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WAR on the Vegas Strip...

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I don't like your brackets. :)


Bah, so it's gonna be like that is it.


So it goes:

Reed over Leper.

Morgan over Tama.


PRP over Ota.

El Prat over Brutus.



Reed squashes Morgan.

El Prat cheats over PRP(i'm going with a run in by Cleatus)



Reed and Prat. That's Heel vs. Heel. But i think you are man enough to run with that and it'll bring the house down. Great match, Vet vs. the youngster.


El Prat with some help as he over comes Reed to win it all. Reed gets mad and El Prat is unmasked revealing his true identity, No longer the Legend of Mexico, El Prat is disqualified and Reed is given the tourney. Reed beats the crap out of him and turns Face.


And, Scene.

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I don't like your brackets. :)


Bah, so it's gonna be like that is it.


So it goes:

Reed over Leper.

Morgan over Tama.


PRP over Ota.

El Prat over Brutus.



Reed squashes Morgan.

El Prat cheats over PRP(i'm going with a run in by Cleatus)



Reed and Prat. That's Heel vs. Heel. But i think you are man enough to run with that and it'll bring the house down. Great match, Vet vs. the youngster.


El Prat with some help as he over comes Reed to win it all. Reed gets mad and El Prat is unmasked revealing his true identity, No longer the Legend of Mexico, El Prat is disqualified and Reed is given the tourney. Reed beats the crap out of him and turns Face.


And, Scene.


I like the idea you have here... It MAY end up like this... it may not... We'll have to see...


That said, one note though, Art Reed is actually a babyface in WAR right now. Stallings whole 'I need to make you more merchandisable' was out of the fact that he's one of the TOP babyfaces... yet... extremely dull from a SE perspective. His frustrations with the fact, not being able to be successful as a great wrestler alone, ultimately made him walk out on Stallings a lot but it was never out of hatred. Just annoyance.


That said, again, I love to hear from you on the brackets!

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Ah, i thought that Art Reed was still a Heel. In that case, my points stand and it'll be great. Loved the bracket set up itself.


The match i'd look forward to the most, just my pic if we could really see this on TV would be, PRP vs Ota. Just such a clash in styles. It either would be a fast paced match, but short, or a complete cluster if they don't click. Should be amazing either way, classic speed vs. power, or botchmania in the extreme. I'm voting on PRP spear and Ota getting hurt. (not sure what your injuries are set on).


Reed over Leper, i'd like to see that. Art is good and Leper is a beast. All in all, i'd say DQ from Leper. Reed has to move on as I can see Reed moving up the roster and taking on Troy, but not Leper, ever. Leper is a midcard guy that smashes lower card guys, but DQ's against the upper Mid.


The Morgan/Tama match is gonna be a potty break match. ZZZzzzzZZzzz. You're brave to run it, but egads is it gonna suck. Best bet is that JK comes out the screen and smacks you for booking it. I'll give him directions to your modem. :)

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The match i'd look forward to the most, just my pic if we could really see this on TV would be, PRP vs Ota. Just such a clash in styles. It either would be a fast paced match, but short, or a complete cluster if they don't click. Should be amazing either way, classic speed vs. power, or botchmania in the extreme. I'm voting on PRP spear and Ota getting hurt. (not sure what your injuries are set on).


Puerto Rican Power and Fumihiro Ota have long been a combination that I love to book. It wasn't long ago that Ota debuted at the expense of the THEN WAR Sin City Champion Puerto Rican Power (attacking him from within the darkness like a good ninja warrior would). That said, I'm really happy with how their re-encounter came together (as you'll see on the show).


Reed over Leper, i'd like to see that. Art is good and Leper is a beast. All in all, i'd say DQ from Leper. Reed has to move on as I can see Reed moving up the roster and taking on Troy, but not Leper, ever. Leper is a midcard guy that smashes lower card guys, but DQ's against the upper Mid.


Awesome(ly) enough, Leper Messiah has actually become a main eventer in WAR thus far (at least in TEW terms). He's now at a "C-" overall in overness. Honestly, this is one of my greatest achievements since the start of my game. I think he starts at like an "E+"; so, to jump up that high is pretty huge!


The Morgan/Tama match is gonna be a potty break match. ZZZzzzzZZzzz. You're brave to run it, but egads is it gonna suck. Best bet is that JK comes out the screen and smacks you for booking it. I'll give him directions to your modem. :)


What!?! You don't like Tui Tama (Kid Toma)?? Boo to you, Sir! haha jk.


Sure, his psychology is terrible but his character is always a good one to run (Samoan Wildman)!


That said, the REAL background Stallings would slap me; no doubt. The in-character Stallings (Junior if you will) would probably cower behind his desk, make some awkward jokes, and ultimately quote comic-books to try to win me over. Sadly, I didn't read many of them... so... he'd probably end up failing out of that one.

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My Bracket Prediction:


Reed - Messiah

Morgan - Tama

PRP - Ota

El Plata - O'Leary


Reed - Tama

PRP - El Plata


Reed - El Plata


Storywise, I prefer Art's win, due Stallings' creation of Reed's SE image. I also think right now Art is the only one, aside Caulfield, that can match Tornado.

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Produced Documentary

Involved: Brutus O'Leary, El Platinum-ay ©, Mitch Naess, Eric Tyler, and Chris Caulfield

“Perception of the BOOM!”


{“Battleground” opens with a short black-and-white hype video depicting the carnage bestowed upon WAR by the combination of Troy Tornado and Nemesis at “Uprising”. Shortly after the video comes to close, a number of WAR figures are all shown sitting alone in a single-lit studio. Shot in a documentary kind of fashion, each individual comes forward with their perception of what happened at “Uprising”.}


[brutus O’Leary]:
Where I’m from, If you pull some sh*t like this, comin’ into another’s house and tearing it to shreds, you’re bound to get your a$$-kicked. Seriously. You don’t pull that kind of bull and expect to walk freely about.
{Pauses; stares into the camera with an intense nature}
You may have come into this house, ripped it to shreds, left your stamp, whatever you want to call it, I don’t give a damn…
It may not mean much to you but this place means a whole HELL of a lot to me.
Stallings gave me what other wrestling promoters never did; an opportunity.
For that, I’ll lay down for the man.
[Pauses; intense with his stare}
… And if there’s ONE thing you should know about me… It’s that my word is as thick as cement.
If you want to tear down WAR… You’ve got to go through ME first…


{After O’Leary’s intense stare, we now turn to the sight of the counter-opposite of his stern aggression. That said, there sits WAR Sin City Champion, El Platinum-ay.}


[El Platinum-ay]:
I saw it coming.
{He says in his worst Spanish accent}
The Mayan people once told me that THEY would come to end the world as we know it. At the time, I thought they were just hitting the prayer bowl a little too hard. But, when I saw “Uprising”, I KNEW the day had come! Touché… I mean… El Touché…
{Smirks; thinking he caught himself}
Now that the day is here… Allow me to extend my services…
{Smirks; arrogant}
Imagine what you COULD accomplish with THE greatest Luchador at your side? Believe me, they’ll be running for the hills!
It’s like we say in Mexico…
{He slurs his words so that you can’t really hear him; however, does utilize over the top gestures}
Yep, that about sums it up!
With YOU as my ally, there will be NO stopping… the GREAT… the LEGENDARY…EL… PLATINUM…AY-AY-AY!!


{Sporting an arrogant grin as we fade to the next person, El Platinum-ay appears AS high on himself as ever. Meanwhile, the next in line proves to be a somewhat overwhelmed Mitch Naess. After being punched-out at “Uprising” by Troy Tornado, it’s obvious to see, other than his black-eye, that he’s not quite comfortable with the current state of things.}


[Mitch Naess]:
I’ve never seen ANYTHING like that before; in all of my 14-years… never.
{looks shaken still}
I mean, I worked in DaVE… I’ve covered Nemesis for years…
{Shakes his head; ‘back there’ in his mind}
I just would have thought something like this would have happened there… back then… when the culture of wrestling was ALL about overthrowing the status quo.
{Still detached; thinking about what happened}
And then… I’m punched-out by Tornado? I’m LITERALLY knocked unconscious by the WAR Champion?
{Shakes his head again as he pauses}
What the hell is wrong with this place?
{Shakes his head until he, all of a sudden, comes back to; very focused with his last message to the camera lens}
Tornado and Nemesis… that’s what’s wrong with this place…


{Sinking back into his fearful mind, Naess slumps in his seat in a meek fashion. Meanwhile, we now transition away from the mentally scarred WAR announcer and eventually land upon, once again, the counter-opposite of the current scenario. In this case, there’s Eric Tyler properly seated in his chair; hardened in his stare.}


[Eric Tyler]:
They had it coming to them. All of them. After months of teetering on the brink of anarchy, trying to capitalize on the death of DaVE, this company brought ALL of this on by itself. Honestly, let me educate you…
{Tyler leans forward slightly in his chair as he relays a condescending stare shortly after rolling his eyes}
When you play with fire… you may get a rise out of it all… you may even FEEL like you’re turning a new leaf… becoming dangerous… living out a fantasy… whatever. In the case of WAR, the fire that it was playing with, trying to bring the rebelliousness of DaVE back to the forefront, is what ULTIMATELY gave LIFE to this inferno we have now.
Are you all REALLY that dumb?
{Shakes his head}
Maybe this generation IS as pathetic as I once thought.
{Shakes his head; disgusted}
You wanted fire? Here’s your fire, Stallings.
{Pauses; looks toward the camera in a condescending fashion}
You can watch your empire BURN because of it…


{Eric Tyler stares upon the camera as if HE knows more than all as we transition away from the arrogant veteran. From there, one final glimpse is shown and that’s of Chris Caulfield seated alone in the room. With “Rusty” standing up next to him, being held there by the “Extreme ICON” himself, Caulfield looks riled up already.}


[Chris Caulfield]:
You wanna little chaos?
How about a little blood?
{Pauses; grins again}
Hell, what about an ALL…. OUT… WAR?
{Caulfield smirks in a devilish fashion}
Well, boys, You’ve GOT ONE!
{Caulfield looks to “Rusty”}
What’s that Rusty? You’re feeling a little left out?
{Looks back to the camera with a devilish grin still upon his face}
Don’t worry… You’ve got A LOT of work ahead of you!
Let the games… begin…


{Projecting the very same devilish grin, we slowly transition away from Caulfield as it appears he’s seemingly excited for a bloody battle between he and the combination of Tornado/Nemesis. That said, as we transition away from him, the documentary comes to a close upon a black screen. Then, transitioning to a sold-out ruckus crowd in the famed OMEGA night-club located in the heart of the Empire Hotel & Casino.}



Mitch Naess:
Hello and WELCOME to Wrestling Action in Revolt…
WELCOME… to “Battleground”! I’m your guide to the warfare, Mitch Naess, and alongside me is…well… I can’t believe I’m saying this… Genio Verde…

{We zoom out slightly to see Genio Verde seated next to him in all of his comic book villain glory.}

Genio Verde:
FINALLY… Some ACTUAL INTELLIGENCE behind the desk!! But don’t think I’ll stop here. The desk is only phase 1 of my plan… Phase 2… OOooohhhhh…. Mua Ha Ha Ha Ha… Phase 2 Has me taking over WAR by ANY… MEANS… NECESSARY!!! Mua Ha Ha Ha Ha…

{Mitch looks already frustrated}

Mitch Naess:
Sometimes… just sometimes… I hate my job…

Genio Verde:
Mua Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!




"The Great"
Fumihiro Ota vs. Puerto Rican Power


Singles Match

"Clash of Nations" Tournament -- 1st Round

“Power trumps speed!”


The speed, agility, and flexibility of Fumihiro Ota prove to be a difficult mountain to climb for Puerto Rican Power. While his strength serves him well, the sheer challenge of an accelerated onslaught hinders the typical brutish dominance he often displays. With time, this fact appears to push Power to rise with aggression; counteracting his opponent's speed with hardened determination. While the speed is still an issue, he's ultimately able to overpower his faster opponent with a reversal of a hurricanrana put forth both Ota; turning it into a ring-rattling powerbomb. Seconds later, dazed yet determined, "The Great" Ota would return to his feet; however, would ultimately be met with a "San Juan Rush" (Spear). There's no kicking out of a3-count thereafter as the masterful cruiserweight is shown motionless below PRP.


Puerto Rican Power via pinfall

Ending Maneuver:
“San Juan Rush” (Spear)

Ending Time:

Puerto Rico//Puerto Rican Power advances to the semi-final round of the “Clash of Nations” tournament

Puerto Rican Power is still wrestling through injury (Shoulder)


Mitch Naess:
WHAT a back-and-forth! Fumihiro Ota HAD Power on his heels for most of the match but all it took was one reversal, one MAJOR powerbomb, to turn the tides. Great win for Power!

Genio Verde:
He MAY be powerful... but as much STRENGTH as he has... he's equally STUPID.

Mitch Naess:
You're playing with fire there, Verde... I don't know if I...

{Genio cuts him off; slamming his fist down upon the table in a frustrated fashion}

Genio Verde:
You don't know? YOU? Did I ask YOU for your insight?
{Pauses; angered}
Who's the genius here?

Mitch Naess:
I'm NOT doing this with you...

{Naess ruffles his papers in an equally frustrated fashion.}

Genio Verde:
Simple-minded fool...
{Slowly shakes his head}
It must be TOUGH being so blind...

