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WSEW: No Clue Whatsoever

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Prologue - Part One


When I first came to the United States, I had no idea that this country would become the place of my dreams. Everything I lacked in Belgium, I found there. Before coming to the States I had hardly heard of this thing called wrestling.


I left Belgium for two reasons. One being that the country isn’t worth a damn. Nice place and all, but the people living in it? No, Belgium was not my kind of place. The second reason was Melissa. Cute little Melissa. I had met her when I was on holiday and found myself deeply in love. That made my decision to leave it all behind and follow in the footsteps of many Europeans who had felt the same as I had.


Now, my first few months in the States weren’t all that, neither. I was basically living off of the sizable inheritance my grandmother had left me when she passed away. Finding a job wasn’t that easy, especially because there wasn’t anything I was particularly good at.


But then my luck changed. And I had Melissa to thank for it. See, she had been a wrestling fan growing up and had managed to get some internships in the business, mostly working as a secretary. This had brought her into contact with Harvey Manners, who had been attending a few shows in the area as a guest commentator.


Harvey had asked her to come work for him, as he had just opened his own wrestling promotion. He had purchased office space in Detroit and would need someone to work the front desk. I, of course, was happy for her.


A few days later, however, Melissa came to me. She asked me if I was interested in meeting with Mr. Manners. I wasn’t sure why, as I had never shown any interest in wrestling. Melissa told me Mr. Manners might have a job for me.


Not sure what I was getting myself into, I went ahead with it. Any job would do, after all.

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Prologue - Part 2


Five minutes before I was supposed to be there for my interview, I entered the office of “WSE Wrestling” as the sign said. I wondered for a second what the WSE could possibly stand for, but quickly realized I simply did not care enough to think about it for longer than five seconds. I saw Melissa and greeted her with a kiss.


Melissa: Hi Tom, let me just check if Mr. Manners is ready for you.


With that, she hovered off to one of the two doors in the building. She knocked and entered the room.


Melissa: Mr. Manners, your 10 o’clock is here to see you.


A man, clearly Harvey Manners (who else could it possibly be?), spoke from outside of my sight.


Manners: Melissa, how many times do I have to tell you? You can call me Harvey. Anyway, let the kid in.


Slowly, I walked forward and entered the office. It wasn’t the most luxurious office I had ever seen. It wasn’t even close. It was a very basic office: a desk, a laptop, 2 chairs on the visitors’ end of the desk, one on the other side and a few filing cabinets. Behind the desk was Harvey Manners, who greeted me with a warm smile.


Manners: Welcome Mr. Cools. Please, take a seat.


I obliged.


Manners: Surely Melissa has told you that I wanted to see you because I might have a job for you.


Me: She has. But I’m not really sure why you would want to hire me? It can’t be to set up your shows, as I’m not fit to do heavy lifting. And Melissa is already your secretary, so I can only guess that you want me to do the cleaning around here.


Manners: Well, it’s not. Let me ask you a question first. Have you ever watched wrestling?


Me: Actually, no, I haven’t. The only things I know are what Melissa has told me.


Manners: Perfect! You are exactly the man I want for the job. See, I want someone who sees things with a fresh perspective. Someone who has no ties whatsoever to the business and thus has no bias one way or another. If you want the job, it’s yours.


Me: Euh, Mr. Manners, what job are we talking about?


Manners: Kid, the name’s Harvey. And I’m talking about…

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January 1st, 2010


Four weeks ago, I became the head booker of a wrestling promotion. Me, a guy from Belgium, with little or no understanding of the business. And yet, that had been what had landed me the job. That, and being the secretary’s boyfriend. Thank you very much, Melissa. In the last four weeks, I had wrestled my way through numerous tapes and live shows, trying to get a grip of what wrestling was all about. And I quite enjoyed it. I never knew that I could be drawn to this kind of entertainment, but it had taken a hold of me.


While I had been catching up, Harvey and Melissa had been working hard to hand me a list with potential signings. These people would become the backbone of the company I had to build with Harvey’s money.


Today’s my first official day as head booker of Whatsoever Wrestling. I wasn’t too thrilled about the name, but Harvey insisted that it would represent what this company was all about. It wasn’t about sticking it to Richard Eisen. It wasn’t about holding grudges or settling rivalries. There was to be no bias whatsoever. In Whatsoever Wrestling all are created equal, so all who qualify get the chance to show the fans what they can do.


This doesn’t mean that we’ll let anyone in. There are a few rules. The guys we’d sign would have to have a decent understanding of the basics and should be able to pull off a match that goes on for longer than five minutes without seeing them exhausted.


