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WWF 1983: Wrestlemania And The Race To Go National

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The year was 1983 and quite a lot of rumblings underneath the surface of the wrestling world were being made, specifically in the United States. The World Wrestling Federation and it's owner Vincent Kennedy McMahon were rumored to be milling over the possibility from completely separating from the Territories system in place and possibly expand to national. But this was not the only rumor that involved the Federation, rumor has it that the WWF is currently searching for an elusive Pay-Per-View deal; looking to rocket themselves into the national spotlight. But the biggest news so far to come from the Federation was the announcement of what seemingly appears to be the biggest wrestling event in awhile, Wrestlemania. Jim Crockett of Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling, Jim Barnett of Georgia Championship Wrestling, and the rest of the members of the National Wrestling Alliance were in shock and awe over the announcement of the event, as it confirmed in their eyes that Vince was definitely looking to push away from the Territories system and establish the WWF as the premier American wrestling promotion. The members of the NWA concocted a plan however, if the rumors were true that McMahon was going to push his product into the national stage then the members of the NWA would have to band together in order to counter-act the WWF's push. But...all of this lay in the fate of the results of Wrestlemania. As of now, the biggest hope that Crockett & Co. could have is that Wrestlemania would be a major failure.






Backstage at the Pittsburgh Civic Arena, home of WWF's Big Show of February on 2/27/83...Gorilla Monsoon, Vince McMahon, and his father Vincent J. McMahon are all squared away in an office conversing.


Gorilla: I just don't know if going national is a great idea, we could be stepping on a lot of toes here.

Vince: But aren't you tired of having to just perform in the Tri-State area? I envision that we could expand our horizons and visit new places! Trust me Gino, you believe that we have the strongest product in the States right?

Gorilla: Right.

Vince: Now what's so wrong about taking it national? We could showcase the best damn wrestlers and the best damn booking team in the whole country to just that, the whole country!


The elder McMahon is standing against the wall deep in thought, until he speaks up...


Vincent: Listen Vince...Robert might be right, you don't know how many people we could piss off here. I know your intentions are well but think of the consequences. Who's to say that the rest of the NWA doesn't band together and try to take us down?

Vince: Let's just call it a gut feeling Dad, we all know that the NWA would balk at the chance of destroying the Territories system. So I think we're in the clear here. Besides, you put me in the owner position of this company for a reason right?

Vincent: I did it without thinking you would come up with such an outlandish idea such as this one!

Vince: Outlandish? It will propel the Federation into a thing of legends! I mean we have a PPV deal in the works...we booked the Garden...and we've go-

Gorilla: I'm sorry, did you just say we booked the Garden? As in Madison Square Garden?

Vince: Big money requires big risks Gino.

Gorilla: I suppose, but that's just a ludicrous amount of money to be spending on an arena.

Vincent: He's right, you don't need to spend a fortune just to book a god damn arena Vince! Are you out of your mind?

Vince: Trust me Dad, this will all pay off in the end...the McMahons and the World Wrestling Federation will become the creme of the crop in the professional wrestling business...

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American Wrestling Assosciation - Mid West




So far the year 1983 has been kind to the AWA, with their profits slowly increasing while showcasing a tremendous amount of talent. With a roster led by Hulk Hogan, the AWA has been putting on consistent shows with Hogan leading the way. But there's a great amount of workers ready to take the top spot from Hogan; Nick Bockwinkel, Ken Patera, and Wahoo McDaniel are all waiting in line to get their shot at the AWA World Heavyweight Championship and super-stardom...but AWA's main event scene is starting to age. Luckily, the AWA has a bunch of younger workers that are just waiting to get their spot at the top. Workers like the son of Verne, Greg Gagne, Rick Martel, Jim Brunzell, and Jesse Ventura are all waiting for their chance at the top spot.


AWA Light Heavyweight: Steve Regal - Sat. Wk 4 Jan 1983 - Current

Buck Zumhofe - Unknown - Sat. Wk 4 Jan 1983


AWA Television: Rick Martel - Sat. Wk 4 Jan 1983 - Current


AWA World Tag Team: Blackjack Lanza & Bobby Duncum Sr. - Tue. Wk 3 Feb 1983 - Current

The High Flyers (Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell) - Unknown - Tue. Wk 3 Feb 1983


AWA World Heavyweight: Hulk Hogan - Sat. Wk 4 Jan 1983 - Current

Nick Bockwinkel - Unknown - Sat. Wk 4 Jan 1983


Central States - Mid West




The territories of the Central States started off 1983 with a rocky start, with their expenses exceeding their income. However February appeared to be the turn in the corner for the promotion as they turned their first profit of the year. With a hard-hitting main event scene containing Harley Race, Ox Baker, Super Destroyer, and Terry Funk, the promotion has been putting on some exciting matches since the beginning of the year. With the TV show Wrestling At The Chase cancelled due to low ratings, Central States might have to expand to doing weekly events in order to keep a steady stream of income rolling in.


Central States Heavyweight: Harley Race - Fri. Wk 3 Jan. 1983 - Current

Super Destroyer - Unknown - Fri. Wk 3 Jan. 1983


Central States Tag Team: The Moondogs - Sat. Wk 1 Feb. 1983 - Current

Roger Kirby & Sheik Abdullah The Great - Unknown - Sat. Wk 1 Feb. 1983


Central States Television: Porkchop Cash - Fri. Wk 3 Jan. 1983 - Current

Roger Kirby - Unknown - Fri. Wk 3 Jan. 1983


Championship Wrestling Assosciation - South East




One of the smaller promotions on the Eastern half of the United States would be Jerry Jarrett's Championship Wrestling Association. Although the promotion has only toured the South East they have a great arsenal of workers at their disposal. Presently a feud between Jerry 'The King' Lawler and Austin Idol over the AWA International title is what's drawing eyes to the small promotion but will the feud be able to draw enough fans to drive CWA out of it's current money woes? At it's current rate, CWA will be bankrupt by May and unless it can cut ties with some current workers then the promotion will be floating belly-up soon. Not to mention the fact that the TV show CWA All-Stars was cancelled recently at the start of the Spring TV season. Other workers for the promotion include Randy Savage and his brother Lanny Poffo, the flamboyant Adrian Street, Dutch Mantell, Jimmy Hart, and the impressive rookie Rick Rude.


AWA International - Jerry Lawler - Wed. Wk 4 Jan. 1983 - Current

Austin Idol - Unknown - Wed. Wk 4 Jan. 1983


Southern Tag Team - Randy Savage & Lanny Poffo - Sat. Wk 4 Jan. 1983 - Current

Stan Lane & Steve Keirn - Unknown - Sat. Wk 4 Jan. 1983


AWA Southern Heavyweight - Steve Keirn - Sat. Wk 1 Feb. 1983 - Current

Jerry Lawler - Unknown - Wk. 1 Feb. 1983


Championship Wrestling From Florida - South East




One of the few promotions across the United States that hasn't had some sort of catastrophe strike them. With their TV show and their money still intact, Championship Wrestling From Florida is starting to separate itself from the competition with their tremendous shows led by the face of the promotion, 'The American Dream' Dusty Rhodes. The CWF isn't being caught up in the mass hysteria Vince McMahon and the WWF are causing as they are not wanting to expand out of the South East just yet. Although not the largest promotion in the region, CWF appears as if they will be threatening to take the top spot in the South East soon from GCW.


Florida Heavyweight - Dusty Rhodes - Sat. Wk 3 Jan. 1983 - Current

Jos Leduc - Unknown - Sat. Wk 3 Jan. 1983


CWF Heavyweight Tag Team - Barry Windham & Blackjack Mulligan - Sat. Wk 3 Jan. 1983 - Current


CWF Television - Bob Orton Jr. - Tue. Wk 2 Jan. 1983 - Current


Gorgeous Ladies Of Wrestling - South West




When you have a crap product, chances of succeeding aren't that great. Women's T&A promotion in 1983? No chance in hell of surviving, and that's exactly what is going on with G.L.O.W. Already having their TV show's contract slashed and forced to run a once a month show the future is already looking grim for G.L.O.W. Slowly bleeding money and with a large (and relatively untalented) roster, wresting insiders aren't holding their breath for a G.L.O.W comeback any time soon. However, seeing how the promotion held no pacts with any other promotions, a larger promotion (if they're looking to start a Women's division) can swoop in and take any amount of talent that they desire. Besides, it'd kind of being like putting a three-legged horse out of it's misery.


G.L.O.W - Tammy Jones - Unknown - Current


G.L.O.W Tag Team - Vacant (Due to the release of Susie Spirit) - Mon. Wk 2 Feb. 1983

Debbie Debutante & Susie Spirit - Unknown - Mon. Wk 2 Feb. 1983


Georgia Championship Wrestling - South East




Some might argue that Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling is the biggest competition to the World Wrestling Federation at this moment. However, with a national TV show on Turner Broadcasting System, Georgia Championship Wrestling truly seems to be the front runner in the competition department. With their population slowly starting to balloon, and a great roster to boot, GCW looks as if they could hit National very soon. But if that happens, who's to say that GCW might not try to split away and rule the United States in terms of wrestling promotions? Current stars include Larry Zbyszko, Tommy Rich, Bob Armstrong, Ole Anderson, Jake 'The Snake' Roberts, Paul Orndorff, and the Road Warriors.


National Heavyweight - Larry Zbyszko - Sun. Wk 3 Feb. 1983 - Current

Tommy Rich - Unknown - Sun. Wk 3 Feb. 1983


National Tag Team - Bob & Brad Armstrong - Fri. Wk 3 Jan. 1983 - Current


National Television - Ronnie Garvin - Unknown - Current


GCW Junior Heavyweight - Tim Horner - Sat. Wk 4 Jan. 1983 - Current

Les Thornton - Unknown - Sat. Wk 4 Jan. 1983


Mid Atlantic Championship Wrestling - Mid Atlantic




The richest promotion in the world at the moment, Mid Atlantic Championship Wrestling is what some would call the 'leader' of the NWA at the moment, and with the roster that they're boasting that's something a lot of wrestling fans would agree to. MACW has been trying to expand a little bit as of late, venturing to the South East and Great Lakes regions, but will it be enough to prevent WWF from going national? Wrestlers like Ric Flair, Ricky Steamboat, Sgt. Slaughter, Harley Race, Roddy Piper, and Wahoo McDaniel are guaranteed to put on a great show. And if MACW can string enough strong performances together they can possibly squander the WWF's chances of going national.


NWA World Heavyweight - Ric Flair - Unknown - Current


NWA World Tag Team - Sgt. Slaughter & Don Kernodle - Unknown - Current


United States Heavyweight - Greg Valentine - Unknown - Current


Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight - Nikita Koloff - Fri Wk 4 Jan. 1983 - Current


Mid-Atlantic U.S Tag Team - The Assassins - Fri Wk 4 Jan. 1983 - Current

Rufus R. Jones & Bugsy McGraw - Unknown - Fri Wk 4 Jan. 1983


Pacific Northwest - Northwest




Nestled in between California and Canada lies the Northwestern territory that is dominated by the PNW promotion. With no competition whatsoever, PNW can grow with relative ease without threat from any other promotion in the States, although occasionally some Canadian promotions will visit the Northwest just to expand themselves a bit into America. Seeing how there is no competition between PNW and any other promotion, they can grow size-wise and they can grow financially without any threat. However, not a lot of big names are up in Oregon and Washington at the moment, although PNW's booking team will certainly try to develop their own stars. Some workers currently include Buddy Rose, Bull Ramos, Billy Jack, Dean Ho, Harley Davidson (Hillbilly Jim), and some unknown guy named Mark Calloway...why oh why does that name sound familiar?


PNW Heavyweight - Buddy Rose - Thur Wk 2 Jan 1983 - Current


PNW Heavyweight Tag Team - Rip Oliver & Assassin - Unknown - Current


PNW Television - Rip Rogers - Thur Wk 2 Jan 1983 - Current


Polynesian Pro Wrestling - South West


Way out off the coast of the United States is Polynesian Pro Wrestling, a local sized wrestling promotion run by High Chief Peter Maivia. PPW doesn't have a lot of money, nor a lot of works at their disposal but they're certainly trying to expand to a bigger size than they were already at. Interesting to note is that in order to save some money they let go of perhaps the most over worker at their disposal, Rocky Johnson.


Polynesian Pacific - Lars Anderson - Unknown - Current


Polynesian Pacific Tag Team - Samu & Fatu - Unknown - Current


South Eastern Championship Wrestling - South East




Unfortunately it appears SECW might be the first casualty in the Territories system this year, but not due to the WWF's doing. Some shoddy booking and financial control has currently left SECW $10,000 in the red, which is a shame because the talent is there but the booking isn't. Shares talent with Georgia Championship Wrestling presently but it appears that that might not be enough to dig themselves out of this financial hole that they've dug themselves into. PWI will make any announcements if any cuts from the roster are made in the coming days.


Southeastern Heavyweight - Mr. Olympia - Thur Week 4 Feb. 1983 - Current

Bob Armstrong - Unknown - Thur Week 4 Feb. 1983


Southeastern Tag Team - Randy Rose & Norvell Austin - Fri Week 3 Jan. 1983 - Current

Robert Fuller & Jimmy Golden - Unknown - Fri Wk 3 Jan. 1983


Alabama Heavyweight - Robert Fuller - Fri Wk 4 Jan. 1983 - Current

Mr. Olympia - Unknown - Fri Wk 4 Jan. 1983


United States Junior Heavyweight - Vacant


South Western Championship Wrestling - Southwest




One of the few Hardcore promotions in North America, SWCW is another promotion that has been bleeding money as of late but it appears that just recently they've been able to stop the bleeding by a little bit. SWCW's hardcore action is proving to be a bit too hardcore for the mainstream fans who watch their broadcast on USA Network, as their viewership continues to dwindle week in and week out. However, they still have a rabid fanbase that continues to tune in and show up to the shows to support their hardcore style wrestlers. Some workers who work for SWCW include Tully Blanchard, Manny Fernandez, Adrian Adonis, Chavo Guerrero Sr, and Gino Hernandez.


Southwest Heavyweight - Tully Blanchard - Unknown - Current


Southwest Tag Team - Tully Blanchard & Gino Hernandez - Unknown - Current


Southwest Junior Heavyweight - Hector Guerrero - Sun Week 3 Feb. 1983 - Current


World Class Championship Wrestling - Mid South




Perhaps the promotion with some of the most talented wrestlers, World Class Championship Wrestling is home some of the youngest, brightest workers that the industry has seen awhile. The promotion is still currently in a Freebirds v Von Erichs feud that has been going on since the beginning of the year, with no decisive winner so far. The promotion is making money like crazy with the success of their current product, and with talent such as Michael Hayes & Terry Gordy, the Von Erich family, King Kong Bundy, Abdullah The Butcher, and some new kid named Shawn Michaels, World Class Championship Wrestling could be a sleeper threat in the race to go national.


WCCW American Heavyweight - Terry Gordy - Mon Wk 4 Jan. 1983 - Current

Kevin Von Erich - Unknown - Mon Wk 4 Jan. 1983


WCCW Six Man Tag Team - The Freebirds - Unknown - Current


WCCW Texas Tag Team - Black Gordman & Buddy Roberts - Sun Wk 2 Feb. 1983 - Current

Michael Hayes & Terry Gordy - Unknown - Sun Wk 2 Feb. 1983


WCCW Texas Heavyweight - David Von Erich - Unknown - Current


WCCW Television - Iceman Parsons - Mon Wk 4 Jan. 1983 - Current

Chris Adams - Unknown - Mon Wk 4 Jan. 1983


World Wrestling Council - Puerto Rico




Who would've ever thought that a Hardcore promotion in Puerto Rico could ever generate a great amount of profit? Carlos Colon's World Wrestling Council certainly has proven a bunch of doubters wrong with the continued success of his promotion. And with a great feud going on between Colon & Pedro Morales against Bruiser Brody, Hercules Ayala, and The Invaders more and more fans will continue to flock to the WWC's shows. Although the promotion has not ventured away from the island yet, with the amount of overness they have in their home country it's only a matter of time before they make the jump to the Southeast.


Universal Heavyweight - Carlos Colon - Unknown - Current


WWC World Tag Team - Carlos Colon & Pedro Morales - Unknown - Current


WWC North American Heavyweight - Black Gordman - Sat Wk 3 Feb. 1983 - Current

Bob Sweetan - Wk 2 Feb. 1983 - Wk 3 Feb. 1983

Pedro Morales - Unknown - Wk 2 Feb. 1983


WWC Puerto Rican Heavyweight - Bob Sweetan - Unknown - Current


World Wrestling Federation - Tri State




And the catalyst for this whole debacle, the World Wrestling Federation. Vince McMahon's dreams of grandeur have inspired him to book the biggest wrestling event known in the history of the business, Wrestlemania. The Federation meanwhile has been reeling in a steady income, although under MACW's numbers. Although with the workers that the Federation has it's amazing that they haven't taken over MACW's income numbers. Such workers as Superstar Billy Graham, Bob Backlund, Jimmy Snuka, and arguable the most well-known pro wrestler on the planet, Andre The Giant, help the Federation deliver a great product that many fans enjoy. Now whether or not the WWF is able to break from their Cult status and hit National is something that has to be seen.


WWF World Heavyweight: Bob Backlund - Unknown - Current


WWF Intercontinental: Rocky Johnson - Sat Wk 4 Feb. 1983 - Current

Pedro Morales - Unknown - Sat Wk 4 Feb. 1983


WWF World Tag Team: The Wild Samoans - Sat Wk 4 Jan. 1983 - Current

The Strongbows - Unknown - Sat Wk 4 Jan. 1983


Canada - Atlantic Grand Prix Wrestling, All Star Wrestling, Calgary Stampede Wrestling, International Wrestling From Montreal, Maple Leaf Wrestling


The wrestling industry in Canada is running pretty flat at the moment, with no real gains being made on each other, partially due to the sagging wrestling industry and the sagging economy. The promotion Atlantic Grand Prix Wrestling so far has not gone on tour yet, although they should be open for business come May. Al Tomko's All Star Wrestling has been putting on monthly events although with their current financial situation they'll be lucky to make it to the end of the year, unless the economy makes a spectacular turnaround. Stampede, International, and Maple Leaf however are the three Canadian promotions that most fans seem to flock to. Whether it's The Sheik dominating opponents like Gino Brito and the Rougeau Brothers in Ontario in Maple Leaf. To Dino Bravo and Gino Brito taking on Sailor White in Quebec and International Wrestling. Or the Hart family and Leo Burke taking on all comers and Dungeon trainees at Stampede. Canada seems to be on the rise, but they're definitely going to need some help in order to make some ground and get over.


Canadian Heavyweight (ASW): Al Tomko - Fri Wk 4 Feb. 1983 - Current

Honky Tonk Man - Wk 4 Jan. 1983 - Wk 4 Feb. 1983

Canadian Heavyweight Tag Team (ASW): Al Tomko & Moose Morowski - Unknown - Current

All Star Television: Igor Volkoff - Fri Wk 4 Feb. 1983 - Current


CSW North American Heavyweight: Leo Burke - Wed Wk 3 Jan. 1983 - Current

Bad News Allen - Unknown - Wk 2 Jan. 1983 - Vacated Due To Injry

CSW International Tag Team - Jim Neidhart & Mr. Hito - Unknown - Current

British Commonwealth Heavyweight - Bret Hart - Fri Wk 4 Feb. 1983 - Current

Bruce Hart - Unknown - Wk 4 Feb. 1983


IWA Heavyweight - Sailor White - Sun Wk 3 Jan. 1983 - Current


NWA Canadian Heavyweight - The Sheik - Wed Wk 2 Jan. 1983 - Current

Gino Brito - Unknown - Wk 2 Jan. 1983

Canadian Open Tag Team: Gino Brito & Tony Parisi (2) - Thur Wk 4 Feb. 1983 - Current

The Sheiks - Wk 3 Jan 1983 - Wk 4 Feb 1983

Gino Brito & Tony Parisi - Unknown - Wk 3 Jan 1983


Mexico - Consejo Mundial de Lucha Libre, Universal Wrestling Association


Originally what started out as an all-out war for control of Mexican Lucha dominance is now seeming to end up as a complete landslide victory for CMLL. After staying even for awhile, UWA ended up slowly starting to bleed money during the war...causing them to release a great amount of talent including their star Canek. But this at the end of the day hurt UWA even more as CMLL quickly scooped up the masked hero and is yet to utilize him. It won't take long for CMLL to put the nail in the coffin on UWA, but if the UWA does indeed fall then Consejo Mundial de Lucha Libre might be boasting the most talented roster in the entire world.


NWA World Middleweight: Mil Mascaras - Sun Wk 3 Jan. 1983 - Current

Lizmark - Unknown - Wk 3 Jan. 1983

CMLL World Tag Team - Vacant

NWA World Lightweight: El Supremo - Thur Wk 3 Feb. 1983 - Current


UWA World Junior Lightweight: Gran Apache - Mon Wk 1 Jan. 1983 - Current

UWA World Middleweight: Enrique Vera - Thur Wk 1 Feb. 1983 - Current

UWA World Tag Team: Los Villanos - Wed Wk 3 Feb. 1983 - Current

Dos Caras & Solar - Wk 2 Jan. 1983 - Wk 3 Feb. 1983 - Vacated due to Solar's expiring contract.


UK - All Star Wrestling UK, Joint Promotions UK


Professional wrestling is alive and well in the United Kingdom, with ASWUK putting on monthly shows to favorable reviews and with JPUK putting on weekly shows, not to mention they have their timeslot on ITV. With a bit of sharing of talent in between the two promotions, there's no real fight between the two considering JPUK dwarves ASWUK. While JPUK is making a decent share of money, ASWUK seems to be barely gaining.


