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WAR on the Vegas Strip...

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That. Was. Epic!


What would have happened after the PPV? (Like, a dream scenario)


And hopefully Adam puts WAR in TEW13 :)


I agree with Michigan! Platinum-ay was robbed!


To be serious, who IS El-Platinum-ay???


I hear El Platinum-ay's second cousin thrice removed is "Platinum" James Prudence but it is only a rumour. ;)

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That. Was. Epic!


What would have happened after the PPV? (Like, a dream scenario)


And hopefully Adam puts WAR in TEW13 :)


I agree with Michigan! Platinum-ay was robbed!


To be serious, who IS El-Platinum-ay???


I hear El Platinum-ay's second cousin thrice removed is "Platinum" James Prudence but it is only a rumour. ;)


MichiganHero is spot on. There's a family resemblance with James Prudence under that mask no doubt. Can't be James himself as he lost a 'career match' against Shawn Gonzalez a while back.


As for a "Dream Scenario", that's what I'm working on right now. I wanted to give insight as to what I was expecting to do post-PPV. It'll be laid out in a way where it's easy to follow the major storyline; as well as those who I was planning on building up from here. I didn't have A LOT planned past here but I did have some ideas as to how the SoA vs. WAR allies storyline would go. I'm sad I didn't GET to it in my dynasty but at least I can let you know where it was going!


Thank you both for your feedback though!


I agree... Platinum-ay got robbed! That said, I had an idea to have Hughes bully his way and pin Platinum following his attack on Reed (forcing an impromptu Sin City Championship match and ultimately walk out with the gold) SO... it COULD have been worse.

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What was SET to happen...


I wanted to leave behind my creative notes for what was about to happen in the months following "Extreme Measures". There are some concrete ideas here; however, as you will see, there were still parts of said ideas that were still in the air. I've always been one to have rough-outlines & tailor the storylines/characters/scenarios based upon where things were going naturally. With that said, this is what you could have expected from WAR going forward...




Sons of Anarchy (SoA) vs. WAR Allies/HARD-CORE

The Battle for WAR...


I booked the SoA strongly at “Extreme Measures” to further the whole ‘How can we EVER stop them’ vibe forming. Following said PPV, this notion would continue as the SoA continues to dominate WAR in a manner for which they’re looking to eliminate it’s presence all together. That said, it wouldn’t be an easy situation for them as the budding WAR alliance would continue to grow stronger…


The combination of Chris Caulfield, Rex, Puerto Rican Power and Brutus O’Leary would eventually evolve into the defiant SoA faction entitled “HARD-CORE”. While you typically think of ‘extreme wrestling’ when you hear the word ‘hardcore’, this faction is more based around the literal breaking of the word; in a sense… ‘hard to the core’. Four brutish, blue-collar brawlers with a no-nonsense style, looking to topple the ultra-arrogant SoA with sheer power.


Art Reed would eventually join HARD-CORE after feuding with Raul Hughes for quite some time following “Extreme Measures” (as the attack we saw sets this up). That said, the relationship between Caulfield & Reed STILL remains rather tense & uneasy despite being in the same faction. At points, it looks like Reed could out-right leave the group; however, always shows his allegiance eventually due to his hatred of the SoA. Also, to be noted, Reed never really sees eye-to-eye with Stallings after months of tension between the two. Again, Reed never really ‘falls in line’ with Stallings, teetering much like he does with Caulfield, but the man they’ve dubbed “Fear This!” would, once again, show his allegiance to WAR due to his hatred of the SoA.


JK would tout the HARD-CORE faction as the ‘saviors of WAR’, often relying on them to keep the SoA at bay; however, even the newfound brutish faction wouldn’t be enough to save his company…


A few months after “Extreme Measures” a 5-vs-5 elimination tag team match would main-event a PPV entitled “Judgment Day”. In this match, Team SoA (Nemesis, Tornado, Messiah, Hughes, and another member who I would eventually add) would face off against Team WAR/HARD-CORE (Caulfield, Rex, Puerto Rican Power, O’Leary, and Reed). If Team SoA wins, Anarchy reigns & Stallings loses control of his company. If Team WAR/HARD-CORE wins, the SoA would be FIRED from the company & removed from the premises immediately.