{Naess doesn't respond as he continues to ignore Verde in a frustrated fashion; shuffling his papers throughout}





"Love Jungle" Segment

Involved: Ricky Love, Jayson Wright, Dharma, Slick Rick, Misty & Mandy

“Yea man...”


{The sold-out WAR crowd practically falls back into their seats with excitement as the shocking debut of Ricky Love (aka Fonzarelli of TCW fame) overtakes the OMEGA night-club. Sauntering rather slowly, appearing as though his head is theoretically in the clouds, the large Love resembles that of a calm, overtly happy, guru of sorts. Lazy in his shuffle yet in 'awe' of the large scene before him, it's rather obvious that Ricky isn't your TYPICAL intense WAR wrestler. If anything, he appears THE most stark contrast this company has ever seen; calm and ultimately excited.}


[Ricky Love]:
Yea man...
{Seemingly already loses track of what he was going to say; smiling rather large in a joyful manner though}
For those of you who may not know me... I've taken the form of many names... but it all comes back to Love.
{Pauses; grinning in a large fashion}
Yea... Love is REALLY what we need more than ANYTHING today.
{Pauses; grinning}
We've forgotten what it's like to... to HELP one another; to be a blissful community in the world. I'm here to change that...
{Pauses; grinning still}
Yea man... I'm here to bring LOVE... to WAR!


{As the big-man grins ear-to-ear in a giant fashion, his ultimate tone stands as a cross between: California Surfer/Pot Smoking Hippy/The Dude (Big Lebowski).}


[Ricky Love]:
How am I going to do that? Oh, It's simple... ya know... With a little introspective thought and a whole lot of peace...
That's why I've brought my OWN creation with me. It's the "Love Jungle".
{Grins in a large fashion again}
No matter your cares, worries, or stressors, the "Love Jungle" will bring you back to the world!
{Pauses; grins}
It'll set you free from all of that negativity... So... Yea... Let's bring it out here...


{A slew of ringside techies scurry out from the back and ultimately dress-up the squared circle to appear much like a drug-induced hangout pad. With cheetah print carpeting atop the ring canvas, an L-shaped couch that appears to have been picked up off the side of the road, and a number of lava lamps positioned around the ring, atop a collection of painted black blocks, the ringside area quickly transforms rather drastically. Meanwhile, as they all scurry off once again, Ricky Love is shown attempting to say thank you to every which one of them individually; all 10 of them.}


[Ricky Love]:
My first guests in the "Love Jungle" are in desperate need of a BIG group hug.
So much anger... so much hatred... So little respect for one another. It saddens me to see this. So, hopefully, we can reach out to them tonight & ease any tension between the two. So, without further ado, Welcome to the "Jungle"... Slick Rick... Jayson Wright... and his sister, Dharma!


{The two groups would enter the ring at different points, coming out to their own theme music, as it's quite obvious that their feud is as HOT as ever. That said, from the very get-go, Slick is shown defying Ricky's call for Love. Coming out with a bottle of jack in his hand, swigging away at every turn, and a cigarette in his mouth, ole' Slick shoots down the host's plea to 'put them aside'. That said, even as he doesn't, Ricky doesn't appear mad; still grinning like a big, lovable, loser. In contrast, Jayson seems very respectful of the love guru. Regardless of that though, their is a sense of obvious tension radiating between brother & sister as well; a fact that Ricky tries to ease RIGHT AWAY with a group hug between the three. As you can expect, especially since it was UN-expected, it all feels/seems rather awkward at best.}


[Ricky Love]:
Can't you FEEL the LOVE in this ring tonight?


{The crowd actually laughs collectively as it's quite obvious that either A) Ricky's just not all there or B) there's a level of sarcasm under his tone. That said, it's most likely the first choice.}


[Ricky Love]:
Yea man... Now, I know there's been some tension in the past... BUT that doesn't mean that we can't move on past that with a little hope... a little respect... and a WHOLE lot of Love!


{Slick scoffs as he takes a swig of his Jack.}


[Ricky Love]:
So yea... Let's try something here... I want you BOTH to tell these fans what it is that you LIKE about the other.... Go ahead...


{It takes quite a bit; however, eventually, Slick rips the microphone from Ricky's hand in an arrogant manner. The crowd boos accordingly as the sleazy punk stands defiant with Misty & Mandy on either arm.}


[slick Rick]:
I like how you suck SO bad that you're an obvious win for anyone on the roster...
{Crowd boos; Slick smirks}
I like that you can't keep a lid on that brat sister of yours...
{Crowd boos; Slick smirks}
Hell, I like that p*ssy hair-cut of yours because no one knows whether or not you're ACTUALLY a man...


{Jayson snaps in anger for a second and tries to step toward Slick. In doing so though, the bigger Ricky Love is shown extending his arm out to stop him for a second. After 'talking him down' off microphone, "Mr." Wright is able to calm down.}


[slick Rick]:
Oh... and I like that your bull-sh*t "Love Jungle" crap is JUST stupid enough to entertain these idiots in the crowd...


{The crowd boos again as Slick smirks through another drink of Jack; puffing away on his cigarette when he's not drinking.}


[slick Rick]:
Last one... Last one... I like the fact that you can't stop me from walking out of this ring.... I've got BETTER things to do with my time... Like Misty & Mandy here...


{Slick smirks in a greasy fashion. Meanwhile, Misty & Mandy actually seem to buy into his dirty persona. From there, as Slick drops the mic and is about to leave, Ricky Love is shown grabbing the mic in a slow fashion; trying to say something before he can ultimately exit.}


[Ricky Love]:
Yea man... Great sharing!
{Nods smiling; the crowd laughs}
But I can't have you go just yet... We haven't heard from Jayson yet!


{Slick scoffs, laughing to himself for a second; however, eventually stops and motions toward Jayson in a condescending fashion; making light of the moment. Meanwhile, as Jayson grabs the microphone, his all-around vanilla nature seems almost palpable.}


[Jayson Wright]:
I like that you're a damn side-show...
{The crowd pops; Slick nods his head as he laughs}
I like that you probably suffer from EVERY STD imaginable...
{The crowd pops again; Slick, again, laughs as he nods}
And I like that...


{Before he can say it, out of nowhere, Dharma springs into action by landing a low-blow from behind on her OWN brother. As Wright crashes to the canvas, Dharma lands one more additional kick to his head with her well-crafted leather cowgirl boots.}


{In shock, the crowd doesn't know WHAT to do. That said, Dharma is ultimately heard saying
"You're such a loser"
off-microphone shortly before exiting the ring in a huff. Slick, smirking devilishly, tries to pull her toward him; however, Dharma continues on as she brushes right past the sleazeball. All in all, as she exits the ringside area, walking through the "Gates of WAR" in a huff, Ricky is left all by himself in the ring. Well, kind of. Jayson Wright is also shown laying on the canvas in immense pain; holding his lower-region due to the strike from his sister.}


[Ricky Love]:
Whoa dude... You need an ice-pack?


{Ricky bends down next to Jayson, asking him such in a very genuine fashion; however, Jayson angrily shrugs him off as he continues to lay in his own embarrassing injury. In the end, the segment comes to a close as Ricky leans over on a nearby ring rope saddened by what had just happened; that he wasn't able to fix their problems in the "Love Jungle". Meanwhile, Jayson is slowly attempting to get back to his feet and is ultimately helped backstage by WAR referee, Jay Fair.}




Mitch Naess:
Honestly, I thought Jayson was going to snap at some point. All that's gone on with his sister, all that's been said about him in a condescending fashion, he really HAS been the brunt of most jokes around here. That said, it looks like his luck is just getting WORSE these days. A low blow from his own sister? I didn't see that one coming. I guess the "Love Jungle" wasn't a success tonight for the debuting Ricky Love but maybe another week will prove to be better for his cause? Then again, I honestly don't see that EVER happening; not EVER in WAR.

Genio Verde:
It's a fools notion that you can SAVE humanity! Ricky Love's naive. These kind of wide-eyed, save the world, hug a tree men are the ones that people like I continually CRUSH!! This won't be any different. I give him one more week before he's run into the ground!

Mitch Naess:
What he's trying to do with is definitely an uphill battle here. Then again, he may have chosen a feud that's seemingly impossible to stop. I guess though, no one thought THIS would be the outcome tonight; Dharma attacking her own brother from behind. You NEVER really know what's going to happen in WAR and this is a TRUE example of that!





Involved: J.K. Stallings Jr.

“Hurt... but coming back; Next Week!”


{An image of WAR owner, J.K. Stallings Jr., is shown presented on the screen in a rather large fashion. Next to the image, there lies a message: “Junior returns to “Battleground” next week!”. While rather short and somewhat minor, it’s the underlying story that resides; Stallings is coming back next week & it’s anticipated that he’ll come gunnin’ for the men who attacked him at “Uprising”… The “Sons of Anarchy”… Nemesis and Troy Tornado.}



Mitch Naess:
He’s B-A-A-A-ACK… Next week on “Battleground” as the WAR owner himself, J.K. Stallings Jr., is on his way back for revenge! The “Sons of Anarchy” may THINK they’ve shaken this company to the core but I’m sure, above all, Stallings will be back around to show them that isn’t the case!

Genio Verde:
You’re placing your faith in Stallings?
If so, WAR is crumbling to the ground…

Mitch Naess:
Hey… I mean… Yea, is Stallings menacing? Good GOD no! Is he some sort of valiant knight in armor?
Oh HELL no! That said, I know Stallings, he’s not going to let ANYONE take WAR out from underneath him! He’s seen this before… he won’t let it happen again!

Genio Verde:
Oh but it will… Mua Ha Ha Ha… It WILL…




Sam Pratt vs.
"The Circus Freak"
Snap Dragon vs. Velocidad


Triple Threat Match

WAR Blitzkrieg Division Match

“The Freak rebounds!”


Both Pratt and Velocidad reak with excited determination. Two newcomers to the Blitzkrieg division, both of their combative approaches can be equally defined as fast & explosive. That said, even through their moments of greatness, their opponent, Snap Dragon, appears to be the more well-oiled machine. Whether it's his defiant nature, knack for suicidal dives, or overall lack of fear, the man we've dubbed the "Circus Freak" puts forth an aerial explosion fit for circ de soleil. Mixing high-flying action with a harsh fighting style, the devious Dragon finds a way to ultimately char the competition. While both Pratt and Velocidad have their moments, creating a strong wave of support at their backs in the process, Snap Dragon eventually comes away with the win after reversing a super-plex attempt by Pratt into a high-risk, bone-shattering, Russian-leg-sweep from the middle rope. Then, once on his feet, Dragon is shown sending Velocidad over the top rope with a simple throw (as the green luchador speeds toward him at reckless speeds). Alone, there's not much anyone can do as the "Circus Freak" executes his signature "Dragon's Breath" (Springboard Tornado DDT) upon a staggered Sam Pratt.


Snap Dragon via pinfall

Ending Maneuver:
“Dragon’s Breath” (Springboard Tornado DDT)

Ending Time:


Mitch Naess:
Snap Dragon is just nasty...
{Shakes his head; somewhat smirky in that 'damn' fashion}
He doesn't give a damn about ANYTHING; even his OWN health. Just throwing himself around like a rag-doll, he looks like one of those circ de soleil acts... only with a whole HELL of A LOT MORE violence!

Genio Verde:
It is the mindless psychopaths that do the BEST dirty work...

Mitch Naess:
What? Are you recruiting again? You remember what happened the LAST time you recruited? Demonic Intervention beat you to a bloody pulp and left you in some street in Mexico no doubt. You can only be the VOICE of the psychos for SO LONG before they turn back on YOU!

Genio Verde:
They love me...
{He crosses his fingers together in a power fashion}
I am the Father they never had...

Mitch Naess:

{Naess looks at Genio Verde in a manner that best personifies his last statement. Meanwhile, Verde continues to hold his power-hand-positioning.}




Backstage Attack

Involved: Joanne Rodriguez© , Gorgon, and Ravyn

“Scitzo and the Beast... nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, naaaaa!”


{We transition backstage in which to see the freshly crowned WAR Femme Fatale Champion, Joanne Rodriguez, stumbling down the hallway and into a wall. She quickly spins around to fight; however, before you know it, the spunky competitor is ultimately floored by a round of powerful strikes by the MUCH bigger Gorgon.}


{In the end, as Gorgon wails away, at one point lifting her victim off the ground by her neck and throwing her back-first into the cement wall behind her, the violence comes to an abrupt halt as the sound of a snapping finger is heard off camera.}


{As we pan over, the snapper proves to be none other than J-RO’s heated WAR rival, Ravyn. Upon hearing the noise, Gorgon slowly shuffles away, ending her attack yet never taking her eye contact off of J-RO, as the two (Ravyn and Gorgon) exit together.}



Mitch Naess:
What’s the connection between Gorgon and Ravyn? For some reason, just a simple SNAP ended the attack. Does she have some sort of POWER over her or something? Something ON her? Black-mail? I don’t get it!

Genio Verde:
I must bottle what she’s using… It’s WONDERFUL!

{Rubbing his hands together in a thought-driven fashion}

Mitch Naess:
Of course you want to…

Genio Verde:

{Naess shakes his head in disbelief as Verde works himself up}




"Big... Bad..."
Rex vs.
"The King of New York"
Steve Flash


Singles Match

“Rex... SMASH!”


