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WAR on the Vegas Strip...

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... And it comes... In the night...

"Battleground" results to be up tomorrow night (Thursday)

'The WAR meal gains more meat versus fat'

Also, this will be THE most important show thus far; really setting a tone as I feel I've hit my WAR stride


This is less of a '24 hour warning' post and more of a 'the show should be up tomorrow night' kind of thing. The reason for posting such is that I know there are others out there who would like the 'warning' so that they can keep an eye out around that time. This way, if you're looking to read the next PPV episode of "Battleground" then you know to expect it tomorrow night (most likely).


I'm down to writing the main event & then will have some short layout things to do before it were to be up. With a work scenario tonight, I don't feel as though I'll have enough time to get it up today (even though I'm getting close).


For those reading, this episode is BOUND to add A LOT of meat to the meal (excluding some general 'start-up' fat). New people debut, scenarios start to intertwine, rivalries are budding, controversy igniting, and an overall feel of grandeur is well on it's way with this episode. More or less, THIS is the MOST IMPORTANT show thus far as it's really going to change the whole course (adding more depth to the whole ordeal).


While it feels like an understatement, I'm really excited to get this one out there. I'm finally feeling as if I'm hitting my stride with WAR and really hope that you're enjoying the ride.

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So it looks like I have finally caught up with this diary. Now time for predictions.


Donnie J vs. James Prudence

American Elemental vs. Angel De Mexico vs. Fox Mask vs. Snap Dragon

Alex Braun vs. Shawn Gonzalez

Eric Tyler's "Wrestling Lesson" open challenge

Troy Tornado © vs. Ares

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Donnie J vs. James Prudence

Prudence needs to build his momentum up and challenge for the Title.


American Elemental vs. Angel De Mexico vs. Fox Mask vs. Snap Dragon

Fox Mask is legend on the indy scene.


Alex Braun vs. Shawn Gonzalez

I think Shawn could challenge for the World Title and possibly hold it for a couple months.


Eric Tyler's "Wrestling Lesson" open challenge

Eric will win here.


Troy Tornado © vs. Ares

Ares puts in a strong effort but it isn't enough.


Can't wait!!!

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Backstage confrontation

Involved: Troy Tornado ©, WAR General Nemesis, The Guru, Ares, and Goddess Emily

“What the F*CK was that?”


{With a camera lens bouncing frantically over his shoulder, the obvious frustrated WAR Champion, Troy Tornado, is shown aggressively barging into what appears to be the WAR General’s newly developed office. With framed pictures of Nemesis during his DaVE career positioned around the wall, various championship belts he’s held over the years proudly displayed in shadow boxes, and a collection of WAR promotional posters also framed, there’s a lofty feeling when one walks into such an achievement-laden place. That said, Tornado doesn’t appear to be all that much in awe as he instantly confronts the WAR General within seconds of crashing through his door.}


[Troy Tornado]:
What the F*ck, Nemesis?


{Standing before his desk, looking up from a collection of papers on said space, the WAR General is shown turning his attention toward the infuriated champion. With that in mind, it doesn’t appear that Nemesis is all that happy with the way Tornado barged into his room; snarling in his typical gritty fashion.}


Excuse me?


[Troy Tornado]:
Don’t give me that ‘excuse me’ bull-sh*t… What the f*ck was up with Ares jumping me from behind? You planned that sh*t didn’t you…


{Nemesis moves closer to his frustrated champion; staring him down in an intimidating fashion in the process.}


You’d best watch your tone when you walk in here, Tornado…
{Pauses; stern stare-down exists}
Men like you are bound to get you’re a$$ killed doing sh*t like this…


{A tense stare-down follows once again until Nemesis breaks the silence with a stern, raspy, return.}


You’re damn right I planned it out… It shouldn’t come as a shock to you though. I’ve been in your ear since day one… The WAR Champion doesn’t have an easy road; he never will. As long as you have that strap, you can expect sh*t like that on a weekly basis. Don’t like it? Dry your damn tears… wipe the snot from your face… and turn the belt over…
{Stare-down exists again as Nemesis pauses}
If you want to be the top dog, if you want to carry that belt, you best turn this little pitty-sh*t around and get back on the page. If not, then I’ll be GLAD to find someone who can…


{A tense stare-down exits once again as Tornado goes to speak; however, is quickly cut off by the familiar tone of an unexpected voice.}


[Troy Tornado]:
Oh, really? You can find someone else? I’d like…


[The Guru]:
That will be enough, Tornado…



Aligned with Nemesis?


{Walking slowly from the doorway of a nearby room, one connected to the WAR General’s office, is the well-documented right-hand-man of WAR owner, Mr. Stallings, himself, The Guru. Dressed in an equally beautiful suit, tailored to his measurements no doubt, the methodical voice of the tranquil authority figure rings true; pulling Tornado’s focus away from Nemesis for a second.}


[The Guru]:
Our faithful WAR General is right. If you don’t like what you endured last week then… well… do something about it. However, with that in mind, b*tching won’t get you anywhere. You want to find revenge? Get that heavy load of your chest? Stomp your way out of this room and go find Ares; he’s the one who actually attacked you. Then again, you’ll get that chance, here… tonight… as Nemesis has already booked you in a main event Championship match against the new #1 contender in the “GOD of WAR”.


[Troy Tornado]:
What? You boys have a little ‘pow-wow’ about all of this sh*t or something…


[The Guru]:
Actually, yes… yes we did. You see, champ, Nemesis’ vision for the WAR Championship is EXACTLY why Mr. Stallings felt he was the best fit for the job. It’s this, dog-eat-dog, me-against-the-world, mentality that often makes one a LEGEND of our sport. More or less, that’s what we’re looking for at the top… Someone who is not only able to, but relishes, the opportunity to stick it to EVERYONE on a weekly basis. It doesn’t matter where they come from, how they come at you, or even if they’re under contract,… To be the WAR Champion is to be a defiant warrior; one willing to defend his strap at all costs. Tonight, you have that opportunity, as I have already stated, against a man who has shown himself to be exactly that; a warrior. In the end, if you WANT to keep the strap around your waist, it’s probably best that you get your mind out of Nemesis’ business and start defending that strap like your life depends on it…


{Tornado appears to still be frustrated; however, possibly drinking the kool-aid laid forth by the Guru. None the less, as he looks back toward Nemesis, a vile smirk begins to grow upon his face. Not the kind that speaks of cheap arrogance but one that calls upon a sense of violence lying underneath.}


I’m not here to f*ck you over, champ. I know you don’t trust me but, to be honest, I don’t really give a damn. My allegiance isn’t to you, it’s to the championship you carry over your shoulder, to this company, and it’s to Mr. Stallings himself. Think of all of this as your initiation process… You want to be at the top of WAR? You want to carry the strap as Guru says? Then prove it… Prove to us all that you can take it… that you’ll rise above… In the end, I’m either going to make you a LEGEND… or crush your damn career under piles of worthy challengers. What will it be?


{Tornado stares upon Nemesis with an obvious sense of aggression permeating.}


[Troy Tornado]:
Keep ‘em comin’, General… I’ll knock ‘em all down… one… by… one…
And when I’m done, I’m lookin’ for you…


Wouldn’t have it any other way, Champ…
{Pauses; smirks in a devilish fashion}
Good luck tonight… You’re going to need it…


{With that, out of the very same room that the Guru once stood, out walks tonight’s challenger himself, the “GOD of WAR”, Ares, alongside his tattooed beauty in Goddess Emily. Once Tornado realizes such, a vile snarl forms upon his face as he c*cks his head backward in a lazy, ultra-arrogant, manner.}



Further alliances?


{Slapping the WAR Championship three times with his right fist, the belt residing on his left shoulder during said strikes, the WAR Champion ultimately engages in a heated stare-down with his punk-rock challenger.}


{In the end, the scenario comes to a close with that very notion in-tact: Ares and Tornado stare upon one another with tension rising. Meanwhile, the WAR General, Nemesis, and Mr. Stallings’ right-hand-man, The Guru, are shown looking toward one another with a simple nod of approval.}


Steve Smith:
Insanity!!! Pure insanity!! While it seems as though he’s STILL on his side, wanting him to succeed, Nemesis appears to be putting Tornado through the ringer; all in hopes of pushing him to the very LEGENDARY mountain for which he stands upon.

Slick Rick:
Sounds like bull-sh*t if you ask me. If I were Tornado, I’d sock that motha-f*cka square in the mouth. I don’t care if he’s some ‘LEGEND’, he’s acting like an a$$-hole with all of this ‘prove it’ stuff.

Steve Smith:
I guess that’s what you get if you want to be atop Wrestling Action in Revolt. As Nemesis has said MANY times before, there isn’t an easy road for whoever carries the WAR Championship. Last week’s attack by Ares is an example of that! I wonder what may be in store for the champ tonight?




