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USPW American Wrestling

Wednesday Week 1 March 2010


Prediction Key:

Anger vs. Antonio Ramoray



Steve Flash vs. Patriotic Fox



The Beautiful People vs. Alicia Strong and ???



Peter Valentine vs. James Justice vs. Chris Caulfield




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  • Replies 225
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Guest KingOfKings

Anger vs. Antonio Ramoray



Steve Flash vs. Patriotic Fox



The Beautiful People vs. Alicia Strong and ???



Peter Valentine vs. James Justice vs. Chris Caulfield


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Anger vs. Antonio Ramoray

Comment: Can't see him losing with the way his debut has been highlighted


Steve Flash vs. Patriotic Fox



The Beautiful People vs. Alicia Strong and ???



Peter Valentine vs. James Justice vs. Chris Caulfield



Signs: DUDE!!!

Hey Valentine, Why Do You Still Work Here?!?

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Anger vs. Antonio Ramoray

Comment: He is the future of wrestling


Steve Flash vs. Patriotic Fox

Comment: he is on a roll after the PPV


The Beautiful People vs. Alicia Strong and ???

Comment: she is the first daughter of wrestling


Peter Valentine vs. James Justice vs. Chris Caulfield

Comment: he is the justice that USPW needs


Signs:"StrongMania is running Wild"

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USPW American Wrestling

Wednesday Week 1 March 2010


Prediction Key:

Anger vs. Antonio Ramoray

Comment: Only picking Anger because I think he is probably much more over.


Steve Flash vs. Patriotic Fox

Comment: This is a tough decision for me because I know a lot of people push Steve Flash pretty hard.


The Beautiful People vs. Alicia Strong and ???

Comment: Always have to go with the ???


Peter Valentine vs. James Justice vs. Chris Caulfield

Comment: Caulfield is very valuable in my games as USPW so had to choose him here. Valentine is the guy who is a for sure not winner here.



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Monday Week 1 March 2010

..."A 'Developing' Story"





Timothy Hawk

Gareth Wayne


"Thank you for the meeting, Mr. Wayne. I am sure that our two promotions will be able to work together for the better good in the future. We will provide you with our developmental wrestlers."


[i looked across the table at Gareth Wayne. He has been around the wrestling world for several years, including a stop here in USPW in 2003, where he won the USPW National title. The man known as The Gambler was taking another chance running a wrestling company but that chance was definitely lessened by signing a deal with us to become our child company.]


"I appreciate that, Mr. Hawk. We both know that this company will be better for being a part of the USPW Family."


[There was nothing left but handshakes. My eyes looked down to the roster list that we discussed and was negotiated. There were a few names that are considered USPW mainstays but also some recent signings that were signed simply for this occassion.]


Mid-South Wrestling Alliance Roster


Al The Hillbilly

Bret Graveson

Davis Ditterich

Happy Elwood

Jessica Bunny

Katherine Goodlooks

Kinuye Mushashibo



Pete The Hillbilly

Power Girl


Rayne Man

Regular Joe

Teddy Powell

Tribal Warrior



Blackjack Robbins

Bob Casey

Commissioner Doom

Crippler Ray Kingman

Ford Memphis

Jared Johnson


Oscar Ozymandias


Sgt. Bubba Lee West

Ted Brady

The Big Problem

Thomas Morgan

Whisky Jack

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Prediction Key:

Anger vs. Antonio Ramoray

Comment: There's something I really hate about this Ramoray feller already....well actually there's alot. He think he has it all looks, talent..think he's a real ladies man right. But there's no way he's going to get it on with my Raven, not if I have anything to do about it.....


Oh here's Jimmy with the corn-dogs!!


Steve Flash vs. Patriotic Fox

Comment: Patriotic Fox is going to do what's right and show that puppet Flash that patriots and warriors of justice always win!!


The Beautiful People vs. Alicia Strong and ???

Comment: Womens wrestling su....


Jimmy, no one want's to hear your comment on this match, but there's two things I'm hoping for in this one...Strong's partner is the lovely Raven Robinson and that all the girls will be competing in their underwear by the end of the match.... Raven Robinson..panty shot on the big screen, please!! (drool, drool)


Peter Valentine vs. James Justice vs. Chris Caulfield

Comment: James Justice, I'm confused about him right now....I sure hope he gets himself together....I hate Peter Valentine. I think Caulfield will win because he's a good man, and hopefully he will make Justice see sense.




Hand's off my woman..you Lothario!


This match need's more Panty Shots!


It's official... Peter Valentine is USPW's biggest loser!

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Thank you to everyone for all the predictions and comments and signs so far. They are extremely appreciated and the comments are definitely taken into account for the future to determine just who the fans like and who the fans dislike.


Just wanted to toss up a little 24 hour warning here for the next show to be posted. So anyone who still wants or needs to make predictions, you have one more day to do so before the show is posted. Thanks again to everyone who has gotten their predictions in!

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Saturday Week 4 February 2010

Nevada State Armoury (South West)

Attendance: 28,660

Show Rating: B


Giant Tana defeated Clark Alexander...C

Brent Hill defeated Charlie Thatcher...C-

Scout defeated American Buffalo...B-

John Anderson defeated Texas Pete...C+

Danny Fonzarelli defeated Robert Oxford...C+

Rick Law defeated Guide...B

Benny Benson defeated Sam Keith...B-

Eddie Peak defeated Joshua Taylor for the TCW International title...C+

Joey Minnesota defeated Tommy Cornell...B+

Edd Stone defeated Aaron Andrews to retain the TCW All Action title...C-

Wolf Hawkins defeated Bryan Vessey...B

Rocky Golden defeated Troy Tornado to retain the TCW World Heavyweight title...B



Tuesday Week 1 March 2010

Wisconsin Gardens (Great Lakes)

Attendance: 10,000

Show Rating: B


Enforcer Roberts defeated Kurt Laramee...B

Jungle Lord defeated James Prudence...C+

Joe Sexy defeated Everest...C-

Brandon James defeated Gregory Black to retain the SWF North American title...B

Eric Eisen defeated Christian Faith to retain the SWF World Heavyweight title...B



Tuesday Week 1 March 2010

Utah Park Reservation (South West)

Attendance: 11,438

Show Rating: B


The Canadian Animals defeated The L.A. Connection...C

Joshua Taylor defeated Clark Alexander...C

Joel Bryant defeated Giant Tana...C+

Koshiro Ino defeated Genghis Rahn...B-

Tommy Cornell defeated Ricky Dale Johnson...B+

Rocky Golden defeated Troy Tornado to retain the TCW World Heavyweight title...B

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[show Poster Provided by SeanMcFly]


Wednesday Week 1 March 2010

Location: Huntsville Fairgrounds (South East)

Attendance: 5,000

Overall Rating: C+

TV Rating: 1.51




[Following a video representation of USPW Red, White And Blue, we are taken to the ringside area with announcers Danny Jillefski and Micky Starr welcoming everyone to USPW American Wrestling! They begin with a brief discussion of the pay-per-view last Saturday night and then they are interrupted.]


[The interruption comes in the form of the theme music for a man who Micky Starr says has a lot of explaining to do in the form of James Justice! The crowd gives him a mixed reaction as he walks down toward the ring. He is no longer the happy, smiling Justice. But, rather, he has a very serious look upon his face. His eyes, though, are still covered by the multi-colored glasses. He steps in the ring and is given a microphone, glancing around at the crowd for a moment.]


James Justice

"So, everybody wants an explanation from James Justice. You people think that I owe you an explanation as to why I laid out Enygma and T-Rex last Saturday night? Well, you know what? I don't owe you anything!"


