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VWA: The Griffin Tale

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In a locker room in Bremen Hall, Saturday, January 22, 2010



”The show is about to start in few minutes time, and I must admit that I'm more nervous than I usually before an event. I'm been in this wrestling business for decades, but it is a long time ago since I could feel these chills down my spine.


This is the first show with me as Head Booker of Victory Wrestling Association. Mr Thorp gave me this position as a kind of christmas present last year, after he let my predecessor, Randy leave his booking duties. Mr Thorp thinks that Randy should concentrate on his work in the ring instead. He is our premier main eventer at the moment, and probably will keep that position for years. Thus, I'm the head booker now. Lucky me!


Before this event have I made three great enlistments: Greg, Merle, and Christopher. They bring the talent we need to compete with both EWA and UEW on this continent. Though I doubt that Greg will stay with us for long. I think the big promotions on the other side of the Atlantic soon will line up to offer him a written contract. Until that happens am I glad for every show that he does for us.


Some of the boys in here look concentrated. Others look more relaxed. We all have our individual ways to prepare for a show. But I know they will do a good job while they are in the ring. This is a great gang of talents, and they will contribute to make VWA a great promotion one day.

And now the show begins...”

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Victory Wrestling Association

(Roster - January 2010)


Main Eventers

Christopher Lister

Randy Haute

Sebastian Koller ©

Walker Van Cleer


Upper Midcarders


Cub Balowicz


Modern Day Warlord



Gunther Kinski

Jasper January

Landon Mallory

Matthew Macks

Merle O'Curle

Wild Child

Lower Midcarders

Moonsault Master

Night Spyder



Greg Gauge

Jason Dempsey



Beth Bilial

Jasmine Perlot


Albert Thorp - Owner/Personality

Charlie Grimsson – Colour Commentator

Dick Kerley – Announcer

Fitz Nankervish – Referee

Ian Newman – Road Agent

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VWA presents European Fantastic 2010

(at Bremen Hall, January 22, 2010)




The Card:


VWA European Championship Match

Randy Haute vs. Sebastian Koller ©


10-Man Battle Royal, for the Number One Contendership

Participants: Acheron, Christopher Lister, Cub Balowicz, Greg Gauge, Griffin, Jasper January, Landon Mallory, Modern Day Warlord, Walker van Cleer, Wild Child


Merle O'Curle vs. Moonsault Master


Gunther Kinski vs. Matthew Mack


Feel free to make predictions. A small prize goes to the winner.

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Well it has been some time since I have played as VWA. All I remember about them is that they are tough to play.


VWA European Championship Match

Randy Haute vs. Sebastian Koller ©


10-Man Battle Royal, for the Number One Contendership

Participants: Acheron, Christopher Lister, Cub Balowicz, Greg Gauge, Griffin, Jasper January, Landon Mallory, Modern Day Warlord, Walker van Cleer, Wild Child


Merle O'Curle vs. Moonsault Master


Gunther Kinski vs. Matthew Mack

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VWA European Championship Match

Randy Haute vs. Sebastian Koller (C)


10-Man Battle Royal, for the Number One Contendership

Participants: Acheron, Christopher Lister, Cub Balowicz, Greg Gauge, Griffin, Jasper January, Landon Mallory, Modern Day Warlord, Walker van Cleer, Wild Child


Merle O'Curle vs. Moonsault Master


Gunther Kinski vs. Matthew Mack

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A prize?


I'm in!


VWA European Championship Match

Randy Haute vs. Sebastian Koller ©

The Teut Brute is by far the best man for the belt


10-Man Battle Royal, for the Number One Contendership

Participants: Acheron, Christopher Lister, Cub Balowicz, Greg Gauge, Griffin, Jasper January, Landon Mallory, Modern Day Warlord, Walker van Cleer, Wild Child

I could see griffin winning this but Guage is all wrong. Mallory is good and destined for bigger things. Why not feature him early?


Merle O'Curle vs. Moonsault Master

merle fits VWA very well though. Poor MM wont know what hit him


Gunther Kinski vs. Matthew Mack

Matt Mack is a bit bland for me

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European Fantastic 2010

(Saturday, January 22, 2010)

Location: Bremen Hall, Bremen, Germany.

Attendance: 92


The show starts with the announcer Dick Kerley and the colour commentator Charlie Grimmson welcoming the audience the show and presenting the card for tonight. Then Dick tell us that Walker van Cleer has something to tell the fans from the back stage area.



