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WAR on the Vegas Strip...

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Great stuff as usual. Nemesis is fired. I know that Nemesis isn't gone and i expect him to wage war the only way he knows how, violently.(Perhaps he gathers some troops, he is the WAR general after all.) Troy is still on top the Blitzkrieg division is in full swing. J.K. Stallings Jr has lost his freaking mind. Either the entire promotion burns to the ground or it's gonna go global with a mad man in charge.


Should have known to call Cletus coming in and taking out PRP. I do wonder if Cletus will get a brother or cousin and we'll get a PRP/Brutus vs Cletus/??? match.

Leper Messiah taking out everyone works. Had to get rid of Damien and pushing a menace angle really works. A boost all around, well not for Damien.

The prat still finds a way to come back and be himself, even in a mask he's a arrogant jerk. Feed him to leper.. PLEASE!!


I thought that Troy and Ares would have giving you a better rating but the match was solid and i never saw it coming. I could see that match again later in the year, they seem like a good pairing.


Travis Century is growing on me, a bit of Fallen Angel Christopher Daniels to him, i like it. Should be fun watching him taunt Troy, always coming close to getting in the ring but holding back till just the right moment.



I knew it'd be worth the wait. Great stuff. Can't wait to read more.

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Thank you, Timber, for your feedback on Episode #5. It was a great surprise to wake up to this morning! Again, thank you for that as I had A LOT of fun writing this last episode/setting up WAR in it's 'new era'. There's much more ahead for Wrestling Action in Revolt and it's great to know that you're excited to keep up!
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Once the proud WAR General, now a detained psychiatric patient.


What a difference a week can make. It was only a few hours ago that the former WAR General was fired & later arrested due to what the LVPD is labeling “aggressive intent”. While the action certainly caught the wrestling LEGEND off-guard, the whole scenario appears to have sent crazed extremist into a dizzied downward spiral; one that ripped him of his own dignity as he was shoved into the back of a squad car.


Many expect this won’t be the LAST we see of Nemesis; however, for the time being, Wrestling Action in Revolt is entirely the haven of it’s resurgent owner, J.K. Stallings Jr, as Nemesis is reportedly being detained in a psychiatric ward due to being a “threat to himself and others” at this time. Now, with the WAR General no longer a check-and-balance to the owner, one has to wonder WHAT Stallings will have in-store for his company?


If this last episode of “Battleground” is any example then Wrestling Action in Revolt is certainly on the verge of an explosive revolution…










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WAR says Goodbye... to Steve Smith...


After six-months of service, and widely being dubbed as the “Voice of WAR”, Wrestling Action in Revolt announcer Steve Smith has left the organization HE helped to shape from it’s infancy. While it comes as a shock to us all, it’s being reported that the British-born communicator has found employment elsewhere and will be joining his new company within the coming weeks.


We would like to wish him ALL the best for the foreseeable future as Steve, the consummate professional that he is, would certainly seek the same for WAR.


When reached for comment on the matter, the newly resurgent WAR owner had this to say:


“He’s a great talker. HOWEVER… Just like YODA… Even the greatest of speakers will perish in the end!! This NOW opens the door for a NEW voice to usher Wrestling Action in Revolt into a GREAT tomorrow! I look forward to hiring THAT person…”


In connection, Steve Smith’s long-time partner behind the WAR commentary desk, Slick Rick, was also quoted in saying:


“Meh… Let the bastard leave. I AM the REAL talent behind the desk anyways…”


As you can see, even losing a big part of the WAR brand, there are many who are ready for a ‘new tomorrow’…










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Now's as good a time to de-lurk as any...


I've been reading this with interest since, I think, the start. EisenVerse, you might be the the best pure writer over here doing diaries...


Whilst it was someone else who lured me over here (PS and his long TCW run), yours is the OTHER diary I find myself eagerly hoping for updates for every time I log in.


(Also, I was kinda expecting you to stick with the documentarian for the long run... Make it a race between him and Stallings, who got their revenge first...)

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Well that's it, the lost of Steve Smith will be the death kneel of WAR. :)

Sad to see him go, you've made him a fun guy and great foil to Slick Rick. There are other announcers out that that are solid, but you'll need a nice balancing personality for Rick. Slick is an ass so he needs a nice guy to balance it all out. Perhaps a nice lady to smack the crap out of him from time to time.