Donnie J vs. James Prudence


”Last Man Standing” Match

“The Last Fly Boy Standing”


From the beginning, both men appear to be equals in their exchange as telegraphing their every-step is quite easy when teaming for as long as they did. That said, with time, the “Platinum” figure, James Prudence, is shown pulling away from the pack so to speak; stepping into an extra gear as his long-time friend, and partner, begins to fade into the background. None the less, sensing it will take something grand in which to bring the match to an end, Prudence is ultimately seen finishing off the semi-staggered Donnie J with a top-rope mega-front-face-suplex; a move that Prudence entitles “The Platinum Payoff”. With such an extremely risky maneuver, one can never expect the move to be utilized every week; however, tonight, it was masterful in it’s delivery; ultimately leaving Donnie J unconscious in the corner of the ring. A 10 count later and there is very little left to report; James Prudence is the ultimate Fly Boy left standing…


James Prudence via a 10-count

Ending Maneuver:
“The Platinum Payoff” (Top rope mega-front-face-suplex)

Ending Time:


Steve Smith:
Oh lord almighty. Someone should call Donnie J a dentist after that one. I can’t imagine he kept most of his teeth after such a sickening impact! Wow…

Slick Rick:
Mark it down, b*tches… The Fly Boys are as good as dead & James Prudence is the only man left standing. Donnie may b*tch and moan all he wants but the truth was in the ring here tonight. “Platinum” is BETTER than California cool…




Post-match promo

Involved: James Prudence

“Moving on...”


{Post-match, an obviously depleted, yet spirited, “Platinum” James Prudence is shown ripping a microphone from the nearby announcer only seconds after declaring his name as the victor. Slowly, staggering over to his fallen former friend, Prudence is shown kneeling down at his side; attempting to catch his breath in the process.}


[James Prudence]:
This marks the END of this…
{Stares upon the unconscious Donnie J}
I have bigger and better things to worry about than continually burying the “Fly Boys” deeper and deeper underground. Today… I start my path to greatness.


{Pausing for a brief second, Prudence stands up from his knelt position in which to look out upon the crowd as his adrenaline surges.}


[James Prudence]:
Tonight… I will protect my greatest asset to such…
Before it’s all said and done, when the history books are finally written, the name of “Platinum” will be everywhere… and your beloved “Lone Wolf” will be the stupid fool who was simply in the wrong place… at the wrong time… Sacrificed for the greater good… Sacrificed… for my greatness…


{With that, Prudence is shown throwing his microphone down upon the canvas below; almost hitting the unconscious Donnie J in the process. In the end, as the crowd relays a rather hearty chorus of boos in his face, the smirking “Platinum Player” is shown defying their negativity; confident despite the storm before him.}


Steve Smith:
James Prudence is delusional.

Slick Rick:
You think that now but I’d put my money on Prudence any day of the week. He’s got the talent, the look, and the gigantic chip on his shoulder that won’t let him slow down. F*ck… He’s got it all, Steve-o. Even YOU have to see that…

Steve Smith:
He may have been able to overrun his long-time partner in Donnie J but the rabid “Lone Wolf” is on a whole other level. To beat Gonzalez, Prudence will have to be on his “A-game” every single day… To be honest, I don’t think even his “A-game” is good enough…

Slick Rick:
We’ll just see about that…




Hype Video

Involved: ???

“Power unseen”


{A brief hype video is shown in which to tease the menacing arrival of a newfound powerhouse to Wrestling Action in Revolt. While his face is never shown, his gigantic, muscle-bound, vein infested, Greek-GOD-like frame is all that’s important as it pertains to his overall dominating presence. In the end, witnessing said mysterious powerhouse engage in various displays of immense strength, the ultimate notion is that this man is NOTHING like we’ve seen before in professional wrestling. He’s a freak of nature… A BIG problem for all of those who dare stand in his way.}


Steve Smith:
Who… the bloody tell… was that?

Slick Rick:
Who the F*CK knows but one thing’s for damn sure… He HAS to live in a gym or something. Did you SEE those arms? Holy-F*CK…

Steve Smith:
My guess is we’ll be seeing from him in the future. Hopefully, we can come to find out who he is sooner than later…

Slick Rick:
Are you SURE you really want that, Steve-o?
{Raspy laughter follows}
This monster may just as well destroy all of WAR by the looks of it…

Steve Smith:
It’s no different than the slew of people already here… Everyone has a death-wish. Everyone wants to destroy the landscape. He’ll just be another attempting to do the same…

Slick Rick:
Only difference is… He’ll do so with tree-trunk-sized arms…





American Elemental vs. Angel De Mexico vs. Fox Mask vs. Snap Dragon


Four-way singles match

First pinfall rules

“The rise of a new phenomenon”


Speeding at a borderline reckless pace, these four high flying cruiserweights step forth with their collective best foot forward; doing all they can to be the “IT” moment within the show despite being MUCH smaller than their counterparts. Slamming into one another at heights unseen, diving every which way, utilizing nearby ring ropes and turnbuckles as astonishing launching pads, no man leaves any stone unturned as they attempt to gain bragging rights with a momentum-lifting victory tonight. That said, there can only be one winner; one man whose able to rise above the rest. Tonight, that figure is none other than the international phenomenon, American Elemental.


Seconds after flooring Angel De Mexico with a high-hanging, spinning, Brainbuster, American Elemental is shown leaping atop a nearby turnbuckle in a matter of a millisecond. Spinning himself back around in a dramatic leap, AE now dives off the top rope with his signature “Inferno Splash” (450 Splash) square upon the unprotected stomach of Angel De Mexico. In the end, as his opponents dive from every which way, doing their very best to break said pinfall in the process, the newfound flier is able to garner a shocking victory as chaos circulates around his very 3-count.


American Elemental via pinfall

Ending Maneuver:
“Inferno Splash” (450 Splash)

Ending Time:


Steve Smith:
He did it folks; American Elemental has won!!!! After losing in his first bout, dropping the match to Johnny Martin, this young flier has made a name for himself by going a shocking 2-1 overall. Teaming with Shawn Gonzalez and now coming away with a big-time singles victory, AE has done everything possible to put himself in the lime-light. I wonder how much longer he can keep this going?

Slick Rick:
I give him another week or so. Let’s face it. He’s been lucky. Put him in the ring with someone who actually matters, like a Johnny Martin, and he’s just another second-rate nobody. Can’t get past that.

Steve Smith:
I guess we’ll just have to see about that. Either way, tonight, American Elemental pulls in a huge singles victory against his high flying peers!! Great work!




Shocking backstage meeting

Involved: Troy Tornado © and ?????

“Old friends reunite”


{We transition backstage in which to see disgruntled WAR Champion, Troy Tornado, walking with a sense of gritty frustration to his every step. With that said; however, his tone changes rather quickly as he walks upon a scenario unseen by the camera lens at first.}


{The potentially snarling mug of our frustrated WAR Champion slowly subsides to that of a look of shocked wonder. A slight smirk forms upon his face, as Tornado staggers toward the right side of the screen; his arm extended out as if he’s about to embark upon a bro-like handshake.}


[Troy Tornado]:
Well look what the cat drug in… F*ck boys… It’s good to see you…


{As the camera lens pans out, it now becomes apparent that the person before Tornado is actually a collection of people; Hopkirk, Payne, and Shearer.}



The band is back?


{While everyone has a collective smirk upon their face, there does appear to be a sense of frustration radiating from the trio before the WAR Champion. None the less though, all engage in bro-like handshakes with the now energized Tornado.}


It’s been awhile, Troy…


[Troy Tornado]:
F*ck yea. How you’ve been?


Holdin’ up; we all are really. Nothing like what you’ve got here… WAR Champion, huh?
{Shakes his head; happy but seemingly still frustrated}
Seems like you’re living the life…


[Troy Tornado]:
You know how it goes… parties… women… booze…
Just how we did it back in the day…


{A collective nod is seen from the trio as Tornado chuckles to himself; remembering old times.}


‘Back in the day’… right…
{Nods his head; smiling to himself}
You see, Tornado, we’re just a little shocked…


[Troy Tornado]:
What’s that?


Here you are, WAR Champion, on top of the world, and yet… no call? You know we were all on the couch… struggling to pay our bills… to put food on our tables… and here you are… ‘Livin the life’…


{A look of sadness actually forms upon the often arrogant champion as Tornado drops his head slightly; nodding to himself. After a lengthy sigh, Troy locks his eyes on the men before him with a look of sincerity on his face.}


[Troy Tornado]:
F*ck… I’m sorry guys… I got caught up in the ‘life’ and completely went AWOL…
{Nods his head; rolling his lips in a sad fashion}
Let me help you out. I’ve got a good in with Stallings; I can get all three of you into WAR…
{A devilish grin forms again}
… We can throw the band back together again…
terrorize Vegas like we’ve always use to do…


{The frustrated trio seem to drop their palpable aggression for a second in which to collectively smirk; joining Tornado in that. In the end, as they exchange in a number of bro-like handshakes once again, there appears to be a reunion of sorts in the making.}


That would be great…
{Pauses; stares upon Tornado}
We’d owe you one…


[Troy Tornado]:
No need to ‘owe’ anyone anything…
… Brothers gotta look out for one another…


{Another brief sense of silence is heard before Hopkirk begins to speak; nodding his head in a matter of fact fashion.}


That they do… that they do… Troy…


{Hopkirk pauses once again as Tornado smirks in return.}


As a thank you, we’ll see to it that the Tri-State Kings are held up backstage tonight…
{Pauses; smirks}
Can’t have the f*cking WAR Champion dealing with those pesky a$$-clowns…


{With that, the segment comes to a close with a collective smirk radiating off of all four men. While there is certainly a sense of tension there, most likely due to the frustration held by the recently unemployed trio, there now appears to be a sense of brotherhood bubbling back to the surface. None the less, with a number of long-time allies back at his side, one has to wonder if Tornado will EVER have another difficult day ahead of him.}


Steve Smith:
Hopkirk… Payne… Shearer… have ALL come to Wrestling Action in Revolt! There’s no doubt, with a good word from the champ, that these three will be competing in a WAR in NO time!

