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NWA 1989: The Goal Part Two

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Dick Slater and Buzz Sawyer vs. Ric Flair and StingComment:


Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Ranger Ross

Comment: Ranger Ross = a poor mans Sgt Slaughter, he could feud with Muta and the boys to help get them over.


Steve Austin vs. Junkyard DogComment:


Terry Gordy vs. Brad Armstrong

Comment: At what point did Brad don the mask as "Badstreet" - either way, there is a little history with these and Gordy is much more dominant


Michael 'P.S.' Hayes vs. Beautiful Bobby Eaton

Comment: Freebirds split the singles matches. Eaton could be an established singles star even tho he was better known nationally for his tag teams.


Terry Funk vs. Ole Anderson

Comment: Funk needs the win here, and Ole's job is to provide that for him

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Dick Slater and Buzz Sawyer vs. Ric Flair and Sting



Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Ranger Ross



Steve Austin vs. Junkyard Dog



Terry Gordy vs. Brad Armstrong



Michael 'P.S.' Hayes vs. Beautiful Bobby Eaton



Terry Funk vs. Ole Anderson




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Friday Week 2 September 1989

Falcon Field (Mid South)

Attendance: 2,000

Show Rating: C+


ANGLE: Highlight Video From NWA Power Hour...C+

The Samoan Swat Team defeated Dynamic Dudes...D+

ANGLE: Steve Austin hypes match against 'Hotstuff' Eddie Gilbert...C-

Al Perez defeated Brad Armstrong...C

'Hotstuff' Eddie Gilbert defeated Steve Austin...B

ANGLE: Cactus Jack is interview by Gordon Solie...C

Stan Lane defeated Gorgeous Jimmy Garvin...C+

ANGLE: Ole Anderson is interviewed by Jim Ross about his match with Terry Funk...B

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[26 year old female wrestler Madusa passed away on Saturday Week 2 September 1989. She was accidentally gunned down by a SWAT team, who believed her to be an international thief. Condolences are sent to her family.]

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Saturday Week 2 September 1989

Location: Don Haskins Center (Mid South)

Attendance: 10,000

Overall Rating: B

TV Rating: 1.64




[World Championship Wrestling on Saturday night begins with a recap of what occured recently on NWA Power Hour. The show began with 'Cowboy' Bob Orton defeating Brad Armstrong with a Superplex. Several alliances were formed throughout the show, including an alliance between Lex Luger and Barry Windham and an alliance between Ric Flair and Sting. The main event of the evening was a huge matchup between Sting and 'Dirty' Dick Slater. Slater put up a good fight against Sting but in the end he was nailed with the Stinger Splash and then the Scorpion Deathlock. Following the match, Sting was attacked by Terry Funk and The Great Muta only to be rescued by the NWA World Champion 'The Nature Boy' Ric Flair!]






[The show moves inside the Don Haskins Center in the heart of El Paso, Texas. Jim Ross and James E. Cornette welcome everyone to World Championship Wrestling. The camera pans around the arena, picking up on fans as JR and Cornette run down the card that has been set up for this evening. They talk about the presence of Nick Bockwinkel as the representative from the NWA Championship Committee and then the match later on tonight that is scheduled to be between Terry Funk and Ole Anderson. JR says that this match has all the makings of a slobberknocker. Cornette says that neither man will be the same again following the contest. Then they talk about heading to the ring for the opening contest here on World Championship Wrestling.]




Match #1

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/dickslater.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/buzzsawyer.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/garyhart.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/ricflairc.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/sting4.jpg

Dick Slater and Buzz Sawyer vs. Ric Flair and Sting


[Gary Hart leads Dick Slater and Buzz Sawyer down to the ring taking in the boos. But not everyone is booing as one fan holds up a sign reading: 'Tommy Rich fears Buzz Sawyer!' The boos quickly turn to cheers, though, when Ric Flair and Sting walk out to the ring. Slater and Sawyer are a hard hitting team and they show that early on in the match with punches and forearm shots. They make quick tags and use the managerial advice of Gary Hart to maintain an early advantage. The Mad Dog goes for a press slam on Sting but Sting manages to slide down and roll him into a sunset flip: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout! Sting makes a tag to Flair and the Nature Boy takes over on both Sawyer and Slater! Chops go flying from the NWA World Champion. He body slams Sawyer to the mat as Sting comes in to battle Slater. A knee drop from Flair on Sawyer at the same time that Sting nails Slater with the Stinger Splash. The two men look at each other and then Sting locks Slater in the Scorpion Deathlock at the same time that Flair locks Sawyer in the Figure 4 Leglock! We have multiple submissions here as the referee calls for the bell and the fans go absolutely wild.]


Winners: Ric Flair and Sting (Via Submission @ 8:29)

Match Rating: B






[Next we head down to the podium where the Dean Of Professional Wrestling Gordon Solie is standing by with the representative of the NWA Championship Committee Nick Bockwinkel. Bockwinkel says that he has two major announcements to make tonight. The first major announcement is that the NWA Television title will be returning. The belt had been held up following a controversial ending to a match between The Great Muta and Sting. There will be a sixteen man tournament to determine the brand new titleholder. The brackets will be announced next week on the NWA Power Hour. The second announcement is regarding the NWA World Heavyweight title match at Fall Brawl between Champion Ric Flair and Challenger Terry Funk. The Championship Committee has decided to raise the stakes for that match. The belt will be decided in an 'I Quit' match! Bockwinkel thanks everyone for supporting the NWA.]






[We fade to a video that begins with the face of one of the more respected names in professional wrestling lit only by the fire of a single match. Two words are spoken by this man: 'I'm Back!' The match is blown out and we go through various scenes of Ricky Steamboat in action right here in the NWA. As he wrestles various opponents, a list of his accomplishments are shown, including him being a six time NWA Tag Team Champion, three time NWA United States Heavyweight Champion and one time NWA World Heavyweight Champion! Steamboat is shown defeating Ric Flair for that NWA World Heavyweight title belt. Then the incidents between him and Lex Luger are shown before the words 'Coming Soon' flash on the screen and we head back to the ring.]




Match #2

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/greatmuta.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/garyhart.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/rangerross.jpg

The Great Muta vs. Ranger Ross


[The fans are surprised that instead of Bam Bam Bigelow coming out to face Ranger Ross, they get Gary Hart leading out The Great Muta. The announcers explain that Bigelow suffered a knee injury while wrestling in Japan and will be out for at least a month. The Pearl Of The Orient steps in against Ranger Ross and listens to the chants of 'U.S.A.' moving throughout the crowd. Muta spits into the air with that asian mist and then attacks Ross quickly. This match is mostly a display for the undefeated Great Muta. He shows some good martial arts skill and pro wrestling skill, keeping Ranger Ross off balance with his quickness. Muta brings Ross down with a swift kick to the side of the head and then poses, spraying mist into the air. Muta heads up to the top turnbuckle -- Moonsault Press! Muta hooks the leg: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: The Great Muta (Via Pinfall @ 5:24)

Match Rating: C+






[The crowd within the arena stand up on their feet as the theme from 2001: A Space Odyssey blares through the loudspeakers. Out from the back comes the NWA World Heavyweight Champion Ric Flair, Sting and Ole Anderson. The three men walk down to the ring and step inside with Flair on the microphone. Flair asks what's causing all this? He says that tonight is a night that everyone is going to be talking about. Why? Because tonight is the return of the most elite group in professional wrestling. That elite group is none other than the IV Horsemen. There's Ric Flair, there's Sting and there's Ole Anderson. That leaves one spot unfilled. That one spot is up for grabs right now. If you want to prove that you can hang with the elite of professional wrestling then step up to the plate. Because the Horsemen will be watching and by Fall Brawl, there will be four of them. Whoooooo!]