Poor Nemesis, dude just needs to find a beach to relax on somewhere, but he'll be ok. He's far from done and when he returns, WAR will be more than just a name, for he will smash all in his way and dethrone the Mad Man! (something like that)

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For those just coming onto the thread today, Episode #5 of "Battleground" can be found on the previous page. Also, a few updates followed as well as one man was 'fired' and the other walked as he signed with another company.


As always, THANK YOU for continuing with your reading of WAR!

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Now's as good a time to de-lurk as any...


I've been reading this with interest since, I think, the start. EisenVerse, you might be the the best pure writer over here doing diaries...


Whilst it was someone else who lured me over here (PS and his long TCW run), yours is the OTHER diary I find myself eagerly hoping for updates for every time I log in.


Thank you Giel M. Honestly, I really appreciate the 'high praise' (hearing Andy Samberg's impersonation of Nicholas Cage). In all seriousness though, writing is truly a labor of love for me &, while I don't necessarily find interest in the current state of real-world wrestling, I certainly have a 'soft spot' near & dear to me as it pertains to pro wrestling. Luckily, with TEW/GDS, I'm able to scratch two itches at one time (while also having great readers like you on the other side of my computer).


So, thank you for that! :D


(Also, I was kinda expecting you to stick with the documentarian for the long run... Make it a race between him and Stallings, who got their revenge first...)


At first, I was planning on keeping the documentary style throughout; however, as time went on, I found that I needed a spark of sorts. In the past, I would have let my project fizzle as the perspective had grown old by then. In this case, by jumping perspectives, I've found a new avenue in which to tell the 'WAR on Sin City...' story.


I miss my documentarian every once in a while; however, I'm currently enjoying the view through Stallings eyes as well.


Well that's it, the lost of Steve Smith will be the death kneel of WAR. :)

Sad to see him go, you've made him a fun guy and great foil to Slick Rick. There are other announcers out that that are solid, but you'll need a nice balancing personality for Rick. Slick is an ass so he needs a nice guy to balance it all out. Perhaps a nice lady to smack the crap out of him from time to time.


Slick is a douche-bag; plain and simple. haha. That said, I 100% agree with you that he needs someone that can 'keep him in-line' behind the desk. As time goes on, he's bound to get even more outlandish, as I've always wanted to push the envelope with him; so, I've kicked around a few ideas as to who will be his counterpart for now. That said, he could always see an evolution for his status as well.


As for who is coming in Steve-o's place, I took a step back and tried to think of a replacement that would best touch upon Stallings' hiring practices. Seeing it through his eyes, I went out and signed a few people who could fill the role; however, decided upon one that really melds with the whole vision that Stallings has for WAR. It may come as somewhat of a surprise but I decided to 'change things up' with the newest hiring (versus what was my original intent with Steve Smith).


In the end, I feel the recent addition will add some credibility to the WAR announcing table as Slick Rick does ALL he can to do the opposite. haha. ;)


Poor Nemesis, dude just needs to find a beach to relax on somewhere, but he'll be ok. He's far from done and when he returns, WAR will be more than just a name, for he will smash all in his way and dethrone the Mad Man! (something like that)


Well, he did spend 2-years before WAR in an undisclosed location (as he was on hiatus leading into this version of the game); so, maybe he's going to go back wherever he came from? haha. I always envisioned him in a snowy, back woods, cabin in the middle of nowhere. Alone to his thoughts if you will. Is that where he's going now? We will see.


I DO have something in mind for Nemesis' future though. Not to give anything away, but I would think most would expect his return at some point, but he's currently at a crossroads that will prove beneficial for one person greatly. In the end, his moment of downfall will ultimately prove to breath life in another.

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Oh, I'm enjoying the current view through Stalling's eyes a lot as well. I just seem to have assumed you had a six-year plan... In which case, that race would've been the one to watch... :D


(I realize having a six-year plan is a dumb thing to do for Diary writers. But, well, the fact that your version of the C-verse is well-written enough that it could SUPPORT a six-year plan, at least in a mind as delusional as mine, should tell ya something about what you're doing right...)

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I'm sorta assuming next "guy" in will be a lady. Not sure who could do it, don't know the game all that well. But the interplay between Rick and a woman PbP person could be HILARIOUS...