Slick Rick:
… Further diluting the WAR landscape with f*cking has-beens! Did these guys EVER have a prime? So, you’re friends with the champ and you can get whatever you want? What kind of ship are you running here Stallings?

Steve Smith:
The ‘top dog’ has long been given perks. You’ll find it in every company, in every city, in ever country, around the world. Plus, you may not be all that excited, but I wouldn’t mind seeing the ‘band’ back together again…

Slick Rick:
That’s because you’re an idiot, Steve-o…

Steve Smith:
Well, that was uncalled for…
{shakes his head and moves on}
Regardless though, it seems as though Tornado’s brothers will be at his side tonight; making sure that the Tri-State Kings don’t interfere as you KNOW they were planning to do.




In-ring promo

Involved: Genio Verde, Puerto Rican Power ©, and DAMiaN

“Stepping from the shadows”


{Overtaking the ringside area in a shockingly imposing fashion, the small-statured, partial mask wearing, Genio Verde is shown stepping through the “Gates of WAR” with a microphone already in hand. Slowly shuffling, looking out upon the crowd in a methodical fashion, the mysterious flier does his very best to portray himself as something or someone… very… off. None the less, as he enters into the ring, the oddness of his demeanor begins to subside slightly as a more menacing tone takes hold. For, upon the microphone he holds, there appears to be small specs of blood still quite wet present.}


[Genio Verde]:
Last week, I was screwed. It should come as NO surprise that there is a conspiracy circulating within these tainted walls. To those who don’t believe me, open your eyes… look around you… WAR is infested with the scantily-clad, the genetically-altered, the unbelievably brain-dead.
J.K. Stallings Jr. has sold his soul to the talentless, mindless, beauties of the world in hopes of world domination; however, he fails to realize the true WAR he’s created in turn…


{Genio Verde pauses as he looks square into a nearby camera lens with his beady, unsettling, eyes.}


[Genio Verde]:
The ‘freaks’ are expected to hide in the shadows; to act like the circus act he thinks us to be. Well, no longer will WE accept such misfortune. Society WILL… NEVER… forget us…
{Pauses; growing angered}
WE will step out from the shadows… out from the belly of the underworld…
… Violently overthrowing the ‘beautiful elite’ that you’ve come to cherish. No longer will we accept our roles… our circus-freak lifestyle… For now, WE will become the MAIN attraction… The proverbial ‘cream above the crop’…
… Utter, intense, Violence will be our tool for upheaval… No life will be spared… No stone left un-turned… Starting with Puerto Rican Power… HERE… Tonight…


{The crowd boos like crazy at such a notion; however, before Verde can move on, the newfound Sin City Champion is shown practically exploding through the “Gates of WAR” with brutish intent. In a heavy-footed manner, the gold-wearing powerhouse overtakes the ringside area in a matter of seconds. In connection, Genio Verde appears to be welcoming in a shocking manner. While it was HE who ultimately challenged/threatened the champ, it appears as though that he is entirely unafraid despite being MUCH smaller in stature.}


{In the end, Puerto Rican Power is shown ripping a microphone from a nearby ring announcer, in which to combatively stand before the masked Genio Verde. Looking down upon him as he stands on high, the muscle-bound brawler practically huffs in his face in a brutish fashion; much like an enraged bull.}


[Puerto Rican Power]:
Starting with ME?
{Pauses; portrays a stern look upon his face}
Stupid move, Verde…
{Pauses; huffs again in Verde’s face}
I’m going to shove that weasely head of yours straight up your own A$$ before you even land a finger on me…


{A tense staredown follows; however, shockingly Genio Verde stands his ground. Somehow, it seem as though the mysterious masked flier is confident despite standing before a brutish sense of violence like Puerto Rican Power.}


[Genio Verde]:
Watch who you’re calling stupid, Power…
… I’m not the one who just walked into his own death-bed…


{Before Puerto Rican Power can speak once again, the bruising Sin City Champion is shown being floored by a gigantic figure looming in the background. As the camera man pans out in which to get a greater shot, we now witness the sight of the menacing DAMiaN standing over-top of the fallen PRP.}



A violent sneak attack


{The Sin City Champion attempts to leap back to his feet in a super-human manner; however, is quickly sent back where he once was with a sickening big boot strike to the back of his head. From there, obviously reeling due to the nature of the attack, as well as the overwhelming power of one DAMiaN, Puerto Rican Power is ultimately assaulted in a devilish fashion by Verde’s supposed ally.}


{In the end, as newfound WAR referee Jez McArthuer is shown speeding toward the ring, Genio Verde ultimately undresses into his wrestling attire in hopes of obtaining championship gold. Thanks to the dreaded 24/7 rule of the Sin City Championship, the bell is eventually rung in which to start the proceedings; however, not before Puerto Rican Power is shown rather motionless upon the canvas; quite possibly injured from the previous attack by DAMiaN.}


Steve Smith:
It was a trap!!! It was ALL a trap!! Genio Verde now has his Sin City Championship match; however, was able to soften up Puerto Rican Power before the bell was even rung!! I don’t know what’s going to happen here but it’s pretty easy to see that Power is barely clinging to consciousness right now. We COULD have a new champion right here, folks…

Slick Rick:
Plus, it looks as though DAMiaN isn’t going anywhere! He’s standing outside of the ring, seemingly at Verde’s side; so, it’s not like Power just has to overcome Genio.

Steve Smith:
Another attack though COULD cost Verde the match. While they wrestle under a 24/7 rule, if the match is set in the ring then all of the typical rules apply to the match. In the end, another strike from DAMiaN could throw this match into a DQ ending…

Slick Rick:
Something tells me that Verde wouldn’t mind losing if it meant making good on his threats… HE may be more focused on putting Power out for good, a lifetime on a hospital bed, if it means that his agenda is met!

Steve Smith:
That’s a scary thought, Slick…






Puerto Rican Power © vs. Genio Verde


WAR Sin City Championship Match

Impromptu in-ring Singles Match

“Bait & count-out”


Almost straight away, the looming, quite menacing, appearance of one DAMiaN outside of the ring makes for intense drama. That said, as the match was made within the ring, the gigantic demon of sorts is unable to really do anything outside of standing in an ominous fashion as he silently gazes upon the Sin City Champion. Within the ring though, his supposed ally, the mysterious Genio Verde, is shown playing every trick in the book possible in which to slow down his much larger opponent. Sadly, for him, even THE most dubious design is not entirely enough to bring the immensely powerful Puerto Rican Power to his knees. In the end, after Power is shown guerilla-press-slamming Verde over the top rope & onto the awaiting arms of DAMiaN outside of the ring, the brutish champ is shown exiting the squared circle in which to further the damage; staring upon DAMiaN the entire time. When it’s all said and done; however, a few violent fists later, the match is ultimately dubbed a double count-out as neither of the legal man are able to return to the ring in enough time. Instead, brawling like spirited mad-man for a matter of 10+ seconds; a fact that gains added drama as DAMiaN finally is shown getting his hands ‘dirty’ toward the very end of McArthuer’s ten count.


DRAW via double-count-out

Ending Maneuver:

Ending Time:


Steve Smith:
The ring wasn’t enough to contain these two; that’s pretty evident. I don’t know if this was Genio Verde’s plan all along but I can’t imagine that a 2-on-1 beatdown will leave the champ in the best of health in the end.

Slick Rick:
Wins and losses aren’t all that important to these freaks. They’ll get the job done; in their own way. Tonight, Power found out firsthand what it takes to square off against one of these ‘shadow-dwellers’. I wonder if he’ll ever make that mistake again…

Steve Smith:
Something tells me that this won’t be the LAST TIME we see this scenario unfold…




Post-match attack

Involved: Genio Verde, Puerto Rican Power ©, and DAMiaN

“Crashing through steel”


{Violently tossing the much smaller Genio Verde off of his back, seconds after being choked by said hanger-on, Puerto Rican Power eventually focuses his brutish demeanor toward that of the ultra-menacing, DAMiaN. In a swift, bull-like rush, the enraged Sin City Champion is shown colliding forcibly into the staggered demonic DAMiaN much like a speeding ram slamming into another. In turn, upon impact, Power is shown brutishly tackling the larger DAMiaN with his signature “San Juan Rush” (spear).}


{The force of the collision sends the both of them crashing backward; unexpectedly breaking through the nearby steel guardrail in the process.}



"San Juan Rush" through the steel guardrail!!!!


