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Monthly Update - May


Another good month for us, as we put on our best show to date. The Main Event between Mr Lucha and Roddy was also our best match to date. Hopefully we can build on this going forward...



The big news this month was SWF’s rise to Global status. With this rise in size came some new signings, with SWF bringing in referee Eugene Williams, road agent The Stomper and new superstar Jim Force!


Big Event: SWF The World Is Watching (B-) Buy Rate: 3.73

Main Event: Eric Eisen bt Rich Money to retain SWF World Heavyweight Championship

Match of the Night: Brandon James bt Gregory Black to retain SWF North American Title


Bookers View: A disappointing PPV for the SWF, but a very positive month overall, highlighted by their rise to Global.



A quiet month for TCW, but they did extend the deals of Koshiri Ino and Laura Huggins.


Big Event: TCW Where Angels Fear To Tread (B) Buy Rate: 1.57

Main Event: Rocky Golden bt Tommy Cornell to retain TCW World Heavyweight Title

Match of the Night: Wolf Hawkins bt Joey Minnesota


Title Changes: Aaron Andrews won the TCW All Action Title (previous holder: Edd Stone, W1 Dec 2009-W2 Apr 2010, 9 defences)


Bookers view: Not event Cornell could get a great match out of Rocky Golden. The guys just not up to scratch with the rest of the roster. How long until they make the change?



The main news in USPW this month was The Force jumping to the SWF. This would leave a big hole in their roster. However, they did manage to extend the deal of Nicky Champion.


Big Event: USPW Freedom Fight! (C+) Buy Rate: 0.8

Main Event & Match of the Night: Enygma bt Peter Valentine to retain the USPW World Title


Title Changes: Jumbo Jackson & T-Rex won the USPW World Tag Team Titles (previous holders: Freddie Datsun & Des Davids, W1 Nov 2009-W3 Apr 2010, 2 defences)


Bookers view: A decent month for USPW... but how would they replace The Force?

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6th Show: MPW presents Powerplay


Following the controversy surrounding last month’s Main Event, Powerplay will see Mr Lucha III and the man who cost him his MPW Championship match, Ant Man, facing off in tag team competition. Lucha has selected fellow Luchador and fan favourite Velocidad as his tag team partner, while Ant Man has selected MPW Champion Roderick Remus to partner him in what is sure to be a firey match up. Elsewhere, Jamie Atherton has reacted to Nigel Svensson attacking him last month by setting up a match between the Swede and Raphael. Make sure not to miss MPW:Powerplay...


Prediction List:


Jayson Van Pelt vs Shame

Roger Monteiro vs Mark Smart

Cal Sanders vs Jamie Atherton

Nigel Svensson vs Raphael

Los Luchas (Mr Lucha III & Velocidad) vs Ant Man & Roderick Remus

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Jayson Van Pelt vs Shame

JVP is the guy who has storyline going.


Roger Monteiro vs Mark Smart

I think that Smart is slighly ahead simply because he´s association with Raphael.


Cal Sanders vs Jamie Atherton

Tough one as these two are quite even in my books but Jamie is the one who have storyline going.


Nigel Svensson vs Raphael

Another close one and again storyline is the tie-breaker.


Los Luchas (Mr Lucha III & Velocidad) vs Ant Man & Roderick Remus

This one looks like a match where challengers could pick a win over champ.

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From the Ohio Jewish Center, with 15 people in attendance...

MPW presents Powerplay


Remmington Remus and Mark Smart


The show opens up with Ant Man and Roderick Remus heading to the ring. As they walk down to the ring, the commentators recap the events of last month’s Main Event, which saw Ant Man distract Mr Lucha III in his title match against Roderick Remus. They also explain that tonight’s tag team Main Event will have title implications. If Mr Lucha and Velocidad win, Mr Lucha III will receive another shot at the title next month at Summer Slaughter. As usual, the commentators seem to have divided opinions on the subject, with Remmington Remus claiming Lucha deserves a fair rematch and Atherton claiming Mr Lucha was just a sore loser.


Roderick Remus: “Last month, I showed once again that I am better than these flippedy-flip Luchadors who come over from Mexico. I showed grit, determination and skill to keep hold of this title, all the skills needed to make it to the big leagues by the way... but do I get any respect around here? No. I’m told that if those Luchadors win their tag team match tonight, Mr Lucha gets another shot at my title. Do you think I would be getting another title show if I had lost in the final of the title tournament? Of course not. Those Luchadors have been getting preferential treatment since they arrived, and we’re both sick of it.”