British Empire/Commonwealth Middleweight: Terry Jowett - Unknown - Current

British Light Heavyweight: Marty Jones - Unknown - Current

European Middleweight: Mal Sanders - Fri Wk 3 Feb. 1983 - Current

Dave Finlay - Wk 3 Jan. 1983 - Wk 3 Feb. 1983


World Of Sport Tag Team: Dave Bond & The Amazing Kung Fu - Sat Wk 3 Feb. 1983 - Current

The McCoys - Wk 2 Jan. 1983 - Wk 3 Feb. 1983

Johnny Kincaid & Dave Bond - Unknown - Wk 2 Jan. 1983

British Lightweight: Steve Grey - Unknown - Current

World Mid-Heavyweight: Giant Haystacks - Sat Wk 2 Jan. 1983 - Current

World Light Heavyweight: The Original Kendo Nagasaki - Fri Wk 1 Jan. 1983 - Current

Johnny Saint - Unknown - Wk 1 Jan. 1983


Japan - All Japan Pro Wrestling, New Japan Pro Wrestling.


The current situation in Japan has both promotions stuck in mud, while both are barely losing any money (not enough to worry at least) neither of them are making gains over the other. While both products completely contrast each other, Japanese fans can't seem to decide which one they will support me. A big concern among some Japanese workers is the amount of American workers in the two promotions and how they're taking some jobs away from unemployed Japanese wrestlers. Both promoters claim that they have big names such as Hulk Hogan, Andre The Giant, Terry Funk, and Bruiser Brody in order to show some diversity in their product. There still is plenty of room however for Japanese workers such as Giant Baba, Jumbo Tsuruta, Tatsumi Fujinami, and Tiger Mask to shine though.


PWF Heavyweight (AJPW): Dory Funk Jr. - Mon Wk 4 Feb. 1983 - Current

NWA United National Heavyweight: Jumbo Tsuruta - Unknown - Current

NWA International Heavyweight: Bruiser Brody - Unknown - Current

NWA International Tag Team: Giant Baba & Jumbo Tsuruta - Unknown - Current

NWA International Junior Heavyweight: Atsushi Onita - Unknown - Current

All Asia Tag Team: Takashi Ishikawa & Akio Sato - Unknown Current


WWF Junior Heavyweight: Black Tiger - Thur Wk 4 Jan. 1983 - Current

Tiger Mask - Unknown - Wk 4 Jan. 1983

WWF International Heavyweight: Tatsumi Fujinami - Unknown - Current




Meanwhile...at the Fortress of Solitu-I mean the World Wrestling Federation.





Bob Backlund - WWF World Heavyweight Champion

Andre The Giant

Superstar Billy Graham

Jimmy Snuka

Bruno Sammartino

Ray Stevens



Rocky Johnson - WWF Intercontinental Champion

Afa - WWF World Tag Team Champion

Sika - WWF World Tag Team Champion

Pedro Morales

George Steele

Don Muraco

Tony Atlas

Big John Studd

Masked Superstar



Chief Jay Strongbow

Jules Strongbow

Tito Santana

Mr. Fuji

Ivan Putski

The Iron Sheik

Tiger Chung Lee

Tony Garea



Rene Goulet

Johnny Rodz

S.D Jones



Eddie Gilbert

Charlie Fulton



Salvatore Bellomo

Frankie Williams



Lou Albano (manages Jimmy Snuka and the Wild Samoans)

Freddie Blassie (manages George Steele)

The Grand Wizard (manages The Iron Sheik)

Arnold Skaaland (manages Tony Atlas)

Buddy Rogers (manages Andre The Giant)




WWF January/February


- The WWF World Heavyweight Title has been in the midst of a feud between champion Bob Backlund and challenger Jimmy Snuka. Snuka came up short in January but made a statement to Backlund saying he wasn't done with the champion when he beat him down after one of Backlund's matches on WWF Championship Wrestling. The feud then carried over to The Big Show in February as Snuka put up a strong fight but fell short to Backlund again.


- Superstar Billy Graham has been irritated by Gorilla Monsoon's commentary of him as of late. So Graham decided to try and intimidate Monsoon, daring him to pick any member on the roster to try and beat him at The Big Show in January. Low and behold this wasn't a wise choice by Graham as he was put in a match against Andre The Giant. Billy Graham fought a valiant battle but found himself on the short end of the stick when Andre pinned him. An irate Billy Graham then found himself accusing Gorilla Monsoon of surprising him with his pick of Andre The Giant, claiming he wasn't ready to face him. So a rematch was signed for the Big Show in February but this time the #1 Contendership to the WWF Championship was on the line. Graham nearly prevailed for the 2nd time but Andre The Giant pinned him to guarantee a title shot at the inaugural Wrestlemania. You can bet that Superstar Billy Graham is now even more enraged at Gorilla Monsoon.


- After being on the losing side of a #1 Contendership match for the World Tag Team Titles back in January to the Wild Samoans. Soul Patrol member Rocky Johnson turned on his teammate Tony Atlas by viciously beating him after their match. This set up a #1 Contendership match for the Intercontinental Title at the Big Show in January which had Rocky Johnson prevailing. During the leadup to February's Big Show Tony Atlas got himself into a brief feud with the animal George Steele while Johnson prepared for his battle with Pedro Morales at the Big Show. At the show, Johnson won the Intercontinental Championship while Tony Atlas pinned Steele. It was then announced that the two former partners would meet again at Wrestlemania, this time with the Intercontinental Championship at stake.


- In the Tag Title scene, the Strongbows and the Wild Samoans have been feuding since January when the Samoans took the titles from the Strongbows. February had an epic battle for the belts with the heels led by Capt. Lou Albano taking the victory. It's currently unknown who the Wild Samoans opponent will be for Wrestlemania but it's rumored that WWF management is looking around for other tag teams to sign, seeing how the current tag team pool is a bit small.


- After not being in a major program for two months, 'Magnificent' Don Muraco has recently started complaining on TV that he should be more respected and should have better competition than the weaklings that management pits him up against. Expect this storyline to develop more in the coming weeks.


- The Federation isn't just looking for tag teams to sign, but other works altogether. Who will be signed? Find out in the coming weeks as the WWF hits the Road to Wrestlemania!

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Scheduled to be held at The Pavilion in Philadelphia, PA.


Non-Title: Bob Backlund v George Steele w/Freddie Blassie


http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/BobBacklund.jpg v http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/GeorgeSteele-1.jpg w/http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/FreddieBlassie.jpg


Just days after successfully defending his WWF World Heavyweight Championship, Bob Backlund finds himself in action on Championship Wrestling this week, taking on George 'The Animal' Steele. While Backlund may be riding high on momentum, The Animal is looking for a strong rebound from his loss suffered at the hands of Tony Atlas just four days ago. And if there's anyone on the WWF roster who can rebound from a loss in brutal fashion it's Steele, plus with manager Freddie Blassie at ringside, expect Blassie to help Steele pull out all the stops to lead his "pet" to victory. Backlund needs a strong showing here before his championship defense against Andre The Giant in three weeks at Wrestlemania, but can he prevail against such odds?


The Strongbows & The Masked Superstar v The Wild Samoans & Big John Studd w/Lou Albano


http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/ChiefJayStrongbow.jpghttp://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/JulesStrongbow.jpghttp://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/TheMaskedSuperstar.jpg v http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/Afa.jpghttp://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/Sika.jpghttp://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/BigJohnStudd.jpg w/http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/LouAlbano.jpg


It has been a great two months for The Wild Samoans and their manager Capt. Lou Albano. After seizing the WWF World Tag Team Championships from The Strongbows at January's Big Show, and following up with a successful title defense at February's Big Show, The Wild Samoans have proven themselves to be the creme of the crop in the WWF's tag team division. However, this week WWF management has booked The Wild Samoans and The Strongbows to meet again, this time in a 6-man tag match. Each teams picked their 3rd man for their team with Chief Jay & Jules selecting The Masked Superstar while Capt. Lou Albano chose Big John Studd for his team. With the teams set for this week, can The Wild Samoans continue their streak of dominance in the WWF? Or can The Strongbows sneak in a win with the help of their 3rd man?


Tony Atlas v The Iron Sheik


http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/TonyAtlas.jpg v http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/TheIronSheik.jpg


After defeating George "The Animal" Steele four days ago at February's Big Show, Tony Atlas earned himself a shot at the new Intercontinental Champion Rocky Johnson's title at Wrestlemania. Atlas should consider this a preview of his championship match in three weeks, as both The Iron Sheik and Johnson are two of the hardest-hitting members on the WWF roster. Meanwhile, The Iron Sheik needs to prove that he's back in top form after going on a slide the past couple of events. He picked up a victory last week, but can he keep the momentum going?


Don Muraco v Ivan Putski


http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/DonMuraco.jpg v http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/IvanPutski.jpg


Don Muraco has been claiming for weeks now that he hasn't been provided decent competition by WWF management. Management considered Magnificent Muraco's request and decided to start upping his competition. Muraco's opponent this week? None other than Krakow, Poland's Ivan Putski. Putski has been known to have the power to knock out his opponents with the Polish Hammer, but can he utilize it to shut Muraco's mouth? And with a match against an able opponent this week will Muraco be satisfied with his competition for this week? All of this and more on WWF Championship Wrestling.


Predictions are welcome.


Prediction Key


Bob Backlund v George Steele - Non-Title


The Strongbows & The Masked Superstar v The Wild Samoans & Big John Studd


Tony Atlas v The Iron Sheik


Don Muraco v Ivan Putski

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Taped in front of 5,000 people at The Pavilion in Philadelphia, PA.



Tito Santana def. Rene Goulet in 5:40 - C

Mr. Fuji & Tiger Chung Lee def. Eddie Gilbert & Frankie Williams in 4:36 - D

Rocky Johnson def. S.D Jones in 2:52 - D


Main Show


The World Wrestling Federation logo is displayed brightly on screen as the words Championship Wrestling from Philadelphia fade in in glowing yellow at the bottom of the screen. The logo then quickly fades as the camera zooms in to our announcing table consisting of Vince McMahon, Gorilla Monsoon, and Lord Alfred Hayes.




McMahon: Good evening ladies and gentlemen and welcome to another edition from WWF Championship Wrestling and we're coming to you from a packed house in Philadelphia, PA. And the road to the biggest wrestling event in the history of professional wrestling has begun, we are on the road to Wrestlemania!

Hayes: Biggest wrestling event in the history of professional wrestling? Yeah we'll see.

McMcahon: I'm sure that Wrestlemania will be the biggest professional wrestling event in the history of this sport Alfr-

Hayes: Hey now that's Lord Alfred to you.

Monsoon: Moving on to more important things...tonight we have a great card for you folks tonight with the WWF World Heavyweight Champion in action against George 'The Animal' Steele!

Hayes: Lord Alfred thinks this will be a great match folks...

McMahon: Did you just refer to yourself in 3rd person?

Hayes: ...

Monsoon: Anyways...Bob Backlund has certainly been looking strong as of late defeating Jimmy Snuka twice to defend his championship gold. But a larger opponent stands in the way.

McMahon: That's right, at the inaugural Wrestlemania we have confirmed it will be Bob Backlund defending against Andre The Giant. Backlund has enjoyed a lengthy multi-year title run but can Andre The Giant take the strap off of him?

Hayes: While the stature of these two men varies greatly, there's no doubt that the champ can hold his own against anybody backstage.

McMahon: And it appears that our first match is about to get started!


B- - 1 Min


Don Muraco v Ivan Putski


http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/DonMuraco.jpg v http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/IvanPutski.jpg


The match immediately starts with a lockup in the center of the ring but Putski soon forces Muraco into a turnbuckle, delivering some punches before Muraco shoves him off. The Magnificent One goes over to Putski who's quickly getting back to his feet as the two start to trade punches. Muraco quickly hits a knee to the gut of the Polish strongman as he then delivers a suplex to Putski. Muraco then locks in a headlock on Putski, but the Polish brute soon stats to fight his way back up to the cheers of the fans in attendance. Putski delivers one punch to the gut, then another, then one strong enough to back Muraco off of him. Muraco bounds off the ropes and goes for a clothesline but Putski ducks it and goes for a Polish Hammer on the rebound! Muraco nearly escapes the strike as he rebounds back off the ropes, leaps, and hits Putski with a flying shoulder block.


Pin attempt, 1...2..Putski kicks out!


The Magnificent One appears to be frustrated as he gets back up and then lays the boots to his downed opponent, but Putski pushes away Muraco and then goes for a clothesline but Muraco ducks and on the rebound whips Putski into the corner...right into referee Dave Hebner! Hebner stumbles out of the corner and so does Putski who walks right into a Low Blow from Muraco. Hebner soon regains his balance and goes to count the pin.




Winner: Don Muraco in 4:57 - C+


After the match Muraco immediately drops to the apron and darts straight to the announce table, sights set directly on Vince McMahon.




Muraco: Is this some sort of joke!?

McMahon: I beg your pardon?

Muraco: I know that you have a relation with WWF management and I want you to relay this message to them. This competition that you've been providing me is a joke. Ivan Putski? Ivan Putski!? That's the best that you can pull out for me? Let's run over who I have defeated over the past couple of weeks, Salvatore Bellomo, who is a complete joke. Tony Garea, who was so bad that I don't know how in the world he still works for this company. So tell me McMahon, please tell me, you tell those jokers who work at management that The Magnificent One deserves better competition than this!

McMahon: I...I...

Muraco: You will do this! My opponents are completely embarrassing me by how pathetic they are. Do it McMahon, or face the consequences!


C - 4 Mins



Hayes: Oh 'The Magnificent One' surely isn't a happy camper.

McMahon: *sighs* You think Al-?

Hayes: That's Lord Alfr-

Monsoon: Yes, yes, we know!



Tony Atlas v The Iron Sheik


http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/TonyAtlas.jpg v http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/TheIronSheik.jpg


Atlas and Sheik could have stared a hole through each other's head with the intensity of this staredown they've got going on. Sheik throws a punch but Atlas blocks it and starts throwing punches and chops at Sheik. All of this happens until Sheik pushes Atlas away, sending him rolling backwards across the mat. Atlas quickly gets to his feet but Sheik charges out of the corner dropping him with a short-arm clothesline. Sheik takes time to taunt the fans in the crowd as a 'U-S-A' chant starts to grow, leading 'Mr. USA' Tony Atlas to get up and seemingly gain an early second wind...Sheik continues to gloat to the fans as Atlas taps him on the shoulder, Sheik turns around as Atlas arm-drags him across the ring to a relatively loud pop. The Iron Sheik quickly gets back to his feet as Atlas levels him a clothesline, he then proceeds to lead the crowd into a 'U-S-A' chant. Sheik slowly starts to get back to his feet but Atlas pushes him into a corner and starts hitting some backhand chops to the chest, Sheik is able to dodge one of them as he slips behind Atlas to land a Belly-To-Back Suplex!


Pin, 1...2..Kick Out!


The Iron Sheik looks a bit frustrated as he then grows a bit of a smirk on his face, he then goes to lock in a Boston Crab on Atlas and successfully locks it in. Atlas is grimacing in pain as he slowly tries to crawl his way to the ropes. More 'U-S-A' chants from Atlas restore his stamina seemingly as he powers his way to the ropes and grabs it! Before Atlas can get back up Sheik stomps away at him hoping to put down the former Soul Patrol member. But Atlas quickly stands straight up and delivers a powerful left that floors the Sheik sending him tumbling backwards. Atlas then grabs The Iron Sheik and delivers a vicious headbutt, leaving the Sheik groggy in the center of the ring. Atlas bounces off the ropes as he hits a running shoulder block on his Iranian opponent. Atlas then proceeds to lead the crowd in a final 'U-S-A' chant as he picks up The Iron Sheik and lifts him onto his shoulders, Sheik is lifted high in the air and dropped with a Gorilla Press Slam!


Cover, 1...2...3!


Winner: Tony Atlas in 6:42 - C-


Monsoon: And Mr. USA does it! An impressive victory heading into this Wrestlemania match for the Intercontinental Championship against Rocky Johnson!

McMahon: And speaking of Rocky Johnson...




Rocky Johnson stands outside of the ring with a microphone in hand, and Intercontinental Championship belt proudly over his shoulder.


Rocky: Congratulations Tony, you defeated a man who seemingly can't win to save his life as of late. I've got a question for you, do you really want to know why I turned on you two months ago Tony? Do you really want to know? I realized that The Soul Patrol could have had a chance at being WWF World Tag Team Champions but The Soul Patrol needed to drop dead weight. And that dead weight was you Tony. So go ahead, beat all of these insignificant nobodies all you want...but you will never be able to take this baby (leans forward so the camera can get the Intercontinental Title in view) away from me. And that's a fact.


B- - 4 Mins


Monsoon: Well it appears there's no love lost in between former Soul Patrol teammates Rocky Johnson and Tony Atlas.

McMahon: That's right, and that Rocky Johnson thinks that he needed to drop 'dead weight?'

Hayes: Oh stop it McMahon, one former member of The Soul Patrol is now Intercontinental Champion while the other one isn't. Tony Atlas is dead weight!




Captain Lou Albano alongside of his clients the WWF World Tag Team Champions The Wild Samoans, is shown backstage with a camera in front of them. The Wild Samoans stare menacingly at the camera.


Capt. Lou: Tonight! These boys, the most dominant tag team in the wrestling world today, and the most dominant tag team in the world ever! Will go up, once again, against The Strongbows...this time with The Masked Superstar. Jay! Jules! When will you ever learn? The Wild Samoans beat you down senseless in January to take your Tag Team Titles, and they beat you down again in February when they retained their Tag Team Titles. Do I have to write it down on a piece of paper and flap it around in your face a couple of times for you to get it? The Wild Samoans are, and forever will be, WWF World Tag Team Champions! We beat you two months ago, we beat you a month ago, we'll beat you tonight, we'll beat you next week if we have to...and if you ever think that you will beat these boys ever, I guess we're going to have to beat you...into retirement!


B+ - 5 Mins


The Strongbows & The Masked Superstar v The Wild Samoans & Big John Studd w/Capt. Lou Albano


http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/ChiefJayStrongbow.jpghttp://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/JulesStrongbow.jpghttp://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/TheMaskedSuperstar.jpg v http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/Afa.jpghttp://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/Sika.jpghttp://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/BigJohnStudd.jpg w/http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/LouAlbano.jpg


To start off the match we have The Masked Superstar in the ring with Afa. Afa starts off hitting some nasty knife edge chops, one powerful enough to floor the masked man. Afa then goes to pick Masked Superstar up but he knees the Savage Samoan in the gut and starts hitting some chops of his own. After being knocked back into the ropes Afa responds with a solid headbut that leaves Masked Superstar dazed as he flops onto his back.


Sika tags in.


Afa's brother then proceeds to stomp away at The Masked Superstar, he then rebounds away from the ropes and goes for a Splash but there's no one home! The Masked Superstar crawls his way over to his corner and...


Chief Jay Strongbow tags in.


The elder Strongbow hammers away at Sika with vicious rights and lefts, he has a fire in his eyes that tells he wants to finally get a win over his rivals. Strongbow pushes Sika into a corner and starts hitting some more knife edge chops. Masked Superstar gets into the ring and signals Jay to whip Sika towards him...he does so as Superstar delivers a vicious clothesline. Dick Woehrle then goes up to Masked Superstar to tell him to leave the ring, this allows Big John Studd to sneak in and lay some boots to the downed Strongbow, Big John returns to his position on the apron before Woehrle could spot him. Studd signals for a tag as Sika is able to make the tag.


Big John Studd tags in.


Studd hammers away at Jay who's looking absolutely exhausted. But soon Jay is able to slip away at an attempt to grapple by Studd as he quickly tags to his relate.


Jules Strongbow tags in


Strongbow manages to get some offense in before BJS grabs his face and slams him down to the mat head first, Studd then tags the rested Afa.


Afa tags in.


Back to where we started, Strongbow v Wild Samoan, Afa sits on Jules and applies a Camel Clutch variation, Jules struggles to get some ground as The Masked Superstar enters the ring throws Afa off. Providing a distraction as the ref scolds the masked man for doing so...Sika and Big John Studd lay in the boots on Jules. Afa gets up and scowls at The Masked Superstar as he then tries to pick up Jules but he rolls him into a small package!


1...2..Kick Out!


Captain Lou looks irate out at ringside as he yells at Afa to tag in Big John Studd...Afa instead continues to attempt to beat on Jules until Jules somehow manages a belly-to-back suplex! Jules struggles to get to his partner and he gets there!


The Masked Superstar has tagged in.


The Masked Superstar starts laying into Afa with lefts and rights as he whips the Samoan across the ring and nails him with a powerslam, he then goes for a pin...


1...2..Kick Out!


The Masked Superstar knows he has to start turning his A-game on as he soon starts to pick up Afa and delivers a scoop slam. Sika then goes in the ring and rushes in to clock the masked hero in the head with a forearm, leaving The Masked Superstar dazed and confused in the middle of the ring, this allows Afa to crawl over to his corner and get a tag.


Big John Studd tags in.


Even though some of Masked Superstar's energy is gone, he is still able to go toe-to-toe with Studd. Big John delivers an axe handle to Superstar that floors him, after locking him into a headlock Superstar starts to fight his way to his feet but Studd nails a double-underhook suplex on him. Studd goes for the pin but Masked Superstar quickly kicks out. Studd then realizes he's going to need another big move to put his opponent away but in the meanwhile, Masked Superstar slowly starts crawling to his corner but Studd doesn't notice...leading Capt. Lou to send in Afa & Sika to drag The Masked Superstar back to the center of the ring. The Strongbows see The Wild Samoans getting in the ring as they two get in the ring and clothesline their rivals over the top ropes! The Strongbows themselves leave the ring allowing Masked Superstar to fully get up, Big John Studd turns around and sees his opponent up and charges towards the corner Superstar's in. Superstar moves, leaving Studd's head to bounce off of the turnbuckle! Superstar hits a Double-Axe Handle! Cover...




The Strongbows & The Masked Superstar def. The Wild Samoans & Big John Studd in 11:38 - B-




After a commercial break, Superstar Billy Graham is shown coming from the backstage area and he walks up the ring steps to get into the ring, there's a microphone waiting for him.


Graham: Well, what are you waiting for Monsoon? Get in here!


McMahon: He's talking to you...

Monsoon: Yes I know...


Monsoon then leaves his position at the announce table and makes his way into the ring, taking with him a microphone.