{As a number of nearby fans scurry out of the way, a WAR camera man is quick to capture the carnage of DAMiaN lying semi-motionless upon a broken piece of said guardrail. Meanwhile, as his victim struggles to pull himself back to his feet in obvious pain, the overpowering Sin City Champion, Puerto Rican Power, is shown slowly pulling himself upright as well; roaring like a crazed, huffing, beast high on adrenaline.}


Steve Smith:
Oh my goodness…

{Camera man zooms in on the carnage}

Steve Smith:
Puerto Rican Power just SPEARED DAMiaN through the steel guardrail…
That wall is DESIGNED not to fail, to keep the action away from the fans, but it seems as though Power has done exactly that… used his rage to POWER DAMiaN straight through steel…

Slick Rick:
Well, f*ck…
{Raspy laughter}
The crazier thing than that is… DAMiaN is still moving!!! He may be down for a second here but it looks like he’s trying to get back UP on his feet!
{Shakes his head; laughing}
Puerto Rican Power bit off too much to chew with this one… DAMiaN is going to KILL him for this…

Steve Smith:
Insanity… pure… insanity…




Hype Video

Involved: Shawn Gonzalez and Alex Braun

“Old tension returns”


{A short hype video is presented in which to depict the long-standing back-and-forth relationship of Alex Braun and Shawn Gonzalez. Utilizing the spirited footage of the defunct DaVE, the scenario is painted that these two know each-other extremely well; almost too well. After years of warring WITH one another, and AGAINST one another, the final lingering thought is that such knowledge of one another will only bring about a truly combative affair.}


Steve Smith:
These two are NO strangers to one another. After years of warring with, and against, one another in DaVE, there’s no doubt that these two will be willing to take their long-standing battle to the stage of WAR!

Slick Rick:
I can ONLY hope that we see the “Platinum Player” swing in and put an END to the mangy wolf! DaVE’s good-and-gone, Wrestling Action in Revolt is the only thing that matters now. If Prudence is thinking right, tonight’s match could be a GREAT way to send that very message. F*ck it all… It’s Prudence’s time!

Steve Smith:
I wouldn’t hold it against him to show up. I mean, after his passionate speeches these last two weeks, one has to ALWAYS expect that wherever Gonzalez is… Prudence won’t be too far away.




Alex Braun vs. Shawn Gonzalez


Hardcore Match

“Not you… ME!”


Two men who are etched in the history of DaVE compete in the very match-up that originally made them famous; or infamous. That said, many years past their collective prime, their newfound altercation, now under the banner of WAR, seems much more slower in pace than previous imagined. Regardless of their deteriorated health, both put forward a match that make any aged hardcore fan proud. With a small smattering of blood, Braun’s that is, scattered around the canvas, and a number of irregular weapons being utilized from nearby WAR fans, there is an overall air of extreme violence overtaking the Empire Coliseum. In the end; however, despite putting forth a great back-and-forth, the ultimate outcome comes at the hands of another…



Protecting his asset for greatness


Methodically sneaking his way toward the ring, “Platinum” James Prudence makes his presence known by shockingly attacking Alex Braun after teasing an attack on a semi-conscious Gonzalez as he lay upon the canvas. Striking the alone Tri-State King member with a steel chair, the bloodied Braun eventually crashes back to the canvas seconds before the “Platinum” figure is shown exiting the ring. The rabid WAR fan-base stands in shock after the strike; however, the moment of confusion doesn’t seem to faze Prudence. Instead, it all appears to be taking part exactly as planned.


Without his knowledge of the attack, Gonzalez later rises back to his feet in which to lock in his signature “Latino Crab” upon the hurting Braun. Moments later, as Braun is barely able to focus, let-alone break the hold, the “Ice Man” is shown tapping in his floored stupor. Meanwhile, Prudence has already exited the ringside area with steel chair still in hand; most likely as a form of security for shockingly attacking a Tri-State King.


Shawn Gonzalez via Submission

Ending Maneuver:
“Latino Crab” (Boston Crab) following an unseen attack by James Prudence on Alex Braun

Ending Time:


Steve Smith:
… What was that all about?

Slick Rick:
What the f*ck? Did Prudence just HELP Gonzalez beat Braun? I don’t get it…

Steve Smith:
Ladies and gentlemen, I have NO IDEA what just happened here. James Prudence has been ALL about ‘ending Gonzalez’ career’ and YET… tonight… He helped him beat Alex Braun; a Tri-State King member. What does this mean? Why would he do so?

Slick Rick:
I’m f*cking confused…

Steve Smith:
Well, bloody hell, Rick… So am I…




"Wrestling Lesson" w/ Eric Tyler

Involved: Tri-State Kings and ????

“Who will step up?”


{Methodically overtaking the ringside area, the hardened trio of Eric Tyler, Steve Flash, and Johnny Martin, ascend upon the squared circle with selfish intent. Their very slowed pace, practically ASKING for the fans to boo them wildly, brings about an air that the infamous Tri-State Kings faction is a grouping based entirely upon self-promotion. None the less, as they join the side of an obviously irritated Alex Braun, fuming from a previous loss due to the shocking interference of one, James Prudence, there appears to a sense of lofty stature to their foursome; even if it’s predicated by their OWN perceptions.}


{As Eric Tyler stands before the rest of his Tri-State brethren, a microphone already in hand, the “Traditionalist” appears to be ready for yet another “Wrestling Lesson”.}


[Eric Tyler]:
Week-in-and-week-out, I stand before you as a pleading educator. While you may not believe me, I would LOVE to find a wrestler WORTHY of a victory; one whose talented, focused, and driven enough to get the job done. Sadly, thus far, I’ve found nothing of the sort. It’s probably because we’re on the West Coast…
{Shakes his head}
Nothing good comes from over here…


{The crowd boos like crazy as the Tri-State Kings collectively snicker.}


[Eric Tyler]:
So, once again, I stand before you… in search of someone WORHTY enough to wrestle… ME.
{Snickers; pauses}
Who will it be? Who has the BALLS to step into the ring with one of THE greatest… wrestlers… of ALL-TIME?


{Eric Tyler drops the mic to his side as he looks upon the “Gates of WAR”. For a matter of a few seconds, nothing is heard nor seen from that general area. It’s almost as though NO ONE was willing to accept. Then, that all changed…}



Taking the challenge


{The Empire Coliseum practically explodes with excitement as the opening of a familiar medal theme begins to blare. Seconds later, proud in his stance, energized in his step, out steps the man who, just last week, actually defeated Eric Tyler in the Main Event 3 on 3 steel cage match; “The Machine” Buddy Garner.}


[steve Smith]:
You bit off too much to chew here tonight, Tyler!! Your “Wrestling Lesson” is about to find it’s first passing student!


[slick Rick]:
He cheated last week when they were in the cage. There’s NO WAY that Garner puts Tyler down again… NO… WAY!


{With a bounce in his step, and a looseness to his frame, the harsh MMA fighter firmly stomps his way toward the ringside area with a look of sheer intensity upon his face. Meanwhile, standing within the ring, the Tri-State Kings have huddled up in a planning fashion; appearing more thoughtful than afraid though. In the end, as Garner climbs into the ring, unafraid by the numbers game, the hardened “Traditionalist” is shown relaying his own brand of confidence; staring down the submission artists before him.}


Steve Smith:
For weeks now, Eric Tyler has held this “Wrestling Lesson” of sorts only to find a number of newcomers with hopes of stardom. In the end, those bright-eyed youngsters were all put down one-by-one. Here tonight, Tyler has found himself a new challenger; however, this is no youngster… This is a man who’s proven his ability to choke-out the very best of them. If you ask me, tonight is the night that the “Wrestling Lesson” is spun around on it’s creator.

Slick Rick:
Don’t get ahead of yourself, Steve-o. Garner may have gotten lucky last week but there ‘aint no way that he is able to go over Tyler again. This week, the professor is back on his own two feet; ready to prove that last week was a fluke!

Steve Smith:
I guess we’ll see whether or not it was a fluke. Either way, this HAS to be the greatest challenge that Tyler’s had thus far. Garner has quickly become a MAJOR FORCE in Wrestling Action in Revolt!




Buddy Garner vs. Eric Tyler


“Wrestling Lesson” Open Challenge

“Traditionally dubious”


While wrenching sternly at his taped wrists, it’s obvious to see that Eric Tyler is mentally constructing a method for victory; knowing that the challenge before him is BY FAR the greatest he’s seen thus far. None the less, as the two interlock within the center of the ring, a tale of equals is told from the very first lock-up. While their age is quite different, a good decade plus between them, the intense MMA fighter finds himself quite often at a stalemate when attempting to bend & stretch his opponent every which way. In turn though, Tyler, while calculating in his offense, still feels as if he’s attempting to keep a tentative lid upon a raging ocean looking to capsize; knowing quite well that an explosion from Garner would most certainly be detrimental to his cause. More or less, with this in mind, their altercation spends more time on the canvas, utilizing submission moves between the two, than a hectic back-and-forth in which to trade blows. It feels, and appears, MUCH like a traditional wrestling match than anything else; a scenario that you HAVE to know benefits Eric Tyler despite his advanced age.



Distracting from ringside


In the end, the Tri-State Kings, seen at ringside, make all the difference in deciding the ultimate outcome. While they NEVER actually lay hands on Garner, their presence is certainly known from the opening bell. Jaw-jacking, toying with, teasing eternally, the Kings find a way to employ a level of ‘good ole boy’ mind games in which to inconsistently pull the MMA fighters attention elsewhere.