Harvey has given me a deadline too. In two years we’d have to come out looking better then when we started. We also agreed that there is no way we should fall into debt. I myself added to that a wish to end the year with more money than we originally had.

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The Roster


I’ve been working hard these past few weeks. I looked at the list Melissa gave me, looked at some tapings of matches my potential signees had performed in and made some calls. In the end, I managed to come up with a roster of 12 wrestlers who would become the initial backbone of the company.


- Happy Elwood (24, Face) - $ 400 per appearance

- Hugh de Aske (21, Heel) - $ 600 per appearance

- Johnny “Ant-Man” Heizenger (20, Face) – $ 150 per appearance

- Justin Sensitive (23, Heel) - $ 350 per appearance

- Leftie Wilkes (19, Face) - $ 150 per appearance

- Mark Smart (25, Heel) - $ 150 per appearance

- Nathaniel Ca$ino (22, Heel) - $ 200 per appearance

- Oscar Ozymandias (35, Heel) - $ 500 per appearance

- Regular Joe (20 , Face) - $ 450 per appearance

- Roger Monteiro (19, Face) - $ 150 per appearance

- TJ Baily (26, Face) - $ 600 per appearance

- Xavier Reckless (23, Heel) - $ 200 per appearance


All had wanted to sign 15 month contracts, without having to pay them any traveling costs. All but one are American citizens anyway. The only exception being my fellow countryman Hugh de Aske. When I saw his nationality, I knew I wanted to sign him. It would be great having someone around who speaks my native tongue. Not that I have any problems with English, but it is still nice to be able to talk in Dutch every now and then.


But the roster isn’t complete yet. There is the little matter of our staff. Well, it’s obvious that Harvey would be commentating the action and I found him a partner in Tim Weightman. The 30 year old isn’t exactly the best in the business, but he is cheap and willing. For the roles of referee and road agent, I would be pulling double duty. While that may not be ideal, there seemed to be no other way. Firstly, Harvey wanted me to take the refereeing job, so I could learn on the job. Secondly, every road agent I talked to wanted more money than I could promise. So, for the first show at least, I’d be in charge both in the ring and in the backstage area. Luckily, I had Melissa to help me out. She would be keeping an eye out backstage and report back to me. For the matches, I had Hugh help me out. From the moment we met, he had been helping me get a broader grasp of the wrestling business, even training me how to perform a bit.




On Wednesday Week 4 of January, WSE Wrestling Presents…


Welcome To Hell


At Hunter’s Town Hall, Iowa.


Xavier Reckless will face Roger Monteiro for a place in the semi-finals of the WSEW Championship tournament. In the same tournament, Nathaniel Ca$ino will face TJ Baily, Mark Smart will face Leftie Wilkes. And for our Main Event, we’ll see Hugh de Aske take on Regular Joe.



Xavier Reckless vs. Roger Monteiro

Nathaniel Ca$ino vs. TJ Baily

Mark Smart vs. Leftie Wilkes

Hugh de Aske vs. Regular Joe

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Ah, Show one, problem one. Xavier Reckless decided that he could do without the talks before the show and only showed up just in time. As I’m new at this, I didn’t really know what I should do, so I tried to reason with him. He said he “understood”. Well, I don’t think he really did, but since this is the first show and thus his first offence, I’ll let it slide.


And then, it started…


WSEW Presents: Welcome to Hell!

Hunter’s Town Hall – Iowa – 10 people in attendance.



1. Xavier Reckless vs. Roger Monteiro


Well, suffice to say, I currently suck at both the things I have to do. Melissa told me I wasn’t a good referee, nor was I a good Road Agent. Harvey and Tim, however, managed to make the match seem better due to their skills on commentary. In the end, Roger Monteiro hit the Eagle Chop on Xavier Reckless. (E-)


2. Hugh de Aske – Pirate


Hugh came out to some nifty pirate music (clearly NOT a rip off from Pirates of the Caribbean) and grabbed a mic (and we need that why? There are only 10 people here, guys!).


Hugh: Arrrrr, squallywags, I be here to plunder your booty. But seeing as there is no booty to speak of on any of you, I will settle for the biggest booty of ‘em all. I have me eye on the WSEW Championship, yet today there be a challenger to me might. His name be Regular Joe. I had a Joe once in me crew. I sent ‘im to Davy Jones’ Locker! And that is exactly what I’m going to be doing to this Joe tonight. I be CAPTAIN Hugh de Aske and you will always remember this day.