Graham: Well Monsoon...do you realize what you have done? Do you realize what you have done to Superstar Billy Graham? Two months...TWO MONTHS in a row you went to WWF management and decided to make a fool out of me by booking me in a match against Andre The Giant...twice! I had a chance to headline Wrestlemania! And you ruined it by making me fight that...that...monster!

Monsoon: Well Billy, you seem to have forgotten, when you mess with me you're messing with the liaison to WWF management. And you wanted a match with Andre The Giant, and you lost. It's over Billy. Now let's drop this silly feud.


Monsoon turns to leave the ring but Billy Graham puts a hand on Gorilla's shoulder.


Graham: Wait wait wait...where do you think you're going Monsoon? I'm not finished yet. It's clear that we still have a problem between us, I've got a feeling that you don't respect Superstar Billy Graham. You went out of your way to embarrass me...now I'm going to be the one to embarrass you. After all...I am the man of the hour, the man with the power, too sweet to be sour...and the one that's going to put you out of a job!


B - 4 Mins


Bob Backlund © v George Steele w/Freddie Blassie - Non Title


http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/BobBacklund.jpg v http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/GeorgeSteele.jpg w/http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/FreddieBlassie.jpg


The match starts off with a lockup but Steele immediately shoves Backlund away, Backlund then charges towards The Animal with a clothesline but Steele doesn't move. Steele then grabs Backlund and powerslams him to the mat. Blassie cheers on from ringside all the while taking time to taunt some fans with a Backlund sign. Steele picks up Backlund seemingly for another body slam but this time the champion slips out and kicks Steele into the ropes, then proceeding to clothesline him over. At the count of 6 by ref Dave Hebner Blassie tells Steele to re-enter the ring. As he enters he's immediately met by Backlund who gets The Animal into a headlock while on his knees...but Steele soon powers out of it and delivers a nice belly-to-back suplex. Steele then puts Backlund into the corner as he stands across the ring in the other corner...Steele charges towards Backlund but receives a boot to the face. Backlund then nails a running bulldog on the disoriented monster as he goes for a pin.


1...2..Steele kicks out!


Realizing that he's going to have to do more damage in order to get a victory today Backlund tries a single leg Boston Crab...the technician's hold seems to be working but Blassie gets onto the apron to distract the ref, all the while Steele's tapping out in the middle of the ring. Once Hebner's eyes are back on Backlund and Steele, The Animal manages to roll over and kick Backlund away. Steele then nails a splash into the corner as he then hits a powerslam for the pin...the champ might be in trouble here!


1...2...Last Second Kick Out!


Blassie is irate at ringside as Steele looks dumbfounded as he was sure he had the pin, he picks up Backlund and hoists him over his head but once again the slippery Backlund escapes from the predicament and nails a german suplex. Blassie is practically screaming at Steele to get up but Backlund grabs The Animal's arm and yes! He's got the Crossface Chickenwing in! Steele's struggling to stay into this match and he has no choice but to submit to the hold!


Winner: Bob Backlund in 8:32 - B


McMahon: And the Champion does it! He's beaten The Animal!

Hayes: It's impressive...but not as dominant as I would've thought he could've been.

McMahon: Oh c'mon Alf-

Hayes: That's Lord Alfred to you.

McMahon: Whatever. Still, the fact stands that Bob Backlund has defeated one of the most vicious men on the WWF roster!

Monsoon: Yes but the question still stands Vince, does this impressive victory over George Steele translate into any sort of success against Andre The Giant at Wrestlemania?

McMahon: In only three weeks we will learn the answer to that Monsoon, and that's our show folks, on behalf of Alfred H-

Hayes: That's Lor-

McMahon: Lord Alfred Hayes, Gorilla Monsoon, and Vince McMahon we will catch you all next week on WWF Championship Wrestling!


Final Rating - B-



Tito Santana def. Rene Goulet

Mr. Fuji & Tiger Chung Lee def. Eddie Gilbert & Frankie Williams

Rocky Johnson def. S.D Jones


Don Muraco def. Ivan Putski

Tony Atlas def. The Iron Sheik

The Strongbows & The Masked Superstar def. Wild Samoans & Big John Studd

Bob Backlund def. George Steele

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WWF in Your Neighborhood Card

Scheduled to be held at the Alumni Memorial Fieldhouse in Philadelphia, PA.


Masked Superstar v Superstar Billy Graham


http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/TheMaskedSuperstar.jpg v http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/SuperstarBillyGraham.jpg


It's a battle of the Superstars at WWF in Your Neighborhood this week! After an impressive win with The Strongbows on WWF Championship Wrestling, The Masked Superstar seems to have an extra bounce in his step lately since his victory. Meanwhile, Superstar Billy Graham appears to have a bit of a chip on his shoulder after his two losses to #1 Contender to the World Heavyweight Championship, Andre The Giant. Another interesting development with Graham is that just two days ago he threatened to remove Gorilla Monsoon from his job, how will he do this? The answer just might be revealed during tomorrow's show. If you thought that the Bob Backlund v George Steele main event was a good one on WWF Championship Wrestling, Masked Superstar v Superstar Billy Graham should blow that one away!


Big John Studd v Bruno Sammartino


http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/BigJohnStudd.jpg v http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/BrunoSammartino.jpg


In the co-main event this week Big John Studd will be taking on the legend himself, Bruno Sammartino. Studd's looking to rebound off of his loss in his 6-man tag match on WWF Championship Wrestling, while Sammartino is looking for a win to keep him in the hunt for the WWF World Heavyweight Championship. All the while, Big John Studd himself needs a win to prove himself a contender to the WWF Intercontinental Championship, and a win over someone with the experience of Sammartino would surely cement his title hopes. Studd. Sammartino. An epic battle scheduled to happen at WWF in Your Neighborhood!


S.D Jones v Don Muraco


http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/SDJones.jpg v http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/DonMuraco.jpg

Just two days after defeating Ivan Putski on WWF Championship Wrestling, Don Muraco is still apparently looking for more and more competition. WWF Management honored his request by booking him in a match with S.D Jones. Muraco reportedly wasn't too happy about being placed in a match against Jones but signed on to participate in it anyways. For S.D Jones a win here would surely improve his morale after being on a losing skid for well...ever.


Tony Garea v Jimmy Snuka


http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/TonyGarea.jpg v http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/JimmySnuka.jpg


After failing to capture the WWF World Heavyweight Championship twice from Bob Backlund, Jimmy 'Superfly' Snuka now returns to action at In Your Neighborhood against the Australian Tony Garea. Snuka and his manager Lou Albano look to get back into top-form as he looks forward to regaining a shot at the World Title. But it's going to be a long way back to the top of the title picture and this week is the first step in his journey back to the top.


Tito Santana v Rocky Johnson © - Non Title


http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/TitoSantana.jpg v http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/RockyJohnson.jpg


The WWF Intercontinental Champion Rocky 'The Soulman' Johnson finds himself in action this week against the young underdog Tito Santana. Both competitors have had momentum on their side lately, with Johnson obviously picking up the Intercontinental Title less than a week ago while Tito Santana has been picking up win after win on the undercard on a consistent basis. Tito can find himself a contender to the Intercontinental Title if he can pick up a win over the current champion. All the while, Rocky needs a win here to keep his momentum up before his Intercontinental Championship defense at Wrestlemania against 'Mr. USA' and his former tag-team partner Tony Atlas. Who's going to get the win? Attend WWF in Your Neighborhood from Philadelphia and find out!


Prediction Key


Masked Superstar v Superstar Billy Graham


Big John Studd v Bruno Sammartino


S.D Jones v Don Muraco


Tony Garea v Jimmy Snuka


Tito Santana v Rocky Johnson - Non Title

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Good to see another DOTT era WWF diary.


Masked Superstar v Superstar Billy Graham


Big John Studd v Bruno Sammartino


Okay this is a tough one and I shall state why. I have two ways of looking at this match.


1. Bruno wins because of his status as the WWF's greatest champion up until that point. In winning he can still make Studd look good and possibly help Studd get more over that way.


2. Studd is your future, an imposing guy who could use this win to make him a main event star.


I could truly seeing it go either way but I shall go with Bruno.


S.D Jones v Don Muraco


Tony Garea v Jimmy Snuka


Tito Santana v Rocky Johnson - Non Title

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Masked Superstar v Superstar Billy Graham


Big John Studd v Bruno Sammartino

You're building toward WrestleMania, a non-Hulkamania-fueled WrestleMania no less. A cheap win here gives Bruno a desire for revenge at the big show.


S.D Jones v Don Muraco


Tony Garea v Jimmy Snuka


Tito Santana v Rocky Johnson - Non Title

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Thursday, Week 1, March 1983




WWF in Your Neighborhood

Held in front of 2,000 people at the Alumni Memorial Fieldhouse in Philadelphia, PA.




The Iron Sheik def. Salvatore Bellomo in 3:17 - D-

Tony Atlas def. Mr. Fuji in 6:06 - C


Main Show


After welcoming the fans in attendance to the show, and after running down the card for the night, Vince McMahon, Gorilla Monsoon, and Alf-*ahem* Lord Alfred Hayes assume their positions at the announce table to call the action and provide commentary for the night...next thing you know Tito Santana is making his way down to the ring for tonight's first match.


Tito Santana v Rocky Johnson © - Non Title


http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/TitoSantana.jpg v http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/RockyJohnson.jpg


The match starts off with both opponents circling each other, looking for an opening where one of them can strike...Johnson soon finds an opening and dives in driving Santana to the mat. After a couple of fists to the head referee Dave Hebner orders Johnson to lay off of Santana and give him some breathing room. As soon as Tito returns to a standing position Johnson splashes him in the corner. Santana stumbles out of the corner when Johnson runs right up to him and slams him to the ground back-first. Johnson places a foot on Santana's chest and poses for the pin.


1...Kick Out!


Johnson looks down at his opponent and is visibly seen chuckling at the humiliation he tried to inflict on Santana. Johnson grabs Tito's hair and starts to pick him up when Tito delivers several quick jabs in quick succession to The Soulman's abdomen...Tito rebounds off the ropes and hits a running crossbody! Santana reacts to the cheers of the crowd as he delivers a couple of stomps to the Intercontinental Champ's chest as he rebounds off the ropes to hit a splash! Pin attempt...


1...2..Johnson kicks out!


Tito backs off and rests in the corner and when Johnson stumbles to his feet Santana charges across the ring looking for his Flying Forearm Smash...but Johnson dodges it and throws Tito into the corner! Santana slowly stumbles out as Johnson nails a perfect Dropkick!




Winner: Rocky Johnson in 6:36 - B


Captain Lou Albano and his client the former #1 Contender Jimmy 'Superfly' Snuka then come down to the ring in order to prep for Snuka's upcoming match against Tony Garea. Albano yells at a ringside attendant to throw him a microphone...




Capt. Lou: It's a great time to be Captain Lou Albano Philadelphia...you hear that? I said it's a great time to be Captain Lou Albano! Not only are my two clients The Wild Samoans the current WWF World Tag Team Champions, but this man right here, the best damn wrestler on the WWF roster Jimmy 'Superfly' Snuka is going to get back on the road to becoming WWF World Heavyweight Champion! Now then, Jimmy here may have lost his last two opportunities to take the title off Bob Backlund... *Snuka glares at Albano* Hey! Don't you look at me like that! Remember, I'm the one who's going to lead you to the top! Anyways...where was I? Oh yes, tonight marks the first night in Jimmy's quest to become WWF World Heavyweight Champion. It will be a long road, but an easy one. Now Jimmy...show these fine folks how a real WWF Champion wrestles!


A - 4 Minutes


Tony Garea v Jimmy Snuka


http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/TonyGarea.jpg v http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/JimmySnuka.jpg


Garea looks to go for an early lockup but Snuka immediately ducks the attempt and whips Garea into the ropes, arm dragging Garea when he returned. Snuka immediately wastes no time and starts dropping knee drop after knee drop to Garea's forehead, Capt. Lou at ringside appears to be loving it as his client continues to relentlessly drop his knee on his opponent's head. Dick Woerhle says that he's had enough of this and orders Snuka to back off for a second, but Snuka fails to listen as he goes back to attack Garea, but the New Zealander pushes Snuka away! Snuka then runs back up to Garea to deliver a punch to the head but Garea lands an arm drag of his own and holds Snuka in an armbar. The two competitors spend some time on the ground until Snuka starts to escape the hold, but Garea manages to get Snuka into a standing Abdominal Stretch. Snuka appears to be attempting to save up his strength to bust out of the hold which he soon does by running Garea backwards into the ropes...Snuka then rolls Garea into a sitting position with a snapmare and then dropkicks Garea in the back of the head. Albano then points to the top of the turnbuckle and yells "Finish Him!" Snuka smirks and then complies with his manager's order as he heads to the top rope, leaps off...and nails the Superfly Splash!




Winner: Jimmy Snuka in 4:32 - C+


Soon after Garea, Albano, and Snuka leave the ring; Superstar Billy Graham makes his way down to the ring with a microphone already in hand...staring a hole through Gorilla Monsoon's head the whole time.




Graham: Well Gorilla Monsoon, looks like you've done your dirty work again. You went straight to WWF Management and booked me into a match with The Masked Superstar. What is this nonsense!? What sounds wrong with this Monsoon? 'Superstar Billy Graham versus The Masked Superstar'? *Monsoon shrugs* I'll tell you what's wrong with that...The Masked Superstar is nowhere near my league! *Monsoon looks puzzled at the inconsistency of this logic* But it will all work out in the end Monsoon, oh yes, it will all work out soon. For you see, I've filed a complaint with WWF Management myself about booking matches yourself in order to make me look like a fool. Well I will have none of that garbage! You think that you can book the best wrestler in that locker room into any match you want for your own amusement!? As the "liaison" to WWF Management you sure seem to be taking matters into your own hands...and at Wrestlemania we will soon learn of your predicament Monsoon. For you cannot defeat the man of the hour! The one with the power! Too sweet to be sour! Superstar...Billy Graham!


B - 5 Minutes


Shortly after Superstar Billy Graham leaves the ring Don Muraco comes out for his match against S.D Jones...however he has a microphone in hand.




Muraco: Two days ago I thought you all were joking when you had me face Ivan Putski. Now today, I know that WWF Management is completely toying with The Magnificent One, S.D Jones? I asked for a challenge not an effortless victory...I almost feel insulted by this. McMahon, Monsoon, you both have the power to talk to WWF Management and request match bookings. But the both of you apparently do not believe in the power that The Magnificent One has, but let tonight be a lesson to both of you, no opponent can hold his own against myself. Whether they be giant or dwarf, veteran or rookie, they don't call me The Magnificent One for a reason.


A - 3 Minutes


Don Muraco v S.D Jones


http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/DonMuraco.jpg v http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/SDJones.jpg


The two competitors immediately lockup right from the ringing of the bell as Muraco quickly throws his opponent down to the mat. A sign of c0ckiness is already showing from The Magnificent One as he raises his arms as if he's already prematurely celebrating a victory. S.D Jones watches this from down on the mat and doesn't take too kindly to this move...he quickly gets back up and rushes into another lockup which results in him being thrown back down to the mat by Muraco. This time Don actually points and laughs at Jones, infuriating him as he gets up and sprints towards Muraco who plants him with a vicious-looking DDT. Cover...


1...2..Jones kicks out!


Muraco then drops his knee across Jones' forehead and then bounces off the ropes hitting a leg drop. Seeing how Jones is laying perfectly flat on the mat he decides to try something a bit unorthodox as he climbs the turnbuckle, after smiling at the fact that some fans are booing him from the front row he leaps off the top rope and lands a diving splash! But wait...he's not pinning him? Muraco decides to add insult to injury as he picks up Jones and then delivers a sit-out piledriver...now The Magnificent One goes for the pin.




Winner: Don Muraco in 2:50 - C-


The Magnificent One celebrates his victory as Vince McMahon stands up from the announce table and walks his way towards the ring, walking up the stairs and into the ring. Muraco looks perplexed by this as McMahon slowly raises the microphone to his mouth.




McMahon: Well Muraco, I have spoken with WWF Management and it appears that you have gotten your wish.

Muraco: Really McMahon? Is it better competition? Because I'm sick and tired of facing weaklings like this pathetic excuse for a wrestler. *Kicks a downed S.D Jones*

McMahon: Hey now! There's no need for that!

Muraco: Get to the point McMahon!

McMahon: Fine...here's what I've been told by management...you, Don Muraco, will be scheduled in a match at Wrestlemania.

Muraco: Good. Because a wrestler of my caliber would have felt robbed if he was left off the card for the biggest wrestling event in the history of this business. Now who will I face?

McMahon: Unfortunately management has not told me on who your opponent will be, but they have told me you will hear the answer you wish to hear five days from now at WWF Championship Wrestling!


B - 5 Minutes


Big John Studd v Bruno Sammartino


http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/BigJohnStudd.jpg v http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/BrunoSammartino.jpg


The match starts with Studd and the former World Heavyweight Champion staring down from across the ring, they both lockup with Sammartino grabbing Studd into a side headlock. Bruno takes Studd down to one knee as he keeps the hold in, soon switching to an abdominal stretch. The powerful Big John Studd looks to be fighting his way out of it and the veteran Sammartino realizes this, lifting Studd and dropping him with a fireman's carry slam. Sammartino then applies another headlock from the rear as Studd is seated in the center of the ring, Sammartino then picks up Studd and goes for another body-slam esque maneuver but Studd slips out from the hold and rolls up the Living Legend.


1...Kick Out!


Sammartino appears surprised that he was caught off-guard so easily as he immediately gets up and locks up with Studd again, this time with Studd taking the advantage. Studd delivers several clubbing blows to the former champion's back as he then delivers a suplex. Immediately getting up, Studd starts stomping away at Sammartino's back, trying to weaken him there. Though not known for his great submission abilities, Studd attempts an abdominal stretch of his own and locks it in! Although it's going to take more then that to take out the Italian superstar as he slowly starts to get up on his own. Sammartino then counters out of the hold with an armbar as he then chops Studd down to the mat. Sammartino then looks to make Studd submit by locking in an armbar of his own...but after struggling for a little while Big John manages to grab a rope for a ropebreak. Studd slowly gets to his feet as does Sammartino...Sammartino whips Studd across the ring as he soon follows and looks for a clothesline in the corner but there's no one there! Studd then delivers a belly-to-back suplex that leaves both competitors down! Dave Hebner counts to 6 before Studd manages to get to his feet as he picks up the former champion...he goes for a double underhook suplex and hits it! This time after answering a 7-count Studd manages to lock in his Reverse Bearhug on the Sammartino...could he actually defeat the man who holds the record for the longest WWF World Heavyweight Title reign?


Bruno Sammartino has been knocked unconcious!


Winner: Big John Studd in 7:45 - C


After the match Big John Studd motions for a microphone...




Studd: Y'know I didn't think it was actually possible Philly. I didn't think it was actually possible for Big John Studd to be pinned in the center of this here squared circle, Masked Superstar you know you got lucky two days ago in our 6-man tag match and it was all because of those damn Strongbows! That's why I'm laying down the challenge right here, at Wrestlemania I want you in a match to show you that no one pins Big John Studd and gets away with it!


C - 2 Minutes


The Masked Superstar v Superstar Billy Graham


http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/TheMaskedSuperstar.jpg v http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/SuperstarBillyGraham.jpg


A lockup at the beginning signifies the start of this match as Graham soon stars knocking the masked wrestler back with punch after punch as The Masked Superstar is forced into the turnbuckle...Graham then proceeds to hit a few knife-edge chops on his masked opponent. Graham then grabs his opponent and throws him across the ring with an arm drag, Graham then delivers a swift kick to the head of his opponent as he then goes for an early pin.


1...2.Kick Out!


Graham then goes to pick up Masked Superstar but Superstar sweeps Billy's legs out from under him, as he then mounts himself on top of Graham hammering down fists. Feeling that he weakened Graham enough, the masked wrestler picks up Graham and delivers a suplex which he follows up with a couple elbow drops. Masked Superstar then decides to flip his opponent over and lock in a boston crab. Graham writhes in pain at the submission hold but continues to hang in there...Graham soon reaches the rope prompting Masked Superstar to discontinue the hold. Graham proceeds to throw a couple of elbows to back Masked Superstar off and it succeeds but the masked hero flips Graham over him when he approaches. Masked Superstar runs off the ropes and goes for a leg drop but Graham ends up moving out of the way. Both competitors quickly get back up to their feet as they both start trading backhand chops but this time Graham backs his opponent into the corner and then whips him into the opposite corner...chasing him and nailing a clothesline in the corner; causing Masked Superstar to fly in the air a little bit and flop to the mat. Graham then realizes now's the perfect time to end the match as he then picks up his downed opponent and then locks in a Bearhug! Graham nearly appears to be shaking the Masked Superstar to death! Referee checks on Masked Superstar and it's over!


Masked Superstar has been knocked unconcious!


Winner: Superstar Billy Graham in 8:02 - B


End Of Show


Final Rating: B-



The Iron Sheik def. Salvatore Bellomo

Tony Atlas def. Mr. Fuji


Rocky Johnson def. Tito Santana

Jimmy Snuka def. Tony Garea

Don Muraco def. S.D Jones

Big John Studd def. Bruno Sammartino

Superstar Billy Graham def. Masked Superstar




BHK1978: 3/5

Beejus: 5/5 - Cheater. ;)

jgriff3029: 3/5 - I'm using a converted version of Death Of The Territories, an absolutely fantastic mod by D. Boon's Ghost. Unfortunately it seems there's no version available straight for download to TEW10, which I thought there would be seeing how I converted it from 08. I hope you'll be able to convert it succesfully as it's a blast to play.




Current Wrestlemania Card


'WWF World Heavyweight Championship Match'

Bob Backlund © v Andre The Giant


'WWF Intercontinental Championship Match'

Rocky Johnson © v Tony Atlas

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WWF News

- After trying to boost the roster and trying to take some members of the CWF roster, Kevin Sullivan, Barry Windham, and Mike Rotundo reject WWF's negotiations to focus on their current careers in Florida.

