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USPW: The Goal

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USPW Television Title Match: Shawn Gonzalez defends vs. Andre Jones



Sneer Corporation Challenge: Mick Muscles vs. Frankie Perez



Sneer Corporation Challenge: Anger vs. Timothy Hawk



The Beautiful People vs. Raven Robinson and Jaime Quine



Tyson Baine and Darryl Devine vs. Chris Caulfield and Chance Fortune


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Prediction Key:

USPW Television Title Match: Shawn Gonzalez defends vs. Andre Jones



Sneer Corporation Challenge: Mick Muscles vs. Frankie Perez



Sneer Corporation Challenge: Anger vs. Timothy Hawk



The Beautiful People vs. Raven Robinson and Jaime Quine



Tyson Baine and Darryl Devine vs. Chris Caulfield and Chance Fortune




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USPW American Wrestling

Wednesday Week 4 March 2010


Prediction Key:

USPW Television Title Match: Shawn Gonzalez defends vs. Andre Jones

Comment: Shawn Gonzalez just won it so I don't think he should lose it.


Sneer Corporation Challenge: Mick Muscles vs. Frankie Perez

Comment: Mick Muscles is a veteran but he is also a beast!


Sneer Corporation Challenge: Anger vs. Timothy Hawk

Comment: Anger is probably on his last leg so I want to go with him. I'm rooting for the big fella.


The Beautiful People vs. Raven Robinson and Jaime Quine

Comment: The Beautiful People because they have a tag team name.


Tyson Baine and Darryl Devine vs. Chris Caulfield and Chance Fortune

Comment: DRAW Sports Entertainment finish would be good here.


Signs: Take a Chance for a Fortune!






Favorite Character In This Diary/Why: Liberty is good and well written.


Most Popular Wrestler In This Diary/Why: Enygma probably. He was a good champion and lost to one of the most over monsters.


Most Hated Wrestler In This Diary/Why: Peter Valentine because he always annoys me. He is the Brutus the Barber Beefcake of the CVerse.


Match Of The Year So Far In This Diary/Why: Tyson Baine over Enygma for the strap.


Feud Of The Year So Far In This Diary/Why: Baine vs Enygma was really good.


New Signing Of The Year So Far In This Diary/Why: Ota because he looks like he could be a fun character and could be great for USPW.


Wrestler Of The Year So Far In This Diary/Why: Tyson Baine because he has had some good matches and been relatively dominant. Looks like the guy who will replace Bruce the Giant in his spot as top monster on the roster.


What Do You Enjoy Most About This Diary: The way the characters come across. Seems a lot of thought it put into the direction of them that leads to good feuds.


What Do You Enjoy Least About This Diary: That it will be gone for a month.


Do You Like The Writing Style: Yes


What Would You Like To See More Of: Nicky Champion


What Would You like To See Less Of: Caulfield maybe... at least a depush out of the main event. He reminds me of Tommy Dreamer IRL and I am not a Dreamer fan.

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Favorite Character In This Diary/Why: Henry Lee, brought a different dynamic.


Most Popular Wrestler In This Diary/Why: Baine...the guy is a monster


Most Hated Wrestler In This Diary/Why: Peter Valentine...he's just "there"


Match Of The Year So Far In This Diary/Why: Enygma vs Baine for the title. Great set up. Unexpected finish.


Feud Of The Year So Far In This Diary/Why: Baine vs Enygma


New Signing Of The Year So Far In This Diary/Why: The hardcore wrestlers, as a group. Chance Fortune a close second.


Wrestler Of The Year So Far In This Diary/Why: Baine...see above.


What Do You Enjoy Most About This Diary: The slow transformation of USPW, rather than just hitting the reset button.


What Do You Enjoy Least About This Diary: The way certain workers went out, with a whimper. An example would be Sheik Mustafa.


Do You Like The Writing Style: Yes, easy to read, and it lends itself to throwing in some fun commentary.


What Would You Like To See More Of: An expanded women's division.


What Would You like To See Less Of: Sneer Corporation. They seem to just be there...hopefully the Sneer Corporation challenge will change my mind.

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  • 3 weeks later...
First of all, I would like to thank everyone who has made predictions for this latest card and also those who filled out the survey. The answers will definitely be taken into consideration within the future of this diary. And I believe that this diary might have a future after all, despite what I may have said to some of you in pm. I really would like to go a full year with USPW. That being said, the latest card will be up right after this message so enjoy!
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[show Poster Provided by SeanMcFly]


Wednesday Week 4 March 2010

Location: Huntsville Fairgrounds (South East)

Attendance: 5,000

Overall Rating: B-

TV Rating: 1.63




[We are less than one week away from the March pay-per-view extravaganza Liberty And Justice! Our travels take us back home to the Huntsville Fairgrounds in Huntsville, Alabama! We open the show with a wide angle shot of the sold-out crowd going absolutely wild! A 'Strong' chant has filled the arena and the reason for that chant is standing in the middle of the ring wearing a suit and carrying a microphone. Sam Strong acknowledges the people, the StrongManiacs, with a smile and mimmicking the fast beating of his heart to the applause that he gets.]


Sam Strong

"Thank you everyone! Thank you so much and WELCOME to USPW American Wrestling, brothers! For those of you who don't know, my name is Sam Strong and I am the owner of USPW. I don't want to take up a lot of your time but I need to take you back. I need to go back to a time when USPW ran a training school. This was back in 2004; two years before I would become the owner of this company. In this training school, only two wrestlers survived. Those two wrestlers were Happy Elwood and the man who we all know today as Nicky Champion." [bOOS!] "Fast forward two years and I buy out ownership of this company from Danny Jillefski. I look around at the roster and you know what I saw, brothers? I saw a man who I thought had the potential to be the next Sam Strong. I saw a man who was languishing under the name 'Tom E. Hawk.' So I took this man under my wing and changed his name to Nicky Champion. Then we move forward to last week. Last week, when Nicky decided he wanted to turn on all you Strongmaniacs and on his tag team partner The Force. Nicky, I am inviting you to come down to this ring right now to explain yourself."


[strong definitely seems to mean business as he paces around inside the ring. His eyes are focused on the ramp as the crowd grows a little silent, waiting for the music to hit. But the music never hits. Instead, the USPWtron lights up to show a hand-held camera view of what appears to be a shopping mall. There are people milling back and forth in front of the camera and then one man steps in front and is focused on.]




[That one man is Nicky Champion. Champion leans against the railing of what is obviously the second floor of the shopping mall. He has a smug sneering look on his face and is dressed in a black shirt and jeans, definitely street clothes. Strong looks up toward the screen and shakes his head inside the ring.]