He then passes the microphone to Ant Man, who looks like he has something to add.


Ant Man: “I couldn’t agree more. This man is the MPW Champion, and I am the Franchise player of this promotion... yet we have been treated like second class citizens since we started here at MPW, while those Mexican imports have been afforded opportunity after opportunity. Well we’re sick of it, and tonight we will be taking the first step towards righting that injustice.”


Rating: D-


Jayson Van Pelt vs Shame


The first match of the night sees Jayson Van Pelt in action, and as usual this indicates an opportunity for Jamie Atherton to take shots at the young man on behalf of his friend Raphael. Remmington Remus points out to Atherton that Jayson Van Pelt is on a three match winning streak. However, Atherton shrugs this off by pointing out that despite his little winning streak, Jayson Van Pelt had never beaten Raphael one on one... and lest we forget that Jamie Atherton defeated Van Pelt himself on the debut show of MPW.


Another good showing here for Jayson Van Pelt, as he used his aerial offence to keep Shame off balance for most of this match. Shame did manage to gain the upper hand for periods of the match, usually following a rake to the eyes or a well timed low blow, but Van Pelt would always manage to turn it back in his favour. In the end Van Pelt was able to connect with an Axe Kick, and extend his winning run to four matches. After the match Jamie Atherton comments that enough is enough, and announces that he will personally bring Van Pelt’s winning streak to an end next month at Summer Slaughter.


In an extremely poor match, Jayson Van Pelt defeated Shame in 8:05 by pinfall with an Axe Kick.


Rating: E+


Roger Monteiro vs Mark Smart


This match represented an opportunity for these two men, who have struggled in their MPW careers to date, to gain some much needed momentum. The match started off cagily, with the two men feeling each other out. As the match went on, Roger Monteiro became more confident and his speed began to give him the advantage. Eventually Monteiro managed to get the win with an Eagle Chop, giving him his first win here in MPW.


In an awful match that was completely devoid of heat, Roger Monteiro defeated Mark Smart in 6:41 by pinfall with an Eagle Chop.


Rating: E+


Cal Sanders vs Jamie Atherton


A clash of personalities here, as well as a clash of styles. Sanders is a very reserved character, who relies on his sounds technical base to gain the upper hand. Whereas Atherton is an exuberant and flamboyant individual, who looks to use his speed and aerial prowess to keep his opponent off balance. The contrast certainly made for an interesting matchup.


Atherton starts this match well, with his speed keeping Sanders off balance and preventing the lumberjack from getting a foothold in the match. However Atherton before too long, Atherton begins playing to the crowd. This proves to be a mistake, as it allowed Sanders to recover and find his feet in the match. Sanders begins to work his way more and more into the match, and gains the upperhand until Atherton uses a rake to the eyes to turn things back in his favour. From here Atherton is able to land a Super Kick to get the win.


In a bout that had solid in-ring action but non-existent crowd heat, Jamie Atherton defeated Cal Sanders in 7:16 by pinfall.


Rating: D-


Following his match, Nigel Svensson grabs a microphone and tells Nigel Svensson he hasn’t forgotten about what happened last month. He says that he has arranged a special opponent for Svensson to face tonight as punishment for his actions. Svensson then makes his way out and goes straight for Atherton, who bails from the ring. Atherton backs away towards the announce desk, and announces that Nigel Svensson’s opponent tonight would be Raphael!


Rating: E-


Nigel Svensson vs Raphael


Raphael makes his way to the ring accompanied by the lovely Sienna DeVille, and cuts off Svensson before he can go after Atherton again. The two men slugged it out on the outside for a period, before the action was eventually bought back into the ring and the match officially got under way. Svensson began strongly, using his MMA background to keep Raphael on the mat and control proceedings. As the match wore on and Raphael failed to work his way back into it, Sienna DeVille was visibly becoming more and more agitated at ringside.


Raphael eventually managed to create some separation with a rake to the eyes, before snapping off a Clothesline to knock the Swede off his feet. He then looked to press his advantage by mounting Svensson and letting off a flurry of punches, but the Swede was able to counter and turn it into a Hyper Extension Arm Lock! Raphael screamed out in pain and looked like he may tap, but luckily for him he was eventually able to get to the ropes and force the break.


Raphael rolled to the outside to catch his breath, but Svensson followed him out and threw him back into the ring. Sienna DeVille hopped onto the apron to complain to the referee that Svensson hadn’t allowed Raphael a breather. This proved to be a useful distraction, as Atherton slid in behind Svensson and hit the Swede with a low blow behind the referees back. Raphael capitalised and hit the Inheritence, before rolling into the cover. Sienna DeVille pointed the referees attention toward the cover, and Jonathan Taylor counted the three.


