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USPW: The Goal

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Welcome to the USPW Prediction contest. This contest will run through the end of March in-game time.


Some definite surprises on this card. We did have several people get 4/5 correct. Congratulations to Tigerkinney, arwink, pennyone and Emark!


1.Emark=4 Wins

2. juggaloninjalee=2 Wins

pennyone=2 Wins

Tigerkinney=2 Wins

5. Eisen-verse=1 Win

jhd1=1 Win

arwink=1 Win

8. Midnightnick=0 Wins

Hashasheen=0 Wins

Purple Cowboy=0 Wins

foolinc=0 Wins

flat_dougnut=0 Wins

Rayelek=0 Wins

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USPW Stars, Stripes And Slams!

Saturday Week 4 January 2010


Prediction Key:

T-Rex vs. James Justice



Giant Redwood vs. The Force



USPW Womens Title Match: Raven Robinson defends vs. Cherry Bomb



USPW National Title Match, Special Guest Referee=Commissioner Doom: Peter Valentine defends vs. Nicky Champion



#1 Contenders Match: Bruce The Giant vs. Chris Caulfield



USPW World Tag Team Titles Match: The People's Team defend vs. The Towers Of Power



USPW World Title Match, Special Guest Referee=Sam Strong: Enygma defends vs. Tyson Baine




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T-Rex vs. James Justice

Comment: Might be a good time to turn Justice and go against Enygma...


Giant Redwood vs. The Force

Comment: Feel the Ffffoooorrrrccccccceeeeee......


USPW Womens Title Match: Raven Robinson defends vs. Cherry Bomb



USPW National Title Match, Special Guest Referee=Commissioner Doom: Peter Valentine defends vs. Nicky Champion

Comment: Valentine won't give up this title until he's dead, and maybe not even then...


#1 Contenders Match: Bruce The Giant vs. Chris Caulfield



USPW World Tag Team Titles Match: The People's Team defend vs. The Towers Of Power



USPW World Title Match, Special Guest Referee=Sam Strong: Enygma defends vs. Tyson Baine

Comment: Setting up the feud with Bruce...


Signs: Bring on the Giant

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Prediction Key:

T-Rex vs. James Justice

Comment: That nasty man T-Rex is going to learn his lesson tonight, and that lesson is that you should not mess with Justice!


Giant Redwood vs. The Force

Comment: The Force is so cool, I've got all his merchandise he's got to win!; Billy Bob here again: I hate Jim Force, I hate him because he made me broke from having to buy all his merchandise for my son Jimmy, he's wrecked my marriage too because of it...nothing at all to do with my friend 'Jack' and the fact that I look at anything in a skirt. That face paint wearing home-wrecker better win though, otherwise I'll have to put up with Jimmy's whining all the way back to the trailer.


USPW Womens Title Match: Raven Robinson defends vs. Cherry Bomb

Comment: Jimmy don't care at all 'bout these women's matches, and why should he, he's too young to be thinking downstairs. Raven Robinson can hitch a ride in my pick-up anytime.


USPW National Title Match, Special Guest Referee=Commissioner Doom: Peter Valentine defends vs. Nicky Champion

Comment: With a name like champion, Nicky's got to win. I don't like that Peter Valentine either, he's a mean old bully and bully's should never win.


#1 Contenders Match: Bruce The Giant vs. Chris Caulfield

Comment: Chris is a really brave fighter, but he's also kind of old and Brucr is a giant, maybe Chris can slay the giant but I think he may be a bit old.


USPW World Tag Team Titles Match: The People's Team defend vs. The Towers Of Power

Comment: The Towers Bully Power is no match for the Power of the People!!


USPW World Title Match, Special Guest Referee=Sam Strong: Enygma defends vs. Tyson Baine

Comment: Baine is another nasty bully and the super-hero Engyma will show Baine, that only losers are bullys!!




Raven give me a call- 08447 605 996


Justice > Bully


The Force > Bully


Champion > Bully


People Power > Bullies


Superhero > Bully

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Friday Week 4 January 2010

Stanley Hall (Mid Atlantic)

Attendance: 300

Show Rating: D+


Brett Starr defeated Al The Hillbilly...E+

ANGLE: Backstage segment with Lisa Bowen, Citizen X and Mean Jean Cattley...D-

Citizen X defeated American Patriot...D+

ANGLE: Confrontation involving American Patriot and Darryl Devine...D

Mean Jean Cattley defeated Tyson Baine...C+

ANGLE: Backstage segment with Rip Chord and Tyson Baine...B+

Cameron Vessey defeated Darryl Devine...D+

Citizen X defeated Brett Starr...D-

Mean Jean Cattley defeated Cameron Vessey...D+

Mean Jean Cattley defeated Citizen X for the Rip Chord Invitational Challenge title...D+

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T-Rex vs. James Justice

Comment: he is the Justice of USPW


Giant Redwood vs. The Force

Comment: feel the force


USPW Womens Title Match: Raven Robinson defends vs. Cherry Bomb

Comment: they will show his great talent but Raven is too good to lose in his first defense


USPW National Title Match, Special Guest Referee=Commissioner Doom: Peter Valentine defends vs. Nicky Champion

Comment: the past his prime friend against the next Sam Strong


#1 Contenders Match: Bruce The Giant vs. Chris Caulfield

Comment: bruce is to big for Caulfield


USPW World Tag Team Titles Match: The People's Team defend vs. The Towers Of Power

Comment: the best team in USPW


USPW World Title Match, Special Guest Referee=Sam Strong: Enygma defends vs. Tyson Baine

Comment: Enygma will face his biggest challenge but he has the support of all the Little Jimmies


Signs: "Little Jimmy feels the Force"

"I hate you Little Jimmy"

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T-Rex vs. James Justice

Comment: I prefer Justice over T-Rex. Completely personal.


Giant Redwood vs. The Force

Comment: It's The Force. 'nuff said.


USPW Womens Title Match: Raven Robinson defends vs. Cherry Bomb

Comment: Just a hunch...


USPW National Title Match, Special Guest Referee=Commissioner Doom: Peter Valentine defends vs. Nicky Champion

Comment: Valentine retains the title for me


#1 Contenders Match: Bruce The Giant vs. Chris Caulfield

Comment: While I'd love for you to go for a screwy finish to set-up a four-way that will eventually see Enygma lose the belt without being pinned, I've plumbed for Bruce. Let's blur the lines of the two main feuds.


USPW World Tag Team Titles Match: The People's Team defend vs. The Towers Of Power

Comment: Just for the title change really - no real preference in my mind. Towers are arguably a better team as well


USPW World Title Match, Special Guest Referee=Sam Strong: Enygma defends vs. Tyson Baine

Comment: Enygma has to stay as Champion. For now, it suits to have him there...



