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USPW: The Goal

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Welcome to the USPW Prediction contest. This contest will run through the end of March in-game time.


Only one perfect score this week. Charasmatic Enigma debuts and gets a perfect score and a win this week. Congratulations to Charamastic Enigma!


1.Emark=5 Wins

2. Tigerkinney=4 Wins

3. juggaloninjalee=3 Wins

pennyone=3 Wins

5. Eisen-verse=1 Win

jhd1=1 Win

arwink=1 Win

Rayelek=1 Win

borman_48=1 Win

Charasmatic Enigma=1 Win

11. Midnightnick=0 Wins

Hashasheen=0 Wins

Purple Cowboy=0 Wins

foolinc=0 Wins

flat_dougnut=0 Wins

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USPW American Wrestling

Wednesday Week 4 February 2010


Prediction Key:

USPW Womens Title Match: Cherry Bomb defends vs. Raven Robinson



Darryl Devine and Painful Procedure vs. Savage Fury and The Hillbillys



USPW Television Title Match: Andre Jones defends vs. Extraordinario, Jr.



The Towers Of Power vs. The Hardcore Americans (Chris Caulfield and Johnny Martin)



USPW World Title Match: Tyson Baine defends vs. Enygma




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USPW Womens Title Match: Cherry Bomb defends vs. Raven Robinson



Darryl Devine and Painful Procedure vs. Savage Fury and The Hillbillys



USPW Television Title Match: Andre Jones defends vs. Extraordinario, Jr.



The Towers Of Power vs. The Hardcore Americans (Chris Caulfield and Johnny Martin)



USPW World Title Match: Tyson Baine defends vs. Enygma - Draw/Double DQ




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USPW American Wrestling

Wednesday Week 4 February 2010

Prediction Key:

USPW Womens Title Match: Cherry Bomb defends vs. Raven Robinson


Darryl Devine and Painful Procedure vs. Savage Fury and The Hillbillys


USPW Television Title Match: Andre Jones defends vs. Extraordinario, Jr.



The Towers Of Power vs. The Hardcore Americans (Chris Caulfield and Johnny Martin)



USPW World Title Match: Tyson Baine defends vs. Enygma

Comment: DQ finish



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USPW American Wrestling

Wednesday Week 4 February 2010


Prediction Key:

USPW Womens Title Match: Cherry Bomb defends vs. Raven Robinson

Comment: Cherry to retain here! Don't see the belt changing hands on tv here.


Darryl Devine and Painful Procedure vs. Savage Fury and The Hillbillys

Comment: Devine is the future and I just don't see as much potential in Savage Fury and the Hillbillys.


USPW Television Title Match: Andre Jones defends vs. Extraordinario, Jr.

Comment: Andre Jones is too good to lose here I think.


The Towers Of Power vs. The Hardcore Americans (Chris Caulfield and Johnny Martin)

Comment: Hardcore Americans are just too over to get the loss here.


USPW World Title Match: Tyson Baine defends vs. Enygma

Comment: Enygma wins but not by pinfall of submission. Baine retains the title here.


Signs: I'm a part of the Nation of Filth!

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USPW Womens Title Match: Cherry Bomb defends vs. Raven Robinson



Darryl Devine and Painful Procedure vs. Savage Fury and The Hillbillys



USPW Television Title Match: Andre Jones defends vs. Extraordinario, Jr.



The Towers Of Power vs. The Hardcore Americans (Chris Caulfield and Johnny Martin)



USPW World Title Match: Tyson Baine defends vs. Enygma


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USPW Womens Title Match: Cherry Bomb defends vs. Raven Robinson



Darryl Devine and Painful Procedure vs. Savage Fury and The Hillbillys



USPW Television Title Match: Andre Jones defends vs. Extraordinario, Jr.



The Towers Of Power vs. The Hardcore Americans (Chris Caulfield and Johnny Martin)



USPW World Title Match: Tyson Baine defends vs. Enygma


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Prediction Key:

USPW Womens Title Match: Cherry Bomb defends vs. Raven Robinson

Comment: I only come to these shows with Jimmy, to see Raven- she make's my life totally worth living again!! One day I will get her to ride in my pick-up!!


Darryl Devine and Painful Procedure vs. Savage Fury and The Hillbillys

Comment: I'm no fan of Darryl Devine, he's a smug git, who thinks he is all that but he's just a jobber really. The Hillbilly's I think are really funny, they deserve to win!


USPW Television Title Match: Andre Jones defends vs. Extraordinario, Jr.

Comment: Oh it's Extra Ordinary Jobber again- thing is I'm starting to like this guys pluckiness, but I don't think he has much chance against Andre though.


The Towers Of Power vs. The Hardcore Americans (Chris Caulfield and Johnny Martin)

Comment: Towers of Power suck, because they hang out with that nasty Shane Sneer- Hardcore Americans will teach them a lesson!


USPW World Title Match: Tyson Baine defends vs. Enygma

Comment: Tyson Baine's reign of terror will come to an end, I have faith that the superhero Engyma will save the day!!




Raven, feel free to take a ride with me!


Muck off Devine, the Hillbilly's are running wild!


Engyma Power, shall slain Baine!!

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Tuesday Week 4 February 2010

Mayor Street Arena (New England)

Attendance: 15,000

Show Rating: B


Jack Giedroyc and Valiant defeated Everest and Shady K to retain the SWF World Tag Team titles...C

Enforcer Roberts defeated Captain Atomic...B-

Randy Bumfhole defeated Jungle Lord...B-

Jack Bruce defeated Vengeance...B

Rich Money against Remo ended in a no contest...B+



Tuesday Week 4 February 2010

The Ranch Of San Antonio (Mid South)

Attendance: 10,000

Show Rating: B


Joshua Taylor defeated Robert Oxford to retain the TCW International title...C

Edd Stone defeated Harry Allen to retain the TCW All Action title...D+

Eddie Peak defeated Guide...B-

Sam Keith defeated Brent Hill...C+

Rocky Golden defeated Wolf Hawkins...B

Ricky Dale Johnson defeated Troy Tornado...B+

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[show Poster Provided by SeanMcFly]


Wednesday Week 4 February 2010

Location: Huntsville Fairgrounds (South East)

Attendance: 5,000

Overall Rating: C

TV Rating: 1.17




[Our show begins with a recap of almost everything that occured last week on USPW American Wrestling. Chris Caulfield announced that he was getting a title shot against Tyson Baine later on that night. Then he was assaulted by the group created by Henry Lee and left for dead on the canvas. Raven Robinson picked up the pinfall in a six woman tag team match that earned her a USPW Womens title shot tonight against Cherry Bomb. Commissioner Doom agrees to add Darryl Devine to the USPW National title match at Red, White And Blue with a little persuasian courtesy of Painful Procedure. Queen's Foot Soldiers, Bruce The Giant and Steve Flash all win matches as we look ahead toward Red, White And Blue. In the main event, Tyson Baine defeats Chris Caulfield to retain the USPW World title. The show ends with a face off between Baine and Bruce The Giant.]






[Danny Jillefski and Micky Starr welcome everyone to USPW American Wrestling as we are only days away from the second ever USPW pay-per-view Red, White And Blue. But tonight we have a main event that can totally change the face of that pay-per-view as Enygma cashes in his rematch clause against Tyson Baine! The assault by Enygma on T-Rex last week is shown in still format so that the fans at home can get a sense of the aggressiveness that Enygma is showing right now. But tonight there will be no baseball bats. It will be one on one competition against one of the most dominant USPW World Champions. Jillefski says it's a no-brainer that Baine retains his title but Starr isn't so sure. Starr proclaims the match as a toss-up.]








