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WWE Civil War: RAW

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This thread will be following all things RAW in the new two-player game between myself and 20LEgend, set in 2002.


Charasmatic Enigma will be playing as RAW

20LEgend will be playing as Smackdown


The year is 2002; pro-wrestling in North America has just emerged from its latest war for dominance. Vince McMahon's World Wrestling Entertainment is once again the only sizable promotion left in the US, not only winning the war but buying his two biggest competitors WCW and ECW. Despite this, Vince McMahon was under growing pressure from WWE shareholders.


The dream Invasion angle, that many a wrestling fan had salivated over for decades, had been booked terribly and was dead in the water within 6 months of starting. After this, shareholders were questioning whether the new lack of competition would affect the quality of the product, and subsequent profits.


Worried by the shareholders lack of faith, Vince McMahon decided he had to do something and create his own competition. He established two separate brands within the WWE, each with their own roster and management structure. The two brands would compete directly against each other, both for viewership and funding from the WWE. McMahon hired two new head bookers, one for each brand, and set each the task of producing the better quality show and bringing in the most money.


Would the brand split lead to an increase in quality and profits, or cause the WWE to fracture from within? The Civil War within the WWE has begun…

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RAW Roster as of April 1st 2002


“Stone Cold” Steve Austin

Triple H

Hulk Hogan

Big Show

Chris Benoit

Rob Van Dam

The Hurricane


Spike Dudley

The Godfather

Val Venis

Billy Kidman

Crash Holly



Trish Stratus




Chris Jericho

Booker T

Brock Lesnar



Bubba Ray Dudley

D-Von Dudley

Hardcore Holly


Mr Perfect

Lance Storm

Tommy Dreamer




Molly Holly


Announcers: Jim Ross and Paul Heyman

Referee: Charles Robinson

Road Agent: Pat Patterson

Managers: Stacey Kiebler, Torrie Wilson, Stephanie McMahon



WWE Undisputed - Triple H

WWE Intercontinental - RVD

WWE Tag Team - Billy & Chuck

WWE Hardcore - Raven

WWE Womens - Jazz

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Broadcast Live from a sold out Allstate Arena in Chicago, Illinois, in front of 15,000 screaming fans. WWE presents...


Monday Night RAW


The show opens with an impressive pyro display, as Jim Ross welcomes fans to the first Monday Night RAW in the new era of Sports Entertainment. He is joined at ringside by Paul Heyman.



The crowd pops as The Nature Boy makes his way to the ring to open the show. Flair grabs a mic and begins to address the crowd.


Flair: “Whoooo!”


Crowd: “Whoooo!”


Flair: “I can’t tell you how good it is to be here in Chicago for the very first Nature Boy run Monday Night RAW! Whooo! Here on Monday Night RAW we have assembled the very best talents in the WWE today. Including the two men who headlined the grandest stage of them all Wrestlemania, Chris Jericho and the Undisputed Champion Triple H! We have “The Immortal” Hulk Hogan, “The Crippler” Chris Benoit and the baddest S.O.B on the planet Stone Cold Steve Austin! We have the Tag Team Champions, the Womens Champion, the Hardcore Champion and the Intercontinental Champion Rob Van Dam… but what do you expect from a show run by the Nature Boy? Whoooo!”


Crowd: “Whoooo!”


Flair: “Speaking of RVD, he’ll be defending his Title against Mr Perfect right here tonight. And on top of all of that, we have the biggest superstar in all of the WWE. Ladies and gentlemen, please join me in welcoming the Big Show!”


Rating: B+


Big Show vs Bubba-Ray Dudley


The Big Show made his way to the ring to a decent pop, quickly followed by Bubba-Ray Dudley, who was accompanied to the ring by Stacy Kiebler. The Big Show looked to use his power and strength to dominate the match, but Bubba-Ray was able to use his own strength, and some underhand tactics, to keep himself in the match. Eventually The Big Show’s extra size and power came through, and he was able to hit the Show Stopper and get the pin. In a match that had some good action and a good crowd, Big Show defeated Bubba Ray Dudley in 9:41 by pinfall with a Show Stopper.


Rating: C+


Stacy Keibler did some good work at ringside.


We then fade to the first, of what will likely be many, commercial breaks. We return to the sound of breaking glass…


Stone Cold makes his way to the ring and grabs himself a mic.


Austin: Quiet down, quiet down. Stone Cold’s got a story to tell ya.

Crowd: WHAT

Austin: I said I got a tale I want to recount.

Crowd: WHAT

Austin: A story of when Stone Cold arrived in Chicago, Illianois.

Crowd: WHAT

Austin: I went to a bar.

Crowd: WHAT

Austin: Started Drinking Beer.

Crowd: WHAT

Austin: Played Some Pool.

Crowd: WHAT

Austin: Drank some more beer.

Crowd: WHAT

Austin: Threw some darts.

Crowd: WHAT

Austin: Drank more beer.

Crowd: WHAT

Austin: Then I started a fight.

Crowd: WHAT

Austin: Picked on the biggest guy in there.

Crowd: WHAT

Austin: Kicked that son bitches ass.

Crowd: WHAT

Austin: I said I kicked that son bitches ass.

Crowd: WHAT

Austin: Threw him over the bar.

Crowd: WHAT

Austin: Drank some more beer.

Crowd: WHAT

Austin: Then threw that guy right out the door.

Crowd: WHAT

Austin: Then I finished my beer and came down here to the Allstate Arena to kick some more ass. Now get my opponent out here so I can open up a can of whoop-ass on that son bitch.


Rating: B+


“Stone Cold” Steve Austin vs Tommy Dreamer


Stone Cold’s opponent turned out to be Tommy Dreamer. Dreamer did his best, but in the end couldn’t keep up with The Texas Rattlesnake. In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Steve Austin defeated Tommy Dreamer in 5:35 by pinfall with a Stunner.


Rating: B-


Steve Austin came out of the match looking good. This match lifted the crowd.


We once again go to commercials, and return to find Raven sat alone in the dark staring directly into the camera.


Raven: “Sometimes in life we make our own choices. And sometimes, a choice is made for us. And sometimes there is no choice. The Brand Extension has shown both sides of this story, as the destiny of the careers of hundreds of men and women fell prey to the choices of two men. All men will be judged on the choices they make, and Ric… Vince… your day of judgement is fast approaching. Quote The Raven Nevermore…”


Rating: C




Chris Jericho makes his way to the ring to a chorus of boos.


Jericho: “Ladies and gentlemen, say hello to the biggest acquisition in last week’s draft. That’s right, once again RAW IS JERICHO!”


The crowd boos loudly at this statement.


Jericho: “Now at Wrestlemania, in a travesty of justice, I had my Undisputed Championship stolen from me by that loser Triple H. “


The crowd cheers at Triple H’s name.


Jericho: “Shut up. That nobody isn’t worthy of being in the same ring as Y2J, but don’t you worry. As per my contract I get a rematch, and at Backlash I will put right the injustice that happened at Wrestlemania. What’s more I...”



