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Name: Ali Bahra

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Size: Lightweight

Ethnicity: Indian

Nationality: Indian

Appearance: Basically same as Dali but hair covering his right eye

Ring Style: Cruisereight

Bio: Ali Bahra is a young man from India who has made a name for himself by competing in dangerous tag team matches with his identical twin brother Dali as The Bahra Boyz.



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Name: Dali Bahra

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Size: Lightweight

Ethnicity: Indian

Nationality: Indian

Appearance: He has long black hair that covers his left eye

Ring Style: Cruiserweight

Bio: Dali Bahra is a young man from India who has made a name for himself by competing in dangerous tag team matches with his identical twin brother Ali as The Bahra Boyz.




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Name: Espionage

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Size: Lightweight

Ethnicity: White

Nationality: New Zealander

Appearance: He is masked and he is a spy gimmick so if you can do something spy inspired with the mask, but I have no idea what, I think black base colour could work well

Ring Style: Luchador

Finisher: The Clandestine (Impact) Stalk From Behind Leg Lariat; Lay Low (Impact) Standing Double Footstomp; The Double Agent (Submission) Diving Bulldog Into Crossface.

Bio: Espionage is a young New Zealander, who is gaining a reputation as a solid young luchadore with a good chance of success. After moving to Mexico at 19 upon the recommendation of [Key NZ figure] to the [Mexican Promotion], he started off well and later split his time and toured the US indies. His key selling point is his extreme pace and agility within the ring, and well considered and calculated style all of which add to his well liked "spy" gimmick. He rarely speaks and is known to be a shadowy figure, often making his way to the ring before anyone has noticed. He is often used as a sneaky face, using clever tactics rather than dastardly ones. He real name is currently unknown.


I think you may like this one



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Name: Magnus Martenson

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Size: Middleight

Ethnicity: Swedish

Appearance: Goodlooking blond with short hair and beard

Ring Style: Regular Wrestler


Bio: The Martenson Brothers have been tipped to be the next thing in tag team wrestling. Magnus is more of an techician and isn't as charismatic than his brother.


Finisher: Stepover Toehold Facelock (submission), Northern Lights Bomb (impact)

Gimmick: No gimmick needed





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Name: Arn Martenson

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Size: Middleweight

Ethnicity: Swedish

Appearance: Goodlooking blond with short hair and a goatee

Ring Style: Regular Wrestler


Bio: The Martenson Brothers have been tipped to be the next thing in tag team wrestling. Where Magnus relies on technical wrestling, the charismatic Arn relies more on highflying wrestling but he can take it to the mat when necessary.


Finisher: Top Rope Cross Body (pinfall), Butterfly DDT (impact)

Gimmick: heel; C0cky youth. face; Teen idol





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uhh... maybe too adventurous? I was thinking something more like King's


Unfortunately I don't have a Jaguar head prop to slap on to someone's torso, so I'm afraid that will have to do. I think the mask works quite nicely to be honest. I tried a couple of different options before deciding upon the final outcome.

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With Lord Jaguar now having a new render, would somebody mind coming up with a name, bio etc. for this guy please?



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Name: Pavel Volikov

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Size: Heavyweight

Ethnicity: Russian

Appearance: Nikita Koloff with hair

Ring Style: Brawler


Bio: Pavel Nikolayevich Volikov could had been huge heel in USA during the 80's but nowdays a big bad russian communist isn't taken seriously. But that hasn't stopped comrade Volikov, oh no. He moved to USA at a age of 18 to train to be a pro wrestler and upon graduating he has been working independent dates in the East Coast.


Finisher: The Hammer (second rope axe handle (impact)), The Sickle (lariat (impact))

Gimmick: Comrade



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Name: Samanosuke Kawada

Age: 44

Gender: Male

Size: Middleweight

Ethnicity: Japanese (Asian)

Appearance: Grizzled looking with greying hair

Ring Style: An ultra-solid regular wrestler.

Gimmick: Traditionalist


Bio: Samanosuke Kawada is a seasoned veteran of Japanese wrestling, commanding great respect for turning in good performances week-in and week-out whilst proving seemingly impervious to injury. Never a major name, Kawada nevertheless has had near guaranteed employment practically his entire career thanks to his reliability.


Finisher: Kawada Hurricane Lariat (Impact)





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With Lord Jaguar now having a new render, would somebody mind coming up with a name, bio etc. for this guy please?




Ask and you shall receive!


Name: El Bestia Salvaje

Age: 27

Gender: Male

Size: Middleweight

Ethnicity: Mexican (Hispanic)

Ring Style: Brawler, highly intense but with somewhat poor consistency and safety.

Gimmick: Savage


Bio: Animal-Masked El Bestia Salvaje is an explosive worker from Mexico. Much bigger than most Luchadores, Salvaje's MO is simple: beat the hell out of any opponent he can get his hands on. Unfortunately, what could have been a great selling point somewhat goes to waste on Salvaje, as he's a pretty sloppy and inconsistent worker.


Finisher: La Mutilar (Impact)

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Name: Roy Sparrow

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Size: Lightweight

Ethnicity: Canadian (Caucasian)

Appearance: Very scrawny looking with dishevelled hair

Ring Style: Regular wrestler (with terrible aerial stats) with above-average selling

Gimmick: Sidekick/Lackey


Bio: "Soaring" Roy Sparrow is a fairly poor young Canadian worker who appears to have a crippling fear of going airborn, the only time his feet so much as leave the mat being when other (much better) wrestlers throw him around


Finisher: Sparrow Sensation (Pinfall, AKA it's probably a roll up)






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With Lord Jaguar now having a new render, would somebody mind coming up with a name, bio etc. for this guy please?




I see a new bio has already been submitted, but I just wanted to say that if someone ever created a hybrid between a man, leopard, and giant crab, that would probably be this guy's gimmick :)

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Name: Deng Cao

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Size: Middleweight

Ethnicity: Chinese (Asian)

Appearance: A big enthusiastic grin, wearing a red bandana

Ring Style: Entertainer

Gimmick: Happy-Go-Lucky, Teen Idol


Bio: Deng Cao is an up-and-coming wrestler who hails originally from China, but who moved to the US fairly young. He is known for his wildly enthusiastic interviews, which often make the bare minimum of sense, but thanks to his charisma usually get the crowd fired up anyway.


Finisher: Twisting Dragon Driver (Impact)



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Name: "Out of this World" Ollie Midnight

Age: In his 20s

Size: Middleweight

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Nationality: American

Appearance: Remember when John Morrison was Johnny Nitro? Remember the way he used to slick his long hair back? I'd suggest that for Midnight, possibly with a silver highlight or two to boot. Facial somewhat of a pretty boy.

Ring Style: Cruiserweight (Aerial and Flash being some of his best stats)


Bio: "Out of this World" Ollie Midnight, who claims to hail from "Space Station 13", is one of the more surreal wrestlers around today. With a persona that sits right on the edge of cool and weird, Midnight struts around proclaiming himself an Interstellar traveller full of exotic wisdom and intellectual delight. The gimmick is certainly odd, but Midnight's wit (he seems to have a one liner for every occasion) and his looks (quite frankly, chicks think he's hot) make it all work.


I'd suggest making him an AWF wrestler.




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