The crowd boos loudly as out comes the man known as the Professor Of Insanity Henry Lee. This week, Lee is not flanked by the other wrestlers in his group, instead choosing to come out to the ring alone. He steps inside and begins by talking about USPW Red, White And Blue. He talks about the fact that the American Psychos don't have a match on the pay-per-view. So the sign up sheet is in the back. Anyone who is foolish enough to want a match against him and Doug Peak are welcome to sign up and step into the ring with the two craziest men in professional wrestling. With that being said, he said he has to turn his focus to tonight. And tonight there is a wrestler who is going to be trying to take what belongs to him. That wrestler is Enygma and the belonging is the USPW World title. So he would like to invite Enygma to walk out to this ring and face him like a man. Lee waits up against the turnbuckle, waiting to see if Enygma is going to show.]




[The former USPW World Champion Enygma comes down through the crowd. He has a brand new green baseball bat in his right hand as he walks down to the ringside area, leaping the guardrail and then entering the ring underneath the bottom rope. The mysterious man begins banging the baseball bat on the mat and pacing in a circle around Lee. Lee comments that he has a nice baseball bat there but there's no chance that it's going to be used on him. After all, Enygma is supposed to be the good guy here, right? He's the guy that the people can all look up to. Using a baseball bat is not going to make that image any better. Besides, it's not like Enygma isn't outnumbered right now, right? Lee motions toward the back.]




[Out come the troops. Tyson Baine, T-Rex, Jack Griffith and Doug Peak all come down and surround the ring. Lee casts a smile and then his smile is removed as he takes a baseball bat shot to the gut. Enygma slides around behind him and uses the bat to choke him and hold him up like a human shield or a hostage. Enygma stares down his opponent later tonight: 'The Demon From The Deep' Tyson Baine. Lee struggles but can't break the grip of the former USPW World Champion. Enygma nods his head, motioning for the group to back off and then tightens the baseball bat's grip on the throat of Henry Lee to show he means business! The group starts to move away and Enygma draws Lee to the far ropes. He shoves Lee to the mat and exits the ring, moving through the crowd. The ocean of men shifts forward again, sliding in the ring to check on Henry Lee. Enygma has survived.]




Match #1

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/CherryBomb_alt3.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/RavenNightfall_alt2.jpg

USPW Womens Title Match

Cherry Bomb defends vs. Raven Robinson


[Our opening contest is one of three title matches tonight. This one is for the USPW Womens title and is a true back and forth contest between the former champion Raven Robinson and the current USPW Womens Champion Cherry Bomb. Robinson looks determined to get the Womens title bout back and that shows in several near falls early on. Robinson shows some skill by meeting Cherry Bomb on the ring apron. A kick to the gut and she drops Bomb with a DDT on the ring apron! She rolls Bomb back in the ring and draws another two count. Robinson plays to the crowd, including a wave to the gentleman in the front row with the sign reading: 'Raven, feel free to take a ride with me!' Robinson seems like she is in control but when she goes for the Night Faller, Bomb shoves her off and drops her with a clothesline. Bomb picks up Robinson -- side belly to belly suplex draws a two count. Bomb begins to yank violently at her hair and then smiles maniacally to the crowd. She picks up Robinson -- Cherry Bomb! She turns it into a pinfall: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Cherry Bomb (Via Pinfall @ 6:46; Cherry Bomb retains the USPW Womens title)

Match Rating: D+




[The crowd is VERY unhappy at Cherry Bomb retaining her title but she gets the win this evening. As Cherry Bomb exits the ring, the sound of glass shattering and a maniacal laughter brings that woman from a couple of weeks ago out from the back. Gorgon walks right down to the ring as Robinson is trying to recover from the Cherry Bomb. Cherry Bomb seems to get a free pass as she walks right by Gorgon. Gorgon enters the ring and walks over to Robinson, yanking her up and sending her back to the mat with a body slam. The crowd boos this large lady as she picks Robinson back up and hooks her between the legs. She lifts her up -- Hydra Bomb! The Crucifix Powerbomb plants Robinson on the mat. Gorgon laughs and then looks serious as she stands over top of Robinson. Then she exits the ring as EMTs come to look at the former USPW Womens Champion.]






[We head to another video for the up and coming wrestler Antonio Ramoray. This is another video of his exploits inside the ring in Mexico. He is shown as a beloved figure in Mexico with the fans chanting his name in the background. Ramoray catches an opponent with a double underhook suplex. He, then, heads to the top turnbuckle and lands a senton bomb! The crowd is absolutely amazed at his aerial ability and soon USPW fans will get the chance to see him live and in person. Ramoray sends an opponent to the corner and then picks up a chair. He runs around the ring to gain momentum and then skates the chair right into the opponent's face! The opponent goes down and Ramoray heads to the top turnbuckle again. This time he leaps and lands a perfect high angle frog splash also known as the Champagne Sunrise! He picks up the opponent and drops them, once again, with the Lover Stunner. Then comes the Champagne Breakfast: bow and arrow leglock with an inverted sleeper. This gains him the submission victory. Antonio Ramoray will be here live next week on USPW American Wrestling!]




Match #2

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/DarrylDevine_jsilver.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/BJShearerbyewanite.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/ManMountainCahill_ew.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/RandallHopkirk_ewanite.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/Seduction_jsilver.jpg



Darryl Devine and Painful Procedure vs. Savage Fury and The Hillbillys


[Our second contest of the evening is an eight man tag team match scheduled for one fall. The crowd really gets behind Savage Fury and The Hillbillys in this match and they show a little momentum early on. A fan raises a sign that reads: 'Muck off Devine, the Hillbilly's are running wild!' But the momentum doesn't last long. All three members of Painful Procedure tag in and out, beating down all four members of their opponents' team. Billy Jack Shearer, in particular, dominates the match. He catches Tribal Warrior with the Rhythm And Bruise, a big Side Suplex. He nearly goes for the cover but Devine yells from the apron to tag him in for the first time in this match. Shearer looks torn and finally tags Devine in. Devine slides in and picks up Tribal Warrior -- Devine Dream Drop! Warrior is laid out and Devine makes the cover as Painful Procedure move in and stand guard over the pinfall: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winners: Darryl Devine and Painful Procedure (Via Pinfall @ 5:17)

Match Rating: D






[As Darryl Devine celebrates, we are taken to an incident occuring backstage! Queen Emily is directing traffic as Queen's Foot Soldiers seem to have an advantage over The People's Team! Freddie Datsun and Des Davids try to fight back against the onslaught but it appears they were blindsided and, thus, Grunt, Stink and now Hell's Bouncer are in control. The three on one attack continues as officials come in to try to stop what has obviously been going on for at least several minutes. Grunt grabs Des Davids -- short-arm Samoan Drop on the floor! The crowd, in the background, boos. Things finally seem to come to some sort of peace and order as The Foot Soldiers kneel in front of Queen Emily and Hell's Bouncer just looks on in anger.]






[We are taken to a focused attention on Danny Jillefski and Micky Starr. The two men hype the upcoming pay-per-view event: USPW Red, White And Blue. It is an event where you will see the following matches take place:


Raven Robinson will look for revenge as she takes on the massive Gorgon.


Jack Griffith vs. Chris Caulfield


T-Rex vs. Enygma


Steve Flash vs. Aaron Jackson


American Psychos have had their challenge answered by Champion Force


USPW World Tag Team Titles

The People's Team defend vs. Queen's Foot Soldiers


USPW National Title

Peter Valentine defends vs. Timothy Hawk vs. Darryl Devine


USPW World Title

Tyson Baine defends vs. Bruce The Giant]




Match #3

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/AndreJones.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/Extraordinario.jpg

USPW Television Title Match

Andre Jones defends vs. Extraordinario, Jr.