Match #3

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/steveaustin89.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/JYD.jpg

Steve Austin vs. Junkyard Dog


[This match is the National Wrestling Alliance debut of 'Stunning' Steve Austin. Austin comes out to the ring ignoring the crowd and motioning to his body, proclaiming himself to be the best looking man in professional wrestling. This only draws boos from the crowd. Those boos turn to cheers when the Junkyard Dog comes out and heads to the ring, facing off with Austin. When the bell sounds, the match is dominated by JYD. JYD gives some hard punches and headbutts to Austin. He drops down on all fours with Austin down on the mat and gives multiple headbutts to cheers from the crowd as JYD barks. JYD gets to his feet and picks Austin up, lifting him on his shoulder -- The Thump! A big powerslam from JYD! He makes the cover, hooking the leg: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Junkyard Dog (Via Pinfall @ 4:48)

Match Rating: B-




[A big win for the Junkyard Dog! JYD celebrates in the ring, inviting some of the children from around the ringside area to come in and celebrate with him. The crowd really seems to love JYD. After a few moments, the kids are sent out and JYD heads out of the ring and begins to walk up the aisle. But it is there that he comes face to face with the NWA United States Heavyweight Champion Lex Luger. The two men exchange some words that are not picked up on camera. Luger points to the belt and then motions to his physique. JYD gets angry and shoves Luger. Luger fires back with a punch! JYD with a headbutt! Another one! Another! Luger kicks JYD right between the legs! JYD goes down to his knees and Luger charges with a forearm shot right between the eyes, bringing JYD down. Luger throws in some hard stomps to the head and rakes at the face and eyes of JYD until officials come down to seperate the two men.]






[A video begins to play at this point and the video focuses in on the history between The Road Warriors and The Skyscrapers. Both tag teams have claimed to be the toughest tag team in professional wrestling. But only team can truly lay claim to that title. At Fall Brawl, these two teams are going to do battle. There is going to be pride and respect on the line. But there is also going to be a future NWA World Tag Team title shot on the line! Whichever team wins the match between the two earns the right to challenge for the NWA World Tag Team titles whenever they choose to do so. All they need to do is bring a referee down and have the match in the center of the ring. A lot is at stake during this match but who will come out on top?]




Match #4

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/terrygordy.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/BradArmstrong.jpg

Terry Gordy vs. Brad Armstrong


[Hailing from Badstreet USA, Terry Gordy comes down to the ring to take on the second generation upstart wrestler Brad Armstrong. Armstrong tries to start the match off quickly against the newest/old member of the Fabulous Freebirds. A dropkick knocks Gordy down and an armdrag by Armstrong turns into an armbar. That is about the extent of the moves by Armstrong as Gordy brings Armstrong back into the corner after the armbar and he is dominant against the second generation wrestler. Gordy picks up Armstrong and swings him around before body slamming him hard to the mat. Gordy picks up Armstrong and sends him toward the ropes -- Powerslam! Gordy makes the cover, hooking the leg: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Terry Gordy (Via Pinfall @ 4:55)

Match Rating: B+






[We are taken backstage here within the Don Haskins Center where Woman is shown talking to Rick Steiner. Scott Steiner and Missy Hyatt approach the situation, asking what in the world is going on here. Hyatt and Woman get into a shoving match and it is enough of a distraction to the Steiners that they get blindsided by Doom and this massive individual who is introduced as the bodyguard for Woman. Jim Ross introduces the large man as Nitron and Nitron throws both Steiners around as though they are rag dolls. He catches Scott with a big boot and Doom slams Rick onto a table. Woman just smiles as she stands back and watches the carnage take place. But things may change at Fall Brawl as the two teams will go face to face.]






[As officials arrive on the scene to break up Doom's attack on the Steiners, we are taken to another video package. This one is much like the one done for Ricky Steamboat. Old clips are shown of a wrestler who is soon to return to the NWA. This one is for Stan 'The Lariat' Hansen! Hansen is shown hitting the lariat from various positions on many great wrestlers. A voiceover talks about how he broke a man's neck with the lariat and put him out of action. But now Stan Hansen is returning to the NWA. The only question to be asked, is who will be his first target?]




Match #5

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/MichaelHayes7.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/jimmygarvin.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/terrygordy.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/bobbyeaton.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/stanlane.jpg

Michael 'P.S.' Hayes vs. Beautiful Bobby Eaton


[badstreet USA can only mean one thing. It's the arrival of the Fabulous Freebirds. All three Freebirds come out, with Jimmy Garvin and Terry Gordy standing at ringside in the corner of Michael Hayes. But also coming down to the ring is Stan Lane, who stands in the corner of his teammate: Beautiful Bobby Eaton. As Eaton gets some last minute advice from his partner, Hayes comes over and takes a cheap shot on Eaton, getting the early advantage. Hayes holds Eaton in the corner and throws some punches to the skull. He brings Eaton out with a hip toss and then a clothesline mows down Beautiful Bobby. Hayes plays to the crowd, drawing in some boos. He picks up Eaton and tosses Eaton outside the ring, grabbing the attention of the referee. Garvin and Gordy move in to attack Eaton but Stan Lane swings around and keeps them backed off, helping his partner back inside the ring. Lane stands beside a fan with a sign reading: 'PS is Pretty Stupid!']


[Hayes picks up Eaton and whips him into the corner, following that with a corner clothesline. Hayes catches Eaton as Eaton stumbles out of the corner and body slams him down to the mat. Hayes calls for the DDT! He picks up Eaton and hooks him -- Eaton hooks the ropes! As Hayes falls, he releases Eaton and just hits the mat himself! Eaton picks up Hayes and irish whips him into the corner. Eaton climbs up and begins raining punches down on Hayes! He gets to ten as the crowd counts along and then drops down. Eaton moves in but Hayes rakes him in the eyes! Terry Gordy climbs onto the apron, drawing the attention of the referee. Hayes slips in behind Eaton and holds him by the arms as Jimmy Garvin climbs on the apron. But Stan Lane is there! Lane grabs Garvin's arm as he gears up to punch and then yanks him off the apron! Hayes is surprised and Eaton gets free. Eaton throws a punch to Gordy and then slips in behind Hayes -- backslide! The referee turns around: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Beautiful Bobby Eaton (Via Pinfall @ 9:32)

Match Rating: B






[The crowd is a little surprised but happy as Bobby Eaton and Stan Lane celebrate in the ring. But we are taken backstage to a locker room area where the NWA United States Heavyweight Champion Lex Luger is in an argument already in progress with his friend Barry Windham. Windham is asking Luger what happened out there earlier tonight. Luger claims he was just defending himself when the Junkyard Dog attacked him. He was doing what any man would do out there. Windham says he is not so sure. He says that Luger went too far out there earlier tonight. Windham talks about how he vouched for Luger's change of heart. Luger argues that he has changed. The two men end up in a staredown before Windham tells him to get cleaned up because they're going out on the town tonight. Perhaps they can put things aside?]






[We head to another backstage area, another locker room setting. In the background can be seen a bottle of champagne on ice. In the foreground stand both the NWA World Heavyweight Champion Ric Flair and 'The Rock' Ole Anderson. Flair looks to Anderson and says that tonight they are going to celebrate with the champagne as Anderson takes care of Terry Funk Horsemen style. Anderson nods, looking serious and focused on the match tonight. Flair says that tonight the Rock is going to prove that he is still Horsemen material. Tonight Ole Anderson is in the main event, which is where the Horsemen belong. At the end of the day, Funk might be a legend but he's not a Horseman. Whooooooo!]




