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NEO: One More Time With Feeling (C-Verse)

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It's been a while since I've started up a diary, so I'll make this quick. For those of you aren't familiar with either my previous NEO diary or "TEW 108: I Can Be A Booker!?", then here is the run down of what this diary will be like. This diary is much more focus on the game (and me playing it) than it is about a creating an engrossing kayfabe world. That isn't to say there isn't going to storylines going on with-in the diary, but if you are expecting something like Tigerkinney's excellent BHOTGW diary, this is not the diary for you.


But enough about what NEO isn't, how about about we all start to find out what NEO is...




Promotion Name: NEO Championship Wrestling

Home Region: Great Lakes, USA

Product Name: Traditional Grab Bag

Match Ratio: 80%


Balance: $0

Popularity: 0% (All Regions)

Prestige: 0%

Momentum: 0%


Key Feature: Traditional

Heavy: Mainstream

Medium: Modern, Realism, Lucha Libre

Low: Comedy, Hardcore, Pure

Very Low: Cult


Match Intensity: 40%

Danger: 40%

Women's Wrestling: Integrated

T&A Levels: None

Face / Heel Divide: Medium


Product Definition

... will mean that the wrestlers are rated more on performance than popularity.

... will mean that fans will expect all wrestlers to be packaged with a proper gimmick.

... will attract fans who won't be keen on gimmicks.

... will attract fans who will not like highly risky gimmicks.

... will attract fans who like their gimmicks to be simple.

... will attract fans who will not 'get' subtle gimmicks.

... will attract fans who won't be keen on high risk matches.

... will attract fans who won't be keen on highly risky angles.

... is quite favorable towards getting sponsorships.

... will allow the promotion to not be rocked by wrestling industry changes.

... will mean that the 'young lion' system will not be taken into account at any time.


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NEO returns! :D


It's great to see you back, foolinc. I know NEO has always been a favorite of yours, most likely because it's a product that worked for you & was entirely your creation; so, I have no doubt that you'll put together a great showing.


Best of luck moving forward. You've got a reader in me!

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Just so everyone knows the next update will be on Thursday. I'm not sure if I will be sticking with a Monday/Thursday update schedule, but I think it will work for the short term. BTW, thank you to everyone who has taken the 1st survey. Glad to see a mixture of familiar and non-familiar faces.


NEO returns! :D


It's great to see you back, foolinc. I know NEO has always been a favorite of yours, most likely because it's a product that worked for you & was entirely your creation; so, I have no doubt that you'll put together a great showing.


Best of luck moving forward. You've got a reader in me!


Glad to see you back foolinc, you were one of my few supporters for my NYCW diary so I will always check out what you are doing diary wise.


Your posts remind me of the giant backlog of diaries that I need to catch up with so I can start participating again (which RIPW: The Ballad of Henry Lee and WAR on the Vegas Strip... are definitely on that list).

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When creating a new promotion, one of the first things you need to do is pick out a roster of wrestlers and other personalities. What are some of the people that you like to sign when creating a new promotion? If you have never created a promotion before, please answer on which workers you would like to sign if you were creating a brand new promotion


“Sunburst Sky King Ted Brady Dirty Frank”


“I like going with underused workers that have tag team experience together. Rich and Famous. Nest of Vipers. Deadly Alliance. Rock City Stars. ”


“Usually depending on where I am creating a promotion I go and edit Merle O'Curle so he can compete there! Your in the US so I would pick up the likes of Frankie Perez, Hell Monkey, Steven Parker, I could probably go on and on and on... One thing you didn't say is what size your promotion is. If you are Cult already especially since it is a diary I would create some sort of storyline where 2 or 3 currently unavailable superstars jump ship (Mighty Fine Darryl Devine is a fav of mine for this as is A Double Aaron Andrews also Plague) to you or do to working agreement created a star for them agrees to come to work for you part-time with a PPA. I do that with Johnny Bloodstone sometimes or Deeley. ”


“NIGEL SVENSSON. That is all. Jebediah. Give him a decent gimmick and he's actually a fairly good worker. Most of the ACPW roster. Great performance stats and decent top rows for very cheap in the USA. All pretty bland and vanilla midgety though. Keep in mind I usually end up playing performance based feds so... yeah. ”


“Rayne Man, Randall Hopkirk, Tennessee Outlaws, El Jefe Militar, Los Enfermos, Greg Gauge, Matthew Keith.. just a few off top of my head. ”


“I always look for the never-gonna-be's or the washed up guys; Leo Davis immediately comes to mind. ”


“Taylor Kidd (personal fave), Royce Greig (positive locker room guy, solid ref), Ant-Man”


“Given your product, I would love to see Genio Verde make it in. I'm currently using him in WAR and feel as though he can be played in many manners (serious, psycho, comedy crazy, aristocrat, etc.). ”


“Depends where I start of course but some some guys that I usually sign when playing 0/0/0 games are: Arthur T. Turtle, Nigel Svensson, Glen Ward, Salty Larry, Donovan Boon, Rusty Mills, Maurice Jackson, Nicky Gilbert, Rod Sullivan, Ant-Man, Cal Sanders, Hugh De Aske, Roger Monteiro, Running Wolf and Streetz. ”


“Findlay O'Farraday, Fearless Blue and Tigre Salvaje Jr seem to be the staples in mine. ”


“Assuming this is in the USA: Kirk Jameson, Mark Smart, Ant-Man, Brimstone, Mad Dog Mortimer, Stretch the Chickenboy. ”


“Assuming it's in North America: Rex Reeves, Rod Remus and Brendan Idol. Usually Nomad too when I can afford him. ”


“Dazzling Dave Diamond, Davis Wayne Newton, Billy Russell”


“Art Reed, American Elemental (post tour) at the start I like a mix, so anyone but guys like The Tokyo Express, Acid & Remmy Skye are good signings”


I've got to say I'm not surprised with the amount of different wrestlers listed for this question. Everyone has different tastes in workers and Adam and our community's renderers have made a world with a ton of great characters to choose from.