Triple H: “Jericho, am I really going to have to listen to you moan until I beat your ass again at Backlash? I’ve got to be honest, I really don’t have time or patience to listen to you bitch and moan for that long… so why don’t we get this over with tonight?”


The crowd pops at Triple H’s challenge.


Jericho: “You want to go tonight Hunter? You want to face Y2J right here in Chicago? Well too bad. What you’ve got to understand is we’ll be doing this by my rules, not yours. I will get my rematch, but it will be under my terms. I’m going to embarrass you and take back my Title live on Pay-Per-View!”


Jericho then bails from the ring to a chorus of boos and makes his way back up the ramp, yelling at Triple H that they’ll do things his way. Triple H just raises his Title high in the air, to a loud cheer from the crowd.


Rating: A


This segment lifted the crowd.


Brock Lesnar vs Billy Kidman



We come back from yet another commercial break, to find Billy Kidman already in the ring… that does not bode well for him. Things look even less rosy when his opponent is revealed as Brock Lesnar. Brock gave a dominating performance here, essentially squashing his much smaller opponent. In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Brock Lesnar defeated Billy Kidman in 6:28 by pinfall with an F-5.

Rating: C

Billy Kidman and Torrie Wilson are a good pairing, they play off each other well. The announcing quality lifted the match.


Heyman: “A dominating performance there from my man Brock Lesnar. Let me tell you JR, there’s a man who is ready to take the next step here in the WWE.”


JR: “I can’t argue with that, Brock Lesnar was very impressive here tonight.”


Heyman: “Of course he was, I’ve prepared Brock Lesnar for the big time. I’ve taught him everything he needs to know, and he’s now ready to make an impact here in the WWE. You mark my words.”


Trish Stratus & Lita vs Jazz & Ivory


Trish and Lita were on the losing end of the Women’s Championship match at Wrestlemania X8, and had a chance at some level of revenge here. In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Trish Stratus and Lita defeated Ivory and Jazz in 6:11 when Trish Stratus defeated Ivory by pinfall with a Stratusfaction.


Rating: C-


Trish Stratus was really off her game tonight. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost.


Rob Van Dam vs Mr Perfect

Intercontinental Championship


RVD put his Title on the line here, and had a very open match with a very competitive Mr Perfect. The match went back and forth, with RVD looking to use his speed to gain an advantage. However, Mr Perfect was able to keep RVD grounded for large portions of the match and gain control. However, Mr Perfect eventually made a mistake, allowing RVD to land a Superkick and pick up the pace. He followed this up with a Rolling Thunder, and a Five Star Frog Splash to get the three.


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Rob Van Dam defeated Mr. Perfect in 16:35 by pinfall with a Five Star Frog Splash. Rob Van Dam makes defence number 1 of his WWE Intercontinental title.


Rating: B-


This match lifted the crowd.


More commercials. We come back to find Tag Team Champions Billy & Chuck in conversation with their manager Rico. They are interrupted by a passing Godfather and his Ho’s. Godfather questions how Billy & Chuck can only have eyes for each other, when there are so many Ho’s in the world to choose from. The Godfather then leaves an angry looking Billy, Chuck and Rico.


Rating: C-



Hulk Hogan comes out to a rousing ovation from a raucous Chicago crowd. Hogan enters the ring and poses for the crowd. Then in a feat of physical strength for a man of his advancing age, he rips off his t-shirt!


Rating: A*


Hulk Hogan vs Booker T


Booker T dominated for long periods of this match, with Hulk Hogan playing the babyface in peril. However, around the 18 minute mark, things turned around. Booker T kicked Hogan in the gut, setting him up for the Scissor Kick. However as Booker T bounced off the ropes, he found himself face to face with Hogan. Hogan had recovered from the kick to the gut, and was now wagging his finger at a shocked Booker T. Right hand from Hogan! And another! And Another! Body Slam! Hogan whips Booker into the ropes, and nails him with a Big Boot… the crowd is going nuts! Hogan then lands a devastating Leg Drop and gets the three count to the delight of the capacity crowd.


In a bout that featured great action and great heat from the audience, Hulk Hogan defeated Booker T in 20:44 by pinfall with an Atomic Legdrop.


Rating: B


The match suffered because there was not enough selling shown.


After the match, Hulk Hogan begins posing for the crowd. However, he is cut off by a blow from behind from Brock Lesnar! In a feat of strength, almost matching Hulk Hogan’s shirt ripping exploits from earlier in the night, Brock Lesnar hauled Hogan onto his shoulders and nails him with an F-5. Lesnar then poses for the crowd, ending RAW standing tall over a downed Hulk Hogan.


Heyman: “YES! YES! YES! Brock Lesnar! Now that is making an impact! Look at him JR! Mark my words, this man will dominate the WWE from this point forward.”


JR: “I don’t think one sneak attack proves…”


Heyman: “Shut up JR, and bask in the glory of this moment. This is a passing of the torch, a changing of the guard. This is Brock Lesnar surpassing Hulk Hogan as the biggest name in wrestling history!”


JR: “Now look here Paul, Hulk Hogan is not going to take this lying down… and on that note, ladies and gentlemen thank you for inviting us into your homes, and make sure you join us next week!”


Rating: A*


Show Rating: B

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Good show other than Flair subtly dissing us. Oh you got all the titles have you Flair. Well we're getting new one!!! :p


Liked Raven and Y2J vs. Triple H promo and of course the Austin promo. My show is pretty bad by the way :D I could bring WWF down to cult at this rate :p. First few weeks are transitional for SD! Also, Rock = Ratings :D

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Great show, especially loved Lesnar attacking Hogan and Heyman's enthusiasm for it. And also Austin's recount of his exploits. You're definately off to a good start.


Thanks. I put Lesnar with Hogan because I am desperately short of top level Heels. Hopefully a program with Hogan will help elevate him to the upper echelons of the card. A few more A* segments can't hurt the cause :D


Good show other than Flair subtly dissing us. Oh you got all the titles have you Flair. Well we're getting new one!!! :p


Liked Raven and Y2J vs. Triple H promo and of course the Austin promo. My show is pretty bad by the way :D I could bring WWF down to cult at this rate :p. First few weeks are transitional for SD! Also, Rock = Ratings :D


Hey we're at war, cheap shots will be hurtful and often :p


Thanks, I'm really looking forward to booking Raven as I want to do something better with him than the WWE ever managed in real life. Also... don't bring WWE down to cult :eek:

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Sunday Night Heat

The show opens with a video hyping some of the best moments of Chris Benoit’s WWE career so far, while Jim Ross and Paul Heyman hyping tonight’s Main Event of Chris Benoit vs Hardcore Holly. - C


In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Chuck defeated Maven in 5:44 by pinfall with a Super Kick. – D+


Spike Dudley is seen talking to his brothers D-Von and Bubba Ray. They seem dismissive of their little brother. Spike asks for a chance to prove himself, and The Dudleyz tell him to find a partner for a tag match later tonight. – C+


In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, The Hurricane defeated Lance Storm in 5:31 by pinfall with a Vertebreaker. – B-


Next we have a recap of Raven’s promo from this weeks Monday Night RAW. -C


In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, The Dudley Boyz defeated Spike Dudley and Crash Holly in 6:17 when Bubba Ray Dudley defeated Spike Dudley by pinfall with a 3D. – D+


In a match that had some good action and a good crowd, Chris Benoit defeated Hardcore Holly in 10:18 by submission with a Crippler Crossface. – C+


After his win, Chris Benoit celebrates and poses for the crowd – C-


Rating: C

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Broadcast Live from a sold out Madison Square Garden in New York City, in front of 15,000 screaming fans. WWE presents...