[Our next match of the evening is the second of three title matches. This one is for the USPW Television title as Andre Jones defends against the plucky challenger Extraordinario, Jr. E Jr. shows the heart that has made him a bit of a cult favorite here in this match but Jones is the dominant one here. The former Volleyball player brings E. Jr. down in the ring and outside the ring, running his masked opponent into the steel guardrail, the steel steps and the steel ring post. Jones brings the action back into the ring, slamming E. Jr. with a running kneelift. He lifts him up on the turnbuckles -- Superplex! Jones stands up and looks to the crowd, who supply him with a lot of boos. Jones shrugs and picks up E. Jr. -- Blast From The Past. Jones makes the cover, hooking the leg: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Andre Jones (Via Pinfall @ 5:04; Andre Jones retains the USPW Televison title)

Match Rating: D






[it looks like we are going to have another soon-to-debut wrestler here in USPW. This man is shown in the city of Nashville, Tennessee with a guitar strung over his shoulder. He is shown in clips playing in various buildings with the crowd going wild over him like he is the real and true Elvis Presley. The man who calls himself Ford Memphis claims to be a true country and western legend in the music business. Now he is going to make his mark and become a true legend in the professional wrestling business. Where better for him to make his mark than the United States Pro Wrestling company, right? Remember fans, whether it's music or whether it's wrestling, there is only one original star and that star is Ford Memphis.]






[As the video ends, we are taken back to the crowd here in the Huntsville Fairgrounds. The fans rise up to their feet as the camera pans around the building. Fans, as always, are looking for their ten seconds of fame by being on tv. One fan holds up a sign reading: 'I'm a part of the Nation of Filth!' Then the camera swings around to a disturbance where, yet again this week, Shawn Gonzalez makes his presence known and felt. A 'Lone Wolf' chant moves through the crowd as Gonzalez heads down to his front row seat. He shakes hands with a couple of fans and then slides into his seat, ready to watch some more USPW wrestling action. A few fans gather around him to get his autograph, which he seems to sign rather happily. Though when the music begins for the ring, he motions for everyone to take their seats to watch the next match.]




Match #4

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/DannyRushmore.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/MickMuscles.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/ShaneSneer.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/ChrisCaulfield_alt1.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/JohnnyMartin_jhd1.jpg

The Towers Of Power vs. The Hardcore Americans (Chris Caulfield and Johnny Martin)


[Our semi main event features one very experienced tag team and two very experienced veterans in tag team action. Much as anyone would expect, this match was a pure and complete brawl between these two teams. The Hardcore Americans kick things off with an advantage, sending both members of the The Towers Of Power out of the ring with clotheslines over the top rope. Caulfield and Martin whip off their U.S.A. bandanas and toss them out into the crowd, drawing in cheers as Shane Sneer gives advice to the former four time USPW World Tag Team Champions. Rushmore and Martin kick things off in the ring and Martin shows some veteran savvy, focusing in on one singular body part on Rushmore: the right arm. He makes a quick tag to Caulfield and Caulfield comes off the second turnbuckle with a double axehandle on Rushmore's outstretched arm. Caulfield and Martin tag in and out until Martin gets caught by Mick Muscles with a knee to the back when he runs the ropes and Rushmore tags out.]


[The former USPW World Champion Mick Muscles comes in and takes control on Martin. Muscles locks Martin in a bear hug, trying to pull a submission out here. Martin shakes his head, though, refusing to give up in the bear hug. After a minute of the hold locked in, Muscles runs Martin into the corner hard, banging his back against the turnbuckles. Muscles takes over Martin with a snapmare and then gives him a hard kick to the back. The Towers Of Power keep the match focused in their corner, drawing in several near falls in the process. The momentum shifts when Martin rallies out of a Muscles rear chinlock and brings him down to the mat with a belly to back suplex. The two men crawl toward their corners, trying to reach the outstretched hand of their partners. Muscles tags in Rushmore...Martin tags in Caulfield!]


[Caulfield comes in throwing punches to bring down Rushmore and one for Muscles! Caulfield swings Rushmore into a corner and climbs up, raining down ten punches to the head of the man known as the Mount. Johnny Martin comes in to cut off Mick Muscles with a clothesline that sends both of them over the top rope to the floor below! The crowd begins to go wild as Caulfield body slams Rushmore to the mat and bounces off the ropes -- big splash! Caulfield gets to his feet and yanks up Rushmore, hooking him -- Danger Drop! Caulfield catches Rushmore with the Danger Drop! Caulfield makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winners: The Hardcore Americans (Via Pinfall @ 7:46)

Match Rating: C-






[As The Hardcore Americans celebrate their victory, we head backstage where Henry Lee is with an angry looking Tyson Baine. Baine has the USPW World title belt over his shoulder and he is pacing back and forth within the locker room. Lee tells Baine that tonight he will be able to unleash that anger on his opponent. Tonight he wants Baine to unleash all that rage and anger and pain and sorrow. He wants everything that he has inside of him to come out in the match. Baine stops pacing for a moment and grabs Lee by the throat! He slams Lee up against a locker, lifting him off the ground with one hand. Baine's lips curve into an evil smile as he sees the look on Lee's face. He tilts his head to the side and then drops his manager before walking out.]






[On the other side of the equation, we have the former USPW World Champion Enygma. The man with the green baseball bat is not alone within his locker room. Inside that locker room is the owner of USPW: Sam Strong. Strong says that we need a new USPW World Champion. We need someone with integrity holding the belt, brother. We need someone that the fans can look up to. Strong says that he believes Enygma can be that man. He believes that this man in the green mask can be the strong World Champion that he was before. But the one thing that Enygma must do is defeat Tyson Baine. He must defeat the monster that stands before him. Enygma stops Strong's words by raising the green baseball bat and putting it against the throat of the USPW Owner. Strong stares across at Enygma. Enygma's voice comes after months of silence, telling Strong that he is the reason Enygma is no longer the USPW World Champion. He tells Strong to stay out of it, shoving him backward with the baseball bat. Enygma exits the room and Strong follows him.]




[but they were not alone within the room. A panel in the ceiling is removed and a rope comes down. Sliding down the rope upside down is USPW's Ninja, that mysterious masked man. The Ninja slides all the way down and then flips to land on his feet. He looks toward the exit of the room and then toward a locker and then toward the exit. He moves sneakily, silently and stealthily across the floor toward the exit. He slips through and the camera moves to follow his movements. The camera turns the corner to see no one there. But then the sound of that Ninja Throwing Star hits the camera and the camera falls to capture only the sneaking feet of someone running from the camera.]




Match #5

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/TysonBaine_alt4.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/HenryLee_jhd1.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/Enygma_alt1jt.jpg

USPW World Title Match

Tyson Baine defends vs. Enygma


[Our main event for this evening and a USPW World title match, which makes this our third title match of the evening. Enygma makes his entrance, first, moving through the crowd and down to the ring carrying that green baseball bat. The former USPW World Champion has a serious look on what we can see of his face. He leaps the guardrail and enters the ring, moving to the far corner. Then comes the Champion down the aisle. He is accompanied by his manager Henry Lee. The two men walk slowly and steadily down to the ring before climbing inside. Baine stares across at Enygma, unphased by the presence of that green baseball bat. Baine moves to the center of the ring and raises his arms, bringing them down as fire explodes from the four turnbuckles. Enygma doesn't even flinch as the fire explodes behind him. Enygma hands the baseball bat over to the referee and Baine does the same with the USPW World title belt. It's time for action right here in the Huntsville Fairgrounds as referee Baby Jamie calls for the bell.]


[The two men circle each other slowly, meeting in the center of the ring. Baine shows his strength by shoving Enygma back into the corner and then just stares at his challenger from the center of the ring. Enygma rises to his feet slowly in the corner and then moves around the ring. Baine comes after him and Enygma avoids a shot in the corner, sending Baine into the corner instead. Enygma gives kicks to the gut again and again on Baine. Then he goes after the right leg. He kicks the knee and drags Baine down onto the mat. Enygma spends the next portion of the match focused on the knee, leg and ankle of Baine. The crowd gets into it as Enygma rams Baine's knee into the ring post! One fan holds up a sign reading: 'Engyma Power, shall slain Baine!!' Enygma slips back into the ring and climbs the turnbuckles -- flying splash! Enygma hooks the leg: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout! Baine kicks out with authority, sending Enygma flying. Baine sits up and turns to look toward Enygma. Enygma moves around, going for the leg but he gets a mask full of fist from Baine. Baine grabs Enygma by the mask and rams him head-first into the mat.]


