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CCW: The rebirth of Tradition!

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I'll second Bolt's comment - Jay's promo was excellent. So to was the Force's - you have him down pat.


CCW Double Debut

Kevin Christopher vs. Edward Cornell

KC Glenn, erm, I mean Kevin Christopher, could be a top guy for you. The inclusion of Edward could be interesting in the Stretch Chord storyline...


CCW Championship Tournament Round 1

Match 1: Demon Problem vs. Hector Galindo

Match 2: Gold Dragon vs. Hugh de Aske

Match 3: Davis Wayne Newton vs. Senor Suerte

Match 4: Greg Gauge vs. Air Attack Weasel

Demon Problem is one of your top guys, Hugh seems to be out of it lately, Suerte and Newton is a toss-up, and AAW disappointed against Griff, so I think he loses here.


Chord Challenge Bar Room Brawl

Stretch C. vs. Jay Chord

If Jay wins, the feud dies...right?


CCW Championship Tournament Semi-Finals

Match 5: Winner of Match 1 vs. Winner of Match 2

Match 6: Winner of Match 3 vs. Winner of Match 4

I see Demon Problem v. Greg Gauge in the final. And I'll give Gauge the win as he's your top performer in terms if talent.


Loser Leaves CCW Match

The Force vs. Gargantuan

I think Gargantuan signed elsewhere and you're giving the Force the rub.


~Main Event~

CCW Championship Tournament Finals

Match 7: Winner of Match 5 vs. Winner of Match 6[/center]

See above - Gauge wins

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CCW Double Debut

Kevin Christopher vs. Edward Cornell


CCW Championship Tournament Round 1

Match 1: Demon Problem vs. Hector Galindo

Match 2: Gold Dragon vs. Hugh de Aske

Match 3: Davis Wayne Newton vs. Senor Suerte

Match 4: Greg Gauge vs. Air Attack Weasel


Chord Challenge Bar Room Brawl

Stretch C. vs. Jay Chord


CCW Championship Tournament Semi-Finals

Match 5: Demon Problem vs. Gold Dragon

Match 6: Senor Suerte vs. Greg Gauge


Loser Leaves CCW Match

The Force vs. Gargantuan


~Main Event~

CCW Championship Tournament Finals

Match 7: Gold Dragon vs. Senor Suerte

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CCW: Last Stand! (December-Week 3-Monday, 2010)

Live from the CCW Gym in Chicago Illinois

Attendance: 271

Lead Announcer: Davis Ditterich

Play by Play: Remmington Remus

Color: Honey Golightly


~Pre-Show/DVD Bonus~


4 way Tag Match Featuring The Tribe (Ace Youngblood/Running Wolf), The Southwestern Connection (Joe Benning/Animal Harker), Leo Davis and Griff, and Island Boy Apollo and Angel Hamill in which The Southwestern Connection won!


::: Davis Ditterich, Remmington Remus, and Honey Golightly pumped up the crowd for the show :::


~Main Show~




Kevin Christopher vs. Edward Cornell


These two debuting athletes gave it there all as they battled it out in front of the largest crowd in CCW history. Cornell seemed one step behind Christopher and finally Christopher nailed Edward with a Super Kick seemingly out of nowhere for the win.


Winner: Kevin Christopher! (E+)


~CCW Title Tournament Round 1~




The Big Problem vs. Hector Galindo


As Demon Problem posed for the crowd, Hector Galindo nailed him with a low blow before the bell rang. Hector relentlessly nailed Problem with stiff kicks but the big man was able to get back up. Hector went in for a splash but Problem caught him and landed a huge body slam. Problem then lifted Hector up and nailed him with a Problem Solver before making the pin.


Winner: Demon Problem! (D+)




Gold Dragon vs. Pirate King Hugh de Aske


Gold Dragon came out early with his martial arts moves but Hugh kept rolling out of the ring forcing Dragon to follow him which lead to Hugh getting in a few good blows. Eventually Dragon got a hold of Hugh and used his karate moves to both wow the crowd and take Hugh off his feet. Dragon went for a Leg Lariat but Hugh dropped down and rolled out of the ring. Hugh slid back in and when he did the lights went out. When the lights went back on Hugh was laid out and the ref gave the win to Gold Dragon by Forfeit.


Winner: Gold Dragon! ©


A new Captain in town! (E-)


As Gold Dragon makes his way to the back in disgust over his “win” the song Yo, ho ho…A Pirate’s Life for Me plays once more. From out of the back walks a man dressed like a pirate and he’s holding a mic.




Pirate: Arrrrg! Didya really think you could outrun the mighty Captain Morgan? You be owing me a bit a debt boyo and I be seein that I collect on it with interest. You may have beatin my man Odlaw and me voodoo priest Papa Bondye but now you face the full wrath o’ Captain Morgan and the beating you suffered thus far are but a fraction of the pain I shall inflict upon you should ye continue to hold out on me and deny me what is mine by right! ‘Til then thar be plunder to be had here and I shall be glad to take my fair share, so sayeth the code!


Captain Morgan walks out as Hugh barely begins to stir…the crowd in utter shock at what they just saw and heard.