[boos fill the arena when Justice says that. The crowd definitely knows how to respond to those types of words. Justice just gives his trademark goofy smile that would usually come in response to cheers, not boos.]


James Justice

"You think that for just one moment I would come out here and explain my actions to you? Well, actually, that IS what I am going to do. But not because I owe it to the fans. You see, Enygma, while you were the Champion and I was the lovable Dude where was my title shot? That's right, Enygma, where was a title shot for James Justice? Do you think that because we were on the same side before that I didn't want your USPW World title? Maybe because I was the man who came out here and said 'Dude' and 'Whatever' and any other one syllable words that maybe I wasn't worthy of a title shot? I think that what I did last Saturday night proves that I am worthy of having a title shot and I am going to go through whoever I have to go through in order to take that shot, DUDE"


[Justice pauses for a moment, not because he has less to say but because he is interrupted by the theme music that begins playing over the speaker system. The crowd knows who the music is for and they are on their feet, waiting for that man to come out from the back.]




['The Hardcore American' Chris Caulfield steps out from behind the curtain. He takes his U.S.A. bandana off immediately and tosses it into the audience before running down and sliding into the ring. Caulfield looks toward Justice for a few moments and then walks over and grabs a microphone for himself]


Chris Caulfield

"James, James, James. First of all, welcome back to USPW. Though we hardly knew you quit. Now I may be just a simple man here but to me quitting this company does not mean that you're entitled to a title shot. Quitting means that you're entitled to a butt whipping right here in the Huntsville Fairgrounds. [Cheap pop] What do you fans say? Do you think that James Justice should get a title shot [bOO!] or a butt whipping? [CHEER!] I think that the fans have it right here in this small American town. I think that tonight you are worthy of a butt whipping."


Carl Batch

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Hold on there, playa!"




[The crowd boos as Carl Batch, in his trademark suit and hat, leads out the former USPW National Champion Peter Valentine. Valentine flexes his muscles at the top of the ramp to boos from the crowd. All the attention turns completely toward Batch.]


Carl Batch

"I don't know if you have been keeping up with current events but I promised my man, Peter Valentine, here that he would be moving up in the world once he lost his USPW National title. That means that if anyone is going to be getting a USPW World title shot it's going to be him, playas. So you two can just step out of HIS ring so that we can put the challenge out to Tyson Baine for the USPW World title."


[batch and Valentine begin walking their way down toward the ring but only get about halfway down the ramp when they are interrupted by the music of 'Real American' by Rick Derringer. The crowd cheers and stands on their feet.]




[And out comes the USPW Owner Sam Strong! Strong is dressed in a suit and he stands at the top of the rampway where Batch and Valentine just vacated. Strong looks between the three men for a moment and he has a microphone of his own.]


Sam Strong

"Well, let me tell you something, brothers. It looks, to me, like we have ourselves an old fashioned American stand off, dudes. I've been sitting in the back listening to all three of you and frankly all three of you deserve a shot at Tyson Baine this month at Liberty And Justice. So here is what I am going to do. Tonight, in this very ring, we are going to have James Justice versus Chris Caulfield versus Peter Valentine in a number one contenders match, brothers. The winner moves on to Liberty And Justice to face Tyson Baine for the USPW World title. But if any of you touch each other with even a fingerpoke until the match tonight that person is eliminated from the contest. Have a good night, brothers."


[The crowd is absolutely ecstatic! A number one contenders match here tonight! Though none of the three men touch each other, a lot of jawwing goes on off-microphone between all four of the men standing there as we head to a commercial break while the ring is cleared.]




Match #1

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/DemonAnger.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/ShaneSneer.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/ChampagneLover.jpg

Anger vs. Antonio Ramoray


[The opening match tonight in the Huntsville Fairgrounds features the dastardly tag team specialist Anger with the equally evil Shane Sneer at ringside against the speedy newcomer Antonio Ramoray. Neither of these two men have a great popularity with the crowd, despite the videos that Ramoray was given prior to this encounter. Ramoray is the younger and faster of the two and that definitely comes into play in this encounter as Ramoray keeps the pace high and fast. Anger takes frequent breaks outside the ring, talking to Shane Sneer and trying to catch his breath. Ramoray comes over the top rope with a Plancha dive, taking out both Sneer and Anger outside the ring! Danny Jillefski cries foul because Ramoray connected with Sneer. A fan holds up a sign right in front of the star of the Young And The Fearless: 'Hand's off my woman..you Lothario!' Ramoray just smiles and tosses Anger back in the ring and then catches him with a springboard legdrop on the mat. Instead of going for the pinfall, Ramoray pulls Anger up and catches him with a knee to the gut -- Lover Stunner! The stunning face crusher sends Anger to the mat and Ramoray covers, hooking the leg: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Antonio Ramoray (Via Pinfall @ 4:48)

Match Rating: D+






[As Ramoray celebrates with the crowd, we are taken backstage to a hallway where Nicky Champion is leading The Force forward. The Force has a more skeptical look on his face, while Champion looks a little more devious.]


Nicky Champion

"Come on, Jim. You know that between the two of us we can bring him down and earn a title match. We are going to stand up to this type of badness together. That is what we need to do. We have to work together as a team, a unit."


[The Force simply nods and the two men known collectively as Champion Force pause in front of a door. The nameplate on the door reads 'Tyson Baine.' Champion knocks on the door twice and stands side by side with The Force. The door swings open revealing the face and body of the USPW World Champion Tyson Baine! The camera zooms in on the angry looking face of 'The Demon From The Deep.' Then The Force stumbles into Baine and Baine grabs him by the throat, lifting him in the air and tossing him into the locker room. At this point, Nicky Champion is nowhere to be found! Where did he go? Baine looks toward the camera and then closes the door, closing himself and The Force inside the room. Sounds of screaming can be heard from inside the room and then a couple of thumps before we cut away.]






[Where we move back to is the ringside area where the announcers talk for a few moments and then are interrupted by the music of Darryl Devine. The brand new USPW National Champion walks down toward the ring with Seduction right by his side. Trailing behind him, watching his back are Randall Hopkirk, Billy Jack Shearer side by side and then a last line of Man Mountain Cahill. The large group walks down to the ring and steps inside. Painful Procedure fans out to the side and Devine and Seduction take center stage.]



"Ladies and Gentlemen, I would like to announce your brand NEW USPW National Champion. He is only 26 years old but he is now a three time USPW National titleholder. He is the best wrestler in this company AND my boyfriend. Allow me to introduce, the USPW National Champion 'Mighty Fine' Darryl Devine!"


[A loud chorus of boos fill the air as Devine takes a bow in the center of the ring. Seduction is holding the USPW National title belt and she moves in behind him, sliding the belt around his waist, tying it together behind him and then running her nails along his chest as her arms slide around him from behind. Devine smiles as the crowd boos louder and now he is on the microphone]


Darryl Devine

"Thank you so much for that ovation, USPW fans. I know that each and every one of you attempted to come to the after-party last Saturday night to congratulate me on winning my third USPW National title but the fact of the matter is that I don't need any of you congratulating me. I have Seduction to make me feel good. I have Painful Procedure to watch my back. There just isn't enough room in my long, stretch limousine for my hot tub and for any of you little people. Now that I am officially the USPW National titleholder, I am going to be wearing this belt until I retire. I will make this belt worth more than the USPW World title. Hey, it already is, because it's around my waist and the World title is around the waist of, well, we all know who is holding that belt, don't we? He's not exactly a Mighty Fine type of guy, is he? But this is a celebration tonight. This is a party to celebrate my third.."


