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WAR on the Vegas Strip...

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; it's an ugly condition found in most who've been scorned. Since 2004, one man has developed a thirst for such. Standing in the darkness one a legendary city of 'new chances', said man will attempt to overtake the industry he once graced. In turn, crushing all of those who dared to destroy him in the past.


This is a story about
; nothing more... nothing less.



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The camera jolts awake like a comatose sleeper thrust into consciousness by a blood-curdling tone of an alarm clock early in the morning. The camera lens, attempting to focus in it’s jolted stupor, frantically zooms back and forth upon a hazy figure ahead; desperately clawing to find clarity in a moment of guerilla filming. With time, as the hazed existence only adds to the mystery before us, we finally come to a crystal clear picture of a scrawny individual standing before a large, wall-sized, window overlooking an explosive display of lights below.


The glowing heap below continues to crawl upward as if it were a vile temptress tugging at the unknown figure’s dress-pant leg; only illuminating the bottom half of his body in the process. Meanwhile, the neatly dressed man continues to stand with his back to the shaky camera lens as he looks out upon the shining display at a distance beneath his feet. Almost statuesque in his stance, his slender hands packed into the very grey dress pants that first came to define him, the scene feels rather eerie due to the complete silence within the room; the only semblance of sound coming from the breathing of the camera man behind the lens.


Masterfully capturing this iconic moment, a psyche-defining speech that would later ignite the flames of a spiteful overthrow, the camera man, one quickly defined as a documentarian of sorts, interjects the weasel-like tone of his voice over the proceedings. While the non-verbal communication of the moment could have told the story in itself, showing a shadowy figure standing on high, looking out upon the people below almost like a dictator of men, said documentarian has come to the modern depiction of the dark ages in which to guide a story to the masses… and what a story it would become.


Why Sin City?


For a matter of seconds, a good 10 to be exact, nothing is heard from either man; just the continuation of the documentarian’s shallow breathing exists. Then as words crawled from the very depths of the unknown man’s soul, most likely resting upon the edges of his mind like a quick trigger ready to pull at any time, said shadowy man, entirely slender in his mouse-like frame, projects a statement that is quite vague to those now; however, with time, would come to define the truth of his perspective since that infamous day in 2004.


[shadowy Small-framed Man]:
It’s the only place people come to escape from reality. Here, all history is erased as life becomes what you want it to be. A new name, guise, or perspective, can grow without the damaging hands of your detractors. This city…
[sin City]
… is a home for the forsaken… for the tired… and, in my case, the vengeful…


Despite the strength of his statement, dripping in aggression, which is a weird contradiction due to his unimposing stature for such pointed word, silence follows once again. With his back still turned to the camera, barely moving in the process as his eyes are most certainly fixated on the glowing world below, this obviously vengeful man stands in a fiery state burning from within; standing overtop what’s deemed to be Las Vegas at night.


Why now?


Again, silence falls as if it were the mistress of the moment; gripping, attractive, yet hiding the truth of misguided emotion. With time, the slender framed man with his back turned to us begins to speak once again. This time though, his tone is much slower, much more methodic, as the aggression in his tone is slightly subtle yet very much so palpable.


[shadowy Small-framed Man]:
I’ve waited in the wings for 6 years now; hiding within the darkness that this city provides. I’m sick of it… Sick of running. Sick of deflecting. Sick… of being the victim. Retribution will be mine…
will pay for what they’ve done to me…


The hands that were once hibernating within the deep pockets of his grey dress pants are now resting fiercely at his side; projecting the unmistaken depiction of anger through the form of clenched fists. Without seeing his face, it’s expected that his equally slender face follows much the same.


For moments silence falls once again; however, this time it all feels much more uncomfortable. One man stewing as the other captures this very fact upon a camera lens.


Who will pay?


Silence; the only thing radiating is the angered state this shadowy man still projects in an unadulterated fashion. Then, as his shoulders rise in a continuation of his anger, overtaking his neck like a scorned 10 year old boy on the playground, the mysterious figure speaks once again. His tone reeking of one unloading an ugly truth that still haunts him 6-years after the fact.


[shadowy Small-statured Man]:
All of them…
Every… Last… One of them…


The uncomfortable air continues to rage within their shared space much like a prison cell after a murderer finally confesses to his heinous crime. There is an overwhelming sense that something is about to go wrong; whether good or bad for the shadowy man in question. More or less though, regardless of the success of his self-serving search for
, the documentarian has certainly found his story to tell…


That story closes initially just how it opens; fixated on the mousey man standing within the darkness as he overlooks the streets of Las Vegas at night. Entrenched in anger, said figure carries an air of an unexpected dictator as his size directly contradicts the power for which he possesses.


That power is ultimately the theoretical sword he wields in the name of his own vindication…



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WAR finally emerges :). I was stoked when you came up with the concept of this the first time around, before running with redoing the second Season of DOA, so yeah, I'm looking forward to seeing where you go with it.


I'm also probably the biggest mark on these forums for your main character, so you know I'll be following this. Revenge of the nerd indeed.

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*pulls out chair, endless supply of Church's chicken, Sprite and bottled water (always need proper hydration) and pee/poop buckets*


Let's go!!!


I'm doing much of the same, but with sushi instead. Pescetarianism FTW!


If this is indeed your final project, E-V, it's been a hell of a ride. You're one of my favorite writers here. Here's to hoping you make this one something special just like all of your other pieces.

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1st Week of January, 2010

... Framing the story ...


A weasel of a man, dressed much like a bohemian hipster of sorts, is shown seated before the camera lens in a plush Las Vegas hotel as the record button is once again activated. The checkered pattern of his red & black plaid shirt, matched with a pair of holey faded jeans, tells of one who is comfortable with a minimalist existence; at least projecting such on the outside. With that said, the scraggly, scruff-infested, figure begins to speak to the lens before him only moments after self-starting the story-capturing device only a few feet from his face.


In 2008, I was forced into the life-altering scenario that is cancer. With an ocean of tears long soaked into my Hollywood apartment, I fully expected the end of my days to come much sooner than later. I embarked upon my journey of grief, painstakingly dragging my weakened body through the stages of death, ultimately to find the other side of the theoretical door I never thought possible. Surviving this encounter, being given another chance at seeing life for what it really is, I came to the point of understanding; understanding that I must live my life to the fullest. To me, there’s no better way in doing so then to scour the busy streets, the back alleys, the tumbleweed infested dirt roads, of this great country; attempting to find the gripping stories of our time in which to REALLY depict what the human experience is all about.


A brief pause follows as the death-evading Hollywood Hipster takes a second for his powerful statement to rest within the minds of his potential viewers. Seconds later, he continues forth with the unveiling of ONE of those stories; A real-life Shakespearean tragedy that could be perceived as fictitious only due to the wild nature for which the characters reside. That said, the young novice filmmaker has seemingly fallen upon a gold-mine as it pertains to grand, unscripted, drama in this world. Deep down, he knows that. The truth of this is written all over the eagerness for which he speaks.


In late 1997, the grand-stage that is the National News spoke of a young man looking to bask in the light of his beloved form of entertainment. He was only 16; a boy whose peers were living in classrooms, stressing about exams, and forging a social hierarchy all at once. He, on the other hand, was living in the lapse of luxury, stressing about nothing, and attempting to challenge the professional hierarchy of his newly adopted industry. He had made billions far before he even had the ability to drive and, for that, the masses had taken notice. Sadly, his one greatest investment, that being a wrestling company based out of his home-state of California, was the one thing he simply couldn’t buy into success…


Depicted as star-struck, unfocused, and easily manipulated, J.K. Stallings Jr. was easily a boy lost in a man’s world. His love for professional wrestling, for the company he founded, Hollywood Grappling Company, and the extensive pockets for which he possessed, wasn’t enough to win-over the intensely difficult atmosphere of a wrestling locker room. With time, his grip upon HGC began to slip much like a weakened rock climber attempting to scale the toughest summits of our world. The naïve nature that often define his age group, which was no contrast to J.K. in the slightest, ultimately aided in his professional demise. No longer was he able to steer the ship he had built. Mutiny was the only guiding hand left aboard.