Match #6

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/terryfunk2.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/garyhart.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/oleanderson.jpg

Terry Funk vs. Ole Anderson


[it is our main event of the evening and this one should be a great one between two long time veterans of the NWA. The two men meet in the center of the ring and jaw at each other before Funk throws a punch. Anderson fires back! The two men exchange punches in the center of the ring before Funk fires with a kick to the gut. Funk sends Anderson to the ropes -- clothesline -- ducked! Anderson comes back with a clothesline of his own, sending Funk to the mat. Anderson spends the next few minutes in control, including sending Funk through the ropes to the floor! Anderson goes outside the ring with him and runs him into the guardrail before raising four fingers. He curls those fingers into a fist and brings it down onto the skull of Funk. Two more punches follow before he is distracted by the presence of Gary Hart. Anderson chases Hart around the ringside area before he gets ambushed by Funk.]


[Funk brings Anderson back into the ring where he shows some pure wrestling and technical skill. This is definitely not Funk's first time inside the ring and it shows each and every time he performs for the fans. Funk focuses in on the leg of Anderson. He gives it vicious kicks and stomps and then rams the leg against the ring post. Funk gets the referee's attention and Gary Hart chokes Anderson to boos from the crowd, who want the referee to turn around and see what's going on. Hart finishes before the referee turns back around and Funk walks over, picking up Anderson and bringing him down with a spinning body slam. Funk makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout!]


[As the match continues, Funk is in firm control over Anderson. Anderson has a hard time even standing on that leg that Funk has been focusing on throughout the match. But Anderson is too tough not to stand and show his strength. Funk lifts Anderson up on the top turnbuckle and climbs up with him but Anderson fights back as the crowd chants his name! Anderson fires with fists flying to Funk before pushing him off the turnbuckles to the mat below. Anderson drops down and grabs his leg for a moment, rubbing it out. He limps over to Funk and picks him up. The next few minutes have Ole Anderson working over Funk to the crowd's approval. Several people raise four fingers in the crowd. Anderson sends Funk to the ropes -- Spinebuster! But instead of covering Funk, Anderson sees Gary Hart on the apron! Anderson moves over and grabs Hart by the collar of his shirt. He raises a fist, ready to punch the manager out. He brings his fist back and then gets clipped from behind by Terry Funk! Anderson goes down and Hart drops off the apron. Funk grabs Anderson and pulls him in -- Texas Piledriver! Funk makes the cover, hooking the leg: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Terry Funk (Via Pinfall @ 14:44)

Match Rating: A




[The man from the double cross ranch Terry Funk picks up the victory here tonight but he's not done! He begins putting the boots to Ole Anderson. Gary Hart motions toward the back and out from the back comes The Great Muta! The Pearl Of The Orient runs down to the ring and climbs the turnbuckle as Funk holds Anderson's leg out prone for Muta. But Muta does not get the opportunity to jump as out come Ric Flair and Sting! The crowd goes wild as the Horsemen arrive! Flair lights up Funk's chest with chops! Sting body slams Muta off the turnbuckles! Gary Hart escapes the ring and yells to his men to come with him. The ring is cleared of the J-Tex Corporation! Ric Flair and Sting check on Ole Anderson but as the show ends, Anderson raises four fingers. Flair and Sting return the sign. We'll see you next week on the NWA Power Hour!]

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NWA Power Hour

Thursday Week 3 September 1989


Prediction Key:

NWA Television Title Tournament, Round 1: Al Perez vs. Barry Windham



NWA Television Title Tournament, Round 1: The Iron Sheik vs. Ranger Ross



'Cowboy' Bob Orton vs. Sting



Terry Funk vs. Z-Man





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NWA Power Hour

Thursday Week 3 September 1989


Prediction Key:

NWA Television Title Tournament, Round 1: Al Perez vs. Barry Windham

NWA Television Title Tournament, Round 1: The Iron Sheik vs. Ranger Ross

Comment: Those two matches were so easy to decide, even I (probably) got them right!


'Cowboy' Bob Orton vs. Sting

Comment: You know, guessing the obvious for every match is no fun, and I think Cowboy is worth the rare victory against the Stinger. Here's hoping only I see his potential in this one :p


Terry Funk vs. Z-Man

Comment: Since I have my doubts about Z-Man ever getting his deserved title reign, I suppose I'm happy enough to choose Terry instead. Please don't kill the poor boy Funker.


Signs: My Money's on Al Perez!

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NWA Television Title Tournament, Round 1: Al Perez vs. Barry Windham



NWA Television Title Tournament, Round 1: The Iron Sheik vs. Ranger Ross



'Cowboy' Bob Orton vs. Sting



Terry Funk vs. Z-Man




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You know I have a group I would love to see you put together in the Horsemen, but with current storylines and card placements, it's unfortunate that you probably won't have that as the group.... almost makes me want to start up a new game just to make it happen, but I'd be too lazy/busy to see it thru :p


NWA Television Title Tournament, Round 1: Al Perez vs. Barry Windham

Comment: I'm glad to see the return of the TV title, Windham wouldn't be a bad one for it to go on actually.


NWA Television Title Tournament, Round 1: The Iron Sheik vs. Ranger Ross

Comment: This match will suck and suck horribly. The real losers are the fans who pay to see this.


'Cowboy' Bob Orton vs. Sting

Comment: While I have seen you lend a win here and there to the Cowboy, he just ain't in Sting's league at this point of his career.


Terry Funk vs. Z-Man

Comment: Not a chance.



I want the Dragon!

The Horsemen need more Cactus Jack


(No, Cactus isn't one of the guys I was thinking of, but I thought a sign like that would get an odd look from Flair if he walked past it.)

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Saturday Week 2 September 1989

Bank Atlantic Center (South East)

Attendance: 15,000

Show Rating: B-


Nikolai Volkoff defeated Jim Powers...D

ANGLE: Skit involving Sensational Sherri, Arn Anderson and Miss Elizabeth...B+

Barry Horowitz defeated Paul Roma...D

ANGLE: Brawl involving Shawn Michaels and Haku...C+

The Red Rooster defeated Haku...C

Shawn Michaels defeated Arn Anderson and The Mighty Hercules...B



Saturday Week 2 September 1989

Bank Atlantic Center (South East)

Attendance: 15,000

Show Rating: B+


The Brainbusters defeated The Mega Maniacs to retain the WWF World Tag Team titles...B

ANGLE: Brawl involving Hulk Hogan and Macho Man...A*

Canadian Power House defeated Power & Glory...C-

ANGLE: Confrontation involving The Ultimate Warrior and Andre the Giant...A

Jake 'The Snake' Roberts defeated Tito Santana...B-

The Ultimate Warrior and Rowdy Roddy Piper defeated Colossal Connection...B+



Saturday Week 2 September 1989

Bank Atlantic Center (South East)

Attendance: 15,000

Show Rating: B+


Bad News Brown defeated Jim Powers...C-

ANGLE: Backstage segment with The Ultimate Warrior, Andre the Giant and Hulk Hogan...A*

Barry Horowitz defeated Paul Roma...D

The Brooklyn Brawler defeated Bushwacker Luke...C

Virgil defeated Nikolai Volkoff...C-

Shawn Michaels went to a double DQ with Earthquake...B-

ANGLE: Backstage segment with Jake 'The Snake' Roberts, Rowdy Roddy Piper and Rick Rude...B+