Monday Night RAW


The show opens with an impressive pyro display, as Jim Ross welcomes fans to Monday Night RAW in the new era of Sports Entertainment. He is joined at ringside by Paul Heyman.



Monday Night Raw opens with Triple H and Ric Flair making their way to the ring.


Flair: “I can’t tell you how good it is to be here in Madison Square Garden. Whooo!”


Crowd: “Whooo!”


Flair: “Now I want to address something that happened on another wrestling program this Friday night, where a former Business associate of mine said he was forming a new World Championship Belt. Now I may be old fashioned, but there’s an old saying back where I come from… and that saying is that ‘to be the man, you’ve got to beat the man.’ And right now in the WWE, ‘the man’ is the guy stood right here in the ring with me tonight, the Undisputed Champion Triple H!”


The crowd pops as Triple H raises his Undisputed Title high in the air.


Flair: “Vince, do you really think you can just pluck a new World Championship out from thin air? I’ve won more World Titles than you’ve had women, so let me tell ya’ I know a thing or two, and I didn’t have a single one of them handed to me. The man in the ring with me is the Undisputed Champion, because he beat the previous Champion to win it…”



Chris Jericho appears on the ramp with a mic in hand, evidently having heard enough from Flair.


Jericho: “Sorry to interrupt this little love fest, but I’m bored of hearing you talk ‘Nature Boy’… but hey, at least you got thing right. Triple H did beat ‘the man’ to win that Title, because he beat Chris Jericho. And regardless of who has that title around their waist, Y2J is still the man here in the WWE.”


Triple H: “Woah, woah, woah. Chris…”


Jericho: “Shut up Hunter. I didn’t come out here to talk to you. I came out here to talk to him.”


Jericho points at Flair, who looks surprised at the turn of events.


Jericho: “I mean just who the hell do you think you are? You’re meant to be the owner of Monday Night RAW, yet you stand in that ring shamelessly singing the praises of Triple H? I mean how can I be sure you won’t try to screw me over at Backlash just to keep the title on your golden boy?”


Flair: “Look Chris…”


Jericho: “Shut up old man! I’m not done talking…”


We’ll never find out what Jericho wanted to say, as Ric Flair’s jacket found itself ripped off and mercilessly thrown to the mat. Flair looks irate!


Flair: “Old? Did you just call me old? I’m the kiss stealing, wheeling dealing, jet flying, limousine riding Nature Boy! Whooo!”


Jericho: “Look I…”


Flair: “Whooo!”


Jericho: “I don’t think that…”


Flair: “Whooo! Now look here Mr Big Shot, if you want some attention then you got it. ‘Cause tonight’s Main Event will see Chris Jericho face off against ‘The Rabid Wolverine’ Chris Benoit! Whooo!”


Rating: B+


Triple H came across well. This segment lifted the crowd.


Val Venis vs Billy


A back and forth match here, which could have gone either way. The turning point of the match came when Chuck came into the ring and nailed Val Venis with a Super Kick while Rico distracted the Referee at ringside. In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Billy defeated Val Venis in 7:13 by pinfall with a Fame-Ass-Er. During the match we also had Chuck run in and attack Venis.


Rating: D+


Rico did some good work at ringside. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost.


Post match, Billy and Chuck continue their attack on a vulnerable Val Venis. They continue the attack until The Godfather bursts from the back to make the save. Billy and Chuck bail from the ring, before grabbing their Titles and making their way up the ramp.


Rating: C+


The Hurricane vs Mr Perfect


Mr Perfect was on top for the majority of this match, putting on a wrestling clinic against The Hurricane with a variety of holds and suplexes. Perfect looked to have everything in order but took a little too long taunting the crowd following a suplex, and fell prey to a flash roll up from The Hurricane which proved enough for the three count. In a match that had some good action and average heat, The Hurricane defeated Mr. Perfect in 7:57 by pinfall with a Vertebreaker.


Following the match, Perfect stayed in the ring looking absolutely shocked that he had lost.


Rating: B-


The announcing quality lifted the match.



Heyman: “Here he is ladies and gentleman, the man who was destroyed by Brock Lesnar last week!”


JR: “I don’t think…”


Heyman: “Shut up JR! Shut up, and bask in the magnificence of this replay of Brock Lesnar’s demolition of Hulk Hogan last week.”


Following the replay, Hogan is in the ring with a microphone and ready to address the crowd.


Hogan: “You know, I’ve faced some big guys in my career. I’ve fought guys like Andre The Giant, The Ultimate Warrior, Ted DiBiase and Yokozuna. But let me tell you dudes, nobody has ever manhandled me like Brock Lesnar did last week. So Brock Lesnar get out here dude, ‘cause I’ve got a question I want to ask ya”



Lesnar appears, and makes his way to the ring. He doesn’t take a mic, but rather get’s in Hogan’s face and looks menacing.


Hogan: “Woah, woah Jack. I’m not out here for a fight, I’ve just got a question for you.”


Hogan pauses as he looks out at the crowd.


Hogan: “Whatcha gonna do?” (The crowd roars) “Brock Lesnar, whatcha gonna do when all the Hulkamaniacs run wild on you?”


Hogan drops his mic, and lands a solid right hand on Lesnar. He nails another right hand, sending Lesnar to the mat, and looks to feed off of the crowds energy. Hogan hauls Lesnar to his feet and whips him to the ropes, presumably looking for a big boot, but Lesnar bounces back off the ropes and lands a huge clothesline on Hogan. Lesnar then mounts Hogan and unleashes a vicious flurry of strikes, before hauling Hogan up to his feet and landing the F-5.


Lesnar taunts to the crowd, before leaving a downed Hogan in the middle of the ring. Hogan claws his way to the bottom rope, and watches Lesnar make his way up the ramp. A still downed Hogan no longer has the bluster and the look of confidence from earlier, but rather is following Lesnar with a concerned expression.


Rating: A


Heyman: “Look at him JR! Look at the terrified look the “Immortal” one is giving Lesnar. He knows JR, he knows he can’t match the power of Brock Lesnar!”


JR: “I can’t believe it! Hogan has just been absolutely dominated by Brock Lesnar.”


Heyman: “You better believe it JR, and you had better learn to love it! ‘Cause you will be seeing this scene over and over again, as this unstoppable monster becomes the biggest force in the WWE. We’ve had the era of Hogan, we’ve had the era of Austin. Well now we are entering the era of Brock Lesnar, and this is just the beginning!”


