a Kendo shot from Ex. We ask Ludark what happened but she stays quiet and walks off. La Mascara goes after her to see if she's ok whilst Me, Ex and Dorada head off to the bar for the aftershow festivities as usual. Whilst there, the guy from the show that jumped La Parka is there so we go over and speak to him.



"My name is Axxel 'El Nieto de Santo'. The orginal Santo was my grandfather and the guy they screwed over was my Uncle. He wasn't the original Santo as he'd have the people of this town believe. My grandfather would have been in his 90's! My uncle thought if he made them think he was the Original they'd think he was some sort of Supernatural entity and no one would challenge him. As much as my Uncle annoyed me, he was still family and the way he was beaten was a crime. I'm gonig to put the Santo name back in charge!"



"And we're going to help you do it!"


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Just a quick one for this "weeks" show to be posted on as I wanted to quickly introduce the new acquisitions.


Perros Del Mal


The entire town had been summoned to attend the town center as our "Champion" had something to say. It was law of the town to attend so we begrudgingly took a stroll down to hear what this judas had to say. When we arrived Sagrado & Goddess were flanked by 4 guys wearing T-shirts reading "Perros Del Mal" or Dogs of Evil when translated. They stood behind Sagrado as he began to speak.



"People of Nombre Pesadilla, today marks a new era in this towns rich history. today, the laws are changing! Firstly, there is a new authority in town. These men behind me are the Perros del Mal, and will act as my own security team and enforce the towns laws. This is due to a former referee using his power for his own personal gain. There will also be a huge 6 man tag team match as 3 of my personal security will participate against 3 trouble makers in La Mascara, Mascara Dorada and El Extrano. You 3 will be sorry you chose to go against me. Now as far as the whereabouts of Pirata Morgan, I can tell you that I know who is behind his vanishing, and that is the Tecnico team. I know this because they told me they intended on doing the same to every rudo. Lastly, I am putting a bounty on the head of an outlaw by the name of Axxel. Any town member who takes him out will be granted a place on the population and a risk free shot at my title - no mask on the line OR a place within the Perros del Mal!"


Well that certainly sucks, but it was typical of a backstabbing evil piece of crap like Sagrado to pull something like this. So now instead of listening to referees and respecting the authority they had bestowed upon them, we had a bunch of guys running around beating up on anyone who didn't fall in line with Sagrado! More importantly... he seems to be trying to pin the blame for Pirata Morgans disappearance on us!



"Well there goes the neighbourhood huh? I may just tell Sagrado to stick my mask up his ass because this is going to be one crap place to live now."



"Don't worry. His reign won't last. Dictators will always fall, because their ego at some point will always get the better of them and they'll underestimate someone."


Nombre Pesadilla Lucha Weekly

Monday Wk 3, July 2011

In front of 38 people

Nombre Pesadilla Town Centre




Goddess defeats Ludark

This match started slow with Goddess using a slow methodical approach before Ludark took to the air! Some big moves and a few high spots. Ludark was busted open when she landed hard on the canvas. Goddess wins the match via submission when she locks in the Tirabuzon. The match gets a D rating from Sagrado.




Hijo de Pirata Morgan defeats Drago

HDPM wins this match in short time. He shows a viscious streak that leaves Drago in a bloody mess. As the midics tend to Drago after the match HDPM goes back and attacks him again, a clear message to the Tecnicos. Sagrado gives the match a D-, despite it's short length.




La Parka defeats Aeroboy

For those expecting a complete domination win for La Parka, it didn't happen. Aeroboy used his speed to his advantage hitting variations on Planchas, Moonsaults etc... however following a distraction by Goddess, La Parka again used an illegal Martinete to pick up the pinfall victory. I think someone needs to tell La Parka that this piledriver is banned in Lucha Libre! Sagrado rates the match a D+.




Perros del Mal defeat La Mascara, Mascara Dorada & El Extrano

I decided to come down to the ring as well to be in the corner of my friends. I was glad I didn't have a match! The match was brutal! These Perro del Mal guys are thugs. They used weapons and cheap tactics to gain an advantage anytime they looked like losing. At one point I got so pissed off I jumped on the apron but was dragged off by Lizmark Jr who was in the corner of his Perro del Mal team mates and soon a brawl errupted between us. The win came when Dr. X hit a splash from the top rope onto Dorada and pinned him. The match was given a D.


After the show, Ludark catches me along with Ex and La Mascara.



"Hey. I have a plan for next week that i want to run by you guys. We are going to stand no chance of winning this war unless we take the fight to these Rudos and play them at their own game, especially when it comes to that bitch Goddess. Our town is going to become a living hell under these guys."


We head home and discuss Ludarks plan over a few drinks whilst playing a few hands of poker.


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Just wanted to chime in again and say that I'm still really enjoying the diary. It's such a quick entertaining read that it would be robbery not to check it out in my downtime


Thanks. Knowing people are enjoying it is what keeps me writing. :)

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