In a typical veteran fashion, Steve Flash is shown stretching before the match; utilizing the ring ropes to squeak out an extra inch of athleticism out of his weathered frame. In reality, he could have stretched ALL night and not have been prepared for the thunderous POWER that is "Big... Bad..." Rex! In this case, a simple wrist-lock is not a possibility. Even as Flash attempts such traditional moves, Rex is often shown either A) breaking out of them B) reversing them with intense power or C) simply denying them from the onset. As you could expect, overtime, this begins to unravel the veteran as EVERYTHING he tries is ultimately sent back into his face. Honestly, I don't believe Rex hit the deck ONCE. None the less, after apologetically steamrolling Flash in various manners, their altercation comes to a back-breaking end with the usage of Rex' signature "D.O.I. (Death on Impact)" (PowerfulSpinebuster) in the center of the ring; catching a descending Flash from on-high as he attempts a last-ditch closeline from the top rope. The impact obviously KO's the veteran Flash & gives way to a basic pinfall from Rex.


Rex via pinfall

Ending Maneuver:
“D.O.I. (Death on Impact)” (Powerful Spinebuster)

Ending Time:

Rex gets static from the crowd


Mitch Naess:
Someone's going to need to scrape Steve Flash off of the campus after that one...

Genio Verde:
OR... construct a POWERFUL serum that can enhance his abilities; possibly build his resiliency to it's MAX and BEYOND!! Now THAT would get him off the canvas!

Mitch Naess:
What world did you walk out of?

Genio Verde:
The DARK under-layer of society... where no one dare go... where life never escapes.... I...

{Naess interrupts him in a matter of fact fasion}

Mitch Naess:
Back on earth, mark another win for "Big... Bad..." Rex as he continues to impress here in WAR!

{Verde turns to look at Naess in anger, squinting his eyes behind his draped mask, as it's obvious he's unhappy with being interrupted.}





1-on-1 Beatdown

Involved: Rex, Eric Tyler, The Ring Generals© + Doc Messing

“Tyler has a plan...”


{After a short pow-wow of sorts, the trio of Eric Tyler & The Ring Generals are shown slowly looking as though they’re entering the ring as a united force; zeroing their vile intentions on the big-man, Rex, in the ring. That said, as they actually slide into the ring, Eric Tyler is shown slowly backing away; smirking in a devious fashion as he crosses his arms.}


{Watching on from outside of the ring, Tyler eventually watches his supposedly new, and much younger, allies, the Ring Generals, being CRUSHED by “Big… Bad…” Rex!}


{After a round of “D.O.I.’s (Death on Impact)” (Powerful Spinebuster), Rex is ultimately left with a ring of motionless victims. Seconds later, the segment comes to a close with the tense staredown between a huffing Rex & the coy veteran crossing his arms in an arrogant fashion outside of the ring.}



Mitch Naess:
Well… they tried… and they failed…

{Naess laughs}

Mitch Naess:
I bet ya the Ring Generals are wishing that Tyler ACTUALLY climbed into the ring WITH them. I mean, what was THAT all about? It looked like they were a united front and then… BAM… Tyler backs away leaving the WAR Tag Team Champions alone & victimized. What kind of ally is that?

Genio Verde:
A smart one.

Mitch Naess:
Smart? He got his allies beaten to a bloody pulp!

Genio Verde:
But HE didn’t end up as one and we ALL know that Rex wants his hands on Tyler above all. He lengthened out his mind-game… Brilliant… quite brilliant…




"Fear This!"
Art Reed vs. Leper Messiah


Singles Match

"Clash of Nations" Tournament -- 1st Round

“Outhinking the brute!”


Despite feeling the immense power of Leper Messiah early and often, Art Reed proves himself to be a worthy foe; even WITH the neck injury suffered at the hands of Troy Tornado at "Uprising". Taking the brunt of Messiah's punishment, re-collecting himself, and bouncing back in an athletic fashion is truly the blue-print of their altercation. When coupling Reed's jaw-dropping resiliency with the traditional aspect of low-impact maneuvers, not quite powerful to floor his opponent but sneaky enough to slowly weather away at their body, the man we've come to dub as "Fear This!" puts together the perfect counter-action to the big-man. That said, even in perfection, Leper Messiah's general power-game is ultimately shown to trump the pesky low-impact traditional approach. In a sense, as Reed tries to control the match through minor impacts, Leper, much like Rex before, steamrolls through it all; coming back for more even when tripped up over-and-over again. In the end though, as Art Reed looks to be completely depleted of strength, the athletic technition is able to out-smart the big-man with the very same low-impact maneuvers (drop toe holds, arm drags, leg locks, etc.) as before. While they brawl outside of the ring, Reed acts quickly, catching the face-painted psycho in a drop-toe-hold that sends his opponent chest-first into the guardrail. In doing so, this allows Reed to leap, slide, and eventually collapse in the ring (sliding under the bottom rope) just before the 10-count is sounded by WAR referee, Jay Fair. Meanwhile, shaken by the simple drop-toe-hold, Messiah is ultimately UNABLE to do the same as the strike came directly at the count of 9.


Art Reed via count-out

Ending Maneuver:
Drop-toe-hold onto the steel guardrail at the 9-count point

Ending Time:

Canada//Art Reed advances to the semi-final round of the “Clash of Nations” tournament


Mitch Naess:
HE DID IT!! Reed outsmarted Leper Messiah and, with that, comes away with the BIG first round win in the "Clash of Nations" tournament! Canada, you should be proud!! Art Reed is the PERFECT ambassador for your country!

Genio Verde:
He pulled a cheap trick out of his hat. He's a dime-store intellectual. ANYONE could have done that!

Mitch Naess:
Anyone could BEAT Leper Messiah?

Genio Verde:
You're missing the point; which doesn't shock me in the slightest.

{Naess rolls his eyes and sits back in his seat}

Genio Verde:
The valiant hero slums with the deviant cheaters of the world! That's NOT outsmarting... That's playing a simple parlor game! If you wanted to REALLY outsmart someone of Messiah's intellect...

Mitch Naess:
This should be good...

Genio Verde:
... You would break into his locker room...

Mitch Naess:
Which he doesn't have one...

Genio Verde:
Go into his bag...

Mitch Naess:
Which I'm sure he's never used...

Genio Verde:
And CHANGE his medication! Turn him into a drooling puppy on he verge of falling asleep! It'd be BRILLIANT!! BRILLIANT I TELL YOU!

Mitch Naess:
You know... that isn't half bad...




Post-Match Attack

Involved: Leper Messiah and Art Reed

“Sociopath Messiah”


{As the bell is rung, Art Reed has no time to celebrate his win (not that he would anyways) as the face-painted psychopath has already re-entered the ring with vile intent. Before you know it, Reed is violently steamrolled by Leper Messiah with a string of powerhouse strikes. In the end, with an eerie dead-pan stare to his gaze, the villainous behemoth is shown executing a ring-rattling Chokeslam upon his former opponent; leaving him motionless in a heap in the center of the ring.}



Mitch Naess:
Art Reed may have won but…
{Shakes his head in shock}
He certainly isn’t walking out of OMEGA in a victorious manner. I wouldn’t be shocked to see the smelling-salts out here soon. There’s a good chance Reed is on dream-street right now.

Genio Verde:
If he’s on dream-street then what just happened MUST BE a NIGHTMARE!

Mitch Naess:
You’re right. I wouldn’t want Leper Messiah ANYWHERE NEAR my dreams…





In-Ring Promo

Involved: Troy Tornado© , Nemesis, Mitch Naess, and Chris Caulfield

“Sons of Anarchy”


{Without any music at first, the jaw-dropping combination of WAR Champion Troy Tornado and wrestling LEGEND Nemesis is shown walking through the crowd in an unorthodox entrance. Defiant of the aggressive booing at either side of them, the iconic heel duo collectively smirks in a truly arrogant fashion; devoid of fear whatsoever it seems. None the less, as the audio people catch the two of them rather late, starting Troy Tornado's rebellious theme music mid-way through their journey to the ring, the two of them are shown not really speaking to one another; simply walking with eachother in a way.}


{Once in the ring, Mitch Naess stands ready for a ground-breaking interview. That said, as they grow closer, it's rather obvious that the veteran announcer is somewhat skittish due to what happened at "Uprising" just a few short days ago (being punched out by Tornado during the chaotic closing segment of the PPV). He appears to keep his professionalism high, straightening his tie as he lies in tense fear; however, it's unmistakable; he's not all that excited to be in the ring with the dubious duo.}


[Mitch Naess]:
It was only a few short days ago that these two men turned Wrestling Action in Revolt upside down. Some are labeling their act as a declaration of anarchy, others state that this is just the two of them "being who they've always been". Regardless of the overarching reason, WAR started to crumble before our very eyes. The foundation of this company, the logos present at ringside, the overall nature of this company as a whole was under attack. Now, It's come time to speak to the men who made ALL of this possible; the dubious duo of rebellious fame.
It's time to get to the bottom of all of this... It's TIME... for answers...


{The crowd pops. Meanwhile, Tornado and Nemesis stand defiant of Naess' back-handed, passive-aggressive, verbal attacks. Sportin' a collective devious grin, neither Tornado nor Nemesis appear all that worried in the present moment.}


[Mitch Naess]:
Gentlemen... I must ask...


{Out of nowhere, Troy Tornado rips the microphone from the shaky hand of Mitch Naess. Seconds later, as he turns toward the crowd to speak, the WAR Championship shining bright in the lights from above, the swift, violent act of wrestling LEGNED Nemesis grabbing Naess by the collar and throwing him over the top rope can be seen. As you can expect, not an in-ring competitor, Naess takes a hard fall to the floor.}


[Troy Tornado]:
That's enough of you...
{Tornado smirks as the crowd boos; his back to the violent throw}
I don't need that mangy little rat to make my answers known.
{Pauses; smirks}
Honestly, that's why we're here in the FIRST place...
I don't need ANY of this. Any of you in the crowd... any of you in the back... None of it.
{Pauses; smirks}
I'm Troy... F*ckin'... Tornado!
{Crowd boos; Tornado smirks}
That's WHY I linked up with Nemesis at "Uprising"... that's WHY I played a part in the initial destruction of WAR. I did it because I don't NEED this company..... I'm ABOVE WAR... Hell, I'm ABOVE the WHOLE wrestling industry; from top-to-bottom.
{Pauses; smirks}
I am... a Wrestling... GOD!
{Pauses; the crowd pops}
So, as Nemesis approached me a few weeks back with a plan for devastation... I couldn't help but say 'yes'. I mean, when this place crumbles, when WAR becomes nothing but DUST, I'll still be standing tall.
Some people NEED their company to MAKE them something... to push them into the ether. I, for one, don't need ANY of that. I'm ALREADY the BIGGEST celebrity this industry has EVER seen. On top of that, I'm quickly becoming THE most DOMINANT figure this sport has EVER seen.
{Crowd boos}
Now I know... the big question continues to be "WHY?". If you're SO powerful, SO great, SO legendary, why would you even NEED to destroy WAR? What would it prove?
You idiots, It will prove EVERYTHING. That this company needs ME more than I need it...
WAR will seize to exist.... I... Troy Tornado... will ALWAYS... exist.
So, quit your crying... shove your pleas... and relate with reality for the FIRST TIME in your pathetic lives...
WAR WILL burn to the ground...
[Pauses; smirks}
And I'LL be the one holding the match in the end...


{The crowd boos like crazy as Tornado arrogantly laughs directly into the camera lens before him. That said, passing the microphone off in a lazy fashion, not saying a word to his counterpart in the process, the WAR Champion eventually leans into a nearby turnbuckle and watches on as Nemesis now takes his stab at 'Why'.}


It feels SOOOOO... GOOD... to be BACK!
{Nemesis laughs in a raspy fashion; devilishly arrogant as the crowd boos}
People keep on asking me... "WHY?"... WHY would I come back to WAR after being removed as it's General months ago?
WHY would I violently crush the SKULL of my OWN Son with a steel chair? WHY... WHY... WHY...
{The crowd boos as Nemesis snarls devilishly}
Revenge... that's why. You see, Tornado was right a week ago when our path's crossed at "Battleground"; I DO have unfinished business...
{Pauses; smirks}
Stallings THOUGHT he had removed the virus, so to speak, when he took me OUT as WAR General. After ALL I had done to ENSURE the success of HIS company and THAT'S how he re-paid me? With a pink-slip? With public humiliation?
{Snarls aggressively}
Well, the virus is back....
{Pauses; stares into the lens with intensity}
... and it's about to RAVAGE it's HOST!
{Pauses; smirks as the crowd boos}
If you don't TRUST ME with WAR.... Then you'll certainly TRUST ME to DESTROY... WAR!
From pillar-to-post, from city-to-city, from night-to-night, I will be here.... digging the knife deeper... and deeper... until this piece of sh*t company crumbles under my wrath!
Some have labeled this Anarchy; something I've known QUITE well since my exodus to DaVE. Well, you're spot on....
{Devilish Snarl}
This IS the beginning of an Era of Anarchy in WAR... an Era this company will NOT survive...
... brought to you by two of THE biggest enemies of the state... "The Sons of Anarchy"...


{The crowd boos like crazy as both Tornado and Nemesis crack an arrogant grin; Nemesis' feeling more aggressive though.}


The END... is... HERE... The END... is... NOW...
... This ALL... Goes.... BOOM!