Big Show vs D-Von Dudley


D-Von looked to avenge his brother’s loss to Big Show last week here. He started well, managing to avoid his giant opponent’s power moves early on. The match was fairly even all the way through, until Big Show finally got a hold of D-Von and grabbed the initiative. At this point, Bubba Ray tried to insert himself into the match with a chair, while Stacey Kiebler distracted the referee. He looked to hit Big Show as he set D-Von up for a Show Stopper, but the giant managed to avoid the chair and D-Von took the impact. Show then Choke Slammed Bubba Ray, before covering a lifeless D-Von for the three.


In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Big Show defeated D-Von Dudley in 7:32 by pinfall after using a foreign object. During the match we also had Bubba Ray Dudley accidentally hit D-Von Dudley.


Rating: B-


Stacy Keibler did some good work at ringside.


Billy Kidman vs Raven


Essentially a squash, as Raven dominated this match from start to finish. Kidman got a few flurries of offense, but never really looked like getting the win. In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Raven defeated Billy Kidman in 6:09 by pinfall with an Raven Effect DDT.


Rating: C-


Billy Kidman and Torrie Wilson are a good pairing, they play off each other well. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. Raven is improving in Technical skills.


After the match, Raven stays in the ring and grabs a microphone and addresses the crowd.


Raven: “Choices affect everything. The correct choice can lead to the greatest riches imaginable, but an ill informed choice can lead to unimaginable amounts of pain and suffering. Take Billy Kidman here. Tonight he made a choice to step into the ring with me tonight, and because he made such an ill informed choice… he paid the appropriate consequences.”


The crowd begins booing Raven, who picks up his Hardcore Title and motions to it.


Raven: “Take this Hardcore Title. Someone in power made the decision to enforce a “24/7” rule. Since then this Title has become a joke. A mere prop changing hands on a near daily basis, a far cry from what the belt was originally intended to convey. It was intended to convey true Hardcore wrestling, in true Hardcore wrestling matches. Not stupid backstage skits where the Champion gets jumped from behind.”


The crowd are still booing Raven, who pauses for a moment while looking at his belt.


Raven: “I don’t blame the WWE for making the choice they did. I mean, if the belt was defended only under Hardcore rules, then nobody would ever be able to take it off me. I remember when I dominated a promotion back in Philly which was all about real Hardcore wrestling. If anybody in the WWE came up against me in a Hardcore match, it would be like bringing a knife to a gun fight. They wouldn’t walk out alive…”



RVD: “Raven I must have misheard you. Did you say nobody in the WWE could match you in a Hardcore match?”


Raven: “That’s exactly what I said.”


RVD: “I guess your memories not so good nowadays, because you must be forgetting what I did back in Philly. Maybe I need to refresh your memory? How about you and me, one on one under Hardcore rules…”


Raven: “That’s fine by me Rob, but I’ve got one condition. If you’re so confident, how about you put your Intercontinental Title on the line?”


RVD: “Hey man, this is a Hardcore match. How about you put your title on the line?”



Flair: “Raven you want a shot at the Intercontinental Title? Rob you want a shot at the Hardcore Title? Well today’s your lucky day, because the Nature Boys in a good mood. At Backlash it will be Raven vs RVD in a Hardcore Rules match, and the winner will become both the Intercontinental AND the Hardcore Champion! Whooo!”


Rating: B-




Austin: “I can’t tell you how good it is to be here in Madison Square Garden tonight. This is the place where Austin 3:16 was born, and it’s the place where I first stunned Vince McMahon to the mat. What’s more…”



Booker: “I’ve had just about enough of you Austin…”

Austin: “WHAT?”

Booker: “Oh you did not just say that!”

Austin: “WHAT?”

Booker: “Tell me you did not just say that!”

Austin: “Tell you I did not say WHAT?”

Booker: “What”

Austin: “I said: Tell you I did not say WHAT?”

Booker: “What! You said What”

Austin: “Do you have a hearing impediment son? I do not want to have to repeat myself again. So for the last time, you want me to tell you I said what?”

Booker: “Stop saying what!”

Austin: “WHAT?”

Booker: “Oh hell no.”

Austin: “WHAT! WHAT! WHAT! Anyone who wants to see this sonbitch get his ass kicked, give me a hell yeah!”

Crowd: “HELL YEAH!”



Rating: A*


This segment lifted the crowd.


Rob Van Dam vs Booker T


Stone Cold joined JR and Paul Heyman on commentary for this match. The match itself was back and forth, with RVD using his speed to keep Booker off balance, while Booker used the skills that made him a five time world champion in WCW to slow Rob down as often as possible. The turning point in the match came when Rob Van Dam looked to bounce off of the ropes for a Rolling Thunder. However, Raven had appeared through the crowd, and grabbed onto RVD’s foot as he bounced off of the ropes. This caused RVD to stumbled and double over, allowing Booker T to recover and hit the Scissor Kick from nowhere and pick up the win.


In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Booker T defeated Rob Van Dam in 16:32 by pinfall with a Scissors Kick. During the match we also had Raven run in and attack RVD.


Rating: B


Rob Van Dam was really off his game tonight. Booker T and Rob Van Dam have great chemistry, and it showed in their performances. This match lifted the crowd.


We see Lita and Trish Stratus in an argument with Ivory backstage. Ivory suggests that since Lita and Trish lost to Jazz at Wrestlemania, they should step aside and let someone new have a shot at the Women’s Championship… like say herself. Lita and Trish seem unhappy with her suggestion, but luckily Ric Flair appears and makes a Triple Threat number one contenders match for next week on Monday Night RAW!


Rating: C+


Ric Flair looked good.


Jericho is backstage, with Interviewer Gerald Briscoe.


Jericho: “There’s a reason Ric Flair is called the dirtiest player in the game. Ric Flair has obviously chosen Triple H as his golden boy, as the man he wants to hold the title. He also realizes that Y2J will take that title at Backlash. Seeing this, he has decided to try and make sure I am not 100% at Backlash, to give his boy Triple H a chance. Well Flair if you think you can derail me from my Title challenge you are sadly mistaken. Tonight I will simply dispose of Chris Benoit, and remind everyone that RAW IS JERICHO!”


Rating: A


Chris Benoit vs Chris Jericho


A great technical bout here, with both competitors trading hold and counter-hold. Benoit actually had the ascendancy for long periods of this match, with the ****y Jericho forced onto the back foot. Eventually however, Benoit made a mistake. Having hit a German Suplex, Benoit headed to the top for a Diving Headbut… but hit nothing but canvas. He was able to stagger back to his feet and have a wild swing at Jericho, but Jericho easily dodged and was able to sweep Benoit’s legs and lock in the Walls Of Jericho. Benoit struggled for a few moments, but stuck in the middle of the ring, he had no choice but to tap.


In a bout that featured great action and great heat from the audience, Chris Jericho defeated Chris Benoit in 19:37 by submission with a Walls of Jericho.


Rating: B


This match lifted the crowd.


Show Rating: B

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Poor Hogan, getting manhandled like that... did he ever had a match with Lesnar? Either way, the promise of one here excites me.