Team SoA would win…


Stallings would lose control of WAR…


… And starting that following Monday, “Battleground” would start an era of TRUE Anarchy. Stallings would no longer run the company; however, would be present as a personality of sorts; attempting to devise CRAZY plans to regain control of his company. Meanwhile, the name WAR itself would no longer be seen anywhere; it would be stripped from the ring, logos, and almost all together pulled from the broadcast (despite Mitch Naess eventually cracking and having an on-air meltdown where he, pretty much, says “F*CK IT… This is WAR!” and tries his best to keep the banner going).


The WAR Championship becomes… the Championship… (The rest of the titles follow)


It becomes a TRUE Wild-West scenario as anyone can do WHATEVER they want because there is NO real ‘authority.’


HARD-CORE would fall apart slowly as people turn within the group & ‘look out for themselves’.

Rex & Puerto Rican Power would turn heel at separate points.


Even the SoA would start to fall apart as it pertains to being a true faction (Nemesis/Tornado staying as a duo; however, the rest slowly floating in their own directions).


Leper Messiah would stay heel; becoming almost TOO insane for Tornado/Nemesis to hang with.

Raul Hughes would leave WAR once again (as his contract would be up).


Eventually, some sort of crazy plan would ACTUALLY work and Stallings would regain control of the company; however, that wouldn’t come for quite some time. In the mean-time, WAR becomes somewhat of a dirty-word & is used out of defiance than anything else (as you can get ‘beaten down’ for simply saying it).


Instead, “Battleground” is simply that & any PPV would exist only under the name of the PPV (not WAR represents… “Blah Blah”).


Once Stallings regains control of WAR, it’s theoretical banner would be hung once again; bringing NEW life to Wrestling Action in Revolt. My plan was, at that point, to have someone like Brutus O’Leary be the man who ultimately helps Stallings get control back (somehow). This would elevate O’Leary as one of THE most important figures in WAR history (and ultimately pushing a ‘home-made star’ to the forefront). By that point, O’Leary would have pretty good popularity (already at a “C-“ at “Extreme Measures”) and really would only need a boost in psychology to be a major player (“C-“ at this point after “EM”).


In reality, the whole storyline would have ran around 4-6 months (the past month included in that). However, at it’s close, Stallings would seem like a crazed lunatic who stopped at NOTHING to get his company back. Also, O’Leary would be seen as the TRUE ‘savior of WAR’. This COULD have been for Caulfield; however, I felt it would be better to see someone like O’Leary take the reins.


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The LEGEND of El Platinum-ay

Conquering... Comedy...


The LEGEND of El Platinum-ay would not end during this time frame; however, he WOULD turn ‘babyface’ under the same gimmick. In a way, think of him as the same character only, now, you’re actually expected to cheer for him. The ‘Chuck Norris-like’ over-the-top fables & the holier than thou persona would persist but, in this case, people would eat it up more so than before.


What turns him?


El Platinum-ay would EXPECT to have joined the SoA; however, the rebellious faction wants nothing to do with him. Sure, they’d toy with him at first, joke around as if he’s in, but, just when he thinks he’s part of the group, Platinum would get blindsided by Raul Hughes (defeating Platinum for the Sin City Championship shortly following a tag-match where they are actual partners against members of HARD-CORE).


Pissed, El Platinum-ay would attempt to join forces with HARD-CORE; however, they wouldn’t really want him either.


On the other hand, Stallings loves him (and has shown that thus far even when they were in opposite dispositions) and Platinum would find a spot with the ‘good guys’ due to that alliance with the WAR owner.


When WAR loses itself, stepping into the Wild-West/Anarchy scenario, El Platinum-ay would ultimately continue to work with Stallings as the two scheme together (comically) on how to get JK back in control of the company he had just lost. As you can expect, these schemes would never prove to be successful and would often make both look like fools.