{With that, Nemesis' aggressive, overtly intense, state is interrupted by the classic-rock theme of the "Extreme ICON". Before you know it, with the crowd cheering in a powerful fashion for the rebellious brawler, Caulfield is shown slowly walking out through the "Gates of WAR" with a look of devilish excitement upon his face. Holding "Rusty" in his hands, raising it up at one point to receive his OWN (Rusty) pop, Caulfield doesn't temper his pace whatsoever. He's coming for the ring and he's coming now!}


{As he walks down the steel ramp-way though, Nemesis is heard returning to the mic one last time. With a vile snarl upon his face, the wrestling LEGEND brutishly speaks over Caulfield's theme song in defiance of his moment.}


Just the IDIOT we were looking for...
{Pauses; snarls}
You want some of us? Well, you've got BOTH of us, boy...


{Jay Fair, realizing that Nemesis has just implanted himself in the main event, attempts to maintain order; however, is eventually dropped to the canvas with a violent headbutt from the wrestling LEGEND.}


{Regardless of that though, Caulfield doesn't seem to bat an eye. If anything, the devilish grin upon his face has grown that much larger as he finally makes it to the squared circle with "Rusty" in hand. More or less, it's rather obvious that he's more than HAPPY to take on the two of them. As crazy as that sounds.}




Mitch Naess:
This is RIDICULOUS... They CAN'T continue to do this!! Someone NEEDS to stop them!

{Naess states as he finally crawls his way back behind the commentary desk.}

Mitch Naess:
I'll SUE if I have to! I'm NOT an in-ring wrestler! You can't just go around clocking those who AREN'T competitors!! The disrespect...

Genio Verde:
If you PUT yourself in the line of fire... you're bound to get hit. Maybe you should just.... quit?
{He says in a sly fashion}
Get out of this place before it ALL goes to HELL! MUA HA HA HA HA HA!

Mitch Naess:
Maybe I SHOULD...

{Naess says in a frustrated manner as Genio Verde continues to laugh next to him.}




"The Extreme ICON"
Chris Caulfield vs. The Sons of Anarchy


2-on-1 Handicap Match

Forcibly re-booked by the Sons of Anarchy (Tornado/Nemesis)

“We do WHAT we want...”


Chris Caulfield came ready for a fight. Swinging like the wild-man that he is, the "Extreme ICON" brings with him a truly physical style that relies heavily upon unorthodox strikes/maneuvers. With this in mind, it's that ultimate "X-Factor" that helps Caulfield remain 'on-top' despite years of vicious damage to his body. As Tornado tries to thwart his raw violence, the WAR Champion is often shown relying upon cheap-undertakings in which to regain momentum. Before you know it, while pushing Jay Fair to the brink of a DQ call early on, Tornado is able to ultimately gain some headway. With time, if by accident or a planned botch, Jay Fair is eventually KO'ed by a wild closeline from Caulfield for which Tornado is able to scoot out of the way of. With no sense of law present, the door is ultimately opened for the face-painted psychopath, Leper Messiah, to appear.




Mitch Naess:
Oh no.... Here comes Leper Messiah...


Leper Messiah turns his violent onslaught, once again, upon a semi-depleted Troy Tornado. While the "Extreme ICON" attempts to fend for himself, the sheer power and unadulterated NEED for brutality ultimately gives the big-man the upper hand with a round of ring-rattling chokeslams.


Tornado, seemingly taking the moment off, would slide out of the ring smirking; however, the surprising entrance of Puerto Rican Power and Brutus O'Leary would change all of that.




Coming out together for the first time, the newfound allies brutishly stomp toward the ringside area with their own sense of violence in mind. That said, as they come to the ring, their attack is tested as a wild brawl ensues between the two sides; O'Leary/Power vs. Tornado/Nemesis.


Mitch Naess:


More or less, one could CERTAINLY describe this match is entirely 'overbooked'...


Toward the end of the match, as the vile trio of Tornado, Nemesis, and Leper Messiah (independent of one another; Nemesis/Tornado vs. Leper Messiah) gets the better of the babyfaces at ringside, the WAR Champion is ultimately shown taking advantage of a back-breaking 4th chokeslam by Leper Messiah upon the now-rag-dolled Chris Caulfield. Leaping from the top rope with his signature "F*ck You!" (Top Rope Elbow Drop), shortly after flicking the crowd off as he stands arrogantly atop the turnbuckle, there's little that ANYONE could do about a standard three count. With Jay Fair now awake yet dazed, the match comes to a close with the knowledge that this certainly was NOT a fair-contest by ANY means... (for either competitor really).


Troy Tornado via pinfall

Ending Maneuver:
“F*ck You!” (Top Rope Elbow Drop) w/ help from Leper Messiah

Ending Time:


Mitch Naess:
Troy Tornado MAY have walked away with the win tonight BUT... It looks like the winds of change are shifting! We ALL thought that this whole "Anarchy Era" was about to destroy the VERY foundation of WAR without much to defend it. Well, that's STILL possible no doubt BUT we've found at least A duo that may be willing to take up the challenge! Puerto Rican Power and Brutus O'Leary came out here and put forth one HELL of a fight against Tornado and Nemesis. Honestly, it could have gone EITHER WAY really... but... the dirty knowledge that Nemesis & Tornado posses proved to be their ultimate "X-Factor" in their brawl. We've got QUITE a battle on our hands ahead of us... The BATTLE... FOR WAR!!

Genio Verde:
If this is a battle... I think we've found a weapon of mass destruction...

{Verde crosses his fingers in a power-manner once again; tilting his head down in a devious fashion}

Mitch Naess:
Oh No....






Post-Match Beatdown

Involved: Leper Messiah, Troy Tornado, Nemesis, Chris Caulfield, Brutus O'Leary, Puerto Rican Power

“The domination continues...”


{With a dead-pan, emotionless, look on his face, Leper Messiah is shown ultimately dominating the ringside area in horror-like fashion. Crushing the remaining life out of Caulfield, O’Leary, and Power, all depleted from their previous battles with he & the combination of Tornado/Nemesis, the face-painted psychopath holds nothing back. After ultimately chokeslaming each of the three at various points, Caulfields’ 5th at this point, Messiah is shown standing in the center of the ring in the very same manner as before the violence; devoid of emotion as he stares out upon the crowd.}


{Meanwhile, as the carnage takes place, we’re given the occasional sight (coming back to them at points) of the “Sons of Anarchy” (Troy Tornado and Nemesis) exiting the ringside area with collective smirks upon their faces; never taking their eyes off of the carnage in the process as they back-peddle up the rampway.}




Mitch Naess:
I’ve seen big-men in my day but Leper Messiah is a WHOLE OTHER breed. His sheer size and strength is menacing ENOUGH but it’s his jarring detachment from life that scares me the most. I don’t know if ANYTHING is going on in that head of his. It’s a total sociopath kind of thing. I don’t know if he understands what he’s doing or why ANYONE thinks his actions are deplorable. That stare… that dead-pan… emotionless stare shouldn’t be what we see after a violent attack like that. It’s BEYOND eerie…

Genio Verde:
Wrestling fans LOVE a good monster…
{Pauses; eyebrows bending in a menacing fashion}
Well, here you are… A REAL… emotionless… MONSTER!! MUA HA HA HA HA HA!!

Mitch Naess:
Tune in to “Battleground” again next week folks as the fallout of Leper Messiah’s destruction will certainly take center-stage. Also, have we found a duo brash enough to fend off the “Sons of Anarchy” in Power & O’Leary? We’ll see that, and SO much more, next week… on “Battleground”! Good Night!

















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WAR "Battleground" -- Episode #12

Date of Event:
Monday, 4th of August 2010

Wrestling Action in Revolt (WAR)

3,000 out of 3,000 at OMEGA (a nightclub deep in the heart of the Empire Hotel & Casino; Las Vegas, NV)

TV Rating:
0.70 (+ 0.02) on the POP! Network

Monday Night Ratings Battle:
SWF "Uprising" achieved a 12.88 TV Rating


Next Show:
"Battleground" Eposide #13




[The Professor's Review]
The battle for WAR officially began at "Uprising"; however, this week's episode of "Battleground" ultimately set the stage going forward. The devious Sons of Anarchy furthered their call for absolute destruction, even forcibly re-booking the main event into a 2-on-1 handicap match, but it was the final moment that may define their vile tandem. Watching from afar, the SoA grinned with joy as the monstrous Leper Messiah single-handedly leveled the depleted threesome of Chris Caulfield, Art Reed, and Puerto Rican Power. Have they found a new ally in this age of Anarchy? Quite possibly. That said, it appears that an underlying alliance may be slowly formulating in which to stop the overthrowing nature of the SoA.


Live Notes

Rex is still getting A LOT of static from the crowd

Puerto Rican Power appeared injured STILL

Sam Pratt and Velocidad did better than expected in their WAR debut

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4th Week of August, 2012

"Cross-Over Power!"


, I’ve always had a good relationship with Raul Hughes. Upon his departure from WAR, all parties felt it was best to proceed with Raul leaving in a defiant manner. His outbursts appeared overtly raw in nature; however, they were finely crafted months before as we first sat down with his management team. More or less, it was the trade-off we both came to agree upon: Raul would do the ‘job’ to Buddy Garner at
but there needed to be two scenarios that arise from said loss – A) The loss was to be questionable at best (keeping Raul strong) and B) there needed to be a point for which Raul could ‘air his laundry’ in the media.


By granting both, we both we want (a strong opening victory for Garner) and they got what they wanted (a HUGE pay-day for Raul Hughes for one match & the ability to re-ignite his MMA career with a defiant tone that reeked of anti-kayfabe positioning; ie: “Put him in a REAL ring and I’d knock his head-off”).


For months following “World War III”, secret conversations continued as I tried to pull Raul back to WAR. That said, every-time we came close to a deal, he and his management would ultimately pull-out of negotiations and cite his MMA career as his MAIN focus. Not to mention, he wasn’t so keen on coming back so soon after leaving us in the first place. To me though, the latter sounded like a ploy to generate MORE money on his side whenever a deal had finally been reached.


His management did right by him.


They knew I had the pockets to give their client what he wanted (and then some); so, the cat-and-mouse game would continue for quite some time. That was… until last week…


“You got yourself a deal, Stallings”
was the closing statement after a lengthy contract negotiation this time around. I could tell by the look on their faces, attempting to hold back the childish giddy laughter that follows most wonderful moments, that they had secured EVERYTHING they wanted. Did I have to budge as much as I did? No. That said, as I’ve ALWAYS stated, money doesn’t mean much to me at this point. If I have to throw an additional ‘K’ here and there to get what I want… I’ll do it.


Now, with Raul back in the fold for the next 3-months, I set out with John [Campbell] (aka Nemesis) to construct the BEST way to utilize his name/talent/cross-over appeal to WAR’s advantage. It really didn’t take long as THIS is EXACTLY why I brought John into the fold; his ability to overarch with the best of them. Before we knew it, a plan was set in stone.


[Exert from ProWrestlingNews.com]


Wrestling Action in Revolt has officially reached a contractual agreement with MMA-powerhouse, Raul Hughes. While the signing seems shocking at best, given the tumultuous way Hughes left following his one-and-only date with WAR at "World War III" (it's very first event), it appears as though the weight of said contract may have mended fences; at least for now. With this in mind, we were able to obtain the details of Hughes' new WAR contract. Here are the important points of note:


+ The contract runs for 3-months in length.

+ Each appearance will net Hughes $6,000.

+ WAR will pay his travel expenses to Las Vegas (totaling close to $1,000 a show).

+ There are two bonuses worked into the contract for Hughes; 5% of merchandise sales and also 5% additional cash bonus (versus his original contract) for pay-per-view appearances.


It should be noted as well that the signing has stirred some unrest in the WAR locker room (as some feel the time set aside for Hughes on WAR broadcasts would be better served for 'home-grown' talent); however, the overall feeling seems to carry a rather supportive feel. That said, many have attributed both the unrest aspect to the fact that Hughes is a good friend (loyal) of WAR Head of Creative, Nemesis.


Raul Hughes is set to debut this week on "Battleground" and is rumored to be making a MAJOR splash come time for the TV event.


Some of the ‘boys’ in the back began to gripe. The message I was receiving from my ‘inside-guys’ was that many of them felt Raul’s relationship with Nemesis (loyalty) was the REAL reasoning behind his re-signing. In a way, they were looking at this situation as another example of a cronyistic development; Raul Hughes being brought in due to being buddy-buddy with a higher up versus actually securing a need.


Truthfully, I didn’t care what any of them thought. I would book Hughes 9/10 times over most of these guys. Doesn’t mean I don’t value my roster, I mean I paid for them all and continue to do so in large sums, but it’s MORE SO about the greater picture that Raul brings to WAR…




Credibility as a fighter; a REAL bad-ass if there ever was one.

We may be transitioning some of our characters toward the zany spectrum, capitalizing on the need for new unique characters in wrestling, but Raul is certainly in our wheelhouse.


Another BIG-TIME bad-ass off to WAR…
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4th Week of August, 2012

"Cross-Over Power!"


, I’ve always had a good relationship with Raul Hughes. Upon his departure from WAR, all parties felt it was best to proceed with Raul leaving in a defiant manner. His outbursts appeared overtly raw in nature; however, they were finely crafted months before as we first sat down with his management team. More or less, it was the trade-off we both came to agree upon: Raul would do the ‘job’ to Buddy Garner at
but there needed to be two scenarios that arise from said loss – A) The loss was to be questionable at best (keeping Raul strong) and B) there needed to be a point for which Raul could ‘air his laundry’ in the media.


By granting both, we both we want (a strong opening victory for Garner) and they got what they wanted (a HUGE pay-day for Raul Hughes for one match & the ability to re-ignite his MMA career with a defiant tone that reeked of anti-kayfabe positioning; ie: “Put him in a REAL ring and I’d knock his head-off”).