With several financial backers standing like an overpowering militia, Hollywood Grappling Company was no more. The towering behemoth once eagerly documented by the National News was now left in a state of anarchy as it’s empirical walls began to crash upon the once celebrated owner. J.K. Stallings Jr. was once touted as the ultimate ‘American Success Story’. Now, he was just another 20-something male unemployed; deemed a failure by the very industry he loved most.


We now fast-forward 6 years later, as that very boy has seemingly become a man; growing to adulthood within the shadows of Sin City. His agenda is focused. His statements pointed. His need for revenge entirely palpable.


In my survival, It’s imperative that I find the stories of our generation; the good, the bad, and the ugly of the human existence. J.K. Stallings Jr. rise to redemption is exactly that. I can’t lie, I personally find myself championing for this scorned boy turned dedicated man; however, in the end, my opinion doesn’t really matter. For, at the end of the day, while I may be capturing his journey, none of this is of my own. I simply press ‘record’ and attempt to tell the story of the once-deemed ‘Billionaire Brat’; a trained monkey could do the same.


This is the story of J.K. Stallings Jr. 13 years after he first graced the industry he loves most; 6-years since he was cast from that very industry in an ugly fashion. THIS is the unadulterated story of HIS WAR… on the Vegas Strip…


With that, the scrawny documentarian nods in a matter of fact kind of fashion; almost as if it were done subconsciously in a novices attempt to end a segment. Seconds later, his right hand is shown stretching outward as he places it atop the camera lens in a physically frantic fashion. From there, darkness follows as this section of raw footage comes to a close; most likely to be edited into the final cut of the documentary at a later date.



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INB4 EV writes 5 times more fluff for this than actually booking a show


Yeah I said it.


Edit Note: I mean this is a friendly, encouraging way rather than as a knock.


It's not really fluff though, with EV it's not just about being the booker of the shows it's an entire story. :)


I'm in :)

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1st Week of January, 2010

... Revenge of the Nerd ...


The scorching mid-day sun incessantly attempts to torture the crowded masses of Sin City as it’s theoretically endless vines continue to reach outward in a brash defiance of limitation. The blinding streams being projected on high finds a reflective home within the ever-encompassing glass that is J.K.’s bourbon tumbler. Jumping every which way, unafraid of where it may land, it is this iris-burning projection that almost inhibits the camera lens to locate J.K. himself; seated on a black leather chair before his customary mid-day drink.


His eyes are staring downward upon the glass, surveying the shards of light themselves, as it’s anticipated that he’s currently lost in thought; a resident of his own mind exclusively.


After simply capturing the moment, free from any noise to speak of, the documentarian breaks the silence with a line of questioning in hopes of uncovering the underlying feel within Mr. Stallings himself.


We were only a day removed from the infamous announcement; a presentation like no other could make good upon. Even the famously powerful Richard Eisen was lost when it came to such grandeur. For, at the end of the day, money most certainly dictates true limitless possibility in our modern culture…


How does it feel to know that... In just a day … Your whole world will change once again?


A very small, almost minute, huff can be heard as J.K. laughs shortly to himself. A minor grin, subconsciously forming upon his face following the documentarian’s question, is now replaced by that of a stern stare; almost as if he were still lost in thought. With this eyes fixated on the tumbler before him, untouched since it was poured, the unimposing billionaire begins to speak in a manner that depicts him as not entirely present.


[J.K. Stallings Jr.]:
I’ve been waiting for this moment for 6-years now… I knew the day would come… but… it’s still surreal to finally BE… here… hours from the inevitable. Some people lay brick, some defy gravity in space, others write of great narratives,… I seek revenge… That is MY feat…


He continues to stare upon the glass tumbler before him; removed from the moment as he stirs within.


Why now? Why 2010? It’s been 6-years, as you’ve said, but it’s not like you were in need of ‘saving up’; when it comes to money you hold all the aces in the deck…


Again, a slight smirk forms upon J.K.’s face; however, that slowly subsides behind the wall of his disconnect.


[J.K. Stallings Jr.]:
Money is just paper but it’s the opportunity it provides that really gives it worth. Yes, my bank accounts are like banks themselves; however, it wasn’t until NOW where opportunity truly lies. The industry is in an upswing. The economy has rebounded from the 2005 disaster in Washington. And with that, I’ve come to a boiling point. The time is right; unlike any year previously. While I could have funded Coastal Zone in 2005, or even saved DaVE from it’s death in 2007, simply keeping a ‘boat afloat’ was never my intention. If it’s to be MY money, I was to see to it that all the dominos had fallen into place…


What are those dominos that have fallen into place? Further riches? A new playing field? What?


[J.K. Stallings Jr.]:
I’ve made all the money I need. StallCorp is at it’s peak and I don’t foresee that slipping in the slightest. This latest venture was not delayed in which to gain capital, or even influence over our 3rd party industry providers, but rather to ‘give the devil it’s due’.


… And that means?


[J.K. Stallings Jr.]:
I came to Las Vegas shortly after the buyout. I was planning on moving to Australia, getting away for good; however, I found an equally exclusive island in Sin City. I know, it seems weird to claim Las Vegas as an island but to me, to those looking to escape their past, it was exactly that. I was no longer the ‘billionaire brat’ as they claimed me to be. I was able to reside in the shadows; free from the public spotlight as so many come here to do. Lost within the masses, just another tourist who just so happens to live in a high-rise above the strip, I gave ‘the devil it’s due’… Stewing over what had transpired as HGC laid on it’s death bed. They called me recluse, spending the majority of my time in this very room, only to occasionally exit at night, still able to hide my presence, but it was from this very room that I constructed the idea for revenge…


J.K. clenches his left fist slightly as he grabs the glass tumbler before him. Tossing his drink backward, straight down his throat as it burns wildly, Mr. Stallings eventually places the glass back upon the auction-won coffee table before him. His mouth twisting in a snarling fashion as he attempts to fight back any want to respond to the alcohol’s sternness.


… That being WAR?


J.K. nods his head slightly as he continues to look forward in a trance-like manner. The contorted face, inspired by his swig of bourbon, has now subsided; however, his internal stewing is still entirely strong.


How will you rate your success with WAR? If it’s revenge you’re looking for, does that manifest itself through ratings? Publicity? Financial gain?


Silence still encompasses J.K. as he stares upon a painting placed on the wall a good 10 feet before him. The camera lens slowly pans past him, showing said painting, in which to witness a plethora of explosive colors residing on the canvas. While it’s abstract, leaving more to the viewer’s eye to define than concrete demonstration, the title gold plated below tells of it’s reason for overtaking it’s space: “Victory is Mine”.


Moments later, as the camera man still looks upon the paining ahead, proudly displayed with a number of powerful lights surrounding it’s frame, illuminating it’s presence even in the pitch black of night, we again hear the youngest Billionaire in U.S. history begin to speak. His tone is focused yet removed. Grounded yet internally swaying.


[J.K. Stallings Jr.]:
Money does not define WAR’s success. For, financial gain will mean nothing but a few more zeros at the end of my net worth; meaningless to me truly. As I’ve said, I’ve made all the money I need by this point. Revenge is what I seek. It’s what I study. It’s the reason for my return. How can I tangibly define the success of it? I’m not entirely sure at this point… That said, I’ll know when it comes… It would be impossible to not know given the strength of my desire…


… Desire to?