- Don Muraco signed a non-exclusive contract extension.

- 85,176 people watched WWF Championship Wrestling.




American Wrestling Assosciation

- Signed young unknown John Nord to a PPA contract. Currently being pushed as a heel opener.

- Re-upped Blackjack Lanza's current contract.


AWA All-Star Wrestling - 103,802 Viewers

Big Scott Hall def. Steve Regal - D-

David Schultz def. Curt Hennig - C-

Jesse Ventura def. Steve O - D+

Bobby Duncum Sr. def. Mad Dog Vachon - C+

Rick Martel def. Mr. Saito to retain the AWA Television Title - C

Ken Patera def. Dick The Bruiser - C+

The Crusher def. Hulk Hogan - B

Final Rating: B-


Central States - Nothing To Report


Championship Wrestling Association - Nothing To Report


Championship Wrestling from Florida

The Endless Beach Tour

Kevin Sullivan def. Black Bart - C+

Bob Orton Jr. def. Mike Graham to retain the CWF Television Title - B

Pak Song def. Bob Roop - C+

Jake Roberts def. B. Brian Blair - B

Dusty Rhodes def. Ron Bass - A-

Final Rating: B+


Wrestling From Florida - 28,701 Viewers

Ron Bass def. Black Bart - B-

Jake Roberts def. B. Brian Blair (again?) - B-

Pak Song def. Windham & Rotundo - C+

Bob Orton Jr. def. Scott McGhee to retain the CWF Television Title - B-

Dusty Rhodes & Bob Roop def. Jos Leduc & Mark Lewin - A

Final Rating: B+


Gorgeous Ladies Of Wrestling

- Re-upped the contract of Olympia.

- Apparently in a move to help train some of their roster (assumingly) G.L.O.W has signed both The Fabulous Moolah and Mae Young to non-exclusive contracts...whatever hijinks these two will be up to...who knows?


GLOW (Mar)

Beastie def. Scarlett - D-

Scarlett def. Attache - F+

Bambi def. Spike - F

Americana def. Hollywood - E

Tara & Tina Ferrari def. Spanish Red & Chainsaw for the G.L.O.W Tag Team titles - E

Matilda The Hun def. Tammy Jones to win the G.L.O.W title - D

Final Rating: D-


Georgia Championship Wrestling

Georgia Championship Wrestling - 154,845 Viewers

Jake Roberts def. Johnny Rich - C-

Pez Whatley def. Scott Armstrong - D-

Paul Orndorff def. Arn Anderson - C+

Brad Armstrong def. Tim Horner - D

The Road Warriors def. Bruno Sammartino Jr. & Brett Wayne - D+

Bob Armstrong def. The Spoiler - B-

Ole Anderson def. Larry Zbyszko - A-

Final Rating: B


Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling

MACW In Your Town!

Jay Youngblood def. Angelo Mosca - D+

Roddy Piper def. George South - D

The Koloffs def. Rufus R. Jones & Bugsy McGraw - D+

Don Kernodle def. Mark Youngblood - E+

Greg Valentine def. Ric Flair - A-

Sgt. Slaughter def. Ricky Steamboat - B+

Final Rating: B


Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling - 94,203 Viewers

Ivan Koloff def. Angelo Mosca Jr. - D

The Assassins def. The Mulkey Brothers - E

Jay Youngblood def. Angelo Mosca - D+

Don Kernodle def. Mark Youngblood - D-

Nikita Koloff def. Rufus R. Jones - D

Greg Valentine def. Ricky Steamboat to retain the United States Heavyweight title - B-

Roddy Piper def. Harley Race - C+

Final Rating: C


Mid-South Wrestling

Mid-South Wrestling - 3,214 Viewers

Magnum T.A def. Jim Neidhart - D+

The Midnight Express def. The Blade Runners - D-

Jim Duggan def. Bill Dundee - C

Ted Dibiase & Matt Borne def. The Rock And Roll Express to retain the Mid-South Tag Team titles - C+

Butch Reed def. Steve Williams - C+

Kamala def. Junkyard Dog - B

Final Rating: B-


Pacific Northwest - Nothing To Report


Southeastern Championship Wrestling

- Released Stan Frazier, Billy Spears, and Les Thatcher to try and preserve some funds.

- Extended the contact of Charlie Platt.


Southwest Championship Wrestling

- Released Tiger Conway Jr. to try and preserve some funds.


Southwest Championship Wrestling - 102 Viewers

Butch Miller def. Al Perez - D-

Grappler #1 def. Eddie Mansfield - D-

Al Madril def. Ken Timbs - D+

Bobby Jaggers def. Luke Williams - D+

Scott Casey def. Kelly Kiniski - D+

The Dynamic Duo def. Los Banditos (The Guerreros) - C+

Final Rating: C-


World Class Championship Wrestling

Wrestling From Texas

The Great Kabuki def. Brian Adias - D+

Chris Adams def. Shawn Michaels - D-

Kamala & The Missing Link def. Black Gordman & Buddy Roberts - C+

Jim Garvin def. David Von Erich for the WCCW Texas Heavyweight title - B-

King Kong Bundy def. Iceman Parsons - C

Kevin & Kerry Von Erich - Michael Hayes & Terry Gordy - B-

Final Rating: C


World Wrestling Council

- Signed Joe Pedicino to a PPA contract.


Hot Action Night

Ron Starr def. El Gran Apollo - C-

Hercules Ayala def. Miguel Perez Jr. - C+

Bob Sweetan def. Sweet Daddy Siki to retain the WWC Puerto Rican Heavyweight title - C-

Invader #2 and Invader #3 def. The Masked Infernos - C

Black Gordman def. TNT to retain the WWC North American Heavyweight title - C+

Bruiser Brody def. Carlos Colon - A-

Final Rating: B+


Atlantic Grand-Prix Wrestling - Nothing To Report


All Star Wrestling - Nothing To Report


Calgary Stampede Wrestling

- Resigned Ben Bassarab to a non-exclusive contract.


International Wrestling

International Wrestling

Haku def. Phil Lafon - D

Jacques Rougeau def. Richard Charland - D+

Pierre Lefebvre def. Bob Della Serra - D

Raymond Rougeau def. Gilles Poisson - C+

Gino Brito def. Doug Furnas - C-

Sailor White def. Dino Bravo to retain the IWA Heavyweight title - C

Final Rating: C-


Maple Leaf Wrestling - Nothing To Report


Consejo Mundial de Lucha Libre - 79,154 Viewers

Consejo Mundial de Lucha Libre

MS-1 def. Chris Youngblood - F+

Blue Demon def. Eddie Guerrero - C-

Lizmark def. Mando Guerrero - C+

Rayo de Jalisco Jr. & El Gran Markus def. Black Cat & Gypsy Joe - C+

Ultraman def. Fishman - C+

Canek def. El Satanico - C+

Final Rating: C+


Universal Wrestling Association

- Signed 17-year old Felino, currently being used as a babyface lower midcarder.


Todas las estrellas en viaje!

Fantasma def. Dr. Wagner Jr. - D+

Octagon def. Super Kendo - D-

Villano I def. El Audaz - C-

Gran Apache def. Solar to retain the UWA World Junior Lightweight title - C+

El Matematico def. Mascara Sagrada - C-

El Texano def. El Signo - C

El Solitario def. Dos Caras - B-

Final Rating: C


UWA Todas Las Estrellas - 2,030 Viewers

Ringo Mendoza def. El Hijo Del Diablo - E-

Lobo Rubio def. Fantasma - D+

Dr. Wagner Jr. def. Solar - D+

Enrique Vera def. Dos Caras to retain the UWA World Middleweight title - C

Final Rating: D+


All-Star Wrestling (UK) - Nothing To Report


Joint Promotions United Kingdom

Joint Promotions South Tour

King Kong Kirk def. Brian Maxine - C-

Mike Marino def. Bobby Barnes - C-

Marty Jones def. Alan Kilby - C

Steve Grey def. Peter Roberts - C-

Ben McCoy def. Bearcat Wright - C-

The Original Kendo Nagasaki def. Big Daddy - B-

Final Rating: C


ITV World Of Sport - 152,900 Viewers

Bobby Barnes & The Original Kendo Nagasaki def. Clive Myers & Steve Grey - C

King Kong Kirk def. Marty Jones - B-

Brian Maxine def. Alan Kilby - C-

Ben McCoy def. Bearcat Wright - C-

Big Daddy def. The Amazing Kung Fu - C

Giant Haystacks def. Otto Wanz to retain the World Mid-Heavyweight title - C+

Final Rating: C


All-Japan Pro Wrestling

AJPW King's Road

Takashi Ishikawa def. Goro Tsurumi - C-

Umanosuke Ueda def. Atsushi Onita - C+

Ashura Hara def. Mitsuharu Misawa - C

The Funks def. Great Kojika & Hiromichi Fuyuki - A

Mighty Inoue def. The Destroyer - B

Bruiser Brody def. The Great Kabuki - A

Final Rating: B+


Puroresu Chukei - 120 Viewers

Goro Tsurumi def. Apollo Suguhara - D+

Umanosuke Ueda def. Shiro Koshinaka - C-

Atsushi Onita def. Magic Dragon - C-

Stan Hansen def. Mighty Inoue - B

Giant Baba & Jumbo Tsuruta def. The Destroyer & Ashura Hara to retain the NWA International Tag Team titles - B

Dory Funk Jr. def. Terry Funk - B+

Final Rating: B+


New Japan Pro Wrestling

NJPW Strong Style

Black Cat def. Tatsutoshi Goto - F+

Kendo Nagasaki def. Hidenobu Kanda - D+

Abdullah The Butcher def. Haruka Eigen - C+

Super Strong Machine def. Strong Kobayashi - C

The British Bulldogs def. Kantaro Hoshino & Yoshiaki Fujiwara - B-

Animal Hamaguchi def. Osamu Kido - B

Hulk Hogan def. Yoshiaki Yatsu - B-

Final Rating: B-


World Pro Wrestling - 54,763 Viewers

Black Cat def. Keiichi Yamada - D-

Hiro Saito def. Tatsutoshi Goto - D-

Adrian Adonis def. Shunji Takano - C-

Black Tiger def. Haruka Eigen to retain the WWF Junior Heavyweight title - C

Akira Maeda & Strong Kobayashi def. The British Bulldogs - B

Antonio Inoki def. Seiji Sakaguchi - B

Final Rating: B-

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WWF Championship Wrestling

Being taped at the Hofstra Arena in Hempstead, NY.


Andre The Giant v Ray Stevens


http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/AndretheGiant2.jpg v http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/RayStevens.jpg

Both Andre The Giant and Ray Stevens make their returns to WWF Championship Wrestling this week as they take each other on in the main event this week. Stevens is scheduled to have his first match in a month while Andre The Giant is making a rare television appearance as he warms up heading towards his WWF World Heavyweight Championship match at Wrestlemania. The Crippler Stevens surely would make his title hopes shift into turbo if he can get a win over The Immovable Object while Andre looks to keep his momentum going up to Wrestlemania. After all, Andre hasn't lost a singles match in how long again?


George Steele v Tony Atlas


http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/GeorgeSteele-1.jpg v http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/TonyAtlas.jpg


The #1 Contender to the Intercontinental Championship 'Mr. USA' Tony Atlas takes on Freddie Blassie's animal George Steele this week. Atlas needs a win here to keep his momentum up heading into his Wrestlemania title challenge against his former partner Rocky Johnson. While Blassie needs a win for Steele here to show WWF Management that Steele is the monster that he has been hyping him up to be. Although several questions linger regarding this match...how much will Blassie turn Steele loose this week? And will Rocky Johnson make an appearance to help Atlas lose one week before their match at Wrestlemania?


The Strongbows v The Wild Samoans - Non Title - If The Strongbows win then they receive a title shot at Wrestlemania


http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/ChiefJayStrongbow.jpghttp://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/JulesStrongbow.jpg v http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/Afa.jpghttp://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/Sika.jpg


After having their number one week ago on Championship Wrestling, The Strongbows will take on The Wild Samoans in tag-team action this week. Although the Tag Team titles will not be on the line this week, if The Strongbows do indeed win this match then they will receive a title shot at Wrestlemania. It's been a long and hard two month journey for Chief Jay & Jules to try and recover the titles they lost to Afa & Sika at January's Big Show but will it finally pay off if they can earn a title shot at Wrestlemania? And will Capt. Lou Albano have a special plan this week to prevent The Strongbows from receiving their title shot? Tune in to WWF Championship Wrestling to find out.


Tito Santana v Rene Goulet


http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/TitoSantana.jpg v http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/ReneGoulet.jpg


In the opening match for this week's WWF Championship Wrestling the young hotshot Tito Santana takes on the Canadian wrestler Rene Goulet. Santana is still looking to make his mark on the WWF and hopefully give a good impression towards WWF Management in order to potentially receive an Intercontinental Title shot. Goulet on the other hand is going to be wrestling in his first match in a while and he definitely wants to start off on the right foot with a big win. You can already tell it's going to be a great episode of WWF Championship Wrestling this week when you have two competitors of the caliber of Santana and Goulet squaring off on the opening bout. Tune in to WWF Championship Wrestling and don't miss a single bit of the action!




Also scheduled to be seen on WWF Championship Wrestling this week...Don 'The Magnificent One' Muraco, finds out his Wrestlemania opponent this week as Vince McMahon will relay the message from WWF Management...and will there be any more developments in the ongoing Superstar Billy Graham - Gorilla Monsoon feud? Tune in to WWF Championship Wrestling to find out!


Prediction Key


Andre The Giant v Ray Stevens


George Steele v Tony Atlas


The Strongbows v The Wild Samoans - Non Title


Tito Santana v Rene Goulet


Tiebreaker: Who will be Don Muraco's opponent at Wrestlemania?

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Andre The Giant v Ray Stevens


George Steele v Tony Atlas


Tony Atlas will probably win but I am a huge Animal fan as he was one of my favorites when I was a kid so I shall go with him.


The Strongbows v The Wild Samoans- Non Title


The Strongbows will win by D.Q. after Capt. Lou gets caught by the ref trying to interfere in the match.


Tito Santana v Rene Goulet


Rene was a jobber at this point in his career.


Tiebreaker: Who will be Don Muraco's opponent at Wrestlemania?


I have a feeling it will be a jobber once again so Tony Garea.

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WWF Championship Wrestling

Being taped in front of 5,000 fans at the Hofstra Arena in Hempstead, NY.



The Iron Sheik def. S.D Jones in 6:04 - C-

Don Muraco def. Salvatore Bellomo in 0:42 - D+

Don Muraco hypes himself up. - 5 Minutes - B+


Main Show


The World Wrestling Federation logo is displayed brightly on screen as the words Championship Wrestling from Philadelphia fade in in glowing yellow at the bottom of the screen. The logo then quickly fades as the camera zooms in to our announcing table consisting of Vince McMahon, Gorilla Monsoon, and Lord Alfred Hayes.




McMahon: Good evening ladies and gentlemen and welcome to another edition of WWF Championship Wrestling! Tonight we're in Hempstead, NY and we've got a great show before us tonight!

Monsoon: That's right Vince, tonight we're going to have a rare appearance of Andre The Giant on Championship Wrestling! It should be a great match! What are your thoughts on it Alfred?

Hayes: First off, that's Lord Alfred to you *Monsoon groans* and secondly it should be a great match against one of our veteran workers Ray 'The Crippler' Stevens.

McMahon: Both wrestlers have had a couple weeks of rest now and should put on an absolutely stellar match tonight! But will Stevens be able to beat Andre's undefeated streak?

Monsoon: I think the bigger question Vince is can Bob Backlund destroy Andre The Giant's undefeated streak at Wrestlemania when they face each other for the WWF World Heavyweight Championship?

McMahon: We will certainly find out in one week at Wrestlemania, which will be available on Pay-Per-View by the way. But now we've got action in the ring, let's head there right now for our first match of the night.


A* - 1 Minute


Tito Santana v Rene Goulet


http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/TitoSantana.jpg v http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/ReneGoulet.jpg


The match starts off with both competitors circling each other until Goulet dives in and takes control early on. Delivering several clubbing blows to a bent over Santana, one blow knocks Santana down to his knees. Which allows Goulet to rebound off the ropes and drive a running knee right into Santana's forehead. The impact of which was so great that Santana is now sprawled out on the mat, Goulet then c0ckily puts his foot on Santana's chest for a pin. 1...Tito kicks out! C'mon Goulet...you could do better then that.


Goulet then picks up Santana and whips him across the ring as Goulet himself rebounds off the ropes to go for a clothesline but Santana ducks and hits a running crossbody from his return across the ropes! This allows Santana to go on offense as he locks in a headlock but then breaks it and delivers a kick to Rene's back. Goulet soon stands as Tito starts delivering starts delivering a flurry of dropkicks to keep downing the Canadian. Once Goulet finally gets back to his feet Santana delivers another dropkick that sends Goulet over the ropes this time! Santana leaves the ring to through Goulet back in but with Dave Hebner not looking in Goulet low blows Santana! Goulet then rolls Santana into the ring and pins him. 1...2..Kick Out!


Goulet almost looks livid that his dirty tactic didn't succeed but he soon gains his composure as he then looks to go for a modified camel clutch. And he locks it in! Hebner checks on Santana to see if he's fading at all and it appears he is until the crowd starts to chant "Tito" repeatedly. It's the crowd that's appearing to give Tito a second wind as he slowly gets to his feet and he throws the veteran off of him! Santana then rebounds off the ropes and then hits a Flying Forearm Smash! Cover! 1...2...3!


Winner: Tito Santana in 8:04 - C-


McMahon: How about this youngster Tito Santana? He's definitely starting to impress me more and more as of late with these victories of his!

Monsoon: It just might be only a matter of time before he gets a WWF Intercontinental title shot Vince!


We're then taken backstage where for the second week in a row Captain Lou Albano is with his clients, the WWF World Tag Team champions The Wild Samoans.




Capt. Lou: Haha! Last week the most unbelievable thing happened, my Wild Samoans actually lost a match to those two punks The Strongbows. But let me tell you this Jay & Jules, you both know that last week was a fluke. Neither of you pinned either Afa or Sika but this week, we have no third man on either of our teams. Tonight is just going to be another brutal demonstration on why you don't challenge The Wild Samoans to a match! We're going to ensure that the both of you leave Hempstead tonight in stretchers! The WWF World Tag Team Championships are both Afa's and Sika's and will remain to be so throughout the rest of their careers! C'mon boys let's go, we've got a match to win.


A - 3 Minutes


Meanwhile in a different area of the backstage area, former WWWF champion Buddy Rogers is shown backstage with his client, #1 Contender to the World Heavyweight Championship, Andre The Giant.




Rogers: As the first ever WWF World Heavyweight Champion, I know a thing or two about what it's like to hold the most prestigious title in the wrestling world. It takes a sense of honor and valor and a level head to represent this great company by being it's champion. And there is no other man in the locker room with more honor and valor than 'The Immovable Object' Andre The Giant. Andre will take the belt to new heights! Heights that of which I could never have taken the belt during my reign.


Andre then takes the microphone out of Rogers' hands.


Andre: Backlund! At Wrestlemania I will defeat you and become WWF World Heavyweight Champion! It will be a great battle but you cannot beat Andre The Giant! No one can beat Andre The Giant! That's why I will walk out of Wrestlemania as the greatest WWF World Heavyweight Champion of all time!


B+ - 4 Minutes


Monsoon: Well Andre certainly appears to be a bit c0cky doesn't he?

Hayes: He has every right to be Monsoon, after all, he is 'The Immovable Object'.


The Strongbows v The Wild Samoans - Non Title


http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/ChiefJayStrongbow.jpghttp://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/JulesStrongbow.jpg v http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/Afa.jpghttp://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/Sika.jpg


The stipulation to this match is if The Strongbows defeat The Wild Samoans, then they will go on to face them for the WWF World Tag Team titles at Wrestlemania. Chief Jay starts off against Afa in the center of the ring and as soon as the bell starts the two start trading blows. Jay manages to fire off enough powerful lefts and rights to back up the Samoan brute into a neutral corner. After delivering several stinging knife-edge chops Afa throws the elder Strongbow into the corner and delivers several headbutts before throwing him across the ring. After wailing on a downed Jay for roughly twenty seconds he tags in to his partner. Sika tags in.


Both Samoans soon pick up Jay together and slam him down to the mat. With Sika now employing some technical moves in order to keep Jay downed and weakened. But the Chief soon ends up getting back to his feet and throws some elbows towards his opponent in order to back him off, it works as Strongbow breaks free as he dives towards his corner for the tag. Jules Strongbow tags in.


The younger Strongbow enters the ring as he continuously floors Sika with a bunch of clotheslines, but Sika soon ducks one and hits an axe handle to a running Jules to send him straight down to the mat. Sika then stomps on Jules a couple of times and then picks him up, hoisting him onto his shoulder. Sika then runs forward and then delivers a running powerslam before going for the pin. 1...2.Kick Out!


Sika then stomps away at Jules a couple of more times before standing him up and hitting a vicious blow to Jules' head, he stumbles around a little bit before coming back with a dropkick out of nowhere! Sika goes crashing through the ropes as Afa drops to the outside in order to help his partner enter the ring. Jules slowly crawls over to his corner as Afa throws Sika into the ring. Jules is nearly to his corner...can he make it? Chief Jay Strongbow tags in.


Jay proceeds to deliver strong punches to Sika just like he did to Afa at the beginning of the match, he whips Sika across the ring and then plants him with a knife-edge chop as Sika falls to the mat. Jules manages to get back into the ring and clotheslines Afa off of the ropes and onto Lou Albano on the outside! Jay manages to lock in the Indian Deathlock and applies as much pressure as he can to the Samoan. Sika taps out!


Winners: The Strongbows in 8:42 - C+


McMahon: And The Strongbows are going to Wrestlemania!

Monsoon: An absolutely great battle between these two teams and it's official folks! The Strongbows will challenge for The Wild Samoans' WWF Tag Team Championships at Madison Square Garden in eleven days!

Hayes: Hey I'd look out, Captain Lou doesn't seem to be too pleased right now...




