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WAR on the Vegas Strip...

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For some odd reason, it STILL feels like PSW was your longest diary, even it's going to have technically less shows.


Yea, in post-counts it certainly trumps WAR (PSW that is). I ended up around 1,000 posts with that one and am just getting close to 600 at this point (despite surpassing in shows with "Firestorm"). Part of that is, I'm sure there were more John Greed stories but I don't know if it would contribute to 400 posts worth. Not sure though; it's been awhile.

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EV you are insane. I love this dynasty. I think it tops my fav from James Casey when he did his old MAW promotion. I can't wait for Firestorm!


Why yes, I am insane. ;)


As for placing me at Casey's level, I really appreciate that man. Honestly, his MAW project was really a defining project for him (and the GDS boards as well).


I'm looking for "Firestorm" too... :D


It's bound be a crazy show!

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Why yes, I am insane. ;)


As for placing me at Casey's level, I really appreciate that man. Honestly, his MAW project was really a defining project for him (and the GDS boards as well).


I'm looking for "Firestorm" too... :D


It's bound be a crazy show!


I'm really enjoying your storytelling so far. And i think you need another 20 or so shows to bring it to a conclusion if the conclusion is Stalling's defeat... And a true Phantom Stranger-like effort if it's a tale of his victory...


Either way, I'm along for the ride.

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As for placing me at Casey's level, I really appreciate that man. Honestly, his MAW project was really a defining project for him (and the GDS boards as well).

When it comes to storytelling and off-screen characterization, you are probably the best active diarist right now.

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I'm really enjoying your storytelling so far. And i think you need another 20 or so shows to bring it to a conclusion if the conclusion is Stalling's defeat... And a true Phantom Stranger-like effort if it's a tale of his victory...


Either way, I'm along for the ride.


I don't know if I'll be able to put on another 20-shows but I'm going to try to push as long as I can. My original goal was to book until the end of the summer, as I would be starting grad school in the fall, but if I don't feel 'complete' by then there's a chance I could just do more re-cap like results of shows (in which to keep the storylines going). They may not be AS in depth as what I do now, as now I actually have the time, but that's a bridge I'll cross at the mid/end of August.


All in all though, I'm going to keep on pushing as long as I can! So far, I'm just happy to have pushed THIS far given my recent track record for jumping around a bit. This project solidifies that I can keep one-direction going (thankfully).


Thank you for being 'along for the ride', Giel! :D You have NO idea how much that means to read.


When it comes to storytelling and off-screen characterization, you are probably the best active diarist right now.

Couldn't agree more ampulator.


Thank you for this guys. I take a lot of pride in trying to create unique, well-rounded, essence of 3-D characters. In a way, when you read a WAR event, or a Stallings perspective (even a website post for that matter), I want you to be immersed in the experience. I know that can be hard given that it's basically a reading format (no actual visuals outside of pictures and such) but I do my best to give characteristics to each person that ultimately sets them apart.


I guess, WAR really does exist in my head...


... My job is to get WAR to exist in yours as well.

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Jacob Jett vs. Jayson Wright vs. Slick Rick

Three-way Match

WAR Pin-up Girl Managing (Blondie/Jett, Dharma/"Mr." Wright, and Misty & Mandy/Slick)




Smirking like the jack-a$$ that he is, Slick Rick shocks the rabid WAR fan-base as he slowly shuffles out from behind the commentary desk (joining Misty & Mandy as either bombshell resides on each hip). Meanwhile, Jayson, having a long history of tension with the crude color commentator, is shown shaking his head in a level of frustration; hands on his hips as he’s obviously caught off-guard.


Jacob Jett, on the other hand, doesn’t seem to really care about anything but himself…


As Dharma slams her hands down upon the canvas from the outside, Misty & Mandy smirk collectively as if they pulled a fast one on us all, and Blondie checks her nails while paying VERY little attention to anything at all, the action within the ring stands as a contradiction of styles:


Jayson “Mr.” Wright as a technition with youthful desperation (more so than energy)…


Jacob Jett as a flashy, showboating, whirlwind of aerial excitement…


Slick Rick as a sneaky, underhanded, snarky, arrogant brawler…


In the end, to somewhat of a shock, it’s the dirty-nature that ultimately wins out as, despite not being perceived as a wrestler by the average WAR fan, Slick Rick plays his cards well.


Jacob Jett, while explosive, eventually burns himself out; falling victim to an eager Jayson Wright’s more ground-based approach. It’s not that he falls apart really. If anything, he actually feels like a REAL threat (especially given his great showing on “Battleground” this past week). That said, while a jaw-dropper to say the least, Jett eventually finds a chaotic end with a back-breaking Spinebuster by “Mr.” Wright as the “Amazing One” leaps from a top turnbuckle.


With Jett wincing in pain, rolling out of the ring in which to catch his breath again, a fact that doesn’t force Blondie to blink an eye (as she still focuses on little to nothing), “Mr.” Wright is shown buying into his own success for the moment; taking a second to flex his muscles in the first show of an alpha-streak (after being his sister’s b*tch for quite some time now). However, at the end of his flex, slowly turning a warrior-like fashion, Slick is shown pulling himself up to his feet in which to poke the youngster square in the eyes.


WAR referee, Jay Fair, calls Slick to step away; however, does not call for a DQ.


That said, with Jayson staggering away, the vile Slick eventually sweeps in in which to floor an unsuspecting “Mr.” Wright with a harsh double-arm DDT.


Upon impact, Dharma is shown throwing her arms up in the air in an act of frustration. Meanwhile, Misty & Mandy act as though they’ve won the lottery.


All that’s left is a standard three count in favor of the shocking victor, Slick Rick.


Slick Rick via pinfall

Ending Maneuver:
Double-arm DDT following a poke to the eyes of Jayson “Mr.” Wright

Ending Time:


Mitch Naess:
Well… I can’t say I saw this one coming…
One second, Slick’s behind the desk with me and now… well… he’s won his first match here in Wrestling Action in Revolt.
I guess you just can’t count out an a$$-hole… He’s willing to dig deep, put in the dirty work, and come away with a BIG win here tonight.
In doing so, Misty & Mandy come away with the bragging rights here tonight as, the person they brought to the dance, someone we ALL least expected, brought home a victory for them. I suppose you HAVE to say that they have an eye for talent…







Ringside Exit & Entrance of another

Involved: Slick Rick + Misty & Mandy, J.K. Stallings Jr.

“A$$-hole... meet A$$-clown!”


{Again, smirking like a major Jack-a$$, Slick is shown being sandwiched by twin-beauty as Misty & Mandy quickly celebrate with their winning asset post-match. With his arms all over the beautiful duo, a fact that they appear okay with, the sleazy, vile, crude and rude, former WAR commentator now looks out upon the crowd in a “I’m better than you”/wouldn’t you LIKE to be me kind of fashion.}


{The crowd boos like crazy in a complete show of hatred toward Slick. Meanwhile, with that said, it doesn’t feel like the crowd is showering Misty & Mandy with the same response. More or less, it feels like their disdain is left solely for the died-red degenerate.}


{After digging the dagger deep in the hearts of all who oppose him, Slick eventually exits the ringside area; however, not before he crosses paths with the OWNER himself…}


{With his triumphant, grandiose, overcompensating theme, the billionaire brat explodes through the “Gates of WAR” like an ADHD kid after drinking 3 red-bulls. Throwing his arms up high in the air, grinning from ear-to-ear in a comical-like fashion, the born-again nerd ultimately struts toward the ringside area; however, not before exchanging eye contact with a passing Slick (who has both Misty & Mandy on each hip). Wide-eyed, Stallings seems to show himself to be jealous of the arrogant punk.}


{Overtaking the ringside area, practically high-fiving EVERY fan in the process, Stallings eventually steps behind the desk in a dramatic fashion.}


{As Mitch appears shocked as ever, Stallings quickly makes himself comfortable; kicking his feet up onto the black commentary desk before him.}


Mitch Naess:

J.K. Stallings Jr:
It looks like you’re in NEED of a commentator tonight!!! I’m QUITE the talker!! Some say I never STOP talking… you know? I just feel it… deep within… can’t stop it… it’s just… ME… So, who better than the man who OWNS this place to do a little commentating?!?!?!

Mitch Naess:
This REALLY will make for quite a unique broadcast… that’s for sure…

J.K. Stallings Jr:
Just call me Mr. Unique… Or… Mr. Amaz… No… Mr. ALL-POWERFUL!! Yea, I like that! MISTER… ALL…POWERFUL!!!

Mitch Naess:
Okay, whatever you say boss!








Joanne Rodriguez vs. Ravyn

'Prove Yourself' Match


The Empire Coliseum pops rather energetically as a shadowed-bird-like video climaxes to the point of seeing the name “Ravyn” appear upon the Stallings tron. Seconds later, witnessing the lady we once knew as Raven Nightfall in USPW step through the “Gates of WAR”, there’s an air of shock overtaking the arena once again. With this in mind, sporting a playful grin upon her face, aware of the unsuspecting nature of her debut, the newly acquired Ravyn ultimately overtakes the ringside area as the overall energy of the room appears to grow rather strong.


Despite bringing her here, Joanne Rodriguez is shown fortifying herself in a nearby turnbuckle corner; pulling on the ropes behind her as she leans forward in a focused ‘here we go’ kind of manner.


With that said, ‘here we go’ is exactly how it all comes to explode into fruition as J-RO can’t even wait for the bell to ring before landing a Thez press square upon the newly acquired Ravyn; throwing punches like a mad-women before the “Bird of Prey” eventually reverses the very same position in which to throw her own round of furious strikes.


It’s this ferocious, unstoppable, if not desperate tone that ultimately comes to define their affair. In a way, the desire for both to be WAR competitors is quite evident as their point of contention is rather heated. Truthfully, while it feels quite personal, two women who WANT to both occupy the SAME winner’s circle, it’s almost more in-line with that of competition than hatred.


More or less, there’s a level of respect between the two underneath the fists of fury.


Striking, diving, clashing, splashing, these two talented women do ALL they can to overrun one another. At every turn, there is absolute competition. Each maneuver is typically challenged with a potential reversal, with some actually landing, as each pinfall is equally over-utilized.


In reality, it’s their joint desperation to prove themselves that continually brings about a pushed focus for a quick victory. That said, most of the pinfall attempts only make it to a 1 ½ count.


In the end, going at one another until the very last second, the final maneuver lands JUST as explosive as it all began…


Seconds after both crashing to the canvas following a high-cross-body-block from the top rope by Ravyn, both women are shown pulling themselves to their feet at a frantic pace; trying to gain an upper hand on the other. However, as they both spin around to look at one another, Joanne is shown landing her signature “J-Rocker” (Superkick) square across the jaw of the unsuspecting Ravyn.


The strike forces Ravyn to go limp completely as she drops to the canvas in a noodle-like fashion.


Seconds later, J-RO is shown collapsing atop the fallen Ravyn while pinning her in an aggressive fashion; cradling Ravyn’s head and knee in one locking fashion while holding her down with ALL off her small frame.


Joanne Rodriguez via pinfall

Ending Maneuver:
“J-Rocker” (Superkick)

Ending Time:


Mitch Naess:
If they DIDN’T prove themselves tonight then I don’t know how they COULD have!! Great match! 5-Stars! Really, THIS is the kind of thing we NEED to tap into, Stallings! You’ve GOTTA make good on this one!

J.K. Stallings Jr:
Beautiful and brutish… JUST how I like ‘em…

Mitch Naess:
You like to get knocked around a little?
{Laughs out of shock}

J.K. Stallings Jr:
The bigger, the badder, the bustier… the BETTER!

Mitch Naess:
With all of that aside, you’re going to give these gals a shot in WAR, right?