Bret Hart defeated The Warlord...C+

Honky Tonk Man defeated Smash...B

The Brainbusters defeated Dusty Rhodes and Jim Neidhart to retain the WWF World Tag Team titles...B

ANGLE: Confrontation involving Bret Hart and Million Dollar Man...B

Rowdy Roddy Piper defeated Andre the Giant...B-

ANGLE: Backstage segment with Dusty Rhodes and Honky Tonk Man...B

Greg Valentine defeated The Ultimate Warrior...B+

Jake 'The Snake' Roberts defeated Superfly...B

Hulk Hogan defeated Million Dollar Man to retain the WWF World Heavyweight title...A



Monday Week 3 September 1989

Bismarck Civic Center (Mid West)

Attendance: 10,000

Show Rating: B


Raymond Rougeau defeated Boris Zhukov...C-

Canadian Power House defeated Young Stallions...D+

Virgil defeated Bad News Brown...C-

ANGLE: Confrontation involving Hulk Hogan and Jake 'The Snake' Roberts...A

Dusty Rhodes defeated The Mighty Hercules...B-

Million Dollar Man defeated Rowdy Roddy Piper...A

The Mega Maniacs defeated Jake 'The Snake' Roberts and Rick Rude...B



Monday Week 3 September 1989

Crimson Court (South West)

Attendance: 2,000

Show Rating: C


Yukon John defeated D.J. Peterson...E

Greg Gagne defeated Derrick Dukes to retain the AWA TV title...D+

ANGLE: Confrontation involving Sgt. Slaughter and Jimmy Snuka...C

Destruction Crew defeated Badd Company...D

Mando Guerrero defeated Jerry Lynn...D

Baron Von Raschke and Wahoo McDaniel defeated Jimmy Snuka and Larry Zbyszko...C

Nikita Koloff and Sgt. Slaughter defeated Col. DeBeers and Brad Rheingans...C+



Tuesday Week 3 September 1989

Memorial Hall Gym (Mid Atlantic)

Attendance: 4,062

Show Rating: C+


Sgt. Slaughter defeated Akio Sato...B-

ANGLE: Confrontation involving Sgt. Slaughter and Larry Zbyszko...B+

Curtis Hughes and Mike George defeated D.J. Peterson and Jerry Lynn...E+

Kokina Maximus defeated The Trooper...E+

Nikita Koloff defeated Kevin Kelly...D+

Hector Guerrero defeated Mando Guerrero...D-

The Lumberjacks defeated Badd Company...D

Baron Von Raschke defeated Col. DeBeers...C-

Greg Gagne defeated Jake Milliman...D

Wahoo McDaniel defeated Brad Rheingans...C

ANGLE: Skit involving Harley Race and Jimmy Snuka...C+

Destruction Crew defeated The Top Guns...D

Jimmy Snuka defeated Buck Zumhofe...C

Larry Zbyszko defeated Jerry Blackwell to retain the AWA World Heavyweight title...B-

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You know I have a group I would love to see you put together in the Horsemen, but with current storylines and card placements, it's unfortunate that you probably won't have that as the group.... almost makes me want to start up a new game just to make it happen, but I'd be too lazy/busy to see it thru :p


(No, Cactus isn't one of the guys I was thinking of, but I thought a sign like that would get an odd look from Flair if he walked past it.)


Curious as to who you would love to see as the new incarnation of the Horsemen. There's going to be a lot of possibilities for the fourth Horsemen coming soon.

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Thursday Week 3 September 1989

Location: Fort Worth Convention Center (Mid South)

Attendance: 10,000

Overall Rating: B+

TV Rating:




[Following the usual recap of World Championship Wrestling, we focus in on our announcers: Gordon Solie and James E. Cornette. They begin talking about the brand new NWA Television title tournament. They show highlights from the match between Sting and The Great Muta that caused the title to be held up. But they also announce that neither Sting nor The Great Muta will be involved in the tournament to crown the new champion. The brackets are shown to be as follows:


The Iron Sheik vs. Ranger Ross

Al Perez vs. Barry Windham


Buzz Sawyer vs. Shane Douglas

Bill Irwin vs. Brad Armstrong


Stan Hansen vs. Z-Man

Steve Austin vs. Steve Wllliams


Dick Slater vs. Flyin' Brian

Dick Murdoch vs. 'Hotstuff' Eddie Gilbert]






[The Horsemen theme draws all of the fans to their feet as three men walk out from the back. Ric Flair is decked out in an expensive and tailored suit and so are Ole Anderson and Sting. The crowd goes absolutely wild for those three men. Four fingers are thrown up all around by the fans. Flair pauses in front of one fan with a sign that reads: 'The Horsemen need more Cactus Jack!' He flashes a smirk and releases a 'Whooooooo' before turning and moving into the ring with his two partners. Flair gets on the microphone, calling himself the official representative of the Four Horsemen. And he wants to make things clear. There will be four men by the end of Fall Brawl. The question on everyone's mind is who will be the fourth Horseman? Everyone is going to have to wait and see just who will fill that spot. So he is putting every single NWA wrestler on notice that to be a part of the most elite group in professional wrestling, you have to earn it like the three men standing in the ring today. Whoooooo! Remember that diamonds are forever and so are the Four Horsemen. Whoooooo!]




Match #1

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/alperez.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/barrywindham2.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/luger.jpg

NWA Television Title Tournament, Round 1

Al Perez vs. Barry Windham


[Our opening contest is one where most people might not have had high hopes for the match but it was actually a solid back and forth contest between these two men. The Latin Heartthrob Al Perez shows that he is no pushover inside the ring as he scores several near falls on the second generation wrestler. As Perez scores one near-fall, the camera picks up a sign in the background that reads: 'My Money's on Al Perez!' Lex Luger cheers on Windham from ringside, watching as the back and forth action unfolds. The referee gets caught up in the action and bumped to the mat. But Perez and Windham catch each other with a double clothesline, bringing them both to the mat as well. Luger sneaks around the ring and slowly slips inside with the NWA United States title belt in hand. Perez is to his feet first -- WHAM! Luger nails Perez with the belt and then slides out of the ring. The crowd boos the cheating move but Windham didn't see a thing! Windham slowly pushes to his feet, seeing Perez still down on the mat. Windham picks up Perez -- Running Bulldog! Luger revives the referee as Windham makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Barry Windham (Via Pinfall @ 4:49)

Match Rating: B






[Jim Ross is standing by within the blank interview area with the #1 contender to the NWA World Heavyweight title Terry Funk. JR's first question is about the stipulation added on World Championship Wrestling where it will now be an I Quit match between Funk and Ric Flair for the NWA World Heavyweight title. Funk says that he has never said 'I Quit' in his entire career and he is not going to start at Fall Brawl. He talks about getting beat up over and over again and fighting back. He says that Ric Flair better be more focused on him instead of focusing on reforming the Four Horsemen. That banana-nosed loser is gonna walk away without his gold, according to Terry Funk.]






[A video is shown much like the one that was shown on World Championship Wrestling. The former NWA World Heavyweight Champion Ricky 'The Dragon' Steamboat is returning to the NWA! Steamboat is shown defeating various high profile opponents with moves like the flying cross body off the top turnbuckle and the double chicken wing! Steamboat is shown giving some of his own signature chops to the body. At the end of the video, the words 'Coming Soon' are listed at the bottom of the screen and the fire is blown out.]