Slowly, J.K.’s head turns over in which to look straight into the eyes of his documentarian. The look on his face tells of a man who has snapped back into reality; no longer residing within his own head. His eyes, pointed and stern, practically melts the camera lens in the process as his line of focus is directly to the side of it.


[J.K. Stallings Jr.]:
Destroy them all…


J.K. continues to stare upon his documentarian. This creates an uncomfortable air once again as it’s rather obvious that Mr. Stallings is not here for fun and games. Even within this documentary, one present in which to tell his story, it’s easy to see that he isn’t willing to hinder his wording.


When you say ‘them all’, who exactly do you mean?


After a long pause, continuing to stare into the eyes of his documentarian, J.K. addresses the lingering question hanging between the two of them.


[J.K. Stallings Jr.]:
That’s for another day. I have a speech to write.


With that, J.K. erects aggressively from his seat. After adjusting his tailored suit, his typical dress, even in private settings, the focused billionaire is shown walking off camera with a strong step to his swagger. In the end, the raw footage comes to a close with the sound of the documentarian attempting to press the ‘stop’ button in an unseen manner. Just the muffled sound of an arm being dragged across the internal microphone is heard as the final image is that of a view of Las Vegas from the Billionaire’s high rise condominium.


A landscape for which a WAR was soon to be orchestrated…



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1st Week of January, 2010

... The Press Conference heard round the world ...


It was another scorching Las Vegas afternoon as a plethora of eager journalists began to form like herding cattle before a grandiose podium outside of the Empire Hotel & Casino. Cultivating random instances of small talk, simply attempting to pass the time, said writers, national story-collectors, corporate endorsers, network producers, and wrestling opinionists, rub elbows shallowly as they continually gaze upon the surrounding area; waiting for anything that would potentially spark the press conference into existence.


As the wind rolls across the collection of tailored suits, equally tailored smiles, and the glaring truth of an ugly sense of competition between them all, there surfaces an air of desperation; all desperate to land the next great newsworthy story.


As they wait in eager anticipation, hobnobbing in professional gamesmanship, Mr. Stallings allows the pot to stew from afar. Accelerating over the nearby red rocks, hovering through the incessant midday sun, the spiteful leader of a new WAR travels in the lap of grandiosity… A truth made possible by the dragging pockets for which he’s personally filled…


The consistently thumping chug of an accelerating helicopter is heard in the distance as the sleek black outer-shell becomes more evident with every passing second. The incessantly aggressive sun finds another weapon of eye-burning blindness, radiating harshly off of said outer-shell; making it slightly impossible to even see it’s descent.


Chug… Chug… Chug…


The rapid crescendo of the descending helicopter begins to overwhelm the scene below.


The vision is that of a gleaming vehicle of the skies, masked by the blinding sun from on high; however, the noise is impossible to escape.


Delivered in a shaky-cam fashion, most likely giving rise to the knowledge that our documentarian is still a novice at best, the descending chariot of the skies finally comes to a rest some-25-yards from the towering podium. The continuous sound of snapping cameras can be heard as the passenger door begins to open in a thunderous fashion. Seconds later, the hazed vision of a slender-framed man can be seen sternly stepping out from within.


With executively dressed individuals at his either side, obviously something of high-priced bodyguards in practice, the meekly-framed figure continues to walk with a stern swagger to his step; speeding and a confident fashion. With every step, every strong stride, the beautifully dressed man begins to come better into focus. Before long, it’s rather obvious that the man on his way to the podium, the one who just appeared from such a grandiose entrance, is none other than J.K. Stallings Jr.


[Muffled Announcer]:
Ladies and gentlemen of the national press, allow me to introduce to you THE man who dares to pierce an impenetrable industry. His pockets run deeper, his determination stands more fervid, and his eyes gaze much higher, than any of his peers. It is the Empire Hotel & Casino’s GREAT privilege to introduce to you the historic boy turned ‘man of the hour’,… J…K… Stallings…Jr!!!!


Within a matter of seconds, the impending Stallings has now embraced the Empire-employed announcer of festivities with a shockingly strong handshake. Shocking only because someone of Stalling’s physical stature often looks as though their professional ‘hello’s’ would carry more of a dainty approach. None the less, moving on from his embrace, finishing of said exchange with a confident, yet brief, smirk, Mr. Stallings finally comes to a rest behind the towering black podium before him.


Focused in at a greater rate, it’s more evident that the podium is not as bare as first perceived. For, residing square in the middle of the imposing pedestal for thought is the proud image of WAR. It’s logo, unseen by the general public before this point, reeks of mystery; however, tells of the potential name for Mr. Stalling’s most recent venture.


Zooming in upon his face, still carry the very same shaky-cam presentation as before, the guerilla-like capturing of the moment brings about the sight of a confident individual in J.K. Stallings Jr. While it may not mirror what’s being churned internally, externally the youngest billionaire in U.S. history rivals the best politicians of our time as he puts forth an air of unshaken strength; a stark contrast to the youthfully arrogant child of his past.


Even with his advanced age and newfound sense of stoic projection, J.K.’s underwhelming frame still draws a direct connection to that misguided boy of yesteryear.


Then he began to speak.


[J.K. Stallings Jr.]:
Six years ago, I was manipulated into selling the very entity I cherished most. The Hollywierd Grappling Company was not perfect, it was not revolutionary, but it DID force the industry to change accordingly. I was told that ‘no one really competes with Eisen’; that he had far too much power and was theoretically a GOD amongst men. Well, for 7 years, I did exactly that… Pushing the so-called ‘GOD’ to the brink of his own kingdom’s destruction…


A slight smirk forms upon his slender face; however, like most cases, said grin fades quickly into a state of stern confidence. Once a quirky, off-beat, teenager, J.K. now resembles that of a well-versed business man; building a stoic demeanor over his years of furthering his corporate entity, StallCorp.


Looking out upon the crowd, flashes occasionally spiking before him, the stoic politician-like figure stands in confidence; all the while residing within the kind of grandiose nature that can only be defined as a ‘mediated circus’ (or professional wrestling in long-form).


[J.K. Stallings Jr.]:
I have accomplished MORE before the age of 20 than anyone in our nation’s history; however, upon my departure from HGC, I was wrongfully labeled as a ‘failure’; a crippling untruth that would haunt me for years. I could have accepted my fate, hiding within the depths of darkness here in Sin City, but that was never my intention. Victory… is my intention. Revenge… is my intention. Domination… is my intention…


A strong stare follows as J.K. appears to look straight into the camera lens’ before him; even stopping for a second to gaze into the documentarian’s lens as well.


[J.K. Stallings Jr.]:
Today, January 1st 2010, a day marked as a moment of newness, signifies the day for which the WAR continues… Wrestling Action in Revolt to be exact.


A buzz circulates within the crowd as the documentarian’s lens captures the rise of eagerness amongst the crowd. While professionals in their own right, it becomes rather obvious that a sense of fandom is growing within their masses. Whether it’s true excitement of a boyish kind or the heightened joy of a potential ratings-stimulating narrative, the collective crowd of journalists appear to be favorable to the proceedings at hand.


[J.K. Stallings Jr.]:
To the industry I say… be prepared. To the fans I say… be excited. To those who wronged me… I say… be


With a quick head-nod, the press conference had come to a climactic close.
The grandiose display, the Empire’s aura, and the resurfacing of a once big-time persona, now grown-up though, brings forth a scenario where a ‘point of change’ seems evident. The American wrestling industry had long been stagnant as it pertains to newfound promotions. For years now, it’s been the battle of the ‘big three’ but now, it seems, there is another contender throwing their hat into the ring. In this case, that contender is none other than a ‘blood thirsty’, revenge-bent, intensely-wound, WAR… Wrestling Action in Revolt.


A subtle fade to black follows the press conference closing as the final image is that of a slowed down vision of J.K. Stallings Jr. exiting the stage in a confident fashion.