Davis Wayne Newton vs. Senor Suerte


Davis took the fight right to Suerte and kept him off balance with a combination of quick strikes and submission holds. Suerte fought back but it was not enough to stop the focused DWN. Finally, after landing a DDT, DWN hooked in a STF and made Suerte tap out.


Winner: Davis Wayne Newton! (D)




Air Attack Weasel vs. Greg Gauge


Weasel missed an early splash and since then he was on the defensive. Greg didn’t let up and within a few minutes of the match Greg had the Proton Lock hooked in and Weasel was tapping out.


Winner: Greg Gauge (C-)


~Chord Challenge Bar Room Brawl~




Jay Chord vs. Stretch C.


Before the match began, a group of ring technicians came out and removed the ring ropes. Several staff members then came out and set up a few bar tables and chairs in the ring as well as a small bar area, complete with beer bottles on the “bar”. Stretch and Jay walked into the “bar” from opposite ends. Jay flashed a ****y smile to Stretch and then the two charged one another swinging wildly. Jay got the upper hand and slammed Stretch on a bar table that collapsed upon impact. Jay then mounted Stretch and began to rain blows down on Stretch. Jay then stood up and grabbed a bottle from the bar and took a drink ****ily but as he did Stretch kicked him in the bread basket and Jay spat the beer out. Stretch got up and worked over Jay with a few punches before smashing a chair across the back of Jay.


Stretch then grabbed a bottle off the “bar” and smashed it on the head of Jay. The bottle shattered into a hail of glass bits as the crowd “oohed” and “awed” with satisfaction. Stretch continued to press his advantage and slammed Jay onto the “bar” with broke in half upon impact. As Jay lay among the wreckage Stretch locked in a Stretch Mark that had Jay tapping out within moments.


Winner: Stretch Chord! (D-)


Welcome to the family! (E+)


After the match Jay Chord was helped up by Stretch and the two stood there looking at one another for a moment. Jay stretched out a hand and Stretch shook it before the two embraced to a huge ovation from the crowd. Jay then pointed at Stretch as he yelled out “My Big Brother Stretch!”


~CCW Title Tournament Semi-Finals~




Demon Problem vs. Gold Dragon


Demon Problem and Gold Dragon meet for the first time here and for a while it seems the martial arts moves of Gold Dragon are getting the better of Demon Problem. Dragon eventually makes the mistake of trying to splash Problem and he ends up getting slammed hard for his efforts. Problem then is able to hit Dragon with several impact moves before landing a Problem Solver for the win.


Winner: Demon Problem! ©




Greg Gauge vs. Davis Wayne Newton


Another match that pits two guys against each other for the first time, this one is more technical. Greg and Davis exchange holds and reversals before Greg is able to somehow lock in the Proton Lock. Davis looks just about to tap when he miraculously is able to reverse it and soon Greg is the one tapping out!


Winner: Davis Wayne Newton! (D+)


Final two! (B-)


As Davis Wayne Newton gets his arm raised up in victory by the ref, Demon Problem walks out and offers him a congratulatory handshake. Davis slaps the hand of Problem away and Demon Problem looks ready to strike but before he does Davis drops down and rolls out of the ring. Demon Problem begins to pose for the crowd and as he turns his back on Davis, DWN grabs a chair and slides into the ring. DWN nails problem in the left lag with the chair causing Problem to drop to the ground. DWN repeatedly hits the left leg before security rushes out and removes him from the ring.


~Loser Leaves CCW Match~




The Force vs. Gargantuan w/Heather B.


Gargantuan jumps the bell and begins to nail The Force with stiff looking forearms. The Force is reeling and Gargantuan follows up with a huge boot to the face that sends The Force to the mat. Gargantuan lifts Force up and tries a right but Force blocks it and begins to mount a comeback as the crowd roars to life. Force nails Gargantuan with three unanswered blows before taking the big man off his feet with a elbow to the skull. The crowd is going wild and Force runs at the ropes only to have Heather B. grab his leg. Force stops and shakes his head “no” as Heather begins to wave her arms in desperation. Force reaches over the ropes and pulls Heather up on the apron by her hair. Force then draws his hand back as the crowd cheers him on but before he can nail Heather, Gargantuan hits Force in the small of the back with a massive double ax handle. Force drops Heather who tumbles to the floor and Gargantuan then lifts Force up and slams him down with a Choke Slam. Gargantuan then makes a nonchalant pin for the victory.


Winner: Gargantuan! (D+)


Taking out the trash! ©


After the bell is rang, Gargantuan lifts Force up and slams him down again with a Choke Slam. Meanwhile, Heather B. grabs a chair from ring side and slides it into the ring. Gargantuan lifts Force up once more and flips him upside down. Gargantuan then delivers a piledriver onto the chair busting the helpless Force wide open! EMTs and security rush the ring as Gargantuan and Heather stroll to the back.


