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LCW - Absurdity at its Absurdist!

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Sebastian Parker


Investing in various websites in the early 1990s, Sebastian would find himself worth millions during the internet boom of the mid 90s. A ruthless businessman at heart, he became the CEO of his own marketing agency and turned his millions into over a billion dollars.


Now 50 years old, Sebastian found himself in a late mid-life crisis. He had to sport a suit and tie every day while putting on a happy face and appealing to investors. No more. He sold all his stock within his company and started up the dream he knew wouldn’t make him rich, but would bring him joy. He invested millions inside a new start-up wrestling company that will be known as Legendary Championship Wrestling!




LCW will be company that differs from others around. He himself, at heart, is a Wildman who had to bottle himself up for his entire life. He doesn’t want that for his roster. He wants people to be as wild, crazy, sadistic, or mild as they see fit. He has hired a roster of misfits, people that other companies wouldn’t hire. He turned a blind eye to drug addictions, criminal convictions, perverse or maniacal tendencies. He wants a show that’s going to be unpredictable and entertain his twisted sense of humor.


Sources close to Sebastian claim he sees the company as “A wrestling soap-opera full of twists and turns that one would find in a filthy cartoon hosted during Adult Swim… with real people.”


Of his millions invested, he has secured a streaming webcast that will air each Saturday night called “Destiny”. He has also purchased his own building to have his shows held in each week and had a specialty set designed.






Sebastian has hired a full roster of wrestlers expected to be announced within the next couple of days. Tonight, however, he invests everyone up to his Laguna Beach mansion to celebrate the opening of LCW!

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The world has lost a great human-being today. At the age of 50, we regret to announce the unfortunate death of internet billionaire Sebastian Parker.


In his efforts to experience things he always wanted to but never could due to his prestigious position at the helm of his company, those close to Sebastian claim he tried to take in too much too quickly. The autopsy will not be in until later in the week, and until then, it is being speculated that his death was probably a result of far too many illegal drugs in his system that onset a heart attack.


What can be certain about his death is that he did die with a smile on his face. He was with stripper/prostitute Roxy Monroe while he died, and she proceeded to take a picture of him laying in bed and tweeted it on Twitter.




The twitter caption is as follows: “eww! dead old guy! do i call some1 or can i go home?”


The image was soon after removed from Twitter, but remains circling the internet.


An hour later, she tweeted once more: “my rcrd still stands. ive never fnshed b4 the customer was fully satisfied… i just dont know if he was ‘satisfied’ b4 or after he was dead.”


Within the last couple of hours, we have managed to get comments from various members of the LCW roster to see how they feel about the death of their owner.


Chase Sovereign: Billionaire? Did he have a wife that needs a new boy toy?


Chameleon: Is that the KFC guy?


Alyssa Thompson: I am very sorry to hear of his passing. I hope he lived a very beautiful life!


Roxy Monroe: That ***hole said I was so good that he was going to marry me! Now he dies? Why won’t anyone believe me that he and I were going to get married? Huh? I should be the one inheriting all of his money. This should be my company! Everyone should be working under me!


Peter Isaac: I’ll work under her.


Everyone is obviously deeply saddened by his passing. He had recently changed his will, and his will distinctly said that he did not want his body to be touched in any manor when he dies. His home, which is paid for and has property taxes paid for the next 25 years, will remain as is with his body rotting in the master bedroom. Police were said to have wanted to move the body, but Sebastians lawyer insisted they respect his will.


What does this mean for LCW? Everyone is currently already signed under a one-year contract. The building is paid for. Everyone was ready to show up to work next week… and that is exactly what they will do. No one can say for sure what will take place, but next week, Destiny will stream live to the internet with its full cast of characters on duty.


Over the course to the debut of Destiny, as promised before, the roster members will be unveiled with a short biography. Stay tuned!

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The roster will be announced 5 at a time. The rumored roster occupancy is currently at or around 20 wrestlers, so we should exclusively have at least four roster updates for everyone!




A luchador hailing from Mexico, he calls himself Lagartija (Gecko). He grew up idolizing the Geico commercials thinking the Gecko was an American super hero and wanted to be just like him. Once he learned English, he realized he was not a super hero, but a man who saved 15% on car insurance. That is why he dawns the black mask, he is the opposite of green, which somehow in his mind is black… gecko. In unrelated news, he saves 6% on car insurance.



Roxy Monroe

Both stripper and prostitute for hire who believes that this entire company should be hers. She was the last living person to be with the owner before his passing, and she claims he proposed and was going to be her husband. She thinks his billions and this company should be hers. Instead, she’s here trying to proclaim it as her own while whoring herself out like a big whore. What a whore.




No one knows the man under the mask, all they know is the persona that dawns it. He is a deeply disturbed individual that loves to play tricks and gags on everyone much like a clown would – except his idea of tricks and gags are twisted and dangerous. He doesn’t bring joy and laughter, but instead brings fear, pain, and a maniacal laugh. He also makes very good balloon animals.