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Saturday Week 4 January 2010

Location: The Dust Bowl (South East)

Attendance: 15,000

Overall Rating: B-

PPV Buyrate: .69




[The first ever live pay-per-view event for United States Pro Wrestling: Stars, Stripes And Slams, does not begin within the ring. Instead, it begins within the locker room where Chris Caulfield and James Justice are having a staredown. A quick video reminds everyone what happened at the last American Wrestling where Caulfield accidentally dropped Justice with a chair. We cut back to the staredown and Caulfield extends a hand, apologizing for striking Justice. After a long moment, Justice accepts the hand in friendship. Justice tells The Hardcore Dude to go out there and destroy Bruce tonight and he will do the same to T-Rex. Caulfield agrees and we head out to the ring for our first match of the evening.]




Match #1

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/T-Rex_alt1.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/EricTyler.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/Liberty_dse81.jpg

T-Rex vs. James Justice


[And this very first match features The Jurassic Power coming out to boos from the crowd. He ignores them as he faces off with the man known as 'The Dude' James Justice. Justice poses briefly beside a sign that reads: 'Justice > Bully!' Inside the ring, he gains control early on, keeping the Jurassic Power from getting his hands on him by utilizing quick strikes. A clothesline attempt, however, is ducked by T-Rex and Justice is sent crashing through the ropes outside the ring. Out there, Justice is grabbed by Eric Tyler and sent face-first into the ring post. And there's the DQ...no, wait, T-Rex had the referee distracted! The match will continue! Inside the ring, T-Rex slams Justice into the corner and begins hitting clubbing blows around the head and shoulders, eventually knocking Justice to the mat. T-Rex chokes Justice in the corner with his boot until the referee threatens a DQ. The match continues with T-Rex in control until he goes for a Superplex. Justice comes to life seated on the top turnbuckle and catches T-Rex with a big left hand that knocks him off the turnbuckles and onto the mat!]


[Justice leaps off the turnbuckles -- Flying Splash! He connects with the splash and then gets up, waving his arms and getting the crowd to cheer him on. He begins pointing to his knee as the 'Dude' chant grows louder and louder. Justice bounces off the ropes -- SSSSTTTTAAAALLLLLLLLSSSS -- DUDE KNEE DROP! Justice connects with the Dude Knee Drop! He gets back to his feet and is poised and ready. Eric Tyler climbs up on the apron -- Justice Big Left Hand! The punch sends Tyler down to the floor! Justice turns back to T-Rex -- Liberat -- NO! T-Rex breaks the hold with elbow shots to the side of the head. T-Rex sends Justice to the ropes -- side slam! He gets up and stalks Justice as the crowd continues to try and work Justice to a third wind. Justice gets to his feet -- Jurassic Crush! The swinging full nelson is locked in at the center of the ring! Justice tries to struggle, tries to fight the hold. The referee asks him if he wants to give. Justice shakes his head. Then nods! Justice gives up!]


Winner: T-Rex (Via Submission @ 9:33)

Match Rating: C


[The crowd boos as one half of The Titans takes the win on this opening match. T-Rex does not release the hold even as the bell sounds. James Justice is grimmacing in pain! Eric Tyler enters the ring and tosses the referee out of the ring! That will cost him some money. T-Rex finally releases the hold, sending Justice down to the mat. Tyler grabs Justice and yanks him up into the double chicken wing! The move known as the Tradition Lift! Justice is in pain! Tyler holds it on for several moments before releasing and standing beside T-Rex. He raises the arm of the Jurassic Power to boos from the crowd.]




Match #2

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/giantredwoodalt.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/JimForce_jhd1.jpg

Giant Redwood vs. The Force


[After the ring cleared, it was time for our next match featuring two USPW originals in Giant Redwood and The Force. During the entrance for The Force, he paused and posed beside a sign that reads: 'DARE YOU FEEL THE FORCE!?!' The matchup was about what most people would expect, mostly a punch-kick style affair with no real wrestling holds anywhere near these two men. The Force definitely has the crowd behind him within this match, especially when he sends Redwood back into a corner and smashes his head against the top turnbuckle ten times in a row! The Force points out toward a sign that reads: 'The Force > Bully!' The momentum shift came late in the match when Jennifer Heat walked out from the back and stood at ringside. She provided a definite distraction and even moreso when she seemed to faint at ringside. This drew the attention of Redwood, who moved over to the ropes to check on her. With the attention there, another sign showed up: 'Little Jimmy feels the Force!' With this distraction, The Force snuck up behind Redwood and rolled him up: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: The Force (Via Pinfall @ 6:30)

Match Rating: D






[As the crowd cheered on The Force, we were taken backstage where Aaron Jackson walked down a dark and deserted hallway. Definitely a sign of things to come as he turns a corner and gets assaulted immediately by not one but three men! A low blow by Steve Flash leads to a Demon Slam by Anger! Shane Sneer stands back slightly and watches the destruction that his men are laying upon the helpless Jackson. The Remarkable one drops an elbow to the gut of Jackson and then a second and a third! Flash gets to his feet and stands beside a growling Anger, who takes a sip from a bottle of coke. Sneer calls off the dogs, so to speak, and the three men walk away as help arrives in the form of officials and EMTs.]




Match #3

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/RavenNightfall_alt2.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/CherryBomb_alt3.jpg

USPW Womens Title Match

Raven Robinson defends vs. Cherry Bomb


[Our one and only womens bout here on Stars, Stripes And Slams and this was about an average match, which makes it rank slightly high for a womens bout. Cherry Bomb shows her insanity throughout this match as she pulls at her hair and even uses her headband to choke Robinson when the referee cannot see it. Robinson gets in her own fair share of offense, drawing several near falls on Bomb throughout the contest in what is truly a back and forth affair. Bomb catches Robinson with a clothesline that sends her through the ropes and then connects with a baseball slide kick that sends Robinson up against the guardrail. Bomb poses and then begins yelling at a fan with a sign reading: 'Raven give me a call- 08447 605 996!' The fan's father gets involved as well and this provides a distraction to allow Robinson to get to her feet. She sends Bomb into the ring post to a big pop and then walks over, giving both father and son a kiss on the cheek. Back in the ring, Robinson catches Bomb with a dropkicksault for a two count. Then she goes for the Night Faller but Bomb squirms her way out. Bomb catches Robinson with a boot to the gut -- Cherry Bomb! She connects with the Cherry Bomb! Bomb makes the cover, hooking the leg: 1 -- 2 -- 3! We have a brand new USPW Womens Champion!]


Winner: Cherry Bomb (Via Pinfall @ 10:27; Cherry Bomb wins the USPW Womens title)

Match Rating: C






[We are taken backstage once again to the office of our very own Commissioner Doom! The office is newly decorated with one of the signs stolen from a fan at ringside: 'I hate you Little Jimmy!' The crowd boos when Commissioner Doom shows up in the picture and then boos even louder as the USPW National Champion Peter Valentine is shown! Doom tells 'Private Valentine' not to worry about tonight. Valentine is the chosen one and he is going to make sure that nothing happens to remove that title from around his waist. After all, with Commissioner Doom as special guest referee what can go wrong? He tells Valentine to just go out there and do his job. And you're dismissed!]