For months following “World War III”, secret conversations continued as I tried to pull Raul back to WAR. That said, every-time we came close to a deal, he and his management would ultimately pull-out of negotiations and cite his MMA career as his MAIN focus. Not to mention, he wasn’t so keen on coming back so soon after leaving us in the first place. To me though, the latter sounded like a ploy to generate MORE money on his side whenever a deal had finally been reached.


His management did right by him.


They knew I had the pockets to give their client what he wanted (and then some); so, the cat-and-mouse game would continue for quite some time. That was… until last week…


“You got yourself a deal, Stallings”
was the closing statement after a lengthy contract negotiation this time around. I could tell by the look on their faces, attempting to hold back the childish giddy laughter that follows most wonderful moments, that they had secured EVERYTHING they wanted. Did I have to budge as much as I did? No. That said, as I’ve ALWAYS stated, money doesn’t mean much to me at this point. If I have to throw an additional ‘K’ here and there to get what I want… I’ll do it.


Now, with Raul back in the fold for the next 3-months, I set out with John [Campbell] (aka Nemesis) to construct the BEST way to utilize his name/talent/cross-over appeal to WAR’s advantage. It really didn’t take long as THIS is EXACTLY why I brought John into the fold; his ability to overarch with the best of them. Before we knew it, a plan was set in stone.




Some of the ‘boys’ in the back began to gripe. The message I was receiving from my ‘inside-guys’ was that many of them felt Raul’s relationship with Nemesis (loyalty) was the REAL reasoning behind his re-signing. In a way, they were looking at this situation as another example of a cronyistic development; Raul Hughes being brought in due to being buddy-buddy with a higher up versus actually securing a need.


Truthfully, I didn’t care what any of them thought. I would book Hughes 9/10 times over most of these guys. Doesn’t mean I don’t value my roster, I mean I paid for them all and continue to do so in large sums, but it’s MORE SO about the greater picture that Raul brings to WAR…




Credibility as a fighter; a REAL bad-ass if there ever was one.

We may be transitioning some of our characters toward the zany spectrum, capitalizing on the need for new unique characters in wrestling, but Raul is certainly in our wheelhouse.


Another BIG-TIME bad-ass off to WAR…



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fear the Demolition Left Hook!


Thanks guys! Yea, I'm pretty happy to have Raul Hughes back on the WAR roster (as i've been trying to re-sign him for quite some time). He's a unique talent and, especially now that Garner is gone, he stands as a great change-of-pace wrestler in the company.


He's going to make a pretty BIG splash in his opening night too...


Some people may not like it but It'll help set-up a feud that most aren't expecting but I'm hoping will enjoy!

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Hughes vs. O'Leary. Dream Left Hook vs. Demolition Left Hook. Book it, EV!


If you don't book this--WE RIOT!!


New Match Type: Left Hook Match


Winner is the first one to use their Hook finisher :p


Well, I don't want anyone to riot.


While O'Leary/Hughes is not scheduled initially thus far, I would be lying if I didn't say that the match (if not a full-fledged feud) is something of a dream-match for myself as a booker as well. O'Leary is "home-grown"; so, any chances to get him over more (D+ in overness) is a focus of mine. That said, both are going to be pulled in different directions (at least at first).


I've got Hughes for 3-months; so, there's enough room to get the two in there!


Also, how could have the two fight and NOT include the connection of their shared KO-power?

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Well, I don't want anyone to riot.


While O'Leary/Hughes is not scheduled initially thus far, I would be lying if I didn't say that the match (if not a full-fledged feud) is something of a dream-match for myself as a booker as well. O'Leary is "home-grown"; so, any chances to get him over more (D+ in overness) is a focus of mine. That said, both are going to be pulled in different directions (at least at first).


I've got Hughes for 3-months; so, there's enough room to get the two in there!


Also, how could have the two fight and NOT include the connection of their shared KO-power?


My Tag Name: The Left Hookers

Double Finisher: Hooks Sandwich (Simultaneous Left Hooks from Raul & Brutus)

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Backstage argument

Involved: El-Platinum-ay© and Jack Griffith

“Second Chance”


{The scene opens backstage as the resurgent pride of the south, Jack Griffith, is shown coming into direct contact with the WAR Sin City Champion, El Platinum-ay, in a backstage hallway. While it looks like the two may just pass one another, Griffith ultimately stops; cutting off Platinum’s route. As expected, with the toned lovely Jennifer Heat at his side, El Platinum-ay acts as though he’s shocked by such an act.}


[Jack Griffith]:
I let too many opportunities slip by my first-go-around. I won’t make that mistake again.
{Growing with confidence as he speaks; his drawl is still rather thick though and this makes it hard to understand him at points.}
That belt you’re carrying, that’s what I want. Now, I’m not comin’ at you with any disrespect. I see your deal here… I get it… I know what you’re doin’… Honestly, I don’t care a damn thing about WHERE you’re really from or WHO you really are. What I care about is that strap you’re carrying.
You and me… right now… for what you’re carrying there… how bout it?


{El Platinum-ay scoffs as he looks to Jennifer and laughs; she does the same.}


[El Platinum-ay]:
YOU want to challenge ME; the GREATEST Luchador in HISTORY!?!?!?!
{Laughs; actually slaps his knee}
You have a BETTER chance catching a chupacabra!!!
{Laughs; then looks to move on}
Go back to the drawing board, essay… this ‘aint happenin…


{El Platinum-ay goes to walk past him; however, is stopped by Griffith as he puts his arm out as a barrier. Looking to the champ in a confident fashion, Griffith speaks with a sense of sternness to his tone.}


[Jack Griffith]:
Good thing your strap is a 24/7 deal, huh?


{Griffith leans in and almost whispers in Platinum-ay’s ear}


[Jack Griffith]:
You don’t have a choice!


{Annoyed, El Platinum-ay leans in toward Griffith now as the two stare one another down nose-to-nose}









El-Platinum-ay© vs. Jack Griffith


Impromptu Sin City Championship Match

Location: Backstage Hallway of the Empire Hotel & Casino

“Thank, Jesus...”


Brawling in an undisclosed backstage hallway of the Empire Hotel & Casino, Griffith and El Platinum-ay appear rather heated despite JUST getting to ‘know each other’. That said, Griffith looks bound and determined to capture the WAR Sin City Championship as he utilizes EVERY piece of furniture in the area. Whether it’s utilizing Roman statues positioned in the hall, the small wooden tables for which they sit upon, or a nearby mirror on the wall, the man they called “Southern Justice” inflict his OWN brand of justice upon the pseudo-Luchador. That said, even as Griffith looks prime for a potential win, the shocking interference of Jesus Chavez changes everything. Before you know it, after a round of harsh, powerful, strikes capped off with a dart-like throw into a nearby wall, El Platinum-ay is able to dramatically roll over onto his challenger as he frantically gains the victory.


El Platinum-ay via pinfall

Ending Maneuver:
Dart-throw from Jesus Chavez onto Jack Griffith into a concrete wall

Ending Time:

Match Grade:

This marks the 3rd successful defense of the WAR Sin City Championship by El Platinum-ay.



Backstage Segment

Involved: Jesus Chavez and Jack Griffith

“Got Paid...”


{As the match comes to a close, El Platinum-ay is ultimately shown being helped to his feet by his manager in Jennifer Heat. Meanwhile, as they walk past Chavez, nodding their head in a ‘thank you’ fashion, the hardened brawler is ultimately shown pulling a giant wad of cash out of his baggy jeans pocket & dropping a single dollar bill upon Griffith’s chest (as he lay on the cement floor below). After relaying a message of sorts, Chavez tucks the money back into his pocket and struts away from the scene; leaving his victim, Jack Griffith, motionless on the hallway floor below.}











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It's not every week that the official formation of a LEGENDARY duo ultimately plays second-fiddle to anything else. That said, it's impossible to come away from last week's broadcast of "Battleground" with anything BUT Leper Messiah in mind. In one night, the face-painted psychopath literally tore through the very heart of Wrestling Action in Revolt much like a warm knife through butter. While he may have lost the only match he officially participated in, falling to Art Reed in a "Clash of Nations" first round contest, losing by count-out, the physical destruction of his victorious opponent would be the lingering image in mind (even despite Art's well-executed victory). From there, Leper Messiah's reign of intense violence would flow into the main event as the vile behemoth crushed what was left of the physically depleted Chris Caulfield, Puerto Rican Power, and Brutus O'Leary (with help from Nemesis & Tornado). This week, what is to be expected as the MONSTER returns to WAR? Will anyone stand up to his fury? More likely, can anyone ACTUALLY stand up to such fury?


Two recent rivals of the big-man hope they can as Art Reed and Chris Caulfield step into the ring with the sociopathic Messiah in a heated three-way-dance!


Meanwhile, what will happen on "Battleground" as the newfound Sons of Anarchy continue to impose their chaotic will upon Wrestling Action in Revolt? With J.K. Stallings Jr. set to return, coming off of a nasty concussion following a chair strike by Nemesis at "Uprising", how will the WAR owner combat the devious duo who DARE challenge the very foundation of his company?


Rome is burning...


... Is there anyone who can, or wants to, stop it?









Slick Rick/Snap Dragon vs. Jayson Wright/Masked Cougar

[Tag Team Match]




JD Morgan vs. Tui Tama

["Clash of Nations" 1st Round Match]





Joanne Rodriguez & ????? vs. Ravyn & Gorgon

[Tag Team Match]




Brutus O'Leary vs. El Platinum-ay

["Clash of Nations" 1st Round Match]




Art Reed vs.
Chris Caulfield vs. Leper Messiah

[Triple Threat Match]


COMING BACK!! Got my doctors note; check. My BEST bow-tie; affirmative. @TheREALTroyTornado and @LEGENDofNemesis: HEERRRREEE COOOOMMMESSS JUUUNNNN-IAH!!! #SonsOfAnarchy #ThisIsMYHouse


@MarvSlater: It's like Eric says... "Make your legacy before someone ELSE can make it for you". Time to make our OWN splash! #MakeAName #BestTagTeamEver


El Platinum-ay
The PRIDE of El Firestorm-eando is set to GRACE "Battleground" once again. Go ahead. You may be excited already. #ElAmazing #SinCityChamp


Mitch Naess
WHO can stop Leper Messiah? @ChrisCaulfield and @Art Reed: You've got my support! #StopTheMonster


Yea man... Love; don't hate. #UnityOfAll #WARCanTurnItAround


@LEGENDofNemesis: Sometimes you've got make a DEAL with the DEVIL to get ahead. In this case, we've got a DEVIL to manipulate. #TheEndIsUponUs


screwed over by my OWN sister? We may be flesh and blood but you're still a b*tch. #DharmaTurns #SiblingRevenge


@Mr. Wright: get over it. #DharmaTurn #DoneWithThis #LoserBrother











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Slick Rick/Snap Dragon vs. Jayson Wright/Masked Cougar

Cheating wins. I'm hoping Slick Rick gets punched in the face a lot here. But you can't take out the Dragon, not yet.


JD Morgan vs. Tui Tama

["Clash of Nations" 1st Round Match]

JD starts things off and Tui will fall the his power and skill.



Joanne Rodriguez & ????? vs. Ravyn & Gorgon

[Tag Team Match]

Normally the ???? would be a pick, but i think that Ravyn and Gorgon will take this. J-Ro will get her chance in singles competition shortly but for now, Ravyn stands tall in the ring.



"THE HYDE PARK HITMAN" Brutus O'Leary vs. El Platinum-ay

["Clash of Nations" 1st Round Match]

Big Brutus has the power and drive to take out El Prat, but you can't deny what the fake Luchardor does in the ring. He'll cheat and he'll get a DQ win over Brutus, but even though the victory will be his, the only true winner will be the doctor that gets paid to fix what's left of El Prat's face and body.



"FEAR THIS!" Art Reed vs. "THE EXTREME ICON" Chris Caulfield vs. Leper Messiah

There comes a time when you have to make your case that you deserve to be at the top of the card that you have to have that title shot. Taking out the Beast that is Messiah and putting Art Reed out of commission will give the man who's best friend is a chair the edge that he needs to face Troy soon.





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Slick Rick/Snap Dragon vs. Jayson Wright/Masked Cougar

[Tag Team Match]




JD Morgan vs. Tui Tama

["Clash of Nations" 1st Round Match]





Joanne Rodriguez & Ricky Love vs. Ravyn & Gorgon

[Tag Team Match]




"THE HYDE PARK HITMAN" Brutus O'Leary vs. El Platinum-ay

["Clash of Nations" 1st Round Match]




"FEAR THIS!" Art Reed vs. "THE EXTREME ICON" Chris Caulfield vs. Leper Messiah

[Triple Threat Match]

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Slick Rick/Snap Dragon vs. Jayson Wright/Masked Cougar

[Tag Team Match]


Wright still losing.


JD Morgan vs. Tui Tama

["Clash of Nations" 1st Round Match]


Following my bracket.


Joanne Rodriguez & ????? vs. Ravyn & Gorgon

[Tag Team Match]


????? not a big name.


"THE HYDE PARK HITMAN" Brutus O'Leary vs. El Platinum-ay

["Clash of Nations" 1st Round Match]


Again following my bracket.


"FEAR THIS!" Art Reed vs. "THE EXTREME ICON" Chris Caulfield vs. Leper Messiah

[Triple Threat Match]


Art gets stronger.

