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The London-Verse

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Blue, Purple and Yellow Demon



Pure Awesome

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Any beta release for this yet? I wanna play it now!!!


Haha, glad to see you're enthusiastic but a working beta is some way off. The data contains 112 workers thus far with 13 promotions entered. The final numbers will be a lot, lot higher than that. When a beta is near release I will ask for a few volunteers to test the mod before an official release, but I don't want to rush anything.

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Haha, glad to see you're entusiastic but a working beta is some way off. The data contains 112 workers thus far with 13 promotions entered. The final numbers will be a lot, lot higher than that. When a beta is near release I will ask for a few volunteers to test the mod before an official release, but I don't want to rush anything.


Totally understand.

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I can see these two jumping around a little bit in their history, winning a couple of different sets of tag team titles, just as a suggestion.


Name: Bucky Cohen

Age: 39

Gender: Male

Size: Middleweight

Ethnicity: Israeli (Middle-Eastern)

Appearance: Dark hair and a chin beard - if possible the straps of a white singlet should be visible. Expression should be something on the lines of your typical "I'm a face!" smile.

Ring Style: Regular wrestler - think The Tag Team Specialists but with more charisma

Gimmick: Old school face


Bio: Bucky Cohen is one half of one of the most enduring and widely known tag teams in the history of American wrestling; The Warpspeed Cavalry, alongside his partner and best friend Skipper Jameson. Over their twenty-two year partnership, Bucky and Skipper have gone from generic pretty boy high fliers, to obliviously arrogant goofballs, to never-say-die determinists, to merciless henchmen... all the way to vastly respected veterans, good guys because crowds practically refuse to boo them. The Cavalry have never been great workers, but their vast experience working together and sheer time spent in the wrestling ring mean that both men have enviable fundamental skills.


Finisher: Cohen Combination (Impact, Secondary), Warpspeed Wipeout (Tag Team)



Name: Skipper Jameson

Age: 41

Gender: Male

Size: Middleweight

Ethnicity: American (Caucasian)

Appearance: Apart from sharing the white singlet and looking faceish (again if possible), go crazy!

Ring Style: Very similar to Cohen, though perhaps a slightly better performer on the top rows.

Gimmick: Old school face


Bio: Seeing Skipper Jameson today, it's practically inconceivable to think that he was once regarded as a future singles star. A small injury whilst training for his debut from the CWE Elite Wrestling School led to Skipper being thrown into a tag team contest with fresh-faced rookie signing Bucky Cohen - a combination the company liked so much that they decided to keep it together long term. The Warpspeed Cavalry, as the team became known, proceeded to make a big splash with the CWE fans, starting Skipper and Bucky on the path to becoming tag team legends. These days, the Cavalry have settled into comfortable midcard roles - an enduringly popular tandem with a real talent for drawing good matches out of the young lions.


Finisher: Skip a Beat (Impact)

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Name: 'The Razor' Rick Young

Age: 40

Gender: Male

Size: Heavyweight

Ethnicity: American - Caucasian

Appearance: Matt Hardy with short hair w/ red streaks and a goatee

Ring Style: Mat Technician

Alignment: Heel

Gimmicks: Old school face / Sadistic Heel

Finishers: The Razor Blade DDT (Impact)

Bio: Rick Young while he got his start as one half of The Young Guns a tandem he formed with his younger brother had evolved in to something more. After turning his back on his brother, wife, and two of their closest friends he took on a more sadistic approach in his career. An Approach that has garnered him several World Championships and has made him one of the top heels in the business. When he says that he's "Twisted and Sadistic... and that you're just a statistic" many believe him.


Name: 'The Suicidal Superman' Mike Young

Age: 39

Gender: Male

Size: Light Heavyweight

Ethnicity: American - Caucasian

Appearance: Jeff Hardy with short hair

Ring Style: Hardcore

Alignment: Face

Gimmicks: Showstopper / Putz

Finishers: The O.D. (Impact)

Bio: While one half of the Young Gunz tag team with his brother Rick, Mike had some success in the ring winning tag championships and a few of the smaller singles championships that had many thinking that he was the Young brother to bank on becoming a legend. However, after his brother turned on him revealing his violent streak everything just started falling apart for him. He started to become overall reckless in the ring injuring a few opponents and himself several times as things in his personal life started to turn sour, but one tragic event lead to a positive change in the man. A previous girlfriend was sadly killed in a car accident and as a result give Mike custody of their daughter, Patience, whom he never knew about. The Responsibility changed him for the better and he actually was able to win two World Championship thus far.