Match #4

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/PeterValentine_alt.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/NickyChampion_jhd2-1.jpg

USPW National Title Match

Special Guest Referee=Commissioner Doom

Peter Valentine defends vs. Nicky Champion


[Our second title bout of the evening and this is another average match but one that does get the crowd excited in droves. Commissioner Doom is anything but an impartial referee and any time Champion does something that might even come close to being out of line, Doom warns him and steps in. But Champion is not the kind of guy to do anything illegal, being more of a clean cut, follow the rules type of wrestler. Valentine, however, gets away nearly with murder in this match, choking Champion on the ropes and using rakes of the eyes. The match is fairly back and forth, though, with neither man gaining a whole lot of momentum until the end. That is where Nicky Champion used the crowd to really get ahead in the bout. Champion catches Valentine with a body slam, a double sledge to the chest and then sets him up -- Hawkeye Hammer! Champion nails his finisher on Valentine! Before he can make the cover, however, Doom grabs Valentine and deposits the unconcious body out of the ring. A fast count gives the win to Nicky Champion but Peter Valentine keeps the title! Nicky Champion argues with Doom as a sign is shown in the background: 'Champion > Bully!']


Winner: Nicky Champion (Via Countout @ 7:36; Peter Valentine retains the USPW National title)

Match Rating: C






[As Nicky Champion continues his argument, we are taken backstage where Bruce The Giant is shown pacing for a moment before looking toward the camera. He talks about how since September he has been doing battle with Chris Caulfield to no positive conclusion for either man. Tonight that will be different. Tonight he is going to walk away as the number one contender. But he has gained some respect for the Hardcore American over the battles that they have had. So he has decided that if he should lose to Chris Caulfield tonight, he will be willing to shake the man's hand. However, a giant NEVER loses and tonight will not disprove that rule.]




Match #5

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/BruceTheGiant_sockpuppet.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/ChrisCaulfield_alt1.jpg

#1 Contenders Match

Bruce The Giant vs. Chris Caulfield


[The next match is one of our big main events of the evening as Bruce The Giant steps inside the ring to take on 'The Hardcore American' Chris Caulfield to determine just who will be the number one contender to the USPW World title. The winner earns a title shot next month at USPW Red, White And Blue. As one would suspect, there is not a whole lot of catch as catch can wrestling in this match. There is a ton of heavy hits and brawling to be had, though. Bruce The Giant takes down Chris Caulfield with moves like the Giant Headbutt and a snake eyes in the corner. Caulfield, for his credit, fires back with a discus punch and a Hardcore American clothesline that sends both men flying outside the ring. Bruce is down and Caulfield goes to the apron -- Philly Flop! He connects with the splash and the crowd goes absolutely wild! Caulfield pauses in front of a sign that reads: 'Bring on the Giant!' Then he picks up Bruce and rolls him into the ring. He makes a quick pin cover: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout!]


[The match continues with more heavy hitting from both men. Neither man seems like they can take full and complete control of the contest for very long as mr. mo momentum swings back and forth. The big turning point in the contest comes when Bruce tosses Caulfield into a corner right where the referee is! Bruce charges in the corner with a Brucie Bonus, aka a reverse avalanche and Caulfield and the referee are both down and out! Bruce roars, raising his hand to show the sign for his Giant Choke Slam! He pulls Caulfield to his feet and wraps that big palm around the throat of the Hardcore American. 'USA' chants bring Caulfield to life and he fights free with kicks and punches! He swings around behind Bruce -- Danger Drop! Caulfield connects with the Danger Drop! Both men are down and hurting. It is Caulfield that stirs first as he moves over to make the cover but there's no referee! Wait a second, someone has jumped the railing. Someone slides into the ring. Who is this man? He picks up Caulfield and kicks him with a low blow! He grabs Caulfield -- short Vertical Lift Spinebuster! The man slides out of the ring after shaking the referee. Bruce crawls over and makes the cover. It doesn't seem like he has any idea what happened. The referee crawls over: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Bruce The Giant (Via Pinfall @ 11:23)

Match Rating: C+




[We have a brand new number one contender! Congratulations to Bruce The Giant! But it's not without controversy! The man who attacked Chris Caulfield enters the ring again. He pulls Caulfield in -- Stump Piledriver! The crowd boos as Caulfield's head bangs off the mat. The man gets to his feet and yells at the audience to shut up! This just makes the boos even louder! Bruce The Giant gets to his feet and sees what's going on. The man puts the boots to Caulfield -- goozle by Bruce! Bruce grabs this man around the throat! Giant Choke Slam! Bruce The Giant just SAVED Chris Caulfield! Bruce grabs Caulfield and rolls him to the side of the ring before exiting. Then he lifts The Hardcore American over his shoulder and carries him to the back to some cheers from the crowd.]




Match #6

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/FreddieDatsun_alt.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/DesDavids_jhd1.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/DannyRushmore.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/MickMuscles.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/ShaneSneer.jpg

USPW World Tag Team Titles Match

The People's Team defend vs. The Towers Of Power


[Our semi main event this evening is also our next to last title match as The People's Team put the belts on the line against the former four time USPW World Tag Team Champions The Towers Of Power. Many people think the experience factor of the Towers will be too much for Freddie Datsun and Des Davids. We find out in this match. The match is solidly back and forth in the early going until The Towers get Des Davids in their corner. They use quick and frequent tags in and out to keep the fresh man in the ring. A double clothesline by The Towers draws a two count on Davids, who tries to call for a timeout as though he were on a football field. The match looks like it might end as The Towers look to drop Davids with a Super Bomb but he manages a bulldog on Rushmore and a headscissors on Muscles at the same time! Davids crawls toward his corner, the crowd very much into things! Davids makes the hot tag to Freddie Datsun as the camera shows a sign in the background that reads: 'People Power > Bullies!']


[The American Everyman comes in like a house on fire! Clotheslines bring both Towers Of Power down to the mat. Rushmore takes a body slam! Muscles takes a DDT! Datsun covers Muscles: 1 -- 2 -- Broken Up By Rushmore! Back in comes Des Davids! Davids goes after Rushmore and the two spill outside the ring. Inside the ring, Muscles gets lifted onto the shoulders of Freddie Datsun! It looks like it's Patriot Press time! Shane Sneer climbs on the apron, distracting Datsun! Muscles slithers down off the shoulders of Datsun and shoves him away. Sneer tosses one of the tag team title belts into the ring to Muscles! Muscles picks it up and as Datsun turns -- BOOM! He gets clocked with the belt! Right in front of the referee! The referee immediately calls for the bell! The Towers have been disqualified! The People's Team win and keep their USPW World Tag Team titles!]