Utilizing a number of chop-block scenarios throughout the match, eventually, Eric Tyler is able to subdue the deadly beast before him with a string of submissions focused primarily on the injured right knee of Buddy Garner. When it’s all said and done though, even though he tried with all of his might, Tyler is unable to get Garner to tap out. Instead, as the brutish fighter struggles to remain upright, wobbling as he can’t put ANY pressure on said knee, Tyler is shown masterfully executing a Fisherman’s Suplex square in the corner of the ring.


Garner struggles but the pain in his knee is too much to overcome. The pinfall is successful and Eric Tyler has found a way to subdue the beast; focusing in on Garner’s right-knee and possibly putting him on the shelf at the same time.


Eric Tyler via pinfall

Ending Maneuver:
Fisherman Suplex; Garner suffers and injured right-knee

Ending Time:


Steve Smith:
Buddy Garner may need to seek medical attention immediately after this one. It’s pretty obvious to see that his right-knee is barely functional; he can’t even put any weight on it!

Slick Rick:
That’s what he gets for trying to test the “Wrestling Lesson”!!

Steve Smith:
Something tells me though, if the Tri-State Kings weren’t out there, there’s a good chance that this could have gone the other way!

Slick Rick:
Hell no! Did the Tri-State Kings injure Garner’s knee?

Steve Smith:
Well… no…

Slick Rick:
Did the Tri-State Kings execute a fisherman’s suplex?

Steve Smith:
No… they didn’t…

Slick Rick:
Then don’t give me this ‘it could have been different’ bull-cr@p!! Garner was put down fair and square!

Steve Smith:
You can’t deny that their presence is a distraction though!

Slick Rick:
Oh boo hoo… this is the big leagues boys. If you can’t keep your eyes in the ring then it’s your OWN damn fault!




Backstage controversy

Involved: Troy Tornado ©, WAR General Nemesis, and The Guru

“The plan is in motion”


{We transition backstage once again in which to witness the sight of an obviously agitated WAR Champion, Troy Tornado, lazily shuffling through an undisclosed hallway. With his head c*cked backward slightly, bouncing with each step, the overtly arrogant flier appears to liken himself much more as a rock-star than a typical ‘top draw’ wrestler. With that said, as the lights from above bounce off of his designer sunglasses, much the same as it does upon the plate of the WAR Championship over his shoulder, Tornado ultimately walks past the camera lens and takes his first steps toward the back-end of the “Gates of WAR”.}


{Seconds later, out from the shadows of a side doorway, the ominous present of the WAR General, Nemesis, and Mr. Stallings’ right-hand-man, The Guru, are shown coming into sight. Stepping as one, the unexpected duo carries a sense of mystery to their collective presence.}


{With a black smart phone in his hand, the Guru carries on a conversation unheard by the camera lens at this point. Meanwhile, the stern WAR General does nothing but stand at the Guru’s side; staring upon the WAR Champion as he exits the scene.}


[The Guru]:
It’s all going to plan… Just make sure you hold up your end of the deal…


{With that, the segment comes to a psychologically gripping close as it’s rather obvious that something is currently taking place; something that we all know very little about. None the less, as the scene officially transitions once again, our final vision is that of the WAR General and Mr. Stallings’ right-hand-man standing in unison in the shadows of the Empire Coliseum; most likely planning some sort of ‘plan’ based upon Troy Tornado.}


Steve Smith:
I hate to say it again… but WHAT was that all about? ‘Going to plan’? ‘Hold up your end of the deal’? I’m confused… Is there something we don’t know?

Slick Rick:
It would appear so, Steve-o. Tornado better wise up soon and get his a$$ out of Nemesis’ pocket. They’ve played nice for too long. Punk the b*tch and show that the only thing you need to PROVE is that you’re your own man!

Steve Smith:
Something bad is about to happen… I just have a feeling…

Slick Rick:
Thank you captain obvious…






Troy Tornado © vs. Ares


WAR Championship Match

“Old tension burns bright”


Clashing in an attitude-laced manner, these two men, known for their gigantic personalities, come together in an exchange that can only be described as untraditional. Utilizing every corner of the ring, employing a number of uniquely developed maneuvers, and ultimately bringing forth a vibe of absolute hunger (for success), their pairing appears to be that of a unique nature; the kind of scenario that brings about a topic of conversation whether good or bad. With that in mind, it becomes rather shocking that the fans don’t really buy into their altercation all that much. While it’s certainly lively within the Empire Coliseum, over-time we find the match-up losing steam; where others often pick-up with advanced timing (ala Tyler/Garner).


Even with a lackluster response, at least by Main Event standards, the “GOD of WAR” puts forth a valiant challenge; almost pinning the WAR Champion at several points throughout the match. At one point, following a wicked tornado DDT around the 12 minute mark, it was common thought that the title was only seconds from changing hands. That said, Tornado seemed to possess another wind of sorts… then another… and another… Always coming back to the surface.


In the end sadly, it’s neither Ares nor Tornado that can really stake claim to spinning the momentum in any general way. That was left for the trio of Hopkirk, Payne, and Shearer.



Locked in their locker room by steel chains



The orchestorators heading for ringside


After being shown locking the Tri-State Kings in their locker room from the outside, utilizing a hefty chain and key, the former Painful Procedure members overtake the ringside area with a general grit expected with such roughneck figures. With that in mind, after watching for a matter of a few minutes, their influence ultimately was felt when Jez McArthuer hit the deck after a stray diving closeline from Ares. With the referee out cold, lying upon his own back, looking up at the bright lights, the trio of Hopkirk, Payne, and Shearer are able to enter the ring…


At first, it appears that the rag-tag trio is present in which to help their long-time friend, Troy Tornado, to victory; however, shortly after their collective bro-handshakes, such a notion is quickly pushed by the wayside.


With Jez out cold, still struggling to gain consciousness again, the trio of Hopkirk, Payne, and Shearer are shown assaulting Troy Tornado after a dubious tease; flooring the WAR Champion in a 3-on-1 gang assault full of inherent rage.


As trash is thrown into the ring, the violent trio is then shown turning their attention toward Ares soon thereafter. As Tornado lay motionless in the ring, the victim of a heinous assault, his opponent, the “GOD of WAR”, is eventually handed the very same treatment only seconds later. When it’s all said and done though, Hopkirk is shown pulling a motionless Ares atop of an equally motionless Tornado; attempting to give Ares the championship win in the process.


After waking Jez up, slapping him violently in the face to do so, Hopkirk, Payne, and Shearer, are shown exiting the ring with a collective dirty grin upon their faces; knowing the carnage they had just cultivated.


Shockingly enough though, as Jez counts… 1…2… Tornado is shown kicking out at the VERY LAST second. Barely pulling his shoulder off the canvas, Tornado reaches deep down in which to create a dramatic kick-out moment.


In the end, as both are staggered and potentially injured, the WAR Champion, Troy Tornado, is shown ultimately gaining the final upper-hand as he slams the equally depleted Ares back to the canvas with a roaring DDT. Seconds later, the match is called in the champ’s favor; however, not before both men look as though they’ve been forced before a speeding train.


Depleted, staggered, and potentially injured, Tornado struggles to pull himself from his fallen opponent; obviously reeling from all that happened tonight. Luckily, for him though, he was able to somehow dig deep down and regain despite such a dubious scenario.


Troy Tornado via pinfall

Ending Maneuver:
DDT; following an assault by Hopkirk, Payne, and Shearer, upon both Ares & Troy Tornado

Ending Time:


Steve Smith:
I don’t know how he did it but Tornado has just defeated Ares. After all of that craziness, I thought things would have ended in a double-DQ or something. You have to wonder though, if THIS was what the WAR General, Nemesis, and Stallings’ right hand man, The Guru, were talking about as it pertains to the ‘plan’?

Slick Rick:
Tornado got what was coming to him. Too bad he didn’t drop the title in the process though; that’d be the BEST way to punk an a$$hole who turned his back on his brotherhood.

Steve Smith:
They truly do appear to be pissed at him for, as they most likely claim, ‘turning his back on them’.

Slick Rick:
As they SHOULD BE; he turned a deaf ear toward them and left Hopkirk, Payne, and Shearer, in the cold for months now. If he really were their friends, he would have put in a call to have them join WAR. A$$hole…

Steve Smith:
Should he have given them a chance at a job? That’s up to conversation. That said, there’s no denying that a heated battle is bound to find more traction going forward….