Name: Jasmine Mooncross

Age: 40

Gender: Female

Size: Small

Ethnicity: American - Caucasian

Appearance: Lita with black curly hair with a white patch in the front (Think Rogue of the X-Men)

Ring Style: High Flyer

Alignment: Face

Gimmicks: Tomboy / Bitch

Finishers: The Moon Shine (High Risk)

Bio: Jasmine Mooncross whose real name is Laci Young was nothing more than a stripper until happened to meet her husband Rick Young by chance at a video store. The two of them married rather quickly some would say and is evident in their somewhat rocky relationship. Jasmine's career as a wrestler though... is nothing to write home about other than a couple of Women's championships she never really went any where. Some wrestling critics said that she could have been one of the best women's wrestler in this decade, but that her relationship with her husband and her willingness to put over other workers hindered her career. She's now only semi-active in the business as she's taken more interest in being a mother first.


Name: 'The Serial Thrilla' Chris Pressler

Age: 40

Gender: Male

Size: Heavyweight

Ethnicity: American - Caucasian

Appearance: Christian, but back when he had his longer hair

Ring Style: MMA Submissionist

Alignment: Heel

Gimmicks: Rebel / Rated R Superstar

Finishers: The Big Hit (Impact)

Bio: Chris Pressler is the grade school friend of Rick Young's, but his break in to the business came from that of his family as generations of his family have gone in to MMA fighting. Chris trained with his family day in and day out since he was eight years old, but when it came time for him to make his professional debut... he balked. He decided that he didn't want to become a fighter just because his family expected him to. Instead he accepted an offer from Rick to become his straight no non-sense bodyguard. Which led him to meeting Ryan Singer, who would become his tag team partner.


Name: 'The Black Ace' Ryan Singer

Age: 39

Gender: Male

Size: Light Heavyweight

Ethnicity: American - Caucasian

Appearance: Edge with short hair and a small scar on his left cheek

Ring Style: Hardcore Technician

Alignment: Face

Gimmicks: Blue Chipper / Paranoid

Finishers: Dead Man's Hand (Submission)

Bio: Ryan Singer is a Police Academy drop out, because at the time he was in the academy he had a very bad gambling problem. After doing so he would work a few odd Indy shows as security which give him access to the little bit of training that he he could piece together. With every little bit of training he go he got serious about becoming a wrestling to the point that he finally broke his gambling addiction to which led to him meeting his wife, Brianna. However, the greatest thing that helped his career is when he met Rick Young and Chris Pressler at one of the shows he was working security. The two of them would take him in to their little group along with Rick's younger brother and all four of them trained together. While Ryan and Chris formed a tag team together.


Name: 'The Sinful Star' Samantha Raine

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Size: Small

Ethnicity: American - Caucasian

Appearance: Velvet Sky with really long hair

Ring Style: Mat Technician

Alignment: Heel

Gimmicks:Old School Face / Bitch

Finishers: The Sinful End (Impact)

Bio: To call Samantha 'Daddy's Little Girl' would be an understatement. As even though it's against her own mother's wishes considering the fact that Samantha has the looks and the acting chops to be a high paid Hollywood Starlet decided to become a professional wrestler like her father. Which she has already shown at the young ago of 18 that she has more than just a little bit of her father's talent in the ring, but also that same ruthlessness that he's shown over the years.


Name: 'Erotically Sexy' E.S. Cormier

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Size: Light Heavyweight

Ethnicity: American - Caucasian

Appearance: Alex Shelley-ish

Ring Style: All Rounder

Alignment: Face

Gimmicks: Porn star / Ego Maniac Porn Star

Finishers: The Porno Flick (Impact)

Bio: Eric Scott Young had a full ride to Notre Dame to play baseball, but he passed on to join the 'family business' in an attempt to win his father's approval. Like his twin sister he has shown to have his fair share of their father's talent in the ring, but unlike his sister he lacks the focus at his young age. He's more interested in making his father proud of him, but also bedding as many women as he can to where many industry insiders have called him a black mark on his father's legacy.