J.K. Stallings Jr:
We’ll see, Mitchy… We’ll see… My Magic 8-ball may have a LONG night ahead of it…

Mitch Naess:
Seems realistic; asking an 8-ball for business advice…

{Naess relays in a sarcastic fashion}

J.K. Stallings Jr:
That’s how I roll, Home-boy!

{He articulates in a nerdy, white-boy, fashion}

Mitch Naess:
Roll on… Junior… Roll on…






Post-Match Respect

Involved: Joanne Rodriguez and Ravyn

“Respect all around!”


{Despite warring aggressively with one another for close to 10-minutes, the severely depleted combination of Ravyn & J-RO are ultimately shown helping one another to their feet. With such a show of great sportsmanship, coupled with a highly competitive match, the rabid WAR fan-base is ultimately heard showering the twosome with a great level of respect in the form of a standing ovation.}


{In the end, following a joint hand-raise, the final message is that, even despite such contention, Ravyn and Joanne Rodriguez appear to respect one another greatly.}


Mitch Naess:
You hear that response, Stallings? They LOVE these gals!

J.K. Stallings Jr:
They REALLY do!!

Mitch Naess:

J.K. Stallings Jr:
Is there something you’re trying to ask me?

Mitch Naess:
Uh… Isn’t it obvious?

J.K. Stallings Jr:
The theory of relativity it obvious… WHO the GREATEST warrior in ALL the Galaxy is obvious… You, on the other hand, you confuse me…

Mitch Naess:
You’ve GOTTA hire these girls!

J.K. Stallings Jr.:
Oh you mean THAT!!

Mitch Naess:

J.K. Stallings Jr:
There you go again!!

{Mitch shakes his head in confusion as J.K. continues to smile, looking forward toward the camera lens, in a comical fashion.}









Puerto Rican Power© vs. Brutus O'Leary vs. Cletus vs. Hopkirk

WAR Sin City Championship Match


While slower moving than the previous two matches, what this four-way lacks it ultimately makes up for through the usage of jarring-power. In a way, it's much like the age-old heavyweight boxer mentality: He may not be able to keep up with you BUT if you end up in his path, he'll knock you the F' out. In this case, that's exactly how the match progresses from the very start; slow, harsh, brutal, and overpowering.


In a throw-back like manner, touching upon the old school brawling approach of years gone by, these four individuals put forth an onslaught that would make most old-school wrestling fans giddy. Utilizing very little in the way of technical wrestling, their collective style feels much more in-line with the old southern brawling mentality. More or less, there's very little in the way of thought-provoking action; instead much more primal in nature in a 'dog-eat-dog' manner.


At the center of it all is THE truly uncontrollable "Appalachian Grizzly" himself, Cletus.


Touched upon earlier, he may not be running circles around everyone but, once he gets ahold of you, there's very little one can do to overpower him.


Believe me, they ALL try to do so (overpower Cletus); however, most momentous streaks are short-spanned in nature. All it takes is a tree-trunk like closeline, or a ring-rattling back-breaker, to bring the action back to a shocking halt. In reality, the hairy monster resembles more of a mythical kind of creature than a normal man; due to his immense strength & jarring ability to withstand just about anything. Well, that was until Brutus O'Leary send him flying...


As they brawl atop the steel rampway stage, removed from the ring as Jay Fair is too busy focusing on a struggle between the brutish Puerto Rican Power and the greasy Hopkirk, Cletus is ultimately shown gaining the upper-hand following an axe-handle strike that practically drops O'Leary off said stage. That said, he IS able to regain his composure and eventually return to his feet. In doing so, Cletus energizes his step, putting all 300 pounds of his massive frame into motion, as he speeds (as much as a man his size can) toward the dazed south-paw.


Upon making it to O'Leary though, Cletus' plan of action doesn't quite turn out as he would have wanted...


With a simple back-body-drop, a fact that has O'Leary collapse to the steel rampway holding his back, the "Appalachian Grizzly" is shown thrown into the air; flipping over as he falls 10-feet through a number of tables positioned nearby!


Mitch Naess:
{Trails off in shock}


J.K. Stallings Jr:
He JUST FELL... 10-feet or so!


Mitch Naess:
I don't care WHO you are... Cletus is in REAL trouble after a fall like that. Someone needs to call the medic... we NEED to get him to an area hospital.


The sight of a 300-pound behemoth flipping through the air, falling 10-feet, and slamming through a number of waiting tables, sends everyone into a state of shock as most stand in a state of awe.


As expected, Cletus doesn't really move much after such a descent. If anything, he looks as though he COULD be dead.


Slowly, showing signs of an injured back himeslf, O'Leary would return to the ring; however, his newfound limitation keeps him average at best. Don't get me wrong, the Pride of Hyde Park STILL gives it his all, never backing down in the process, but his weakened frame is simply unable to keep up with the brutish nature of one Puerto RIcan Power.


In the end, after disposing of Hopkirk, flinging him over the top rope with an impressive guerrilla press slam, the action would eventually come down to O'Leary & Power...


... a fact that proves beneficial for the current Sin City Champion.


O'Leary almost came away with the win, landing a hard-left across Power's jaw; however, it wasn't his dominant hand & was more so out of desperation. It certainly rocked the Sin City Champion; however, before you know it, Power was back on his feet and dispensing his own brand of brutish violence.


That brand would continue on with his signature "San Juan Rush" (Spear) square upon the stomach of a dazed Brutus O'Leary. In doing so, a three-count was all that was left.


Puerto Rican Power retains the WAR Sin City Championship via pinfall

Ending Maneuver:
"San Juan Rush" (Spear) upon Brutus O'Leary

Ending Time:

This marks Puerto Rican Power's 4th successful WAR Sin City Championship defense! (x3 Sin City Champion)


Mitch Naess:
This Puerto Rican Power is one HELL of a fighter. WOW! His name just seems to fit SO perfectly... when things are tough, when men attempt to take his belt away, when he's pushed to the limit, the Sin City Champion ALWAYS finds a way to POWER himself into victory!

J.K Stallings Jr:
I KNOW, RIGHT?!?! Wow-o-wow-me-oh-mahw... WHAT a victory for Puerto Rican Power! This guy is some kind of... of... Super hero or something! Just when you think he's down-and-out.... JUST when you think you've got him.... JUST when you think his back is against the wall... BAM!! He gets the job... DONE!

Mitch Naess:
He's really come to define the Sin City Championship, folks. I mean, a belt that is ALWAYS on the line, 24/7, needs a champion who can continually meet ALL challengers... on ALL fronts. With PRP's strength and determination, there's really NO ONE that can stop him at this point. Honestly, we could see the belt around his waist for the duration of his career here in WAR!

J.K. Stallings Jr:
Maybe he should change his name to Las Vegas Power!

{Corny ear-to-ear grin from Stallings.}

Mitch Naess:
I can't believe you just said that...

J.K. Stallings Jr:
YEP!! Commentary GOLD!!






Commentary Skit

Involved: Mitch Naess and J.K. Stallings Jr.

“U-Demand forces a change!”


{At this point, we transition to the sight of Mitch Naess & J.K. Stallings Jr. seated behind a black WAR commentary desk. As Naess leans forward with his elbows on said desk, projecting a feel of ‘all news’, Stallings sits as a stark contrast as he kicks his feet up on the desk while grinning like a weirdo.}


[Mitch Naess]:
We’ve JUST received word, ladies and gentlemen, that our partners in pay-per-view… U-Demand… is on hold at this very moment. What could they be calling in about? Especially during a LIVE event? Don’t you normally meet with them AFTER the show?


[J.K. Stallings Jr.]:
They’re probably just TOO excited to sit on their hands anymore! Makes sense… this show is FRIGGIN-FANTABULOUS!! FAN-TAB-U-LOUS!


{Stallings’ grin grows even larger as he teeters his head back and forth in a comical fashion}


[Mitch Naess]:
Let’s go to the phone…
{Pauses; for a second to allow the hold to be lifted}
The night may have just started BUT we have a U-Demand representative on the phone, right now! To what do we owe this pleasure?


[u-Demand Rep]:
Good evening, gentlemen. I wish I came with better news but, to be honest, we’re not very happy with how “Firestorm” has come together.


[Mitch Naess]:


{Mitch looks on in confusion. Stallings still appears to be in his own world.}


[u-Demand Rep]:
Now, we appreciate the need for extreme entertainment but… we never signed on for ANYTHING like an “Inferno Match”. There is MUCH concern here that, while we value your events, this could stand as a MAJOR mistake if things progress as they could. I mean, wrestling is one thing. Weapons are one thing. Fire… that’s entirely something different.


{Mitch looks to JK.}


[Mitch Naess]:
Didn’t you get clearance from U-Demand before you booked the “Inferno Match”?


{Stallings comically shrugs as he contorts his face in a confused fashion.}


[J.K. Stallings Jr.]:
I thought I sent an email?


[u-Demand Rep]:
You did not.


{The U-Demand Rep responds quickly and stern. Meanwhile, Stallings contorts his face toward that of a comical ‘whoops’ fashion. In turn, Naess looks frustrated with his owner.}


[J.K. Stallings Jr.]:


[Mitch Naess:
Whoopsie? That’s what you have to say? Whoopsie?


[u-Demand Rep]:
IF your main event goes on as planned, as an “Inferno Match”, then we’ll be forced to not ONLY pull the plug but ultimately SUE you for breach of contract. Believe me, Mr. Stallings, we WANT you to make the right decision. We WANT WAR as part of our roster of events. That said, if you go ahead with such a risky match… We’ll see to it that it’s the last event you EVER run!


{Stallings stretches his face; gulping in the process.}


[Mitch Naess]:
Hey… It might be time to drop the act… this is serious…


{Mitch tries to reason with Stallings; however, Junior continues forth with his comical insanity.}


[u-Demand Rep]:
What will it be, Mr. Stallings?


[Mitch Naess]:
Yea, you need to make a decision on this now… don’t put us all in jeopardy tonight…


{Rolling his eyes in a dramatic fashion, Stallings eventually sighs rather loud in defiance of what he knows he NEEDS to do. None the less, with an annoyed tone, much like a 14-year old telling their parents what they WANT to hear, he goes forth with what SHOULD happen.}


[J.K. Stallings Jr.]:
Fine… Fine… We’ll change it from an “Inferno Match”…
To a demolition derby, monster-truck, thumb-tack match with a LITTLE fire in the corner…


{Naess looks at Stallings in a ‘come on dude’ kind of fashion; not having it.}


[u-Demand Rep]:
You’ve got to be kidding me…


[J.K. Stallings Jr.]:
FINE… GOSH… You’re not my REAL dad…


{Naess drops his head in his hands in an overwhelmed fashion. Meanwhile, Stallings continues his little hissy fit.}


[J.K. Stallings Jr.]:
A little fire?


[u-Demand Rep]:


[J.K. Stallings Jr.]:
Fine. “Falls Count Anywhere”?


[u-Demand Rep]:
That’s fine.


{Stallings eyes jolt open in an excited fashion. Meanwhile, raising his one finger in the air in a pointdexter sign of victory, the WAR owner shakes in his chair with pure joy.}


[J.K. Stallings Jr.]:


[Mitch Naess]:
Thank you, Mr. Representative. It was a pleasure speaking with you & we look forward to giving you one hell of a show here tonight!


[u-Demand Rep]:
I have NO doubt you will.


{With that, the U-Demand Rep ends his end of the phone conversation.}


{From there, we now witness the sight of Mitch Naess attempting to keep his cool despite being obviously frustrated with the man next to him. All the while, Stallings is dancing around in his chair as if he actually won something.}


[Mitch Naess]:
So… you didn’t talk to U-Demand, huh?