Nicky Champion

"Don't shake your head at me, BROTHER! Since you're so into giving history lessons, why don't we look at history? The only title that I have had a shot at since I came into this company was the Television title. I've never had a World title shot. I did have ONE shot at the USPW National title on the first ever pay-per-view event but that one shot I was screwed out of by Commissioner Doom being appointed the special guest referee just to make sure that your 'chosen one' Peter Valentine keeps the title that was brought out of retirement for him specifically. Oh, wait, we're not supposed to say that, are we? The fact of the matter is that I am better than every single wrestler on the roster. I am better than the pathetic has-beens working the backstage ever were, including you Sam Strong. But I am not the only man that has been held down in this company. There are others who are just waiting for my command to attack. Watch your back, Sam. The Hawkeye never misses his mark."


[The video feed suddenly cuts off and the fans are silent as Strong just stares up at the screen. He slowly puts down his microphone and shakes his head, definitely seeming more introspective right now. He steps over to the ropes and exits the ring, walking toward the back in complete silence and seemingly a state of shock.]




Match #1

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/ShawnGonzalez.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/AndreJones.jpg

USPW Television Title Match

Shawn Gonzalez defends vs. Andre Jones


[Our opening contest here on the go-home show of American Wrestling is the Television title rematch as Andre Jones cashes in his rematch clause, facing new USPW Television Champion Shawn Gonzalez. The contest is definitely mat-based with neither man being particularly adept at high flying. The two men trade punches in the early going with no one jumping out to a momentous lead throughout the match. At the end, Jones comes off the top turnbuckle and gets caught by Gonzalez by the legs. Gonzalez brings Jones to the mat and turns him over -- Latino Crab! Jones struggles, reaching for the ropes and then taps out.]


Winner: Shawn Gonzalez (Via Submission @ 7:07; Shawn Gonzalez retains the USPW Television title)

Match Rating: C+






[The wrestling show takes you into a backstage area where men like Carl Batch, Former USPW National Champion Peter Valentine and one of the newest talents here in USPW: Acid are sitting around a table together.]


[batch slowly looks up from the paperwork he is looking at and lets his eyes move back and forth between Valentine and Acid for a few moments. Valentine obviously does not look happy despite his win last week. Acid just rakes his fingernails along the wood surface of the table, growling occasionally.]


Carl Batch

"First of all, let me introduce this new man here to all you USPW playas. My brothers and sisters, this is the man who is going to inject a poison into the veins of the entire USPW community. This is a man who is going to burn through the competition. This is Acid."


[Acid raises his head in acknowledgement of his name being spoken. From behind the mask, he looks toward Batch and he releases a low growl before turning his attention back to the table. Batch clears his throat and looks a little worried, as though he cannot even control the man known as Acid.]


Carl Batch

"Now, Valentine, playa, I know that things have not worked out the greatest for you here in recent weeks. Well, you did win last week, but you don't have a title to show for that. But that is all going to change, my man. You just have to trust me. After all, Batch knows what is best, right?"


[Valentine looks a little uneasily toward Acid. Acid bangs a fist on the table, cracking the edge of the table. Valentine turns his eyes toward Batch and just nods before standing and moving slowly away from Acid as though he is some wild animal that may try to crush him.]




Match #2

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/MickMuscles.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/ShaneSneer.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/FrankiePerez.jpg

Sneer Corporation Challenge

Mick Muscles vs. Frankie Perez


[This contest is the first of the Sneer Corporation Challenge as Mick Muscles steps into the ring against the martial artist Frankie Perez. The match opens with an overly aggressive Muscles going right for Perez. Muscles shows why he is a former USPW World Champion as he brings Perez to the mat again and again. Shane Sneer, for his part, stays within a neutral corner, awaiting the outcome and getting into an argument with a young fan who is holding up a sign reading: 'Sneer Corporation- Peddling Crap!' Muscles gets a little overly aggressive and a power bomb attempt is thwarted with a back body drop by Perez. Perez starts swinging those martial arts kicks to the chest and head of Muscles. As Perez has the advantage, Danny Rushmore comes down to the ringside area. Rushmore plays a pivotal role in the ending. Perez is going for the P-Clutch when Rushmore climbs onto the apron. Perez gets distracted by this, giving Muscles time to recover. As the referee and Perez argue with Rushmore, Muscles gets to his feet and catches Perez with a low blow. Muscles tucks Perez in between his legs -- Bulldozer Powerbomb! Muscles makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3! Muscles remains in the Sneer Corporation!]


Winner: Mick Muscles (Via Pinfall @ 4:53)

Match Rating: D+






[We head backstage to a hallway that is littered with all kinds of old-school Sam Strong memorabilia. The camera zooms in on a trophy case where someone can be seen standing in front of it. That person is none other than Antonio Ramoray. Ramoray slowly looks away from the trophy case and toward the camera.]


Antonio Ramoray

"I will be holding this many titles one day."


Jennifer Heat

"I am sure you will...with the right guidance."


[Ramoray turns and is surprised by the presence of Jennifer Heat. Ramoray looks a little confused for a moment and then flashes an almost arrogant smile in her direction, tilting his head to the side as he looks her up and down slowly.]


Antonio Ramoray

"Don't you think you might be barking up the wrong tree? Perhaps there is a redwood you are looking for, senorita."


Jennifer Heat

"He is old news, literally. Here is my card. You never know when you might have use for it."


[Ramoray takes the card and looks it over as Heat turns and walks away. Ramoray slowly looks her up and down as she walks away and then he crushes the card in his hand. He tosses it into a trash can. He looks up toward the camera, shrugs and moves back to the trophy case, admiring the trophies as we head back to the ring.]




Match #3

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/DemonAnger.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/ShaneSneer.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/TimothyHawk_jhd.jpg

Sneer Corporation Challenge

Anger vs. Timothy Hawk


[Our second match this evening within the Sneer Corporation Challenge sees the elder statesman of the Sneer Corporation going up against one of the younger wrestlers in Timothy Hawk. Anger definitely seems off his game in this match, which makes Shane Sneer seem a little worried at ringside as Sneer stands within that neutral corner. Anger does manage to catch Hawk with a samoan drop that draws in a two count. Anger goes for the Anger Slam but Hawk slides out behind him, bringing him down with a German Suplex. Hawk suddenly bridges himself, placing Anger's shoulders on the mat: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Timothy Hawk (Via Pinfall @ 6:49)

Match Rating: D+


[A major victory for Timothy Hawk. That much is definitely certain. However, this is also a major loss for Anger as it means he is no longer welcome within the Sneer Corporation. Shane Sneer waves toward the back and out comes a wrestler wearing a hooded jacket. The hood covers his face so that it cannot be seen even as he slides inside the ring. Anger slowly begins to recover and starts to plead his case with Shane Sneer, not seeing the other man behind him. The hood comes off to reveal...]




[Joel Bryant??? The former TCW Head Booker is here in USPW? And in the Sneer Corporation? The members of the crowd are either quiet in shock or booing. And one boo leads to more boos until they are raining down on Bryant. Anger slowly turns to face Bryant and Bryant lifts the veteran on his shoulders -- One Shot Drop! The Overhead Flip Slam brings Anger back down to the mat. Shane Sneer claps as he enters the ring. He raises the arm of Joel Bryant and perhaps this latest addition can bring the Sneer Corporation back on the map?]