The back stage area is reality an empty locker room. In front of the camera with a microphone stands Walker van Cleer.


Walker van Cleer: http://i1181.photobucket.com/albums/x421/donlarsson/TEW/th_WalkervanCleer.jpg

Can you feel it? I can feel it! Tonight is my night. Tonight I will compete in the 10-Man Battle Royal for the Number One Contendership. And I feel this is the night when I will remain the only guy left in the ring. Yes, this is my night!


Back to the commentators, telling us that the first match of the evening is coming up right now.


Gunther Kinski vs. Matthew Macks


http://i1181.photobucket.com/albums/x421/donlarsson/TEW/th_GuntherKinski.jpg vs. http://i1181.photobucket.com/albums/x421/donlarsson/TEW/th_MatthewMacks.jpg


[Neither of Kinski or Mack get any noticible crowd reaction as they make their way down to the ring.]


Match: Matthew Macks starts off the match in a very high tempo, going all on the offensive. Within the first two minutes Macks has already had three near-pinfalls, with Kinski kicking out in the last second. During the rest of the time is it an open match, but nothing the workers do in the ring turns on the fans, which from time to time shout ”boooriing” and express their disapointment in some other ways. At last, manages Matthew Macks to hit Kinski with a Red Lightning and pins make a pin for the victory.


Winner: Matthew Macks (by pinfall)

Match Time: 9:38


Dick Kerley explains that Landon mallory has something to say.


Landon Mallory is on the screen, standing in the back stage area.


Landon Mallory: http://i1181.photobucket.com/albums/x421/donlarsson/TEW/th_LandonMallory.jpg

You heard what my buddy Walker told you before. He told you that this is his night. Well, I'm not so sure about that. We are many who have the opportunity to win the Battle. It'll be a hard game for everyone. But I can tell you this. I'm in great condition tonight. I've prepared a whole month for this battle, so I won't give it up to easy. Let the best man win!

Griffin is standing in the ring.


Griffin: http://i1181.photobucket.com/albums/x421/donlarsson/TEW/th_Griffin.jpg

I have always told you that I have the heart and spirit to be a good VWA European Champion, and I have proved it many times to the VWA fans. Tonight is no exception. I will put all my heart in this Battle Royal, to win and become the Number One Contender and get a title match for the VWA European Title in February, at the Battle Of Bremen. You know, my heart is big enough, big enough for all you fans.


The fans cheer for Griffin.


Merle O'Curle vs. Moonsault Master


http://i1181.photobucket.com/albums/x421/donlarsson/TEW/th_MerleOCurle.jpg vs. http://i1181.photobucket.com/albums/x421/donlarsson/TEW/th_MoonsaultMaster.jpg


[Just before the match starts, Merle O'Curle is pointing at Moonsault Master and tells him, still with a straight face, that he will make Master suffer in pain.]


Match: Merle O'Curle is dominating the match from the start to end. He is struggling hard to make Master's moves look good but most of the crowd doesn't buy it. O'Curle isn't used get these negative crowd reactions, and only thanks to his big wrestling routine manages he to save the match from being complete disaster. He ends the match by putting Master in a Celtic Wrath, forcing him to tap out in an instant. This match was way to long.


Winner: Merle O'Curle (by submission)

Match Time: 9:33


Soon after the match, walks Greg Gauge hastingly to the ring and enters it. He holds a mic. He waits for the audience to be silent, and then speaks:


Greg Gauge: http://i1181.photobucket.com/albums/x421/donlarsson/TEW/th_GregGauge.jpg

My name is Greg Gauge. This happens to be my first visit in this country, so I'm not surprised if you never have heard of me. Let me tell you about myself.


During last year competed in Japan, which unlike this country is a REAL wrestling territory. And I became ”Youngster Of The Year 2009”, and now I'm here in Europe to show you what REAL wrestling is like. You know, people, that those crappy performers in the locker room who you call wrestlers aren't REAL wrestlers.


For example, look at your champion Sebastian Koller... What a joke!... He's not a REAL wrestler, but I am!.. I'm REAL stuff!


I will show you what I mean by winning the Number One Contender Battle Royal tonight. Then you will see me winning the European Title next month. Then, folks, I may hold the title for years and years, because in this by the Wrestling Gods forgotten land, there are no competition. No REAL competition!