[As Devine tries to finish his sentence, he is interrupted by some very unfamiliar music. The fans have no idea who is going to be walking out to those tunes so all eyes move toward the top of the ramp. All of the attention moves away from Darryl Devine and he begins to jump up and down angrily, throwing a temper tantrum in the center of the ring.]


Darryl Devine

"Hey! Don't look over there! This is my night! This is MY celebration!"




[but all the attention is rapt on the top of the ramp when the man known in TCW as Chance Fortune walks out from the back. Fortune was just in TCW last night! He pauses at the top of the ramp and waves his arms up and down to get the fans cheering. He runs toward one side of the ramp and then toward the other, drawing the fans in again and again. Then he walks right down to the ringside area, climbing the stairs and stepping inside the ring. Devine walks over and shoves him into a corner. Fortune leans back in the corner and has a microphone in hand.]


Chance Fortune

"Sorry to interrupt your little celebration, Darryl, but for those fans who do not know, my name is Chance Fortune. And I am the luckiest man in the world."


Darryl Devine

"Lucky? You're an idiot, actually. Guys, get him!"


[Devine steps back and Painful Procedure move in toward Fortune. Fortune tosses away the microphone and raises his fists. Hopkirk moves in and Fortune dodges, throwing a punch to rock Hopkirk. Fortune ducks a clothesline from Shearer and brings him down with a standing dropkick. Fortune catches Cahill with the Stroke Of Luck -- a pump kick! He turns and catches the USPW National title belt to the face from Darryl Devine. The crowd boos as Devine stands over top of Fortune, yelling down at him and then Devine yells at Painful Procedure off-microphone. Devine motions and they exit the ring, leaving Fortune down on the mat.]




Match #2

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/SteveFlash_jhd1.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/ShaneSneer.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/FoxMaskAmerican_kam.jpg

Steve Flash vs. Patriotic Fox


[Our second match of the night and the second time that Shane Sneer escorts a wrestler over 40 years of age down to the ring against a younger high flier. This is also the in-ring debut of Patriotic Fox. Flash is known as a solid all around wrestler and unlike Anger earlier, he is able to keep up with the fast pace that Patriotic Fox works on setting. The U.S.A. chants draw Fox into the match, though, and things go back and forth both on the inside of the ring and on the outside of the ring. Fox missed a suicide dive outside the ring and Flash threw him right against the steel steps, knocking the top level off in the process. Flash tosses Fox back inside the ring and within moments he has locked the Dream Hold on Fox in the center of the ring. Fox struggles in the hold but eventually he has to tap out.]


Winner: Steve Flash (Via Submission @ 5:44)

Match Rating: D+






[The transition is to the backstage area where the camera is giving a POV of a wrestler by looking over his shoulder. At first it's not easy to tell who this wrestler is, as he is walking down a long corridor.]


[He turns the corner, though, to see Johnny Martin laying back on a weight bench and lifting weights. Martin is focused upward and doesn't hear or see this man coming. The wrestler steps forward, revealing himself to be 'Southern Justice' Jack Griffith. He moves over and grabs the bar that Martin is holding on to, pushing it downward on his throat! Martin's eyes bulge out and he struggles against the full force of the weight and the weight of Jack Griffith pushing downward on it.]


[After a few moments, the weight is tossed to the side and Griffith throws punches to the skull of Martin, yanking him off the weight bench and slamming his head against a locker. Griffith hooks up Martin -- Jack in The Box! Martin's head bounced off the floor when that move landed! He could be in serious condition here! Officials and EMTs arrive, pushing Griffith back and then focusing their attention on Martin. Someone calls for a stretcher. Griffith just looks at what he's done with a smile.]






[We move back to the ring where the fans are standing on their feet and cheering loudly, especially when the camera zooms in on their location. But those cheers ultimately turn into boos when the music for The Queen's Court begins to play. Queen Emily leads down Hell's Bouncer, Stink and Grunt, the Queen's Foot Soldiers, to the ring, ignoring the boos and catcalls from the fans. They are accompanied by still pictures from the Red, White And Blue event where they ultimately lost to The People's Team when Hell's Bouncer interfered in the match.]


Queen Emily

"Since I have no time nor any inclination to be around you inbred, hillbilly peasants for any longer than I have to be, I am going to get right to the point. I am the Queen of USPW. This means that I can and will always get my way. So tonight I am issuing a challenge for Liberty And Justice. I want a rematch for my Foot Soldiers against The People's Team for the USPW World Tag Team titles. Those belts should rightfully already be in my possession but that filthy, dirty referee decided to cost my soldiers their rightful place in tag team history. But soon enough not even the filthy peasant's team will be able to keep my foot soldiers from their rightful place. Because, remember, whatever the Queen wants, the Queen gets."


[The crowd is definitely not happy about that but could we be seeing a title rematch at Liberty And Justice? We will have to wait for The People's Team to come out and make that decision.]






[Following a commercial break, we are taken backstage to what is known as Sam Strong's office. The USPW owner is seated behind his desk as three of the top female wrestlers in the world: Alicia Strong, Belle Bryden and Joanne Rodriguez are arguing over top of each other, trying to get in that first word to the owner.]


Sam Strong

"Alright, enough! I have heard what you all have to say here tonight. Belle, Joanne, you don't think it's right for the First Daughter of Professional Wrestling, Alicia Strong, to get the USPW Womens title shot at Liberty And Justice, right? Well, here's what I am going to do. Tonight there is going to be a tag team match. Belle and Joanne versus Alicia and a partner of her choosing. Whoever scores the pinfall or submission in that match will get the title shot at Liberty And Justice. Alicia, you better go and find a partner because the match is next."


[Alicia looks a little concerned but she gives her father a hug and then moves off. Bryden and Rodriguez smile at each other and shake hands before turning and exiting as well. The focus turns to Sam Strong, who draws in a deep breath and slowly releases it, turning his focus back to some paperwork that is lying on the desk.]




Match #3

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/BelleBryden_jsilver.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/JoanneRodriguez_JSilver.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/AliceStrum1.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/JaimeQuine.jpg

The Beautiful People vs. Alicia Strong and Jaime Quine


[The tag team now known as The Beautiful People, Belle Bryden and Joanne Rodriguez, come out to the ring first along with the paper bags that they have started carrying. They enter the ring and wait to see just who is going to be coming out. Alicia Strong comes out first and then points toward the back. A wrestler that many people do not know comes out next to accompany Strong. Micky Starr names her as Jaime Quine, a former kick boxer, who has been waiting to debut here on American Wrestling. The two women enter the ring and go right after Bryden and Rodriguez, who duck out of the ring quickly, leaving Strong and Quine inside the ring. As Bryden and Rodriguez regroup, the camera catches a sign that reads: 'This match need's more Panty Shots!' and quickly pans away.]


[This tag team contest is a showcase for all four female wrestlers as each of them score near falls in the first two minutes of the match. Quine shows off some fast paced and well placed kicks to both Bryden and Rodriguez, keeping them from moving in too close. But it was one missed kick that caused Quine to become the face in peril as Rodriguez took out her other knee while that kick was still up in the air. The Beautiful People work as a well-oiled unit until the time comes for the pinfall to be attempted. Rodriguez makes a cover on Quine, following a full release german suplex but the pinfall is broken up by her own partner Belle Bryden! Bryden and Rodriguez get into an argument and a shoving match begins. This gives Quine the time she needs to crawl over and tag out to Alicia Strong.]