[baine rises to his feet, focusing on his other leg at the moment so that he can still stand. He yanks Enygma to his feet and drives him back to the mat with the Devil's Hammer. That big clubbing blow to the back sent Enygma back down face first. The Demon From The Deep picks up Enygma -- Standing Spinebuster. Baine makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout! The crowd goes crazy when Enygma kicks out! The sound of clapping fills the arena but Baine tosses Enygma out through the middle rope to the floor below. Baine gets the attention of the referee. Henry Lee comes around and catches Enygma with a running knee lift! Lee backs off as the referee turns back around. The referee begins making the count on Enygma as the former USPW World Champion struggles to get to his feet. Enygma climbs onto the apron and Baine interrupts the count. Enygma catches Baine with a shoulder to the gut! Another! Another! Enygma leaps over, trying to bring Baine down with a sunset flip! Baine struggles to keep his feet but his right knee buckles and down he goes! The referee drops down to make the count: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout!]


[both men getto their feet -- clothesline by Baine -- ducked! Baine hits the ropes chest-first and Enygma catches him with a rear waistlock. Enygma flips him over, rolling him up: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout! Baine sits up and Enygma comes back over -- clothesline by Baine! That clothesline nearly takes Enygma out of his wrestling boots! Baine pulls Enygma back to his feet and then lifts him up in a press slam! Baine begins pressing Enygma over his head. Enygma begins to squirm and wiggles free! Enygma lands on his feet and leaps suddenly -- Enygmagiri Kick! He hit the Enygmagiri Kick out of nowhere! Baine goes down like a giant tree. Enygma moves in, grabbing the right leg of Baine -- Enygma Variation! The crowd goes absolutely nuts! Enygma has locked his finisher on Tyson Baine! Baine raises his hand as Henry Lee yells, trying to get him not to submit! Baine struggles, trying to reach the ropes. He is so close to tapping out here tonight. If he taps, we have a brand new USPW World Champion. Baine struggles, fighting with all he has. He uses that superhuman strength, pulling himself toward the ropes. He raises his hand -- and grabs the bottom rope! The referee yells at Enygma, motioning to him to release the hold. But can Tyson Baine even stand up?]


[Enygma releases the hold and looks down at Tyson Baine. He can see the USPW World title back in his grasp once again. Engyma grabs the right leg of Baine -- and drives it down to the mat! He does it again! And again! He may shatter that leg here tonight, folks! Enygma turns Baine onto his back and then hooks the legs. He leans in and Baine catches him by the throat! Baine has Enygma goozled! Enygma struggles as the referee counts because of the chokehold. The referee tries to step in and physically restrain the hand of Tyson Baine. He doesn't want to call for a disqualification. Baine finally releases as Enygma goes down. Enygma might be out, ladies and gentlemen! Somehow Tyson Baine rises to his feet. He is protecting the right leg away from his challenger. He bounces off the ropes and then leaps into the air using his left leg -- elbow drop! Baine makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout! He kicked out! How in the world did Enygma kick out? Baine sits up again and pulls himself to his feet. Enygma grabs at his legs, at his knees but Baine grabs him by the throat and yanks him upward. Baine grabs him double handed -- Hades Bomb! Enygma's head bounces off the mat with the Hades Bomb, the move that Baine used to win the USPW World title. Baine drops down and makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Tyson Baine (Via Pinfall @ 10:09; Tyson Baine retains the USPW World title)

Match Rating: B-




[After a tough, vicious and brutal match, Tyson Baine retains the USPW World title against Enygma. Baine pulls himself to his feet and he is given the USPW World title belt. He slides it over his shoulder and then looks toward the ramp where his challenger this Saturday night at USPW Red, White And Blue is standing. Bruce The Giant walks down to the ring and steps up and over the top rope to enter the ring. He comes face to face with the Demon From The Deep. It's a rare thing for Baine to have to look UP at anyone. The two men come face to face and Baine raises his arms, lowering them as fire explodes from all four turnbuckles. The show ends with these two larger than life wrestlers staring each other down. Just what will happen when these two meet for the USPW World title? Tune in to USPW Red, White And Blue and find out.]

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Welcome to the USPW Prediction contest. This contest will run through the end of March in-game time.


As we head into the pay-per-view, we have one perfect score this week. Congratulations to Rayelek!


1.Emark=5 Wins

2. Tigerkinney=4 Wins

3. juggaloninjalee=3 Wins

pennyone=3 Wins

5. Rayelek=2 Wins

6. Eisen-verse=1 Win

jhd1=1 Win

arwink=1 Win

borman_48=1 Win

Charasmatic Enigma=1 Win

11. Midnightnick=0 Wins

Hashasheen=0 Wins

Purple Cowboy=0 Wins

foolinc=0 Wins

flat_dougnut=0 Wins

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USPW Red, White And Blue

Saturday Week 4 February 2010


Prediction Key:

T-Rex vs. Enygma



Gorgon vs. Raven Robinson



USPW World Tag Team Titles Match: The People's Team defend vs. Queen's Foot Soldiers



American Psychos vs. Champion Force



USPW National Title Match: Peter Valentine defends vs. Timothy Hawk vs. Darryl Devine



Steve Flash vs. Aaron Jackson



Jack Griffith vs. Chris Caulfield



USPW World Title Match: Tyson Baine defends vs. Bruce The Giant




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Specially for pay per view, we're going to have comments from both Jimmy and his dad Billy Bob.


Prediction Key:

T-Rex vs. Enygma



Jimmy-Engyma may be down right now, but like any good superhero he will bounce back, and T-Rex won't be able to stop him!


Billy-Bob- Engyma is just some guy in a mask, who doesn't talk much, I can't believe my own son, actually believes in this crap.


Jimmy- Engyma is a superhero, you've just got to believe dad, you've gotta believe!



Gorgon vs. Raven Robinson



Billy Bob- Oh my Raven, I hope you're alright, I can't bare to watch this ugly beast, try to take your beauty away from you. I wouldn't want to be the mirror, that has to show Gorgon her ugly mug to herself.


Jimmy- Women's wrestling sucks!


Billy-Bob- One day you will appreciate it my son....


Jimmy- That day will never come!


Billy-Bob- I sure as hell hope it doesn't!


USPW World Tag Team Titles Match: The People's Team defend vs. Queen's Foot Soldiers



Jimmy-The People's Team have the power of the people behind them, surely they will triumph over these pair of stooges!


Billy-Bob-Nation of Filth!- These guys are my kind of men...


Jimmy- Why did you refer to them as Nation of Filth dad?


Billy-Bob- Because, erm that's what they were called in another wrestling promotion.


Jimmy- Are you telling me, I can see wrestling other than USPW?!!!


Billy-Bob- I thought you knew that anwyay!


American Psychos vs. Champion Force



Jimmy- Champion Force, are the greatest team ever...there's no way the American Psycho's can defeat them.


Billy-Bob- Champion Force are a pain in the ass, Champion Force have made be broke, by being forced to buy all their shitty second rate merchandise, I hope the Psycho's beat them to a pulp and banish that idiot The Force out of USPW and out of our god forsaken lives forever!


Oh for **** sake Jimmy, what the hell you cryin' for boy!


USPW National Title Match: Peter Valentine defends vs. Timothy Hawk vs. Darryl Devine



Billy- Bob-You're still ****ing cryin' about what I said about The Force...Ok 'The Force' is the greatest thing ever and I will buy you more of his top quality merchandise?