A bunch of fans are booing.


10-Man Battle Royal

(for the #1 Contendership)


Participants: Acheron, Christopher Lister, Cub Balowicz, Greg Gauge, Griffin, Jasper January, Landon Mallory, Modern Day Warlord, Walker van Cleer, Wild Child


[Greg Gauge stays in the ring after his promo. One after another enter the others wrestlers the ring. The last one out is Griffin, who also gets the biggest cheers from the fans.]


Match: The battle start with about seven men going for Acheron, who is the by distant biggest man in the ring. By cooperation, and by offering Jasper January and Wild Child, who Acheron throws out of the ring quite instantly, the 7-men group manages to get Acheron over the ropes at last.


The following 10-12 minutes are quite stale, containing mostly low-intensive brawling in the corners. In the last 5 minutes does the tempo of the match raise. Greg Gauge dropkicks Landon Mallory near the ropes to eliminate him. Gauge lean over the ropes and shout something humiliating to Mallory, which gives Griffin the opportunity to grab Gauge's feet and throw him over the top rope. The crowd likes that.


A minute later is there only Christopher Lister and Walker van Cleer remaining in the ring. They exchange some moves in the middle of the ring, but none of them get the upper hand. But at last, does van Cleer hit Lister with an enziguri to make him dizzy and leaning to the ropes to catch his breath. An confident van Cleer follows directly to throw the defenseless Lister over the ropes, but Lister is just playing possum. In an instant, Lister catches his opponent in an armdrag-like move and manage to get him over the ropes and thus eliminated. Realising his the only man left in the ring, Lister raises his right arm in a victory gesture. Outside the ring, van Cleer is applauding Lister.


Winner: Christopher Lister

Match Time: 21:09


After the match, Dick Kerley reaches Lister a microphone who walks to the middle of the ring.


Christopher Lister: http://i1181.photobucket.com/albums/x421/donlarsson/TEW/th_ChristopherLister.jpg

My name is Christopher Lister, and I know that, unlike Greg Gauge, you've heard of me.


As you know, for the X last years Germany has been my home region and you know I like it here. I love my european fans, and I know you love me. You know, I never let you down, always putting on a great perfomance for you.


As you know, I'm a 2-time UCR Tag Team Champion and 3-time EWA tag Team Champion, making me the most succesful Tag Team wrestler in Europe ever. Naturally, it's time for me to move on. To prove my skills as a singles competitor. And so when Mr Thorp called me and invited me to join VWA, I didn't doubt a second to join this promotion. I know the VWA fans are as good as the EWA fans. You have the same passion for wrestling, for excitement and good entertainment, and it will be an honour for me to excite with my wrestling you from now on. I promise you, VWA fans, in this arena and all around Europe, I will... In every match I fight... Put on all my effort... To steal the show... Just for you!


And whether I will meet Sebastian Koller or Randy Haute for the VWA European Title next month, I promise you now, I will make that title match a great match. A match you will talk about for the rest of year.


And last, but not least... Whatever Greg Gauge is telling you, European wrestling IS real wrestling... VWA IS REAL WRESTLING!!!


Many fans are cheering.



VWA European Championship Match

Randy Haute vs. Sebastian Koller ©


http://i1181.photobucket.com/albums/x421/donlarsson/TEW/th_RandyHaute.jpg vs. http://i1181.photobucket.com/albums/x421/donlarsson/TEW/th_SebastianKoller.jpg


[Most of the crowd is booing while Randy Haute is walking to the ring. No other heel tonight has been near this heel-heat as Haute is getting. In the same way, Sebastian Koller is getting a big cheer from the fans as he enters the hall. He wears the Title Belt round his waist as walks to the ring. Haute looks at the belt with longing eyes. ”I will take my belt back tonight!”, he yells. Koller just smile and say nothing. The bell rings and the fight is on.]


Match: Both Haute and Koller is doing a good job to keep the audience tense through the whole match, keeping an open drama with both men getting nearfalls severals times. In the end, anyhow, hits Koller the challenger with a Hamburg Rock City which bring Haute face-first in the mat. The following pin is just a formality. Koller's first title defence is a fact.


Winner and still VWA European Champion: Sebastian Koller (by pinfall)

Match Time: 20:07


After the match, Sebastian Koller is celebrating in the ring with his title belt, and the show ends.