But... having Mr. Perfect lose to The Hurricane? Man, that's even worse than jobbing out DDP to The Rock in a Smackdown throwaway match. :(

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Poor Hogan, getting manhandled like that... did he ever had a match with Lesnar? Either way, the promise of one here excites me.


I don't actually know if they ever faced off. I don't recall a feud between the two. In any case it seems to be getting Brock over. He now pushes to the Upper Midcard, rather than just the Midcard, he's gained a full grade of overness in some areas already :D


I think Hogan's great strength was playing the babyface in peril role. Which he is playing here, with Brock in monster heel mode.


But... having Mr. Perfect lose to The Hurricane? Man, that's even worse than jobbing out DDP to The Rock in a Smackdown throwaway match. :(


Hey The Hurricane has C+ overness and Mr Perfect has C- overness in the mod, and as big a fan as I am of Shane Helms... that seems just wrong. I'm sure Mr Perfect will look to gain some retribution in any case...

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That's even worse than jobbing out DDP to The Rock in a Smackdown throwaway match. :(


I'm sorry okay :p


As for the show:


Screw you Flair! All the promos are really good. Hogan Lesnar, Raven was awesome (although he profited more than anyone from 24/7 ruling :D) and he made a great point. I wonder if you'll unify the titles :confused:


That Austin / Booker skit deserved the A* :p Good show


Lesnar beat Hogan at least once. But it hasn't happened yet

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I'm sorry okay :p


As for the show:


Screw you Flair! All the promos are really good. Hogan Lesnar, Raven was awesome (although he profited more than anyone from 24/7 ruling :D) and he made a great point. I wonder if you'll unify the titles :confused:


That Austin / Booker skit deserved the A* :p Good show


Lesnar beat Hogan at least once.


Thanks :)


I'm glad you like the Raven stuff, as it was probably the one I was least sure on :p The Raven/RVD match may well be a Unification match ;)


Haha thanks, that was a lot of fun to write, although I don't think Booker enjoyed it too much.


Yeah I had a quick look, and they had a match on Smackdown once. It wasn't until September of 2002, so in game they still haven't faced each other yet :)

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Sunday Night Heat

RAW recap of Billy & Chuck attacking Val Venis, and The Godfather making the save – C+


In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, P.I.M.P.S defeated Lance Storm and Tommy Dreamer in 8:04 when Val Venis defeated Tommy Dreamer by submission with a Venis Fly Trap. – C-


In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Raven defeated Maven in 8:25 by pinfall with an Evenflow DDT. – C


We see Spike Dudley talking to his brothers backstage. Spike seems to want to prove himself to his brothers, but they seem dismissive of him. Spike is persistent, but this seems to annoy his brothers. They beat down Spike, and tell him to find a partner for Monday Night RAW. – C


In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Hardcore Holly defeated Funaki in 7:46 by pinfall with an Alabama Slam. – C+


We have a replay of The Hurricane & Mr Perfects match from Monday Night Raw – D+


In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, The Hurricane defeated Rico in 9:56 by pinfall with a Vertebreaker. – C+


Show Rating: C

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Oh RAW, how I'm sorry, that I made you sad, Panda,

Was it because of my anti-RAW propaganda?

In truth your last RAW was the best episode yet,

And SmackDown needs all the support it can get,

Flair is a legend, Jericho too,

Hogan and Brock were the bomb in 02,

Sure, Mr Perfect should not have been beat,

But Raven is gold, and his promo was neat,

So SmackDown has the peoples eyebrow,

But you got those legs of Stacy's,

So I might change my allegiance on a twice weekly basis.

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Oh RAW, how I'm sorry, that I made you sad, Panda,

Was it because of my anti-RAW propaganda?

In truth your last RAW was the best episode yet,

And SmackDown needs all the support it can get,

Flair is a legend, Jericho too,

Hogan and Brock were the bomb in 02,

Sure, Mr Perfect should not have been beat,

But Raven is gold, and his promo was neat,

So SmackDown has the peoples eyebrow,

But you got those legs of Stacy's,

So I might change my allegiance on a twice weekly basis.


Haha this is awesome. Now I'm worried your poems may well outshine my promos :o


Thanks for the kind works :)

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Broadcast Live from the LA Sports Arena in Los Angeles, California in front of 12,956 screaming fans. WWE presents...


Monday Night RAW


The show opens with an impressive pyro display, as Jim Ross welcomes fans to Monday Night RAW. He is joined at ringside by Paul Heyman.



The crowd pops as The Nature Boy makes his way to the ring to open the show. Flair grabs a mic and begins to address the crowd.


Flair: “Whoooo!”


Crowd: “Whoooo!”


Flair: “Last week, the Nature Boy made a match for 13 days time at Backlash between Raven and Rob Van Dam. Now Raven, since you like choices so much, I’ve got an idea for you. Rather than making matches for you two tonight myself, I’m going to leave that choice to each of you. I’m going to let you pick your own poison. That’s right! Tonight Raven and RVD will be picking each other’s opponents. Let’s see how hardcore you boys really are. Whooo!”


Rating: B


This segment lifted the crowd.


AJ Styles vs Brock Lesnar


Brock Lesnar continued his impressive start to his RAW career here, with a dominating display against new talent AJ Styles. He seemed intent on hurting Styles, and the match ended when Styles tapped out to the Brock Lock. In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Brock Lesnar defeated AJ Styles in 5:53 by submission with a Brock Lock.


Rating: C+


The announcing quality lifted the match.


After the match Brock Lesnar refused to break the hold, despite Styles screaming and tapping out furiously. Lesnar kept the hold on, until music blared over the loudspeakers.



Seemingly content with his nights work, Lesnar bailed from the ring. Hogan stared down Lesnar as he checked on a lifeless AJ Styles. Lesnar just laughs as he looks on at the destruction he has caused.


Rating: A


This segment lifted the crowd.


We return from a commercial break to find Triple H backstage with Torrie Wilson.


Torrie: “Triple H, last week your opponent at Backlash, Chris Jericho, accused you and Ric Flair of working together to screw him out of his title shot. To make sure he wasn’t 100% at Backlash. What is your response to this?”


Triple H: “I’m not gonna lie to you Torrie, me and Ric… we get on well. He’s one of the greatest champions of all time, and I’m the Undisputed Champion. We have a lot in common. But Ric knows, and I know, what this title represents. The Undisputed Champion is the best wrestler in the entire WWE. That’s the way it’s always been, and that’s the way it always should be.”


Torrie: “But what of Jericho’s claims that your trying to weaken him before Backlash?”


Triple H (laughs): “Is this about that match last week? We weren’t trying to weaken him, he just pissed Ric off. A word of warning, NEVER call Ric Flair old! You’ll just offend him. You’ve got to remember, Ric’s still The Nature Boy. Jericho ticked off the boss, and Ric made sure he paid for it…”


Triple H is cut off Chris Jericho appearing on camera. Y2J is slowly and sarcastically applauding Triple H.