Slick would love it. She, whoever she would be, would most likely not. haha. That said, if a female were to sit behind the desk with him, she'd have to have an ability to shed constant hitting on, simple degradation, harassment, etc. ;)


Yea, he's an a$$hole and needs someone to put him in his place. It'd be GREAT to see a tough female be the one to knock him on his a$$ in the end. Will it be behind the desk? Maybe. In the end though, he'll get his at some point. Douches like him get their way for awhile, to rile up hatred, and eventually find someone to knock them down a size or two...


Oh, I'm enjoying the current view through Stalling's eyes a lot as well. I just seem to have assumed you had a six-year plan... In which case, that race would've been the one to watch... :D


(I realize having a six-year plan is a dumb thing to do for Diary writers. But, well, the fact that your version of the C-verse is well-written enough that it could SUPPORT a six-year plan, at least in a mind as delusional as mine, should tell ya something about what you're doing right...)


A six-year plan would be quite daunting seeing how I only get about 2-shows up a month (if not 3). So, that would be some MAJOR planning ahead. :D I do; however, think things through at least a month in advance. Well, I shouldn't say that I guess. I have a rough outline of what I'm looking for, and even that can change as episodes go; however, I do leave a degree of wiggle-room to spark creativity in the moment.


It's awesome to know though, as a reader, it feels/reads like an in-depth development (as I do my very best, with my time permitting, to do exactly that). I've always said, I would only write a dynasty if I felt like I could keep up with the depth that I deem as important for telling a well-rounded story. So, to know that it's coming across like that, I know that I'm not kidding myself at this point. :D

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New development, 'through the eyes of Stallings', post to come late tonight (early morning if need be); however, first, I wanted to return some feedback. With that in mind though, said development is sure to change the course for WAR going forward. It may be good, or it may hurt us greatly, but it's going to truly make a difference.


Until then though, onto some responses...

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Good show...gonna miss Steve Smith though, voice of reason in the insanity that is WAR!


You're completely right here. Ole' Steve-o was certainly a 'sane voice' amongst the insanity of WAR. Now, that he's gone, there's no doubt that it'll further spiral into the abyss no doubt.


It would be funny if it was Coyote Dynamite... these two would then be known as The Assasins.


The CMCK would be a viable choice for an all heel desk.


It's entirely possible. I mean, I hired Hopkirk/Payne/Shearer pretty much solely for the reason of creating a storyline around Troy Tornado. I never really wanted them from a grade perspective, as they are pretty much abysmal, but they added further depth to the champ as company progressed.


Where are they now? Hopkirk is still here; however, Payne/Shearer are back on the unemployment line.


With Coyote, there's always the possibility of having him in the fold, to help build up Slick; however, if that were the case, it would be more like the previous example than anything long term.


That said, I like your thinkin'. :D


Great show as always Eisen always real in depth and detailed. Blitzkrieg is really developing for you it seems. They have worked their way up from definite opener to very possible semi main imho.


I'm extremely happy with how the Blitzkrieg division has developed thus far. As you said in your previous match prediction for this episode, while I've created the Coastal Zone influence as a way to legitimize the division, it's now time to prove that the Blitzkrieg aspect is greater than that of CZCW's impact. I honestly wanted to comment earlier; however, didn't want to clue anything just yet (as I wanted the heel/Blitzkrieg team's win to resonate on it's own).


In a way, Stallings wanted to bring in the Coastal Zone vibe to eventually do what Vince McMahon did to ECW; re-brand it so that he could eventually 'kill it'. It should come as NO shock that Stallings hates Cliff Anderson & wants to crush CZCW in the process. So, by bringing in the Coastal Zone influence, WAR is able to A) bring early legitimacy to the Blitzkrieg division, B) ultimately prove the Blitzkrieg brand to be BETTER than the CZCW brand, and C) crush CZCW by comparison in the end.


Now, there's still more development that needs to come but, so far, I'm really happy with how it's progressed.

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07.09.10 - 9:24 AM


Tension had overflown like a dormant volcano re-energized; building uncontrollable strength through years of brooding hatred.


In a simpler time, Sam [strong] would have no qualms with crushing me underneath his genetically-altered frame. However, those days, have long past. No longer am I the same 16-year old, wide-eyed, overwhelmed, teenager. Today, his brutish bullying is met with the harsh defiance of a 30-year old hell-bent on not taking ‘his sh*t’ anymore.