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Episode #13 of WAR "Battleground" will be up tomorrow night (Tuesday)!!


With that said, I want to thank everyone who voted "WAR on the Vegas Strip..." DOTM! I said it there; however, I truly feel as though my end-point is coming quite soon; so, it's great to know that I could theoretically be leaving 'on top'. It's been an amazing past 11-months and I'm so grateful for the support I've seen since WAR's inception.


Thank you!
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Slick Rick/Snap Dragon vs. Jayson Wright/Masked Cougar

[Tag Team Match]


JD Morgan vs. Tui Tama

["Clash of Nations" 1st Round Match]


Joanne Rodriguez & ????? vs. Ravyn & Gorgon

[Tag Team Match]


"THE HYDE PARK HITMAN" Brutus O'Leary vs. El Platinum-ay

["Clash of Nations" 1st Round Match]


"FEAR THIS!" Art Reed vs. "THE EXTREME ICON" Chris Caulfield vs. Leper Messiah

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Backstage Skit

Involved: “Sons of Anarchy” (Troy Tornado © and Nemesis) + Leper Messiah

“No country for... psycho men...”


{“Battleground” opens with a dark and gloomy environment as the “Sons of Anarchy” stand before a seated Leper Messiah. The dimly lit room, equip with cinderblock walls that appear quite weathered, feels much like a horror movie versus a typical backstage environment. With that said, despite the menacing tone, the “Sons of Anarchy” appear as comfortable as always; standing with lazy arrogance as they collectively look upon the mentally detached Messiah.}


[Troy Tornado]:
You know, Nem…
{Smirks devilishly as he looks to Nemesis}
It feels good to just let it all go…
To say ‘f*ck it… let it all burn’…
{Pauses; smirks devilishly still}
It removes the chains of society from your back and, in that moment, ANYTHING is possible. It’s the ultimate ‘f*ck this sh*t’…
Wouldn’t you say?


{Nemesis nods his head with a vile grin upon his face as well.}


Spot on, Champ. Spot on…


[Troy Tornado]:
But what am I saying?
{Laughs to himself}
You know ALL about the chains of society. Hell, I’m sure they’ve PUT YOU in chains at some point.
They fear you, Messiah… And for GOOD reason. You’re everything they CANNOT stop… No man, no woman, no ARMY… Could slow someone of your violence.
{Pauses; devilish grin grows larger}
How does it feel? How does it FEEL to know you’re unstoppable? That whatever YOU want to do… YOU can do?
Well, sort of…
{Pauses; vile grin resonates}
I’ve seen the sh*t you do in the ring before, remember that flaming table powerbomb?
I was in the hospital for DAYS after that! But you see, as of late, I’ve noticed something… You’re giving in…


Yea, I’ve seen it to. The champ’s right, you’re a FREAK of nature, Messiah, but I don’t know if YOU even realize your potential for violence?
{Vile grin}
Those people in the seats, those idiots WHO THINK they know everything, they think they’ve seen everything there IS to see… But I don’t see it that way. They think they’ve pigeoned you as another face-painted powerhouse with very little ability to your name. I don’t see that… what I see is a sick and twisted psychopath just WAITING to burn this place to the ground… to burn SOCIETY… to the ground… You can do it… I know you can…


[Troy Tornado]:
Don’t listen to what they tell you; you’ll NEVER be normal. Hell, who the HELL WANTS to be normal?
You go out there tonight and you show the world what’s coming to them…


After years of being bound in a chair; shot-up with electricity all in the name of ‘therapy’…


[Troy Tornado]:
After decades of being cast-aside by your friends and family; afraid of what you may do to them…


With no country to pledge your allegiance…


[Troy Tornado]:
… And no need for a living soul…


Burn this motha-f*cking place to the ground!


[Troy Tornado]:
Every… Single… piece of it…


{With that, Leper Messiah slowly raises his head. However, instead of the blank stare that often resides upon his face, there now resides a vile grin starting to form. Making eye contact with the “Sons of Anarchy”, it’s obvious that the face-painted psychopath is actually buying into their devious plan; a fact that should drive fear into the hearts of all.}



Mitch Naess:
I don’t like the sound of this…

Genio Verde:
You don’t?!?!? I LOVE IT!!! MUA HA HA HA…. Burn this place DOWN, Messiah!! BURN BURN BURN!!

Mitch Naess:
What is this world coming to?

Genio Verde:
It’s END!!! MUA HA HA HA HA!!!





"Love Jungle" Skit

Involved: Ricky Love, Rex, Eric Tyler, and the Ring Generals©

“Tyler's Master-Plan continues”


{We return from a short promotional commercial in which to see the larger-than-life Ricky Love in the center of the ring. Standing within the elaborate propping that is his "Love Jungle" (equip with a cheetah carpet upon the canvas, a black leather couch, lava lamps, and a large black flat screen TV hanging down from the ceiling), Ricky looks upon the camera lens with a dazed smile upon his face. As the crowd cheers in a moderate manner, the segment-host wastes no time jumping right into it all.}


[Ricky Love]:
Yea man...
{Seemingly loses track of his thought for a second there}
Last week, I tried to patch the tattered quilt of love between Slick Rick and Jayson "Mr." Wright. Little did I know that Jayson's SISTER would turn on him... damn man...
{Sighs for a second; remaining happy though}
That's a b*tch. I 'aint gonna lie... but... I know there's still a WHOLE lot of LOVE underneath all of it. Maybe in the future here, we can both of you walk back into the "Love Jungle" and we can repair that lovin' feelin! How bout it?


{The crowd mildly pops as Ricky nods his head like an overly optimistic fool.}


[Ricky Love]:
This week though... boy-o-boy... We've got ourselves a challenge in the "Love Jungle". But, before I get into that, let's call one of my guests here tonight... They call him "Big and Bad" but I think he's more "Big and Glad" underneath it all! Yea man... come on out, Rex!


{The overpowering metal theme chugs along as the gigantic Rex comes strolling through the "Gates of WAR" atop an equally large black-and-silver motorcycle. With the Rex symbol etched in the front of his ride, the big-man roars his engine all the way down the rampway; overpowering his theme music in the process. Slowly, stepping over the top rope and leaving his hog kick-stood up, Rex eventually comes to meet Ricky Love in the center of the ring (shortly after throwing a strong one-arm celebration high in the sky). As you can expect, these two couldn't be BIGGER opposites outside of their shared gigantic size.}


[Ricky Love]:
Yea man... Thanks for stepping into the "Love Jungle"... Yea...


{Rex just stares on with a sternness that is truly menacing. Meanwhile, in his own world of optimism it seems, Ricky continues to smile along in a dazed fashion.}


[Ricky Love]:
Now ever since you debuted with WAR, there's been one man who has made it his duty to expose you. He says you're 'all power and nothing else'... pretty harsh man... pretty harsh... but, I don't see it that way. Nah... You've got a WHOLE lot of LOVE to give and everyone knows it; even Eric Tyler
{Crowd boos}
. The thing is, you don't HAVE to be enemies with Tyler. I know, I know, he's a bit of a sharp-edge... he's constantly damping the vibe... I get it... BUT... Maybe he just needs a HUG?!?! A big-ole... Big and BAD... HUG!!


{The crowd laughs slightly as Rex doesn't budge from his stern, emotionless, stare. In a sense, projecting absolute authority if you will.}


[Ricky Love]:
So how about it? How about we put our petty problems aside and make the world a BETTER place.... Through LOVE!!


{As Rex slowly shakes his head 'no', not breaking from his stern stare in the process, the crowd actually pops at the notion. In connection though, not to be discouraged ever, Ricky just continues to smile in a dazed fashion; pulling his face occasionally as if to say 'come on... really... come on!" in a playful fashion.}


{As Ricky goes to speak once again, Rex extends his club of a hand outward; slowly lowering the microphone through the use of sheer power. Still, Ricky doesn't budge from his good-mood; laughing as he nods his head while saying "okay..." off microphone.}


Mitch Naess:
Oh 'Right'! NOW you don't want anything of Rex? How about seconds ago when you THOUGHT you could land a cheap-shot on him? You wanted him then!


{From there though, as the crowd roars in which to alert the big-man, Eric Tyler is shown speeding out of the back (as best as he can given his physical limitations after years of injury) and sliding into the ring. Rex, hearing the commotion, slowly spins around and actually catches Tyler before he can do anything. Placing his hands up in a "please don't" kind of fashion, Tyler actually backs himself into a corner in which to get away from the towering Rex. Off-microphone he can be heard saying "I just want to talk" but the cheap-ploy doesn't seem to work on Rex. Instead, grabbing Tyler by the throat and pulling him out of the corner, a brawl actually ensues between the two; one that Rex is obviously in control of.}


Mitch Naess:


{As it looks like Rex is about to steamroll Tyler, the "Traditionalist's" little minions in the WAR Tag Team Champions, The Ring Generals, are shown speeding toward the ring now with title belts in hand. Sliding into the ring, the two quickly go after the big-man with said belts as a weapon. Each strike starts to stagger the big-man; however, neither is able to ultimately knock him off his feet. At one point, as Rex bounces back violently, swinging like a mad-man and connecting with the Tag Champs at several points sending them reeling, Eric Tyler is ultimately shown taking advantage of the moment; diving at Rex' knee and chop-blocking him to the floor.}


Mitch Naess:


Genio Verde:
Smart move by Tyler... VERY smart!


Mitch Naess:
Smart? It's CHEAP! He doesn't want ANYTHING of Rex one-on-one; he only wants to nit-pick from afar. This is RIDICULOUS!!


{Again, hitting his one, focused strike, Tyler quickly exits the ring & pulls the Ring Generals with him.}


{Meanwhile, as the trio exits the ringside area, back-peddling up the rampway as the crowd boos, the final image is that of Rex attempting to get back to his feet in which to go after them; however, constantly falling back to the ground with an obvious knee injury. Before you know it though, the big-man is able to scare his attackers off through the "Gates of WAR"; however, shortly thereafter, he's shown collapsing to the steel ramp-way as his knee, once again, gives out on him.}


Mitch Naess:
Cheap-shot after cheap-shot... Tyler continues to shave the strength of Rex. He wants NOTHING to do with him one-on-one so he resorts to OTHERS doing his dirty work for him.

{Watching Rex struggle to stand on the rampway}

Mitch Naess:
I think he's REALLY hurt this time folks... That MASSIVE frame can't hold him up anymore after Tyler's chop-block. We could be looking at a ACL or PCL tear for that matter. Hell, he could have lost all of his ligaments with what Tyler did there. What the HELL Tyler? Man-up if you want to cut Rex down to size. Let's ACTUALLY see if you can keep up with him and not continuously have to watch you CHEAT your way into dominance.

Genio Verde:
Why should he? He's outsmarting the overgrown guerrilla! It doesn't take much as it seems!

Mitch Naess:
You'll get yours Tyler... In time... Rex will CRUSH every bone in that body of yours!




Jayson Wright & Masked Cougar vs. Slick Rick & Snap Dragon


Tag Team Match

“atta boy!”


There’s a level of anger radiating off of Jayson we’ve never seen before. With this in mind, “Mr.” Wright, while still seeming more based in youthful desperation than sheer skill, the youngster is ultimately shown holding his own amongst the group. That said, even with his energetic showing, his opponents in Slick Rick and Snap Dragon continually find a way to temper his pace; either through dirty-handed tactics (Rick) or explosive aerial spots (Dragon). Meanwhile, because of this, Masked Cougar is shown pretty much pulling the weight of his team with an array of equally impressive high-spots (which is met as a challenge for Dragon and an overwhelming scenario for Slick). In the end though, OMEGA finds itself in a state of shock as “Mr.” Wright is eventually able to put a number in the win column; executing a successful flash-pin upon Slick Rick as he uses a springboard sunset flip for such. As you can expect it, the crowd is pretty confused as to what has just happened; the rest of the competitors (outside of Jayson) much the same.


Jayson Wright and Masked Cougar via flash pinfall

Ending Maneuver:
“Mr.” Wright using a springboard sunset flip upon Slick Rick

Ending Time:

This marks Jayson “Mr.” Wright’s 1st victory in 3-months (Last coming in June versus Hopkirk)


Mitch Naess:
Well I’ll be damned… “Mr.” Wright came away with the win for his team!
{Laughs out of shock}
‘Atta boy!! There are many out there who thought of Jayson as the weight holding Dharma down but maybe, JUST maybe, it was always DHARMA holding her brother down? BIG showing here tonight! B-I-G!

Genio Verde:
What Voo Doo did he use?! Black Magic?! Whatever it is, it’s GOT to work!

Mitch Naess:
Why do you say he’s using something like that here tonight?

Genio Verde:
Because he NEVER wins!! There’s GOT to be something up his sleeve!!!

Mitch Naess:
I think the low-blow by his sister last week was the ultimate wake-up call. Here tonight, we saw a version of “Mr.” Wright who was BOUND and DETERMINED to win! No black magic or whatever here. Just a great moment for a youngster!

Genio Verde:
Maybe it was a spell of some sort?

{Mitch shakes his head; laughing at Genio}





Involved: Raul Hughes

“Demolition comes BACK to WAR; Next week!”