In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Raphael defeated Nigel Svensson in 8:08 by pinfall after interference from Sienna DeVille.


Rating: D


Mr Lucha III & Velocidad vs Ant Man & Roderick Remus


Jamie Atherton returns to the commentary desk looking very smug. Remmington Remus tries to chastise Atherton, but his co-commentator is having none of it. Eventually Remus becomes exasperated, and moves on to hyping the Main Event of the evening. Remmington Remus reminds us that if Mr Lucha and Velocidad are victorious then Lucha will receive his rematch against Remmington’s brother. Atherton chips in, saying that he agrees with Ant Man and Roderick Remus from earlier tonight. These luchadors have received preferential treatment ever since they arrived here in America.


Mr Lucha III begins the match against Ant Man, who looks to overpower his speedier opponent. The two men prove to be very equal, and the match goes back and forth until Lucha tags in his partner. Velocidad looked to land a Springboard Cross Body off of the tag... but is caught by Ant Man, who turns it into Power Slam. The Heels then isolated Velocidad in their corner, and utilised frequent tags to stay fresh and wear down their opponent.


This sequence went on for a number of minutes, until Ant Man played to the crowd for slightly too long. This allowed Velocidad to kip up back to his feet and dive for his corner... just reaching Mr Lucha before Ant Man could haul him back. Lucha hit the ring like a house on fire and took Ant Man down with a Clothesline, quickly followed by a standing Dropkick. Roderick Remus gets into the ring to cut off Lucha, but is met by an Enzuigiri to send him sprawling. Lucha then turns around to deliver another Enziguiri, this time to Ant Man. Remus and Ant Man both struggle back to their feet, but are met by simultaneous Dropkicks from the two Luchadors.


The two men from Mexico then play to the crowd for a moment, before turning back to the action and seeing Roderick Remus making his way back up the ramp. Remmington Remus is screaming at his brother on commentary, telling him to get back in the ring. However, Roderick stands his ground and simply watches as Mr Lucha hit the Third Strike on the abandoned Ant Man to set up a championship match next month at Summer Slaughter!


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Los Luchas defeated Ant-Man and Roderick Remus in 7:36 when Mr. Lucha III defeated Ant-Man by pinfall with a Third Strike.


Rating: D

Final Rating: D

There was a feeling some of the angles used did not reach the standards set by the in-ring action. This show can be considered a success, it should have increased our popularity.

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Monthly update - June


We are now six months into this little project of mine, so it seems as good a time as any to assess how we are doing so far. On the whole, show quality was good for a promotion of our size. We were also slowly becoming less generic with our storylines, and hopefully this progress would continue going forward.


I was also happy that we were managing to turn a small profit each month. We had made between $1500 and $2000 every month since opening, and now had over $10,000 in the bank. We had also managed to do this while using all of our wrestlers on every show. This was important to me as many of the smaller independent shows I had worked for in the past hadn't done this, and I had seen the effect that missed pay check had on the worker.


Extended Randy Bumfhole deal. Cheetah Boy called up from development. Hannah released.


Big Event: SWF Times of Trouble (B) Buy Rate: 3.69

Main Event: Eric Eisen bt Christian Faith to retain SWF World Heavyweight Championship

Match of the Night: Vengeance bt Angry Gilmore


Title Changes: Joe Sexy won the SWF North American Championship (previous holder: Brandon James, W1 Oct 09-W2 Jun 10, 24 defences)


Bookers View: A good month for SWF. The talking point of the month was Joe Sexy ending Brandon James’ impressive run as North American Champion. Brandon James did a great job with the North American belt, so it will be interesting to see where he goes from here.



Texas Pete and Benny Benson extend deals.


Big Event: TCW Excessive Force (B+) Buy Rate: 1.52

Main Event: Rocky Golden bt Troy Tornado to retain TCW World Heavyweight Title

Match of the Night: Tommy Cornell bt Joey Minnesota


Bookers view: A great PPV for TCW, putting on arguably the show of the year so far. Cornell/Minnesota is certainly a contender for MOTY as well.



Released Al The Hillbilly & Java. Signed James Prudence.


Big Event: USPW Americana! (B-) Buy Rate: 0.92

Main Event & Match of the Night: Enygma bt Bruce The Giant to retain the USPW World Title


Bookers view: A good month for USPW. Enygma put in another good showing, and James Prudence is an exciting signing for the company.