1st Week of January, 2010

... Different in private ...


Seconds later, another round of footage opens in which to depict J.K. Stallings Jr. again; however, this time in a new light.


Seated in his high-rise, some hundreds of feet above the Vegas strip, the plentiful billionaire sits before a large flat-screen TV. Sunken into a black leather chair, the stoic politician persona has seemed to wane slightly. This time, it’s rather obvious to see the sheer anxiety raging through his system; tense as he watches the screen. On said screen is none other than mediated footage, most likely by a major American TV network, depicting what had happened earlier; all within a small, 20-second, blurb.


Fixated on the screen, the documentarian moves in to discover his inner thoughts on the matter. Meanwhile, J.K. does nothing to show his intention of truly paying attention. Instead, entirely focused on what’s being said and how the network is framing his return.


How does it feel to have officially returned to public spectrum?


Silence for a matter of 15 seconds follow. Then, breaking away from the footage in which to speak, yet still keeping his eyes on the screen well past the story, Mr. Stallings begins to speak in a detached manner; speaking on autopilot if you will as he stews mentally.


[J.K. Stallings Jr]:
I’m just glad it’s over. After living in the shadows, the ‘lights’ were rather bright.


Any regrets? Do you think you’re really ready to come back?


Silence follows yet again.


[J.K. Stallings Jr.]:
Even the greatest must find their stride now-and-then…


With that, the raw footage of J.K.’s response to the earlier grandiose press conference comes to an abrupt halt. Again, the sound of the novice documentarian shuffling his hand around blindly in an attempt to stop recording is heard. In doing so, taking an extended period of time to close, we are given a great moment of sincere emotion; that being J.K. Stallings Jr. STILL staring toward the TV lens, his gaze distant, as he runs his right hand across his baby smooth chin.



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2nd Week of January, 2010

... The Wrestlers of WAR ...


He holds a sleek computer pad in his hand as the dim lights illuminating above manifests an ominous environment. Days after spelling out his plan for action, ceremoniously entering a press conference as only a man of his worth could, descending upon the proceedings in a helicopter, J.K. Stallings Jr. eagerly bites his lip in a focused fashion. As he paces around his extravagant high-rise above the gleaming lights of Sin City, décor that marks his space as a modern art museum in it’s own right, the dedicated billionaire appears to be cycling through thoughts internally.


Coming in and out of perfect sight, occasionally stepping into the dark-pockets within the room, made that way by a number of lights not yet turned on, Stallings begins to speak as if there was no camera lens before him. While he may have been removed when he was a child, often wide-eyed by the sheer grandeur of what he had created, this new version of the young billionaire seems to be much more calculating with every breath.


[J.K. Stallings Jr.]:
They’ll never know what hit them…




The documentarian, again, asks the very question often rolling past his lips: who? While Stallings has YET to give a straight answer on the subject, it’s rather obvious that THIS is a very important part of the narrative here. Even a novice like our documentarian knows that.


Meanwhile, after hearing the question, J.K. doesn’t break his stride; not in the slightest. He continues to pace around the room, directly before the wall-lined window that overlooks the gleaming lights of the strip, as he glues his eyes to the computer pad in his unimposing hands.


[J.K. Stallings Jr.]:
Does it really matter? I have my hits, those I’m looking to flatten in my wake, but that’s not all that important right now.


Anyone whose pushed you this far deserves to be publically placed on the chopping block; don’t you think?


J.K. continues to pace. Unwilling to break his stride, or his mental fixation, the once youngest billionaire looks as though he is growing irritated with the incessant line of questioning.


[J.K. Stallings Jr.]:
One could say that… I’m not one though…


Pacing, pacing, and pacing some more, J.K. never takes his eyes off of the computer pad in his hands.


[J.K. Stallings Jr.]:
You’ll learn of their names in time. For now, I’ve got a roster to cement.


Have you signed anyone yet?


J.K. nods his head swiftly as he continues to pace. Even in his acknowledgement of the documentarian’s question, Stallings doesn’t take the second to look up from his pad.


[J.K. Stallings Jr.]:
A commander-in-chief is only as good as the men willing to fight for his cause. I combed the country for those salivating with professional hunger. The old, the new, and the forgotten in-between, they all have found a home in WAR.


It sounds like you were looking for men who best resemble yourself…


Without speaking, J.K. nods his head swiftly once again. Still, unwilling to break from his stride; both physically and mentally.


Where did you find these men?


[J.K. Stallings Jr.]:
The indy circuit mostly. That’s where the hungry lie…


Those looking to prove a point?


Another nod from J.K. as he continues to pace.


Do you have something tangible to see? I’m curious as to who you’ve brought to the ‘dance’...


[J.K. Stallings Jr.]:
I don’t dance…


J.K. interjects rather quickly as he slowly turns his direction toward the documentarian; who is seated a good 10 feet away. With his eyes still fixated downward, Stallings embarks upon the unseen documentarian; passing his computer pad off in the process.


Placing the camera lens downward in which to document what was handed to him, we’re quickly presented a database of sorts depicting the WAR roster as it’s broken down by disposition.


Walking away, his back turned to the documentarian, Stallings embarks upon his wall-lined window as he overlooks the gleaming lights of Sin City. His hands in his pockets, his gaze fixated downward onto the streets, and his back to the camera, Stallings stands in silence as the documentarian shows those listed as part of the WAR roster on the computer pad once held by the meekly-sized billionaire.





{Ángel De México}



Managed by:

Character Buzz Words:
Traditional, Veteran, Patriotic, and Flashy.

Signature Move(s):
“Mexican Death” (Frog Splash)




“GOD of WAR”

Bad Ass

Managed by:
Goddess Emily

Character Buzz Words:
Explosive, Rebellious, Maniac, and Punk-rock.

Signature Move(s):
“Fire in the sky” (Top rope knee drop)



{Ash Campbell}



Managed by:

Character Buzz Words:
Excited, Charismatic, Green, and Youthful.

Signature Move(s):
“Ash to Ash” (Superkick), Shooting Star Press



{Buddy Garner}

“The Machine”

Martial Artist

Managed by:

Character Buzz Words:
Intense, Stiff, Obsessed, Tireless, and Freakish.

Signature Move(s):
Garner Choke Sleeper, Garner Tendon Hold



{Donnie J}



Managed by:

Character Buzz Words:
Looked over, Fighter, and Excitable.

Signature Move(s):
“Death on Miami Beach” (Buff Blockbuster)





Raging Bull

Managed by:

Character Buzz Words:
Brutish, Cold, Stiff, Intense, Bulldozing, Unstoppable.

Signature Move(s):
Backdrop Driver, Inverted Piledriver



{Eric Tyler}

“The Traditionalist”


Managed by:

Character Buzz Words:
Veteran, Hardened, Masterful, and Respected.

Signature Move(s):
High-bridging Boston Crab



{Fox Mask}

“The King of the Coastal Zone Jungle”

Comic Book Hero

Managed by:

Character Buzz Words:
Cat-like-athleticism, Spry, Disciplined, Determined, and ‘Of the people’.

Signature Move(s):
“Fox Flip Off DDT” (Tornado DDT), Fox Hunter (Springboard Facebuster)






Managed by:

Character Buzz Words:
Rugged, Brutish, Hot-headed, Impulsive, and Loose Cannon.

Signature Move(s):
“Nemesis Arrow” (Falcon Arrow Suplex)



{Puerto Rican Power}



Managed by:

Character Buzz Words:
Statuesque, Muscle-bound, Powerful, Rugged, and Patriotic.

Signature Move(s):
Atomic Full Nelson, San Juan Impact (Pump Handle Slam), San Juan Rush (Spear)



{Raul Hughes}

“Pound for Pound”

MMA Bad Ass

Managed by:

Character Buzz Words:
Hot-headed, Hardened, Violent, and Heavy-handed.