Winners: The People's Team (Via Disqualification @ 7:41; The People's Team retain the USPW World Tag Team titles)

Match Rating: C-






[As the brawl continues in the ring, we are taken backstage where Sam Strong is shown in an office with the USPW World Heavyweight Champion Enygma. Strong is dressed in the usual referee's attire. He tells Enygma not to expect any favors, brother. That tonight he is going to prove that a referee should call things straight down the middle. Unlike what Commissioner Doom did earlier tonight. The masked and mysterious USPW World Champion simply nods and looks ready. He better be ready because the match is next!]




Match #7

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/Enygma_alt1jt.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/TysonBaine_alt4.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/EricTyler.jpg

USPW World Title Match

Special Guest Referee=Sam Strong

Enygma defends vs. Tyson Baine


[it's main event time here at the first ever USPW pay-per-view: Stars, Stripes And Slams! What a main event we have for you this evening. 'The Demon From The Deep' has looked nearly unstoppable in his reign of terror here in USPW. But Enygma has held the USPW World title since June of last year. But enough talking about it. The introductions finish and it's time to see just who will walk out of the first ever USPW pay-per-view with the most prestigious belt in all the world. The two men circle each other with Baine growling at Enygma. Sam Strong stands back and watches as the two men lock up and Baine shoves Enygma backward into the corner. Baine moves in with attempts at clubbing blows but Sam Strong steps in and pushes Baine back! Baine stares at Strong for a moment and Strong points to his referee's shirt. Enygma comes in quickly and hits a dropkick to the knee. He goes right for the legs of the Demon From The Deep. He actually manages to bring Baine down with a double leg takedown and mounts him, throwing punches! After about three, Strong steps in and pulls Enygma off Baine! Strong and Enygma have a staredown but Strong again points to the referee's shirt. He said he would call it right down the middle and so far he is holding to his word.]


[The match continues in a back and forth fashion between the two wrestlers. Enygma's gameplan is obvious within a few minutes into the match as he continues to go after the legs of Baine, yes, both of them. The two men are the same height on the mat, right? Baine, at one point, moves out of the ring and gets instructions from Eric Tyler. It is after those instructions that The Demon From The Deep begins to take over the match. He drops Enygma with the Devil's Hammer and makes the cover: 1 ---- 2 ---- Kickout! Obviously, Sam Strong is not a referee so his counts are slightly different than what a normal referee's might be. Baine continues the assault on Enygma, bringing him into a corner and choking him with his boot! Strong begins the mandatory five count and Baine breaks at four. Baine whips Enygma hard into the opposite corner. Enygma bounces out of the corner -- Spear by Baine! Enygma hits the mat hard and Baine makes another cover: 1 ---- 2 ---- Shoulder Up! Enygma still has that never say die attitude! Baine yanks Enygma up and Enygma begins firing back with punches! The crowd cheers the sudden second wind by the USPW World Champion but it gets cut off by Baine grabbing Enygma by the mask and tossing him out of the ring. A sign is shown at this point being held up that reads: 'Superhero > Bully!']


[sam Strong steps in and backs Baine from the ropes as Eric Tyler is licking his chops at ringside. Tyler rushes in toward Enygma but Sam Strong turns and yells at Tyler to stop! Tyler stops just before he can connect with Enygma and Strong points a finger at him and then wags it back and forth in a signature taunt of the USPW Owner. Tyson Baine exits the ring during this exchange and sends Enygma into the guardrail and then whips him HARD into the steel steps at ringside. Enygma goes over the steps to land on his back. Baine is in dominant complete control of this match. However, he seems to be tiring slightly. His moves are getting a little slower the longer the match goes on. Baine manages to get himself and Enygma back into the ring before the ten count and he goes for the Hades Bomb -- Victory Roll by Enygma! The referee counts: 1 ---- 2 ---- Kickout! So close to a winner here!]


[both men get to their feet and Enygma ducks a clothesline, coming back with a clip to the knee of Baine! Enygma grabs the ankle and slams it down on the mat to cheers from the crowd. The USPW World Champion is in control! Enygma slides Baine to have the ring post between his legs and then slams his ankle into the ring post! The crowd roars their approval! Enygma slides back in the ring and waits for Baine to get to his feet -- Enygmagiri Kick! Baine falls to the mat and Enygma grabs him by the ankle -- Enygma Variation! He has the scissored ankle lock locked in tight! Baine is showing some emotion. He is showing some definite pain as Sam Strong asks him if he wants to give up. He shakes his head and begins dragging Enygma across the mat! What strength showed by Tyson Baine! Baine drags Enygma to the ropes and grabs them to break the hold! Sam Strong has to step in and break the Enygma Variation, rather than disqualify Enygma. Enygma argues with Sam Strong as Baine uses this time to recover. Enygma comes over as Baine is on his knees but he catches three straight punches from The Demon From The Deep. Baine battles to his feet and Enygma charges -- goozled! Baine with a double handed goozle! He lifts Enygma in the air -- Hades Bomb! Enygma hits the mat with precision! Baine falls over, making the cover as Sam Strong begins a reluctant count: 1 ---- 2 ---------- 3!]


Winner: Tyson Baine (Via Pinfall @ 16:35; Tyson Baine wins the USPW World title)

Match Rating: B-


[Ladies and Gentlemen, Tyson Baine is your NEW USPW World Champion! The crowd sits in stunned silence as Eric Tyler smiles at ringside. Tyler enters the ring and raises the arm of Tyson Baine. Sam Strong calls out for the USPW World title belt. He is given the belt and he turns to Tyson Baine. The two men stare each other down for a long moment and then Strong hands over the belt. Baine takes it -- and clocks Strong in the head with it! The crowd boos this move! Eric Tyler picks up Strong -- Tradition Lift! Strong struggles against Tyler but takes several punches from Tyson Baine! Enygma is still down and out inside the ring following the Hades Bomb. Tyler releases the hold and Baine grabs Strong around the throat -- Hades Bomb! Baine lays Strong out right beside Enygma and then runs a thumb across his throat. Tyler raises the belt in the air and then the crowd cheers as music pumps through the arena.]




[The #1 contender and a good friend of Sam Strong, Bruce The Giant walks out from the back! Bruce walks right down to the ring and steps in over the top rope to come face to face with the brand new USPW World Champion! What a staredown between these two larger than life athletes! The crowd is at a fever pitch waiting to see what is going to happen! The locker room explodes with wrestlers coming down to the ring to keep these two men apart! Baine and Bruce just stare each other down and then Baine raises his arms slowly. As he brings them down, fire explodes from all four turnbuckles! Baine gives an evil smile as he looks at Bruce The Giant and the pay-per-view ends with these two men locked in a vicious staredown. We'll see you Wednesday for American Wrestling!]

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Welcome to the USPW Prediction contest. This contest will run through the end of March in-game time.


With the very first pay-per-view of the diary, we had no perfect scores. The highest score was 4/7. Congratulations to Tigerkinney!