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MPW presents Summer Slaughter


Following his victory alongside Velocidad in last month’s Main Event, Mr Lucha III receives another shot at Roderick Remus’ MPW Championship. Can the luchador overcome the champion this time, or will Remus be able to sneak out with his title again?


Fan favourite Velocidad also faces off against Ant Man, and after laying down his challenge last month Jamie Atherton faces off against Jayson Van Pelt. Be sure not to miss MPW: Summer Slaughter...


Prediction List:


Cal Sanders vs Raphael

Jayson Van Pelt vs Jamie Atherton

Nigel Svensson vs Mark Smart

Velocidad vs Ant Man

Mr Lucha III vs Roderick Remus © - MPW Championship

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Cal Sanders vs Raphael

Again Raphael is the one who has storyline going.


Jayson Van Pelt vs Jamie Atherton

Coin flip but I like Van Pelt more.


Nigel Svensson vs Mark Smart

Smart couldn´t beat Monteiro so he isn´t beating Svensson either.

Velocidad vs Ant Man

I would assume that Velocidad is the next challenger for Remus.


Mr Lucha III vs Roderick Remus © - MPW Championship

Too early for a change.

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From the Ohio Jewish Center, with 11 people in attendance...

MPW presents Summer Slaughter



Remmington Remus and Jamie Atherton


Cal Sanders vs Raphael


The show begins with Raphael facing off against the Canadian Lumberjack Cal Sanders. On commentary, Jamie Atherton hypes Raphael’s victory against Nigel Svensson last month at MPW: Powerplay. The match itself was fairly even, with both men displaying their good technical skills in the back and forth action. However, it was Raphael who was able to pick up the victory following the Inheritance.


In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Raphael defeated Cal Sanders in 7:37 by pinfall.


Rating: D


Following his victory, Raphael is passed a microphone by his valet Sienna DeVille.


Raphael: “And that is how it’s done! Now you people should show me the respect someone of my talents deserves.”


Needless to say this doesn’t go down too well with the crowd, even inspiring a few boos. However this doesn’t seem to affect Raphael, who just begins to laugh.


Raphael: “Like I really care what you idiots think. I didn’t ask for this microphone to address you, I want to address a couple of people who have disrespected me and my friend Jamie Atherton. First of all I have a message for Nigel Svensson. Did you really think you could just run around attacking people unprovoked? You are nothing more than a bully, and like all bullies when somebody stood up to you, you couldn’t handle it.”


Again, the crowd seem to disagree with this sentiment.


Raphael: “And I also want to talk about Jayson Van Pelt. He has been jealous of me ever since I arrived in MPW. He’s been jealous of my wealth, my charisma, my good looks, my girlfriend and most importantly my talent. Jayson just couldn’t deal with how far superior I was to him, and felt the need to get involved in my matches and try to bring me down to his level. But that’s not going to work. Jayson Van Pelt isn’t in my league, and after Jamie Atherton deals with him tonight we can put this matter to bed once and for all.”


Raphael then welcomes Jamie Atherton to the ring, before joining Remmington Remus on commentary as he awaits the arrival of Jamie Atherton’s opponent: Jayson Van Pelt.


Rating: E


Jayson Van Pelt vs Jamie Atherton


Raphael is very confident on commentary, as he claims that a man of Jamie Atherton’s talents will have no problems dealing with a punk like Jayson Van Pelt. This was a lively paced matchup between the two men, with both competitors showing off their high flying skills. After an open start, Atherton had managed to gain control of the match with a rake to the eyes. However, 7 minutes into the match Nigel Svensson appears from behind the curtain and catches the attention of Jamie Atherton. On commentary, Raphael demands to know what Svensson is doing out here.


Back in the ring, Van Pelt takes advantage of the distraction and nails Atherton with the Axe Kick to pick up the victory. On commentary, Raphael is going nuts. He is bemoaning Van Pelt, saying that anyone with an ounce of integrity wouldn’t have taken advantage of a distracted opponent like that... this seems to amuse Remmington Remus greatly.


After the referee had raised Van Pelt’s hand, Svensson made his way down to the ring. The Swede slides into the ring and stands menacingly over Atherton, who backs away into the corner. Things don’t look good for Atherton, until Mark Smart slides into the ring behind Svensson and strikes the Swede from behind. Seeing an opportunity, Atherton bails from the ring and heads back to the announce desk.