Signature Move(s):
Demolition Left Hook

Under a one-appearance contract



{Remmy Skye}

“Poetry in Motion”


Managed by:

Character Buzz Words:
Odd, Artistic, Philosopher, and ZEN-like.

Signature Move(s):
“Skye Diver” (450 Splash)



{Snap Dragon}



Managed by:

Character Buzz Words:
Explosive, Speedy, Scrappy, and Fierce.

Signature Move(s):
“Dragon’s Breath” (Top Rope Leg Drop)



{Troy Tornado}


Rock Star

Managed by:

Character Buzz Words:
Grungy, Defiant, Unorthodox, and Flashy.

Signature Move(s):
“F*ck-off!” (Top Rope Elbow Drop)





{Alex Braun}

“Ice Man”


Managed by:

Character Buzz Words:
Veteran, Bully, Back-handed, Dubious, and Extreme.

Signature Move(s):
“Braun Damage” (Leaping Piledriver)



{Bucky McCoy}

“The Good Ole’ Boy”

Arrogant Heel

Managed by:
Duke Hazzard

Character Buzz Words:
Southern Boy, Rough, Beer Swiggin, and Heavy-handed.

Signature Move(s):
“The REAL McCoy” (Sit-down Spinebuster)




“The Grizzly Bear”

Mountain Man

Managed by:

Character Buzz Words:
Detached from society, Grizzly, Un-kept, Brutish, Furious, and Uncontrollable.

Signature Move(s):
“Out of the Woods” (Running Big Boot)




“The Damned”


Managed by:

Character Buzz Words:
Savage, Menacing, Demonic, Violent, Intense, and Brutish.

Signature Move(s):
“Damnation Drop” (Gutwrench Powerbomb)



{Genio Verde}


Comic Book Villain

Managed by:

Character Buzz Words:
Intelligent, Arrogant, Twisted, Dubious, and Calculated.

Signature Move(s):
“Brain Drain” (Dragon Sleeper)



{James Prudence}



Managed by:

Character Buzz Words:
Arrogant, Self-absorbed, Charismatic, and Dubious.

Signature Move(s):
“Prudential Pain Plan” (Half Nelson Chokehold), “Better than Gold” (The Stroke)



{Johnny Martin}

“The Cornerstone”


Managed by:

Character Buzz Words:
Selfish, Arrogant, Holier-than-thou, Entitled, and Short Tempered.

Signature Move(s):
“Twist on the Rocks” (Twisting Spike DDT)



{Kingpin Ali}

“The Don”


Managed by:

Character Buzz Words:
Cold, Hardened, Violent, Brutal, and Intense.

Signature Move(s):
“G.B.H. Driver” (Over the Shoulder Reverse Piledriver)



{Leper Messiah}

“The Freak”


Managed by:

Character Buzz Words:
Psychopathic, Menacing, Overpowering, and Vicious.

Signature Move(s):
“The Prophecy” (The Dominator)



{Philippe LaGrenier}

“The Pride of Quebec”


Managed by:

Character Buzz Words:
Patriotic, Arrogant, Dismissive, and Snarky.

Signature Move(s):
“Oh, Canada!” (Fisherman Suplex)



{Sammy the Shark}

“High Stakes”


Managed by:

Character Buzz Words:
Shifty, Obsessive, and Villainous.

Signature Move(s):
“Ace in the Hole” (Backdrop Suplex)



{Steven Parker}

“The Future”


Managed by:

Character Buzz Words:
Patriotic, Arrogant, Dismissive, and Snarky.

Signature Move(s):
“Future Shock” (R.K.O)


After surveying the roster, the documentarian brings the camera lens upward once again. Capturing a still Stallings overlooking the streets of Sin City, the darkness encompassing half of his undersized body in the process, the documentarian is heard asking another question; obviously excited in his tone.


Nemesis? Eric Tyler? Troy Tornado? Buddy Garner? Raul Hughes? Johnny Martin? Tayler Morton? The list goes on and on… I can’t believe you got them all under one roof…


Stallings doesn’t speak. He continues to look down upon the gleaming strip. Meanwhile, his hands are still residing in his pockets just as they had when he first embraced the window.


A moment of silence continues.


Then, some 15 seconds later, as it seems like the documentarian was keeping his footage firing for too long after the point, J.K. shockingly begins to speak. Shocking because with his back turned to the camera, statuesque in the way he stands still, it’s unexpected that he was going to address much at that point; lost within his own head as always.


[J.K. Stallings Jr.]:
Money talks…


With that, the documentarian ends the reel of footage knowing that J.K. was tempering in his willingness to speak. Instead, as we hear the sound of a rustling hand attempting to find the ‘stop’ button, we are shown one final image of J.K. staring upon the shining lights of the Vegas Strip. Motionless, with his hands still in his pockets, the aged billionaire continues to formulate something with his head… what? We have no idea.



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Troy Tornado? Whaaaaaaa!?




It'll be brought to light in the next few posts. It's the big change from the original cornellverse default as Tornado links up with Stallings. That said, it will certainly be justified within the narrative for WHY he would jump ship.


He's really going to be a HUGE part in framing WAR; especially from it's onset.




<hr color="black">

Thank you to everyone who has left behind comments thus far. This project (WAR) has been in the planning stages for a good year or so now. That said, it's great that it's all come together and I'm really excited to move forward with Wrestling Action in Revolt.


I have two more 'backstory'/doc posts coming (one with Nemesis and the other with Tornado) before the first card is put out. Luckily, I've already booked the show & written a good 85% of it thus far. So, it shouldn't be very long that the results go up after the card is finally shown. All in all, I'm experimenting with making my write-ups more concise. This way, shows are much shorter than I've done in the past (but keeping with the details that I want to convey).
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2nd Week of January, 2010

... Weathered but strong ...


The camera lens bursts into existence abruptly as the vantage point is centered squarely upon a pair of faded black tennis shoes. The intense wear and tear, edges torn every which way, scuff marks at every direction, tell of a man who is rarely looking to update his wardrobe; if ever. For a matter of a few seconds, before the camera lens can be redirected upward, the narrative of the equally weathered man wearing said shoes is almost immediately laid.


As the lens swings recklessly upward, signifying that the novice documentarian has finally regained control of his own instrument, the depiction of a stocky-individual is shown through the hazed presentation of an unfocused capture. With time, as the scenario comes into better clarity, the unknown stocky figure, clad in a pair of faded black tennis shoes, appears to be none other than the cult-phenomenon and all around wrestling LEGEND, Nemesis.


Wincing sternly, attempting to mask the pain as so many alpha road-warriors have done before him, Nemesis, or John Campbell to most behind the scenes, brutishly wrenches his hands together in which to encompass his aching fingers. The pain appears to be so obvious, so debilitating in a way, that it forces John from his typical hardened nature; stripping away the façade of maintaining his health after so many years of hellacious battles in DaVE.


With a defiant laugh, husky in it’s projection, the beloved Hardcore ICON quickly fills the awkward scenario, witnessing a LEGEND practically suffering straight through pain on a typical day, with a shocking sense of insight.


[John “Nemesis” Campbell]:
Don’t let anyone fool ya. Taking 10 straight chair shots to the head hurts like a son-of-a-b*tch… but it’s the arthritis, some 20-years later, that has you feelin’ like you’re on the brink of death’s door.


A lingering smirk continues to reside upon his face which seems to be in stark contrast to the pain most obviously radiating from his broken frame. Regardless of the pain though, John’s never been known to be a b*tcher & that’s certainly on display as the aging warrior defies his own dwindling state to still appear invincible. Sadly, even though his attempts are strong, there’s no denying that John Campbell is on a fast-track to an early death; if not a cane at some point within the next few years.