It comes to no surprise when I see a good number of the workers I decided to use not listed in your responses. Of course with this diary I decided to do something a little different. If you've taken a look at my past NEO diary or the WCCW chapter of my TEW108 diary, I've been a big believer in the "fours aces" strategy. For those of you that haven't read those particular diaries, the strategy consists of hiring four talented workers costing $400 to $600 dollars a show and filling the rest of the roster with workers that will take $150 contracts (all of these workers would be based in the home region of the fed so that they will not require travelling expenses). However in this run I am going for a more worldly flavor. I've skipped hiring my "four aces" and have used that money to hire a number of workers who aren't based in the good ole' US of A. Hopefully it won't blow up in my face. :o


Are there any workers that you wouldn't hire based on the fact you think they are over-used? If so which workers?


”Ota The Keith Brothers”


“Acid. Davis Wayne Newton. Darryl Devine.”


“Well I think everyone with talent is probably overused. I wouldn't base any hiring or firing on what other people do. I would think of an angle or create a completely different character for him. EX Nigel Svensson has a stupid grin on his face it pisses me off. I signed him simply to fill a spot in a dev, So I used the Aries alt in I think the 70's mod and called him Raging Tjuren (bull in Swedish). I have since used Tjuren gimmick in other games. To answer the question... No. Use whom YOU wish.”


“This is a silly question. Even if a worker if overused in their default guise they can be repackaged into something more interesting very easily. Go with your heart, maaaan.”


“Nah, I do see some guys that are overused in diaries but I still have the option to sign them.”


“Anybody too good as an indy star that they should really already be on a major promotion, like the Gauges or Davis Wayne Newton.”


“Davis Wayne Newton, either of Sam Keith's kids”


“I say use whoever you want. Honestly, someone can be used a million times; however, if you think they would be best for you then it's good to use them. Plus, you can always find new ways to paint them.”


“No-one, really.”


“I'd try to stay away from the massive prospects like the Keiths, KC Glenn and so forth. Why? Because they're definitely over-used, and it's more fun to see guys like Smart and Stretch fight it in the ring and stink it out, than seeing Glenn fighting a local fed to regional in two years.”


“Davis Wayne bloody Newton! Either of Sam Keith's kids, and anyone in that general 'clique' - Steven Parker, for instance. You know the type. The blue eyed, blonde haired brigade. Go for Nelson Callum instead if you want one of those types of guys, he's a much-underused Parker/Newton wannabe. Oh, and Angel del Mexico, he's in EVERY 0/0/0 game. :p


“Yes, Hell Monkey”


“No, I think anyone can be worked if packaged correctly.”


I'm not surprised with the responses listed here. The people listed are used a lot in diaries and for good reason. They are extremely talented. That said, I agree with the people that stated that they would sign anyone in the game as long as they have a gimmick. While I am a fan of using new and interesting workers in my diaries, there is still something to be said about using guys like Davis Wayne Newton. Everyone in the database can work if you know what you are doing.


When creating a new title, how do you usually crown your first champion(s) (knockout tournament, round robin, single match, award title via angle, etc)? If you have never created a title, please answer how you would crown your first champion if you were to create a title.


”Depends I mostly do a knockout tournament.”


“Elimination Tournament to get down to 8 combatants, then have an 8 Man Iron Man Battle Royal.”


“It usually is a tournament, but sense the Bound for Glory series I began usually something similar and it was fun.”


“If I'm playing a throwaway game, a single match to get it on my best worker. Diary wise you have to come up with something more interesting. For a promotion with your product definition, knockout tournament seems most natural.”


“One night Tournament for World. Battle Royale for Minor. Top 4 Tag Teams for Tag Titles.”


“I usually announce it as a fatal four way between my four best workers, based on popularity and charismatic ability. I want some one who can talk a bit if need be.”


“Either single elim tournament, or an angle in which a worker walks out and has the title, declaring himself the champion.”


“Battle Royal is easiest; however, feels rather shallow. I often create a storyline scenario which gives a good 4-6 people credence to compete for the belt.”


“Since I have always started at local level with created company I usually just have tha main event level title and champion is pretty much always decided with knockout tournament. With bigger company I would probaly go with 5 or 6-man matches (and three or four teams tag match) in order to decide the first champs since there would be more belts on the line.”


“elimination tournament”


“I usually crown by a single match, but that is because I'm lazy :D I think one of the more interesting concepts would be a series: the typical, 3 points for a win, 1 for draw and the leader gets the title. Or then a tournament.”


“Normally a tournament to be honest, but that's boooring. An idea I've always wanted to try is something I've tentatively titled 'Goldrush' (but only because I came up with it working on a CGC diary and 'Gold' is their equivalent of 'Supreme' for the SWF). Basically, teams of three compete in a series of matches, electing one singles worker and a tag team. The elected singles workers from each team wrestle, as do the elected tag teams. Each gets two points for a win, one for a draw, none for a loss (-1 for a loss also works). Then, the entire teams wrestle in trios matches, scoring the same number of points (for drama, you can increase the number of points so that a team that's a few points behind can essentially 'catch up' by winning the trios match). The team with the highest number of points at the end then fight each other at the big show for the title in a 3 way dance. Should be a good way of generating/continuing rivalries. And you can build in other stories, like the big, monstrous trio that destroys everyone individually, but can't work as a team. Or the three jobbers that turn out to actually work really well as a team, and almost win the tournament (but get unlucky in the draw for one of the matches and take a loss). Or the four-man stable that has to select a three-man team, and the pissed off fourth guy joins another team and wins. Yadda yadda. Sorry, TMI? :p


“Battle Royal”


“I like the idea of "A Winner's Club" last guy to remain undefeated gets the strap.”


There are so many great ideas here that I am little surprised no one here stated the format that I chose to go with for the NEO World title (well at least not completely). In the past I've used a 16 person knockout tournament to determine my new promotion's first title, however in this run I've gone with something slightly more complicated.


For this diary I will be using the same format as the World Cup, a multi-stage format that begins with the round robin and ends with a knockout tournament. The round robin will consist of four groups of four with the traditional system of 3-1-0 for wins, draws, and losses respectively. After the round robin stage has concluded, the top two point scorers will move on to a single elimination knockout tournament with the winner becoming the first ever NEO World champion.