[We head backstage once more. This time, we are caught up in the middle of a backstage fight between Alicia Strong and Cherry Bomb! At this point, we have no idea what ignited the fight, though we do know that in several days, Strong is going to challenge for the USPW Womens title held by Cherry Bomb. Strong gets an advantage, tossing Bomb into a group of metal pipes. Strong begins to walk toward her when she gets a forearm shot to the back courtesy of Gorgon! Gorgon picks up Strong -- body slam on the hard ground! Cherry Bomb yanks herself up and joins to the side of Gorgon, laughing and yanking at each other's hair as they walk off happily and psychotically together.]




Match #4

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/BelleBryden_jsilver.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/JoanneRodriguez_JSilver.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/RavenNightfall_alt2.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/JaimeQuine.jpg

The Beautiful People vs. Raven Robinson and Jaime Quine


[We move to the ring for actual womens action inside as the team known as The Beautiful People go up against the former USPW Womens Champion Raven Robinson and Jaime Quine. Bryden and Rodriguez taunt Robinson and Quine with the paper bags but that just adds fuel to the fire of this contest. After all, Robinson won her first and only USPW Womens title by defeated Bryden. In the background, a pair of father and son fans sitting side by side with each other hold up quite opposite signs: 'Wrestling Is A Man's Sport!' and 'Raven Robinson makes me Explode!' The action is quick and dangerous inside the ring as all four women get in on the advantage. Quine nearly scores a victory with a standing moonsault on Bryden. But it is Bryden that scores the victory here after connecting with her Dish Of The Day Roundhouse kick on Quine, scoring the pinfall victory.]


Winners: The Beautiful People (Via Pinfall @ 6:19)

Match Rating: D+






[Following the pinfall victory by The Beautiful People, the crowd is given even more reason to boo when out from the back comes the hated James Justice. Once one of the most popular men in USPW, he is now one of the most hated. Justice walks down toward the ring, pausing to look toward a fan in the front row. He shoves the fan backward and then moves into the ring with a microphone in hand, absorbing in the 'You Suck' chants that permeate this building.]


James Justice

"Will you idiots let me speak now? None of you deserve to talk in my presence, anyway. Do you know who I am? Do you know what I've done? I've held titles in every major league that I have been in. TWL Championship? Did it twice. TCW World Heavyweight Championship? Did it three times. USPW World Championship? Did it once and soon enough I'm going to do it again, Dudes! But instead of being in the title picture where I belong, I am having to face that freak of nature, that masked idiot, that green lizard Enygma at my own self-titled pay-per-view Liberty And Justice. Enygma, at the pay-per-view, I am going to kick your..."


[Justice's words trail off as the lights within the arena fade to black. Did someone forget to pay the electric bill here? The crowd is tense, waiting to see exactly what is going to happen. A few lighters show up within the arena, going off to provide just a few shadows of light until the lights return inside the arena. As those lights come up, they illuminate the fact that Justice is not alone within the ring.]




[Enygma stands within the opposite corner of Justice holding his traditional green baseball bat. Enygma stares across the ring toward the back of Justice as Justice has no idea what is going on. Justice, though, slowly turns around to face that side of the ring and his eyes go wide. He stares across into the burning eyes of Enygma. Both men look at each other with Justice raising his arms and begging off back into the corner. Enygma raises the baseball bat slowly and moves toward Justice. He brings the bat up to swing toward Justice and the lights go out again!]


[What in the world is going on here? The lighters go back up within the arena as the fans wait in eager anticipation of what is about to happen for the second time in this segment. The lights slowly fill the arena once again and the man known as James Justice is sitting in the corner with his arms outstretched as though to shield himself. Enygma is nowhere to be found. Justice has wide eyes as he sits there in the corner, visibly shaken. Definite mind games are being played by Enygma. Justice, seeing that Enygma is gone, quickly exits the ring and moves toward the back, looking back and forth and behind himself as though he doesn't know where Enygma might strike next.]




Match #5

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/TysonBaine_alt4.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/DarrylDevine_jsilver.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/HenryLee_jhd1.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/Seduction_jsilver.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/RandallHopkirk_ewanite.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/BJShearerbyewanite.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/ManMountainCahill_ew.jpg



Tyson Baine and Darryl Devine vs. Chris Caulfield and Chance Fortune


[Tag Team action here in our main event. The ringside area is filled with a mass of humanity on the side of Baine and Devine as Henry Lee, Seduction and Painful Procedure stand by, seemingly awaiting a time when they can interfere in the match. Baine and Devine definitely seem like two seperate men in their size and weight and even their overall menace. But the two of them are both champions here in USPW, with Tyson Baine being the USPW World Champion and Darryl Devine being the USPW National Champion.]


[The match itself definitely favours the team of the champions. Chance Fortune plays the role of the face in peril for most of the match. Baine and Devine make frequent use of the tag, though there are times when Devine tags himself in, making Baine look a little angry at that. Caulfield stands on the apron, seemingly begging for a tag. Devine plays his role, antagonizing Caulfield into the ring at times, just to use that as an official distraction. While the official is putting Caulfield back out of the ring, Devine sends Chance Fortune outside the ring where he gets knocked into the guardrail, booted in the face, sent into the ring post, among other things each time that happens. The crowd works to rally behind Fortune, with one fan holding up a sign reading: 'Take a Chance for a Fortune!' Devine looks to finish off his top contender with the Devine Dream Drop but Fortune pushes him off. Devine bounces on the ropes and both men connect with a clothesline that sends both of them to the mat. The crawling begins toward the corners. Devine tags in Baine and Fortune tags in Caulfield.]


[A very fresh Caulfield comes in with fists coming out to play. He throws punches to Baine and one to Devine and even knocks Randall Hopkirk off the apron. Caulfield with a discus punch that rocks the USPW World Champion as the crowd rumbles, excitedly. Devine comes back in but gets cut off by Fortune! Baine begins throwing punches back to Caulfield but Caulfield won't back down from the Demon From The Deep. The referee looks to step in and break things up but neither man will back down from the other. Caulfield catches Baine with a corner clothesline. Devine and Fortune exchange moves. The bell suddenly sounds in the middle of the action, with the referee throwing this match out.]


Winners: Draw (Via Double Disqualification @ 9:57)

Match Rating: B




[And the locker room absolutely explodes with wrestlers. Johnny Martin, Jack Griffith and T-Rex all head down to the ring to help their respective sides. The crowd cheers for Chris Caulfield, Chance Fortune and Martin. Caulfield catches Baine with the Hardcore American Clothesline, sending both of them to the floor outside the ring! Darryl Devine moves in behind his bodyguards, taking an exit route along with Seduction and the USPW National title belt. Fortune battles with the members of Painful Procedure as best he can given the numbers game. Martin tries to hold back T-Rex and Griffith. It's an absolutely wild scene here! We're out of time! We'll see you Saturday night for the pay-per-view!]