Captain Lou doesn't seem to be pleased is right, he's clutching the back of his head from the impact he had of hitting the mat after his client toppled on top of him. He gathers both Afa and Sika outside and is overheard saying stuff to his clients regarding getting their head in the game, as they make their way to the back he's also overheard saying things to the fans such as "Shut up! It wasn't funny!"


B - 2 Minutes


We're then taken backstage again where Arnold Skaaland is with 'Mr. USA' Tony Atlas.




Skaaland: Rocky my boy, I don't know if you fell and bumped your head or something but what you did to Tony two months ago was one of the most despicable acts I have ever witnessed. Tony did nothing to provoke you into attacking him after your match against the Wild Samoans but don't worry...it's all coming full circle soon. Eleven days from now we're going to be at the most prestigious wrestling event ever at the most prestigious wrestling venue fighting for the most prestigious wrestling belt ever. And it is there at Wrestlemania where Tony will wrestle that WWF Intercontinental Championship away from you.


Atlas himself soon leans towards the microphone and takes it from his manager.


Mr. USA: Rocky! This has been a match that I have been looking forward to for the longest time! 'The Soulman' v 'Mr. USA'...I can see the name written on the marquee of Madison Square Garden as we will go toe-to-toe for the Intercontinental Championship. Rocky, there ain't gonna be a thing in the world that can stop me from taking the Intercontinental Title! U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!


C+ - 4 Minutes


Tony Atlas v George Steele


http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/TonyAtlas.jpg v http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/GeorgeSteele-1.jpg


With the match starting out consisting of Blassie yelling at Steele to quit standing in the ring like an oaf, Steele charged out of his corner pushing Atlas into his. Steele delivered thunderous blow after blow before picking Mr. USA up for a slam on his knee. This knocked the wind out of Atlas as Steele picked up Atlas again and delivered yet another powerslam on his knee. The Animal looked at a tasty turnbuckle and went over to go rip it to shreds but Blassie stood up at ringside to scold his client...this allowed Atlas to quickly roll up The Animal! 1...2..Kick Out!


Blassie almost appears enraged that his client was pinned as he berates Steele and tells him to step his game up. Atlas is back on offense as he drops Steele repeatedly with punch after bunch. After dropping him with a clothesline he heads to the mat to slow down the match by trying some technical moves. Though no technician by any means, Atlas seems to be showing some decent submission moves, he then prepares to flip Steele over for a boston crab but The Animal kicks him away.


Steele then approaches a downed Atlas as he then kicks away at him, nearly choking him to death by putting his foot on the ropes. Skaaland looks on from ringside with concern while Blassie is nearly jumping for joy. Dick Woehrle warns Steele to quit choking Atlas as Steele then shoves Woehrle down, jeez...what are our refs made out of? Paper mache? This allows Blassie to rake at Atlas' eyes from ringside, while Skaaland from the opposite side of the ring tries to get the fans into Atlas' favor by starting a 'U-S-A' chant. It seems to work as soon Atlas grabs Blassie by the throat while laying from a prone position and pushing him towards the guard rail. Atlas catches a boot from Steele and then wags a finger in his face as he pushes Steele away.


This allows Atlas to get up as the 'U-S-A' chants seem to be fueling him with a second wind of sorts. Atlas hits a headbutt on an already groggy Steele as he then bounces off the ropes hitting a shoulder tackle. He poses for the fans who's chants continue to grow louder and louder, Blassie soon slides into the ring and goes to attack Atlas with a steel chair but Atlas boots the chair right into Blassie's face! Steele then gets up as Atlas then picks him up and holds him for a Gorilla Press Slam! What strength! Steele then falls face first to the mat as Atlas covers him with Woehrle coming to...1...2...3!


Winner: Tony Atlas in 7:56 - C


McMahon: And 'Mr. USA' picks up the win heading into his match for the WWF Intercontinental title at Wrestlemania!

Monsoon: He definitely looked impressive today Vince, but can he take the belt off of his former tag partner in eleven days?


Vince McMahon then takes off his headset as he leaves the announce table with a microphone in hand. He waits in the ring as Don 'The Magnificent One' Muraco comes out from the back to mostly boos from the crowd, he enters the ring by way of the steel steps at ringside and stands across from McMahon.




Muraco: Well McMahon? Have you been informed on who my opponent will be for Wrestlemania this week?

McMahon: Actually yes Don, I have.

Muraco: Well let's get down to business then, let me guess...Tony Garea?

McMahon: No, b-

Muraco: Tito Santana?

McMahon: No, wo-

Muraco: Bruno Sammartino?

McMahon: Enough! Now listen to me Muraco, I and WWF Management are all fed up with your attitude regarding your "lack of competition", this is the World Wrestling Federation, you can't find better competition than what we have here!

Muraco: Get to the point McMahon.

McMahon: Fine. Your opponent for Wrestlemania is one of the most prolific wrestlers to have ever wrestled for the WWF and across the world.

Muraco: I'm listening.

McMahon: He's a former WWF Tag Team Champion...

Muraco: So?

McMahon: A former Intercontinental Champion...

Muraco: Pat Patterson? You're having me fight Pat Patterson? What a joke. I knew Management was scraping the bottom of the barrel.

McMahon: And a former WWF World Heavyweight Champion, being the first man to hold all three of the WWF's major titles!

Muraco: W-what?

McMahon: That's right, at Wrestlemania, it's going to be Don Muraco taking on...Pedro Morales!


Muraco's face seems to lose some of it's color for a second but he quickly fires back into the microphone.


Muraco: Oh you think I'm scared of Pedro Morales? Well listen up Pedro! At Wrestlemania I am going to break you and prove why 'The Magnificent One' is the best wrestler in this business!


B- - 6 Minutes


Andre The Giant v Ray Stevens


http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/AndretheGiant2.jpg v http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/RayStevens.jpg


After a lengthy stare-down to start off the match. Ray Stevens throws punch after punch and tries pushing Andre into the ropes but the Giant only takes one step backward before shoving The Crippler down to the mat.


Stevens looks up in horror as Andre begins to start walking towards him, Stevens quickly gets up and throws punches, kicks, anything to faze Andre but The Immovable Object throws a headbutt that floors Stevens! Andre then waits for Stevens to stand, which seems to be dragging for awhile so he just picks him up himself. Andre pushes Stevens into the corner and delivers several stiff (and loud) knife-edge chops. He then grabs Stevens by the shoulders, picks him up and throws him into the center of the ring. Stevens sells it like he fell off a 3-story building, which he just might have actually done. Andre then goes over to Stevens with a smirk on his face but Stevens sneaks out of the way and pushes Andre into the corner!


Stevens throws lefts and rights towards Andre which seem to actually be getting through to him. But Andre soon gains his wits back as he delivers another headbutt to Stevens, sending him flying back across the ring. The Crippler stands back up and dodges another headbutt as he then slaps Andre across the face...


...Here's why you don't do that. Andre then lifts Stevens at least 9 feet in to the air and just lets him drop, The Crippler crashes straight to the mat as Andre then runs (very sloooooowwwly) across the ring and then delivers a Butt Drop to Stevens. Cover...1...2...3!


Winner: Andre The Giant in 6:54 - A


McMahon: And what a convincing win for Andre The Giant!

Hayes: Convincing? I think Andre just broke The Crippler's ribs! Someone get some paramedics out here!

Monsoon: Oh relax Al-I mean Lord Alfred, we'll get our medical staff out here to look at him.

McMahon: It's been a great night with four great matches on the same card! And two new matches announced for Wrestlemania!

Monsoon: It's truly looking to be shaping up as a great event so far, but that is all the time we have tonight! See you folks next week on the final Championship Wrestling before Wrestlemania!


End Of Show


Final Rating: B



The Iron Sheik def. S.D Jones

Don Muraco def. Salvatore Bellomo


Tito Santana def. Rene Goulet

The Strongbows def. The Wild Samoans

Tony Atlas def. George Steele

Andre The Giant def. Ray Stevens




BHK1978: 3 / 4

- Nearly perfect there, but had you picked Atlas like you wanted to you would've had it. I think it's interesting that you suggested Tony Garea would be Muraco's Wrestlemania opponent, but I think Muraco's been in too many 'squash' matches recently and he's ready to take on a bigger name. Muraco / Morales will be a good one though.




Current Wrestlemania Card


'WWF World Heavyweight Championship'

Andre The Giant v Bob Backlund ©


Don Muraco v Pedro Morales


'WWF Intercontinental Championship'

Tony Atlas v Rocky Johnson ©


'WWF World Tag Team Championships'

The Strongbows v The Wild Samoans ©

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WWF In Your Neighborhood

Scheduled to be held at the RPI Fieldhouse in Troy, NY.


Jimmy Snuka v Bruno Sammartino


http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/JimmySnuka.jpg v http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/BrunoSammartino.jpg


In the main event this week 'Superfly' Jimmy Snuka will be taking on Bruno Sammartino in what should be a tremendous match where Sammartino's power will take on Snuka's speed. A win over Sammartino can definitely improve Snuka's title hopes. After all, Bruno just might be known as the greatest WWF Champion of all time considering he's had the longest title reign in the history of the championship. Neither man is currently scheduled in a match for Wrestlemania, but by the end of the night certainly some one in management will have taken notice of one of these two and placed them in a match for the biggest PPV in the history of wrestling.


Pedro Morales v Rocky Johnson - Non Title


http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/PedroMorales.jpg v http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/RockyJohnson.jpg


In the co-main event this week at In Your Neighborhood. Pedro Morales will take on the WWF Intercontinental Champion this week in non-title action in what should surely be an incredible bout. Both competitors will find themselves in action at Wrestlemania so consider this a preview of what Morales and Johnson will bring into their respective Wrestlemania matches. Morales just two days ago was placed into a match with Don 'The Magnificent One' Muraco in what should be a great match at the Pay-Per-Voew...while Johnson will be defending his WWF Intercontinental Championship against his former Soul Patrol teammate Tony Atlas.


Big John Studd v Tony Garea


http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/BigJohnStudd.jpg v http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/TonyGarea.jpg


After challenging The Masked Superstar to a match at Wrestlemania last week at In Your Neighborhood, Studd requested to be put into action this week as he wants to prove a point to Superstar on the kind of competition he could possibly be facing at Wrestlemania. But Superstar hasn't even responded to the challenge handed out towards him last week, but will he respond this week? Meanwhile the New Zealand native Tony Garea looks to rebound from his loss to Jimmy Snuka last week, but can he do it against an opponent as formidable as Big John Studd?


Tito Santana v Austin Idol


http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/TitoSantana.jpg v http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/AustinIdol.jpg


Tito Santana takes on a WWF newcomer that comes in the presence of Austin Idol. In a complete battle of different styles the high-flying underdog Santana will take on the powerful style of Austin Idol. Although Santana has a great amount of experience so far in the World Wrestling Federation, don't count out Austin Idol who is a former AWA International Champion. Idol himself has a great amount of experience on his side, going toe-to-toe with Jerry Lawler in Florida a great amount of time. Who will win this one? The underdog Santana who's still looking for that big win? Or will the newcomer Austin Idol win this week at In Your Neighborhood?


Prediction List


Jimmy Snuka v Bruno Sammartino


Pedro Morales v Rocky Johnson - Non Title


Big John Studd v Tony Garea


Tito Santana v Austin Idol

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Jimmy Snuka v Bruno Sammartino


Pedro Morales v Rocky Johnson - Non Title


Big John Studd v Tony Garea


Tito Santana v Austin Idol


I know that Austin is the new worker to the company and so he should probably pick up the win here. However, I was never a fan of him and I would rather go with the more established WWF wrestler.

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  • 2 months later...

Well look at that, after one semester of getting used to college...I'm back.




WWF In Your Neighborhood

Being held from the RPI Fieldhouse in Troy, NY in front of 2,000 fans.




Don Muraco def. S.D Jones in 3:46 D+

Masked Superstar def. Johnny Rodz in 5:09 D+


Main Show


Vince McMahon, Gorilla Monsoon, and Lord Alfred Hayes all make their way out to the announce table to the cheers of fans as they know that the show is about to begin. They assume their seats at ringside as the opening bell begins for our first match of the night.


Tito Santana v Austin Idol


http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/TitoSantana.jpg v http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/AustinIdol.jpg


The match starts off with the two opponents circling each other until Tito grabs the newcomer into a side headlock. Idol then pushes Santana off as he delivers a back drop on a rebounding Santana. Idol then picks up Santana and delivers some stiff backhand chops to his opponent as he then whips the Latino star across the ring and goes for a clothesline but Tito ducks! Tito bounces off the opposite ropes and then launches for a Flying Forearm Smash but Idol ducks! Both opponents get up and stare across the ring at each other as the crowd cheers for both wrestlers' efforts. Santana then goes over to shake Idol's hand but the newcomer slaps the hand away and then clotheslines Tito down to the ring. This elicits a good amount of boos from the crowd as Idol taunts a fan at ringside. This allows Santana to crawl over and roll up Idol...1...2..Kick Out!


Santana then takes the offensive as he starts to deliver some punches and chops of his own to Idol...whipping him into a corner and then hitting a splash. A groggy Idol then stumbles around in the center of the ring as Santana climbs the turnbuckle, he then launches off the corner and nails a beautiful missile dropkick! Santana then goes for a pin...1...2..Kick Out! Santana can't believe that the dropkick didn't seal the newcomer's fate as he then runs off the ropes and hits a splash...1...2...2 and 2/3rds kick out! Santana then picks Idol up and hits a couple more punches before hitting a snap suplex...Santana looks a bit confused on what he has to do to finish off this match so he delivers a couple of punches and then whips him into a corner again. Santana then goes for another corner splash but Idol ducks out of the way! Idol then grabs Santana and drags him down for a schoolboy pin, he's got his feet on the ropes! 1...2...3!


Winner: Austin Idol in 7:19 - C




After the match Austin Idol sits up with a big smile on his face despite getting the cheap victory, Santana sits in the corner with a visible frown on his face as Idol continues to celebrate in the center of the ring, going a bit overboard as the celebration seems to carry on for a long time.


C- - 3 Minutes




And here's a sight for sore eyes...Captain Lou Albano alongside with his client, the former #1 Contender Jimmy Snuka both stand near the entrance as they stand with a microphone. The fans in attendance boo at both men.


Capt. Lou: Shut up! Do you know who this man is!? This is the man who is the future of the World Wrestling Federation! This is the man who won day...at the next Big Show, will challenge for the WWF World Heavyweight Championship! This is the man who will be remembered for centuries to come as the greatest professional wrestler of all time! This is the man who will bring either Bob Backlund or Andre The Giant's title reign by proving he is the best wrestler on the WWF roster! And tonight? Tonight we have to go over a speed bump in the form of Bruno Sammartino. But it will be no problem for 'Superfly' here, as he'll destroy Bruno and go on to become WWF World Heavyweight Champion!


A - 4 Mins




Big John Studd v Tony Garea


http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/BigJohnStudd.jpg v http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/TonyGarea.jpg


Both wrestlers stare at each other from across the ring before Studd dives across the ring and sneaks behind Garea, immediately german suplexing him. Studd then begins working on the legs of Garea for a good stretch, putting in some effective submission maneuvers on the legs of his opponent. BJS then decides to work on the upper body of Garea as he starts to lock in some more submission. Both competitors both get to their feet as Studd starts to deliver some stiff backhand chops to Garea, forcing him into the corner. Studd then goes to whip Garea across the ring but Garea reverses it and whips Studd across the ring instead.


Garea then charges towards his opponent in the corner and then delivers a strong clothesline into the corner, then dropping a groggy Big John with a bulldog. It's here that Garea starts to work his own ground arsenal of stomps and submissions of his own. Garea locks in an abdominal stretch that seems to be doing quite the job on Studd as he shouts in agony from being subjected to the hold. Garea then aborts the hold as he then kicks Studd down to the mat. A decent 'Tony' 'Tony' 'Tony' chant breaks out from the audience here in Troy as Garea then picks Big John up and delivers a scoop slam before running off the ropes and delivering a knee drop. Garea then goes to pick up Studd but Big John delivers a sneaky punch to the groin hidden from Dave Hebner's view!


Big John then immediately gets up and throws punches, chops, and slaps to dizzy his opponent...he then picks up Garea to deliver a backbreaker and delivers it! Cover...1...2...3!


Winner: Big John Studd in 6:40 - C+


As Big John Studd celebrates his victory over Tony Garea, the man whom he challenged to face him at the inaugural Wrestlemania, The Masked Superstar, steps out from behind the curtain. Big John immediately stops celebrating and turns his attention towards the masked wrestler.




Masked Superstar: Big John! Last week on In Your Neighborhood you laid out a challenge to me, The Masked Superstar, to a match at the first ever Wrestlemania! Well I have two words for you Big John, I accept. What stage could be bigger than a match between your weak self and The Masked Superstar? The answer? None! For you see, two superpowers will walk into Madison Square Garden at Wrestlemania and only one will walk out. Who will that man be? None other then the greatest, most powerful, most charismatic wrestler in the World Wrestling Federation, Theeeeeeeeeeeee Masked Superstar!


B - 3 Minutes


Prior to his upcoming match against Pedro Morales, Rocky 'The Soulman' Johnson walks out to the ring with a microphone in hand and his WWF Intercontinental Championship proudly slung over his shoulder. The smug smile on The Soulman's face quickly subsides as he raises the microphone to his mouth.




Rocky: You know you're in Troy when all the men and women walking up and down the street ain't got no looks and ain't got no soul. But luckily 'The Soulman' Rocky Johnson...I'm sorry let me rephrase that, your WWF Intercontinental Champion Rocky Johnson is in town, so Troy New York has had the most soul it's ever seen! But enough of your joke of a town, I'm only concerned about one thing, and that's 'Mr. USA' Tony Atlas. Tony! I've told you once and I'll tell you again son, you were a joke of a wrestler who wasn't even fit to shine 'The Soulman's' shoes! At Wrestlemania I'm going to prove who was the better man in The Soul Patrol as I will walk out of Madison Square Garden standing tall over you and with my WWF Intercontinental Title still in my possesion! Now where's Pedro? Get him out here!


B - 3 Minutes


Rocky Johnson v Pedro Morales


http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/RockyJohnson.jpg v http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/PedroMorales.jpg


The match immediately starts with The Soulman throwing a right hook but the former WWF World Heavyweight Champ immediately ducks the attack and delivers a back suplex. Pedro then delivers a couple of clubbing blows to the man who took his Intercontinental title from him, he then picks up The Soulman and delivers a backbreaker on his knee to the roar of approval from the fans here in Troy. Pedro then works his ground game on the Intercontinental Champ as he locks in a headlock from the rear, but Johnson slowly starts to get to his feet with the lock still applied. Pedro then gets the champion back down to the match with a rear suplex, pin attempt...1...2..Rocky kicks out! Pedro then goes to pick Johnson back up to work on his standing offense again but Johnson pushes Pedro away and then arm drags him across the ring.


Johnson now takes the offense delivering repeated running axe handles to a resilient Pedro that refuses to stay down. Rocky is heard yelling "STAY DOWN!!!" at his opponent as he continues trying to kick away at Pedro who continues trying to get up...Rocky soon becomes fueled by rage as he rakes the former World Champ in the eyes and then clotheslines him over the top rope. As Pedro slowly starts to recover on the outside Johnson takes some time to gloat to the fans on throwing the fan favorite to the outside. As Johnson has his back turned, Morales gets back in the ring and quickly delivers another rear suplex that grounds the current Intercontinental Champion!


Pedro then stomps away at Johnson for awhile as he then picks up the champion and whips him across the ring, clotheslining him down to the mat. Pedro delivers a couple more stomps as he then picks up The Soulman for another backbreaker...but Johnson slips out! The Soulman rolls up Morales! 1...2...Pedro kicks out at the last second!


Rocky looks astonished that his opponent managed to kick out of that sneaky pin attempt, but he now looks determined to finally put Morales away. He slowly picks up the Puerto Rican hero as he whips him across the ring, Pedro ducks underneath a clothesline attempt and ducks under another on the rebound. Pedro leaps for a running shoulder tackle but he is dropkicked by The Soulman! What athleticism! Cover, 1...2...3!


Winner: Rocky Johnson in 11:15 - B




After the match, 'The Magnificent One' Don Muraco comes barreling down to the ring from the back as he charges right for Pedro Morales. He passes by a visibly tired Rocky Johnson who turns to let Muraco by him, Don soon slides into the ring as he first stands and smirks to the crowd. The Troy crowd sends a chorus of boos Muraco's way but he seems to be enjoying it. He then turns to his Wrestlemania opponent as he kicks him right in the back of head with a boot of his...seemingly knocking Morales unconscious. Even though his opponent has been rendered unable to defend himself it doesn't stop Muraco from reigning down punch after punch after taking a knee next to Pedro. After nearly a whole minute of putting Pedro's forehead and face through physical hell. Muraco throws Pedro down as he then heads to the back.


B+ - 3 Mins


Jimmy Snuka v Bruno Sammartino


http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/JimmySnuka.jpg v http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/BrunoSammartino.jpg


The match starts off with both opponents circling the ring with Captain Lou looking for his client to immediately pounce on the experienced Sammartino. Snuka goes in for a questionable running body press but Sammartino immediately catches him, drops him to his feet and delivers a backhand chop that resonates throughout the arena. Sammartino then proceeds to back Snuka into a corner with his knife edge chops as he then grabs Snuka by his shoulders and then tosses him across the ring. Superfly looks up with a mix of horror and astonishment as Bruno then charges across the ring and takes his opponent down with a running knee. Albano is fuming at ringside as he yells at his client to "get up" and "make him suffer"...Snuka tries to get to his feet but Bruno goes back to delivering stinging chop after chop to his opponent. Sammartino then picks up The Superfly and appears ready to deliver a belly-to-back suplex but Snuka gets a foot on the ropes that prevents him from going head over heels in the air. Once some of Bruno's strength is seemingly sapped from him, Snuka counts into a DDT.