So now that you know how I am going to crown NEO's first champion, it's time to show everyone who will be fighting for it. So without further ado here is the NEO World Title Robin Round table.




For those looking for a more detailed look at the roster, you will have to wait until Monday. I thought about reviewing the roster now, but I'd much rather get your opinion on the workers in question so I can add those comments to my own (I really liked how that looked in the TEW08 diary). That said I will say that the man under the "Mighty Mite" hood in non-other than Paradigm. I thought some people might think that it was Ant-Man, which is not the case. Ant-Man will be working under the name Johnny H.


NEO Survey #2: Initial NEO World Title Tournament Predictions


Respondents: 20LEgend, BHK1978, D-Lyrium, Eisen-verse, Enygmark, FlameSnoopy, "Jack Hood", randomfreeze, Rayelek, Shutout28, TheKenwyne, theomniwarrior, Tweek It, Zergon

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While I am a fan of using new and interesting workers in my diaries, there is still something to be said about using guys like Davis Wayne Newton. Everyone in the database can work if you know what you are doing.


I remember some crazy bastard using him as some sort of Mad Scientist a while ago, in a tag team with Mark Smart (another 'overused' guy in 0/0/0 games) who was working as an insane German doctor. Apparently they were quite a popular pair. ¬_¬

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This has been really a great read. The responses to the survey is really eye opening. Even though you haven't really run a show, it's been a huge help for me.


I'm glad to hear it. If you or anyone else has a question regarding game play (yours or mine) please due so in the comments section or as a post here in the diary. I had no problem with the diary going off on a tangent. :)



I remember some crazy bastard using him as some sort of Mad Scientist a while ago, in a tag team with Mark Smart (another 'overused' guy in 0/0/0 games) who was working as an insane German doctor. Apparently they were quite a popular pair. ¬_¬


This brings up an interesting point. When the hell are you going to start another diary!? The TEW10 forum in missing LDW!



Note: The next post will be tomorrow evening, hopefully before RAW starts.

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Respondents: BHK1978, Eidenhoek, Eisen-verse, Enygmark, FlameSnoopy, jhd1, Rayelek, TheKenwyne, ThriceP86, Timber, Tweek It, Zergon




Name: Davis Wayne Newton [58.3% Block A, 41.7% NEO World]

Age: 22

Weight Class: Middleweight

Wrestling Style: Regular Wrestler

Theme Music: "Superhero" by Jane's Addiction

Finishing Move(s): Fisherman's Suplex, STF

Gimmick: Egomaniac

Bio: "The Triple Threat" Davis Wayne Newton is a young wrestler who is loaded with potential. A naturally gifted athlete who could excel at any sport, he brings a superb all-round game to the table, being able to brawl, counter wrestle, or take to the air. Other than injuries, there doesn't seem to be much that can stop the blue chipper from Toronto becoming a major player. He made his pro debut in May 2007, working for 4C, having been trained in America by the legendary Rip Chord.



Name: Johnny H (Ant-Man) [8.3% Block A, 8.3% NEO World]

Age: 20

Weight Class: Lightweight

Wrestling Style: Regular Wrestler

Theme Music:

Finishing Move(s): Full Nelson Slam

Gimmick: Cocky Youth

Bio: Johnny "Ant-Man" Heizenger is a 2009 graduate of the Piledriver School of Wrestling who got his ring name due to his freakish power, which is far in excess of what a regular 220lb wrestler should have - although he looks like a lightweight, he can easily pick up and slam 400lb monsters. With the benefit of good all-round training behind him, Ant-Man can work a variety of styles and is considered a good, solid, versatile prospect.




Name: Mark Smart [8.3% Block A, 8.3% NEO World]

Age: 25

Weight Class: Lightweight

Wrestling Style: Cruiserweight

Theme Music:

Finishing Move(s): Smart Attack (Flying Butt Smash)

Gimmick: Fan's Own

Bio: Los Angeles-based Mark "The Insider" Smart is a youngster who is impressive at both aerial warfare and mat-based wrestling. He broke into the business as the towel boy for USPW, where he was also responsible for picking theme music for everyone.



Name: Nigel Svensson [25.0% Block A, 0.0% NEO World]

Age: 21

Weight Class: Middleweight

Wrestling Style: Technician

Theme Music: "Fire In The Sky" by Yngwie Malmsteen

Finishing Move(s): Hyper Extension Arm Lock, Running Knee Drive

Gimmick: Fan Favorite

Bio: Nigel Svensson is a Swedish grappler who trained extensively in Wigan, UK. As a result, he uses the famed "Wigan style" of wrestling, which is an ultra-tough approach that favours stiff forearm blows and excruciating joint locks when on the mat. Only the toughest of wrestlers get through training in Wigan, and Nigel is certainly that. A dangerous fighter, Svensson looks set to travel the world to compete against the best fighters on the planet, but has started with the Ring Of Fire promotion, who he signed with shortly after turning pro in 2009.


Your Thoughts: "It's Davis Wayne Newton. DAVIS WAYNE NEWTOOONNNNNNNNNNNN" (Eidenhoek), "DWN is the most talented of the four I believe." (Eisen-verse), "DWN is clearly the biggest name here and the only problem with him is that he is the one who will likely be signed by bigger promotions soon. Still he will get forward here. The second spot seems to be between Svensson and Ant-Man and I would go with Ant-Man simply because you are based on USA and he and Allen are only Americans who I could see being something else than jobbers." (Zergon), "I'm choosing Newton on the fact that you have a deal with TCW or SWF or NOTBPW... because one of those always steal him from me." (Tweek It), "First of all, Johnny H makes me sad! He should definitely be Ant-Man! jk, but I'll choose these according to who I would like to see win, not who I expect to win. I like Mark Smart, obviously like Ant-Man and a little Nigel too, but Smart is just so local. In a backyard game I had him be a superhero and it was all awesome. He needs to be so over the top! :D" (FlameSnoopy), "DWN will win, obviously. However, he will not progress when SVENSSON SNAPS HIS ARM AHAAHA etc." (TheKenwyne), "Svensson is the only one who is comparable to DWN in this group. He gets the win." (Rayelek), "Out of the four he is probably has the most talent. That being said, I would not be shocked if anyone but Mark Smart were to come out the winner of Block A." (BHK1978), "Though you will lose DWN sooner or later, he's the best of the 4. Great in most stats and just someone that you can really use to build stars." (Timber)