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Welcome to the USPW Prediction contest. This contest will run through the end of March in-game time.


No perfect scores this week but we did have three people get 4/5! Congratulations to Emark, Midnightnick and juggaloninjalee!


1. Emark=7 Wins

2. juggaloninjalee=5 Wins

3. Tigerkinney=4 Wins

4. pennyone=3 Wins

5. Rayelek=2 Wins

Charasmatic Enigma=2 Wins

7. Eisen-verse=1 Win

jhd1=1 Win

arwink=1 Win

borman_48=1 Win

KingOfKings=1 Win

Midnightnick=1 Win

13. Hashasheen=0 Wins

Purple Cowboy=0 Wins

foolinc=0 Wins

flat_dougnut=0 Wins

Timber=0 Wins

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USPW Liberty And Justice

Saturday Week 4 March 2010


Prediction Key:

USPW National Title Match: Darryl Devine defends vs. Chance Fortune



Hardcore Match: Jack Griffith vs. Johnny Martin



Steel Cage Match, USPW World Tag Team Titles Match: The People's Team defend vs. Queen's Foot Soldiers



James Justice vs. Enygma



USPW Women's Title Match: Cherry Bomb defends vs. Alicia Strong



USPW World Title Match: Tyson Baine defends vs. Chris Caulfield




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USPW National Title Match: Darryl Devine defends vs. Chance Fortune


Jimmy Says: I hate Devine, I've always hated him...I hated him when he deservedly lost matches and I hate him even more now, he's fluking his way to wins..surely his luck has to run out soon!


Billy Bob Says: That Seduction is actually kind of fit, which makes you wonder what she's in a jerk like Devine....Not that i'd be even remotely interested in Seduction, there's only one gal for me...and that's the oh so special Raven Robinson


Hardcore Match: Jack Griffith vs. Johnny Martin


Jimmy Says: Jack Griffith doesn't seem to be a very nice man, and Johnny Martin is tough but seems to stand up for the good guys.


Billy Bob Says: Toss me a few beers, and lets just see these two grizzled 'tough' guys, knocking several shades of pig dirt out one another.


Steel Cage Match, USPW World Tag Team Titles Match: The People's Team defend vs. Queen's Foot Soldiers


Jimmy Says: People's team, have the power of the people behind them, and with the power of the people, they will surely win!


Billy Bob Says: Nation of Filth, these guys are motherflickin' legends....but man ditch that screeching harpie...you don't need her. Sorry fella's I've gotta side with my son, and hope the People's Team beat some sense into ya.


James Justice vs. Enygma


Jimmy Says: James Justice makes me sad, he doesn't even stand for Justice at all anymore. He needs to be taught a lesson and who better than the Superhero Engyma to show him what real justice here.


Billy Bob Says: No such things as superheroes, despite what my delusional son may think...but something about Justice just pisses me off too right now, and I hope he gets taken down a peg or two.


USPW Women's Title Match: Cherry Bomb defends vs. Alicia Strong


Jimmy Says: Women's wrestling?! Oh well at least I'll have time to go pee.


Billy Bob Says: Dang it, this match lacks a really HOT wrestler, like Raven Robinson. Bomb's a bit 'butch' for my tastes, and Strong's...well Miss Strong's kind of 'meh'....like the girl next door, you'd have has a friend but wouldn't ever think of doing the dirty with...then again if she just loosened up a bit.....


USPW World Title Match: Tyson Baine defends vs. Chris Caulfield


Jimmy Says: Tyson Baine is a mean nasty man, and he needs to be put in his place...I think Chris Caulfied can be the one to step up and be the one to end Baine's reign of terror.


Billy Bob Says: Chris Caulfield, is a real man's man, and doesn't have to look tough by pretending to be a demon..he'll show Baine who's really tough!




I'm feeling Unlucky- Darryl Devine is wrestling!


Bring In the Beers- It's Hardcore Time!!


People's Team, powered by the People!


Enygma is TRUE JUSTICE!!


Where's Raven ?, This match make's me feel limp!


Chris Caulfield is a REAL man.

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USPW National Title Match: Darryl Devine defends vs. Chance Fortune



Hardcore Match: Jack Griffith vs. Johnny Martin



Steel Cage Match, USPW World Tag Team Titles Match: The People's Team defend vs. Queen's Foot Soldiers



James Justice vs. Enygma- Draw/Double DQ



USPW Women's Title Match: Cherry Bomb defends vs. Alicia Strong



USPW World Title Match: Tyson Baine defends vs. Chris Caulfield




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USPW National Title Match: Darryl Devine defends vs. Chance Fortune



Hardcore Match: Jack Griffith vs. Johnny Martin



Steel Cage Match, USPW World Tag Team Titles Match: The People's Team defend vs. Queen's Foot Soldiers



James Justice vs. Enygma



USPW Women's Title Match: Cherry Bomb defends vs. Alicia Strong



USPW World Title Match: Tyson Baine defends vs. Chris Caulfield


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Prediction Key:

USPW National Title Match: Darryl Devine defends vs. Chance Fortune



Hardcore Match: Jack Griffith vs. Johnny Martin



Steel Cage Match, USPW World Tag Team Titles Match: The People's Team defend vs. Queen's Foot Soldiers



James Justice vs. Enygma



USPW Women's Title Match: Cherry Bomb defends vs. Alicia Strong



USPW World Title Match: Tyson Baine defends vs. Chris Caulfield


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Tuesday Week 4 March 2010

Illinois State Park (Great Lakes)

Attendance: 13,948

Show Rating: B-


Kurt Laramee defeated Primus Allen...D+

Bart Biggz defeated John Greed...D+

American Machine defeated Kid Toma...C-

Runaway Train defeated Vengeance...B

Jack Bruce defeated Marat Khoklov...B-



Tuesday Week 4 March 2010

The Theatre Of Dreams (North West)

Attendance: 9,375

Show Rating: B+


Genghis Rahn defeated Mighty Mo...D

Flying Jimmy Foxx and Charlie Thatcher defeated The Canadian Animals...C-

Rick Law defeated Sammy Bach...B-

Scout defeated Aaron Andrews...C+

Tommy Cornell defeated Bryan Vessey...A

Troy Tornado defeated Joey Minnesota...B+



Friday Week 4 March 2010

Stanley Hall (Mid Atlantic)

Attendance: 300

Show Rating: D+


Ricky Douglas defeated Curtis Jenkins...E+

Mean Jean Cattley defeated Brett Starr...D

Max Mayhem defeated Casey Valentine...D-

Jay Chord defeated Ace Youngblood...D

Cameron Vessey defeated Citizen X...D

American Patriot defeated Findlay O'Farraday to retain the Mid Atlantic Championship title...D+

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Saturday Week 4 March 2010

Location: Virginia Park Fields (Mid Atlantic)

Attendance: 10,000

Overall Rating: C+

PPV Buyrate: .75




[The crowd within the Virginia Park Fields here in the Mid Atlantic region roar as the show opens within the arena. The 10,000 fan sold-out arena is rocking with the fans ready for this major show in March live and only on pay-per-view. The arena is actually built for basketball games but seating was added down on the court to go around the ring. The crowd roars as the music begins to play signaling the entrance of the #1 contender to the USPW World Title! 'The Hardcore American' Chris Caulfield walks out from the backstage area and begins high fiving the fans as he walks toward the ring from the home team side. He steps inside the ring and raises the microphone as a 'Caulfield' chant begins echoing throughout the arena.]