Post-match promo

Involved: Troy Tornado ©, Hopkirk, Payne, and Shearer

"Crossing the line”


{Barely able to pull himself to his feet, the intensely enraged Troy Tornado is initially shown brushing off Jez McArthuer’s attempt to hand over his coveted WAR Championship; allowing to fall upon the canvas below.}


{With an intense stare radiating toward the dubious trio of Hopkirk, Payne, and Shearer, Tornado quickly calls for a microphone; a fact that is speedily granted. Seconds later, as the crowd cheers at his back, the depleted WAR Champion administers a masterful stare-down, one that’s equally presented by the dubious trio atop the rampway, slowly before bringing the microphone up to his mouth.}


[Troy Tornado]:
F*ck you… every… last… one of you…
{Pauses as he continues to breathe heavily}
THAT was the biggest mistake of your miserable lives…
{Grows more angered as he continues to breathe heavily}
Brothers no more…
… I’m going to see to it that I put an END to all three of you… Mark my words… You’re… F*CKED!!!!!!!…


{With that, Tornado slams the microphone upon the canvas with so much fervor that it practically destroys it in the process. Meanwhile, as he bends down to grab his championship gold, never taking his intensely-focused eyes off of the dubious trio atop the rampway, an unsettling stare-down soon follows between both sides. In the end, “Battleground” closes with that very scenario; brothers at war…}


Steve Smith:
WHAT a reversal in one night!! I guess we should have seen it coming, what with all the tension earlier, but it seems as though ‘the band’ won’t be getting back together again…

Slick Rick:
I think that’s an understatement…
{Raspy laughter follows}
. Hats off to Hopkirk, Payne, and Shearer though,… It seems as if they’ve grown their OWN balls for the first time in their lives…

Steve Smith:
Join us next week on “Battleground” as we’re bound to have one HELL of a fallout from all of this. Order now!!! Don’t miss out on Wrestling Action in Revolt!!! Good night folks!












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WAR: "Battleground" - PPV Episode #4

Wrestling Action in Revolt (WAR)

8, 823 out of 10,000 at the Empire Coliseum (Located in the Empire Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas, NV)

PPV Buyrate:
0.08 (+ 0.01)

Event Grade:


  • Troy Tornado storms into WAR General Nemesis' office; unhappy about the assault by Ares last week. In the end, it's made apparent that Nemesis and The Guru, Mr. Stallings' right hand man, are working together in some capacity. ©

  • James Prudence defeated Donnie J in a "Last Man Standing" Match in 8:18. (D+)

  • James Prudence conducts a promo centered on moving past Donnie J and toward Shawn Gonzalez. ©

  • A hype video is shown for a mysterious powerhouse. (C+)

  • American Elemental defeated Angel De Mexico, Fox Mask, and Snap Dragon, by pinning Angel De Mexico in 4:48. (D+)

  • Hopkirk, Payne, and Shearer shockingly debut backstage as they speak with their former band-leader, and current WAR Champion, Troy Tornado. Despite tension, there appears to be a brotherhood still residing; one that Hopkirk claims will help him keep the Tri-State Kings at bay tonight. (D+)

  • Genio Verde, and his mysterious "WE", plan to return from the shadows that society cast them into. In the end, he pushes Puerto Rican Power to come out and face the masked mystery moments after verbally attacking him. Before it's all said and done though, DAMiaN is shown getting his hands dirty. (D)

  • Puerto Rican Power and Genio Verde wrestle to a 'DRAW' after a double-count-out is named; Puerto Rican Power retains the WAR Sin City Championship. (D-)

  • WAR Sin City Champion, Puerto Rican Power, is shown brawling with DAMiaN outside of the ring. Eventually, he sends the gigantic demon through the steel guardrail with a "San Juan Rush" (Spear). (D)

  • A hype video is shown in which to frame the history between Alex Braun and Shawn Gonzalez. ©

  • Shawn Gonzalez defeated Alex Braun in a hardcore match via pinfall with unseen help from James Prudence. (C-)

  • Eric Tyler holds his weekly "Wrestling Lesson" with Buddy Garner, the man who beat him in the cage last week to secure a win for his trio, accepting said challenge. ©

  • Eric Tyler defeated Buddy Garner in 17:45 via pinfall. (B-)

  • Troy Tornado walks toward the ring when the viewers witness the Guru and WAR General Nemesis emerge from a darkened room off to the side. In the end, the 'plan' appears to be going in motion; however, it's completion depends on another's actions that night (so says the Guru while on the phone with an unknown figure). (B-)

  • Troy Tornado defeated Ares in 21:38 via pinfall; Tornado retains the WAR Championship. Also, during the match, the trio of Hopkirk, Payne, and Shearer, are shown locking the Tri-State Kings in their locker room with steel chains. From there, the dubious trio turns the tides on their former band-leader; attacking Troy Tornado in a 3-on-1 attack. After assaulting Ares as well, leaving both for 'dead', they attempt to give Ares the forced win; however, Tornado is somehow able to kick out at the last second. (C-)

  • Troy Tornado swears to 'END' the trio of Hopkirk, Payne, and Shearer; calling them 'brothers no more'. (C-)

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1st Week of April, 2010

... Drugs, sex, and rock-n-roll ...


Shortly after the camera comes into focus, still somewhat shaky at best, we now are presented the image of wrestling LEGEND, and all-around Hardcore GOD, Nemesis seated before said lens. Wearing a pair of scuffed up tennis shoes, ones he’s most likely had for the last decade or so, and a black concert hard-rock concert T-shirt, John Campbell still rings to his rebellious side; appearing more like a 20’something than a man over-the-hill. None the less, as he sinks deeper into his chair, sporting what’s best to be a hangover headache, the wrestling LEGEND turned authority figure seems to be half-in-half-out when it comes to paying attention entirely.


It seems, as of late, the action behind the scenes is becoming increasingly MORE shocking than the ACTUAL presentation in the ring. Would you say so?


A slight grin forms upon Campbell’s face; however, it appears labored as he’s in obvious pain; holding his hand across his forehead as he sinks his head further into it.


[John Campbell]:
That’s just the business, kid. You’ll find it in every company, with every owner, in every single region. Pro Wrestling is like rock-n-roll; we live and die by our own rules. It’s been the same for generations. It’s who we are.


So you’re saying ramped drug-use is common? I mean, I’m no stranger to the notion of backstage politics but the amount of substances backstage is alarming…


John cracks another dirty grin as he continues to bury his reeling head into his hand.


[John Campbell]:
… This ‘aint no kid sh*t. There’s a reason why these boys don’t have families of their own. We’re loners to society. GOD’s among men. Warriors of the last great production.


Another stint of short raspy laughter is heard.


[John Campbell]:
We live the credo… Drugs, sex, and rock-n-roll… It’s ‘the life’…


John appears to reminisce about his previous night with a smirk; however, slowly drops such as he violently coughs for a matter seconds. Then, placing his head back into his hand, the laboring Campbell attempts to calm the scenario down for the sake of his pounding headache.


There’s been talk of Troy Tornado failing yet ANOTHER drug test. On top of that, a WAR Pin-up girl is apparently on her last-leg due to this stuff. Not to mention, a newcomer literally failed a drug test the very night he showed up first for work! How CAN this sustain itself?


[John Campbell]:
That’s exactly what Dutta said to Stallings. The thing is, it can and it will. Dutta doesn’t quite get it; he’s not one who ever really lived ‘the life’. Stallings gets it. He’s got to put these boys were they are comfortable if he hopes to get the best out of them. Holier than thou sh*t won’t get you anywhere in this industry.


Is that why I’ve caught them arguing more these days?


John nods slightly in return.


Do you think Tornado, or this new-guy, will ever be disciplined?


[John Campbell]:
Tornado? F*ck no. I f*cking hate cliché’s but don’t hold your breath, kid. The new guy? It sounds like he tested positive for roids. Funny enough, that sh*t can bury you. There’s a sexiness that comes with drugs. Roids on the other hand, you’re playing with fire. The media will f*cking bury you six-feet-under if you’re caught with that sh*t.


So you think he could face discipline?


A slight shake of his head ‘no’ is presented as a devilish grin forms once again.


[John Campbell]:
He got a ‘talkin’ from Stallings. I bet that’s as far as it goes. Like Tornado, it seems as though he’s latched onto this juiced freak of nature; calls him his ‘nuclear weapon’. Never get between a commander and his weapons…


With that, the labored talk with the hungover John Campbell comes to a close; however, not before witnessing one last vision of the deteriorating LEGEND; painfully shuffling in his seat as he grabs for a bottle of prescription pain killers in his back pocket.



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1st Week of April, 2010

... Burying the competition: BSC ...


Appearing amongst the haze, slowly coming to a point of clarity, we witness what’s perceived to be ‘candid footage’ as the camera lens positions itself sneakily outside a cracked doorway. While the audio isn’t the best as the sound waves are certainly hindered by the large oak door before us, the footage itself does a decent job of picking up an already engaged conversation. With that, as said footage becomes more apparent, the visual depiction of WAR Owner, and all-around billionaire, J.K. Stallings Jr. seated behind a large executive desk as he stares upon unknown figures before him. With his hands crossed in a power-move before him, his eyes fixated rather sternly, the once laughable child continues to project himself as a more pointed figure; one whose able to administer a more vile approach when need be.


[J.K. Stallings Jr.]:
… I want… them… gone…


Silence is heard as Stallings continues to stare in a feverish fashion. Just then, a familiar voice is heard peering from an unseen location of the room; blocked by the gigantic oak door propped before us.




[Eknath Dutta]:
Do they REALLY pose a threat to us?


Stallings remains stern as he further employs a long pause.


[J.K. Stallings Jr.]:
They reside in OUR city of operations!! That’s enough to wipe them off the map…


A long pause follows once again as a uncomfortable stare-down is most certainly taking place.


[Eknath Dutta]:
Alright. Well, how do you plan on, as you say, ‘wiping them off the map’? Honey’s turned them rather profitable in the last few years; they’re an obvious attraction while on the strip.


[J.K. Stallings Jr.]:
It’s not THAT difficult, Eknath. What is the ONE thing that BSC offers to it’s clients?