[strong comes rushing in and bangs The Beautiful People's heads together! they are rocked and Strong brings Bryden down with a body slam! She moves Rodriguez over into a corner and the First Daughter of Professional Wrestling moves over and climbs up, raining punches down on Rodriguez. She makes it to ten before she drops down and then catches Rodriguez with a snap DDT! The camera picks up a sign reading: 'StrongMania is running Wild!' Bryden comes over but she gets caught with a kick to the head by Jaime Quine! Strong waits for Rodriguez to get to her feet -- Strong Arm Tactic! She connects with the elbow to the head and then makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3! She is still moving on to face Cherry Bomb at Liberty And Justice!]


Winners: Alicia Strong and Jaime Quine (Via Pinfall @ 7:34)

Match Rating: C




[As Alicia Strong raises up and celebrates, getting her arm raised by the referee she notices that her tag team partner is no longer in the ring. Strong looks around and then sees Jaime Quine lying in the ringside area beside the steel steps. Strong has no idea what is going on until she feels the double sledge from behind by Cherry Bomb! Bomb grabs Strong and brings her down with a vertical suplex to the center of the ring. The USPW Womens Champion smiles and grabs at her hair for a moment before she yanks Strong up yet again -- Cherry Bomb! The Cherry Bomb plants Strong in the center of the ring. Bomb laughs and skips around the ring for a few moments, doing a cartwheel and then exiting the ring as Strong lies there on the mat, trying to recover from this heinous attack.]






[We head, once again, to the backstage area of the Huntsville Fairgrounds. This area shown is of a long corridor with what seems to be a light straight ahead though the light source is unknown. The area is completely silent for several seconds and then the sound of metal scraping upon metal can be heard softly in the distance but growing louder and louder, drawing closer and closer. At the apex of the sound, a figure appears in front of the camera. That figure is that of Enygma. The mysterious man who went undefeated for two years is dragging a metal baseball bat along the crowd, thus the scraping noise of metal on metal. He is slightly hunched over and has his back to the camera as he continues to move forward without any words or any sound except for the metal on metal sound. Could he be seeking revenge tonight?]




Match #4

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/PeterValentine_alt.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/CarlBatch.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/Liberty_LoNdOn.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/ChrisCaulfield_alt1.jpg

Peter Valentine vs. James Justice vs. Chris Caulfield


[it is main event time and the crowd are absolutely on their feet as we see Carl Batch escort Peter Valentine down to the ring. This is followed by the entrance of James Justice, who is eliciting a big mixture of boos and cheers from the audience. Then again most people would be cheered when facing off with Peter Valentine as evidenced by the signs: 'It's official... Peter Valentine is USPW's biggest loser!', 'FIRE VALENTINE!' and 'Hey Valentine, Why Do You Still Work Here?!?' Then the crowd get on their feet as the fan favorite of the match comes down toward the ring. Chris Caulfield throws his U.S.A. bandana out into the crowd before he enters the ring and looks across at both Valentine and Justice.]


[Justice quickly rolls out of the ring at the start of the match, motioning for Valentine and Caulfield to fight. Valentine and Caulfield look at each other for a moment and then exit the ring, going right after Justice! Justice escapes inside the ring and throws a boot to Valentine when Valentine comes in after him. Caulfield enters the ring and Justice asks for help but takes a punch to the face instead.]


[The match is truly showing that it is every man for himself throughout the contest. Neither man seems willing to work with another and the very thought of it causes a new attack to form. All three men have their time of momentum throughout the match, with all three drawing near falls throughout the bout. Carl Batch definitely provides some welcome help for Valentine as Valentine is choking Caulfield outside the ring with the cable from the TV cameras while Batch has the attention of the referee AND Justice.]


[As time wears on within this match, so does the stamina of all three competitors. The punches and kicks from all three men have less oomph to them, less striking power. The match comes to a crescendo with all three men in the ring throwing punches and drawing the other two men in. Justice takes control of the match, bringing Valentine down in the center of the ring with a spinebuster. He bounces off the ropes -- SSSSTTTTAAAA -- Justice turns and sees Enygma moving down toward the ring! His eyes go wide as Enygma has that baseball bat in hand, dragging it with him from behind. Justice quickly exits the ring and leaps over the guardrail. He heads through the crowd past a fan with a sign reading: 'DUDE!!!' as Enygma slowly gives chase like a horror movie villain.]


[This leaves Chris Caulfield and Peter Valentine inside the ring. Caulfield pulls himself up using the ropes and looks toward Valentine. He points and the crowd goes wild. Valentine starts to pull himself to his feet. Caulfield charges -- clothesline -- ducked! Valentine yanks Caulfield onto his shoulder. He's going for the Heart Breaker! Caulfield wiggles his way down and hooks Valentine from behind -- Danger Drop! Caulfield punches Carl Batch off the apron and then makes the cover, hooking the leg: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Chris Caulfield (Via Pinfall @ 18:04)

Match Rating: C+




[We have a brand new number one contender in the form of 'The Hardcore American' Chris Caulfield! Caulfield gets his arm raised by referee Baby Jamie, though he is barely able to stand inside the ring. A split-screen shows the backstage area and James Justice. Justice is shown looking behind him a few times as he runs and he finally exits the building, taking off at a dead run. A few moments later, Enygma walks onto the scene all hunched over, dragging the baseball bat behind him. Enygma pushes through the same door that Justice exited through without even looking toward the camera.]


[With the split shot finishes, the focus returns inside the ring. Chris Caulfield begins his celebration but that is cut off by the flames erupting from all four corners. The Hardcore American was nearly caught by the pyros. Caulfield moves cautiously to the center of the ring, watching the entrance ramp. The curtains part to reveal Henry Lee leading out Tyson Baine. Caulfield and Baine catch each other's eyes. Caulfield motions to his waist that he wants the belt. Baine raises the belt high in the air and the show ends with this staredown between these two top USPW wrestlers.]

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Welcome to the USPW Prediction contest. This contest will run through the end of March in-game time.


A slightly unpredictable card here. Only one perfect score. Congratulations to KingofKings!


1.Emark=5 Wins

2. Tigerkinney=4 Wins

3. juggaloninjalee=3 Wins

pennyone=3 Wins

5. Rayelek=2 Wins

Charasmatic Enigma=2 Wins

7. Eisen-verse=1 Win

jhd1=1 Win

arwink=1 Win

borman_48=1 Win

KingOfKings=1 Win

12. Midnightnick=0 Wins

Hashasheen=0 Wins

Purple Cowboy=0 Wins

foolinc=0 Wins

flat_dougnut=0 Wins

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USPW American Wrestling

Wednesday Week 2 March 2010


Prediction Key:

Cherry Bomb and Gorgon vs. Alicia Strong and Raven Robinson



USPW Television Title Match: Andre Jones defends vs. Shawn Gonzalez



James Justice vs. Aaron Jackson



T-Rex vs. Chris Caulfield



Non Title: Tyson Baine vs. The Force




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<p></p><div style="text-align:right;"><p><span style="font-family:TAHOMA;"><strong>Thursday Week 1 March 2010</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-family:TAHOMA;">

</span><span style="font-family:TAHOMA;"><em>..."Signed To A Written Contract"</em></span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/TimothyHawk_jhd.jpg</span><span>http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/SamStrong.jpg</span><p>