Name: Amber Allen [58.3% Block B, 8.3% NEO World]

Age: 22

Weight Class: Small

Wrestling Style: Technician

Theme Music: "Cross the Line" by Superchick

Gimmick: Equality Fighter

Finishing Move(s): Cross Arm Breaker, Northern Lights Suplex

Bio: Amber Allen is a young female talent, who is the protege of the much-travelled Steph "Principessa" Chee (who is also known as Stephanie Hazel in NOTBPW). Unlike a lot of modern womens wrestlers, who have a tendency to work towards being solid all-rounders, Amber has been trained with one particular area - technique - in mind. The result is that she is an excellent technical wrestler, particularly on the mat, but lacks the flashy aerial attacks of some of her peers.



Name: Ginko Kuroda [25.0% Block B, 8.3% NEO World]

Age: 29

Weight Class: Small

Wrestling Style: Technician

Theme Music: "The Funnel For Humanity" by BLOOD

Finishing Move(s): Dragon Suplex

Gimmick: Bitter Veteran

Bio: "The Dragon's Daughter" Ginko Kuroda is a talented wrestler from Japan who is particularly noted for her fluid, flawless technique in the ring. She is something of an enigma in that she has never been picked up by 5SSW, even when they were desperate for new talent, despite her excellent skills.




Name: Jana Marie (Bowen) [8.3% Block B, 0.0% NEO World]

Age: 25

Weight Class: Very Small

Wrestling Style: Cruiserweight

Theme Music:

Finishing Move(s): Bowen Technique (STO)

Gimmick: Bitch

Bio: Jana Marie Bowen, usually referred to as "JMB" for short, is a young Canadian womens wrestler who made her professional debut in 2004 for NOTBPW, having been trained by the Stone family. She has bags of natural athletic ability and charisma, and so many think that when she gains more experience she will be a very tough competitor. Her finisher, a flying legdrop \ face crusher combination from the top rope that she calls the Bowen Technique, has already gotten her some big wins. Unfortunately for her, NOTBPW had to scale back the division in 2007 due to some budget concerns, and JMB was one of the three women cut.



Name: Power Girl [8.3% Block B, 0.0% NEO World]

Age: 26

Weight Class: Small

Wrestling Style: Entertainer

Theme Music: "I Need A Hero" by Sara Paxton

Finishing Move(s): Flying Cross Body

Gimmick: Comic Bok Hero

Bio: Power Girl, played by Ali Cameron, is a super hero character that first appeared in late 2006 in the Babes Of Sin City promotion. Although it lacked subtlety, the skin tight costume helped get her over pretty quickly. In real life, Cameron is a former dancer from the Seattle area, who just happened to be spotted by BSC head booker Marilyn Stardust. She quietly left BSC in November 2007.


Your Thoughts: "Ginko and Amber would make a nice technicianista team." (Eidenhoek), "Just a personal choice here." (Eisen-verse), "I´m not familiar with women wretlers but quick look says that Amber is the top girl here. Other spot is rather close race since none of the girls doesn´t stant out. I go with Kuroda simply to add more international feel on the tournament since she is the only japanise wrestler in the tournament." (Zergon), "I don't like any other girls from this block but Amber. Didn't she like debut after the 2008 starting time of TEW08? I assume so, because I remember signing her because she is just so awesome. So good as the "no bs female technical beast"." (FlameSnoopy), "Toss up between her and Allen. Ginko's pretty good, too, but Power Girl's a BSC alum if memory serves and therefore bound to fail for a performance based fed." (TheKenwyne), "Everyone uses Amber Allen. Power Girl has phenomenal personality and I'm hoping she goes far." (Rayelek), "I am not really crazy about having women fighting men even in a diary. I shall go with Amber for the victory." (BHK1978), "AA is the better wrestler. Though i could see Ginko go over if you like. Amber can carry your division though they won't get great grades" (Timber)





Name: Extraordinario Jr [50.0% Block C, 0.0% NEO World]

Age: 21

Weight Class: Lightweight

Wrestling Style: Luchador

Theme Music:

Finishing Move(s): Siempre Peleando (Corkscrew Moonsault)

Gimmick: Patriot

Bio: Extraordinario Jr is the son of the legendary luchador Extraordinario Sr, the originator of the character. Senior was a huge force in OLLIE during the 1970s and early 1980s, by far one of their biggest draws; his popularity was such that he was one of the few luchadores to make a mark outside of Mexico, wrestling on some of SWF's early shows and fighting the original Elemental in BHOTWG during his first Junior title reign in a series of famous matches. Extraordinario Jr has a lot to live up to, but started on his path in 2009 when, like his father before him, he joined OLLIE.



Name: Mario da Silva [25.0% Block C, 8.3% NEO World]

Age: 22

Weight Class: Lightweight

Wrestling Style: Regular Wrestler

Theme Music: "Falcão" by MV Bill

Finishing Move(s): Kimura

Gimmick: Suave

Bio: "The Tap Out Artist" Mario da Silva is a Brazilian wrestler with a genuine background in jiu-jitsu who uses his submission skills as the base for his ring work, using the threat of chokes, armlocks and leglocks to set up many of his moves. Having lived in Canada since his mid teens, he now holds dual-citizenship. His first big break happened in 2009 when he was hired by ACPW, and he soon became the very first ACPW Canadian Regional champion courtesy of a submission win over Kirk Drury.