Final Show Rating: E+

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Results of the predictions:


Timber: 3/4

BHK1978: 2/4

Boltinho: 2/4


Good work, Timber!

Here your prize: You get the honor to name the VWA event for March (the February event is named "Battle Of Bremen"). Send me the name in a PM, please.


Thank you all for reading and predicting! :)

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Comments on European Fantastic:


The show might have been quite banal consisting of only promos and matches, but I thought it could be a good way to present some of the main characters just by what they say. From now on, there will be many other types of angles included.


I had some good alternatives to put as winner in the Battle Royal and give a title shot, before I decided it to be Lister. In the end, I made decision primarly based on the fact that Lister has the highest popularity on the roster, even exceeding Kollers.


Funny fact: AFTER the show, Greg Gauge's momentum has raised from 0 to 1. :)

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Comments on European Fantastic:


The show might have been quite banal consisting of only promos and matches, but I thought it could be a good way to present some of the main characters just by what they say. From now on, there will be many other types of angles included.


I had some good alternatives to put as winner in the Battle Royal and give a title shot, before I decided it to be Lister. In the end, I made decision primarly based on the fact that Lister has the highest popularity on the roster, even exceeding Kollers.


Funny fact: AFTER the show, Greg Gauge's momentum has raised from 0 to 1. :)


I thought it was a good first show. And yeah I agree with Lister winning as I always tend to have the most popular worker win for the most part. That was my actual thinking in the Battle Royal, but not really knowing the roster well I went with who I thought was the most popular.

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In a plane somewhere over Europe, Friday, January 29, 2010



”Feels good to be on my way home to Germany. Feels good that this trip went so well.


I've flew to London yesterday to have a negotiation with Nigel Svensson, a juvenile technical talent who lately has been working for Ring Of Fire lately, and whom Merle has recommended me to keep an eye on for the future. When Nigel was fired last week, because of ROF's financial cutting, Merle was the first man to let me know. One good thing about Merle, beside being my friend since many years, and also being an excellent worker, is that he is the head booker of ROF. He serves me with good information of what's happening in the UK in general, and ROF particurlarly. He confirms which rumours that are true and which are not. Evidently, Merle never tells me confidentional ROF stuff. He is a very loyal person towards his employers, which is an respectable feature.


Nigel turned up to make a good impression on me when I met him over a dinner last night. An optimistic lad who seemed very entusiastic concerning working for VWA. Almost too entusiastic... I gave him a contract suggestion and asked him to think about it until wednesday next week. If he agrees, I think he'll be a good addition to the roster. He seems to have a positive spirit which I'm fond of. Haven't seen him in the ring yet, but I'm having faith in Merle's judgement about Nigel.


In one hour will I land in Berlin. Have a meeting there with Eva. I'm interested in signing her to VWA as well. A very good signing. Eva has plenty of skills which would suit my fortcoming booking. She's an excellent heel manager, she can wrestle if necessary, and she would also make a contribution to a positive atmosphere backstage. I hope the meeting goes well. Rumours have been spread that Eva is thinking of retirement. It's up to me to convince her that she has her best years in the business in front of her, working for VWA...”

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A video clip from the VWA website:

(February 2, 2010)


Greg Gauge is on the screen. In the background is a orange curtain with the VWA logo on.



Greg Gauge: On the European Fantastic show last month, I told the VWA Fans not to have any illusions of European wrestling being REAL wrestling, and I told you that I was the only REAL wrestler in VWA.


Well, I have to admit, I was partly wrong. In fact there is one more REAL wrestler on the VWA roster. Another one who has worked in Japan, the REAL wrestling nation. And here he is...


Merle O'Curle enters the screen.



Greg Gauge: My new friend Merle and me have a mission in VWA. To teach you what REAL wrestling is like. And we will start with the self-proclaimed ”athletes” Walker van Cleer and Landon Mallory. At the Battle Of Bremen, in February, we will defeat them and prove our point. We are REAL wrestling and we give the VWA Fans a taste of it!


We will get you... THE TASTE OF THE RISING SUN!