<span style="color:#000000;">Timothy Hawk</span></p><p>

<span style="color:#000080;">Sam Strong</span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:TAHOMA;"><em>[sam Strong always gets a lot of attention whenever he enters a room. Let's face it, the man always gets a lot of attention no matter where he goes. He is most probably the most recognizable face from professional wrestling history. He is the man that generations of wrestling fans wanted to be like, including myself.]</em></span></p><p><span style="font-family:TAHOMA;"><em> </em></span></p><p><span style="font-family:TAHOMA;"><em>

[Which is why it is so difficult for me when the man himself entered my apartment and looked toward me with an expression that can only be called anger. I motioned for him to have a seat and he took that seat and I sat across from him.]</em></span></p><p><span style="font-family:TAHOMA;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:TAHOMA;">

</span><span style="font-family:TAHOMA;"><span style="color:#000080;">"Look, brother, I know that you and I have talked about the fact that you get to run this company however you see fit. But I feel like I am about to be drowning in debt. Due to the start of your, our independent promotion, we lost $22,058. Now, I am being informed that you are signing a lot of our roster to written deals instead of the usual pay-per-appearance deals. What gives?"</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:TAHOMA;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:TAHOMA;">

</span><span style="font-family:TAHOMA;"><span style="color:#000000;">"It's simple, Mr. Strong. If we don't sign them to written deals then Richard or Tommy will. Our guys will be poached by the bigger promotions and we will have to learn to do without the guys like Enygma, Java, Tribal Warrior, The Force. I don't want to have to learn to do without these wrestlers when we have the opportunity to keep them."</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:TAHOMA;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:TAHOMA;">

</span><span style="font-family:TAHOMA;"><span style="color:#000080;">"But, remember, brother, one of the key things about a promotion is turning a profit. If we aren't turning a profit next month then I may have to look for another man to run this company."</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:TAHOMA;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:TAHOMA;">

</span><span style="font-family:TAHOMA;"><em>[My eyes shifted to meet the eyes of Sam Strong. I looked as confident as I could be at the moment. We turned a profit of over $300,000 in January so I am confident that I can make money in this company. The question is whether or not I want to.]</em></span></p>

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Cherry Bomb and Gorgon vs. Alicia Strong and Raven Robinson

Billy Bob Says: Cherry Bomb and that hideous Gorgon, are just jealous of how seriously HOT Raven Robinson is. Raven's beauty will lead her and Strong to victory!!


USPW Television Title Match: Andre Jones defends vs. Shawn Gonzalez

Jimmy Says: Andre Jones is, I'm not really sure who Andre Jones is....I mean surely the TV champ should be more memorable-Shawn Gonzalez looks like a good guy to me...maybe he should win!


James Justice vs. Aaron Jackson

Jimmy Says: I'm feeling very let down by James Justice, he used to be a good man but now he is acting bad. Perhaps Aaron Jackson who used to be bad but is now good, will show Justice the error of his recent ways!


T-Rex vs. Chris Caulfield

Jimmy Says: Chris Caulfield stands for the right values- T-Rex is just a stupid bully. Good guys should always win!


Non Title: Tyson Baine vs. The Force

Jimmy Says: Tyson Baine may think he is a really scary monster, but The Force and all his little Forceamaniacs are not scared of stupid Baine...The Force will win and become World Champion, because he is best wrestler ever!!




Why is this place on fire?- It's cos Raven Robinson is so freakin' hot!!


Why Justice, Why?!!!


The Force is the greatest wrestler ever and I bought all his merchandise!


The Force is a drain on my bank account, and I bought all his merchandise!

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Cherry Bomb and Gorgon vs. Alicia Strong and Raven Robinson

Alicia Strong is the face of the womens division.


USPW Television Title Match: Andre Jones defends vs. Shawn Gonzalez

I think Andre could hang on here somehow. Maybe he does it by dq.


James Justice vs. Aaron Jackson

Cheat to win is the heel way.


T-Rex vs. Chris Caulfield

Gotta go with Caulfield. Rex is old and nothing more than a big menacing wrestler (still very valuable).


Non Title: Tyson Baine vs. The Force

I just have to choose Baine here. Not sure I could put the Force over him in my own game.



Sam Strong vs Bruce the Giant 1 more time!!!

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Cherry Bomb and Gorgon vs. Alicia Strong and Raven Robinson



USPW Television Title Match: Andre Jones defends vs. Shawn Gonzalez



James Justice vs. Aaron Jackson



T-Rex vs. Chris Caulfield



Non Title: Tyson Baine vs. The Force



Signs: Dude, Go Home!!!

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Sunday Week 1 March 2010

..."Rejection Or Selection"



Timothy Hawk

Joey Minnesota


[Every Head Booker, every Company Man within this industry has his sources. Whether that comes from an internal aid in someone else's office or an intern who has been planted to keep an eye on another company. Everyone within this business is paranoid to a fault and wants to make sure that they are not going to be played by the other side. It's just, shall I say, a hazard in the business that can be both your best friend and your worst enemy.]


[i am sure that there are some staffers in USPW that I cannot trust. But I know that there are some staffers in TCW that I can trust. There are men that Sam Strong himself placed there before he left the company and who still owe their allegiance to the owner of USPW. Which is why I wasn't surprised to receive a phone call from one of them, informing me of the possible coups that I could have in obtaining a contract of one Joey Minnesota. She gave me a phone number and the phone rang for a few moments before a voice answered on the other end.]


"Yeah, this is Joey. Who is this and what do you want?"


"Good evening, Joey. My name is Timothy Hawk and I am the head booker over at..."


"the old folks home. Yeah, I keep up with current events. What do you want?"


"It has come to my attention that your contract with Tommy and TCW is coming due. I wanted to see what the odds were that you might be interested in coming and working for me. It's a brand new day over here at USPW."


"Yeah, so I've heard. I'm not going to lie to you, coming in with a contract like you gave Enygma would be very interesting to me. It would lock me up for life, I would think. But I have to take a look at some of the other options, including coming back and working for Tommy. I'll get back with you."


[Joey hung up the phone before I could respond to that and I got settled back in my reclining chair in the apartment. The groundwork has been laid, though, he definitely seems reluctant to leave the sure thing of Tommy Cornell and TCW. But we got Chance Fortune to agree to leave and who knows if we can get one of their bigger stars to do the same. Though rumor has it that there is some internal strife in that company.]

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Tuesday Week 2 March 2010

The Dust Bowl (South East)

Attendance: 13,361

Show Rating: B+


Enforcer Roberts against Kurt Laramee ended in a no contest...B-

ANGLE: Skit involving Jack Bruce and Eric Eisen...A

James Prudence defeated Kid Toma...C-

Brandon James defeated Marc DuBois to retain the SWF North American title...B

Marat Khoklov defeated Steve Frehley...C+

Eric Eisen defeated Rich Money...A



Tuesday Week 2 March 2010

The Theatre Of Dreams (North West)

Attendance: 10,000

Show Rating: B+


Joshua Taylor defeated Chance Fortune...C+

John Anderson defeated Flying Jimmy Foxx...C+

Sammy Bach defeated Edd Stone...B-

Danny Fonzarelli defeated Charlie Thatcher...C-

Ricky Dale Johnson defeated Troy Tornado...B

Tommy Cornell defeated Joey Minnesota...B+

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[show Poster Provided by SeanMcFly]


Wednesday Week 2 March 2010

Location: Huntsville Fairgrounds (South East)

Attendance: 5,000

Overall Rating: B-

TV Rating: 1.53




[The crowd within the Huntsville Fairgrounds in Huntsville, Alabama go absolutely wild as USPW American Wrestling comes on the air this week. Fans are on their feet, cheering wildly for their favorite wrestlers and trying their best to get their few moments of fame and get on camera. One particular sign gets on camera early on: 'Sam Strong vs Bruce the Giant 1 more time!!!' The cheers that escape from the mouths of the fans turn to boos when the entrance music begins to play.]