Name: Mighty Mite (Paradigm) [0.0% Block C, 0.0% NEO World]

Age: 20

Weight Class: Lightweight

Wrestling Style: Cruiserweight

Theme Music: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Theme

Finishing Move(s): Tornado DDT

Gimmick: Happy-Go-Lucky

Bio: Adrian "Paradigm" Noelson is a rookie wrestler from the west coast of America. He graduated from CZCW's Coastal Resort training facility in 2009 alongside his best buddies Paradox and Paranoia (jointly known as The Paratroopers), but only had one match for the actual promotion - a losing effort in a opening match six man tag team attraction - before being released as CZCW had nothing for him to do.



Name: Raphael [25.0% Block C, 0.0% NEO World]

Age: 22

Weight Class: Lightweight

Wrestling Style: Regular Wrestler

Theme Music: "Hold Me, Kiss Me, Thrill Me, Kill Me" by U2

Finishing Move(s): Superkick

Gimmick: Prima Donna

Bio: Debuting in late 2005, Brian "Raphael" Fletcher at first seemed to be little more than a pretty boy with very limited skills. However, through sheer hard work, he has since turned himself into a decent worker, and is now considered a bright prospect. That effort was paid off in 2006 when he caught the eye of Professor Nero, who was on the look out for new talent for RIPW, and Raphael headed to New England. He has gone on to become one of the most consistent performers on the roster, and is considered the backbone of the promotion.


Your Thoughts: "YEAH ANYTHING BUT ORDINARY dow dowdow dow dow dow...dow dowdow dow dow dow..." (Eidenhoek), "Just a personal choice here." (Eisen-verse), "Mighty Mite is the odd man out here as he isn´t on the same level than everyone else. Other three could all make a solid claim why they should go forward but Extraordinario Jr. is the best from them so I go with him winning this block. I choose Raphael as other person going forward as he looks slighly better on my eyes and he´s one of the few guys who has more than F- overness in USA to start with," (Zergon), "Daaaamn. This is hard. I love lucha libre in real life, don't really like Adam's envisioning of the CornellVerse mexican scene, but Extraordinario is interesting and has a cool mask and da Silva is a Brazilian mixed martial arts type wrestler. How difficult is this. I went with Jr first but I got to go with da Silva. Just because he's so different from any other wrestler in this promotion me figures." (FlameSnoopy), "Best worker here by a long shot. Did awesome for me in a recent lucharesu game by the way, pulling C ratings with the likes of Mr Lucha and Kid Toma. Kudos on the MDS hire too - though I must say this is the most talent-lite pool." (TheKenwyne), "The Submission expert has a ready-made feud with Svensson, though Ex Jr could totally take this as wel." (Rayelek), "Despite, or maybe because of the default render for Raphael, i find that he's great to push. You can run him as a face or heel. He's got alot going for him and he's got some skill." (Timber)





Name: Lobo Blanco [0.0% Block D, 0.0% NEO World]

Age: 29

Weight Class: Middleweight

Wrestling Style: Regular Wrestler

Theme Music:

Finishing Move(s): Wolf's Bane (Piledriver)

Gimmick: Bad Ass

Bio: Lobo Blanco ("White Wolf") is a fine technical worker from Mexico City. It is unknown who is under the monochrome mask, and so the character's story begins in 2007 when he made his first appearance under the banner of SOTBPW. A throwback to the olden days, his slick technical wrestling made an impression on the fans and he quickly began climbing up the rankings.



Name: Mad Dog Mortimer [8.3% Block D, 0.0% NEO World]

Age: 32

Weight Class: Middleweight

Wrestling Style: Regular Wrestler

Theme Music: "Love Rollercoaster" - Ohio Player's Club

Finishing Move(s): DDT

Gimmick: Lounge Lizard

Bio: Mad Dog Mortimer is a journeyman brawler from the deep south who has never really achieved much of note in his career so far. He isn't a bad worker, he's just quite bland, and his poor look and a lack of charisma simply highlight his shortcomings rather than hide them. Unless a promoter picks him up and he becomes some sort of cult figure, it is unlikely that he'll find much success between now and retirement.




Name: Roger Monteiro [8.3% Block D, 0.0% NEO World]

Age: 19

Weight Class: Lightweight

Wrestling Style: Cruiserweight

Theme Music: "Ghost Dance" by Hawkwind

Finishing Move(s): Eagle Chop

Gimmick: Native American

Bio: Roger Monteiro is a young cruiserweight competitor who is obviously proud of his Native American heritage as it strongly influences his ring attire and persona. Very raw at this stage of his career, what he does have on his side is athleticism, enthusiasm and a good look.



Name: Rolling Johnny Stones [83.3% Block D, 16.7% NEO World]

Age: 32

Weight Class: Middleweight

Wrestling Style: Regular Wrestler

Theme Music:

Finishing Move(s): Brainbuster

Gimmick: No Gimmick Needed

Bio: Rolling Johnny Stones (Frank Burton) is a pretty solid wrestler, who is famous for his habit of stringing together several suplexes in a row, hence his nickname "rolling". A model professional, Stones is never short of offers of work, and that was proven in late 2006 when he joined 21st Century Wrestling. Jeff Nova had recently taken over and was busy revitalising the promotion with new talent, and Stones was one of the primary targets, having the perfect mix of charisma and skills.


Your Thoughts: "Rolling Johnny Stones is a guy I used to hire in SWF for his personality. In this group...yeah, he's a clear winner." (Eidenhoek), "Just a personal choice here." (Eisen-verse), "This block seems to be little bit weaker than A and C. RJS seems like the top name here and Blanco is the other guy with some talent. Mortimer and Monterio are jobbers." (Zergon), "OH yeeah.. It's the lounge dooog, in the house! Ladies step aside, he's so ugly you don't want to look inside, but throw him all the booze, and he'll ooze evenmore than usual, the Lounge Dog, in the house." (FlameSnoopy), "Scarily well rounded, and British. What can possibly go wrong." (TheKenwyne), "Johnny Stones is the most talented guy in this group easy, but I dunno if he's got the overness to rock this block." (Rayelek), "I do like Roger, good in the ring and on the mic. Rolling i think is the better prospect but there's just something i like about Monterio. so i'd push for him." (Timber)