Jericho: “Oh that’s great stuff Hunter. Did you stay up all night thinking writing it? It wasn’t a plan between you and Ric to try and weaken me? It was just Ric losing his temper? A spur of the moment decision? Oh Hunter, how I wish I could believe that. But here’s the thing Hunter. We both know I’m in your head. We both know that I am better than you, and that if I arrive at Backlash at 100%, I will regain MY Undisputed Title… and once again I will be recognized as the best in the entire WWE. Now Hunter I would go on, but I wouldn’t want to offend you, or your friend Ric.”


Jericho gives Triple H a sarcastic smile before walking out of shot. The camera then shows a close up of the face of Triple H, who looks pissed.


Rating: A*


This segment lifted the crowd.


Trish Stratus vs Lita vs Ivory

No.1 Contenders Match for Women’s Title


This match was set up last week by Ric Flair. Trish and Lita looked to take Ivory out of the match early on. With Ivory taken care of, the two women began a one on one contest. They traded moves evenly until Ivory managed to recover. Ivory struck Lita from behind and threw her from the ring. However, she turned right into Trish Stratus who hit the Stratusfaction for the win. In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Trish Stratus defeated Lita and Ivory in 8:13 when Trish Stratus defeated Ivory by pinfall with a Stratusfaction.


Rating: C-


Ivory was really off her game tonight. The announcing quality lifted the match.


Sabu vs Raven


RVD reveals his chosen opponent for Raven to be one of his best friends, the debuting Sabu! These two men put on a back and forth brawl, which looked like it could go either way throughout. Eventually however, Sabu made a mistake as he missed a Springboard Leg Drop, giving Raven the momentum. Raven made Sabu pay for his mistake and hit the Raven Effect DDT for the win. In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Raven defeated Sabu in 5:38 by pinfall with a Raven Effect DDT.


Rating: C


The announcing quality lifted the match.


We go backstage to “Stone Cold” Steve Austin, who is standing by for an interview. However, before the interview can begin Booker T attacks Austin from behind. Austin begins to fight back, and looks to be taking the ascendancy, when Konnan appears from off camera and helps Booker to take back control of the brawl. The two complete the beat down, leaving Austin down and out.


Booker: “That’s what you get for mocking me. Now can you dig that?”


Rating: A


This segment lifted the crowd.


A video shows, replaying Spike’s problems over the past few weeks with his brothers. The video culminates with the beatdown last week on Heat, with Bubba Ray and D-Von telling Spike to find a partner for tonight on RAW.


We then cut to the ring, where The Dudleyz are already in the ring. Spike then announces that his partner tonight will be... The Big Show!


Rating: C+


Big Show came across well.


Big Show & Spike Dudley vs The Dudley Boyz (Bubba Ray & D-Von)


The Big Show comes out to a decent pop. The Dudleyz initially look reluctant to begin the match, but eventually the match gets under way. The match is very open, but eventually the Big Show is able to use his power to gain the advantage. In a match that had some good action and average heat, Big Show and Spike Dudley defeated The Dudley Boyz in 7:54 when Big Show defeated D-Von Dudley by pinfall with a Show Stopper.


Rating: B-


Spike Dudley seemed off his game tonight. Big Show and Spike Dudley have absolutely zero chemistry as partners. The announcing quality lifted the match. This match lifted the crowd.


Rob Van Dam vs Lance Storm


After seeing Raven knock off Sabu earlier in the night, RVD knew he needed to pick up a win here. Lance Storm was revealed to be Raven’s poison of choice. These two had a long match, with momentum going back and forth throughout. Storm managed to slow the pace of the match down enough to stop RVD utilizing his aerial game for long periods, and looked to wear down the back of RVD. However, around the 14 minute mark RVD was able to pick the pace up and gain control. A couple of stiff kicks, followed by a Rolling Thunder gave RVD a two count. Another stiff kick set up a Five Star Frog Splash, and from there the three count was a given.


In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Rob Van Dam defeated Lance Storm in 15:59 by pinfall with a Five Star Frog Splash.


Rating: C


The match was too long given who was involved. The announcing quality lifted the match.


We cut to backstage, where Mr Perfect is seen following The Hurricane through a corridor.


Perfect: “…I don’t get it. I had you last week, I wrestled a perfect match. How did you win?”


The Hurricane: “I keep telling you, I used my Hurri-powers.”


Perfect: “Hurri-powers?”


The Hurricane: “They’re what make me a superhero. They separate me from mere mortals such as yourself.”


Perfect: “Mere mortal… do you know who I am? I’m Mr Perfect and…”


As Perfect says this, Booker T and Konnan pass by angrily talking about Stone Cold.


Booker: “If that sucka’ stick’s his nose in my business again…”


Hurricane (to Perfect): “Excuse me, these civilians need my help.”


Booker: “Oh hell no. What did you just call me?”


Hurricane: “It’s okay civilian, I am here to protect and serve.”


Booker: “What, so you’re making fun of me too? That’s it, get your ass in the ring. I’m gonna slap some respect into ya’. Now can you dig that?”


JR: “It sounds like Booker T and The Hurricane will be facing off in the ring… and that’s next!”


Rating: B+


This segment lifted the crowd.


The Hurricane vs Booker T


We come back from the commercial break to find Booker T already in the ring, motioning for The Hurricane to get out there. The Hurricane joins him in the ring and seems to be trying to reason with the irate Booker T, offering him a handshake. Unfortunately, Booker doesn’t seem to listen to reason, and instead slaps the taste out of The Hurricanes mouth. This gets The Hurricane riled up and this match is on.


The match is a back and forth affair, with both men getting good periods of offense in. Despite The Hurricane getting a good bit of offense, Booker wins this one fairly cleanly in the end after hitting a Scissor Kick. In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Booker T defeated The Hurricane in 20:24 by pinfall with a Scissors Kick.


Rating: B


This match lifted the crowd.


Despite picking up a fairly clean win, Booker is seemingly not done. He calls Konnan and Perfect, who had previously been at ringside, into the ring. The three men continue the beatdown on The Hurricane, until…



The crowd goes nuts, as Stone Cold tears down the ramp. The three men in the ring freak the **** out. Austin slides into the ring and immediately gives Konnan a Stunner. Perfect looks to jump Austin… but he gets Stunnered as well! Booker decides to bail from the ring and save himself for another day. Austin then throws Konnan and Perfect from the ring, before helping Hurricane to his feet. Austin then calls for some beers and celebrates with The Hurricane to end the show, while Booker yells at him from the ramp.


Rating: A*


Show Rating: B

Some of the angles used definitely helped to lift the show

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I like the Booker-Austin feud, good stuff. But really... The Hurricane in a 20 min match against a main eventer? I see why you like him as a midcard comedy man, but come on! :p


In fairness I had Booker go over clean. Hurricane keeps getting over (Upper Midcard now), and I wanted to see how he would do in a longer match. As it turns out, not too badly. Also, it seems to be getting under Mr Perfect's skin...

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In fairness I had Booker go over clean. Hurricane keeps getting over (Upper Midcard now), and I wanted to see how he would do in a longer match. As it turns out, not too badly. Also, it seems to be getting under Mr Perfect's skin...