[J.K. Stallings Jr.]:
Who needs em!!


{Naess shakes his head in frustration. Seconds later, looking to the camera lens, away from Stallings, he mouths the words “I’m Sorry” in which to appease the PPV network.}


{Naess is shown adjusting the papers before him as Stallings looks over at him in a confused fashion.}

J.K. Stallings Jr:
What? No analysis of what just happened?

{Naess looks over at Stallings slowly; obviously pissed off}

Mitch Naess:








Alex Braun vs. Johnny Martin

Career vs. Career Match


The end of an era resides within the four corners of the WAR wrestling ring in this match. Two men who have long been respected for how they aided in the rise of the rebellion that could, DaVE, even Braun and Martin appear to hold this closing-moment with a hint of heaviness to their heart. The hatred is obviously still there, practically exuding from EVERY pour from the "Ice Man" himself; however, the notion that ONE of these men would NO longer be seen in a wrestling ring is something of a monumental moment; even with their collective advanced age.


Regardless of the heaviness, the opening nerves are quickly extinguished as the fervor of their history eventually takes hold.


... And 'take hold' it certainly does; almost to an obsessive level.


It's quite obvious that Alex Braun has an extra sense of energy to each one of his strikes. Even at 48 years old, well past his prime no doubt, his overall disdain for everything Johnny Martin makes this hoorah very spirited. While a hardened veteran KNOWN for his bullying ways, the gruff "Ice Man" just carries an extra sense of aggression within his weathered frame.


Meanwhile, Johnny Martin continues to exist as we've always known him. Walking with an inherent swagger, the man dubbed as "The Cornerstone" doesn't skip a beat despise his opponent's immense hatred. If anything, he finds the intensity of Braun almost comical. With that in mind, despite taking a licking from the aggressor before him, there's no losing that arrogant streak; especially when he's able to overcome his opponent and return to the forefront of momentum.


With a constant eb-and-flow, neither man really takes the lead for too long before getting knocked on their own a$$.


Truthfully, it really DOES feel like a match between men who've known each other for decades.


Reversals are seen a mile away.


Signature moves are quickly averted.


Little-quirks are practically called out with physical opposition to such.


Really, there's no 'pulling a fast one' between these two as they already know each-and-every maneuver that begs to come next.


Drama finds itself at every turn; however, as every pinfall attempt carries extra weight given what it means to the loser. Counting along with each count, the rabid WAR fan-base almost resorts back to a childish sense of anticipation as they seemingly fear whatever may come. It's obvious that they have their allegiance behind Martin but there's a feeling as though no one is really willing to watch Braun lose his career as well. In a way, there's a hefty dose of respect for both men (even despite face/heel divide) as the touched upon 'End of an Era' feeling takes hold throughout.


Sensing it'll take something EXTREME to put one over the other, Braun and Martin would eventually spill out into the ringside area with hopes of further physical destruction.


Suplexes onto the steel floor would come; however, not produce a final three-count.


Dart-like throws into the guardrail, ring post, and steel steps, would also be utilized; however, once again, none would bring about the end.


At one point, it was seemingly done, at least we thought, after the "Ice Man" dropped the "Cornerstone" upon his head with his signature leaping piledriver. That said, somehow, someway, Martin kicks out at the very, and I mean very, last second. Same with Braun, kicking out of a spinebuster moments later upon the cement floor at the very last second.


Neither wanted to lose and, again somehow, could find the inner-strength to eventually kick-out despite being seemingly unconscious post-impact.


That was until a twist came minutes later...


Barely able to stand, both men continue to lay into one another like drunken sailors; staggering on their feet as each strike dares to knock the other one down. Withstanding the pain, both continue to throw away.... then it came...


Missing on a wayward punch, Braun spins around in a staggering fashion. Upon coming back to face his opponent, he's unable to block a stiff kick square to his gut. At this point, Martin is shown having to get back to his feet, dropping to one knee with his kick of desperation; however, once back up-right, all that's left is the shocking sight of a "Twist on the Rocks" (Spinning Lifted DDT).


It takes EVERYTHING out of Johnny to execute his maneuver; a fact that shows as he takes a good 10-seconds to attempt a pinfall post-impact.


At that point, there's no more fighting from Braun. The "Ice Man" is no more.


A three count follows as the rabid WAR fan-base, again, resorts back to their child-like wonder; counting along with Mr. Fair in the process. With that, in a match that took EVERYTHING out of BOTH men, the final line is that Johnny Martin stays.... while Alex Braun goes. The "End of an Era" comes for the "Ice Man".


Johnny Martin via pinfall

Ending Maneuver:
"Twist on the Rocks" (Spinning lifted DDT)

Ending Time:

Alex Braun is no longer a WAR wrestler; with this loss he ends his career.


Mitch Naess:
With that loss, it saddens me to announce that Alex Braun, the "Ice Man", has come to the END of his wrestling career. He may have been a bully, he MAY have been a punk to many, but, above all, he's been one of THE toughest S-O-B's this industry has ever seen! It'll be SAD to see him go... but.... he's done more than enough to prove himself to be a top-notch competitor!

J.K. Stallings Jr:

Mitch Naess:
In victory, Johnny Martin looks to be JUST as drained as Braun. I'm not sure if he'll leave this place on his own two feet... they BOTH may need to be transported out of here!

J.K. Stallings Jr:
It reminds me of this ONE TIME where I got a paper cut...

Mitch Naess:
Really? A paper-cut? You're comparing a drop-down, drag-out, hellacious brawl with... a paper cut?

J.K. Stallings Jr:
Hey.... it hurt!






Backstage Promo

Involved: Troy Tornado©

“They came, they saw, I beat them... ALL!”


{We transition backstage now as we witness the sight of our rebellious WAR Champion seated amongst a number of half-dressed hanger-on’s upon a diseased couch (no doubt). With a haze of smoke resonating within the room and the deafening sound of music practically destroying every operational point in your ear, the arrogantly smirking Tornado looks to be in a state of self-focused stupor.}


{As the WAR Championship lay upon his lap, gleaming in the light projected by a strobe nearby, Tornado looks to be as comfortable as ever; despite his opponent stating he wants to ‘END’ him.}


{With a dirty-but-cool smirk upon his face, the leather and mesh wearing champion gazes upon the camera lens with a sense of highness to his mannerisms. In reality, his stare would most certainly give it away but like most punks… he’s wearing his sunglasses in door… in the middle of what appears to be a darkened party no doubt.}


[Troy Tornado]:
They all hate me… every last one of them…


{Tornado pauses, as he smirks devilishly, in which to add a sense of ambiguity to such a statement.}


[Troy Tornado]:
They come from far-and-wide just to challenge me… They ALL want me dead.


{A slight chuckle is heard resonating from the lips of the arrogant Tornado.}


[Troy Tornado]:
I can’t help that I’m good at what I do. I can’t HELP that I’m better than ALL of them. Sure, they may have DREAMS of becoming Champion but… for me… it’s not a dream… it’s a reality.
This time around, it’s some psycho who THINKS he’s GOD or something. What is it? HE (who doesn’t mean anything)? Something like that?
{Pauses in which to chuckle a bit}
Well, HE, if that really IS your name, I know you’re here to ‘END’ me and I don’t blame ya for that. I mean, people like you will ONLY succeed if people like ME are ‘dead and gone’… BUT… I’ll break the news to ya… Many have tried to ‘END’ me before you and ALL have failed at it.


{Tornado pauses yet again in which to flash his trademark arrogant, if not devilish, grin.}


[Troy Tornado]:
Don’t get me wrong, this whole ‘I AM GOD’ sh*t is hilarious. Really entertaining. Hell, I’d have to say that kickin’ your a$$ will be a damn treat! But really, it’s ALL going to end just like it always does… another dream shattered… another victory for me. So, let’s just speed this chase up, you want me gone from here? Gone from this planet? Well, you little raging psycho… I’d like to see ya try.


{With that, the segment comes to a close with a lingering look upon the arrogantly smirking champion. Through the haze, loud music, and shielding sunglasess, Troy Tornado projects an impenetrable sense of confidence. More or less, whether being high on himself is good or not, thus far, it’s worked for him.}


Mitch Naess:
You know… I KNOW he’s this down-and-dirty champion but… sometimes… I just want to see someone punch him in the face.

{Naess laughs a bit}

J.K. Stallings Jr:
I once did…

Mitch Naess:
You? Punched HIM? In the Face?

{Naess states in a way that proves he doesn’t believe him for one bit.}

J.K. Stallings Jr:
Yea… it was a cold windy November… snow was on the trees & rage was in my heart! I swung…

Mitch Naess:
I’m going to stop you right there.

J.K. Stallings Jr:
Why?! Don’t you want to hear about the time that I beat Tornado and became the WAR Champion?

Mitch Naess:
No… I really don’t…







Ares© vs. Masked Cougar

WAR Blitzkrieg Championship Match


Ares has dominated the Blitzkrieg Division since it's very inception; no one has come close to his greatness. That said, there is ONE man who seemingly has his number above all and that man now stands before him once again. Rebellious, spirited, and entirely reckless, the "GOD of WAR" never seems to fear anyone or anything for that matter. While that is still the same truth as it pertains to Masked Cougar, there's obviously a level of further focus to the standout flier. Straight away, from the very first bell, it's as if Ares is preparing to tackle a treacherous mountain; still entirely confident but aware of the dangers set forth.


Little did he know, this mountain would be the greatest challenge of his Blitzkrieg career...


The typical tricks of the trade that Ares often employs in a masterful manner don't seem to really work with Cougar. In previous matches, these tried-and-true spots would most certainly bring about an explosive victory. In this case, said tricks were often met with a sense of a reversal; whether through maneuver, strike, or simply moving out of the way.


As you can expect, this gradually instills a sense of extreme frustration within the scraggly tattooed frame of the WAR Blitzkrieg Champion.


As the match progresses, this frustration turns toward that of full-on aggressive desperation. It's not that he's afraid of losing, quite the opposite as his ego won't allow such a thought, but the fact that his opponent is always one-step-ahead appears to manufacture such desperation out of anger. In a way, as it all continues to unfold, it's as if he's wanting to prove to HIMSELF that he can overcome Cougar. With that in mind, Ares' approach, while always reckless, becomes THAT much more as he's unwilling to be upstaged (if not beaten).


Every reversal, every momentum-shifting moment, further infuriates the Blitzkrieg Champion...


Meanwhile, the ferocious flier in Masked Cougar continues to put forth an effort that has the rabid WAR fan-base firmly in his support.


With time, despite putting forth an explosive onslaught of his own, Ares is shown to totally lose his cool...


Following a 2 1/2 count pinfall attempt, Ares is ultimately shown arguing with WAR referee Jay Fair about the speed of his count. Following their brief but heated exchange, the rebellious Sin City Champion manifests his internal rage into that of shocking action; striking Jay from behind with a clubbing-like strike to the back of the unsuspecting referee's head. One strike, while harsh in nature, sends Mr. Fair crashing to the canvas in a thunderous heap.


Lying dazed and confused, the WAR referee is unable to witness the sight of the enraged Blitzkrieg grabbing HIS championship gold from ringside in a brutish fashion. Now, with the belt in hand, an evil contortion appears upon his face as he eyes up his victim from afar.


Once the ferocious flier has returned to his feet, equally dazed from a previous spinning tombstone piledriver, Cougar slowly spins around to find his opponent. However, as he does, he ACTUALLY witnesses said opponent speeding toward him with his championship in hand as a weapon.


Diving for his challenger, Ares attempts to collide the silver-plated belt square across Cougar's masked face...


... that didn't happen.


Instead, acting on cat-like reflexes, Masked Cougar is able to drop out of the way, performing the splits in the process, and coming back with a side-kick square to the back of Ares' head (moving past him due to the force of his speed). With this in mind, while simple, the kick allows for Ares to drop the belt upon the canvas below.