Chris Caulfield

"Thank you so much, everyone. Tonight is the night that I become USPW World Champion for the very first time in my career." [CHEERS!] "The last title that I held was the USPW Television title belt from December of 2008 to May of 2009. But I am a former three time DaVE Unified Champion and one time DaVE Tag Team Champion. One of those Unified title reigns had me defeating Henry Lee for the belt. Tonight, that same man is going to be in the corner of Tyson Baine for my USPW World title match. Henry, if you want to interfere, I am going to be right there waiting for you. I beat your ass once and you better know that I am capable of doing it again. Everyone here knows that I am a beer drinking, pickup truck driving, Hardcore wrestling American. That is something that I am so very proud of."




[Caulfield paused in his words because he was interrupted by the music of the Sneer Corporation. The crowd looked toward the visiting team locker room and out comes the leader and owner of the Sneer Corporation Shane Sneer! Sneer draws in boos from the rowdy crowd but he ignores them, shaking it off as he steps up the stairs and enters through the ropes. Caulfield looks at him strangely for a few moments as Sneer is handed a microphone.]


Shane Sneer

"I know that you are wondering just what I am doing out here, Chris. Well, I run a multi-million dollar corporation so I need to get to the point so I can go backstage and speak to my talented stable of wrestlers. Tonight, your moment passes. Tonight is your last chance to make an impression against the USPW World Champion. Because after tonight my Sneer Corporation takes over. Or maybe it begins tonight. Either way, I am sure that you will know the power of my Sneer Corporation by the end of the evening, Hardcore American. Remember, everybody has a price for the Sneer Corporation."


[sneer drops the microphone and looks right into the eyes of Chris Caulfield. The Hardcore American doesn't back down from the manager of the Sneer Corporation. Sneer just smiles slowly and then turns and exits the ring. Caulfield is left looking at him and watching as Sneer exits the ring. Caulfield leaves shortly thereafter.]




Match #1

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/DarrylDevine_jsilver.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/Seduction_jsilver.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/RandallHopkirk_ewanite.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/BJShearerbyewanite.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/ManMountainCahill_ew.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/ChanceFortuneALT1.jpg

USPW National Title Match

Darryl Devine defends vs. Chance Fortune


[Our opening contest here on USPW Liberty And Justice features two of the younger members of the roster as the 30 year old Chance Fortune challenges the 26 year old Darryl Devine for the USPW National title. Both men have talent that they show within the ring as the match goes back and forth. Though one of the bigger equalizers within this match is the presence of Painful Procedure and Seduction. They provide not only a distraction for Fortune but also interference, downing any momentum that Fortune might have gained. With the interference of Randall Hopkirk, a sign is raised in the background: 'I'm feeling Unlucky- Darryl Devine is wrestling!']


[but the biggest change to the match didn't come from anyone involved in the encounter. The biggest change came when Shane Sneer led Joel Bryant down to the ringside area. The ringside area was already filled with the wrestlers and manager that Devine brings but Bryant and Sneer stood in a neutral corner, serving as a distraction for both Devine and Fortune. This led to Fortune getting the advantage inside the ring. Fortune bounced off the ropes and leaped onto Painful Procedure at ringside, bringing them down like bowling pins! Fortune moves back inside the ring and focuses in on Devine. Fortune waits in the corner as Devine gets back to his feet -- Stroke Of Luck! The pump kick brings Devine down to the mat and Fortune makes the cover but there's no referee! Shane Sneer has the referee's attention as Joel Bryant enters the ring. Bryant grabs Fortune -- One Shot Drop! Bryant drags Devine on top of Fortune and exits the ring as Sneer drops off the apron. The referee sees the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Darryl Devine (Via Pinfall @ 11:03; Darryl Devine retains the USPW National title)

Match Rating: C


[Darryl Devine is handed the USPW National title belt by Seduction inside the ring. Painful Procedure enter and surround their 'boss.' Shane Sneer and Joel Bryant look up from the top of the ramp. Bryant motions to his waist, indicating that he wants the USPW National title belt. Apparently, he wants to be the one to take the title from Darryl Devine? The announcers are definitely puzzled by this.]






[After the ring is cleared, we hear the music of Timothy Hawk being played. Hawk walks out from the back as Danny Jillefski explains that he is coming out for an interview. Hawk pauses at the center of the ramp, hugging one of his younger fans when he gets assaulted from behind! Queen Emily and Hell's Bouncer have appeared and are assaulting Hawk! Bouncer bounces Hawk's head off the guardrail. Bouncer picks up Hawk by his side -- Damnation Drop on the floor! Hawk cries out, grabbing his back. Bouncer gets up and grabs Hawk by the hair, yanking him over and forcing him to kiss Queen Emily's feet! The crowd boos as Hell's Bouncer raises his arms up in victory.]




Match #2

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/JackGriffith_alt3byjt.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/HenryLee_jhd1.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/JohnnyMartin_jhd1.jpg

Hardcore Match

Jack Griffith vs. Johnny Martin


[Our second match live on pay-per-view is relatively short but filled with action from start to finish. The most interesting part of the match might be the fact that it never goes into the ring once. Johnny Martin comes out with a shopping cart filled with various hardcore implements but only gets about halfway down to the ring before he is assaulted from behind by Jack Griffith and Henry Lee. All three of these men have experience in hardcore matches and early on the implements that Johnny Martin brought out came into play. Grifith catches Martin with a kendo stick to the head. Three shots bring Martin down to the floor. Griffith tosses the stick away and plays to the crowd, drawing boos. One sign is shown reading: 'Bring In the Beers- It's Hardcore Time!!' Martin is not just a punching bag in this match, though. He gets in shots on both Griffith and Lee, including dropping Griffith with a neckbreaker outside the ring. The match builds as the two men fight backstage and up to the second level. Griffith goes for the Jack-in-The-Box but Martin shoves him off. Griffith grabs him and the two men go tumbling down the stairs to the ground! A 'Holy shit' chant breaks through the crowd. The referee stands there, seeing both men not moving on the ground. It takes only about thirty seconds for him to call for the bell and end the match.]