Jimmy-OK all is forgiven Daddy, I love you Daddy....but I hate this match...because it features two wrestlers I really hate in Peter Valentine and Darryl Devine....


Billy-Bob- Well there is that Tim Hawk guy, he looks to be the sort of good guy you cheer for.


Jimmy- Yeah he'll win, and beat those two jerk's Valentine and Devine. Good guy should always win!


Steve Flash vs. Aaron Jackson



Jimmy- This Steve Flash is just a stupid puppet for that evil man, Shane Sneer. Aaron Jackson used to be Sneer's puppet but has now seen the light, and without Sneer holding him back Jackson will win!


Billy-Bob- I think Flash is more likely to lose this match, because he's like what? 60 years old....heck I may as well step into the ring.


Jack Griffith vs. Chris Caulfield



Jimmy- Chris Caulfield is a real tough guy and he stands for justice, Jack Griffith does not seem to be a nice man and I'm sure Caulfield will show him wrong from right.


Billy-Bob- I couldn't give a rat's ass, if Caulfield shows Griffith wrong from right, but I do admire his hardcore spirit and for that I'll be cheering him on, right alongside you Jimmy.


USPW World Title Match: Tyson Baine defends vs. Bruce The Giant



Jimmy- Tyson Baine is big and scary, but if there is one man who end his reign of terror it's Bruce The Giant. Everyone of us, has faith in you Bruce...we have faith that you finally put that evil Baine in his place!


Billy-Bob- The thing I'm most worried for in this match, is the ring.... can it withstand the weight of these two Behemoths?!




Gorgon performs cruelty to mirrors!


I have a credit account with Champion Force!


Caulfield is HARDCORE!!

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T-Rex vs. Enygma



Gorgon vs. Raven Robinson



USPW World Tag Team Titles Match: The People's Team defend vs. Queen's Foot Soldiers



American Psychos vs. Champion Force



USPW National Title Match: Peter Valentine defends vs. Timothy Hawk vs. Darryl Devine



Steve Flash vs. Aaron Jackson



Jack Griffith vs. Chris Caulfield



USPW World Title Match: Tyson Baine defends vs. Bruce The Giant


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USPW Red, White And Blue

Saturday Week 4 February 2010


Prediction Key:

T-Rex vs. Enygma



Gorgon vs. Raven Robinson



USPW World Tag Team Titles Match: The People's Team defend vs. Queen's Foot Soldiers



American Psychos vs. Champion Force



USPW National Title Match: Peter Valentine defends vs. Timothy Hawk vs. Darryl Devine



Steve Flash vs. Aaron Jackson



Jack Griffith vs. Chris Caulfield



USPW World Title Match: Tyson Baine defends vs. Bruce The Giant




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T-Rex vs. Enygma



Gorgon vs. Raven Robinson



USPW World Tag Team Titles Match: The People's Team defend vs. Queen's Foot Soldiers



American Psychos vs. Champion Force



USPW National Title Match: Peter Valentine defends vs. Timothy Hawk vs. Darryl Devine



Steve Flash vs. Aaron Jackson



Jack Griffith vs. Chris Caulfield



USPW World Title Match: Tyson Baine defends vs. Bruce The Giant




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Unexpected prediction victory, that's cool. :)


T-Rex vs. Enygma

Comment: Enygma can eke this one out, but this is the toughest match to call right now.


Gorgon vs. Raven Robinson

Comment: Can't stop the dominant heel push here. Alicia's gotta be the one to do it.


USPW World Tag Team Titles Match: The People's Team defend vs. Queen's Foot Soldiers

Comment: It's a cool, underused team with solid build. Go Nation!


American Psychos vs. Champion Force

Comment: Champion Force are leaving this match with a Ph. D in pain from the Professor.


USPW National Title Match: Peter Valentine defends vs. Timothy Hawk vs. Darryl Devine

Comment: Unless Devine uses Painful Procedure to win it. The user character certainly doesn't here.


Steve Flash vs. Aaron Jackson



Jack Griffith vs. Chris Caulfield

Comment: Griffith isn't a big enough deal to beat Caulfield yet.


USPW World Title Match: Tyson Baine defends vs. Bruce The Giant

Comment: Bruce always disappoints me in the ring, whereas Baine can still go.


Signs: "Americans are Hardcore, not Psycho!"

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Friday Week 4 February 2010

Stanley Hall (Mid Atlantic)

Attendance: 300

Show Rating: D+


Ricky Douglas defeated Keith Vegas...E+

ANGLE: Backstage segment with Rip Chord and Mean Jean Cattley...C+

Mean Jean Cattley defeated Curtis Jenkins...D+

Brett Starr and Mayhem defeated The Awesomeness for the Mid Atlantic Tag Team titles...E+

Jay Chord defeated Riley McManus...D

C-V-2 went to a double count out with Citizen X and Ace Youngblood...D

American Patriot defeated Findlay O'Farraday to retain the Mid Atlantic Championship title...D+

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Saturday Week 4 February 2010

Location: The Dust Bowl (South East)

Attendance: 15,000

Overall Rating: C+

PPV Buyrate: .76




[Our show begins within the backstage area of The Dust Bowl. The audience, who can see everything that is going on through the use of the USPW-Tron, wait as a long white stretch limousine pulls up in the parking garage. The doors to the limousine are opened to reveal Darryl Devine, Seduction and Painful Procedure getting out of the limo. Devine declares that this is going to be a life changing night for him. Tonight he says that he is going to be the USPW National Champion and bring that title to great heights. Devine, Seduction and Painful Procedure move toward the building with the members of Painful Procedure providing their protection. The crowd boos these men and woman.]




Match #1

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/T-Rex_alt1.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/HenryLee_jhd1.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/Enygma_alt1jt.jpg

T-Rex vs. Enygma


[Our opening matchup here on USPW Red, White And Blue pay-per-view features two of the main event players in USPW in T-Rex and Enygma. Enygma has recently shown himself to be a little off-kilter to say the least and that continues within this match. He is more aggressive in this back and forth match against T-Rex. His focus is on the legs and knees and ankles of T-Rex, slamming his ankle into the ring post and then ramming that ankle down on the ring apron. T-Rex does not go down without a fight, though. He catches Enygma with a double powerbomb that takes a lot out of his ankle in the process. As he goes down beside Enygma, the crowd moves slightly with all eyes turning toward the ramp where James Justice appears! Justice moves toward the ring with a steel chair in hand. He slides inside the ring and stares down T-Rex. Enygma is slowly pulling himself to his feet beside Justice -- WHAM! Justice brings Enygma back to the mat with a chair shot!]


Winner: Enygma (Via Disqualification @ 7:46)

Match Rating: B-




[James Justice stands staring at T-Rex and Henry Lee as Lee enters the ring. Lee offers a hand out to Justice -- WHAM! Chair shot to Henry Lee! Justice takes down T-Rex with a chair shot! Justice drops the chair and then turns back toward Enygma. He hooks Enygma -- Liberation Slam! The crowd boos as Justice looks down toward Enygma, smiles and then drops down, sliding out of the ring. He heads toward the back without a word being spoken and three men laid out in the center of the ring. The announcers have no idea what to make of James Justice and this sudden appearance and attack of seemingly everyone within the ring.]




Match #2

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/Gorgon.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/RavenNightfall_alt2.jpg

Gorgon vs. Raven Robinson


[Our second match features the in ring debut of the woman who has been destroying every single female wrestler in her path in Gorgon against the former USPW Womens Champion Raven Robinson. Robinson starts off strong with kicks and punches that barely have the larger female even rocked. Gorgon turns the momentum back against Robinson by bringing her down by the hair. Gorgon picks up Robinson -- Gutwrench Powerbomb! Robinson is rocked downward. Gorgon growls toward a fan who has a sign that reads: 'Gorgon performs cruelty to mirrors!' Gorgon loses it at this point. She grabs Robinson and drops her with an implant DDT and then chokes her. The referee steps in, trying to get Gorgon to break the chokehold but Gorgon won't release! After about two minutes, the referee calls for the bell.]