[Eknath Dutta]:
I don’t know if you can pin it down to one thing… Sex, Comedy, Storydriven…


Stallings interrupts while waving his hand in Eknath’s direction.


[J.K. Stallings Jr.]:
I’ll stop you there; you’re making mute points. The ONLY thing that they offer their clientele is sex. That’s it. So, with that in mind, we corner their market and push the WAR Pin-up girls to the forefront of our operations. They’ll become MORE than just promotional sex-bunnies; they’ll become part of the show… part of the weekly stories developed by creative…


[Eknath Dutta]:
As competitors?


A scoff is heard coming from Stallings’ mouth briefly after hearing Eknath’s response. Then, waving his hand once again, he defeats such a notion; at least kind of.


[J.K. Stallings Jr.]:
No; at least not now. My main focus is riding this city of their ‘C-rate’ operation. When it’s all said and done, I’ll have Honey crying to sell. Then, we’ll implode the damn thing before anyone can remember it.


Stallings pauses as he looks down upon his desk for a second. Then, looking back up, he delivers a coy smirk as he continues to reside behind his enormously large executive desk; one that makes him appear miniature by comparison.


[J.K. Stallings Jr.]:
… This is OUR city. It’s about DAMN time we make that apparent.






1st Week of April, 2010

... Rumor is that ...


Again, another round of raw footage opens with the hazed image of wrestling LEGEND, John Campbell, seated before the slightly shaky camera lens. In his scuffed apparel, seeming much more like a 20-something heavy rock fan than a 50+ adult, the devilishly grinning hardcore ICON turned WAR authority figure appears to be on the verge of speaking.


[John Campbell]:
You want to know the REAL deal about BSC?


John shakes his head; snickering to himself.


[John Campbell]:
Rumor is, back when Stallings was mutinied by Cornell and forced to sell, the kid was caught in a whirlwind of bull-sh*t. He packed up, moved to Las Vegas, and met a young stripper who became his daily vice. He broke the 1st rule of mandem… He fell in a love with a f*cking hoe.


Again, John shakes his head as he snickers to himself.


[John Campbell]:
… Sh*t… He though he had found something to ease the pain but little did he know that that little h*ssy was soaking him for all the dough she could. She told him what he wanted to hear, picked up on what he liked, and played ‘girlfriend’ until the kid caught on. By then, it was too damn late… She had already purchased her OWN wrestling company with the money that Stallings had thrown at her.


A loud, raspy, stint of laughter is heard as John obviously can’t believe the craziness that unfolded all those years ago.


[John Campbell]:
… The kid pretty much took Honey from the wh*re-house all the way into the penthouse…


Again, he continues to laugh at the shocking irony of it all.


[John Campbell]:
I don’t know if it’s entirely f*cking true but damn… if it is… wouldn’t YOU want to break that b*tch down?


John continues forward with his stint of burly laughter; coming a short distance from actually slapping his knee in the process. None the less, as the footage comes to a close, the final image is that of the wrestling LEGEND, John Campbell, relaying one last statement before it all goes black.


[John Campbell]:
Never trust a f*cking stripper… They’ll do anything to get what they want…






1st Week of April, 2010

... Hatred for Honey Golightly (Nathalie) ...


Again, one last time, we open with another round of raw footage; however, this time it all appears to be under a different vibe than the last we just witnessed. Dressed in his typical designer suit, the small-statured WAR owner, J.K. Stallings Jr., is shown seated in a black leather chair amongst the midnight darkness of his Sin City Strip high-rise.


With one side of his face shadowed by said darkness, Stallings appears to be soaking in something; stewing over an internal beast that has obviously plagued him for quite some time.


With a drink in hand, slowly swirling his scotch to the side, the youngest billionaire in American history looks nothing like his former public self. This is a man showing his true colors for the first time in weeks; defeated, enraged, reflective, and personally remorseful.


[J.K. Stallings Jr.]:
I heard you spoke with John about the BSC situation…


Yea… is there any truth to the rumor? You and Honey Golightly?


[J.K. Stallings Jr.]:
You mean Nathalie?


He takes a drink of his previously swirling scotch; grimacing his face shortly thereafter.


[J.K. Stallings Jr.]:
Sadly… yes…


You’re a man built upon revenge, Mr. Stallings; that’s become very apparent during my time with you. With that in mind, even you can’t believe the reasoning you’ve dispensed for wanting to rid Sin City of BSC. It’s personal… isn’t it?


Stallings looks off camera for a second; staring off into the darkness as he reflects for a moment. Again, swirling his scotch, the influential creator of StallCorp, Mr. Stallings, begins to speak in a very matter of fact manner. Meanwhile though, his emotions don’t’ appear to be so basic. Underneath it all, it’s easy to see that he’s still reeling from the previous situation.


[J.K. Stallings Jr.]:
Do you know what it’s like to have your heart ripped from your body… not once… but twice in a matter of a year?


I can’t say that I do. I mean, I battled through illness but I can’t say that my heart was ripped from my body during that time-frame.


Stallings continues to stare off as he remains silent for a brief second.


[J.K. Stallings Jr.]:
At some point, it becomes too much to take. You begin to fantasize about getting even; about inflicting the same pain on others that you felt on a minute-by-minute scenario.


Continues to pause as he swirls his scotch; locked on his own head psychologically.


[J.K. Stallings Jr.]:
You rile yourself up to the point of self-destruction and then… bam… you remember who you are. You’re the youngest billionaire this world has ever seen. A man with limitless possibilities due to a bottomless bank-account. In the end, It wasn’t ME that needed to suffer… It was those who put me there that needed to feel the pain of it all. So, I found the closest piece of paper that I could, ripping it from my nightstand in the process, and I jotted down every… single… name I could think of. Big and small. Fat and old. Accomplished and nobodies. It didn’t matter. If they crossed me in the past… They were bound for the HELL I had endured.


J.K. grows with frustration as it’s obvious he’s still very bent upon his feelings of the past; hell-bent on revenge.


… and Honey Golightly, or Nathalie as you say, is on that list?


J.K. nods his head slowly as he still looks off into the darkness to his right. Stoic in his mannerisms, it’s rather obvious to see that he’s nowhere near present right now. Instead, as claimed before, he’s locked in his own head; a slave to the psychological torture that he most certainly still carries to this day.


[J.K. Stallings Jr.]:
I want BSC dead… because I want to hurt Nathalie like she hurt me…


With that, Stallings pauses; however, this time, at the end of his lengthy pause, his eyes now meet the camera lens once again. Focused, inspired, and obviously bent, Stallings moves forward with his last statement of personal aggression.


[J.K. Stallings Jr.]:
Hell, that b*tch used my money to buy her company anyways. Think of it as… BSC’s TRUE creator… coming to take it all away… to sick the reaper himself… upon the nastiest of all beauties…


With that, shooting the rest of his scotch in a shocking manner, the internally fuming billionaire is shown grimacing in intense pain as said liquid burns it’s way down his throat. None the less, with his best attempt to quickly subdue the burning beast, Stallings straightens out his fast in a quick manner; staring upon the lens sternly as it all goes completely… black.



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Smoking? So?

Drinking? Whatever.

Soft Drugs? Eh.

Hard Drugs? You are in trouble! (Unless you are a top guy.)

Steroids? You're fired!

Religious? We don't want you here, period. *joke*


I think that's a proper table, AMP. ;)


So far, there's been an obvious difference between those who are considered Stallings' 'made men' and those who are not. Tornado has survived like 3-4 positive tests for hard drugs and has only come away with a 'fatherly approach' at best. From there, The Big Problem (WAR name coming on the next episode) tested positive for steroids on the first show & Stallings, again, tried to sway his usage with a 'fatherly approach'.


With that said, people like Remmy Skye, Veronica, Ashley, Athena, etc., have all been pretty much handled without kid-gloves. More stern warnings, riot act-like scenarios, and pretty much putting the 'fear of Stallings' in them. In Remmy's case, which was also inspired by the fact that he was leaving a week later for TCW, he was fired on the spot. Also, as you'll find with this next episode, another is about to lose their job over it as well; however, their reasoning is the fact that there is simmering tension between that person and Stallings currently (after reading the riot act).


More or less, WAR, and Stallings' running of WAR, has a vastly different experience between two sets of people. Are you IN his eye or not? If you are, then you have more of a rope as you probably have a reason from being there (talent, popularity, persona, potential). If you're not, then you're most likely going to end up as a 'example' to the rest of the roster in what NOT to do.


All in all, thanks for keeping up AMP. It's been a little lonely around this dynasty these days... ha. :rolleyes:

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is a mid-card-level title that competes under a 24/7 ruling. What that means is, challengers can come along at any time, at any place, and attempt to gain championship gold by any means necessary. While this may sound like a hardcore title, it’s inherently not. Will it take on the feeling of such at times? It’s almost a given due to the backstage nature of the proceedings (matches often taking place outside of the ring where weapons COULD be present). That said, the Sin City Championship is more of a ‘eye of the beholder’ kind of scenario. That being, if the wrestler is more of a hardcore wrestler then the title may take on MORE of that feeling. Also, in turn, if they are a technical whiz then you may find matches that flow less on a brawl-base and more with a maneuvered approach (even if taking place in a backstage scenario).