~CCW Title Tournament Finals~




Demon Problem vs. Davis Wayne Newton


Demon Problem limped to the ring as DWN mocked him. The bell rang and DWN attacked the leg of Problem causing the big man to be taken off his feet! DWN tried to get a submission win with various leg holds but Problem just wouldn’t quit. DWN then tried a single leg crab which Problem was able to reach the ropes and get the hold broken. Just as DWN went in for the kill the crowd began to chant “Problem!” and the big man seemed to come back to life. Problem hobbled up on his feet and blocked several shots from DWN and then landed a few of his own. DWN threw a massive haymaker that Problem ducked. Problem then unleashed the Problem Solver Lariat and DWN flipped over from the impact to a huge “ooh” from the crowd. Problem made the pin as the crowd roared it’s approval!


Winner and 1st CCW Champion: Demon Problem! ©


Overall Show: C-!




***As always, thoughts on the show are appreciated…next card will be up in a few days after I post the 2011 roster and some behind the scenes shenanigans.

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Whew! First year is in the books and it looks like we are still in business. Despite a few rocky moments it seems like I was able to keep the fans, the boys, and Spite all happy while managing to turn a little profit! All the talent trades I made helped the shows a lot and I will probably look to do a few more in the future but as of right now all we have on roster are the boys who agreed to sign with us.


CCW 2011 Roster




Ace Youngblood: Ace had a rough year in CCW, coming out on the losing end more often than not. On top of this, Rip Chord didn’t renew his MAW contract. The fans seem to like him so at least he has that going for him. He has had little tag success alongside Running Wolf as part of The Nation. Rumor has it The Nation is going to add a manager so things may turn around for Ace very soon…


Did you know? Despite what people seem to think he is not from the same tribe as Running Wolf. Ace is in fact an Apache while Running Wolf is a Lakota.



Angel Hamill: Angel was trained at the DeColt Power House however there was no room for him in CGC so we picked him up. His best asset is his ability to “sell” moves so it isn’t hard to imagine him jobbing out to better workers. He also works for 4C where he actually has a small cult following.


Did you know? Angel Hamill was actually born without a personality! CCW is still looking for a doctor who can transplant one on to him.



Animal Harker: Still pulling double duty in NYCW and CCW, Animal Harker has improved quite a bit from last year. Not the most successful worker in CCW, his recent tag team with Joe Benning as the Southwestern Connection has few wins as of late. Some say Animal is one to watch in 2011, let’s hope he can live up to that praise.


Did you know? After years of dying his hair green, Animal has damaged hi hair to the point it has lost all hint of it’s natural color!



Captain Morgan: Recently revealed to be the mastermind behind the assaults of Hugh de Aske, not much is known about Captain Morgan. What we do know is Hugh owes him a debt that Morgan is looking to collect on in CCW.


Did you know? Captain Morgan is an actual captain of a ship…the HMS Rum & Coke!



Davis Wayne Newton: Pulling triple duty in 4C, NYCW, and CCW, DWN is talented young man who came up just short in the CCW Title Tournament. Once a close associate of Greg Gauge, DWN has broken away and come into his own as of late. It seems like it is only a matter of time before he is wearing gold in CCW.


Did you know? DWN was the first and only person to ever reverse the Proton Lock!



Demon Problem: The current CCW Champion, he has been unbeaten since day 1 in CCW. Recently Gargantuan has tried to take Problem down a peg but so far Problem has remained the dominant force in CCW. Will 2011 see him continue his dominance or will he finally suffer his first defeat?


Did you know? Demon Problem is a huge Dustin Beaver fan, and sings all his songs backstage much to the chagrin of the other members of the roster!



Edward Cornell: The young cousin of Tommy Cornell, a fine talent in his own right that is constantly being compared to his much better cousin. Some say he was brought into CCW as a backup to Stretch’s story if things didn’t work out…Whatever the reason, Edward is here to prove he is just as good as Tommy was in his prime!


Did you know? Edward once wrestled as “Smooth Injustice” in 21CW, playing the exact opposite of “Rough Justice” Tommy Cornell.



Fritz von Steinberg: Hugely over in Europe, Fritz has come to America to prove German dominance. A throwback to an earlier era, Fritz is looking to bring the **** villain into the 21st century!


Did you know? Fritz can grip a basketball with one hard…then crush it flat with his powerful Iron Claw!



Gargantuan: When Demon Problem turned his back on Heather B. she vowed to find and even more impressive monster…and if you ask his opponents she has succeeded. He has remained undefeated thus far in CCW, with a huge win over The Force which got The Force to quit CCW.


Did you know? Gargantuan is a former ballet student, who once played the lead in the Swan Lake!



Gold Dragon: Who is Gold Dragon? That has been the question since his debut in CCW. A great martial artist, who has gotten comparisons to both Bruce Chan and Jack Lee, he is not afraid to use those skills in the ring. Some rumored persist that he is Fumihiro Ota under a mask but those have yet to be substantiated…


Did you know? Gold Dragon was once part of TCW’s short lived cruiserweight division!



Greg Gauge: A main event player from day one, Greg has suffered plenty of setbacks in CCW. A shocking loss to DWN in December has Greg rethinking his future in CCW despite the fact the fans love to hate him. Will he rise to the top or fall by the wayside in 2011?


Did you know? Greg has created the Improved Proton Lock after having the original version reversed on him!