Other useful Info at the moment...


Rick and Mike are brothers

Rick and Jasmine are married

Rick also trained Jasmine

Rick and Jasmine are the parents of Sam and E.S.

Rick and Chris trained Ryan

They are all friends...

Rick and Mike form a Tag team known as 'The Young Gunz' with the finisher named 'The Smoking Gun'

Ryan and Chris form a tag team known as 'The Shooting Stars' with the finisher 'The Fallen Star'

They have also all been in the stable known as Wicked Intentions together

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Name:Micheal Milano

Age: 29

Gender: Male

Size: Middleweight

Ethnicity: White (Italian)

Appearance: Very Similar to Randy Orton with body tattoes

Ring Style: Technician

Gimmick: Old School Heel

Bio: "The Cobra" Micheal Milano is a born heel with his vecious and merciless personality, he takes no orders and has been known to act that way backstage aswell

Finisher: Cobra Cutter (RKO), Snake Bite (Top-Rope DDT)


Name: Ripper Richardson

Age: 31

Gender: Male

Size: Heavyweight

Ethnicity: White

Appearance: A Black Mask with an axe on the forehead

Ring Style: Brawler

Gimmick: Monster

Bio: Ripper Richardson is a powerful monster who is most known for his devastating Straight To Hell Chokeslam that has won him many matches over the years

Finisher: Straight To Hell (Chokeslam)



Age: 25

Gender: Male

Size: Light Heavyweight

Ethnicity: White

Appearance: Blond Hair with American Flag style sunglasses

Ring Style: Entertainer

Gimmick: Fan's Own

Bio: The Family Friendly Mr.America (Danny Washington) is always popular with american fans always waving the red,white & blue in the ring before and after a victory

Finisher: Stars & Stripes (Attitude Adjustment), All-American Ankle Lock

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Thanks for those who are continuing to contribute. Some of the above workers suggested are similar to characters I have in mind so you will have to excuse if some of them are heavily altered or not used. Hopefully you guys and girls understand. :)
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Name: 'The Golden Standard' Marco Keylong

Age: 27

Gender: Male

Size: Middleweight

Ethnicity: Greek

Appearance: Bleach-Blonde/Golden Long hair, Large Ego, Chisel look, Very Tan

Ring Style: Tech

Gimmick: C0cky

Bio: Marco Keylong is a very egostical individual. Keylong is highly trained and linked to one of the ones widely known superstar, [insert name]. Keylong has the look, the skills, and has recently bleached his hair to go along with his championships he has won. He is 'one to watch'.

Finisher: Golden Moment (Impact), Big Tymer (Impact)



Name: Xavier York Kristopher

Age: 28

Gender: Male

Size: Lightweight

Ethnicity: Canadian (White)

Appearance: Cross between Davey Richards/Justin Gabriel

Ring Style: High-Flyer

Gimmick: Doesn't matter...

Bio: 'X.Y.K.' Xaviver York Kristopher (Michael King) is a Canadian wrestler that has recently gotten some attention after some of his well-known stunt in smaller indy shows has started getting hits on Youtube. Kristopher is quickly starting to rise through the rankings and becoming more of a household name.

Finisher: XYK Special (Impact), 450 Splash (Impact)




Name: 'Southern Solider' Shannon Thompson

Age: 26

Gender: Male

Size: Light Heavyweight

Ethnicity: American (White)

Appearance: Light brown hair, buzz cut.. think Brian Stann

Ring Style: Entertainment Brawler

Gimmick: Doesn't matter.

Bio: The Louisiana breed, 'Southern Solider' Shannon Thompson is known has gained most popularity from his skills on the mic. Thompson is has a mild wrestling based skills, but he still tries to give the fans a 'wow factor' with his beautiful Shooting Star Press or his crippling looking STF.