And with that, Hugh left the ring, being booed by one man, who Joe told me was his father Dick. (E+)


3. Nathaniel Ca$ino vs. TJ Bailey


Great, I still suck, but so do these guys. They didn’t click and it made the fight even more awkward. Thank god TJ Bailey rolled up Ca$ino to end this. At least Bailey improved in technical skills. (F+)


4. Happy Elwood and Oscar Ozym… ow, I’ll rename him.


Happy Elwood came down to the ring to entertain the crowd.


Elwood: Hello Everyone! Are you having fun?


- Silence –


Elwood: Well, I certainly am. I can’t wait to get into the ring next month and make my bid for the WSEW Championship. It’s going to be…


Elwood is interrupted by the arrival of Oscar Oz (Yes, that’s it! I’ll rename him Oz).


Oz: Elwood, you don’t actually think you stand any chance of winning this tournament, do you?


Elwood: Everyone involved has a chance, Mr. Ozymandias.


Oz: Not when you have someone like me in the tournament, Elwood. I am better than anyone else in the locker room and I will prove that when I win the WSEW Championship.


Elwood: If you’re so sure of that, why don’t we meet in the finals and you can show me that your better than me, instead of spitting idle claims towards me?


Oz: I think we can agree to that.


Oz and Elwood stare at each other for a second, before clearing the arena. (E+)


5. Mark Smart vs. Leftie Wilkes


Not much to see here. A straightforward match between two less than impressive opponents, but at least they didn’t bomb like the previous couple. Mark Smart won with a Smart Attack. (E-)



6. Nathaniel Ca$ino is mad.


Time for another rant, this time it’s Nathaniel Ca$ino.


Ca$ino: I will not have that no good son of a gun TJ Bailey get away with what he pulled in our match. There was no way he could have defeated me fairly and I demand a rematch! And until I get it, I’d be very careful, TJ. I’ll be keeping my eye on you. And when the dice roll Snake Eyes, it’ll be over for TJ Bailey.


And exit Ca$ino. (E+)


7. Main Event: CAPTAIN Hugh de Aske vs. Regular Joe


Alright, I get it. I’m no good at anything I do. It’s my first show, dude. Give me some credit. Anyway, Hugh and Joe managed to somewhat entertain the crowd, before Hugh hit the Cut-Throat Driver for the win. (E-)



Overall: E- (This show should have increased our popularity.)


The next morning, I read in the local paper that the show wasn’t too bad, which I took as a good sign. If only I can stop ruining matches soon. Maybe I should consider bringing in some outside help.

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On Wednesday Week 4 of February, WSE Wrestling Presents…


Town Hall Brawl


At Hunter’s Town Hall, Iowa.





Championship Tournament: Happy Elwood vs. Justin Sensitive

Championship Tournament: Oscar Oz vs. Johnny Heizenger

Main Event: Captain Hugh de Aske & Mark Smart vs. Roger Monteiro & TJ Bailey

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WSEW Presents: Town Hall Brawl

Hunter’s Town Hall – Iowa – 15 people in attendance.



1. Johnny Heizenger vs. Oscar Oz


In the opening bout, we saw Oscar Oz go over “Ant-Man” Johnny Heizenger. This match wasn’t exactly the best match ever, but it was in the line of our last show (E-)


2. Nathaniel Ca$ino Promo


Ca$ino came down to the arena, this time being booed by at least 3 people, a record!


Ca$ino: Last time we met, TJ Bailey, the cards where in your favor. But I am going to keep on buying in until I’ve stacked the deck so high, it’ll come crushing down upon you. You will see the river and you will weep. There will be no prize for coming in second, as it is winner takes all, and I am here to make sure you will have to drop out early.


And that concluded this episode of random whining. It furthered the Ca$ino vs. Bailey storyline. (E)


3. Happy Elwood vs. Justin Sensitive


In a match where Happy Elwood was off his game, he managed to overcome Justin Sensitive. It all ended with Sensitive tapping out to an American Dream (E-)


4. Captain Hugh de Aske and Mark Smart hype a match.


Before teaming up in the Main Event, Captain Hugh de Aske and Mark Smart came out. Dick Benning had to be restrained by his buddies Fred Elwood and Charles Reckless.


De Aske: Arrrrrr, tonight will see 4 men fight. This be a showing of what is to come. Next month, we’ll see the conclusion of the quest for booty. And, as tonight, it’ll see me hoisting the Jolly Roger high above the seas, striking fear into me opponents’ hearts.