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Battle Of Bremen I

(at Bremen Hall, February 13, 2010)



The Card:


VWA European Championship Match

Christopher Lister vs. Sebastian Koller ©

#1 Contender Match

Griffin vs Randy Haute


Taste Of The Rising Sun (O'Curle & Gauge) vs. Landon Mallory & Walker van Cleer


Acheron & Modern Day Warlord vs. Jasper January & Matthew Macks

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VWA European Championship Match

Christopher Lister vs. Sebastian Koller ©


#1 Contender Match

Griffin vs Randy Haute


Taste Of The Rising Sun (O'Curle & Gauge) vs. Landon Mallory & Walker van Cleer


Acheron & Modern Day Warlord vs. Jasper January & Matthew Macks

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VWA European Championship Match

Christopher Lister vs. Sebastian Koller ©


#1 Contender Match

Griffin vs Randy Haute


Taste Of The Rising Sun (O'Curle & Gauge) vs. Landon Mallory & Walker van Cleer


Acheron & Modern Day Warlord vs. Jasper January & Matthew Macks

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Battle Of Bremen I

(Saturday, February 13, 2010)

Location: Bremen Hall, Bremen, Germany.

Attendance: 105


The show starts with the announcer Dick Kerley and the colour commentator Charlie Grimmson welcoming the audience the show and presenting the card for tonight.


The camera shows an hallway somewhere in the arena. Eva Berlin is standing while Modern Day Warlord walks by.


Eva Berlin:http://i1181.photobucket.com/albums/x421/donlarsson/TEW/th_EvaBerlin.jpg

Hi there, strong fellow! Can I have a word with you?


Modern Day Warlord:http://i1181.photobucket.com/albums/x421/donlarsson/TEW/th_ModernDayWarlord.jpg

Well, yes... If you are brief I listen.


Eva Berlin:

Good, Warlord, good! I don't think we have ever met before. I'm Eva Berlin, the two times UCR Women's Champion. But I'm not here in VWA to wrestle. I'm here as a manager. I'm here to earn... I mean, to bring glory to other talents, like you for example. I know you have been in VWA since it started, but you've never got a shot at the title, though we both know that you deserve one. You know why? That's because you haven't got a manager. Someone you takes care of you and always support you. I'm offering you the grand opportunity to become my main client. Work with me and I promise you the VWA European Title within 3 months time. What do you say?



I'm the Modern Day Warlord. I have myself and I don't need no manager. I don't need you, or anybody else to take care of me... Know what, Eva?.. Managers are NOT MODERN!..

But the Modern Day Warlord is MODERN, and he feel his time is right now!


Modern Day Warlord walks out. Eva gets a bitter face.


Eva Berlin:

I will take care of you, Warlord... I will take care of you....


The screen fades out...


Acheron & Modern Day Warlord vs. Jasper January & Matthew Macks



Match: The whole match is a big squash as Acheron and MDW dominates every second of it. They are toyering the small boys around in the ring for five minutes, until MDW end the humiliation with a Big Boot on January, and a following pin.


Winners: Acheron & Modern Day Warlord (by pinfall)

Match Time: 5:40


Directly after the match leaves Acheron the ring while Modern Day Warlord stays in it to celebrate. While Acheron is halfway up the entrance ramp does Eva Berlin in the backstage entrance. Acheron stops and look at her. Eva points to the ring and shouts something on Romanian (Acheron's native), while the big man turns around and runs to the ring, where the Warlord has his back turned to what's happening. Acheron crawls into the ring and gives a stiff clothesline to Warlord's back, making him fall into the canvas. The fans are stunned. Acheron lifts Warlord up from the canvas and gives him a solid Acheron Drop (powerbomb). Acheron then lifts Warlord once again, now with a smile on his face, and makes another Acheron Drop. Eva Berlin is applauding. After a third Archeron Drop is the Modern Day Warlord laying motionless in the middle of the ring. Acheron climbs out of the ring and walk up the entrance ramp a second time. He places himself besides Eva Berlin, who now has a microphone.


Eva Berlin:http://i1181.photobucket.com/albums/x421/donlarsson/TEW/th_EvaBerlin.jpg

Haha! This is a way to make entrance to VWA. Did you enjoy it?


The crowd is booing, though with low enthusiasm.


Eva Berlin:

Listen, Warlord, I'm talking to you now!



Modern Day Warlord still lays seemingly unconscious in the ring.