1.Emark=4 Wins

2. Tigerkinney=3 Wins

3. juggaloninjalee=2 Wins

pennyone=2 Wins

5. Eisen-verse=1 Win

jhd1=1 Win

arwink=1 Win

8. Midnightnick=0 Wins

Hashasheen=0 Wins

Purple Cowboy=0 Wins

foolinc=0 Wins

flat_dougnut=0 Wins

Rayelek=0 Wins

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USPW American Wrestling

Wednesday Week 1 February 2010


Prediction Key:

Ted Brady vs. Bruce The Giant



The Towers Of Power vs. Savage Fury



Darryl Devine vs. Timothy Hawk



Non Title: Cherry Bomb vs. the debut of Suzanne Brazzle



The Titans vs. Chris Caulfield and Enygma




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Awesome PPV. Excited to see where you go from here and who (if anyone) can stop The Titans in the first year. Even though I don't predict every show, I'm reading.


Ted Brady vs. Bruce The Giant

Comment: I never sign Brady because I don't like his render but he's a good jobber and that's what he does here.


The Towers Of Power vs. Savage Fury

Comment: I really like the Towers, and even though they usually end up jobbed, I'd like to see them do well


Darryl Devine vs. Timothy Hawk

Comment: I don't recall if this is Hawk's debut or not (I think he beat Devine on show 1 but that might've been a previous incarnation) but I prefer to see the user character used to elevate others.


Non Title: Cherry Bomb vs. the debut of Suzanne Brazzle

Comment: Good showcase for Bomb to play dirty, look strong and enjoy being champion.


The Titans vs. Chris Caulfield and Enygma

Comment: Baine looks way too unstoppable right now.


Signs: "Mountain of Mayhem" (for Danny Rushmore)

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Ted Brady vs. Bruce The Giant

Comment: Ted who??


The Towers Of Power vs. Savage Fury



Darryl Devine vs. Timothy Hawk



Non Title: Cherry Bomb vs. the debut of Suzanne Brazzle

Comment: No dazzle for Brazzle


The Titans vs. Chris Caulfield and Enygma




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Prediction Key:

Ted Brady vs. Bruce The Giant

Comment: Bruce showed he's a good guy after all, at the last show and not a big mean old bully. Fighting for the good side, will give him even more power.... not that he needs against this guy, I don't even know who the hell he is.


The Towers Of Power vs. Savage Fury

Comment: Oh man, who the hell are the good guys in this match...I mean the Tower's are nasty bullies involved with that nasty Sneer man and Savage Fury are a couple of wild savages...who don't really know right from wrong. Savage Fury are stupid, but I hate the Tower's more.


Darryl Devine vs. Timothy Hawk

Comment: I don't know who the hell this Hawk guy is, but he kind of has a cool name, and besides Devine sucks!


Non Title: Cherry Bomb vs. the debut of Suzanne Brazzle

Comment: I've sent Little Jimmy off to stock up on refreshments again, you can never have enough hot-dogs, burgers, ribs, fried chicken..... But why the hell am I thinking about food....when all I should be thinking about is Raven... oh Raven, my lovely Raven......, oh she's not in this match. Well I've looked at some pictures of this Brazzle chick on the internet, and yeah she's kinda cute, cuter than Bomb...who's a bit scary for my tastes, still neither can hold a candle to my Raven!


The Titans vs. Chris Caulfield and Enygma

Comment: I bet my daddy's been boring you about the stupid women's match, who the hell want's to see girls fighting and that Raven girl kissing me the other night, just made me all embarrassed but my daddy can't seem to stop going to about it. Anyway back to some real wrestling, Baine may have won last time but Bullies never end up on top and Engyma will have his revenge!




Bruce has a giant heart!


This match needs more Raven Robinson!


The Titan's are going to be sent to hell!

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Ted Brady vs. Bruce The Giant

Comment: Bruce gains momentum now as a face


The Towers Of Power vs. Savage Fury

Comment: they are great


Darryl Devine vs. Timothy Hawk

Comment: the battle of the youngs goes to the hawk but only starts the feud


Non Title: Cherry Bomb vs. the debut of Suzanne Brazzle

Comment: the champ needs to be feed with challengers


The Titans vs. Chris Caulfield and Enygma

Comment: the titans are to strong to lose at this point


Signs: "Kneel before the Titans"

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First and foremost, I loved the PPV. Putting the women's strap on Cherry Bomb also gained you 'bonus points' with me as a reader. ha. She's my girl! :D That said, the show turned out really well & the thought of Bruce vs. Baine seems extremely interesting to me. Who will win when two gigantic men collide? Very USPW if you ask me...


Onto my predictions:



Ted Brady vs. Bruce The Giant

Comment: Ba-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha... I mean... Ba-ha-ha-ha


The Towers Of Power vs. Savage Fury

Comment: Fury isn't being pushed right now it seems & the Towers need a win to look strong as they go back for the belts.


Darryl Devine vs. Timothy Hawk

Comment: user character over the 'soft' up and comer.


Non Title: Cherry Bomb vs. the debut of Suzanne Brazzle

Comment: Brazzle COULD win; however, that would only make Bomb look weak directly after winning the belt. I put my money on da-bomb!


The Titans vs. Chris Caulfield and Enygma

Comment: The Titans are the powerhouse of the two, both coming off wins at the PPV, but I feel as though they COULD lose here if booked in a certain manner. I'm guessing Bruce gets involved, which would make a big difference in the outcome, with the possibility of Strong even getting in there. In the end, this match will come down to those names who are NOT actually listed in the match.


Signs: "Big... Bad... BRUCE!!"

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USPW American Wrestling

Wednesday Week 1 February 2010


Prediction Key:

Ted Brady vs. Bruce The Giant

Comment: Bruce is a legend and has tremendous drawing power. Can't imagine him losing here.


The Towers Of Power vs. Savage Fury

Comment: Towers of Power even though have held the tag titles many times could still hold it a few more before disbanding.


Darryl Devine vs. Timothy Hawk

Comment: Devine should pick up the win here.


Non Title: Cherry Bomb vs. the debut of Suzanne Brazzle

Comment: Cherry is great. Don't know about Brazzle winning here in her debut.


The Titans vs. Chris Caulfield and Enygma

Comment: Enygma and Caulfield to win and pick up some momentum.



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[A lot of things have happened since Timothy Hawk took over as USPW Head Booker. As he sits within his apartment bedroom in front of his laptop, he thinks about the recent phone calls he has received. Back at the end of January, Dan Stone, Sr. decided to retire from the professional wrestling business. He left the company to his son, Dan Stone, Jr.. This was a little bit of a surprise since Jeremy Stone was considered to be the front-runner to run the company. Or at least Victoria Stone. But that means that NOTBPW needs a new head booker.]