Upon regaining control of WAR, Stallings would most likely continue his alliance with El Platinum-ay (unless he’s turned by that point). There’s a chance he COULD have turned on Stallings before he regained control of the company & this could create a sense of “Oh, wait? Sh*t…” kind of scenario. That said, I wasn’t entirely sold either way & probably would have decided ‘what happened’ at that time.


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The Evolution of Jayson “Mr.” Wright

The Wright Way...


I was planning on turning Wright sooner; however, his gimmick made it impossible for me to do so. That’s actually why I turned Dharma on him (as I felt something had to be done at that point as the storyline was starting to go too long). That said, Jayson would eventually find a ‘pair’ after some time…


His on-and-off-again feud with Slick Rick would eventually prove to MEAN something as Slick digs deeper under Wright’s skin over the next month or two. Ripping him at every turn, Slick’s tone would always come back to the notion that he didn’t have ‘a pair’. He stood up for the WAR Pin-up Girls in the past, did his Sister’s bidding, and was seemingly seen as a door-mat.


That was until he finally snapped…


Turning heel, finally listening to Slick’s perspective, Jayson “Mr.” Wright would eventually become a HYPER-ME-ME-ME character. He’s arrogant, self-absorbed, d*ckish & ultimately cares about NOBODY but himself. He’s tired of ALWAYS being the good-guy; “Mr.” Wright. Well, he’s not that no longer; he’s here for HIMSELF only.


He would start to speak about the “Wright Way”; the way HE feels is SUPERIOR (it just so happens to be HIS way of doing things). In a holier-than-thou manner, Jayson would continually speak of the “Wright Way” in a condescending fashion; pissing off A LOT of people.


I thought about teaming him WITH Slick Rick at some point; however, wasn’t sold on that as I felt he should be a loner type. That’s why I didn’t think a manager would be good either.


Dharma, by this point, would most likely no longer be with the company as her services wouldn’t be needed anymore. MAYBE, after holding her off TV for a bit, she could come back as a sympathetic character and say she never KNEW what she did would turn her brother this way; have him spin out of control. She would try to ‘help him’ but eventually end up as a victim of her brother’s newfound arrogance.


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Pet Projects

The Future of WAR


As touched upon in previous scenarios, two of my more prominent pet projects would be Jayson Wright & Brutus O’Leary. Funny enough, this hasn’t changed from day-one (as I had ALWAYS pegged these two as the two characters I hoped to get over in the end as they were ‘home-made products of WAR’). There’s a chance I would have had them feud at some point with that very thought in mind but that wasn’t a definite.


Other pet projects I was planning on working with were:
Velocidad, KC Glenn, Ash Campbell, The Ring Generals (Dean Waldorf & Marv Slater), Nadia Snow, Regular Joe, and Tui Tama.


As you can see, many of these people were ‘high fliers’; as I was hoping to further flesh out the Blitzkrieg Division.


To be honest, I didn’t have MUCH in the way of development ideas as it pertains to the Femme Fatale Division. More or less, the storylines were ALWAYS going to center around Joanne Rodriguez and Ravyn as the top two ladies; creating a LONG-TERM feud that would create a HUGE feud.


The Ring Generals were set to regain the Tag Team Gold at some point; however, I wasn’t entirely sure when. It WAS a goal of mine though.


Ash Campbell was one of the ONLY people I actually signed to a written deal (in-game); so, my plan was to have him as a tentative figure in the SoA vs. HARD-CORE fight; feuding with his FATHER throughout more or less. My goal was, when Nemesis’ contract was set to come up, to have Ash ultimately ‘retire’ his Father.


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JK Stallings Jr

The Evolution of Stallings


As said above, Stallings would lose control of his company & ultimately regain it in triumphant fashion. That said, my goal all along was to have the zany billionaire NEVER seem capable of running the company whatsoever. I tried to book him in a manner where he never really got anything right, was never taken seriously, and a simple attack by anyone would leave him ‘in the hospital’ for weeks at a time. More or less, I wanted him to see AS harmless as one could really be. This, to me, seemed like a unique notion given the fact that he was the owner of one of THE most chaotic, brutish, in-your-face company in all of the world.