Today, the true war has begun…


While the inception of our joint-hatred stems from our time in Hollywierd, the most recent form has utilized the practice of talent raiding as the dry kindle to a long burning fire.


The first to bolster the flame was Strong with the theft of DAMiaN from WAR. There are some who claim that I acted too quickly, firing DAMiaN with a personal vendetta in mind versus business foresight; however, those who state such simply do not understand our industry. I, personally, had placed the bruising powerhouse as a rising ‘pet project’ of sorts. It was my goal, from day one, to prepare young DAMiaN for the bright-lights of professional wrestling lore. So, when Strong swooped in and offered him a contract, and he eventually accepted such, the man I once saw as a potential ICON was now ‘damaged goods’ from a brand perspective. Why would I push someone, utilize someone, grow a character within our ranks, if I had to SHARE him with anyone else?


Why would I seat young DAMiaN in the seat of the high-powered WAR machine… ONLY… to have him walk onto ‘American Wrestling’ and counteract ALL I had done to build his legacy?


Simply put, he was ‘dead to me’…


… just as any wrestler who dare leave my kingdom would be.


I may have enough money to buy and sell some of the biggest names of our industry… but….


… I don’t plan on ever putting my money behind a man, or woman, who can’t give me sole authorship.


WAR is not another destination. It is to be THE destination.


I may have been the second to further the flame; however, it was the act that ultimately labeled our heated connection as a wild inferno.


Those within my inner circle know of my love of women’s wrestling. The beauty, the raw sexuality, the grace, of these scantily-clad performers is an art-form that the American public simply does not know to this point. Up until now, the only REAL presentation of such on a mainstream level is USPW. Sadly, to that note, such a display has been nothing short of underwhelming.


So, with the thought of further development, extending the WAR brand into avenues unseen thus far, I personally reached out to a young beauty of USPW fame with hopes of gaging interest in a NEW women’s wrestling approach. We talked briefly, informally, over a string of an hour, and yet this conversation, one halfway across the country, ultimately pushed ole’ Sammy boy to ‘snap’.


I get it. Raven Nightfall has been a strong performer for him since developing HIS brand of women’s wrestling. That said, HIS brand is entirely uninspiring.


In reality, even with the conceptual thought of a new wave, the building of a potential ‘golden age’ of women’s wrestling, there’s no telling if Raven would actually ‘jump ship’. Sure, I could throw money, stock options, creative controls, her direction until day turns to night; however, none of this would PROVE to pull her away from the only mainstream home she’s known thus far.


I don’t blame her…


… but I want her and I plan on trying to GET her.


With the theft of one, and the potential theft of another, the trading blows have now brought our boxing match to that of a full-on, knock-out, brawl.


In the end, this is a fight I will not lose.


I don’t want to win…


I want to destroy!
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You will probably do great work with a women's division, combining actual wrestling skill with attitude era "smut". But as a slight caveat and more general perception I am getting kind of tired with everyone and their mother starting a women's division especially if compared to 2008 and even more so 2005. Guess TNA has done some good things, even if the division isn't at it's (co) peak at this time lol. Also I am a fan of women's wrestling its more that too many diaries introduce one now imho. Don't let this deter you from starting one though it's just a general perception. BTW blitzkrieg + Women, just need a stronger tag scene and you got a TNA meets ECW product, which would be cool.
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Looks to me like DAMiaN leaving could be the best thing that could happen to Leper Messiah's career. The only thing really against a big singles push for him is that Cletus already has the top destructive monster heel role, but perhaps Messiah could fall under Century's influence going forward. For all his preaching and bile, I suspect Century would be quite happy for someone else to do his dirty work and take apart Tornado (just leaving him the final glory).


Still loving Stallings' ongoing transformation. As for a Women's Division, I've got no reason preference. Maybe Stallings just wants to dress Raven Nightfall up as a sci-fi vixen.


I'm also curious to see who you find to replace Smith at the announce desk, but equally a little sad to see him go.


Oh and I noted with a smile that after Stallings fired Nemesis, you also stripped him of his WAR General title in his speech tags. Nice touch that. :cool:

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Dude, if you make a competitive women's division, i'll freak! Oh and J-RO!


J-RO is a ridiculous talent and one that I'm more than happy to highlight in a WAR women's division. Funny enough, she's actually been on the WAR roster for the last month (in-game) as I've kicked around the idea of a women's division (and she's the only one thus far).