[That was where that phone call came in. Timothy paused in his writing on the laptop and leaned back to think about what that phone call entailed. The phone call was from Eric Tyler. Tyler called to inform him that he would be going to talk with Dan Stone, Jr. about the possible head booker vacancy but that he would be back in time for American Wrestling this week. Those last two words: 'this week' definitely make for a few interesting thoughts. Tyler was brought in because of his history. He was brought in because he's dependable. Now? Maybe not so much. Timothy heard a knock on the apartment door and rose to go and answer the door. He had asked Darryl Devine and Seduction to come over to talk about their upcoming match on USPW American Wrestling. This is probably going to be a long evening.]

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[show Poster Provided by SeanMcFly]


Wednesday Week 1 February 2010

Location: Huntsville Fairgrounds (South East)

Attendance: 5,000

Overall Rating: C

TV Rating: 1.18




[Following a very successful pay-per-view, the show opens with the manager of the brand new USPW World Heavyweight Champion, Eric Tyler, walking down to the ring as the announcers welcome everyone to USPW American Wrestling. Tyler steps inside and just smiles through the boos that echo throughout the Huntsville Fairgrounds. He tells the fans to shut up and that they should be giving him the proper respect as the manager of the NEW USPW World Heavyweight Champion. He then begins his focus talking about the new challenger for the title at Red, White And Blue. That new challenger being Bruce The Giant. He calls Bruce out to the ring and leans into a corner, waiting for the #1 contender to come out.]




[The crowd cheers when Bruce The Giant walks out from the back and heads down to the ring. The largest wrestler in the world steps over the top rope to get in the ring, staring down Eric Tyler. He also has a microphone and tells Tyler that he has some nerve calling him out to the ring and a lot of guts as well. Maybe by the end of the night we will all see what those guts look like on the outside. Tyler tells Bruce to calm down and not to listen to these morons in the crowd. He says that their opinion doesn't matter as they never show him the proper respect anyway. What does matter is that he is offering Bruce the chance to join his group and make them unstoppable. Imagine a team with Bruce The Giant and Tyson Baine. That would be absolutely unbeatable! Bruce says that he doesn't care about becoming a tag team. What he wants is the USPW World Heavyweight title belt! And in a few weeks at Red, White And Blue, Tyson Baine is going to be red, white and bruised! Bruce gives Tyler a shot with one of his big fists and Tyler quickly leaves the ring. Bruce stands tall and remains in the ring as his opponent comes out for the opening match.]




Match #1

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/TedBrady_jsilver.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/BruceTheGiant_sockpuppet.jpg

Ted Brady vs. Bruce The Giant


[Our opening contest inside the ring features Ted Brady stepping in the ring to try and topple the #1 contender Bruce The Giant. Brady doesn't back down early on, climbing on the turnbuckle and slapping the taste out of Bruce's mouth! That doesn't sit well with the Giant and Brady takes a Giant Headbutt that sends him crashing to the mat. The majority of the encounter finds Bruce in control with the crowd solidly behind him. As Bruce hits the Brucie Bonus on Brady, the camera focuses in on a sign reading: 'Big... Bad... BRUCE!!' The crowd gets revved up when Bruce raises his arm, signalling for the end for Mr. Brady. The goozle comes around the throat of Brady and he's lifted into the air and held suspended for about ten seconds -- Giant Choke Slam! Brady's body bounces off the mat. As Bruce makes the cover, another sign is shown: 'Bruce has a giant heart!': 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Bruce The Giant (Via Pinfall @ 4:47)

Match Rating: C-


[Another major win for Bruce The Giant, who celebrates in the middle of the ring with another chokeslam pose. The crowd gets into it and Bruce looks to exit the ring. He pauses when he stands right at the ropes because two men have come out of the back and are now standing on the top of the rampway looking at the #1 contender.]




[Tyson Baine and Eric Tyler look right toward Bruce The Giant. Bruce steps back from the ropes, inviting Baine and Tyler to the ring. Bruce points to the ring a second time and Tyler has to step in front of the USPW World Champion, keeping Baine from heading down to meet Bruce. Baine just stands there, staring at the #1 contender. Then he raises his arms and when he brings them down, fire explodes on all four turnbuckles. The locker room explodes to help Tyler keep Baine from entering the ring. Various wrestlers do their best to keep a brawl from happening tonight but something will happen at Red, White And Blue. As the locker room keeps these two apart, a sign is shown reading: 'BRUCE IS GONNA KILL YOU!']






[After things are cleared out, the crowd cheers as Aaron Jackson walks down to the ring, giving a few high fives to the fans who are standing ringside. Jackson enters the ring and on the microphone explains that he never thought that he would hear cheers again when he came down to the ring. He said it gives him goosebumps all over to hear the fans chanting his name. When he was with Sneer, it was all about the Sneer Corporation and all about what the Sneer Corporation could do. Now it's about Aaron Jackson. Which brings him to his next point: Steve Flash. Flash wants to make a name for himself by attacking him? Well, he has no problems standing here and waiting for Flash to make his presence known. He has no problems with settling things right here tonight in Huntsville, Alabama. He focuses on the ramp, waiting to see if someone is coming but a disturbance occurs in the crowd behind him.]




[Steve Flash and Shane Sneer come through the crowd, moving over the guardrail and entering the ring. Flash sneaks up on Jackson but Jackson turns and comes face to face with the man who has been attacking him recently. Flash begs off, stepping back and putting Shane Sneer between him and Jackson. Flash shoves Sneer at Jackson, who reaches out to grab him by instinct. This allows Flash to get in a cheap shot on the former Jumbo. Flash whips Jackson to the ropes -- clothesline -- ducked! Jackson comes back -- Flash Bang! Flash hits the Flash Bang out of nowhere! What a move! Jackson falls back to the mat and Flash and Sneer both put the boots to Jackson. Flash drops an elbow and a second one! Sneer raises Flash's arm to boos from the crowd.]




Match #2

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/DannyRushmore.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/MickMuscles.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/ShaneSneer.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/javab.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/tribalwarrior.jpg

The Towers Of Power vs. Savage Fury


[shane Sneer remains at ringside as we move into tag team action here tonight between the two most decorated tag teams in USPW history. The match itself was a brawl, which is the kind of thing that you would expect from these two teams. Though the match was rather short, both teams got in some good offense. Java nearly scores the submission victory with the nerve pinch while Muscles is down on the mat. Various headbutts were thrown around by both members of Savage Fury. But The Towers Of Power fought back into the match with Rushmore catching Java with a Double Arm DDT. As the move connected, a sign was thrown up in the front row: 'Mountain of Mayhem!' Rushmore makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- Feet on the ropes -- 3!]