Your Thoughts on 1st NEO World Champion : "I think Smart's the most popular in the US. Given his...well, admittedly sucky talent, I still think he'll take it all. And yes, I'm ignoring my predictions." (Eidenhoek), "I say you start things off with a bang. DWN is the most talented guy on your roster it seems and, while he will most likely get purged in time, he's the greatest asset you have from a newfound company. Best of luck." (Eisen-verse), "I don´t see any off the girls being champions so that leaves DWN, Extraordinario, Lobo, RJS, Raphael and Johnny H. Ant-Man isn´t ready and Lobo has no mic skills which drops him out since you still need to have some angles too with 80 % match ratio. DWN looks like the obvious choice but I´m little paranoid about how long he would stay so I won´t pick him either. Extra has only passable english at the start and he´s only 21 and I would rather give the title to someone little bit more experienced as I believe that yougster have to earn they spot at the top first. That also drops Raphael (22) so RJS is the guy I would choose as the first champion." (Zergon), "Either the famous double A or da Silva. Naah, I'll go with double A, just because a female champion would be fun. And Mad Dog under the Lounge Dog alias trying to hit some chicks, only to be thrown out of the palace by the strict and conservative Amber. Have her dominate!" (FlameSnoopy), "LAND OF HOPE AND GLORY. Probably over DWN in the final. Or you could be dull and let DWN win. Extraordinario would be my 3rd choice." (TheKenwyne), "DWN can have a good match with anyone, having him put on great or at least good matches with anyone on your roster will really help those lower guys." (Timber)


And now I remember why I enjoy doing this, all of your awesome comments! I simply can't get enough of them. :)


Now I was planning on going over all of the roster, but I realized as I was writing that I was tipping my hand at what will actually be happening. Things were a lot simpler when I had four people everyone knew where my main eventers! Oh well, I'll be able to go into the in and out of game reasons for picking the people I picked during my end of events notes anyway.


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For those of you that haven't put your predictions in, you still have time as a Thursday update is still the plan. And since I really don't like bumping a thread just to bump, I have decided to take the time to respond to one of the comments that caught my eye. Hopefully this still of update will become a recurring event.


"You have your face/hell status at medium, something i like to do personally. It gives you more freedom, i didn't notice who are the faces or the heels in the promotion. Your card looks good from what i can see. Should be some fun shows. Now i have to see about making an 0/0/0/0 promotion." (Timber)


You totally need to make a 0/0/0/0 promotion at least once, especially with the way card status works in TEW2010. I remember in the previous version being annoyed at the fact my home grown stars would always be pushed to the bottom of the card when I brought in some new talent even though they were more over in my home region(s). In this version of the game this isn't a problem, though you will run into situation where a midcarder with be pissed to be losing to a main eventer because of national overness. Still this problem is way more realistic than your fan base thinking your most over wrestler is a midcarder.


As for the medium face/heel status, I think all of the face/heel divides have their perks. The medium level does offer a bit more freedom, but it's not as forgiving as people might think. I still would be cautious when running a heel/heel match as there still is a noticable penalty. Though I slight bump for face/face matchups when compared to a strong face/heel divide is kind of nice. All of the mechanics aside, the reason I used a medium face/heel divide is because I orginally base NEO off of CHIKARA. My vision of NEO has evolved, but I still see NEO being a faction based fed when everything settles a bit. You see it's a bit hard to push factions in a promotion with sixteen workers who are all trying to getting one single prize.

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Backstage Rating: 87.6%

NEO World Title Tournament: Day 1

Saturday, Week 4, January 2010

11 people at the Ohio Jewish Center





Davis Ditterich + Reese Paige



Amber Allen [0-0-0] (85.7%) vs. Power Girl [0-0-0] (57.1%)

Block B Round Robin


“Amber is just the best you have right now. I do like Power Girl's look and ring persona, but she's just not that solid of a worker.” (Timber)


“Amber Allen is the future of NEO. And the present. And actually, the past as well, since she appeared in the previous one I think. And honestly, I don't even know who is Power Girl. AA for the win!” (FlameSnoopy)


“Allen is the top girl in her block so he starts strong.”(Zergon)


“I use Amber Allen more than any of the other 4 females.” (Tweek It)


“I like Power Girl but if I recall correctly Amber is the more talented of the two. If I am wrong well strike my previous comment.” (BHK1978)


“Squish goes the stripper.” ( TheKenwyne)


Result: In a bout that had solid in-ring action but non-existent crowd heat, Amber Allen defeated Power Girl in 7:51 by pinfall with a Northern Lights Suplex.

Rating: E+

Notes: The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. The Block B storyline has continued with this match. This match brought the crowd's mood down. Power Girl is improving in Performance skills.



Post Match Interview


James Heatly is backstage conducting an interview with Amber Allen. She says that she’s glad to finally be in a place where men and woman can fight on equal grounds. Amber then puts over her block. She puts over Ginko and Jana as two world-tested warriors and says that Power Girl is far better than everyone gives her credit for.


Rating: E+

Notes: The Block B storyline has continued with this segment. This segment brought the crowd's mood down. Amber Allen is developing better performance skills.



Ginko Kuroda [0-0-0] (57.1%) vs. Jana Marie [0-0-0] (42.9%)

Block B Round Robin


“I could see this going either way. I'll put my money on Ginko. She has a good look and enough skill to be solid in the ring.” (Timber)


“Don't really care for this one. I think Ginko is the one with the thing in her hair in the "original" picture isn't she? Anyways, Jana is probably the one who Self did the awesome red clothed re-render. I liked that more, so the win to her!” (FlameSnoopy)


“A coin flip, I go with Kuroda simply because she´s the one I expect to go to top 8.”(Zergon)


“I flipped a coin, honestly.” (Tweek It)


“I will be honest I have no clue as to who either of these two women are so this is just a guess.” (BHK1978)


“She can speak English, not sure if Ginko can yet. If you want one of these gals as world champ, I imagine being able to stumble through a basic promo is a requirement.” ( TheKenwyne)


Result: In a bout that had solid in-ring action but non-existent crowd heat, Ginko Kuroda defeated Jana Marie in 6:06 by pinfall with a Dragon Suplex.