Spinning back around, Ares, overtly enraged that MUCH more, forgets about said belt as he instead looks to inflict punishment upon his challenger at the quickest rate possible. However, upon spinning around, the dominating champion is ultimately met with a new finishing maneuver from Cougar; would it be enough to bring about the end of the match though?


"On the prowl" (Hurricanrana turned into a leg/headlock DDT) is what comes next...


Upon impact, Ares body goes completely limp following such a collision with his head. Meanwhile, attempting to roll out from underneath his motionless opponent, Masked Cougar eventually gets to the point of a pinfall attempt.


Sadly, after a 2 1/2 count.... Ares is somehow able to kick out.


The action would persist with Ares acting rather woozy, still attempting to collect himself following such a spiked maneuver; however, not for very long. Again, minutes later, after slipping out of a powerbomb attempt by Ares, Masked Cougar utilizes his newfound "On the prowl" (Hurricanrana turned into a leg/headlock DDT) in a lightning-quick manner.


At this point, once again motionless, Ares is simply unable to fend off the coming three-count. With this in mind, that's EXACTLY what comes to pass. As the crowd chants along with a still dizzied Jay Fair, the outcome that NO ONE ever thought possible comes to fruition. After dominating the Blitzkrieg division since day one, Ares has officially lost the Blitzkrieg Championship to the very man he can't seem to defeat; Masked Cougar.


Masked Cougar wins the WAR Blitzkrieg Championship via pinfall

Ending Maneuver:
"On the Prowl" (Hurricanrana turned into a leg/headlock DDT)

Ending Time:


Mitch Naess:
Cougar!!! The cardiac-kitty gets it done; once again!! Man, I tell ya, Ares is one HELL of a competitor, he's dominated the Blitzkrieg scene ever since it's inception, but Masked Cougar has his number. Somehow, someway, the "GOD of WAR" is continually humbled by a cat-mask-wearing mortal!

J.K. Stallings Jr:

Mitch Naess:
Did you just...

J.K. Stallings Jr:

{Stallings grins as Naess looks at him as if he's lost his mind.}

Mitch Naess:
Right. You did.

{Naess shakes his head as he attempts to move on}

Mitch Naess:
Through it all, Masked Cougar has JUST secured his place atop the WAR Blitzkrieg division with this win here tonight. What a moment, JK... What... a moment!!

{Stallings doesn't respond; just grins. With that in mind, Naess looks to him in a 'well, are you going to say something' manner. In doing so, that just entices the crazy out of Stallings}

J.K. Stallings Jr:

{Naess shakes his head in shock as Stallings looks toward the camera lens with a BIG cheesy grin upon his face}






Backstage Promo

Involved: Mitch Naess and Chris Caulfield

“Tell me... WHY?!?!”


{We transition to video footage labeled as
“Earlier that day…”
in the corner of the screen in which to witness the sight of the newfound WAR main eventer, Chris Caulfield, slowly shuffling through a backstage doorway leading into the Empire Hotel & Casino. With his faithful ‘Rusty’ (A dented steel chair he’s held with him for quite some time now) clasped strongly in his hands, the extreme ICON appears to be loose-and-easy despite walking into a possible HELL tonight (wrestling Leper Messiah). None the less, not smirking, or grinning, but exuding a sense of confidence that MANY wouldn’t be able to accomplish given the impending doom before him.}


{Just as he walks through the doorway, also newfound WAR announcer, Mitch Naess, is shown practically jumping in his face; utilizing a sense of guerilla journalism if you will.}


[Mitch Naess]:
Why did you do it?


{Caulfield looks to him confused; however, keeping in his stride.}


[Chris Caulfield]:
Why’d I do it?


[Mitch Naess]:
Yea. Why did you strike Troy Tornado with ‘Rusty’ this past week when you debuted on “Battleground”? Everyone’s talking about it and, if everyone IS talking about, it’s my job to find the answers!


{Caulfield shakes his head slightly, most likely laughing off Naess’ aggressiveness, but continues to walk ahead with a permanent limp.}


[Mitch Naess]:
So, why did you do it?


{Without batting an eye, or coming to a halt for that matter, Caulfield relays one last statement on the matter before walking off past Naess.}


[Chris Caulfield]:
It can wait… I’ll address it on “Battleground” this next week.
I’ve got to focus on that psycho Messiah tonight. Then, when that’s all said and done, you’ll know EXACTLY why I hit Tornado… and why he deserved it…


{With that, leaving a cryptic message behind, one that stops Naess in his tracks, Caulfield is shown walking off past the WAR announcer in which to slowly stagger into a nearby locker room doorway. While he said very little about WHY he hit Tornado, there’s now a new level of intrigue as everyone anticipates the line ‘You’ll know exactly why I hit Tornado…and why he deserved it’.}


Mitch Naess:
That was earlier today folks; however, I can’t get that last line out of my head. Supposedly, Caulfield’s shocking strike on Tornado wasn’t on a whim. There’s something underneath it all… something that DROVE him to cold-clock the WAR Champion shortly after saving him?

J.K. Stallings Jr:
You should work as a paparazzi!

Mitch Naess:
Excuse me?

J.K. Stallings Jr:
Yea, with the whole… ‘WHY’D YOU DO IT’? right in his face!

{Stallings practically bounces out of his seat as he comically demonstrates taking pictures; equip with the flash noises}

Mitch Naess:
I’m a REAL journalist; they’re all douchebags.

J.K. Stallings Jr:
Disagree not will I…

{Stallings projects in a Yoda-like voice}

Mitch Naess:
Oh god… not this now…






Art Reed vs. Buddy Garner

Singles Match


As Art Reed and Buddy Garner overtake the squared circle, there's a grandiose air hanging above the ringside area; much like you would see/feel in any major MMA-fight. While both represent the world of professional wrestling, Reed exclusively to such, the overall atmosphere more closely resembles that of a legit competition of masterful technitions. In a way, even THE most smarky-smarks gaze upon these two competitors in a wide-eyed fashion; expecting to see something truly legit within those unforgiving ring ropes.


What they are treated to is exactly that...


To say that their brutal combat is contentious would be a VAST understatement. Two men, known for their ability to bend, and possibly break, every bone in the human body, there's a feeling as though someone MAY actually find their body broken in the process.


With most technically-based matches, there's often a slower-pace that tends to take hold. The methodical thinking pattern typically brings about very little in the way of impulse. With that said though, this match does NOT follow suit. Both amazing athletes in their own right, Reed & Garner do very little to temper their approach in hopes of systematically coming by a victory. Sure, it does progress in a building manner; however, it's not ever with the feel that we're going to witness rest-hold after rest-hold. If anything, the submissions that ARE utilized are consistently more aggressive; even through the duration of said hold.


Unlike a Blitzkrieg affair though, there isn't much in the feel of any recklessness despite the overall speed of the match. More or less, while more accelerated at it's peak, all appears to remain in control. Each aerial spot, every diving strike, all high-impact maneuvers, feel as though they've gone ahead as planned. Truly, this creates quite the explosive sight none the less.


Also, unlike previous matches, this affair, while contentious at every turn, actually stays within the ring ropes throughout the entirety of the match. There's no weapons on the outside, no maneuvers that utilize an exposed cement floor for further destruction, just your traditional in-ring sense of fiery combat. In reality, no one REALLY expects them to leave the ring though. Certainly, some heated rivalries tend to move into such an avenue; however, in this case, it's MORE about WHO is the better wrestler than a deep-seeded bitter hatred. So, with that in mind, within the ring is key to their overall goal; as no pinfall or submission could be officially recognized outside of said ropes.


That said, don't expect that their affair is cordial by any means...


Sure, they aren't utilizing outside influences to gain victory; however, that doesn't mean that everything is squeeky clean.


A case and point of this falls as Buddy Garner, following a belly-to-back-takedown, utilizes a nearby ring rope for leverage while administering a rear-naked choke. As expected, with time, WAR referee Jay Fair is able to break such a hold; deeming the cheating pull of the ropes as unacceptable. In doing so though, Garner is simply given a warning for his vile intent.


Art Reed, on the other hand, doesn't stoop to Garner's level of mischievousness. Acting as a strong babyface, not needing cheap ploys to get ahead, Reed really proves himself to be fearless in the face of high-adversity. In a way, he's almost perceived as a 'white knight' of sorts as he's able to not only do WELL but do well right (by the books).


Through it all, there are several points for which one could have thought the match was coming to an end. Whether it was Reed getting a 2-count for a butterflied belly-to-back suplex upon Garner or the "Machine" pushing his opponent to the brink of submission with a Boston Crab, it is in THESE moments that we question what it will TAKE to come away with a victory.


Despite intense contention between the two, neither really shows to slow down all that much. Unlike the Braun/Martin scenario earlier, equally contentious in nature, these men show to truly be in their physical peak. With this in mind, despite so much that goes into the match, neither Reed nor Garner slows down one bit; continuing to push-on at an alarming rate.


In the end, it's in the throws of brutality that ultimately brings about an ending of masterful proportions...


Attempting to seemingly break the back of Art Reed, the "Machine" acts as such; utilizing 4-continuous sidewalk backbreaker's in the process.


By the fourth impact, even Garner's knee appears to be hurting (while Reed is FAR worse; showing obvious signs of a back injury). Wincing, attempting to catch hi breath and constantly arching his back in pain, Reed would attempt to fend off another backbreaker; however, would seconds later fall victim to a 5th sidewalk backbreaker.


Demolished in a way, Reed looks like he's incapable of going on but Garner doesn't show him ANY mercy; picking him up off the canvas once again. Lifting him in the air for yet another, 6th Sidewalk backbreaker slam, the rabid WAR fan-base watches on in horrific expectations.


That said, in one, faithful, shocking swoop, Reed is able to wrestle his feet back upon the canvas. While Garner attempts to keep his arm-hold, Reed eventually digs down deep and muscles his shocked opponent down upon the canvas. With Garner face-down, Reed has very little to do with adjustments as it pertains to locking in his signature "Dread Lock" (Crippler Crossface).


Obviously still in pain, wincing as he leans back on the move, Reed does ALL he can to keep such a hold together despite Garner's aggressive attempts at a break.


For a good 20-seconds, this back-and-forth persists... until... Garner eventually foresee's a hold-break as next to impossible given Reed's inability to let-go (despite injury).


Being bent in half almost, Garner STILL doesn't seem to want to give up.


However, a good 1:15 into the hold, there's really nothing he can do anymore. Reluctantly, the now equally injured Garner is seemingly forced to slam his hand upon the canvas in a submitting fashion. Meanwhile, as the crowd erupts with excitement over Reed's win, both men are shown collapsing out of the "Dread Lock" (Crippler Crossface); Reed looking up at the lights as he holds his back in pain and Garner slamming his arms down on the ring in a tantrum-like fashion while equally holding his back in pain.


Art Reed via submission

Ending Maneuver:
"Dread Lock" (Crippler Crossface)

Ending Time:


Mitch Naess:
What a match!

{Naess stands in which to clap for Reed/Garner. Meanwhile, J.K. awkwardly raises to his feet as well, copying Naess, clapping like a 5-year-old little boy; fingers extended}

Mitch Naess:
I've LONG been a BIG fan of Art Reed; however, thought he never got enough 'focus' in DaVE. I'm hoping, after what we've seen from him thus far, that Wrestling Action in Revolt will be where this technical mastermind FINALLY gets his moment in the sun!

J.K. Stallings Jr:
With talent like THAT... wowsers; he's got a BRIGHT future here in WAR! So MUCH so that... yea... I'm going to give him the opportunity of a LIFETIME on "Battleground" this week!!