Without giving too much away, I hired her because I had actually envisioned this starting earlier; however, pulled the plug on the idea as other things became more pressing (Blitzkrieg). Now that that division is starting to develop nice and well, giving it time to have it's own two feet to stand on, there's always the possibility of tapping into a new talent pool; with J-RO being the one to possibly 'fire the first shot' of sorts...


You will probably do great work with a women's division, combining actual wrestling skill with attitude era "smut". But as a slight caveat and more general perception I am getting kind of tired with everyone and their mother starting a women's division especially if compared to 2008 and even more so 2005. Guess TNA has done some good things, even if the division isn't at it's (co) peak at this time lol. Also I am a fan of women's wrestling its more that too many diaries introduce one now imho. Don't let this deter you from starting one though it's just a general perception. BTW blitzkrieg + Women, just need a stronger tag scene and you got a TNA meets ECW product, which would be cool.


I totally understand the feeling, Hyde. Most dynasty's try to 'shake things up' by adding a Women's Division (as the only other mainstream company is USPW currently; so, it gives you room to corner a market that isn't quite developed yet). With my go about it, it's exactly that; to try to use something like Women's division to set WAR apart from the rest of the cornellverse (independent of those dynasty's out there today).


I'm sure it comes across as 'oh no, not another one...' but I hope I can change your mindset on that in time. I've got some ideas of how I want the division to go &, as always, the division wouldn't start with just a "Hey, here's a belt... wrestle for it"... as there would be a storyline that I've been kicking around for some time.


Will it even see the light of day? Possibly... possibly not. It's all still in the works! I do have limited TV time right now; however, if USPW were to raid us, now that our hostility has turned to war, then I may need to fill some time where I use to have others in that place.


Looks to me like DAMiaN leaving could be the best thing that could happen to Leper Messiah's career. The only thing really against a big singles push for him is that Cletus already has the top destructive monster heel role, but perhaps Messiah could fall under Century's influence going forward. For all his preaching and bile, I suspect Century would be quite happy for someone else to do his dirty work and take apart Tornado (just leaving him the final glory).


Oh, if you knew.... :) I'll just say that we think a like on some things, Sebs.


That said, this really is the greatest thing to happen to Leper Messiah's career; however, I don't believe Cletus handcuffs him really. They are menacing in two different ways; plus Messiah is around a "C-" in popularity where Cletus is a "D" (this gives Leper more strength as a potential superstar I believe).


Will this be his coming out party? I'm not 100% sold as he's already 34 and showing some stat decline (while small). With all of that in mind though, he's going to serve a great purpose right now & could possibly have sky as the limit if he performs well (the fact that he's a "C-" at this point makes me really happy & makes me feel he COULD be bigger than what he is now).


Still loving Stallings' ongoing transformation. As for a Women's Division, I've got no reason preference. Maybe Stallings just wants to dress Raven Nightfall up as a sci-fi vixen.


Believe me, a Stallings-led women's division would certainly have A LOT of crazy characters; Raven possibly as one of them if A) the division does come together and B) she actually jumps ship for a smaller company (versus USPW).


I'm also curious to see who you find to replace Smith at the announce desk, but equally a little sad to see him go.


He really has become a figurehead of the company, being behind the desk and all; however, I feel as though the 'next person' is more than strong enough to bring further credibility to the booth.


Oh and I noted with a smile that after Stallings fired Nemesis, you also stripped him of his WAR General title in his speech tags. Nice touch that. :cool:



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I'm sure it comes across as 'oh no, not another one...' but I hope I can change your mindset on that in time. I've got some ideas of how I want the division to go &, as always, the division wouldn't start with just a "Hey, here's a belt... wrestle for it"... as there would be a storyline that I've been kicking around for some time.


That feeling is already fully mitigated/ mindset changed by the fact that it will be you doing it with your own in depth format and more cult like style mixed with real wrestling. Like I said it was more a general observation. BTW you are forgetting NOTBPW as Canada and US are almost the same market talent wise in game.

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That feeling is already fully mitigated/ mindset changed by the fact that it will be you doing it with your own in depth format and more cult like style mixed with real wrestling. Like I said it was more a general observation. BTW you are forgetting NOTBPW as Canada and US are almost the same market talent wise in game.