Smart: What my partner is trying to say here is that the internet has spoken. The community has seen the flaws of Roger Monteiro and TJ Bailey and they don’t want them as champions. Me, I am a worthy champion, praised and loved on the internet by the real fans. Yes, they are the real fans, not you lame sons of b****** who think they are. They know that I am too good to work here and that they should thank me by giving me the gold, so I can propel this company to the big leagues. This is my mission, this is my promise. You can read it in my blog and on my twitter. I am Mark Smart and I am the champion of the internet.


Ah, the end. (E)


5. Captain Hugh de Aske & Mark Smart vs. Roger Monteiro & TJ Bailey.


In a match that went on for too long, resulting in a drag in the middle, Captain Hugh de Aske and a visibly tired Mark Smart defeated Roger Monteiro and TJ Bailey. The ending came when Nathaniel Ca$ino interfered, causing TJ Bailey to be distracted enough to be hit with the Cut-Throat Driver. The Ca$ino vs. Bailey storyline continued, while Captain Hugh de Aske is improving in Technical & Flying skills. (E-)



Overall: E- (This show should have increased our popularity.)

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On Wednesday Week 4 of February, WSE Wrestling Presents…




At Hunter’s Town Hall, Iowa.




Semi-Final 1: Captain Hugh de Aske vs. Roger Monteiro vs. TJ Bailey

Semi-Final 2: Happy Elwood vs. Oscar Oz vs. Mark Smart

Leftie Wilkes vs. Xavier Reckless

Final: Winner Semi-Final 1 vs. Winner Semi-Final 2

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WSEW Presents: Coronation

Hunter’s Town Hall – Iowa – 10 people in attendance.



1. Captain Hugh de Aske vs. Roger Monteiro vs. TJ Bailey


This match concluded after TJ Bailey was taken out by Nathaniel Ca$ino. This lead to a one-on-one match-up, which Captain Hugh de Aske won with a Cut-Throat Driver. This match furthered the Ca$ino vs. Bailey storyline (E)



2. Mark Smart Promo


Mark Smart came out to promote his semi-final match.


Smart: I have read the polls, I have read the tweets. It is conclusive. There can be only one winner and that winner is the internet champion, me. It’s all over the internet, buzzing, tweeting, googling. Tonight, the WSEW Championship will come to its rightful owner. And all you critics may shut up, for the true fans have spoken.


And scene. (E)



3. Happy Elwood vs. Oscar Oz vs. Mark Smart


The Elwood vs. Oz storyline furthered in a bout that saw Mark Smart off his game. Near the end, Oscar Oz took a dive to the outside, leaving Elwood free to make Smart tap out to the American Dream. (E)



4. TJ Bailey has had it.


A bandaged TJ Bailey comes to the ring.


Bailey: Everywhere I come, I give it my all. I fight honestly, I fight and give it my all. But over the past few shows, I have been taking verbal abuse from Nathaniel Ca$ino. But I don’t mind, he can whine whatever he wants. However, tonight, he went too far. He ruined my chance to become the first ever WSEW Champion. Nathaniel, I hereby challenge you to a match. And may the best man win.


After that, Bailey makes way for the next match. (E-)



5. Leftie Wilkes vs. Xavier Reckless


These two made sure to destroy any credibility the company had. Everybody was happy when Xavier ended the match with a Slingshot DDT (F+)



6. Happy Elwood and Hugh de Aske warm-up the crowd.


Happy Elwood comes down to hype up the Main Event.


Elwood: Ladies, gentlemen and children of all ages, tonight is THE night. Up next, your favorite WSEW wrestler takes on Hugh de Ask…


De Aske: CAPTAIN Hugh de Aske! And you be right, tonight will always be remembered as the night Captain Hugh de Aske defeated Happy Elwood for the WSEW Championship.


Elwood: We’ll have to see about that, Captain de Aske. As I see it, we both have 50% chance to win the coveted title.


De Aske: That, my friend, be nothing more than hogwash. If it had been any other, it might have been the truth. But you be facing a pirate. And we pirates, we always get what we want.


Elwood: Let’s find out then.


Both men enter the ring, ready for the Main Event. (E)



7. Ladder Match for the WSEW Championship: Happy Elwood vs. Hugh de Aske


Despite having absolutely no chemistry, these men could have possibly put on the best match this company has ever seen. It ended after Oscar Oz came down to the ring and distracted Happy Elwood, giving Hugh de Aske just enough time to retrieve the belt and become the first WSEW Champion. This match continued the Elwood vs. Oz storyline. (E)



Overall: E- (This show should have increased our popularity.)



In sadder news, Justin Sensitive has left WSEW after having signed a development contract with RIPW. He’ll be replaced by Running Wolf, who has signed a 12 month agreement for $ 150 per appearance.

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