Winners: The Towers Of Power (Via Pinfall @ 5:11)

Match Rating: C






[As the crowd boos the cheating ways of The Towers Of Power, we head backstage for a meeting in an office between Sam Strong and Nicky Champion. Champion is questioning why Commissioner Doom still has his job after that fast countout at Stars, Stripes And Slams. Strong explains that Doom has an ironclad contract so he cannot be fired, brother. Champion then questions why Sam Strong made the three count when Tyson Baine was pinning Enygma. Strong says that he was being fair to both competitors. Champion should be the first person to understand why that is necessary. Champion releases an angry scream and walks off in a huff.]






[We head to another area backstage that is set up in an office format. This time the office is for none other than the man in the last conversation: Commissioner Doom. Doom is not alone within this office. He is with the USPW National Champion Peter Valentine. Valentine thanks him for what happened at Stars, Stripes And Slams. Doom says it was all in a day's work and reminds Valentine that he is the chosen one and will never lose the USPW National title. But he will have a match at Red, White And Blue against an opponent of Commissioner Doom's choosing. That opponent? Timothy Hawk!]




Match #3

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/DarrylDevine_jsilver.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/Seduction_jsilver.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/TimothyHawk_jhd.jpg

Darryl Devine vs. Timothy Hawk


[speaking of Timothy Hawk, the newly appointed #1 contender to the USPW National title is in action in his debut match against 'Mighty Fine' Darryl Devine. This match is a solid high flying affair, definitely different from what is normally seen on USPW American Wrestling. The newcomer, Hawk, shows off his potential with a flying dive over the ropes onto Devine outside the ring early on. Back inside the ring, the action goes back and forth with both men trying to hit high impact moves on the other. Hawk comes off the top turnbuckle with a 450 Splash -- that misses! Devine moved out of the way at the last moment! The match continues until Hawk gets distracted by the presence of Seduction at ringside. Seduction does what she can to get the distraction. Hawk turns back to Devine -- kick to the gut -- Devine Dream Drop! Devine makes the cover, hooking the leg: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Darryl Devine (Via Pinfall @ 7:50)

Match Rating: C




[Darryl Devine picks up a major win. He exits the ring and heads to the back with Seduction. Timothy Hawk grabs the ropes to pull himself up but he gets attacked by the presence of USPW National Champion Peter Valentine! Valentine picks up Hawk -- HeartBreaker! The crowd boos as Hawk is down on the mat. Valentine lays in the boots to Hawk. He brings the title belt down on the back of Hawk's head! Valentine holds up the USPW National title belt to more boos from the crowd. They really dislike him!]






[As the crowd boos that attack by Peter Valentine, we head backstage where Giant Redwood is shown to be in a heated discussion with Jennifer Heat. Heat says a lot of words in spanish, which seem to go right over the head of the giant. But the words in english that can be picked up are that he needs her and she proved that at Stars, Stripes And Slams. She can be his best friend or his worst enemy. The choice will be left up to him. Redwood stands there, contemplating the words that she said.]




Match #4

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/CherryBomb_alt3.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/SuzanneBrazzle_Trell.jpg

Non Title

Cherry Bomb vs. the debut of Suzanne Brazzle


[Our second debut of the night as Suzanne Brazzle makes her debut here in USPW, taking on a stiff challenge in the form of the USPW Womens Champion Cherry Bomb. Former USPW Womens Champion Raven Robinson served as a special guest commentator for this match. Robinson gave a little wave to the man holding the sign that reads: 'This match needs more Raven Robinson!' Brazzle holds her own against Bomb at first, bringing things down to the mat and keeping them on the technical side of things. But then the momentum shifted when Cherry Bomb simply exploded on Brazzle. She banged her head against the mat and slammed her into the corner and even took her outside the ring where she rammed her up against the ring post. Back inside the ring, Bomb maintains her control and nails Brazzle with the Cherry Bomb, making the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Cherry Bomb (Via Pinfall @ 8:25)

Match Rating: C-






[As the crowd booed the win by Cherry Bomb, we headed backstage once again. This time in a locker room area where James Justice is emptying out his locker. What in the world? Justice has a duffel bag that he is stuffing all of his belongings into. Justice does NOT look happy during this entire time. He closes the duffel and takes another look at his locker before picking up the duffel and walking out of the locker room. The camera follows Justice as he walks out of the building alone and with all of his belongings. Did James Justice just quit?]




Match #5

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/TysonBaine_alt4.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/T-Rex_alt1.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/EricTyler.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/ChrisCaulfield_alt1.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/Enygma_alt1jt.jpg

The Titans vs. Chris Caulfield and Enygma


[it's main event time here on USPW American Wrestling and what a main event we have for you. A tag match that includes the USPW World Heavyweight Champion is always a sign of a good match, right? The match actually begins with Caulfield and Enygma in control. They use quick, frequent tags, focusing on T-Rex and keeping The Jurassic Power in their corner. This momentum doesn't last too long, though, as Caulfield goes for a Hardcore American Clothesline but instead he is the only one that gets dumped over the top rope to the floor. Back in the '80's and early '90's that would be a disqualification but not anymore. T-Rex gets the referee's attention and Eric Tyler attacks The Hardcore American with boots to the ribs. Tyler tosses Caulfield back in the ring and for the next few minutes he is kept within the corner of The Titans. Tyson Baine and T-Rex make a few tags in and out and get a few near falls but they cannot seem to get that final three count on the resillient Caulfield. The momentum shifts once again when Caulfield catches T-Rex with a stomp on the foot as T-Rex is going for the Jurassic Crush. Caulfield turns and catches T-Rex with a clothesline and both men go down. Both men are moving to make tags and both men end up making them. As the tags are made, a sign is shown: 'The Titan's are going to be sent to hell!']


[Tyson Baine and Enygma hit the ring, much as they did last Saturday night. The brawl ensues and grows even more as Caulfield and T-Rex join the fray. Caulfield sends himself and T-Rex over the top rope with a successful Hardcore American Clothesline. Meanwhile, in the ring, Enygma has taken down Tyson Baine and is focusing back on the same ankle he focused on during their match on pay-per-view. Enygma goes for the Enygma Variation but Baine manages to kick him away. Enygma tags in Caulfield and Caulfield comes running in, driving an elbow to the heart of Baine. Caulfield goes for the cover but Baine powers out at one! Jack Griffith comes down to the ringside area and he provides a major distraction to Caulfield. This distraction leads to Tyson Baine's recovery and catching Caulfield around the throat -- Hades Bomb! T-Rex stops Enygma from entering the ring as Baine makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winners: The Titans (Via Pinfall @ 9:04)

Match Rating: B-




[A major win for the brand new USPW World Heavyweight Champion Tyson Baine, T-Rex and Eric Tyler. But as the bell sounds, Jack Griffith enters the ring and begins putting the boots to Chris Caulfield! The crowd boos loudly as the man who has now been named by the announcers, Jack Griffith, picks up Caulfield -- Jack in The Box! Enygma comes into the ring to help Caulfield but Tyson Baine clotheslines him down! Baine waits for Enygma to get to his feet -- spear! Baine wipes Enygma out with the spear and then picks him up again -- Hades Bomb! Enygma is laid out beside Caulfield while Eric Tyler gets on the microphone. Tyler explains that The Titans DID get a new member tonight and that new member is 'Southern Justice' Jack Griffith. Tyler says that The Titans are well on their way to becoming the most destructive group in the history of USPW and you WILL give them respect. He points out a sign in the crowd as a sign of that respect: 'Kneel before the Titans!' As Tyler continues to speak, we are shown a split-screen of the backstage area.]