Eva Berlin:

I swore that I would take care of you, and I surely did. May I present to you, ”Past-Time Warlord”, and to all VWA Fans... This is my first VWA client, ACHERON! Unlike that mess that you can see laying in the ring, Archeron was wise enough to sign a contract with me. That will make him a winner, because I only works with winners. And if they are not winners, then I'll make them winners. And you know what? On next VWA show in march Archeron will compete in a number one contender match for the VWA Title. And he will win that match, one way or another. You have my word on it!


Walker van Cleer:http://i1181.photobucket.com/albums/x421/donlarsson/TEW/th_WalkervanCleer.jpg

Do you know what, Landon-Lad?


Landon Mallory:http://i1181.photobucket.com/albums/x421/donlarsson/TEW/th_LandonMallory.jpg

No, what, Walker?


Walker van Cleer:

Tonight, lad, we're invited to dinner.


Landon Mallory:

A dinner? What do you mean?


Walker van Cleer:

Haven't you heard? Greg and Merle shall bring something tasty for us, they have promised. Something Japanese, I believe. You any idea what it could be?


Landon Mallory:

Honestly, I don't have a clue, Walker.


Walker van Cleer:

I think it's sushi. Like raw fish. Raw fish, Landon-Lad, doesn't that sound cheap, doesn't it?


Landon Mallory:

It certainly does, Walker. Maybe they're the cheap kind of persons.


Walker van Cleer:

Yeah, right! I don't like raw fish, I can tell you, though I'm used to it. I'm from Amsterdam, you know...


Landon Mallory:

I know, I know. Allright, Walker, let's join them!


Taste Of The Rising Sun vs. Landon Mallory & Walker van Cleer



Match: The four workers are making a quite good match together, which the fans find quite entertaining. However, in the end, Merle O'Curle makes a false tag and catches Mallory in his Celtic Wrath submmision, forcing the South African to tap out.


Winners: Taste Of The Rising Sun (by submission)

Match Time: 13:08


Randy Haute:http://i1181.photobucket.com/albums/x421/donlarsson/TEW/th_RandyHaute.jpg

Griffin, it's you I'm gonna face you tonight! And don't care if you have the fans' support or not. However, I will defeat you tonight. You have to realise, Griffin, that you're a has-been. VWA doesn't need no has-beens. VWA needs young fresh talent, like me. Honestly, VWA needs only me, Randy Haute!


Match for the #1 Contendership

Griffin vs. Randy Haute


Match: This is an even bout, with Griffin appearing to be the stronger man often gaining the upper hand, but Haute always countering with some kind of dirty trick. Strange enough, Griffin is the one who gets disqualified by the referee, after hitting Haute with a steel chair. (Which Haute naturally has done on Griffin before, but the ref didn't see that.)


Winner: Randy Haute (by disqualification)

Match Time: 20:39


Sebastian Koller:http://i1181.photobucket.com/albums/x421/donlarsson/TEW/th_SebastianKoller.jpg

Mr Lister, welcome to Germany! You had a great match at the Battle Royal last month when you won and became the number one contender. Lucky for you! I like your style, Mr Lister. I like that you don't excuse yourself for having a goal of becoming Europe's premier wrestling champion. Now you have your chance. Now you have your time in the spotlight. Now you have your title fight against me. Now you only have to defeat me, if you can! Do you, Mr Lister?


VWA European Championship Match

Christopher Lister vs. Sebastian Koller ©



Both men are cheered as they make their entrances.


Match: Through the whole fight is the offense even between the challenger and the champion. Both make some pinfall attempts on their opponent which are very close to the 3-count, but none succeed to win over the other. The most interesting part is the last minute. Randy Haute comes running down the entrance ramp to interfere in the match. While Koller for a moment is thrown outside the ring, Haute sneaks up on Koller and pokes his eye, which the ref doesn't see, having a conversation with Lister at the moment. Koller climbs into the ring, protecting his eye with his hands. The ref realises that Koller is hurt and makes the decision to stop the fight. Both Koller and Lister seem very surprised and start to talk with the referee about what's happening. The crowd dislike this end of the match, shouting it out.

In the confusion after the tumult, the ring announcer is declaring Christopher Lister the new VWA European Champion and hands him the title belt. Koller is protesting, both to the referee and the ring announcer, but of no use. Lister leave the hall with the belt. Koller stays in the ring, with a swollen eye, and shakes his head. He can't believe this.


Winner and new VWA European Champion: Christopher Lister (by stoppage)

Match Time: 21:58


Final Show Rating: E+

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