Snuka then quickly takes the offensive to the delight of a waiting Lou Albano at ringside, who takes time to gloat to some fans at ringside that his client is now on the offensive. Snuka runs off the ropes and pounces on Bruno with a running splash and goes for an early pin, 1...2..Kick Out! Bruno slowly gets up to his feet but Snuka is quickly on top of Sammartino again as he delivers clubbing blow after clubbing blow to the back of Sammartino's head. But Sammartino is apparently having none of it as he continues to try getting to his feet, and not much later he's standing. Snuka is amazed that his opponent is still standing as he starts delivering forehand and backhand chops to the Italian brute but Sammartino then grabs Snuka's forehead and delivers a vicious headbutt.


Sammartino continues to fight back as he starts pushing back Snuka with as many chops and punches as he can...Bruno then rebounds off the ropes and hits Jimmy with one of his famous running knees. Cover, 1...2..Kick Out! Sammartino realizes that Snuka is one of his more resilient opponents and he's going to have to do more in order to keep him grounded for more than 3 seconds. Sammartino then picks up Snuka and goes for a backbreaker as he then hits it, sending the Fijian wrestler crashing down to the mat. The Italian Superstar then rebounds off the ropes and goes for a running knee drop as it connects with Snuka's skull! Cover, 1...2...Snuka kicked out! Sammartino stares at Dave Hebner with a malicious glare, Hebner gets the message, count faster. Sammartino then goes to pick up Snuka as Albano gets on the apron to try and distract Hebner, the little plan works as the seasoned ref goes to get Albano away from the action...this allows Snuka to low blow Sammartino! Sammartino falls to heap in the center of the ring as the crowd in Troy showers Snuka with a chorus of boos.


Snuka then slowly gets to his feet and rests in the corner, Dave Hebner turns around and notices Sammartino flat on his back in the center of the ring...but he obviously didn't realize the dirty move Superfly utilized. Albano orders Snuka to scale the corner and he complies...Snuka stands on the top rope, visibly struggling to keep his balance as he then leaps off for a Superfly Splash! Here's the pin! 1...2...3!


Winner: Jimmy Snuka in 9:56 - C+


End Of Show


Final Rating: C+



Don Muraco def. SD Jones

The Masked Superstar def. Johnny Rodz


Austin Idol def. Tito Santana

Big John Studd def. Tony Garea

Rocky Johnson def. Pedro Morales

Jimmy Snuka def. Bruno Sammartino




BHK1978: 3/4

- Just one off again, although the cards should start to become a bit less predictable in the coming weeks...especially Wrestlemania.




Current Wrestlemania Card


'WWF World Heavyweight Championship'

Andre The Giant v Bob Backlund ©


Don Muraco v Pedro Morales


'WWF Intercontinental Championship'

Tony Atlas v Rocky Johnson ©


Big John Studd v The Masked Superstar


'WWF World Tag Team Championships'

The Strongbows v The Wild Samoans ©

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WWF News

- Austin Idol has signed with the WWF, but you knew that already...

- Rumor has it that the Federation is looking overseas to their allies at New Japan for some possible roster acquisitions...

- Approximately 84,528 Viewers tuned in to WWF Championship Wrestling this week...about a 650+ drop from last week.




American Wrestling Assosciation

- Signed opener Steve O to a PPA contract extension.

- Mr. Saito left due to contract expiracy.


AWA All-Star Wrestling - C+ - 112,928 Viewers

Billy Robinson def. Steve O - D+

Buck Zumhofe def. Steve Regal - E+

Rick Martel def. Blackjack Lanza to retain the AWA Television Title - C-

The High Flyers def. Curt Hennig & Scott Hall - C-

Dick The Bruiser def. Mr. Saito - C+

Ken Patera def. Baron Von Raschke - B-


Central States


Wrestling At The Chase (Mar) - C-

The Killer Karls def. Tommy Rogers & Marty Jannetty - D-

Tank Patton def. Porkchop Cash for the Central States Television Title - D

Roger Kirby def. Jerry Oates - D+

The Moondogs def. Bob Brown & Buzz Tyler to retain the Central States Tag Team Titles - D+

Super Destroyer def. Terry Funk, Harley Race, and Ox Baker to win the Central States Heavyweight title - B


Championship Wrestling Association

- Rick Rude has signed a PPA contract extension.


Championship Wrestling from Florida


The Endless Beach Tour - C-

Mark Lewin def. Jack Hart - E+

Ron Bass def. Black Bart - D

Bob Orton Jr. def. B. Brian Blair to retain the CWF Television Title - D+

Barry Windham & BJ Mulligan def. Mike Rotundo & Scott McGhee - D+

Dusty Rhodes def. Mike Graham - C


Wrestling From Florida - B - 28,727 Viewers

Black Bart def. Scott McGhee - D+

Dusty Rhodes def. Jack Hart - C-

Jake Roberts def. B. Brian Blair - C+

Ron Bass def. Bugsy McGraw - B+

Pak Song def. Bob Roop - B

Barry Windham & BJ Mulligan def. Jos Leduc & Mark Lewin to retain the CWF World Tag Team Titles - B+


Gorgeous Ladies Of Wrestling

- Tammy Jones has signed a PPA contract extension.

- Hollywood left GLOW due to her contract expiring.


Georgia Championship Wrestling


Georgia Championship Wrestling - B - 155,353 Viewers

Brad Armstrong def. Pez Whatley - D

Tim Horner def. Rick McGraw - D-

Larry Zbysyzko def. Bruno Sammartino Jr. - D+

The Road Warriors def. Brett Wayne & Scott Armstrong - D+

Ronnie Garvin def. Arn Anderson to retain the National Television Title - C

Jake Roberts & Les Thornton def. Thunderbolt Patterson - C-

Ole Anderson def. Tommy Rich - A-


Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling

- Teddy Long has signed a PPA contract extension.


MACW In Your Town! - C

Greg Valentine def. Angelo Mosca Jr. - D+

The Assassins def. Rufus R. Jones & Bugsy McGraw to retain the Mid Atlantic Tag Team Titles - C-

Nikita Koloff def. Mark Youngblood to retain the Mid Atlantic Heavyweight Title - D+

Jay Youngblood def. Angelo Mosca - C

Wahoo McDaniel def. The Great Kabuki - C+

Jerry Brisco def. Ivan Koloff - C+

Harley Race def. Jack Brisco - A-


Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling - C+ - 103,920 Viewers

Jay Youngblood def. Angelo Mosca - C

Wahoo McDaniel def. George South - D+

Don Kernodle def. Rufus R. Jones - C

Ricky Steamboat & Jerry Brisco def. The Koloffs - B

Greg Valentine def. The Great Kabuki to retain the United States Heavyweight Title - B

Sgt. Slaughter def. Roddy Piper - C+


Boogie Jam - A-

Pvt Jim Nelson def. Rufus R. Jones - D

The Mulkeys & Wahoo McDaniel def. The Great Kabuki, Angelo Mosca, and Bugsy McGraw - D+

Don Kernodle def. Angelo Mosca and Mark Youngblood - C-

The Koloffs def. The Assassins for the Mid Atlantic Tag Team Titles - C

Greg Valentine def. Jay Youngblood to retain the United States Heavyweight Title - A

The Brisco Brothers def. Roddy Piper & Ricky Steamboat - B

Ric Flair def. Sgt Slaughter to retain the NWA World Heavyweight Title - A-


Mid-South Wrestling

- Butch Reed failed a Steroid Test...tsk tsk.


Mid South Wrestling - C - 3,938 Viewers

Steve Williams def. Big Bubba Rogers - D-

The Midnight Express def. The Blade Runners - D

Krusher Khrushchev def. Lanny Poffo to retain the Mid South Television Title - D

Magnum TA def. Buddy Landell - C-

Nikolai Volkoff def. Bill Dundee - C

Kamala def. Terry Taylor - C

Junkyard Dog def. Jim Duggan to retain the North American Heavyweight Title - C


Pacific North West

- Dizzy Ed Hogan (Brutus Beefcake) has left PNW due to contract expiracy.


PNW On Tour (Mar) - C-

Billy Two Eagles def. Scotty The Body - D-

Al Madril def. Stan Stasiak - D+

Dean Ho def. Harley Davidson - D

Don Running Bear def. Rip Rogers for the PNW Television Title - D+

Rip Oliver & The Assassin def. Mega Maharishi & K. Nagasaki to retain the PNW Heavyweight Tag Team Titles - C-

Buddy Rose def. Bull Ramos to retain the PNW Heavyweight Title - C


Polynesian Pro Wrestling

- Farmer Boy Ipo has resigned with PPW on a PPA contract.


Southeastern Championship Wrestling

- Pat Rose & Scott Armstrong has both left SECW due to contract expiration.


Southwestern Championship Wrestling

- Chavo Guerrero Sr. has left due to his contract expiring.


SWCW On Tour! (Mar) - C

Al Madril def. Kelly Kiniski - D

Scott Casey def. Butch Miller - C-

Hector Guerrero def. Bobby Jaggers to retain the Southwest Junior Heavyweight Title - D+

Adrian Adonis def. Killer Tim Brooks - C-

Manny Fernandez def. Gino Hernandez - C

Tully Blanchard def. Chavo Guerrero Sr. to retain the Southwest Heavyweight Title - C


Southwest Championship Wrestling - C - 106 Viewers

Butch Miller def. Chick Donovan - D

Scott Casey def. Kelly Kiniski - D

Al Madril def. Ken Timbs - D+

Bobby Jaggers def. Chavo Guerrero Sr. - C-

Adrian Adonis def. Bob Sweetan - D+

Tully Blanchard def. Manny Fernandez - B


World Class Championship Wrestling

- Gary Hart has left WCCW due to contract expiration.


Wrestling From Texas - C+

One Man Gang def. Brian Adias & Frank Dusek - F+

Chris Adams & Mike Von Erich def. The Young Guns - D

Iceman Parsons def. The Missing Link to retain the WCCW Television Title - C-

Kamala def. Sweet Brown Sugar - C+

Jim Garvin def. Buddy Roberts to retain the WCCW Texas Heavyweight Title - C

David & Kerry Von Erich def. The Freebirds - C+


World Wrestling Council


Hot Action Night - C+

Tonga John def. Eddie Watts - E-

Bruiser Brody def. El Dandy - C-

Ron Starr def. El Gran Apollo - C-

Sweet Daddy Siki def. Chicky Starr - D+

Black Gordman def. Medic #1 to retain the WWC North American Heavyweight Title - C

Carlos Colon def. Hercules Ayala to retain the Universal Heavyweight Title - A


Atlantic Grand Prix Wrestling - Nothing To Report

All Star Wrestling - Nothing To Report


Calgary Stampede Wrestling


Stampede Wrestling - D+

Owen Hart def. Hiro Saito - D

Bad News Allen def. Ben Bassarab - D+

Bruce Hart def. Jim Neidhart - D-

Leatherface def. Ron Ritchie - D-

Bret Hart def. Loch Ness Monster to retain the British Commonwealth Heavyweight Title - C-


International Wrestling


International Wrestling - C-

Bob Della Serra def. Phil Lafon - D

Michel Dubois def. Haku - D+

The Rougeau Brothers def. Gilles Poisson & Richard Charland - C-

Le Bourreau def. Armand Rougeau - D

Rick Martel def. Gino Brito - C+

Sailor White def. Tony Parisi to retain the IWA Heavyweight - C-


Maple Leaf Wrestling


The Maple Leaf Express (Mar) - C

Angelo Mosca Jr. def. The Sheik Sabu - E-

Bobo Brazil def. Iron Mike Sharpe - D+

Raymond Rougeau def. Pampero Firpo - C+

Gino Brito & Tony Parisi def. Yvon Cormier & Rene Goulet to retain the Canadian Open Tag Team Titles - C+

Angelo Mosca def. Tom Zenk - D+

The Sheik def. Jacques Rougeau to retain the NWA Canadian Heavyweight Title - B


Consejo Mundial de Lucha Libre


Consejo Mundial de Lucha Libre - C- - 84,906 Viewers

Eddie Guerrero & Fabuloso Blondy def. Atlantis & Rocky Santana - D-

El Gran Markus def. Ultraman - C

El Dandy & El Hijo Del Santo def. La Fiera & Blue Panther - D-

Black Cat def. MS-1 - D

El Supremo def. Babe Face to retain the NWA World Lightweight Title - D+

Mando Guerrero def. Lizmark - C


Universal Wrestling Association

- Solar has left UWA due to contract expiration.


Todas Las Estrallas En Viaje! - C-

Felino def. Freddy Rodriguez - F-

Ringo Mendoza def. Rey Misterio - D-

Super Kendo def. Solar - D

Villano IV, II, and I def. El Audaz, Fantasma, and Mascara Sagrada - D+

El Texano def. Lobo Rubio - C-

Dos Caras def. Dr. Wagner Jr. - D+

Gran Apache def. El Solitario to retain the UWA World Junior Lightweight Title - C


UWA Todas Las Estrallas - D+ - 4,176 Viewers

Felino & Ringo Mendoza def. Dr. Wagner Jr & Freddy Rodriguez - D-

El Signo def. Lobo Rubio - D

El Audaz def. Super Kendo - D

El Texano def. Enrique Vera to win the UWA World Middleweight Title - C-


All Star Wrestling UK

- Mike Jordan's contract has expired.

- Drew McDonald extends his contract with ASWUK.


Joint Promotions UK


Joint Promotions South Tour - C

Otto Wanz def. Bearcat Wright - D+

Jim Breaks def. Alan Kilby - C

The Amazing Kung Fu def. Brian Maxine - C-

Mike Marino def. Marty Jones - C

King Kong Kirk def. Clive Myers - C-

The Original Kendo Nagasaki & Giant Haystacks def. The McCoys - C


ITV World Of Sport - C- - 122,497 Viewers

Alan Kilby def. The Amazing Kung Fu - C-

Marty Jones def. Dave Bond - C

Steve Grey def. Bobby Barnes - D+

Johnny Kincaid & Jim Breaks def. The McCoys - C-

Big Daddy def. Mike Marino - C-

Pat Roach def. The Original Kendo Nagasaki - C-


All Japan Pro Wrestling


AJPW King's Road - C-

Apollo Suguhara def. Shinji Sasazaki - D-

Genichiro Tenryu def. The Destroyer - C+

The Great Kabuki def. Ashura Hara - C

Masanobu Fuchi def. Atsushi Onita for the NWA International Junior Heavyweight Title - C+

Umanosuke Ueda def. Magic Dragon - D+

Giant Baba & Jumbo Tsuruta def. Dory Funk Jr and Terry Funk to retain the NWA International Tag Team Titles - A-


Puroresu Chukei - C+ - 100 Viewers

Atsushi Onita def. Shiro Koshinaka - C-

Bruiser Brody def. Magic Dragon - C+

Umanosuke Ueda def. Mitsuhara Misawa - D+

Takashi Ishikawa & Akio Sato def. Ashura Hara & Goro Tsurumi to retain the All-Asia Tag Team Titles - C-

Masanobu Fuchi def. The Destroyer - C

Stan Hansen def. Jumbo Tsuruta - B


New Japan Pro Wrestling


NJPW Strong Style - B

Black Cat def. Tatsutoshi Goto - E-

Isamu Teranishi def. Shunji Takano - C

Tiger Mask def. Dynamite Kid - B

Abdullah The Butcher & Yoshiaki Yatsu def. Osamu Kido & Yoshiaki Fujiwara - C+

Strong Kobayashi def. Adrian Adonis - C+

Animal Hamaguchi def. Shinichi Nakano - C+

Antonio Inoki & Akira Maeda def. Seiji Sakaguchi & Tatsumi Fujinami - A-


World Pro Wrestling - B - 62,824 Viewers

Shinichi Nakano def. Fumihiro Niikura - D

Super Strong Machine def. Shunji Takano - D+

Yoshiaki Fujiwara def. Kendo Nagasaki - C

Black Tiger def. Shunji Kosugi to retain the WWF Junior Heavyweight Title - C

The British Bulldogs def. Akira Maeda & Osamu Kido - B

Tiger Mask def. Masa Saito - B

Tatsumi Fujinami def. Antonio Inoki to retain the WWF International Heavyweight Title - A




Gonna take a page from Captainlou's Mark Calloway WreSpi dynasty and ask you guys if you want me to shortlist certain workers and I could only show their results and title changes. So if you want me to shortlist anybody, make your request known...

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WWF Championship Wrestling

To be taped at the Alumni Hall in New York City, NY.


Big John Studd, Rocky Johnson, Don Muraco v The Masked Superstar, Tony Atlas, Pedro Morales


http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/BigJohnStudd.jpghttp://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/RockyJohnson.jpghttp://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/DonMuraco.jpg v http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/TheMaskedSuperstar.jpghttp://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/TonyAtlas.jpghttp://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/PedroMorales.jpg


The main event on WWF Championship Wrestling this week is a match that would be better off suited being on one of our Big Show cards. As Big John Studd, Intercontinental Champion Rocky Johnson, and Don Muraco take on The Masked Superstar, Tony Atlas, and Pedro Morales in 6-man tag action this week. Each man in this match has a beef with a wrestler on the opposing team that will come to a head in three different matches at Wrestlemania. Big John Studd and The Masked Superstar have had their differences lately with Studd wanting to prove that his loss to Masked Superstar wasn't just a fluke...while Tony Atlas looks to challenge his former Soul Patrol partner for the Intercontinental Championship at Wrestlemania. While in a feud that's been boiling for several weeks now Pedro Morales will look to shut up Don 'The Magnificent One' Muraco this Sunday at Madison Square Garden. But all of that is only five days away, and all of these wrestlers will have to find a way to help their team win this Tuesday on Championship Wrestling.


Mr. Fuji & Tiger Chung Lee v The Strongbows


http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/MrFuji.jpghttp://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/TigerToguchi.jpg v http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/ChiefJayStrongbow.jpghttp://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/JulesStrongbow.jpg


Five days away from their match against the Wild Samoans for the WWF World Tag Team Championships, The Strongbows find themselves in action this week against the returning team of Mr. Fuji & Tiger Chung Lee. The team from the land of the rising sun looks to start off their month of March on the right foot, and a victory against the current #1 Contenders could definitely set them on the path for a glorious 1983. The Strongbows meanwhile have to make sure they keep the momentum up on their way to Wrestlemania...but will Captain Lou and his savages be there to stop the Native American heroes?


Superstar Billy Graham v Ivan Putski


http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/SuperstarBillyGraham.jpg v http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/IvanPutski.jpg


Left off the card for Wrestlemania, Superstar Billy Graham finds himself in action this week against an opponent whom he's wrestled numerous times so far in 1983, the Polish champion Ivan Putski. Putski is looking to regain his footing in the WWF after a brief slide against various opponents, and a victory over Superstar Billy Graham could quickly shoot him up the power rankings in the Federation. Superstar Billy Graham, still angry at the bookings of WWF Management and Gorilla Monsoon might try using Putski as a way to send a message to Management. Though it's not a major card, a lot is at stake in this matchup on WWF Championship Wrestling.


Austin Idol & George Steele v Tito Santana & Tony Garea


http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/AustinIdol.jpghttp://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/GeorgeSteele.jpg v http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/TitoSantana.jpghttp://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/TonyGarea.jpg


After making his debut in the WWF last week at In Your Neighborhood, Austin Idol makes his television debut this week in tag team action; partnering with George 'The Animal' Steele against his opponent from last week, Tito Santana & Tony Garea. Both Idol and Santana have been very impressive as of late and it's most likely that they'll come together for another great bout this week. But with tag team action you have two new variables thrown into the match. Tony Garea has been on a bit of a skid as of late but in an interview with Garea, the New Zealander has indicated that he's ready to get back to his winning ways. While Freddie Blassie and his Animal are ready to show the world just what made Steele one of the most dangerous men on the WWF roster...and that he's still got it in him.




Also scheduled to take place on WWF Championship Wrestling this week, the official contract signing between Andre The Giant and WWF World Heavyweight Champion Bob Backlund for their what is sure to be historic championship match at Wrestlemania. Will either opponent try to get into the other's head prior to their matchup? You'll have to tune in to WWF Championship Wrestling this Tuesday to find out!


Prediction List


Big John Studd, Rocky Johnson, Don Muraco v Masked Superstar, Tony Atlas, Pedro Morales


Mr. Fuji & Tiger Chung Lee v The Strongbows


Superstar Billy Graham v Ivan Putski


Austin Idol & George Steele v Tito Santana & Tony Garea

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Big John Studd, Rocky Johnson, Don Muraco v Masked Superstar, Tony Atlas, Pedro Morales

- I picked the faces but I think it could go either way


Mr. Fuji & Tiger Chung Lee v The Strongbows

-They need the win to build towards their title shot


Superstar Billy Graham v Ivan Putski

-Graham should win to "send a message" to WWF management

Austin Idol & George Steele v Tito Santana & Tony Garea

-As has been said on this post, I'm not an Idol fan but I don't like Tito's chances with his partner being Tony Garea lol


Also, I'm enjoying seeing all the results (at least in shortform) because I always find any dynasty's surrounding world interesting. I say keep it all.

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WWF Championship Wrestling

Being taped at the Alumni Hall in New York City in front of 5,000 People.




The Iron Sheik def. Salvatore Bellomo in 2:45 - D-

Bruno Sammartino def. Charlie Fulton in 1:34 - D+


Main Show


The show opens this week the same as always, with the World Wrestling Federation logo appearing on the screen with WWF Championship Wrestling from New York City...both the text and the logo soon fade from the screen as the camera zooms in on our announcers for the night Vince McMahon, Gorilla Monsoon, and Lord Alfred Hayes.




McMahon: Hello and welcome wrestling fans to another edition of WWF Championship Wrestling and we are only five days away from the wrestling event of the year Wrestlemania! I'm Vince McMahon alongside Gorilla Monsoon and Lord Alfred Hayes and tonight we have an absolutely great show for you.

Monsoon: Yes that's right Vince and we've got some great matches tonight and not to mention a huge contract signing later on in the night; as Andre The Giant and WWF World Heavyweight Champion Bob Backlund make their title match official for this Sunday at Wrestlemania.