Winner: Raven Robinson (Via Disqualification @ 10:24)

Match Rating: D


[Gorgon continues to choke out Raven Robinson. She finally releases and stands up. She yanks Robinson up and tucks her in between her legs -- Hydra Bomb! Robinson's body bounces off the canvas. Gorgon laughs maniacally over the fallen body of Raven Robinson. She bends over and claws, scratching at the face of Robinson! Officials and security guards come in and break things up but Robinson is clutching at her face where she is bleeding from the scratches by Gorgon. Gorgon is shoved backward by the officials but she grabs one of them and tucks him between her legs -- Hydra Bomb! The crowd boos heavily as Gorgon stands over the fallen official.]






[One more video is shown of the incoming wrestler Antonio Ramoray. This one is much like the other ones that have been shown in that they focused on the in-ring prowess of the former Mexican soap opera star. Ramoray is shown hitting a random opponent with the Champagne Sunrise. He is also shown locking in an opponent into the Champagne Breakfast. This hold forces that wrestler to tap out very quickly. Ramoray moves up to the turnbuckles and raises his arm to cheers from the crowd. He will be right here on USPW American Wrestling this coming Wednesday!]




Match #3

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/FreddieDatsun_alt.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/DesDavids_jhd1.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/Stink_jhd-1.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/Grunt_jhd-1.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/QueenEmily_jtlant.jpg

USPW World Tag Team Titles Match

The People's Team defend vs. Queen's Foot Soldiers


[We get to some better in ring action next as the USPW World Tag Team titles are defended in a tag team match between The People's Team and Queen's Foot Soldiers. The People's Team are the obvious fan favorites within this match and it shows as the crowd does their best to keep the USPW World Tag Team Champions into things. Datsun and Davids show a good understanding of each other's moves but the Queen's Foot Soldiers have definitely been a tag team for longer. A double suplex on Davids draws a two count. Grunt and Stink grow increasingly frustrated with The People's Team's ability to get their second winds from the crowd. Davids makes a hot tag to Datsun. Datsun comes in with punches and clotheslines for Grunt and Stink! Datsun catches Stink with a Powerslam and then motions for the Patriot Press. Datsun picks up Grunt and lifts him on his shoulders -- big boot from Hell's Bouncer draws the bell. Three matches and three straight disqualifications.]


Winners: The People's Team (Via Disqualification @ 7:32; The People's Team retain the USPW World Tag Team titles)

Match Rating: C






[We are taken to a hallway backstage and see the back of a man that draws boos from the crowd. The cameraman asks James Justice just what was going on tonight. Justice turns to look at the camera for a moment, shakes his head and then turns away again. The cameraman works to get Justice's attention again but he completely ignores the cameraman's questions. He continues walking down the hallway when one of the officials walks by. Justice pushes him up against a wall and smiles, yelling at him..'Dude!' The official moves away as quickly as possible. Justice pushes the back door open and then steps outside, continuing to simply walk away.]






[We are taken to the ring where the crowd stands and cheers as the music of the First Daughter Of Professional Wrestling, Alicia Strong, begins to play. Strong high fives the fans and walks down to the ring, sliding inside. She is given the microphone and says that she is sick and tired of watching the womens division go down in flames. After all, there isn't even a women's title match tonight on the card. But next month that is going to be different. She has gotten permission from her father to announce that next month on USPW Liberty And Justice she will be challenging the USPW Women's Champion, who is currently the insane Cherry Bomb. She promises to restore honor to this women's division. And Cherry Bomb whatcha gonna do when the First Daughter and all the Strongamaniacs run wild over you?]




Match #4

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/HenryLee_jhd1.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/DougPeak_jhd1.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/NickyChampion_jhd2-1.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/JimForce_jhd1.jpg

American Psychos vs. Champion Force


[Our fourth match of the evening is tag team action. The crowd gets excited seeing The Force come out but a little less excited with his partner Nicky Champion as Champion has shown a more arrogant side in recent weeks. This is a hard hitting brawl between these two teams with Champion spending a lot of time upon the apron instead of in the ring. A definite match worthy of pay-per-view, though, as the action goes back and forth. A sign is held up within the stands reading: 'I have a credit account with Champion Force!' Champion takes a hot tag in from The Force and brings down both Lee and Peak with clotheslines and a few body slams! Champion gets the crowd going wild but then tags The Force back in. Champion moves back onto the apron as a tired Force comes back into the ring. The Force sets up Lee for the Full Force but Lee lands back on his feet and kicks The Force in the gut. He hooks him -- Asylum Buster! Lee makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winners: American Psychos (Via Pinfall @ 7:10)

Match Rating: C+






[The cameras head backstage once again to a locker room area where Carl Batch and Peter Valentine are discussing their strategy for tonight's match. Batch tells him that the plan has been set. Everything is ready to be placed into motion tonight. Valentine paces for a few moments, looking very worried. He flexes his muscles for a moment and gets a smile out of the way he looks when he does that. Batch tells Valentine that the USPW National title is small potatos compared to the USPW World title. So the plan will work tonight and they will move forward to bigger and better things.]






[in another locker room, Darryl Devine is sitting with Seduction seated right in his lap. Devine tells her that at the end of tonight she will not be the only thing sitting in his lap. Tonight he will also be carrying the USPW National title when they go out partying. And when you've got the gold you get the best seats, the best limousines, the best of everything. Devine turns to his bodyguards, Painful Procedure, and he gets right into Randall Hopkirk's face. He tells him that his men better make good on their promise. When they were hired as his special enforcers, they promised him that they would lead him to a title here in USPW. Tonight they have the opportunity to live up to their words.]




Match #5

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/PeterValentine_alt.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/CarlBatch.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/TimothyHawk_jhd.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/DarrylDevine_jsilver.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/Seduction_jsilver.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/RandallHopkirk_ewanite.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/BJShearerbyewanite.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/ManMountainCahill_ew.jpg

USPW National Title Match

Peter Valentine defends vs. Timothy Hawk vs. Darryl Devine


[Our second title match of the evening and a triple threat match with one pinfall or submission to a finish. The first several minutes of the match features Devine and Valentine working together against Hawk. Hawk was taken down by Valentine and Devine made a cover: 1 -- 2 -- Broken Up By Valentine! Devine and Valentine look to each other and begin a shoving match. Punches are thrown by both men and this becomes a true triple threat match. Hawk is dragged out of the ring by Randall Hopkirk and thrown into the guardrail as the referee is focused on Devine and Valentine. Hopkirk catches Hawk with a Randallism. Devine sets up Valentine for the Devine Dream Drop but Valentine shoves Devine away and exits the ring. Valentine and Carl Batch join together, exiting toward the back. Hopkirk tosses Hawk back into the ring and Devine catches Hawk with a kick to the gut -- Devine Dream Drop! Devine makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Darryl Devine (Via Pinfall @ 11:15; Darryl Devine wins the USPW National title)

Match Rating: C-


[We have a brand new USPW National Champion! Darryl Devine drops to his knees and raises his arms up high in the air. Seduction enters the ring with the title belt and she slides it down in his lap just like he talked about earlier. Painful Procedure enter the ring. Randall Hopkirk, Billy Jack Shearer and Man Mountain Cahill all stand behind Devine and Seduction, looking on as the two begin to kiss in the ring for a moment. Then Devine and Seduction rise to their feet and exit the ring surrounded by Devine's personal bodyguards. Congratulations to Darryl Devine!]






[We move to a cut of the crowd as everyone begins to stand, trying to get on tv live on pay-per-view! Several signs are shown throughout the crowd but then the focus comes on a disturbance within the audience. Once again we have the arrival of the man known as the 'Lone Wolf' Shawn Gonzalez! Gonzalez makes his way through the crowd, shaking a few hands and getting a few pats on the back from some of the fans. Gonzalez moves down and takes a seat beside a man in the crowd holding up a sign reading: 'Americans are Hardcore, not Psycho!' Gonzalez nods and points to the sign as we turn our focus back to the ring for the next match.]