Hector Galindo: The resident gangsta of CCW, Hector has had little success thus far. Fans are doubting if he has what it takes to be a singles star with many wondering just when the other members of the Latin Kings will show up in CCW.


Did you know? Hector Galindo is actually a highly educated individual with 2 master’s degrees!



Hugh de Aske: The self proclaimed Pirate King of CCW, Hugh has suffered many surprise attacks as of late. Captain Morgan recently revealed himself as the mastermind and this seems to have taken Hugh way off his game. In fact, there are rumors of Hugh being forced to team with Morgan in the coming months.


Did you know? Hugh was once arrested for piracy…of illegal copies of SWF Supreme Challenge ‘99!



Island Boy Apollo: Still a huge star among the Puerto Rican community, Apollo has suffered many defeats in CCW. Could 2011 be the year he turns things around or is he in for more of the same?


Did you know? Island Boy Apollo keeps his face paint on even when outside the ring!



Joseph Benning: The man from Arizona still has yet to break out of the under card in CCW. Despite a pretty good tag team with Animal Harker, few fans seem to care about this regular Joe.


Did you know? He once ate 50 hard boiled eggs in an hour!



Joseph Loeb: Lazy, Smokey, Sleepy…these are but a few names often attached to Joseph Loeb. A regular in PSW, Joseph has come back to his hometown of Chicago to prove he is the best wrestler to ever come out of the Windy City.


Did you know? Joseph Loeb was turned away from the CCW Gym by The Minnesota Mauler!



Kevin Christopher: A bright prospect who seems to have a bright future in CCW. Many insiders peg Kevin to be a huge deal in the sport and so it might come to no surprise if he is scooped up by a much bigger promotion sooner rather than later.


Did you know? Kevin Christopher is a huge fan of SCCW icon Jesse Christian!



Leo Davis: At 43, Leo is still the veteran of the roster. Terrible in the ring, horrible on the mic, and a general prick backstage…people often wonder why he still has a job. A recent story offer has put some hope for Leo to finally get a little spotlight, but time will tell if he screws that up too.


Did you know? Leo Davis has 0 friends on FaceSpace and likes it that way!



Running Wolf: Still in CCW, the eyes that were once on him seemed to have turned elsewhere, leaving Wolf to lose some confidence. He has shone a little progress so there may be hope for this big man yet.


Did you know? Running Wolf is afraid of heights!



Samuel “Griff” Griffin: At 18, I’m still the youngest member of the CCW roster. Fans seem to like me, so I think giving myself a small push may not look to bad to the other boys. Still, I am very hesitant to give myself a lot of time.


Did you know? Griff was once employed as a pizza maker for Little Nero’s!



Senor Suerte: He had a huge year in CCW, with a lot of the focus put on his mysterious item. After the reveal was made things seemed to have cooled off for Suerte but hopefully they will heat back up in 2011!


Did you know? Senor Suerte is half Canadian, half Mexican!



Stretch Chord: Stretch is an awful worker, yet the fans love him anyway! The chants of “you screwed up” have become a badge of honor to Stretch. At the tail end of 2010 he was revealed to be the illegitimate son of Rip Chord and since then he has tried to present a more serious in ring persona.


Did you know? Unlike his brother Jay, Stretch is straight edge and has never touched a drop of alcohol!



Alexis Little Feather: Recently brought in to manage The Nation. More eye candy than anything else, CCW is hoping to increase the male audience with this acquisition.


Did you know? Alexis is not Native American, she is actually a Native Mexican from the Olmec tribe!



Heather B: The former valet of Demon Problem has been managing a new monster in CCW to much success. Every month she gets more comfortable in her role and soon she may outshine her client!


Did you know? Heather B. has over fifty identical hats!



Helmut Steinberg: The handler and hustle behind Fritz’s muscle, Helmut is Fritz’s younger brother. A decent talker, Helmut plays his role to utter perfection.


Did you know? Helmut speaks seven languages fluently, including German and Austrian!

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News from around the Wrestling World!

CWWF opened under the ownership of Findlay O’ Farraday

Mexican Beast Sustained a Concussion putting him out for 28 days!

Terry Smith becomes head booker for CWWF

Demon Spike lifts tag match main event ban on CCW!



CCW: Second City Strike! (January-Week 3-Tuesday, 2011)


Hector Galindo vs. Stretch Chord

Fritz von Steinberg vs. Angel Hamill

The Tribe vs. Leo Davis and Griff

Southwestern Connection vs. The Pirates

Joseph Loeb vs. Kevin Christopher

~Main Event~

~~CCW Championship~~

Demon Problem vs. Greg Gauge

Plus much more!

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Hector Galindo vs. Stretch Chord

Fritz von Steinberg vs. Angel Hamill

The Tribe vs. Leo Davis and Griff

Southwestern Connection vs. The Pirates

Joseph Loeb vs. Kevin Christopher


~Main Event~

~~CCW Championship~~

Demon Problem vs. Greg Gauge


Plus much more!

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Hector Galindo vs. Stretch Chord

Stretch is on fire. No way Hector pulls out the win.


Fritz von Steinberg vs. Angel Hamill

You all but called Angel a jobber in your yearly wrapup. Fritz may actually crush his head in.