McMahon: And what a match that will be, Lord Alfred do you have anything to add about the main event for Wrestlemania?

Lord Alfred: The only thing worth adding is that this whole event will take place in a venue that only the World Wrestling Federation deserves, and that's Madison Square Garden right here in New York City! But the contract signing tonight will absolutely be tense.

McMahon: Tense indeed Lord Alfred, and heading to the ring now...the team of George 'The Animal' Steele and newcomer Austin Idol. Idol beat Tito Santana in his debut match at In Your Neighborhood with cheap and underhanded tactics. Let's see if Santana can get his revenge!


Austin Idol & George Steele v Tito Santana & Tony Garea


http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/AustinIdol.jpghttp://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/GeorgeSteele-1.jpg v http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/TitoSantana.jpghttp://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/TonyGarea.jpg


Idol starts out against Garea to get the match underway as both opponents circle the ring until they lock up with Idol grabbing Garea into a side headlock. Garea soon manages to power out of the hold as he pushes Idol away from him, sending him towards the ropes. Garea then hip tosses Idol to the mat...yes you've read that right folks, Tony Garea is on the offense! Garea stomps away at the newcomer who then manages to weasel his way out of the ring as he runs around ringside trying to find an ideal moment to get back in the ring. Freddie Blassie at ringside gets Garea's attention as Idol seizes the opportunity to get up as he then sneaks behind Tony and kicks his leg out from under him. Idol makes the tag to The Animal. George Steele tags in.


Steele takes punches from Garea, not selling them as he then grabs Garea's head and then headbutts him...sending him stumbling across the ring. Steele then charges towards Garea as he then clotheslines him down to the mat. The Animal then stands around, almost appearing dumbfounded as Blassie gets up on the apron and wakes the beast out of his stupor. Steele then goes to pick up Garea but Garea manages to sweep Steele's legs out from under him! Santana's looking for the tag and he gets it! Tito Santana tags in.


Santana rebounds off the ropes as he keeps trying to clothesline The Animal down, but he doesn't appear to be fazed. The youngster quickly evades Steele's grip as The Animal tries to pull Santana into a bear hug, Steele then gets dropkicked into the turnbuckle by Santana. While a waiting Austin Idol shouts something at Tito that gets his attention, as the both of them get into a staredown with Idol c0ckily smiling at the hispanic hero. In the meantime, Steele licks his lips as he stares hungrily at a turnbuckle, while his manager Blassie screams at him from ringside to leave the turnbuckle alone. Santana turns his attention back to Steele as he runs across the ring and dropkicks him in the back, he then rolls him up. Cover, 1...2...Steele kicks out at the last second! Santana looks surprised that he wasn't able to get the pinfall on Steele as he looks at Dave Hebner on why he didn't count faster. Santana then goes to pick up Steele as he then drags him across the ring, delivering several clubbing forearms and punches. Both opponents are by Steele's corner as Idol then tags himself in by slapping Steele on the back of the head! Austin Idol tags in.


Idol then enters the ring between the 2nd and 3rd rope as he then immediately rolls up an oblivious Santana! And he grabs the tights too! 1...2...3!


Winners: Austin Idol & George Steele in 6:50 - C-


McMahon: Now what was that!?

Monsoon: An absolutely despicable finish by Austin Idol. And the fans are absolutely letting him have it.

Lord Alfred: Well hey, a win's a win.

Monsoon: Where in the world are you going?

McMahon: To get something done about this...


Vince is right, as he leaves the safety of the announce table as he then walks up the set of stairs at ringside and through the ropes as he steps into the ring, with a microphone in hand.




McMahon: Austin, I have beared witness to two absolutely disgusting wins by you over Tito Santana. Your style is an absolute disgrace to the name of the World Wrestling Federation.

Idol: Well Vince, it's clear by these fans here in New York City that no matter my style they absolutely love me!


*The boos grow louder* *Idol smirks*


Idol: I think that I am a shining ray of light in the darkness of the boring old-school wrestling that the World Wrestling Federation provides.

McMahon: If cheating to win is considered the future of the World Wrestling Federation then that's a bleak future that I want no part of! So this Sunday at Wrestlemania at Madison Square Garden, right here in New York City...it will be Austin Idol taking on Tito Santana once again! And if you pull any tricks this time around, I will make sure that you will be out of a job very soon!


C - 3 Minutes


After returning from commercial, Superstar Billy Graham is on screen with a smirk on his face.




Superstar: Owww! Do you feel that? It's the electricity in the air that is generated when I step into the arena. And it's clear that there's a certain electric buzz in the air tonight here in New York City! I am the greatest wrestler in this locker room and the WWF Management fails to acknowledge it! And not to mention when I ask for a decent competitor, I get paired up against the largest competitor in the locker room, Andre The Giant. But it's another week, and another lowly competitor waiting to be struck down by Superstar Billy Graham. Vince, Monsoon, I know you're watching this, and I want you to know that I'm severely dissatisfied with me being left off the Wrestlemania card...and that if I don't get a match by the end of the night for the biggest event of the year then let's just say you'll both suffer the consequences. After all, I'm the man of the hour, the one with the power, and certainly too sweet to be sour!


B+ - 3 Minutes


Superstar Billy Graham v Ivan Putski


http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/SuperstarBillyGraham.jpg v http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/IvanPutski.jpg


The match immediately begins with Graham grabbing Putski by his head and immediately throwing him face down towards the mat. Graham then places his left boot on Putski's back as he then gloats to the fans in attendance. The Superstar then picks up Putski as he then delivers a facebuster to the Polish superstar. Graham menacingly looks at Joey Marella as Marella soon moves out of the star's face, Graham then flexes his arms to the chagrin of the New Yorkers in attendance as Putski slowly starts to recover behind him. Putski slowly walks to an inattentive Superstar as he then slaps round the back of the head.


Graham then turns around, absolutely furious, as he then gets hit by a cutter from Putski. Who then immediately utilizes his ground game a bit locking in a single leg boston crab as he then goes to the other side of the body locking in a headlock. Superstar then slowly gets to his feet with Putski on him as he then grabs his arms and throws Putski over his shoulder.


Graham immediately kicks Putski right in the back, shouting some verbal abuse at him that's not picked up by the TV cameras. Billy then picks up Putski as he then drops him with a Samoan Drop right in the center of the ring. Graham really has the crowd going now as he signals that this match is about to be over. Graham flexes his 'pythons' for the crowd again as the boos increase in size and volume. Putski slowly stumbles to his feet as Graham immediately delivers a deadly Karate Thrust to the Throat. Putski immediately crumbles to the mat as Graham just puts his foot on his downed opponent's chest. Marella comes in for the count, 1...2...3!


Winner: Superstar Billy Graham in 3:45 - C


McMahon: And Superstar Billy Graham picks up another victory, as showers of boos are being rained on the Superstar by this hostile New York crowd.

Lord Alfred: They just don't recognize that the man truly is a star, how you two don't go to management to get him in a match for Wrestlemania is beyond me.

McMahon: Perhaps if he puts his ego aside for at least an hour he'll find himself in a match this Sunday.

Monsoon: Oh he's already been booked in a match...

McMahon: He has?

Lord Alfred: Please tell me it's going to be a 3-Way Dance for the WWF World Heavyweight Title.


This time, Gorilla Monsoon gets to his feet from ringside with a microphone in hand as this time he gets into the ring while Graham's back is turned to him. The boos subside as Graham then turns around to a waiting Monsoon. Graham appears taken aback that Monsoon has stood in his presence face-to-face.




Monsoon: For weeks now Billy, you've insulted myself and WWF Management with your petty insults on how you claim you've been snubbed by management.


*Graham snatches the microphone from Monsoon.*


Superstar: Don't you dare pretend that this prejudice against one Superstar Billy Graham doesn't exist Monsoon. You speak as if no one realizes that my talents are being squandered by your ignorance...well now that you're here I want you to put me in a match right now.


Monsoon: Well that's what I've come here to tell you Billy. You have already been signed into a match for Wrestlemania this Sunday, and I think you're quite going to like who you're up against.

Superstar: Let me guess, I'm going to have to face either Tony Garea, S.D Jones, or Ivan Putski again.

Monsoon: Actually I think your opponent will be one that you've been wanting to get your hand on for a long time.

Superstar: Well tell me Monsoon, you've got The Superstar Billy Graham's attention...

Monsoon: At Wrestlemania five days from now, Superstar Billy Graham will be taking on a wrestler who will be coming out of retirement...a wrestler that's toured the world...a wrestler that has faced some of the most accomplished wrestlers in the world...

Superstar: You can't be serious!

Monsoon: Oh trust me Superstar, I'm serious. At Wrestlemania it will be Superstar Billy Graham v Gorilla Monsoon!




McMahon: Has he gone absolutely INSANE!?

Lord Alfred: The man has seriously gone and lost his head...he can't be serious about this can he?


B- - 3 Mins


Captain Lou Albano then appears on the screen with his clients and WWF World Tag Team Champions The Wild Samoans as we return from commercial.




Albano: Five days, only five days until my boys The Wild Samoans walk into Madison Square Garden and defend against perhaps one of the biggest jokes for a tag team in the history of professional wrestling and that is The Strongbows. Jay, Jules, I know you're watching me right now...these two men...no, these two savages beside me will...and I guarentee this, destroy you at Wrestlemania. If you two really were wise you would lay down in the center of the ring and have either Afa and Sika put their foot on you to ensure your safety. But then again, you two never were the brightest bulbs here in the WWF so if it's pain you want at Wrestlemania...then I vow that it's pain you're going to get. Have fun tonight, and oh-break a leg.


A - 4 Mins


McMahon: Well he's certainly a bit confident isn't he?

Lord Alfred: Indeed McMahon, but he has every right to be. After all, he is managing the WWF World Tag Team Champions.

Monsoon: It most certainly will be an interesting matchup come this Sunday at Wrestlemania.

McMahon: Speaking of interesting matchups...

Lord Alfred: Yes Monsoon, speaking of interesting matchups...


Mr. Fuji & Tiger Chung Lee v The Strongbows


http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/MrFuji.jpghttp://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/TigerToguchi.jpg v http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/ChiefJayStrongbow.jpghttp://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/JulesStrongbow.jpg


The match starts out with Mr. Fuji going up against Chief Jay as Fuji instantly unleashes with a barrage of punches and kicks as he then whips Jay across the ring...dropping the former Tag Champ with a standing clothesline. Fuji kneels next to Jay as he then locks in a headlock as he immediately starts to apply some pressure. Jay slowly powers back to his feet as he pushes Fuji away, then dropping the Japanese wrestler with a standing clothesline of his own.


Jay then applies some technical moves of his own but Fuji soon appears to be powering out of them, the Chief ducks an attempt at a punch by Fuji and drops him with a reverse drop. Strongbow locks in a bow and arrow stretch and slowly starts inching his way towards his corner, and he gets the tag! Jules Strongbow tags in. The younger Strongbow then picks up Fuji and starts to utilize some of his offense throwing forearms, elbows, and punches towards Fuji's way. Jules then whips Fuji across the ring and goes for a body drop but Fuji pauses and kicks Jules in the chest, Fuji then dives to his corner and gets to his partner. Tiger Chung Lee tags in.


Lee immediately enters the ring and ducks a clothesline attempt from Jules as he then knocks down his opponent with a running polish hammer. Lee then immediately runs to his opponent's corner and knocks Chief Jay off of the apron down to ringside. Mr. Fuji is then seen dropping to ringside and starting to walk his way over towards a downed Chief Jay. While in the ring, Lee keeps Jules grounded by delivering several stiff kicks at Jules. Lee then starts to scale the rope as he's looking to hit a flying dropkick as Mr. Fuji starts laying into Chief Jay at ringside...it's not looking good for the #1 Contenders here. But just as Lee appears ready to leap off the top rope Jules immediately gets up and charges towards the corner and throws him off! Tiger Chung Lee is sprawled on his back in the center of the ring with a downed Jules sitting in the corner.


At ringside Chief Jay's taking the offense now as he grabs Mr. Fuji and throws him headfirst into the metal ringpost, the sound echoing throughout the hall. Jay then climbs back up onto the apron as Lee starts to get to his feet, and Chief Jay gets the tag! Chief Jay Strongbow tags in. Jay then waits for a groggy Lee to turn around and here's his opportunity! A thunderous overhead chop to Lee and he's down! Jay then realizes he's not done and decides to send a little message to his opponents for Sunday, locking in his patented Indian Deathlock. Ref Joey Marella checks in on Tiger Chung Lee and he has been knocked out!


Winners: The Strongbows in 7:04 - C


McMahon: And a convincing win by The Strongbows as they head towards Wrestlemania!

Monsoon: A convincing win indeed Vince, as Chief Jay and Jules appear absolutely focused and unfazed by Lou Albano's threats made earlier.

Lord Alfred: Are you going to answer my question or not?

Monsoon: What question?

Lord Alfred: Oh nevermind then...


As we return from commercial, a brief video then plays of the feud that's been brewing between Big John Studd and The Masked Superstar. Highlights of the 6-man tag match that both were in and the subsequent challenge and acceptance of said challenge are highlighted in the video.




B - 2 Mins


Monsoon: Certainly an interesting feud that's been brewing here in the WWF.

McMahon: Absolutely, and if tonight isn't a preview of what's to come in their match at Wrestlemania this Sunday, I don't know what else could be.


And jumping from one angle to another angle 'The Magnificent One' Don Muraco is shown backstage by himself with a WWF backdrop behind him.




Muraco: The day of reckoning is almost upon me, the day where my full potential will be realized and I will prove myself as the greatest competitor that the World Wrestling Federation has ever seen. It's been a long journey, but finally 'The Magnificent One' will finally show that he is the one that will lead the WWF into a new golden age of wrestling. I will carry this company and this business on my back with my strengths and it will be to everyone's benefit in this business. Pedro Morales will merely be a speed bump on my way to the top and at Wrestlemania I will demonstrate that no opponent is worthy of challenging me and that I will soon become WWF World Heavyweight Champion. So am I worried about Pedro Morales? Hmmph. Does a king worry about the peasants that grovel at his feet? 'The Magnificent One' need not worry about those lower than him, because I'm Magnificent and Pedro Morales is not.


A - 3 Mins


McMahon: A c0cky Don Muraco vowing to defeat Pedro Morales and become "the future" of the WWF.

Lord Alfred: The man's got a ton of potential at his side McMahon, he will definitely be a shining star in the WWF.

McMahon: Well I hope I never get to see that day.

Lord Alfred: Aren't you supposed to be impartial?


Big John Studd, Rocky Johnson, and Don Muraco v The Masked Superstar, Tony Atlas, and Pedro Morales


http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/BigJohnStudd.jpghttp://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/RockyJohnson.jpghttp://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/DonMuraco.jpg v http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/TheMaskedSuperstar.jpghttp://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/TonyAtlas.jpghttp://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/PedroMorales.jpg


Rocky Johnson elects to start off against Pedro Morales. Morales immediately ducks a punch from Johnson and starts to dish out some punches of his own, backing Johnson up into a neutral corner. Johnson then ducks some punches from the Puerto Rican star and starts to fight back with punches of his own before whipping Morales against the ropes, Morales ducks a clothesline attempt and hits a shoulder tackle on the rebound. After a couple of knee drops to a downed Intercontinental Champ Morales tags out. Tony Atlas tags in. Atlas immediately starts to play to the crowd starting up a USA USA chant as he then hits a knee drop of his own, Atlas then goes to pick up his opponent for Wrestlemania but Johnson punches Atlas in the gut and goes on the offense.


Johnson rebounds off the ropes and clotheslines Atlas down as he then makes the tag to Big John Studd. Big John Studd tags in. Studd immediately picks up a downed Atlas and goes for a backbreaker, but Atlas slips out at the last second but Studd immediately counters back with a reverse suplex. Studd then starts to utilize a bit of his ground game with some mounted punches and various clubbing forearms that really seem to be knocking Atlas in and out of conciousness at times. Arnold Skaaland at ringside tries to get a USA chant started again as the New Yorker dominated crowd starts to join in as Atlas then sits up and starts fighting away at BJS. Atlas soon pushes Studd off of him and then sizes him up for a body slam and hits it! Atlas then makes the tag to Masked Superstar. Masked Superstar tags in.


The two Wrestlemania opponents then go at with both competitors trading blows but Superstar then knees Big John in the gut as he then drives his knee into his face. Studd then (flailing) throws a fist towards Superstar's face but he ducks it and hits a german suplex. Superstar goes for a pin, 1...2..Kick Out! Both competitors then both try to get to their feet as they both then trade backhand chops to the chest. (Some minor WOOs heard from the audience, MACW had been in town recently) Studd then immediately breaks the contest with a rake to Superstar's eyes as he makes the tag. Don Muraco tags in.


Muraco immediately unleashes his fury on Superstar as he nails clothesline after clothesline, proceeded by shoulder block after shoulder block. Muraco then follows this up with a knee drop before going for an armbar on the masked wrestler. Superstar doesn't tap to the hold and manages to get to the rope for a ropebreak, which allows him time to get to his feet. Muraco then approaches Superstar who then responds with a backhand chop that echoes throughout the arena, another chop from Superstar as Muraco then kicks Superstar in the gut and delivers a DDT. Cover, 1...2..Kick Out! Muraco realizes that he's going to have to do more to finish off his opponent so he signals to the crowd that he's about to put this match away. Muraco signals for a piledriver as he then picks up Superstar...but Superstar manages to slip out of the hold and pulls Muraco's legs out from under him! And Superstar gets the tag! Tony Atlas tags in.


Atlas immediately starts throwing haymakers at Muraco who sells them perfectly, Atlas then scoops Muraco up and nails a Running Powerslam. Cover, 1...2...Muraco gets a shoulder up at the last second! Atlas then immediately picks up Muraco and starts delivering several headbutts towards Muraco who dodges a couple but gets hit by other attempts by Atlas. Muraco scurries away from Atlas while managing to get to Atlas's corner and cheaply slapping Pedro Morales in the face. This prompts Morales to get into the ring and try charging at Muraco but ref Dave Hebner prevents it. This allows Rocky Johnson to get into the ring and start throwing punches at Atlas, but Atlas responds by then throwing Johnson over the top rope! Muraco then tags out as he continues to escape from a charging Morales. Big John Studd tags in. Studd and Atlas both circle each other for awhile until they lock up again, with Studd pulling Atlas into a side headlock.


Atlas then shoves Studd away who bounces off the ropes and grounds Atlas with a shoulder block. A couple elbow drops later Studd then starts stomping away at Atlas, The Masked Superstar has since dropped from the apron and is helping Morales try to pursue Don Muraco...who has since disappeared backstage. Studd then picks up Atlas to go for a backbreaker but Atlas slips out! Mr. USA then fires headbutt after headbutt at the skull of Big John Studd, backing him up each time one connects, Atlas then rebounds off the ropes and hits a shoulder block!


Atlas signals that the end is near as Rocky Johnson then gets back into the ring to try and fight his Wrestlemania opponent but he's met by a Samoan Drop! Johnson then rolls out of the ring reeling from the impact of the slam as BJS is up and is then hoisted over Atlas' head! What strength! Big John then comes crashing down to the mat from a Military Press Slam as Atlas goes for the pin! 1...2...3!


Winners: Tony Atlas, The Masked Superstar, and Pedro Morales in 9:51 - C+


McMahon: And that goes to show you that good guys win after all! With that weasel Don Muraco sneaking his way backstage and Rocky Johnson trying to resort to dirty tactics to take out Tony Atlas.

Monsoon: If you think the bad blood between these men was really showing today wait until you see them at Wrestlemania!

Lord Alfred: Oh it's going to be an absolute barnstormer Monsoon.

McMahon: But stay tuned in folks, the contract signing for the WWF World Heavyweight Championship is next!


Vince is right as the show returns from commercial to show a table set up in the center of the ring with a contract laid out on the table in plain sight for the camera to see. Gorilla Monsoon is standing in the ring as he's set to officiate the contract signing. Bob Backlund's entrance theme then hits as the WWF World Heavyweight Champion walks out to a tremendous amount of applause. Backlund then waits in the ring all the while brandishing his belt as Buddy Rogers, the first WWF World Champion then comes out with his client Andre the Giant in tow. If you thought the cheers for Backlund were loud, Andre The Giant's fans nearly blew the roof off of the Alumni Hall! Both competitors then stand in the ring across from each other, locking eye contact.




Monsoon: Ladies and gentlemen, this is the official contract signing for the WWF World Heavyweight Championship bout set to take place five days from now at the first ever Wrestlemania! To my left is the champion, holding the belt so far for 15 months straight...Bob Backlund! And to my right is the challenger for the title at Wrestlemania, accompanied by 'The Original Nature Boy' Buddy Rogers...Andre The Giant!


Both competitors soak up the applause from the audience as Gorilla Monsoon places the contract between both competitors and motions for both to sign their name where it tells them to. Bob Backlund takes some time to stare at Andre before picking up a pen and quickly signing his name on the contract. He smirks at the challenger for his belt as the clipboard with the contract on it is quickly snatched away from him by Andre himself. Andre takes his time writing out his signature as he then forcibly slams the contract back down on the table.


Monsoon: Thank you both for getting your names signed on the contract, and that will conclude the contract sig-


Backlund: Wait just one second Monsoon. Andre, I know our clash at Wrestlemania in five days will be one of the ultimate wrestling classics that our children and grandchildren will remember generations from now. And I would like to let you know that it will be an honor defending against you, but I am the WWF World Heavyweight Champion. I am the best in the world at what I do and come Sunday I will be victorious yet again and will defend not only my title but my reputation among wrestling's elite. At Wrestlemania, you're in for the fight of your life.


Buddy Rogers manages to get a microphone away from Gorilla Monsoon.


Rogers: Now all of this talk about you being the best in the world is really funny Backlund, in case you seem to have forgotten, I am The Nature Boy Buddy Rogers, the very first WWF World Heavyweight Champion. So speaking as a former champion, I can tell you that this man right here, this Giant...possesses all the talent in the world to dethrone you as Champion and usher in a new era of wrestling. An era that will be led by none other than Andre The Giant!