Chase Sovereign

Cut off from his father’s millions that he grew up with, Chase has a new way to live the millionaire lifestyle he deserves. He preys on rich cougars, sexes them until he’s bored, and uses them for all the cash and luxury he can get out of them. Without a dime to his own name, he still gets everything he wants, calling himself the Millionaire Without Money.



Dexter Shepard

Recently released from prison for drug laundering, Dexter resumes his helm among the same gang chapter he once led before his sentence in the Highwaymen. He brings with him nameless members of his gang who wear the gang colors over their face. No one knows what crimes he has committed or what he will commit, but he is the type of man that commands respect and instils fear.


The first 5 official LCW biographies! Stay tuned for our second update!

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I disappeared? I didn't even know anyone knew me for me to disappear. :p





Baron Andrew Davenport

While watching a timepiece movie from the 1700s and ignoring his ex-wife, she had enough of him and clocked him over the back of the head. When he awoke, his memory had been lost and he believes he is in a coma and in a dream world in the future. Nothing around him is real, but another reality in his head. Once he dies here, he will awake in his real life, so he truly has no fears of anything that could happen in this reality. He also talks with a British accent. He is not British.



Rory White

Raised in an orphanage, then adopted years later, Rory grew up loving wrestling. It wasn`t until he became an adult that he found out he had a twin brother separated at birth when he was put up for adoption… who is white. Both from the same parents, they share a 1 in 1 million DNA trait that split the skin-color gene in two. He was adopted into a nice home called the Whites



Yaz Matsuhiko

Crazy. A wild card from Japan. “Eat my butt!” is the only English phrase this man ever speaks. No one even knows if he understands what it means. On top of that, we can’t even be certain he speaks Japanese, no one has heard him say anything but the aforementioned term. It’s not even certain he knows how or what wrestling is. He just jumps around and hits people. Sometimes he hits himself.



Cory Black

Raised in an orphanage, then adopted years later, Cory grew up loving wrestling. It wasn`t until he became an adult that he found out he had a twin brother separated at birth when he was put up for adoption… who is black. Both from the same parents, they share a 1 in 1 million DNA trait that split the skin-color gene in two. He was adopted into a nice home called the Blacks.



Alyssa Thompson

Insanely shy, yet very beautiful female wrestler. If it’s outside of the ring, touch by another human being is one of her biggest fears. She is both awkward and cute at the same time. One of her biggest character flaws though is her trust, gullibility and being caught between moral dilemmas between what others want from her, and what she wants for herself. It is believed she is a virgin. Some say the 24 year old still has her hymen intact.


The first ten members of the LCW roster! What other types of characters could Sebastian possibly have hired?

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Crazy. A wild card from Japan. “Eat my butt!” is the only English phrase this man ever speaks. No one even knows if he understands what it means. On top of that, we can’t even be certain he speaks Japanese, no one has heard him say anything but the aforementioned term. It’s not even certain he knows how or what wrestling is. He just jumps around and hits people. Sometimes he hits himself.



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Mr. Filth

When he was a kid, he used to share a striking resemblance to Mr. Clean, shaved bald head and all. Now weighing 580 pounds and standing at only 6 foot 2, all that remains is the shaved head. Obese, disgusting, depressed, and too fat to clean up after himself, he dawns a new name, the opposite of his old one, Mr. Filth. Remember the guy that gets backstage heat for letting a stinky fart go? That’s him.




Who is a Chameleon? Trick question. Who isn't Chameleon? A master of disguise, Chameleon’s true apperance has yet to be seen in public eye. He has been known to disguise himself as his coworkers, opponents, even his own family. People say he's not confident in himself and pretends to be someone else to hides his insecurity, but who knows if those people weren't actually just Chameleon.



Lucius Samuel

In a roster of the anomalies of God's creation, there is one man that is the company's saving grace. Lucius Sameul is that man. Sent down from the Lord himself in attempt to cleanse the impurity from it's ranks. The Sole Savior of LCW comes in for one goal, to eliminate the perversion, the violence, the evil that fills the souls of LCW's superstars. Whether it be the through the caring ways of the New Testament or the vengeful spite of Old Testament, one thing is for certain for many it will be their last.



The Gatekeeper

A mammoth of a man standing at 7 feet and 450 pounds, The Gatekeeper is the only thing standing between Earth and the realm of Hell, which is what he is the gatekeeper for. He looks into people’s souls and passes judgement on if they should be punished. He’s actually none of those things, but in his twisted mind, that’s what he is. He brings brute strength and destruction where he goes. Oddly enough, his sick smile while he hurts people and the nature in which he does it makes people love him. Who said Hell was so bad?



Sabrina Vesna

Following in the wake of Lucius Samuel, Sabrina is one of the young women that was devoted and loyal to the teachings of her preacher. To avoid the prostitution and sex of unclothing for the sick and perverse wrestling fans, she paints her face with symbols of religion to avoid her face from being photographed and gawked over. The world does not need to see her physical beauty, for Gods words that escape her leaders mouth are all the beauty this world needs.

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