Finisher: STF (Submission), Shooting Star Press

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Just one from me


Name: JJ Davis

Age: 28

Gender: Male

Size: Heavyweight

Ethnicity: Black

Appearance: Your take on this render of mine


Ring Style: MMA Crossover/Brawler (switched to wrestling 5 years ago)

Gimmick: MMA BadAss

Bio: JJ Davis started life as a committed MMA fighter, and a good one at that! By his 23rd birthday he had won the [insert whatever made up MMA company you want here] Heavyweight Title and held it for 20 months. However two days later he lost the title in a brutal bout against former veteran wrestler turned MMA fighter 'Bulldozer' Brannigan. Brannigan left Davis with some brutal injuries which left him unable to safely continue to compete in MMA. Bizarrely though, Davis and Brannigan struck up a firm friendship following the fight, with both men understanding the risks of the game. JJ's injuries did not prevent him from competing in professional wrestling though and with Brannigan as a trainer he was soon ready for the ring. His established popularity secured him a place on the [wherever you want] roster and he has gone from strength to strength since.

Finisher: Leg-Scissor Cross-Face (sub), Knock Out Punch(impact)


(obviously change whatever you want ;))

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Edit: Alright here they are.


Name: Patri-ark

Age: 31

Gender: Male

Size: Super-Heavyweight(Or Heavyweight)(All Muscle)

Ethnicity: White

Appearance: Big Jacked Up Patriot... Or Hulk Hogan if that describes him better.

Ring Style: Brawler Or Entertainer

Gimmick: Face- Super Patriot Heel- America is Best(Hates Every other County)

Bio: "The Super Patriot" Patri-ark, real name Jake Shore, is the "The Patriot YOU Want To Be!" or at least that is how he is advertized in (Company Initials Here). While he has headlined dozens of PPV's he is perhaps the worst, sloppiest (Company Main Belt) in history, with what seems to be an hour of actual wrestling training he ever had and almost no knowledge of how a match works, he could be the worst wrestler in history. Unfortunately for everyone but himself, he has a Sliver-- Platinum Tongue which is why he has been as successful as he has.


Name: Money Bags Monroe

Age: 26

Gender: Male

Size: Middleweight

Ethnicity: Australian, White

Appearance: C0cky, Smug, Rich you know Generic Gimmick #3

Ring Style: Entertainer

Gimmick: Rich Kid

Bio: "Money Bags" Micheal Monroe is a good prospect out of the outback. He moved to the States in the 90's where he discovered wrestling and began training soon after. He was spotted (4 Years Before Start Year) by (Head Booker/Owner/Someone Influential In Company), granted, he was Greener than the color Green but was willing to improve. Since then, he stepped up his game and is one of the best prospects in North America, and if he can get out of such a generic Gimmick he might have a chance to become a huge star.

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I have two workers


Eric Steppenwolf

Age: 29

Gender: Male

Size: Middleweight

Ethnicity: White

Appearance: Long dirty blonde hair with goatee, thin face

Ring Style: Japanese Junior

Gimmick: Metalhead (Face and Heel)

Bio: Eric Steppenwolf is one of the fastest rising stars in [company]. Blending graceful high flying attacks with good technical ability he has quickly become a fan favorite winning the [company mid card title] twice. He has since become a fixture of the main event despite not winning a world title. The only thing that holds him back is his lack of charisma.

Moveset: The Inverted Cross, The Mosh Pit, 450 Splash


Vince Borden

Age: 32

Size: Big Heavyweight

Ethnicity: White

Appearance: Spikey brown hair, jacked up, rounded face

Ring Style: Brawler

Gimmick: Bad Ass (Face) Psycho (Heel)

Bio: Vince Borden started off as a one note garbage wrestler who's only claims to fame were stiff strikes and taking insane bumps. Knowing his career was going nowhere with his limited ability he started expanding his moveset and improving his shape. After this change, he was quickly picked up by [company] who loved his superb athleticism and menacing ring presence. He's now established himself as the company's top monster heel and has come close to winning the world title on several occasions. However he still has bad performance ability but that's counterbalanced by his great charisma.

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Name: Ray "The Hammer" Williams

Age: 36

Gender: Male

Size: Light Hvywt

Ethnicity: Black

Appearance: This is one of the first renders I did when learning how to ;)




Ring Style: Brawler

Gimmick: Face/Heel - Bad Ass/Legitmate Athlete

Bio: Williams is a former journeyman boxer who possesses a decent amount of charisma. Good on the stick but with a glass jaw, he ends up in the world of pro wrestling. On the downside of his athletic prime, he's still able to get the crowd going with his brawling anything-goes style.