[The crowd turns their eyes and attention to the aisle where Henry Lee leads the USPW World Champion Tyson Baine out to the ring. The crowd booed this combination of men as they walked down the aisle. Lee stepped inside the ring, while Baine stepped over the top rope to get inside. Baine moved to the center of the ring and raised his arms slowly, bringing them down as pyros exploded from the four corners. Lee stood beside Baine with a microphone in hand.]


Henry Lee

"Class is in session and I am the Professor Of Insanity Henry Lee. And I am standing here today with a man who needs no introduction but I'll give him one anyway. He is the USPW World Champion. He is the Demon From The Deep. He is Tyson Baine. And having spoken of insanity it FORCEs me to bring up his opponent later tonight. Jim, Jim, Jim. I remember you. I remember you very well. You came into my home a long while back. You came into my company and thought that you could survive. But you didn't survive in that company and you won't survive tonight. Last week, you got a mere taste of what this man is capable of. So do yourself a favor and don't show up tonight."


[Lee's words are interrupted with music that all of the fans of USPW are familiar with.]




[The crowd goes absolutely wild as the man known as The Force comes running out from the back and right toward the ring. He runs circles around the ringside area before moving inside and looking toward Tyson Baine, who just sneers back at him. The cameras pick up on a sign reading: 'The Force is the greatest wrestler ever and I bought all his merchandise!' The Force is given a microphone.]


The Force

"Speak to me, Forcemaniacs! Henry Lee, you speak to me of the past. You speak of what has come before me and what has gone away from me but you do not speak to me of what is right in front of your face. You see, I am not alone in doing battle with the evil forces in this world. I do not stand by myself. Instead, I stand side by side with all of the Forcemaniacs who travel this entire globe and look for the destruction of evil forces such as Tyson Baine. Demons do not give me fear, Tyson Baine. I fear no evil for I have the power of The FOOOOORRRRRRCCCCCCEEEEEEEE running through my veins. I have the power of each and every Forcemaniac who BUYS MY MERCHANDISE!"


[The Force charges Baine at this point and rocks him backward with a clothesline. Baine is taken by surprise by the power of the hit but The Force forgot about Henry Lee and Lee brings The Force down to his knees with a low blow from behind. Baine brings The Force down to the mat with a big boot to the skull. Baine and Henry Lee stand tall in the center of the ring.]


Henry Lee

"Class is dismissed...for now."


[The music for Baine begins to play as the crowd boos. Is this the scene we're going to see later on tonight? The fans definitely hope not.]




Match #1

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/CherryBomb_alt3.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/Gorgon.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/AliceStrum1.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/RavenNightfall_alt2.jpg

Cherry Bomb and Gorgon vs. Alicia Strong and Raven Robinson


[Our opening contest here is a female match pitting the insanity and strength of Cherry Bomb and Gorgon against the veteran instincts of Alicia Strong and Raven Robinson. During the entrances, Robinson smiles at a fan holding up a sign reading: 'Why is this place on fire?- It's cos Raven Robinson is so freakin' hot!' She has been getting along well with this fan in recent weeks. Strong and Robinson start out very well against Cherry Bomb but then the USPW Womens Champion tags out to Gorgon and that provides a different story. Gorgon dominates the match when she is in there against both Alicia Strong and Raven Robinson. The mammoth Gorgon takes down Strong with a gutwrench suplex and then grabs Robinson by the hair, dragging her in the ring by bringing her over the top rope! Gorgon picks her up -- Hydra Bomb! Robinson is laid out in the center of the ring! Gorgon moves back over to Strong and begins choking her on the mat. The referee begins the five count but Gorgon does not release. The referee calls for the bell immediately.]


Winners: Alicia Strong and Raven Robinson (Via Disqualification @ 7:25)

Match Rating: C-


[Alicia Strong and Raven Robinson get the win but they certainly do NOT look like winners. Cherry Bomb enters the ring and shoves Gorgon back. Bomb yanks at her own hair, laughing maniacally before she grabs Strong -- Cherry Bomb! Her self-named finisher plants Alicia Strong right beside Robinson. The crowd boos this vicious attack by Cherry Bomb and Gorgon. Strong and Robinson do NOT deserve this! Cherry Bomb grabs and holds hands with Gorgon and the two exit the ring together. What an interesting combination! Could we see more of these two in the future?]






[Following a short commercial break, we come back to find the fans in the arena waiting in anticipation of what is going to happen next. What they receive is the theme music for the Hardcore American that draws them to their feet. Chris Caulfield comes walking down toward the ring and hands off his U.S.A. bandana to a fan before he enters the ring. He is given a microphone as the fans begin to chant 'He's Hardcore, He's Hardcore, He's Hardcore.' Caulfield just smiles.]


Chris Caulfield

"Number one contender, huh? That means that this time next month I'll be returning to the Huntsville Fairgrounds with the USPW World title belt around my waist. What do y'all think about that?" [CHEERS!] "Thank you very much. I'm excited to get this title match against the man that I took to the limit a few weeks ago. Tyson, this Hardcore American is coming after you. And don't think that just because you're some sort of demonic force that it's gonna keep me from showing up. You see, I'm a beer drinking, pickup truck driving, man of these people, Hardcore American. So there ain't much in the world that can make me afraid."


James Justice

"Oh but you should be afraid, Chris."




[The crowd boos as James Justice walks out from the back. Without a pause in his step, he walks right down to the ring and steps inside through the ropes. The camera shows a sign held up in the crowd reading: 'Why Justice, Why?!!!' He gets up in Caulfield's face for a moment but Caulfield smirks.]


Chris Caulfield

"If you're planning on getting this close to me, James, can I suggest some stronger mouthwash?"


[Justice looks angry and takes a step back.]


James Justice

"Real cute, Chris. Real cute coming from a guy who didn't beat me last week. That's right, Chris. You didn't pin me or make me submit. Instead, that moron Enygma came out with a baseball bat and forced me to go running for my safety, DUDE. So there wasn't a pinfall or submission made on me."


Chris Caulfield

"Oh no! Look, there's Enygma!"


[Justice turns swiftly where Caulfield points -- and no one is there. Caulfield smiles and shakes his head.]


Chris Caulfield

"So, let me guess, James. You want a one on one match against the Hardcore American next week? Is that what this is all about? If so, then all you have to do is ask. My schedule is open next week. If you're feeling froggy, jump on in."


[Justice nods and offers a handshake to Caulfield. The crowd is definitely against the Hardcore American taking the handshake. Justice shrugs as Caulfield turns toward the crowd -- sucker punch with the microphone! Caulfield goes down and Justice puts the boots to him! Justice picks up Caulfield -- Liberation Slam! Justice goes down on his stomach and gets up in Caulfield's face.]


James Justice

"See you next week...DUDE!"


[Justice's music cues up and the crowd boos as Justice exits the ring and Caulfield is left to fend for himself.]




Match #2

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/AndreJones.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/ShawnGonzalez.jpg

USPW Television Title Match

Andre Jones defends vs. Shawn Gonzalez


[Our next match is significant for a number of reasons. It's a USPW Television title defense and the in-ring debut of Shawn Gonzalez. Gonzalez is known to be a solid all around wrestler and he is facing a younger version of that in Andre Jones, the USPW Television Champion. The two men seem able to keep up with each other in both brawling and on the mat, which seems to frustrate the Lone Wolf. Jones heads to the top turnbuckle and comes off but Gonzalez catches him with a fist to the gut! Gonzalez catches Jones with a Russian Legsweep as the crowd goes absolutely wild. He runs a thumb across his throat and then grabs the legs of Jones -- Latino Crab! The single leg Boston Crab has Jones crying out in pain -- he taps! Jones taps out and we have a new USPW Television Champion! Congratulations Shawn Gonzalez!]