In an extremely poor match, Jayson Van Pelt defeated Jamie Atherton in 7:28 by pinfall with an Axe Kick after a distraction from Nigel Svensson.


Rating: D-


Nigel Svensson vs Mark Smart


Back at the announce desk, Atherton claims Svensson is a coward who attacks people only when they are distracted. He claims that if he were to face Svensson face to face when he was prepared, the Swede would stand no chance. Raphael agrees, and says he’s had enough of Van Pelt & Svensson. Next month, Svensson & Raphael would have to face the tag team of Raphael & Jamie Atherton! Jamie Atherton claims that they will be unstoppable!


Back in the ring, referee Jonathan Taylor has rung the bell and this one is an official match. Smart has the advantage early on, after jumping Svensson from behind before the match. However, Svensson is able to wrestle back control fairly quickly. From here, Svensson dominates, and is able to pick up the win with a Hyper Extension Arm Lock.


In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Nigel Svensson defeated Mark Smart in 6:18 by submission with a Hyper Extension Arm Lock.


Rating: D-


Velocidad vs Ant Man


Ant Man was aggressive all the way through this match, taking the fight to his luchador opponent throughout. Ant Man’s level of aggression seemed to take Velocidad by surprise, and the luchador tried to use his speed to create distance between himself and his opponent. Ant Man’s new found aggression, combined with his unmatched power and strength, meant that he dominated this match almost throughout.


The end of the match came as Ant Man used his strength to throw his smaller opponent into the corner. Ant Man stayed on top of Velocidad, grabbing the luchador and throwing a barrage of rights and lefts to his cornered opponent. Velocidad tried to take cover from the assault, but Ant Man’s barrage continued. Referee Jonathan Taylor tried to pull Ant Man off of the luchador, but is pushed away half way across the ring. Taylor has one more go at pulling Ant Man off, but Ant Man seems oblivious to the referees efforts, and so Jonathan Taylor calls for the bell.


This seems to get Ant Man’s attention, as he stops pummelling his opponent and gets up to remonstrate with the official.


In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Velocidad defeated Ant-Man in 7:53 by disqualification.


Rating: D



Ant Man cannot believe he has been disqualified. He argues with the official, berating referee Jonathan Taylor. After a short time Ant Man’s attention turns back to Velocidad, as he surveys the Lucahdor with a furious look on his face. Ant Man jumps on the Luchador and throws a series of heavy right hands, before hauling Velocidad to his feet and hitting an Antidote. He then demands a microphone.


Ant Man: “Are you kidding me? You disqualified me for that? When did wrestling become a non-contact sport... and more importantly, when did I start working for a Mexican promotion? Why have these luchadors received preferential treatment ever since they got here? I’m sick of it! And soon I will put a stop to it. You lot can just sit back and enjoy the show...”


Ant Man then throws down his microphone and storms to the back.


Rating: E+


Mr Lucha III vs Roderick Remus ©

MPW Championship


Next up Mr Lucha III makes his way to the ring for his shot at Roderick Remus’ MPW Championship. On commentary, Jamie Atherton reflects on Ant Man’s recent words and suggests that maybe Mr Lucha has been treated more generously than others in MPW. After all this was his second shot at Roderick Remus’ title in three shows. Remmington Remus jumps to Lucha’s defence, saying that his brothers actions in the original title match meant that this rematch had to happen.


The match started at a great pace, with both men looking to put the other away early. Both produced a number of pin attempts, but none of these attempts proved enough to put the other away. It takes a well timed rake to the eyes from the champion to take the initiative in this match. From here, Remus takes control of the match using a series of holds and strikes to keep his high flying opponent grounded.


Lucha is able to turn the momentum back in his favour after blocking a suplex attempt from Remus, and turning it into a suplex of his own. The match of the pace quickened as the luchador took control. Mr Lucha snaps of a series of Arm Drags to keep the champion off his feet, before landing a picture perfect Dropkick to take Remus off his feet. Lucha then takes to the air to the delight of the fans, as he nails a Springboard Cross Body to take down the champion once more.


Lucha looks to continue this momentum and heads to the top rope. As Lucha takes a moment to acknowledge the fans, a hooded figure in the crowd jumps onto the apron and pulls down on the top rope. This causes Lucha to lose balance and crotch himself, which provides the champion with an opportunity to recover. Remus takes advantage of this situation, as he sets up Lucha for a Superplex before draping the arm over to get the three count and retain his title.


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Roderick Remus defeated Mr. Lucha III in 7:51 by pinfall. During the match we also had Ant-Man run in and attack Mr. Lucha III. Roderick Remus makes defence number 3 of his MPW Championship title.