Match #6

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/SteveFlash_jhd1.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/ShaneSneer.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/JumboJackson_JSilver.jpg

Steve Flash vs. Aaron Jackson


[Another match that is pay-per-view worthy as Aaron Jackson looks for revenge against a man who has been attacking him the last few weeks and replaced him in the Sneer Corporation: Steve Flash. Though both men are veterans in this business, Jackson is a focused brawler while Flash is an all around athlete. That definitely plays a part within this match. Flash brings Jackson back into a corner and laces him with knife edge chops. Three in a row has Jackson staggering from the corner. Flash goes for a Dreamhold but Jackson struggles out, using the ropes to break the hold. Jackson fires back with a right hand punch, catching Flash as Flash comes in with a cross body attempt. Jackson tosses Flash up and over to the mat. Shane Sneer looks on angrily. These two definitely show great chemistry inside the ring as the action goes back and forth. Toward the end of the match, Shane Sneer climbs on the apron as Jackson prepares to hit the Jumbo Avalanche. Jackson charges and knocks Sneer off the apron. As the referee looks down toward Sneer, Flash hits Jackson with a low blow and rolls him up: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Steve Flash (Via Pinfall @ 12:12)

Match Rating: C+






[The crowd is definitely unhappy about how the last match went down and they are even more unhappy about the next music that plays. USPW Television Champion Andre Jones walks down to the ring and is given a microphone. He says that he is tired of sitting back on the sidelines and waiting for a match to be given to him. He has barely had a match the last two months. So he is issuing an open challenge to anyone who wants to come to the ring. He motions toward someone sitting in the front row and invites the man into the ring. The man gets some cheers from the crowd and stands up, slipping over the guardrail and into the ring, announcing his name as Frankie Perez!]


Match #7

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/AndreJones.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/FrankiePerez.jpg

USPW Television Title Match

Andre Jones defends vs. Frankie Perez


[Andre Jones pops Frankie Perez with the microphone before the bell and begins putting the boots to him. Robbie Sanchez comes down and calls for the bell and this is an official match here on USPW Red, White And Blue. Jones picks up Perez and rams two straight knee lifts into his skull and then drops him with a double knee face crusher! Jones makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout! Jones plays to the crowd for a moment, drawing some boos. But this time gives Perez a chance to recover. Perez gets to his feet and catches Jones with several kicks to the thighs and chest and then one to the head. Perez hooks Jones -- Explosion Suplex! He makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout! Perez heads to the top turnbuckle, waiting for Jones to get to his feet -- Missle Dropkick -- Missed! Jones moved at the last moment. Jones picks up Perez and hooks him -- Blast From The Past! Jones makes the cover and hooks the leg: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Andre Jones (Via Pinfall @ 4:50; Andre Jones retains the USPW Television title)

Match Rating: C-






[As the crowd boos the last victory, we head backstage to a locker room area where Johnny Martin is standing by with Chris Caulfield. Martin says that he will be watching Caulfield's back tonight. Tonight there will be no outside interference. There will be no Henry Lee's group. There will only be Chris Caulfield and Jack Griffith and they both know at the end of the day that the Hardcore Americans are better than anything that they can throw out. At the end of the day, U.S.A. will rule the day!]




Match #8

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/JackGriffith_alt3byjt.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/ChrisCaulfield_alt1.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/JohnnyMartin_jhd1.jpg

Jack Griffith vs. Chris Caulfield


[Chris Caulfield and Johnny Martin make their way down to the ring, tossing bandanas out to the crowd. The crowd is definitely surprised when Jack Griffith comes out alone for this matchup. Just where is Henry Lee? Where are the others in his group? This definitely looks a little fishy, to say the least. The match itself is definitely a brawl from the outset between these two, though who could ask for anything more? Fists are exchanged from the beginning and Griffith takes advantage with a poke to the eye. Griffith sends Caulfield to the ropes and catches him with a discus clothesline. He plays to the crowd, drawing boos from the audience members. Griffith picks up Caulfield and brings him back down with a pumphandle slam. Griffith bounces off the ropes -- elbow drop! He makes the cover: 1 -- Kickout! A sign is shown in the crowd reading: 'Caulfield is HARDCORE!!']


[As the match continues, it becomes more and more obvious that Griffith is looking to inflict a lot of pain and punishment on Caulfield. Outside the ring, Griffith grabs the wire from the tv camera and chokes Caulfield with it. Johnny Martin steps over, looking to get involved. However, the referee steps in to stop Martin. This gives Griffith more of an opportunity to choke out Caulfield. The match goes back inside the ring and Griffith sets up Caulfield by grabbing him by the arms -- a headbutt by Caulfield stops that. Caulfield gets powered up by the U.S.A. chants echoing through the crowd and ushered on by Johnny Martin. Caulfield slips in behind Griffith -- Danger Drop! Caulfield makes the cover and hooks the leg: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Chris Caulfield (Via Pinfall @ 11:51)

Match Rating: C+






[With a clean win for Chris Caulfield, the Hardcore American, in the books, we head backstage to see why Henry Lee was not at ringside for Jack Griffith. Lee is backstage with Tyson Baine, checking on his leg and knee. His right leg and knee is still damaged from the match with Enygma last Wednesday night. He can be seen pacing slightly like a wild animal locked within a cage. And worse yet is that this is a wounded animal. The topic of conversation between Lee and Baine, well, with Lee talking and Baine pacing is that even at less than a hundred percent Baine is stronger than most people in the ring. Baine turns and slams a punch into the wall before turning and walking off with Lee moving in behind him.]






[in another backstage locker room area, Bruce The Giant is not alone. He is backstage with the USPW Owner Sam Strong. Strong says that tonight is the night that a change is made in this company, brother. Tonight Bruce The Giant becomes a two time USPW World Champion. Bruce looks over at Strong and asks him if that is the same thing that he told Enygma last Wednesday night? Strong is a little speechless at those words. Bruce turns and walks out of the room. Our main event is next!]




Match #9

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/TysonBaine_alt4.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/HenryLee_jhd1.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/BruceTheGiant_sockpuppet.jpg

USPW World Title Match

Tyson Baine defends vs. Bruce The Giant


[Ladies and Gentlemen, what a main event we have this evening! It's the Unstoppable Force meeting the Immovable Object! Bruce The Giant comes out alone first and foremost. Then Tyson Baine comes out with Henry Lee standing in the background. Both of these two men come face to face in the center of the ring. Baine slowly raises his arms and brings them down, sending fire exploding out of the four turnbuckles. Bruce doesn't even flinch. The bell sounds and the first five minutes are spent with each man trying to outmuscle the other. Neither man seems to gain an advantage when it comes to that.]


[The smaller Baine uses that smaller height to throw an uppercut to Bruce, knocking him back in the corner. Baine catches Bruce with a splash in the corner! Bruce stumbles out and Baine strikes him in the leg! Baine does his best to keep Bruce away from his own right leg as he focuses on knocking the larger man down. Baine brings Bruce down to the mat and drops an elbow onto his leg! The crowd gets behind Bruce even as Baine distracts the referee and Henry Lee throws in some forearm shots to the head of Bruce The Giant. Baine makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout! Baine drops an elbow down on Bruce and then stomps away on him. He picks up Bruce and irish whips him into the corner. Baine comes at him but Bruce gets a boot up!]


[The crowd goes absolutely wild as Bruce got that boot up to Baine. Bruce grabs Baine -- Giant Headbutt! It brings Baine down to the mat. Bruce picks up Baine, who would be large to most men but is smaller in comparison to the 7'6" Bruce The Giant -- Snake Eyes on Baine! Bruce grabs him by the throat! Could we see the Giant Choke Slam? Baine struggles in the chokehold! He throws punches and forearm smashes! He finally breaks the hold and the fight breaks out between Baine and Bruce. Wild punches are thrown and the referee gets caught in the middle. As soon as he goes down, he signals for the bell.]