[John Campbell]:
Some days are better than others... But no one put a gun to my head; well at least not within the ring.


Another stint of husky laughter is heard as he continues to wrench upon his deteriorating hands.


[John Campbell]:
I knew I wouldn’t age gracefully. Then again, who says I wanted to? This is the price you pay when you step into the ring. Long after the lights go down, the boots are hung up, and the fans forget your name, you’ll find yourself losing the battle against the one foe you can’t overcome… Reality.


John nods his head in a matter of fact kind of manner. Meanwhile, he never takes his eyes off of the camera lens before him.


[John Campbell]:
It’s too strong, too fast, and a damn b*tch to pin down…


Another short stint of husky laughter is heard; however, this time, it appears as though a lightning bolt of pain has just surged through his crackling hands. With that, taking the brunt of the pain full-on, as he would do in any way, at any time, John digs down deep and utilizes his best “Nemesis”; biting back the intense pain with an arrogant snarl.


Projected behind the camera lens, the documentarian brings forth a question many have on the very tip of their collective tongue.


Why come back then? What pulled you back to professional wrestling when your body may be best served healing for once?


A devilish, rock-n-roll-like, snicker forms upon John’s face as he shakes his head in a ‘no’ fashion. While the question may seem obvious, to John it seems like the sheer fact of walking away is not entirely possible.


[John Campbell]:
I can’t get enough…


His typical husky laughter his heard as, for a brief second, his thought process appears to pull away from the pain radiating from his every pour.


[John Campbell]:
It’s like a drug; there’s no real way of truly walking away. Rip [Chord], [sam] Strong, Dread, [sam] Keith, Johnny [Martin], [Alex] Braun… A lot of these guys should have ‘moved on’ long ago. Have they? Nah. It’s in our blood. Once this is gone… We’re most likely to follow. Tell me this, what does a wrestler do after his days are done?


I don’t know… what?


[John Campbell]:
Die; and I don’t plan on dying anytime soon.


A devilish grin forms upon his face once again as the aging Hardcore ICON leans farther back into his chair. Sadly, even this small stint of movement appears to be difficult. Wincing, his rigid frame looks like it’s impossible to simply move.


Then I guess I should ask, why WAR? Why not rekindling the past with Eisen? Jumping on-board with Cornell? There was even talk about you fronting your OWN company. Why this one? Why now?


[John Campbell]:
Why WAR? It’s pretty damn simple. J.K. is what brought me to the dance here. You can call him the pi-piper or whatever the hell that is.


What about J.K. brought you on board?


[John Campbell]:
Just the raw energy this guy has surging through his veins. This isn’t your typical wrestling promoter; not by a long shot. There’s something different with this kid; something extra. Now, I didn’t know a lick about him when he was fronting HGC, just gaining my knowledge from the same ways we all did, but this kid appears to have his sh*t finally together. WAR is a great concept. It’s a great way to swing the ‘sharpened axe’ we’ve all come to gain in this industry. At the end of the day, I’d rather endorse something with soul than swallow my pride, tuck my cahones, and stagger out on Cornell or Eisen’s stage… It just aint happening…


What about those who say you only came aboard for the pay day? Even you have to know that there’s a lot of controversy circulating around your addition.


Again, the husky laughter seems to follow as John leans back into his chair; rolling his eyes in the process. While he’s not entirely an animated figure within the ring, at least in later years, he’s often been perceived as ‘one of the boys’ backstage; even at the height of his career.


[John Campbell]:
I aint gunna lie… The money doesn’t hurt. However, that’s not the reason I came back. I aint like Rip [Chord]. His life depends on raking in the cash; feeding his demons. I was doin’ just fine down in Mexico. My shack was paid for and the weather was only second to the women when it came to beauty… I wasn’t in an any rush. But, when J.K. came calling, pitching a new idea, I just couldn’t turn down something like WAR. This is a once-in-a-lifetime thing and, as I said before, I aint planning on dying anytime soon. I’ve got a sh*t-ton more livin’ to do…


After being out of the spotlight for years now, since the closure of DaVE in 2007, it looks as though John is enjoying the back-and-forth Q & A approach. A man who often turned down in-depth interviews in the past, keeping the “Nemesis” persona as a façade of sorts, unwilling to break free from it’s legendary confines, as he’s aged, taking on a new role in his career, it seems as though the aging ICON is comfortable with stepping forward in a new way; with a new tone.


How does it feel to be working with your son?


A large grin forms upon John’s face as it’s apparent that Ash is truly the ‘light of his life’. Nodding his head with approval, John continues forth with a sense of happiness; projected from within the gritty frame that makes up his external appearance.


[John Campbell]:
He’s a good boy, Ash. He worked his a$$ off to get where he is right now; you’ve got to hand it to the kid. He didn’t want to ride on anyone’s coattails and that’s something you’ve GOT to respect. I’m looking forward to our time here; working with each other for the first time. It’s going to be a great experience that’s for sure.


Was it part of the deal with J.K. that Ash be brought aboard?


John places a finger over his mouth in a ‘shhhh’ like fashion as a gritty smirk forms upon his face.


[John Campbell]:
It is what it is. J.K. and I had long conversations before we even sat down to negotiate a contract. By that point, he knew what my selling points were. Actually, it only took a matter of 5 minutes to cement the final deal. We were on the phone and it was like ‘yea, yea… oh yea’ as I kept on hearing what he was offering.


Another stint of husky laughter is heard roaring from within the gritty, weathered, frame of John Campbell.


So, that’s a yes about Ash being on the table during negotiations?


John smirks once again. Then, a quick wink follows as the pain-stricken LEGEND appears to be surpassing his own physical torture with the distraction of the conversation at hand.


[John Campbell]:
I plead the fifth… Ash is his own man; a good kid just looking to make his own way. That’s all I can say.


With that, the footage comes to a halt with the sight of John smirking into the camera like a kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar. The pain once seen radiating from his weathered face has seemingly subsided for a brief second through conversation. While it’s expected that nothing has changed, that his body is most certainly failing him after years of dreaded hardcore torture, for a brief second, the wrestling LEGEND finds physical peace through the distraction of an opening Q & A.



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2nd Week of January, 2010

... Confidence unveiled ...


The camera lens ignites into existence as a hazed screen is shown immediately. Seconds later, finally coming back into focus, the presence of J.K. Stallings Jr. is shown seated a few feet from the documentarian. Calm in his demeanor, crossing his legs before him, the professionally dressed billionaire appears to be much more subdued than we’ve seen previously. His mannerisms are much more tranquil; most likely due to the fact of being further removed from such a highly publicized return to the greater public.


Staring directly into the camera lens, the slight hint of a confident smirk appears to be forming for the first time. The anxiety-laced demeanor that once defined him, at least as it pertains to the anticipation of his recent return, has obviously waned greatly. In no way would he be defined as arrogant at this point. Rather, one who has found a sense of peace within something; at least for now.


Often, in our conversations, you’ve said that ‘money talks’… Is that what happened with Tony Rennie?


The small semblance of a confident smirk returns; however, albeit brief. Seconds later, he’s already returned to his recently discovered state of calm. Nodding his head in approval, turning his lips inward in a thoughtful fashion, the through-provoking billionaire finally addresses the ‘Tornado Scenario’.


[J.K. Stallings Jr.]:
It’s part of the story; yes. The three greatest tools for inspiration are Love, Money, and Revenge. With Tony, WAR offered him 2 of those 3…


I’m guessing Money & Revenge?


J.K. snickers slightly. Followed by an affirming nod.


[J.K. Stallings Jr.]:
Love is the one thing money can’t buy. I guess it’s my weakness as a businessman; I can’t offer EVERYTHING in a WAR contract.