Mitch Naess:
Wait... what? What do you mean?

J.K. Stallings Jr:
A man NEVER kisses and tells...

Mitch Naess:
I don't think that works with what you're talking about...

J.K. Stallings Jr:
It's ALL up here!

{He points to his forehead. Naess looks confused as ever.}

Mitch Naess:
Well... okay. Either way, HUGE win for Art Reed here tonight!! Buddy Garner came at him strong BUT it wasn't enough to stop the man they've labeled as "Fear this!". Tonight, Garner certainly DID fear the "Dread Lock"; that's for sure!






Menacing Hype Video

Involved: Leper Messiah

“Face-painted psycho!”


{Shortly before the Caulfield/Leper Messiah match, we are given a produced video depicting the psychotic, face-painted, big-man as a true monster among men. Presented in a black-and-white, gritty, low-budget manner, the short vignette explains the progression of Leper Messiah through the usage of video footage. Going from a member of Demonic Intervention all the way up to present day, the menacing Messiah is portrayed as someone who is completely uncontrollable in every way. More or less, with the final image that being Leper Messiah powerbombing Troy Tornado through a flaming table, there’s an overall air that his match tonight COULD end in extreme violence; especially when paired against someone of Chris Caulfield’s track record.}


Mitch Naess:
Leper Messiah is NOT the kind of guy you want to meet on a dark night somewhere…

J.K. Stallings Jr:

Mitch Naess:
You’re A LOT like a Saturday morning cartoon, aren’t you?

J.K. Stallings Jr:
HUH-WHAT?! I’m unique!! All of me… from toe-to-bow-tie… It’s ALL me!

Mitch Naess:
Maybe that bow-tie could save you from Leper Messiah? Throw it like a ninja star or something?

{Naess laughs awkwardly, trying to ‘play the game’ with Stallings. However, in return, Stallings is shown shaking his head ‘no’ in a disappointed fashion.}

J.K. Stallings Jr:
No. My bow-tie is made of cloth… it wouldn’t do anything to help…

{Naess turns frustrated for a second; like an ‘fine… whatever’ kind of way}

Mitch Naess:
Oh, whatever…






Chris Caulfield vs. Leper Messiah

Singles Match


Chris Caulfield is insane. Not necessarily in the 'mental patient' fashion, like his gigantic opponent before him, but in a 'really? You're GOING to do this?" manner. In reality, the circumstance really didn't allow for him to back away from such, looking like a coward if he did, which he has proven many times he is NOT, but for one to stare down pure evil (such as Leper Messiah) you HAVE to be a little 'off'. Then again, what would you expect from a man who's made a life-long career out of instigating nothing short of epic violence.


Truly, he probably IS the best man for the job.... that is attempting to subdue, if not defeat, a psychotic monster like Leper Messiah...


Dropping his faithful 'Rusty' (Dented Steel Chair) onto the floor outside of the ring, Caulfield looks back upon the towering behemoth before him. With a shocking grin plastered across his face, one that easily states 'let's get this started', there is already an air that this match-up will be nothing short of brutal.


... and brutal it was.


Early and often, Caulfield tries to match face-to-face with the towering behemoth; however, the Messiah's sheer power makes it almost impossible. While never-backing-down is a great approach to have, it also opens you up to continuous violence; as that person is unwilling to step away even when being beaten badly. In this case, that's exactly what continues to pass...


Caulfield throws hard-rights, brawling his way out of a corner; however, it's simply not enough to create lasting success. Sure, there are moments of greatness from the Extreme ICON but those moments are often far-between. In-between that, we all witness the sight of Leper Messiah muscling his way throughout the match.


Big Boots, stiff closelines, double-handed throat throws, vile chokes, powerful leg drops, all of these are utilized in which to beat Chris Caulfield into the canvas below. That it does.


Exhausted, bruised, and battered, Caulfield looks like a wreck. However, that doesn't stop him.


If anything, he appears to not only LIKE the violence but pushes for more with an unsettling grin.


He certainly would get more....


Hangman drops over the top rope, speeding shoulder strikes to the stomach in the corner, guerrilla press slams over the top rope, and running powerslams upon the unforgiving floor outside of the squared circle, come about next as Leper Messiah does his VERY best to physically destroy Caulfield.


Through it all, Caulfield STILL comes back for more... grinning like some mad-man...


In the end though, despite keeping up with the Messiah's staggering assault, the ultimate outcome of the match would come as Caulfield acts in a heroic manner; one that proves to be equalizing moment all around...


Jay Fair, climbing outside of the ring, attempts to persuade the big-man to bring the action back inside; however, in doing so, is grabbed by the throat in a chokeslam manner. Lifting him high off the ground, making sure to look deep into the eyes of the fearful WAR referee, the Messiah appears to be on the verge of a ringside chokeslam when...




Chris Caulfield is shown striking Leper in the back with his faithful "Rusy" (steel chair).




Another shot across the back ultimately forces the powerful behemoth to drop Jay from his grasp.




Caulfield strikes Leper Messiah over the head with the heavily dented 'rusty'; however, at this point, Jay Fair is shockingly shown restoring order by calling for the bell.


While it was Caulfield who actually SAVED him from behind chokeslammed, it's as though he could no longer turn a blind eye to the repeated chair shots. As the Extreme ICON lands a 4th 'rusty' shot over the head of the face-painted Messiah, Jay is ultimately shown calling for the bell (as stated above). In connection, the WAR fan-base begins to boo like crazy as the fallen Fair lay along the ringside floor; regaining himself in the process. All the while, Caulfield doesn't seem to care about the official outcome; sizing up the big-man once again it seems...


Leper Messiah via Disqualification

Ending Maneuver:
Repeated strikes with 'Rusty' (Caulfield's dented steel chair) upon Leper Messiah

Ending Time:


Mitch Naess:
He saves your LIFE practically and THIS is how you repay him Jay Fair? Hmm... something just doesn't seem right about that. I get it. He used a weapon and this ISN'T a No DQ match... BUT... if he DIDN'T use that chair, a WAR official would most likely be hospitalized due to a chokeslam by that face-painted psycho!!

J.K. Stallings Jr:
Jay should than his LUCKY stars that Chris was there to save him!!! It's a lot like when Luke Skywalker saved Princess Leia from Jabba the hutt...

Mitch Naess:
Oh great... here we go...

{Naess slightly rolls his eyes as Stallings, full of childlike excitement, blurts out his connection to the match}

J.K. Stallings Jr:
You THOUGHT she was doomed but NO... The great hero swoops in and saves her from the grubby hands of Jabba!

Mitch Naess:
So you're likening Jay Fair to Princess Leia?

J.K. Stallings Jr:
Sure! Why not? Do you think he'd wear that gold...

Mitch Naess:
I'm going to stop you there...

{Stallings comically drops his face in a sad fashion. Meanwhile, Naess moves on}

Mitch Naess:
Folks, it seems that EVEN the most EXTREME of EXTREME ICONS needs an extra little something to keep Leper Messiah at bay. I'm positive, with an ending like this, that we HAVEN'T seen the last of Leper Messiah & Chris Caulfield at odds with one another. For some reason, I'm thinking this is ONLY the beginning...






Post-Match Beatdown

Involved: Chris Caulfield and Leper Messiah

“Rusty conquers all... just takes awhile!”


{Despite being levied by a number of steel chair strikes, Leper Messiah doesn’t seem to be down-and-out. In a way, he seems slowed down; however, not as much so given the amount of unforgiving impacts to his face-painted head.}


{As Caulfield eventually knocks the bruising behemoth to the cement floor with yet ANOTHER steel chair strike, 4th overall, the grinning hardcore ICON stands fortified; ready for more if need be. Shockingly enough, still clutching ‘Rusty’ (a dented steel chair) in his hands, he WOULD need more…}


{Starting with a simple arm stretched outward, flexing his hand like a psychotic monster, Leper Messiah slowly pulls himself back to his feet; however, seconds later, yet ANOTHER strike with ‘Rusty’ (5th overall) forces the big-man back to the cement ground below.}


{In the end, it would take 2-more steel chair strikes (6 and 7 overall) in which to keep the menacing big-man on the ground. Motionless, only his chest rising in which to breathe, Leper Messiah appears to be overcome for the 1st time in his WAR career.}


{All it took was 7 steel chair strikes by Chris Caulfield’s faithful ‘Rusty’…}


{Chris Caulfield closes the segment as he walks off the scene; raising ‘Rusty’ high into the air as he grins like a mad-man. Meanwhile, Leper Messiah lays motionless on the cement floor below.}


Mitch Naess:
Well… Leper Messiah is subdued for the 1st time in his shocking WAR career but… damn… It took 7 chair shots from Caulfield to keep him down!

J.K. Stallings Jr:
WAM-BAM-THANK-YOU… Uh… ‘Rusty’!!

Mitch Naess:
Caulfield REALLY DOES need to thank his faithful ‘Rusty’ here tonight!

J.K. Stallings Jr:
I need a ‘Rusty’!!

Mitch Naess:
Hm… that could be taken a different way, I’m sure.

J.K. Stallings Jr:
Love me some ‘Rusty’!

Mitch Naess:
Okay… Let’s move on…









Troy Tornado vs. HE (who needs no name)

Inferno Match

WAR Championship Match


While Troy Tornado's ring entrance is typically a long drawn-out affair, resembling much like an in-your-face rock concert of sorts, there is no such scenario tonight. Instead, the rebellious champion makes his presence known far before his entrance; attacking his opponent from behind as he walks through the "Gates of WAR" on his way to the ring. The strike, certainly stiff in nature, sends HE (who needs no name) toppling down to the steep rampway below; the victim of an unexpected assault. With the rabid WAR fan-base roaring at his back, the overtly arrogant WAR Champion acts with a grandiose level of swagger.


Sadly, at least in his case, his instant upper-hand, brought on by such an attack, is only short lived...


With time, the villainous zealot finds a way to even the score through true grit and nastiness. Utilizing everything at his disposal, the typically stoic challenger turns on an aggressive streak equal to some of the bests we've seen in history. Stomping fingers, kicking below the belt, even finger poking every once in awhile, the merciless HE (who needs no name) uses a consistent sense of 'cheapness' to his onslaught. While polarizing to say the least, it certainly does prove well for him as HE and Tornado find a way to stay pretty 'open' throughout.


As the match grows that much more vicious, utilizing the unforgiving confines of the ringside area as the ULTIMATE weapon of choice, there's a feeling that these two may NEVER actually climb into the ring once. In reality, that's exactly right. At some point, Jay Fair is shown begrudgingly calls for the bell, knowing the action would never enter into the ring, as he focuses his attention on the two competitors brawling around the ringside area instead.


Little did he know, the action wouldn't even stay at ringside...


Spilling through the "Gates of WAR", the heated confrontation between the two ravages the backstage area in great fury.


Despite the daunting task of staying ahead of his bloody-thirsty opponent, Tornado never seems to break stride from his typical swagger. Smirking, strutting around, making small gestures grand, the WAR Champion even mocks his challenger by comically pretending to pray shortly before running-up on him & punting the side of his head. With that in mind, despite such mockery, the crowd loves every second of it; completely buying into Tornado's rebellious, ultra-arrogant, severely degenerate style all together.


As you can expect, this approach by Tornado only furthers the aggression deep within HE (who needs no name).


Throwing one another into nearby walls, grabbing every weapon in sight (even a bag of ice out of the catering truck), and ultimately spilling ever so-close to the outside world, these two competitors show very little hope of coming away from this unscathed. In a way, as they viciously lay into one another, there's a feeling that A) HE (who needs no name) wants Tornado dead and B) Tornado wants to rid his illustrious future of the vile hands of his aggressor.


