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The London-Verse

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Name: Suffering

Age: 27

Size: Middleweight

Ethnicity: Asian

Nationality: Japanese

Appearance: Version of Smash

Ring Style: Brawler

Finisher: Sidwalk Slam

Bio: Suffering is one-half of the tag team known as 'Massive Damage'. There isn't much different from Wreckless and Suffering other than Suffering is a little more aerial





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Name: Chóngdé Xú

Age: 27

Size: Heavyweight

Ethnicity: Asian

Nationality: Chinese

Appearance: Bald, MMA Badass.

Ring Style: MMA Crossover

Finisher: ...

Bio: 'The Chinese Knockout Artist' Chóngdé Xú is known heavily in the MMA world. Xú is a very good knockout artist, but his attitude and drug problems as well as his lack of knowledge in the wrestling world will be his downfall.



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Sutherland and Holden both look really good, London!


Name: Rocket Harinobu

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Size: Lightweight

Ethnicity: Japanese (Asian)

Appearance: Dyed hair again would be cool (not as elaborate at the Jin-cut though), but otherwise... licence for you?

Ring Style: Japanese Junior, poor resilience

Gimmick: Is daredevil a gimmick? I don't have the game in front of me. Along the lines of thrill seeker/extremist.


Bio: Reckless risk-taker Harinobu Oga is an exciting Japanese Junior who shows promise both on the mat and in the air - with his crazy dives leading to him being dubbed 'Rocket'. However, whilst his high-flying antics certainly wow the crowds, they also lead to Harinobu frequently getting injured, which at his young age is something of a worry.


Finisher: ROCKET Launch (Impact... definitely something off the top ropes)





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Sutherland and Holden both look really good, London!


Name: E.S.P

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Size: Middleweight

Ethnicity: Japanese (Asian)

Appearance: Hm... this might be a little TOO specific, but I guess I'll say anyway: closed eyes, two fingers touching his temple, Professor X style. If that can't be done, then just closed eyes would be fine. Buzz cut (so if possible, evident that he's not bald).

Ring Style: Entertainer - good charisma and acting, poor on the microphone, strong psychology. Effectively the idea is that he's 'too good' to be a comedy worker.

Gimmick: Something comedy based but imprecise, as he's got a very very specific gimmick. (It'll come up in the bio)


Bio: E.S.P is a wrestler who works the bizarre gimmick of being psychic, with much of his psychology (with a judicious amount of scripting) being based around that. Moves are countered before they happen, ambushes and run-ins are thwarted and on the rare occasions E.S.P gives an interview, questions are answered before they are asked. Naturally this is played strictly for laughs, although E.S.P portrays himself one hundred percent seriously. A pretty good worker for his age, some believe that shorn of his gimmick, E.S.P could have climbed a lot farther, a lot more quickly.


Finisher: Psychokinesis (Pinfall)






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Guys like E.S.P. and Kamikaze Kid seem like they'd be suited to what's known as a "Sleaze" Promotion in Japan. A Sleaze promotion is basically a small independent promotion, one that's often far more prone to using gimmick matches, crazier and more goofy characters and is often headed by one wrestler (often the owner) who popular enough to support the promotion on his back, but won't/can't be hired by the big leagues for one reason or another.
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Sutherland and Holden both look really good, London!


Name: Creep

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Size: Lightweight

Ethnicity: Japanese (Asian)

Appearance: Another one that might be a bit over specific... liquid black eyes (hurrah for contacts). Basically he should just have a very disconcerting stare.

Ring Style: Cruiserweight with very high acting

Gimmick: Something weird. Vanilla weirdo?


Bio: Creep (Todanori Mushiga) is a former gymnast who seems to be making it his mission in life to be as freaky as humanly possible, often coming across more as a horror movie monster than an actual wrestler. Creep's antics include but are not limited to crawling on the ground and across the mat, licking his opponents' faces, and clinging to ceilings. Thanks to both his past training and double-jointedness, Creep seems set to, well... creep people out for some time to come.


Finisher: Darkest Nightmare (Impact), True Terror (Impact)





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Guys like E.S.P. and Kamikaze Kid seem like they'd be suited to what's known as a "Sleaze" Promotion in Japan. A Sleaze promotion is basically a small independent promotion, one that's often far more prone to using gimmick matches, crazier and more goofy characters and is often headed by one wrestler (often the owner) who popular enough to support the promotion on his back, but won't/can't be hired by the big leagues for one reason or another.


Exactly. Those type of characters will find homes in the smaller promotions for sure.

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Sutherland and Holden both look really good, London!


Name: Keiko Matoshi

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Size: Very small

Ethnicity: Japanese (Asian)

Appearance: Very wholesome and youthful looking

Ring Style: Raw regular wrestler

Gimmick: Old school face


Bio: Rookie Keiko Matoshi is a fresh-face on the Japanese scene, and as such it's a little early to say how far she might go. What is clear already though is that she's an absolute natural babyface thanks to her innocent look.


Finisher: German Suplex






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Sutherland and Holden both look really good, London!


Name: Junya Muramoto

Age: 30

Gender: Male

Size: Heavyweight

Ethnicity: Japanese (Asian)

Appearance: 'All-business' type of look. Stubbled.

Ring Style: Puroresu, but technically-inclined.