Again, J.K. snickers to himself as he rests his right finger upon his boyish chin in a philosophical fashion. Basking slightly in his own attempt at humor, playing off of the power that even HE knows he possesses, J.K. leans backward further in his seat; sinking deeper into the black leather chair beneath his tailored dress pants.


I guess even the greats of our time have their own kryptonite…


The documentarian snickers himself; however, his attempt is somewhat tongue-and-cheek. While said documentarian seems to enjoy J.K.’s company, such a statement couldn’t come forth without a little underlying sarcasm.


Accepting the documentarian’s point of relishing, J.K. smirks in return. However, moments later, the smirk has seemingly subsided into a light grin. More or less, while recently bitten by extreme anxiety, at least as it seemed, the resurgent billionaire appears to be reclaiming his stride.


Actually, it’s less of a reclaim, as Stallings was often seen as a wide-eyed, immature, boy in the past. In a way, it’s almost as if he’s finally living the ‘dream’ he had always longed for. An opportunity to return to the industry he loves most. This time, with a newfound sense of calculated strategy in which to topple those he conspires to destroy.


[J.K. Stallings Jr.]:
I guess so…


The waned smirk upon his face tells of a man most likely fixated within his own mind; slowly becoming more removed from the situation at hand as it’s obvious to see his own kool-aide stain upon his mouth. None the less, as the footage comes to an unceremonious end, the final image is that of J.K. looking off camera as he focuses his gaze elsewhere; possibly growing bored of their conversation in the process.









2nd Week of January, 2010

... and the Party starts ...


Another stint of footage is developed as the documentarian firmly rests his finger atop the weathered ‘record’ button. Coming into focus, still signifying that the novice documentarian is attempting to hone his recently adopted craft, the first sight is that of a man who had recently found an exodus from the Total Empire, Tony Rennie (Troy Tornado).


The obvious distinction is that of his blazing blonde hair which still reeks of bleach; marking it’s recent turn. His darkened facial hair, firmly hugging his chizzled jaw, stands in absolute contrast to such; however, creates a unique combination that signifies a rebellious spirit (one for which Tony’s been known to possess since his early childhood).


His posture is rather sluggish, hunched to the side as he rests his tattooed arm upon the chair’s, as his demeanor feels much like a party-fiend struggling to fight the killer hangover currently plaguing him. The pitch-black sunglasses resting upon his nose acting like his own personal secret service; protecting him from the blinding light that is the mid-day blazing Vegas sun.


It’s obvious that Tony had an eventful night as the apparent lack of sleep resides in his every mannerism.


Whether it’s the rumored newfound immense salary or the sheer fact that Sin City is his new place of sleepless residence, one thing is for sure: Tony Rennie, or Troy Tornado as we all know him, has found an exciting existence within J.K. Stalling’s declaring of WAR…


Rough night?


A large grin forms upon Tony’s face; however, the sheer pain of his hangover still seems to exist. His face seemingly possessing the very same sluggishness as the rest of his hunching frame as the oversized grin tells of a man who ‘saw it all’ last night.


[Tony Rennie]:
You could say that…


The oversized grin continues to reside upon his face as the documentarian moves onward with their taped conversation. Still looking physically depleted, hiding behind his midnight-black sunglasses, Tony appears to be truly happy within the sinful confines of his new residence.


There are many unnamed voices within the bunch who’ve claimed that you’ve ‘lost control’ since your fallout with Total Championship Wrestling. Boozing, abusing, and strolling the Strip at all hours of the day and night. Is this true?


Shaking his head with an emphatic ‘no’, Tony attempts to forge a sense of ‘damage control’ for his public persona.


[Tony Rennie]:
Have I enjoyed my time here in Vegas? Hell yea, I have. Have I lost control? Not in the slightest. To be honest, It’s just great to finally be where I am today; I’m celebrating my re-birth in the wrestling industry.




Tony nods his head in a serious manner as it’s rather obvious that this subject is something he’s thought long and hard over. That said, for a brief second the hangover feel seems to subside. Instead, Rennie seems entirely fixated on telling HIS side of the story.


[Tony Rennie]:
I busted my a$$ for Cornell. I went out there night in-and-night-out, from city-to-city, traveling across borders, in which to show that I bled TCW steel. I broke bones, bruised my body, and tempered my spirit, all in hopes of one-day being seen as ‘THE’ guy. The thing is, that ‘aint gunna happen for anyone in that locker room. There’s only room for ONE man on top and that man carries the last-name Cornell. The second I realized that, opening my eyes to the truth, was the very second that I packed my bags for elsewhere. I was sick and damn tired…


What specifically made you so mad?


Shaking his head in disbelief, looking down at the ground for a brief second, Tony looks like a man mulling over a personal mistake. His posture, his body language as a whole, tells of someone who is slowly coming to grips with his own inability to witness the truth sooner; possibly saving himself years of back-tracking in the process.


[Tony Rennie]:
In almost six years of service, I had ONE, count it, ONE, championship reign under the TCW banner. While his little pet-projects came onto the scene, I worked my a$$ off in hopes of cementing my own spotlight. Sadly, I was fighting a losing battle it seems. That b*tch was damn good at throwing promises your way; however, doing very little to make good on them. At the end of the day, a wrestler can go out there and steal the show night-in-and-night-out but it comes down to your management to secure your legacy. Faith, Bruce, Chord, Strong, none of them would be ANYTHING without a proper push from management. In my case, I worked for a d*ck who couldn’t help but float his own ego. ‘Aint no one going to ‘get over’ when management won’t look past those in their f*cking ‘Inner Circle’… It’s bull-sh*t if you ask me; or most of the boys for that matter…


There are others out there who claim that it was YOU who put this all into motion; that YOU were the prima-donna and not Cornell. What would you say to them if they were here right now?


Again, Tony shakes his head in disgust. A sense of anger seems to reside underneath his party-boy demeanor. That said, such anger appears to be most feverous when attention is paid to his dreaded, and highly publicized, fallout with TCW.


[Tony Rennie]:
You don’t know sh*t! That’s what I would say. I know what I went through; the hoops, the back-door deals, the obvious favoritisms. ‘Aint no b*tch hiding behind a computer going to retell my history. I earned these scars… f*ck them for thinking they know it all when they obviously don’t.


Luckily, it’s all in the past…


[Tony Rennie]:
It may be in the past but that chip isn’t falling off my shoulder anytime soon.


That seems to be a running theme in WAR; having a chip on one’s shoulder.


Tony nods in a way to agree with the documentarian before him. Seconds later, his recently angered presence seems to drift ever so slightly. At this point, that devilish grin has again formed upon his deeply tired face.


[Tony Rennie]:
We’re a band of guys with our axes already ground…


Now, I understand that you wanted out of TCW but why not Eisen or Strong? I’m sure both would have loved to have you on board as well.


A grin forms upon Tony’s face one again as he rests back comfortably in his chair. While it appears he’s waking up at a greater pace, it’s still obvious that the notorious partier is still descending the theoretical treacherous mountain that is a hard-liquor hangover.


[Tony Rennie]:
F*ck Eisen. Why would I go somewhere like SWF when I’d be stuck in the same sh*t-storm as I was in TCW.


That being?


[Tony Rennie]:
Eric Eisen. No matter how hard anyone busts their a$$ in that locker room, that dip-sh*t Eric will always rise to the top; just like the floating turd that he is. His name makes it possible.


Just like Cornell and TCW…


Tony nods again as it’s rather obvious that he’s just as heated about SWF in the grand scheme of things. While he never worked for the Supreme Empire, most tend to devalue it’s stature simply for being the ‘bully on the block’.


And Strong? What about USPW?


Tony bursts into laughter at an explosive pace; slapping his right hand down upon his lap in the process. After a strong belly-laugh, one that signifies he wasn’t expecting the question entirely, Tony leans back in his chair once again; fighting back the last remnants of his laughter.