At one point, the idea of him wanting Tornado dead, seems rather uncomfortable to say the least. Grabbing a nearby can of gas, most likely stock-piled backstage for tonight's main event that never came to happen, HE (who needs no name) is shown pouring sad gasoline upon the fallen Champion before him. With time, he even grabs, and is about to light, a match before Tornado, dripping wet in gasoline, is able to tackle his attacker into a nearby collection of wooden crates. While the crisis is averted, at least from a flames perspective, the two crashing into the collection of crates makes for both being rather staggered soon thereafter.


With time, exploding through a service door to the side of the Empire Hotel & Casino, HE (who needs no name) and Troy Tornado eventually find their way to the Vegas Strip itself!


Brawling amongst the crowd of shocked on-lookers, many of them cheering wildly as their beer falls flat upon the dirty cement below, the two competitors further their opposite natures with simply how they re-act to such:


HE (who needs no name) does very little to interact with the crowd. If anything, it's as if he doesn't even know they are there. He's blind with rage, with purpose, and there is very little that can stop him from achieving what he set out to do here tonight.


Meanwhile, Troy Tornado acts as though he's in the midst of a sold-out rock concert. Smirking, joking around, furthering his arrogant strutting if you will, this rebellious champion puts forth his swagger front-and-center. In reality, while he does very little to interact with them as equals but still relishes the point of being center of attention.


With time, the two competitors actually spill into the street itself of the Vegas Strip. As cars whiz by, honking aggressively at the 'two idiots in the road', both continue to wage their warfare at an explosive pace. At one point, HE (who needs no name) almost gets struck by a car all together, pushed there by Tornado; however, luckily, for all involved, no such accident takes place.


In the end, while in much more of a grandiose fashion, a car on the Vegas Strip would bring about the ultimate ending...


Coming to a screeching halt, in fear of hitting the two as they brawl, a Las Vegas Taxi Driver slams on his breaks before the two of them. While he reaches his head out to scream at the pair, no such statement would slow them down. If anything, said car would become ANOTHER weapon for the two of them as heads are slammed into the hood, powerslams executed upon it's top, and a piledriver ultimately brings about a motionless HE (who needs no name); having him slowly roll off the top of the car and land upon the unforgiving cement below. From there, sensing the crowd's excitement, the WAR Champion is shown slowly raising his arms up in a lazed fashion as he dips his head back slightly; smirking the entire time. Seconds later, leaping off the top of said cab, Tornado is shown executing his signature "F*ck-Off!" (Elbow Drop) from the very top of the parked car.


His elbow connects directly with his opponents' head, most certainly adding further injury none the less. Then, shortly after taking a second to tend to his own injury, as his hip seems to be hurting upon the execution of his signature move, all that is left is a standard three count in an not-so-standard location. Before you know it, as Jay Fair's hand collides with the cement floor of the Vegas Strip, the match is officially brought to an end with Tornado as the victor. Meanwhile, HE (who needs no name) lays motionless in the corner of the street.


Troy Tornado retains the WAR Championship via pinfall

Ending Maneuver:
"F*ck-Off!" (Top Rope Elbow Drop) off of a parked cab on the Vegas Strip

Ending Time:

This marks Troy Tornado's 10th successful WAR Championship defense!


Mitch Naess:
What a brutal, BRUTAL, end to an already scarred Main Event here tonight! It was supposed to be an "Inferno Match" but after U-Demand came, well, demanding a change, THIS viciousness is what we got in it's place. I can't imagine, if they didn't like fire, then they probably ALSO didn't like the spectacle that just took place here on the Vegas Strip!

J.K. Stallings Jr:
Fire or NO fire... This WAS... A "Firestorm" to say the least!! WAR will NEVER be the same... E-E-E----VER after this one!!

Mitch Naess:
I don't doubt that things are expected to change, as they ALWAYS seem to do, but... TONIGHT will FOREVER be remembered as the night... simply put, just telling it like it is,... That U-Demand dominated... YOU!

{J.K. pouts in a dramatic fashion}

Mitch Naess:
You may have all the money in the world, all the success with the creation of WAR, but you certainly don't have ALL the POWER in the world, Mr. Stallings. Respectfully, while Troy Tornado may have won here tonight, it was YOU who lost...

J.K. Stallings Jr:
YOU... uh... YOU LOST!

{With that, in a temper-tantrum like manner, Stallings is shown throwing his head-set down to the desk before him. In doing so, the bow-tie wearing billionaire comically storms off in a thunderous manner; scowling during the entire time.}






Post-Match Celebration

Involved: Troy Tornado©

“Another one bites the dust!”


{As the nearby, most likely severely intoxicated, crowd roars around him from the Vegas Strip, the triumphant WAR Champion is shown slowly staggering away from the carnage left behind. With the taxi cab still parked in the middle of the road, the driver screaming at Tornado for interfering with his night, HE (who needs no name) lays motionless upon the street below; most likely still on dream-street following a vicious piledriver & “F*ck-off!” ( Top Rope Elbow Drop) combo.}


{As he staggers away, smirking in a devilish fashion the entire way as he limps, Troy Tornado is ultimately given possession of his WAR Championship once again.}


{Without even looking down upon it, he simply throws it over his shoulder in a cavalier fashion.}


{In the end, “Firestorm” ends with the sight of our smirking champion walking past the camera lens; smirking through the epic roar of the street-side crowd before him. Meanwhile, the carnage he levied stands in the background; HE (who needs no name) motionless as he lays before a stopped taxi cab in the middle of the street.}


Mitch Naess:
Through it all, no matter WHO stands before him, no matter WHO vows to take the title from him, no matter WHO… claims they will put his reign to an end, Troy Tornado ALWAYS finds a way to come out on top. Here, tonight, he took on one of THE most insane figures we’ve EVER seen in Professional Wrestling. HE (who needs no name) or Travis Century, whatever you want to call him, wanted Tornado ‘ended’… BUT… that simply did NOT come to pass. We came INTO “Firestorm” with Tornado as the WAR Champion and we’ll leave this great event the same way…
Let this be a warning to all… Troy Tornado cannot be stopped…
Goodnight, Folks!





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E-V, my good friend, you make it so hard to read your stuff as i have to read teh whole thing about 5 times to get all the awesome out of it. Great Great Firestorm. I get more impressed each post and this one delivered completely.


J.K. was in rare form, poor Mitch. Slick Rick getting a win?!?! You are insane. If there isn't a beat down on Slick soon, i'll be so mad. :) I was hoping that J-Ro would have picked a guy to beat down, but Ravyn was a nice surprise for me. We all knew that J-Ro would win, but getting them both to put on a great match works so well.


Puerto Rican Power© vs. Brutus O'Leary vs. Cletus vs. Hopkirk.

Do you beat up anyone more than poor PRP? That guy walks through blood and fire to keep his belt. I was kinda hoping that Hopkirk would steal a win here, just for the laughs. PRP stays strong and i'm sure that Brutus is tired of doing the J O B.


Blast you U-Demand! How dare you cut the Inferno Match. Don't they know that fire is ratings gold? I was robbed and want my $45.99 back. E-V put the check in the mail.


Braun and Martin was great, I can see why you kept Martin and let go of Braun, but i've always like Braun's render and skills. It'll be interesting to see where Martin goes from here.


Ares© vs. Masked Cougar

I wasn't thinking that Ares would lose here but Cougar is a worthy winner. I still think that it should have waited but a title change here just gives Ares more of a reason to fight and work to get his title back. That'll be fun.


Art Reed vs. Buddy Garner

Man, i picked that wrong. I don't really care that much for Reed and i wanted Garner to break his little legs off. Ah well, i can't win them all.


Chris Caulfield vs. Leper Messiah

DQ was my call. I think. I didn't think that leper would get the DQ win, figured it'd go and both would either get the double DQ or countout. Nice to see that Leper stays strong and Caulfield gets to work his way to fighting Troy.


Troy Tornado vs. HE (who needs no name)

Now that's a fight. Great write up and even better ending. Troy is unstoppable and looks like no one will ever take that belt from him. It'll be interesting to see where this goes. Troy looks to be out of top contenders. His fight with Ares not that long ago might be something to see again.. nudge nudge...wink wink.



Over a giant A from me.



Oh, did i miss a tag team title match?

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Looks like you might have to find another PPV carrier soon...





That's what I was thinking. To be utterly honest, I was going to book the Inferno Match; however, U-Demand blocked it. In the end, it actually worked REALLY well to add further depth to a storyline that's slowly moving along in a subtle way. In the future, it'll make sense WHY this wasn't a MAJOR let down (losing the match) as it will add fire to an overarching storyline coming up quite soon.


what an awesome show, was definitely worth the wait for.



on non story based post what font did you use for the firestorm logo.


I actually didn't create it myself. I searched up "Firestorm" logos on google and that is the best one that I liked. From there, I just took some additional images (the liquid fire) and propped them in which to create an overall logo. I'll be the first to say that I can't create anything really; so, I'm stuck on what I can find/what picmonkey will allow me to do (now that picnik is gone).


E-V, my good friend, you make it so hard to read your stuff as i have to read teh whole thing about 5 times to get all the awesome out of it. Great Great Firestorm. I get more impressed each post and this one delivered completely.


Sorry about taking over your Sunday. ;)


I knew it was going to be a long show; however, 28-pages or so of Microsoft Word can be much I'm sure. That said, THANK YOU for taking the time to give it a thorough read (as that's what I love to hear given the amount of time that goes into these results).


J.K. was in rare form, poor Mitch. Slick Rick getting a win?!?! You are insane. If there isn't a beat down on Slick soon, i'll be so mad. :) I was hoping that J-Ro would have picked a guy to beat down, but Ravyn was a nice surprise for me. We all knew that J-Ro would win, but getting them both to put on a great match works so well.


Slick is actually set to play a pretty important purpose going forward. His win, while it may seem out of nowhere at first, was booked in which to set up a future scenario/storyline.


As for whether he'll get his a$$ kicked... I guess we'll have to see. ;)


Puerto Rican Power© vs. Brutus O'Leary vs. Cletus vs. Hopkirk.

Do you beat up anyone more than poor PRP? That guy walks through blood and fire to keep his belt. I was kinda hoping that Hopkirk would steal a win here, just for the laughs. PRP stays strong and i'm sure that Brutus is tired of doing the J O B.


That's PRP's gimmick really. He's a brutish powerhouse who will run through burning walls in which to 'get the job done'. He's really blue collar to the core. Not in the gimmicky way but in a 'lunchpale' perspective on wrestling; just out to get the job done at anyway he can.


Honestly, I wasn't expecting to push him but NOW he's one of my favorite characters in WAR.


Side note, I don't know if I could EVER put the belt on Hopkirk. Which is saying a lot seeing how I LOVE to swerve things to keep people on their toes (as long as it works in a storyline).


Blast you U-Demand! How dare you cut the Inferno Match. Don't they know that fire is ratings gold? I was robbed and want my $45.99 back. E-V put the check in the mail.


Would you take payment in the form of guitar pics? I've got A LOT of those. May be an equal trade. ;)


That said, boo U-Demand... BUT... it sets everything up going forward.


(and not how you would think originally...)


Braun and Martin was great, I can see why you kept Martin and let go of Braun, but i've always like Braun's render and skills. It'll be interesting to see where Martin goes from here.


I personally like Braun. To be honest, I went through three different outcomes. Braun wins. Martin wins. Both lose and are forced to retire equally. Truthfully, the latter was my first and most strong perspectives (in which to clean things up). However, moving forward, I may be losing some names along the way; so, I needed at least someone like Martin to keep a "D+" popularity guy around if need be.