His alliances were always weak due to the fact that people never took him seriously.


His relationship with one of his top babyfaces (Art Reed) was all but ruined after weeks of trying to ‘glitz him up in a Sports Entertainment fashion’.


Also, when he did lose control of the company, his actions would become EVEN MORE zanier than one could expect. These actions, the schemes that he attempts to put in place to regain control of the company, would have people feeling a little uncomfortable for him as he begins to ‘lose control’ of his own mind. More or less, he starts to resemble that of a train-wreck of sorts (still babyface).


While not being ANYTHING like his in-ring product, Stallings would come to define WAR in many ways (as he was the polar opposite of what you would expect).
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It's great to see the behind the curtain and look at the whole plan. I have to say that it sounds pretty good. It's sad that i won't get to read the whole thing over the next year or so that it'd take to put it all down. Still it's really a cool set of plot lines.


I've had a blast reading it all and really gonna miss this dynasty. You set the bar high and i know you'll get the writing bug again someday down the line, just need the time. Can't wait for that.


Awesome stuff.

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Having 'caught-up' on so many of your previous dynasties. it was great to follow one of your dynasties from the beginning. You really created a great atmosphere around 'WAR', and as always your shows were great reading.


Really enjoyed the 'wrap-up', you had some great sounding storylines set up. It's a shame that it has come to an end, but it was a great ride while it lasted :).

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It's great to see the behind the curtain and look at the whole plan. I have to say that it sounds pretty good. It's sad that i won't get to read the whole thing over the next year or so that it'd take to put it all down. Still it's really a cool set of plot lines.


I've had a blast reading it all and really gonna miss this dynasty. You set the bar high and i know you'll get the writing bug again someday down the line, just need the time. Can't wait for that.


Awesome stuff.


Thank you, Timber!


The plot-lines would have been a lot of fun to flesh out; however, with the rise of TEW 13 in the future, having limited time with grad school, and starting to feel like I had lost a great deal of my readership, it was 'time'. It's great to know that you enjoyed WAR though (as it, personally, ranks pretty high with PSW & DOA for my favorite dynasty thus far).


As for the 'writing bug', there's always a chance. I'm not going to lie. I LOVE writing; it really IS my favorite hobby. That said, it's going to take A) a great story and B) the time to actually put into it. I'd never do a half-a$$ project as I know it wouldn't fulfill what I would want it to. So, long story short, maybe the 'bug' will bring me back but, at this point, It'd take everything aligning to make that possibility a reality.


I do want to thank you though for being such a great source of support. You've been a very vocal/interactive reader & it's meant a lot to me. I know, gushy... ha. That said, it did mean a lot to interact after putting in the 'heavy-lifting' for a WAR show (some 25-28 pages on Word for each show).


Having 'caught-up' on so many of your previous dynasties. it was great to follow one of your dynasties from the beginning. You really created a great atmosphere around 'WAR', and as always your shows were great reading.


Really enjoyed the 'wrap-up', you had some great sounding storylines set up. It's a shame that it has come to an end, but it was a great ride while it lasted :).


Thank you, Charasmatic Enigma!


It'd be quite a daunting task to catch up; so, I really appreciate it man. I've always been vocal about knowing that I'm not 'everyone's cup of tea'. My shows can be longer, my insight rather consistent, and my writing being rather subtle (making it harder to follow unless you're 'keeping up' on a weekly basis); so, to have someone willing to take on that challenge... It means a lot.


If I'm able to swing back around with a new project then hopefully that drives as much interest as WAR (and my previous projects) has. That said, it's great to know that I had you reading, man!

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Wow. We have come to the end of WAR. And, E-V, my friend, I just have to say that it was an amazing ride! I have enjoyed every moment. I have to say thank you for allowing me to read this and to interact with A View From A Hawk's Eye. I am just sad we did not get to do El Platinum-ay from Taco Bell!


Again, my friend, thank you for your writing. You are a true inspiration. I hope that this does not end up being your last ever project. But if it does, thanks for the memories. And I also thank you for being a very good friend on here.

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