The Tribe vs. Leo Davis and Griff

Actually a tough call, though I think the named team picks up the win here.


Southwestern Connection vs. The Pirates

Interesting way to further the Hugh/Mogran feud. Their animosity may cost them the match, but I also could see Hugh going over to the dark side.


Joseph Loeb vs. Kevin Christopher

There is no way that Lazy, Smoky Joe beats KC.


~Main Event~

~~CCW Championship~~

Demon Problem vs. Greg Gauge

I think GG and DWN are going to continue their feud, hence keeping the belt on your top star.

Plus much more!

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CCW: Second City Strike! (January-Week 3-Monday, 2011)

Live from the Asylum in Chicago Illinois

Attendance: 484

Lead Announcer: Davis Ditterich

Play by Play: Remmington Remus

Color: Honey Golightly


~Pre-Show/DVD Bonus~




~Main Show~


Stretchamania! (E)


Stretch Chord came out to the ring with a mic and a small cheer from the crowd.


Stretch: Well…what do you say people? [crowd cheers] You here that? That is the sound of the American people cheering for their man, Stretch Chord! All around the country people were doubting me. They were saying “Stretch just aint gots it baby!” They was sayin “Stretch aint on da level of Jay Chord.” Well, I’m still here in CCW and Jay aint! I stood with my armed raised up in victory and he didn’t! I…proved to Jay, to Rip, and to everyone who ever doubted me, that I am a true Chord and a true wrassler!


Now this week, I’m facing the Hispanic jumpin bean, Hector Galindo! Now Hector, if you ask me, you be eatin one too many fried bananas. You’re slow, you’re sloppy, and you’re not on the same level as Stretch Chord. When we meet tonight, it’s going to be a double trip to the learnin tree. I’m going to teach you how to wrestle like a champion, and you can teach me how to lose with dignity!




Hector Galindo vs. Stretch Chord


Hector came out and rushed the ring, attacking Stretch before the bell. Stretch was quick to recover and soon he had Hector reeling. Stretch landed a picture perfect dropkick that took Hector completely off his feet. Stretch then motioned for his finisher, and within moments he had Hector tapping out from the Stretch Mark!


Winner: Stretch Chord! (D-)


Actung! (D-)


German music filled the arena as Fritz and Helmut von Steinberg came marching out. Helmut was dressed in a German army officer suit while Fritz had on black wrestling pants with a German flag motif. Helmut grabbed a mic and began to speak as Fritz held his right arm up at face level in the Iron Claw position.


Helmut: Actung! Rise up and show your appreciation for the greatest wrestler to ever come out of the fatherland. All you people watching this match are blessed to see Fritz in action. Watching this match is a privilege and you need to respond in kind! Now rise up, and give Fritz what is coming to him! [loud boos!] HOW DARE YOU! You stupid Americans know nothing of our superior German DNA, yet you think you have the right to boo Fritz. Angel Hamill shall pay for this insolence by having his head crushed to dust between the mighty hand of Fritz von Steinberg!




Fritz von Steinburg w/Helmut vs. Angel Hamill


Angel comes out and Fritz almost immediately applies the Iron Claw on him. Angel begins to tap out but Fritz refuses to release the hold. As the ref warns of a DQ, Fritz finally relents and Angel lays unconscious on the mat.


Winner: Fritz von Steinberg! (E)


~DVD Bonus!~


TB2? (E-)


We are backstage watching Leo Davis taping his wrist up when Griff walks into the room.


Griff: Leo…dude. We’re the hottest tag team here in CCW, but what we need to truly get over…matching costumes! Now, I got us the perfect outfits…and the greatest name ever…TB2!


Griff pulls out a costume but the camera angels shifts so you can’t see the outfits but instead you get a shot of Leo’s horrified face.





The Tribe w/Alexis Little Feather vs. TB2 (Teddy Bear Square)


TB2 came out to some confused laughing and a bit of disbelief. The Tribe got a better response, especially with Alexis walking with them. Leo Bear and Ace started things off, but soon Griff Bear was in and things got a little confusing as to who the legal “Bear” was. During the confusion, one of the Bears was nailed with a Wolf Tamer but the other Bear traded spots with him and when Wolf went for the pin, he was rolled up in a small package!


Winners: TB2! (E)




The Southwestern Connection vs. The Great Lakes Pirates


Animal and Hugh started things off and quickly Hugh had the advantage. Morgan tagged himself in, much to the chagrin of Hugh. Captain Morgan continued the beat down of Animal but soon Animal had Joe tagged in. Joe cleared the ring and outside of the ring Captain Morgan berated Hugh before ordering Hugh back in. Hugh once more got the advantage in his favor only to have Morgan tag himself in again. Joe turned things around and soon he had Morgan in a pinning situation and Hugh went in for the save only to stop short and allow Morgan to be pinned.


Winners: The Southwestern Connection! (D-)


This is your fault! (E)


Captain Morgan got into the face of Hugh and Hugh stood there and took it. Morgan slapped Hugh a few times before ordering him to the back and Hugh complied although he looked pretty upset.