Rating: D+

Post match Roderick Remus takes his title and immediately makes his way quickly to the back, leaving Mr Lucha alone in the middle of the ring. Alone that is, until the hooded figure from the audience slides in to the ring to join him. The hooded figure immediately puts the boots to the luchador, much to the displeasure of the crowd, before dropping his hood to reveal himself to be Ant Man!


On commentary Remmington Remus cannot believe his eyes, and quotes back to Ant Man’s earlier promo when he said that he would put a stop the Luchadors in MPW. Jamie Atherton speculates if this is what Ant Man meant when he said that people ‘should just sit back and enjoy the show’. The commentators then speculate what the fallout of this will be next month at MPW: Bulletproof...


Show Rating: D

There was a feeling some of the angles used did not reach the standards set by the in-ring action. This show can be considered a success, it should have increased our popularity.

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Zergon 5-0

The Effect 4-1

Condors 2-3


Prediction Contest Standings (after seven shows)


Zergon 29-5

The Effect 26-8

Emark 10-4

Boltinho 10-10

Pennyone 5-5

Midnightnick 4-1

Condors 2-3

King Of Old School 2-3


Thanks to everyone who has predicted or read the show, particularly to Condors for joining the predictions.

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Another good show for us, as Roddy and Lucha put on the best match in our short history. Hopefully 'Summer Slaughter' will provide us with a good base for us to build on going forward...



Primus Allen, Ana Garcia, Peter Michaels & Eric Eisen extends deal

Spencer Spade signs from Supreme Wrestling University

Giant Brody, Marshall Dillon, Emmy and Steel called up from development

Bart Biggz & Pat Deacon leaves SWF


Big Event: SWF The Supreme Challenge 30 (B-) Buy Rate: 4.33

Main Event: Eric Eisen bt Rich Money to retain SWF World Heavyweight Championship

Match of the Night: Christian Faith bt Jack Bruce


Bookers View: A busy month for the SWF, with a number of new talents coming up from development and a number of contract extensions sealed. The most exciting of the new talents looks to be Spencer Spade, a graduate of the Supreme Wrestling University, who really looks like he could be a star. However, the Supreme Challenge 30 has to be regarded as somewhat of a disappointment for SWF. What should have been the biggest show of the year turned out to be a bit of a damp squib.



All Action Champion Aaron Andrews and TCW World Champion Rocky Golden extend their current deals. July also saw them part company with Harry Allen, who was released.


Big Event: TCW Summer Showdown (B) Buy Rate: 1.50

Main Event: Rocky Golden bt Tommy Cornell to retain TCW World Heavyweight Title

Match of the Night: Joey Minnesota bt Eddie Peak


Bookers view: A good month for TCW. Not only did they put out a really solid PPV, but they managed to extend the contracts of two of their current champions.



Puerto Rican Power and Sara Marie York sign for USPW.


Big Event: USPW Independence Day Slam! (B-) Buy Rate: 0.92

Main Event & Match of the Night: Enygma bt Bruce The Giant to retain the USPW World Title


Bookers view: A solid month for USPW, as they made a couple of exciting signings. Puerto Rican Power is a solid hand in the ring and on the mic, and Sara Marie York is one of the better women on the circuit.

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MPW presents Bulletproof


Following on from his actions at the conclusion of Summer Slaughter, Ant Man finds himself in the ring with both of the men he attacked here at Bulletproof. Not only will Ant Man be in the ring with both Mr Lucha II and Velocidad, but all three men will have the chance to take the MPW Championship in a Four Corners match for the title. Elsewhere, Nigel Svensson and Jayson Van Pelt will team up to finally get their hands on Jamie Atherton and Raphael respectively. With nowhere left to run, will Atherton and Raphael be able to back up their talk in the ring? Find out, only at MPW: Bulletproof...


Prediction List:


Cal Sanders vs Mark Smart

Roger Monteiro vs Shame

Nigel Svensson & Jayson Van Pelt vs Raphael & Jamie Atherton

Mr Lucha III vs Velocidad vs Ant Man vs Roderick Remus © – MPW Championship



OOC: Sorry for the delay in this going up, the snow here in the UK's been a nightmare.

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Cal Sanders vs Mark Smart

Smart is just a jobber


Roger Monteiro vs Shame

Both guys are jobbers but I see Shame being slighly higher on pecking order.


Nigel Svensson & Jayson Van Pelt vs Raphael & Jamie Atherton

Could go either way but to me Atherton is the weakest link here so I would give him a win now that he teams up with Raphael.