Backlund looks perplexed at this statement.


Backlund: Now there's a little keyword to that statement of yours Naitch, and that's FORMER champion. I am the current WWF World Heavyweight Champion, I've beat the best and I vow to beat any other challenger that comes in my way.


Andre looks annoyed at the current champion and decides to settle this his own way, he grabs Backlund by the collar of his T-shirt and hoists him three feet into the air. Gorilla raises a microphone to Andre's mouth.


Andre: Bob Backlund! Talk is cheap! At Wrestlemania, only one man will walk out of Madison Square Garden WWF World Champion. And at Wrestlemania, that man will be none other than Andre The Giant!


Andre then throws Backlund down to the mat with force that causes the whole ring to shake, Backlund looks up in horror as he almost looks ready to get the fight on right then and there but he soon thinks better of it as he then grabs his belt and slowly retreats up the ramp.


A* - 5 Mins


McMahon: The tension in the air is absolutely electric! I absolutely can not wait for these two to get their hands on each other at Wrestlemania!

Lord Alfred: It's sure to be an epic match and an absolutely epic card at Wrestlemania, and tonight certainly was a very good preview of the action to be on hand Sunday.

McMahon: And that is our time folks, from Gorilla Monsoon, Lord Alfred Hayes, and Vince McMahon, this has been WWF Championship Wrestling from New York City and we will see you 5 days from now at Wrestlemania on Pay-Per-View!




Final Rating: C+


The Iron Sheik def. Salvatore Bellomo

Bruno Sammartino def. Charlie Fulton


Austin Idol & George Steele def. Tito Santana & Tony Garea

Superstar Billy Graham def. Ivan Putski

The Strongbows def. Mr. Fuji & Tiger Chung Lee

Masked Superstar, Tony Atlas, Pedro Morales def. Big John Studd, Rocky Johnson, Don Muraco




BHK1978: 2/4 - Thanks for consistently predicting. ;)

travisl_lowki: 4/4 - Wow, a 100% on your first attempt, hope you keep reading! :D




Current Wrestlemania Card


'WWF World Heavyweight Championship'

Bob Backlund © v Andre The Giant


Superstar Billy Graham v Gorilla Monsoon


Don Muraco v Pedro Morales


'WWF Intercontinental Championship'

Rocky Johnson © v Tony Atlas


'WWF World Tag Team Championships'

The Wild Samoans © v The Strongbows


Big John Studd v The Masked Superstar


Austin Idol v Tito Santana

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WWF In Your Neighborhood

Scheduled to be held at the Alumni Hall in New York City, NY.


'Non Title'

Ray Stevens v Bob Backlund


http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/RayStevens.jpg v http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/BobBacklund.jpg


In the main event for In Your Neighborhood this week, not to mention the final event before the 1st ever Wrestlemania, Bob Backlund will take on Ray Stevens in a nontitle matchup. In what's sure to be a battle between two technical masters, Backlund will be sure to have his hands full with 'The Crippler's' technical prowess. But then again, Bob Backlund is not only the WWF World Champion but the master of the Crossface Chickenwing. Can Backlund overcome his opponent this week at In Your Neighborhood? Or can Ray Stevens sneak out a victory? And is it possible we might see Andre The Giant making an appearance?


Tony Atlas & Tito Santana v Rocky Johnson & Austin Idol


http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/TonyAtlas.jpghttp://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/TitoSantana.jpg v http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/RockyJohnson.jpghttp://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/AustinIdol.jpg


In another great tag team bout scheduled by WWF Management, Wrestlemania opponents will square off yet again this time with Tony Atlas & Tito Santana taking on Intercontinental Champ Rocky Johnson & Austin Idol. Idol has bested Santana twice in the past week and Tito has been overheard saying that tonight he vows to make sure that he pins Idol or at least inflicts some sort of physical punishment on him. The other two competitors in this match are also only three days away from squaring off against each other for the Intercontinental Championship. Johnson managed to wrestle away the belt from Pedro Morales at last month's Big Show as now his biggest challenger is his former tag partner and current bitter rival Tony 'Mr. USA' Atlas. Which side will prevail in this critical tag team matchup three days before Wrestlemania?


The Masked Superstar v The Iron Sheik


http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/TheMaskedSuperstar.jpg v http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/TheIronSheik.jpg


In singles competition this week The Masked Superstar will be taking on the always dangerous threat The Iron Sheik. This match could be a preview of Superstar's match against Big John Studd in three days as Wrestlemania as both The Iron Sheik and Big John are both powerhouses here in the WWF. The Masked Superstar has looked very impressive lately and so has The Iron Sheik in his weekly pre-show matches, but only one can prevail. And perhaps Big John Studd might be playing a bit of a part in this one...will he or will he not? You're going to have to be at In Your Neighborhood to find out.


'Non Title'

The Wild Samoans v Bruno Sammartino & Ivan Putski


http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/Afa.jpghttp://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/Sika.jpg v http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/BrunoSammartino.jpghttp://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/IvanPutski.jpg


For the opening contest for this week's In Your Neighborhood, The Wild Samoans take on Bruno Sammartino & Ivan Putski in non-title action this week. Bruno Sammartino has vowed that he would now get moving on the right track again and a win over the tag champions this week would certainly prove that he's a serious contender again, not to mention the help of the Polish strongman Ivan Putski could certainly help him. But Captain Lou's savage samoans are always plotting something with the Captain's help. Will another devious plan give The Wild Samoans the victory? Or will Bruno Sammartino and Ivan Putski finally get back on the road to victory?


Prediction Key


'Non Title'

Ray Stevens v Bob Backlund ©


Tony Atlas & Tito Santana v Rocky Johnson & Austin Idol


The Masked Superstar v The Iron Sheik


'Non Title'

The Wild Samoans © v Bruno Sammartino & Ivan Putski

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'Non Title'

Ray Stevens v Bob Backlund ©


Tony Atlas & Tito Santana v Rocky Johnson & Austin Idol



The Masked Superstar v The Iron Sheik


'Non Title'

The Wild Samoans © v Bruno Sammartino & Ivan Putski


Bruno and Ivan are both a little long in the tooth so I am not sure if it is wise for them to pick up the win here even with it being a non-title affair.

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WWF In Your Neighborhood

Being held at The Alumni Hall in New York City, NY in front of 3,116 People




Eddie Gilbert def. Rene Goulet in 6:53 - D-

Tony Garea def. Johnny Rodz in 5:44 - D


Main Show


Vince McMahon, Gorilla Monsoon, and Lord Alfred Hayes make their way out to the announce desk as the first match of the night immediately gets underway.



The Wild Samoans v Bruno Sammartino & Ivan Putski


http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/Afa.jpghttp://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/Sika.jpg v http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/BrunoSammartino.jpghttp://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/IvanPutski.jpg


Putski decides to start off against Afa as the match immediately gets underway with both competitors locking up in the middle. Afa soon takes control early on beginning to hammer away at Putski, not before throwing him to the corner and then starting to beat at him from there. Putski soon fights back and powerslams Afa in the center of the ring, taking the opportunity to tag to his partner. Bruno Sammartino tags in. Sammartino takes a good amount of time in the ring delivering various drops and slams but Captain Lou awaiting at ringside takes time to get on the apron and shout some abuse at Sammartino, distracting him. Afa then makes the tag, Sika tags in. Sammartino then turns around to an awaiting Sika as the savage Samoan then pounces on the Italian hero. Hitting him with some high-powered offense of his own, but not before dropping Bruno with a Samoan Drop.


Once the fight is on the ground, Sika tries some mounted attacks as he then whips Sammartino into his corner as he then tags his partner back in. Afa tags in. The two then do a double clothesline as Afa then works on his ground game, all the while keeping Bruno as far from his corner as possible. Putski on the apron tries getting the crowd into the match, much to Albano's chagrin, as Sammartino seems to use the crowd's energy to get himself back in the match. Sammartino powers out and tags to his partner, Ivan Putski tags in. Putski goes off on the Samoans as he drops Afa with clothesline after clothesline. After celebrating to the crowd a bit much Sika enters the ring and knocks Putski back to the ground. Afa then going on the offensive, working on his ground game again as he then tags to his partner. Sika tags in. Both Wild Samoans kick away at Putski in the corner as Sika whips Putski across the ring and then punches, kicks, and elbows away at him. After being beat up for a good amount of time Putski grabs one of Sika's hands and yanks him into the corner...


Putski delivers several backhand chops as he then whips Sika to his corner as he then tags his partner, Bruno Sammartino tags in. Sammartino and Putski both throw Sika to the center of the ring as Sammartino picks Sika up and delivers a Pendulum Backbreaker! This match looks just about wrapped up as Bruno then signals for a Backbreaker, the crowd's attention is suddenly averted to the entrace way as Jimmy Snuka makes his way out. Sammartino then picks up Sika for a Bearhug and it's in! Captain Lou sees Snuka approaching as he then gets up on the apron to distract ref Joey Marella, the distraction works as Snuka enters the ring as he then chop blocks Sammartino and then heads up top...connecting with a Superfly Splash! Albano then goes to Bruno's corner and grabs Putski by the leg preventing him from entering the ring as Sika drapes an arm over Sammartino, 1...2...3!


Winners: The Wild Samoans in 7:31 - C


After the match Bruno Sammartino looks absolutely furious as he goes to ringside and immediately picks up a microphone, a victorious Captain Lou with the Wild Samoans and Jimmy Snuka slowly make their way up the ramp towards the entrance.




Bruno: Now wait right there Albano! I'm tired of watching you and your cronies back each other up to try and change a match's favor to your side. Well I'm sick of it! And I know I'm not the only one in the locker room that is! Snuka! You dare think that you can just steal a match from me that I practically had one? Well you better think again Snuka, Wrestlemania's only three days away and I know you're nowhere on the card, and neither am I. So how's about this Superfly? Bruno Sammartino v Jimmy Snuka in a match at Wrestlemania? I'd be wise to accept Snuka, for if you don't, I will make sure I'll have your head three days from now whether you're at Madison Square Garden or not!


B - 3 Mins


Superstar Billy Graham then makes his way to the ring with a microphone in hand and not in his wrestling attire, he stands in the ring facing Gorilla Monsoon at the announce table and then beings to speak...




Graham: It's funny Gorilla, I mean it really is funny. Two days ago you actually had the stones to book yourself into a matchup against me for Wrestlemania. Old Gorilla Monsoon, the retired joke of the wrestling world...coming back into action to face the hottest thing in professional wrestling today Superstar Billy Graham! Never have I imagined that an easier match would have spruced up, I know I have been harping on and on on how I want stronger competition but let me tell you this Monsoon. In three days at Wrestlemania I guarantee you I will have the utmost pleasure of crippling you, destroying you, maiming you, making sure you don't walk out of Madison Square Garden breathing! So make sure you lace your boots up tight, and say your prayers the night before because this Sunday will be the last night you breathe.


Monsoon looks unimpressed and unfazed from the announce desk.


A - 4 Minutes


The Masked Superstar v The Iron Sheik


http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/TheMaskedSuperstar.jpg v http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/TheIronSheik.jpg


The match immediately starts with a lockup and The Masked Superstar taking control of the match early. Superstar forces Sheik into the corner as he then delivers several overhand and backhand chops before suplexing Sheik to the center of the ring, Superstar then tries a crossface...but Sheik manages to get to a rope. After several moments of Sheik trying to gain his composure Superstar goes to grab him but the Iranian terror fights him off and goes on the offense. Sheik levels Superstar with a double-choke bomb as he then goes for some stomps before slowing the match down with some submission attempts. Superstar powers out of the attempts to make him tap out as then gets to his feet and reverses an armbar into a DDT. Cover, 1...2..Kick Out! Superstar goes to other modes of offense as then throws several punches towards The Iron Sheik as he then splashes him in a corner. Superstar then goes for a running bulldog but Sheik ducks the attempt and headbutts him down on the rebound...


Sheik then goes back to work on Superstar's neck and back as he goes for a Camel Clutch early but Superstar throws Sheik off his back. Superstar then tries to get up but after a clubbing forearm to his back he finds himself on the ground again. Sheik utilizes his ground game again and it seems to be working as Superstar noticeably seems to be slowing. All of a sudden, the crowd boos as Big John Studd starts to make his way down the ramp. Sheik then goes for a Camel Clutch and he's got it in! This could be it for Superstar as Big John applauds from ringside, but The Masked Superstar slowly starts to crawl his way towards the rope and he gets it! Sheik and Studd both look furious that Superstar was able to break the dreaded Camel Clutch as Sheik argues with the ref...


Big John Studd then takes this opportunity to get into the ring as Superstar sneaks up behind Sheik...Studd then pushes Superstar into Sheik who in turn knocks referee Dave Hebner down! Studd then goes to deliver a Double Underhook Suplex to the disapproval of the crowd but Superstar slips out and nails Big John with a Swinging Neckbreaker! Big John is down and out! Sheik, still wary from colliding with Hebner slowly makes his way to his feet as Hebner starts to regain consciousnesses as the Cobra Clutch is in on Sheik! Hebner then checks on Sheik to see if he's still got his senses but he's out like a light!


Winner: The Masked Superstar in 8:19 - C


After the match The Masked Superstar clears Big John from the ring as he groggily gets to his feet, injured, and slowly heads up the ramp...Superstar meanwhile remains in the ring with a microphone.




Superstar: So the great Big John Studd thinks he can interfere in my match and cause The Masked Superstar to lose huh? Hah! That seems to have gone well for you isn't that right Big John? Tonight, should only be a preview of what's to come at Wrestlemania, you lying in a heap in the center of the ring and with my arm raised up in victory. Be prepared Studd, as in three days I'm not only going to prove myself worthy of being champion here in the WWF, but I'm going to prove who's the most dominant wrestler, the most charismatic wrestler, and the most powerful wrestler in the WWF! Theeeeeeeeeee Masked Superstar!


B - 4 Minutes


The Challenger for the WWF Intercontinental Title at Wrestlemania, 'Mr. USA' Tony Atlas alongside with his manager Arnold Skaaland come out to the ring prior to his match, Skaaland has a microphone in hand.




Skaaland: Introducing the next WWF Intercontinental Champion Tony Atlas! Tony here has proven time and time again that not only is he a rare breed of wrestler with the strength he possesses, but he has an inner integrity that is required for one to represent the WWF by being it's Intercontinental Champion...unlike certain men who feel the need to backstab and betray his own partners in order to get ahead in this business. Rocky! You've crossed an important line when you turned your back on Tony, and three days from now at Wrestlemania he is going to show you the true qualities of what makes a champion in the World Wrestling Federation!


Skaaland steps down the ringside stairs to the mat below as he hands the microphone to a ringside attendant as this match is about to get underway.


C+ - 3 Minutes


Tony Atlas & Tito Santana v Rocky Johnson & Austin Idol


http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/TonyAtlas.jpghttp://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/TitoSantana.jpg v http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/RockyJohnson.jpghttp://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/AustinIdol.jpg


Johnson elects to go first as does Atlas, but upon seeing this Johnson immediately tags out to Austin Idol. Idol then charges across the ring at Atlas who floors him with a shoulder tackle and this match is underway! Atlas takes the opening stages of this match by hitting various moves such as a stalling suplex, several running clotheslines, even a leaping shoulder tackle to ground Idol. Atlas then takes the time to stomp away at his opponent as he then tags to Idol's opponent at Wrestlemania...Tito Santana tags in. Santana immediately goes to work on a downed Idol, locking in a headlock that seems to be taking his toll on Idol but he then works his way to the feet and pushes Santana away, throwing a knee at a rebounding Santana that causes Santana to roll over the knee and down to the mat...now Johnson seems to be accepting of a tag. Rocky Johnson tags in.


Johnson hits a nice dropkick to Santana's back as then goes for a pin, 1...2..Kick Out! Johnson looks frustrated at the failure to put away Santana right then and there but he immediately goes back to work and tries some technical moves, which shows why Johnson clearly isn't a technician. After trying a modified Cobra Clutch, Santana manages to roll out of it as he then trips Johnson onto the second rope. Santana then scales the top rope but Idol runs over and kicks the top rope causing Santana to crotch himself on the top rope! Johnson manages to crawl over for the pin, 1...2..Kick Out! Atlas appears to be dying for the pin but his partner still remains down as Johnson then tags in to his partner...Austin Idol tags in.


Idol then waits for Santana to stand as he then goes for the Sleeper Hold but Santana drives an elbow into Idol's head, causing him to bump into Johnson knocking him off the apron. Tony Atlas takes this opportunity to then drop to the apron as he then goes to fight his ex-partner down on the apron. The two trade blows as do Idol and Santana in the ring. Santana whips Idol across the ring who then hangs on to the rope to avoid rebounding back towards Tito, but Tito comes charging towards him as Idol then ducks and pulls the top rope down...sending Tito crashing to the outside! Idol then stands by the ropes to shout some abuse at a downed Santana but Tito quickly grabs his foot and drags him to the outside as well! Atlas and Johnson are slowly fighting their way up the entrance ramp as Santana and Idol start brawling on the outside as well! Screw the match, these two are out for blood! Ref Joey Marella starts a 10-count but neither wrestler complies as Marella has no choice but to declare a draw.


Draw due to Double Countout in 8:43 - C


After a very brief intermission, the WWF World Heavyweight Champion Bob Backlund comes out to the ring to tremendous applause as he has his title proudly displayed over his right shoulder with a microphone in his left hand. He gets in the ring and raises the microphone to his mouth.



Backlund: Two days ago on WWF Championship Wrestling Andre The Giant thought he could get into my head by getting in my face during our contract signing. Andre, consider this as me telling you that your little mind games won't work, and if you ever thought that you could intimidate the WWF World Champion Bob Backlund you are dead wrong. This Sunday at Wrestlemania, I will defend my title against you and defeat you, proving myself truly as the greatest champion this company has ever seen. I respect you as a competitor Andre but this Sunday, victory will be mine.


B - 3 Mins


'Non Title'

Ray Stevens v Bob Backlund ©


http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/RayStevens.jpg v http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/BobBacklund.jpg


The match starts immediately with a lockup with Stevens immediately taking down the champ with a takedown and then showcasing his technical process (spoiler alert: you're going to be seeing this a lot) Stevens locks in a rear headlock but Backlund soon manages to roll away from it as he then kicks a sitting Crippler in the chest. Backlund then moves away from the skill set of a technician as he then does several body slams on his opponent before DDTing him down to the mat. Backlund then locks in a Boston Crab to see if he can get Stevens to submit early on in the match...Stevens soon manages to get a ropebreak. Backlund then tries to go on the offense again but Stevens ducks a forearm as he then nails a neckbreaker...then taking some time to catch his breath.


Stevens then goes to work on his ground game but Backlund fights him away as Backlund then goes for a punch but Stevens ducks...the champion then rebounds off the ropes goes for a clothesline but The Crippler ducks as he then goes for a clothesline of his own on the rebound, but Backlund ducks. Backlund then hits a shoulder tackle and then immediately goes back to his ground game. After several moments of *cough*exciting*cough* technical action Backlund looks to lock in the Crossface Chickenwing but The Crippler elbows Backlund in the face and goes to fight another day. Stevens then ducks a punch from Backlund and hits a gutwrench suplex into a pinning position, 1...2...Backlund kicks out at the last second!


Stevens looks absolutely frustrated that he couldn't get the pin as he then picks up the champion again and delivers three suplexes in a row...before going up top. The fans know that Stevens is looking for his Diving Knee Drop as they boo him mercilessly...The Crippler then dives off the top rope...but Backlund is up and immediately gets him into the Crossface Chickenwing! What amazing athleticism! Backlund locks in the hold tight, ensuring that Stevens doesn't get anywhere as Stevens then taps!


Winner: Bob Backlund in 8:04 - B


After Stevens and the World Champ clear the ring, Vince McMahon then enters the ring to a lukewarm response from the crowd.




McMahon: Good evening New York. Tonight, we are three days away from the biggest wrestling event that this business has ever seen Wrestlemania. Just a couple miles away at Madison Square Garden, Wrestlemania will showcase the greatest wrestlers in the world doing what they do best. Put on great matches for you, the paying customer. A whole bunch of WWF talent will be there, Big John Studd, Tony Atlas, Pedro Morales, Bob Backlund, and even Andre The Giant. So be prepared New York City, Wrestlemania is about to blow you and the wrestling world away! We'll see you in three days!


C - 2 Mins


End Of Show




Final Rating: B


Eddie Gilbert def. Rene Goulet

Tony Garea def. Johnny Rodz


The Wild Samoans def. Bruno Sammartino & Ivan Putski

The Masked Superstar def. The Iron Sheik

Tony Atlas & Tito Santana -drew- Rocky Johnson & Austin Idol

Bob Backlund def. Ray Stevens


BHK1978: 2/4 - Hope you predict for Wrestlemania, I guarantee it will be an entertaining show.




Wrestlemania Card


'WWF World Heavyweight Championship'

Andre The Giant v Bob Backlund ©


Superstar Billy Graham v Gorilla Monsoon


Jimmy Snuka v Bruno Sammartino


Don Muraco v Pedro Morales


'WWF Intercontinental Championship'

Tony Atlas v Rocky Johnson ©


'WWF World Tag Team Championships'

The Strongbows v The Wild Samoans ©


Big John Studd v The Masked Superstar


Austin Idol v Tito Santana

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'WWF World Heavyweight Championship'

Andre The Giant v Bob Backlund ©

who better to usher in the race to National than the biggest star on the planet?


Superstar Billy Graham v Gorilla Monsoon

Gorilla is done, Graham should join up with Idol


Jimmy Snuka v Bruno Sammartino

Legend puts over the next big star


Don Muraco v Pedro Morales


'WWF Intercontinental Championship'

Tony Atlas v Rocky Johnson ©

Atlas winning puts Idol and other heels in line for a shot


'WWF World Tag Team Championships'

The Strongbows v The Wild Samoans ©

better team at the moment.


Big John Studd v The Masked Superstar


Austin Idol v Tito Santana

Started to go with Chico, and think he could still win. But it's a day, and Idol-mania will run wild on Santana's taca stand.

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