Winner: Shawn Gonzalez (Via Submission @ 4:54; Shawn Gonzalez wins the USPW Television title)

Match Rating: C






[We head to the backstage area as Gonzalez celebrates his title win and what we find waiting for us backstage is Chance Fortune. Fortune looks up toward the camera and brushes a few stray strands of hair back from his face. Then he flashes an award winning smile toward the camera, getting some cheers from the crowd, in particular the female members.]


Chance Fortune

"Like I said last week, I am the luckiest man in the world: Chance Fortune. Chance, after all, favors the prepared mind. And I am always prepared for my opponents, no matter who they may be inside the ring."


[A large fist comes flying in from off-camera, knocking Fortune backward into the wall behind him. Fortune shakes his head and the camera pulls back to reveal]




[A lot of men and one woman standing before Fortune. Darryl Devine and Seduction lead the way with Randall Hopkirk, Billy Jack Shearer and Man Mountain Cahill also close enough to do some real damage. The microphone was dropped and Fortune stands there, waiting to see what is going to happen. Devine bends over and picks up the microphone, lips curving in a wide smile.]


Darryl Devine

"Do yourself a favor. Pull out of the match at Liberty And Justice. You have until next week before we really start getting rough."


[Devine drops the microphone and the entourage moves past Chance Fortune. Fortune looks ready to fight but at the same time he knows the odds are against him.]




Match #3

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/Liberty_LoNdOn.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/JumboJackson_JSilver.jpg

James Justice vs. Aaron Jackson


[Our third match of the evening and this one is from two men who know each other very well. But this time they are each on the other side of the fan reaction. This is a rather short match between these two men and is focused heavily on brawling, which one would think would favor the larger Jackson. And it does favor Jackson at times. In fact, Jackson even gets Justice set up for the Jumbo Alavanche but Justice moves at the last moment. A sign is held up in the audience that reads: 'Dude, Go Home!!!' Then Justice brings Jackson down with a spinebuster and bounces off the ropes -- Dude Knee Drop, no stalling this time. Justice gets to his feet and waits for Jackson to get up. Jackson uses the ropes to get to his feet and turns -- Liberation Slam! Justice makes the cover, hooking the leg: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: James Justice (Via Pinfall @ 4:51)

Match Rating: C+




[The large USPW-Tron shows some static with white noise moving through the arena. Within the static slowly coming into focus is a vision of Enygma's face. Slowly the vision of Enygma comes into full view and the scraping sound of the baseball bat along concrete can be heard instead of the white noise. Enygma steps out from the back with the baseball bat dragging behind him. The mysterious masked wrestler is hunched over and just looking up toward Justice. Justice's eyes go wide and he quickly exits the ring. He escapes through the crowd like he did last week. Enygma climbs the guardrail and continues to give chase.]






[As we come back from a commercial break, we are brought right inside the ring where Queen Emily is standing by with the members of the Queen's Court, including Hell's Bouncer, Stink and Grunt. Boos are filling the crowd noise as Emily's nose is lifted in the air, raised against what she would call the stink of the common folk. Hell's Bouncer stands by her side while the Foot Soldiers are behind her, though ready to help protect her at a moment's notice.]


Queen Emily

"Alright, now, I don't wish to be out here with you commoners for any longer than I need to be. Last week, I issued a Royal Challenge, a Royal Proclamation, if you will, for a rematch between my Foot Soldiers and the pathetic USPW World Tag Team Champions known as the Commoner's Team. So if the commoner's team would be so kind as to come out here and accept the challenge then we shall be on our way out of this hillbilly-infested arena."




[it doesn't take long at all for Freddie Datsun and Des Davids to come out from the back. Instead of heading to the ring, though, they remain at the top of the ramp, seeing the numbers advantage in the favor of the Queen's Court. Datsun soaks in the cheers from the crowd for the moment before he even raises the microphone to his lips. Davids looks ready for battle with the eyeblack on and down in almost a football style stance.]


Freddie Datsun

"So you want a rematch for our World Tag Team titles? I have to go to the people with that question. Do you people want to see us kick their no-good, uppity butts again this month? [Cheers] It looks like you have yourselves a match. But since we are the World Tag Team Champions and we are giving you a rematch, we're going to do things our way. At Liberty And Justice, we will defend these belts inside of a 15 foot high steel cage! That ought to keep your man from interfering."


Queen Emily

"They don't need the interference. I accept your cage match stipulation on behalf of my men. Remember, commoners, whatever Queen Emily wants, Queen Emily gets. Now what I want is to get out of here."


[The staredown ensues for a few moments before The People's Team heads toward the back with the cheers of the crowd following the two of them. That clears the way for Queen Emily and her Queen's Court to exit toward the back without an incident. But the only thing that follow them is the sound of boos echoing through the arena.]






[We head backstage once again and this time it is to the distinguished office of the USPW Owner Sam Strong. Strong is settled behind his desk working on forms and his eyes shift upwards when the door swings open and in walks Carl Batch and Peter Valentine. Strong slowly lets his eyes meet Batch's and then Valentine's. Valentine does NOT look like a happy man. But Strong, at the moment, doesn't seem to care either way.]


Carl Batch

"Playa, playa. Take a good, long, hard look at your USPW roster. Do you really think that a man like Chris Caulfield should be the #1 contender to the belt? Do you really think that sad sack fruit booty has a chance to compete against Tyson Baine?"


Sam Strong

"I think that anyone who steps in the ring has a chance to compete, brother. But, let me guess, you two have come in here because Peter wants a match, right? Well, I am actually inclined to grant you a match next week, Peter. I have it all set up and ready to go. A Sam Strong Picks The Stipulation match next week for Peter Valentine. I'm guessing you want to know who your opponent is going to be? Well, let me tell you, your opponent was known as the spirit of DaVE for a long time. Now he's come to make a name in USPW. Your opponent is Johnny Martin."


[Valentine opens his mouth to argue and then does so...but with Carl Batch! Valentine is yelling at Batch and asking him what Batch has gotten him into. Strong shrugs his shoulders.]


Sam Strong

"Close the door on your way out, brothers."


[The argument off-camera is definitely going on between Carl Batch and Peter Valentine. The door does close as Strong instructed them to do. Strong releases a low sigh to himself and then returns back to his paperwork and we head back to the ring.]




Match #4

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/T-Rex_alt1.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/HenryLee_jhd1.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/ChrisCaulfield_alt1.jpg

T-Rex vs. Chris Caulfield


[Having spoken of the number one contender earlier, he is in action in one of the featured bouts tonight as he takes on the Jurassic Power T-Rex. T-Rex is led down to the ring by his manager Henry Lee. Lee yells at the crowd and calls them idiots in his profession. Lee stands at ringside as Chris Caulfield is introduced and comes out toward the ring. Caulfield pauses and gives a fan his U.S.A. bandana. He looks up and gets mowed down by a clothesline from T-Rex! T-Rex stands over top of him and beats his chest to boos from the crowd. T-Rex yanks the number one contender up in a military press fashion, dropping him down throat-first on the guardrail.]