Mr Lucha III vs Velocidad vs Ant Man vs Roderick Remus © – MPW Championship

I´d say it´s still too early to have a title change so Remus retains this time.

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Cal Sanders vs Mark Smart - i like sanders better

Roger Monteiro vs Shame - tough call

Nigel Svensson & Jayson Van Pelt vs Raphael & Jamie Atherton - JVP is getting a push .... i think

Mr Lucha III vs Velocidad vs Ant Man vs Roderick Remus © – MPW Championship - I would have given Mr Lucha III the title right away(the guy=ratings) but since you didn't i dont see it leaving now.

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From the Ohio Jewish Center, with 10 people in attendance...

MPW presents Bulletproof


Remmington Remus and Jamie Atherton


The show opens with Ant Man making his way to the ring in the same hoodie as he had worn at last months show. On commentary, Remus and Atherton discuss the events that concluded Summer Slaughter, where Ant Man first attacked Velocidad and then cost Mr Lucha his chance to become MPW Champion in the Main Event. Back in the ring, Ant Man has a microphone and is ready to address a hostile crowd.


Ant Man: “Ladies and gentleman feast your eyes upon the Franchise Player of this promotion. Many people have asked me what a man of my ability and star quality is doing wasting his time down in a hell hole like this… but it should be pretty obvious to all of you why I’m here. MPW needs me. Every promotion needs a star to build around, they need a Franchise Player… and these luchadors that you idiots insist on cheering certainly don’t fit that bill. Ever since MPW debuted I have carried this promotion on my back I am the only wrestler on this roster who could deal with the weight of expectation that comes with supporting an entire promotion. Most would buckle under the pressure, but I am the Ant Man and I can lift anything… and after tonight’s Main Event that will include the MPW Championship…”


Rating: D-


Cal Sanders vs Mark Smart

A fun back and forth match between these two men, but it was the Technical skills of Cal Sanders which eventually won through, allowing him to pick up the victory. In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Cal Sanders defeated Mark Smart in 7:32 by pinfall.


Rating: D-


Roderick Remus then makes his way to the ring, taking time to show off his title belt before addressing the crowd.


Remus: “Ever since I won this title, I have carried myself with a sense of dignity and integrity which nobody else in this promotion has managed. I mean take those two luchadors. I have faced both of them on numerous occasions for my title and, not only have the two of them continuously come up short, but there hasn’t even been an occasion I have looked troubled. Anyone with an ounce of dignity would walk away and accept that I am the better man. Yet these two luchadors insist on coming back time and time again, and once again I face them tonight. No matter though, as I will simply do what I always do... show that I am the best that this company has to offer.”


This draws a smattering of boos from the crowd.


Remus: “And Ant Man... you call yourself the ‘Franchise Player’? You say you’re carrying this promotion on your back? Let me make one thing clear, MPW has only one Franchise Player, and that is the MPW Champion: Roderick Remus. You spend all your time moaning that the lucahdors are receiving title shot after title shot? Well let’s not forget that the only reason Mr Lucha received his title match last month was because you got yourself pinned in our tag team match at Powerplay. After being pinned for two straight shows, a man with even a shred of integrity certainly wouldn’t be demanding a title match. But it is what I have come to expect from the people who work in this hole.”


Rating: E+


Roger Monteiro vs Shame


A quick paced match between these two, as they looked to take a step forward in their MPW careers. Both men had opportunities to take the victory, but it was Roger Monteiro whow as able to put his opponent way with an Eagle Chop. In an extremely poor match, Roger Monteiro defeated Shame in 8:11 by pinfall with an Eagle Chop.


Rating: E+


Jayson Van Pelt & Nigel Svensson vs Raphael & Jamie Atherton


These four men had built up considerable tension over the past few months, and Van Pelt and Svensson were keen to get after their opponents from the first bell here. When the faces could get their opponent one on one, they were able to take out some of their aggression and take control of the match. However Sienna DeVille got involved regularly on behalf of her boys, distracting the referee to allow Raphael and Atherton to double team whichever face was in the ring at the time.


The end of the match came as Raphael looked to take advantage of another one of DeVille’s distractions, and help his partner by double teaming Nigel Svensson. However, Van Pelt was wise to the move and cut Raphael off, clotheslining Raphael over the top rope to the outside. This allowed Svensson to lock in his Hyper Extension Arm Lock, which proved enough to force Atherton to tap out.