Match #2

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/ironsheik.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/rangerross.jpg

NWA Television Title Tournament, Round 1

The Iron Sheik vs. Ranger Ross


[Our next match is not one of the greatest scientific bouts known to man but is a first round match in the NWA Television title tournament as Ranger Ross takes on the veteran The Iron Sheik. The match was mostly dominated by The Iron Sheik as he ignored the 'U.S.A.' chants that moved through the audience. At one point, the cameras picked up a sign reading: 'I want the Dragon!' The Iron Sheik takes down Ross with a short-arm clothesline and then climbs on top of him -- Camel Clutch! It doesn't take long before Ross is submitting to the hold.]


Winner: The Iron Sheik (Via Submission @ 4:58)

Match Rating: D+






[We actually move backstage at this point in time where Rick Steiner and Scott Steiner are walking side by side. Obviously, they are talking over strategy for their upcoming match with Doom at Fall Brawl. The camera follows them, peering upward as a box looks a little shaky. The box begins to fall toward Scott. Rick pushes his brother out of the way and the box lands on the head of the Dog-Faced Gremlin. Rick falls to the ground and things like wrenches and other tools can be seen now inside the heavy box. Scott yells for an ambulance for his brother, checking on the condition of Rick Steiner. In the background, a large figure can barely be seen moving away from the scene.]






[We are taken to the video package of another man who will soon be making his return to the NWA. This man is none other than Stan 'The Lariat' Hansen. Hansen is shown hitting various opponents with that dangerous move and each and every time he is shown making the cover and getting the win. Hansen is a very dangerous cowboy, who has already broken a man's neck with that move. It is shown that he will be returning to action this coming week on World Championship Wrestling when he faces Z-Man in a first round match of the NWA Television title tournament!]




Match #3

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/boborton.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/sting4.jpg

'Cowboy' Bob Orton vs. Sting


[Our semi main event is a match that could be the main event anywhere in the country. Neither of these men let anyone down in this back and forth match. Sting scores early against Orton, nearly scoring a pinfall following a dropkick but only getting a two count. Orton comes back with some hard forearm shots to the chest and then a vertical suplex that sends Sting right back down to the mat. Orton focuses on the back of Sting throughout the match but the crowd try to will Sting back into things. Orton sets Sting up on the turnbuckles, setting him up for the Superplex but suddenly Sting comes back to life. Sting with some punches, shoving Orton off the turnbuckles to the mat. Sting comes flying down with an elbow drop right to the heart of the Cowboy! Sting yanks Orton up and irish whips him into a corner -- Stinger Splash! The Stinger Splash connects! Sting grabs the legs of Orton and twists around -- Scorpion Deathlock! Orton struggles and fights but then must give in to the pain of the submission hold! A big win for one of the Horsemen.]


Winner: Sting (Via Submission @ 4:51)

Match Rating: B+






[Ric Flair is shown backstage smiling as he watches the monitor. Then his attention turns toward the other man in the room: Z-Man. He says that Sting just proved that he is worthy of being one of the elite members of the Horsemen and that Z-Man has the chance to prove his worth tonight. Remember, Z-Man, to be the man, you have to beat the man. Tonight, if Z-Man can beat Terry Funk, it will go a long way toward possibly earning him a membership in that most elite group called the Four Horsemen. Long limousines, jet airplanes and all the beautiful women that you can stand. Just like that. Z-Man smiles and says he won't let him down tonight. Flair does a little strut and releases a 'Whooooo' as Z-Man flexes and we head to the ring.]




Match #4

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/terryfunk2.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/garyhart.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/tomzenk.jpg

Terry Funk vs. Z-Man


[A match worthy of being called the main event, despite the fact that it was rather short. But, then, the NWA Power Hour is generally short on time in the main event. Funk and Z-Man give it all in this back and forth encounter as Z-Man tries to prove himself worthy of being called a Horseman. Z-Man catches Funk with a rear waistlock takedown. He uses several moves like the arm drag, hip toss and armbar on the #1 contender, surprising Funk with his quickness. Funk has to check in with Gary Hart, calling a time out. But there are no timeouts in professional wrestling. Z-Man bangs Funk's and Hart's heads together, drawing cheers from the crowd! Z-Man plays to the crowd but that enables Funk to come back with a rake to the eyes and take control.]


[Funk sends Z-Man into a corner and throws punches to Z-Man, throwing them wildly. Funk sends Z-Man outside the ring and grabs the attention of the referee. Gary Hart throws in some kicks to Z-Man and the Funk walks over and pulls Z-Man up on the apron. Z-Man throws a forearm shot! Z-Man catches Funk with a shoulder to the gut and then leaps over with a sunset flip: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout! Z-Man pops up and gets knocked down with a clothesline by Funk! Funk tucks Z-Man between his legs -- Texas Piledriver! Funk looks to make a cover and then shakes his head. He grabs the leg of Z-Man -- Funk Spinning Toehold! The crowd boos as Funk has his family's signature submission on Z-Man! Z-Man struggles, reaching for the ropes. He tries to get the power of the people behind him. But the pain is too much and he has to give up!]


Winner: Terry Funk (Via Submission @ 6:51)

Match Rating: A






[As Terry Funk celebrates in the ring, we are taken backstage where the NWA Championship Committee representative Nick Bockwinkel has set up an office. Inside that office is the NWA United States Heavyweight Champion Lex Luger. The first words out of Luger's mouth are: 'So we have a deal?' Bockwinkel agrees to the deal that was made before we got back there. Luger lays out the terms of the deal, which are that this Saturday night on World Championship Wrestling Lex Luger defends the NWA U.S. title against the returning Ricky 'The Dragon' Steamboat! Luger says he agrees to the match because he wants to prove to everyone that he has changed. He wants to shake Steamboat's hand and prove that he is not the same man that he was when Steamboat left the company. He wants bygones to be bygones and Bockwinkel agrees. As Luger exits the office, we are out of time here on the NWA Power Hour! We'll see you tomorrow for NWA Worldwide and Saturday for World Championship Wrestling!]

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Welcome to the NWA Prediction contest. This contest will run through the end of the year in-game time.


This show was fairly predictable with two out of three getting all four correct. Congratulations to Emark and Beejus!


1. Beejus=4 Wins

2. Emark=2 Wins

3. olympia=1 Win

4. Unregistered=0 Wins

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World Championship Wrestling

Saturday Week 3 September 1989


Prediction Key:

Terry Funk, The Great Muta and Dick Slater vs. Ric Flair, Ole Anderson and Sting



NWA Television Title Tournament, Round 1: Buzz Sawyer vs. Shane Douglas



NWA Television Title Tournament, Round 1: Bill Irwin vs. Brad Armstrong



NWA Television Title Tournament, Round 1: Stan Hansen vs. Z-Man



NWA United States Heavyweight Title Match: Lex Luger defends vs. Ricky Steamboat





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Terry Funk, The Great Muta and Dick Slater vs. Ric Flair, Ole Anderson and Sting



NWA Television Title Tournament, Round 1: Buzz Sawyer vs. Shane Douglas



NWA Television Title Tournament, Round 1: Bill Irwin vs. Brad Armstrong



NWA Television Title Tournament, Round 1: Stan Hansen vs. Z-Man



NWA United States Heavyweight Title Match: Lex Luger defends vs. Ricky Steamboat


Signs: The Total Package Just Wrapped You Up!!

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Terry Funk, The Great Muta and Dick Slater vs. Ric Flair, Ole Anderson and Sting

Comment: VERY tough to call, but I'm imagining Ole as the weak point here. Well, slightly weaker than Slater, anyways.