While true, I think of it this way...


In America, simply put, we care more about what's going on here than anywhere else. There's the NFL... and then there's the CFL. It's not that we dislike Canada, it's really just that we don't pay attention all that much. haha. So, even with a women's division, I feel as though the viewing public in America would be rather 'meh' and not focus upon what's going on 'up there'.


At least, that's my justification for such. ha.

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To those about to wage in WAR, the battleground is the ultimate place for which LEGENDS are born. Putting everything on the line, a warrior has very little room for error. For, if one is to slip, even momentarily, mass destruction is almost an absolute certainty.


WAR is no place for the weak. When stepping onto the hallowed battleground, only one thing remains… Will you, or will you not, rise to the occasion?


Will you rise for your country? Will you rise for your family? Will you rise for greatness? Will you rise for your brothers? Will you rise… for the banner of WAR?


This and this alone is what measures a man…


… What turns an ordinary person into that of a LEGEND …


Who will dominate the Battleground?


WHO will become the LEGENDS of WAR?









With Ares taking center stage last week, many believe that the explosive
Blitzkrieg division
is certainly on the rise in Wrestling Action in Revolt. Fast-forward one week later and that notion will be put to the test as 15 aerial anarchists square off in what will most certainly be THE most chaotic
battle royal
in professional wrestling history. In the end, the last remaining will not only have the satisfaction of survival, even if it does mean certain injury, but will also be declared the
NEW #1 contender to the WAR Blitzkrieg championship
! Who will prevail? More importantly, will ANY of the fearless 15 come out of this crazy affair as well of as they came into it?




Puerto Rican Power
Brutus O’Leary
aren’t what you call ‘friends’. Truthfully, while knowing one another for a short time, one would say that they are quite the opposite. With that in mind though, these brutish equals will have to set aside their budding rivalry in which to overcome the viciousness of a lingering foe;
. To be fair, those across from them, Cletus and Hopkirk that is, aren’t all that friendly in their own right either. In reality though, no one really cares who is on who’s side as THIS match is more about grudges than anything else. Can Power/O’Leary work as a team to overcome the menacing combination of a back-home ‘grizzly’ and an aged rocker-douche? Conversely, can Hopkirk and Cletus find a common-language, one hellbent around destruction, en route to crushing their foes? Either way, this one is bound to be a brutish affair.



Jayson “Mr.” Wright
has long been known to be his sister’s keeper. As every punk, douche, and womanizer, came calling her name, the youthful Wright was ALWAYS there for protection. With that in mind, he’s become a ‘golden boy’ of sorts with a specific sector of the viewing public. This week though, good looks, heart, and determination, won’t be enough to get him the win. If anything, he’ll need his sister’s help MORE so than ever before; a fact that he resents it appears (help from his sister) despite being successful with such. For, this week, the man they call “Mr.” Wright will slam head-first into the destructive force that is…
“The Machine” Buddy Garner
. In the end, one has to believe that the youngster doesn’t stand a chance; however, if you listened to the critics, Jayson would have probably been living in obscurity LONG ago. Plus, “The Machine” has his OWN troubles as of late; attempting to prove, once again, that he is THE best technition in the world by staving off “Fear This!” Art Reed. Will “The Machine” bend and potentially break the newcomer into surefire victory? – OR – Will the recent battle with Art Reed prove to be too distracting; giving room for “Mr.” Wright to swoop in with a HUGE upset?



There will be blood; bad blood to be exact. While once stable-mates, the ugly truth of their shared history was uncovered this last week as
“The Ice Man” Alex Braun
made it known of his ‘second-fiddle’ disorder as it pertains to Johnny Martin. For years, Braun was, as he claims, ‘forced’ to the background in DaVE as Martin reaped ALL the benefits of their cult-fame. With that, company officials kept Martin on top, making him a true ‘untouchable’, as Alex struggled to simply stay afloat despite having very little attention paid. Fast-forward many years later and Braun is NOW focused on doing the ONE thing he always wanted to do in DaVE: end
Johnny Martin
. Can he do so? Does he REALLY have the talent to overcome a true ICON in Martin? – OR – Will the man they’ve dubbed “The Cornerstone” find yet another victory at the expense of his less-famous foe? All in all, in the end, there will be NOTHING holding these two back as J.K. Stallings Jr. has officially dubbed this a
Hardcore Match