Ares© vs. Masked Cougar

I wasn't thinking that Ares would lose here but Cougar is a worthy winner. I still think that it should have waited but a title change here just gives Ares more of a reason to fight and work to get his title back. That'll be fun.


Originally, Ares was set to win (if you want to know). That said, there's a possibility that he may be leaving; so, I needed to protect myself if that were to happen. If he doesn't, there's a good chance he could get back to that point but, until I know, it's Masked Cougar's turn to take the reigns of the Blitzkrieg division!


Art Reed vs. Buddy Garner

Man, i picked that wrong. I don't really care that much for Reed and i wanted Garner to break his little legs off. Ah well, i can't win them all.


I love Reed. To me, he's my Daniel Bryan in WAR. Somewhat bland; however, a great talent in the ring.


In the end, with Buddy Garner leaving for Japan, this was the best way to really have Reed catapult off of Garner going from here.


Chris Caulfield vs. Leper Messiah

DQ was my call. I think. I didn't think that leper would get the DQ win, figured it'd go and both would either get the double DQ or countout. Nice to see that Leper stays strong and Caulfield gets to work his way to fighting Troy.


This was a last minute addition (as Caulfield JUST signed with WAR); however, I'm really happy with how it came out. Leper Messiah looks insanely strong yet Caulfield continues his extreme mentality. While Caulfield may have lost, it's almost a given that he NEEDED to use the chair at that time (to say Jay Fair). Sadly, the twist is, by using said weapon to subdue the monster, he ultimately lost the match.


I feel as though the segment following actually makes BOTH men look strong. Caulfield uses 'Rusty' to be the 1st person to subdue Leper Messiah. Meanwhile, it took like 7-chair shots to do so; so Messiah looks strong as well.


Troy Tornado vs. HE (who needs no name)

Now that's a fight. Great write up and even better ending. Troy is unstoppable and looks like no one will ever take that belt from him. It'll be interesting to see where this goes. Troy looks to be out of top contenders. His fight with Ares not that long ago might be something to see again.. nudge nudge...wink wink.


I really wanted to paint a picture of raw violence between these two (especially given that the inferno match was pulled). In this case though, Tornado furthers his notion that he is the "King of Vegas" (in a way); as the crowd cheers for him as he wins on the strip.


As for challengers... We'll see that addressed on "Battleground" following "Firestorm"...


Over a giant A from me.


If only TEW agreed with you. :rolleyes:


Oh, did i miss a tag team title match?


You didn't miss anything, Timber.


With Leper Messiah assaulting DAMiaN, there really aren't any champions at this point. That said, there's a reason I left a tag championship match off of "Firestorm" as I was hoping to wait till AFTER the PPV to put focus on it once again. More or less, I didn't want to throw something in there; especially if I didn't have all the wrestlers I wanted for it.


That said, it's coming as we look for new champs.

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WAR: "Firestorm" -- PPV Event

Date of Event:
Saturday, 3rd Week of July 2010

Wrestling Action in Revolt (WAR)

8,815 out of 10,000 at Empire Coliseum (Event Arena Located in the Empire Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas, NV)

PPV Buy-rate:
0.38 (0.34 for last month's -- "Rise or Fall...")

Competitors PPV Buy-rates:
SWF "Supreme Challenge 30" - 5.41, USPW "Independence Day Slam" - 0.46, TCW "N/A" (Not yet this month)

Event Grade:


  • Slick Rick defeated Jayson Wright and Jacob Jett in 6:24 via pinfall.

  • As Slick (along with Misty & Mandy) exit the ringside area in a celebratory fashion, J.K. Stallings Jr. shocks the crowd by coming out in which to take his spot behind the commentary desk along with Mitch Naess.

  • Joanne Rodriguez defeated Ravyn in 8:25 via pinfall.

  • The rabid WAR fan-base showers Joanne and Ravyn with a show of great support through a standing-O.

  • Puerto Rican Power retains the WAR Sin City Championship in 7:33 following pinning Brutus O'Leary.

  • U-Demand phones in with concerns over the "Inferno" main event. In the end, the PPV network pushes their weight around and Mr. Stallings folds under the pressure. The main event is changed to a "Falls Count Anywhere" match instead.

  • Johnny Martin defeated Alex Braun in 10:04 via pinfall. Alex Braun, by coming up short, has lost his career in the process.

  • WAR Champion, Troy Tornado, holds a promo backstage.

  • Masked Cougar becomes the WAR Blitzkrieg Champion by defeating Ares in 7:16 via pinfall.

  • In a video shot earlier that day, Mitch Naess attempts to get answers out of Chris Caulfield about WHY he struck Troy Tornado. In the end, Caulfield gives him nothing; stating the matter will be addressed on "Battleground" but tonight he has Leper Messiah to focus on.

  • Art Reed defeated Buddy Garner in 16:36 via submission.

  • A menacing hype video of Leper Messiah is shown.

  • Leper Messiah defeated Chris Caulfield in 5:24 via DQ.

  • Chris Caulfield KO's Leper Messiah for the first time; using around 7 chair shots ('Rusty') to eventually floor the big-man.

  • Troy Tornado retains the WAR Championship by defeating HE (who needs no name) in 16:20 via pinfall.

  • WAR fans on the Strip itself shower the WAR Champion, Troy Tornado, with roaring respect. Meanwhile, Tornado appears just as arrogant as ever.

Next Show:
WAR "Battleground" -- TV Episode #8

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{We open in a guerilla-like fashion as a hazed camera lens darts all over the place; unfocused throughout. With time, said haze becomes rather focused as we witness the sight of a shaggy blonde-haired Ash Campbell positioning the lens back upon himself. With no real sense of a steady hand, those who obtain motion sickness very easily need turn away.}


{Speaking to the lens before him, it’s quite obvious to read the hurt & frustration upon the face of one Ash Campbell. It’s almost as if he hadn’t slept in days, or at least hasn’t slept WELL in days, as his eyes sink deeper into the swollenness surrounding them.}


{After a short sigh, one bleeding with frustration, Campbell begins to speak in a soft, dejected, tone.}


[Ash Campbell]:
It’s another day… another day where my Father continues to ignore the truth.


{Ash pauses once again, looking off to the side for a second as if to reclaim himself before speaking again.}


[Ash Campbell]:
I never had a REAL father growing up. I had someone who many labeled a LEGEND… but who my mom labeled disappointing. You see, in my house, my Father wasn’t a LEGEND. He wasn’t some GREAT figure in the sands of history. In my house, he was a dead-beat a$$hole. He was the reason for ALL things wrong; at least so says my mom & her family.


{Pausing for a second again, Ash continues to push forward despite feeling the pain of the moment.}


[Ash Campbell]:
Now that I’m older, I know that view was JUST as sensationalized as the wrestling persona given to him. My Father is not an a$$hole; he’s not even that bad of a guy. He’s just… lost. Lost in the LEGEND… lost as to WHO he REALLY is.
While I continually hear that it’s not MY job to ‘show my Father the light’, I just can’t pull myself away from the train-wreck he’s become. After years upon years of being labeled as THE biggest revolutionary this industry has EVER seen… He’s struggling with what happens… next. Where he will go from here? How will he know when it’s time to hang it all up? Will he die in… our out of… the ring? These are ALL things that I know he’s struggling with. Maybe not publically; but I know.


{Relaying another dejected sigh, the young Campbell finishes out this webisode of his newfound reality show}


[Ash Campbell]:
Today is just another day… but it’s ALSO another day to try to get through to him. Hopefully, tomorrow, that will be a day where he finally listens…


{With that, rolling his bottom lip up in an emotional manner, Ash looks as though his last statement is weighing heavy upon him. In the end, bringing his self-taped segment to a close, there’s an overall feel that this youngster is entirely overrun by the daunting task set before him; one he feels is HIS duty to accomplish.}


Original WAR.com Programming

Brought to you by StallMedia

(A subsidiary of StallCorp)










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WAR to name NEW commentator on "Battleground" this week!

With the departure of Slick Rick from the commentary desk, news out of WAR headquarters is that a NEW head commentator will be announced on “Battleground” this week!


While Slick has always been perceived as HIGHLY controversial, one can certainly describe the sleazy scum-bag as a vital part of the early creation of Wrestling Action in Revolt. His raspy voice, his overt brashness, and his underlying villainous streak has long placed him at the forefront of any and all WAR broadcasts.


When asked for comment about his newfound career path (stepping out from behind the desk and into the ring), Slick had a very simple, yet polarizing, response of: “F*ck you”.


Even though this doesn’t coincide with what was asked, it shouldn’t come as a shock.


Slick Rick is a douche-bag.










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This is great, great stuff.


I'm glad I've gotten back into TEW and WMMA and whatnot because this kind of stuff is what I missed most about the community. Your work was always some of my favourite stuff to read and I'm ecstatic to return and see one of your projects on the front page!


Hope to see more!

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Do you know who the U-Demand guy was?


You should do a storyline between Troy and U-Demand just for laughs...:p


Also saying that J.K Stallings is my pick for the announcer. Won't be suprised if Steve Smith would be the announcer either.,,


The U-Demand representative was written in which to by anonymous. Not in the way that there's someone we know hiding behind a wall of secrecy but more that it's not all that important who he is. Really, the U-Demand/Main Event scenario was booked in which to touch upon an overarching storyline with Stallings (and another as it moves on).


Will U-Demand step in again? Possibly. That said, it was all created in which to add fire to future flames... making a case if you will.


As for announcer, it would be GREAT to have Steve-o back but he's under a written deal with TCW. I actually miss the Steve-o/Slick combo; however, now we're moving onto something new.


This is great, great stuff.


I'm glad I've gotten back into TEW and WMMA and whatnot because this kind of stuff is what I missed most about the community. Your work was always some of my favourite stuff to read and I'm ecstatic to return and see one of your projects on the front page!


Hope to see more!




It's been awhile since I've seen you around here but it's great to have you back. This community is still chuggin' along but certainly needs all the voices/writers/readers it can get right now. That said, it's good to have YOU back.


I'm excited that my work is still resonating with you. WAR on the Vegas Strip... has been a project in my mind going all the way back over a year ago now. Really, when I did USPW, it was a coin flip as to which one I wanted to write more (with WAR taking the back seat only because I felt it may be easier to write an established company after creating my own so much).


At this point in the dynasty, there's A LOT that has gone on... but there's A LOT MORE that's coming. :D


Glad to see you back!

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07.25.10 - 1:23 PM


"I guess it shouldn't come as a major shock that Cornell would come calling for talent... TCW is growing at a rapid pace these days."


Despite his tenure being in a state of absolute infancy, Mitch Naess has shown a lack of interest in pulling punches. Truthfully, it's not that he's a domineering figure. While such an initial thought may paint him as such, it's more about the underlying moxy that he appears to posses. It's the kind of confidence that comes with knowing JUST enough to be 'deadly'.


Seated at the very edge of his chair, folding his hands in a power posing manner, Naess defines the epitome of being a professional; almost to a fault.


It's Saturday morning and yet he's dressed in a neatly pressed suit; the only one he seems to own.


With direct eye-contact as a portion of his inherent chess-game, the focused announcer appears to be ALREADY jockeying for a higher position.


While his talent is certainly obvious, oozing through like a hot marshmallow upon a graham cracker, his go-getter mentality was somewhat of an annoyance to me.


He may have gumption but this is my company & the buck drops with me.


"Rapid for now. Yes."


I couldn't help but shoot down any notion that Cornell was having success. It's just not in my nature to perceive him as ANYTHING but a douche-bag. Whether that was my or his flaw overall, it meant very little in the grand scheme of things. The overall directive is to reap my revenge upon those who wronged me. Cornell is certainly at the very TOP of that list; alongside the name of Sam Strong no doubt.


"You've got an axe to grind don't you?"