NWA Television Title Tournament, Round 1: Buzz Sawyer vs. Shane Douglas

Comment: Almost want to say Buzz wins so that J-Tex get to move forward in the tournament, but something is just pulling me toward Douglas.


NWA Television Title Tournament, Round 1: Bill Irwin vs. Brad Armstrong

Comment: When two jobbers meet, no one really cares. Don't matter who takes this one, they're out in the next round anyways.


NWA Television Title Tournament, Round 1: Stan Hansen vs. Z-Man

Comment: Hansen could take the whole thing here.


NWA United States Heavyweight Title Match: Lex Luger defends vs. Ricky Steamboat

Comment: I almost went with Lex, because him cheating to win would further his current story well. But Steamboat is re-debuting, and as such I almost can't go against him in this one.



We need a REAL Enforcer!



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Friday Week 3 September 1989

Anderson Civic Center (Mid Atlantic)

Attendance: 2,000

Show Rating: B-


ANGLE: Sting Is Interviewed By Gordon Solie...B+

Brad Armstrong defeated Al Perez...D+

ANGLE: Ric Flair Hypes Match Against Terry Funk...A

Rock 'N' Roll Express defeated The Samoan Swat Team...C+

ANGLE: Steve Austin Hypes Match With Flyin' Brian...D-

Flyin' Brian defeated Steve Austin...D+

ANGLE: Scott Steiner Hypes Match With Dick Murdoch...C+

Scott Steiner defeated Dick Murdoch...B

ANGLE: Lex Luger Hypes Match With Ricky Steamboat...A

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World Championship Wrestling

Saturday Week 3 September 1989


Prediction Key:

Terry Funk, The Great Muta and Dick Slater vs. Ric Flair, Ole Anderson and Sting

Comment: Heels win big tags, Faces win big singles.


NWA Television Title Tournament, Round 1: Buzz Sawyer vs. Shane Douglas

Comment: Yay Buzz! Screw that Shane kid, your going to be the Franchise!


NWA Television Title Tournament, Round 1: Bill Irwin vs. Brad Armstrong

Comment: The ick vs the ick...er.


NWA Television Title Tournament, Round 1: Stan Hansen vs. Z-Man

Comment: Poor, poor Z-Man. What was it, first Terry Funk, now Stan Hansen? Angry Texans just aren't your thing man.


NWA United States Heavyweight Title Match: Lex Luger defends vs. Ricky Steamboat

Comment: I don't think Steamboat needs the title as much as Luger does. Or at least, I hope not.


Signs: Run Z-Man, Run!

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Saturday Week 3 September 1989

Location: Asheville Civic Center (Mid Atlantic)

Attendance: 10,000

Overall Rating: B

TV Rating: 1.71


Match #1

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/terryfunk2.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/greatmuta.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/dickslater.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/garyhart.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/ricflairc.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/oleanderson.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/sting4.jpg

Terry Funk, The Great Muta and Dick Slater vs. Ric Flair, Ole Anderson and Sting


[World Championship Wrestling opens up this week inside the Asheville Civic Center with the sounds of '2001: A Space Odyssey' getting the fans on their feet. Four fingers fly in the air as Ric Flair leads Ole Anderson and Sting right down toward the ring and it looks like this evening is going to start with in ring action. Jim Ross and James E. Cornette welcome everyone to World Championship Wrestling during the entrance. The cheers turn to boos as Terry Funk, The Great Muta and Dick Slater make their entrance along with their manager Gary Hart. One fan holds up a sign reading: 'GREEN MIST!']


[The three bad guys enter the ring and immediately the pier six brawl begins between all six men. Ric Flair is lacing Terry Funk's chest with chops in one corner. Sting is no-selling some punches from Muta in another and in the third corner, Ole Anderson and Dick Slater are exchanging very hard-hitting blows. Gary Hart's threesome end up vacating the ring almost as quickly as they entered, moving over to Hart for some advice outside the ring as The Horsemen celebrate inside the ring.]


[The first few minutes of the bout belong to the Horsemen as they make quick tags in and out of the contest, keeping a fresh man in. That is, until Sting gets caught in the wrong corner. He tries to fight back against all three men but the numbers game catches up to him and he takes a slingshot on the top rope by Slater and a clothesline down to the mat by Funk. Sting is left on the defensive for the majority of the match with Flair and Anderson reaching for tags, only to be thwarted by the J-Tex Corporation members. Whether it's getting the referee's attention so he doesn't see the tag or attacking Flair or Anderson on the apron to regain the advantage, the J-Tex Corporation utilizes a lot of dirty tricks. They wear down the man called Sting and bring him down to the mat with a Slater body slam. Slater tags in Muta and Muta heads for the top turnbuckle -- Moonsault -- misses! Sting rolls out of the way and Muta lands chest-first on the mat! Sting crawls toward the corner with a 'We Want Flair' chant breaking through the crowd. Slater tags in Funk and Sting tags in Anderson as a sign is shown in the background reading: 'We need a REAL Enforcer!']


[The match breaks down once again just as it did in the beginning. Flair comes in after Muta, Sting comes back in and faces off with Dick Slater, leaving Anderson and Funk. More hard-hitting ensues between all six men. Muta manages to catch Flair with a hard kick to the head and Flair goes down. Slater hits Sting with a low blow outside of the vision of the referee. Funk takes control over the fresher Anderson and then hooks him between his legs: Texas Piledriver! Funk makes the cover, sliding his feet on the middle rope in the process: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winners: Terry Funk, The Great Muta and Dick Slater (Via Pinfall @ 10:31)

Match Rating: B






[The crowd is unhappy with that turn of events earlier. Speaking of being unhappy, we head backstage and catch the middle of another argument between Lex Luger and Barry Windham. Luger shoves Windham backward and Windham shoves Luger.]


Barry Windham

"What do you mean you did it to help me? I didn't want to advance in that manner. You and I are friends, Lex. But don't interfere in any of my matches again, alright?


Lex Luger

"Suit yourself, Barry. But tonight I have to focus because tonight I am going one on one with Ricky Steamboat for my United States title. I have to win this match and prove to everyone that I am the best."


[Windham nods and pats Luger on the back.]


Barry Windham

"I'll see you after the match, Lex."


[Luger nods back and begins pacing slightly in that backstage area. He has a worried look on his face and perhaps rightly so. Facing Ricky Steamboat is a tall challenge for anyone to overcome.]




Match #2

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/buzzsawyer.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/garyhart.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/ShaneDouglas3.jpg

NWA Television Title Tournament, Round 1

Buzz Sawyer vs. Shane Douglas


[Our second bout of the evening is a round 1 contest in the NWA Television title tournament. The updated brackets are shown with Barry Windham and The Iron Sheik advancing to the second round on the NWA Power Hour.]


[This match is definitely not a crowd pleasing encounter here as neither man are really over enough with the fans to really draw a lot of attention. Perhaps used as more of a bathroom break? The match, though, is dominated by one of the two men. The member of the J-Tex Corporation cuts through Douglas just like his namesake. Sawyer brings Douglas into the corner and lights him up with chops and punches and even a bite that Sawyer has to break before a five count. He sends Douglas to the ropes -- Powerslam! Sawyer makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Buzz Sawyer (Via Pinfall @ 4:43)

Match Rating: D+






[We are taken to a pre-recorded message where the three members of the Fabulous Freebirds: Michael 'P.S.' Hayes, Jimmy 'Jam' Garvin and Terry Gordy are standing by in front of an 'NWA' logo with the NWA World Tag Team title belts firmly around the waists of Hayes and Garvin.]