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If you're still taking requests...


Name: "Cool" Chance Hawkley

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Ethnicity: White

Nationality: American

Size: Middleweight

Style: Entertainer


Name: "Jacked" Jeff Galloway

Age: 21

Gender: White

Nationality: American

Size: Middleweight

Style: Entertainer


"Cool" Chance Hawkley and "Jacked" Jeff Galloway are more than best friends, they're the hottest young tag team in America. Combining solid technical wrestling with a natural charisma both on the mic and in the ring, the future seems bright for these two young stars.


Chance should have short, faux-hawk styled, dirty blonde hair with light eyes and pale skin. Jeff should be heavily tanned with a bald head, brown goatee, and dark eyes.


EDIT: Whoops forgot the team name...Generation Next.

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Name: The Great Clemento

Age: 33

Ethnicity: White





Size: Middleweight

Style: Regular Wrestler

Gimmick: Old School Heel the majority of the time. Can do old school face on the rare occassions he's asked.


Bio: Clemento is the definition of "good hand". He's got solid brawling, mat wrestling skills. Excellent psychology, decent stamina and decent, albeit not overwhelming charisma. He's the veteran that can be plugged into upper card feuds here and there but isn't likely to become a superstar anytime soon. Low on Star Quality. He's the guy the young guys are put with to learn from and be tested by. The old saying "if you can't have a decent match with Clemento, you got no business being a wrestler" rings true.

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Okay these were both meant for the Board Effort Retro mod. However, seeing how that will probably never see the light of day, I thought I would bring them over here. The bios should fit (I know they are long) as they did for me already.


Name: Roger Barton

Age: 34

Ethnicity: White

Appearance: He is based on Davey Boy Smith so I guess Davey Boy Smith. No dreadlocks though because that just looks stupid on a white dude.:D

Size: Light Heavyweight

Style: Brawler

Gimmick: Old School Face

Nationality: English

Based out of United States. He can wrestle in Japan, Canada, and U.K.


Bio: Roger Barton is one-half of the (whatever promotion America) tag team The London Blitz. Growing up Roger excelled at every sport that he competed in. He also idolized his older cousin William who began wrestling at the age of sixteen. Therefore, it was only natural that he would follow his cousin William into professional wrestling.


Unlike William, Roger spent quite a few years working in England for various fly by night wrestling promotions. In fact there were many times that Roger almost quit wrestling in order to become a coal miner much like his father.


However, Roger’s big break came in 1999 when William suggested that (whatever promotion America) management look at his younger cousin. (whatever promotion America)management did so and they decided to hire Roger. Upon his debut in the (whatever promotion America), Roger was put in a tag team with his cousin William. Backstage Roger is the exact opposite of his cousin, Roger tends to stick to himself and not cause any problems.



Name: William Yeager

Age: 36

Ethnicity: White

Appearance: He is based on Dynamite Kid so I guess Dynamite Kid.

Size: Lightweight

Style: Japanese Junior

Gimmick: Old School Face

Nationality: English

Based out of United States. He can wrestle in Japan, Canada, and U.K.

Is a complete jerk backstage maybe something like Big Smack Scott.


Bio: William Yeager is better known to wrestling fans as The Supersonic Kid. Originally hailing from Manchester, England William began wrestling professionally at the age of sixteen. This young man impressed everyone with his high flying, take no prisoners form of wrestling. In 1993, he was offered a spot on the (An English promotion) roster, which he gladly accepted.


After just three years in (the English promotion), William decided he wanted to go to North America. William soon started working for (Canadian promotion)out of Canada. William wowed the crowd in Canada and soon was offered a job with (Whatever promotion America).


William started out as a singles wrestler, however he was put into a tag team with his legitimate cousin Roger Barlow shortly thereafter. Their tag team is called The London Blitz, the two young men from England are huge fan favorites. Something that most fans do not know about William is that he is a very mean spirited person behind the scenes.


William and Roger are Cousins.

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Don't know when I will next be able to access the internet because talktalk are about as usefull as a kick in the manjunk. I will keep up with the rendering but it may be a while befa while before I get to these particular requests. I'll just stick to mine until I can fully get to my internet. Pretty hard writing this by phone
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