Rating: E

Notes: The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. The Block B storyline has continued with this match. This match brought the crowd's mood down. Ginko Kuroda is improving in Flying skills. Ginko Kuroda is improving in Performance skills.



Johnny H [0-0-0] (71.4%) vs. Nigel Svennson [0-0-0] (14.3%)

Block A Round Robin


“Nigel makes a good back up to DWN. He's pretty good and given that he's a tough British guy, he'll be easy to write.” (Timber)


“Ant-Man's going to lift poor Nigel up and send him back to Sweden. ” (FlameSnoopy)


“Tough one... I go with draw since there will be a few of those in this kind of tournement and this looks like a good spot for one.”(Zergon)


“Personal pick.” (Tweek It)


“Very tough call here as I like both of them. However, I shall go with Ant-Man just for the simple fact that I believe he is more over in America.” (BHK1978)


“Both of these guys are good prospects, but Ant-Man has superior star quality and should probably be the guy who jobs his way out at the hands of DWN in the deciding match here. Having said that, the vote from my heart is solidly behind NIIIIgel.” ( TheKenwyne)


Result: In a bout that had solid in-ring action but non-existent crowd heat, Johnny H defeated Nigel Svensson in 12:27 by pinfall with a handful of tights.

Rating: D-

Notes: Johnny H seemed off his game tonight. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. The Block A storyline has continued with this match. This match brought the crowd's mood down.



Post Match Interview


After the match James Heatly interviews Johnny H. He asks Johnny why he decided to cheat to win in his match with Nigel. The brash 20 year old tells Heatly he has no idea what he is talking about and claims that he that he beat Nigel fair and square. Johnny then ends the interview by looking straight into the camera and tells the girls in the audience to join him tonight in the club as he celebrates his victory "all night long and all night strong".


Rating: E

Notes: The Block A storyline has continued with this segment. This segment brought the crowd's mood down.




Davis Wayne Newton [0-0-0] (71.4%) vs. Mark Smart [0-0-0] (28.6%)

Block A Round Robin


“DWN is the best you'll have on your roster. Regardless of when you'll lose him, you need to push him and then drain his popularity at the right time. Until then, he gets the monster push.” (Timber)


“I know Dr. Newton will win, but I still root for Mark Smart. Someone has to!” (FlameSnoopy)


“If this would have been against Ant-man or Nigel I might have considered an upset to make things more interesting but against Smart? No way, so DWN picks up the win.” (Zergon)


“DWN is miles better than Smart.” (Tweek It)


“Come on Mark Smart? Really? Really?” (BHK1978)


“Poor Mark. But he jobs so well!” ( TheKenwyne)


Result: In a bout that had solid in-ring action but non-existent crowd heat, Davis Wayne Newton defeated Mark Smart in 13:43 by pinfall with a Fisherman's Suplex.

Rating: D-

Notes: Mark Smart was visibly tiring toward the end. The Block A storyline has continued with this match. This match brought the crowd's mood down.

Overall Rating: D-


Booker Notes: It’s been a little while since I actually ran this show so I don’t have any instant reactions. But looking back on it, I am pretty happy with this show. With the round robin style, a D- is pretty much as good as I am going to get at this point in the game. And not getting a bad chemistry note is always good. Sure it would be cooler to see some good chemistry notes, but with a small roster a bad chemistry does more damager than a good chem note does good.


On a side note, I would like to mention that Nigel isn’t British, he’s Swedish. He’s also one of my personal favorite workers in the C-Verse. Ever since I pulled an infinitywpi and accidently made him my champion in my TEW2008 NEO diary he’s been one of my go-to guys, playing a number of different roles from main eventer to jobber/trainer. I wonder what role he’ll end up with in this diary? :)


"I hope we see the other workers in tags/a battle royal. At least give the MEs you've missed here a run out or they get grumpy. Which is depressing." (TheKenwyne)


Hopefully you are cool with seeing one on one matches for the next six more shows. ;) I know the four match, one hour show is a little boring, especially when all of the matches are one-on-one affairs, but I'm not the kind of guy to skip a month to re-gain cash. I've never done it and I don't feeling like changing that now (unless I'm a touring company, but that a different story). I'd rather be a little boring for the first couple of months, save up a bit of cash and then spend that cash in the second half of the year when the company wide storyline, the world title tournament, has been completed.


Speaking of money let's go to the in-game results of the show!



Popularity [Great Lakes]: +1.2% (1.2%)

Prestige: +0.2% (0.2%)

Momentum: +1.0% (1.0%)


Balance: +$706 ($706)


Worldwide Importance: 37/37

Worldwide Influence: 37/37

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Minor update: Yesterday I was inspired and was able to play from NEO's October event through the first event in 2011. And I've got to say I can't wait to play more. The only thing that I am disappointed with is that I wasn't able to bring a wrestler in that I wanted. During my last 0 pop game I picked up American Elemental as a heel. His gimmick? That he was completely jaded by the fact he never got a run with his dream company, Burning Hammer of the Weestling Gods. So when I try to sign him in this run Burning Hammer gives him a freaking touring contract!


FYI, the next show with be posted during tomorrow night.

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Backstage Rating: 88.9%

NEO World Title Tournament: Day 2

Saturday, Week 4, February 2010

14 people at the Ohio Jewish Center





Davis Ditterich + Reese Paige



Lobo Blanco [0-0-0] (42.9%) vs. Roger Monteiro [0-0-0] (42.9%)

Block D Round Robin


"Lobo Blanco's mask is cooler.." (Tweek It)


"The White Wolf loses to the frequent partner of Running Wolf." (Rayelek)


"I like Monteiro and all but he just isn´t someone who I would expect to get singles victories." (Zergon)


"I'm a fan of Monteiros. He's another guy that stands out with his look and skill set." (Timber)


"Whatever, nevermind." (FlameSnoopy)


"XDW for the win." (Shutout28)


Result: In a bout that had solid in-ring action but non-existent crowd heat, Lobo Blanco defeated Roger Monteiro in 7:25 by pinfall with a Wolf's Bane.

