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Multiplayer Cornellverse Diary

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I can take the reigns of TCW as long as someone is willing to run the shows in the game. If you're willing to in-game run both companies, I can PM you what to do for TCW shows as well as other information. Match lengths, road agent notes, promos and what they're rated on, etc.
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I think I am in the same boat as Boltinho, if I were to help with this it would be my third diary currently running as well. And I am not sure if I could do it so I am going to have to drop out as well.


I still hope you guys do great with this.

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And the there were 4. This leaves us with two possibilities. An even 2 vs 2 SWF vs. TCW (which I think I would prefer) or maybe a four way dance if you will. If we did the latter, a draft would most likely be imminent.


If you guys are happy with the two teams now, shall we just begin? Or should we discuss the second option?

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I'm happy with how it is now, but BHK was also the biggest opponent of a draft, so if everyone else wants to do one, that's fine. However, I don't think that splitting it up into more companies is beneficial, because it makes it more likely to fall apart if one person leaves.
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I'm happy with how it is now, but BHK was also the biggest opponent of a draft, so if everyone else wants to do one, that's fine. However, I don't think that splitting it up into more companies is beneficial, because it makes it more likely to fall apart if one person leaves.


Very good point so as it stands it is Icon and myself as SWF taking on Rayelek and theripper1 as TCW.


Someone did mention before that both companies should have a series of people who are untouchable I think this is a good idea... If you guys are happy should we leave the foundations alone and let a draft go from there?



Richard Eisen

Eric Eisen (Blood)

Jerry Eisen (Blood)

Christian Faith (Strong Friendship)



Tommy Cornell

Wolf Hawkins (Mentor)

Struggling to find another 2 guys, suggestions.


I think your right Rayelek if someone drops out we are screwed at least this way the game can continue and if someone new decided to join, it could be fairly seamless.

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If we include the champions as undraftable, then I think this would be even. It comes out like this, the way I see it, though in terms of talent, it seems to favor TCW a little (since TCW wouldn't want Jerry Eisen, but SWF might want any of those).



Tommy Cornell (owner)

Wolf Hawkins (protoge)

Rocky Golden (HW Champ)

The New Wave (Tag Champs)

Joshua Taylor (International Champ)

Edd Stone (All Action Champ)



Richard Eisen

Eric Eisen (Son) (HW Champ)

Jerry Eisen (Son)

Christian Faith (Strong Friend)

Jack Giedroyc & Valiant (Tag Champs)

Brandon James (North American Champ)

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Yeah I like the way you have done that, see what you mean about it being slightly one sided too, SWF first draft pick to even it out?


Should it also be purely active workers or non-wrestlers also?


How are you guys all going to keep contact over this? IM? PM? or just on posting here?

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IM would be feasible, but PM on here is probably fine. Posting wouldn't be bad, but then each side would know what the other is thinking. I suppose it would be up to each side how they wanted to do it.


Also, yes, I think SWF can pick first, that should be fine. And does anyone have an opinion on active only/all workers being available for draft?

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I personally think we should be able to pick a few guys who aren't part of the respected promotions.


Maybe set a rule that you can pick a max of 3 free agents and 3 workers who work for another company whether written or PPA? The rest just from the pool of guys who already work for the two promotions?


Just an idea, that way at least the game world won't be raped of all the best talent.

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All title holders exempt.

Anyone with a relationship with the boss exempt. (This makes sense in terms of realism, but favors SWF, I think)

3-5 additional exemptions (I think 5)

All Remaining Workers available to be drafted, plus the following:

1 Worker each who is on a written deal outside of the "Big 2"

3 or less Workers each who are on PPA deals outside of the "Big 2"


This was my original post regarding the suggested draft rules. We've already outlined the first 2 sections and agreed to that.


What do you think about the rest?

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