[Tony Rennie]:
… And work for that a$$hole? That ‘aint never going to happen with me. I’ve seen how Strong works and I ‘aint going down that cr@-shoot. Plus, my ‘style’ doesn’t really fit their afterschool special.


Again, Tony begins to laugh; however, at this point, the tone feels much more dubious in nature; hinting to his own sinful ways I suppose.


So why WAR? Why Stallings? What is it about THIS that brought you aboard?


In a thoughtful fashion, Tony leans back in his seat and takes a moment to think his answer through. Puckering his lips slightly, nodding his head in the process, it appears as though Rennie is quite confident with what he’s about to say.


[Tony Rennie]:
He has his head on right; unlike before. Stallings has grown into the kind of guy you’d go to battle for. The kind of man that everyone loves to work for. Now, he wasn’t that way when he first opened HGC; far from it. But, he’s grown into it now.


What’s changed?


[Tony Rennie]:
Everything, really. When he first hired me in HGC, I thought he was a snot-nosed punk. He knew NOTHING about the industry but pretended like he knew ALL the answers; a real smark if you ask me. Now though, he’s a real man; the kind of guy who ‘gets it’. Plus, he stumbled upon a pair of cahones in the last 6 years or so…


Again, Tony begins to laugh; however, this time, in a more dismissive fashion.


How does he ‘get it’; as you say? What’s different about him NOW than before?


[Tony Rennie]:
I don’t know. I mean, this time around he’s hired people like John [Campbell], Eknath [Dutta], and Eric [Tyler] in which to formulate the creative side of things. Before, he trusted weasels like Strong to do stab him repeatedly. That alone is a huge difference. Plus, he seems much more involved than I ever remember him being. He’s a real OCD clown at times…


Laughing at the notion, Tony imitates someone with OCD much like anyone would stereotype their population; overly washing his hands at a frantic pace. After this is over, Rennie dives back into his chair again; displaying a smug smirk upon his face.


[Tony Rennie]:
I kid though. He’s good people. Straight away, he came out and put it simply… You play hard… You get paid hard. He’s got money like a bank. While he had it before, it seems like he’s more focused on HOW to spend it versus just throwing it out there for sh*ts and giggles.


Is he paying you well?


A coy smirk forms on Tony’s face as he fights back every fiber in his being; attempting to not outwardly grin like a greedy mad-man.


[Tony Rennie]:
I’m set; that’s all I’ll say. My contract has everything I was looking for and then some. At the end of the day, I’ve got to put food on my table right?


Tony laughs outwardly rather heartily.


A table set for all of Vegas?


[Tony Rennie]:
… and then some…


An arrogant grin forms upon Tony’s face as it’s glaringly apparent that he’s making a considerable amount with his newly generated WAR contract. While rumors place it somewhere around 30k a month, many within the WAR family believes it to be even larger than that. When adding in the ‘perks of his signing’, there are many who have come to see the rebellious partier as the obvious ‘front-man’ for Wrestling Action in Revolt.


All in all, as the footage comes to a close, overhearing the ruffling noises of the documentarian searching for the elusive ‘stop’ button, the final image is that of Tony Rennie lazily hunched back in his chair. An arrogant smirk still resides as a slight nod even begins to form. More or less, while subtle in nature, it’s obvious to see that the 32-year-old rebel is living on ‘cloud nine’ these days; all under the WAR banner. In the end, though, it will remain to be seen whether or not his newfound freedom, and the actions he takes under said newfound freedom, will ultimately be detrimental to his health and career.



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Emerging from the smoldering ashes of a fire scorned, Wrestling Action in Revolt debuts this month with an aptly titled event: “World War III”. Many years past their collective point of collision, many of THE hottest rivalries in global professional wrestling will clash within the grandiose walls of the Las Vegas Empire Hotel & Casino. With their hatchets unearthed, who will be the powerful few that can overcome their dreaded foe; obtaining the one very thing that binds them all together…




After collectively being on hiatus, two of THE most brutal MMA fighters in American history will square off for the first time within a wrestling ring; all under the banner of WAR.
Buddy Garner
, known for bending and breaking body parts mercilessly, will place his submission-based warfare to the test as he encounters the heavy-fisted King of the jarring KO,
Raul Hughes
, in a bout that’s bound to push both competitors to the brink of devastating injury. Who will win? Better yet, who will survive this brutal act of WAR?



One of THE most tense rivalries below the border comes to the United States as two famed Luchadors clash in an accelerated WAR of epic proportions. After terrorizing Mexico for years, developing a number of heinous plots around the mainland,
Genio Verde
brings his brand of evil to WAR as he competes with his long-time rival in
Snap Dragon
. Now, bringing their explosive altercation to the north, WHO will bring victory their way within the confines of Sin City?



Once seen as one of THE hottest tag teams on the American scene, the exciting “Fly Boys” have recently found themselves at fervid odds. While working on the indy circuit,
James Prudence
made his true-self known as he selfishly turned on his long-time partner,
Donnie J
, in ugly fashion. After traveling the country side-by-side, forging an iron-clad friendship in the process, the former “Fly Boys” now seemingly have very little in common; the only thing being hatred for one another.



Three years after the death of DaVE, two men who helped to define the extreme nature for which the company projected will compete under a new banner; that being WAR. While their experiences were certainly different, standing at opposite ends of the accomplishment spectrum, the long-standing rumor of a heated locker room confrontation between the two will finally come to a head within the four corners of combat that is the WAR squared circle.
, once known under a different name, will attempt to overcome the DaVE LEGEND that is “The Cornerstone”
Johnny Martin
. Can the newfound attitude change help the “GOD of WAR” knock his former DaVE-mate from the pedestal he still believes to live upon? It all remains to be seen…



Weeks after publically divorcing Total Championship Wrestling,
Troy Tornado
returns to professional wrestling in an attempt to answer a long-standing question for most Coastal Zone fans: “Would
Fox Mask
have had the same lofty success if Tornado had never left”? After years of dominating the South-West scene, Fox Mask, in the same breath, will do all he can to silence shadowed critics by overcoming the rebellious wave that is Troy Tornado. Who will win and in turn come away as the unsung KING of the West Coast? A battle AS Iconic as this can ONLY happen at “World War III”!



After 30 years of bruising, abusing, and fusing bones to one another, the Wrestling LEGEND
will officially mark his in-ring retirement as he steps into a WAR ring for the first-and-final time. A GOD amongst hardcore men, Nemesis has forged a career for the ages; however, his loose-cannon mentality often brought about just as much pain for himself as his hated rivals. With this in mind, physically depleted and psychologically drained, the unsung Hardcore Hero will bid ado one final time as he squares off against his long-time opposite in “The Traditionalist”
Eric Tyler
. Join WAR this month as Nemesis says farewell to his in-ring career; hanging up his boots one last time.




World War III Quick Picks

Buddy Garner vs. Raul Hughes

Genio Verde vs. Snap Dragon

Donnie J vs. James Prudence

Ares vs. Johnny Martin

Fox Mask vs. Troy Tornado

Eric Tyler vs. Nemesis


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Fantastic job, my friend! It reads more like a novel than a forum post, so congratulations on that. WAR also has that 'Eisen-verse' feel that you seem to be able to create - can't wait for the shows to begin :D


Buddy Garner vs. Raul Hughes

Genio Verde vs. Snap Dragon

Donnie J vs. James Prudence

Ares vs. Johnny Martin

Fox Mask vs. Troy Tornado

Eric Tyler vs. Nemesis

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I'd give reasons for my picks, but I don't really have any until the first show is posted :D


Buddy Garner vs. Raul Hughes

Genio Verde vs. Snap Dragon

Donnie J vs. James Prudence

Ares vs. Johnny Martin

Fox Mask vs. Troy Tornado

Eric Tyler vs. Nemesis

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