Michael 'P.S.' Hayes

"Everybody wants a title shot at the Freebirds. Of course they do. Because when you're the best everyone wants to try and bring you down to their level. But the Freebirds are on the top level. We're up in the penthouse partying with all the ladies, while the other tag teams are down in the outhouse doing what they do best. That includes you, Midnight Express. Sure you may have the pedigree and the background to give us a run for our money but the 80's were the decade of the Freebirds and the 90's are going to be more of the same."


Jimmy Garvin

"That's right, Michael. Midnight Express, you're going to get hurt when you step in the ring with us. Rock and roll and kicking butt is our business and business is good."


[Gordy crosses his arms across his large chest and just stares into the camera for a moment as the Freebirds pose.]






[We head to the backstage area where we find Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson, The Rock 'N' Roll Express, standing around talking to several members of the staff. The small talk is interrupted, though, when they get approached by two of the larger members of the NWA roster: Sid Vicious and Dan Spivey, The Skyscrapers.]


Sid Vicious

"So these are the two legends that have returned to the tag team division? Did you ask our permission to return? Let me introduce myself. My name is Sid Vicious. This is Dan Spivey. We are The Skyscrapers and we rule the tag team division in the NWA with an iron fist. So you two old-timers can just hit the bricks."


[Morton and Gibson ignore The Skyscrapers at first but they cannot ignore the fists to the sides of the head when Vicious and Spivey attack them. The interns and other staff members run for cover as Vicious rams Gibson's head into a table backstage! Spivey throws Morton into some lighting! The Skyscrapers team up to bring Gibson down beside his partner and then stand over the veteran tag team.]




Match #3

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/billirwin2.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/BradArmstrong.jpg

NWA Television Title Tournament, Round 1

Bill Irwin vs. Brad Armstrong


[Our third match of the evening is another first round match in the NWA Television Title Tournament. Another group of fans used this match as their bathroom break but they missed a very competitive match that went back and forth and actually got the crowd involved. The second generation wrestler Brad Armstrong showed some definite athleticism in this match that he must have gotten from his father 'Bullet' Bob Armstrong. Irwin scored a near fall following a big boot. This lead to an argument between Irwin and the referee. Armstrong recovered and slid in behind Irwin -- Russian Legsweep! Armstrong slides over, making the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3! Brad Armstrong advances right here on World Championship Wrestling!]


Winner: Brad Armstrong (Via Pinfall @ 4:59)

Match Rating: C+






[We head to another pre-recorded message. This time we have Woman along with the team known simply as Doom. These three wrestlers are standing in front of the NWA logo, much as The Fabulous Freebirds were earlier in the night.]



"I am Woman, hear me roar. I promised Rick and Scott Steiner that they would meet their Doom and I always keep my promises. Here with me are two men who comprise the best tag team in professional wrestling. Their names are not important. What is important is that they are going to terrorize the Steiner Brothers for breaking my heart. They are going to destroy them both and leave them for me to stand over top of their broken bodies. Remember, boys, hell hath no fury like Woman scorned."


[Doom just stands there looking tough within their masks. Of course the announcers have 'no idea' who the two men are underneath the masks.]




Match #4

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/stanhansen4.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/tomzenk.jpg

NWA Television Title Tournament, Round 1

Stan Hansen vs. Z-Man


[Our semi main event this evening is another first round match in the NWA Television title tournament and this is a great one between the debut of Stan 'the Lariat' Hansen and Z-Man. Z-Man gets the great crowd reaction when he comes down to the ring. The debut of Hansen is met with a lot of boos and jeering from the crowd. Though one fan holds up a sign reading: 'LARIATOOOOOO!', a reference to Hansen's days in Japan.]


[Another of our hard hitting battles here tonight as Hansen shows a stiffness in the ring that has Z-Man showing some swelling early on in the match. Z-Man does his best to move away from Hansen and keep Hansen from hitting any big dangerous shots to the head and face. Z-Man definitely has the speed advantage in this bout and he scores a near fall on a cross body block. Hansen catches Z-Man and tosses him out of the ring. He follows him out and tosses him against the ring post. While they are outside the ring, a sign is shown reading: 'Run Z-Man, Run!' Hansen throws Z-Man back in the ring and Z-Man bounces off the ropes -- Super Kick -- ducked! Hansen rises up -- LARIAT! He nearly takes Z-Man's head off! Hansen makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3! Stan Hansen advances!]


Winner: Stan Hansen (Via Pinfall @ 7:47)

Match Rating: B






[We head down to ringside following a commercial break where Gordon Solie is standing by with the top contender to the NWA United States Heavyweight title: Junkyard Dog. Dog shakes hands with some fans for a moment as attention is focused on Solie.]


Gordon Solie

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen. We are just a few moments away from viewing the main event, a United States Heavyweight title defense by 'The Total Package' Lex Luger against Ricky 'The Dragon' Steamboat. One man who is very interested in the outcome of this match is the man standing to my left: Junkyard Dog. JYD, do you have any preference on the outcome of this match?


Junkyard Dog

"I'll tell you what, Gordon, it's going to be a tough and competitive match no matter who I face at Fall Brawl. It could be Lex Luger. It could be my good friend Ricky Steamboat. But every dog has his day and Fall Brawl is going to be my day to walk away with the U.S. title. That night, they're gonna give a dog a bone and I'm going to walk away with the belt no matter who it is."


Gordon Solie

"Thank you, JYD."


[Gordon nods and JYD moves back to shaking hands with the fans and we head to a commercial break.]






[As we return from that commercial break, the sounds of 'Iron Man' by Black Sabbath are playing in the arena. The crowd goes on their feet to watch as Paul Ellering leads Animal and Hawk, The Road Warriors, down to the ring. They step inside as the announcers say that this wasn't planned at all. But they want to hear what the Road Warriors have to say.]


Paul Ellering

"First of all, ladies and gentlemen, we decided to come out here and take this time to let The Skyscrapers know that they, in fact, do NOT rule the tag team division here in NWA. That place belongs to the two men standing on either side of me. And in order for you to get that spot, you're going to have to go through my team at Fall Brawl, which is no easy task and a fool's game. Though no one ever excused the two of you lug heads as being awfully bright. Right, Animal?"



"That's right, Paul. We are the two toughest men in professional wrestling. We don't need no stinking weapons. We don't need anything but our bare hands. We are not exactly like your average geeks down the block. We're a little different, yeah, just a little. We are the future NWA World Tag Team Champions and there's not a team that's gonna stand in our way."


[The Road Warriors are surprisingly interrupted by the sounds of a theme music that the fans definitely recognize.]




[Out from the back, led by Missy Hyatt, come Rick Steiner and Scott Steiner, The Steiner Brothers. The fans are definitely surprised and have no idea what is going to happen here. Hyatt leads the Steiners into the ring and they've got microphones of their own.]


Scott Steiner

"Did I really hear you just say that you're the greatest tag team in professional wrestling? That there isn't a team who's going to stand in your way? My brother and I have a little something to say about that. You see, I am trying to understand why it is your match with the Skyscrapers that has that little title attached to it where you can cash in an NWA World Tag Team title shot any time you want. Why isn't that attached to our match with Doom? So, I'll tell you what, next week we have World Championship Wrestling right before the pay-per-view. Next week, Road Warriors versus Steiner Brothers. Winners have that stipulation attached to their match. What do you say?"



"Weeeelllllll, I would say that you just made a big mistake. The two of you are going to be sitting in hospital beds next to The Skyscrapers next week. You're on! Ohhhhhhhhh What a rush!"