[Bruce The Giant is backstage with a whole lot of the locker room. The locker room is trying to keep Bruce backstage, rather than allowing him to come out and attack The Titans. The crowd is a little surprised when Sam Strong appears in that backstage area. Strong whispers something in Bruce's ear that makes Bruce pause and smile from ear to ear. What did Sam Strong whisper in Bruce's ear? Maybe we'll find out next week. We'll see you right here on Sports America and USPW American Wrestling!]

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Welcome to the USPW Prediction contest. This contest will run through the end of March in-game time.


We had one perfect score this week. Congratulations to Rayelek!


1.Emark=4 Wins

2. Tigerkinney=3 Wins

3. juggaloninjalee=2 Wins

pennyone=2 Wins

5. Eisen-verse=1 Win

jhd1=1 Win

arwink=1 Win

Rayelek=1 Win

9. Midnightnick=0 Wins

Hashasheen=0 Wins

Purple Cowboy=0 Wins

foolinc=0 Wins

flat_dougnut=0 Wins

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Awesome PPV. Excited to see where you go from here and who (if anyone) can stop The Titans in the first year. Even though I don't predict every show, I'm reading.


Am glad you enjoyed the pay-per-view, Rayelek. As far as The Titans go, they are definitely a main part of the diary. Who knows who is going to be able to stop them? :)


Prediction Key:

Ted Brady vs. Bruce The Giant

Comment: Bruce showed he's a good guy after all, at the last show and not a big mean old bully. Fighting for the good side, will give him even more power.... not that he needs against this guy, I don't even know who the hell he is.


The Towers Of Power vs. Savage Fury

Comment: Oh man, who the hell are the good guys in this match...I mean the Tower's are nasty bullies involved with that nasty Sneer man and Savage Fury are a couple of wild savages...who don't really know right from wrong. Savage Fury are stupid, but I hate the Tower's more.


Darryl Devine vs. Timothy Hawk

Comment: I don't know who the hell this Hawk guy is, but he kind of has a cool name, and besides Devine sucks!


Non Title: Cherry Bomb vs. the debut of Suzanne Brazzle

Comment: I've sent Little Jimmy off to stock up on refreshments again, you can never have enough hot-dogs, burgers, ribs, fried chicken..... But why the hell am I thinking about food....when all I should be thinking about is Raven... oh Raven, my lovely Raven......, oh she's not in this match. Well I've looked at some pictures of this Brazzle chick on the internet, and yeah she's kinda cute, cuter than Bomb...who's a bit scary for my tastes, still neither can hold a candle to my Raven!


The Titans vs. Chris Caulfield and Enygma

Comment: I bet my daddy's been boring you about the stupid women's match, who the hell want's to see girls fighting and that Raven girl kissing me the other night, just made me all embarrassed but my daddy can't seem to stop going to about it. Anyway back to some real wrestling, Baine may have won last time but Bullies never end up on top and Engyma will have his revenge!


You always have me cracking up at the predictions, TK! I always look forward to hearing what little Jimmy and his daddy have to say.


First and foremost, I loved the PPV. Putting the women's strap on Cherry Bomb also gained you 'bonus points' with me as a reader. ha. She's my girl! :D That said, the show turned out really well & the thought of Bruce vs. Baine seems extremely interesting to me. Who will win when two gigantic men collide? Very USPW if you ask me...


Am glad I could gain those bonus points from you, E-V! Cherry Bomb is a great talent and her use of suplexes, as according to her bio, is definitely a plus for her. It is indeed the battle of the immovable object and the unstoppable force at Red, White And Blue.


Ted Brady vs. Bruce The Giant

Comment: Ted who??


The Towers Of Power vs. Savage Fury



Darryl Devine vs. Timothy Hawk



Non Title: Cherry Bomb vs. the debut of Suzanne Brazzle

Comment: No dazzle for Brazzle


The Titans vs. Chris Caulfield and Enygma





Ted Brady vs. Bruce The Giant



The Towers Of Power vs. Savage Fury



Darryl Devine vs. Timothy Hawk



Non Title: Cherry Bomb vs. the debut of Suzanne Brazzle



The Titans vs. Chris Caulfield and Enygma



Ted Brady vs. Bruce The Giant

Comment: Bruce gains momentum now as a face


The Towers Of Power vs. Savage Fury

Comment: they are great


Darryl Devine vs. Timothy Hawk

Comment: the battle of the youngs goes to the hawk but only starts the feud


Non Title: Cherry Bomb vs. the debut of Suzanne Brazzle

Comment: the champ needs to be feed with challengers


The Titans vs. Chris Caulfield and Enygma

Comment: the titans are to strong to lose at this point


Signs: "Kneel before the Titans"


USPW American Wrestling

Wednesday Week 1 February 2010


Prediction Key:

Ted Brady vs. Bruce The Giant

Comment: Bruce is a legend and has tremendous drawing power. Can't imagine him losing here.


The Towers Of Power vs. Savage Fury

Comment: Towers of Power even though have held the tag titles many times could still hold it a few more before disbanding.


Darryl Devine vs. Timothy Hawk

Comment: Devine should pick up the win here.


Non Title: Cherry Bomb vs. the debut of Suzanne Brazzle

Comment: Cherry is great. Don't know about Brazzle winning here in her debut.


The Titans vs. Chris Caulfield and Enygma

Comment: Enygma and Caulfield to win and pick up some momentum.




I would like to thank everyone for their comments and their predictions! I enjoy reading each one of them. They definitely play into what I decide for future storylines and pushes.

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USPW American Wrestling

Wednesday Week 2 February 2010


Prediction Key:

Belle Bryden and ??? vs. the debut of Good Lookin' Bunny



T-Rex vs. Extraordinario, Jr.



Bob Casey and Ted Brady vs. Champion Force



Non Title: Peter Valentine vs. Enygma




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USPW American Wrestling

Wednesday Week 2 February 2010


Prediction Key:

Belle Bryden and ??? vs. the debut of Good Lookin' Bunny

Comment: It's tough here because a debut vs a ??? is a toss up. I am going with the unknown.


T-Rex vs. Extraordinario, Jr.

Comment: Have to go with the big menace!


Bob Casey and Ted Brady vs. Champion Force

Comment: Nicky Champion and the Force are 2 of my favorites in my current USPW game.


Non Title: Peter Valentine vs. Enygma

Comment: No contest it has to be Enygma.


Signs: Peter Valentine? Get this slug off my show!

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