{At this point, a high-def image of MMA superstar Raul Hughes is displayed upon the screen. With wording that triumphantly declares a press conference coming for Hughes on “Battleground” next week, the overall tone appears to be tainted with a lingering sense of controversy; as everyone remembers the “Demolition Expert’s” polarizing departure from the company the first time around. That said, Mitch Naess, the new voice of WAR, appears unfazed; maybe because he wasn’t here at that time.}


Mitch Naess:
The rumors are TRUE ladies and gentlemen, Raul Hughes is coming BACK to Wrestling Action in Revolt!! While it may come as a shock, knowing how he left after his first stint with the company, you KNOW that Stallings is MORE than happy to have him back! I can’t WAIT for the press conference next week!

Genio Verde:
Hughes shook WAR right to it’s core after “World War III”!
{Starts to rub his hands together in a focused fashion}
I MUST have him to do my bidding!! I’d RULE THE WORLD!! MUA HA HA HA HA!

Mitch Naess:
Hughes’ return is SO interesting, SO important, that I’m not even going to address just how stupid you sounded there.
{Turns his attention back to the camera}
Next week, the menacing “Demolition Expert” RETURNS to WAR in, what HAS to be, THE most highly anticipated press conference in our sports’ history! Make SURE to tune in for that!





Backstage 2-on-1 Attack

Involved: The Ring Generals© and Brutus O'Leary

“Making a splash!”


{We transition backstage now in which to see a violent 2-on-1 assault taking place backstage; orchestrated by the WAR Tag Team Champions, The Ring Generals. As Marv and Dean stiffly assault their victim, the final double-Irish whip into a nearby cement wall shows said victim to be none other than Brutus O’Leary. All in all, as the “Hyde Park Hitman” lay in a heap on the cement floor below, motionless due to such an intense attack, the WAR Tag Team Champions stand over the fallen O’Leary with a collective smirk upon their face.}


Mitch Naess:
This HAS to be the BIG moment the Ring Generals were talking about on tweeter earlier in the week! Wow… I’m not sure WHY Brutus O’Leary was their target but they really did a number on the “Hyde Park Hitman”. For a man who is seen as almost indestructible, it’s weird to see O’Leary down-and-out like this!

Genio Verde:
There’s a FIRST TIME for everything!

Mitch Naess:
Something tells me you enjoyed that…

Genio Verde:
Senseless violence in the name of domination? Yes… YES…I LOVED IT!! MUA HA HA HA!

Mitch Naess:
WAR makes me really question humanity… like… every week…




JD Morgan
(United Kingdom)
vs. Tui Tama
(The Islands of Samoa)


Singles Match

"Clash of Nations" Tournament -- 1st Round

“Intensity at it's best”


JD Morgan is the kind of wrestler who will bend, twist, and potentially break, every bone in your body through the means of a calculated approach to combat. The only problem is, Morgan often has trouble when he’s unable to ‘set the tone’ of the match. In this case, he was certainly in A LOT of trouble. Without the ability to keep the match at a slow, methodical, pace, Morgan is quickly overwhelmed by the intense, chaotic, if not savage, speed of violence from the debuting Tui Tama. Every submission hold attempted, ever artful technical maneuver, is eventually thwarted by the ‘crazy storm’ that is Tama’s approach. In the end, after keeping the veteran Morgan on his heels from the start, a scenario that never proves well for the former DaVE standout, Tama is ultimately able to bring the match to an end with a Brainbuster followed by his signature top-rope diving Headbutt. Upon impact, there was no stopping a three count in favor of the relentless Tui Tama.


Tui Tama via pinfall

Ending Maneuver:
Top-rope Diving Headbutt

Ending Time:

With this win, The Samoan Islands//Tui Tama moves onto the semi-final round of the “Clash of Nations” tournament!


Mitch Naess:
What a debut from Tui Tama! I don’t know if I’ve EVER seen a wrestler so chaotic in the ring like that. I mean, he looked more like a damn hurricane than anything else. JD Morgan is one hell of a competitor, respected the world round, but he was NO MATCH for Tama here tonight. BIG win!

Genio Verde:
He would make the PERFECT pit-bull for my ARMY to take OVER the WORLD!!

Mitch Naess:
Right… Moving on…




Backstage Return w/ Attack

Involved: J.K. Stallings Jr. and Leper Messiah

“I'm B-A-A-A... Wait...”


{A long black stretch limo pulls up to the back-loading dock of the Empire Hotel & Casino. Within said limo, slowly piling out as he winces for a brief second to show a sense of lingering pain, is none other than the WAR owner himself, J.K. Stallings Jr. Shortly after straightening his bow-tie, grinning like a crazed buffoon, the recently injured Junior shuffles his way with a sense of hop to his step; most likely excited to be back!}


{Sadly though, after following him for some length, the WAR owner has no idea what’s waiting for him in the wings…}


{Turning the corner in which to continue down another back hallway, most likely heading directly to the ring in which to deal with the recent insurgence of the “Sons of Anarchy”, Stallings is ultimately halted by a stiff closeline from the bruising behemoth in Leper Messiah!}


{Within minutes, the recently injured WAR owner finds another violent end as he’s viciously thrown every which way by the face-painted psychopath. Power strikes are his weapon of choice as Stallings shows NO ability to defend himself in the slightest. In the end, it’s a guerilla press slam straight into a nearby cement wall, crashing through a wooden table upon his descent, that brings the intense violence to an end.}


{In doing so, the final image is that of Leper Messiah slowly sauntering away; obviously detached as he stares off, emotionless, in the process. Meanwhile, Stallings is shown amongst the rubble of the table below; unable to move as his triumphant return is ultimately thwarted by the menacing powerhouse.}



Mitch Naess:
You know, I’m starting to wonder if Stallings should start managing WAR from afar? I mean, since this company’s inception, I swear it’s owner has spent more time in the hospital than actually governing. Now, there’s a good chance that he MAY be severely hurt once again. I don’t know HOW you couldn’t after an attack like that?
{Shakes his head; saddened}
I don’t think Stallings has what it takes to lead WAR in any aspect… There’s a chance, a good chance, that Anarchy WILL rule this company from here on out. Hell, this may be Nemesis’ company for the taking after all…

Genio Verde:
Good Riddance!! Who needs him anyways? You wanted a revolution? You wanted a WAR? This is IT!!! Insanity at it’s best!!! The Anarchy ERA is upon us and I don’t see it EVER ending!!

Mitch Naess:
This place is becoming a loony-bin rather quickly…

Genio Verde:
Maybe THAT’S why I’m so comfortable…




Joanne Rodriguez & Suzi Stepford vs. Ravyn & Gorgon


Tag Team Match



With a smiling, wide-eyed, if not comically detached, Suzi Stepford at her side, Joanne Rodriguez storms into the squared circle with hopes of revenge on her mind. The spunky, never-back-down, WAR Femme Fatale Champion doesn’t even wait for the bell to ring before she dives upon her recent rival in Ravyn; throwing punches like this was a street-fight versus a tag team match. None the less though, as we see throughout the match, Joanne nor the debuting Suzi have much chance to really get a good lick in or two. Instead, the immense power of Gorgon stands as the ultimate sense of dominance; leaving both Joanne and Suzi upon the mat than anything else. In the end, as Ravyn picks apart her opponents from afar, allowing Gorgon to do her REAL dirty work as she never actually officially tags herself in, the final outcome may be in favor of the babyface tandem in theory but the message is rather obvious: Gorgon is unstoppable. Not listening to Jay Fair’s call for a rope break, Gorgon is eventually DQ’ed after defiantly maintaining her sleeper-hold despite the ring-break. In doing so, the bell is rung in favor of the unconscious Suzi; however, a good 5-seconds after said bell is rung, Gorgon is shown flinging her victim to the ground in an ugly fashion.


Joanne Rodriguez and Suzi Stepford via DQ

Ending Maneuver:
DQ as Gorgon wouldn’t release a sleeper-hold despite a rope-break call from Jay Fair

Ending Time:

Ravyn and Gorgon have excellent chemistry


Mitch Naess:
I have to admit, I haven’t followed women’s wrestling as close as maybe I should have but wow… I don’t know if I’ve EVER seen someone as dominant as Gorgon. She reminds me more of a male powerhouse than another pretty female wrestler. She came in here, dominated from start to finish, and ultimately KO’ed Suzi Stepford with a sleeper-hold that ALMOST popped her head straight off! Jesus… I don’t know where Ravyn found this monster but wow…

Genio Verde:
I’m going to guess the jungles of South America! There are A LOT of scary creatures down there!! I know!! Believe me!!

Mitch Naess:
Again… moving on… Joanne Rodriguez MAY have a new ally on her side but that may not help ALL that much. If you ask me, the Femme Fatale Championship is in MAJOR jeopardy!! Ravyn has her eyes SET on the belt &, as long as she has Gorgon seemingly at her beckon-call, there’s no telling WHAT she can’t do!





Post-Match Promo

Involved: Ravyn + Gorgon, Joanne Rodriguez©

“This will be your HELL!”


{Post match, Joanne tries to regain control of the squared circle by leaping toward Gorgon; however, after a few successful strikes, the Femme Fatale Champion is ultimately floored by a major big-boot. Before you know it, after a ring-rattling powerbomb by Gorgon upon the champ, both partners (Joanne and Suzi) are shown motionless in the center of the ring. From there, Ravyn kneels down next to their victims, with a microphone in hand, in which to relay one last message. All the while, Gorgon stands at her side with her arms crossed.}


It started with the belt… but now… it will end with your life.
Welcome to YOUR Hell, Joanne…
{Pauses; snarls}
I’m going to see to it that every INCH of you, of your name, of your presence, is ERASED from this world! And, in doing so, you’ll become just another victim… another nameless… forgotten… nobody…
{Twitches slightly; begins to laugh in a wild fashion}
Ashes to Ashes… YOU WILL… FALL… DOWN!!!


{With that, Ravyn slams the end of the microphone square into the forehead of the Femme Fatale Champion. In doing so, J-RO flops over onto her stomach in immense pain. Meanwhile, Ravyn slowly stands up from her victim; never taking her eyes off of J-RO in the process. From there, with a simple snap, Ravyn exits the squared circle with Gorgon following close behind.}



Mitch Naess:
What the HELL was THAT all about? Her rambling is getting weirder and weirder these days… Maybe she should be locked up wherever YOU came out of, Genio…

Genio Verde:
I’d like to see you TRY…
Even I don’t want to cross paths with Gorgon!

Mitch Naess:
She’s the ultimate dirty-hand, isn’t she? Or should I say “it”? I don’t know if she really is a…w ell… a ‘she’…

Genio Verde:
Gender-bending… How WONDERFUL!!! She will be MY greatest ALLY!! The one who defies ALL norms!!

Mitch Naess:
I’ve GOT to find myself a new partner… You’re freaking me out…





In-Ring Segment

Involved: El Platinum-ay© + Jennifer Heat, Puerto Rican Power

“I Beat O'Leary... an Ally says otherwise!”


{The lively sound of a fast-paced mariachi band playing in the background instantly brings upon a chorus of boos from within OMEGA. Why? They already know who’s on their way through the “Gates of WAR”: WAR Sin City Champion, El Platinum-ay. With the lovely, yet fiercely toned, Jennifer Heat at his side, the ultra-arrogant ‘luchador’ shuffles his way out onto the steel stage with his arms stretched outward in a ‘look at me’ kind of fashion. None the less, as he overtakes the squared circle, this tone continues to resonate as the Sin City Champion appears to perceive himself to be a true LEGEND of the sport; a fact that Jennifer Heat agrees upon. Once in the ring, Jennifer is shown taking the microphone first.}


[Jennifer Heat]:
You Americans are IDIOTS!!
{Crowd boos}
Here you have a TRUE LEGEND of the sport before you and yet… you boo?
{Shakes her head}
I long heard stories of the stupidity in this country but I never thought it to be THIS bad.
{Shakes her head again}
You ALL sicken me. Every one of you.
{Pauses; crowd boos}
You don’t even DESERVE to hear from the GREAT… The WONDERFUL… THE LEGENDARY… El Platinum-ay!!
{Pauses; crowd boos}
Lucky for you though, he’s feeling charitable…
{Smirks; crowd boos}
I give to YOU… The MAN… The MYTH… THE… LUCHADOR… WAR Sin City Champion… EL… PLATINUM…AY!!!!!


{The crowd boos as the Sin City Champion accepts the microphone in an arrogant fashion.}


[El Platinum-ay]:
Tonight, I was victorious. For the sake of my homeland, I defeated YOUR sorry excuse for an American, Brutus O’Leary.
{Crowd boos}
The thing is, I didn’t EVEN have to break a sweat.
You STUPID Americans turned on yourselves and Brutus-o was attacked by one of your OWN! You see, EVEN when you’re faced with adversity, Americans are ALWAYS moments away from turning on one another! You’re ALL pathetic…
Not like me…. Not like MEXICO!!!
{Puffs his chest out}
For, tonight, I continue to carry my homeland upon my back as I have for decades…
Great… AM…I!!! Yes… I CANNOT be stopped… and when it’s all said and done… I… and I alone… will secure the “Clash of Nations” tournament in Mexico’s honor!! I will…


{Before he can continue, the powerful hard-rock theme of Puerto Rican Power is heard blaring over the OMEGA sound system. As you can expect, this forces El Platinum-ay to comically jump out of his boots theoretically; breaking from his arrogant state in the process.}


Mitch Naess:


{It doesn’t take much time for Puerto Rican Power to stomp through the “Gates of WAR” as he slowly points toward the Sin City Champion in a “YOU!” kind of fashion. The crowd roars, El Platinum-ay hides behind Jennifer Heat, as the shuffling Power overtakes the squared circle. Within seconds, stepping through the middle ropes, Power wastes no time by going straight at the Sin City Champion; flooring him with powerful running shoulder-block to the chest of the champ.}


{As the bell rings, Jay Fair obviously sensing the moment, it appears that an impromptu Sin City Championship match is on it’s way…}



Mitch Naess:
It looks like Puerto Rican Power is getting that Sin City Championship re-match we’ve ALL been waiting for! Brutus O’Leary may be down and out after an attack by the Ring Generals but his newfound ally has come in his place!!