Yeah, I hope DDP and Mr. Perfect team up cross-brand to tear both RAW and Smackdown new ones! :p

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Sunday Night Heat

RAW recap of Ric Flair setting up matches for RVD & Raven on Monday Night RAW. Includes clips from their respective matches. Finishes hyping upcoming match at Backlash. – B


In a bout that had solid in-ring action but non-existent crowd heat, P.I.M.P.S defeated Christopher Daniels and Colt Cabana in 6:16 when Val Venis defeated Colt Cabana by submission with a Venis Fly Trap. – D-


In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Billy & Chuck defeated Funaki and Maven in 7:37 when Billy defeated Funaki by pinfall with a Fame-Ass-Er C


Post match, Billy, Chuck & Rico attack Funaki & Maven. Godfather & Venis run in to make the save. – C+


In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Mr. Perfect defeated Billy Kidman in 7:50 by submission with a Sharpshooter. – C-


Hardcore Holly argues backstage with Crash Holly & Molly Holly. Hardcore Holly tells Crash to earn his respect. – D+


In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Chris Benoit defeated Tommy Dreamer in 8:41 by submission with a Crippler Crossface – C+


Rating: C

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Broadcast Live from a sold out Nassau Coliseum in New York in front of 15,000 screaming fans. WWE presents...


Monday Night RAW


The show opens with an impressive pyro display, as Jim Ross welcomes fans to Monday Night RAW. He is joined at ringside by Paul Heyman.


JR: “Hello ladies and gentlemen and welcome to what promises to be an action packed Monday Night RAW!”


Heyman: “That’s right JR, as tonight Raven and RVD will be facing off against each other in Tag Team competition. And what’s more the two men are free to choose their own partners, which surely puts the advantage in Raven’s corner!”


JR: “I don’t know about that Paul, RVD will put up one hell of a fight. But first, the ‘Nature Boy’ Ric Flair says he has a major announcement to make regarding Backlash, showing this Sunday only on PPV.”



The crowd pops as The Nature Boy makes his way to the ring to open the show. Flair grabs a mic and begins to address the crowd.


Flair: “Whoooo!”


Crowd: “Whoooo!”


Flair: “Now Booker T, last week you made one of the biggest mistakes of your life. You attacked the baddest S.O.B on the planet, and you pissed him off. So to start RAW tonight, I’m announcing a match for this Sunday at Backlash, where Booker T will be facing off against… ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin!”


The crowd cheers.


Flair: “And that’s not all. Not on the Nature Boy’s show. Whooo! Because tonight we’re going to have a tag team match. In tonight’s Main Event, Booker T and his partner Chris Jericho will face off against Stone Cold and his partner... the Undisputed Champion: Triple H!”


Rating: A


Booker T could use something to freshen his character up. Ric Flair performed poorly in this segment. This segment lifted the crowd.


Trish Stratus & Lita vs Jazz & Ivory


With Trish facing Jazz in a Women’s Championship match this Sunday, one of these women could grab the momentum going into that match here. Trish teamed up with her friend Lita; while Jazz teamed up with Ivory, who Trish pinned last week to earn her title shot. Jazz spent most of the match trying to avoid being in the ring at the same time as Trish, tagging out to Ivory whenever they were both in the ring. Due to this, Ivory found herself in the ring for prolonged periods against a fresher opponent, as Trish and Lita utilized frequent tags. This eventually proved too much for Ivory, as Lita picked up the win.


In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Trish Stratus and Lita defeated Jazz and Ivory in 8:22 when Lita defeated Ivory by pinfall with a Lita Bomb.


Rating: C-


The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost.


RVD & Sabu vs Raven & Tommy Dreamer


RVD reveals his chosen partner to be his chosen opponent for Raven last week Sabu. Raven then comes out and calls RVD predictable. He says he isn’t going to waste his choice by doing the same as he did last week. Instead he had hand selected a partner, who RVD should be very familiar with. Raven reveals his partner to be Tommy Dreamer.


This was an out and out brawl between these four men. Weapons were introduced to the match early and used throughout, with the match serving as a nice appetizer for Raven and RVD’s Hardcore match this Sunday at Backlash. RVD looked to take on Raven whenever possible, but was continually blindsided by Dreamer meaning he couldn’t build a period of sustained offense. The finish came when Raven hit a Raven Effect DDT on Sabu directly onto a Steel Chair, giving Raven a big momentum boost heading into Backlash.


In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Raven and Tommy Dreamer defeated Rob Van Dam and Sabu in 6:30 when Raven defeated Sabu by pinfall with a Raven Effect DDT.


Rating: C+

Tommy Dreamer could use something to freshen his character up. The announcing quality lifted the match.


We come back from a commercial break to find Stone Cold backstage.


Austin: “Booker T, do you think you and your boyfriend can jump the Rattlesnake and get away with it?

Crowd: “WHAT”

Austin: “You think there won’t be consequences?”

Crowd: “WHAT”

Austin: “That I won’t get retribution”

Crowd: “WHAT”

Austin: “Revenge”

Crowd: “WHAT”

Austin: “Well tonight you won’t be jumping Stone Cold from behind. You’ll be eye to eye with the Rattlesnake. And come Sunday, revenge will be sweet, and that’s the bottom line... ‘cause Stone Cold says so."


Rating: A


This segment lifted the crowd.


Big Show vs Christopher Daniels


Newcomer Christopher Daniels faced a big test on debut here on RAW, as he faced off against the Big Show. Daniels did manage to get a short period of offense in at the start of the match, but Show soon put a stop to that and dominated the rest of the match. In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Big Show defeated Christopher Daniels in 5:40 by pinfall with a Showstopper.


Rating: C+


The announcing quality lifted the match.


The Hurricane vs Konnan


We come back from a commercial break to find that Mr Perfect has joined JR and Paul Heyman on commentary. JR asks Perfect about his actions last week where he attacked The Hurricane after his match with Booker T. Perfect tells us that Hurricane’s ego has grown too large. This seems to amuse JR, but Heyman is in full agreement. Perfect asks JR who Hurricane thinks he is? He calls himself a superhero, how narcissistic is that? Anyway, Mr Perfect has handpicked the perfect man to knock The Hurricane down a peg or two. The man who destroyed Stone Cold last week: Konnan!


Hurricane is distracted early on in the match, with Perfect yelling at him, allowing Konnan to gain the early advantage. Konnan gets a series of near falls, until Hurricane begins to work his way back into the match. The two competitors trade moves, until The Hurricane is finally able to hit The Vertebreaker and get the win. In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, The Hurricane defeated Konnan in 8:05 by pinfall with a Vertebreaker.


After The Hurricane wins, Mr Perfect says that if you want a job done right you have to do it yourself. He grabs a mic and challenges The Hurricane to a match this Sunday at Backlash. Hurricane accepts, and Mr Perfect promises to put The Hurricane’s ego back into check. Heyman shouts his agreement, but JR seems bewildered by Perfect’s claims about The Hurricane’s over-inflated ego…


Rating: C+


Konnan was really off his game tonight. The announcing quality lifted the match.