Rating: E

Notes: The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. The Block D storyline has continued with this match.



Mario da Silva [0-0-0] (85.7%) vs. Mighty Mite [0-0-0] (14.3%)

Block C Round Robin


"Coin Flip" (Tweek It)


"Da Silva is pretty fantastic. Mighty Mite is a jobber for life." (Rayelek)


"If Mighty Mire gets even one point from this tournament he have performed better than I thought." (Zergon)


"Not sure of either of these two. But i'm willing to go with Mario." (Timber)


"Boom and da Silva subs the Mighty Mite (whose identity I don't even know?). Well whatever da Silva's cool, Mite is very much a CHIKARA

clone." (FlameSnoopy)


"Just to hear the announcer go "Your winner, Marrrrrrrrrrrrrrioooooooooooo da Silvvvvvvvvvvvaaaaaaaa" (Shutout28)


Result: In an awful match that was completely devoid of heat, Mario da Silva defeated Mighty Mite in 6:42 by submission with a Kimura.

Rating: E-

Notes: Mario da Silva and Mighty Mite don't seem to click, and it made for an awkward bout. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. The Block C storyline has continued with this match. This match brought the crowd's mood down.



Post Match Interview


After the match, James Heatly interviews Mario da Silva about his win. Mario completley ignores the question and praises NEO for being a place that men and women can intermingle in and out of the ring. He says he catch last month's show and likes what he sees. He adds that he can't wait to make them tap.


Rating: F+

Notes: This segment brought the crowd's mood down.



Mad Dog Mortimer [0-0-0] (14.3%) vs. Rolling Johnny Stones [0-0-0] (85.7%)

Block D Round Robin


"Johnny will rock and roll over Mad Dog" (Tweek It)


"Johnny Stones is way more talented, but if Morty won due to overness I wouldn't be shocked either." (Rayelek)


"Mortimer is a jobber so RJS takes this one." (Zergon)


"RJS is very good. I like to use him when i play any of the UK or Europe companies. He's got style and skills." (Timber)


"Lounge Dog. Stones is shiny and all, but the Lounge Dog is the Lounge Lord." (FlameSnoopy)


"He's rollin to the top. And Mad Dog is ugly." (Shutout28)


Result: In an awful match that was completely devoid of heat, Rolling Johnny Stones defeated Mad Dog Mortimer in 7:43 by pinfall with a Brainbuster.

Rating: E+

Notes: Mad Dog Mortimer was visibly tiring toward the end. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. The Block D storyline has continued with this match. This match brought the crowd's mood down. Mad Dog Mortimer is improving in Performance skills.



Post Match Interview


James Heatly is backstage conducting an interview with Rolling Johnny Stones. Heatly asks Rolling Johnny Stones why he is here in NEO. Rolling Johnny Stones says that while he hasn't climbed the mountain top of British wrestling just yet, he's decided to move over the the United States and make a name for himself here. "And what better place to begin to make a name for myself than an upstart like NEO Championship Wrestling?"


Rating: E-

Notes: The Block D storyline has continued with this segment. This segment brought the crowd's mood down.




Extraordinario Jr [0-0-0] (42.9%) vs. Raphael [0-0-0] (57.1%)

Block C Round Robin


"Extraorinario's mask is stupid.." (Tweek It)


"Ex Jr is so good. Raphael is pretty good, but Ex Jr is way better." (Rayelek)


"Could go either way and draw is possible too. I believe that Extraordinario is slighly mroe talented but Raphael is slighly more over and

that´s what tips the scales for me." (Zergon)


"I do like Raphael, i think it's just his picture. He's solid in the ring and i like the guy." (Timber)


"Lucha libre needs to be represented and Raphael doesn't support that. He's going to win but he shouldn't." (FlameSnoopy)


"He's Extraordinarily Awesome" (Shutout28)


Result: In a bout that had solid in-ring action but non-existent crowd heat, Raphael defeated Extraordinario Jr in 18:23 by pinfall.

Rating: D

Notes: Extraordinario Jr and Raphael don't seem to click, and it made for an awkward bout. The Block C storyline has continued with this match. Raphael is improving in Performance skills.

Overall Rating: E+


Booker's Notes: This event probably should have been a lot better. The first mistake I made was not making the main event longer. I know it was already at 18 minutes in an hour long event, but I'm guessing the event would have been graded a bit better if the match was over twenty minutes. Plus the bad chemistry note doesn't help things either. The second mistake I made I didn't even catch until a couple of shows later. Lobo Blanco was assigned to being a heel in game. No wonder his match with Roger only got an E. Oh well, none of the mistakes I made really are that harmful, especially since it's only the second show.


Now this would probably would be the time where I would go over the promotion news and notes, but to be honest I think that I'd rather save that from sometime between tonight and Thursday. The forum might be deader than it used to be, but without predictions being cast through the fourms this diary tends to fall a bit quicker than I would like. And while I've done it in the past I really don't like bumping any topic for the sake of bumping. Plus I'll be adding the results of the first two prediction contests (though there are no prizes).


Now for the responses to the bonus question!


Bonus Question: How does Johnny H celebrate his victory in the club if he is underage?


"Fake ID.. yeah buddy." (Tweek It)


"Awesomely." (Rayelek)


"You can RAVE!" (Timber)


"I think he's going to choke up on champagne due to his own cockiness and arrogance. Then Lounge Dog calls the ambulance and takes over the party." (FlameSnoopy)


"Orders a virgin strawberry daiquiri" (Shutout28)


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Not a lot to say about the game besides the stats below. If anyone wants to know anything in particular, either about NEO or another promotion/worker please ask. BTW, the next update will be tomorrow evening.


In-Game Statistics (After February 2010)

Popularity [Great Lakes]: +0.9% (2.1%)

Prestige: +0.2% (0.4%)

Momentum: +1.0% (2.0%)


Balance: +$404 ($1,110)


Worldwide Importance: 37/37

Worldwide Influence: 37/37




Prediction Contest


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