Winner: Draw (Via Referee Stoppage @ 4:36)

Match Rating: C


[The crowd is absolutely shocked as both Jack Griffith and Johnny Martin are laid out in the backstage area. EMTs come rushing over, checking on both men. Neither of them have moved since the spill down the stairs. Two stretchers are slowly brought in to the area and the two wrestlers are very carefully loaded onto the stretchers. Just what in the world will become of these two men? Perhaps more will be learned by the end of the night or next Wednesday on American Wrestling.]






[With everything that happened in the previous match, the crowd is buzzing and we head to a different area backstage. The locker room area in particular is where we arrive at to find The Force and Captain USA standing within the same locker room in the midst of a conversation.]


The Force

"The mighty warriors that represent the power of the Force have brought the two of us together yet again brave patriotic warrior. As we listen to the mighty power that is the crushing belief that is the force, we hear the warriors who have come before us begging for a return of the best tag team in the history of USPW. Can you feel it, mighty Captain?"


Captain USA

"I can feel it in my bones, Jim. This is what I have been looking forward to. This is what becomes of my future."


The Force

"YYYYYEEEESSSSSS! The Force runs strong within you, my friend. Now, all tag teams shall fold against the mighty power that is the strength of the Forces of America. Welcome back!"


[The Force and Captain USA look to each other for a few moments and a smile crosses their lips. The Force reaches down and raises a package that includes two action figures, those being The Force and Captain USA. He raises it high in the air and then looks to the camera.]


The Force AND Captain USA



[The Force and Captain USA look up reverently at the package before we fade out back to the ring.]




Match #3

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/FreddieDatsun_alt.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/DesDavids_jhd1.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/Stink_jhd-1.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/Grunt_jhd-1.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/HellsBouncer.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/QueenEmily_jtlant.jpg

Steel Cage Match

USPW World Tag Team Titles Match

The People's Team defend vs. Queen's Foot Soldiers


[This is quite possibly one of the shortest tag team cage matches of all time. But there is a reason for that. The reason being that right at the sound of the bell, both Freddie Datsun and Des Davids went for the door to escape. The veteran Datsun made it out the door but Davids was grabbed by both of the Queen's Foot Soldiers and dragged back inside the ring. The door was closed and locked and Datsun could only watch in horror as Queen's Foot Soldiers demolished Davids inside the ring. Hell's Bouncer came around and leveled Datsun with a clothesline to make sure he couldn't try to re-enter the cage. Trying to get Davids into the match, one fan holds up a sign reading: 'People's Team, powered by the People!' Grunt grabs Davids and drops him with what used to be known as the Dump Truck -- a short-arm samoan drop. Stink picks up Davids and drops him with the Stink Bomb -- a gutwrench powerbomb. But they aren't done yet. Davids tastes the steel on all four sides, getting completely demolished inside the ring. Davids is picked up as Queen Emily smiles at ringside. He gets hooked -- Dust Buster! The double DDT plants Davids down on the mat. Grunt makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3! We have new USPW World Tag Team Champions!]


Winners: Queen's Foot Soldiers (Via Pinfall @ 4:52; Queen's Foot Soldiers win the USPW World Tag Team titles)

Match Rating: C-






[As the Queen's Foot Soldiers celebrate their win, we transition backstage to where James Justice is pacing within a locker room. He draws in a breath and slowly looks up, tilting his head as he sees the camera right in front of him. He gives that trademark goofy smile and then gives a more serious look.]


James Justice

"You want a few words? I'll give you just a few. Tonight, Justice is going to be served."


[Justice shoves the cameraman to the side and walks to the door of the locker room. He shoves the door open and continues down the hallway, looking both angry and prepared for his match tonight with Enygma. That match is, of course, next.]




Match #4

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/Liberty_LoNdOn.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/Enygma_alt1jt.jpg

James Justice vs. Enygma


[This is definitely a grudge match here tonight as James Justice steps out into the ring to face off with the mysterious masked man Enygma. The two men meet in the center of the ring and stare each other down. Justice can be seen mouthing 'I'm not scared of you.' Justice gives the first physical contact by shoving Enygma. Enygma fires back with several right hand punches, knocking Justice back into the ropes. Enygma whips Justice across but Justice holds on to the top rope and ducks out of the ring. Justice stares at Enygma from outside the ring and shakes his head. Enygma charges at Justice and leaps over the top rope. Justice moves but Enygma catches himself on the apron. Enygma leaps from the apron with a flying clothesline, bringing Justice down. Enygma plays to the crowd, drawing in cheers from this Virginia crowd and a sign reading: 'Enygma is TRUE JUSTICE!!']


[but the momentum swings inside the ring when Enygma goes for a corner splash and Justice moves out of the way. Enygma staggers into a Justice Big Left Hand. The crowd boos as Justice flashes a goofy smile and then picks up Enygma -- snap suplex. Justice continues to attack Enygma, focusing on the lower back as he is working to set up the masked man for the Liberation Slam. Justice reaches down and goes for the mask of Enygma! He rakes at the mask, trying to pull it off and Enygma struggles against that. The referee moves to step in and pulls Justice off Enygma. Justice and referee Baby Jamie get into an argument and a shoving match ensues. Enygma rolls up Justice from behind: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout!]


[The finish of the match comes rather quickly between these two as both men are on their feet throwing punches and strikes. Justice gets the advantage and catches Enygma with a corner clothesline. Enygma staggers and Justice hooks him -- Libera -- NO! Enygma fights his way free and slides in behind Justice. Ankle trip by Enygma -- Enygma Variation! Enygma hooks Justice in the Enygma Variation! Justice struggles, shaking his head. He reaches for the ropes but Enygma holds him in the center of the ring. Enygma tightens in the hold -- Justice taps! James Justice taps out to the Enygma Variation!]


Winner: Enygma (Via Submission @ 9:42)

Match Rating: C+






[As the ring clears out, the crowd here in the Virginia Park Fields sit waiting what is coming next. The sounds of 'Real American' by Rick Derringer draws every fan to their feet with chants of 'Strong, Strong, Strong' echoing through the crowd. The curtains part and out comes the USPW Owner Sam Strong! Strong high fives the crowd members that are in the front row. He steps inside the ring and soaks in the cheers. Strong raises a hand to quiet the crowd.]


Sam Strong

"Let me tell you something, brothers! Has this been a great night to be in Virginia or what? We only have two matches left here tonight but both of those are title matches, brothers. But I am out here to talk about another kind of Champion. I am out here to talk about Nicky Champion. Nicky, I know you're in the building, brother, so come out here right now and face me."




[The crowd stirs slightly, waiting to see what is going to happen. Champion's music begins to play and the crowd boos this man who was a fan favorite and was the protege of the man in the ring. Nicky Champion walks out from the back with an arrogant walk to himself. Champion threatens a fan and then laughs it off before he slides up the stairs and then into the ring. Champion walks right up into the face of Sam Strong and then takes a step back.]