Gargantuan w/Heather B. vs. Edward Cornell


Gargantuan completely destroyed Edward within minutes of the match starting. Gargantuan finished Edward off with a Lariat that was not unlike the Problem Solver.


Winner: Gargantuan! (D-)


Making a point! (B-)


After the match Gargantuan lifted Edward up and nailed him with another Problem Solver like Lariat as Heather clapped her approval.




Joseph Loeb vs. Kevin Christopher


Joseph got a nice pop from his home crowd. Kevin and Joseph went back and forth until Senor Suerte came out and attacked Joseph Loeb! The ref called for the bell as Kevin kicked the ropes in disgust.


Winner: Joseph Loeb (E+)


Why Suerte?


Suerte continued to assault Joseph as the ref and security tried to restrain him. The announcers wondered if this was a heel turn for Suerte or something more…




DWN vs. Gold Dragon


Gold Dragon comes out to a nice pop while DWN comes out to a large round of boos. Dragon and DWN went back and forth until DWN grabbed the mask of Gold Dragon and pulled it off. Dragon covered his face and rolled out of the ring as the ref began his count. Eventually Dragon was counted out and DWN got the victory.


Winner: DWN! (C-)



Demon Problem{c} vs. Greg Gauge for the CCW Championship


Greg went right after the still injured leg of Demon Problem. Problem looked like he may actually lose several times only to get his arm up at the last minute. Greg goes to lock in the Proton Lock when DWN comes down to the ring and gets on the ring apron. Greg turns to DWN and gets in his face but when he turns around he gets nailed by a Problem Solver.


Winner: Demon Problem! (C-)


You owe me! (E+)


After the match DWN gets a mic and begins to speak.


DWN: First off, there is no way I am letting you Greg, or anyone else, take advantage of the injury I gave Demon Problem. If anyone gets a win from it, it’s going to be me! As for you Problem…you now owe me one. Next month, me and you, for that title. [crowd cheer] And trust me when I say this, I have the solution to your problem!


Overall Show: D!


***As always, thoughts on the show are appreciated…

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I’m going to teach you how to wrestle like a champion, and you can teach me how to lose with dignity!


Best line ever.


The results surprised me as I totally bombed on most of my selections. TB2 may be the most Wrestlecrappy thing I've ever seen. Awesome.

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Tyler! What up bro? I was wondering if any of the hundreds of E-Wrestling I've met would ever find their way over here. Anyway, hope you continue to enjoy the dynasty and be sure to predict!


To everyone else who has left feedback...




And as for TB2...plan on seeing more wrestlcraptastic gimmicks in the near future!

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CCW: Second City Strike! (Feburary-Week 3-Tuesday, 2011)


Fritz von Steinberg vs. Edward Cornell

The Southwestern Connection vs. the Great Lakes Pirates

Gargantuan vs. Stretch Chord

Kevin Chritsopher vs. Gold Dragon

~Main Event~

~~CCW Championship~~

Demon Problem vs. Davis Wayne Newton

Plus much more!

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<p><strong>Fritz von Steinberg</strong> vs. Edward Cornell</p><p>

<em>Fritz seems to be getting a big monster push. Should go over the other Cornell here. Stretch v. Ed could be a money feud - Chord/Cornell?!?!?</em></p><p> </p><p>

The Southwestern Connection vs. the <strong>Great Lakes Pirates</strong></p><p>

<em>I like the tension storyline, which means they should lose...but I'm gonna pick the pirates to win.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Gargantuan</strong> vs. Stretch Chord</p><p>

<em>Sorry Stretch.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Kevin Chritsopher vs. <strong>Gold Dragon</strong></p><p>

<em>Toss-up, though I think GD is more of a long-term answer for you than KC.</em></p><p> </p><p>

~Main Event~</p><p>

~~CCW Championship~~</p><p>

<strong>Demon Problem</strong> vs. Davis Wayne Newton</p><p>

<em>DWN may pull better match grades, but the Problem is a nice champ for you - and completely safe from being stolen by the big guys.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Plus much more!</p>

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CCW: Second City Strike! (February-Week 3-Monday, 2010)

Live from the Asylum in Chicago Illinois

Attendance: 393

Lead Announcer: Davis Ditterich

Play by Play: Remmington Remus

Color: Honey Golightly


~Pre-Show/DVD Bonus~


TB2 defeated The Tribe

::: TB2 celebrated in the ring by break dancing. :::

Joseph Loeb defeated Mr. Odlaw


~Main Show~


Heil Fritz! (E+)


Fritz Von Steinberg walk out to the ring with his brother Helmut following close behind. Helmut yells at the crowd the whole way to the ring and when he enters it, he picks up a mic and begins to talk as Fritz stands behind him menacingly.


Helmut: Achtung! You schtupid Americanz should shut your mouths and lizen very closely. Last veek I told you all zat mine brother Fritz vould dominate and zat iz exactly vhat he did. Angel Hamill vas not only defeated, but he vas embarrassed too! So embarrassed zat he didn’t efen show up to tonight’s show. Ya, he iz, how you zay? Abzent! Zis veek, Fritz shall exschtend hiz dominance ofer to Englund vhen he destroyz the veak Edfard Cornell. Heil Fritz!