Brock Lesnar vs Samoa Joe


Back from another commercial beak, we find Samoa Joe already in the ring. That probably means it’s time for... yep here comes Lesnar. Lesnar dominates the match from start to finish, hitting all of his major moves and looking thoroughly dominant. Heyman spends the whole match hyping Lesnar’s match with Hogan this Sunday, proclaiming Brock Lesnar will topple the old guard and we will enter a new era... the era of Brock Lesnar.


In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Brock Lesnar defeated Samoa Joe in 5:42 by pinfall with an F-5.


Rating: C


The announcing quality lifted the match. Brock Lesnar came out of the match looking good.


We go backstage to find Gerald Briscoe standing by with Hulk Hogan.


Briscoe: “Hulkster, we just saw Brock Lesnar run through yet another opponent. I have to ask, is there any way that you can overcome this monster at Backlash?”


Hogan: “Now look here dude, Brock Lesnar may be a monster... but the Hulkster’s beat some of the biggest monsters in the history of this business. And with the help of all the Hulkamaniac’s out there, I know that I can overcome this one too. So Watcha gonna do Brock Lesnar? Whatcha gonna do when Hulkamania runs wild on you?”


JR: “Well there we have it. A confident Hulk Hogan is in action next!”

Heyman: “Confident? Try delusional! There is no way Hogan can overcome Lesnar this Sunday, whether he has the support of all his ‘Hulkamaniacs’ or not.”


Rating: A


This segment lifted the crowd.


Hulk Hogan vs Hardcore Holly


Hulk Hogan comes out to a huge pop from the New York crowd. He starts this match on fire, landing a series of hard hitting moves on Hardcore Holly and getting a series of near falls. However, eventually Hardcore Holly worked his way back into the match with a series of Heelish tactics. Hogan reverts to playing the Babyface in peril, and does so with aplomb. Things look bad for the Hulkster, but he begins to feed of the energy of the crowd and there’s the wagging finger! Right hand from Hogan! And another! And Another! Body Slam! Hogan whips Holly into the ropes, and nails him with a Big Boot… the crowd is going nuts! Hogan hits his devastating Leg Drop and gets the three count to the delight of the capacity crowd, and gains some momentum heading into Backlash.


In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Hulk Hogan defeated Hardcore Holly in 16:23 by pinfall with an Atomic Legdrop.


Rating: B-


Hardcore Holly was really off his game tonight. The match suffered because there was not enough selling shown.


We return from yet more commercials to find a woman we can recognise as one of The Godfather’s ho’s in the catering area. Billy, Chuck and Rico appear on camera and begin taunting her, before picking up a conveniently placed water cooler and throwing the contents over her. At this point, and no earlier, The Godfather and Val Venis appear and begin brawling with Billy & Chuck. Eventually Rico pulls his boys away, but a verbal argument continues. The segment ends with the four men agreeing to a tag team match at Backlash.


Rating: C


We cut backstage where Gerald Briscoe is once again standing by, this time with Booker T and Chris Jericho.


Briscoe: “Booker, Chris, tonight you both face your opponents this Sunday at Backlash and…”


Booker (while grabbing mic): “Shut up sucka. Last week me and my boy Konnan sent a message to the entire WWE. The WWE wants to hold us back, well we ain’t gonna take it no more! Austin I took your ass out last week, and this Sunday I’ll do it again. Now can you dig that?”


Jericho: “Triple H, you have something that belongs to me. After this Sunday, once again Chris Jericho will be back where he belongs at the pinnacle of the WWE, having regained MY Undisputed Title. But first, Booker and I have some business to take care of.”


Rating: A


This segment lifted the crowd.


Triple H & Steve Austin vs Chris Jericho & Booker T


The crowd was really into this match. Triple H and Steve Austin started this match on fire, with both men laying into the man they would be facing on Sunday and completely disregarding tag team rules. The heels bailed to the outside to try and regroup, but the faces stayed on top of them and took the fight to the outside. Eventually Stone Cold rolled Booker T into the ring, and for the first time the match began to resemble a tag match as Jericho and Triple H took their places on the apron.


Stone Cold stayed on top of Booker T, until he was able to tag in Jericho. The Heels then took control, using frequent tags to isolate Austin in their corner. This went on for a number of minutes, until Austin was able to hit a Stunner from nowhere on Jericho, leaving both men down in the middle of the ring. Both men struggled to their corner, tagging in Booker T and Triple H simultaneously. Triple H came in like a house on fire. He hit clotheslines on both men, before dumping Jericho unceremoniously from the ring. He then focused his attack on Booker, and looked in complete control.


Seeing his partner in trouble, Jericho grabbed a chair from ringside and slid it in to Booker T. Booker took the chair and hit Triple H in the back, causing the official to call for the bell. In a superb bout that had great wrestling and a sizzling crowd, The Two-Man Power Trip defeated Chris Jericho and Booker T in 19:57 when Booker T was disqualified for using a weapon on Triple H.


Rating: A*


Booker T could use something to freshen his character up. The match deserved better colour commentary. This match lifted the crowd.


After the match, Jericho joins Booker in the ring with another chair. The two men begin a vicious assault on Triple H and Stone Cold, looking to weaken their opponents going into their matches this Sunday at Backlash.



The crowd pops as Hulk Hogan’s music hits. The Hulkster comes out, but spends too long posing for the crowd. Hogan points at Booker and Jericho in the ring, with the heels looking concerned. However, before Hogan can get to the ring, Brock Lesnar appears from behind the curtain and lays Hogan out from behind. In the ring Jericho and Booker now wear a smug look, and the show goes off air with the Heels standing tall above their respective opponents. JR asks fans to join us this Sunday at Backlash, available only on PPV.


Rating: A*


Show Rating: A

This show can be considered a success, it should have increased our popularity.

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Sunday Night Heat</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> A promo video plays, recapping the key moments during Raven & RVD’s feud. – B-</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="31945" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Lance Storm defeated AJ Styles in 5:31 by submission with a Straightshooter. – C-</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Crash Holly argues backstage with Hardcore Holly and Molly Holly. Hardcore Holly tells Crash to shape up, or he will disown him. Crash challenges Hardcore Holly to a match next week on Heat to prove himself. Hardcore and Molly Holly initially laugh Crash off, but eventually accept the challenge. – D</p><p> </p><p> The Dudley Boyz are in the ring, stating that they are the best Tag Team in all of the WWE. They will be the next Tag Team Champions, and the journey to the Titles starts tonight! C-</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="31945" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, The Dudley Boyz defeated Second City Saints and Maven and Funaki in 5:32 when Bubba Ray Dudley defeated Colt Cabana by pinfall with a 3D. – D+</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="31945" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Mr. Perfect defeated Billy Kidman in 8:26 by submission with a Sharpshooter. – C-</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="31945" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>In a match that had some good action and average heat, Chris Benoit defeated Rico in 7:58 by submission with a Crippler Crossface. – B-</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> A Backlash Promo video is shown including hype for Triple H vs Chris Jericho, Hulk Hogan vs Brock Lesnar and Stone Cold vs Booker T – A*</p><p> </p><p> Rating: C+</p>
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