A slight smirk forms upon his face in a "Really?" fashion. It's almost as if he's looking down upon me. In reality, he has no perch for which to look down upon me. He's a lowly announcer. I'm one of the richest men in all the world. Chew on that.


"I've got goals... any great mind does."


Understanding the tone of the moment, being the consummate ladder-climber that he is, Naess instantly backs off of his humorous perspective. Even with his face pulling more serious, obviously reeling from misreading the original tone, if not the state of our working relationship, there's never a second of lacking eye-contact.


"Oh, totally. That's how you get somewhere in life."


An awkward silence follows as I'm sure I could have alleviate such a scenario; however, had very little interest in going that far to accommodate him. While his focus is something to relish, as it's quite hard finding motivated minds in this day and age, I simply wasn't interested in creating a 'buddy-buddy' relationship with the man. He's an employee; a staff member at that.


He's a dime a dozen to me.


"Are you planning on repopulating the Blitzkrieg division? With Ares and Fox Mask on their way out, I'm sure the division will need some new names to freshen up the place; make people forget they bolted."


A slight nod is all that's given. With that, it's almost comical to see how uncomfortable Naess has become in such a short time. That go-getter mentality is still there; however, now buried under the rubble of his failing banter.


"Losing Ares is a blow no doubt. Losing Fox Mask... not so much. We'll repopulate... the indy scene is ripe with young fliers who have an apparent death-wish."


A chuckle subconsciously escapes my mouth as I continue to look out upon the Vegas Strip before me. The gigantic window positioned behind Naess' head most likely gives him the idea that I'm somewhat paying attention to him. In reality, the view is far more riveting.


"CZCW has made a 15-year career on it..."


"Yea, I plan on ending that..."


Again, in a sudden burst of internal anger, my response is quickly relayed as if on auto-pilot. Cliff [Anderson] while a small fish to fry is certainly on said frying list. His words pierced me following the HGC sale & there's no chance I'm backing away from destroying that little rinky-dink promotion of his.


I may have my sights on BIGGER opponents but that doesn't mean I've taken my eyes off of the smaller opponent beneath my boot.


"So I've heard... Just like what you're doing with BSC"


He responds with a smile; again attempting to relate with me.


"They'll ALL pay... every... last... one of them..."


Another round of awkward silence follows as I feel my hands forming into angered fists upon my desk. Meanwhile, just short of pulling on his collared shirt in a show of being uncomfortable, Naess looks to be overcome by the situation at hand.


Before you know it, our conversation would come to a close with this very tone still resonating. He would thank me for my time, practically kiss my a$$ the entire way out of the door; however, most of it fell on the floor before me. In reality, I gave him my audience; however, never really gave him my attention.


I'll give him a spot in the booker's circle but I'm almost positive that John [Campbell] will eat him alive.


He's got a thing for go-getters who dare challenge him...


He hates them...
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Great ppv E-V. Canning the Inferno Match in the way you did worked really well, emphasising how Stalling's comical transformation and subsequent mismanagement continues to damage WAR. I'm not sure if I can see him as a full-time replacement for Slick Rick though... it might run the gimmick a little thin if you're constantly having to write nerd-humor material for him. Then again, I wouldn't be surprised if you could pull it off either. :p


Nice booking of the Caulfield/Messiah match too. Kept both characters strong as well as making Jay Fair look like a total tool for DQ'ing Caulfield after he saved his striped-jersey-wearing backside.

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Great ppv E-V. Canning the Inferno Match in the way you did worked really well, emphasising how Stalling's comical transformation and subsequent mismanagement continues to damage WAR. I'm not sure if I can see him as a full-time replacement for Slick Rick though... it might run the gimmick a little thin if you're constantly having to write nerd-humor material for him. Then again, I wouldn't be surprised if you could pull it off either. :p


You know, I thought, at first, about him being permanent there; however, later felt it would only stretch a lot of my angles too much (given the Owner is right there). So, coming into "Battleground", a new commentator is going to be named to work alongside Mitch Naess.


Also, as for the comical transformation and subsequent mismanagement of 'Junior', you hit the nail RIGHT on the head... ;)


... This will pave the way for a big storyline coming up.


Nice booking of the Caulfield/Messiah match too. Kept both characters strong as well as making Jay Fair look like a total tool for DQ'ing Caulfield after he saved his striped-jersey-wearing backside.


Thank you!


Even though Caulfield was new, and a big name at that, I didn't want to have him just go over someone I had spent 6-months building. So, in this way, Caulfield looks crazy enough to have had subdued the face-painted psycho for the first time; however, it's in a manner where he needed 'Rusty' (many times) just to do so. As you said, now I feel both remain pretty strong in the process.


Jay Fair certainly can be perceived as a tool. ha. I tend to book my referees as people who are SO locked-in on enforcing the rules (Laws) of the squared circle; almost to a fault. In this point, while saved, he's forced to call a DQ as he saw the chair-shot that saved him.


So yea, even my referee has some depth to him. haha. It can be tiring.

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In a Puerto Rican Hospital; WAR contract over.

Despite the fact that his WAR contract is set to end Monday night, the stoic "Lone Wolf" Shawn Gonzalez will not be in attendance at "Battleground" due to injuries sustained in a shocking street brawl. While early reports are quite shaky thus far, it's being said that Gonzalez was the victim of a heinous assault in the early morning hours on Sunday in Puerto Rico. The attack came shortly after an FCW (Freedom Championship Wrestling) event had concluded and the rowdy crowd had poured into the streets. Local law enforcement attempted to keep said crowd in check; however, the attack proves that not everything was under control that night.


Sustaining non-life threatening injuries, Gonzalez still resides in a Puerto Rican hospital today; making it impossible for him to be part of, what could have been, his final "Battleground" event.


Little is known whether or not Gonzalez was planning on re-signing with Wrestling Action in Revolt; however, those close to the situation claim that Mr. Stallings had gone 'full-force' toward keeping the wrestling ICON. At this point, given his injuries, a fact that keeps him away from WAR this monday, there's a chance we'll never see the "Lone Wolf" in a WAR ring ever again. If so, this will most certainly go down as yet another perceived failure by WAR owner, J.K. Stallings Jr., as he attempts to regain his company following his own injuries suffered months ago.


While it may not be his fault, it could go down as such as whispers are starting to form whether or not the WAR owner is competent as a company-wide leader.


All in all, the famed "Lone Wolf" Shawn Gonzalez will NOT be attendance at OMEGA Monday Night as "Battleground" is broadcasted LIVE throughout the Nation. Company officials apologize for the inconvenience placed on those who were hoping to witness the wrestling ICON in action.


They are also deeply saddened that we may never see the "Lone Wolf" in a WAR ring ever again.


While early reports claiming otherwise, Shawn Gonzalez' attacker has been apprehended and is currently in holding at a Puerto Rican jailhouse.




Jesus Chavez, a man known to have gang connections, is currently being held on bail and will most certainly see legal action taken against him for the assault that placed Gonzalez in the hospital.


More information to come...










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To those about to wage in WAR, the battleground is the ultimate place for which LEGENDS are born. Putting everything on the line, a warrior has very little room for error. For, if one is to slip, even momentarily, mass destruction is almost an absolute certainty.


WAR is no place for the weak. When stepping onto the hallowed battleground, only one thing remains… Will you, or will you not, rise to the occasion?


Will you rise for your country? Will you rise for your family? Will you rise for greatness? Will you rise for your brothers? Will you rise… for the banner of WAR?


This and this alone is what measures a man…


… What turns an ordinary person into that of a LEGEND …


Who will dominate the Battleground?


WHO will become the LEGENDS of WAR?








While there are several scenarios running rampant in Wrestling Action in Revolt today, two of the more chaotic developments are all being wound into ONE MATCH to open "Battleground" this week. While one is quite black-and-white, that being the "GOD of WAR"
looking to extract a sense of revenge upon the NEW Blitzkrieg Champion
Masked Cougar
for defeating him at "Firestorm" for said title, the other rivalry is one coiled in sex, revenge, and arrogance. In that case, the three men chosen by each WAR Pin-up Girl will bring forth their altercation for another week as
Slick Rick
(w/ Misty and Mandy)
Jacob Jett
(w/ Blondie)
attempt to, once again, take down
(w/ Dharma)
. More or less, while one of THE most famed institutions in WAR at one time (The WAR Pin-up Girls), there is nothing but a devastated wasteland in it's wake; filled with anger between them all. In the end, joining his fellow Coastal Zoner for support,
Snap Dragon
bravely steps into this cluster-f*ck as the final member of the Masked Cougar/Jayson Wright team. Will it prove to be a mistake on his part? Given the past between ALL of these competitors, there's a good chance that the masked flier (Snap Dragon) could find himself as an innocent victim waiting in the wings.



Puerto Rican Power
has come to define the
WAR Sin City Championship
. Competing under a daunting 24/7 challenge rule-set, Power has stepped into his role as the figurehead of said title with very little in the way of complaints. Utilizing a combination of strength, determination, brutishness, and an unwillingness to simply 'give up', this overpowering brawler has quickly cemented his championship in his very image. With that in mind though, while astounding, it's not as though he's firmly dominated the scene all together. Currently a 3-time champion, the numbers don't lie: It's insanely hard to keep your HANDS on the Sin City Championship for long enough to become comfortable. I guess, this week, the uncomfortable nature continues as Power must, once again, face uncertainty... WHO Will be his challenger this week on "Battleground"?
will attempt to take the title from him once again? And will he have enough left in the tank after a hellacious "Firestorm" battle to keep said championship STILL over his gigantic shoulder?



Buddy Garner
hasn't been much of a "Machine" as of late. At one point, Garner was deemed as THE greatest in-ring competitor in WAR (if not the world). He overcame the Tri-State Kings as a whole (even trumping the LEGENDARY Eric Tyler in the process); however, since then, this profound MMA fighter has come to discover his greatest weakness: Art Reed. Going down 0-2 in singles competition against the man they've dubbed as "Fear This!", Garner has seemingly lost his way. While it shouldn't be long before he re-enters the winner's circle, such a losing streak may provide the REAL truth of it all... He's great.. except Art Reed is greater! Fast-forward to this week and it won't become much easier for the "Machine". For, on "Battleground", Garner has the tall task of stepping before an absolute ICON in
Chris Caulfield
. Fresh off of losing at "Firestorm" himself, yet subduing Leper Messiah for the FIRST TIME in HISTORY with a round of steel chair strikes with 'rusty' (his trademark dented steel chair), there's no doubt that Caulfield will be looking to re-enter said winner's circle as well. In the end, who wants it more; Garner or Caulfield?



Since his recent debut with WAR,
Art Reed
has proven himself as a force to be reckoned with. Projecting his nickname as "Fear This!" with expertise, Reed has quickly become one of THE most feared in-ring competitors in WAR history with a number of big wins over the explosive "Machine" Buddy Garner. Now, sitting at a noteworthy 3-0 in singles competition, Reed is being rewarded for his success by stepping into the Main Event this week against the WAR Champion,
Troy Tornado
, in a
non-title match
. In this case though, the ONLY person who could make Reed's recent success seem amateur is the very person he'll have to attempt to defeat on "Battleground"; a feat that MANY have come to & failed. That said, only days removed from a vicious battle between Tornado and HE (who needs no name), one has to wonder... is the WAR Champion healthy enough to overcome yet ANOTHER challenger in such short time? We'll find out THIS WEEK on "Battleground" as the rebellious rocker squares off against the fear-driving technition!







WAR Battleground Quick Picks

Ares/Jacob Jett/Slick Rick vs. Jayson Wright/Masked Cougar/Snap Dragon

Puerto Rican Power© vs. ?????

Buddy Garner vs. Chris Caulfield

Art Reed vs. Troy Tornado


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