[scott just smiles while Rick barks and jogs around the ring. He obviously got exactly what he wanted. The face off ends in a commercial break for the fans at home and Scott leading his brother and Missy Hyatt out of the ring for the fans in the building.]




Match #5

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/luger.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/rickysteamboat2.jpg

NWA United States Heavyweight Title Match

Lex Luger defends vs. Ricky Steamboat


[Our main event contest has the fans going absolutely wild for the entrance and return of Ricky 'The Dragon' Steamboat. Steamboat shakes hands with the fans on the way to the ring and then climbs inside, waiting for the entrance of The Total Package. Luger ignores the fans for now as he steps inside the ring and hands over the United States title belt. He offers a handshake to Steamboat to start things out. Steamboat accepts and the match begins.]


[Luger starts off the match by showing his power, shoving Steamboat back in the corner and then flexing to boos from the crowd. It happens a second time as well. But the third time has Steamboat reversing the momentum and sending Luger into the corner. Steamboat climbs up and throws punches down on Luger, who reverses it into an inverted atomic drop when eight punches are reached. Luger brings down Steamboat with a clothesline and thus starts the several minutes of momentum for the Total Package.]


[That momentum for Luger includes sending Steamboat out of the ring and running him into the ring post and then into the guardrail. Luger focuses on the ribs and back of Steamboat, obviously a prelude to the Human Torture Rack. The fans are into the match during this entire time, trying to will Steamboat into a second wind. Steamboat struggles and fights multiple times but Luger keeps putting him down ever single time. Though Luger starts getting frustrated because Steamboat won't stay down for a three count. Luger puts Steamboat down with a running forearm shot and calls for the Human Torture Rack! A sign in the crowd is shown reading: 'The Total Package Just Wrapped You Up!!' Luger lifts The Dragon up on his shoulders but Steamboat wiggles his way out.]


[steamboat catches Luger with a perfectly executed dropkick and then some armdrags for good measure. The Dragon attempts to put Luger in the double chicken wing but Luger powers out and throws Steamboat over the top rope. Steamboat holds on to the top rope and as Luger poses, Steamboat pulls himself back in the ring over the ropes. Steamboat catches Luger with some chops when Luger turns back around. He drops Luger with a spinning heel kick! Steamboat motions to the top turnbuckle. He's looking to put Luger away. Steamboat climbs the turnbuckle as Luger starts to get to his feet. Luger spies Steamboat and rolls quickly out of the ring. Luger motions with his hands that he doesn't want anymore and grabs his U.S. title belt. Referee Tommy Young has no choice but to count Luger out as The Total Package disappears into the backstage area.]


Winner: Ricky Steamboat (Via Count Out @ 20:19; Lex Luger retains the NWA United States Heavyweight title)

Match Rating: A


[Even though he doesn't win the title, this is still a major victory for Ricky Steamboat on his return to the NWA. Steamboat climbs the turnbuckles and pumps his fists, celebrating to cheers from the crowd. The Dragon exits the ring over the top rope to the floor and then moves out with the crowd, a man of the people. The show ends with Steamboat celebrating this victory over Luger. We'll see you on the Power Hour!]

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Welcome to the NWA Prediction contest. This contest will run through the end of the year in-game time.


A definite unpredictable show as we had no one get a perfect score. We did have two people get 3/5. Congratulations to Beejus and Unregistered!


1. Beejus=5 Wins

2. Emark=2 Wins

3. olympia=1 Win

Unregistered=1 Wins

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Terry Funk, The Great Muta and Dick Slater vs. Ric Flair, Ole Anderson and Sting

Comment: VERY tough to call, but I'm imagining Ole as the weak point here. Well, slightly weaker than Slater, anyways.


This was definitely a tough match to call and even for me to call. In the end, I felt that the J-Tex Corporation needed more momentum.


NWA Television Title Tournament, Round 1: Bill Irwin vs. Brad Armstrong

Comment: When two jobbers meet, no one really cares. Don't matter who takes this one, they're out in the next round anyways.


Man, I don't think that anyone appreciated this match! lol.


NWA Television Title Tournament, Round 1: Stan Hansen vs. Z-Man

Comment: Hansen could take the whole thing here.


He is definitely a possibility!


NWA United States Heavyweight Title Match: Lex Luger defends vs. Ricky Steamboat

Comment: I almost went with Lex, because him cheating to win would further his current story well. But Steamboat is re-debuting, and as such I almost can't go against him in this one.


This was another tough one for me to call but I think the count out victory both cemented Steamboat's return and forwarded Luger's storyline as well.



We need a REAL Enforcer!




Thanks for the signs and predictions! They are always appreciated!


Terry Funk, The Great Muta and Dick Slater vs. Ric Flair, Ole Anderson and Sting

Comment: Heels win big tags, Faces win big singles.


That is booking 101, right?


NWA Television Title Tournament, Round 1: Buzz Sawyer vs. Shane Douglas

Comment: Yay Buzz! Screw that Shane kid, your going to be the Franchise!


He could end up that way. :)


NWA Television Title Tournament, Round 1: Bill Irwin vs. Brad Armstrong

Comment: The ick vs the ick...er.


I think I get that nobody likes the Irwin/Armstrong match. lol.


NWA Television Title Tournament, Round 1: Stan Hansen vs. Z-Man

Comment: Poor, poor Z-Man. What was it, first Terry Funk, now Stan Hansen? Angry Texans just aren't your thing man.


Z-Man COULD come on the verge of a push. The question is, though, could it be a singles push or a tag team push with Flyin' Brian?


NWA United States Heavyweight Title Match: Lex Luger defends vs. Ricky Steamboat

Comment: I don't think Steamboat needs the title as much as Luger does. Or at least, I hope not.


Steamboat definitely doesn't need the belt. But, technically, I'm not so sure Luger does either.


Signs: Run Z-Man, Run!


Thanks for the predictions and the comments and sign! All of them are so very much appreciated!


Terry Funk, The Great Muta and Dick Slater vs. Ric Flair, Ole Anderson and Sting



NWA Television Title Tournament, Round 1: Buzz Sawyer vs. Shane Douglas



NWA Television Title Tournament, Round 1: Bill Irwin vs. Brad Armstrong



NWA Television Title Tournament, Round 1: Stan Hansen vs. Z-Man



NWA United States Heavyweight Title Match: Lex Luger defends vs. Ricky Steamboat


Signs: The Total Package Just Wrapped You Up!!


Thanks for the predictions and sign! So much appreciated!

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NWA Television Title Tournament, Round 1: Steve Austin vs. Steve WilliamsComment: Doc has the better push via Varsity Club, plus thinking he vs Hansen would make a heckuva match


NWA Television Title Tournament, Round 1: Dick Slater vs. Flyin' Brian

Comment: Giving the Jaytex stable another win here to keep them relevant.


Terry Funk vs. StingComment: Sting

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NWA Television Title Tournament, Round 1: Steve Austin vs. Steve Williams

Comment: Austin isn't big enough to get many wins yet, but I'm sure he will pretty soon.


NWA Television Title Tournament, Round 1: Dick Slater vs. Flyin' Brian

Comment: I'm pulling for Brian to take the title!


Terry Funk vs. Sting

Comment: I'm looking at this from a logistic standpoint; Sting is just coming off of a TV title run, whereas Funk is looking forward to a big World title match. I figure Funker can cheat to win this one, and when Sting is on his way on up - probably next month - then he can get this win back.



Can't wait for Fall Brawl!

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