In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Jayson Van Pelt and Nigel Svensson defeated Raphael and Jamie Atherton in 9:16 when Nigel Svensson defeated Jamie Atherton by submission with a Hyper Extension Arm Lock.


Rating: D


Following her clients loss, Sienna DeVille grabs the mic and claims her boys only lost because it was in a tag team match. Van Pelt and Svensson wouldn’t stand a chance against them one on one, before laying down a challenge to each man for MPW: The Price We Pay. Van Pelt accepts on behalf of himself and Svensson, stating that they had waited a long time to get their hands on Raphael and Jamie Atherton respectively.


Rating: E


Mr Lucha III vs Velocidad vs Ant Man vs Roderick Remus ©

MPW Championship

From the beginning of this match both luchadors seem intent on making Ant Man pay for attacking both of them last month at Summer Slaughter, going after the self proclaimed ‘Franchise Player’ at every opportunity. Roderick Remus seems content enough letting the luchadors go after Ant Man, choosing to stay out of the action for the most part, and only getting involved when the opportunity presented itself.


Despite being dominated by the two luchadors for long periods of the match, Ant Man was still able to use his impressive power to perform a double Back Body Drop at around the seven minute mark to take both luchadors off their feet. Ant Man hauled Mr Lucha to his feet to perform a Body Slam, before throwing the lucahdor from the ring. Ant Man took a moment to talk some smack to the downed Lucha, before turning back into the ring... and right into a Velocidad Tornado! Velocidad looks like he is going to become the new champion, but Roderick Remus, who had previously been recuperating outside the ring, slides back into the ring and throws Velocidad to the outside. Remus then hooks the leg, and gets the pinfall on a downed Ant Man to retain his title... much to the displeasure of the crowd.


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Roderick Remus defeated Ant-Man, Mr. Lucha III and Velocidad in 7:46 when Roderick Remus defeated Any Man by pinfall. Roderick Remus makes defence number 4 of his MPW Championship title.


Rating: D+


Final Rating: D

There was a feeling some of the angles used did not reach the standards set by the in-ring action. This show can be considered a success, it should have increased our popularity.

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Condors 4-0

The Effect 3-1

Rayelek 3-1

Emark 3-1

Zergon 2-2


Prediction Contest Standings (after eight shows)


Zergon 31-7

The Effect 29-9

Emark 13-5

Boltinho 10-10

Condors 6-3

Pennyone 5-5

Midnightnick 4-1

Rayelek 3-1

King Of Old School 2-3


Thanks to everyone who predicted, an increased participation this show which is always nice to see. :) As always, any feedback on the show would be gratefully received.

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Signed Fabulous Frank as a Road Agent. Skull DeBones & Captain Atmoic extend deals. Atlas called up for development.


Big Event: SWF Welcome To The Jungle (B) Buy Rate: 3.48

Main Event: Vengeance won a 30 man battle royal

Match of the Night: Gregory Black bt Squeeky McClean


Bookers View: A good month for the SWF. A solid PPV, and they managed to extend the deal of key man Vengeance.



Giant Tana extends deal.


Big Event: TCW Hotter Than Hell (B) Buy Rate: 1.54

Main Event: Rocky Golden bt Tommy Cornell to retain TCW World Heavyweight Title

Match of the Night: Wolf Hawkins bt Bryan Vessey


Bookers view: Another good PPV from TCW, with a decent Main Event from Golden who seems to be finding his feet as champ.



Shiek Mustafa released.


Big Event: USPW Apple Pie & Wrestling! (B-) Buy Rate: 0.79

Main Event: Enygma bt Bruce The Giant to retain the USPW World Title

Match of the Night: Tyson Baine bt Chris Caulfield


Title Changes: Alicia Strong won the USPW Womens Title (previous holder: Raven Robinson, W1 Sep 2009-W1 Aug 10, 14 defences)


Bookers view: A solid PPV from USPW, but still not enough to catch up with the big boys.


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MPW presents The Price We Pay


After their tag team victory last month, Nigel Svensson & Jayson Van Pelt get their reward at 'The Price We Pay'. Van Pelt will finally get his hands on Raphael, while Svensson will go one-on-one with Jamie Atherton. The main event will see Ant Man face off against Velocidad. Ant Man blames Velocidad for costing him the title in last months main event, so will be looking for retribution here. Be there!


Prediction Key:

Cal Sanders & Roger Monteiro vs Shame & Mark Smart

Jayson Van Pelt vs Raphael

Nigel Svensson vs Jamie Atherton

Velocidad vs Ant Man

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