Gimmick: Arrogant heel


Bio: Hard-as-nails Junya Muramoto is an unforgivingly stiff worker who loves nothing more than slapping on a nice and tight submission hold. Earlier in his career, Muramoto was a pretty generic worker who showed little in the way of personality. However, a six month lay-off due to an injury provided him with the opportunity to reinvent himself as a super arrogant heel, which has given his career a real boost.


Finisher: Touch of Greatness (Impact)





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Question London, are you having any Aussie promotions and are you accepting submissions for Australian workers?


I will be later on, yes. :)


I'll inform everybody on specifics of a given submission window so keep your eyes open.

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Sutherland and Holden both look really good, London!


Name: Mazushika Takigami

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Size: Big Heavyweight

Ethnicity: Japanese (Asian)

Appearance: Suit and sunglasses - a bodyguard type character

Ring Style: Brawler, your typical 'big, powerful and scary guy', so pretty plodding.

Gimmick: Bodyguard


Bio: Mazushika Takigami is a fairly run-of-the-mill big man, showing off a lot of brute strength but little in the way of agility or finesse. Recently, his career has had a big boost when he was attached to Junya Muramoto, acting as the other wrestler's bodyguard and sometimes tag team partner, leading to noticeable strides in Takigami's work.


Finisher: Devastator (Impact)





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Sutherland and Holden both look really good, London!


Name: Yoshinari Date

Age: 29

Gender: Male

Size: Heavyweight

Ethnicity: Japanese (Asian)

Appearance: Somewhat haggard-looking, but with a determined expression.

Ring Style: All-rounder

Gimmick: I uh... have no idea.


Bio: Yoshinari Date's early career was marked with an insane amount of hype - promoters saw a young powerhouse with a great look and multiple dimensions to his game and went absolutely wild for him. Date ascended to dizzying heights extremely quickly... then came crashing down to earth so hard he left cracks in the pavement. Not only did he get busted for possession of steroids, just two weeks afterwards, he suffered a drugs overdose, leaving him both a physical wreck and unemployed at just 22. Since then, Date has worked hard to get clean and rehabilitate himself, finally getting his life and career back on track in -two yearsish before data start- when -one of the bigger Japanese promotions- signed him.


Finisher: Tiger Explosion (Impact)


P.S: Both Date's steroids and hard drugs habits should be set to reformed and known, probably fairly low for each, since they're past demons and not things he's still grappling with.



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Name: Kitsune

Age: 32 (feel free to change this)

Gender: Male

Size: Lightweight (got to fit into Jr. divisions)

Ethnicity: Asian/Japanese

Appearance: Some type of mask/facepaint that looks like a fox.

Ring Style: Cruiserweight/Japanese Junior/Luchadore? (I don't know) Great highflyer, decent other things.


Bio: Kitsune (real name Daisuke Sasaki), is an exciting Junior Heavyweight in HLG. After graduating from the companies dojo, Sasaki spent many years honing his craft in a young lion role, rarely picking up wins. However Sasaki got a break in late 2008 when, veteran Junior Heavyweight competitor Shinigami took a shine to him and began working on a new gimmick for the rookie.


After several months off Sasaki re-debuted as the MASKED/FACE-PAINTED (delete as neccessarry) Kitsune and instantly beat his new backstage mentor to begin a long running fued between the two.


Gimmicks - Probably just Old School Face/Heel.






I know it looks cartoony, but I will edit the bio to make it understood as to why.

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Name: Shinigami

Age: 44 (feel free to change this)

Gender: Male

Size: Lightweight (got to fit into Jr. divisions)

Ethnicity: Asian/Japanese

Appearance: A dark looking mask. (Shinigami is kind of the grim reaper in Japan)

Ring Style: Cruiserweight/Japanese Junior/Luchadore? (I don't know) Great basics/psychology to reflect he is a veteran, slightly lower highflying stats than you would expect to show he is starting to slow down in the ring.


Bio: Sinigami is a veteran Junior Heavyweight within HLG, over his career he has claimed many titles and won several tournaments. Shinigami has exclusively been a heel throughout his career, playing a grim-reaper-esque character.


Gimmicks - Don't have the game with me right now, I think Grim Reaper is a good option (if I am rememering rightly that there is a gimmick like it in the gimmick set).



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Couple more that came to me.


Name: Nobu Souta

Age: 38

Gender: Male

Size: Super Heavyweight

Ethnicity: Japanese

Appearance: Sumo-ic

Ring Style: Brawler

Finisher: Shini-tai (2nd rope seated splash)


Bio: Nobu Souta is a former sumo wrestler who, while very good, never achieved the title of yokozuna, or grand champion. However, Souta possessed amazing agility for a man his size, as well as a presence, which allowed him a somewhat smooth transition to the world of wrestling. Now a savvy veteran of the squared circle, slowed by the grind on his joints due to his weight, Souta is seen as more of a mentor than a wrestler.





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I really liked this render when I first saw it, although upon reading the bio I'm not sure if it conveys that haggard, drug abuse look. Then again, his bio also reads that he had a great look when he debuted, so I'm not sure how those are balanced out :)


And Nobu Souta has a great double chin effect there, I'm really liking that

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I really liked this render when I first saw it, although upon reading the bio I'm not sure if it conveys that haggard, drug abuse look. Then again, his bio also reads that he had a great look when he debuted, so I'm not sure how those are balanced out :)


And Nobu Souta has a great double chin effect there, I'm really liking that


Well I figured that he is reformed now and will be attempting to climb that mountain once again. He has a look of dicontent about him which is something I tried to convey. :)

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