Genio Verde:
Stupid move, Power… Stupid… Stupid… Move! I once saw El Platinum-ay defeat the ENTIRE British Army on national TV when I was a young boy in Mexico… You, my friend, are NOT an ENTIRE army!!

Mitch Naess:
I’d beg to differ on that one. Puerto Rican Power is probably one of the CLOSEST things to a one-man-army!! That said, YOU watched El Platinum-ay when you were a child? You two appear to be around the same age…

Genio Verde:
I didn’t SAY how old he was when he defeated the BRITISH!!

Mitch Naess:
Let me get this straight… You’re saying you watched El Platinum-ay defeat the British Army, all by himself, when he was only a child?

Genio Verde:
He didn’t even NEED his rattle of DEATH!!!

Mitch Naess:
Can I quit now? I mean… come on? THIS is who you pair me with?!! There HAS to be someone MORE qualified than Genio Verde! Hell, I’d take Slick back… That’s how DESPERATE I am!






El Platinum-ay©
w/Jennifer Heat
vs. Puerto Rican Power


Impromptu WAR Sin City Championship Match

Singles Match



El Platinum-ay looks like a sinking swimmer desperately trying to get back to land. Thrown about, knocked down repeatedly, barely able to catch his breath, the Sin City Champion appears to be intensely overwhelmed by the sheer power of his opponent. Really, the only moments of slight offense from Platinum-ay is the random cheap-shot (ie: finger-poke to the eye, eye-raking, low-blow); however, those don’t even prove to slow down the challenger all that much. More or less, Power looks focused and determined to run-over the man who ultimately took the belt from him. In the end though, Power wouldn’t have the chance to relinquish his prized championship as, frustrated, El Platinum-ay eventually removes himself from the situation; throwing a temper tantrum as he storms away from the ring (leaving Power alone). Before you know it, a 10-count is administered as the Sin City Champion obviously wants nothing to do with this match anymore. That said, if ONLY he could be so lucky… Next week… these two are set to do battle in ONE of the TWO “Clash of Nations” semi-final tournament matches. Maybe this is why Power doesn’t follow after him; instead, huffing like an alpha-dog fixated on his prey from afar.


Puerto Rican Power via count-out

Ending Maneuver:
El Platinum-ay storms off in a frustrated manner leaving Power by himself in the ring

Ending Time:

Puerto Rican Power is STILL wrestling through injury and it affected his performance


Mitch Naess:
El Platinum-ay MAY think he can run NOW but, with his no-contest victory over Brutus O’Leary earlier tonight due to injury, he’s NOW set to face off against Puerto Rican Power NEXT WEEK on “Battleground”! It’ll be Puerto Rico and Mexico… one on one… with the winner going to the final round! So, there’s NO way that the Sin City Champion is getting out THAT easy…

Genio Verde:
What?!?! This is a conspiracy!! That’s no fair!!

Mitch Naess:
It’s written in the brackets, Genio. There’s no conspiracy!

Genio Verde:
There’s ALWAYS a conspiracy!!!





Involved: J.K. Stallings Jr.

“B-A-A-ACK.... to the hospital”


{As if word was just being patched in to the commentary desk, Mitch Naess holds his hand firmly against his ear; talking off microphone as he receives some sense of important news. Shortly after this starts, Naess, gaining all of his information, looks up at the camera lens before him and relays what he’s just been told.}


[Mitch Naess]:
It’s being reported that WAR owner, J.K. Stallings Jr., has been rushed BACK to the hospital this week as a result for Leper Messiah’s vicious attack earlier. This comes as a MAJOR setback for Stallings as, up until tonight, he’s been out of action since “Uprising” due to another injury sustained by a chair shot from Nemesis.


{Shakes his head in sadness}


[Mitch Naess]:
I think we’re seeing, first hand, how HARD it is to run a company like WAR! For all of his energy, all of his excitement, Stallings hasn’t been a permanent fixture on “Battleground” all that much since the company’s inception. It seems like he’s injured EVERY week. It’s just sad to see… We’ll keep you posted with any further details that may come along; however, for now, as a rehashing of the news, WAR owner J.K. Stallings Jr. is currently on his way BACK to a Las Vegas hospital for the 2nd time in 2 weeks. Let’s hope it’s not as bad as it looked…


[Genio Verde]:
Don’t you get it, Stallings? Just stay down…
EVIL will ALWAYS prevail over GOOD! Always!!


[Mitch Naess]:
That does seem to be the case these days…


{Naess buries his head into his hands upon the desk as it’s quite obvious he’s frustrated. Meanwhile, Genio Verde looks as lively as ever; comfortable with all that’s gone on it seems.}



Mitch Naess:
Let’s just move on with the show…
{Pauses; sighs}
Stallings would want it that way…





Ringside Segment

Involved: "Sons of Anarchy" (Troy Tornado© and Nemesis) and Mitch Naess

“We do what we want...”


{“Battleground” comes to a chaotic stand-still as the sound of Troy Tornado’s rebellious hard-rock theme overtakes OMEGA. For quite some time, no one comes out, stretching out the entrance rather long; however, once they do, the combination of the WAR Champion Troy Tornado and his newfound ally in Nemesis are shown coming through the “Gates of WAR”. Slowly sauntering with high arrogance, the “Sons of Anarchy” slowly impose their will upon the ringside area; taking dual spots behind Mitch Naess’ commentary desk. In doing so, after ruffling his hair up in a ‘oh, little loser’ kind of fashion, even forcing Genio Verde to step away for a bit to stand alone, the devious duo have completely changed the vibe of the ringside area with their overtaking.}



Mitch Naess:
‘Great’… Did you all of a sudden decide on a new career path behind the desk?

Troy Tornado:
Shut your trap, Naess…

Watch your tone, boy!

Mitch Naess:
Just didn’t know why…

Troy Tornado:
You don’t need to know nothin’.

You’re lucky we’re ALLOWING you to stay behind the desk… If we really wanted to, we’d knock ya on your a$$ like we did at “Uprising”…

{Nemesis and Tornado laugh. Meanwhile, Naess looks frustrated.}

Mitch Naess:
Well, I guess we’ll just move on then…

Troy Tornado:
Damn RIGHT you will!




Art Reed vs. Chris Caulfield vs. Leper Messiah


Triple Threat Match

“Overcoming violence...”


Starting before the bell even has a chance to ring, Leper Messiah quickly sets the tone for the duration of the match: overpowering any and all in the process. While Caulfield’s unorthodox offense and Reed’s explosive technical prowess are enough to test the big-man, the overall momentum remains firmly in his corner from, what feels like, start-to-finish. In reality, if they worked as one (Reed and Caulfield) then maybe there would be a better chance for overcoming the face-painted psychopath; however, given their past, seeing those two work as a team remains pretty far-fetched. With that said, it’s not a complete one-sided sense of domination. “The Extreme ICON” has an uncanny ability to use his entire body as a weapon & this proves to be quite difficult to completely hinder. Meanwhile, Art Reed’s jaw-dropping athleticism bodes as the ultimate “X-factor” in his corner; adding a little something extra to keep him from being completely mowed over. In the end though, as Jay Fair is KO’ed briefly by a wayward back-elbow from Reed, Caulfield is shown ultimately equalizing the big-man with the use of his best friend: “Rusty” (dented steel chair). Shortly after a string of heavy-handed chair strikes, Caulfield is shown flooring the staggered big-man with a stiff DDT. Upon standing, posing in a ravenous fashion, it appears as though Caulfield is on the verge of victory… UNTIL… Art Reed sweeps in, as if from nowhere, and drops his opponent square on his head with a high-hanging belly-to-back suplex. The impact is so stiff, having Caulfield land directly on his neck, that it’s quite obvious that Caulfield is suffering from some sense of a stinger. His body limp, eyes completely with it though, as Reed rolls his lifeless body over for a three-count in his favor; shocking, as if from nowhere, but a HUGE moment for the man they call “Fear This!”.


Art Reed via pinfall

Ending Maneuver:
High-hanging belly-to-back suplex on Chris Caulfield

Ending Time:


Mitch Naess:
BIG WIN for Art Reed!! WOW!!

Troy Tornado:
Who the f*ck cares?

Mitch Naess:
You HONESTLY can’t believe that!

Troy Tornado:
You underestimate my level of caring about bull-sh*t, Naess. Yes, ‘Bravo’, Reed… You pulled a fast one on Chris Caulfield!
That’s like calling Stallings a p*ssy… You expect it!

He’s spot on, Naess. You’re just too STUPID to see it. You’re just like these fans, you think that a f*cking arm-bar makes you a technical wrestling ICON. Sh*t, anyone can do an arm-bar. As the champ says, Who the F*ck cares?

Mitch Naess:
I do! I care…

Troy Tornado:
You would…






Post-Match Celebration w/ Attack

Involved: "Sons of Anarchy" (Troy Tornado© and Nemesis), Art Reed, Leper Messiah

“Frustration overflows..."


{As the "Sons of Anarchy" rise up from behind the commentary desk, condescendingly clapping for Reed as they grin arrogantly, Art is shown pulling himself off the canvas and exuding a form of raw emotion unseen by the typically collected wrestler. Letting it all go, Reed flexes in an alpha fashion, much like a triumphant warrior would post-battle, as spit literally rolls off his lips. In this moment, he's seeming expelling the frustrations of recent past; finally growing sick of it all. That said, while a big moment for Reed, that all comes to an abrupt ending with an unseen attack by Leper Messiah.}


{With a running stiff closeline, the face-painted psychopath completely flips Reed inside out; forcing him to crash upon the canvas in a thunderous heap. Seconds later, as the crowd boos like crazy, Leper ultimately lifts the lifeless body of Art Reed off the canvas in which to drop him square upon it once again with a ring-rattling "Prophecy" (Crucifix Powerbomb). As expected, throughout it all, Leper Messiah projects a dead-pan stair; void of emotion entirely.}


{In the end, the last image is that of a zoomed in shot of the painted face of Leper Messiah void of any and all emotion; a scary sight given the carnage he has just levied upon the frustrated, yet victorious, Art Reed.}



Mitch Naess:
Just to ADD to his frustrations, Art Reed has just fallen victim, once again, to the sick violence of one Leper Messiah...

Troy Tornado:
'Atta boy... Couldn't have done it ANY better myself...

{Tornado smirks}

Mitch Naess:
I'm SURE you're proud of yourself, huh? Turning a rabid psychopath loose on the world? Talking him up to do your bidding? Yea... 'Great work', Tornado. You should be 'proud of yourself'...

Watch your tone, boy...

Mitch Naess:
You know... I'm not... Not anymore... This is ridiculous!! You two are GREAT wrestlers, I'll give you that, but I'm not going to sit here and kiss up and...

{A loud distortion is heard over the broadcast as Nemesis grabs the back of Naess' head and slams it upon the commentary desk below. In doing so, Naess' headset goes flying as he crashes to the floor. Meanwhile, the "Sons of Anarchy" are heard laughing.}

Troy Tornado:
Down... Goes... NAESS!!!

{Laughing continues}

He doesn't know sh*t anyways... Makes sense why Stallings would hire him; surround yourself with idiots!

Troy Tornado:
Well, I suppose it's MY job to send us off...
{Clears his throat}
That was the boring bull-sh*t that is "Battleground"... Tune in NEXT WEEK as WE continue to rip it to shreds!
Peace-out, Motha-f*ckers!

















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WAR "Battleground" -- Episode #13

Date of Event:
Monday, 1st Week of September 2010

Wrestling Action in Revolt (WAR)

3,000 out of 3,000 at OMEGA (a nightclub deep in the heart of the Empire Hotel & Casino; Las Vegas, NV)

TV Rating:
0.63 (- 0.07) on the POP! Network

Monday Night Ratings Battle:
SWF "Uprising" achieved a 11.56 TV Rating (- 1.32)


Next Show:
"Battleground" Eposide #14




[The Professor's Review]
It's pretty obvious that WAR is placing their trust behind Leper Messiah to be the new monster of the wrestling industry. In reality, if DAMiaN was still around, this probably would have been HIS position but, with USPW poaching him away, it seems as though creative has pegged Messiah as THE monster of our times. Meanwhile, it seems as though they're looking to push Art Reed in a new light; finally breaking out in frustration after months of being labeled not "SE" enough. I wonder what this will mean when fused with the SoA (Sons of Anarchy) storyline?


Speaking of the SoA, it was a pretty laid back week for the new power team; however, it seems as though creative (Nemesis in this position) was looking to solidify Leper Messiah as a major character. In doing so, the SoA took a back-seat; in a way. Then again, it was the SoA that opened the show by talking Leper Messiah into 'not listening to society' and 'burning the place down'.


It'll be interesting to see where we go from here. That said, a lackluster show if you ask me. Not great. Not bad. Just a show.


Live Notes

Puerto Rican Power appeared injured STILL

Ravyn & Gorgon has great chemistry as a team

Art Reed under-performed in the main event

Suzi Stepford's gimmick ("Stepford Wife"/comedy) came across well (B-)

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