Fritz and Helmut deliver a very familiar kind of salute as the crowd boos.




Fritz von Steinberg w/Helmut vs. Edward Cornell


Edward comes out and tries some weak looking punches that Fritz shrugs off. Fritz then applies the Iron Claw on Edward. Edward fights off the urge to tap out for a few moments but he then begins to tap.


Winner: Fritz von Steinberg! (D-)


Why Suerte? Why? (F+)


Joseph Loeb makes his way out for a match when Senor Suerte attacks him on the entrance ramp. Suerte lands several hard blows before landing a thunderous DDT on Joseph right on the steel entrance ramp. Suerte spits on Joseph as EMTs rush past him to check on Joseph. The crowd is almost silent from the shock of this brutal assault.




The Southwestern Connection vs. The Great Lakes Pirates


Joe Benning and Hugh started things off with some back and forth brawling. Hugh seemed a step behind Joe and, if Morgan didn’t tag himself in and attack Joe, Hugh would have felt the Joe and Behold. Morgan quickly turns things back in his team’s favor. Eventually Animal got in the ring and all heck broke lose. During the chaos Morgan nailed Joe with a right hand that he had a pair of brass knuckles on. Reluctantly Hugh made the pin on Joe as Morgan took Animal off the apron.


Winners: The Great Lakes Pirates! (D-)




Gargantuan w/Heather B. vs. Stretch Chord


Gargantuan rushes Stretch who nimbly avoids the big man and counters with an ineffective kick. Stretch continues to dodge Gargantuan but his offense doesn’t seem to have any effect on Gargantuan. Eventually Gargantuan gets his hands on Stretch and prepares for a Choke Slam. Stretch flails his feet and kicks at the face of Gargantuan. Gargantuan drops Stretch and holds his left eye as the announcers note that Stretch must have caught Gargantuan’s eye with the tip of his boot. Stretch then grabs Gargantuan in a Stretch Mark and after a brief moment Gargantuan is tapping out as the crowd goes nut!


Winner: Stretch Chord! (D-)




Gold Dragon vs. Kevin Christopher


Gold Dragon and Kevin Christopher went at it back and forth for several minutes before Kevin hit Gold Dragon with a low blow turning things in his favor. Kevin goes after Gold Dragon’s mask and he was successful in removing it. Unlike last month, Gold Dragon didn’t freak out he nailed Kevin with a Leg Lariat revealing his “face” to the world in the process.




Winner: Gold Dragon (D+)


I’m DWN and you’re not! (D-)


Demon Problem came out to a huge pop from the crowd. As Problem stood on the ramp Davis Wayne Newton runs out and chop blocks Problem. DWN then takes the title belt and smashes Demon Problem in the face with it busting him wide open. DWN then gets in the ring and taunts Demon Problem to get in.




Demon Problem{c} vs. Davis Wayne Newton for the CCW Championship


Demon Problem was helped up by the EMTs and started to go to the back but he pushed himself off the EMTs and hobbled to the ring. The crowd cheered Problem and he seemed to get new life from it. DWN tried to take advantage of Problem’s leg but Problem fought his way back up to two feet and took DWN down with a headbutt. Problem then went for a Problem Solver but his leg gave out and he went down. DWN tried to slam Problem but the big man reversed it and took DWN down hard. Problem then went for a Problem Solver, this time he succeeded in nailing DWN with it for the win.


Winner: Demon Problem! (C-)



Overall Show: D+!



CCW: Second City Strike! (March-Week 3-Monday, 2010)


TB2 vs. The Southwestern Connection

Fritz Von Steinberg vs. Island Boy Apollo

Joseph Loeb vs. Marshal Dillon

Gold Dragon vs. Davis Wayne Newton


~Main Event~

Demon Problem vs. Rafeal Ruiz


An interview with Senor Suerte



***As always, thoughts on the show are appreciated…

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TB2 vs. The Southwestern Connection

Fritz Von Steinberg vs. Island Boy Apollo

Joseph Loeb vs. Marshal Dillon

Gold Dragon vs. Davis Wayne Newton

Demon Problem vs. Rafeal Ruiz


Pretty good shows overall. Demon Problem has the potential to be your big money maker if you take advantage of his menace enough.

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<p>Stretch over Gargantuan?</p><p> </p><p>

Anyone else ever run that match and result? Anyone?</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>TB2</strong> vs. The Southwestern Connection</p><p>

<strong>Fritz Von Steinberg</strong> vs. Island Boy Apollo</p><p>

Joseph Loeb vs. <strong>Marshal Dillon</strong></p><p>

Gold Dragon vs. <strong>Davis Wayne Newton</strong></p><p> </p><p>

~Main Event~</p><p>

<strong> Demon Problem </strong>vs. Rafeal Ruiz</p><p>


An interview with Senor Suerte</p>

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<p>As usual, I love the surprise booking. Stretch the Chicken Boy, erm, I mean Stretch Chord, over Gargantuan? Awesome. And I like the little swerve with Gold Dragon. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>TB2</strong> vs. The Southwestern Connection</p><p>

Teddy Bears go over here.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Fritz Von Steinberg </strong>vs. Island Boy Apollo</p><p>