Sam Strong

"Last Wednesday night, brother, you made several threats toward me. Those were threats that I do not take lightly. But you and I have been like a father and son not only here but backstage. You have been in my home. You have sat at my kitchen table. So it pains me to tell you, Nicky, that your services are no longer..."


[before Strong can finish his sentence, he is nailed by Champion with a Hawkeye Hammer out of nowhere! The 63 year old Sam Strong goes down on the mat and Champion begins stomping away on his head! Champion exits the ring and grabs a chair, sliding back in. Champion bangs the chair on the mat and then slams it against the skull of Strong! Strong is laid out in the center of the ring as security and other officials come out. They grab Champion and pull him off Strong as EMTs come in and check on Sam Strong. Strong has to be helped to the back via the use of a stretcher.]




Match #5

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/CherryBomb_alt3.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/Gorgon.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/AliceStrum1.jpg

USPW Women's Title Match

Cherry Bomb defends vs. Alicia Strong


[Needless to say, Alicia Strong is NOT focused on this match after what occured to her father a few minutes earlier. How could she be after her father was taken off on a stretcher? But the show must go on. Strong definitely shows some aggression within this match against Cherry Bomb. There is definitely some interference within this match as Gorgon stands at ringside and trips Strong when she bounces off the ropes. Unluckily for Strong, the referee did not see the trip. Bomb shows some of her excellent suplex skills on Strong, including a gutwrench suplex, german suplex and back suplex. One fan holds up a sign reading: 'Where's Raven ?, This match make's me feel limp!' A missed elbow drop by Bomb gives Strong the advantage and Strong sets up Bomb for the Strong Arm Tactic. Gorgon climbs on the apron and Strong turns -- Strong Arm Tactic on Gorgon! Strong turns back around to Cherry Bomb -- kick to the gut by Bomb -- Cherry Bomb! The version of a tiger bomb connects with Bomb's legs over Strong's shoulders: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Cherry Bomb (Via Pinfall @ 9:25; Cherry Bomb retains the USPW Womens title)

Match Rating: C-




[Gorgon enters the ring carrying the USPW Women's title. Cherry Bomb snatches it away from her and the two psychotic women shove each other. Then they turn their aggression on Alicia Strong! Bomb irish whips Strong into a corner and then adds momentum to Gorgon as she whips Gorgon in for a corner splash on Strong! Strong falls to her knees and then the crowd cheers as out comes the former USPW Womens Champion Raven Robinson! Robinson slides in the ring and slams a kick to the gut of Gorgon and then punches to Cherry Bomb. Gorgon is sent through the ropes by a shove by Robinson. Robinson goes after Cherry Bomb but the USPW Womens Champion exits the ring quickly! Robinson stands tall in the ring with the crowd absolutely cheering for her.]




Match #6

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/TysonBaine_alt4.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/HenryLee_jhd1.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/ChrisCaulfield_alt1.jpg

USPW World Title Match

Tyson Baine defends vs. Chris Caulfield


[it is main event time here at USPW Liberty And Justice and the fans are absolutely excited to see the USPW World title defended. The crowd turns their focus to the top of the ramp as the curtains part and out comes the challenger for this evening, 'The Hardcore American' Chris Caulfield! Caulfield gives high fives to the front row and then pauses, sliding his bandana off, placing it on the head of a child before he enters the ring. Caulfield is focused as he leans in a corner and the music changes. The crowd boos heavily as the USPW World Champion appears from the back. 'The Demon From The Deep' Tyson Baine is escorted to the ring by his manager Henry Lee, who holds up the USPW World title belt. Baine steps in over the top rope and goes nose to nose with Chris Caulfield. Baine raises his arms and brings them down, causing fire to explode from all four corners. Referee Baby Jamie steps in to seperate these two men and get them back into their corners.]


[When the bell sounded, it was almost all brawling between these two heavy hitters. Neither man would back off from each other. Chris Caulfield definitely shows that he has the ability to stay with Tyson Baine inside the ring. But Baine also showed why he is the USPW World Champion. He hit Caulfield with the Devil's Hammer: two count pinfall. He hit Caulfield with a spear out of the corner: two count pinfall. He caught Caulfield with a powerslam: two count pinfall. Baine definitely started to get frustrated that he could not put Caulfield away. He pushed Caulfield against the ropes and clotheslined him over the top rope to the floor. During this time, Shane Sneer and Steve Flash arrive from the back and walk down to the ring standing within a neutral corner to watch the festivities.]


[After some rib shots by Henry Lee outside the ring, Baine drags Caulfield back inside and hooks on a camel clutch! Caulfield struggles in the hold, shaking his head, refusing to give up. Baine stretches back on the hold, using all of that animalistic strength to stretch out the Hardcore American. The crowd begins a 'Caulfield' chant! Caulfield struggles, fighting, and slowly begins to rise to his feet. He gets onto his knees and then higher until he is standing with Baine on his back! Caulfield drops backward, slamming Baine onto the mat and breaking the hold. A sign is shown being held up that reads: 'Chris Caulfield is a REAL man!']


[both men are slow to rise to their feet with the crowd clapping and stomping their feet to bring Caulfield up. Henry Lee yells at Baine to get to his feet. Shane Sneer and Steve Flash pace back and forth at ringside. Baine and Caulfield both reach their feet and begin exchanging punches! Both men can barely stand as we have reached around the fifteen minute mark in this match. Caulfield blocks a punch and throws another! He throws another! Another! The crowd goes absolutely wild! Caulfield shoves Baine against the ropes -- bodyslam! Baine goes down and Caulfield stands above him! Caulfield bounces off the ropes -- splash! Caulfield hooks the leg: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout! Caulfield rises to his feet and Baine sits up! Baine is a monster! Caulfield throws kicks to the head of Baine. Caulfield yanks Baine up and grabs him from behind -- Danger Drop! Caulfield drops Baine with his finisher! Caulfield crawls over and makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- Pinfall Broken Up By Steve Flash! The referee calls for the bell.]


Winner: Chris Caulfield (Via Disqualification @ 16:59; Tyson Baine retains the USPW World title)

Match Rating: B




[The crowd boos loudly as Steve Flash has cost them a clean finish. Flash pulls Chris Caulfield to his feet and shoves him against the ropes -- Flash Bang! Caulfield falls to the mat and Flash puts the boots to him as Shane Sneer enters the ring, watching and directing Flash. Tyson Baine sits up as Henry Lee enters the ring with the USPW World title belt in hand. Sneer catches Lee with a kick between the legs and the Professor Of Insanity goes down. Flash grabs Baine -- single arm DDT! The crowd has no idea how to respond to that. Steve Flash grabs the USPW World title belt that Lee dropped when he was kicked by Sneer. Flash raises the belt in the air as the show comes to a close. It would seem that the Sneer Corporation is back!]