The WAR website is the manner for which these backstage matches will be presented. It’s as if you signed onto the WAR website in which to find out what may be happening to your favorite Sin City Champion. At this case, Puerto Rican Power is that figure.


To keep with the grade system, these matches are booked during the ‘dark periods’ of each event and will be posted in this manner soon after the original results go up. This way, not only will you see the result of said title defense but will also find out how the match did from a grade perspective (keeping with the TEW nature of things). Will there be title changes under this format? There most certainly will be. Why? It really creates that 24/7 feel where the title could change hands at any time… any way… anywhere…



The first webcast due up in a few days

Puerto Rican Power defends against the Southern Trickster...

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It's been a little lonely around this dynasty these days... ha. :rolleyes:


Speaking for myself, I'm reading. I'm just swamped with IRL to do little more than come in, skim and make a few posts here and there. Even my mod discussion thread is taking it slow as possible. But trust me, when my time frees up, I'll be doing a good deal more commentating.

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BSC is beneath even AAA to fight. Looks less likes a busines decision or make a like a person one (obviously).


It's 100% personal; however, even if not on the same level in-game wise, it is a promotion that operates in the very same space that WAR does (Las Vegas). With that point in mind though, Stallings wants to bury BSC due to his want for revenge w/ Honey Golightly (Nathalie). She's the first person we've come to know is on Stallings 'hit-list', that he compiled following his sale of TCW; so, it's a huge scenario to finally uncover (one of the names).


I'm not sure 100% how I plan to destroy BSC; however, I have an idea in mind that will coincide with a budding scenario with the WAR pin-up girls.


If that's how it all comes to pass, the situation in question will bring about a purging situation that will, at least for now, attempt to sink BSC for good.


You're doing a 24/7 title!? Now this should be interesting to see.


I'm really excited to move forward with the concept. So far, it's been a great way to introduce some new characters while also elevating a star (at least to me) in Puerto Rican Power. Not to mention, the 24/7 mentality gives way to a lot of shocking changes as time goes on; title switches, new additions, unique locations, etc.


Should be a great ride!


I love reading your work, and the way Stallings control WAR gives a feel of a 80's WWE backstage with drugs alcohol and sex every night, keep the great work


It's become really fun to describe the WAR background scene ever since these positive tests have come through as much as they have. I mean, I knew from day one that Tornado would be given A LOT of slack, as he's 'the guy'; however, thus far, following his process has been dramatic (even for me). The whole secrecy thing has also added a lot of depth to the whole story I believe; as Stallings continues to allow the scenario to take place (knowing that he NEEDS Tornado at the top in which to gain what he wants most... revenge).


It really does feel like the WWF in the 80's. It's an 'boys club' where drugs, sex, and a rock-n-roll mentality rules the roost. The big names get preferential treatment as the undercard workers get the brunt of the frustrations by administration. Meanwhile, the company's owner continues to turn a blind eye all in the hopes of expansion.


The downside of all of this though, while it makes for great drama, has dropped my backstage morale to around 60%. I'm sure, with time, that could really start to hurt the company that much more. That said, it's the environment that I (Stallings) created.


In the end, I guess we couldn't expect any different given the fact that the industry is red-hot & we just so happen to operate out of Sin City. ;)


Speaking for myself, I'm reading. I'm just swamped with IRL to do little more than come in, skim and make a few posts here and there. Even my mod discussion thread is taking it slow as possible. But trust me, when my time frees up, I'll be doing a good deal more commentating.


I know 100% what it's like to have dwindling personal time. ha. It's at those points that something like this (TEW) takes an obvious backseat to life as a whole.


That said, thank you for letting me know that you're still reading! For awhile there, I felt as though I may have lost a major chunk of my readers in the past few weeks. It sucked but I really believed in WAR, and the story as a whole; so, I knew I must move forward and hope that people come back around.


It's good to know that, throughout that all though, there were still people out there reading! It just validates what I had first thought about keeping this whole thing alive.


I love WAR.

I love telling Stallings' complex story.

... and I have a lot more ideas that I'm excited to flesh out with time! :D


So, if you keep up reading, I have no doubt that there will be some points of conversation along the way!

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To those about to wage in WAR, the battleground is the ultimate place for which LEGENDS are born. Putting everything on the line, a warrior has very little room for error. For, if one is to slip, even momentarily, mass destruction is almost an absolute certainty.


WAR is no place for the weak. When stepping onto the hallowed battleground, only one thing remains… Will you, or will you not, rise to the occasion?


Will you rise for your country? Will you rise for your family? Will you rise for greatness? Will you rise for your brothers? Will you rise… for the banner of WAR?


This and this alone is what measures a man…


… What turns an ordinary person into that of a LEGEND …


Who will dominate the Battleground?


WHO will become the LEGENDS of WAR?




A week removed from a career-shifting victory,
American Elemental
will attempt to continue his success this week when he enters the ring with the crafty Tri-State King veteran, “The Remarkable”
Steve Flash
. While his incessant speed, aerial prowess, and all-around international fame, is enough to warrant a victory over any ‘tom, d*ck, or harry’, no such truth exists when paired with an independent LEGEND like Flash. In the end, what will win out? Speed or Knowledge? In reality though, the dubious influence of the Tri-State Kings could also prove to be a deciding factor as well (as we’ve seen in the past)…



In hopes of cultivating an ultra-competitive utopia, WAR Owner, J.K. Stallings Jr., submitted a press release solidifying that he’s focused on
‘trimming the fat’
in Wrestling Action in Revolt. Fearing some are not up to par, given their recent lack of success, the intensely focused Stallings has called on
Angel De Mexico
Ash Campbell
Donnie J
Fox Mask
, and
Snap Dragon
to compete in a heated six-way to save their careers. While the actual ruling is unknown at this point, it’s said that Mr. Stallings is simply looking for those ‘with fire’. Does that mean a loss will automatically get you fired – or – is extreme effort enough to save even the defeated? Only time will tell…



Hailing from the rugged streets of Hyde Park,
Brutus O’Leary
is the kind of hard-nosed Bostonian brawler who would be unafraid by the lore of the Tri-State Kings. This week, the newcomer with ‘hands of stone’ will test his heralded KO-power as he steps into the ring with one of THE most hardened, THE most rough-necked, rebels of our time in “Ice Man”
Alex Braun
. Can the fighter of Hyde Park pound his way into a shocking debut victory – OR – will the disciplined veteran of Tri-State fame bruise yet another opponent on his way to the winners circle? No matter the outcome, it’s bound to be one hell of a fight…




A week removed from making a shocking return to professional wrestling, the trio of
, and
, came to WAR with vengeance in mind. Attacking their once friend and band leader,
Troy Tornado
, the grungy brotherhood found themselves at the forefront of a company-wide conspiracy; one that may travel all the way to the top of Wrestling Action in Revolt. With that in mind, adding fuel to such fire, a mysterious match-up has been booked THIS WEEK pitting said trio against the WAR Champion in a
3-on-1 handi-cap match
. Is it fair? Most wouldn’t say so. That said, such a notion didn’t keep the WAR brass from booking it.



With a WAR Championship opportunity inscribed on a contract 20-feet above the ring, the foursome of
James Prudence
Johnny Martin
, and
Shawn Gonzalez
will attempt to climb a nearby ladder in which to gain the coveted prize. That’s right folks, we’ve got ourselves a good ole’ fashion
ladder match
coming up on this PPV episode of “Battleground”. In the end, which of the four men will be successful in gaining the contract that states a WAR Championship opportunity? More thought-provoking though, what will these men have to DO in which to find such success?



After coming up short last week in the dreaded “Wrestling Lesson”,
Buddy Garner
comes into this week with greater hopes in mind. Stripping away the typical wrestling façade, WAR has ultimately given Garner the strong-hand this week as his main event clash with
Eric Tyler
will NOT lie within a wrestling ring… but an
MMA octagon cage.
Can the aging “Traditionalist” compete within such a realm? That remains to be seen. With that said; however, if there’s ONE person not to count out in this manner, it HAS to be someone of Tyler’s stature.




WAR Battleground Quick Picks

American Elemental vs. Steve Flash

Angel De Mexico vs. Ash Campbell vs. Cletus vs. Donnie J vs. Fox Mask vs. Snap Dragon

Alex Braun vs. Brutus O'Leary

Troy Tornado vs. The Brotherhood

Ares vs. James Prudence vs. Johnny Martin vs. Shawn Gonzalez

Buddy Garner vs. Eric Tyler


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WAR Battleground Quick Picks

American Elemental vs. Steve Flash

Angel De Mexico vs. Ash Campbell vs. Cletus vs. Donnie J vs. Fox Mask vs. Snap Dragon

Alex Braun vs. Brutus O'Leary

Troy Tornado vs. The Brotherhood

Ares vs. James Prudence vs. Johnny Martin vs. Shawn Gonzalez

Buddy Garner vs. Eric Tyler

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I have to say that I really hope this diary keeps going for a long time as there's so much to the story. First off, killing BSC sounds incredibly easy, but I'd worry about raiding their roster as it might cause them to go and grab women with actual talent. ;) The dynamic of treating big stars with kid gloves and being sickly harsh on everyone else is pretty interesting, I can't recall seeing that before and I like the dynamic it adds. Still reading.
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