Aryan dominance continues here. This is quite the metaphor for colonialism!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong> Joseph Loeb</strong> vs. Marshal Dillon</p><p>

<em>Marshal's not much of a singles guy and Loeb at least has a storyline.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Gold Dragon </strong>vs. Davis Wayne Newton</p><p>

<em>You've done an excellent job of keeping DWN and KC down, but not looking weak. I think that continues here.</em></p><p> </p><p>

~Main Event~</p><p>

<strong>Demon Problem </strong>vs. Rafeal Ruiz</p><p>

<em>Demon Problem has become quite the champion for you. Rafael is good, but not even my favorite teenage mutant ninja turtle.</em></p>

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CCW: Second City Strike! (March-Week 3-Monday, 2010)

Live from the Asylum in Chicago Illinois

Attendance: 469

Lead Announcer: Davis Ditterich

Play by Play: Remmington Remus

Color: Honey Golightly


~Pre-Show/DVD Bonus~


Senor Suerte defeated Lance the Dance

::: The Great Lakes Pirate rile up the crowd. :::

The Great Lakes Pirates defeat The Tribe!


~Main Show~




TB2 vs. The Southwestern Connection


TB2 came out to some hip hop music and danced their way down to the ring amid boos and laughter. The Southwestern Connection came out to a nice pop and the match was underway. The match went back and forth with TB2 using their identical look to fool the ref several times. Joe and Animal did manage to clear the ring of TB2 only for them to do a switch and steal a victory with a school boy pin.


Winners: TB2! (E)


Actung! Part Deux (E+)


Fritz and Helmut walk down to the ring and deliver a very familiar kind of salute as the crowd boos. Fritz then grabs a mic but before he can speak Island Boy Apollo runs out and attacks Fritz prompting the bell to ring.




Fritz von Steinberg w/Helmut vs. Island Boy Apollo


Apollo nails Fritz with a few good blows but a big boot from Fritz turns things around. Fritz then slams Apollo into the corner before grabbing him with an Iron Claw. Apollo tries to fight Fritz off but within moments he is tapping out.


Winner: Fritz von Steinberg! (E)


Payback! ©


Stretch Chord makes his way to the ring amid cheers when Heather B. appears on the ramp. Heather grabs a mic and begins to speak.


Heather: Do you think you can defeat my monster and get away with it? Do you think you can embarrass him and me without repercussions? [Gargantuan sneaks in from the crowd behind Stretch.] Allow me to answer that for you…Hell NO!


Gargantuan turns Stretch around and lands a Two Handed Choke Bomb on Stretch. Stretch is laid out as Gargantuan walks out of the ring and toward a laughing Heather.




Joseph Loeb vs. Marshall Dillon


Joseph Loeb and Marshall Dillon went back and forth until Senor Suerte came out and distracted Loeb. Dillon delivered several big moves and was on the verge of beating Loeb until Suerte ran in and nailed Joseph with a chair shot causing the DQ. Dillon tried to protest but Suerte brandished hi chair and Dillon hit the bricks.


Winner: Joseph Loeb! (E)


Finally…an answer!


Honey Golightly ran out to the ring and thrust a mic in the face of Suerte.


Honey: Senor Suerte…Ever since Joseph Loeb has stepped foot in CCW you have attacked him without mercy. The fans, the boys in the back, I want to know why Suerte…Why have you made it your mission to destroy Joseph Loeb?


Suerte rubs his chin for a second and looks like he might walk off but then he stops and takes the mic from Honey.


Suerte: Why? That’s simple Honey…because he deserves it! Several months ago I told you all a story. I told each and everyone of you hat my family was killed in a fire. A fire that was caused when a careless smoker tossed a lit cigarette into a trash can. That day changed my life forever…and its all “Smokey” Joe’s fault!




Gold Dragon vs. Davis Wayne Newton


The match started off with some quick technical moves. Things quickly escalated and Dragon and DWN were trying various slams and holds only to have each other counter the other’s moves. Things spilled to the outside and they continued to fight into the crowd as the ref began his count. Dragon did manage to land a Leg Lariat but he was unable to make it back to the ring thus causing a Double Count Out!


Winner: Draw!©


Still Champion!!! (A)


Demon Problem came out to a huge pop from the crowd. He walked to the ring and played up to the crowd as they continued to cheer for him. Demon Problem then grabbed a mic and began to speak.


Problem: Does it feel good to be in this ring wearing this belt or what? Every month since I have won this title I have snacked on fear and dined on the destruction of my opponents! There isn’t a wrestler anywhere that can ever take this from me! I am Demon Problem…and I am CCW! [huge pop]




Demon Problem{c} vs. Rafael Ruiz for the CCW Championship


Rafeal tried to go after the leg of Problem but the big man was ready for it and kept Rafeal away with some quick attacks. Ruiz eventually managed to hook on the Ruiz Wrench but Problem battled his way out and with the crowd’s vocal help he fought back. Problem eventually landed a Problem Solver and got the victory.


Winner: Demon Problem! (D+)



Overall Show: D+!


***As always, thoughts on the show are encouraged and deeply appreciated…

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