[With the first couple of minutes gone in the bout, the match moves back inside the ring where T-Rex maintains his control. T-Rex looks dominant in this early going, bringing Caulfield to the mat again and again with power moves that show off the strength of the man known as The Jurassic Power. T-Rex scores several more near falls but cannot keep down the shoulders of The Hardcore American. The momentum shifts when T-Rex goes for the Jurassic Crush and Caulfield rams T-Rex back into the turnbuckle before he can lock the finishing hold on.]


[Caulfield comes back with a vengeance as he lays into T-Rex with punches and kicks and a sharp body slam down to the mat. Henry Lee can only look on from ringside shaking his head as the fans get behind The Hardcore American. Caulfield rams T-Rex's head into the top turnbuckle and then irish whips him across to the other side. Caulfield follows him in with a corner clothesline that has T-Rex staggering out of the corner. Caulfield moves in and hooks T-Rex from behind -- Danger Drop! Caulfield makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Chris Caulfield (Via Pinfall @ 7:42)

Match Rating: C+






[We are taken backstage to a hallway where The Force is pacing up and down the hallway. As everyone knows, his match is coming up next here on American Wrestling. The Force continues down the hallway until he turns a corner and pauses when he comes face to face with his partner Nicky Champion! Champion has a sly and happy smile on his face, despite the fact that The Force looks very angry with his partner.]


The Force

"Where have you been?"


Nicky Champion

"Relax, alright? You're covered. I just set up our night with a couple of beautiful women. So when you win the contest tonight you'll have someone to celebrate that victory with...and so will I."


The Force

"You are missing your mighty amount of the mighty Forcechlorians, Nicky. I can see that the path you are moving down does not follow the way of the FFFOOORRRRCCCCEEEEE but takes you down the opposite path to the way of the evildoers here in this company. Quickly, we must take you to buy more Force merchandise!"


[The Force looks worried about his 'friend.' Champion just rolls his eyes at the camera and behind The Force's back but eventually he follows behind The Force toward the merchandise stand and we head to the ringside area.]




Match #5

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/TysonBaine_alt4.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/HenryLee_jhd1.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/JimForce_jhd1.jpg

Non Title

Tyson Baine vs. The Force


[The crowd boos as the USPW World Champion Tyson Baine comes down toward the ring first, along with his manager Henry Lee. Baine ignores the sounds of the crowd and then enters the ring as Lee remains at ringside. Baine raises his arms up slowly and brings them crashing down as fire emits from all four turnbuckles, causing several crowd members to jump. The sound of The Force's music beginning to play has the crowd cheering and a chant of 'Force, Force, Force' to move through the arena. The curtains part with The Force running down to the ring. He slides inside and looks across at Baine and then shakes the ropes, drawing energy from the collective power of those in the crowd who bought his merchandise! One sign is held up in the crowd in particular: 'The Force is a drain on my bank account, and I bought all his merchandise!']


[The opening few minutes of the bout are a test of wills and strength between the two men. The Force bounces off the ropes and tries a shoulderblock, which doesn't move Baine. The Force points to Baine and Baine bounces off the ropes and tries a shoulderblock on The Force but The Force somehow maintains his footing! This goes on once more for each man and then when The Force tries it again he is taken down by a clothesline by Baine. The USPW World Champion picks up The Force and irish whips him into a corner -- corner clothesline -- misses! The Force moved out of the way! The Force shoves Baine in the corner and climbs up, raining punches on the skull of the USPW World Champion! The crowd goes wild for this momentum from The Force! The Force drops down after ten and bounces off the ropes -- clothesline by The Force! Another clothesline! A third one brings Baine down to the mat! The Force stands tall and beats his chest, pointing toward the heavens. The Force reaches down but Baine grabs him by the throat.]


[The next few minutes definitely prove that Tyson Baine is an almost unstoppable force of nature. The momentum swings back and forth but it seems like every time that The Force has some momentum built up, Baine sits up from nowhere and goes back on the offensive. This is definitely helped by some well-timed interference by Henry Lee. The crowd gets on Lee and on the referee for allowing this but if the referee doesn't see it then what can be done, right? The momentum, though, swings back in the favor of The Force and The Force actually shows his true power by picking up Baine and press slamming him back down to the mat! The Force beats his chest again and then points toward Baine! He picks up Baine and hooks him -- Full Force! He brought Baine down with the Full Force! The Force makes the cover, hooking the leg: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout! WHAT?!?! How in the world did ANYONE kick out of the Full Force?!?! No one has EVER done that!]


[The Force gets to his feet and then Tyson Baine sits up. Baine is INHUMAN! Baine gets to his feet and The Force rushes him with a clothesline but Baine catches him with a boot to the gut. Baine picks up The Force and drops him on the mat with a body slam. The crowd boos, trying to get The Force back to his full strength by clapping and stomping the floor. But Baine is having none of that. He grabs The Force by the throat with two hands and raises him up in the air -- Hades Bomb! The Force connects with the mat and Baine makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Tyson Baine (Via Pinfall @ 9:48)

Match Rating: B-




[Tyson Baine wins this excellent match between two of the heavyweights of USPW. Henry Lee enters the ring with the USPW World title belt and then starts putting the boots to The Force! Boos escape from the crowd as Lee directs traffic, having Baine grab The Force by the throat again. The Force tries to fight it but he seems outmatched by The Demon From The Deep. But the crowd pops as Chris Caulfield comes running from the back with a steel chair in hand! Caulfield enters the ring and Baine drops The Force. Caulfield throws his U.S.A. bandanda into the face of Baine, blinding him for a moment. But a moment is all Caulfield needs as he brings the chair crashing on the head of Baine! Caulfield swings for Lee but Lee ducks and escapes the ring. Two more chair shots send Baine flying over the top rope but the Demon lands on his feet on the floor! Henry Lee steps in to keep Baine from trying to get back in the ring. Caulfield and Baine stare each other down as the show comes to a close. In the background, The Force can be heard crying out..'Nicky! Nicky!'..just where IS Nicky Champion?]

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Welcome to the USPW Prediction contest. This contest will run through the end of March in-game time.


Only one perfect score this week. Congratulations to juggaloninjalee!


1.Emark=5 Wins

2. Tigerkinney=4 Wins

juggaloninjalee=4 Wins

4. pennyone=3 Wins

5. Rayelek=2 Wins

Charasmatic Enigma=2 Wins

7. Eisen-verse=1 Win

jhd1=1 Win

arwink=1 Win

borman_48=1 Win

KingOfKings=1 Win

12. Midnightnick=0 Wins

Hashasheen=0 Wins

Purple Cowboy=0 Wins

foolinc=0 Wins

flat_dougnut=0 Wins

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Friday Week 2 March 2010

..."Mystery Phone Call"



Timothy Hawk



[A crossroads comes in the life of every single person at different times. Do you choose the right road or the left one? Do you go the straight and narrow or do you zig zag around or go around in a circle? Man has been pondering this type of question for years and years. I never realized that I would be in this type of crossroads position...until the phone rang.




"Good evening, Mr. Hawk. I trust that your day has run smoothly?"


[That voice was so very much familiar. It was a voice that I heard many, many times on television every single week.]


"Yes, my day has gone well. Though I find it odd being contacted by you directly."


"I have a proposition for you, Mr. Hawk. I would like for you to meet with me tomorrow. I can send a car for you, if you'd like."


"That would save me on gas, so yes, that would be good. I will see you tomorrow for lunch, then."


[A click came on the other end as he hung up without saying goodbye. I sat there within my reclining chair for several long moments. What could HE possibly want with the Head Booker of another company? Only one way to find out and that is tomorrow.]

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