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Welcome to the USPW Prediction contest. This contest will run through the end of March in-game time.


No perfect scores on the pay-per-view. The best was 4/6. Congratulations to Charasmatic Enigma!


Congratulations to Emark for winning this first prediction contest! His prize is in his e-mail box.


1. Emark=7 Wins

2. juggaloninjalee=5 Wins

3. Tigerkinney=4 Wins

4. pennyone=3 Wins

Charasmatic Enigma=3 Wins

6. Rayelek=2 Wins

7. Eisen-verse=1 Win

jhd1=1 Win

arwink=1 Win

borman_48=1 Win

KingOfKings=1 Win

Midnightnick=1 Win

13. Hashasheen=0 Wins

Purple Cowboy=0 Wins

foolinc=0 Wins

flat_dougnut=0 Wins

Timber=0 Wins

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Remember I said I didn't like the Sneer Corporation? I take that back. With the new members being more than a fresh coat of paint, it seems as though as you put it, the Sneer Corp. IS back. Looking forward to see where this goes.
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USPW American Wrestling

Wednesday Week 1 April 2010


Prediction Key:

Belle Bryden vs. Alicia Strong



Sneer Corporation Challenge: Danny Rushmore vs. ???



Andre Jones and Cherry Bomb vs. Antonio Ramoray and Raven Robinson



Sneer Corporation Challenge: Steve Flash vs. Freddie Datsun



Henry Lee vs. Chris Caulfield




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Alicia Strong over Belle Bryden...but gets attacked post match


??? will beat Rushmore...if it was a jobber, it would have been listed. And to make a splash, ??? needs to win.


Ramoray/Robinson, with Ramoray over Jones.


Flash over Datsun, no question. Flash just made an impact at the PPV, he can't be out already.


Caulfield over Lee...I know Lee is capable, but Caulfield needs to regain some momentum, and Lee while not necessarily expendable, can provide that.

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Belle Bryden vs. Alicia Strong



Sneer Corporation Challenge: Danny Rushmore vs. ???

Comment: Only because I see outside interference causing a DQ


Andre Jones and Cherry Bomb vs. Antonio Ramoray and Raven Robinson



Sneer Corporation Challenge: Steve Flash vs. Freddie Datsun

Comment: Came out of nowhere and attacked...can't lose now


Henry Lee vs. Chris Caulfield

Comment: Caulfield is more important than Lee at this point



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Belle Bryden vs. Alicia Strong



Sneer Corporation Challenge: Danny Rushmore vs. ???



Andre Jones and Cherry Bomb vs. Antonio Ramoray and Raven Robinson



Sneer Corporation Challenge: Steve Flash vs. Freddie Datsun



Henry Lee vs. Chris Caulfield


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Prediction Key:

Belle Bryden vs. Alicia Strong



Sneer Corporation Challenge: Danny Rushmore vs. ???



Andre Jones and Cherry Bomb vs. Antonio Ramoray and Raven Robinson



Sneer Corporation Challenge: Steve Flash vs. Freddie Datsun



Henry Lee vs. Chris Caulfield




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Belle Bryden vs. Alicia Strong

Billy Bob Says: Not that I'd ever be unfaithful to Raven- but if I was ever gonna do a one-nighter with one of these gals, it'd be Belle. Alicia's nice- but she's too nice....Belle looks kinda dirty and sometime's you want 'dirty'!

Sneer Corporation Challenge: Danny Rushmore vs. ???

Jimmy Says: Sneer Corporation stink- I hate them and anyone associated with them should lose.


Andre Jones and Cherry Bomb vs. Antonio Ramoray and Raven Robinson

Jimmy Says: I want some money to go and buy some FORCE MERCHANDISE!!


Billy Bob Says: Well how about you go and get a job Jimmy!


Jimmy says: But I'm 12 Dad!


Billy Bob Says: I don't care, start paying your way...you're making me broke. Anyway this match will have my stiff undivided attention, because Raven's in it ;):p;).....but what the hell, she's tagging with that latin poser boy...if he even thinks.....I don't know what I'll do !! :mad::mad::mad:


Sneer Corporation Challenge: Steve Flash vs. Freddie Datsun

Jimmy Says: Sneer Corparation should go away, I don't want to buy their merchandise!


Henry Lee vs. Chris Caulfield


Jimmy says: Caulfield is a good guy...he should win


Billy Bob Says: Caulfield's my kind of guy....a beer drinking, pick-up driving All American guy...If he had his eye on Raven, then I might....just might, concede defeat to a 'better man'....But that latin oil-slick, oh god just thinkin' about it makes me wanna puke!





Sneer Corporation are Bankrupt!!


Hand's off Raven Latino Lover Boy!


Let's share a Six Pack Chris!

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USPW American Wrestling

Wednesday Week 1 April 2010


Prediction Key:

Belle Bryden vs. Alicia Strong



Sneer Corporation Challenge: Danny Rushmore vs. ???

Comment: Rushmore the mountain moves faster


Andre Jones and Cherry Bomb vs. Antonio Ramoray and Raven Robinson

Comment: I have a thing for redheads. More then a thing it's a sickness.


Sneer Corporation Challenge: Steve Flash vs. Freddie Datsun

Comment: Just prefer


Henry Lee vs. Chris Caulfield

Comment: Again just prefer especially with the render used. Never been sold on Chris Dreamer or Tommy Caulfield whatever.



I Want Cherry Bomb to give me a Bronco Buster!!!

Genius = Henry Lee > You (x) Everyone Else

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I wasn't exactly sure how I was going to write this up so I decided to just sit here at the computer and begin typing my thoughts. Many of you, my readers, know that I was/am having a difficult time getting back into the diary since my trip out here to Oregon. I had everything including the pay-per-view already done up within the simulator/TEW2010 and when I took a look at that I wanted to make sure that I got through what I had done up so far.


My goal for this diary has been to get through one year within the game. I have made it three months in the game. I will be the first one to admit that I make the exact same mistake each time I run a game on here. That mistake is signing way too many people and overinflating the roster. With the overinflation, I lose focus. When I lose focus, it's hard to bring things back into focus, especially with something like this, which, honestly, is not so important in the grand scheme of life.


All of these words are being written to preface the statement that I have lost my USPW: The Goal game. What occured is that I started another USPW game, which I decided to delete. But instead of deleting that one, I deleted my diary game. Was it submliminal? Did I really, somewhere down deep, mean to delete the diary game because of the issues listed above? I cannot answer those questions with complete certainty.


So what does this do to my future? I cannot say exactly. I can say that I will still be around doing predictions on other diaries. I will still be around for people to come to for advice. I will still be running the Hall Of Fame and the Diary Of The Month contests. I'd like to ask that any comments/hate mail be placed within my pm box, rather than here, so this diary can move down the list and give other diaries a better shot at being on the front page.


Thank you to all my readers and predictors. It means a lot to me that you all continue to give me a shot despite my past.

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