Winner: Draw (Via Double Disqualification @ 16:43; Tyson Baine retains the USPW World title)

Match Rating: B


[This one is gonna be a draw which means that Tyson Baine retains the USPW World title! Henry Lee enters the ring and smashes Bruce The Giant in the knee with the chair! Bruce cries out in pain and drops down to one knee. Baine catches Bruce with a clothesline to bring him down all the way. Lee moves over to Bruce and hooks his leg/ankle in the chair as Tyson Baine moves to the top turnbuckle. Baine leaps -- and comes down on the chair wrapped ankle! Bruce cries out in pain and grabs for his ankle. Baine and Lee stand in the center of the ring. Baine raises his arms and brings them crashing down as fire explodes from the turnbuckles. Lee raises the USPW World title belt as the pay-per-view comes to a close.]

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Welcome to the USPW Prediction contest. This contest will run through the end of March in-game time.


No perfect scores for the pay-per-view. The closest was 5/8 correct. Congratulations Charasmatic Enigma!


1.Emark=5 Wins

2. Tigerkinney=4 Wins

3. juggaloninjalee=3 Wins

pennyone=3 Wins

5. Rayelek=2 Wins

Charasmatic Enigma=2 Wins

7. Eisen-verse=1 Win

jhd1=1 Win

arwink=1 Win

borman_48=1 Win

11. Midnightnick=0 Wins

Hashasheen=0 Wins

Purple Cowboy=0 Wins

foolinc=0 Wins

flat_dougnut=0 Wins

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A really good card that was tough to predict. Plus, it's good to see Devine get a push. Inquiring minds want to know: How did Valentine react knowing he was losing the title?


Am glad you enjoyed the card. :)


Valentine did not react well in the game to knowing he was going to lose the title. But a little monetary bonus helps him to see the light some. I also had to slightly circumvent the creative control that Bruce The Giant has. But more on that is going to come soon enough. But thanks for the comments! Love to read them!

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First show I've ready due to not really being on the board much lately and exam season kicking in, but I feel like for the first tie in a few months I'm interested in reading and writing diaries. Where better to start than a angeldelayette PPV? I've haven't read any shows in this yet but I'm going to try and jump in here at Red, White & Blue :) I'll put any comments as I read...


Really liked Darryl straight away, really opened the show nicely. Then I saw Henry Lee in Proff Stern get up! :D


Interested to see how Champagne Lover will fit in. Something I like throughout all of your diaries is the use of vignettes.


3 Dqs in a row! Love the Q.F.S team. James Justice was pretty bad ass.


So many great characters in USPW! Really good pay-per-view, a hell of a lot has happened in two months in USPW and I'm in!

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First show I've ready due to not really being on the board much lately and exam season kicking in, but I feel like for the first tie in a few months I'm interested in reading and writing diaries. Where better to start than a angeldelayette PPV? I've haven't read any shows in this yet but I'm going to try and jump in here at Red, White & Blue :) I'll put any comments as I read...


Welcome back to the diary writing boards, 20LEgend. Glad that my goal here could be one of the first that you come back to read.


Really liked Darryl straight away, really opened the show nicely. Then I saw Henry Lee in Proff Stern get up! :D


Darryl Devine and Painful Procedure have definitely been fun to write. And going forward things are going to get even better. And I couldn't resist sliding Lee into Professor Stern get-up. jhd1 did a great job on that one and it definitely fits the whole 'Professor Of Insanity' gimmick.


Interested to see how Champagne Lover will fit in. Something I like throughout all of your diaries is the use of vignettes.


Champagne Lover/Antonio Ramoray will have his very first match on the next USPW American Wrestling. So you're definitely starting in on the ground floor with him. The vignettes can be both good to write, especially for the reader and for slight realism sake but they can also be a pain to write sometimes, trying to make them long enough to convey a sense of the character coming in.


3 Dqs in a row! Love the Q.F.S team. James Justice was pretty bad ass.


The three DQs in a row was not originally intentionally done but just happened to be how I wanted to advance each storyline. Am sure that the dirt sheets would call Red, White And Blue the DQ bowl, since even the main event ended in a double disqualification.


Q.F.S. came about when I decided to hire Queen Emily and wanted to decide who I was going to put with her. She has her 'Hero', her 'Warrior' Hell's Bouncer but every Queen needs some pawns in front of her and that is where the Foot Soldiers come in.


Justice is a definite change from where he was when the diary first began. He was playing off his usual 'Dude' laid-back style of character. Then after he lost to T-Rex at the last pay-per-view, he got frustrated and 'Quit,' walking out on the company. This is his return after quitting but more will come on that as the weeks unfold.


So many great characters in USPW! Really good pay-per-view, a hell of a lot has happened in two months in USPW and I'm in!


USPW definitely has a lot of great characters, even to start with. But hopefully I have made a few characters my own and look forward to reading the comments that come forward, both the good and the bad. Glad to have you back, my friend.

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Saturday Week 4 February 2010

..."Shortly following the Red, White And Blue Pay-Per-View"



Timothy Hawk

Bruce The Giant


[Things are not always easy at the top. Sometimes rather difficult decisions need to be made in the heat of the moment. Sometimes those decisions can be life-altering. Sometimes those decisions can change the course of a professional wrestling company. This was one of those decisions.]


[This decision was to inform the referee to call for a double disqualification when Tyson Baine and Bruce The Giant got too wild and out of control. I knew that the spot was going to come where the two men were brawling in the center of the ring toward the end of the match. Bruce wanted the match to end by disqualification when Henry Lee hit him in the back of the chair. That is obviously what he thought happened at first, which is why the ending of the show went through as planned. However, an intern came in a few minutes ago and told me that Bruce realized what happened and is headed my way.]


[As I was seated within the backstage area in what I have come to call my 'office,' the door was pushed open and in came the 7'6" 600 pound Bruce The Giant. My eyes looked way up to meet his eyes from my seated position and I was forced to stand when he grabbed me by my shirt and lifted me up. I made no attempt to struggle at this point. I am not so sure if I could break myself from his grip even if I struggled or maybe even if I stepped on his big toe.]


"What are you doing? I have creative control. I did not agree to lose to him like that. How could you screw me? Do you know who I am?"


"I made a decision, Bruce. I feel it was the right thing for the story and for this company. I stand by my decision. It was not done to intentionally screw you or circumvent your creative control."


[Though I do stand by the decision to have the referee call for a double disqualification at the end of this match, I do have some reservations about standing in front of a giant of a man who could probably palm my head. And my words to him are not entirely correct. I went into the show planning for Tyson Baine to walk away as the winner but Bruce's Creative Control clause stepped in and prevented that from occuring.]


[Other men come into the room: Sam Strong, Peter Valentine. Those two men step in and work to wrench my body out of the large hands of Bruce The Giant. The two large men succeed in removing me from his grasp and I re-take my seat, looking up toward Bruce with cool, confident eyes.]


"Bruce, you are suspended. One month. Enjoy your time off. We will discuss your place in this company in one month."


[Yes, Sam gave me the authority to make these types of decisions and that is exactly what I have done. Yes, Bruce The Giant is a big deal and the most popular wrestler on the roster but I need to have the locker room under my control. Especially because of the locker room here in USPW. Let one thing go out my control and things could go haywire here.]


[sam and Bruce stare each other down for several, long, tense moments. I wonder if a fight is going to break out between the two of them right here backstage. Bruce seems to be waiting for Sam to say something. I nod my thanks to Peter, who stands beside Sam, prepared to defend his friend. Bruce simply turns and exits the office. Everyone releases a sigh of relief.]

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