Our main event is one shrouded in fear. Since this company’s inception,
Troy Tornado
has easily been THE most defining figure of WAR’s brand. He’s brash, arrogant, explosive, uncontrollable, and dripping in a sense of ‘dirty cool’, and, to this point, NO man, nor woman, has come close to matching his overall dominance between the ropes. That said, the man who now stands before him cares NOTHING about matching his great achievements. To
Travis Century
, he’s more focused upon the absolute destruction of our WAR Champion than simply defeating him. By contrast, Century is nothing like Tornado and it’s for that matter that the extreme religious zealot has zeroed in on ridding this world of a man he claims to be ‘pure evil’. In the end, this week’s main event is his first REAL chance to do so within the ropes; marking their first one-on-one encounter since Century debuted with a vicious attack at “Rise or Fall…” last month. Can the renegade rock-star overcome his religious radical foe? – OR – Are we on the verge of witnessing the absolute destruction of WAR’s greatest definer? It’s impossible to know the outcome; however, it’s expected that this altercation will be unlike ANYTHING this company has EVER seen before…






WAR Battleground Quick Picks

Blitzkrieg Battle Royal -- Winner?

Brutus O'Leary/Puerto Rican Power vs. Cletus/Hopkirk

Buddy Garner vs. Jayson Wright

Alex Braun vs. Johnny Martin

Troy Tornado vs. Travis Century


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WAR Battleground Quick Picks

Blitzkrieg Battle Royal -- Winner? Fox Mask. As a huge mark for the guy, i have to toss my vote for him. He's great in the ring and has the star power to really keep the division on top.


Brutus O'Leary/Puerto Rican Power vs. Cletus/Hopkirk

DQ or No Contest, you wont' get a clean win here, likely just a massive brawl into the crowd. This feud will continue for some time.


Buddy Garner vs. Jayson Wright

Wright is slowly moving up in the company but i don't see him getting the win here. Soon though, but i don't think the push starts now.


Alex Braun vs. Johnny Martin

Braun gets the best of Martin in this match up, should be good ratings.


Troy Tornado vs. Travis Century

I can't see this match happening just yet. Gotta be a swerve so I'm calling a no match beat down back stage or something of the like. Travis gets to stand tall here. He needs the bragging rights to drag out the feud a little longer.

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Blitzkrieg Battle Royal -- Winner?


Hmm no Jame....El Platinum Ey, well Donnie J then. To set up a contender feud with El Platinum or have them team up.


Brutus O'Leary/Puerto Rican Power vs. Cletus/Hopkirk


Have to come in strong if there is a winner.


Buddy Garner vs. Jayson Wright


Garner is ME, Wright is still midcard atm and having sister problems.


Alex Braun vs. Johnny Martin


Buddy wins so Braun loses and Martin lost the tag so evens it up. One must Die so that others may Live! (Kevin Sullivan)


Troy Tornado vs. Travis Century


walks out on him or DQ loss via savage attack stuff.


BTW ever considered bringing in Rick Sanders? A 100 experience tag team and they rarely get reunited, great midcard act. And if anyone can make Sanders an interesting character it's you. I challenge you to do it! muhahaha

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Blitzkrieg Battle Royal -- Winner?


Hmm no Jame....El Platinum Ey, well Donnie J then. To set up a contender feud with El Platinum or have them team up.


My mistake, Hyde (and everyone who has predicted thus far).


The Mexican wrestling LEGEND, El Platinum-ay, IS part of the battle royal match. I accidentally placed Fumihiro Ota in the match; however, actually didn't have him booked (for some reason that escapes me). So, I've made that change.


BTW ever considered bringing in Rick Sanders? A 100 experience tag team and they rarely get reunited, great midcard act. And if anyone can make Sanders an interesting character it's you. I challenge you to do it! muhahaha


He would certainly add some great depth to the tag team division; however, as of now, Johnny Martin has become a 'babyface' within WAR. With that in mind, the "Ace Express" (I believe is their name) may not work best given that Rick only plays a Heel well ("B" versus "D").


I really like the idea though as he's a serviceable midcard talent to round out the tag division. I may have to look further into it.


As of right now, I'm all ears on ideas for people to flesh out the roster. I may not always take the thought; however, it's great to have other sets of eyes out there. :D

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